Spring Camp Meeting 2013

Welcome and Music

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim Gilley (Host), Danny Shelton (Host)


Series Code: 13SCM

Program Code: 13SCM000001

00:30 We're just so happy to see each one of you tonight
00:34 and Camp Meeting has officially started. Amen!
00:38 Praise the Lord! That's good. And we are so excited.
00:41 We've been waiting for this, right? Oh absolutely!
00:44 Plan it, plan it... That's right.
00:46 It's one of the greatest times of the year.
00:48 Thank you for all the folk who have come.
00:49 We know Wednesday night it's tough to get people out -
00:52 especially folks traveling - because of work and all of that.
00:55 But so many folks from a number of different states
00:57 and I heard even Canada here while ago. Yes!
00:59 I know we have people here from Russia tonight.
01:02 We do. I know we saw her today. Julia Outkina, right?
01:05 We did! We saw her! There are some others here of course, too.
01:08 And people from Australia - right - here. Right.
01:11 So it's going to be a great Camp Meeting.
01:13 Thank you all for those of you here.
01:14 For those of you joining us at home:
01:16 we've got some great speakers. We've got Dwight Nelson,
01:19 Stephen Bohr. And this first hour in a little bit
01:22 we'll introduce Aaron Wilburn, an incredible person
01:25 we've known for a long time. Very funny guy.
01:27 Loves the Lord, and he's the same onstage as off the stage.
01:31 Amen. But we're going to have a good time tonight
01:34 in the Lord. Y'all want to have a good time in the Lord?
01:36 Amen! We can be sad somewhere else, right?
01:38 But let's get together and join like we're going to do
01:41 in heaven. We're going to have a good time in heaven.
01:43 We're going to have a lot of fun. So it's great.
01:45 I'm glad to have all of these folk here behind us
01:48 that's going to be helping us sing the theme song
01:49 in a little bit. And Jim... Yes,
01:53 3ABN... we had a board meeting today. How'd that go?
01:56 Oh, very good board meeting. The Lord has been blessing
01:58 this ministry and our board was excited
02:02 and we were all excited.
02:03 We... we ran over a little bit
02:05 because we were praising the Lord about so many good things
02:08 happening. The Lord is so good!
02:10 He has led this ministry from day 1.
02:14 And you know, one of the things that you've heard me talk about:
02:18 losing sleep. I have quit losing sleep.
02:22 Praise the Lord! I want you to know that.
02:24 It's the truth. Camille will tell you.
02:26 I'm sleeping all night because...
02:29 Keep you awake did he, Camille?
02:31 This... The last year and a half or so
02:36 I just turned it over to the Lord
02:38 and I said: "Lord, I've got to do what Danny's been doing
02:42 for thirty years and that is: it's Your ministry
02:46 and we're just here to hold on. "
02:49 And so that's exactly what we've been doing
02:53 is just holding on and watching the Lord bless.
02:56 Absolutely. We have an incredible board
03:00 and we have some incredible supporters... all of you.
03:02 Thank you for your love and your prayers
03:04 and those of you at home financial support.
03:06 We added three new board members today.
03:09 We did. One of them's right behind us here.
03:11 Yvonne, step up. We added...
03:13 Dr. Yvonne Lewis is now a board member of 3ABN.
03:15 That's right. And we also added
03:19 Jim Stevens who is the president of Texico Conference.
03:23 He hasn't been informed yet.
03:25 But Jim, if you're watching you're now officially a member
03:30 of our board. Whether you like it or not.
03:32 And then Brian Hamilton, our treasurer.
03:37 Brian is very, very valuable.
03:40 The Lord brought him. You know, Danny, I'm just amazed
03:43 at the team that the Lord has brought together - absolutely -
03:46 because we've got so many people that are here.
03:50 Just start and look at all... Bruce Fjarli is a board member.
03:53 That's right. C.A. Murray is a board member.
03:55 Right. Owen Troy and Carmelita, I saw them out here while ago.
03:59 Owen was... Stand up a second, Owen, for the folks
04:01 here, at least at home.
04:03 And Owen was one of our first board members.
04:06 And we met him... Stay standing, Owen.
04:08 I want to see if they can get a camera on you.
04:10 OK. Stand up if you don't mind. Carmelita, stand up with him.
04:13 There you are. She's a member of the board.
04:16 There they are... one of the first.
04:19 Yeah, for many years and still a great asset.
04:22 But then his daughter Carmelita said: "Well he can't come all
04:25 the time but I'll come. "
04:27 Bruce Fjarli. We had of course his folks on:
04:29 Bro. Fjarli and now we have another Bro. Fjarli.
04:32 So it's just the father to son.
04:34 We don't have to learn new names this way.
04:37 Yeah, that's right. Just call him Bro. Fjarli.
04:39 Then Dr. Thompson. Dr. Walt's here - yes - and his son Greg.
04:43 I said: "Greg, you're going to have to do like
04:44 the other folks did when the son... " That's right.
04:46 Avon is here. OK. Dr. Walt and Avon, Greg:
04:49 raise your hand up over here.
