Spring Camp Meeting 2013

Near the Cross: The Eleventh Commandment

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dwight Nelson


Series Code: 13SCM

Program Code: 13SCM000002

00:31 Well welcome back to Camp Meeting 2013!
00:35 Spring Camp Meeting... Showers of Blessings...
00:38 and already God has been blessing us
00:41 as we've come together.
00:43 And we're looking forward to this next service
00:47 because I believe with all my heart
00:49 that the Lord is going to really reach out and touch us.
00:52 Our speaker is Dwight Nelson.
00:55 He is a man that God has gifted.
00:59 He's been the pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church
01:02 right around 30 years. I'll find out exactly how long,
01:06 but it's about that length of time.
01:09 And that is an amazing thing in any church today
01:15 for a pastor to be the pastor for that length of time.
01:19 He's on 3ABN every single week
01:23 and I know that every chance I get
01:28 when I'm able to get to a television about 1 o'clock
01:31 on Sabbath afternoon Central Time
01:33 I really enjoy and am blessed
01:37 by the sermons that Pastor Dwight brings
01:41 from Pioneer Memorial Church.
01:42 I've known him for a number of years.
01:45 Found him to be a man who loves the Lord.
01:48 He is a humble man.
01:51 Boy, if I was as good looking as he is
01:54 I don't know if I could be humble or not.
01:57 It's not hard for me to be humble.
01:58 People will say: "How do you stay humble? "
02:02 I say: "I have a mirror at home
02:05 and I also have a wife at home that will. "
02:08 Those two will keep me humble...
02:10 although she actually builds my confidence quite a bit
02:14 and encourages me.
02:16 But tonight we are going to be blessed
02:20 as he speaks to us.
02:22 "Near the Cross: the 11th Commandment"
02:27 is his subject.
02:29 But before he comes
02:31 I'm going to invite Yvonne Lewis
02:35 to come and sing for us: "The Cross Said It All. "
02:39 Yvonne.
02:55 How I love
02:59 to tell the story
03:03 of God's redemption plan.
03:09 How Jesus died
03:14 to take our sins away.
03:20 Oh yes,
03:23 but my finest words
03:26 cannot express
03:30 what one old rugged tree
03:35 said best...
03:37 for nailed to it was all God had
03:43 to say.
03:50 The cross
03:52 said it all.
03:57 The cross
03:58 said it all.
04:04 Without a word God's heart was heard
04:10 and the cross said it all.
04:16 To prove love
04:19 like nothing else could
04:23 God used three nails
04:27 and two pieces of wood.
04:31 And the cross
04:34 said it
04:37 all.
04:41 Oo-oo-oo-oo...
04:45 He could write it in the heavens.
04:50 He could spell it in the stars.
04:56 He could write across the sky
05:00 for all to see.
05:07 Oh, oh, oh...
05:10 But with His own blood
05:13 Jesus Christ
05:16 wrote "I love you"
05:20 with His life.
05:23 And forgiveness still
05:26 resounds from Calvary.
05:33 Oh-oh-oh-oh...
05:37 The cross said it all.
05:43 The cross said it all.
05:50 Without a word
05:53 God's heart was heard
05:56 and the cross
05:58 said it all.
06:03 To prove His love
06:06 like nothing else could
06:10 God used three nails
06:13 and two pieces of wood.
06:17 And the cross
06:20 said
06:23 it all.
06:27 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh...
06:30 It's more than a symbol of suffering
06:36 or a picture of pain
06:40 and agony.
06:43 For there at the cross
06:46 every soul that was lost
06:50 found its way from earth
06:53 to eternity.
06:59 For the cross
07:02 said it all.
07:07 The cross
07:09 said it all.
07:14 Without a word
07:17 God's heart was heard
07:20 and the cross
07:22 said it all.
07:27 To prove His love
07:33 like nothing else could
07:37 God used three nails
07:40 and two pieces of wood.
07:44 And the cross...
07:50 the cross...
07:56 and the cross
08:00 said
08:03 it
08:04 all.
08:18 Amen!
08:24 Shall we pray? Father in heaven,
08:28 tonight we pray that the cross will
08:33 be uplifted
08:35 not only in song and in this message
08:39 but in our hearts.
08:40 Speak to us, Father, we pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
08:47 We receive a lot of calls and letters here at 3ABN.
08:51 I'm amazed at how many.
08:54 Telephone call came through today and June Elliott
08:59 was calling and she told me an experience
09:03 about her mother.
09:04 I won't tell the whole experience
09:06 but her mother is Millie Ganetta.
09:10 And Millie was a devout Catholic
09:18 but she began to watch 3ABN.
09:21 She watched all the different messages,
09:23 but when Dwight Nelson was preaching
09:29 on a subject that was very dear to her heart
09:33 she stood up in the middle of the sermon
09:35 on the television - in front of the TV - and told her daughter
09:40 "I'm going to be baptized. "
09:42 Amen. She made a decision.
09:44 The subject? One you would not think
09:46 would touch the heart. It was purgatory,
09:51 but it was something for which she had struggled.
09:54 And God gave Dwight the wisdom - the message -
09:59 to open up from God's Word
10:02 that there was no purgatory.
10:05 And it calmed her heart and she made her decision.
10:09 Tonight at Dwight speaks
10:12 "Near the Cross: the 11th Commandment. "
10:26 Good evening 3ABN family in Thompsonville.
10:29 Good evening.
10:31 What an honor to be here in this beautiful part of God's country.
10:38 I drove down this afternoon; it's about a 6-hour drive.
10:44 I had forgotten how flat Illinois is.
