Participants: Ron Halvorsen
Series Code: 13RVT
Program Code: 13RVT000017
00:05 In today's troubled world,
00:08 people are wondering where we're heading. 00:13 Revelation Today presents the answers. 00:17 Bible prophecy reveals what the future holds in store. 00:22 Revelation Today. 00:37 A man was sailing his yachts in the Pacific Ocean 00:41 when he encountered a storm 00:43 and he got into all kinds trouble. 00:45 He sent out a distress signal, 00:47 but he was a long way from anywhere 00:49 way out there in the vast ocean. 00:51 Rescuers had to figure out 00:52 how they were going to locate the man. 00:55 So commercial airlines flying in the area, 00:58 were asked to watch out for this stricken sailor. 01:01 A Canadian airline that reduced its altitude 01:04 came down low over the water 01:06 and passengers looking out the windows 01:09 of the plane saw the yacht. 01:11 Authorities were loaded and the man was rescued. 01:14 He was rescued from above. 01:17 Humanity has been rescued from above. 01:20 And tonight, we'll learn all about that 01:22 in our subject "Revelation's Slain Lamb." 01:26 Please, welcome the presenter 01:27 of Revelation Today, Ron Halvorsen. 01:33 Wonderful night. 01:35 Already God has brought us blessings to us. 01:37 Amen? Amen. 01:38 And we're going to be blessed again as we open God's word. 01:42 We're going to look now at Revelation's Lamb Slain. 01:47 Tonight, I want to introduce you to the Lamb Slain. 01:50 By the way, the lamb is mentioned 28 times 01:52 in the Book of Revelation alone. 01:55 John could not have used the more fitting symbol 01:58 for the Jewish readers that were reading 02:00 the Book of Revelation in the 1st century 02:02 because 1,000 years the lamb had been 02:05 the central focal point of their worship services. 02:10 The offering of a perfect lamb on an altar, 02:13 it was everyday, twice a day. 02:16 It was punctual, it was predictable. 02:19 I mean, that there was never a time 02:21 when a lamb was not burning on the altar, day or night. 02:26 The cry of John, "Behold the lamb of God 02:31 which takes away the sin of the world." 02:34 I mean, this was in the context of Jewish sacrificial practice. 02:39 Only the lamb slain takes away my personal sin. 02:43 The lamb in Revelation 02:45 is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. 02:47 He is the lamb slain and He is the one 02:50 who hangs on the cross or the altar of the cross 02:53 for the sacrifice once and for all 02:55 for the salvation of lost mankind. 02:59 And the Bible tells us that we must go to the cross 03:02 to find that kind of salvation. 03:04 It's only at the cross 03:05 that the men and women are saved. 03:07 Men and women are redeemed. 03:08 And so, let's go to that Calvary. 03:11 Calvary, a pinnacle of divine love. 03:14 Calvary, altar of God's sacrifice. 03:16 Calvary, a place of oblation. 03:19 At Calvary, the center of the Great Controversy rages, 03:22 good triumphs over evil, 03:24 mercy over maliciousness and love over hate. 03:28 And there we go to Revelation 03:30 and old John is writing about that cross, 03:32 and he's writing about it and saying, 03:34 "Saying with a loud voice, 03:36 worthy is the Lamb that was slain 03:38 to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, 03:44 and honor, and glory, and blessing." 03:48 The cross has always been 03:49 above every other reckon death or shame. 03:52 I mean, the axe, the sword, the hemlock 03:56 had been used by executioners in history past to kill, 04:01 to kill men and to kill men and women, 04:04 but it was execution with honor, 04:06 but not so the cross. 04:08 You see, the cross, man hung upon the cross, 04:12 nailed in agony to the tree. 04:14 I mean, suspended naked to the torn 04:16 and gaze at the multitude. 04:17 It's always been a specimen of disgrace, 04:21 dishonor and degraded humanity. 04:23 Rather to be marked he who hangs upon a cross 04:27 than to be pitied. 04:29 Now, God had allowed that idea, 04:30 that concept in the minds of men and women 04:33 that Christ might be loved, not for His martyrdom, 04:37 but for His miracle, the cross of Christ. 04:41 Man's death of shame 04:44 became God's way of salvation to save the lost. 04:48 God saves through His death. 04:51 Tonight, we need to go back 1900 years ago. 04:55 We need to go back to a place called Calvary. 04:57 The magic carpet that shall take us 04:59 back in time and place is the Bible. 05:02 And there are two passages of scripture 05:04 I want to read as we begin this message tonight. 05:08 One is taken from the Book of Galatians 6:14. 05:13 The Bible says, "But God forbids 05:16 that I should glory, save in the cross 05:18 of the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world 05:21 is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." 05:25 And then a passage taken from 1 Corinthians 2:2, 05:30 "For I'm determined not to know any thing among you, 05:33 save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." 05:37 On the south shore of China, 05:39 looking over the Harbor of Macaw, 05:42 Portuguese settlers once built 05:43 a massive cathedral to their God. 05:46 It's stood against time, 05:47 but a typhoon came to that harbor 05:50 and knocked that cathedral into ruins. 05:54 All that stood was the front wall of the cathedral 05:57 and on that front wall was a great bronze cross. 06:00 And when Sir John Bowring went to that place, 06:03 brought his ship into the harbor 06:05 he'd looked and saw the church in ruins 06:07 and he saw the great bronze cross. 06:09 And he wrote, "In the cross of Christ I glory, 06:13 towering o'er the wrecks of time; 06:15 all the light of sacred story 06:17 gathers round its head sublime." 06:21 The years come and the years go, 06:24 but the cross of Christ still stands 06:27 and men glory in the cross. 06:29 When Paul came 06:30 to the intellectual City of Corinth he said, 06:33 "I am determine not to know anything among you, 06:36 save Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 06:39 Now the cross to the pagan was foolishness. 06:43 For one to believe that their God 06:45 had to die on the cross 06:46 to redeem mankind, it's sheer foolishness. 06:50 To the Greeks, it was a stumbling block. 06:52 To the philosophers and those who were so smart, 06:55 it was a stumbling block. 06:57 And to the Jews, it was a hindrance to their faith." 07:01 But we Christian believers, we who come 07:03 under the shadow of the cross, 07:05 we who felt the dynamic power of the cross 07:07 moving on our hearts, we know something better. 