Participants: Ron Halvorsen
Series Code: 13RVT
Program Code: 13RVT000013
00:05 In today's troubled world people are wondering
00:10 where we are headed. 00:13 Revelation Today presents the answers. 00:17 Bible prophecy reveals what the future holds in store. 00:23 Revelation Today. 00:38 I'm very glad that you are here tonight. 00:40 Tonight, a vital subject. 00:42 A subject of immense prophetic importance. 00:46 What role if any does the United States play 00:50 in end time Bible prophecy? 00:52 Does the Bible talk about the United States at all? 00:55 Since 9/11 things have really changed in this world 00:59 and in this country 01:00 but does any one have any bearing on last day events. 01:03 Does it matter in the prophetic panorama? 01:07 Since this nation was founded, it stood for freedom. 01:10 Will that still be the case 01:11 towards the end of this world's history? 01:14 Tonight, the United States in Bible prophecy 01:17 the presenter of Revelation Today 01:19 is once again, Ron Halvorsen. 01:26 Good to see you here tonight. 01:27 But let's bow our heads in a the word of prayer 01:28 before we begin tonight. 01:30 Our subject will be we're gonna look at the subject 01:33 the "United States in Prophecy." 01:36 Father God which art in heaven, 01:37 I pray as we open this prophecy 01:39 that You'll give us wisdom and understanding 01:41 and we'll recognize the time in which we live. 01:45 What we realize that time is short, 01:49 that we've been brought here for a purpose 01:51 and a reason to know the way the truth in the life. 01:55 I pray God that You'll teach us, 01:58 and we know in our hearts that we love You 02:01 and we want to serve You fully. 02:03 And now Lord, open Your word to us 02:07 in, Christ's name, amen and amen. 02:13 The United States of America, the great land 02:17 that we love has been founding on the principles 02:22 of "one nation under God 02:25 with liberty and justice for all" 02:29 and it just didn't happen overnight. 02:34 More than 500 years before Christopher Columbus 02:38 stumbled on the Americus 02:41 and then there was the Spanish conquistador, 02:44 I mean years before Christopher Columbus 02:47 he came here to La Florida to find the fountain of youth. 02:53 He didn't find it but I'm still looking 02:56 because I live in Florida. 02:59 But even before that, my ancestors the Vikings, 03:04 rode across the ocean and landed in Labrador 03:09 and then they came down through - 03:12 to Canada down into Maine 03:15 and they found a colony there in Maine. 03:16 They were the first that we know of from over there. 03:21 By the 18th century, 03:23 what it become 13 American colonies 03:25 were subject to British rule and British taxation 03:29 and taxation without representation. 03:33 In fact, that led to the Boston Tea Party. 03:36 That's a little bit of our history isn't it? 03:38 It was over that taxation without representation 03:41 and then we come to the fact 03:43 that let freedom ring in America. 03:45 I mean that freedom ring and yet in a sense now, 03:50 Liberty wears chains. 03:54 Came 1774, 1775 03:59 and you'll recall how the Paul Revere, 04:01 the midnight cry of Paul Revere 04:03 you learn that in your school books 04:05 and that was when Dr. Joseph Warren commissioned him 04:10 to go over the Lexington, Massachusetts 04:12 and warn Samuel Adams and John Handcock 04:15 that British troops were marching to arrest them. 04:18 And remember the two lanterns and not by land but by sea 04:23 and then he brought the news 04:25 and he came galloping into Lexington and Concord 04:28 and I've been in Lexington and Concord. 04:29 I've been over the little bridge, 04:31 I mean it's a beautiful little spot 04:33 and I was there 04:35 and he had galloped into the city telling them 04:40 the British are coming the British are... 04:41 someone said, we'll be quiet. 04:43 He said it's not gonna be quiet very long. 04:46 And it wasn't, it wasn't that freedom ring 04:51 and then came July 4 04:53 and that was a wonderful time for America in 1776. 04:57 This is a little bit of our history. 04:59 There was the Declaration of Independence. 05:01 It was unanimously approved by the Continental Congress 05:04 and these United States far from perfect 05:07 but they had declared themselves free 05:10 and the Declaration of Independence said, 05:12 "We hold these truths to be self-evident, 05:15 that all men are created equal 05:17 and they are endowed by their creator 05:19 with a certain unalienable Rights, 05:22 that among these are Life, Liberty 05:25 and the pursuit of Happiness." 05:27 What a wonderful state. 05:29 They're trying to defeat us now, 05:31 they're trying to take away that from us 05:33 but it's under the Creator God, they don't want to hear that, 05:37 that this nation was founded 05:39 under the direction the Creator God 05:41 and we're gonna see the prophetically God said 05:44 this nation would come 05:46 and this nation would be a nation under God. 05:50 That was the desire then, 05:52 we hold these truths to be self-evident. 05:55 This America let freedom reign and the Statue of Liberty, 05:59 I remember the first time I saw the Statue of Liberty. 06:02 I was a young boy my momma brought me 06:04 down to Brooklyn lower Brooklyn. 06:06 We were gonna take a ride on the ferry 06:09 the Staten Island ferry. 06:10 For nickel you could ride across the narrows 06:13 and then across the Hudson River 06:14 and over the Staten Island. 06:16 And I stood there it was early in the morning 06:18 I remember it was a cold bleak day 06:21 a touch of snow, I mean 06:23 and sleek was beginning to fall and it touched with white 06:27 as if you were aging the Statue of Liberty. 06:30 I stood there quietly almost reverently 06:34 looking out across the narrows 06:36 from my vantage point in Brooklyn, New York. 06:39 She stood told tall that woman I mean with torch in her hand 06:43 and the waves of two rivers beating 06:45 under her feet Lady Liberty. 06:47 And I know because I've been taught in school, 06:49 there was one time we were proud of America, 06:52 we are proud to be Americans 06:54 and we were taught those great things 06:56 and I knew what was there in that inscription 06:59 it was saying, "Give me your tired, you poor, 07:03 your huddled masses yearning to be free, 07:06 the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. 07:08 Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, 07:13 I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" 07:18 It was an invitation for my family, 07:21 my ancestors to leave Norway to come across the ocean 07:27 to this great land to find a job, 07:29 to work and to build this country. 