Spring Camp Meeting 2013

The Joy of the Investigative Judgment, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn


Series Code: 13SCM

Program Code: 13SCM000014

00:31 Welcome to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting
00:34 coming to you from the 3ABN Worship Center
00:38 in Thompsonville, Illinois.
00:39 We didn't know if we were live or not for a minute there
00:42 so I'm just kind of standing like this...
00:45 Are you guys having a good time at Camp Meeting?
00:48 Oh, the messages have been really wonderful
00:51 and today it's going to be my privilege to bring you
00:53 the second half of the message on the Joy of Investigative
00:59 Judgment. But before I do we have with us today
01:02 a special quartet from Medford, Oregon.
01:06 And they started singing together at the Valley View
01:08 Church. Now they actually go to two different churches.
01:11 But they're all from Medford and they're going to sing
01:14 for us Wonderful Grace.
01:20 Wonderful grace of Jesus,
01:24 greater than all my sin.
01:28 How shall my tongue describe it?
01:32 Where shall its praise begin?
01:36 Taking away my burden,
01:40 setting my spirit free;
01:43 For the wonderful grace of Jesus
01:47 reaches me.
01:51 Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,
01:55 Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;
01:59 Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain,
02:03 All sufficient grace for even me.
02:09 Broader than the scope of my transgressions,
02:13 Greater far than all my sin and shame,
02:16 O magnify the precious name of Jesus,
02:21 Praise His name!
02:24 Wonderful grace of Jesus,
02:28 reaching to all the lost.
02:32 By it I have been pardoned,
02:36 Saved to the uttermost.
02:40 Chains have been torn asunder,
02:44 giving me liberty;
02:48 For the wonderful grace of Jesus
02:51 reaches me.
02:55 Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,
02:59 Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;
03:03 Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain,
03:07 All sufficient grace for even me.
03:13 Broader than the scope of my transgressions,
03:17 Greater far than all my sin and shame,
03:20 O magnify the precious name of Jesus,
03:24 Praise His name!
03:28 Wonderful grace of Jesus,
03:32 reaching the most defiled.
03:36 By its transforming power
03:40 Making him God's dear child.
03:44 Purchasing peace and heaven
03:48 for all eternity,
03:51 And the wonderful grace of Jesus
03:55 reaches me.
03:59 Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,
04:03 Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;
04:07 Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain,
04:11 All sufficient grace for even me.
04:17 Broader than the scope of my transgressions,
04:21 Greater far than all my sin and shame,
04:26 O magnify the precious name of Jesus,
04:32 Praise His...
04:35 praise His holy
04:40 name!
04:49 Don't you just love a men's quartet?
04:52 Well, I think that what we need to do...
04:58 I know what we need to do is let's pray, all right?
05:01 Heavenly Father, we come in the name of Jesus
05:04 and Lord we thank you so much for the gift of Your Word.
05:09 And Lord, we need the gift of your Spirit to understand
05:12 Your Word, so we pray right now
05:14 that You will anoint us with Your Holy Spirit.
05:18 Send Your Spirit to be our teacher.
05:20 And Father, I pray in the name of Jesus
05:23 that we will understand the wonderful grace
05:28 that is in the message of the Investigative Judgment.
05:33 Thank you, Father. In Jesus' name, Amen.
05:38 As I told you yesterday I've only taught on this once
05:41 before, so in some ways it's a bit intimidating to me.
05:46 And for our radio audience I should introduce myself.
05:49 I'm Shelley Quinn, and it is...
05:53 I'm here today to speak on this because I really felt God
05:56 asked me to do this.
05:58 So what I want to do is just review very quickly
06:01 what we went over yesterday.
06:03 We started when we identified the pattern of investigative
06:08 judgment that God began in Genesis.
06:11 And it goes throughout the Bible.
06:13 So we see the idea of investigative judgment
06:16 is nothing unusual to God.
06:19 In Revelation 14:17
06:22 we see that the first angel comes.
06:24 And what does that angel say? "The hour of His
06:28 judgment has arrived. "
06:31 And we know that this investigative judgment -
06:34 we looked at it yesterday - has to begin
06:37 before Christ's second advent... before He comes again.
06:43 Because in Revelation 22 and verse 11 the angel stands up
06:47 at Christ's descent and he says "He who is filthy
06:50 still... or unjust still... let him be unjust.
06:52 He who is filthy still let him be filthy.
06:55 He who is righteous let him be righteous still
06:58 and he who is holy let him be holy still. "
07:01 So then Jesus says:
07:04 "Behold, I am coming quickly
07:08 and My reward is with me. "
07:11 What the angel announced was the end of probation.
07:13 And now Christ says: "As soon as this is over, here I come...
07:18 ready or not. "
07:19 We looked at the five final phases of God's judgment.
07:26 It begins with the pre-advent -
07:30 meaning it happens before Christ returns -
07:32 the investigative judgment that we looked at
07:36 that Daniel 7 prophesies
07:39 when the Ancient of Days comes, He's seated at the court,
07:42 the books are opened in front of thousands upon thousands
07:46 of heavenly beings. And then one like the Son of Man
07:49 comes before Him. So we see the Father is the Judge.