07:11 The cross is still foolishness to a perishing world. 07:14 Talk to your secular people about a cross 07:16 and they'll laugh at you. 07:17 The cross is still foolishness. 07:20 Now, when Paul entered the City of Corinth, 07:22 that intellectual city, there was many things 07:25 he could have talked about. 07:26 He could have gloried in the pre-existence of Jesus. 07:29 I mean, he could've glory in the fact 07:30 that Jesus existed before Bethlehem. 07:33 Bethlehem was not the beginning of the Christ. 07:36 That was the incarnation of Christ. 07:38 Christ had to touch us. 07:39 He had to put His arms around us. 07:41 And the only way He could do that 07:43 was to come into our world 07:44 and to suffer and bleed and die. 07:47 You see, pre-existing Christ in time and eternity, 07:51 ever since, all time, 07:53 Jesus is alpha and Jesus is omega. 07:56 In Revelation, He is alpha, in Revelation He is omega, 08:00 He is the beginning and end. 08:01 He could have glory the pre-existence of Jesus. 08:04 When he came to their intellectual City of Corinth, 08:07 He could have gloried in the virgin birth. 08:10 This great miracle, this woman given birth to that child. 08:14 Hey, if you pre-existed your mother, 08:16 what kind of mother would you chose? 08:21 Of all the Mary's that ever lived 08:22 God chose that woman to bare the son. 08:25 That was the woman that He could trust 08:27 the hands of Jesus to, that was the woman 08:29 He could trust the body of Jesus to, 08:32 that was the woman He could trust 08:34 the life of Jesus to, 08:36 that he will be trained in faith. 08:39 He could have gloried in the miracles of Jesus. 08:42 Christ took a few loaves of bread 08:43 and fishes and fed 5,000 and more. 08:47 Jesus walked on water 08:49 and there Peter came out onto the water 08:51 and he felt so secure 08:53 and turned away from Jesus, began to sink. 08:56 Don't ever turn away from Jesus when He calls you 08:59 or you will sink into a deeper hell 09:01 than you've ever been in before. 09:04 There was a miracle of Jesus. 09:07 The miracles of Jesus touching blind eyes, 09:09 they saw the light of day. 09:10 Bringing a baby back to life again, 09:12 placing it in the arms of that mother. 09:15 Jesus, the miracle maker. 09:16 Jesus, who can change water to wine. 09:19 Jesus, who could change the life 09:21 of those who came in His contact. 09:23 Give living water to a thirsty woman. 09:25 He is the way, the truth and the life. 09:29 He could have gloried to the miracles of Jesus. 09:32 He could have gloried in the resurrection. 09:34 Never before had the world seen 09:36 that dead man like that rise up from the dead. 09:39 He who said He would rise again 09:41 and they put a seal over His grave. 09:43 They put guards against-- 09:44 They've never had to put a God against the grave. 09:47 Afraid that this person inside would come forth, 09:50 but the Romans did. 09:52 I mean, the Jews didn't believe it, 09:54 but the Romans did. 09:55 And they put their guards, 09:56 but the guards could not hold Him, 09:58 the seal couldn't hold Him. 09:59 When Jesus decides to come, nothing can hold Him back. 10:03 Amen! The resurrecting of Christ. 10:06 He cold have gloried in the resurrection of Jesus, 10:09 but Paul the Apostle says, 10:11 "No, I glory save in the cross of Jesus Christ, 10:15 I save in the cross of the Lord." 10:17 That was the center of Paul's preaching, 10:19 that was the center of Paul's teaching. 10:21 That was the center of Paul's living, 10:24 the cross of Jesus Christ. 10:27 You see, friend, the cross makes God real. 10:32 And love not just the word, but a condition, a condition. 10:38 At Calvary-- Listen to me, friend, 10:41 through the Holy Spirit. 10:43 At Calvary, our Lord wrapped the world in light 10:47 and He wrapped the world in love 10:49 and He wrapped the world in life at the cross. 10:52 When Haynes wrote his life of Abraham Lincoln, 10:55 he wrote 5,000 pages about the man, 10:58 that great man, that great president. 11:00 Five thousand pages. 11:03 They probably could put my lifetime 11:05 in five page comic book, but no. 11:09 Lincoln, 5,000 pages. 11:12 Of the 5,000 pages in life of Abraham Lincoln 11:16 only 25 pages are given over to the events 11:20 that surround the death of that great president, 11:23 but not so with the death of Jesus. 11:25 One third of the gospel, 11:27 one third of the Gospel of Matthew, 11:31 one third of the Gospel of Mark, 11:33 one third of the gospel that we find Matthew, 11:36 Mark, Luke, one third of the gospel. 11:39 But John, the Disciple of Love, 11:42 one half of his book is given over to the events 11:45 and His death on the cross and His resurrection. 11:48 Amen. 11:49 And that's the John who's on Patmos. 11:52 And that's the John that writes about a lamb slain, 11:55 and that's the John whose pen is dipped 11:57 in a red blood ink of Calvary to drop new found faith like, 12:00 golden pollen from stems of shaken lilies 12:03 to sweeten the lives of men in every age 12:05 and even in our generation. 12:07 Amen. This is the John who writes. 12:10 And he writes, and he writes the Love of God 12:17 in Christ Jesus, the Love of God. 12:21 You see, you and I tonight in spirit, 12:24 we must walk Via Dolorosa. 12:27 You see, we must climb that hill called Calvary. 12:30 We must recall again the pain of God. 12:33 We must again understand the suffering of God. 12:35 We must understand the buffeting of God. 12:38 We must understand the speaking 12:39 and we must hear again the cries of Calvary. 12:42 We must hear the hammer blows, 12:43 pounding the nails into His hands 12:45 and pounding the nails into His feet. 12:48 We must again see and discover the truth concerning His death 12:53 so that we might come into life. 12:57 But cross of Christ must be the centrality 13:02 of all preaching, of all Biblical teaching. 13:07 As long as sin kindles the blush of shame 13:09 of our cheeks, and as long as tears 13:12 glisten in our eyes, tears of repentance. 13:16 Now, we arrive at Jerusalem, 13:18 as we go back on the carpet of His word we come Jerusalem. 13:22 From the heights of city, we notice 13:24 we can see that this great city 13:26 is the pearl of the Middle East. 13:28 Upon viewing the city from the heights 13:30 we can see the golden temple gleaming in the sun 13:34 and we can see this being the fortress of faith. 13:37 Three great religions were there. 