Spring Camp Meeting 2013

The King, the Mother, and the Daughter

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 13SCM

Program Code: 13SCM000010

00:30 Well Danny, I've been here for a lot of these panels
00:33 but I believe this was the best we've ever had.
00:36 It was really good because it answered some pertinent
00:39 questions - right - some real questions on everyday life
00:42 and salvation and it's great. We find the good news.
00:46 You know, the balance of this group...
00:49 We had Shelly in the middle kind of holding together
00:52 and then we had Pastor Dwight and we had Pastor Steve.
00:56 And then we had Pastor John and we had Pastor C.A.
01:00 So we had... It was a tremendous balance in every way.
01:03 Absolutely. I appreciate them.
01:05 And these folk... How about our folks here that have been
01:07 for several hours? They have. Some of them have been here
01:10 all day - all day long - and you're here all evening.
01:12 And they're still staying one more time because they know
01:15 it's going to be... they're looking for a blessing. Amen!
01:17 That's right. Another blessing. And they're going to get one
01:18 in just a little bit 'cause who's preaching for us?
01:20 Pastor Stephen Bohr from Secrets Unsealed.
01:24 And you know, we always enjoy having him here.
01:27 Absolutely. And he always has a different look
01:30 at things than perhaps you may have had before. Um-hmm.
01:34 And even on our panel if you'll notice
01:37 how many times Pastor Bohr had a little different look
01:41 at something than maybe we've thought of before.
01:44 I told him backstage earlier before this... I said:
01:47 "I really appreciate you because you teach us things
01:50 we didn't already know. " Yeah!
01:52 That's something my Aunt Mildred used to say when she'd watch
01:54 television before there was a 3ABN and watch pastors
01:58 not of our faith. And her kids on purpose
02:01 would turn on these other preachers and she'd say:
02:04 "Now why are you listening to that? " And they'd say:
02:05 "Well Mom, it's preaching. Don't you want to hear it? "
02:07 She said: "No, because they don't ever teach me
02:09 anything I didn't already know. "
02:11 She said: "I like to hear Adventist preachers speak. "
02:13 Right. So Stephen Bohr is one of those who teaches us things
02:16 even though we're Adventist that we don't already know.
02:19 Now he's going to lead us in prayer when he comes out.
02:22 And but before he comes
02:25 C.A. Murray - Pastor Murray -
02:27 is going to sing for us Do You Love God?
02:31 All right. Pastor Murray.
03:00 I know what it's like
03:04 to think of things I've done
03:09 and want to run and hide
03:14 my head in shame.
03:20 I know what it's like
03:24 to really hurt someone
03:29 and feel no sense of sorrow
03:33 at their pain.
03:38 Oh, but I know what it's like
03:42 to have enough of my disgrace
03:48 and find because of Jesus' blood
03:53 my sin can be erased.
03:59 He has
04:04 forgiven me.
04:09 My sin has been washed
04:13 from His memory
04:18 by the blood of the Lamb
04:24 of Calvary.
04:30 He has
04:35 forgiven me.
04:42 Do you know what it's like
04:47 for God to be your friend?
04:52 To talk to Him
04:55 with nothing in between?
05:02 Do you know what it's like
05:05 when your day comes to an end
05:11 to sleep in peace
05:14 all because your heart is clean?
05:21 Do you know what it's like
05:24 when the accuser comes your way
05:30 to look him squarely in the eye
05:35 with confidence and say:
05:45 He has
05:49 forgiven me.
05:54 My sin has been washed
05:59 from His memory
06:04 by the blood of the Lamb
06:09 of Calvary.
06:15 He has
06:19 forgiven me.
06:23 He has
06:28 forgiven me.
06:32 My sin has been washed
06:37 from His memory
06:42 by the blood of the Lamb
06:48 of Calvary.
06:53 He has
06:57 forgiven
07:00 me.
07:04 By the blood of the Lamb
07:09 of Calvary.
07:17 He has
07:22 forgiven
07:25 me.
07:39 Amen!
07:51 For those of you who are from the East Coast
07:53 this is the graveyard shift.
08:00 I'm actually pretty glad that they put me at this time
08:03 because I'm on Pacific Time...
08:05 which means that right now
08:07 you know I'm just starting the evening in California.
08:12 So it's a real blessing
08:15 to be able to speak at this time of the day.
08:18 I know that for some of you it probably is a struggle
08:20 because for some of you it's already beyond 10 o'clock.
08:25 But I hope that we're able to concentrate.
08:28 We're going to continue our study on Elijah in scripture.
08:34 But before we do we want to once again
08:37 draw close to the Lord's throne in prayer.
08:41 Never should scripture be opened without prayer.
08:45 So I invite you to bow your heads with me.
08:47 Father in heaven, we thank you
08:50 for the many blessings that we have received here
08:53 at this 3ABN Camp Meeting.
08:55 And Father, we're anticipating a great celebration
08:59 this weekend. We ask that You will pour out Your Spirit
09:03 upon this place that lives will be transformed and changed
09:07 through the power of Jesus.
09:10 We ask that as we open Your Holy Word,
09:12 that book that You inspired through Your Spirit,
09:16 that this evening You will open minds and hearts
09:19 that we might understand Your will
09:22 and that we might be willing to receive it.
09:25 We thank you, Father, for the privilege
09:27 of approaching Your throne in prayer - Your awesome throne.
09:31 We just ask that You will answer our prayer
09:34 because we come to You boldly in the name of Jesus,
09:38 Amen. Amen.
09:42 In this series we have been talking about Elijah.
09:46 Basically up till now we have studied
09:50 the Elijah of the Middle Ages
09:53 and the Elijah of the Old Testament...