04:51 All right. OK. All right.
04:52 Greg: when you're ready we'll be ready.
04:54 All right? All right. Absolutely!
04:56 Incredible guy for sure.
04:59 And 3ABN: we're all about people who love the Lord
05:02 and who have a vision to get the ministry into all the world.
05:06 And I praise God for a wonderful board that we have.
05:09 And many of these folks have been on for 20+ years
05:12 and we just thank all of them and we thank all of you.
05:17 Now the time when Owen Troy came on the board - early on,
05:21 right? - um-hmm, so he came down from the No. American Division -
05:27 yes - to find out what was going on here.
05:29 Right? That's right. Yeah, I met him in St. Louis.
05:31 He and Bob Nixon I think was General Conference Communication
05:36 Director. Right, all right. And so after the visit
05:39 what happened? Well, they came down...
05:42 They had heard about this brother starting a TV ministry.
05:46 They said: "Well if it's Adventist we need to know
05:48 who they are and what they're doing. "
05:50 So we met them in St. Louis.
05:52 Talked to them about them. Owen immediately, you know,
05:54 he said: "We don't know how they'll respond. "
05:56 You know the church... and we're carpenters and don't know
05:59 what we're doing. And Owen immediately caught the vision.
06:01 And he said: "Man, we need this in the church.
06:03 I'm going to do everything I can do. " He and Shirley Burton
06:06 up there at the GC started telling people:
06:09 "3ABN's a reality... we need this programming. "
06:12 And he did a tremendous amount of work and support.
06:17 Today Australia. That's right. We have the ten year anniversary
06:20 Australia. Owen Troy's the one who initiated that
06:23 with John and Rosemary Malkiewycz that's here
06:25 from Australia. They brought it up today that Owen did.
06:28 So he has a vision to reach the world
06:30 and so I praise... Thank you, Owen, for so many years
06:34 of dedication. Amen! We just appreciate you so much.
06:37 We want you to know that. We love Ann, too.
06:40 That's right. Oh yes, tell Ann we're going back to Israel
06:43 and I want her to go back with us
06:44 because she really... She was with us 2 years ago.
06:48 Let's bring out... We're going to do something
06:49 a little different. Bring our Aaron Wilburn tonight.
06:51 Y'all can make him welcome.
06:53 Bring out Aaron... come on out, Aaron.
06:55 Before you go to the guitar come over here first.
06:58 How many of you have ever heard or seen Aaron Wilburn?
07:00 All right, a lot. You're among friends here.
07:02 And Jim and I were talking to you back stage
07:06 a little bit. Now is this the first time you guys have met?
07:09 Ah, yes... I believe it is. Yes.
07:12 When they came in today I told him "just come to my house
07:15 to get ready" but instead you went to?
07:17 Well I went to Pastor Jim's house
07:21 because he lives where you used to live.
07:23 Right. And you didn't tell me you had moved.
07:26 That's the way my mom and dad used to do when I was a kid.
07:31 And so I just...
07:35 Danny said: "Why don't you come by the house
07:37 come on in - and change clothes? "
07:40 Yeah. And so I just had my clothes in my hand
07:44 and my suitcase and I just walked right on in
07:46 to the carport. I just grabbed the door handle
07:51 and opened it. And your wife - thankfully - met me at the door.
07:59 What'd she say?
08:01 She said: "I know who you are. "
08:03 And I thought: Thank the Lord she knows who I am. "
08:08 And at that point I said:
08:12 "So is this the Shelton residence
08:17 still? " She said: "No...
08:20 Danny lives across the road. "
08:23 And in spite of all that you did I still found you!
08:31 We were talking a little bit in the beginning before
08:35 back stage there, Jim, and you were asking him about
08:37 some of the titles of songs. Yeah.
08:39 I've heard a lot of different titles. I heard one:
08:45 I was inching along like a 4" worm when the Lord found me.
08:49 Is that in your repertoire? I don't know that one
08:52 but I may learn it. OK!
08:55 What are some of the ones you've heard?
08:57 Well, songwriters in Nashville write songs like
08:59 How can I miss you when you won't go away?
09:02 Yeah, right.
09:04 If the phone doesn't ring you'll know it's me.
09:08 You'll know it's me, uh-huh.
09:09 If you won't leave me alone I'll find someone who will.
09:16 I... There was one of them about "If I'd of shot you
09:19 when I wanted to... I'd be out by now.
09:22 I'd be out by now.
09:24 That's a real song!
09:25 I'm so miserable without you it's like having you here.
09:28 There's a lot of them.
09:30 Now are these actual songs?
09:32 These are actual songs. In fact, I just wrote one
09:34 called "Darling, I'll never get over you
09:37 so you'll have to roll over and answer the phone. "
09:46 It may grow on you... it may not.
09:52 When I first met Aaron it was like 1979 or something.
09:57 And he came up and I think it was Church of God Campground
10:00 or somewhere over here in Benton.