13:39 Judaism, Muslim and the Christian. 13:43 There it was in that great City of Christianity. 13:47 When we enter to the City of Jerusalem, 13:48 we find you the stir that morning. 13:50 I mean, the sun had been up for sometime over the city, 13:53 the whole city is in a festive mood, 13:55 it was Passover. 13:57 To the Jews, Passover is the highest of all holidays. 14:01 Passover is when Moses-- 14:03 When Mosses told the children of Israel, 14:05 put blood on the doorpost, put blood on the lintel 14:08 because the death angel is going to fly over the land. 14:11 And when the death angel flies over the land, 14:15 the blood of the lamb 14:16 is the only thing that can protect you. 14:18 It was Passover. 14:20 And for centuries at that Passover, 14:23 they reflected on that great moment 14:26 when Israel was protected 14:28 from the death angel by the blood of a lamb. 14:31 You see, the whole city, this is Passover. 14:34 They came far away. 14:35 They came as far as Cyrene on the Mediterranean. 14:40 They came as far from Rome. 14:42 They came as pilgrims not as tourists, 14:47 but as pilgrims to that Holy City. 14:51 And there, blind men groping 14:52 as they walked along the streets. 14:55 I mean, lay man hobbled on crooked crutches. 14:58 The crowed was difficult to make 15:00 one's way through the procession. 15:01 I mean, that had started out at Roman palace. 15:04 Three men under the weight of crosses 15:06 staggered of Via Dolorosa the way of the cross. 15:10 I mean, three men under the weight of the cross, 15:12 crowds, Roman solders, Jewish rabble, 15:15 they all wondered as they went. 15:17 What is this? What's the meaning of this? 15:19 Pilate had already washed his hands of Jesus 15:22 as many will through every century. 15:24 I mean, the Jews have rejected Him, 15:26 as many will to every century, even now. 15:30 I mean, the Romans crucified Him 15:33 and when I look at the cross, 15:35 when I look at the cross I see plainly 15:39 an angry mob tearing the cloak of the body of Jesus. 15:45 The son of God. 15:47 I see them taking long leather thong 15:51 and a whip beating the back of the son of God 15:53 to the lacerated His back until it tore 15:55 like ribbons of flesh on His back. 15:59 He who bore the burden of the whole world 16:01 upon the back is beaten on His back. 16:06 Listen, when I see the cross I see the blood dripping down 16:11 the face of Jesus into the eyes of Jesus. 16:14 At the cross, I see plainly at the cross, 16:17 I see suffering of the son of God. 16:19 I see the red blood in His eyes. 16:21 He alone is to suffer. Jesus. 16:23 He is alone to bleed and alone to die. 16:26 The only ones that will remain at the cross 16:28 is His mother and Mary Magdalene. 16:31 The women will be at the cross, 16:33 but the disciples will run in fear, run in fear. 16:39 And there upon on that cross I hear His words, 16:42 my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 16:50 God, forsaken of God. 16:54 That was His suffering, that was His pain. 17:02 And every moment He stood, hailed upon that cross, 17:06 every moment He lay there, every burden, Jesus. 17:12 You see, that moment the world's lies burnt 17:14 into the lips of Jesus as if He had spoken them 17:19 and world's lustful desires burned in the mind of God 17:22 as if He had fought them and the world's 17:24 unpleasing language burnt into tongue of Jesus 17:27 as if He had spoken them. 17:29 He was made sin for us. Amen. 17:34 I can't go to the cross without seeing three things. 17:38 When I go to the cross, when I go to the cross 17:41 I see first of all I see sin in its rightful place. 17:46 You see, its sin that put Him on the cross. 17:48 By the way it wasn't the sins of the people 17:50 of that day alone, it's your sin and my sin. 17:53 Amen. 17:54 It's the sin of our generation, 17:56 it wasn't the sin of that generation. 17:58 It's the sin that you and I commit, 18:00 the sins that put Him on the cross. 18:02 It's not someone long ago thinking to yourself, 18:05 oh, I wish I would have been there, 18:07 I would have defended Him. 18:08 You are here now, have you defended Him? 18:11 Amen. No. 18:13 Have you defended Him? 18:15 You see, I see sin in its rightful place at the cross. 18:20 You never understand your sinfulness 18:22 until you come to the cross. 18:25 You'll never know salvation until you come to the cross. 18:28 You see, the problem with sin, sin made the cross a necessity. 18:34 Man call sin an act and God calls it an abomination. 18:38 You see, man call sin blunder, God calls it blindness. 18:42 You see, man call sin a chance, God calls it a choice. 18:47 Man calls sin a liberty and God calls it leprosy. 18:51 Man calls it luxury and God calls it a lawlessness. 18:59 Man calls sin a try for 19:02 and our God hanging on the cross calls it a tragedy. 19:06 You see, at the cross we see sin in its rightful place. 19:10 You see, it puts sin that put Jesus on the cross. 19:13 You see, sin is the one word 19:16 that describes all human tragedy. 19:19 You see, sin, the crowns that are made of thrones, 19:22 the sin the day of it is horrible night 19:25 and sin put Him on the rugged cross, 19:27 your sin and my sin, whatever that sin may be, 19:30 little sin or big sin, it's all one sin 19:34 and one sin puts God on the cross. 19:37 It wasn't the so called big sins. 19:40 Great problem later on, you know, the church, 19:41 they made mortal sins and venal sin 19:44 and little less sin and little more-- 19:46 Sin crucified Christ. 19:50 All sin is dangerous, all sin is destructive. 19:54 What was the sin?. Was it-- 19:55 I mean, look at Caiaphas, 19:57 what was his sin there at Calvary? 19:58 I mean, was it adultery? Was it murder? 20:02 Was it stealing? No. 20:03 And you know it was all of these to break 20:05 one of the commandments is to break them all. 20:08 And to feel righteous about nine 20:10 and turn away from the fourth, 20:13 you've broken them all. 20:16 You broken them all. 20:19 It was self seeking, 20:20 that's what the sin of Caiaphas was. 20:23 Self-righteousness, pride, he was so proud. 20:28 Pride is a dangerous thing. 20:29 Listen to me, pride caused Satan 20:31 to fall from heaven to earth. 20:32 I mean, pride cause Caiaphas to fall into sin. 20:36 He thought his religion was good enough for him, 20:38 he was too proud to follow Jesus and when Jesus said, 20:41 I am the way, the truth, the life. 20:43 He said, no, no, I want nothing to do with that. 20:48 He probably quoted from Torah, not realizing it was God 20:52 who wrote the Torah through the prophet. 