Revelation Today

As Good as it Gets

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Halvorsen


Series Code: 13RVT

Program Code: 13RVT000015

00:05 In today's troubled world
00:08 people are wondering where we are headed?
00:13 Revelation Today presents the answers.
00:17 Bible prophecy reveals what the future holds in store.
00:23 Revelation Today.
00:37 Good evening, everyone.
00:39 I am glad that you are here tonight.
00:41 Because tonight's subject is one that
00:42 you don't want to miss.
00:45 I'd like you to think of the most
00:46 beautiful place you've ever been.
00:48 Is it the Smoky's, the Blue Ridge Mountains?
00:51 You might say the Outer Banks,
00:53 you might say further away,
00:55 the Gulf Coast, further, the French Riviera,
00:58 the Swiss Alps, Yosemite, Statesville.
01:02 In spite of what sin has done,
01:04 this world is still very beautiful.
01:07 But it's true that we haven't seen anything yet.
01:10 The very best is still to come.
01:14 You'll be blessed by tonight's presentation,
01:16 "As Good as It Gets."
01:18 The presenter of Revelation Today
01:20 is Ron Halvorsen.
01:27 Good evening. Good evening.
01:30 That's our topic tonight, "Heaven, As Good as It Gets."
01:34 Amen.
01:35 I lived on this blue marble planet
01:38 for almost 76 years
01:41 and I've been in some of the most
01:43 beautiful places in all the world.
01:47 I stood on a mountain in Switzerland
01:50 in the early morning and watch the fog
01:53 sweep up the valley walls like a jewel scarf
01:56 being taken off a lady's shoulders.
01:59 I've stood on beautiful clean clear meadow lake
02:04 in New Zealand, fly fishing at day break.
02:08 I could hear the sheep bells
02:10 and just at that time a flock of sheep
02:12 came up over the crest of the hill
02:14 and looked down upon me.
02:16 It was morning.
02:17 I'll never forget
02:19 that I was touched by the cool morning water
02:22 and invigorated by the cool unpolluted air, beautiful.
02:28 For 75, almost 76 years I've lived on this beautiful
02:34 blue marble planet called earth.
02:37 And I've been in places some just dream about.
02:41 I kissed my wife in the shadow of the Taj Mahal.
02:44 They say you live forever after that with each other.
02:47 Amen.
02:48 So you better get a plane trip, man.
02:52 I rode on a boat on the beautiful fjords of Norway,
02:56 my country of my ancestors.
02:58 And I watched 100 water waterfalls
03:00 tumbling down from the cliffs
03:02 and cascading down to the water's edge.
03:06 I swam in Nylon Pool in Tobago just off of Trinidad.
03:11 So beautiful and so clear, you can look 100 feet down
03:15 and it seems like just a few feet.
03:18 Beautiful, Nylon Pool in Tobago.
03:23 I stood in-- on my skies at Keystone Mountain in Colorado
03:28 and I've been the first one to come up to chair lift
03:31 and I was there all by myself
03:32 and a foot of snow fell that night
03:34 before in fresh powder.
03:36 And there I was and then I started down the mountain,
03:38 I was exhilarating, invigorated by the snow and the wind.
03:45 I've swam in the Crystal River,
03:48 a thousand times with the manatee
03:51 and I listened as they blew the water from their nostrils,
03:55 Crystal River and the Three Sisters Springs.
03:59 My son and I walked the Shadagee river
04:01 fly fishing in New York State, fishing for brown trout.
04:05 And I remember sitting on the boulder with my son at noon
04:09 and we watch the midday hatch and we sat together
04:13 and we ate a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich together.
04:20 All on this blue marbled planet,
04:26 this beautiful place.
04:28 But I'm not fooled by beauty.
04:30 I've seen the world old and I've seen it dirty
04:35 and I've seen it dying.
04:38 I've been in the slums of India
04:39 and so poverty that lowest level.
04:42 The stench of horror, the open sewers, hungry people,
04:46 it was Gandhi who said,
04:48 "Poverty is the worst kind of violence."
04:50 I've been there.
04:52 I've been in South Africa during apartheid
04:55 and preached at Soweto, a township
04:57 where I wasn't supposed to even go.
05:00 And I saw the poor and I saw sadness in the faces.
05:06 I've been in a Barrios of LA and saw poverty and dirt,
05:10 I saw falling down shacks where four families lived together
05:14 surviving and hoping for a job.
05:18 I lived in the ghetto.
05:20 I mean the slums of Coney Island.
05:23 My only scenic view out the window
05:26 was the garbage barrels in the alleyway.
05:28 I lived with the violence and the blood
05:33 and the gore and the death.
05:37 I've been in the inner cities of the great nation
05:39 and saw what drugs and alcohol
05:40 and sin can do to wreck a neighborhood
05:43 and hold its citizens captive
05:45 behind the doors captive to violence.
05:49 I've seen the pollute waters of Coney Island creek.
05:53 And I saw the east river where I swam
05:57 and when I came up I had a sheen of oil on my body
06:02 and I had to watch out for the water rats
06:03 when I crawled out of the river.
06:07 I've been there.
06:08 I discovered that all this beauty in this world
06:11 which has inspired the tracing of artists
06:14 and the words of poets is not sufficient.
06:16 You see, that is the world,
06:19 that is this world and it's not enough.
06:22 There is a better place.
06:24 I mean, and that brings us to our subject tonight,
06:27 it's as good as it gets, the good as it gets.
06:32 The Book of Revelation can be called
06:33 the book of homecomings.
06:35 For there in that book he's given the picture
06:37 of a heavenly home.
06:38 And heaven is our true home.
06:40 You see, anonymous writer about an American tourist
06:43 visit to 19th century Polish Rabbi, Hofetz Chaim.
06:49 As he walked into the Rabbi's home,
06:51 he noticed there was so little bit of furniture
06:53 and it was just a room filled with books
06:55 and a table and a bench.
06:57 And the tourist asked then,
06:59 "Rabbi, where is your furniture?"
07:02 And the Rabbi said, "Where is yours?"
07:05 He said, "Mine?"
07:06 Asked the puzzled American.
07:08 "I'm a visitor here. I'm only passing through."
07:13 And the Rabbi looked at him and said, "So am I."
07:16 Amen.
07:18 So am I.
07:20 You see, Revelation describes of people who are pilgrims
07:25 and not tourists that they are pilgrims
07:27 going to the Promise Land.
07:29 They are pilgrims like Abraham starting out trusting God
07:33 every step by faith until they found their promise land.
07:36 We are pilgrims today. Amen.
07:40 I went home recently back to New York.
07:42 I go there every now and then just to walk up
07:44 and down the streets and smell again the smells
07:46 and hear again the sounds.
07:48 I love the city.
