Participants: Ron Halvorsen
Series Code: 13RVT
Program Code: 13RVT000020
00:05 In today's troubled world people are wondering
00:10 where we are headed?" 00:13 Revelation Today presents the answers. 00:17 Bible prophecy reveals what the future holds in store. 00:23 Revelation Today. 00:37 In 1985, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu, California 00:43 spent $7 million on a kouros. 00:47 This is a Greek statue of a young Greek male, a kouros. 00:52 Seven million dollars, and word today 00:56 is that it's a $7 dollar fake. 01:00 That's right. 01:01 Seven million dollars was something that wasn't genuine. 01:05 In the art world this sort of thing persists. 01:08 How can you really know that ancient thing 01:11 is from Babylon or Syria or wherever it might be? 01:15 May be it's phony in the archaeological world 01:20 in the art world. 01:22 Phonies and fakes and frauds are everywhere. 01:27 What about in the religious world? 01:30 Jesus said, on this rock 01:32 I will build My church down here in the end of time 01:37 how can you know whether you found 01:39 the real thing rather than just an expensive phony. 01:45 Tonight's subject is gonna help you know. 01:47 Our title is, "Revelation Remnant Church" 01:52 and the presenter for Revelation Today 01:54 tonight is Ron Halvorsen. 02:00 Well, good to see you tonight. 02:03 Let's bow our heads in the word of prayer 02:04 as we begin our subject tonight. 02:05 Gracious Father, I pray that You'll give us understanding 02:09 that You'll lead us and direct us 02:11 and as we look at the pillars of faith, 02:13 the church of Jesus Christ. 02:15 I pray God, that You will give us not only knowledge 02:18 Father, not only knowing that's not enough, 02:21 Satan knows, he believes that we pray Father, 02:24 we might act upon that belief. 02:27 And teach us thy will today in Christ name, amen and amen. 02:32 Tonight, "Revelation's Remnant Church." 02:36 I want you to notice the Bible says 02:37 "There is one body, there is one Spirit 02:40 even as ye are called in one hope of your calling, 02:44 one Lord, one faith and one baptism." 02:48 Christ's last opportunity 02:51 is to call His people out of Babylon, 02:55 to call His people out of darkness 02:57 and bring them into the marvelous light. 03:00 In the last days it'll be more and more confusion 03:03 that's what the scripture says, 03:05 there'll be more and more people turning from the light, 03:10 turning from the light as it is in Jesus Christ. 03:13 And there is a call of God, 03:15 a three angels' message call of Revelation 03:18 to call men and women out of that darkness 03:20 to walk in the light as God gives them the light. 03:25 Tonight, I want to talk about this church, 03:30 the church of Jesus Christ. 03:33 I want you to see the pillars of faith 03:36 and the true faith in stand for that. 03:40 You see the church of God is always had a true church, 03:44 from the beginning you see the church in Eden, 03:49 God in a perfection, a family that worshipped God 03:53 for the Sabbath was given to them 03:54 before the fall, before the law 03:56 was written on the tables of stone upon a mountain, 03:59 they were worshipping God and Spirit, 04:01 they were worshipping God and truth 04:03 and they are in the Garden of Eden 04:04 there was the church and Adam and Eve 04:07 then the children and they worshipped together 04:09 and they kept the Sabbath together 04:11 and then they served God together fully in their heart. 04:14 It was the church, the church before the fall 04:17 and that was God's intension, the church. 04:20 Then there was the church in a boat 04:22 floating on a treacherous sea. 04:24 And there was again a family and that was the family of God, 04:29 the whole world rejected, in Genesis 6 God said, 04:32 how I can't put up with this any longer, 04:35 I can't go on this way 04:39 and the world was destroyed with flood. 04:40 But a 120 years Noah perched to them, 04:43 a 120 years Noah unfolded the message 04:45 that God had for the world, 04:47 a 120 years and still only one family enter the Ark. 04:52 There was a church, 04:54 the church in the house of Pharaoh's palace 04:56 when one child drawn in the river called Moses 04:59 and the church was there at Pharaoh's palace. 05:01 He grew up in the palace of Pharaoh 05:03 and there he called Pharaoh to let the people of God go 05:07 and you'll remember he wanted compromise. 05:10 He said, well, why don't you just go 05:11 little ways away and yet remain here? 05:14 You see, that's the first compromise. 05:16 Well, you don't have to go really go that far. 05:18 I mean, you really don't have to take that step. 05:20 I mean, you really don't have to just not so far, 05:24 the compromise was there 05:25 and then he said, remember, he said well, you can go 05:28 but leave your funds and your money in Egypt. 05:33 Another compromise. 05:35 And then he said, finally he said, 05:36 well, you leave your children in Egypt? 05:40 You leave your children in Egypt 05:42 and the tragedy was 05:44 if they had left their children in Egypt 05:47 they would have been slaves forever. 05:49 But Moses said, no, he would not accept the compromises 05:52 and so there was the church 05:54 at the house of Pharaoh's palace 05:57 and the church that was led out into the wilderness. 06:00 The church was there in the wilderness 06:03 and there was the temple and there was the sanctuary 06:06 and there are at the foot of Mount Sinai, 06:08 there was the church of believers, the 12 tribes 06:11 and they were faithful to God 06:12 and they brought their offering in the morning 06:13 and brought the offering in the evening 06:15 and there was always a lamp on the altar burning 06:18 always the lamp from morning till night 06:20 the lamp was guiding the children of Israel 06:22 that was the church 06:23 that was the church in the wilderness 06:25 following the command of God going for their Promised Land 06:28 hoping that God would deliver them 06:29 bring them through and bring them to that place 06:32 that was the church, the church was there, 06:34 the church was there in the fiery furnace 06:37 when three Hebrew worthies 06:38 would not bow down to the great golden, 06:40 remember the great golden image he said, bow down to it. 06:43 Now they could have faked it. 06:44 They could have just knelt and prayed to Jehovah 06:47 but they would not compromise that, 06:49 they would not compromise it 06:51 and so they were thrown to the fiery furnace 06:53 and there the church was in the fire 06:56 and when the church was in the fire 06:58 Jesus came and appeared, 06:59 the fourth person like unto the Son of Man 07:01 that's Jesus, Revelation of Jesus Christ. 07:04 There was the church, I mean, the church in the fiery furnace 07:07 three Hebrew worthies, always the church 07:11 it was not the biggest, it was not the most popular 07:15 but the church clinging to the true faith 07:17 of Jesus Christ, the true faith of God. 07:20 The church at Bethlehem swaddling clothes 07:23 the church with that little baby 07:25 laid in a manger listen to me, 07:27 He came to a crib wrapped in swaddling clothes 07:30 He came to a cross wrapped in blood 07:32 and He will come in the clouds of heaven 07:34 wrapped in a cloud in glory, Jesus Christ. 