20:57 How may of I met too proud? 21:00 You say, Ron, I believe all these things 21:02 but you don't understand, I am so important in my church. 21:08 You don't understand, Brother Ron, 21:09 I mean, I am the leader of my family, 21:12 I mean-- too proud. 21:16 What was the sin of Pilate? 21:19 The Bible says, oh, Pilate didn't actually put 21:21 the nails in the hands of Jesus, you know that. 21:25 I mean, he washed his hands off Jesus. 21:29 Hey, listen to me, it's easy to wash your hands. 21:33 It's easy for you to wash your hands 21:34 of all the things you've heard. 21:35 No, listening to the Word of God, 21:37 hearing in this seminar. 21:38 It's easy to walk away and say, oh, that was nice, 21:41 and wash your hands off Jesus. 21:43 And that's what Pilate did. 21:44 I find no fault in him, but he washed his hands off Him. 21:48 You can't say, I find no fault in Him 21:50 and not worship Him and serve Him and walk after Him. 21:54 Amen. What was the sin of Pilate? 22:00 Oh, listen to me, he was afraid 22:02 to associate himself with God's truth. 22:05 He was so ashamed, I mean, 22:07 he don't want to associate with Christ. 22:09 And many of you perhaps will sin that sin of Pilate. 22:13 What's your fear? 22:15 What your neighbor may say, what your family may say 22:18 if you stand for, you know to be right. 22:20 What is it that holds you back? 22:23 Afraid to take your stand, afraid of the cost, 22:25 afraid of the position of your family. 22:27 In other words, you don't want to 22:28 identify yourself with Jesus Christ 22:31 and that's why baptism is so hard for some of you 22:33 because baptism is identification with Christ. 22:38 In other words, you don't want 22:41 to identify the command you obey, 22:46 the Sabbath you keep, the stand that you chose. 22:50 It means the world hated Christ and the world will hate you. 22:55 You know, friend, don't wash your hands, 23:00 don't wash your hands off Jesus. 23:03 You can't afford to do that. Look at Herod. 23:08 What was his sin? It was immorality. 23:10 Listen to me, I am gonna talk straight. 23:12 Immorality robs a man and woman 23:15 of their ability to respond to the call 23:18 of the Holy Spirit of the God and Christ. 23:21 It blinds the eyes and solidifies the heart. 23:24 It leads to death and to hell. 23:28 And what was the sin of Herod? It was immorality. 23:31 Look at Judas, he sold his Lord for 30 pieces of silver. 23:36 You say, oh, that's terrible. 23:37 But what cheap things do we sell Christ for? 23:42 For what cheap things that we sold our Lord for? 23:46 What cheap things? Thirty pieces of silver. 23:52 What are you willing to sell your Lord for? 23:57 To wrong kind of friends, come on? 24:04 To party? Would you? What is it? 24:11 Look at Judas, 30 pieces of silver dropped. 24:14 Two men died upon the tree that day, 24:17 Judas on the tree of shame, 24:19 Christ on the tree of sacrifice. 24:21 Behold, Judas hanging. 24:28 And then there was the crowd. 24:31 Oh, they sat there. This is nice. 24:35 I think I'll go Saturday night, I enjoy those meetings. 24:38 The crowd sitting down they watched Him there. 24:44 You are not against the truth. 24:46 I mean, you are not opposed to the written word, 24:48 you're not opposed to what God has said 24:50 through His word night after night. 24:52 You've listened to it, you believe it in your heart, 24:54 you know it's true. 24:55 I mean, you sit there 24:56 and you're not opposed to the church, 25:00 you're not opposed, you believe it. 25:05 You're convinced even in your mind but not converted, 25:11 not willing to change. 25:14 I mean, what sin hold you back? 25:18 For sin at the cross, I see sin in its true light. 25:22 Secondly, at the cross, I see the love of God. 25:26 I can't come to the cross without seeing Him 25:28 hanging there and see love, that sacrificial love, 25:35 agape love, eternal love. 25:39 "Father, forgive them for they know" that's love. 25:45 You will be with me some day soon in paradise, that's love. 25:51 Father, don't hold this to their account, that's love. 25:57 The man who beats the nails into my hand, 25:59 father, don't hold this to his account. 26:05 The one who crushed the crown of thorns on My head, 26:09 and I bled first from My head for all sin begins 26:13 first in the mind, don't hold them accountable. 26:20 This is why I am dying. 26:23 This is why I am dying. 26:29 Wow. 26:32 There's no sin He cannot forgive you of. 26:36 I met so many people in my 76 years, 26:40 there's so many people in my 50 some years 26:42 of preaching the gospel that they always think, 26:44 well, no, God can't forgive me, 26:45 I keep doing it over and over and over again. 26:48 Don't you understand the patience of God? 26:50 He's not like you. 26:53 Thank God, He's not like me or my wife. 27:02 Okay, be careful, honey. 27:07 There's no sin that God cannot forgive 27:10 but you need to come to the cross. 27:13 You can't just sit there and say, oh, I can't do-- 27:16 There's no habit that God hasn't a victory for you. 27:19 I've met people that were down in gutters so far, 27:23 they were death wormed over and they rose up 27:26 out of the gutter freed from drugs and alcohol 27:31 and whatever you say, 27:32 and walking now in the ways of God. 27:35 There's no sin that God cannot save you from. 27:38 There's no habit that God cannot give you victory of. 27:41 No burden that God cannot live if you'll just let Him do that. 27:45 Amen. 27:52 He loves you with infinite love. 27:55 I mean, He loves you with infinite love. 27:58 And that's why that the value of the gift 28:02 is in the love of the giver. 28:05 The value of every gift is in the love of the giver. 28:07 Every drop of blood was a gift He gave us. 28:10 You see, every whiplash that lacerated His back, 28:12 that was love. 28:15 Every sharp point of a thorn, that was love. 28:20 He could have turned away from it, 28:21 He could have with a flash destroyed the Roman soldiers, 28:26 set Himself free and gone back 28:28 to heaven and left you for hell. 28:30 Amen. 28:33 But He said, I will die first. I will die first. 28:39 If He is willing to die in such a way 28:41 why don't you willing to live? 28:43 Amen. 28:50 I mean, love-- close your eyes and try to see that love. 28:57 Love pierced. 