09:57 the historical Elijah.
09:59 As I've mentioned, there are actually four Elijahs
10:03 in scripture. The first Elijah is the Old Testament Elijah.
10:07 He's the historical person.
10:10 The second Elijah is what I call the prophetic Elijah,
10:14 and that's the one that we are going to speak about
10:16 this evening. The third Elijah I have called the ecclesiastical
10:20 Elijah... that is the Elijah of the Middle Ages,
10:25 the Elijah of the period of papal supremacy.
10:29 And the last Elijah is the apocalyptic Elijah
10:33 or the end-time Elijah.
10:36 Now we've noticed that we have a governing principle
10:39 when we study the Elijahs.
10:41 The first two of the Elijahs are literal individuals
10:46 and their enemies are literal individuals.
10:51 But when you get to the church age and the end time
10:54 the individuals in the story of Elijah become symbolic
10:59 of world-wide movements or world-wide systems.
11:03 In other words, we're no longer dealing with
11:06 specific individuals... we're dealing with typology.
11:10 The individuals become types or symbols
11:13 of world-wide movements and world-wide systems.
11:19 Now in our study we have noticed that the main protagonists
11:23 of the Elijah story are first of all a king.
11:27 The king is a weak political leader.
11:32 In other words, the king has no moral backbone
11:35 to make decisions.
11:37 The second person is a harlot woman.
11:39 In the case of the historic Elijah it is Jezebel.
11:43 Strong willed, determined, knows what she wants
11:47 and uses the king - the political power -
11:50 to accomplish her purposes.
11:52 Then we also noticed in the Old Testament story
11:55 that Jezebel had prophets... false prophets... through whom
11:59 she extended her counterfeit religion.
12:02 They "ate at her table" which means they did the bidding
12:06 of Jezebel.
12:08 And we notice that this three-fold union
12:10 actually controlled and manipulated the people of Israel
12:16 so that there was an apostasy
12:18 among the majority of God's people and only a small remnant
12:22 remained. And of course, God called Elijah
12:27 to denounce this system...
12:29 to denounce these three powers that had brought apostasy
12:34 into Israel and to try and bring Israel back
12:39 to the straight and narrow, back to their Creator,
12:42 back to their God.
12:46 Now there's another principle that we need to take into
12:48 account as we begin our study of the prophetic Elijah,
12:53 and that is that the Old Testament Elijah
12:56 and the prophetic Elijah that we're going to study
12:59 this evening have details that overlap.
13:03 And one Elijah has details that the other Elijah does not have.
13:09 And when we study the end-time Elijah
13:11 we have to take material from the Old Testament Elijah
13:15 and also from the New Testament Elijah
13:18 or the prophetic Elijah and put all of the details together
13:22 because they all come together
13:23 in the fulfillment of the end-time Elijah.
13:26 Let me just give you an illustration of what I mean.
13:30 In Revelation chapter 13
13:33 we have the beast.
13:36 Now we know that the beast represents the Roman Catholic
13:39 system. But in Revelation 13 we also have a false prophet.
13:45 It's the beast that rises from the earth with two horns
13:48 like a lamb. This beast is called the false prophet.
13:51 This beast is really the false prophet of the first beast
13:56 because the false prophet
14:00 leads everyone to worship the first beast,
14:03 makes an image of the first beast,
14:06 and imposes the mark of the first beast.
14:10 In other words, the false prophet is the false prophet
14:13 of the beast because the false prophet does everything
14:16 that the beast wants.
14:19 Now when you come to Revelation 17
14:21 the symbolism is different but the meaning is the same.
14:24 In Revelation 17 you don't have a beast
14:26 and you don't have the false prophet that persecutes God's
14:29 people. In Revelation 17 you have different symbolism
14:33 but with the same meaning.
14:35 In Revelation 17 instead of the beast you have a harlot woman.
14:39 Instead of the false prophets
14:42 you have the daughters of the harlot
14:46 because she's the mother.
14:48 And instead of the dragon
14:51 that you find in Revelation chapter 12 and 13
14:54 you have the kings of the earth with whom the harlot fornicates
14:59 and she controls these daughters or the false prophet.
15:04 So in other words, when you put Revelation 13 and
15:06 Revelation 17 together you have basically the same meaning
15:11 but different symbols are used.
15:15 Now the Old Testament ends in expectancy.
15:18 Do you know that the Old Testa- ment is really an open book?
15:21 Because it ends in expectancy.
15:24 Something is missing from the Old Testament.
15:27 People anticipate someone who is going to come
15:30 in the future.
15:31 Notice Malachi chapter 4 and verses 5 and 6.
15:35 Malachi chapter 4 verses 5 and 6.
15:38 Here is a promise that is made in the last book of the Bible...
15:42 the last two verses of the Old Testament specifically.
15:46 "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
15:51 before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
15:55 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children
15:58 and the hearts of the children to their fathers
16:01 lest I come and strike the earth with a curse. "
16:06 And so the Old Testament ends
16:08 with God promising that He is going to send Elijah
16:11 before the great and terrible day of the Lord.
16:14 The Old Testament ends with anticipation
16:17 of a coming Elijah... a new Elijah if you please.
16:22 Now the New Testament clearly identifies this Elijah.
16:26 Go with me to Luke chapter 1 and verses 16 and 17.
16:31 Here the angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah,
16:35 the father of John the Baptist.
16:37 And I want you to notice what the angel Gabriel says
16:40 to Zechariah. Chapter 1 of Luke verses 16 and 17.
16:46 Speaking about his son that will be born: John the Baptist.
16:51 "And he will turn many of the children of Israel
16:55 to the Lord their God. " Let me ask you:
16:57 who is Elijah sent to? Is he sent to the pagans
17:00 and the secular people? No!