07:54 And yesterday we proved from scripture
07:57 that this heavenly sanctuary -
08:00 or the true sanctuary - is in heaven.
08:04 The second phase of judgment is at Christ's return
08:10 when He executes the judgment that was made
08:14 during that time of investigation
08:17 and He separates the goats from the sheep,
08:19 He separates the wheat from the tares.
08:22 But the decision... the fate of all... has been sealed
08:27 during the time of the investigative judgment.
08:31 Then the next judgment takes place after the first
08:36 resurrection when the righteous dead are raised.
08:41 Those who are alive and remain, they all go up into the air
08:44 together to meet Jesus.
08:46 And they go to heaven and for a thousand years
08:48 there is a deliberative judgment
08:51 where the books are opened for us.
08:54 And it's not that we... When the Bible says we judge
08:57 fallen angels or that we judge the world
09:00 it's not that we are trying to say "Oh they were right
09:03 or wrong. " What we're looking at during this time period
09:06 is we are vindicating God's judgment.
09:11 God is deliberative. There's discussion going on
09:14 so that we understand why some didn't make it
09:17 and why others did that we weren't expecting.
09:20 After this deliberative judgment
09:23 comes... the New Jerusalem comes down.
09:26 Then there is the second resurrection of the wicked
09:30 and we see that what happens is... they still are rebellious.
09:34 They fight against the city
09:37 and there is the Great White Throne Judgment
09:42 which is only for the wicked dead.
09:45 Then we have... The final phase of judgment
09:50 is when fire comes down from heaven:
09:54 the executive judgment... the execution of the judgment.
09:58 And everything on earth that is a sin or a sinner is destroyed
10:04 and God creates a new heaven and a new earth.
10:09 Daniel 7:9-14 prophesies
10:13 the investigative judgment, and we know
10:16 that Daniel also talks about this little horn power
10:20 that is going to tramp on the daily services
10:23 of Christ's heavenly daily priestly ministry.
10:28 From history we know this little horn power...
10:32 There was a time of persecution that began in 538 AD
10:36 when it became not just a religious power
10:39 but a political power.
10:41 And this religio-political power
10:45 that began in 538 AD reigned with persecution
10:50 during the Dark Ages till 1798 AD.
10:53 But we know from scripture
10:55 that the investigative judgment is going to take place
10:59 after this. This is all a review.
11:03 Now, the most important thing
11:09 that we learned yesterday
11:11 is the grace of the investigative judgment
11:15 because the Bible says
11:19 God will rule in favor of the saints.
11:23 So what we're going to do today having that foundation...
11:27 We concluded yesterday speaking of Daniel 8:14,
11:33 and I want you to open your Bibles, please.
11:35 In Daniel 8:14 we see this little horn power
11:40 that is trampling down the daily services -
11:43 taking the place of Jesus, if you will -
11:49 and Daniel asks this question:
11:54 "How long, O Lord, is this going to go on? "
11:58 In Daniel 8:14 the answer comes.
12:04 "For 2300 days, then the sanctuary will be cleansed. "
12:10 Yesterday we also looked at
12:14 this being the antitypical Day of Atonement.
12:17 The Day of Atonement in the earthly sanctuary services
12:23 with the high priest happened once a year.
12:26 And it was a solemn day that ended in joy for the penitent
12:31 because all the record of their sins was expunged
12:35 and the temple was cleansed.
12:39 But now we are down to trying to figure out
12:45 when does this 2300 days begin.
12:49 This is one of the most important time prophecies
12:52 in the Bible. And we want to know when it begins
12:55 so that we can know... We know that... How long does it last?
13:00 After the 2300 days - excuse me -
13:04 Well, we know if that ends... when it ends
13:07 then we know when the investigative judgment begins
13:10 which lasts how long?
13:13 Right up till the end of probation when God -
13:18 Jesus - stands up and says: "Behold, I'm coming quickly.
13:21 My reward is with Me. "
13:24 So if we can identify in scrip- ture when the 2300 days begin
13:29 and end then we can identify the beginning of the time
13:34 of the cleansing of the sanctuary.
13:36 So what we're going to do is a quick review
13:39 of Bible prophecy. We're going to begin in Daniel 9.
13:43 You know, prophecy is nothing more than history
13:47 written in advance.
13:50 And it tells us what's going to happen before it happens.
13:54 Now what we will apply today is the prophetic principle
13:58 of one day of prophetic time equaling a literal year.
14:04 And I want you to know: Adventist aren't the only ones
14:06 who use this day-for-a-year principle.
14:08 We base that on Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6.
14:13 But the greatest Jewish scholar who ever lived,
14:17 Raschid - he lived from AD 1040 to 1105-
14:20 he translated Daniel 8:14- those 2300 days -
14:26 as 2300 years.
14:28 And so does... Are you all familiar with
14:31 Matthew Henry, the great Protestant scholar.
14:34 He has a commentary that expounds...
14:37 On most pastors' desks you will find the Matthew Henry
14:41 Bible Commentary.
14:43 So Daniel 8:14.
14:45 He said: "For 2300 days
14:49 then the sanctuary will be cleansed. "
14:52 How many years is this?
14:55 2300 years.
14:58 And this activity begins in the time of the ram
15:02 which is Medo-Persia.