29:00 I mean, try to see that love. 29:03 I mean, try to feel the arms of Jesus surround you. 29:06 Father, forgive them. 29:08 He's speaking your name right now. 29:09 He's speaking of your need right now. 29:11 Father, forgive him, forgive her. 29:14 She wants to respond. 29:15 He's talking about your sin, He's talking about my sin. 29:18 Finished. 29:21 My salvation full and free, Jesus paid the debt for sinners 29:27 when He died on Calvary. 29:30 We are one to Christ through His suffering. 29:34 Shed tears, 29:37 shed blood and shed life. 29:43 The Bible says, "For God so loved the world, 29:49 that he gave his only begotten Son, 29:52 that whosoever believeth in him 29:57 should not perish, 30:01 but have everlasting life." 30:07 I mean, I know no other way. 30:08 Thirdly, I go to the cross. 30:11 I go to that cross and see the agony of the hands 30:14 reaching out to us. 30:15 The hands are reaching out to you, 30:17 those nail pierced hands. 30:18 I mean, they reaching out to every one of you in some way. 30:21 You need to put your hand in that hand 30:23 whether you are a believer for a long time 30:24 or you're just finding God 30:26 or maybe about to ready to give your life to God. 30:29 I don't know, but you have to reach out to the hand 30:31 which reaches out from cross to you. 30:33 I mean, that's the point and that's the fact. 30:37 Father, forgive them. 30:39 I mean, that's the fact. Finished. 30:43 Crossed the bridge back tot God. 30:46 There's no other way back to God. 30:48 You are backslidden, there's no other way back to God 30:50 but to come down to the cross. 30:53 You are lost, there's no other way to God 30:55 but by the bridge of the cross, built in the wood of the cross. 30:59 The way-- the cross is the highway to heaven. 31:01 The cross the estrangement is healed, 31:03 at the cross the enmity is taken away 31:06 and at the cross the price is paid. 31:09 The price is paid. 31:12 I remember-- I don't know if I told you the story, 31:14 I'll tell it again. 31:16 It get's better with the telling. 31:20 The little boy at Wall Street, did I tell you that story? 31:25 I did? Yeah. 31:27 Shall I tell it again? Yeah. 31:28 Can I get permission to tell it again? 31:30 Yeah. 31:31 How many heard that story, let me see your hands? 31:34 How many did not hear that story? 31:36 You are outvoted, I can tell the story again. 31:42 There was Wall Street and I told the people, 31:44 if you ever-- in New York at 3 o'clock, 31:45 go down the Wall Street, right? 31:47 So it's the authentic story. 31:50 And the man came out, it was 3 o'clock, 31:52 he was running to his stretched limousine, 31:54 want to get out to the suburbs, 31:56 have a cocktail and go to sleep, 31:57 wake up again, go off to work, get back, 32:00 win money, million dollars, loose money, 32:02 million dollars, win 500,000, loose a million. 32:07 And there he is in his cashmere coat 32:09 and he's running towards his limonene 32:11 and he noticed a little boy 32:12 standing in the shadow of a building and he was crying 32:16 and right away the man thought when he was a little boy. 32:18 And so turned around, walked over to the boy 32:21 and he said, young man, can I help you? 32:23 The boy says, bug off, mister. 32:27 He says, look, I can help you. 32:29 He says, bug off, mister. 32:31 No, I can help you. 32:34 And the boy started to cry. And he said, what's wrong? 32:38 He says, well, I was going to the store for my father 32:41 and I had a dollar bill and it was cold and windy 32:44 and the wind blew the dollar down the storm drain 32:47 and I've lost a dollar. 32:49 A dollar. 32:51 Here's a man with a cashmere coat, of stretch limonene, 32:53 he probably lost a million dollars 32:55 or gained the million dollars that day 32:57 and the boy is crying over a dollar. 33:01 So he says, why don't you just go home and tell your father? 33:05 Boy, you don't know my father, he's home, drunk. 33:08 You don't know my father. 33:12 Hey, listen to me, the little boy 33:16 didn't have an answer. 33:18 But the man said, what store were you going? 33:20 Around the corner. 33:21 Well, you come with me 33:22 and we'll get what you need to get. 33:24 Walked around, little boy ran in the store 33:27 and the man came with him and he got what he had to get, 33:29 brought it to the counter and laid it on the counter, 33:31 95 cents. 33:34 The man looked through his bill fold among the $100 bills, 33:36 finally found a dollar, laid it on the counter. 33:43 The man took the nickel in his hand and the package 33:45 and gave it to the boy. 33:47 He said, now you go home to your daddy. 33:50 And the boy ran as far as the front door, stopped, 33:52 turned around, ran back, 33:55 threw his arms around the man and said this, 33:57 I wish you were my daddy, and he went in the night. 34:01 Hey, listen, we all lost the dollar. 34:06 Come on now. 34:09 We all lost the dollar 34:11 and some was afraid to go to the father. 34:14 But may I tell you, there was a heavenly Father 34:17 that you can turn to right now 34:20 and He will give you the change. 34:22 That's the fact because He paid the full price. 34:28 You see, it's a narrow way to the kingdom of God. 34:32 I mean, only the way of the cross, 34:34 only the altar tonight, the place of the cross, 34:37 right here in this place your Calvary, 34:39 you must come to your Calvary. 34:41 There is no other way and it's a narrow way. 34:45 Why is it that you want to be so broadminded 34:47 when it comes to religion? 34:50 Well, we're all going in a different direction 34:51 but we'll get there. 34:52 Come on. 34:54 We all going to Chicago 34:55 but we're all going in different direction. 35:00 Straight is the way. 35:02 Narrow is the way. 35:05 Few there be that find it 35:08 but when you find it you better walk in it. 35:12 You better walk in it. 35:14 I remember, I took my wife 35:15 for the first flight, flying on an airplane. 35:22 My wife, she believes in the Bible that says, 35:25 "Lo, I am with you always." 35:29 Well, some of you get that by Thursday but anyway. 35:34 This group, I think I got to stay with you longer. 35:36 I don't know. 35:37 This group, I got to train here 35:39 but anyway, I was trying to tell my wife, 35:41 this is the safest way to travel. 35:44 I says, honey, it's more dangerous in the bathtub. 35:48 Yeah. 35:49 She says, but it's not 35,000 feet in the air. 35:53 She had something on me on that. 35:55 No, I said, honey, this is the safest place to be. 35:57 I said, please. 