07:49 You get to heaven I know
07:51 you have a place out in the country,
07:52 I'm gonna live in a condo in New Jerusalem.
07:57 But I went back to New York, I went back to Coney Island
08:01 the boardwalk and also I went to ground zero.
08:05 I stood on the spot where the age of fear was born
08:09 and the war on terrorism really began.
08:11 The skyline looks so different.
08:13 It looked like some teeth were plucked out of the city.
08:17 I mean, the skyline looks strangely different.
08:20 Twin Towers lay in ruins.
08:21 I stood reverently thinking about
08:23 those people that perished that day.
08:25 They had everything to live for
08:27 and I stood there with bowed head
08:29 and thought of those people.
08:31 David Tatkey, twin sons and daughters,
08:35 he died at 47 years old at the towers.
08:38 I mean, Patrick Sean Murphy,
08:42 he left behind a two year old daughter
08:44 and he died in the ruins.
08:47 William Rob, 38 years old
08:50 left behind a wife and six year old daughter.
08:53 Vincent Brunton, Captain, Truck Company Ladder 105.
08:59 He left behind a two year old and a three year old.
09:03 Just a few names
09:05 and it tells me death be not proud.
09:08 My Bible tells me in 1 Corinthians,
09:11 "If in this life only we have hope in Christ,
09:14 we are all men most miserable."
09:16 He tells us that this is the only hope that we have,
09:18 here charlotte at North Carolina.
09:20 If this is the only hope we have,
09:22 United States of America,
09:23 if this is the only hope we have,
09:26 if this is the only hope we have,
09:28 we are miserable.
09:31 Because there's a good and the bad,
09:33 there's the beautiful and the ugly.
09:36 And even our tranco world is ripped apart
09:39 sometime in our growing years.
09:43 Does God have anything to say to a world held hostage?
09:47 Does God have anything to say to those who grieve?
09:50 I have good news for you.
09:51 Yes, God has something to say to us.
09:54 The book is written in the age of pain, Revelation.
09:56 The book is stained with tears, this Book of Revelation.
09:59 This book is stained in blood, the Book of Revelation
10:03 and it gives us hope.
10:04 The apocalypse, the Revelation is a book of the soaring
10:07 and it says, "I, John, saw."
10:09 Nearly 50 times,
10:12 John the man of Patmos says, "I saw."
10:17 And why he says that
10:18 is because when you read this book,
10:20 he wants you to see.
10:22 He wants you to see what he saw.
10:24 He wants you to see
10:26 the beautiful kingdom of heaven.
10:28 He wants you to see the curtain open,
10:30 he wants you to see the angels of God rejoicing at the throne,
10:33 he wants you to see Jesus Christ,
10:36 King of kings and Lords of Lords.
10:38 I saw, he saw things of the past.
10:42 I saw Jesus walked to the water
10:44 and be baptized by John the baptizer.
10:47 I saw and beheld he says, I saw Jesus Christ
10:50 as He came up out of the water.
10:51 John saw it with his own eyes, that was past.
10:55 He saw the slain lamb Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
10:59 He saw the upper room where He was with His disciples
11:01 and where Judas came and betrayed his Lord
11:04 for 30 pieces of silver.
11:06 But what do we betray Christ for?
11:09 What cheap things do we betray Christ for?
11:12 I saw, he says.
11:14 I saw the upper room, the feast.
11:16 I saw the garden where He prayed,
11:18 where drops of blood poured from His forehead
11:21 and mingled with the dust of the earth.
11:23 "Let this cup past from the me, o God, not my will
11:26 but Thee be done."
11:28 He said I saw the trail of Jesus.
11:32 I saw where they took the crown of thorns
11:34 and crushed it upon His head.
11:36 I saw Him die upon the cross, bloodied by man's spear
11:41 and bloodied by man's whip.
11:43 I saw Him die.
11:47 I, John, I saw Him.
11:52 I saw Him resurrected.
11:55 I saw Him come forth, I saw Him
11:58 who had broken the bonds of death
12:00 and the stone had been rolled away.
12:02 I saw Jesus alive.
12:04 I, John, saw.
12:06 The ascension of Jesus back to heaven
12:09 and the future is open to John
12:11 and the veil is pulled away and now He sees things
12:13 that will come to pass in the future.
12:15 And those are the things he wants you to see.
12:17 He wants you to see the Christ of the past
12:20 and the Christ of the present and the Christ of the future.
12:23 He wants to show you and there are two things
12:25 among many that he shows us.
12:27 First of all he shows us a world ruined,
12:29 a world ruined by man and then secondly
12:32 a world restored by the Son of Man.
12:36 1 John says, the world is ruined.
12:39 Listen, "And I looked, and behold a pale horse,
12:42 and his name that sat on him," this is prophetic.
12:44 Listen to what he says.
12:45 He said, "Behold a pale horse,
12:47 and his name that sat on him was Death,
12:49 and Hell," that translated in Greek is the grave.
12:52 I saw the grave. "Followed with him.
12:55 And power was given unto them
12:56 over the fourth part of the earth."
12:58 And he describes it.
12:59 "To kill with sword, war and with hunger,
13:02 pestilence and death,
13:04 and with the beasts of the nation of the earth."
13:06 He saw all these things a world ruined by man,
13:10 a world ruined by man.
13:12 And then in chapter 6 verse 4, he says,
13:14 "And there went out another horse,"
13:16 this is the four horse galloping across
13:18 the scene of human events
13:19 telling us what terrible things are going to happen
13:22 before Christ comes.
13:23 He says, "And there went out another horse that was red,
13:26 and power was given unto him that sat thereon
13:28 to take peace from the earth,
13:30 and that they should kill one another,
13:32 and there was given unto him a great sword."
13:34 He describes this terrible world,
13:36 the world of war, the world of hate
13:38 when nations can't get along together.
13:41 The war of hate.
13:42 He talks about it and he says, it says,
13:45 if the horse gallops across the scene
13:47 the scene of human events.
13:49 And the Bible tells us, Roman 3:17,
13:53 notice, and it says,
13:54 "The way of peace have they not known."
13:57 What a world.
13:59 Must I remind you we are at war.
14:01 Iraq, Iran, I mean, Afghanistan.
14:05 We're at war,
14:06 we're at war with terrorism around the world.
14:09 And we are at war and the Bible says,
14:11 it needs the Prince of peace, the Lord Jesus Christ.
14:14 Amen.
14:15 And so John describes it in that chapter,
14:17 the sixth chapter of Revelation.
14:19 He describes a world, a world throttling
14:22 on the brink of disaster.
14:24 And the Bible again tells us,
14:26 "Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars."
14:29 And he says, the end's not yet.
14:31 Not one decade has been in universal peace
14:34 in our lifetime.
