Participants: Ron Halvorsen
Series Code: 13RVT
Program Code: 13RVT000008
00:06 In today's troubled world people are wondering
00:10 where we're headed? 00:13 Revelation Today presents the answers. 00:17 Bible prophecy reveals what the future holds in store. 00:23 Revelation Today. 00:37 Good evening everyone, 00:39 welcome again to Revelation Today. 00:41 Tonight we have a great subject, it's entitled, 00:44 "History's Greatest Religious Cover-Up." 00:46 Now let me tell you this, for years and years 00:49 an island named Sandy Island appeared on maps. 00:53 It was west of New Caledonia, that's a little over halfway 00:56 between New Zealand and Australia. 00:59 But one day cartographers look at satellite images of the area 01:03 and the island wasn't there. 01:05 So they set sail to the area in order to locate the island 01:07 and they found nothing, nothing but water. 01:11 Sandy Island didn't really exist, it never had, 01:15 in spite of people believing for many years that it did. 01:19 How many things do you think are like that? 01:21 You certainly don't want that sort of thought 01:23 creeping into your faith. 01:25 So tonight, listen carefully 01:27 and be blessed as Ron Halvorsen presents tonight subject, 01:31 "History's Greatest Religious Cover-Up." 01:33 And now would you welcome 01:34 the presenter of Revelation Today, 01:36 Ron Halvorsen. 01:38 Good evening, good evening. 01:40 Good Evening. 01:42 Let's bow our heads now in a word of prayer 01:43 as we seek the face of God. 01:46 Gracious Father, we humbly bow before You, 01:48 right now we come blundering into Your presence. 01:51 There's so much we want to ask of You, 01:54 there is so much we want to know about You 01:57 and we pray tonight 01:58 that You will give us clear understanding. 02:02 We know some subjects in the Bible 02:04 are difficult subjects 02:06 and Lord, we want You to give us clear understanding, 02:09 we want it to be to come from You. 02:13 So I pray now that Your Holy Spirit 02:14 will be with us tonight 02:16 as we open Your word may it be light unto our feet, 02:19 to our path in the name of Christ. 02:22 Amen and amen. 02:25 Tonight our subject, 02:26 "History's Greatest Religious Cover-Up." 02:29 In fact, one night I am going to speak on the antichrist 02:32 and I'm gonna show you what the cover up is all about 02:35 and I'm gonna show you how this religious idea 02:38 plays in the final events 02:41 before the close of the curtain on human history. 02:45 And so we come here tonight, 02:48 the question is shall I crucify my Savior 02:52 or should I crown Him, Lord of all? 02:56 Crown Him. 02:57 Now that's the question that every one of us 03:01 must answer sooner or later. 03:05 Am I going to crucify Christ, the new 03:08 or am I going to crown Christ as Lord in my life? 03:15 John the Revelator, that wonderful man of God 03:18 who was sent off to Patmos, 03:20 sent off to the Alcatraz of Asia Minor, imprisoned 03:24 because he was faithful to God 03:26 and because the king could not kill him, 03:29 the emperor could not kill him, couldn't boil him in oil, 03:32 could make a French fry of John 03:34 and so he pushes him off on the island. 03:36 He figures, if I could get him out of sight, out of mind. 03:41 But there's purpose in everything 03:42 that happens to a believer. 03:45 When John was shipped out, 03:47 those 28 miles out to that lonely island, 03:51 when that 90-year-old-- 95-year-old man 03:55 was shipped out to that island to be imprisoned, 03:58 he thought this would be the end 04:00 that this would be end of his life 04:02 but it's amazing that, 04:04 that all man under hard labor on Patmos Island, 04:08 that man catches visions and the curtain is drawn 04:11 and that man sees things that no one else had seen. 04:15 He sees things that Peter the apostle never saw. 04:19 He saw things that even Matthew 04:21 and Mark and Luke did not even see. 04:25 He says, I, John saw, and he unveils 04:31 the history of the world until end time. 04:35 You see after he has unveiled Jesus as Alpha, 04:38 the beginning of all things and after he's unveiled Jesus 04:41 as the Omega the end of all things. 