17:03 Once again we are told here that his mission
17:06 is to those who profess to be God's people.
17:09 Because it says he "will turn many of the children of Israel
17:13 to the Lord their God. "
17:14 And then it says: "He... " That is, John the Baptist...
17:17 "will also go before Him... "
17:19 That is, before Jesus...
17:22 "in the spirit and power of.. " Who? "of Elijah. "
17:26 John the Baptist will come "in the spirit and power of Elijah
17:29 to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children
17:32 and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just
17:35 to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. "
17:41 And so in the New Testament we have John the Baptist
17:45 identified as Elijah.
17:50 Now this is not the only text that identifies John the Baptist
17:53 as Elijah in the New Testament.
17:55 Go with me to Matthew chapter 17 and verses 10 through 13.
17:59 This is immediately after the transfiguration.
18:03 And I want you to notice that there's a question that the
18:05 disciples asked Jesus.
18:08 Once again, Matthew 17:10-13.
18:12 It says here: "And His disciples asked Him saying:
18:16 'Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first? ' "
18:20 If you're the Messiah, we haven't seen Elijah come.
18:23 "Jesus answered and said to them:
18:25 'Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will... ' " What?
18:31 Ahhhh, Elijah is not an innovator.
18:35 He does not bring new light.
18:37 Elijah restores and brings people back to the message.
18:42 And so it continues saying:
18:44 "Jesus answered and said to them: 'Indeed, Elijah is
18:46 coming first and will restore all things. But I say to you
18:50 that Elijah has come already
18:52 and they did not know him
18:55 but did to him whatever they wished.
18:57 Likewise the Son of Man is also about to suffer
19:00 at their hands. ' Then the disciples understood
19:04 that He spoke to them of John the Baptist. "
19:08 So this is the second text in the New Testament
19:11 that identifies John the Baptist as the New Testament Elijah
19:16 or what I call the prophetic Elijah.
19:18 There's a third passage in the New Testament
19:21 in the gospels that identifies John as Elijah.
19:26 Matthew chapter 11 and verses 11 to 14.
19:29 Matthew 11:11-14.
19:33 Here we find Jesus speaking once again
19:36 about John the Baptist. And this is what He says:
19:39 "Assuredly I say to you
19:42 among those born of women
19:45 there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist.
19:49 But he who is least in the kingdom of heaven
19:52 is greater than he.
19:54 And from the days of John the Baptist until now
19:57 the kingdom of heaven suffers violence
20:00 and the violent take it by force.
20:03 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. "
20:06 And verse 14 says:
20:08 "And if you are willing to receive it
20:12 he is Elijah who is to come. "
20:17 Does scripture clearly identify the New Testament Elijah?
20:21 Yes! In fact, when John the Baptist appeared
20:25 many actually believed that he WAS Elijah.
20:29 And the reason why is because John the Baptist
20:32 lived in the wilderness like Elijah;
20:35 he ate like Elijah;
20:38 he dressed like Elijah;
20:41 he called Israel to repentance like Elijah;
20:45 he rebuked a king like Elijah;
20:48 and he called Israel back to the Lord their God.
20:53 In fact, we are told in the gospel of Matthew
20:57 "Now John himself was clothed in camel's hair
21:01 with a leather belt around his waist
21:04 and his food was locust and wild honey. "
21:07 People said: "This is just like Elijah. "
21:10 John the Baptist IS the New Testament Elijah.
21:15 And why did God raise up John the Baptist?
21:19 Let's notice several texts to see what his mission was.
21:22 The mission of the Old Testament Elijah was to restore.
21:26 It was to bring Israel back to the Lord their God.
21:29 It was a message to the church of that day and age.
21:32 The church was in apostasy.
21:34 It had gone away from the Lord, and so Elijah comes and he
21:38 preaches - if you wish - to the church and says:
21:41 "Come back to the Lord. "
21:44 Luke chapter 1 and verse 16 which we already read
21:47 tells us: "And he will turn many of the children of Israel
21:53 to the Lord their God. "
21:55 Notice: he's turning the children of Israel to the Lord
21:57 their God. I thought the children of Israel
21:59 already had God as their Lord.
22:02 Obviously, they were in apostasy.
22:05 And in verse 17 we are told: "He will also go before Him... "
22:10 That is, John the Baptist will go before Jesus...
22:12 "in the spirit and power of Elijah. "
22:15 And then it explains: "To turn the hearts of the
22:18 fathers to the children
22:19 and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just
22:22 to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. "
22:26 The role of Elijah is to prepare a people
22:29 for the arrival of the Lord.
22:30 And you know what? The Old Testament Elijah
22:32 prepared the way for a great reformation
22:36 that was brought by his successor: Elisha.
22:41 And so we find John the Baptist preparing the way
22:44 for a people to accept the One who would come after him
22:48 who would bring a great reformation: Jesus Christ
22:52 the Messiah.
22:54 Matthew chapter 11 verse 10 which we already read:
22:58 once again we find the purpose of God raising John the Baptist
23:02 as the New Testament Elijah.
23:04 It says there: "For this is he of whom it is written
23:08 'Behold I sent my messenger before your face
23:11 who will prepare Your way before You. ' "
23:15 In other words, his purpose is to bring people back to the
23:19 Lord their God so that they are prepared
23:21 for the coming of the Lord.
23:23 In Luke chapter 3 verses 4 and 5
23:25 we find once again a description of the role and purpose
23:29 of this Elijah. We are told there in Luke 3:4-5
23:33 "As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet
23:37 saying: 'The voice of one crying in the wilderness
23:40 prepare the way of the Lord.