07:40 And there was the church, in the eyes of that little baby 07:43 in the cry of that little baby, 07:45 He would become the Savior of the world 07:47 and it was there, that was the church 07:49 the church was there at Bethlehem swaddling clothes 07:52 and Calvary shameful nakedness, 07:54 always the church, the church was there. 07:56 And that's why Ephesians says, "Husbands, love your wives, 08:00 even as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it." 08:04 The church was in the upper room. 08:06 The church was in the missionary journeys, 08:08 always the church, 08:09 through the seven churches of Revelation in Asia Minor. 08:12 The missionaries went forth, 08:13 they went forth to every nation, 08:15 kindred, tongue, and people. 08:17 God is at the church in the Dark Ages. 08:19 Huss and Jerome and Lutheran and Wycliffe 08:21 and those who are faithful, 08:23 those wonderful catholic monks and priests 08:26 that would not bow down to the hierarchy 08:29 that was teaching era and went to the Word of God 08:31 and printed the Word of God and shared the Word of God 08:35 with the multitudes, that was the church. 08:37 The church was there in the Dark Ages. 08:40 The church always, for the purpose 08:43 of leading men and women to God. 08:46 Christ loved the church and it was hated by the world. 08:53 He was persecuted at times, He was imprisoned at times, 08:57 they worshipped God in prison and in captive. 09:01 That one of the great moments 09:02 I spent in my life, I went to Rome 09:05 and I went to where Paul was imprisoned in Rome 09:08 and I remember my wife and I, 09:09 we-- they have stairs there now, 09:11 where they didn't have, they had a hole in the roof 09:14 and they would cast the prisoner down in there 09:17 and they would lower him in a rope 09:19 and they would chain him to the wall 09:22 and then they would pull themselves up out with the rope 09:24 and there was no way out. 09:26 And it was Paul there and I stood in that place 09:30 I was-- my wife and I, we are alone there, 09:33 the tourists had kind of gone out 09:35 and we were there alone and I prayed for the faith 09:38 of that man's soul, that man, Paul. 09:40 And I prayed, God, help me to be faithful like this man. 09:43 There was a church in prison. And Paul was faithful to God. 09:49 I'm amazed that how many excuses we have 09:51 and we're not imprisoned for this faith, 09:54 we're not thrown in jail for this faith, 09:56 we're not burned at the stake for this faith, 09:58 it's harder to live for Christ 10:00 than it is to die for Christ, perhaps. 10:03 There was the church, always the faithful, 10:06 always there is a calling. 10:08 If God had been particular in past history 10:10 surely He will be today. 10:11 Let me share an eternal principle with you. 10:14 That God calls out His people in His name, "Called-Out Ones," 10:20 that's what the Bible says, they are, ''Called-Out Ones." 10:23 Everywhere, everywhere is the church. 10:25 Listen to me, Acts Chapter 15, 10:28 Recorded the first church council. 10:30 Acts 15:2, 4, these ''Called-Out Ones," 10:34 But you see you don't go to the church to find the truth. 10:38 You go to the truth to find the church. 10:43 That's the principle. Amen. 10:45 You go to the truth to find the church 10:49 not the church to find the truth. 10:52 That's principle. 10:54 You see, the New Testament is church, I mean, 10:56 one woman came to me and she said 10:58 I don't believe in organized church. 10:59 Well, you read the Book of Acts, 11:01 see how organized they were. 11:02 They had the church leader, 11:03 the church president by the way, 11:04 it wasn't St. Peter as some of told you, 11:07 it was James read it in the Book of Acts, 11:10 that's Acts 15:30. 11:12 There was a church, Acts 15:23, 24, 11:14 authority to send out missionaries. 11:17 You see, when you become a Christian 11:19 when you are born of the water or when you are baptized 11:22 some of you are being baptized this coming weekend 11:24 this is your greatest moment of testimony, 11:26 you're gonna be able to testify the God 11:28 and testify to the whole world 11:30 you are standing for the truth for the heaven's fall. 11:34 You're going to be faithful to God 11:36 that's what the testimony is, 11:38 and so your baptism is that testimony 11:40 and that's the way it was with the church. 11:42 The church was organized sent out missionaries, 11:45 "go ye into all the world." 11:46 When you're baptized you become a disciple of Christ, 11:49 you'll become a ministry in the full of sense 11:51 because you are to minister to others, the Word of God. 11:54 I want you to get deep into the Word of God. 11:56 I want to come to you as your friend, 11:59 as your pastor in a way. 12:03 Not only read the Word but share the Word. 12:08 Share the Word, 12:09 apply the Word for those who come in contact with 12:12 and be a disciple of Jesus Christ. 12:14 Notice, Acts 14:23, the church had local elders. 12:18 1 Corinthians 18:15-17 12:21 the church received tithes and offerings. 12:24 Now you go on, Matthew 18 12:26 it solved problems in the church 12:28 and every church through history has problems. 12:31 Woman said to me, 12:33 I won't join a church until find the perfect church. 12:35 I said, don't join it because when you do 12:37 it won't be perfect any longer. 12:42 What makes you think you're gonna find the perfect one? 12:46 The moment you are in it, 12:48 I'm in it it's not perfect any longer. 12:52 The only thing that makes the church perfect is Christ 12:57 who is the church on this rock not on the pebble, 13:02 Peter, Petros, pebble rolling stone, 13:04 but upon the rock Christ Jesus the church is built. 13:08 Peter can't build a church, Christ builds the church. 13:13 And it's on that rock that He builds His church. 13:16 And so we find it everywhere, 13:19 the churches solves problems and it was everywhere, 13:22 the seven churches around Asia Minor 13:25 and they would go, 13:26 the missionaries would go to the churches 13:27 and then the churches would spun on churches 13:29 and they would grow up churches and by the way 13:32 they didn't spun on another church 13:33 because they didn't agree with 13:35 what was happening in the church. 13:37 A lot of people said, 13:38 well, I think I like to start a church 13:40 it's not a missionary church if you start it 13:43 because you're having a problem with those in the church, 13:45 that's not a missionary church and you are not a missionary. 13:49 They were missionaries, they started the church 13:52 because the area was dark it needed the light 13:55 and so they planted the light 13:56 and the light shone in the hearts of the people. 13:58 And they planted churches all over Asia Minor. 14:01 Soon the gospel was spreading with such power, 14:04 the gospel was spreading in such a way 14:06 that the whole world, 14:07 two-thirds of the world's population 14:09 came to know Christ in a Roman world. 14:14 Some pastor's come to me and say, brother, 14:15 there was very difficulties were in a post-modern, 14:18 Post-Christian era. 14:21 Well, they were in a Pre-Christian era. 14:24 At least the Post-Christian era knows something about Christ 14:29 the Pre-Christian era knew nothing about Christ 14:32 until they were confronted by Christ 14:34 through the disciples of Jesus. 14:37 And so there was the church always, 14:38 people say there is no church, 14:39 there is God always he had a church. 14:42 God is the same yesterday, God is the same today, 14:46 and God is the same for how long? 14:48 Forever, friend. 