10:50 But you know what? It was... It's just the first buddings
10:54 of Spring. I love your theme: Showers of Blessing.
10:57 Just the first buddings of Spring and you can see these...
11:00 just these manicured rows of fresh green
11:07 sprouts.
11:08 I'm thinking maybe corn. Would that be predominantly corn?
11:11 Yeah... Coming up, getting ready for the harvest.
11:14 And I thought to myself: "God, this is what You need to
11:19 see when You look down to this planet. "
11:21 The seed has been planted,
11:24 the sprouts are coming up,
11:26 and we're counting down to the harvest.
11:29 So it's an honor tonight to be a part of a ministry
11:33 that is focused on preparing this planet for the harvest.
11:38 Have you come in from all over?
11:39 Is that kind of the thinking that happens here?
11:42 All over really? All over all over?
11:44 Really?
11:46 Wow! Nice to have you; thank you for coming.
11:49 I want to thank Yvonne Lewis. That was absolutely powerful!
11:56 The cross... I scribbled it down.
11:57 The cross said it all.
12:00 We're going to get into the cross together -
12:03 you and I -
12:05 but not before I thank my friend Jim Gilley
12:08 for his kind invitation to come.
12:09 And Camille, I see you sitting over there.
12:12 Jim and I go way back.
12:15 He helped raise over $4 million at the Pioneer Memorial Church
12:21 to put on those... If you've been to the campus
12:23 church, to put on those wings.
12:24 So we got to know each other real well.
12:27 And then he was helping... he was actually overseeing
12:31 the Faith for Today ministry and I had a part...
12:33 had the privilege of having a part with that for a few years.
12:37 And then I saw Danny Shelton behind the scenes here
12:42 this evening just a few moments ago.
12:44 Danny and I go way back.
12:45 You know what? I've got to quit hanging around with guys
12:47 that go way back... that's the problem:
12:49 I'm hanging around with the wrong ones.
12:52 They're all going way back!
12:53 C.A. - that includes you.
12:57 So it's an honor to be here with the 3ABN team.
13:01 Been to this place a few times and how God has used
13:07 this dream planted years ago
13:11 raised up by the Holy Spirit for such a time as this.
13:17 We are living on the edge of eternity. You know that.
13:21 I believe... I'm not going to preach on the second coming
13:23 in this series, but I believe Jesus is coming soon.
13:27 Amen. I believe we are on the edge.
13:30 In fact, two weeks ago -
13:33 maybe three - my friend Throstur - Pastor Throstur -
13:37 he's Icelandic
13:39 and he pastors the South Bend First SDA Church.
13:45 He stopped by the office.
13:47 Plopped down in a chair in my office there at the
13:50 Pioneer Memorial Church on the campus of Andrews University
13:53 and he said: "Dwight... " We just fell into conversation.
13:57 We were talking about an emphasis we have been having
14:00 at Andrews and Pioneer
14:03 over these last four weeks.
14:08 Coincidentally, our theme song at the end of every one
14:11 of this little three-part mini-series, every installment,
14:14 our theme song has been Showers of Blessing.
14:16 We're sensing... And I told Throstur this story
14:20 and I'm going to tell you tonight, I really debated
14:22 about bringing that series.
14:23 But I think we need to get back to basics.
14:27 There'll be a time for the other. You can go to our
14:29 website and it's there.
14:31 But... So I was telling Throstur we're claiming Isaiah 43:19.
14:36 I thought this verse was all through the Bible.
14:38 I thought you could find these words everywhere.
14:40 You can't. It's only in Isaiah 43:19.
14:43 Are you bringing your Bibles to these little evening studies?
14:45 You will. Good.
14:47 Isaiah 43:19... and I'll open my Bible when I get into
14:51 my teaching in just a moment, but God's speaking to Israel.
14:55 He says: "Behold, I will do a new thing. "
15:00 "I'll do a new thing. "
15:02 We've been sensing in our hearts at Andrews University
15:05 and the Pioneer Memorial Church
15:06 that we desperately need God to do a new thing in our midst.
15:10 Now you're not sure what that new thing is
15:12 until you read the verses right after verse 19
15:15 and God keeps talking about water.
15:17 He talks about water in the desert and rivers in the
15:19 wilderness. Four times He mentions water.
15:22 As soon as He says "I'll do a new thing"
15:24 He talks about water.
15:25 And if you go just a few verses down -
15:29 there were no chapter divisions when Isaiah wrote that -
15:31 you come to Isaiah 44 verse 3
15:34 where God said... Now listen to this promise:
15:36 speaking of showers of blessing:
15:39 God says: "I will pour water on those who are thirsty
15:43 and floods upon the dry ground.
15:46 I will pour My Spirit upon your descendants
15:49 and My blessing upon your offspring. "
15:53 We've got 3,600 of the offspring of the church -
15:57 our community of faith - 3,600 children of the church
15:59 who go to Andrews University.
16:02 We are burdened that God do a new thing in our midst
16:07 for this generation just coming on board.
16:09 Do you have any children in your family?
16:11 Have any children in your heart tonight?
16:14 Don't you want God to do a new thing in their lives?
16:17 Aren't you praying for God to pour out His Spirit
16:21 and somehow catch that young mind,
16:23 turn that pretty heart, just coach that heart to
16:26 turn toward Him?
16:29 You put your finger tomorrow morning...
16:31 When you get up early you put your finger on Isaiah 44
16:33 verse 3 and say: "God, I need You to do a new thing.
16:37 You have promised to pour out Your Spirit upon our descendants
16:41 and Your blessing upon our offspring.
16:43 Do a new thing in my life.