35:58 And I talked to her and talked to her 36:00 and talked to her and talked to her. 36:01 Finally, I persuaded her. 36:04 And we went down to the airport in Dallas, Texas, 36:09 got on a plane. 36:11 My wife does a lot of praying on a plane. 36:14 In fact, if I kept her on planes 36:17 she would be continually in prayer. 36:21 And then she holds my hand always. 36:23 I mean, not holds it, she kinds of digs her nails 36:25 right through into the chair. 36:30 She figures, if it's going, the chair, we're going with it. 36:36 And we took off. 36:40 By the way, the first date I had with my wife 36:42 I took her on a roller coaster. 36:44 She prayed all the way up to the top, 36:46 went it went over she fainted. 36:50 I had to carry her off the-- this was our first date. 36:57 Well, anyway, we were on the plane up to Boston. 37:01 You know, I like narrow minded pilots, don't you? 37:05 Come on now. 37:07 I love-- now, "Runway 33." 37:12 Well, I think I'll go in on Runway 41, I think, 37:15 you know, we'll get in there two minutes fast. 37:18 I don't like pilots like that. 37:19 When those pilots call over the line, 37:22 I'm saying, our Father, backwards. 37:26 I mean, we lost an engine once on an airplane 37:32 and the pilot, they come over very calm, you know, 37:35 "We're having a little trouble." 37:36 When a pilots having little trouble, 37:38 say your prayers. 37:42 And so he said, we're having a little trouble, 37:43 we lost an engine. 37:45 Lost an engine? I am looking out for this in. 37:51 Then a woman came by, 37:53 she says, here's this plastic bag, 37:55 put any sharp object in it, pens, false teeth. 37:59 When they start collecting false teeth on a plane 38:01 you are in deep trouble. 38:05 I mean, I was so frightened, I confessed sins 38:10 I could even commit just in case. 38:14 I mean, you talk about-- 38:15 Well, my wife, she's like that. 38:18 And I like narrow minded pilots, don't you? 38:21 Come on now. 38:24 Yes, the moral law is narrow. 38:27 The Sabbath? It's narrow. 38:30 Healthy living? Yeah, it's narrow. 38:33 Holiness? It's narrow. 38:36 I mean, believing in the Bible 38:38 in spite of what men say, taking it as word. 38:41 That's narrow. 38:43 To disagree with the whole world, 38:44 the whole Christian church and be different? 38:47 Yes, it's narrow. 38:50 Bu straight is the way, narrow is the way 38:56 and few there'll be that find it. 39:00 Few there'll be that find it. 39:03 We need to go to Calvary where God finished it. 39:11 On that cross what God gave to us 39:13 is the opportunity to get out, 39:18 to rise up and to go to heaven. 39:22 And it's there that we see sin in its rightful place, 39:27 all right? 39:28 It's there that we see love, the love of God. 39:33 And it's there that we see the only way to salvation. 39:41 Many years ago in a little town of Walla Walla, Washington, 39:45 a fire broke out in Hansen's house. 39:49 Now Ernest Hansen was taking care of his 39:51 seven brothers and sisters. 39:53 Mom and dad went to store and they said, Ernest, 39:56 watch the children, watch the children. 39:59 And Ernest was a good boy. 40:02 He watched his brothers and sisters. 40:04 Somehow one of the children got hold of matches 40:07 and when he was turned another way 40:09 soon the house was bursting into flame. 40:12 And Ernest being a good boy, 40:14 ran around collecting his brothers and sisters 40:17 and he got then out onto the lawn 40:18 and the house, Hansen's house was in flames. 40:20 By the time the volunteer fire department 40:22 got to that house it was unquenchable fire 40:25 like we talked about. 40:29 Ernest Hansen, 17 years old, Walla Walla, Washington. 40:33 And as he was standing there and the fireman 40:35 pouring water on the house and realizing that 40:37 there was nothing that they could do, 40:38 it burned to the ground and burned out. 40:40 Just then Ernest looked and beheld 40:43 baby sister wasn't there. 40:47 She was up in the crib, up in the second floor. 40:51 He ran over fireman and said, Mister, Mister, 40:54 I got my brother and sisters out 40:55 but baby sister is upstairs in the crib and-- 40:59 there's nothing we can do, young man, 41:01 there's nothing, it's too late. 41:02 He says, no, you don't understand, that's my sister. 41:07 And he ran towards the burning building. 41:09 Ernest Hansen, 17 years old, Walla Walla, Washington. 41:14 He ran into the fire, beating out the fire, 41:18 making his way up the stairs. 41:20 His hair caught on fire and one ear was burning 41:23 and he was trying to put out the fire 41:24 and crawling along the-- up there on the staircase 41:30 and down the hallway, and to his baby sister's room 41:33 and burst in, the smoke and fire. 41:35 And he heard little baby crying and he ran over 41:38 and took a blanket and wrapped his baby sister 41:40 and held it close to his body and started out. 41:42 And by then, coming down the stares 41:44 he collapsed, he fell 41:45 but he protected that little, that little baby. 41:49 You don't understand, Mister. 41:54 The people were waiting and watching, 41:55 wondering what's happening. 41:57 Just then a little white bundle was thrown out 42:00 on the green grass 42:02 and the fireman came over the little tiny flame 42:03 but it was nothing, they put it out. 42:06 And the Ernest tumbled out of the building 42:07 and burst into flames. 42:10 Ernest Hansen, 17 years old. 42:12 You don't understand, Mister, that's my sister. 42:17 They rushed him to the hospital. 42:20 He hung between life and death, 42:21 sometimes he wish he was dead. 42:25 His body was terribly scared and disfigured. 42:29 I mean, it was burned, unrecognizable. 42:34 Ernest Hansen, 17 years old. 42:39 Finally they got him well, at least. 42:42 But you see, something on the campus of Walla Walla 42:45 years later. 42:47 You'll see a beautiful co-ed walking down, talking in joy, 42:51 laughing with a terribly disfigured old man, 42:56 ear burned off. 42:57 And when kids would see him, 42:59 they turn away and run away, frightening. 43:02 But there this woman walking along, 43:05 a beautiful woman walking along and people say, what's that? 43:08 They said. Well, that's Ernest Hansen. 43:09 That's baby sister. 43:10 You see, he became scared for her 43:17 and she's not ashamed of his scars. 43:22 He's not ashamed of his scars. 43:29 Are you ashamed of Christ's scars? 43:37 Are you ashamed to reach out and put your hand 43:41 in His scared hand? 43:45 Are you uncomfortable to come to the shadow 43:51 under light of the cross? 