14:36 Always somewhere man is at war.
14:38 I mean John sees it there in Revelation.
14:41 And he goes and says,
14:42 "And when he had opened the third seal,
14:43 I heard the third beast say, Come and see.
14:45 And I behold, and lo a black horse."
14:47 Notice, he says, "A black horse and he that sat on him
14:50 had a pair of balances in his hand."
14:52 They're trying to balance out the food supply for the world.
14:57 "And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts,
15:00 the four nation say,
15:01 A measure of wheat for a penny,
15:03 three measures of barley for a penny,
15:05 and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."
15:09 Figuratively who is speaking listen,
15:11 the food is weighed out in small portions at a time.
15:15 Famine and inflation will play a major role
15:18 in the last days.
15:19 I'm Paul when I go to Africa,
15:21 I'm Paul when to the third world countries.
15:24 And I think of what we have here in America
15:27 and we're always complaining.
15:30 I'm amazed.
15:32 Follow me through those Sahara places,
15:37 those dry places.
15:39 Go with me into some of those townships.
15:42 Go with me with a people who are hungry
15:44 and starving and they have no--
15:45 and they are following their momma,
15:47 they're looking for something, something to eat.
15:50 Some haven't had a bit of food for the week,
15:54 those little thin children with bloated bellies.
15:59 Bible says it will get worse and worse until
16:01 the man ruined the world that God gave them.
16:04 All the beautiful things I talked about man ruins it.
16:07 He pollutes the sky.
16:08 I mean he does away with the ozone.
16:11 I mean he melts the ice cap.
16:13 Listen to me, friend, we are our worst enemies.
16:17 "And when he opened the fourth seal,
16:18 I heard the voice of the fourth beast say,
16:20 Come and see.
16:21 And I looked, and behold a pale horse,
16:23 and his name that sat on him was," what?
16:25 "His name was Death."
16:28 And we go on.
16:29 "And Hell followed with him.
16:30 And power was given unto them
16:32 over the fourth part of the earth,
16:33 to kill with sword,
16:34 and with hunger, and with death,
16:36 and the beasts of the field of the earth."
16:39 We find a world ruined by man.
16:41 But we find a world soon to be restored by God.
16:44 God is about to restore in spite of pestilence,
16:48 in spite of anthrax and smallpox and Rickets
16:52 a world under the threat of chemical warfare.
16:54 In spite of all that God has an answer for our future.
16:59 A world will be restored again.
17:02 I'll look for the restoration of this earth.
17:04 I long for the restoration of this earth.
17:07 And God says that He will do it, restore it.
17:10 When I was a young minister, I got a telephone call once.
17:13 I was in my study reading the Word of God,
17:15 trying to write a sermon for the coming Sabbath
17:17 where I was to preach.
17:20 If in this life only we have hope.
17:23 And I got a telephone call
17:24 and this was a mother of C.M. Jennings
17:27 and she said, "My boy is in the hospital."
17:29 I couldn't believe it why he was a seminary student,
17:32 that weekend he was there at the church and I--
17:34 I had him have opening prayer
17:36 and he was so excited about finishing seminary
17:39 and going out and preaching
17:40 and being a minister of the gospel.
17:42 And I said C.M?
17:44 She said, "He's in the hospital at New Haven
17:47 at Yale at the medical center there.
17:50 Would you go see him?" I said, "I sure will."
17:51 And so the next morning I drove down from New London,
17:54 Connecticut down to New Haven.
17:57 I walked into the hospital
17:58 and up the stairs and down the hallway
17:59 and got to his room, third floor.
18:04 The door was open a little, I noticed
18:05 he was sitting on the edge of his bed
18:06 and he was reading his Bible.
18:09 And so I walked in and he said, "Hi, pastor.
18:13 I'm so glad to see you."
18:15 And we sat down together and we talked a little.
18:17 And then he says, "You know, pastor,
18:19 I've been reading about Abraham.
18:21 The Bible says Abraham looked for a city
18:23 whose builder and maker was God."
18:26 And we spent the most beautiful hour and a half together
18:29 studying the restoration of the new planet.
18:32 And he was so excited, he was so thrilled,
18:35 we had prayer together.
18:36 I went home and when I got home,
18:38 the mother called me.
18:39 She says, "The tests have just come back.
18:42 C.M. has leukemia."
18:44 Nineteen year old boy.
18:47 He has leukemia and it's deadly.
18:52 So I prayed for C.M.,
18:54 the next day I went down to the hospital.
18:57 Then the next day.
18:59 About the fourth day he was looking weaker and paler.
19:03 And I was sitting on the bed beside him
19:04 and we again studied about
19:06 the restoration of the new earth.
19:09 And he said, "I know I have a terrible disease,
19:11 pastor" he said.
19:12 But I look for a builder
19:16 who's the maker is Jesus Christ.
19:18 And that city, that restoration.
19:22 Few days later I came to the hospital,
19:24 I walked and he was in last stages of leukemia.
19:27 His fiancée was standing at the foot of the bed
19:30 and mother, father, brother, sister, two sisters.
19:37 And I sat down beside him and I took his hand.
19:42 And he squeezed my hand and he said,
19:46 "Abraham, Abraham. Abraham."
19:51 I said, "C.M., go to sleep.
19:55 I'll see you with Abraham."
19:59 That's right. Amen.
20:00 I walked out in the room and I was crying because--
20:05 then after I came back
20:06 the bed sheets were out in the hall
20:07 and there was mother and father heartbroken
20:10 and a brother and two sisters.
20:14 It's hard to explain but was through his death
20:17 that I let his mother and father to Jesus Christ
20:20 and the kingdom of God
20:22 and I baptized his three, his three siblings.
20:27 Looks for a kingdom.
20:30 I left that place a different man.
20:32 I was determined from the moment on,
20:34 that any opportunity God gave me
20:36 to show a man or a woman or a young person and child
20:39 to the kingdom of God
20:40 that's why I live for and I die for.
20:42 Amen.
20:44 Revolutionized my ministry,
20:46 if in this life only we have hope a world--
20:50 a world restored.
20:52 Now this miserable world without God,
20:57 why because we've been held hostage.
20:59 Look at this man he is in chains,
21:01 the more figurative that we had to put real chains on him.
21:04 Sin has brought him to ruin.
21:07 Alcohol and drugs
21:09 and there is no denying that we live here
21:11 but we really don't have a full abandon life, come on.
21:14 Just when you think everything is going all right,
21:16 you get news from the doctor, come on.
21:18 Just when you think everything is going by you
21:20 hear news from the bank.
21:22 Just when you think things--
21:24 you're finally getting on top of it you know fall.
21:29 In this life we don't have permanent love here.
21:32 I mean we will laugh we don't have
21:33 permanent happiness here.