04:44 After he's unveiled Jesus as the Savior of the world, 04:49 the one who comes to save the world from their sins 04:52 after-- this is all in the first chapter 04:55 of the Book of Revelation. 04:56 I mean, people say, Ron, we don't study Revelation 04:59 because we want to know more about Jesus. 05:01 How can you know more about Jesus 05:03 than the revelation of Jesus? 05:05 Amen. 05:07 And John unveils, he pulls back the curtain 05:10 and he reveals Jesus the lawmaker 05:13 who with His own finger writes the holy law 05:15 and then later on through the gospel 05:18 He writes the law on the human heart, 05:20 those men and women who surrendered 05:22 to His truth, the gospel. 05:26 He unveils Jesus Christ as the Creator and he will now 05:33 unveil Jesus Christ as Lord, Lord of all. 05:37 John says in the first chapter of the Book of Revelation, 05:40 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day." 05:43 Now many interpret the Lord's Day as Sunday. 05:47 Some interpreted it Saturday, 05:49 some even interpret it as Friday. 05:52 And so there's confusion as to what is the Lord's Day 05:55 and we want to look at that tonight. 05:57 We want to go to scripture. 05:59 It doesn't matter what I believe is the Lord's Day, 06:02 doesn't matter what my church or your church 06:03 or your minister or your priest believes about it, 06:06 it only matters what God's word believes about it. 06:09 And by the way, 06:10 you don't go to the church to find the truth, 06:11 you go to the truth to find a church. 06:13 Amen. 06:15 That's the principal of studying the Word of God. 06:19 That's why we study the Word of God. 06:21 We study it not to convenience ourselves 06:23 that we are true 06:24 but to convince ourselves of our need 06:27 to follow the truth. 06:30 And so He is in the Holy Spirit. 06:33 And by the way you cannot understand the word 06:35 without the Holy Spirit. 06:37 You cannot come to the Bible 06:38 and understand its great teachings, 06:40 the great themes without the Holy Spirit. 06:43 And the Bible says, John is now in the spirit. 06:46 Even in prison he's in the spirit. 06:49 I used to have a TV program called Jesus Behind Bars 06:53 and I used to minister in the prisons of Californian 06:55 and we had a television program called Jesus Behind Bars. 06:59 And there behind the bars I met many men 07:03 and later the women prisons, 07:05 many who had found Jesus Christ while in prison, 07:08 had caught a vision through Jesus Christ 07:14 and brought them hope. 07:16 And so there's no confusion, there's no mistaking, 07:18 there's no mystery about this. 07:20 "I was in the Spirit," he is a Hebrew, 07:24 Shabbat, Sabbath, he was in the spirit 07:27 and there God revealed to him 07:29 the Sabbath, Saturday the seventh day. 07:32 Now, it wasn't new to John, 07:35 in fact John had known about the Sabbath 07:37 since he was a little child. 07:38 He grew up in the Jewish faith. 07:41 He grew up believing the Jewish faith. 07:44 I mean, he was faithful to the synagogue, 07:46 he was faithful to those things, 07:48 people come and they often say, 07:49 well, you know, it so hard to leave 07:52 when God shows me truth 07:53 and to walkout in faith and follow the truth. 07:57 Well, those men had to do it. 07:59 Peter, James and John and Jewish 08:01 people until they came to the gospel 08:04 and they were called out once and they became Christian, 08:07 first time called Christian in Antioch. 08:13 And so this Hebrew meaning, 08:16 there's no mistaking, there's no confusion. 08:18 In fact the Bible is very clear about it, 08:21 Exodus 20:10, Deuteronomy 5:14, 08:25 Leviticus 23:3, Genesis 2:1-3, 08:31 there could be no confusion about it 08:33 because this is what God says about the Sabbath. 08:37 And John is in the spirit. 08:39 No error went when one is in the spirit. 08:41 You're not guided into falsehood in the spirit. 08:44 You're not guided into error in the spirit. 08:47 It's when we get away from the spirit 08:49 that we go wandering away from truth. 08:53 Let's look at that Lord's Day. 08:55 Well, the Bible tells us in Mark 2:27, 28. 08:59 "And he said unto them, the Sabbath was made for man." 09:03 You remember in the beginning that God created man. 09:06 He didn't ever created the day of worship 09:08 until He created the worshipper. 