43:54 For God so loved the world He gave His son. 44:00 Tonight I want to make an appeal, 44:05 I need to make an appeal. 44:07 Some of you've been coming night after night 44:09 to this meeting. 44:11 We've been giving you decision cards, 44:12 some of you check baptism 44:15 and we're gonna start a baptismal class tonight. 44:19 And God is going to give you an opportunity 44:20 to respond to Jesus tonight. 44:24 And I want to talk to you seriously, 44:28 you believe this in your heart, 44:29 some of you believed it for a long time, 44:32 don't you think it's time to put your hand 44:34 in the hand of God? 44:36 Don't you think it's time, 44:38 don't you think it's time to say yes to Jesus? 44:44 Bow our head now and I am gonna make an appeal. 44:46 I am gonna invite you. 44:47 Listen to me, I don't know who you are 44:49 but you need to respond to Jesus, 44:51 you need to come to Him tonight 44:53 and you need to come to the cross 44:54 and get ready and go through the baptism. 44:56 Have your sins washed away, 44:58 start a new life over with Jesus Christ. 45:00 You may need re-baptism, I don't know, 45:02 but I want you to come. 45:04 As every head is bowed, every eye is closed, 45:06 won't you stand now for Jesus where you are 45:08 and now I want you come. 45:10 Please, stand up for Jesus and make sure your respond 45:14 at this moment as Christ speaks to your heart. 45:17 Come to Jesus, come to Him tonight God-- God bless you. 45:24 Pastor, pastors, God bless you. 45:27 God bless you, come. 45:28 I want you to come, God wants you to come. 45:30 Wherever you are in this auditorium, 45:32 today is the day of your salvation, not-- 45:34 come right down, sis, come right down. 45:37 God bless you. I want you to come. 45:38 Jesus wants you to come. 45:40 Respond to Him right now, tonight. 45:42 God bless you, God bless you young people. 45:44 And older people, come on down, 45:46 don't be a bashful for Jesus, just come here. 45:49 Right now God is giving you opportunity. 45:51 I can't come for you. 45:53 If I could come for you, I'll be up here for you 45:55 but you need to come on your own. 45:57 You say, Ron, I am not good enough. 45:58 That's not what it's about, its God making you good enough 46:01 and I want you to come. 46:02 God bless you, God bless you here. 46:04 Come right here to the altar. 46:06 There's others here that need to come. 46:08 Holy Spirit's been working on your heart, 46:10 I see it every night. 46:11 I see what God is doing for you, just come. 46:15 Mothers and daughter and sons and husbands and wives, 46:18 you need to come. 46:19 Jesus is offering you the way, the truth and the life. 46:22 I want you bowing your head, praying for those people. 46:25 It takes courage, of course it does. 46:27 Didn't it take courage for Christ to come here 46:29 and die for you and for your sin? 46:31 Just stand and come right now. 46:36 Perhaps our program today has impressed you 46:38 with a personal need for deeper Bible study. 46:41 If you desire to listen to God and follow where he leads 46:43 we've got a wonderful resource 46:45 that can help you do that in a systemic way. 46:48 The Discover Bible Guides. 46:51 These Study guides are easy to use 46:52 and can be yours absolutely free. 46:55 If you live in North America, 46:57 we'll send you these full color guides 46:59 or you can find them on our website: 47:00 47:02 Request The Discover Bible guides 47:05 by calling our toll free number 1800-253-3000. 47:10 You may also request today's offer by writing to 47:12 It Is Written Box O, Thousand Oaks, 47:14 California 91359. 47:17 Thank you for you letters and for your continued support. 47:20 Our toll free number is 1800-253-3000 47:24 and our web address, 47:44 Another Bible question that we're gonna look out 47:46 right now, here it is, 47:48 "I've always been told that when you die 47:50 and if you've been good then your soul goes to heaven. 47:56 Now looking at the Bible I'm seeing things differently. 47:59 Can you clear it up for me?" 48:01 Yes, I can. 48:02 Firstly, whether you go to heaven or not 48:05 is not a matter of whether you've been good 48:07 and I appreciate the sentiment, 48:09 now heaven isn't for the people who are continuing to be bad. 48:12 That's not correct. 48:13 But the Bible says and this is really important 48:16 that we know this. 48:17 There is none that does good, no, not one. 48:19 There is none that does good, no, not one. 48:24 Remember, somebody came to Jesus and said, good master. 48:27 And Jesus said, why are you calling me good? 48:30 There's only one who is good and that is the Father. 48:34 So here's what we got to know, 48:37 heaven isn't for good people, heaven is for holy people. 48:40 Heaven isn't for good people, heaven is for saved people. 48:44 Heaven isn't for moral people, heaven is for people 48:47 who have received new hearts, new minds. 48:51 I fear that some even Christians 48:53 are merely moralists. 48:55 They subscribe to good tenets of living, 48:59 when what we want to do is to be 49:01 thoroughly transformed inside and out. 49:03 Now that's not to say that 49:04 heaven is for the immoral and the un-good. 49:05 You know what I am saying. 49:07 But what's clear is that salvation comes to those 49:10 whose lives have been surrendered to God. 49:13 So let's clear that up. 49:14 It's not about being good because no one can be 49:17 good enough to deal with the problem of sin. 49:20 But what about this thought that 49:21 when we die our soul goes to heaven? 49:24 I am gonna cover this briefly 49:26 and I'll read to you from the Book of Genesis. 49:29 In Genesis 2:7, it says, 49:31 "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, 49:34 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, 49:37 and man became a living soul." 49:42 So a soul is what you are, it isn't what you have. 49:48 In spite of what many people say 49:52 and teach and believe and think and sing, 49:55 in spite of the influence of the new age 49:58 and movement that has encouraged us 49:59 to think along these lines, the truth of the matter is 50:03 that a soul isn't what you have, 50:06 a soul is what you are. 50:08 The combination of body plus breath 50:11 equals a living soul. 50:12 When a person dies, 50:14 what happens is their breath leaves their body. 50:18 I know the Bible says the breath goes back to God 50:20 but that's if to say, 50:21 God holds the power of life and death in His hands. 