16:45 Do a new thing in my family.
16:46 Do a new thing in my church. "
16:50 So I'm telling Throstur all of this.
16:52 He says: "Dwight, I want to tell you something.
16:53 This revival that you're... You're essentially talking about
16:56 revival. " Yeah, you're right.
16:57 "This revival that you're talking about...
16:59 guess what? It'll never happen until the two prayers of Jesus
17:03 come true. " I said: "What two prayers are you
17:06 talking about? " He said: "I'm talking about the 2 prayers
17:08 in the upper room. "
17:11 The second prayer is in John 17 where Jesus says:
17:14 "Father, that they may be one as We are one. "
17:19 Unity. Unity in your congregation back home.
17:22 Unity in Thompsonville.
17:24 Unity in the Pioneer Memorial Church.
17:25 Unity in our community of faith.
17:27 "That they may be one. "
17:31 The first prayer that He prays in the upper room
17:35 is our theme tonight.
17:37 This little mini-series at the 3ABN Camp Meeting -
17:41 tonight, tomorrow night, Friday night, Sabbath morning,
17:44 and then Sabbath evening -
17:46 this little mini-series is entitled Near the Cross.
17:49 I'm going to take the last 72... the last 24 hours
17:53 and the first 24 hours of Jesus' life...
17:56 the last 24 before He died;
17:58 the first 24 when He's resurrected.
18:01 We'll go to Thursday night then we'll go to Friday.
18:04 We'll spend several sessions on Friday.
18:07 Then we'll go to Sunday morning and Sunday evening.
18:12 Something in that Passion weekend that is essential.
18:17 And that first prayer that Throstur was talking about?
18:20 We're going to turn to it right now.
18:22 You have your Bible? You ready to go?
18:24 I want to pray with you and then let's plunge into...
18:26 into the teaching. Holy Father,
18:28 we're here from all points on the compass.
18:30 We've come to this little corn field in So. Illinois
18:33 that You raised up. Signals going from this place
18:38 to the entire inhabited globe.
18:42 We've come tonight as a little worshiping community.
18:48 We want to hear the voice of Jesus speak
18:51 through holy scripture.
18:52 If there's a prayer that needs to be answered yet in my heart
18:56 and in our lives, dear God make that prayer clear.
19:02 And as we track with Jesus
19:04 as Yvonne just sang... The Cross Said It All.
19:06 As we track with Jesus through Calvary
19:10 may the cross say exactly what we must hear
19:14 at this critical moment in 2013.
19:18 We humbly pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
19:23 When a man is dying,
19:25 when he sits on death row, he's not into fluff.
19:29 He's not into just spinning a yarn or passing the time.
19:34 When a man knows that he is about to die
19:39 he chooses his words extremely carefully.
19:43 What you're about to read here in John 13
19:46 is a sentence Jesus strategically placed
19:51 in His upper room dialogue
19:54 with as it turns out now only eleven disciples.
19:58 The twelfth disciple has slipped out into the dark
20:02 shadows of that Thursday night to do his nefarious deed.
20:05 Judas is gone... just eleven are left with Jesus.
20:08 And this is John chapter 13.
20:10 I'm glad you've got your Bible.
20:12 I'm going to go back to the...
20:14 We will go back to Thursday, Friday, Sunday
20:17 right here, again and again.
20:19 John chapter 13. I'm in the New King James version.
20:22 Any Bible you have is fine by me
20:25 as long as you have that Bible.
20:26 You know, where I preach you have to say this:
20:28 "Pull out your phone. "
20:30 "Pull out your iPad. "
20:32 That's what this generation...
20:34 They're just... They have their Bible.
20:36 Don't you be criticizing them for not having a Bible.
20:38 They have the Bible, they just look it up
20:40 in a very different way.
20:41 Little faster than you and I
20:43 because they just punch that in and they have it.
20:45 This is John chapter 13.
20:47 Jesus is speaking... you know these words.
20:51 Hardly new to you.
20:54 But I wonder if my friend Throstur is not right
20:57 when he says: "Dwight, unless this comes true
21:00 there will be no new thing. "
21:02 This revival that we have passionately been praying for...
21:05 it will not come until these words come true.
21:08 John chapter 13 verse 34... Jesus speaking.
21:11 You have a red letter edition?
21:13 Bright red... should be.
21:14 John chapter 13 verse 34 Jesus speaking:
21:17 "A new commandment I give... " to whom?
21:21 "I give to you that you love one another.
21:25 As I have loved you that you also love one another. "
21:28 Verse 35: "By this all will know
21:31 that you are My disciples:
21:33 if you have love for one another. "
21:37 Can't have unity without love.
21:39 This is the foundation.
21:43 "I give you a new commandment. "
21:47 "I give you a new commandment that you love one another.
21:50 As I have loved you that you also love one another.
21:53 By this all will know that you are My disciples
21:56 if you have love for one another. "
22:03 "I give you a new commandment. "
22:10 We already have ten.
22:13 Didn't we already have ten?
22:14 Didn't the disciples already have ten?
22:16 Yes, of course they did. Said: "I'm going to give you
22:17 a new commandment. " Does it replace the ten?
22:18 Are you kidding? This command- ment is summation of all ten
22:21 is it not?
22:23 "I give you a new commandment that you love one another. "
22:29 "By this the whole world will know that you are My disciples
22:32 if you have love for one another. "
22:35 What's on the heart of this Man who's about to die?
22:38 What's on His heart?
22:40 I used to think that this was just a little line
22:41 along the way. Just kind of a gentle nod
22:45 towards love and then He gets down to the Holy Spirit.