10:02 They had... And they said: "You know Aaron Wilburn
10:04 and so why don't you come and introduce him? "
10:06 So without playing or anything... So I'm introducing
10:09 Aaron to this big crowd of people and I say:
10:12 "I really like... " I said: "I really enjoy introducing Aaron"
10:16 And he looked at me and I said: " 'Cause I feel so tall. "
10:20 And he said - which I should have known better than that,
10:24 I opened a can of worms - and he said:
10:26 I said: "I really enjoy standing beside you
10:29 because I feel so good looking! "
10:35 You don't want to have a word game with him
10:37 'cause you'll probably lose.
10:40 I know I've lost a few.
10:42 I've been known to hold my own at word games
10:45 but him I just say: "Yes sir. "
10:48 All right. Well we appreciate you; we love you.
10:51 Thank you for what you do. Thank you for your friendship -
10:53 you and Roberta - over the years.
10:56 Aaron has written some great gospel songs
10:58 and literally songs that have impacted people
11:02 around the world. I know the Gaithers, you do quite a bit
11:04 with them and I've heard the Gaither Vocal Band doing a song
11:07 I wish you'd do tonight that you wrote:
11:10 It Sounds Like Home to Me. It's just an incredible song
11:13 and when you get to thinking about heaven you get homesick.
11:15 And so we want you to do that.
11:17 Right now we're going to sing our theme song, right?
11:21 It's hard to say. Easy for you to say, but yeah, right.
11:24 Jill's going to play so y'all sing with us.
11:25 We're just going to do the first verse:
11:27 There Shall Be Showers of Blessing.
12:10 All right. Pastor Gilley, would you come up and have our prayer
12:13 for us? Amen. Mercy drops 'round us are falling,
12:17 but for the showers we plead. Heavenly Father,
12:21 we just thank You tonight that we can come to You
12:24 in Jesus' name. Father, we just thank you
12:29 that You have given to us a Savior:
12:33 Christ the Lord.
12:35 That He went to the cross to die on the cross for us
12:40 and that if we accept that we can have the promise
12:44 of life eternal.
12:46 Father, cover us tonight with the blood of Jesus.
12:51 Fill us and anoint us with Your Holy Spirit we pray
12:56 and bless us tonight. In Jesus' name, Amen.
13:02 Amen!
13:04 All right. Bro. Aaron, if you want to get your guitar together
13:06 here, we're... I've asked Aaron...
13:10 I've gone out on a limb 'cause a lot of Christians think
13:13 that we've got to be sober and sad all the time.
13:17 But there's a lot of sadness and sickness all around the world
13:20 and sometimes it's good just to be able to laugh together
13:23 and especially in a Camp Meeting atmosphere.
13:25 So I've asked Aaron. I said: "Well, he travels around
13:28 the world making people laugh and he's very serious...
13:32 Has a very serious side. Loves the Lord... he and his wife
13:34 and family. But I said: "Aaron, maybe you could give us
13:37 a couple little funny songs to begin with
13:40 and then we'll get serious and sing: "Sounds Like Home to Me"
13:45 or "It's Beginning to Rain" or something.
13:46 Buy you did a song for Jim and I back there
13:49 and I said: "I don't know how some of the folk will take this
13:52 but it's one that's absolutely funny. "
13:54 So we're just going to ask you to do that tonight.
13:56 It may be a little different from what we've done up here
14:00 but I said: "You know, let's laugh and be happy tonight. "
14:02 Well you know, Danny, I was telling you in the room
14:07 back here and I wasn't planning on doing this tonight
14:11 and we just... and it just led up to this.
14:14 Because, you know, the world...
14:17 it seems we have a lot of things we don't need
14:22 in the world today
14:25 but one thing we do need is some joy and laughter
14:28 and I don't think there's nearly enough of it.
14:31 And I watch families walk into restaurants
14:35 and sit at a table
14:38 and there's a dad and a mom and 2 or 3 children
14:42 and they all have their phones.
14:45 And they're playing games and they're checking their Facebook
14:49 and they don't talk.
14:52 They don't smile... they don't laugh together.
14:56 And so we just need some laughter.
15:01 And every once in a while I'll have somebody say:
15:06 "Well I just don't think that
15:10 the Lord wants that kind of foolishness. "
15:14 And I think the Lord intends for us to laugh,
15:18 and the reason I think that is every once in a while
15:20 I'll get up in the morning and I'll look in the mirror...
15:27 and I'll think "I don't feel that bad. "
15:32 And I wonder who did my hair while I was asleep.
15:36 Do you realize that a 30-minute nap will mess your hair up
15:40 to the point that you've got to get in the shower and wash it
15:44 just to fix it!
15:46 That has nothing to do with this song except for the fact
15:49 that my friend who sang with the Cathedrals, George Younce,
15:55 did this song... He performed this song
15:58 at the very last Gaither Homecoming event
16:03 that he did. George only had a few more days to live
16:09 and he realized that.
16:12 And so I thought it was interesting that that night
16:15 instead of an inspirational song in this time slot
16:18 or a song about heaven
16:23 he sang a song that made the people laugh.
16:29 And I wondered - and I still wonder to this day -
16:34 did he think they needed to laugh
16:37 or did George need to laugh that night?