23:43 Make His paths straight.
23:45 Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill
23:48 brought low. The crooked places shall be made straight
23:51 and the rough way smooth.
23:53 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. ' "
23:57 Now what is meant by these expressions?
23:59 Every valley? Every mountain? Crooked places? Rough way? Etc.
24:04 What is meant by that?
24:05 I love the description of this that is given by Ellen White
24:08 in the book The Desire of Ages page 135.
24:12 She explains what happened in the past. You know, you
24:16 didn't have paved highways like we do today.
24:18 You had basically unpaved roads.
24:21 And because of the weather, you know, holes would develop
24:24 and little hills would develop in the road and the road
24:27 had to be kept clear.
24:28 She describes in Desire of Ages page 135:
24:32 "Anciently when a king journeyed through the less-frequented
24:36 parts of his dominion a company of men was
24:39 sent ahead of the royal chariot
24:42 to level the steep places and to fill up the hollows
24:46 that the king might travel in safety and without hindrance.
24:51 This custom is employed by the prophet to illustrate the work
24:55 of the gospel. In the book God's Amazing Grace
24:59 page 249 Ellen White explains what this symbolically means:
25:05 you know, filling in the holes in the highway
25:08 and leveling out the rough places.
25:10 She explains: "The work of reformation here brought to view
25:14 by John, the purging of heart and mind and soul
25:19 is one that is needed by many who today profess
25:22 to have the faith of Christ.
25:24 Wrong practices that have been indulged in
25:28 need to be put away.
25:30 The crooked paths need to be made straight
25:33 and the rough places smooth.
25:36 The mountains and hills of self-esteem and pride
25:39 need to be brought low.
25:41 There is need of bringing forth fruits,
25:43 need for repentance.
25:45 When the word is done in the experience of God's believing
25:48 people, all flesh... " she says... "will see the salvation
25:53 of the Lord. "
25:55 So basically, it speaks about being converted
25:59 and the life that comes from a converted heart.
26:03 The life will be made straight; the holes will be filled in.
26:07 Pride will be abased.
26:10 That's the work that John the Baptist was to perform
26:13 in preparation for the arrival of the Messiah.
26:16 It's the preparation that we must have for the coming
26:20 of the Messiah the second time in power and glory.
26:25 In Matthew chapter 17 and verse 11
26:27 once again we are told that John the Baptist was
26:30 called to restore all things.
26:32 It says there: "Jesus answered and said to them:
26:35 "Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things. "
26:40 Elijah was not an innovator.
26:43 Elijah did not bring new truth and new doctrines.
26:46 His purpose was to bring God's people back to where they
26:51 had gone astray from.
26:53 Matthew chapter 3 verses 1-3 we have a description
26:57 of the message of John the Baptist.
26:59 It says: "In those days John the Baptist came preaching
27:02 in the wilderness of Judea and saying:
27:05 'Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
27:08 For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah
27:12 saying: the voice of one crying in the wilderness
27:15 prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight. ' "
27:20 In other words, Elijah is calling God's own people
27:23 to repentance. Let me ask you:
27:26 did Elijah restore the true gospel?
27:30 Do you remember that in the Old Testament Elijah
27:33 built the altar of the Lord that had been broken down?
27:36 He re-established the sacrificial system
27:38 that represented the sacrifice of Christ.
27:41 How did John the Baptist introduce Jesus?
27:45 You know it: John chapter 1 and verse 29.
27:49 It says: "The next day John saw Jesus coming
27:52 toward him and said... " What?
27:54 "Behold the Lamb of God
27:57 who takes away the sin of the world. "
28:02 And so John the Baptist is attracting the attention
28:05 of God's people to the Lamb of God
28:07 just like Elijah in the Old Testament
28:10 rebuilt the altar with twelve stones
28:13 and at the hour of the evening sacrifice
28:15 placed the victims upon the altar.
28:18 John the Baptist is fulfilling the same role
28:21 as the Old Testament Elijah.
28:23 Let me ask you: did John the Baptist preach God's law?
28:30 Yes he did.
28:31 Do you know that John the Baptist was killed
28:35 because he upheld the seventh commandment?
28:40 Because he said - and we're going to study this in a few
28:42 moments - he said to Herodias and to the king
28:47 "You have an illicit sexual relationship. "
28:50 And it landed him in prison
28:53 and made him eventually lose his head.
28:55 John the Baptist preached the commandments of God.
29:00 And incidentally, even though the Bible doesn't mention
29:03 John the Baptist saying this specifically
29:05 one of the things that the Jews had done
29:08 is they had totally distorted the meaning
29:11 of the seventh-day Sabbath.
29:13 The Sabbath - listen carefully -
29:15 the Sabbath that was kept by the Jews in Christ's day
29:18 was a counterfeit Sabbath because it was created by man.
29:23 It was not the Sabbath created by God!
29:26 It was a Sabbath that was created by them
29:28 loaded down with all sorts of traditions,
29:31 with all sorts of customs.
29:33 The only difference between the days of Christ and the end time
29:36 is that the controversy in the days of Christ
29:39 was having to do with the wrong way
29:42 whereas at the end of time it will be the wrong day.
29:47 But the issue will be the same!
29:50 You see, the people in the days of Christ were worshiping
29:52 themselves. They were not worshiping the Creator.
29:55 The Sabbath had become and end in itself.
29:57 God called the New Testament Elijah - John the Baptist -
30:01 to say: "Folks, behold the Lamb of God who takes away
30:04 the sin of the world. "
30:06 He calls John the Baptist to lift high the gospel
30:09 but the law as well
30:12 and to call people not only to repentance
30:15 but to produce fruit in their lives: the fruit of the Spirit.