14:49 By the way, it's a fact you can't change it. 14:54 The Bible is the way back to God. 14:57 The Bible is the foundation for the building of the church 15:01 and Christ is the candle that will glows 15:04 and is lit by the glory of His Father. 15:08 And so the call is to men and women everywhere 15:10 to come out of Babylon, come to His church. 15:13 This is the call of God in the last days. 15:15 Don't you think if He did the first century 15:17 He would the last? 15:19 Don't you think if He had His church 15:20 then He will have His church now? 15:22 And don't you think it'll be based 15:23 on the same principles of the first century, 15:26 the same doctrine of the first century, 15:28 the same doctrine of the Bible of first century? 15:31 Don't you think it would be carried on 15:33 to the last generation? 15:35 Of course. 15:36 Notice, "And after these things 15:38 I saw another angel come down from heaven, 15:40 having great power 15:42 and the earth was lightened with His glory. 15:43 And He cried mightily and with a strong voice, 15:45 saying, Babylon the great has fallen, is fallen, 15:48 and become the habitations of devils, 15:50 and the hold of every foul spirit," 15:52 I mean, this is the church, 15:53 it's Babylon now, it's full of the devils, 15:55 it's full of every foul spirit " 15:58 and a cage of every unclean, hateful birds. 16:00 All nations have drunk of the wine of her fornication, 16:03 and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, 16:06 and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich 16:08 through the abundance of her delicacies." 16:10 Listen, Jesus had no robe 16:12 but one robe wet in His own blood 16:15 and here we see the church with golden phylacteries 16:18 and golden crowns and golden rings 16:22 to be kissed by the believers. 16:29 Jesus was humble, humility, 16:34 He was the son of God. 16:38 "Be not partakers of her sin, 16:40 and that ye receive not of her plagues." 16:43 That's Revelation 18. 16:45 Listen, "And I saw another angel fly 16:47 in the midst of heaven," here comes the angels, 16:49 "the everlasting gospel," by the way, 16:51 that's good news that salvation is good news. 16:53 Notice, he says, "To preach unto them 16:56 that dwell on the earth, to every nation, 16:57 kindred, tongue, and people," and notice saying, 17:01 he says, "saying with a loud voice, Fear God," 17:03 that's awesome respect for God, "Give glory to Him, 17:06 for the hour of His judgment is come, 17:08 worship Him that made heaven and earth, 17:10 that Sabbath, worship Him, 17:11 and the sea and the fountains of waters." 17:14 My principle, "You do not go to church to find the truth, 17:17 you go to the Bible to find the truth. 17:19 And when you find the truth, 17:20 you look for church that teaches that truth." 17:22 That's the way you do it 17:24 following the foot steps of Jesus Christ. 17:29 2 Timothy, 2 Timothy tells us, 17:33 "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, 17:36 which are wise to make the wise unto salvation 17:38 through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 17:42 First of all, you got to find a Bible believing church. 17:44 Everybody keeps a Bible in the church, 17:46 I mean the Bible believe in church, 17:48 I mean, the Bible believe in church, that doesn't say, 17:50 well, this part of Bible is inspired, 17:52 this part really is important, 17:54 that this commandment is important 17:55 but that commandment isn't important. 17:57 I mean, not judging the Bible but letting the Bible judge us. 18:02 And so you're gonna search for the first pillar 18:04 which is the Bible is the inspired Word of God. 18:07 "All scriptures given by inspiration of God, 18:09 it's profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction, 18:11 instruction in righteousness." 18:13 By the way, some of you here have been corrected. 18:17 Come on, now. 18:19 Some of you have been reproved 18:22 but now it's time to take that step 18:24 and let God instruct you. 18:27 And let God instruct you in righteousness. 18:29 And that's the work of God, 18:31 signification of whole work of the lifetime. 18:34 But we find here all scripture is given, 18:37 it should be biblically centered. 18:39 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet," and it is what? 18:42 "It is light unto my path." 18:43 I went to the scriptures and found this saying. 18:46 This is the Word of God, listen. 18:48 "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, 18:51 but holy men of God spake as they" what? 18:53 "Moved by the Holy Ghost." 18:55 This book the Bible is the infallible Word of God. 18:59 Did you hear me? 19:00 It is the infallible Word of God 19:03 and stays fast forever and ever. 19:06 I mean if they stray from this book, there is no light in it. 19:11 I don't care how nice he is my pastor is so nice, 19:15 of course he is nice he should be. 19:19 I'm nice too 19:23 but that doesn't make me infallible. 19:29 Jesus is not only nice, He is infallible. 19:30 The word isn't only nice it's infallible 19:33 and the Remnant Church will have that great pillar of faith 19:36 in first of all the Bible has the Word of God 19:40 and that's a wonderful thing, 19:41 but it's also it would have a worldwide mission. 19:44 The church, the truth Church of Revelation 19:47 will have a worldwide mission. 19:49 Not just some little mission that you hold one big church 19:52 they are super church that has a mission out there in Kenya 19:55 but no where else. 19:56 This church will have a worldwide mission 19:58 to every nation, kindred, tongue, people. 20:01 It will be a people of all nationalities. 20:03 It will be a people of all colors. 20:05 It will be a-- you see, 20:06 God when He planted a beautiful garden 20:08 He put many different colors into that garden. 20:11 I hate just one color in the garden. 20:13 Amen. Amen. 20:17 And the church, the church will be 20:22 people of all nations, kindred, tongue 20:25 and be the Church of Jesus through the ages. 20:28 All right, it's a Bible base church, 20:30 it's a missionary church going into the world 20:33 but it thirdly it's a gospel church. 20:36 It preaches the gospel. 20:37 It teaches you Revelation 14 20:39 "I saw another angle fly in the midst of heaven, 20:41 having the everlasting gospel." 20:42 Within these three or four verses 20:44 you have the whole truth of God for the latter day. 20:49 "An angel flies in the midst of heaven 20:50 having the everlasting gospel to preacher unto them 20:52 that dwell the earth, and to every nation, 20:54 kindred, tongue and people." 20:55 There it is a missionary church preaching the gospel. 20:58 What is the gospel? The gospel is the good news. 21:00 By the way if you're sourpuss and all you are-- 21:03 listen, you are not preaching the good news. 21:06 You need to apply the good news to your life. 21:08 Good news makes a person happy. 21:10 The gospel makes me happy. 21:14 And by the way I'm not for morning till night worrying 21:17 if I am doing enough to get to the heaven. 21:19 I know secure that Jesus Christ 21:21 has done enough to get me to heaven 21:24 and I'm just enjoying the ride, enjoying the ride. 21:28 Some people so up tight whether they're doing 21:31 what they should be doing. 