Participants: Ron Halvorsen
Series Code: 13RVT
Program Code: 13RVT000014
00:05 In today's troubled world people are wondering
00:10 where we are headed? 00:13 Revelation Today presents the answers. 00:17 Bible prophecy reveals what the future holds in store. 00:23 Revelation Today. 00:38 Bible prophecy can be mysterious. 00:40 It can seem as though its hard to understand. 00:43 Tonight a powerful prophecy and as we look at it 00:47 we see just why God gave prophecy in the first place. 00:51 You know the main reason prophecy is been given 00:53 is to reveal Jesus. 00:55 And tonight prophetic presentation does just that. 00:58 You want to listen carefully tonight 01:00 to Revelation's time of the end. 01:03 Please welcome the presenter of Revelation Today, 01:06 Ron Halverson. 01:10 I am just excited to be here. I really am. 01:13 You have been so wonderful each night 01:15 and we have been blessed. 01:16 I have been blessed personally. I hope you have been blessed. 01:20 Let's bow our heads in the word of prayer. 01:23 Our gracious kind Father, 01:24 I thank You for Jesus Christ the Savior. 01:27 I thank You for the privilege and honor 01:29 it is to open Your word to discover new things. 01:33 Father, you told us that You would, 01:34 You would instruct us and You would correct us 01:37 perhaps and even reprove us. 01:39 And Father, we are always open to Your reprove 01:42 or always open to Your correction 01:45 and we are always open to Your instruction. 01:47 And I now I pray God, that You all speak through us 01:50 and this meaning and message 01:53 might stir our hearts to serve you better. 01:56 In the name Christ, amen, amen. 02:00 Amen. 02:01 John's time is coming to an end. 02:05 He's has been faithful to his Lord for the years. 02:10 He was soon be released from prison Patmos 02:13 and he will go back to his little favorite place 02:16 and his favorite church at Ephesus. 02:19 I mean his dim eye-- eyes will not see again 02:24 much of the visions that God gives. 02:28 He will see the final stage though 02:30 what's going to happen the end the judgment 02:35 the millennial world and finally the world 02:37 the kingdom of God heaven itself. 02:40 I mean he is about to ready to go back, 02:42 he will catch glimpses of heaven 02:45 and that is reasonable release you go back to Ephesus 02:48 and the only church father's, the only historians tell us 02:51 that it was there that he finished the book 02:53 call the Revelation of Jesus Christ. 02:57 And in that he saw the judgment day. 02:59 In that message 03:02 the God brought him on that lovely isle. 03:05 This great man of God saw 03:07 one of the great prophecy's of the end time. 03:11 Revelation's time of the end, 03:14 the longest prophecy in all the Bible 03:17 and I want to share it with you. 03:19 I want to share it with you tonight 03:22 right here in this place. 03:25 One of the great stories 03:26 that came out of the great depression 03:29 came from New York City. 03:31 At the time of depression 03:33 New York City has a flamboyant mayor. 03:36 His name is LaGuardia. 03:38 In fact they even named an airport after him 03:40 LaGuardia Airport. 03:42 I mean, he was an interesting character. 03:44 He stood five feet four inches tall. 03:50 He wore a sombrero. 03:53 A New Yorker with a sombrero. 03:55 Come on, you know he's unique. 03:57 Most of us New Yorker's are. 04:00 But that was LaGuardia. 04:03 He wore a red carnation his lapel. 04:06 In fact, the people, 04:07 the citizens of New York called him 04:09 the Little Flower of New York that was a mayor LaGuardia. 04:15 He often was seen riding on the fire engines. 04:18 He loved to be on the fire engine 04:19 and he will be waving at the people 04:21 and sometimes he would be with the policemen 04:23 when they were making raids and he would be right there 04:27 and everybody loved LaGuardia. 04:29 He was kind and generous and he was so loving 04:33 and caring for his citizens, for his people of that city. 04:37 One day and what he liked to do also, 04:40 he liked to go to the courts 04:42 and he had dismissed the judge in night courts. 04:44 He'd dismissed the judge 04:45 and he'd sit there to look at the cases. 04:49 And one night he was there in the low ward 04:52 one of the low parts of the city of New York 04:54 and he was there and an old lady came up 04:58 and she's being tried for stealing a loaf of bread. 05:03 Now the LaGuardia asked the question 05:04 why did you steal the loaf of bread? 05:06 She said my grandchildren were hungry 05:09 and we had no money. 05:11 And there weren't the only ones during depression 05:14 and so I stole a loaf of bread so I could feed, 05:20 I could feed my grandchildren. 05:23 Now LaGuardia was taken back. 05:26 You know him big hearted little body 05:28 but big heart and he felt for this woman. 05:33 A loaf of bread to feed-- now the law required a fine 05:38 $10 or 10 days in jail. 05:43 You see the law demands you to pay $10 or 10 days in jail 05:48 because you don't have the $10 you must go to jail. 05:52 He then reached into his pocket 05:55 and he pulled out a $10 bill to pay the fine. 06:02 People stood in the court 06:03 and they applauded the Little Flower. 06:06 I mean why you are applauding he said? 06:10 It's a sin. 06:12 Anyone would steal a loaf of bread 06:14 in this city to feed grandchildren 06:17 and here by fine each of you 50 cents 06:23 to give back to this woman. 06:26 And they collected $47 and 50 cents 06:31 and she went away to buy a loaf of bread. 06:36 I mean I thankful, 06:38 I am thank full when I face judgment. 06:41 I'll face a judge that's not vindictive. 06:44 I think God, I thank God that when I stand before the judge 06:48 I'm not gonna stand before a tyrant. 06:51 That when I stand before the judgment of God 06:53 I am gonna stand before a compassionate, 06:55 a loving Savior and that's would thrills me 06:59 as I look at this subject tonight. 07:01 That's what wants me to study the subject on the judgment 07:04 because the judgment people read about the judgment 07:07 or they talk about the revelation they say 07:08 well, the judgment in there and they get fearful 07:10 and they get trembling and they say 07:12 I don't like to read Revelation because there's so much 07:15 you know this judgment-- hey by the way 07:18 if you are not ready perhaps you should tremble. 07:24 Perhaps you should tremble. You see the Lord is there. 07:27 God is not changed His law to accommodate 07:30 to one who breaks the law 07:33 so that you could slip into heaven. 07:34 No, but Jesus for all who believe 07:37 has paid the penalty and has taken the punishment. 07:41 Amen, that's the gospel, that's the good news. 07:44 And by the way, 07:45 that's the good news with judgment 07:46 that Jesus Christ has paid the penalty 07:50 for your sins and mine. 07:51 I don't fear the judgment because I don't fear God. 07:56 I respect Him and I know 07:57 He is going to do the best thing for me. 08:00 And so we want to look at that judgment tonight. 