07:32 This is where the Halvorsen's are now 07:37 in this great country America. 07:39 But there was the promise, there was the open door 07:42 to come to this great land a land of opportunity, 07:45 a land of equality, a land of freedom, 07:47 but Liberty wears chains. 07:51 This ideal is no longer true. 07:55 Abraham Lincoln, game this speech 07:57 I want to read it to you. 07:58 In a speech, it was 1863 listen, 08:02 "We have been the recipients 08:03 of the choicest bounties of Heaven. 08:06 We have been preserved, these many years, 08:08 in peace and prosperity. 08:10 We have grown in numbers, and wealth and power, 08:12 as no other nation has ever grown. 08:16 But we have forgotten God. 08:18 We have forgotten the gracious hand 08:20 which preserved us in peace, 08:22 and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us 08:26 and we have vainly imagined, 08:27 in the deceitfulness of our hearts, 08:29 that all these blessings were produced 08:31 by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. 08:35 Intoxicated with unbroken success, 08:38 we have become too self-sufficient 08:40 to feel necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, 08:45 too proud to pray to the God that made us." 08:50 We don't hear from statesmen like that any longer. 08:54 Amen. It's right. 08:55 It was men like that, 08:57 that made this country what it should be. 09:01 Abraham Lincoln, he recognized the problem. 09:04 I mean, he saw America in decline. 09:07 "In God we trust" was stamped upon their coins 09:10 but it was not written in their hearts. 09:13 And the nation is a strong has its faith in God, 09:18 its faith in God. 09:20 I ran across the poem recently, in this poem, 09:23 I think describes America now describes at least 09:26 it describes our culture in America. 09:29 "This is the age of the half-read page. 09:31 The Quick hash, the mad dash. 09:34 The bright night with nerves tight. 09:36 The plane hop and the brief stop. 09:38 And the lamp tan in brief span. 09:41 The big shot in a soft spot. 09:43 And the brain stain and the heart pain. 09:45 And the cat naps till the spring snaps, 09:49 and the fun's done." 09:52 It may not be good poetry 09:55 but I believe it describes the age in which we live. 09:57 I believe this is our problem, you see this is the age, 10:01 this is the age of dry eyes, hard noses, and cold feet. 10:09 I mean, it follows the windy, it loves the vacuum, 10:11 it's beatitude by the way, its beatitude is, 10:14 "Blessed are the mighty for they shall make money." 10:16 That's the beatitude of our age. 10:18 I mean its beatitude of "Blessed are those smooth 10:21 for they shall never get wrinkled." 10:24 You see, its beatitude is this, its beatitude 10:27 "Blessed are the cool for they shall never sweat." 10:31 This age sits around bragging about its accomplishments. 10:35 Look, see what we have done? 10:36 We have split atoms, we have split nations, 10:39 we have split homes, 10:41 and we have split personalities. 10:43 That is our age. 10:45 That is the age in which we live. 10:48 This age we send tons up tin out into outer space 10:52 and we don't know what to do with the space we have. 10:56 We walk in space 10:58 but we can't walk in some neighborhoods. 11:02 I mean, we talk about brotherhood 11:04 but we recognized they are more hoods 11:06 than there are our brothers. 11:09 That's our age come on now, that's our age. 11:12 I mean this is the age we talk about. 11:14 Well, you and I are trying to decide 11:15 what kind of TV dinner to pop into the microwave, 11:19 20 new corpses turn up on American streets, 11:22 that's our age. 11:24 Why for what reason someone turned down 11:26 the wrong street at the wrong time? 11:28 Someone is walking home from work 11:30 at the wrong time in a wrong place. 11:32 Someone was coming from school with the wrong- 11:34 someone was sitting in their house 11:36 and a bullet comes through the window at the wrong time. 11:40 This is America, listen to me, this is America. 11:46 A young innocent married man jogging for his health 11:49 someone shot into fulfill a fantasy 11:52 of some violent filmy watched a night before. 11:54 I say they're more hoods in our brothers, 11:57 I mean what a- what an age it over eat, 11:59 it over drinks, it over plays, 12:00 it over spends, an age we walk delicately, 12:03 we think slovenly, we live dallyingly, 12:06 we sleep poorly, we listen, 12:10 we take a pill to go to bed at night 12:12 and a pill to wake up in the morning. 12:14 That's right. That's right. 12:15 A pill to slow us up and a pill to get us going. 12:18 That's right. That's right. 12:19 And that's our age and that's our nation, 12:23 a nation so uptight, it's about to have a nervous breakdown. 12:28 We talk about overpasses and we talk about underpasses, 12:32 we talk about bypasses, I mean, that's our age, 12:35 men's hearts filling them for fear. 12:38 And that's what the Bible says, what an age. 12:41 Grown men wrapped in swaddling clothes of intellectualism, 12:44 long sentences, long words, short on meaning. 12:48 We know everything about everything 12:50 and nothing about everything. 12:55 You see Liberty wears chains in America, in America. 13:02 I mean look around, I mean the real America, 13:05 the real America with its crowded ghettos, 13:08 with its poor and its forgotten. 13:10 I mean a real America 13:11 we can't mention the name of Jesus, 13:13 in our educational system. 13:14 I mean a real America where it's a crime 13:16 to put a Cross on your on your door, 13:18 put a Cross on your lawn 13:20 or to put up Ten Commandments in new municipal building. 13:26 I mean there is a crack in the Liberty Bell. 13:30 We judge man by the color of his skin 13:32 rather than the content of his character, 13:35 that's our age. 13:37 That's our age, Liberty wears chains. 13:40 To once religious nation under God is no longer 13:42 the America we come to know, the America we come to love. 13:47 In its beginning there seemed to be a little doubt 13:49 that God was responsible for founding of this united- 13:52 this United States of America. 13:54 It was to be to all people a safe place to worship God. 13:57 That's what it was all about. 13:58 You see those pilgrims that came across, those pilgrims, 14:02 "In God We Trust" was then put on our bills 14:05 but when those pilgrims first came the Bible teaches us, 14:08 that when those pilgrims first came 14:10 they found America open to their religious freedom. 14:14 They came here for that reason, they came here, 14:17 they came here to America, 14:19 to find freedom of speech and freedom of religion 14:25 and we no longer have that freedom, no longer. 