21:35 You see sinners robbed us and God will restore us
21:38 and that is what John is saying in the Book of Revelation.
21:41 The ultimate life, the ultimate love,
21:43 the ultimate happiness is heaven.
21:46 And that's why I'd like to talk about heaven.
21:48 I mean, I love to talk about heaven.
21:51 You see heaven,
21:52 you see it's true that a Christian has a--
21:54 I mean ability to enjoy life here on earth.
21:57 I mean I love life, I mean, everyday is a blessing,
22:01 I mean even when I'm sick it's a blessing.
22:03 I mean everyday, I mean, I can't help
22:05 but to be rejoicing and happy.
22:07 Sometimes my wife she says, what's this?
22:12 I say, that's right, I take two pills,
22:14 one in the morning prayer and one in the evening
22:16 and the whole day goes better.
22:19 A whole day goes better.
22:21 I mean, a world filled with evil
22:23 yet we can find some kind of good.
22:25 Can't we as a believer?
22:27 I mean tragic circumstances the believer finds
22:30 happiness in a world of unhappiness.
22:32 The believer finds peace in the world of panic.
22:35 Believer finds love in the world of lust,
22:37 I mean but the ultimate happiness,
22:39 the ultimate peace and the ultimate joy
22:41 will be in heaven itself.
22:42 A person is not prepared to live
22:44 until he's prepared to die.
22:46 Amen.
22:48 Bob Harrington, chapel in the Bourbon Street
22:50 had his Bible in his hand was walking along Bourbon Street
22:53 singing a hymn just moving fast through Bourbon Street
22:56 and there was the bartender
22:58 standing out in the corner he says,
22:59 Bob, where you going?
23:01 He said, heaven just passing through town.
23:05 I like that, we are pilgrims on a way to heaven.
23:10 And you're just passing through town.
23:15 Heaven is for real people, for you and for me.
23:19 It's for young people and old people.
23:21 I mean, in fact, do you realize
23:23 that 88 percent of people surveyed,
23:26 said they believe heaven is a place
23:28 where people live forever with God.
23:31 Fifty seven percent people believed
23:33 people get there through a mixture of
23:36 faith in God and good works.
23:38 Seventy nine believe Mother Teresa is in heaven.
23:42 Sixty six believe that Oprah Winfrey
23:44 will go to heaven, that's nice.
23:47 I wonder if I'm on this survey anywhere.
23:51 I mean, I kind of like her but surely if Oprah is going
23:54 I want to go, come on I mean.
23:57 Sixty one percent believe that Princess Diana
24:00 will be in heaven.
24:01 Eighty seven believe that they were going there.
24:05 I don't know if that's faith or presumption
24:07 but anyway 87 percent.
24:10 I don't think the average American
24:11 gives it a second thought until someone they love dies
24:15 and then heaven is real.
24:18 Heaven is real and the restoration of eternal
24:21 never ending life and peace and happiness and joy
24:24 spoken out by John and John did not lie to us
24:27 Revelation is a revelation of Jesus Christ
24:30 and Christ is never lie to us and if my Christ says
24:33 I go to prepare a place for you,
24:34 I will come again receive you unto Myself
24:37 I'm waiting,
24:40 I'm waiting to go home to be with Jesus Christ.
24:46 I tell you what a wonderful promise.
24:48 Heaven is for real people, the Bible tells us.
24:52 "And he showed me," Revelation 22:1-5,
24:55 'he showed me a pure river of water of life,"
24:58 you see listen to me at Eden there was a river,
25:01 when sin came into world it was divided.
25:03 Sin always divides.
25:04 And then there was a river and remember the time
25:06 they came through the waters of Mara
25:10 and remember they, the waters were bitter
25:14 and then he took the tree and then through it in the waters
25:16 and it became sweet the tree always makes lives sweet,
25:20 Calvary always makes life sweet.
25:23 And then you know the river-- the river flows
25:26 it flows through the Old Testament
25:27 then my blessed Lord hangs upon a tree,
25:30 they pierce His side and blood comes out
25:32 and water the river runs through it
25:35 from Genesis to Jesus and Jesus to John.
25:37 And then John says I saw a new river.
25:40 Amen.
25:42 The river of life "clear as crystal,
25:47 proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
25:50 In the midst of the street of it,
25:51 and on the either side of the river, was a tree."
25:54 Listen, "and there was a tree of life,
25:55 which bare twelve manner of fruits,
25:57 and yielded her fruit every month,
25:59 and the leaves of the tree
26:00 were for the healing of the nations.
26:01 And there shall be no more curse."
26:04 Amen. Amen.
26:06 Nothing can harm us there. Armies cannot touch us there.
26:10 Terrorist cannot fight us there.
26:13 I tell you floods cannot destroy us.
26:15 Fires cannot burn us. Evil cannot overcome us.
26:19 Famines cannot starve us.
26:21 Torture chambers cannot hold us.
26:23 Concentrated camps cannot defeat us.
26:28 That's we are children of God.
26:31 There will be no more tears.
26:33 I love that.
26:34 "But the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it,
26:36 and the servants shall serve him,
26:38 and they shall see his face,
26:39 and his name shall be in their foreheads."
26:41 The name not 666
26:43 but the name of Jesus written in your forehead
26:46 because that your forehead is where of your thoughts are,
26:48 that's where your mind is,
26:50 you respond to Christ here in your forehead.
26:53 He says, the name of Christ is written
26:56 "and there shall be no more night there."
26:57 What a description of this world.
26:59 "And they need no candle, neither light of the sun,
27:02 for the Lord God giveth them light,
27:04 and they shall reign for ever and ever."
27:06 I remember as I was knocking on door sharing faith
27:09 and I would go into the home and I would shared Jesus
27:12 and give them the assurance that the Bible gives.
27:14 And I remember I was in this doctors home and he says--
27:17 he says, I don't believe in heaven.
27:20 Now I was taken back because that's my first line.
27:24 If you died would you go to heaven?
27:25 He said, I don't believe in heaven.
27:27 So I said, what if there was a place,
27:31 that there be no taxes, no sickness,
27:37 no pain, no death, no separation
27:42 and I went on and on and on just describing
27:44 what the Bible describes about heaven
27:46 and he said, this, he said, you'll have to be crazy
27:48 not to, want to go there.
27:50 I said, that's right, may I share with you
27:51 the gospel the good news?
27:53 Amen, amen.
27:55 You'd have to be crazy if you don't go there.
27:59 There in Revelation the Bible teaches us,
28:02 I think Jesus is personal,
28:05 I think that children will flock to Him.
28:07 I was out at a little church school the other day,
28:09 we have two beautiful church schools in this city,
28:12 you should check up on them for your children, believe me.