08:02 All of us we need to look at that together 08:05 as we see the judgment the judgment of God. 08:08 The Lord has not changed in any way, 08:12 His commands they are there. 08:14 They stand as the witness. 08:15 Those Ten Commandments 08:17 but Jesus Christ is the compassionate one, 08:19 Jesus Christ is the one who loves us 08:22 and gave himself for us. 08:24 The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 08:26 "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, 08:29 that every one may receive the things done in his body, 08:33 according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." 08:37 Everyone has to make choices here and now. 08:41 Everyone needs to make choices for God here and now. 08:44 Not waiting, not hoping for another time, 08:46 a better time, a more convenient time. 08:49 No, we must now make choices for God 08:52 to stand before the judgment. 08:54 Do you realize that when there was a survey 08:56 recently in America 08:57 they found four out of five Americans agree 09:01 that we will all be called up to the judgment day 09:04 someday to give an answer for our sins. 09:07 Four out of five people. 09:12 You see we are creating in the image of God 09:16 not physically but the ability to choose, 09:19 the ability of choice and how we choose 09:22 is going to be how we are respected 09:25 or how we respect God in the judgment. 09:27 Revelation speaks about the judgment. 09:32 "And I saw the dead, small and great, 09:33 stand before God, and the books were opened," 09:36 now this is the Lord speaking about judgment. 09:38 He says, there are books. 09:40 I don't know what kind of books. 09:42 I don't think you have to know what kind of books. 09:45 They are keeping a record. 09:46 The only way you could describe the book 09:47 the God has is called a book. 09:51 He may have something far difference 09:54 but John says, it's a book, 09:58 it's a ledger they are keeping record. 10:01 He says they are keeping record here 10:03 and then he goes on "and the books were opened, 10:05 another book was opened which is" what? 10:08 "Which is the book of life, 10:11 and the dead were judged out of those things 10:12 which were written in the books, 10:14 according to their" what? 10:17 "Works." According to their works. 10:20 Now we're saved by grace, we're saved by faith 10:25 but we're judged according to works. 10:26 What does he mean? Dead judged by works. 10:31 But we're not saved by works. 10:33 How could it be judged by works but not saved by works? 10:36 We will look at that before we get 10:38 into the time period of the judgment. 10:41 My Bible tells me very clearly that Jesus Christ has the book. 10:44 And by the way, when you receive Christ in your life, 10:47 when you are baptized in the kingdom of God 10:49 your name is taken from the book of death 10:51 and put in the book of life. 10:53 When you receive Jesus into your heart 10:55 your name is taken out of book of death 10:57 and put in the book of life. 10:59 That's how important it is 11:00 they are going from destruction to life everlasting 11:04 and that's by the grace of God and goodness and mercy of God. 11:07 Don't wait till you are good enough. 11:09 You will never be good enough to stand before the judge. 11:11 You need someone good enough and that's Jesus Christ. 11:14 Amen. 11:15 You need Jesus because He is good enough. 11:19 He is good enough. 11:20 My Bible tells me in Ephesians 2:8 11:24 "For by grace are ye saved through faith, 11:26 that not of yourselves, it is" what? 11:29 "It is the gift of God." 11:31 Faith is evident by our works. 11:34 We don't work to get to heaven. 11:37 We're in the heavenly experience, so we work. 11:40 It's a natural response of grace. 11:43 Grace makes us willing to obey. 11:46 Amen. 11:47 Grace makes us willing to obey 11:50 and when we get to the kingdom of heaven 11:51 it will be grace of God that saves us 11:53 but it will be our works that tells us 11:56 we have been saved. 11:59 The moment Christ came in the heart 12:00 of a hardened young teenager in New York, 12:03 switchblade in his pocket. 12:04 Let me tell you when he came into my heart 12:07 you didn't have to tell me 12:08 it's wrong to carry a switchblade. 12:11 It's wrong to hurt people. 12:12 It's wrong to steal that became natural. 12:15 It was the natural that's why what did Thomas Aquinas said? 12:19 Love God do as you please 12:22 for whatever you do will please God. 12:25 Get the drift, get and understand it. 12:29 The gospel is wonderful. The gospel is the good news. 12:33 The good news-- the gospel comes before the judgment 12:36 because the good news is this. 12:38 Heaven is the free gift. 12:40 You don't deserve it and you can't earn it. 12:45 Not at all, for by grace are ye saved through faith, 12:48 that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God. 12:50 And you know when I first came to know the Lord 12:52 I dint realize that. 12:53 I didn't fully understand that. 12:55 I have been kind of thought that 12:56 well, yeah, that's grace but you know, 12:59 God kind of put it down payment on the house 13:01 but now you got to pay for it the rest your life. 13:03 No, God paid for the house. 13:05 He wants you to enjoy it that's the difference. 13:10 And so some preacher told me well, now that you are saved 13:12 its like a ladder you gonna climb up this ladder 13:15 and if you get through the top of the ladder 13:17 when Jesus comes you're gonna go to heaven. 13:19 What a depressing type of theology that is a ladder? 13:24 Have you ever climbed up a ladder? 13:25 Have you ever got half way up and fell off? 13:28 You got to walk all up again. 13:32 I was just, I was just saved became a Christian. 13:35 I was-- I delivered flowers on the subway. 13:41 Did anybody rode the subway? 13:43 How you do that and get them they are safe. 13:45 I mean, when I got some of the flowers 13:46 to the funeral parlor 13:48 they were worse off than the person 13:49 who was there at the funeral parlor. 13:52 The flowers, but I remember soon 13:55 after I was saved in a Christian 13:57 I have been fighting all my life. 13:58 It was kind of natural and I get on that subway 14:02 and I am singing hymns to myself and this-- 14:05 they all get crushed in there like sardines in a can. 14:09 You know and you are fighting for your space 14:13 and I am trying to guard these flowers. 14:16 And this man gives me an elbow in the ribs, boom. 14:20 I say hey, mister, that's my ribs. 14:22 Now I am right in trouble come on now. 14:25 And he says move over. 14:26 I said where am I gonna move? Now I am really in trouble. 14:30 Then I wait a little while I'm hanging on 14:33 and he goes boom and I go boom. 14:39 The poor man hangs there until we get to the next stop 14:43 and everybody goes off and he falls to the floor. 14:46 Right away I fell off the ladder the high 14:50 you are on the ladder the harder-- 14:51 and that's why people don't decide for Jesus. 