14:30 Look at this quotation from the Sydney Morning Herald, 14:33 September 2002, 14:35 "Americans should admit the truth 14:37 and face up to their responsibilities 14:39 as the undisputed masters of the world. 14:41 The fact is no country has been 14:43 as dominant culturally, economically, 14:46 technologically or militarily in the history of the world 14:51 since the Roman Empire." 14:53 The question of Liberty looms large in our time. 14:58 And by the way, the question of liberty 15:00 looms large in the end time 15:02 and God is not going to be caught by surprise. 15:06 God is not going to be caught by surprise. 15:08 He knows what's gonna happen to this nation. 15:10 He knows what's gonna take place in transpire 15:13 and my dear friend, we should know. 15:17 We need to know, we need to know. 15:21 Let's look at some of the nations of the past 15:24 and how God spoke nations mentioned in the Bible. 15:27 There was first of all remember if you were here 15:29 that night I talked on the four great nations, 15:32 supreme powers of past history. 15:35 There was mighty Babylon 605 to 539 B.C. 15:39 God says, he puts kings upon their throne 15:41 and then He removes them. 15:42 And there was mighty Babylon from 605 to 539 B.C., 15:46 it was the golden empire, the golden city, 15:49 until God said, enough is enough 15:51 and Belshazzar saw the handwriting on the wall, 15:54 "you are weighed in the balance, 15:55 you are found wanting," 15:56 judgment has come to this house that day 15:58 and the Medes and Persians came in 16:00 and the Second World Kingdom 16:01 came upon the scene of new events. 16:03 It was right in the Bible, right in prophecy, 16:05 if God could tell us about the first kingdom, 16:08 if God could revealed the second kingdom. 16:11 If God would go on to reveal the third brazen kingdom, 16:14 the Greece in empire 331 B.C to 168 B.C., 16:19 if God would revile the fourth kingdom 16:21 and the kingdom iron which was Rome 16:24 the mighty Roman Empire 16:25 where our blessed Lord was born. 16:27 It was a Roman cross the crucified Him, 16:29 it was a Roman seal on His grave, 16:32 it was Roman soldiers that stood there 16:34 until He broke forth from the grave and they shook 16:37 and they fell to the face, face of the earth. 16:40 It was a Roman Empire, but the Roman Empire 16:42 would not last forever and ever. 16:44 God said, that kingdom superpower would crumble. 16:47 When God says, enough is enough, 16:49 enough is enough. 16:50 When God looks at America and says, 16:52 enough is enough, it will be its end. 16:55 Amen. Amen. 16:57 And then the divisions of that great kingdom 17:00 there was four universal kingdoms 17:02 then that came the divisions of those kingdoms 17:04 that was Europe 17:05 and they were the feet and toes of history. 17:07 Remember the ten nations of Europe? 17:09 And then later a little horn would come up 17:11 and it would pluck up three of those kingdoms. 17:13 And but there it was, there was Babylon, 17:16 there was Medo-Persia 17:17 on down to the feet and toes of human history. 17:20 We look at both Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 17:22 and we see the prophecies said that Rome would be divided 17:26 and it was until the little horn comes up power. 17:30 And commentators believe this is the same power 17:33 as the beast of Revelation 13 and I agree with it. 17:38 Revelation 13, it says, 17:40 "I stood upon the sand of the sea." 17:42 By the way, sea and waters 17:43 in Revelation in symbols are many peoples, multitudes. 17:47 When you say sea it came by multitudes 17:50 and many peoples. 17:52 "And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, 17:54 having seven heads and ten horns, 17:56 and upon his horns ten crowns, 17:58 and upon his heads the name of" what? 18:01 "Blasphemy." 18:02 The Bible tells us about this nation. 18:05 And he says, came up. 18:07 And then I want you to notice, 18:09 "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, 18:11 and his feet" this is a ferocious beast. 18:14 And by the way beast is not a beast it's a nation. 18:17 The symbol of beast in Revelation 18:19 and in Daniel is a nation. 18:22 So when he talks about the four beasts, 18:23 he's talking about the four nations. 18:25 What four nations? 18:26 Well, the four nations 18:27 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. 18:30 It doesn't take a rocket scientist. 18:33 Take a great theologian. 18:37 You can understand it. You can understand it. 18:41 And notice, notice it goes on, 18:44 "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death." 18:46 That's that beast, 18:47 that ferocious beast or that ferocious nation. 18:50 "And his deadly wound was healed 18:52 and all the world wondered after the beast 18:55 and they worshipped the dragon" 18:56 who's the dragon? 18:57 Satan. That's the symbol of Satan. 18:59 "Which gave power on to the beasts" 19:02 and now, notice, we go on " 19:05 and they worship the beast saying, 19:06 Who is like unto the beast like power? 19:08 Who is able to make war with him?" 19:12 And then he goes on, 19:13 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the" what? 19:17 Not out of the sea. 19:19 You see out of the sea is multitudes 19:21 and crowds and people like Europe, 19:24 but this one is not coming out of Europe. 19:26 This is coming out of the land, out of the wilderness. 19:31 And yeah "two horns like a lamb, 19:33 and he speak like a" Dragon. 19:37 This lamb like nation is not the Lamb of God, 19:40 Jesus but you know, it must be a religious nation it must be 19:46 because it fashions itself after the lamb. 19:51 The two horns of the civil and religious freedoms 19:53 of that nation we're gonna see. 19:56 And notice, there are no crowns 19:57 on its heads like the other nations. 19:59 Did you notice that? 20:00 You see Europe has its crowned its monarchies 20:04 but this nation comes out in the wilderness, 20:06 this nation doesn't have a monarchy at all, not at all. 20:10 You see no kingly authority, there are no crowns here, 20:14 what we're seeing here is something 20:15 that stands for freedom. 20:17 And so here's what we know, 20:18 we know about this beast like power. 20:20 The two horns on this beast like power. 20:24 There it was the pilgrims they came to America, 20:26 they came for freedom. 20:28 Listen to me, you should have the freedom 20:30 in this country to worship God. 20:32 If you're a Christian you should have that freedom. 20:38 If you're a Jew you should have that freedom. 20:41 If you're a Muslim you should have that freedom. 