16:41 Or maybe he realized that they all needed to laugh.
16:47 Maybe you don't need to,
16:49 and maybe some of you are watching and you're thinking
16:53 "Well, I don't really need to laugh. "
16:57 But in this gathering, there's probably somebody sitting close
17:02 to you that they may have had one of the toughest weeks
17:06 they've had in a long time.
17:09 They may have been experiencing some of the toughest months
17:13 they've ever had. Maybe they're a caregiver.
17:16 Maybe the husband or a wife
17:19 who has just said goodbye to someone they love very much.
17:23 I don't know. I do know that God created
17:27 something called laughter that does wonderful things
17:33 physically in the body when we use it.
17:37 And here's a little song
17:40 that I hope you will use some of that laughter on.
17:50 We got married last Friday.
17:55 My true love stood beside me.
18:00 Our friends were all gone
18:03 and left us alone,
18:06 side by side.
18:14 We got ready for bed, then
18:19 I almost dropped over dead when
18:24 her teeth and her hair
18:27 she placed in the chair...
18:30 side by side.
18:38 One glass eye so tiny,
18:43 one hearing aid so small,
18:49 then she took one leg off
18:53 and placed it in the chair by the wall.
18:59 I sat there so brokenhearted.
19:05 Most of my girl had departed.
19:11 So I slept in the chair...
19:14 there was more of her there!
19:18 Side by side.
19:24 Thank you, Aaron.
19:30 Thank you.
19:33 Now don't hold that against me.
19:35 Danny and Bro. Jim asked me to do it... blame it on them.
19:42 You know, we have two grandsons
19:46 and a third one on the way in September.
19:51 Oh I love my grandsons.
19:54 Gabe is 10... he's quiet.
19:58 Tell him to sit down... he'll sit down.
20:01 Ask him to be quiet... he'll be quiet.
20:04 He could stay with you a week and you wouldn't care
20:07 if he stayed another week.
20:10 Zachary is four.
20:16 He's a blender with no top.
20:22 Oh, I love him and he follows me everywhere.
20:26 "Papa A, Papa A, can I go with you? "
20:29 When I get home and I talk to him tomorrow
20:33 he'll ask: "Where were you at last night? "
20:36 And I'll tell him: 'I was in Illinois. "
20:39 And he'll ask: "Did you do a "concerite"? "
20:45 And he'll be upset that he was not in the "concerite" with me
20:51 'cause he loves to sing
20:53 and he loves to be on stage with me.
20:56 Well, the reason I'm telling you this
20:59 is to let you know Zack is busy.
21:03 He's not bad... he's just busy all the time.
21:07 And my son called us about... this was two years ago.
21:12 Called and asked: "Dad, what are you doing
21:14 this particular week? "
21:17 And I said: "I'm going to be home. "
21:19 He said: "Well, Laura and I are going on a cruise. "
21:23 And I thought: "They are going to take us on a cruise! "
21:29 Never too told to be stupid, are you?
21:35 And then he asked:
21:37 "Would you keep the boys until Thursday night? "
21:40 And then the other grandparents would come over, pick them up
21:44 and keep them until my son and my daughter-in-law
21:48 got back from their trip.
21:51 Well let me just jump ahead and tell you
21:54 they were supposed to pick those boys up at 5:30 pm
21:57 on Thursday night.
21:59 They didn't get there till almost 5:36 pm.
22:09 The next morning my wife and I were standing in the kitchen.
22:15 Were just standing there
22:17 and then I looked at her and I said: "Listen. "
22:20 She asked: "What do you hear? "
22:22 I said: "Thank the Lord... not a thing. "
22:28 I went immediately into the living room
22:35 and less than 10 minutes later I walked back into the kitchen
22:39 and I said: "I have written The Grandparent National Anthem. "
22:49 You may not agree...
22:52 but this is the closest I've come to it.
22:56 And it goes like this:
23:02 Oh blessed headlights
23:06 that bring them to me.
23:10 I never realized
23:14 how sweet life could be.
23:18 But then hours later -
23:22 it's been a long day -
23:27 oh blessed tail lights
23:31 that take them away.
23:35 Feed 'em some junk food,
23:40 candy to eat.
23:44 Something with caffeine,
23:48 revenge is so sweet!
23:52 A few sips of Red Bull
23:56 when the Twinkies are gone.
24:00 "Here's your mama and daddy...
24:04 it's time to go home. "
24:09 Oh blessed headlights
24:12 that bring them to me.
24:16 I never realized
24:21 how sweet life could be.
24:25 But then hours later -
24:29 it's been a long day -
24:33 Oh blessed tail lights
24:37 that take them away.
24:42 The greatest joy I've ever known
24:46 is loving 'em, spoiling 'em...
24:54 I'm still gonna finish it...
24:58 and sending 'em home.
25:02 Oh blessed tail lights!
25:13 Thank you so much. It is such an honor to be here.
25:18 And as Danny was saying, we met many years ago...
25:24 about 34 years ago the best I can figure.
25:28 I was about 4 years old.
25:32 And my grandfather and Danny used to run around together
25:37 when they were kids... No, I'm kidding.