14:54 They are trying to get up the ladder 14:55 and they are afraid they can't make it 14:56 and so if I can't make it to heaven 14:58 what's the use to try the serve Jesus. 15:00 You don't make it Jesus has made it. 15:02 Don't you understand that's the gospel? 15:05 That's the good news, 15:06 that's why I don't face judgmental fear, 15:08 that's why I don't go trembling 15:10 because I have to stay in before the judge. 15:12 The judge is my lawyer what better thing is that. 15:18 You wouldn't be afraid to go to court 15:20 if you are judge was your lawyer, would you? 15:24 Well, then why would you fear judgment? 15:26 Then I got the idea that 15:28 well, wasn't the ladder could be in ladder Lord-- 15:31 and I finally got a stair case out of it. 15:34 I forgive if you fall on the staircase roll three 15:36 then grab on to the banister. 15:38 Pretty good theology, wasn't it? 15:40 No, because I looked up and get bit of tall building, 15:43 I'm in a tall one like New York. 15:45 And the elevators broke down and the way up there 15:47 miserable woman looking down at you. 15:50 I came in a church and everybody 15:51 I looked at look like saints until I knew them. 15:54 But anyway I thought they were saints 15:57 and I thought to myself 15:58 how can I ever become like Miss. Moyer? 16:01 Hey, how can I ever become like that 16:02 but and so I was discouraged 16:04 and God said this is not a staircase, Halverson. 16:07 Now I am beginning to understand the gospel 16:09 and then it came to me it must be an elevator. 16:14 You get on and push the button. 16:15 You don't push the button run for the stairs to run up? 16:18 You legalist I feel sorry for you. 16:21 You pushed the button of the elevator 16:22 then you are running up the stairs 16:25 hoping you get to the stop before Jesus comes. 16:28 Get real smell of roses understand the gospel. 16:31 The gospel is good news. 16:33 You see in another way you push the button 16:36 the doors open, step on go into the roof. 16:41 You don't press any button hope you hit every button. 16:46 You press roof. 16:48 An elevator what happens when you falls in an elevator? 16:51 The elevator keeps pulling up. 16:54 Listen to me the only way-- listen, 16:58 but you have still freewill as I taught the other night. 17:02 So anywhere in your ride up you can press the button 17:06 and get off the elevator. 17:08 But I am not-- you can't get me of the elevator, amen. 17:11 I am riding high right now. 17:14 You hear me? Common people, do you hear me? 17:16 I am riding high right now. Heaven is my goal. 17:19 I am just passing through town and that's the good news. 17:27 You see in the judgment God pulls away the façade. 17:30 Judgment pulls away the curtain. 17:32 The judgment pulls away the hypocrisy. 17:34 The judgment pulls away 17:35 the I am more righteousness than you. 17:37 Gets rid of it. 17:39 He gets right down to the harder things. 17:41 Every deed will be brought into judgment 17:44 and the Bible talks about that judgment 17:46 but the question is this, was the days of Noah 17:50 so shall it be in a days there was a time 17:53 that there was a judgment and a 120 years he preached 17:58 and he preached the gospel. 17:59 Come on, in. 18:00 Get in, get in, and they put it off. 18:03 Then what happened? 18:05 What happened? He destroyed the world. 18:07 Judgment hung over the world 18:09 for 120 years before the flood, right. 18:11 Now I want you to consider that, 18:12 I what you think about that 18:14 120 years judgment was preceding, 18:19 judgment was going-- did not just take place there 18:21 when the flood came 120 years the judgment was going on 18:26 because he was reaching for the people 18:28 so they could get in the ark and be in safety 120 years. 18:35 Then God executed judgment. 18:37 Listen to me, 18:38 could judgment be hanging over the world right now, 18:40 could we be in the end of time. 18:42 Could it be that we are living in the judgment hour right now? 18:46 You see the two great prophetic books in the bible indicate, 18:50 and those two books are Daniel and Revelation 18:52 and they indicate 18:54 that we are living in the end of time 18:57 and the judgment is going on. 18:59 See the judgment is going on but I thought 19:01 that's at the end of the world 19:02 when Jesus-- oh, we're gonna look at the judgment. 19:04 You see there's really a free fold judgment in scripture 19:08 and specially in Revelation is a three fold judgment. 19:10 You see, there's a three fold 19:12 God head, father, Son, Holy Spirit, 19:15 there's a three fold counterfeit god head, 19:17 the devil, the beast and the false prophet. 19:20 You see there and here he says 19:23 that there's a three fold judgment. 19:25 Now we're gonna look at that as it's a clear Word of God. 19:28 Clear Word of God. 19:29 Daniel and Revelation look at the words of John, 19:32 most amazing, shocking prophecy. 19:34 Could it be that is no longer business as usual? 19:38 Could it be that this is not the time to hesitate? 19:40 This is not the time to procrastinate? 19:43 That this is not the time to wait for a better time? 19:46 This is the closing time. 19:49 Closing time of world's history. 19:51 My bible says from Revelation 14:7 19:54 John writes from Patmos "Saying with a loud voice, 19:57 'Fear God," that's awesome respect that word means. 20:00 Have an awesome respect for God. 20:02 And then he says "give glory to him, 20:05 for the hour of his judgment is come," 20:09 not will come but is come. 20:13 He's talking to the people in the last days. 20:15 He's talking to the generation 20:17 just before the return of Christ 20:19 and he says the judgment is come not will come. 20:23 Most people say oh, no, Ron, 20:25 there's gonna be judgment at the end of the world. 20:27 The judgment is coming. 20:29 No, the judgment is here, it has come. 20:32 It is come not in the future but he says 20:36 it will be in present for the last days. 20:38 The last day people have gone. 20:40 When Jesus comes Revelation tells us 20:43 in Revelation 22:12 20:46 "And, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, 20:50 to give every man according as his work shall" what? 20:55 "Be." That's what the Bible says. 20:57 Are we reflecting image of Jesus in our life? 21:00 Are we looking honestly in reflection of Jesus? 21:03 Are we living sincerely in the reflection of Jesus? 21:05 Are we-- are we in a sense imitators of Jesus, 21:09 being like Jesus in such a time in such a time is this? 21:15 As it was important in the days of Noah 21:16 its important in John's day and it was important days 21:20 when John the baptize, it was baptizing 21:23 and it's important to the people who of God 21:25 before the coming of Jesus Christ. 21:27 Could it be the clock is about stuck the hour of judgment? 21:30 I am amazed at the judgment messages revealed 21:33 in a Book of Daniel and Revelation 21:35 and especially in a Three Angles 21:37 Message of Revelation. 