21:33 Do what God leads you to do, 21:35 when you fail let God help you learn to do it. 21:38 But don't you ever, don't you ever think 21:41 that you're going to go to heaven 21:43 based up on what you are doing? 21:44 It's what been done for you 21:46 and that Church will preach grace. 21:48 Grace is the unmerited favor of God. 21:50 It's that which is bestowed up on you, you don't deserve it. 21:54 There's nothing you've done, 21:55 nothing you could do to deserve salvation. 21:58 It is a free gift. Amen. 22:01 And by the way if you try to pay for it 22:03 you don't know the gospel. 22:05 If you invited me to your house for dinner 22:08 and I came to eat. 22:10 And we had a wonderful time together we ate together 22:14 and after I got done eating, we sat there 22:17 and we had a good time visiting. 22:18 I can't wait to be get to the heaven. 22:20 So many you people I just known by face 22:22 I can't wait to know you personally, 22:23 I can't wait to sit down and spend good time, 22:26 quality time with you, amen. 22:28 We have an appointment in heaven, all right, 22:30 so I can spend quality time with them. 22:32 But if I were eat at your house and when we got done 22:35 I stood up and I reach for my billfold 22:37 and I said, how much do I owe you? 22:41 You would be insulted, wouldn't you? 22:44 Then why do you think that you can pay God for a meal 22:47 He is already given you. 22:54 And so, the true church will preach the gospel. 22:57 The good news that we're justified by faith in Christ 23:00 just as if we've never sinned, we are sanctified by faith. 23:05 Listen to me, we are made holy by faith. 23:08 We are glorified by faith. 23:10 Lift it up to heaven by faith for it's by faith 23:14 that we have sight, we have sight. 23:17 And so the church will teach 23:18 righteousness by faith in Christ 23:20 then we're gonna by faith in Him 23:22 we're going to go to heaven. 23:23 I have faith in Him, listen to me. 23:26 The Bible says, "Believe on Lord Jesus Christ, 23:28 and thou shalt be saved." 23:30 The Bible says, "Call in the name of Jesus, 23:33 call in the name of Jesus and you will be saved." 23:36 I like that name Jesus. I like the name of Christ. 23:39 I went to the alphabet to try to find His name 23:41 you know, He was every where Jesus. 23:42 He is the Alpha and the Adam and the advocate 23:45 and He is the anointed and the author of faith, 23:47 Amen of salvation and ancient of days. 23:50 I went to the alphabet to find His name 23:52 and He is the beginning, begotten 23:53 and the beloved and the branch 23:54 and the bridegroom and the brighter morning star. 23:57 I went to the alphabet to find 23:59 His name Jesus He is every where. 24:01 He is the Creator, the counselor, the comforter. 24:05 He is the child, He is the Christ. 24:08 I went to the alphabet to find His name 24:10 because Jesus Christ is every where. 24:12 He is the deliverer, the day star, the door, 24:14 the desired nations, divine Son of God. 24:18 I went to the-- Come on, say amen in His place. 24:21 Amen. Amen. 24:24 I went to the alphabet to find His name He is every where, 24:27 He is the eternal one and the Emanuel, 24:29 He is the eternal one, Emanuel of the elect, 24:32 the eternal, the everlasting one. 24:33 He is the faithful and the father 24:35 and the friend and the faithful witness. 24:38 I went to the alphabet to find the name Jesus 24:40 He is everywhere, He is the good Shepherd, 24:42 and the governor, and the guide, 24:44 and glorious Lord. 24:48 I went to the alphabet to find His name He is everywhere, 24:52 He is everywhere, He is the husband, 24:54 and the help, and the holy one 24:57 and the honest salvation, He is edible things 25:00 and He is the high heavenly priest. 25:03 I went to the alphabet to find His name Jesus 25:05 He is every where, Christ. 25:08 He is the immortal one, 25:11 the invincible one, the invincible one. 25:15 I mean, He is the judge, and the just, 25:16 and the Jesus and the Jehovah. 25:18 He is King of glory and King of Israel 25:20 and King of kings. 25:22 I went to the alphabet to find His name Jesus 25:25 He is the light, and the life, and the Lion, 25:27 and the Lamb, and the law giver. 25:29 He is the mediator, the master, and the mighty God. 25:33 I went to the alphabet to find the name 25:35 He is every where, Jesus. 25:37 He is the only begotten, 25:40 He is the offering and the offerer, 25:43 He is the Passover, and the potentate, 25:45 and the profit, and the propitiation. 25:47 He is-- I could go on. 25:49 He is the priest, and the physician. 25:51 He is to all people all things, Jesus 25:55 and He is the centre of the church. 25:58 He is a Rabbi, and the ransom, and the rest, 26:03 and the root of Jesse, and the Rose of Sharon, 26:07 and the resurrection in the life, 26:09 and the ruler redeemer and He is rock of ages. 26:13 I went to the alphabet to find His name He is every where, 26:15 Jesus listen to me, He is every where Jesus 26:18 He is the stone, and the shepherd, 26:20 and the Son of God, and He is the Savior, 26:22 He is truth and tabernacle, and testator, 26:25 He is the witness in the Word of God. 26:27 And He is the wisdom of God, and He is wonderful. 26:30 He is Yahweh forever. 26:36 Yahweh forever. And we serve Jesus. 26:42 That's why we come out of Babylon. 26:44 That's why we walk away to come to God's truth. 26:47 Not because of building, we come 26:50 because He is our foundation. 26:52 He is our tabernacle and we tabernacle with Him. 26:58 I could go on, but I don't have time. 27:01 They put a clock on me. 27:04 When I get to heaven I'm gonna preach 27:05 there will be no clock on me. 27:13 I want the Church that teaches the gospel in its fullness. 27:16 Not a cheap grace. 27:18 We're not antinomian never can do enough. 27:23 When we understand the good news, 27:24 we want to repent and confess and give God glory and obey. 27:28 That leads us to re-birth. 27:31 The great-- Christ true church is rebirth. 27:34 The remnant church, the true church 27:36 we born of the water and born of the spirit. 27:39 Rebirth comes about through baptism. 27:42 You cannot go to the Kingdom of God 27:43 unless you go through the water, why? 27:45 Because that's rebirth into the Kingdom of God 27:48 there is no other way into the Kingdom of God. 27:50 You can't just stand up in fellowship 27:52 and say I believe. 27:53 No, you got to follow Jesus with your belief, 27:56 go down into water, be buried with Jesus come up 27:59 resurrected into new life, turn into new direction 28:02 and head in that direction to the glory of Christ. 28:06 Ye must be born again, He told Nicodemus that. 28:09 Nicodemus try to philosophy. 28:11 Well, how could a man be born when he is old? 28:16 Some of the old people need to be born again 28:19 and some of you young people need to be born again 28:23 and some of you children need to be born again 28:25 and your parents can't be born again for you. 28:28 They've got to be born again to see the Kingdom of God. 28:33 The gift that God gives is eternal life 28:35 and that gift is a free gift of God never forget it. 28:40 You'll have people come out you in the church 28:42 and they'll have all kinds of rules. 28:45 You know they'll have a list. 28:46 The Lord gave Ten Commandments by the time 28:48 the Jewish came to the New Testament 28:50 they had 250 commandments 28:53 and they where no better than when they had ten. 28:57 So, let God write His Ten Commandments on your heart. 29:00 You know, the church is gonna be a Trinitarian Church. 