15:03 It goes down through Greece then Rome, the little horn power,
15:08 and right up to the point where the investigative judgment
15:12 begins... this cleansing of the temple.
15:14 It's obvious if it's going to cover all this time period
15:17 it's obvious that it can't be literal days
15:20 because 2300 days would be less than seven years.
15:23 But it is a day-for-a-year principle.
15:26 Now let's look at Daniel chapter 9 and verse 24.
15:35 Daniel 9 and verse 24.
15:37 "Seventy weeks are determined. "
15:41 And in the Greek that word determined is tatchuk.
15:44 Cut off... cut off.
15:47 From what? See, in Daniel and in prophecy
15:51 we see this idea of recapitulation
15:54 where it is repeat and enlarge.
15:56 So we have the vision in Daniel 7 of the Ancient of Days
16:00 being seated and the books being opened.
16:03 Then Daniel 8 tells us how long the war goes on.
16:07 And now we're about to come to the time of when will this
16:11 investigative judgment begin.
16:14 So Daniel 9 is repeating and enlarging.
16:17 And he says: "Seventy weeks are determined for your people. "
16:22 They are cut off
16:24 from this 2300 period... of... days.
16:29 They are "determined for your people, " talking to the Jews,
16:33 "for your holy city... " Jerusalem...
16:35 "to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins,
16:38 to make reconciliation for iniquity,
16:41 to bring in everlasting righteousness,
16:43 to seal up the vision in prophecy,
16:46 and to anoint the Most Holy. "
16:50 This 70 weeks... How many years would that be?
16:54 How many days are in a week?
16:56 There's seven days in a week times 70 weeks...
17:00 that's 490 years. This is a probationary period
17:06 for the Jews, during which time what do you think is happening?
17:11 If God is watching for them to finish transgression,
17:18 to do all of these things, what's happening during these
17:21 490 years?
17:23 God's investigating their records.
17:27 He's investigating their deeds if you will.
17:30 So He's trying to see if they will line up...
17:34 if their works will be proof of their profession.
17:38 But it's cut off from this 2300-day period.
17:41 This is an allotted time - a period of grace -
17:46 for the Jews. And He's wanting the Jewish nation
17:50 to line up with His purpose for calling them as a people.
17:55 Now look at verse 25... Daniel 9:25.
17:59 This is an amazing prophecy because it foretells the coming
18:03 and the time of the Messiah.
18:06 He says: "Know therefore and understand
18:09 that from the going forth of the command to restore
18:12 and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince
18:16 there shall be seven weeks
18:20 and sixty-two weeks... "
18:23 Let me explain something here.
18:26 This seven-week period is that first one that he was talking
18:30 about. And then when he says: "and sixty-two... " essentially
18:35 he's saying: "there will be 7 weeks + 62 weeks. "
18:39 So 69 weeks which would be 483 literal years.
18:44 And he said: "The streets shall be built again
18:47 and the wall... even in troublous times. "
18:50 So here he's foretelling
18:54 the very time when Christ will appear and be anointed
19:00 in His ministry.
19:02 There were several decrees that were issued
19:07 to rebuild... two of them for parts of Jerusalem...
19:12 but only one of them qualifies to fulfill what's here
19:16 in Daniel 9:25.
19:18 Cyrus issued a decree to rebuild the temple.
19:22 Darius basically reinstated the same decree that Cyrus
19:28 had issued. But Artaxerxes I
19:32 is the one who decreed to both rebuild all of Jerusalem
19:38 and restore it, providing self-governance for Jerusalem
19:43 and the political autonomy...
19:46 religious autonomy and political autonomy.
19:49 So only the decree that is given by Artaxerxes
19:53 can meet the qualifications. So now we've got a beginning date.
19:58 This decree has been determined -
20:02 it's recorded and if you want to put a little note there...
20:06 If you're marking your Bible, right there in Daniel chapter 9
20:11 write down Ezra 7:12-26
20:16 because that is the decree and it was dated
20:20 at 457 BC.
20:23 So the 2300 days begins in 457 BC
20:29 because the 70 weeks begins...
20:33 and that 70 weeks is just lopped off from the front.
20:37 It's cut off for the Jews.
20:39 And guess what? As prophesied
20:43 for the very first seven-week prophetic period
20:47 when he said seven weeks, the rebuilding of Jerusalem
20:53 happened in exactly 7 prophetic weeks or 49 literal years.
20:59 It was completed in 408 BC.
21:03 And then Daniel 9 also prophesied that the Messiah
21:08 would come after the 69th week
21:10 which is 483 years from the issuance of the decree.
21:14 And as prophesied... You take 457;
21:18 you add 483 years;
21:21 you come to AD 27.
21:24 And what happened in AD 27?
21:28 Jesus was baptized.
21:30 He was baptized and anointed with the Holy Spirit.
21:35 Now Daniel 9:26 says this:
21:40 "After the sixty-two weeks... "
21:43 This is... What's going to be after the 62nd week?
21:48 I'm going to trick you here.
21:50 Remember you've got to have the seven weeks first
21:52 plus the sixty-two weeks.
21:55 So after the sixty-two weeks... those two total 69.
21:59 What comes after those 62 weeks?
22:01 The 70th week.