21:38 We need not be kept in a dark. 21:40 I mean we need not be taken by surprise. 21:43 We should know and we can know 21:46 if we open ourselves up to the guidance 21:48 and leadings of the Holy Spirit of Christ. 21:52 Let's look at Daniel Revelation, 21:53 let's see what it teaches about the judgment, all right. 21:56 Let's turn to the Word of God. 21:58 Daniel 7:9, 10 notice 22:01 "I beheld thrones were cast down, 22:04 and the Ancient of days did sit," 22:07 see ancients days the Father God 22:09 "whose garment was white as snow, 22:11 his hair the hair of his head like pure wool." 22:14 He describes this judgment to vindicate God's justice 22:20 that's the point. 22:22 "And the throne was like the fiery flame, 22:24 and his wheels as burning fire. 22:25 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him." 22:28 I mean this is the mighty judgment. 22:30 This is an exciting judgment he's talking about here 22:33 and he says it comes forth 22:35 and "thousands thousands ministered unto him," who? 22:38 The ancient of days. 22:39 "And he says ten thousand ten thousands stood before him, 22:42 and judgment was set, and the books were opened." 22:46 Wow, in the presence of God there's no confusion. 22:51 He had no mystery here. 22:53 He touches our need in judgment and that need is forgiveness. 22:59 You see if our greatest need had been information 23:01 God would have sent a teacher. 23:05 You see, if our greatest need had been technology 23:07 God would have send us a scientist. 23:10 If our greatest need was money God would have sent economist. 23:14 You see if our greatest need had been pleasure 23:18 God would have send a Hollywood entertainer. 23:21 You see, but our greatest need was forgiveness 23:23 and so God had to send the Savior. 23:25 Amen. 23:27 He had to send a Savior and that's Savior 23:31 is none other then Lord Jesus Christ. 23:33 And they come into His presence. 23:36 The angles are singing. 23:37 You see the angles sang when He was born. 23:40 The angles sang, the angles sang 23:43 when He came back to the Father 23:44 after the ascension from the grave, 23:47 the angles were singing welcome home my child, my son. 23:51 The angles sing again. 23:53 They will sing before the throne of God 23:55 because they see that the Savior is kind 23:58 and gentle and compassionate and He's doing everything 24:01 He can to see that you get into a heaven. 24:08 No condemnation. 24:11 The warm spirit is birth the angle sang. 24:15 Do you realize when you have a birth or rebirth 24:18 you are born of the water and the spirit the angles sing. 24:22 We have been having angles sing all over this place. 24:25 This weekend we have angles singing some more 24:28 and the angles want to sing for you by the way. 24:30 He wants to-- the angles want to sing for you. 24:34 God did everything He could to save us. 24:36 The judgment is for the purpose, 24:38 listen carefully they are not lost 24:40 because of God's vindictiveness they are lost 24:42 because they choose to be lost. 24:46 You choose to be lost. 24:49 There are lost because they rejected 24:52 the truth of God. 24:53 It wasn't popular Brother Halverson, 24:56 when I say better to walk alone 24:59 than walk with a crowd in wrong direction. 25:03 You see, they turned their back on love, 25:04 they turned their back on grace, 25:06 they turned their back on His truth 25:08 and His word and now they are coming 25:10 before the judgment without a mediator. 25:12 They are coming before the judgment 25:14 without the Savior. 25:15 They are coming before the judgment 25:16 without the lamb slain from the foundation of the earth. 25:19 They are coming to judgment 25:20 and we are living in the judgment hour. 25:23 He loves us so much where He is the judge 25:30 and He is the jury and He is the lawyer. 25:34 Wow, that's even better. 25:35 I mean He's the judge, the lawyer and the jury. 25:42 Angles can't sit in judgment. You and I can't sit. 25:47 Hey, you and I can't go up before the judge 25:49 and say now let me, let me defend my case. 25:52 What are you gonna defend? We are pretty good person. 26:01 I was careful when I ate, I was careful when I, 26:04 I was very careful with. 26:06 What do you gonna present? 26:07 Wretchedness clothed in self-righteousness? 26:11 No all the sin come short of the glory of God. 26:13 We clothe before our judge and say mercy on us, 26:19 mercy on us. 26:21 And this great judge 26:24 welcome home, my baby, my child. 26:28 He's great judge. 26:31 This in the Bible says, the books were open. 26:34 So there's books in heaven. 26:36 The Bible says where are they? They are in heaven. 26:39 I mean, it's clear to us. 26:41 We understand it, don't we? I mean, it's so clear to us. 26:45 Does the Bible actually tell us when the judgment would begin? 26:48 Does the Bible tell us when this judgment would begin, 26:51 the judgment hour? 26:52 Yes, it does. 26:53 In fact, He gave us great prophecy 26:55 the longest time prophecy in the Bible. 26:57 I am gonna try to explain it to you 26:59 and there in chapter 7 27:00 "I beheld thrones were cast down, 27:02 and the ancient of days sit, whose garment was white" 27:04 this is the same text that I am reading it again 27:06 to set the stage for the next text. 27:08 I want you to notice 27:09 "and his throne was like the fiery flame, 27:11 his wheels as burning fire." 27:12 I mean, this is the cleansing judgment. 27:15 "and issued came forth from before him, 27:18 thousands ministered unto him, 27:19 ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him, 27:22 judgment was set, and the books were opened." 27:25 That's Daniel 7:9, 10. 27:28 Now in Daniel 8:14, when will this judgment begin? 27:33 Well the Bible is gonna give us the prophecy. 27:35 He said "Unto two thousand" listen carefully 27:38 "unto two thousand three hundred days, 27:42 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." 27:47 Let me give you a little background about cleansing. 27:49 This idea of cleansing, the cleansing of the sanctuary. 27:53 The idea of the cleansing of the sanctuary. 27:55 You see in the old days 27:56 in the times of the Old Testament 27:58 in order for them to have their sins taken away 28:00 if they sin they had to bring a lamb 28:02 or goat or pigeon, turtle-dove 28:05 whatever kind of offering had to bring this offering 28:07 and they had to bring it to the, to the sanctuary 28:10 and they would bring it they would slay that the lamb 28:13 and they take the blood and sprinkle it in. 28:15 And then once a year they would take that blood 28:17 and sprinkle it on the curtain. 28:19 There was two compartments to the sanctuary 28:21 and there was the outer-- that compartment 28:24 and then it was inner the most holy place, 28:26 the holy of holies. 28:27 And only once the year 28:28 would the priest go into the holy of holies. 28:30 In fact so sacred was it and so much the Shekinah Glory 28:34 that they tied a golden rope to his ankle 28:37 so that when he went in if something happen 28:39 they could pull him out. 28:42 I mean this was the sacred place 28:44 this holy temple. 