09:09 He couldn't have created a day of worship 09:11 any other day than the seventh day 09:13 because He didn't create man until the sixth day. 09:16 God does everything in order, 09:18 we showed you that last night and the night before. 09:21 God does everything in order. 09:22 He doesn't create fish then run around look for water, 09:25 He creates water then He creates fish. 09:28 He doesn't create stars 09:29 and then look for the firmament to place those stars, 09:32 He does everything in order. 09:34 And so He says, now, the worshipper, 09:36 I make this day for you. 09:38 It's My day but I give it to you 09:41 as a memorial of creation. 09:44 Mark 2:27 and Mark 2:28. 09:49 I wish you could go back with me, 09:51 back to the time of Jesus 2,000 years ago 09:55 and if you went to a city called Nazareth, 09:58 in fact later on they accused Jesus said, 10:00 You come from Nazareth? 10:01 Can any good come out of Nazareth? 10:04 When people meet me they say, 10:06 can any good come out of Brooklyn? 10:12 Well, I have a few Brooklynites here all right. 10:16 And if you could go with me down the streets of Nazareth 10:20 and go on a Tuesday 10:21 you would see the shops would be open 10:23 and they will open their shops in the front 10:26 where they sold their goods. 10:27 And you would go and you come to a place 10:31 a little house or little shop, 10:33 a building white washed and clean and walk in 10:37 and it was a carpenter shop. 10:39 And if you then went there on a Tuesday 10:41 you would find someone working in that carpenter shop, 10:44 none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. 10:46 He was the great carpenter. 10:47 By the way the Greek word for carpenter means 10:50 He was a craftsman. 10:53 He could take a block of wood 10:55 and He could make an angel's face 10:58 or He could build a bridge or He could build a house 11:00 or He could, I mean, he was a texture, 11:02 He was a-- He was a craftsmen. 11:05 And you'd go there on Tuesday, 11:07 you'd find that shop open and be working, 11:09 go on a Wednesday same thing, 11:11 there's the carpenter, Jesus. 11:13 And it was the carpenter Jesus that hung up on the cross, 11:16 thou has nails in thy hand, 11:20 build us the temple in three days, 11:22 come down from the cross and we will believe You. 11:27 Carpenter, we have the hammer now, 11:31 we have the hammer now. 11:34 But you would go there on Thursday 11:36 and the shop would be open, you would go there on a Friday 11:42 and the shop would be open and Jesus plying His trade. 11:47 But if you would go around the Sabbath, 11:50 on a Saturday the place would to be closed. 11:55 I mean, why? 11:57 Because He, when you look at Him in the carpenter shop 12:00 you see there's something different about Him, 12:02 He has the look of a prince, He has a look of a king. 12:05 I mean, He is the Prince of heaven, 12:07 the King of heaven. 12:08 But you go there, you go there on the Sabbath on Saturday 12:11 and He's not there, why? 12:13 Because Jesus is where He's supposed to be, 12:15 Jesus is in the synagogue on the Sabbath 12:18 and Jesus Christ is our example. 12:21 I don't want to be your example, 12:23 I'm too human. 12:25 Hey, your pastor is too human. 12:29 Your priest is too human but Jesus Christ is divine, 12:34 Jesus Christ is divine 12:36 and Jesus was there at the carpenter shop. 12:39 No, He was there was closed on the Sabbath day. 12:43 The Bible says in Luke 4:16, 12:46 "And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up 12:48 and as his custom was 12:49 he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day 12:52 and stood up to read." 12:53 He even read from the first five books of Moses 12:56 there in the synagogue every Sabbath. 12:59 He was trained that way from the crib to the cross 13:04 and even on the cross 13:06 He didn't wanted to defame the Sabbath. 13:08 So He died on the Friday, preparation day 13:11 and He laid in the tomb until the first day of the week 13:14 when He rose victory over death. 13:18 That's Jesus, no guessing, no mystery. 13:22 Who better knows the day then Jesus Christ? 13:25 Who knows better which is the Lord's Day 13:27 then the Lord Himself? 