22:03 See, this prophecy is all time sequential.
22:08 It's talking about different portions but it's all
22:12 in a straight line. It is sequential weeks.
22:16 So when he says: "after the sixty-two weeks"
22:19 he's referring to the 70th week
22:22 because we've got to remember that previous seven weeks
22:24 rebuilding Jerusalem.
22:26 He says this then:
22:28 "Messiah shall be cut off. "
22:32 This is a different verb than when he said the 70 weeks
22:37 would be cut off.
22:40 This... When it says 70 weeks will be cut off
22:43 it's means literally it's just like OK we're apportioning this.
22:47 But here when he says "Messiah shall be cut off"
22:51 the Hebrew verb is KRT
22:56 and it is directly linked to the Levitical sacrificial system.
23:02 So it says: "Messiah shall be cut off but not for Himself.
23:07 And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy
23:11 the city and the sanctuary.
23:12 The end of it shall be with a flood until the end of the war
23:16 desolations are determined. "
23:19 Messiah shall be cut off in the middle of the week we see here
23:24 in just a minute. Let me see, I've got that out of order
23:27 but it goes on in a minute to tell us that
23:29 just as the prophecy foretells.
23:35 How was Jesus cut off?
23:39 He was crucified 3-1/2 years into His ministry.
23:44 In AD 31
23:47 He was cut off at the cruel cross of Calvary
23:51 and sacrifice and offering came to an end.
23:57 His perfect sacrifice once for all
24:00 ended all of the Mosaic law of rituals and ceremonies.
24:06 Christ was the fulfillment of all of these.
24:10 They were the types... the shadows.
24:14 He is the antitype.
24:16 He is the body that cast the shadow.
24:20 So what an incredible time prophecy
24:24 Daniel 9:24-26 is.
24:28 But Messiah - although He was cut off
24:32 in the middle of that ministry,
24:37 earthly ministry - His heavenly ministry just began.
24:42 At His ascension, Christ went and inaugurated
24:46 the new covenant with His blood.
24:48 He began His priestly ministry
24:50 by anointing a Most Holy Place: the heavenly sanctuary.
24:56 Let me just read to you real quickly.
24:58 Hebrew 9:18-22 says:
25:00 "Therefore not even the first covenant
25:03 was dedicated without blood.
25:05 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people
25:08 according to the law he took the blood of calves and goats
25:11 with water, scarlet, wool, and hyssop
25:14 and sprinkled both the book... the book of the law,
25:18 the book of the covenant itself... "
25:20 He sprinkled the book... "and all of the people saying
25:23 'this is the blood of the covenant which God has
25:25 commanded you. ' Then likewise he sprinkled with
25:28 blood the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry.
25:32 And according to the law, almost all things are purified
25:35 with blood and without the shedding of blood
25:39 there is no remission. "
25:41 So Jesus went to the heavenly sanctuary
25:44 and inaugurated that new covenant.
25:49 Now look at verse 27... Daniel 9:27.
25:53 Again, this is a repeat and enlarge.
25:56 He says: "Then He shall confirm a covenant with many
25:59 for one week. " We're still talking about the 70th week
26:03 in which Jesus was cut off in the middle.
26:05 How did Jesus confirm? And he goes on to explain that.
26:09 He says: "In the middle of the week He shall bring an end
26:11 to sacrifice and offering. "
26:13 That's the scripture I was looking for.
26:16 How did Jesus? After He was cut off in the middle of this week
26:22 how did He confirm the covenant
26:27 for the remainder of that 70th week?
26:30 For those 3-1/2 years what happened?
26:34 Well, at His direction His disciples went only
26:39 to the Jews for those first 3-1/2 years after His ministry.
26:45 They fulfilled the remaining 3-1/2 years.
26:50 Listen to what Hebrews 2:3 says.
26:53 They confirmed the covenant. Hebrews 2:3 says:
26:57 "How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation
27:00 which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord
27:04 and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him. "
27:08 It wasn't until Stephen was stoned
27:12 3-1/2 years later when Christ called Paul
27:17 to take the gospel to the Gentiles.
27:21 So everything in this time prophecy,
27:24 everything about these seventy weeks,
27:28 this special time of probation for the Jewish nation
27:32 to finish their transgressions,
27:34 everything was fulfilled.
27:36 And guess what happened at the end of the seventy weeks?
27:40 An investigative judgment. God saw the Jews,
27:45 weighed them in His balance,
27:49 and found that they were wanting.
27:52 So from Paul's day forward
27:54 to be part of God's chosen people
27:58 means that... doesn't mean any more
28:00 that you have to be a literal descendant of Abraham
28:06 because God now changed
28:10 who make up that group.
28:13 So we see that the 70 weeks - those 490 years
28:18 that were cut off from the beginning of the 2300 days -
28:23 they ended in AD 34.
28:27 So if we can determine how many years we have left
28:30 we can figure out the date for the end of the 2300-day
28:34 time prophecy. And when we know the end
28:38 of the date of the 2300-day time prophecy
28:41 we know when investigative judgment begins.
28:45 So let's look at it.
28:47 If the end of Israel's probation took us to AD 34,
28:55 if you take 490 from...
29:00 from 2300... minus 490...