28:45 This is how they had-- so if a man sinned 28:48 he could bring a lamb. 28:49 And you know, our problem today is 28:52 how many good things do I have to do because I lust it? 29:00 How many good virtuous things need I do 29:03 because I stole something? 29:06 How many-- you see they had it written out here 29:09 I mean, they brought the lamb and the lamb was slain 29:12 and the lamb-- what did the lamb do? 29:14 It took away the sin of the people, of the people. 29:22 You took the lamb and knife. 29:24 They slit the throat and there was the blood. 29:26 Well, the Old Testament you bought a lamb, 29:28 now if you sinned and need God's grace 29:31 you need a Lamb of God. 29:33 That's the lamb and he was once slain, 29:35 once in for all. 29:36 We don't have to have a slaying lamb again. 29:38 Jesus is not have to not die again 29:40 in spite of all those tabernacle people saying 29:42 we gonna build the tabernacle. 29:44 You get that that stuff. 29:45 I got to go back to the Old Testament ceremonies? 29:48 No, Jesus has set me free for the death on the cross 29:52 once and for all, once and for all. 29:56 We never have to go back to that, not at all. 29:59 No where does it say that 30:00 we're gonna go back to the old-- 30:02 well, there's a sanctuary not on earth 30:04 but it's in heaven itself. 30:06 The temple is in the heaven itself 30:08 and then you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. 30:13 The Bible teaches you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. 30:18 Think about your sin if you just committed 30:19 three sins a day, they would be what? 30:22 I mean, it will be over a thousands sins in a year. 30:25 How could you make up? 30:26 How could you confess enough? 30:28 How can you pay enough? 30:29 How many good works can you do to make up for that? 30:33 And so you have to turn to Jesus. 30:36 You have to form a grace of Jesus. 30:41 You got to remind Jesus. 30:42 No, He has to remind you 30:45 that your job description is sinner. 30:47 His job description is Savior. You cannot save yourself. 30:53 You cannot save yourself. 30:55 You see at the Day of Judgment 30:56 the day atonement the trumpets blew, 30:59 ten day of the seventh month all Israel gathered together. 31:02 It's right there. 31:03 There was the holy of holy 31:05 there was the Ark of the Covenant. 31:06 I mean there is the rod that buried. 31:08 There was a Ten Commandments. 31:09 I mean, it was all there the glory of God the Sheikihan. 31:13 But now He's talking about the cleansing 31:14 of the heaven in sanctuary 31:16 not the earthly, not the earthly, not at all. 31:20 "For on that day shall the priest 31:22 make an atonement for you, to cleanse you, 31:24 that ye may be clean from all your sins." 31:28 You'll be clean from all your sins 31:31 "before the Lord." 31:32 The promise, in 2,300 days, 31:35 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed, 31:37 the day of atonement. 31:38 The beginning of the investigative 31:41 or the judgment that precedes His return. 31:43 Well, you say a judgment before He comes? 31:46 Well, we know that when He comes back He says, 31:49 he that is just, let him be just still, 31:50 he that is filthy, let him be filthy still. 31:53 How do you decide who's just and who's filthy 31:55 without a judgment? 31:56 So the judgment has to proceed when He comes. 31:58 Because when He comes He's gonna say 32:00 hay, here are the filthy and here are righteous. 32:10 Well, I love that story, those three judgments. 32:13 Hey if you were arrested and you're gonna go to court 32:16 they have an investigation, don't they? 32:17 I mean they bring the facts to the court, right? 32:19 That's the investigation. 32:21 You don't want to go the judge 32:23 stand before the judge without investigation. 32:25 Now there's nothing you can do. 32:26 I mean when it's all brought 32:28 over the facts you still a sinner. 32:30 You see you still a sinner. 32:33 But there a judge and a lawyer who's going to do what? 32:37 He's gonna pardon you of your sin. 32:39 Wow. Wow. 32:42 Two thousand three hundred days the sanctuary be cleansed. 32:44 "He said, unto two thousand three hundred days 32:46 then shall the sanctuary be" what? 32:49 "Cleansed." 32:50 How many days in a year? Three hundred and sixty five. 32:54 Well, if that's the case it's only days 32:55 it will only be six years the sanctuary cleansed. 32:58 No, it's not that so we got to go 33:00 to the year, day, year principle. 33:02 Daniel 8:16 says, "I heard a man's voice 33:04 between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, 33:08 Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. 33:10 And so he came near where I stood, 33:13 and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face 33:15 but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man, 33:18 at the time of the end shall be this vision." 33:21 The vision he is giving us the 2,300 years 33:23 is the vision of the last days. 33:26 He calls it the time of the end. 33:29 The time at the end. And let's look at it. 33:31 Well, a day he equal to a year in prophecy. 33:34 Here is the text, write it down, check up on me. 33:36 You see a day for each year 33:38 Ezekiel 4:6 but not only that 33:42 when we go to the prophecy you gonna see it comes out 33:44 if you use that day, year principle. 33:46 Have you ever traveled with a map 33:47 and it says how many inches equal what? 33:50 An inch equals a mile or half a inch equal-- 33:53 you see this is the same in prophecy, the same thing. 33:57 A day is equal to year and 2,300 years. 34:00 And so we go on 23 equals 23 years. 34:03 "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people" 34:05 listen carefully it's within this 34:07 2,300 year prophecy another prophecy 34:10 that's fills in the blank spaces. 34:12 He says "Seventy weeks are determined 34:14 upon thy people and upon the holy city, 34:18 to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sin, 34:21 and to make reconciliation for iniquity." 34:23 Now you think about what he is talking about 34:25 and then we gonna see that you are right. 34:29 Prophecy continues "to bring in everlasting righteousness, 34:32 to seal up the vision and prophecy, 34:34 to anoint the most Holy." 34:35 This is what he's talking about. 34:37 In fact, so sacred was this prophecy. 34:40 So sacred was this prophecy is that Jews said this. 34:44 They didn't want anybody to understand it 34:45 because they would understand who the Messiah was. 34:48 "Determine, the original language means amputate" 34:50 the Jews "amputated or cut it off." 34:53 That's how terrible. 34:54 They did not want you to study that. 34:56 "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people" which people? 34:58 The Jewish people, right. 70 times 7 is 490 years. 35:02 Come on follow me. 35:03 Notice "First 69 Years, 35:06 and then it continues one week equal to" what? 35:08 "Equal to seven years." 