30:20 In Matthew chapter 3 verse 8 and verse 10
30:22 we find a clear reference to the fruit of the life
30:26 that comes from repentance and accepting the Messiah.
30:29 It says there in Matthew chapter 3 verse 8:
30:32 "Therefore... " John the Baptist is preaching.
30:34 "Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance
30:37 and do not think to say to yourselves: 'We have
30:39 Abraham as our father. ' " In other words, they're really
30:41 arrogant. They say: "We belong to the right church,
30:45 to the true church. "
30:46 "For I say to you that God is able to raise up children
30:49 to Abraham from these stones
30:51 and even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees.
30:55 Therefore, every tree which does not bear good fruit
30:59 is... " What? "is cut down and thrown into the fire. "
31:06 Did John the Baptist preach a message of judgment?
31:10 He most certainly did.
31:11 Did the Old Testament Elijah preach a message of judgment?
31:15 He most certainly did!
31:17 He said: "Listen folks, you can't limp between two opinions.
31:20 If the Lord is God, you're going to follow Him
31:24 and if Baal is god, follow him. "
31:26 In other words, his message was a message of separation
31:30 of the righteous from the wicked.
31:32 Did John the Baptist preach a message of judgment?
31:35 He most certainly did.
31:37 Matthew chapter 3 and verse 10 and also verse 12 tells us:
31:41 "And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees.
31:45 Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit
31:49 is cut down and thrown into the fire. "
31:51 And then verse 12: "His winnowing fan is in His hand
31:56 and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor
31:59 and gather His wheat into the barn. But He will burn
32:03 up the chaff with unquenchable fire. "
32:06 Notice that it's the fire that's unquenchable
32:08 not that which the fire consumes.
32:13 You see, when the Bible speaks about eternal fire
32:17 as we were talking about in our question-and-answer session
32:20 the fire is eternal but what it consumes is not eternal...
32:25 because what it's consuming is mortal man.
32:30 And so, folks, we have the message of Elijah
32:33 in the New Testament.
32:34 Very similar to the message of the Old Testament Elijah.
32:39 Now I mentioned before that Elijah never appears alone...
32:46 he always appears in bad company.
32:50 Whenever Elijah appears
32:52 his three enemies appear with him
32:54 because it's inconceivable that you would have Elijah
32:57 and you would not have the other protagonists of the story.
33:01 Every time Elijah appears in scripture
33:04 his enemies appear along with him... which means
33:08 that in the story of the New Testament Elijah
33:10 his enemies must be somewhere.
33:14 Go with me to Mark chapter 6 and let's study this.
33:17 This is very interesting. Mark chapter 6.
33:20 This is talking about the martyrdom of John the Baptist.
33:24 Let's see if there are three enemies
33:26 in the story of John the Baptist.
33:30 Mark chapter 6 and beginning with verse 14.
33:35 First of all I want you to notice that in this story
33:37 we have a king.
33:39 What kind of character does the king have?
33:42 He has a weak moral character and he is easily influenced.
33:48 Easily influenced by the strong will
33:52 of a woman who is fornicating with him.
33:55 Notice Mark 6 verse 14:
33:57 "Now king... " Notice he's called king.
34:00 "Now king Herod heard of Him... " That is, of Jesus.
34:03 "for His name had become well know. And he said:
34:06 'John the Baptist is risen from the dead
34:08 and therefore these powers are at work in Him. '
34:11 Others said: 'It is Elijah! '
34:13 and others said: 'It is the prophet
34:15 or like one of the prophets. '
34:17 But when Herod heard he said: 'This is John who I beheaded;
34:22 he has been raised from the dead. ' "
34:25 And so the first person in this story is the king...
34:31 a weakling king.
34:34 A king that is easily manipulated.
34:39 That does not have a mind of his own.
34:42 Now, do you also have in this story a woman
34:47 who is committing sexual adultery?
34:51 Absolutely.
34:53 Notice Mark chapter 6 and verse 17.
34:56 Mark chapter 6 and verse 17.
34:58 We are told: "For Herod himself
35:01 had sent and laid hold of John... "
35:04 Was that the king's idea?
35:07 No! Because it continues saying:
35:10 "and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias,
35:13 his brother Philip's wife,
35:16 for he had... " What? "for he had married her. "
35:20 So whose idea was it to cast John into prison?
35:23 It was the mind of Herodias influencing the king
35:29 that led John to end up in prison.
35:32 Do you know what she especially did not like about John?
35:36 The fact that John rebuked her fornication.
35:39 You know, tomorrow morning we're going to study
35:41 the end-time Elijah.
35:43 Is there a rebuke in Revelation chapters 17 and 18
35:46 where it speaks about the harlot
35:49 fornicating with the kings of the earth?
35:52 Absolutely!
35:53 The end-time Elijah - the story of the end-time Elijah -
35:57 is described in all of its glory if we can use the word
36:00 in Revelation chapter 17 and we're going to take a look
36:03 at that chapter tomorrow morning.
36:05 Notice Mark chapter 6 and verse 18
36:08 what John the Baptist said that enraged this woman.
36:14 It says there:
36:15 "For John had said to Herod
36:18 'It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife. ' "
36:24 So you have this woman.
36:26 She's really in the sight of God an adulterous woman
36:30 and she links up with the king, an illicit relationship.
36:34 And she influences the mind of the king
36:37 to throw John the Baptist into prison.
36:41 But there was a problem,
36:43 and that is that she could not actually kill John the Baptist.
36:48 She wanted to see John the Baptist dead.
36:51 There was something that restrained her
36:53 just like in Revelation chapter 13 we have the beast
36:57 has a deadly wound...