13:29 Why did God give us that? We talked about that. 13:32 Why? 13:33 It has to do with his Lordship, 13:35 it has to do with His grace, 13:37 it has to do with loyalty to God, 13:39 that's what it has to do. 13:41 Why the Sabbath? 13:42 Because the law demands us to keep it? 13:44 No. Why the Sabbath? 13:46 It has to do with the Lordship of Jesus. 13:48 It has to do with the creation of Jesus. 13:51 Why? Because Jesus kept it. 13:54 When I came to rebirth, 13:56 and came out of the gangs in New York, 13:59 when I came to Jesus Christ I decided then and there 14:04 that wherever Jesus went I wanted to go. 14:08 Whatever Jesus did I wanted to do. 14:11 And so if He said, crawl to Chicago twice a year, 14:13 Halvorsen, to be My follower 14:17 you would have saw me on my knees 14:21 crawling to Chicago. 14:23 Why? Because He's my example. 14:27 I've been called out of the pit of despair 14:29 and sin to the glory of God. 14:32 Jesus, you see, Jesus kept it-- for the born-again 14:36 He kept it for the regenerated, for Bible-believing Christian. 14:40 His example is clear and because of the Holy Spirit 14:43 guides us to keep it John kept it at Patmos 14:46 when he wrote those words, 14:47 "I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day." 14:49 I'm amazed how many talk 14:51 about the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the spirit 14:53 but never mentioned a gift to the Sabbath 14:56 which came as a gift from the spirit. 15:00 Now the Muslims tell us the Lord's Day is Friday. 15:05 Some Christians tells us it's Sunday, many Christians. 15:09 Some Christians and Jews say it's Saturday. 15:12 Listen to me friend, 15:13 Jesus was crucified between two thieves, 15:16 one on the left hand and one on the right hand, 15:18 the Sabbath was crucified between two thieves. 15:21 As we'll see, on Friday the Muslim world 15:24 and then later, in tradition in the church 15:27 of the Dark Ages came the Sunday 15:30 where men and women began to worship. 15:32 Crucified between two thieves. 15:35 Now, last night I showed from scripture 15:38 what day was the Lord's Day, we took time. 15:41 Now tonight I want to look at that, 15:43 maybe just review some of those things 15:46 for we can know for sure, 15:48 "For the Son of man is Lord even of the" what? 15:50 "Sabbath." 15:52 The Bible tells us, "Also the sons of the stranger, 15:55 that joins themselves to the Lord, to serve Him, 15:58 to love the name of the Lord, to be His servant." 16:01 Notice it goes on, 16:02 "Everyone that keepeth Sabbath from polluting it, 16:06 taketh hold of my covenant 16:07 even then will I bring to my holy mountain, 16:11 and make them joyful in prayer." 16:13 He goes on to say, "Their burnt offering 16:15 and their sacrifice shall be accepted upon my altar 16:18 for my house shall be called the house of prayer, 16:21 for all people." 16:25 The promise He made to Israel and now in Revelation 16:28 He makes the promise to spiritual Israel, 16:31 to the people of God. 16:33 Not of Abraham seed 16:35 but to the seed of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. 16:39 The Bible is the only sure guide. 16:41 When I first came to this, after I became a believer, 16:44 after I became a born-again Christian 16:46 I turned away, I struggle with it, 16:49 I couldn't imagine. 16:50 I've been brought up you know, 16:51 I've been brought up like most people 16:54 and my parents told me, my grandparents told me 16:56 you know, you go to church on Sun-- 16:59 I had gone there, I've been sprinkled, 17:01 I believe in God the Father Almighty, 17:03 maker of heaven, earth, Jesus Christ, the only God, 17:04 son of Lord, to see the holy ghost, 17:05 born of virgin Mary, son of purge power, 17:07 I've been filled with all of that 17:09 but I never knew Jesus Christ as my Savior. 17:13 And when I discovered Him as my Savior 17:16 the only thing I could do was walk in His way. 17:19 I tried to run from it 17:20 but I kept running into the wall, 17:22 I kept reading the Bible and running into the wall 17:24 and I said, evidence. 17:26 You see, a text out of context is a pretext. 17:32 And when you see the context you see the truth. 17:36 How can I know the truth, Brother Ron? 17:38 You have a Bible. 17:39 Why do you think you have a Bible? 17:41 Just to be read to you one day a week from the pulpit? 