22:46 He gets on to the fruit of the vine and on and on.
22:49 Until one time I sat down and read all of the upper room
22:52 discourse, and that would be chapter 13, chapter 14,
22:54 chapter 15, chapter 16.
22:56 Then they go into the garden and He prays the high priestly
22:58 prayer in chapter 17.
23:00 And I was stunned to realize that love was not a passing
23:04 fancy when He gives the 11th commandment...
23:06 a new commandment.
23:08 It's not a passing fancy. In fact,
23:09 I went through and circled every word that is love
23:13 or a derivative of love... loving and so on.
23:15 I went through and circled every word, and in the
23:18 New King James, all right... the New King James
23:22 the word love appears 33 times between John 13 and John 16.
23:27 Thirty-three times.
23:29 Thirty-one of those times because chapter 13 opens with
23:32 "And He loved His disciples to the end. "
23:34 You remember that line. So 31 of those times
23:37 the word love is on the lips of the One who will be dead
23:42 in less than 24 hours.
23:44 This is not a passing fancy.
23:47 This is not: "Oh, before I forget...
23:49 By the way, love each other. "
23:51 This is rooted in the heart of His last appeal
23:57 before His execution.
24:00 "I give you a new commandment that you love one another. "
24:05 Kind of interesting that He would call it new.
24:08 Hardly feels like a new commandment.
24:10 I mean, the disciples have grown up since they were knee-high
24:12 to a grasshopper they've grown up with that.
24:14 Haven't they? I mean Leviticus chapter 19...
24:16 didn't God thunder from Mt. Sinai
24:19 "You shall blank your neighbor as yourself. "
24:22 What did He say from Mt. Sinai?
24:24 "You shall love your neighbor as yourself. "
24:27 Hardly a new commandment.
24:29 It's the basics of Jewish upbringing.
24:33 And yet Jesus looks in the flickering orange
24:37 of that dancing torch...
24:39 He looks into the eyes of these eleven who are left
24:43 and says: "I give you a new commandment
24:45 that you love one another. "
24:50 You know what's going to be new about this commandment?
24:55 In less than 24 hours they will see love defined
24:59 in crimson colors
25:02 as never before in human history.
25:06 I flew Sunday night to the North American Division
25:09 for a committee that I'm on.
25:13 So I'm on the ground... We're in this little plane - Delta
25:15 Airlines in Detroit. I'm waiting to go to BWI...
25:18 that's Baltimore/Washington International Airport.
25:21 And the pilot comes over. You know how when they pull
25:25 the plane... Oh, your heart just sinks when they pull the plane
25:27 over to the side and you're just getting ready to take off.
25:29 So something's gone wrong, and the word is that there's
25:30 this massive thunderstorm over the nation's capital.
25:34 So they've shut down Dulles, they've shut down BWI,
25:36 they've shut down Reagan National.
25:42 Ronald Reagan National Airport.
25:44 You've heard of that airport, haven't you?
25:46 Do you know that Ronald Reagan,
25:49 former president of the United States,
25:52 once upon a time dipped into this upper room discourse
25:56 and chose a verse with love in it
26:00 and read it on national television?
26:02 Some of you remember this. This was back in...
26:04 oh, I'm thinking maybe the winter of 1982.
26:10 Were any of you alive back then? 1982?
26:12 Were you? OK. I just need to to get to know this audience.
26:16 OK, so you were.
26:17 1982. You remember the Air Florida?
26:21 Remember the Air Florida tragedy?
26:23 You remember that plane all prepped and ready to take off
26:28 to the southern climes of Florida
26:30 on... It was National Airport back then, wasn't it?
26:33 National Airport. All ready to go.
26:36 Got held up - frigid, January afternoon -
26:40 got held up on the tarmac.
26:43 You remember the story? Got held up on the tarmac.
26:45 Unbeknownst to the pilot, ice began to develop on the wings.
26:50 It had been de-iced, but apparently too long stationary.
26:54 Finally he's put in the line and with the roar of those engines
26:59 thunders down that runway and just as he lifts up -
27:04 you remember the tragedy, don't you? -
27:06 that ice meant there was not sufficient lift
27:09 and the plane right into the Potomac River.
27:12 Right into the... You remember the story, don't you?
27:15 Fell into that Potomac. The fuselage burst open
27:19 disgorging all the passengers.
27:21 They're bobbing now... No time to put anything on.
27:25 They're bobbing in the icy, frigid Potomac.
27:29 That was back in what? 1982, and so there aren't a whole lot
27:32 of CNN helicopters around. But I remember the news footage,
27:36 don't you? Your remember the...
27:39 of all those helicopters hovering over that piece of
27:43 broken fuselage. There are human survivors.
27:45 The helicopter - the rescue helicopter -
27:48 comes out. You remember the story?
27:49 He drops that O-ring. He drops it down to a man,
27:54 a bald-headed man. "All right, sir. You know
27:56 what to do with it. Just hold onto it. "
27:58 They have paramedics now along the shore.
27:59 Everybody's raced for this emergency.
28:02 "Hold onto the ring and we'll just drag you across. "
28:04 I mean, everybody knows that's what you do: you hold on
28:06 to the ring and they'll pick you up and drag you across.
28:08 The man gets the ring.
28:10 Instinctively begins to hold on and realizes there's...
28:13 there's a flight attendant just a few yards from him.
28:16 And he swims the ring over to her. Do you remember that?
28:20 So they get her to safety;
28:24 they come back for the man.
28:26 They drop the ring back to him.
28:28 You remember the story. He finds another survivor.
28:31 He hands the ring. I don't remember how many times
28:34 that little ritual took place.