36:58 Just like we studied in the story of the church of Thyatira
37:02 the woman was thrown into a sickbed.
37:05 Jezebel was thrown into a sickbed.
37:07 Somehow she had lost her power and she could not influence
37:10 the king to do what she wanted.
37:12 Notice what we find in Mark chapter 6 and verse 19.
37:17 "Therefore Herodias held it against him
37:20 and wanted to kill him but... " What?
37:24 "but she could not. "
37:28 Her hands are tied.
37:31 She needs a helper...
37:33 somebody that can help her accomplish her purposes.
37:38 And now this is where
37:41 her daughter comes into view.
37:45 Notice Mark chapter 6 and verse 21.
37:49 Mark chapter 6 and verse 21 says
37:53 "Then an opportune day... " Opportune for whom?
37:57 Ah, for Herodias.
37:59 "Then an opportune day came when Herod" - that is the king -
38:03 "on his birthday gave a feast for his nobles,
38:07 the high officers, and the chief men of Galilee. "
38:12 And what do you think they were drinking: H20?
38:18 What were they drinking?
38:20 They were drinking wine!
38:22 And as they drank the wine, his mind could not think straight.
38:28 Is there any idea in Revelation? Do the kings of the earth
38:31 drink the wine that the harlot gives them?
38:34 See, this is typology in scripture.
38:37 God has given us three stories - the Old Testament Elijah,
38:41 the New Testament Elijah,
38:42 the Middle Ages Elijah -
38:44 so that we can understand the end-time Elijah.
38:46 Whoever doesn't understand it has a real problem
38:49 because God emphasizes it four times.
38:54 Ellen White says in the book Temperance pages 50 and 51
38:58 "The false enchantment of the dizzy scene
39:02 seemed to take away reason
39:04 and dignity from Herod and his guests
39:07 who were flushed with wine.
39:10 The music and the wine and dancing had removed
39:13 the fear and reverence of God from them.
39:15 Nothing seemed sacred to Herod's perverted senses. "
39:21 And you know, this reminds me of the story
39:24 of Nadab and Abihu.
39:26 Do you know what the sin of Nadab and Abihu was?
39:30 It was the sin of taking that which was common
39:33 and presenting it to God as if it was holy.
39:37 And if you read the story of Daniel 5 which describes
39:40 the fall of ancient Babylon, the great sin of Belshazzar
39:44 was taking that which was holy
39:46 and treating it as if it was common.
39:50 How does God feel when we come to church knowing better
39:55 dressed in secular clothing?
39:59 How does God feel when we take secular music
40:02 and we attach sacred words?
40:06 How does God feel when on Sabbath we speak
40:10 our words instead of speaking holy words?
40:14 By the way, the story of Nadab and Abihu
40:17 and the story of Belshazzar
40:20 illustrates the issue at the end time.
40:23 Because what the Christian world has done - and I say this
40:25 with respect to everyone who's watching on television -
40:28 the Christian world has taken a common day
40:32 and they have presented it to God as if it was holy.
40:35 And they have taken a holy day and they treat that day
40:39 as if it was common. If God should accept that,
40:42 he is going to have to apologize to Belshazzar
40:46 and to Nadab and Abihu.
40:48 Because when God says "You offer this which is holy"
40:52 God is serious!
40:54 He means offer just what He said.
40:57 Now there's another protagonist in this story.
41:00 See, the king is under the influence of the wife.
41:03 And even though the Bible doesn't say it, I believe
41:05 that Herodias had something to do with the drinking
41:07 of the wine. And so now the king cannot think straight
41:13 and this vile woman, Herodias,
41:16 now has everything where she wants it
41:19 and the daughter comes into the picture.
41:23 Notice Mark chapter 6 and verse 22.
41:27 Let me ask you: who's the dangerous figure in this story?
41:30 Is it the king? No!
41:33 Is it Salome the daughter? No!
41:36 Who is the dangerous figure that moves all of the strings
41:40 and is in control of the whole situation?
41:43 It is the mother who is committing adultery!
41:50 Notice Mark chapter 6 and verse 22.
41:53 "And when Herodias' daughter herself came in and danced
41:58 and pleased Herod and those who sat with him
42:02 the king said to the girl: 'Ask me whatever you want
42:05 and I will give it to you. ' And then he says:
42:07 'I'll give you up to half of the kingdom' "
42:10 he says in Mark 6 verse 23. He had to be drunk!
42:15 Half the kingdom for a dance? Give me a break.
42:24 And we're told in verse 23 he also swore to her.
42:28 "Whatever you ask me I will give you
42:31 up to half my kingdom. "
42:35 And now the mother comes into view.
42:37 Is the daughter just like her mother?
42:40 The daughter is an image of her mother.
42:44 Now notice what happens.
42:47 Chapter 6 and verse 24:
42:50 "So she went out and said to her mother... "
42:55 Notice that we have the three words: king, mother, daughter.
43:00 Those are key words in Revelation 17.
43:03 "So she went out and said to her mother:
43:06 'What shall I ask? '
43:09 and she said: 'The head of John the Baptist. ' "
43:13 And Salome said: "Mother! "
43:16 Is that what she said?
43:19 No! In fact, we're told in Mark 6 verse 25
43:24 the very next verse: "Immediately
43:30 she came in with haste
43:34 to the king and asked saying:
43:37 'I want you to give me at once
43:40 the head of John the Baptist on a platter. ' "
43:47 Was the king sorry?
43:50 Did he realize that he had been deceived?
43:53 Let me ask you: at the end of time
43:55 is it the civil powers of the world that we need to be
43:58 concerned about?
44:01 No.
44:03 Is it really the daughters of the harlot
44:05 that we need to be concerned about?