29:04 Plurality of God, let us make man 29:06 in our image after our likeness 29:09 and the Lord said unto His Lord sitting on the right hand 29:11 you can't sit on your own right hand 29:15 unless that's another person. 29:17 And there was a father, this is my beloved son 29:19 and whom I'm well-- I mean, it's all there 29:21 in the scripture everywhere you turn 29:24 justified through faith. 29:25 Sanctified made holy by faith. 29:27 Glorified by faith. 29:29 Do you need anymore proof? 29:30 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 29:33 the evidence of things not seen." 29:35 That is faith, belief. 29:38 Quit trying to figure it out, 29:41 just simply open your heart to belief. 29:45 Sometimes I wonder if, it wouldn't be better 29:48 for we would just our young people, 29:50 young children again or young teenager again. 29:53 We get so educated, 29:54 we educate ourselves away from the simple things of God. 29:58 We get so educated we know everything we know nothing. 30:02 We have to simply turn our heart to Jesus. 30:04 I've met some of the greatest Christians in the world 30:06 who couldn't read and write. 30:09 By the way if we're just reading and writing 30:10 God will only save the educated. 30:13 If I find it's very hard to get the educated save 30:16 because they know so much. 30:19 They know too much or at least they think they do. 30:23 When I heard the pillars of faith 30:24 I followed Jesus and I believe the church, 30:28 church that teaches these things 30:31 the Remnant Church of God. 30:32 I became the follower 30:33 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church 30:35 not because I grew up in it, not because I knew about it. 30:37 I didn't know anything about it. 30:39 But I was studying my Bible I came to some conclusion 30:41 that I found the truth and let me tell you 30:43 it's been settled in my heart since 30:45 and I stood up and walk with God. 30:47 I had a tradition that goes back 30:48 thousands of years to Lutheran's Church. 30:51 Norwegian's are naturally born Lutheran. 30:56 But now I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian 30:58 because the Bible teaches and I want to follow 31:00 what the Bible teaches and we see the Bible teaches 31:03 the inspiration the pillars of Christian faith. 31:06 "Know ye not, that as many of us 31:07 were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death? 31:10 Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death." 31:13 You see, this is the message of God baptizo, 31:16 to immerse, to bury, to put down under. 31:18 You see it's says "Jacob begat Joseph 31:21 the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, called Christ. 31:23 So, all generations from Abraham to David 31:25 was fourteen generations 31:27 and David until the carrying away into Babylon." 31:29 It tells us that birth of Jesus it's prophesied. 31:32 We have Jesus as the centre of our Church. 31:35 And when Jesus was baptized 31:37 there was the dove the Holy Spirit, 31:38 there was the Father this is my beloved Son. 31:40 And so, I look for the church 31:42 that teaches and preaches the trinity. 31:44 I want a church that has Father, 31:47 the word Jesus and the Holy Spirit 31:48 and these three are one. 31:50 I believe that Jesus Christ is the creator of man. 31:54 I believe it was Jesus Christ who created the world. 31:57 I want to find a church that teaches that. 31:59 I want to find a church in the world, 32:01 the whole world that teaches 32:03 those doctrines those great truths 32:05 and of the pillars of their faith 32:06 and I found it, I went in search of it. 32:09 "And the worship Him that made heaven and earth, and the sea, 32:12 and the fountains of water," Revelation 14:7. 32:14 Listen to me that was a promise of God 32:17 there in Revelation and He teaches us in John. 32:20 "In the beginning was the Word, 32:21 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 32:22 That's Jesus. 32:23 "The same was in the beginning with God. 32:25 All things were made by Him, 32:26 without Him was not anything made." 32:30 Jesus is your Creator and your re-Creator. 32:35 He made you and He bought you. 32:36 Amen. Amen, amen. 32:40 I mean, I'm happy tonight, to know that I have a Savior 32:44 who made me, and who bought me. 32:49 Wow, Colossians tells us in 1:16 "For by Him," who Jesus 32:54 "All things were created, that are in heaven, 32:56 that are" I want to find the Church that teaches 32:58 Jesus is not only my Savior but Jesus is my Creator. 33:02 And all things were created by Him "visible and invincible, 33:05 whether there would be thrones, or dominions, or principalities 33:07 or powers, all things were created by Him" and what? 33:10 "For Him." 33:11 You've been created for Jesus Christ, 33:14 there is nothing else you can do. 33:16 You've been created for Jesus Christ. 33:20 The dragon was angry with the woman. 33:22 He hates us. 33:23 The woman the church, the pure woman. 33:25 By the way, listen to me, you look at both women 33:27 in Revelation one is all dressed up 33:30 and jeweled up and feeling pretty proud 33:34 and then comes the humble church 33:37 with the righteous robe of Jesus Christ 33:39 and to them that makes them beautiful. 33:44 Come on now, that's a Church of Revelation. 33:48 He "went to make war with the remnant of her seed, 33:49 what that keep to commandments of God." 33:51 I looked for the Church that believe 33:52 that the Commandments of God is binding on the believer 33:56 that we do not keep the commandments to get saved 33:58 we keep the commandments because we've been saved. 34:00 I was a thief before I knew Jesus 34:02 He saved me, I'm no longer a thief. 34:05 You can leave your door open in my neighborhood 34:07 and I wouldn't come in. 34:11 Every believer should be that honest. 34:15 And what was it that mean-- 34:16 was it my honesty that brought me? 34:18 No, I came wretched and God saved me. 34:24 That the Lord of God is binding. 34:25 Don't you believe those people 34:26 that try to do away with the law of God? 34:29 Don't you believe when they say well the Lord is legalism? 34:32 The Lord is not legalism. 34:33 The Lord isn't expression of my love for God. 34:35 My love for my wife is written up on my heart 34:39 therefore, I obey her. 34:47 Now she still needs a lot of grace 34:49 but I will obey her. 34:54 I obey her. 34:55 Listen to Word of God, 34:56 the Ten Commandments were written, 34:58 listen, by the finger of God. 35:00 I mean, there is nothing been better, 35:02 they have not improved up on the Ten Commandments. 35:06 This nation with all of its laws 35:08 and all of its-- hasn't improve on the Ten Commandments. 35:12 In fact, they are afraid to look 35:14 at the Ten Commandments because it will reveal 35:17 how terrible and rotten they are 35:19 because they turned away from God. 35:23 We uphold the law. 35:25 We're not saved by the law but we uphold the law. 35:28 And because we've been saved the law is written on my heart. 35:31 I want to be an honest man, I want to be a pure man. 35:35 I want to be a son that, so beat into his parents 35:38 but I want my parents to be obedient to God. 35:41 And by the way, don't you dare tell your children 35:44 honor your father and mother 35:45 until you are honorable because Paul told you that. 35:49 "If you keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love, 35:52 even as I kept my Father's commandment and" what? 35:54 "Abide in his love." 35:56 I could go on and on, I mean I've got ten-- "Think not 35:59 that I have come to destroy the law or prophets, 36:00 I am not come to destroy, but" what? 36:01 "To fulfill." Do you need more proof? 