29:04 If you can't do the math real quick I'll just tell you.
29:06 It's 1810 years left.
29:08 So 1810 years remained
29:12 from the time that Stephen was stoned
29:16 that the Jews were no longer considered God's chosen people
29:21 and that the Gentiles... It was only those who
29:24 were looking to Christ.
29:27 So AD 34... you add 1810 years,
29:31 where are we?
29:33 1810 plus...
29:38 to AD 34... that brings us to what? Say it out loud.
29:43 1844! I'm sorry I don't have some graphics for you.
29:47 But you know, when we sit down and talk about this with people
29:50 you need to make little notes in your Bible
29:52 'cause you're not always going to have a graph or a chart.
29:55 And this is an incredibly-important teaching.
29:59 It's an incredibly-important teaching.
30:02 So it brings us right to the time
30:05 of 1844.
30:09 All of this is found in Daniel 9:24-27.
30:13 Israel's time of probation
30:16 was determined as those seventy prophetic weeks:
30:19 490 years.
30:21 The prophecy is explained as a sequence of uninterrupted
30:25 weeks. That is so important.
30:29 You know what I was taught
30:31 in my early Christian experience?
30:34 That the 70th week was lopped off and taken down here
30:40 to the end of time somehow.
30:42 That's where you get all the left behind theories.
30:45 If you want to be able to minister
30:48 to people who believe that,
30:51 you need to learn how to explain this.
30:55 You don't have to have a chart. You can just make little notes.
30:59 Really effective just to set out and have a piece of paper
31:03 and just show them. I mean, do a little addition/subtraction
31:05 so they can understand it.
31:07 So that time prophecy was divided into the first 7 weeks,
31:13 62 weeks, and the final week: 490 years.
31:17 So based on knowing
31:21 that the 70 weeks began in 457.
31:25 They were cut off from the 2300 years.
31:29 It makes sense to then know that the 2300 years
31:34 began in 457.
31:37 It takes us right up to 1844.
31:41 That's the beginning of the investigative judgment.
31:44 The cleansing of the sanctuary began in 1844.
31:49 It is another probationary period for God's people.
31:54 This time for His new covenant people.
31:59 And once again God is challenging us.
32:02 Just as He said to them: "I'm giving you these 70 weeks,
32:05 these 490 years to lead a holy life"
32:08 God is once more challenging us
32:10 saying: "During this investigative judgment
32:14 it's the same thing. "
32:15 God's challenging His people to lead a holy life
32:19 and to do works that prove the profession of faith.
32:24 When does our probation end?
32:28 It ends when Jesus stands up
32:31 when the angel says:
32:33 "Let him who is filthy be filthy still.
32:38 Let him who is unjust be unjust still.
32:40 Let him who is righteous be righteous still
32:42 and he who is holy be holy still. "
32:44 In other words: "Time's up!
32:46 Ally ally in free. "
32:49 If only... if only.
32:52 So Jesus then stands up and says "Behold I am coming quickly
32:57 and My reward is in...
33:01 is... I'm going to give My reward to everyone
33:03 according to their work. "
33:04 That's when the probationary period closes on earth.
33:10 But I want to read you something.
33:13 Luke 12:19-20
33:16 says something a little different.
33:18 This is a foolish person
33:22 who says: "I'll say to myself
33:24 'Ah, I have plenty of good things laid up for many years.
33:28 I can take life easy: eat, drink, and be merry. '
33:31 But God said to him: 'You fool.
33:35 This very night your life will be demanded from you.
33:39 Then who will get what you've prepared for yourself? ' "
33:43 See, probation may continue till the end of time
33:50 for God's chosen people but individuals...
33:54 their probation is closed when they breathe that last breath.
34:00 As long as you've got a breath in you you've got a chance.
34:04 And I know someone whose father recently accepted Christ
34:10 maybe 5 minutes before he died.
34:13 And you think: "What a joy
34:17 that is for the family to have that blessed hope. "
34:21 But what a wasted life.
34:24 How sad that he had to live in the sin and degradation
34:30 that he lived in right up to the end time.
34:33 And if we understand the joy of investigative judgment
34:40 which we're getting to
34:42 we will be able to go out and explain to people
34:45 not with that lash of fear and saying, you know,
34:50 a fear-driven thing that "this is the time of
34:53 probationary judgment. You've got to be holy. "
34:58 No! That doesn't win anybody over.
35:00 What wins people over is when you go out and say
35:04 "This is the time of the end. It has been prophesied;
35:07 time is coming to an end. "
35:10 Did you know that time did not exist before the world began?
35:16 The Bible says that in several places.
35:18 And finally physicists... About 15 years ago
35:24 physicists finally determined
35:28 that time didn't exist before our world was created.
35:33 So time's running out; it's the time of God's grace.
35:38 It's a time of mercy during this investigative judgment.
35:42 God is reviewing individual cases,
35:45 and what He is looking for is to see whether or not
35:50 they have accepted His attempt to save them.
35:55 Have they accepted justification by grace?
35:59 Have they accepted sanctification by grace?
36:04 A new heart from the Lord?
36:07 The books are open, and it's not just judging the saints.
36:12 Do you remember what we talked about yesterday?
36:17 I think we talked about it.