44:07 No. It is the mother
44:10 that God's people have to be concerned about
44:13 according to scripture
44:15 because she's the one that moves everything
44:18 from behind the scenes.
44:22 And so we're told that the king was exceedingly sorry
44:26 yet because of the oaths...
44:29 What kind of character did he have?
44:31 He was a weakling.
44:33 He had no moral backbone...
44:36 just like's going to happen with the kings of the world
44:38 at the end of time: they will go along
44:41 with what the harlot wants.
44:42 We'll study that tomorrow.
44:45 And so it says: "And the king was exceedingly sorry
44:47 yet because of the oaths and because of those who sat
44:51 with him he did not want to refuse her. "
44:55 Then verses 27 and 28 have the rest of the sad story.
45:00 It says: "Immediately the king sent an executioner
45:05 and commanded his head to be brought.
45:08 And he went and beheaded him in prison, "
45:12 And now listen to this: "brought his head on a platter,
45:16 and gave it to the girl. " And then what does it say?
45:21 "And the girl gave it to her mother. "
45:26 Who is the daughter attempting to please?
45:30 She's attempting to please her mother.
45:33 Through the daughter the mother influences the king
45:38 to destroy John the Baptist.
45:40 Now you notice that there are two kinds of Elijahs.
45:42 There's the translated Elijah
45:46 and there's the Elijah that dies.
45:49 And you say: "Why do you have an Elijah that is translated
45:54 and an Elijah that dies? "
45:55 The reason is very simple:
45:57 whenever you have an Elijah
46:00 that is followed by an individual who dies
46:03 that Elijah dies.
46:06 And whenever you have an Elijah that prepares the way
46:11 for someone who does not die -
46:14 in this case, the second coming of Christ -
46:16 you have an Elijah who is trans- lated from among the living.
46:20 Now notice Malachi 4 verses 5 and 6.
46:23 "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
46:27 before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
46:29 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children
46:32 and the hearts of the children to their fathers
46:35 lest I come and strike the earth with a curse. "
46:37 Are we to expect the coming of another Elijah?
46:42 Let me ask you: was the coming of Christ
46:44 the great and terrible day of the Lord?
46:46 Was it a day burning like an oven
46:48 like you find in the verses
46:50 immediately before these two verses?
46:52 Was it a day when there will leave neither root nor branch?
46:55 Absolutely not!
46:57 That's speaking about the second coming of Christ
46:59 so we are to expect an end-time Elijah.
47:03 James White wrote something very interesting
47:08 about typology.
47:10 In Review and Herald, April 5, 1870, he said:
47:14 "The first and second advents
47:16 are in many respects parallel events.
47:19 Single prophecies often contemplate both,
47:23 the prophetic utterances glancing from one to the other
47:28 in quick transition.
47:30 Such prophecies receive a partial fulfillment
47:33 in the events of the first advent
47:35 and a complete accomplishment
47:38 in events connected with the second. "
47:41 And then he says: "Of such a nature
47:43 we believe are some of the predictions of Malachi. "
47:48 So John the Baptist was a partial fulfillment
47:52 of the Elijah prophecy
47:54 and we are to expect another Elijah
47:58 right before the second coming of Christ...
48:01 an Elijah that will be trans- lated from among the living
48:04 because the Messiah that will come will be a living Messiah!
48:08 Desire of Ages page 102
48:11 Ellen White concurs with her husband, James White,
48:14 when she says: "In preparing the way for Christ's
48:17 first advent John the Baptist was a representative
48:23 of those... " Is that singular or plural?
48:29 Plural! He was "representative of those
48:33 who are to prepare a people for our Lord's second coming. "
48:39 So what is the principle?
48:40 The principle is that in the Old Testament
48:43 as well as in the times of John the Baptist
48:45 when the theocracy has not ended and God is dealing
48:49 with literal Israel, you have literal Israel
48:52 dealing with literal people on a local stage.
48:55 But the principle is that in the church of the Middle Ages
48:59 and the end time, you are dealing with spiritual Israel.
49:02 And the individuals in the Old Testament and in the
49:06 New Testament represent groups of people
49:09 or systems that are global in scope.
49:16 Now you know, folks, that every time that the church
49:18 has used the state
49:20 the result has been repression and persecution.
49:25 In this story of Elijah we have a vile king.
49:29 Weakling.
49:31 We have a religious adviser who moves the strings
49:36 and we have the false prophets or the daughter
49:40 who does the biddings of the woman.
49:45 You know, you find stories similar to this
49:47 in other places of the Bible.
49:48 Remember the story of Esther?
49:51 Very interesting.
49:53 Do you have a king in the story of Esther?
49:55 Yeah. Does he really know what's going on?
49:57 No... he doesn't have the foggiest idea.
50:00 But when he wakes up he's pretty mad.
50:04 But he's not mad with Jews,
50:07 he's mad at the one who created the plot.
50:10 You have a vile woman in the story of Esther also.
50:13 You say: "Who is she? " Zeresh... the wife of Haman.
50:18 She's the one that told him: "Make a gallows
50:21 to hang Mordecai. "
50:23 And then you have a third individual
50:24 which is Haman himself.
50:27 And you have God's true people, Israel,
50:31 who are under sentence of death.
50:34 The point is, folks, that whenever the church
50:38 uses the state to accomplish its purposes
50:42 the result is repression and persecution.
50:45 And our political leaders in the United States
50:48 and in the world should listen carefully to this.
50:51 You know, it's a sobering thought, folks,
50:54 that Jesus Christ was crucified
50:56 by a vile union of church and state.
50:59 You see, the Jews could not execute the death decree.