20:44 Whatever your religious is you should have freedom 20:46 to worship, freedom to serve but what's happening now 20:52 is these an attack on Christianity and Christians 20:55 that's what's happening in our country right now. 21:00 And we sit back Christians and we do nothing about it, 21:03 we say nothing about it. 21:05 Listen we know something about this beast 21:08 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth 21:10 he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon." 21:14 Listen we know this, we know first of all, 21:16 it rises out the sparsely populated area 21:19 out of the wilderness. 21:21 We know secondly, it is a young nation. 21:23 Why? 21:24 It's a young nation because it says it comes up 21:26 during the wound of the big beast. 21:29 Now, I'm not gonna get into that 21:30 but 1798 was the wound of the big beast. 21:35 And it came about that time and I'm gonna show you that 21:38 when we look at the beast of Revelation, all right? 21:40 But just follow along with me. 21:43 Around 1798, around 70- what 1776 21:48 what nation came out the wilderness in 1776? 21:51 What nation? 21:52 A young nation, there was no monarchy. 21:55 What nation came up out of the wilderness 21:57 and was a young nation and there was no monarchy? 22:01 It would assume a position of worldwide power and influence. 22:04 All the world 22:05 just like all the world wandered after the beast 22:08 all the world wanders after the super like power 22:12 and I mean it assumes its power. 22:17 It assumes its power. 22:20 America established something entirely new 22:24 than any other nation 22:26 and that was freedom of worship as you wish 22:27 without government interference. 22:29 Listen to me, rather than a monarchy lamb like horns 22:34 denote an innocent young non oppressive, 22:37 peace-loving spiritual nation and that's what it was. 22:41 Jesus is mentioned as a lamb 28 times in Revelation. 22:44 So this new government 22:46 is trying to uphold the principles of the lamb. 22:48 Who is the lamb? That's Christianity. 22:51 You see, America is truly a great country 22:53 with its freedom of conscience, press, speech, 22:56 and enterprise the protection 22:58 it provides its golden opportunities, 23:01 its sense of fair play, the sympathy for the underdog 23:04 and its strong Christian orientation. 23:07 That made us a great nation. 23:10 It's not perfect, no because we are people 23:14 and I haven't met a perfect person yet. 23:17 I met one recently, she thought she was 23:21 she said I haven't sinned in six months. 23:23 I said you just did. 23:24 The Bible says, you see- 23:26 sin you're a liar get out of here. 23:27 I took off, perfect. 23:30 I haven't met a perfect person. 23:32 The only perfect person I know is Jesus Christ. 23:35 Amen. 23:36 And that's why I love and serve Him Jesus Christ. 23:39 The Bible says, that this nation, 23:41 I mean this nation that taught these Christian principles, 23:45 that taught these principles of freedom of religion 23:47 that something would happen to this nation 23:49 and then it would begin to speak like a dragon. 23:54 Here's the lamb like beast and now all of a sudden 23:57 he turns and he begins to speak like a dragon. 24:02 Like a dragon. 24:05 This nation, this was a republicanism, 24:10 this was Protestantism, 24:12 this was a government without a king. 24:15 This was where you could worship God 24:17 if you're catholic, if are you to a Protestant, 24:19 you could worship God in freedom. 24:21 This is why the pilgrims came here, 24:23 this is why your- they came here 24:26 and even those who were brought over here 24:29 found a strong roots of Christianity 24:31 and they have become the great foundation of Christians today. 24:41 What influence more, than a bondage, 24:45 than a Israel in bondage, than a people 24:48 who came over here in bondage. 24:51 Loving God, it's all here. 24:53 The lamb like horns denote innocent young, 24:57 peace-loving and yet some things happened. 25:00 When it rose it was known as the new world 25:02 it was a haven for people escaping religious persecution 25:06 and was founded on the freedom of religion 25:08 and the freedom of government. 25:11 But according to what we read the Bible 25:13 it would come a time when it would change. 25:17 And how do I know? 25:18 And change comes about over the heart of the nation. 25:24 He speaks like a dragon. 25:26 This great America we love, isn't what it was used to be, 25:30 isn't what it's supposed to be and the reason it isn't is 25:34 because we are not what we supposed to be 25:38 and what we should be. 25:40 Once a fervent faithful prayerful people 25:45 now well you know tourists, - 25:50 not pilgrim's taking a weekly journey tourists 25:57 and he speaks like a dragon and the dragon is Satan. 26:01 So Satan is now speaking. 26:03 When I listen to what I hear on the news Satan is speaking. 26:08 When I listen to what they try to do to the laws 26:10 to try to change the laws so that now in New Mexico, 26:15 the cruces New Mexico there's a law that everybody 26:18 all ministers have to register with the council 26:20 and the council can decide where he could preach 26:22 or not to preach that's America. 26:28 Our founding fathers would turn over in a grave. 26:34 And so the Bible mentions can you imagine 26:40 this nation with freedom and responsibility this nation. 26:45 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth 26:47 and he had two horns like a lamb, 26:48 and he spake as dragon." 26:50 This American laws we wonder why they are speaking this way, 26:52 you wonder why the politicians are acting this way 26:55 because the Bible prophesied it would happen. 26:58 The Bible said, they would change in their attitude, 27:00 they change in their theology, they change in their thinking 27:03 that that change and they would change 27:05 and they begins to speak like the dragon. 27:09 This nation was once refuge for those 27:11 who wanted to worship God, today we see the forces 27:14 directly opposing the gospel of God. 27:17 I mean, they've infiltrated every area of our culture, 27:20 every area of our society and corrupted immortality 27:24 appalling behavior is rewarded. 27:26 There's no longer any real moral restraint. 27:31 If it feels good do it. 27:34 If it's good for you it's all right. 27:37 There's no black and white, good and bad, good and evil. 27:45 If you feel it do it and that's the voice of Satan. 27:52 The voice of Satan. 27:54 Anything goes society 27:57 and we don't even react anymore to things 27:58 that not so long ago would have been scandalous. 