25:41 Just remember one thing: he would do this to me
25:44 if he were up here.
25:46 One of my best friends over the years in the world
25:50 and I'm so thankful to be here sharing this night
25:55 of ministry and celebration and Camp Meeting.
25:59 And I was raised in Alabama
26:03 out in the country: a little community called Bobo.
26:07 Bobo... makes you want to go on a vacation, doesn't it?
26:14 And one thing I found out that I didn't realize
26:20 when I was young, as I grew older
26:22 I realized we have our own culture in the South.
26:25 We don't mean to... we just do.
26:28 And it's not like we wake up one morning and say: "Huh,
26:31 I think I'll have some culture. "
26:35 We've just got it. It's in the names of the places we live
26:38 like Bobo and Lickskillet.
26:43 Come on up to Kentucky. There's Monkey's Eyebrow, KY.
26:48 Between Nashville and Memphis there's Bucksnort, TN.
26:54 Not far from Bucksnort there's Sweet Lips.
27:01 I'll leave that one alone.
27:05 But then we give also unusual names
27:10 to our children, and there's some in the Wilburn family...
27:14 but I have to live with us so I don't talk about us.
27:19 I talk about other people 'cause I'm Baptist.
27:25 You know, there's a lot of Baptists that are mad
27:27 at Judge Judy
27:30 'cause she is a judge and she gets paid for it.
27:39 There's a lot of Christians that'll do that for free.
27:45 Oooh... just thought I'd throw that in there.
27:50 But we have our own culture in the names.
27:54 And... but I'm going to give you just a few examples in the news
27:58 that you've heard. Nothing wrong with these names,
28:01 they're just unusual.
28:02 In the Gingrich family there's Newt.
28:06 That's an unusual name.
28:08 For years the governor of Alabama was Fob James.
28:13 Wonderful family; wonderful Christian man...
28:18 but an unusual kind of name.
28:22 But the most unusual name I've ever heard:
28:25 a couple back home named their son Odd.
28:30 Odd.
28:33 Kids at school laughed at him. In high school and college
28:35 they made fun of him.
28:37 He graduated from college. Fell in love; got married.
28:41 They had a family.
28:43 One day he told his wife: "Honey, I've lived with a name
28:46 I hate. People have made fun of me all my life
28:50 because of my name.
28:51 When I die, please don't put it on my headstone.
28:54 Just put the date of my birth, date of my death,
28:57 and leave the rest of it blank. "
29:00 Well, the years passed and he passed away.
29:03 And she called the children in. She said:
29:05 "I promised your dad I wouldn't put his name on his headstone. "
29:08 Sure enough! They put the date of his birth,
29:11 date of his death,
29:13 and just left the rest of it blank.
29:17 And to this day, people walk through that cemetery...
29:28 I'm still going to finish it.
29:34 They look at that headstone and ask: "Isn't that odd? "
29:42 You know, sometimes I feel like
29:46 that I now live in a world that I don't understand
29:50 and it does not understand me.
29:55 And I'm just a conservative kind of guy from Alabama
30:02 that loves the Lord, but I don't understand everything
30:06 that I see.
30:09 But even in everyday life there are things that make me wonder
30:12 why... to the point that I did a DVD and titled it
30:18 Why?
30:19 Things like when someone walks into a room
30:23 and there's a little dog and they go through this:
30:31 "Hey. "
30:34 "What's your name? "
30:39 And I'm thinking: "She just asked that dog its name.
30:44 I'm going to stand here and watch.
30:48 I bet it won't tell her. "
30:53 And then other things that make me wonder why.
30:56 I have two sons.
30:59 And I'll be honest with you: I didn't agree with it...
31:06 Any of you know that you don't agree with everything
31:09 your children do?
31:11 That may be a surprise to some of you.
31:16 Nothing wrong. I'm not saying they robbed a bank or anything.
31:21 But both of them came home at different times
31:23 with a little tattoo.
31:27 I said: "Uh-uh... not me
31:29 'cause I'm scared of needles in the first place. "
31:32 Not long ago I was at the doctors. The nurse walked in
31:35 with a needle and I said: "Oh, phooey...
31:38 another shot? " She said: "I'm afraid so. "
31:40 I said: "Does it matter which side you put it in? "
31:42 And she said: "Not really. "
31:43 I said: "Put it in yours. "
31:52 But I don't understand...
31:55 Saying to somebody: "I've got a great idea:
31:57 take that needle and put a motor on it. "
32:01 So I would not have a tattoo.
32:04 Another thing I wouldn't have: I wouldn't have a nose ring.
32:07 And I ask people that have them: "Did that hurt? "
32:09 They said: "No. "
32:14 How do you poke a hole in your nose and it not hurt?
32:18 But that's their deal.
32:21 And then they put rings in their eyebrows
32:23 and line them up in their ears.
32:27 In their... all over!
32:32 And I don't care and I'm sure the Lord doesn't care.
32:35 But I'm just wondering: "Why do you want to walk around
32:37 looking like you fell in a tackle box? "
32:46 And you know, it kind of hurts my feelings
32:48 but God loves them just like He loves me.