36:04 If the commandments are binding 36:05 and the Sabbath commandments is binding 36:07 and why would he say remember if you can do whatever you want 36:10 and you don't have to remember? 36:12 Why would He save you remember? 36:14 What God says remember, you better remember. 36:21 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 36:24 By the way, one of the most beautiful experiences 36:25 in the world is keeping the Sabbath. 36:28 It's not legalism, it's not treachery. 36:30 By the way, it's most beautiful thing 36:32 it can happen to a person. 36:34 When I first discovered the Sabbath 36:35 and I came into that Sabbath we run six days, 36:38 we run seven days a week we're wore out. 36:40 I mean, we run all week long working 36:42 then we come to weekend and we try with leisure 36:44 we tried to run, run, run all weekend 36:47 and the clock runs down and runs down 36:49 and we wonder why we have heart attacks 36:50 we wonder why we have nervous breakdowns we wonder-- 36:52 because we haven't followed the rule of God. 36:54 God said there's one day that you keep apart for Me. 36:57 Lay down, rest up. 36:58 He said worship with Me on the Sabbath 37:01 and I wanted to find a church that kept the Sabbath. 37:05 I wanted to find a church that was obedient to God. 37:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day," 37:11 by the way, the Lord's day is not Sunday. 37:14 The Sabbath is the seventh day. 37:16 It was the seventh day in the time of Jesus. 37:18 It was the seventh day in the time of Abraham. 37:20 It was the seventh day in the time of Adam and Eve. 37:22 The days have not changed. 37:24 You can change your calendar 37:25 but you cannot change the cycle of seven. 37:27 Amen. Amen. 37:30 Well, don't use that excuse. 37:32 Why don't you just say you don't want to do it? 37:36 All right, fine. But don't say God changed it. 37:42 I also was looking for a church with a Threefold Judgment. 37:44 I've gone over this stuff with you night after night. 37:46 You know threefold, that is the investigative judgment. 37:49 When Jesus Christ comes the second time, 37:51 the Bible says He will know the weak and tares. 37:54 He will know who the sheep are, 37:56 come on, He knows who the goats are, right. 37:58 He separates sheep and goats, when? 37:59 At His coming. 38:00 So there must have been a prejudgment. 38:03 And by the way, that's when the angels judge. 38:05 Then in millennial judgment, the second judgment, 38:08 the millennial judgment, you sit and judge me. 38:12 So if I don't get to heaven that's not gonna happen 38:15 but what do you say and you say, Ron Halvorsen, 38:18 why that nice fellow and then you look the books are open 38:22 and you sit and judge me and see the justice of God. 38:25 You see the whole question is the Justice of God. 38:28 Is God really just, and that that is millennium judgment. 38:32 We won't get into the 2,300 days 38:34 we were ready talked about it night after night. 38:37 "Once to die, but after this the judgment." 38:40 I mean Hebrews 9:27. 38:42 We have the state of death 38:43 but there is no such thing as immortal soul 38:45 not until Jesus Christ comes back 38:47 and gives you an immortal soul. 38:48 You see this corruptible shall put on in corruption. 38:51 When? At the coming of Christ. 38:52 The mortal shall put on immorality. 38:54 When? At the coming of Christ. 38:56 Listen to me, God's way has always been best. 38:58 He lays you to rest there's no passage of time in the grave. 39:01 The next thing you know, it could be a thousand years, 39:03 the next moment you open your eyes 39:05 Jesus is here, not only that 39:06 but your family is here with you 39:08 and you rise to heaven and go to heaven together. 39:10 Amen, that's the plan of God for your life. 39:14 And so I search for the Church 39:15 I could hardly find it and then I found 39:17 the Seventh-day Adventist Church 39:19 and there it was one of its great pillars. 39:21 The sleep, soul sleep until the resurrection 39:25 and I love that because I know that-- 39:29 I want to be Brooklyn when He comes. 39:31 Well, if not, I'm gonna fly over there 39:34 and rise up together with my mom 39:36 and my dad and my grandma's. 39:39 Listen to me, what a great day that will be. 39:42 And if time last and I go to rest in Jesus Christ, 39:46 listen to me, I'll be caught up together. 39:50 I have brothers and I have a sister 39:53 will be caught up together. 39:55 Nothing can shake my faith. Nothing can turn me around. 40:02 You can't beat me away from Christ 40:05 because He is the way the truth and the life. 40:08 Sleep of death, that's the Bible. 40:10 There is life, there is death, there is resurrection. 40:13 By the way, Uncle John don't fled off when he dies. 40:17 What it would be like if Uncle John looked down 40:19 upon this world and saw would you would-- 40:21 what was your mother looking down upon you 40:23 and some of you are suffering terrible things lot, 40:26 some way your are going through the worst time 40:28 in your life and that's heaven. 40:32 Jesus way has always been better. 40:34 He lays you to rest then comes 40:36 to the great glorious day of the coming Christ 40:38 He lifts you up and He takes to the kingdom of heaven 40:41 life, death, resurrection. 40:43 I look for a church 40:44 that normally taught spiritual fact 40:45 but also taught healthy living. 40:46 Why? 40:47 Because I discovered reading the Bible 40:49 that my body is temple of the Holy Ghost. 40:52 Now there was a time 40:53 when I taught this 20, 30 years ago 40:55 people would say, oh, that don't sound right. 40:58 I mean, you know, what goes in the body 41:01 doesn't defile the man but-- 41:03 listen to me, pork chops no good for Jew 41:08 is no good for a Norwegian. 41:12 Doesn't take a rocket scientist. 41:16 Cholesterol for a Jew's heart is no good 41:21 and is no good for Norwegian heart. 41:22 That's logic, isn't it? 41:24 And so God told this what we could eat 41:25 and what we couldn't eat. 41:27 And by the way, in our class we teach that. 41:29 We try to teach you clean, unclean foods. 41:31 I hope that later on as you go 41:32 they're gonna have beautiful cooking schools in the church 41:36 and you go and learn and continuously grow in grace. 41:39 But know we're not talking about heaven and hell 41:42 we're taking about how to live good on earth. 41:46 In fact, they've even done 41:47 a survey among Seventh-day Adventist 41:48 and they discovered that they live seven years longer 41:53 than people of other faith. 41:55 Do you hear that? 41:56 So now you not only joining in the church 41:57 you're joining seven years longer. 42:00 Come on now, but I want to talk to those 42:04 who I want to live seven years longer 42:06 and still be miserable. 42:09 It isn't worthy. 42:12 If you are miserable and trying to live seven years longer 42:15 get on your knees, prayer to God, 42:16 let Him soften you up sweet you up 42:18 and then you will be best of both ways, okay. 42:21 Our body is the temple of Holy Ghost. 42:23 And by the way, we don't have to build 42:24 a temple in Jerusalem we are the temple. 