28:15 And anyway when I finished
28:18 the children came and ran and grab me,
28:21 held on me, this grandfather's heart
28:24 I tell you it was beating boom, boom, boom.
28:29 I think it was like that with Jesus.
28:31 Isn't a terrible thing now?
28:34 Come on, isn't a terrible thing now?
28:36 There is so evil people that they can't
28:39 a child cannot put their arms around you.
28:42 Amen. Amen.
28:43 I remember when I had a church
28:45 I had a big church in Washington DC
28:47 and the children like me for some reason.
28:49 I'm a pretty likeable guy for little ones.
28:53 And we had many doors out of this great Cathedral Church.
28:57 And one day a mother came up dragging her child
29:01 and she said, he won't go home until he hugs you.
29:07 I hugged him and he went home.
29:11 And then I-- then a little girl came up to me
29:12 she heard I like Snicker bar
29:14 and she's came up to me one day
29:16 just before I get up to preach just a little girl
29:18 and she said, I got something for you, pastor,
29:21 and she held it out was Snicker bar.
29:25 And I said, honey, I said, I got to go preach
29:27 I said, I can't-- I said, I tell you what,
29:29 you hold it and after you and I will split it.
29:34 She sat in the front row holding a Snicker bar
29:39 and I preached the shortest sermon
29:41 I preached a whole year.
29:46 Wow, no more sickness.
29:51 No more land grabs and loan forecloses.
29:56 No more runaway inflation in trillion-dollar depts.
29:59 Amen.
30:00 No more poverty and hunger and hurt,
30:03 no more beggars, no homeless, no war no--
30:07 and you don't want to go there?
30:10 You don't want to go there?
30:12 My friend Johnny, no my friend Richard,
30:16 excuse me, my friend Richard was out --
30:17 I told you about my conversion there
30:20 the other night and Richard was with me
30:22 remember the young man that was with me
30:23 just out of reform school.
30:25 And I remember when I gave my heart to Jesus,
30:26 I turned Richard and I wanted to invite him to come
30:28 and he looked up and he said
30:30 it cost too much to be a Christian.
30:33 Later he murdered someone
30:35 and he spent the rest of his life in prison.
30:37 And I've traveled around the world
30:39 to the most beautiful places a human being can ever go.
30:43 It cost too much not to be a Christian.
30:46 Amen.
30:47 No tears, no sorrow, no Taliban,
30:51 I mean we have God's word on it.
30:53 I John saw the new heaven and a new earth
30:56 wherein dwelleth righteousness.
30:58 The people of God listen they're safe at last
31:02 and my Bible tells me Revelation 21,
31:05 "And I heard a great voice out of heaven,"
31:07 this is my favorite chapter in Revelation.
31:09 I want you to look at it,
31:10 "And I heard a great voice in heaven saying,
31:12 behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
31:14 and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people,
31:16 and God himself shall be with them, and be their God."
31:19 You don't have to build the tabernacle,
31:21 you are a tabernacle.
31:22 Amen. Amen.
31:24 Then he goes on to say,
31:26 "And I heard the number of them
31:27 which were sealed, and there were sealed
31:29 an hundred and forty and four thousand
31:30 of all tribes of the children of Israel.
31:32 After this I beheld, and, lo," notice he goes on,
31:35 "and a great multitude, which no man could number,
31:38 of all nations, kindreds, people, tongues,
31:40 stood before the throne, before the Lamb,
31:42 clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands."
31:45 Multitude after multi-- friend,
31:47 God is trying to make it for you
31:49 the kingdom possible, the kingdom possible.
31:53 Revelation 7, and God will wipe away all tears here it is,
31:57 "God will wipe away all tears from their eyes,
32:00 and there shall be no more death,
32:02 neither sorrow, nor crying,
32:04 neither shall there be any more pain,
32:06 for the former things are passed away."
32:10 I have good news for you there will be a heaven.
32:14 Amen.
32:15 And it does by the way the Bible speaks about it
32:17 doesn't argue the point it just takes it.
32:20 He talks about heaven, he just takes it,
32:22 don't argue it.
32:24 You can't argue with ignorant people anyway.
32:27 Heaven is real place with real person
32:29 with real people.
32:31 Heaven is a real place of newness
32:32 that's what the Bible teaches us, that is a place--
32:35 wipe away all the tears from their eyes.
32:38 Wow.
32:40 I want to and wipe away the tears
32:41 from my eyes, don't you?
32:43 That's the tender touch of Jesus Christ.
32:46 That's the God you serve
32:47 not some tyrant sitting on a throne
32:49 looking to see you whether you're doing exactly
32:52 like you should so He can zap you.
32:54 Amen. Amen.
32:55 Listen to me, we have people in the church
32:59 that give a bad impression about who God is
33:02 and how He is and how He acts.
33:05 We got bad people behind a pulpit
33:07 trying to make God out as a tyrant.
33:09 But I want to tell you He wants to wipe away
33:10 your tears with His own finger.
33:13 And heaven is a real place with newness.
33:16 It's a place of newness.
33:18 The people of God are safe at last in this new place.
33:23 Listen to me, the people are safe at home,
33:26 "Let not your heart to be trouble,
33:27 ye believe in God, believe also in me.
33:29 In my Father's house are many mansions,
33:31 if it were not so, I would have told you.
33:33 I go to prepare a place for you.
33:35 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
33:37 I will come again, and receive you unto myself,
33:39 that where I am, there ye may be also."
33:41 Amen.
33:42 The Taj Mahal, I don't know, if you ever been there,
33:44 it's a beautiful place.
33:45 That's after he took all the jewelry out of it,
33:46 it was still a beautiful place all the jewels.
33:49 Shah Jahan, built this for his wife for 14 years
33:53 who died giving birth to his son.
33:57 It was constructed of white marble.
34:00 I mean it's so beautiful.
34:02 It's-- I can't explain it even after they robbed it,
34:08 it's so beautiful.
34:09 It took 20,000 artisans to build it
34:13 and when they finished it he cut off their right hand
34:17 so they could never duplicate Taj Mahal.
34:21 My wife and I went there together.
34:23 I've been preaching all across India
34:25 and we went to the Taj we had a day off.
34:28 And what was it, it was a tomb.
34:32 A tomb.
34:34 Imagine what Jesus has prepared for us.
34:37 If a mogul could build such a monument or tomb,
34:42 tomb to his wife
34:45 but heaven is a place of newness.
34:47 Let me tell you that heaven is a place of newness,
34:50 a new earth, a new city, a new beginning.
34:56 I mean notice Isaiah describes and talks about it.
34:59 He talks about this new place and this newness.
35:01 "Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth,
35:03 for the former shall not be remembered,
35:05 nor come into mind."
35:06 It's not gonna bother you any more this old earth,
35:09 your mind is gonna be clear of it.