28:37 But one time when they came back again
28:40 for the bald-headed man
28:43 he had slipped into that frigid depth.
28:46 President Reagan went on national television
28:50 that night to intone the sacrifice of this stranger.
28:55 Do you know which verse he quoted?
28:57 Chapter 15. You have your Bible open here.
28:59 Chapter 15. It's one of the love words
29:02 in the upper room discourse. This is chapter 15 verse 13.
29:06 You can say it out loud with me. Let's just read it
29:08 out loud together: "Greater love has no one
29:12 than this: than to lay down one's life
29:15 for his friends. "
29:18 The President of the United States after whom now
29:20 the airport is named reads on national television
29:24 John 15:13... the words of Christ.
29:28 Nobody has greater love than to lay down his life
29:30 for his friends. In less than 24 hours
29:32 the eleven will see the truth of that one definition.
29:37 There is no greater love than Calvary.
29:42 Isn't that right?
29:44 No greater love. Greater love has no one than this:
29:47 than to lay down her life - lay down her life -
29:50 for her friends.
29:52 That's what's new.
29:55 They've heard this from kindergarten days:
29:59 love your neighbor.
30:00 "But now I give you a new commandment
30:03 that you love one another.
30:04 As I have loved you you love one another.
30:06 By this the whole world will know you are My people
30:09 if you have love for one another. "
30:15 As I have brooded over that 11th commandment if we can call it
30:18 that... As I have brooded over these words here in John 13
30:22 verses 34 and 35 I have wondered to myself.
30:29 Do you know what's new about this?
30:31 I mean, the more you brood on it the more it hits you.
30:34 You know what's new about this commandment?
30:37 What's new about this command- ment is what Jesus did not say.
30:43 If you think about it, Jesus could have looked into those
30:46 upturned faces in that orange glow of flickering shadows.
30:50 He could have looked in their faces and said: "By this
30:52 the whole world will know you are My people
30:56 if you remember to keep the Sabbath Day holy. "
31:01 Couldn't He have said that?
31:03 Listen, I remind you ladies and gentlemen,
31:06 everybody in that room was a Sabbatarian.
31:08 Everyone in that room is keeping the Sabbath
31:10 that the pre-incarnate Christ gave to the human race.
31:14 The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.
31:17 Everyone in the room was a Sabbatarian.
31:23 Please don't misunderstand me.
31:26 I believe with all of my heart in the fourth commandment.
31:28 I believe that that fourth commandment will shine
31:32 brighter and brighter as we move to the end of time.
31:36 You know why? Because it calls people back to the Creator.
31:39 We live in a nation now that has gone absolutely bonkers
31:43 in the opposite direction.
31:46 Throwing out the Creator; denying there is a God.
31:49 Oh no, the seventh-day Sabbath is a gift whose time has come.
31:53 But I find it fascinating... We're just talking here -
31:56 watching on 3ABN and you and me -
31:59 I find it fascinating that Jesus didn't say: "By this the whole
32:01 world will know you are Mine: if you keep the Sabbath. "
32:04 I also find it interesting that He didn't say: "By this
32:07 the whole world will know you are My people:
32:09 if you cling to the Blessed Hope that I am coming soon. "
32:12 Now don't misunderstand me.
32:14 Just a few breaths later after giving the 11th commandment
32:18 Jesus will speak these words. Say them with me:
32:20 "Let not your heart be troubled.
32:22 You believe in God... believe also in Me.
32:26 In My Father's house are many mansions.
32:29 If it were not so, I would have told you.
32:33 I go to prepare a place for you
32:35 and if I go and prepare a place for you - here it comes now -
32:38 I will come again. "
32:45 Of course that is the Blessed Hope.
32:47 It burns bright in all of our hearts, but it's rather
32:51 amazing to me that He didn't take either half of the name
32:55 that I bear - Seventh-day Adventist -
32:56 and say: "By this the whole world will know you're Mine:
32:58 the Sabbath or the second coming. "
33:01 Ladies and gentlemen, the point is
33:04 you can go through all the great teachings of scripture.
33:07 He didn't take a one of them.
33:12 He said: "By this the whole world will know you are My
33:14 people. " When you gather together and you drive
33:18 into a town and you suddenly burst the population of that
33:21 little... that little farm community
33:23 and you do business in town. "By this everybody will know
33:26 you are Mine: the way you love each other. "
33:31 Isn't that something?
33:34 My friend Throstur sitting in my office three weeks ago
33:37 and he says: "You know what Dwight?
33:38 We're not going to get any revival. There's not...
33:40 God's not going to do a new thing until we learn
33:42 how to ask God to answer the prayer of Christ
33:46 that night before His execution. "
33:51 Verse 34: "A new commandment I give you
33:54 that you love one another. As I have loved you
33:56 that you also love one another. By this all will know
33:59 that you are My disciples: if you have love
34:01 for one another. "
34:04 Unmistakable.
34:07 Unequivocal.
34:08 Unconditional.
34:10 By this all - red and yellow, black and white -
34:12 by this all - literate and illiterate -
34:19 socially marginalized, economically disenfranchised,
34:23 by this all will know you are My people:
34:27 by the way you love each other and you love them. "
34:32 Then they'll know.
34:34 That's what'll tell them.
34:37 Because you can get it straight up here...
34:39 Now listen carefully: you can get it straight up here
34:42 and have it all wrong in here.
34:45 Amen.
34:47 There were people alive at the time of Christ
34:49 who had it all right up here
34:52 but they had it all wrong down here...
34:56 and they dogged Jesus to His death.
34:59 They arranged with Judas to betray Him.