28:02 It is hard for a Christian even to watch television. 28:10 Glorifying evil. 28:12 The media glorifies sin and immorality 28:15 and people seen that no shame anymore. 28:20 What happened to America? 28:23 God has been chased out of the classroom. 28:25 God has been chased out of the courtroom. 28:27 God has been chased- listen 28:29 and worst of all out of the family 28:31 and out of the living room. 28:34 The nation has forgotten the one who made them 28:41 the one who made them, 28:44 is the only one who can save them. 28:48 And the Bible says, "And he exerciseth 28:50 all the power of the first beast" 28:52 or like that beast like power. 28:53 Revelation 13 religious power that will force us 28:58 that religious power that will come to a place 29:01 where you won't be able to buy or sell. 29:03 It's all in Revelation 13, 29:04 I'm gonna deal with that an another night. 29:06 I can't deal with it all in one night 29:08 but I'm gonna deal with that. 29:09 What's gonna happen to America 29:10 when you can't buy or sell in this nation as a Christian? 29:15 You see the church in an attempt 29:17 to return to God's ways 29:18 there will be a movement at the end time 29:20 which instead will lead people away from God. 29:23 A good deception always closely 29:24 mirrors the genuine article right? 29:26 And people in the end time are going to be encouraged 29:29 to receive the mark of the beast 29:31 thinking it's a good thing. 29:36 Bible says, to us that he will use its power 29:41 to elevate the first beast, what? 29:45 The lamb like beast America's gonna exalt the other beast, 29:50 the other nation, the other religious power 29:52 and it will exalt that power to a high position. 29:58 And revelation says, 29:59 the act of worship will be enforced. 30:01 What kind of worship? 30:04 What kind of worship in the act of worship? 30:08 "Righteousness exalts a nation." 30:10 There's no righteousness any longer in this nation. 30:13 When I travel around the world sometimes I'm embarrassed. 30:18 I'm embarrassed when I see what's happening in my country. 30:24 When I see there are places 30:25 that you and I cannot go at night, in this nation. 30:31 When little ladies are being mugged and killed on the street 30:35 for nothing more than a little few bucks. 30:38 When gangs are fighting each other 30:42 and drugs are raping up culture to pieces. 30:49 And our children are growing up in a Christless nation. 30:53 I mean, listen, 30:57 you see, it forces to go- force our minds 31:02 and he says, righteousness exalts this nation 31:05 and yet there's a problem that comes even to the church. 31:09 The church of Jesus Christ and the Bible, 31:11 John revelator says, watch it its coming. 31:14 This lamb like beast is gonna speak like the dragon be ready. 31:17 Be aware. 31:19 "And he causeth all, both small and great, 31:21 rich and poor, free and bond, 31:22 to receive a mark in their right hand, 31:24 or in his foreheads." 31:25 Notice the mark of the beast 31:27 I'm gonna talk about it another night. 31:29 "No man might be able to buy or sell, 31:31 save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, 31:35 or the number of his name." 31:37 Now, if this is a threat to your freedom, 31:40 if this is a threat to your religious faith, 31:42 then you better learn what it is. 31:46 And the only place you're gonna learn what it is, 31:49 is from the Bible. 31:51 And I'm going to open a Bible to you on that subject. 31:56 Now, let me tell you something, 31:58 this mark isn't a credit card pushed in your brain come on, 32:02 for long time people have been saying 32:04 that the mark of the beast is going to be something 32:06 that governs buying and selling 32:09 such as a smart card or a silicon chip 32:12 implanted in the skin. 32:14 Whatever the mark of the beast is follow me, 32:16 there will be some people who do not want to receive it. 32:19 That's me, come on that's you I hope. 32:23 I mean, there some people 32:25 that won't want to go along with it. 32:27 So in order to force people accept it, it will be said 32:30 that if you don't take the mark of the beast 32:33 you won't be able to buy or sell. 32:37 Wow, its interesting isn't it? 32:40 You won't be able to buy or sell. 32:44 What is that mechanism 32:45 that prevents people from buying and selling? 32:48 Well, we do not know, but we know 32:49 that we live in a society now 32:51 that's edging closer and closer and closer 32:54 to being able to control people spending 32:56 or they're buying and they're selling. 32:59 Even your pay check goes right in your bank. 33:02 Someone else collects it every Friday. 33:05 You hope he keeps it safe for you. 33:10 It's either direct deposit in or you have a bank or a check. 33:13 Do you think that a process that could be manipulated? 33:17 Sure, it is. 33:19 How do people get cash these days? 33:22 With the card, ATM. 33:24 Ever hear- how many of you heard of ATM? 33:27 Well, you few of you have. 33:31 Do you think it will be hard to control the process? 33:34 No. 33:35 A huge amount of trading is done with cards, 33:37 credit cards, debit card. 33:38 Have you ever been told sorry 33:40 but you're card is being denied? 33:42 Yes. What can you do then? 33:46 You sure can't buy, you sure can't sell. 33:50 Now, I'm not suggesting any of these methods 33:52 is how people are going to be 33:54 prevented from buying and selling. 33:56 I'm only telling you that for certain 33:57 that none of these are the mark of the beast. 34:02 But what we see is that already living in a time 34:05 when buying and selling can be controlled 34:07 any new developments just makes it easier to do 34:11 what is largely already being done. 34:13 That's right. That's right. 34:15 But hear me carefully, whatever this mechanism 34:18 is to prevent a person from buying and selling 34:21 that's not the mark of the beast, 34:23 it is just a way to enforce it. 34:26 To enforce it. 34:29 A person's behavior can surely be influenced 34:33 when they can't pay their rent or buy their food. 34:36 That's right. That's right. 34:38 It's very old practice there's nothing new about it, 34:41 sanction, boycotts have you ever heard to that? 34:44 We sanction sending food, 34:46 sending supplies to another country. 34:50 We've done that for years, 34:52 to some of the country one country right close to us. 34:55 I mean and the people have suffered by it, haven't they? 34:59 During war time there was rationing. 35:01 That little ration books you got 35:04 and you had to spend it you could only remember? 