35:10 "Curseth the finger of the hand of the arm of the person 35:14 who studies Daniel 9." 35:15 Wow, they don't want you to study Daniel 9. 35:18 Listen, this is incredible prophecy. 35:20 It "pinpoints the exact year Jesus Christ was baptized." 35:23 Follow me. 35:24 It "pinpoints the exact year Jesus was crucified." 35:27 Listen to me this prophecy. 35:29 This prophecy "pinpoints the exact year 35:31 when the Gospel went from the Jewish nation 35:32 to the Gentile world." 35:34 It tells us the exact date. 35:35 And then it "pinpoints the time period known 35:38 is the time at the end." 35:39 Shows you if you're living in the time of the end. 35:42 Wow, it's worth taking little time 35:44 and studying this prophecy. 35:46 So when did it begin? 35:47 If you're gonna get the closing date 35:48 you got to get the beginning date, right? 35:50 Well, though "therefore and understand, 35:52 from the going forth of the commandment to restore 35:53 and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah 35:55 the Prince shall be seven weeks," 35:57 he goes on to tell us "threescore and two weeks, 35:59 the street shall be built again, 36:01 and the wall, even in the troublous times." 36:03 Now that was the decree of Artaxerxes. 36:06 So I want you to look at the chart, 36:09 457 was the first day. 36:11 It said 69 weeks would be 36:13 to the anointing of the Messiah. 36:15 If you anoint the Messiah was His baptism. 36:17 If you study history you know the baptism of Jesus was when? 36:20 Was in 27 A.D 36:21 so that's the fulfillment of that prophecy. 36:23 Jesus came in 27 or anointed in 27 as Messiah. 36:28 All right, let's go on. 36:29 It then says that Jesus 27 A.D 36:31 even tells us in Luke who is the emperor was? 36:36 And at that time and notice what the Bible says. 36:41 "And now in the fifteenth year 36:42 of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, 36:44 Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, 36:46 Herod being tetrarch of Galilee." 36:48 All right, let's look at this vision or this prophecy, 36:51 457, 69 weeks to the anointing. 36:54 Now follow me carefully please, 36:56 look at this 70 weeks are determined upon thy people. 37:00 All right 69 weeks bring us to the baptism of Jesus 27 A.D. 37:04 Then three and half years later the midst of the week 37:08 which would be three and half years 37:09 right if its just one week, 37:11 seven years in the midst of the week 37:13 the Messiah would be cut off. 37:15 You remember it was three and half years 37:16 after the baptism of Jesus that the Messiah was cut off 37:20 and then the gospel would go. 37:22 Antichrist did some thing. 37:24 He went over to that prophecy, took it, 37:26 cut it out a week pour it down to the end of time. 37:29 Put it there and says the antichrist 37:31 is gonna come at the end of time. 37:33 This is nothing to say about the antichrist, 37:35 it has to say about the Christ. 37:37 Amen. Amen. 37:39 His Baptism, His crucifixion. Crucified in 31 A.D. 37:44 "And after threescore and two weeks 37:46 shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself 37:48 but the people the prince shall come 37:50 shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. 37:53 And he shall confirm the covenant for one week 37:56 and the midst of the week 37:57 he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease." 38:00 He was the sacrifice to lamb slain. 38:02 You say why it is important? Well, it tells you where are. 38:05 Remember when Jesus died on a cross 38:07 the curtain in the temple was ripped in two places. 38:09 It was ripped from top to bottom. 38:11 Why from top to bottom? Because it was for heaven. 38:13 Listen, we don't have to go back and build the temple. 38:15 We don't have to put up a curtain any longer. 38:17 Jesus Christ is unveiled as our Savior. 38:21 Jesus is unveiled as are Savior and our God. 38:24 "And they cried out again, crucify him. 38:27 "Mark 15:13. 38:28 Oh, it was a fulfillment never again an earthly temple. 38:32 We are the temple of the Holy Ghost. 38:34 Never again an earthly sacrifice. 38:36 Jesus is the sacrifice. Never again an earthly priest. 38:39 Jesus is the heavenly priest. 38:41 We don't need a priest we need a heavenly priest. 38:46 And the Bible teaches us baptism, crucifixion 38:50 and then comes what? 38:51 Then comes the gospel to the Gentiles, 38:53 remember the stoning of Stephen and remember the apostles said 38:57 because of the stoning of Stephen 38:58 we have tried to preach the gospel to you. 39:00 We tried to bring the truth to you 39:02 but now you have turned away from it 39:04 now we are going to go to the Gentile world 39:05 and that's exactly what happened 39:06 and they swept the world with the truth 39:08 and Gentiles received Christ as their Savior. 39:11 And there is neither Jew, no Greek, no male, no female 39:14 because Jesus has made us one 39:16 under the blood of Christ our Lord. 39:20 Wow, the unmerited favor of Jesus. 39:25 Listen to me, 39:26 457 look at this chart and then came 27 A.D 39:30 then came 31 A.D then came 34 A.D, 39:34 70 weeks determined upon thy people. 39:36 But there's something left to this prophecy, 39:38 it doesn't end there the first 490 years 39:41 of this 2,300 prophecy were for the Jews. 39:44 Now notice the changes, notice then there are 1,810 years 39:48 of this prophecy remaining after 34 A.D 39:52 and if we follow that then it comes out to 1844. 39:58 What happened in 1844? 40:00 Well, Bible says its Christ entered the most holy place 40:02 the heavenly sanctuary, that's sanctuary in heaven. 40:05 That began the investigation judgment of God, 40:08 the judgment that precedes this judgment 40:12 and then the final judgment. 40:13 There's a three fold judgment, the investigative judgment. 40:16 You won't hear that anywhere else perhaps here 40:19 and in some of these pastors churches through out the city. 40:23 The judgment hour, we are in the judgment hour 40:27 and we have an wonderful Savior. 40:29 Cling to Jesus Christ in the judgment hour 40:31 that's what I am saying. 40:32 This is the time His Sabbath follow His voice. 40:35 It's a judgment hour. 40:37 I tell you man sleep in death follow His voice, 40:41 follow His voice, follow His voice. 40:43 You can't go wrong if you follow His voice. 40:48 And where do hear in His voice? 40:52 Amen. Right here. 40:55 Right here. 40:57 Our heavenly lawyer meets in our defense. 40:59 I love this. 41:01 "My little children, these things write I unto you, 41:04 that ye sin not. 41:05 If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, 41:07 Jesus Christ the righteous." 41:09 Wow, you can go directly to Christ. 41:13 You hear me? 41:14 You can go directly to Christ, 41:15 you don't have to come to Ron Halvorsen. 41:17 You don't have to go to your pastor, 41:18 your priest or your-- you go to Jesus directly. 41:22 You confess your sin directly to Jesus 41:24 and He's the one who has the power to forgive you. 41:27 He's the only one for He has paid the penalty, 41:30 He has paid the price. 