32:53 Doesn't really hurt my feelings
32:55 because I'm so glad that He loves you where you are!
33:02 And He'll take you where you are and He'll touch your life
33:07 and He'll bless you.
33:09 So if you're sitting there with a nose ring: God loves you.
33:14 If you're sitting there with a tattoo: God loves you.
33:17 And... but there are other things that make me wonder why.
33:22 Like I see it everywhere I go...
33:23 in malls, in shopping centers: these young men walking around
33:27 with the seat of their pants between their knees.
33:32 And they're even... and I'm thinking:
33:34 I know what he's thinking. He's thinking "I look cool. "
33:37 And I'm thinking: "I hope you like them like that
33:40 'cause you're going to be wearing them like that again
33:41 in about 65 years. "
33:48 'Cause after we men turn 50 and gain 30 or 40 pounds
33:52 we can still wear the same clothes.
33:55 We just move the waistline down to keep walking.
34:04 And I'm going to tell one more story
34:08 and then I'm going to kind of change what I'm doing here.
34:12 I was watching TV one afternoon.
34:15 I wasn't really watching TV.
34:17 A man does not want to know what's on television.
34:19 We want to know what else is on.
34:24 And so I'm sitting there in the afternoon
34:27 and I'm just thinking: "What's on in the afternoon? "
34:30 I can tell you... nothing!
34:35 And so I'm watching TV
34:39 and it's one of these talk shows that is nothing on.
34:45 And it says: Teen girls in rebellion.
34:48 I thought: "Well this will teach me
34:50 something about culture. "
34:51 I like to kind of keep up with what's going on.
34:55 'Cause I can't keep up. I've had an iPhone
34:59 for about 3... 4 months. The reason I got it
35:03 is because my 4-year-old grandson said: "Papa A,
35:06 if you'll get an iPhone we can Facetime. "
35:10 And we're going to... as soon as I learn how.
35:15 He knows how.
35:17 And the thing about it, though, with this thing
35:19 I have called old friends that I have not talked to
35:22 in 3 and 4 years.
35:25 I didn't mean to.
35:31 You can turn this thing on and then finish talking
35:35 and if you don't push the right button, lay it down
35:38 it'll just call whoever it wants to.
35:42 So I'm not used to all the cultural changes
35:45 and technology and all of that.
35:47 I feel like a dinosaur left in an Internet world sometimes.
35:53 But anyway, I was watching that show and it said:
35:56 "Teen girls in rebellion. "
35:59 So I settled back to watch for just a minute
36:02 and it was these moms trying to talk some sense
36:09 into daughters who were out of control.
36:12 One mom was talking to her daughter
36:14 and the girl did this.
36:18 About that time my daughter walked in the house.
36:22 And I asked: "Emily, what does that mean? "
36:26 She said: "That means talk to the hand
36:29 'cause the ears aren't listening. "
36:32 When she told me that I thought: "Oh,
36:35 I wish there was such a thing as time travel
36:40 and I could invite her to be my sister
36:44 and go back to Bobo, Alabama,
36:49 in the 1970's
36:53 and then have my mom give her some advice
37:00 and then watch as she did this. "
37:03 See, if you're over 50 you can't do this because
37:07 it not only takes the hand...
37:08 you've got to do something with your head. It's like...
37:13 And we can't do that if we're over 50.
37:15 We do that 3 or 4 times
37:17 and you'll wake up the next morning walking like this.
37:22 So we can't have the attitude.
37:28 And I thought: "If that young lady had been in our family. "
37:31 You've got to understand: we just said goodbye
37:34 to our mom about a month and a half ago.
37:37 A few minutes before she passed away
37:40 I laid my head on her head
37:43 and I sang: "Oh Come Angel Band. "
37:47 And mama is now ready for the resurrection.
37:53 Amen!
37:56 "And the dead in Christ shall rise, and we which are
37:59 alive and remain shall be caught up together. "
38:02 And my mama's going to be in that bunch, I can tell you.
38:06 So with that said, I'm going to tell you also
38:11 that my mom did not abuse us but she disciplined us.
38:15 Some people call that child abuse now if you just
38:18 discipline. To me, child abuse is when you don't tell a child
38:25 there is a place prepared for you after this life is over.
38:29 There is a Lord that loves you
38:32 and a God who gave His Son to save you.
38:36 And then that child grows up with that knowledge
38:40 and they go out and they end up in drugs
38:44 and drive-by shootings. THAT is child abuse.
38:50 My mom did not abuse us with that strap
38:53 but she got our attention.
38:56 And I found out early on that my mom had a ministry
39:01 of... and she had an anointing to open ears
39:07 that did not want to hear.
39:11 She had a leather strap
39:13 that hung on the wall beside a little motto that said
39:16 "I need Thee every hour. "
39:22 And I thought: "If one of my sisters had done this,
39:30 my mom would have used that leather strap.
39:34 And by the time my mom had walked in her anointing
39:41 that young lady's hand would no longer be up here.
39:46 She would have received her hearing
39:49 and her hand would be holding what mama had ministered to.