35:06 So many green points or whatever, 35:09 my mother, father remembered, 35:10 I don't know I'm too young for that. 35:13 But I'm still rationed, my wife gives me. 35:20 It's still rationing men hasn't changed 35:24 we are rationed. 35:26 I mean, during war time there was rationing people 35:28 could simply buy and sell like they we're used to, 35:31 they couldn't buy certain things. 35:33 They couldn't get a hold of certain thing. 35:35 Come on you some of you remembered 35:36 at least you read about it. 35:39 I mean, the Bible is clear on this subject 35:42 and we read the Bible 35:43 and the Bible tells us that the time is coming 35:45 when you won't be able to buy or sell. 35:46 Now, the Bible doesn't lie, 35:47 so therefore I come to a conclusion, 35:49 that there must gonna be a day 35:51 when I won't be able to buy or sell 35:57 unless I have the mark of the beast. 35:59 So, looks like I'm gonna go without buying. 36:03 And then I'm gonna have to go without selling 36:05 because my allegiances is with the seal of God 36:08 in the Book of Revelation. 36:09 My allegiance is with Jesus Christ. 36:16 We can all agree the only thing 36:18 that will save this world's return to God's principles. 36:22 The problem is the beast power will confuse the world 36:25 into believing they are honoring God 36:27 when in fact they are dishonoring God. 36:30 And dishonoring His holy law time is coming 36:33 when He might of this great nation will be misused 36:36 and abused to enforce this mark on the mind 36:39 and the heart of the whole nation. 36:43 That's why, the Bible says, 36:45 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, 36:48 the image of the beast should both speak, 36:49 and cause that as many as would not worship 36:51 the image of the beast should be" what? 36:53 "Killed." 36:54 Gonna come a time, when you won't be able to buy or sell 36:59 and then he says, not only that 37:01 they will come a time when they will kill you. 37:04 You say oh, no brother, I would- I mean 37:07 that's why the church has to go. 37:08 I mean, you know I- I only serve God if I can live. 37:14 Serve God only because you can live? 37:18 Listen to this, these are your apostles. 37:24 Mark died in Alexandria, Egypt, after being dragged 37:27 by horses through the streets until he was dead. 37:31 Matthew suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia. 37:34 He was killed by a sword run through him. 37:37 Luke was hanged in Greece, 37:40 as a result in tremendous preaching to the lost. 37:44 John faced martyrdom, was boiled in oil 37:46 but the king couldn't kill him. 37:49 So he sent in the packed masterly minds 37:51 at 98 years old or so 37:54 put him in minds but that couldn't kill him 37:56 because when God is with you they can't kill you. 38:04 But they can martyr you. They can martyr you. 38:11 You say, Brother Ron, 38:12 fear not him who can kill the body, 38:14 but him both whole person soul and body in hell. 38:19 Peter was crucified upside down. 38:22 Listen, James the Just, 38:23 the leader of the church in Jerusalem, 38:25 was thrown over a hundred feet down 38:27 from pinnacle of the temple and he crushed down there 38:30 and he lay there he was not dead yet, so they came 38:33 and they beat him for death with fuller's club. 38:38 That's your apostles that's the disciples, 38:41 the follows of Jesus. 38:42 Come follow me Peter I'm going to take you to a course. 38:48 You're like pretty little sermons with bubbling brooks. 38:56 Look at this, look at this, James, 39:03 James mention by Josephus, 39:06 James was openly be headed in Jerusalem 39:11 and a Roman soldier saw him there preaching thrice 39:15 before they brought down the axe 39:18 and he was so convicted, 39:19 he laid his head upon the same block 39:22 and had his head cut off. 39:26 No tribulation Brother Halvorsen, no, ask Peter. 39:35 Bartholomew also known as Nathaniel 39:38 was a missionary to Asia. 39:40 He witnessed to our Lord in present day Turkey. 39:43 Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia 39:46 and when he believed he was flayed to death by a whip. 39:49 They wiped him to death. 39:55 Andrew saluted at that hour when they were whipping him 40:03 and he says, "I have long desired 40:07 and expected this happy hour. 40:13 The cross has been consecrated 40:14 by the body of Christ hanging on it. 40:17 He continued to preach to his tormentors 40:19 for two days until he expired." 40:24 Thomas was stabbed through with a spear 40:27 on this missionary trip to India. 40:29 Jude, the brother of Jesus, was killed with arrows 40:32 when he refused to deny his faith in Christ. 40:34 Matthias, was chosen by the apostle 40:36 to replace Judas Iscariot, 40:39 and Matthias was stoned at Jerusalem by the Jews 40:42 and then beheaded. 40:43 Barnabas was stoned to death at Salonika. 40:47 And Philip was crucified according to the plaque 40:50 in the church of holy apostles. 40:51 I mean Paul was believe to have been tortured 40:54 and then beheaded by the Emperor Nero in Rome. 41:01 Instead I would like to go Spain 41:02 but I've got to go to Rome. 41:05 I have to go to Rome. 41:10 Well, child is coming 41:13 get strong in Christ its coming. 41:17 He will try to deceive you, he will try to persecute you, 41:20 he we will die to do everything he can 41:23 so you will lose your faith. 41:25 Hold on, be faithful to God. 41:29 Be faithful to God to the very end, 41:33 be faithful always be faithful to God 41:37 that has been the cry of belief, 41:39 believes ever since the golden image on the plains of Dura. 41:43 Those three Hebrew worthies 41:44 went to the fire for their faith. 41:46 God walked among them, He will be with us. 41:48 I will be with you always, even unto the end of the world. 41:52 I was preaching in one big city in America 41:56 and I was preaching that night and 3,000 people were coming 42:01 and when I finish preaching 42:02 I was telling my story my conversion 42:04 a gang banger came up to the front, 42:07 he had all the tattoos out of a prison, you know, 42:10 and I knew right away where he had come from, 42:13 he spent 14 of his first 27 years incarcerated. 42:19 He came up and he put his head on my shoulder 42:22 and he started to cry. 42:25 This is one tough gang banger. 42:31 MS13 that's and he says 42:36 I want what you have 42:39 and then I shared the gospel with him. 42:43 I shared Jesus. 42:45 By the way that's the only thing 42:46 I know to share. 42:49 You can seek out your little molehills 42:51 and try to find who the King in the North is, 42:54 I want to know who the king of heaven is. 43:00 You can count your 144,000 43:02 I want to be one of the pieces of sand at the feet of Jesus. 