17:45 You have a Bible so we can guide you 17:46 and your family in matters, 17:48 you can guide you in life itself. 17:50 You have a Bible so that you can face 17:52 the future with confidence and future with hope, 17:55 open your Bible. 17:57 I'm amazed the best seller goes unread, unread. 18:05 But the question now is why did there come and change? 18:09 I mean, if God changed it surely He would tell us, 18:11 don't you think? 18:13 Of course. 18:16 You see, it matters with Jesus Christ, it matters. 18:19 Why comes the change? 18:22 Well, it's not what I say, not what you preacher says 18:25 but why is there a change? 18:26 What does the Bible teach about the change? 18:29 And noticed, Jesus Christ, He's the one that guides us, 18:33 Jesus Christ is the one who says, 18:35 in Ephesians 4:21, 18:37 "If so be that ye have heard him 18:40 and have been taught by him as the truth is in" Who? 18:45 "Jesus." 18:46 We have no truth outside of Jesus Christ. 18:50 I can theologize, 18:51 I can read the language of the Bible, 18:54 the Old Testament and New Testament 18:56 but I can't give you truth, 18:58 only Jesus Christ can give you truth. 19:01 Now truth is not always been popular. 19:04 Come on now, all right. 19:06 I mean, you don't think, 19:07 you read the story of the 1st century Christians, 19:11 truth hasn't always been popular. 19:13 In fact, when you follow truth you become unpopular. 19:20 Right, come on now. 19:21 Therefore the apostles show us 19:23 that you can't read the New Testament 19:25 without seeing that. 19:26 You see, in fact it's unpopular most of the time. 19:30 We've seen it here in this place, 19:31 men and women confronted with truth 19:33 as it is in Jesus and they just turn away. 19:36 I mean, they refuse to listen. 19:37 They are afraid of the consequence. 19:39 Listen, friend, open your heart to God, 19:41 the God that can show you the truth 19:43 can help you walk in the truth. 19:47 Jesus Christ teaches 19:48 that nothing could alter the moral law of God. 19:51 By the way listen, the church fathers couldn't, 19:55 the church theologians couldn't, 19:57 the church councils couldn't 19:59 and the church traditions couldn't 20:03 because He had said, 20:04 "Think not that I have come 20:07 to destroy the law or the prophets, 20:08 I am not come to destroy but to fulfill." 20:12 Its very interesting that word, 20:13 fulfill means to live it out. 20:16 People say, well, I don't like to accept the Old Testament 20:18 I just want the New Testament. 20:20 How can you take the New Testament 20:21 out the Old Testament? 20:23 In fact, there are hundreds of references 20:25 in the Book of Revelation alone 20:27 or inferences from the Book of the Old Testament 20:30 was we would not know Jesus 20:32 as we know Jesus without Isaiah. 20:36 We never would have known Jesus as His birthplace 20:39 without those early prophets. 20:42 And so He says, I'm not come here to change it, 20:44 I've come here to fulfill it, to show you how to live it out. 20:48 God wants us to live it out. 20:50 And so man couldn't change it, 20:53 man has no right to change the law, 20:54 man has no right to a change the teachings of the Bible. 20:57 You have no right to-- by the way 21:00 study the Bible kind of you know pick here 21:01 what you want and pick there you know like they do 21:04 its, well, I accept the Genesis 21:06 but I refuse to accept Leviticus. 21:11 Well, I know he said that in Matthew 21:12 but I like what he said in Mark, 21:14 he said the same thing in Mark what he said in Matthew 21:16 and he said it in all Synoptic Gospels. 21:20 He said it all in the Synoptic Gospels. 21:24 And yet tonight we find 21:25 someone been tampering with God's law. 21:28 Someone's been tampering 21:29 with the character of the Almighty. 21:31 You see if Calvary is a transcript 21:33 to the mercy of Jesus Christ 21:34 then Sinai is a transcript of the justice of Jesus Christ. 21:38 Mercy and Justice the two arms 21:41 of the almighty God that uphold us 21:43 but someone's been tampering with God's holy character 21:46 as written in the Ten Commandments. 