36:19 In the times of the Hebrews the judge
36:24 was also the defense attorney.
36:27 Did you know that?
36:30 So we see God seated as judge,
36:34 the Ancient of Days, then we have
36:38 the Son of Man coming...
36:41 the Son of Man who stands as our advocate,
36:44 our intercessor.
36:46 He's coming before God. God is anxious to defend you,
36:52 but He's looking at your works to see
36:56 if your profession of faith lines up...
37:00 if your works line up with your profession of faith.
37:03 See, the good news: the joy of the investigative judgment
37:08 is God's on your side!
37:10 This judgment is predominantly vindicatory.
37:16 That's a big word, isn't it?
37:18 Vindicatory... it vindicates God's saints.
37:24 Satan, the accuser, has been accusing all along.
37:27 "They don't deserve salvation.
37:29 They don't deserve it; they've broken Your law. "
37:32 And God is saying: "Ah, they've accepted My Son.
37:38 For I so loved the world that I gave My only begotten Son
37:41 and I demonstrated My love for you in this:
37:44 that while you were yet sinners I sent Him to die for you.
37:47 How much more do you think I'll do for you now? "
37:50 Oh, we've got to give up this idea
37:53 of "Oh, the investigative judgment. "
37:57 It is all about vindicating God's saints
38:01 and vindicating God's reputation.
38:04 God is very anxious to vindicate His reputation,
38:08 to vindicate His character.
38:11 You know, Satan is the one who began all of the lies about God:
38:16 that He was
38:22 an angry, judgmental God
38:28 who expected too much out of people.
38:31 And all of these lies have... Well I certainly inherited them.
38:35 Oh, I feared God the Father.
38:38 How I feared the Father. I loved Jesus growing up,
38:42 but all you had to mention was God the Father
38:45 and it struck a note of fear in my heart.
38:48 Because I thought the Ancient of Days was sitting on
38:51 His holy throne watching me just ready to zap me the second
38:56 He saw me do something wrong.
38:58 I was taught that if I wasn't perfect
39:01 God wouldn't love me.
39:03 And you know what that does?
39:07 That will send you hightailing.
39:10 I tried so hard to be a good girl.
39:14 Ooh... I tried to work out my salvation with fear and
39:18 trembling. But rules without relationship
39:22 results in rebellion. And I finally got to the point
39:25 that I said: "I can't do it, God. You expect too much
39:28 out of me. Adios. "
39:31 And I turned my back on God for two years.
39:34 It was like the fool who said: "Let me eat, drink,
39:39 and be merry. " I mean, why not?
39:42 "I've been such a good girl all through high school
39:45 and through college and everything and it was like
39:47 "I can't please You, Lord. "
39:49 What a lie! And I bought in to this deceitful lie.
39:55 But what God is doing is He is vindicating His judgment
40:01 before all of the angels and the heavenly intelligences.
40:04 He's vindicating His character.
40:08 This is an investigative judgment about grace!
40:13 All about grace.
40:15 Now yes, our works...
40:19 Jesus says: "I'm going to give to everyone a reward
40:22 according to their works. " So everybody always says
40:26 "Right there... see? We're judged by works. "
40:31 Let me tell you something:
40:33 Yes we are...
40:35 because works prove what you do.
40:39 Works are your duty.
40:41 And you can say Jesus is your Savior,
40:44 you can go out and do ministry even,
40:49 and the day may come when the Lord says
40:52 "Depart from Me; I never knew you
40:54 you who practice lawlessness. "
40:58 See, salvation is only by grace,
41:04 not grace + works. Please hear me.
41:08 It is only by grace.
41:11 But if you understand the gifts of God's grace
41:15 you'll understand the effects of God's grace.
41:18 The three greatest gifts of grace are Jesus Christ our Lord
41:23 and Savior; the Holy Spirit;
41:26 and the Word of God.
41:29 And when the Spirit is working in you...
41:32 Yes, Paul says: "Work out your own salvation
41:36 with fear and trembling. "
41:37 but in the very next verse - Hebrews 2:13- he says:
41:41 "Not in your own strength for it is God who works in you
41:46 to will and to do His good pleasure. "
41:48 Our job is simply to surrender...
41:51 to pick up our cross every day and die to self.
41:54 And we can't even do that by ourself.
41:56 We've got to have the Holy Spirit.
41:58 But the good news is that
42:04 if we will receive Christ as our Savior, our Redeemer,
42:08 our Deliverer,
42:09 if we will accept His sub- stitutionary death at the cross
42:14 for us, if we will accept His ministry as our High Priest
42:19 in the Most Holy Place,
42:20 we're saved.
42:23 Do you have assurance of salvation today?
42:26 Let me ask you that.
42:28 I hope you do.
42:30 I John 5:10-13 says
42:33 that anyone who does not accept the testimony of God
42:38 is regarding Him as a liar.
42:41 And then He says: "This is the testimony:
42:45 he who has the Son has life;
42:48 he who does not have the Son does not have life. "
42:53 If you are abiding in Christ,
42:56 you have assurance of salvation.
42:58 It is not once saved always saved.
43:01 And I've got to go quickly because I've got to get
43:04 a balance in here. Usually at least when I talk with people
43:09 usually when they think of the investigative judgment
43:13 they are only concentrating on the penal part...