35:10 Amen.
35:11 And it's gonna be new.
35:13 And there is something about newness isn't there.
35:15 I grew up in a inner city I told you about that.
35:18 I mean I grew up inner city and we were poor.
35:23 Just suppose how poor I don't know what this group.
35:25 I mean, one minute you're happy
35:26 and the next minute you look like
35:27 you lost your best friend, come on here.
35:32 How poor, I was so poor.
35:34 My momma used to scrimp and save.
35:36 You ever hear that word.
35:37 My momma used to scrimp and save to get enough money.
35:40 She would buy a suit, one suit
35:44 once a year for one of the boys.
35:46 Now there are five boys so you get--
35:49 I remember it was my turn.
35:51 We got on the subway train in Coney Island
35:52 rode out to 34th Street in Manhattan.
35:56 Got off the train walk by Macy's that was too expensive,
35:59 went on to Gimbel's by the way I even,
36:02 I even put a little gimbel there is gimbels.
36:05 And my momma said she brought me there
36:07 and I remember I went into a room with suits
36:10 and I looked and my eyes got big.
36:13 Saw a new suit and then she kind of
36:17 guided me to the sales section.
36:20 And then she says all right son pick it out.
36:24 I was walking up and down, up and down, up and down
36:26 and the poor sales person
36:27 he want to get rid of these sales
36:29 and I mean he want to sell this boy
36:31 and get him out of there.
36:32 I get up suit once every five years
36:35 I'm gonna enjoy it.
36:36 Amen.
36:39 And finally I saw it, it was a pale blue suit.
36:45 Come on now pale blue suit in Coney island,
36:50 a pale blue suit.
36:54 My momma said, you sure son?
36:58 She said, this is a beautiful suit.
37:00 I said, oh no, momma, I love that suit
37:03 and she said all right.
37:06 And I took it to the counter, laid it on the counter
37:08 and the woman rung it up, I don't know what it was $7
37:12 or you know in those days you could buy a suit
37:15 now you got--
37:16 bring whole trailer of money to get a suit.
37:19 But anyway or if you get one of those cheep once
37:22 you get home and the unravels on you,
37:23 have you notice that?
37:26 And so I had the blue suit and this woman she said,
37:31 should I put it in the bag?
37:32 I should a bag, I lean back and my momma grab me
37:36 I should a bag-- I want to box.
37:40 And there were these Gimbel boxes
37:42 I don't know with the wooden handle
37:44 and I dragged up box all along 34th Street
37:49 and sat on the subway with that box
37:51 sitting on my lap.
37:55 My momma said, now its Easter Sunday
37:57 you're go in the Sunday School,
37:58 I was first one in Sunday School
37:59 in my pale blue suit.
38:02 I mean isn't it something about getting something new.
38:05 Come on you women know that, you're from Venus,
38:08 I'm from Mars.
38:13 A new suit.
38:14 My Bible tells me I'm gonna have a new body.
38:16 Amen. Amen.
38:18 All things are new a Wal Mart made new again,
38:21 a body shaded made new again,
38:23 a home desecrated made new again,
38:26 the Bible was on to describe this place.
38:28 "And he that sat upon the throne said,
38:29 Behold, I make all things new.
38:31 He said unto me, Write, these words are true
38:33 and the faithful."
38:34 God has always been faithful.
38:36 Death will be no more,
38:38 that's what the Bible teaches us.
38:40 He is going to us glorious bodies,
38:42 fashion unto his body.
38:43 "For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised,
38:46 And if the Christ be not raised,
38:47 your faith is vain, ye are yet in your sins.
38:50 Then they also which are fallen asleep,"
38:53 they have "fallen asleep in Christ"
38:55 and then he says, "are perished."
38:56 But notice
38:57 "If in this life only we have hope in Christ,
38:59 we are of all men most miserable.
39:01 But now is Christ risen from the dead,
39:03 and become the firstfruits of them that," what?
39:05 "Slept." Amen.
39:07 I have not seen.
39:09 Amen.
39:10 Nor ear heard.
39:12 You see it's gonna be real forever, it's a real life
39:17 and "Behold I shew you a mystery,
39:19 we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
39:21 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
39:23 at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound,
39:25 and the dead in Christ shall raise first"
39:28 and then we which are alive and remain
39:30 shall be caught up together with them in the cloud
39:33 to meet the Lord near.
39:34 Amen.
39:35 So shall we ever be with the Lord,
39:39 that's a promise made right from God's holy book.
39:42 Listen to me, Jesus wants us to enjoy that life forever.
39:48 I have not seen He says, there is beauty in that truth.
39:52 A real forever life, cataclysmic change.
39:57 You say how does that happen?
39:58 How will those things become new?
40:00 Notice, notice how. Fire.
40:04 You see, cataclysmic change.
40:05 Why fire? Why cataclysmic change?
40:08 The answer lies in the fact of sin,
40:10 the fact of redemption.
40:11 Sin cannot be eradicated by scientific process,
40:14 just there has to be a cross on Golgotha
40:17 to end sin in the human heart,
40:18 so there must be another divine invent
40:21 to end sin in the world and the universe.
40:23 A cross fro a new heart
40:25 and a coming King for the new world.
40:28 2 Peter tells us,
40:30 "But the day of the Lord will come" what?
40:32 "As a thief in the night,
40:33 in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise."
40:35 Someone says well, that's very secret.
40:37 If the heavens are passing away with a great noise
40:39 I don't know if that's secret.
40:42 "And the elements shall melt with fervent heat,
40:44 and the earth also and the works
40:45 that are therein shall be" what?
40:47 "Burned up."
40:48 Notice how John puts it.
40:50 well, Malachi, "And behold, the day cometh,
40:52 that shall burn as an oven, all the proud, yea"
40:54 notice "and the day that cometh shall burn them up," what?
40:58 "Up, saith the Lord of hosts, that is shall leave them
41:00 neither root nor" what?
41:02 "Branch."
41:03 2 Peter seeing then,
41:05 "That these things shall be dissolved,
41:06 what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation,
41:09 godliness, looking for an hasting
41:12 unto the coming of the day of God
41:14 wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved,
41:17 and all the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
41:19 Nevertheless we, according to the promise,
41:22 look for new heavens and a new earth,
41:24 wherein dwelleth righteousness."
41:25 Let me illustrate, it says, it shall dissolve away.
41:29 It shall dissolve
41:37 by fervent heat.
41:39 You see the tablet disappears but it's not destroyed.
41:44 It becomes liquid.
41:46 You see, the old world the Bible says,
41:48 the old world will dissolve away.
41:50 I mean, mortality will dissolve into immortality.
41:53 I mean, corruptibility shall
41:54 dissolve into incorruptibility.