41:33 He has paid the price for your sin. 41:37 He has paid the price for my sin, Jesus Christ. 41:43 I remember hearing about a boy on Wall Street 41:47 and a man who worked at Wall Street 41:48 he was one of these investors and you ever get a chance 41:53 if you're in New York at 3 o'clock in the afternoon 41:55 go down to Wall Street the limos half a block long 42:00 and those people may be 42:01 they made a million dollars that day, 42:03 maybe they lost a million. 42:05 They run out to their Cadillac 42:06 the drivers waiting take them out 42:08 for the suburbs little night cap go to bed, 42:11 get up, go back make some more money. 42:13 That's Wall Street, a lose money 42:15 that's Wall Street. 42:17 And the man came out here he was with his cashmere coat 42:20 and you know, looking rich and prosperous 42:22 and want to get to his Cadillac with striving the spit snow 42:25 and it was cold and windy 42:27 and its get cold down there in the winter. 42:29 Believe me blowing off the Hudson. 42:31 And so the man was running close to the car 42:33 he noticed from his side, a little boy was standing 42:36 huddled in a hall in the edge of a hallway 42:38 and he was shivering and he was crying. 42:42 The man reached for the door but he saw the boy 42:46 and he remembered when he was a boy. 42:49 I want to give you good advice tonight. 42:51 Don't forget where you've come from. 42:53 I go back, that I walk through-- 42:55 listen I go back I walk through the allies 42:56 where I bought up. 42:58 I go through the city where I was brought up. 43:00 I smell again the smells. 43:03 And see again the sights and the more we conscience fact 43:07 save for the grace for the God. 43:09 I took my children down there and walked them through there 43:12 and said save for the grace of God. 43:13 You see that man laying in the gutter 43:15 that would be your dad. 43:16 Saved for the grace of Christ. 43:18 And so the boy he's huddled in a man 43:20 walks over to him and he's crying 43:22 and when he sees the man come up with his cashmere coat 43:25 and $200 dollar shoes the man says, 43:31 young man, you're having a hard time, can I help you? 43:33 And the boy says, no, mister, bug off. 43:35 He's trying to be a tough kid. 43:38 Man says, no, I can help you. He says, no, bug off. 43:41 He says, come on, please maybe I help you. 43:43 He says, no, you can't help me. He said what happened? 43:46 He says, I was going to the store for my daddy, 43:49 I had a dollar bill and I, its cold and the wind blew it 43:53 and it went down sewer drain down there 43:56 and I lost my dollar. 43:59 A dollar? 44:00 Here's a man dealing with millions of dollars 44:02 and this boy a dollar? 44:04 He says, why don't you just go home and tell your daddy. 44:06 He says, oh, you don't know my daddy. 44:08 You don't know my daddy. 44:11 He says, if my daddy is home drunk, my daddy. 44:17 He says, well, where were you going to the store, 44:18 and he took the boy went to the store, 44:20 he said, you get what you were supposed to get for your daddy 44:23 and came back later on the counter 44:25 and the man took out his bill fold, 44:27 looked among the 100s and found a dollar. 44:30 Placed it on the counter. 44:32 That little boy, there he is reaching out. 44:37 And so he says to the little boy, 44:40 took the package put it in his hands, 44:41 took the five cents change put it in his hand. 44:43 Said now, you go home to your father. 44:46 And the boy ran as far as the front door and stopped, 44:50 turned around and put the package down 44:52 and ran over and put his arms around the boy-- 44:54 the man as far as he could reach 44:57 and he looked up and said, mister, 44:58 I wish you were my father. 45:01 Then he ran out. 45:03 Listen to me, when you've lost it, 45:08 when it seems like there's no hope, 45:12 hey, go to the Father, go to the Father. 45:25 The place in your hand to change. 45:29 See, Jesus Christ, is the only why out 45:34 and while we're under this judgment 45:36 you and I have nothing to fear. 45:38 Lest we forget how He has let us in the past 45:42 and how He is leading us now. 45:44 We have nothing to fear 45:45 but to look forward to the judgment of God, 45:50 the judgment of this wonderful Lord. 45:53 Tonight heaven's door is still open Jesus knocks 45:57 and He opens the door to you. 45:58 Don't worry He says, put your trust in Me. 46:02 Tonight heavenly hands reach out to us. 46:05 Jesus steps toward the judgment, 46:08 towards the judgment hour and to save us. 46:12 He is the only way the lost. 46:15 Don Ratzlaff tells the story of Vernon Grounds 46:20 there at the river Kwai.. 46:22 I don't know if you ever read it 46:23 most seen the movie Bridge on the River Kwai. 46:27 The Scottish soldiers forced by the Japanese captives 46:30 to be slaves to labor in the jungle. 46:33 They would degenerate and they acted degenerated 46:35 even those who were captive 46:36 actually degenerate went to one another. 46:39 I mean then one day as they were coming back 46:41 they had to put their tools there 46:43 and they counted the tools 46:45 and the guard said one shovel is missing. 46:50 This is unless we, unless the man who took 46:52 that shovel comes forward we will kill 10 of you. 46:58 And no one came. 47:01 You here what I said, 47:03 unless one of them come I'll kill 10 of you. 47:08 Then someone stepped out of the crowd. 47:11 The man walked up he said I took the shovel. 47:16 And there he beheaded him with the sword. 47:23 When he got to the second gate 47:24 where they count to tools again 47:26 they discovered that the tool wasn't missing at all. 47:32 They had just counted wrong. 47:35 And when the Scottish soldier's 47:36 there at the bridge of the river Kwai 47:40 finally discovered that the man gave up his life 47:44 to save others there whole attitude 47:47 towards each other changed. 47:49 They began to treat each other like brothers 47:51 and they began to share the little bit they had. 47:53 They began to love each other and before you know they were, 47:56 they were one in Spirit and when they were freed 48:03 they did not in anyway want to punish the enemy. 48:08 There was no more hatred, 48:11 no more killing, only forgiveness. 48:15 You see in the sense 48:17 sacrificial love trends forms with power. 48:23 Why God even talks about the judgment? 48:24 Because He wants to show each of us 48:26 that trends forming love. 48:29 He wants to show to you and I 48:32 that trends forming love that we might love each other 48:37 and that love for each other would grow and grow 48:40 so that when we stand before the judge of universe 48:44 and He welcomes home His children. 48:47 We too will be those children, those children. 