43:18 the punishment.
43:21 Right now we are concentrating on the grace which far outweighs
43:25 that, but I have to get that penal part in here
43:29 because otherwise I'm not teaching a whole truth.
43:34 But the joy of investigative judgment is that we have
43:38 a benevolent judge, the righteous Father,
43:41 who serves as our defense attorney.
43:46 This is a message of exceeding promise
43:50 of God's mercy, His grace, and His hope.
43:53 It's deliverance of sin.
43:57 Our only hope to stand in the investigative judgment
44:01 is to stand in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
44:06 There is nothing you can do to make yourself righteous.
44:10 I don't care if you pray four hours a day,
44:13 if you study the Bible six hours a day,
44:18 you cannot make yourself righteous by your works.
44:21 It is only the robe of righteousness that Jesus Christ
44:26 gives us that will make us righteous.
44:29 It's the only solid ground that we have to stand on.
44:34 And the good news is: salvation is by grace.
44:39 But now let's take a moment to talk about the penal aspect.
44:43 Because if we were looking at the Day of Atonement...
44:48 What happened for God's people during the Day of Atonement?
44:51 How did it end?
44:53 Do you think it ended on a joyous note
44:56 when the sanctuary was cleansed?
44:58 When their sins were expunged?
45:01 Ah, it was a day of great celebration
45:05 if you were one of the penitent.
45:07 But how did it end for those who did not humble themselves
45:13 before the Lord who remained rebellious?
45:16 It ended in condemnation and death.
45:19 And likewise, this is what happens in heaven.
45:24 Not all whose names are written in the Book of Life
45:29 will remain faithful.
45:31 See, you get your name written in the Book of Life
45:34 when you accept justification by grace...
45:38 what Christ did for you on the cross.
45:42 But we also have to accept sanctification by grace
45:46 while God does a work in us to sanctify us,
45:50 to separate us from sin.
45:54 And there's ample evidence in scripture that salvation by
45:58 grace can be forfeited.
46:01 People who were once saved can choose to walk away.
46:04 And some names, those of the unfaithful, will be blotted out
46:09 of the Book of Life during the investigative judgment.
46:14 Exodus 32 is the first reference
46:19 we have to this type of activity in heaven.
46:22 Exodus 32:32.
46:28 Moses has just done one of the most amazing things.
46:32 Moses was a type of Christ,
46:34 and Moses has just told the Lord
46:37 "Ah, forgive these people please.
46:40 And if not, I pray Thee blot my name out
46:43 of Your book. " Not theirs... blot mine.
46:46 You know what? I love you guys but I don't know if I love you
46:49 enough yet to ask God to blot my name out
46:52 instead of your names out.
46:55 That's love!
46:56 Moses was saying: "I will suffer eternal death
47:02 for the sake of these people. "
47:06 Do you see how he's a type of Christ in all ways?
47:10 He was a deliverer, and Jesus came and He was willing
47:15 to suffer the second death for us.
47:19 And, you know, God says to Moses in verse 32...
47:23 Let's read... It's actually Moses speaking. He says:
47:28 "Yet now if You will, forgive their sins.
47:31 But if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book
47:35 which You have written. "
47:36 What was the Lord's response?
47:38 The Lord said to Moses: "Whoever has sinned against Me
47:42 I will blot him out of My book. "
47:47 In the Old Testament this is established.
47:50 In the New Testament we have Jesus Himself.
47:53 Turn to Revelation 3:5.
47:56 Revelation 3 and verse 5.
47:58 Because there's not just joy in the investigative judgment...
48:02 there is a sober, sorrowful note
48:06 in the investigative judgment.
48:08 Revelation 3 and verse 5:
48:17 "He who overcomes... " This is Jesus speaking.
48:23 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments
48:29 and I will not blot out his name
48:34 from the Book of Life. "
48:38 What does that infer?
48:41 That if you don't overcome, what's going to happen?
48:45 You will get your name blotted out.
48:50 But Jesus says: "Don't worry; if you overcome
48:54 you'll be clothed in white garments. I'll not
48:57 blot your name out from the Book of Life.
48:59 But I will confess his name before My Father
49:03 and before His angels. "
49:04 See, the sober news of the investigative judgment is this:
49:08 the fate of all will be sealed
49:13 during the investigative judgment.
49:17 The Book of Life will be opened.
49:20 The Book of Remembrance... all the books will be opened.
49:24 And remember... Let me pause; don't let me
49:27 forget where I'm coming back.
49:28 During the Day of Atonement who was judged?
49:34 Only God's people.
49:36 ONLY God's people.
49:38 Non-Israelites were not judged during the Day of Atonement.
49:41 The day of investigative judgment that began in 1844
49:47 when the hour of His judgment began
49:50 it is only God's people who are being investigated.
49:54 Only those whose names are written in the Book of Life.
50:00 But just because you have accepted Christ as your Savior
50:04 does not mean
50:08 that you are going to have eternal life.
50:11 You've got to accept Him as Lord.
50:14 And you know, don't be fearful about this because
50:18 it is all by grace... salvation.
50:22 God wants to do this work in us.