42:27 So send in people over there to build the temple. 42:30 Listen, we don't have to build the temple 42:32 Jesus has built the temple. 42:34 He came to me, wrecked me down so He could rebuild me 42:38 and I've spent many wonderful years with God 42:41 76 years, I'm still preaching the Word of God. 42:44 Come on, that's because of this message 42:47 that God has given to him to the church 42:49 to the church of Jesus Christ. 42:51 "What? 42:52 Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost 42:53 which is in you, which ye have of God, 42:55 and ye are not your own?" 42:58 You're bought with a price. 43:00 So, glorify God in your body and thank God 43:04 He caught you smoking tobacco, alcohol. 43:06 I don't have to talk to you about that, 43:08 science has proven it 30 years ago 43:10 when I talked about it well, they would tied about it 43:13 but you shouldn't be up tied about it 43:15 you know, what it's doing to your body. 43:19 Well, God bless you, you come we will anoint you 43:22 and we will ask God to take it from you 43:24 and set you free and clean your body up. 43:26 I look for a church that taught 43:28 that body is a temple of the Holy Ghost. 43:30 I found it the Seventh-day Adventist Christian Church. 43:33 I found it there. 43:34 I searched all the others, I followed that formula 43:39 I followed that formula where God was teaching 43:43 that my body was a temple of the Holy Ghost. 43:46 "For ye bought with a price 43:47 glorify God in your body, and in you spirit. 43:50 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God" what? 43:54 That's how important it is for your body cleaned up. 43:57 You here me? 43:58 That's how important it is and you have no reason 44:00 why not God can do it, 44:01 He is able you just got to be submissive, 44:05 submit to His Spirit and God is able. 44:07 And remember the Garden of Eden 44:09 and you're gonna have good classes for you 44:12 I hope you get in those classes cleaned, unclean food. 44:15 Read Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 44:18 tells you exactly what you can eat, 44:19 what you can't eat. 44:21 So well, that's the Jew no other Jew-- 44:22 Jew has a heart and you have a heart. 44:25 High cholesterol in Jewish heart 44:27 does the same thing it does to a Norwegian heart. 44:30 So that's what God is trying to teach us the principal, 44:33 live by the principal scriptures, okay. 44:36 And by the way people throw things at you 44:38 don't you let God leads you, 44:42 you takes one step at a time and don't worry about them 44:45 who have been 50 years trying to get to heaven. 44:49 And just follow and God will lead you 44:51 and God will help you to know what's good for your body. 44:54 I could go on there are so many things 44:56 but the Bible is the center. 44:57 I can't keep saying that the Bible is the center. 45:00 We come to church go there on the Sabbath listen to me, 45:03 don't be a tourist, go every Sabbath, 45:06 go there and worship God and I have to feel the spirit 45:11 and then it makes the whole day beautiful. 45:13 I look, I mean I go to the little tiny church, 45:16 Seventh-day Adventist Church out there in Florida. 45:18 I mean it's hundred's some of members 45:21 and I hear, I hear some preaching lay people 45:24 and I mean, I have to sit through some of those sermons 45:28 but let me tell you I always learn, I am open, 45:31 I am always open to the Spirit of God 45:33 and I get a blessing, right, amen. 45:35 I get the blessing. 45:36 So don't say oh, I know that 45:37 and they can't teach me anything. 45:39 You can learn if you open your heart 45:41 to the Holy Spirit, all right? 45:42 So don't you be looking for the big preacher 45:45 and the big this and the big that, 45:47 listen to the humble spirit and you will be humble 45:49 and the humble spirit will prove in the end will be true. 45:53 Okay, some people say what about 45:54 the Seventh-day Adventist Church, little church, 45:56 well, I am gonna tell you something 45:57 about the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 45:59 Here's statistics 2010, Churches 2011, 71,048 churches 46:06 we have in the world. 46:07 65, 553 companies or little churches 46:11 that are growing into big churches 46:13 that's the companies. 46:15 Church membership is 17,214,683. 46:19 The fastest growing church in America, 46:22 the fastest growing church in the world 46:24 is the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 46:25 Did you know that? No. 46:28 They said oh, that's a little cult, 46:30 that's a little cult. 46:32 What's a cult? 46:33 We serve Jesus Christ, is that a cult? 46:36 We follow the commands of God's, is that a cult? 46:40 This is the church, the church of Jesus 46:42 and you Adventist be both proud of it. 46:45 Not too proud because you heard 46:48 what pride did to anyway-- Here it is listen to Baptisms, 46:54 One year total accessions 1,050,783. 46:58 Baptisms, 1,023,800. 47:02 Professions of Faith, 26,903 47:05 if you've been baptized by immersion 47:06 it take you about Professional of Faith. 47:08 Ordained Ministries, 17,000. 47:10 Seventh-day Adventist Church educational program, 47:13 we are second largest Christian 47:14 educational system in the world. 47:16 Amen. 47:18 Seven thousand eight hundred and six 47:20 over two million are enrolled in our schools. 47:23 We have two of the most beautiful schools 47:25 right here in Charlotte, North Carolina. 47:28 Mulberry School we spent time there 47:30 I love those little kids, they love me. 47:33 They come jump. 47:34 They love this pastor 47:35 he has been working ministering for the kids. 47:37 We're gonna have a beautiful baptism on Friday night. 47:39 We're gonna have at least what, 47:41 eight or ten from this week-- 12 young people here. 47:46 And you're gonna see the children 47:47 what God does in a Christina school. 47:50 We are nothing to be ashamed of. 47:52 Two million in the world. 47:54 Seventh-day Adventist, Hospitals and Sanitariums 173. 47:57 Nursing and Retirement Homes 132. 47:59 Clinics and Dispensaries 216. Orphanages 36. 48:03 Airplanes and Medical Launches 10. 48:05 Outpatient 15,705,827. 48:10 We have mission hospitals in Africa and Asia 48:14 I've been there. 48:17 And we are not standing there looking for their Blue Cross 48:19 and their Blue Shield, 48:24 or their Obama Care, come on. 48:28 We have heavens care, amen. Amen. 48:31 And our missionary doctors go to the entire world 48:34 to preach the gospel of Jesus and to heal men and women. 48:38 We-- I mean, I'm getting to I don't want to be proud 48:40 I just, I just want to show you facts. 48:44 Do you realize countries and areas of the world 48:46 as recognized by the United Nations 232. 48:48 We are in 209 of those countries sharing the gospel 48:52 and building churches to the glory of God. 48:55 And will go on doing it. 48:57 We will not retreat but we will go on doing it 49:01 because the Remnant is a movement 49:05 and a movement moves, 49:10 it moves, it moves. 49:14 I'm the way the truth and the life. 49:16 Listen to me, my brother and sister, 49:18 Jesus is the way the truth and the life. 49:20 When He shows the way, take it. 49:22 I think a broken stone mission. 49:25 A missionary went out to this place 49:27 and preached the gospel and they heard the message. 49:30 And then he had to go. 49:31 And they said well, how we'll know 49:33 when true missionary comes again? 