21:48 I'm amazed churches you say, let's not get rid 21:52 of the Ten Commandments from government, 21:54 let's not get rid of the Ten Commandments 21:55 from the school, 21:56 let's not get rid-- and yet they get rid 21:58 of the Ten Commandments in the church. 22:02 Well, yeah, yeah. 22:04 Keep that's all right 22:05 but you have to worry about that one. 22:08 We'll decide which one I should worry about, 22:10 come on. 22:11 I told you other night, 22:12 if I'm hanging from the Empire State building 22:15 on a chain with 10 links, what link is important? 22:21 Get the drift. 22:24 You see if we could change the law, 22:28 Jesus Christ would not have had to come to Bethlehem. 22:31 If we had changed the law 22:32 Christ would not have had to come 22:34 to Calvary shame form nakedness. 22:37 If we had not changed the law 22:39 Christ would not have suffered on the tree, 22:41 Christ would not have been lacerated His back, 22:44 Christ would not have been spit upon, 22:46 Christ would not have been nailed to the cross 22:52 if it wasn't for the fact that the law was binding 22:58 and the law broken, breaks us. 23:03 And the Bible tells me, again and again 23:04 that this Jesus born of a manger, 23:06 this Jesus born in the crib, 23:08 this Jesus hanging on the cross, 23:10 this Jesus is going to come in glory and power. 23:12 Hey listen, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, 23:15 today and" what? 23:16 "For ever." 23:17 Christ doesn't change. This book does not change. 23:22 We change 23:25 and He is the only one that can change us back. 23:27 Come on, now. 23:28 In Malachi 3:6 "For I am the Lord," I what? 23:32 "I change not." 23:34 Then comes Matthew 5:17, "Think not that I am come 23:37 to destroy the law or the prophets. 23:38 I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 23:41 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, 23:43 one jot or one tittle" 23:45 that's the smallest mark in the language of Jesus day. 23:52 A tittle. 23:55 You might say-- as a small as you get. 24:01 "And shall we call the least in the kingdom of heaven," 24:03 I didn't make that up. 24:05 "But whosoever shall do His will 24:06 and teach them, the same shall be called" what? 24:08 "Great in the Kingdom of heaven." 24:11 Someone's been trampling on the law. 24:13 I'm gonna show you how the antichrist 24:15 fits into this whole scene, this whole scenario 24:18 right from the Book of Revelation. 24:21 And God said, I think to change times and laws. 24:23 Man says I can't change times and I can't change laws. 24:27 In fact, let me look at Acts 5:29, 24:29 "Then Peter and the apostles answered and said, 24:30 We ought to obey God" what? 24:32 "Rather than men." The God rather than man. 24:36 But then Daniel the prophet 24:38 looking down the skin of time told us 24:39 that man would change the fourth commandment. 24:43 And that's why God putting the fourth commandment, 24:45 the only commandment said remember. 24:47 Why is it that if I as a preacher tell you 24:49 to forget it you listen to me 24:51 but you don't listen to God who says remember it? 24:53 I don't understand that. 24:56 What right do I have to tell you forget it? 25:00 I went to my pastor after I got saved in 25:04 and I came face to face with this 25:06 and I said to him, I said, pastor, I said, 25:09 what about this fourth commandment? 25:10 And he said, oh, oh, forget it. 25:12 I said, I was in catechism class. 25:16 You made me memorize it. 25:19 Do you know how hard it was for me 25:20 to memorize the Ten Commandments? 25:22 Yeah, he knew me. 25:24 Now that I'm saved, I don't have to keep it. 25:32 Christ doesn't called you to lawlessness, 25:33 He's called you to lowness, lawfulness. 25:38 Christ doesn't called you to sinfulness, 25:39 He's called you to sinless, 25:40 He's called you to serve Him in power. 25:44 He said, listen, 25:45 "And he shall speak great words against the most High, 25:48 shall wear out the saints," 25:49 by the way that means persecute the saints of God 25:52 and I'm gonna show you that in Revelation 13 25:54 but it says "wear out the saints of the most High, 25:57 think to change times" and what? 25:59 "Laws." 26:00 Any Christ he is speaking about, 26:02 he will think to change times and laws. 26:04 Now, what commandment deals with time? 26:06 There's only one commandment 26:07 in a Decalogue that deals with time 26:10 and that is the commandment that says, 26:12 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 26:17 In the Bible, the Bible teaches us, 26:20 "Because the carnal mind" 26:21 what is that the sinful mind "is enmity against God, 26:24 it is not subject to the Lord of God, 26:26 neither indeed can be." 26:29 To the prophets it was unthinkable to change, 26:31 you see to the apostles it was unthinkable. 