51:03 They gave Him first of all a religious trial
51:05 just like happened during the Middle Ages
51:07 with the Inquisition. First there was a religious trial.
51:10 An ecclesiastical trial.
51:12 If the individual was found guilty of heresy,
51:14 he was then taken to the civil power so that
51:17 the civil power would execute that individual.
51:20 That's exactly what they did with Jesus.
51:22 The Sanhedrin did an Inquisition of Jesus.
51:25 They found Him guilty of heresy
51:27 but they could not destroy Him as a church.
51:29 And so what they did: they took Jesus to Pilate
51:32 and they said: "We can't execute anyone.
51:34 We need your help. "
51:37 And so by using Pilate - the political power -
51:41 Jesus was led to the cross.
51:46 And so whenever in the Bible the church uses the state
51:50 to accomplish its purposes the result is persecution.
51:53 And you know what's interesting?
51:55 About six months before Jesus died
51:59 as a result of this union...
52:00 We know that He died for the sins of the world
52:02 but the mechanism that was used
52:03 was the union of church and state.
52:06 About six months before this
52:08 the Sanhedrin met together
52:11 and they said: "We have to do something with this fellow
52:13 because everybody's following Him. "
52:15 The story is in John 11.
52:17 Jesus had just resurrected Lazarus
52:21 and Caiaphas, who was the high priest at that time,
52:23 stood up and he says - and you know the words.
52:28 He said: "It is necessary for one man to die
52:34 and not that the whole nation should perish. "
52:39 It was a matter of national security.
52:43 Interesting.
52:45 But you know what's interesting?
52:47 The Jews felt that by using the Romans
52:51 to destroy Christ they would save their nation.
52:54 But by using the Romans to destroy Christ
52:57 the Romans came and destroyed the nation.
53:01 And so, folks, whenever the church links with the state
53:06 the result is repression and persecution.
53:09 That's why it would be good for our political leaders
53:11 to simply govern in political affairs
53:14 and not allow the church to influence the state
53:17 to have anything to do with religion.
53:19 That why we have a first amendment in the Constitution
53:23 of the United States: "Congress shall make no law
53:25 respecting an establishment of religion
53:27 or forbidding the free exercise thereof. "
53:29 But we know that this is going to be revoked someday.
53:33 Do you know in the French Revolution
53:35 the multitudes that had been deceived by the
53:39 Roman Catholic system that had joined the state
53:42 during the Dark Ages... the people were enraged.
53:45 And those who had followed this system
53:47 arose to annihilate it during the French Revolution.
53:51 In fact, Revelation chapter 17 which we will study
53:54 tomorrow morning, you'll find that the harlot is doing
53:58 real well. She's fornicating with the kings.
54:00 They're having a jolly good time.
54:02 They're enjoying her wine that she's giving to the kings
54:06 and the kings are filled with wrath against God's people
54:09 who don't go along.
54:12 But the Bible says that one day the kings of the earth
54:15 will awaken and they will see that the religious system
54:19 has deceived them.
54:22 Do you know what's going to happen?
54:24 Revelation chapter 17 verse 16 says that the kings
54:27 "will hate the harlot
54:30 and they will leave her naked
54:33 and they will burn her with fire
54:37 and they will consume her flesh. "
54:39 That's a way of saying that they're going to be
54:40 real mad at her.
54:42 And they're going to arise to destroy her
54:45 because they will realize
54:48 that they have been deceived
54:50 into persecuting the wrong people
54:53 instead of destroying those who wanted to use the state
54:58 to accomplish their purposes.
55:02 So folks, in the story of Elijah
55:05 we find a whole typology of end-time events.
55:09 When you put all of the three previous Elijahs together
55:13 and you look at all of the details
55:15 and you combine them, you have a complete picture
55:18 of the end-time Elijah because each of the previous
55:20 Elijahs gives you parts of the story.
55:23 But when you put all of the Elijahs together
55:25 you have a complete picture of what it's going to look like
55:28 at the end of time.
55:29 I would like to end by saying this:
55:32 Pilate, the political ruler,
55:35 when the church of that day and age -
55:37 those who claimed to serve God -
55:40 came and they said: "We want this man killed
55:43 and we need the authority of the state to do it"
55:46 Pilate was deliberating and somebody came and said to him:
55:50 "Your wife sends you a message:
55:55 have nothing to do with this man. "
56:00 Is that a message for the political rulers of the world
56:03 today when it comes to God's remnant?
56:05 Absolutely... have nothing to do with this man.
56:08 But you know what?
56:10 Pilate - the weakling that he was -
56:15 to save his political position
56:18 delivered an innocent man to death.
56:21 And that's exactly what is going to happen at the end of time.
56:25 And folks, the persecutors are not going to be the Muslims.
56:29 The persecutors are not going to be the Buddhists or the Hindus.
56:32 The persecutors - if you take the story of Elijah -
56:35 are going to be those who claim to serve God.
56:40 Because the message of Elijah is a message to the church!
56:44 The message of Elijah is not a message primarily
56:47 to the world at large although it can apply there.
56:49 It is a message to God's church that is falling into apostasy.
56:53 And God says to the church: "Come back to the straight
56:56 and narrow. Come back to the reason why I called you.
56:59 Come back to the Creator God.
57:01 Come back to keeping the commandments of God
57:04 because you love God. Come back to the Lord.
57:07 Repent of your apostasy. "
57:11 Who's going to deliver this message to the world?
57:15 God has called the remnant church to do that.
57:17 He has called us to be that Elijah.
57:22 But in order to do it we must have the commitment
57:24 that Elijah had...
57:26 be willing to preach God's message,
57:28 even in the face of death.


Revised 2014-12-17