48:53 A lamb slaying 48:55 from the foundation of the earth 48:59 and Jesus reaches out as a Lamb of God 49:03 to this generation 49:04 that now He is under the judgment of God 49:06 in this investigative judgment, in the end time. 49:10 We are living in the end time 49:13 and God wants to make it clear 49:14 that there is a way out the Lamb slain one in for all. 49:18 That Jesus is the lamb slain 49:20 from the foundation of the earth 49:22 that we just need to turn to the lamb. 49:24 We need to look at the lamb. 49:26 We need to find forgiveness in a lamb. 49:30 I teach people when I teach pray walking 49:32 wherever I go teaching seminar's for 49:34 It Is Written on prayer, 49:36 I tell them the first thing you should do in the morning 49:38 is place spiritually place the blood on the heart. 49:42 Spiritually the blood of the lamb on your heart 49:45 because Israel of all 49:46 they put the blood on the lentil of the door, 49:48 the door post, remember and the death angle flew over 49:52 and they were protected from the death angle 49:54 because of the blood of the lamb. 49:56 So I tell my people, I say when you are prayer warrior 49:59 you first place the blood over your heart 50:01 and in the morning when I wake up 50:03 I place the blood on my heart 50:04 and then I say dress in the armor of God. 50:07 So spiritually I begin to dress in the armor of god, 50:10 because the arrows of the devil cannot pierce the armor of God. 50:14 Someone said how can I become spiritual? 50:16 Place yourself in the armor of God 50:18 and then thirdly I tried to teach them, 50:21 give God praise from your lips. 50:23 The moment you wake up give God praise. 50:26 If you can't sing then quote scripture. 50:28 If you can't quote scripture then sing. 50:32 If you see me driving 50:34 well, no, you won't see me driving much, 50:36 you'll see my wife driving, 50:37 but if you see me here and my lips are moving, 50:40 I'm singing or I am praying in the Spirit 50:46 and giving God praise. 50:48 Nothing is better than to give God praise. 50:51 So look to heavens, we're in the end time, 50:54 Jesus is coming and He is going to give you, a place 50:59 because of His grace. 51:01 God bless you now. 51:25 In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God says, 51:28 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, 51:31 but by every word 51:32 that proceeds from the mouth of God.'" 51:34 Every Word is a one minute Bible based 51:37 daily devotional presented by Pastor Jon Bradshaw 51:40 and designed especially for busy people like you. 51:43 Look for Every Word on selected networks 51:46 or watch it online everyday on our website, 51:48 51:50 Receive a daily spiritual boost. 51:52 Watch Every Word, you'll be glad you did. 52:06 Eyes for India, is giving sight to the blind 52:09 and you can be a part of this amazing work that God is doing. 52:13 Fifteen million blind people live in India, 52:16 more than any other country in the world. 52:18 And many of the blind in India could see again 52:21 if only they could have simple cataract surgery. 52:24 It Is Written, is making that happen. 52:27 Would you support Eyes for India? 52:30 For just $75 you'll be giving the gift of sight to someone 52:35 who desperately wants to see. 52:37 Here's all you need to do. 52:38 Call 1-800-253-3000 52:42 that's 1-800-253-3000 52:45 to donate and support Eyes for India 52:49 or you can write to It Is Written, 52:51 Box O, Thousand Oaks, California, 91359. 52:56 You'll also find Eyes for India online at 53:01 Every $75 you give gives someone 53:04 the precious gift of sight. 53:06 Eyes for India, doing the work of Jesus 53:08 in opening the eyes of the blind 53:11 and opening hearts to the love of God. 53:14 Call 1-800-253-3000 or write to Box O, 53:18 Thousand Oaks, California, 91359 53:21 or visit 53:42 Good evening everyone, I'm glad you are here tonight 53:45 and I pray that you're being powerfully blessed 53:48 during Revelation Today. 53:51 It's time to take a look at some of the questions 53:53 that we're looking at during this Revelation Today series. 53:57 Let's do that just now. 53:59 "Is the financial crises we are experiencing now, 54:02 prophesized of in the Bible?" 54:05 Well, you know, we could say, yes or we could say no. 54:08 It comes down to a question of interpretation, 54:11 but, really no. 54:13 There's nothing in the Bible that squarely says 54:15 that there's going to be financial crises 54:17 at this time of the earth's history. 54:19 Now what we do find is that the Bible does 54:22 talk about the signs of the times 54:23 and they are going to be troubles 54:24 and they will increase prior to the return of Jesus. 54:28 So, in a general sense, maybe, 54:31 but if you're asking specifically, 54:32 is this spoken of? 54:34 Does prophecy speak to this very thing 54:36 we're going through now or perhaps the real collapse 54:39 we went through just a few years ago? 54:41 I think we have to be honest 54:42 and say the answer to that question is, no. 54:46 "Does the antichrist come out 54:47 of the United States of America?" 54:49 Terrific question, where does the antichrist come from? 54:52 Let's read in Revelation Chapter 13 54:56 and we shall begin in verse 1. 55:00 "I stood upon the sand of the sea, 55:02 and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, 55:05 having seven heads and ten horns, 55:08 and upon his horns ten crowns, 55:09 and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 55:12 The beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, 55:14 his feet were as the feet of a bear, 55:16 and his mouth as the mouth of a lion 55:18 and the dragon gave him his power, 55:20 and his seat, and great authority." 55:23 This power, this beast is believed 55:26 by many to be the antichrist of Bible prophecy. 55:30 Where does it come from? 55:32 What part of the world does it come from? 55:34 Which geographical location? 55:37 Tell you the answer to that question. 55:40 The answer to that question 55:41 is you need to wait just a few more nights, 55:43 because on that evening you are going to hear 55:47 a complete presentation talking about 55:51 the antichrist of Bible prophecy. 55:54 You will know, where it comes from, 55:56 you'll know about when it appears, 55:58 you'll know some of the identifying marks 56:01 of who this thing is, 56:03 you won't have any worries or confusion, 56:05 it will be clear, it won't be speculation, 56:07 you won't leave that night saying, huh, really? 56:11 You won't do that. 56:12 You will say, now that was clear, 56:15 and it will be clear based on history, 56:18 based on prophecy, 56:20 based on sound hermeneutical principles. 56:22 So, don't miss the time of the evening 56:26 we talk about the antichrist 56:27 the subject will be Babylon Rising 56:30 and you don't want to miss it. 56:32 It Is Written is dedicated 56:34 to sharing the gospel around the world. 56:36 To discover more about It Is Written 56:38 I invite you to visit our website 56:41 and browse the dozens of pages 56:43 that describe what we do and how we do it. 56:46 Let's get to know each other better. 56:47 Visit our website today. |
Revised 2014-12-28