35:05 They had it all right up here
35:07 but they had it all wrong down here.
35:12 "By this the whole world knows that you are My people... "
35:17 You're My disciples; you're My church.
35:22 "if you have love for one another. "
35:27 Less than 24 hours and He'd be dead.
35:30 Less than 24 hours before His death.
35:34 You know, when a man is on death row
35:36 he tends to cut to the chase
35:38 and speak only of what matters.
35:43 So the question that begs to be asked is:
35:45 are we a loving people?
35:46 Are we a loving people?
35:48 Or are we, as Mark Twain cynically put it: "Are we good
35:52 in the worst sense of the word? "
35:55 Ever met people like that?
35:58 Good in the worst sense of the word.
36:00 So right and proper in their behavior.
36:07 So right and proper, but please, Lord, don't let me live
36:10 next door to them.
36:12 Please... I'll live down the street.
36:15 Good in the worst sense of the word.
36:17 Like the little English girl prayed: "Oh God,
36:20 make the bad people good and the good people nice. "
36:25 Nice.
36:27 "By this the whole world will know you are My people:
36:31 if you have love for one another. "
36:35 Are we a loving people?
36:37 Are we nice?
36:39 Or are we good in the worst sense of the word?
36:43 I want to share a story with you.
36:47 Phillip Yancey told this story
36:52 in his stirring book What's So Amazing About Grace.
36:56 It's a true story he heard from a friend of his
36:58 who is a social work that works with the down-and-out
37:00 in Chicago. Had to drive by Chicago to come down here today.
37:03 All right. So this is his social worker friend speaking now.
37:08 "A prostitute came to me"
37:11 the social worker friend says.
37:12 "This prostitute came to me in wretched straits, homeless,
37:15 sick, unable to buy food for her 2-year-old daughter.
37:17 Through sobs and tears she told me she had been renting
37:19 her daughter, 2 years old, to men interested in kinky sex. "
37:24 You just can't believe it.
37:28 "She made more renting out her daughter for an hour than she
37:30 could earn on her own in a night. She had to do it,
37:32 she said, to support her own drug habit. "
37:34 Phillip's friend said: "I could hardly bear hearing her sordid
37:37 story. For one thing it made me legally liable.
37:40 I am required to report cases of child abuse.
37:42 I had no idea what to say to the woman.
37:45 At last I asked her if she had ever thought of going to church,
37:48 to a church for help. I will never forget the look
37:51 of pure naive shock that crossed her face.
37:53 'Church? ' she cried. 'Why would I ever go there?
37:56 I was already feeling terrible about myself. They would just
37:59 make me feel worse. ' "
38:05 Yancey then reflects on this story.
38:07 "What struck me about my friend's story is that women
38:10 much like this prostitute flew toward Jesus not away from Him.
38:14 The worst a person felt about herself the more likely she
38:17 saw Jesus as a refuge.
38:18 Has the church lost that gift?
38:22 Evidently the down-and-out who flocked to Jesus
38:25 when He lived on earth no longer feel welcome
38:27 among His followers. " Yancey asks: "What has happened? "
38:31 Brothers and sisters,
38:33 what has happened?
38:35 Do we have it right up here
38:38 but do we have it wrong in here?
38:43 "Yeah, Dwight, fortunately that's not our denomination. "
38:52 I got a letter... I got a letter from
38:57 someone in a church somewhere in this country
39:01 outside of my community.
39:03 Dear Pastor Nelson: About five years ago
39:06 another close friend of mine died of AIDS.
39:08 His name was Jack; he died at the age of 34.
39:11 Jack was baptized as an Adventist about 15 months
39:13 before he died and I knew him mainly from the weekly
39:16 prayer meetings. Jack was infected with HIV
39:18 several years prior to his joining the church.
39:20 He never knew he had HIV until he got pneumonia.
39:22 He survived the pneumonia, met some neighbors of his
39:24 who were Adventists, and came into the truth through them.
39:26 Hallelujah!
39:28 Unfortunately, she goes on,
39:32 a few members of the church couldn't accept Jack
39:34 because he had AIDS.
39:37 Some stopped going to church and prayer meetings
39:39 because he was there
39:40 and they feared catching AIDS from the air
39:41 or sitting in the same room as him.
39:44 My former pastor tried very hard to educate these people
39:48 but they didn't want to hear it. When Pastor -
39:51 she gives his name - spent time in the hospital with
39:53 Jack every day before he passed away they would say
39:55 something like: "I hope our pastor won't get AIDS in the
39:57 hospital then come back and give it to all of us. "
40:01 How angels must weep, she writes, in heaven for the
40:04 hardness of hearts even of professed Christians.
40:06 Now, her last line: Thank the Lord Jack remained
40:08 faithful until the end and even had a spirit of love and
40:10 forgiveness for those members who shunned him.
40:13 Jack knew how much Jesus loved him and that was enough.
40:17 I'm not sure that woman is right.
40:19 I'm not sure that's enough.
40:22 I'm not sure it's just enough to know
40:25 Yes, Jesus loves me... the Bible tells me so.
40:28 Apparently Jesus doesn't feel it's enough either.
40:31 Jesus said: "This is how the whole world will know you are
40:33 the people: because you have love for one another. "
40:38 "As I have loved you, you love each other. "
40:41 Didn't He say that?
40:44 On the eve of His execution didn't He say that?
40:47 He must mean it.
40:50 He must be serious.
40:53 "By this the whole world will know you are My people:
40:57 if you have love for one another. "
41:00 You know what? I would laugh off these little
41:03 stories, you know, these little aberrations...