41:57 Death shall dissolve into life itself,
42:01 the world change by the power of God.
42:04 The world whose role models
42:05 entertain as athletes, politicians,
42:07 tragedy as many of whom lack morals and integrity
42:10 and even come in decency.
42:12 But in that day the day will burn them up, the Bible says.
42:16 But you don't believe that I do believe it
42:19 because God said it.
42:21 A world where there is no compromise.
42:23 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
42:25 for the first heaven and the first earth
42:27 were passed away, and there was no more sea."
42:31 The Bible tells us.
42:32 hey, listen, grab all the gusto you can
42:34 you only gonna go round once
42:36 but if you are believing you are gonna round twice
42:39 and you are gonna have the most blessed eternity
42:41 that anyone could ever offer.
42:43 He offers it to you, every one of you.
42:46 You can have eternal life.
42:47 You can possess eternal life.
42:50 You can have it if you were just reach out
42:52 and if you would take it.
42:54 If you would take it.
42:55 Just think what that's going to be like
42:57 the kingdom of heaven.
42:58 "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem,
43:00 coming down from God out of the heaven,
43:02 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."
43:05 Listen, I've never seen an ugly bride.
43:08 I saw a lot of husbands that needed help
43:11 but I never saw an ugly bride.
43:14 I've known all kinds of people.
43:16 I know drug addicts and drunkards and reprobates
43:18 and rich men and poor men, housewives and down trodden
43:21 but I found them changed
43:22 by the anointing of God's spirit.
43:24 I saw their life looking in the gutter,
43:26 looking in darkness now looking up into the light
43:29 longing and praying
43:31 for the coming of the kingdom of Christ.
43:33 I find it everywhere.
43:34 Isaiah said, "They shall not build, and another inhabit,
43:37 they shall not plant, and another eat,
43:39 for as the days of the tree are the days of my people,
43:42 and my elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands."
43:45 You are gonna build houses and you are gonna keep.
43:48 "They shall not labor in vain,"
43:50 and you won't need the government
43:51 trying to help you to keep them until they run out of money
43:54 and then they leave you in the--
43:56 I mean, come on, and he says this,
43:59 "Their offspring with them."
44:01 Jesus Christ never fails,
44:03 I want to tell you that tonight.
44:04 The Lord Jesus never fails.
44:06 You may fail but Jesus never fails.
44:08 We're gonna know each other in the kingdom of heaven.
44:10 The Bible says "For now we look through a glass, darkly,
44:12 but then face to face, now I know in part,
44:15 but then shall I know even as I am known."
44:18 So you walk up to me and you say,
44:19 Ron Halverson, and I say dove.
44:24 Well, we met there at Charlotte,
44:27 North Carolina at the Ovens Auditorium.
44:31 I say, oh, you were in the fifth row, fourth seat.
44:34 Yeah, and will spend a good time together
44:37 where we can get to know each other better.
44:40 It's gonna be real.
44:41 It's a real place for real people
44:45 and Jesus, listen to me,
44:47 the lame will leap in joy at that day
44:49 and the blind will see for the first time in that day
44:53 and the deaf will hear.
44:55 Mortality shall put on immortality.
44:57 I mean, mother weep no more for that baby.
45:00 He's gonna put it back in your hands again.
45:02 I mean, husband weep no more for that wife,
45:03 God is gonna give her back.
45:05 I mean, you're gonna know each other.
45:06 Wife weep no more for that husband.
45:08 God wants to give you it back.
45:10 God wants to welcome you back.
45:14 The story has told the missionary name
45:15 Samuel Morris and that was his name.
45:18 Who after 25 years in Africa, serving God in Africa
45:24 was returning to the United States to die.
45:28 As it so happened he traveled home on the same ocean liner
45:31 that brought President Teddy Roosevelt
45:34 who had just been in Africa to hunt.
45:37 And the old man lost his two children while in Africa
45:40 and buried then in Africa.
45:42 And just before he was to return home with his wife
45:44 she perished there in Africa
45:46 and he buried her in the soil of Africa.
45:49 Now its time to go home Pastor Morrison
45:53 and he climbs on the same ship that Teddy Roosevelt is on
45:57 and they sail across the ocean.
45:59 When they come to the harbor to New York harbor the--
46:03 fire boats are out shooting up water
46:05 and there's fireworks and here comes Teddy Roosevelt
46:09 walking down the gangplank with his rifle.
46:13 He spent two weeks in Africa and they are cheering
46:18 and there is bands playing and there is--
46:20 I mean, all of this because he's come home, our president.
46:25 After all this the marching bands
46:28 Pastor Morrison came off the ship
46:30 and no one was to greet him.
46:32 Twenty five years he served in Africa, 25 years.
46:36 He tried to find a taxi
46:38 but couldn't even find a taxi cab.
46:40 And so here he is, I mean, here is this poor man,
46:43 I mean 25 years he gave his life to Africa,
46:47 he gave his children to Africa, he gave his dear wife to Africa
46:52 and now he is home in America and no one there to greet him.
46:57 And so he was walking through the dark streets of New York.
47:00 The bands had seized and gone home and he was alone.
47:05 And as he was walking he said, Lord,
47:11 these 25 years I served You in Africa,
47:14 25 years I've been faithful in Africa
47:18 and now I'm home and no one here to greet me.
47:22 And God said, oh, you are not home yet.
47:28 I prepare a place for you and I prepare a place for you
47:33 I will come again and receive you unto Myself.
47:39 My dear child, you are not home yet.
47:41 We are almost home but we are not home yet.
47:47 So therefore when you wake in the morning say your prayers.
47:51 When you wake in the morning open your word,
47:53 read your Bible.
47:55 Say, I don't know much about, I can't understand.
47:57 Doesn't matter read your Bible
47:59 because eventually you will begin to understand.
48:02 Read your Bible, witness to the faith of Jesus Christ.
48:05 Tell others of the glorious fact
48:07 that this Jesus who was crucified,
48:09 this Jesus who was buried in the tomb,
48:12 this Jesus who hung upon the cross
48:14 and now lay in a dark musty tomb,
48:17 that this Jesus is going to come again
48:20 in power and great glory
48:21 and for one purpose and one purpose alone
48:24 and that is to give you a mansion in heaven.
48:27 Amen.
48:28 You may not have it here, you may never get it here
48:34 but I'm telling you what he says in Revelation
48:36 you will get it soon.
48:38 I prepare a place for you and I will come again.
48:43 With that great joy we want to be ready
48:45 for the coming of Jesus Christ.
48:47 He is going to give us a place, a place called heaven
48:51 and I want to see with my eyes Jesus.
48:54 I want to feel with my around Him, Jesus.
48:58 I want to walk with Jesus and I want to be forever
49:02 in the kingdom of God.