39:56 Now speaking of my mom -
40:02 a lady who at times did not remember any of her children
40:08 over the last few months,
40:13 didn't remember the grandchildren -
40:15 did remember some things.
40:19 I could ask her: "Mom, would you like to pray? "
40:25 and she would pray the most beautiful prayer.
40:31 I'd take my guitar in there and I'd sit beside her bed
40:34 and I'd sing Amazing Grace and In The Garden
40:40 and she sang every word.
40:44 She lost her sense of tempo
40:47 and so she doubled the time...
40:50 but that was good because then she gave me the words
40:55 that I couldn't remember.
40:59 A few weeks... about three weeks before she passed away
41:03 she just lifted her hands one day and said:
41:06 "I'm ready to go home. "
41:09 And I knew it wasn't Bobo that she wanted to go back to.
41:24 And at that point I reached back into my song catalog
41:30 of songs that I've written through the years
41:35 and this song again
41:38 became very, very special to me.
41:42 In fact, more so than it had ever been.
41:53 Somewhere just across
41:57 the Jordan river
42:02 there's a place
42:05 of everlasting joy
42:09 and peace.
42:13 Where the Stream of Life
42:15 is flowing there
42:18 forever
42:22 and a crown of life
42:25 is waiting there for me.
42:31 That sounds like home to me.
42:37 Like where I want to be.
42:41 There'll be no tears
42:45 to fill our eyes again.
42:51 The hills will echo
42:54 with the story
42:56 as we sing of His grace and glory.
43:02 Where the saints of God will be:
43:07 that sounds like home to me.
43:15 I've read there are mansions there
43:19 inside that city.
43:24 Crystal river flowing by
43:29 the Trees of Life.
43:34 No more pain,
43:37 no disappointment
43:39 there to hurt us.
43:46 Jesus Christ Himself
43:50 will be the light.
43:54 That sounds like home to me.
43:59 Like where I want to be.
44:04 There'll be no tears
44:07 to fill our eyes again.
44:14 The hills will echo
44:17 with the story
44:20 as we sing of His grace and glory.
44:24 Where the saints of God will be:
44:30 that sounds like home to me.
44:37 Where the saints of God will be:
44:42 that sounds like home
44:46 to me.
44:50 That's home to me.
45:08 A few years ago I wrote a song with
45:12 Bill and Gloria Gaither and
45:16 I sang this at the last Camp Meeting that I attended here.
45:21 And we got so many calls
45:24 and e-mails from the viewers
45:28 of the network.
45:32 And so especially because so many people said
45:38 "I love that song and it ministered to me"
45:42 I'd like to sing at least a verse and chorus of it tonight.
45:47 And who knows... I may sing it all by the time it's over.
45:51 But I... My favorite tree
45:57 is the silver maple.
45:59 And a true silver maple
46:03 has leaves that are formed like this.
46:06 One side is green;
46:10 one side is silver.
46:12 Right before the rain
46:15 the tree does a beautiful, wonderful thing.
46:18 It turns and it changes from a beautiful green tree
46:23 to a beautiful silver tree.
46:26 Walk under a silver maple after the rain
46:29 and you can shake it and absolutely be drenched
46:34 because those little leaves are holding water.
46:39 And with that in mind, I wanted to tell you that story
46:43 so you'll understand why
46:47 we wrote some of the words that we wrote in this song.
46:56 The turtledove is singing
47:00 its sweet song of morning.
47:07 The leaves of the trees
47:10 turn their silver cups to the sky.
47:18 The silent clouds above
47:22 are beginning to gather.
47:29 The barren land
47:32 is thirsty... and so am I.
47:39 But it's beginning to rain.
47:44 Hear the voice of our Father.
47:50 He's saying: "Whosoever will
47:55 come drink of this water.
48:00 I promised to pour My Spirit out
48:06 on your sons and your daughters. "
48:12 If you're thirsty and dry,
48:14 look up to the sky...
48:17 it's beginning to rain.
48:25 At the first sound of rain that you hear
48:28 throw open the window.
48:35 Go call all the children together
48:39 and swing wide the door.
48:46 When the rain of the Spirit is falling
48:51 we should fill every vessel.
48:57 For we who drink our fill
49:03 will thirst no more.
49:07 And it's beginning to rain.
49:13 Hear the voice of our Father.
49:19 He's saying: "Whosoever will
49:23 come drink of this water.
49:29 I promised to pour My Spirit out
49:34 on your sons and your daughters. "
49:40 If you're thirsty and dry,
49:42 look up to the sky...
49:45 it's beginning to rain.
49:50 Would you join me in that chorus?
49:52 Let's just sing it together.
49:56 It's beginning to rain, rain, rain.
50:02 Hear the voice of our Father.
50:05 He's saying: "Whosoever will...
50:08 He's saying: "Whosoever will
50:13 come drink of this water.
50:17 I promised to pour...
50:19 I promised to pour My Spirit out
50:25 on your sons and your daughters. "
50:30 If you're thirsty and dry,
50:33 look up to the sky...
50:36 it's beginning to rain.