41:06 I would laugh them off were it not for the fact
41:09 I know my own heart.
41:12 I know my own heart
41:15 and I know how easy it is for me
41:19 to dismiss somebody who doesn't believe like I believe.
41:22 Somebody who takes a little different theological nuance.
41:25 "Well he doesn't... Poor guy. "
41:28 I know how easy it is for me
41:32 to have it all right up here
41:34 but to walk by people down here
41:38 and have it all wrong in here.
41:42 The 11th commandment's for me and you.
41:47 "By this the whole world will know you're My people:
41:50 because you have love for each other. "
41:53 The word gets out!
41:55 You can't hide it. Whoa! Look at them!
42:00 "By this the whole world will know you are My people:
42:07 if you have love for one another. "
42:16 Now may I ask you a bit of an embarrassing question?
42:21 I have to ask myself this, too.
42:22 Could it be that in our exuberance to get it right
42:26 over the 4th commandment
42:30 we have neglected the 11th commandment?
42:34 Could it be that in a generation...
42:38 Now listen: I have these kids.
42:39 This generation... I have them.
42:42 They're young; they're bright.
42:47 Struggling to carve out meaning in this life.
42:53 But if you want to talk about the millennials - that's the
42:56 generation now that's on the scene 18-30-
43:00 you want to talk about the millennials.
43:02 You know what attracts the attention of a millennial?
43:05 Pretty soon the boomers are going to be... if Jesus doesn't
43:08 come soon, boomers are going to be a thing of the past.
43:10 And I'm a part of it, so...
43:14 So I want Jesus to come... Please, just come.
43:18 But God said: "Dwight, you've got something to do.
43:20 You have something to do.
43:22 That world of Mine... that 7 billion earth children...
43:26 I want those children. Go to them.
43:30 Go to them in My name
43:33 teaching them to observe all things and don't forget
43:35 to include the 11th commandment when you teach all things. "
43:42 But this generation... you know what?
43:50 What they're looking for... let me tell you the truth...
43:54 You know this... in fact you already know this...
43:55 You've got grandkids? You know this.
43:58 They're looking for authenticity.
44:00 They're looking for transparency.
44:03 They say: "Listen, don't give me this head stuff.
44:05 Do you practice what you preach?
44:09 Do you live it out? "
44:10 That's what they're looking for.
44:12 There are 3,600 of them there at Andrews University.
44:16 They're struggling as well
44:18 just like your kids and grandkids.
44:21 But there are by the millions
44:25 secular kids who have no connection.
44:29 This generation now is the most godless generation
44:32 in America that we've ever had.
44:35 I know it says "In God we trust" on our coinage.
44:38 Every day that goes by there are less people that trust in Him
44:41 in America. You know this, don't you?
44:44 Of course. What's going to reach those hearts?
44:52 "By this all the world will know you are My people:
44:59 if you have love for one another. "
45:02 You say: "Oh Dwight, that's not how we're going to grow
45:07 the church. We're going to grow the church
45:09 doing what we do best here, doing what we do best
45:13 there at Andrews.
45:18 We're going to send more and more people out.
45:20 They're going to win souls. "
45:22 Amen; amen; amen!
45:25 I have a quotation in my pocket I want to share with you
45:29 written by a little woman 5'3" about 100 years ago.
45:37 She wrote these words...
45:42 I want to read them to you.
45:45 A book called Welfare Ministry.
45:47 Having welfare, caring for the good of our neighbors.
45:50 Listen to this line:
45:51 "If we would humble ourselves before God
45:58 and be kind, and courteous, and tenderhearted and pitiful,
46:05 there would be 100 conversions to the truth
46:11 where now there is only one. "
46:18 Don't tell me that Jesus got it wrong just before He died.
46:25 "By this the whole world will know you are My people:
46:30 if you have love for one another. "
46:36 Kind, tenderhearted, pitiful. Means full of pity.
46:41 Full of pity.
46:45 Desire of Ages... Oh, I love this.
46:47 Listen to this: "Love to man... " This is
46:49 Desire of Ages page 641:
46:51 "Love to man is the earthward manifestation
46:53 of the love of God. It was to impart this love
46:56 to make us children of one family
46:59 that the King of Glory became one with us.
47:02 And when His parting words are fulfilled
47:04 'Love one another as I have loved you'
47:06 when we love the world as He loved it, then for us
47:10 His mission is accomplished and we are fitted for heaven
47:14 for we have heaven in our hearts. "
47:19 Isn't that beautiful?
47:20 We're fitted for heaven. How many want to go to heaven?
47:22 Come on; come on: How many want to go to heaven?
47:23 But of course! You want to be fitted for heaven?
47:27 Love one another.
47:29 Desire of Ages says: "When we love one another
47:33 we are fitted for heaven for we have heaven
47:37 in our hearts. "
47:41 Apparently Jesus really did mean
47:45 to speak 31 times about love before He died.
47:51 Apparently the 11th commandment
47:54 is essential for the Ten Commandments to take root.
47:59 Wow! Wow.
48:05 "A new commandment I give you that you love one another. "
48:07 "As I have loved you that you also love one another. "
48:11 "By this all will know that you are My disciples:
48:17 if you have love for one another. "
48:20 Friday He dies. Thursday night
48:27 He invites us.
48:30 Telephone rang in the Pioneer Memorial Church
48:34 there on campus.
48:36 My secretary said: "Dwight, there is a woman
48:41 on the phone. I don't recognize her voice.
48:46 She didn't give her name;
48:48 she didn't want to give her name.