49:03 I want my family to be in heaven.
49:06 Amen.
49:08 And so therefore I witness everyday.
49:10 I share faith everyday until that day
49:13 when Christ breaks through the cloud
49:15 and I'll be looking up and say lo, this is God,
49:18 I waited for Him, He has come for me.
50:00 Good evening, everyone.
50:01 Really a blessing to be able to answer
50:03 some Bible questions.
50:04 Tonight, we will start with the first question
50:06 on our list and it is this.
50:10 "When we look at Bible prophecy how can we be sure
50:12 that what we are looking at
50:13 is not simply one man's interpretation?"
50:17 Very good question.
50:19 Let me read a verse to you that I think is,
50:22 is a good one for us to consider.
50:25 It is 2 Peter Chapter 1
50:30 and we look at verse 21, 20.
50:36 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture
50:40 is of any private interpretation.
50:44 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man
50:47 but holy men of God spoke as or spake as they were moved
50:50 by the Holy Ghost."
50:53 Scripture isn't really up to me and you to decide
50:57 for ourselves what it means.
50:58 Now, I know you could take
51:00 what I just see and turn it upside down.
51:01 Sure it is for us to decide for ourselves
51:03 but we decide not on the say so of us
51:08 or the say so of a teacher
51:10 but on the say so of the Holy Spirit
51:12 on the say so of the Bible.
51:15 You know, the prophet wrote that we should look at
51:17 scripture line upon line, precept upon precept,
51:21 here a little and there a little.
51:23 You don't want to build your case
51:25 when you study the Bible on just on thought,
51:27 one text, one idea.
51:29 You want to study the Bible and take into account
51:31 as much as you can find on that subject.
51:34 When you do that you are at very well rounded picture of
51:37 what God is trying to get through to you.
51:39 And that's a good thought to consider.
51:42 When a Bible writer wrote
51:46 and then we read what the writer wrote,
51:49 we are not really trying to find out
51:51 what we think that means.
51:53 What we are trying to find out is
51:54 what the Bible writer thinks or thought it means.
52:01 What did the Bible writer have in mind?
52:03 Now back to the question, how can we be sure
52:06 it's not a matter of one person's interpretation?
52:08 That's by studying the Bible for yourself.
52:11 Jesus said, "search ye the scriptures
52:13 for then you think you have eternal life
52:15 and they are that testify me."
52:17 We need to do some searching and some studying.
52:19 And that's not hard, it's not onerous.
52:21 Pick up the Bible and read it for yourself.
52:23 It's a joy and it's a blessing.
52:26 If there are some things you don't understand
52:27 ask somebody.
52:29 And then be careful, is that really right?
52:32 Ask someone else.
52:33 Ask God and study the Bible being careful
52:37 not to have very dogmatic opinions
52:42 until you are certain you received a revelation
52:44 from God in the Bible as to what something really says.
52:47 So if you are willing to just seed your thought process
52:53 to somebody else you'll believe whatever you are told.
52:56 Some people won't believe anything you tell them
52:59 but other people will believe everything they are told
53:01 by whomever and that's just as bad.
53:04 So if you want to know what the truth is
53:07 get into the Word of God study, be very careful
53:11 not to just give over your mind to somebody else,
53:14 pray and ask for God's direction
53:16 we have been promised by Jesus
53:19 that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.
53:23 You pray for the Holy Spirit's enlightenment
53:25 and God will certainly give that to you.
53:29 Another Bible question now.
53:31 "Since by the law is the knowledge of sin
53:34 in Roman's 3:20.
53:35 Wouldn't it make more sense not to know the law
53:38 so that we wouldn't know sin?"
53:41 Okay, that's a good honest question.
53:44 John, if I only hadn't learn some of these things
53:46 then I wouldn't be responsible for what I found out.
53:51 Do you think God wants you to have a very small picture
53:56 of not only the Bible but of His will for your life
53:59 and of His character or would it be that
54:01 God wants you to have the biggest picture?
54:03 Of course God wants us to have a larger,
54:06 well rounded picture of the Bible
54:08 and of His message so that we can know Him better,
54:12 enjoy Him more closely
54:14 and follow Him with more of our heart.
54:17 God doesn't share truth with you to trip you up
54:22 He shares truth with you
54:23 and He takes a bit of a risk when He does it
54:26 because he wants you to grow in His grace.
54:28 Now sometimes we learn certain things,
54:30 we say, oh, I didn't want to grow like that.
54:32 But that's a lot like the people
54:34 living in Jesus time.
54:35 They wanted a Messiah
54:37 the Jews were desperate to see the Messiah come
54:39 and when He came they said
54:42 we don't want a Messiah like that.
54:44 You mean we have to,
54:45 we have to be that sort of person.
54:48 If someone smash us once let him hit us--
54:51 let them hit us again.
54:53 If they want our shirt
54:54 we are gonna give them cloth as well.
54:56 Now hold on a minute, we want to be selfish,
54:59 we want to be a benefited,
55:00 we want to be great and powerful
55:03 not realizing that the power of love
55:06 is far greater in the eyes of God
55:08 than the love of power.
55:10 So, yeah, God wants us to grow, He wants us to--
55:14 He wants us to live in all we can and thank Him for it.
55:18 Lord, if this is Your will I am grateful
55:22 and I say amen and its a good thing.
55:26 You don't want to be willingly ignorant.
55:29 Okay, I've come to Jesus, I know a little
55:32 don't tell me anything more because it just might make it
55:35 hard for me and mess it up.
55:37 Run to Jesus, study the Bible, keep on growing.
55:40 God wants you to know His word.
55:42 The law of God is given to protect and bless you
55:44 the principles of heaven are given with the same reason
55:47 and the more you learn the more of God you understand.
55:50 So you keep on studying, keep learning
55:52 of God's character and keep on growing,
55:54 surrendering to God at every step.
56:10 Eyes for India, is giving sight to the blind
56:14 and you can be a part of this amazing work that God is doing.
56:17 Fifteen million blind people live in India,
56:20 more than any other country in the world.
56:22 And many of the blind in India could see again
56:25 if only they could have simple cataract surgery.
56:28 It Is Written, is making that happen.
56:31 Would you support Eyes for India?
56:34 For just $75 you'll be giving the gift of sight
56:38 to someone who desperately wants to see.
56:41 Here's all you need to do.
56:43 Call 1-800-253-3000
56:46 to donate and support Eyes for India
56:50 or you can write to It Is Written,
56:52 Box O, Thousand Oaks, California, 91359.
56:56 You'll also find Eyes for India online
56:59 at
57:01 Eyes for India, doing the work of Jesus
57:04 in opening the eyes of the blind
57:06 and opening hearts to the love of God.


Revised 2014-12-28