50:25 All we've got to do is say: "OK, Lord. Here I am. "
50:31 What was the scripture that? Do you remember from last night
50:34 anybody? What scripture was it that
50:39 Pastor Dwight Nelson quoted and said that Ellen White said
50:43 to plead before the Lord?
50:44 Ya'll remember that? Last night? Any A students in here?
50:50 What was it? John 6:37.
50:54 Let's read that.
50:56 John 6:37.
51:04 John 6:37.
51:08 'Cause see, as soon as we start talking about punishment
51:11 in the penal phase, guess what?
51:13 Everybody's face changes out here.
51:15 I can read somebody's mind.
51:18 Not really... but I read my own mind.
51:21 And that is that "When you're talking about grace I'll smile;
51:25 when you start talking about punishment it's like...
51:27 ooh, am I in grace or not? "
51:29 You know, isn't it amazing how funny we are.
51:32 John 6:37.
51:35 Let me find it here.
51:39 "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me,
51:43 and the one who comes to Me
51:46 I will by no means cast out. "
51:50 Hallelujah! You can plead that promise.
51:55 But you know what? You can choose to walk away from God.
51:58 And there is condemnation and eternal death
52:03 for those who choose a life of rebellion and sin.
52:07 You know what? I was reading Matthew 26
52:14 about the ten virgins.
52:16 In scripture, how is the church referred to?
52:21 As a virgin.
52:23 We've got ten virgins in this story:
52:27 five are foolish; five are wise.
52:30 OK. Does this mean they're all in the church?
52:34 That DOES MEAN they're all in the church.
52:38 The five wise have this flask
52:43 of extra oil. What does oil symbolize?
52:46 Holy Spirit.
52:49 Well how did these other five foolish get into the church?
52:53 They all experienced a taste of God's grace.
52:57 The five... all 10 of them experienced justification
53:03 by faith... by grace through faith.
53:10 But the five foolish refused the work of the Holy Spirit
53:16 that they might have sanctification.
53:20 "For this is the will of God" Paul told the Thessalonians:
53:24 "your sanctification. "
53:27 Sanctification by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
53:31 Sanctification meaning that you're separated from sin.
53:35 And see, when we talk about the wedding guest...
53:40 Remember when Jesus was telling the parable
53:42 about the wedding guest?
53:45 And he got in and the king comes
53:48 and he's looking around and he sees one
53:50 who is not clothed right.
53:54 And the king is saying: "Hmm, I know that I provide...
53:57 I provide clothing. I provide all of my guests
54:01 with wedding clothing. Why doesn't this one have it on? "
54:05 And he goes to him and he says...
54:08 Listen to what he said. He said:
54:10 "Friend, how did you get in here dressed like that? "
54:14 He calls him friend.
54:17 And you know what? If the man had said
54:21 "Lord - or king - I didn't know it was available"
54:26 the good king would have come and said: "Here. "
54:29 But no... the man knew.
54:31 I know he knew because he was speechless.
54:34 He knew he was doing wrong.
54:36 And there's going to be people who think that they can get
54:38 to heaven but they're not going to make it.
54:43 Peter writes this. He says:
54:45 "Therefore beloved, since you know this beforehand
54:49 beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness,
54:53 being led away with the error of the wicked.
54:57 But grow in grace and in the knowledge of
55:00 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. "
55:04 One way or the other, all...
55:06 fate is going to be sealed there
55:11 in the investigative judgment.
55:13 And then the angel stands up and says
55:16 "He who is unjust let him be unjust still.
55:21 If he didn't take this time of probation,
55:24 if he was like the old ancient Israelites,
55:27 through their 490 years of probation
55:29 they didn't put an end to transgression...
55:32 they wouldn't accept what God's plan was for their life,
55:36 OK, time's up. "
55:39 "Ready or not... here I come. "
55:43 But those who are clothed in the righteousness of Jesus
55:46 Christ, those who are looking to Jesus,
55:50 know that He will in no wise cast you out.
55:56 You've got to let go of His hand.
56:01 God began the 2300-day prophecy by cutting off 70 weeks
56:05 for His old covenant people. 490 probationary years.
56:09 At the conclusion of this time prophecy in 1844
56:12 He introduced a probationary period for His new covenant
56:16 people. We seem to think it's been a long time
56:18 but so far it's only been 170 years... not quite.
56:23 See, II Peter says this
56:26 chapter 3 verses 8-9.
56:28 "Beloved, do not forget this one thing: that with the Lord
56:32 one day is as a thousand years
56:34 and a thousand years as one day.
56:36 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise
56:39 as some count slackness but is longsuffering
56:42 toward us... not willing that any should perish
56:46 but that all should come to repentance. "
56:48 We can't become complacent
56:51 'cause we're not promised a certain time.
56:54 The last events will be rapid.
56:57 But we can have joy in our heart knowing
56:59 that at that time "Michael will stand up"
57:02 the great Prince who watches over the sons of His people,
57:05 and He is going to wake people from the dust of the earth.
57:10 The investigative judgment is complete.
57:14 He's going to raise up His children
57:18 in that first resurrection
57:20 and take them to heaven by grace.
57:24 It is all by grace.
57:25 There is joy in the investigative judgment.


Revised 2014-12-17