43:08 That led the gang banger to Christ. 43:11 He was so- I mean he was so much on fire. 43:15 I mean he wanted to tell everybody about Jesus 43:17 but- he said, man, I got a break from the gang 43:20 and you don't break from those gangs. 43:24 He said, I don't know, pastor he says, 43:28 I don't know if I'll be alive, but I'm gonna stand for Jesus. 43:31 This is America, this is now not years ago 43:36 not somewhere else this is America. 43:39 And I remember he planned his baptism, 43:42 we planned his baptism, 43:45 he was living with a lovely girl 43:47 and loved her and we planned his marriage. 43:49 We had a beautiful wedding and a beautiful baptism. 43:52 By the way, we can do both 43:57 and I- we are planning a baptism 43:59 and I went to visit him down in the barrio 44:02 and let me tell you, I ran through the barrio. 44:07 When they said something in Spanish, 44:09 I didn't know what they said I just ran faster. 44:13 And I had a wonderful visit on his porch 44:15 we prayed together I put my arms around him, 44:18 there he was at gang banger struck too all over 44:21 I mean 14 of his 27 years incarcerated and there he is, 44:25 I mean he was on every drug you can do and now he is clean. 44:29 That's the only, God is the only one that can do that. 44:37 You talk about rehab come to the foot of the Cross, 44:40 kneel at the foot of the Cross that is real rehab. 44:43 And so came Thursday night, 44:47 Friday night and he didn't show up 44:51 and the pastor I was working with 44:53 who was working for him and with him, 44:55 he came up he said, he was killed Thursday night. 45:00 They drove around the corner 45:01 they heard he was going to be a Christian gonna be baptized, 45:04 drove around the corner. 45:05 Blew him away, he died. 45:09 And I didn't want him to be buried a pauper's grave 45:13 so I stood up before that congregation at night 45:14 and I said, I want this boy to be buried a Christian grave 45:18 I want him to be buried in a best cemetery 45:21 in this county. 45:24 And we raise $5,000 that night people give 45:26 and not only that a man came up to me says, 45:28 I got a I got a lot a cemetery lot 45:31 in the most beautiful cemetery 45:32 and he said I want him to be buried there. 45:35 We buried him there, 45:36 listen to me he died for his faith. 45:40 That takes something 45:42 I can't wait till this day when Jesus comes 45:44 and he's lifted up and all those saints will see 45:47 what a sinner looks like saved by grace. 45:53 Saved by grace. 45:58 Yes, Jesus will come, 46:01 America turn back to God before its too late, 46:05 for the God who saved us in the past 46:08 will be the God who'll save us in the future. 46:11 The God who let us in the past, will lead us in the future. 46:17 And that God is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, 46:22 your Savior and mine. 46:23 God bless you. 46:47 In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God says, 46:50 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, 46:53 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.' 46:57 " Every Word is a one minute Bible-based daily devotional 47:00 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw 47:02 and designed especially for busy people like you. 47:05 Look for Every Word on selected networks 47:08 or watch it on-line everyday on our website, 47:10 47:12 Receive a daily spiritual boost. 47:15 Watch Every Word. You'll be glad you did. 47:36 Now, we read another Bible question, 47:37 let's look at this one. 47:39 How can I share my faith with others, 47:42 without getting them upset? 47:45 Okay, carefully and prayerfully. 47:51 It's easy for people to get so excited about 47:54 their new faith in Jesus that they become obnoxious. 47:57 Jesus, said " "You are the salt of the earth" 47:59 and some people when they meet Jesus 48:00 they become the chilly power of the earth, you know. 48:04 And they'll become a little distasteful. 48:05 You don't want to do that. 48:07 Now, you just want to go ahead 48:09 and enjoy being a believer in Jesus 48:11 and share your faith and witness 48:12 you want to do that. 48:14 Don't let anything stop you from doing it. 48:16 I don't why- I don't want to offend anybody. 48:18 Well, just don't be offensive, share your faith. 48:20 Sometimes people are gonna be offended no matter what you do. 48:23 So, pray, tell God you want to share your faith 48:26 and then ask God for opportunities. 48:28 Ask God to give you wisdom to know 48:31 which is an opportunity and which is not. 48:34 Sometimes God will say that guy, 48:35 go and talk to him about Jesus 48:36 other times God will say no, no its not the guy, 48:40 you are running ahead of Me here. 48:41 Remember some people want to watch a DVD, 48:43 some people want to listen to an audio, 48:45 some people would like a track or a book 48:47 and some people just need an invitation to church. 48:49 Pray about the way you should approach a person. 48:52 I would simply say, just to keep it 48:54 short and simple 48:55 be careful, be prayerful, stay close to God, 48:59 be bold enough to share your faith. 49:01 God bless you for wanting 49:02 to share your faith with others. 49:05 But, the question I believe was how do I share my faith 49:08 with somebody else with out them getting upset? 49:12 That's kind of I can't give you a guarantee, 49:14 there is no magic formula. 49:15 Well, if you go ahead in the Spirit of Jesus 49:19 determine to share your faith with others kindly 49:22 God will give you wisdom. 49:24 Remember, James 1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, 49:26 let him ask of God, who gives all men liberally, 49:29 and upbraideth not and it shall be given him." 49:34 God will give you the wisdom that you need. 49:38 Now, here is another Bible question 49:39 that I'd like to share with you. 49:41 I seem to keep on falling back under the same sins 49:44 a lot of them just silly things. 49:47 How do I stop being so up and down and failing so much? 49:51 Great question. 49:52 Did you know something about Jesus? 49:55 Hebrews 1:3 says, 49:57 "That He up holds all things by the word of His power." 50:03 Now, point number one, He will up hold you. 50:05 Point number two, how? By the word of His power. 50:08 Now, I can't speak to you because I don't know 50:10 but I know what a lot of people do or don't do. 50:13 They say, okay I've got to be a good person now 50:15 and they try their hardest and they keep slipping 50:17 because will power will only get you so far. 50:20 It isn't will power you need you want Jesus 50:22 to keep your will that's different. 