50:25 When a person dies who has the ability to bring 50:27 that person back? 50:28 God. 50:29 It's as if their breath goes back to God. 50:31 If you've seen someone die, sorry if you have-- 50:35 That's what happens, their breath just goes out. 50:38 But God has the power to boot that person up again. 50:42 The breath goes back to God. 50:43 You live, you die, you sleep. 50:48 Don't go to heaven at all until Jesus returns. 50:53 That's when the dead in Christ rise. 50:59 Tell me, why would we even need to have a resurrection 51:02 if every good person 51:05 who died went to heaven right as they die? 51:08 And you don't need to say, 51:09 we have a resurrection 51:10 so we can come back to get our bodies. 51:12 You mean, it's necessary to come all the way from heaven, 51:15 and that's a long way, 51:17 back to this tiny little speck 51:18 in a distant corner of the universe 51:20 to get a body out of the ground 51:22 so a saved person can have something to inhabit? 51:25 That's all a little bit unnecessary. 51:27 So we look at our question, 51:29 "I've always been told that when you die 51:31 and you've been good then your soul goes at heaven?" 51:34 Now looking at this I'm seeing things differently. 51:36 Hallelujah, you're seeing things differently. 51:37 See things biblically. 51:40 When you die you sleep and then at the resurrection 51:45 living souls come out of the ground, 51:48 body and breath together 51:50 and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 51:56 Great question. Thank you. 51:59 Another Bible question for us to look at now. 52:03 "Isn't there a danger of being legalistic 52:05 when talking about the importance of the law?" 52:09 Yep, there really is anger of that, there is. 52:12 Here's what we know, Jesus said, 52:13 "If you love Me, keep My commandments." 52:15 Now, if you love Me, keep My commandments, 52:18 John 14:15. 52:20 Now there's a danger, 52:22 there's a real danger that a person could say, 52:24 okay, what are the commandments? 52:27 There are 10 of them, starts off with, 52:28 "Thou shall have no other God before me. 52:30 Don't make any graven images" and so forth. 52:33 All right then, if I just do that 52:37 then that's enough to get me to heaven. 52:39 If you think like that, that's a real danger. 52:42 You just don't want to think that way. 52:45 What you want to think is this, 52:47 because of what God has done for me, 52:50 because of His great goodness, 52:52 because of His love and my responding to that love 52:55 salvation is mine as a free gift. 52:58 Jesus said, if you love Me, keep My commandments. 53:01 And He wasn't saying, okay, if you love Me, 53:05 prove it by keeping the commandments. 53:08 He was saying, if you love Me, 53:09 something's going to happen in your life. 53:11 The fruit of the spirit is love, 53:15 joy, peace and so on. 53:18 What's a fruit? 53:20 Fruit is the stuff that naturally grows on a tree. 53:25 If you are an apple tree, 53:27 you're going to produce apples. 53:29 It's just an inevitability. 53:31 When the Holy Spirit comes into your life 53:34 you keep the commandments of God, 53:35 it's an inevitability in the life of the person 53:38 who is surrendered to Jesus Christ. 53:41 Isn't that something? 53:42 So, if you love the God 53:44 you won't have any Gods before Him. 53:47 If you love Jesus you won't worship graven images. 53:51 If you love God you won't commit adultery 53:54 or lie or steal or covert 53:57 because your heart is God's heart 54:00 and He is living His life in you. 54:03 Philippians 2:13, 54:04 "It is God who works in you both to will 54:07 and to do for His good pleasure." 54:09 Let's understand something about salvation. 54:11 Salvation isn't about you saying, 54:12 oh, yeah, Christianity is right, 54:15 God exist, Jesus died for me, 54:17 so I am gonna live a good life and be saved. 54:21 I want you to live a good life 54:22 and God wants you to live a good life 54:24 but Christianity is this, the Bible is true, 54:29 Jesus lived and died as the Creator of the world 54:33 and the Savior of the world, He died to save me. 54:38 I can only respond to that in love, 54:40 I am so thankful for what He did. 54:42 His great sacrifice draws out of me a response that says, 54:48 I want to follow You and serve You. 54:50 And now because I surrendered to God and say, 54:53 have Your way in my life completely, 54:55 the Spirit of God fills me up 54:57 and my life now is simple the outworking of 55:00 God's will in my life. 55:02 There it is. 55:03 It's not you trying to be good, 55:04 it's about you 55:06 surrendering and Jesus living His life in you. 55:12 Now when it comes to the commandments of God, 55:13 should we keep them? 55:14 Yes, we should. 55:16 Of course we should keep the Ten Commandments. 55:18 But do we keep the Ten Commandments 55:20 to be saved? 55:22 No, we keep the Ten Commandments 55:24 because we've been saved. 55:27 If you love Me, Jesus said in John 14:15, 55:32 you will keep My commandments. 56:07 Eyes for India, 56:08 is giving sight to the blind 56:11 and you can be a part of this amazing work 56:13 that God is doing. 56:14 Fifteen million blind people live in India, 56:17 more than any other country in the world. 56:19 And many of the blind in India could see again 56:22 if only they could have simple cataract surgery. 56:25 It Is Written, is making that happen. 56:28 Would you support Eyes for India? 56:31 For just $75 you'll be giving the gift of sight to someone 56:36 who desperately wants to see. 56:38 Here's all you need to do. 56:40 Call 1-800-253-3000 56:43 that's 1-800-253-3000 56:47 to donate and support Eyes for India 56:50 or you can write to It Is Written, 56:53 Box O, Thousand Oaks, California, 91359. 56:57 You'll also find Eyes for India online at 57:02 Every $75 you give 57:04 gives someone the precious gift of sight. 57:07 Eyes for India, 57:08 doing the work of Jesus in opening the eyes of the blind 57:12 and opening hearts to the love of God. 57:18 In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God says, 57:21 "It is written, 57:22 'Man shall not live by bread alone, 57:24 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'" 57:27 Every Word is a one-minute, 57:29 Bible-based daily devotional presented by 57:31 Pastor John Bradshaw 57:33 and designed especially for busy people like you. 57:36 Look for Every Word on selected networks 57:39 or watch it online every day on our web site, 57:41 57:43 Receive a daily spiritual boost, 57:45 watch Every Word. 57:47 You'll be glad you did. |
Revised 2014-12-28