49:35 He said well, here he broke a stone 49:38 and he gave it to the chief. 49:40 And he says, you keep this stone 49:41 and when the true missionary comes 49:43 he'll bring the other part of that stone. 49:46 And then when he comes, you check on him 49:49 and you put the stone together. 49:54 And if the stone fits you know what, 49:58 that he is the true missionary. 50:01 God took the pillar of faith and the pillar of faith 50:07 and the pillar of faith and the pillar of faith 50:11 and He was building His temple. 50:13 He was building the Kingdom of God. 50:15 And they are those great pillars 50:16 hold up the Temple of God. 50:19 If there was one missing, two missing collapse 50:23 but they are there. 50:25 Friend, I'm the way the truth and the life 50:27 Jesus Christ is calling you. 50:28 Jesus Christ is revealing to you. 50:31 I mean, I don't know how anybody could refuse 50:34 the voice of Jesus to their heart. 50:36 I don't know anybody could say, 50:38 well, you know I really don't have enough knowledge. 50:43 You've learned more in this month 50:46 than you've learned, come on now. 50:50 Amen. 50:52 What more do you need to learn? 50:55 You know that Jesus Christ loves you 51:00 and that's the point. 51:02 And when you come to the truth 51:03 you'll see the pillars the Bible inspired Word of God. 51:07 Creator, no evolution we don't believe a tadpole 51:12 was beginning to begin a frog with his tail tucked in 51:18 and a monkey in a banyan tree and a doctor with a PhD. 51:25 We believe we created in the image of God 51:29 and God is unique in His creation. 51:31 We believe the Sabbath is binding on every believer. 51:34 But the Lord of God is now written in our hearts 51:36 not on tables of stone that we'll be loving, 51:39 caring, beautiful people. 51:41 Now you're not gonna find them 51:42 all lovely and caring and beautiful. 51:46 Yes, some of those old saints who come at you 51:49 we don't do that in this church. 51:51 They've been in a way 40 years while expecting a new baby. 51:57 Come on now, straighten up church 51:59 I'll come back and get you. 52:01 All right, be good. Be good. 52:05 I am the way the truth and the life. 52:10 And I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian 52:12 not because my mom or my grandmother 52:14 or my great, great grandmother I am because I studied 52:16 and I discovered pillars for faith and I said, 52:19 all to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I free to give. 52:24 And that moment there in Washington Avenue 52:26 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brooklyn, New York 52:29 took a two hour trip on the subway to get there. 52:32 There was all alone. 52:33 My family wasn't with me at that time I was all alone. 52:37 And I was baptized into the Kingdom of God 52:39 and listen to me I've been happy ever since. 52:42 And you have to admit it that I'm a happy Christian. 52:45 Come on now, remember God loves you. 52:48 Be faithful to God always, always. 53:14 In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God says, 53:17 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, 53:20 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.' 53:23 " Every Word is a one-minute, Bible-based daily devotional 53:27 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw 53:29 and designed especially for busy people like you. 53:32 Look for Every Word on selected networks 53:35 or watch it online every day 53:36 on our web site, 53:39 Receive a daily spiritual boost, 53:41 watch Every Word. 53:43 You'll be glad you did. 54:03 Good evening, everyone. 54:05 What a blessing it is to be able to answer Bible questions 54:08 during this Revelation Today series. 54:11 And I thank you for asking Bible questions 54:13 and I'm glad you've been coming each night 54:15 willing to learn, open up your Bible, study 54:18 and respond to the invitation of the Holy Spirit. 54:21 Now here's a Bible question and it is 54:25 "what's wrong with me staying in my church 54:27 as long as I follow what the Bible teaches? 54:29 I love the people in my church." 54:32 Well, I'm glad you do but do you love them 54:35 more than you love Jesus? 54:36 You know, Jesus met some fishermen one day, 54:39 they were down there mending their nets 54:40 and Jesus said follow Me, and they said oh, no. 54:43 How could I leave my fishing nets? 54:45 No, man, I can't follow You, I love my job. 54:51 If that had happened history would have been 54:53 altogether different at least for certain key individuals. 54:57 How about that time Peter asked Jesus 54:59 a question in John Chapter 21 55:00 he said, now what about this guy 55:03 and Jesus essentially said 55:04 don't you worry about that guy you follow Me. 55:09 Its important that we follow Jesus fully completely. 55:12 You know, what happens 55:14 when we decide we're gonna follow Jesus 55:15 we said, this is great but at some stage 55:19 we figure out that there is a cost involved. 55:21 Now I don't mean a real cost, you never have to pay anything 55:24 or doesn't cost you anything to follow Jesus 55:26 but for some of us we say, 55:27 well, if I'm gonna be a follower of Jesus 55:30 I got to ditch some of my boyfriends 55:31 or girlfriends, you know. 55:33 If go to be a follower of Jesus 55:34 maybe I need to chose to speak better words. 55:37 Now, those not costs, those are benefits. 55:40 But for some of us we look at it we go 55:42 well, if I'm gonna follow the Bible 55:44 I might even need to be at a church 55:46 where people are following the Bible. 55:48 Now we said, that will cost me something 55:49 because I got relationships here 55:51 and I've got history here. 55:52 Well, when you get to heaven what you think would be best, 55:56 having made the change and follow Jesus faith 56:01 or actually not getting to heaven 56:03 and eternity looks all together different? 56:06 Here it is, Jesus when He has your heart 56:09 He leads you in truth and He convicts you 56:11 and He says, follow Me 56:12 just like He said to the fishermen 56:14 and you say to Jesus yes, I will. 56:16 It's true though that growing in Jesus 56:19 sometimes the road takes some bends 56:21 that you didn't expected to take. 56:23 But if you will surrender to Jesus at every step. 56:26 He will have your heart at every step 56:28 and you will know just what to do. 56:31 Jesus, I only want to please You, 56:33 I always want to follow You now He's got you, see. 56:37 So don't worry about looking at people 56:39 and worrying about churches and people at church and-- 56:43 if you look at those sorts of things 56:44 they may paralyze you. 56:46 No, keep your eyes focused on Jesus Christ 56:49 that's the best thing to do, follow Him. 56:52 Jesus said, "If you continue in my word," 56:54 John 8:31, 32 "then are ye my disciples indeed, 56:59 and you shall know the truth, 57:01 and the truth will make you free." 57:04 You follow Jesus, surrender to Him, 57:06 that's the best thing to do. 57:14 Perhaps something in today's program 57:16 has spot your interest in greater Bible study, 57:19 we invite you to visit our website 57:23 where you'll find a host of inspirational resources 57:26 including free Bible study guides. 57:28 There is also a complete archive 57:29 of past television programs and special video seminars 57:32 that you could view online or download. 57:35 Discover more at |
Revised 2015-01-22