48:50 You want to take the call? "
48:51 Said: "Of course, send the call through. "
48:53 Said: "Hello. " She said: "Hello! "
48:56 "Pastor Nelson? " I said: "Yes. "
49:03 "I've been listening on the radio. "
49:05 We have a radio telecast every Sabbath.
49:09 She said: "I've been listening on the radio.
49:12 You've been talking about this God who's not somebody to be
49:14 afraid of but somebody to be a friend of.
49:16 I knew... I knew I could call you for help. "
49:22 And the moment she said "help"
49:25 a voice inside of me said
49:28 "Get ready... she's going to ask for money. "
49:36 I'm embarrassed to tell you this.
49:39 Just like that I said: "She's going to ask.
49:41 You watch, Dwight, you watch.
49:43 She will ask you for money.
49:44 You'd better have an answer and you'd better have it fast. "
49:47 I said: "We've got the Salvation Army in Benton Harbor,
49:49 We've got United Way. Got the police.
49:52 Dorcas is closed so that's no good.
49:56 I'll find something. "
49:58 She said: "I knew I could call you for help. "
50:01 I said: "Yes... and what would that be? "
50:03 She said: "Well, I need some... " And then she said
50:09 "money. " I said: "I told you; I told you. "
50:13 I'm just getting ready... I'm just getting ready to respond
50:16 very politely and the Holy Spirit comes up
50:19 and He said... said: "Listen, listen to this woman. "
50:31 She said: "I actually have a thousand dollars
50:36 waiting for me in Chicago.
50:39 But after listening to these teachings about the God that
50:43 you've been describing, I know I can't go back
50:47 for that thousand dollars. "
50:49 And then the story tumbled out.
50:51 Two little kids. Resorting to what they call the world's
50:56 oldest profession to keep food on the table.
51:01 Plying her art in the sullied
51:05 sooted doorways of the Windy City.
51:09 I could go back... but I don't think I should. "
51:13 I said: "You are right. "
51:16 Made arrangements for this woman to get the money
51:19 to her anonymously. I said: "You come into the church.
51:21 There'll be an envelope here. It will have money in it
51:25 and may God be with you. "
51:28 Never met her.
51:33 A month later I'm at the back of the church,
51:35 front of the church, greeting the worshipers
51:38 as they're leaving after second service
51:40 and a tall woman comes through line.
51:44 Attractive.
51:46 She says: "Hi, Pastor Nelson.
51:49 Do you remember me? "
51:52 I said: "No I don't actually. "
51:56 She gave me a name. "Sorry. "
52:00 Then she just said a few words.
52:03 I said: "Oh, I remember you. "
52:06 She said: "I hope you don't mind, but the children and I
52:08 have been coming to worship here
52:10 these last few Saturdays. "
52:13 I said: "Bless your heart. You are welcome to worship here
52:17 any time you wish. This is your family. "
52:22 The congregation never knew it
52:29 but when her face came up out of that baptistry with water
52:33 glistening on her countenance
52:37 and a smile of a thousand watts
52:42 I knew the truth.
52:44 If any woman is in Christ,
52:48 behold, she is a new creation.
52:50 Old things are passed away!
52:52 Behold, all things become new. "
52:58 I almost turned that woman away.
53:02 Too much of a bother for me.
53:04 I haven't got time for this.
53:06 You have a Bible question? You want to argue theology?
53:09 We can talk.
53:11 I'm not giving them money.
53:13 I almost, I'm embarrassed to tell you,
53:17 almost turned that woman away.
53:20 Jesus said: "Hey wait a minute, Dwight.
53:23 This is the only way they're going to know.
53:26 It's not the radio that saves.
53:27 It's not satellite that saves.
53:31 I save through people...
53:34 through warm and loving people. "
53:37 "If you will love one another
53:41 the whole world will know...
53:46 the whole world will know you are My people. "
53:53 Boy, I want to love like Jesus, don't you?
53:56 Oh, I want to love like Jesus.
54:01 I bet Throstur's right.
54:04 Until that prayer gets answered
54:06 how could God ever do a new thing anyway?
54:12 You want to stay near that cross?
54:16 You want to stay near that cross?
54:20 Every night we're going to sing this together you and me.
54:24 Jesus, keep me near the cross.
54:27 There a precious fountain.
54:29 312 if you have your hymnal on your phone.
54:35 Jesus keep me near the cross. There a precious fountain.
54:38 Free to all a healing stream flows from...
54:42 Calvary's mountain. In the cross,
54:44 in the cross, be my glory ever.
54:47 Stand with me; stand with me. Let's sing; let's sing.
54:49 Those of you watching on television right now:
54:51 you join us. You sing it out. You know the first stanza.
54:55 We'll just keep singing the first stanza.
54:57 Jesus, keep me near the cross.
55:03 There a precious fountain.
55:09 Free to all a healing stream
55:15 flows from Calvary's mountain.
55:21 In the cross,
55:24 in the cross,
55:27 be my glory ever.
55:34 Till my raptured soul
55:38 shall find
55:41 rest beyond the river.
55:47 Let's sing it like a prayer now.
55:49 Jesus, keep me
55:53 near the cross.
55:56 There a precious
56:00 fountain.
56:53 Oh God, we hear the words of our Lord Jesus tonight
56:58 just hours before He was cut off from You
57:04 pleading with us. "Please, this is a new commandment.
57:09 I want you to love one another.
57:11 This is how the whole world will know you're the right
57:13 people, you're My people,
57:16 if you have love for one another. "
57:18 So Father, all of our hearts, transform us into
57:22 the friends and the lovers of Christ Jesus
57:26 and may we love the world in His name we pray.


Revised 2014-12-17