50:25 I mean you could say, 50:26 oh, man I haven't eaten M&M'S in the long time, 50:28 and breakdown right and eat a hand full of M&M'S, 50:31 it works spiritually too. 50:32 Not gonna lose my temper. 50:34 I'm not going to lose my temper. 50:35 I'm not going to- it works for so long 50:38 and then it doesn't work any longer. 50:42 What you want to do is go to Jesus 50:44 and claim about promises 50:46 that He makes to you in the Bible. 50:50 Let me share some of them. 50:51 First, Philippians 2:13 "It is God who works in you, 50:57 both to will and to do for his good pleasure." 51:00 When Jesus gets in your life 51:02 and starts living His life in you 51:03 well, He is gonna keep you up. 51:06 He is gonna sustain you He is going to strengthen you. 51:09 He's strength will do that wonderful work. 51:11 Praise the Lord. 51:13 Can I think about another verse? 51:14 Yes, in John 15 Jesus said, 51:18 "Without me you can do nothing." 51:20 And then He said over in Philippians Chapter 4, 51:22 well, Paul wrote, "I can do all things 51:24 through Christ who strengthens me." 51:26 That means I can my temper. 51:27 Through Christ, 51:29 I don't have to look at these in appropriate websites. 51:31 Through Christ I can be kept from that. 51:34 I don't have to cheat on my text 51:35 or tell lies to my parents. 51:37 Through Christ 51:39 I can find the strength to keep it straight. 51:41 It's Jesus strength living in your life. 51:43 I'll give you another one, Jude verse 24 "Now unto him 51:47 who is able to keep you from falling." 51:50 You don't have to fall back of the same old stuff. 51:53 Doesn't it get frustrating? 51:54 You come to Jesus you say, 51:55 I got a new life now, hallelujah. 51:58 You know that God doesn't want you to drink liquor 52:00 and then what do you know, oh, men you have 52:03 I don't know watching a football game 52:04 and before you know you drunk three beers 52:07 and oh, you said I was doing so well, 52:10 it had been six months. 52:12 And you go well for another six months 52:14 and you stumble again. 52:17 You know, all we need and it really is this simple, 52:22 is Jesus living His life in us. 52:24 I shall read you, 1 Corinthians 10:13 52:27 "There hath no temptation taken you 52:29 but such as is common to man, but God is faithful, 52:33 who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able 52:37 but will," listen to this, 52:39 "but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, 52:44 that ye may be able to bear it." 52:46 Thank God for that. 52:48 When temptation comes the way of escape is there. 52:51 You got to look for it 52:53 and not to mean hunt for it like a hidden treasure 52:55 I simply mean reach out of Jesus 52:58 and claim the way of escape. 53:00 Christianity doesn't have to be up and down. 53:03 Having said that let me balance it up with something. 53:07 When you come to Jesus and you are born again 53:10 that would make you a spiritual baby. 53:13 Before you become a spiritual giant there is some growth 53:16 that needs to take place and along the way 53:19 you might learn some lessons the hard way. 53:23 That's just true. 53:25 You might make some mistakes, you might- the baby learning 53:28 to walk falls down a lot but the parents don't say, 53:32 I'm done with this baby the baby falls over. 53:34 The parents say, let's just keep on working. 53:37 Let's try again. 53:40 And when the baby falls you don't hate the baby 53:42 you just love the baby. 53:45 You know something, 53:48 along the ways we grow in this world, 53:50 there are times we fall I am not making excuses 53:53 because God can keep you from falling and He wants to 53:56 but when its part of your spiritual growth 53:59 be patient you don't want to be, 54:02 well, I fell back in to the sin of smoking cigarettes 54:06 27 times today. 54:07 Oh, I don't mean that, 54:09 that's just presumption and excuse making in, 54:12 maybe the laziness there I don't know. 54:16 Your spouse keeps blowing up and losing their temper 54:19 and they say I know him growing as a Christian 54:21 no, you are just making an excuse as a whistle 54:23 that's what you are doing. 54:26 You come to Jesus you will grow. 54:30 There is power in the Word of God. 54:31 Let me make a practical suggestion I will be quick. 54:35 Let's say there's a promise 54:37 I can do all things through Christ 54:38 who strengthens me. 54:39 You are sitting in traffic somebody honks at you 54:42 they are here on the back of their neck, stand up, 54:44 the horns on your head pop out 54:47 that the fangs spring out and the claws grow. 54:49 You know that transformation that takes place 54:52 then you are ready to give that person a piece of your mind. 54:56 I think you will run to Jesus, you say no, that's not my will. 54:59 Christ is convicting you. 55:00 He's saying don't go there I can help. 55:03 And you claim the Word of God. 55:05 I can- I can do all things 55:06 through Christ who strengths me. 55:07 Jesus, I need your help 55:08 or "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, 55:12 whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee." 55:15 Isaiah 26:3. Claim the promises. 55:18 God you have said my God shall supply all your need 55:22 according to his righteous and glory by Christ Jesus 55:25 and Lord right now, I need peace, 55:27 I need to be calm, I need to control my temper. 55:31 You think God is gonna come through it for you 55:33 in a situation like that? 55:34 Yes, He is. 55:36 And you will say wait, a day ago, 55:39 I would have fallen back and God kicked me up. 55:43 Then you can learn to do that again and again and again 55:48 and you are falling less and less and less. 55:51 And you are growing in the grace of Jesus. 56:08 Eyes for India is giving sight to the blind 56:11 and you can be a part of this amazing work that God is doing. 56:15 Fifteen million blind people live in India, 56:17 more than any other country in the world. 56:20 And many of the blind in India could see again 56:23 if only they could have simple cataract surgery. 56:26 It Is written is making that happen. 56:29 Would you support Eyes for India? 56:32 For just $75 you'll be giving the gift of sight to someone 56:36 who desperately wants to see. 56:39 Here's all you need to do. 56:40 Call 1-800-253-3000 that's 1-800-253-3000 56:47 to donate and support Eyes for India 56:51 or you can write to It Is Written, 56:53 Box 0, Thousand Oaks, California 91359. 56:58 You'll also find Eyes for India online at 57:03 Every $75 you give gives someone the gift of sight, 57:07 Eyes for India, doing the work of Jesus 57:10 in opening the eyes of the blind 57:12 and opening hearts to the love of God. |
Revised 2015-01-06