50:39 One more time:
50:41 It's beginning to rain, rain, rain.
50:46 Hear the voice of our Father.
50:51 He's saying: "Whosoever will
50:57 come drink of this water.
51:01 I promised to pour My Spirit out
51:07 on your sons and your daughters. "
51:11 If you're thirsty and dry,
51:15 look up to the sky...
51:17 it's beginning to rain.
51:21 If you're thirsty and dry,
51:25 look up to the sky...
51:27 it's beginning to rain!
51:41 Amen!
51:43 Thank you very much. God bless you!
51:53 I stopped just short of my time that I told Danny
51:59 I would fill up.
52:01 And so I'm just going to stand here
52:10 And it's not like this is being televised or anything like that.
52:18 But it's going to be cool when my wife sees this
52:21 because she'll say: "I've never seen him speechless before. "
52:26 And speaking of that I would just like to leave
52:31 this little... I know that this has gotten serious
52:34 and worshipful, but I want to just drop this little line
52:38 with you men. I have learned this through the years:
52:42 that women are like phones.
52:45 They love to be talked to
52:49 and held
52:52 but if you push the wrong button
52:56 you will be disconnected.
52:59 God bless you; thank you.
53:07 Wow! That's all I can say is Wow!
53:12 I was so busy... we were sitting out here... that
53:15 I didn't know you were going to cut it short
53:17 and I had to come out here real quick. So when I heard you say
53:20 "thank you" I started running from the back.
53:23 I was in the back room there. But I knew that Aaron
53:26 time is... he could talk for hours
53:29 'cause he's got some great stories.
53:31 And while we have a good time, Aaron, everything's not been
53:33 a bed of roses for this guy, and that's what I know.
53:36 He went through a kidney transplant some time ago.
53:39 Tell us a little bit about that and how you're doing.
53:41 That was three years ago. I'm doing great.
53:44 But it's like God has this thing in my life
53:48 where He says: "Hey, let's make something funny out of this. "
53:52 And I'm thinking: "How we gonna make
53:55 something funny out of this? "
53:57 My donor is my wife's twin sister.
54:02 Wow! So now I get to eat birthday cake with them.
54:10 And any time I'm in a group of people
54:14 and a few of the ladies get up and walk out
54:18 I hear a little voice saying: "Let's go with them. "
54:22 And I'm thinking: "I would... but I can't find my purse! "
54:27 But life is going to give you some bumps in the road.
54:34 You know what I found out about the bumps in the road?
54:38 God is - this is not correct English probably -
54:42 but God is as there
54:46 as He is when the road is smooth.
54:50 Amen.
54:51 And in your worst time God is at His best.
54:56 Amen!
54:57 And in your weakest moment He can show His strength.
55:02 And I found out one thing about God:
55:06 regardless of what I'm going through
55:09 it doesn't take Him by surprise and He is there.
55:13 And whatever you're facing, whatever you're going through,
55:16 just know He hasn't forgotten you.
55:20 And you know the Bible talks about one time
55:27 where one of the writers said he felt like God was deaf.
55:33 God is not deaf. Amen.
55:36 And I've heard people over and over say
55:38 "Well, I'm just waiting for when God's ready. "
55:43 Ha-ha-ha-ha.
55:44 Like God ain't ready?
55:47 Excuse my English.
55:49 God is ready - all right - for anything at any time.
55:53 Usually when we're waiting for Him to get ready
55:56 He's waiting for us to get ready for what He's going to do.
56:00 And I say more than I need to every time probably, but
56:04 I just wanted to say God is good.
56:07 My life is blessed
56:09 and I have a wonderful, wonderful wife.
56:14 We've been married long enough that we finish each other's
56:17 sentences now.
56:19 And in fact, I don't even have to say anything.
56:23 I can just clear my throat
56:25 and she tells me what I would have said
56:27 if I'd of said anything.
56:29 And then sometimes I say something
56:32 and she'll say: "That's not what you meant. "
56:37 And then I'll ask her: "What did I mean? "
56:39 and she'll tell me!
56:41 And most of the time
56:42 I didn't even mean what I thought I meant!
56:45 It's a miracle. I'm getting confused.
56:48 I'm going to have to turn around...
56:49 I'm getting confused on that one.
56:51 He said something funny on the way up - we've got 30 seconds.
56:54 What'd you say? You stopped at a yard sale and they had a
56:56 CD that said what? Something about Sabbath School?
56:59 Oh yeah, Sabbath School. Yeah.
57:01 It said Sabbath School Songs or something? Yeah.
57:03 He said: "I may not be able to sell any of my CDs up there.
57:06 I think I'll buy these. If it says Sabbath School,
57:08 they'll buy 'em.
57:10 I'll pick these up at the yard sale and come up and sell 'em. "
57:13 He was just joking, of course.
57:15 But we've appreciated you, Aaron, so much and
57:17 thank you for what you do. Thank you.
57:19 And it's been a great blessing as always.
57:22 If I'm ever at all discouraged or need a good time,
57:26 I can call Aaron and in the Lord we just have
57:27 a great time together. All right.


Revised 2014-12-17