26:34 To the early church branded in suffering 26:36 burning at the stake it was unthinkable 26:39 but in man but man it became thinkable 26:45 and He mentions the change. 26:48 And He says, "Think to change times and laws." 26:53 Look at Exodus please. 26:56 The commandment time and law, 26:57 let's look at the commandment that says it, 26:59 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 27:03 Six days shalt thou labor," 27:06 that's time "and do all thy work. 27:09 But the seventh day is the Sabbath 27:11 of the Lord thy God." 27:14 He then goes on to embellish it. 27:16 "In it thou shalt not do thy work, thou, nor thy son, 27:19 nor thy daughter, thy manservant, 27:20 nor thy maid it's all includes it. 27:23 It's the memorial of creation. 27:25 You can't say creation was just given to the Jews. 27:29 I'm a Norwegian. 27:32 Isn't that nice, come on you should say amen at least. 27:35 Amen. 27:36 Come on. 27:38 I mean we stumbled on America 27:39 long before Columbus even sailed. 27:45 Don't you think creation was given to the Norwegians? 27:50 Don't you think the blessing that God wanted to give 27:52 the three fold blessing on the Sabbath 27:54 was given to people of all racists, 27:56 of all nationalities, of all religions? 28:03 "Nor thy strange within thy gates." 28:06 And yet the antichrist would come along in time 28:09 and he would think to change 28:10 and we must look at that together. 28:12 Genesis 2, the Bible tells us, 28:15 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, 28:16 and all the host of them. 28:17 And on the seventh day God ended His work 28:19 which He had" what? 28:20 "Which He had made. 28:22 And he rested on the seventh day 28:24 from His work which he had made. 28:25 And God blessed the seventh day, 28:26 and He sanctified it." 28:28 By the way the word sanctity means 28:29 He puts it aside forever. 28:31 When He sanctifies you He set you apart forever. 28:37 "Because that in it He had rested 28:38 from all His work which God" what? 28:39 "Created and God made." 28:40 He rested, He blessed, 28:42 He sanctified that's what He did. 28:45 You see the Sabbath has always been with us. 28:48 It was a creation day, its always been a symbol. 28:53 The Bible Old Testament Sabbath keepers, 28:55 look at them Adam was a Sabbath keeper, 28:57 Abraham was a Sabbath keeper, Moses was a Sabbath keeper, 29:00 Isaiah was a Sabbath keeper there is no one in this city 29:03 that would tell you differently 29:04 Jeremiah was a Sabbath keeper, Daniel was a Sabbath keeper, 29:08 Joel was a Sabbath keeper, Malachi was a Sabbath keeper. 29:11 Do you need more proof come to the New Testament, 29:14 Peter the apostle, 29:16 the man of Pentecost was a Sabbath keeper, 29:18 John the apostle on Patmos 29:20 and throughout his life was a Sabbath keeper. 29:22 James, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Paul, Barnabas 29:27 I could go on and on and on the first church. 29:32 The apostolic church were Sabbath keepers, 29:38 were Sabbath keepers. 29:41 Break the law for anyone, for anything? 29:45 No friend, He is our example. 29:48 "Jesus kept it that's good enough for me!" 29:51 When I came to that I was running towards it. 29:57 I was running towards it. 29:59 "He came to Nazareth, 30:00 where he had been brought up and, as his custom was, 30:02 he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, 30:03 and stood up to read. 30:05 And he said to them, The Sabbath was made for man," 30:07 we read that text you've seen it again and again. 30:10 Why the change? 30:12 When did the change come? That's a good question. 30:15 By the way there were only eight verses 30:16 in the whole New Testament 30:18 concerning the first day of the week 30:20 and I'm gonna just move through them fast, 30:22 you can go home and look them up 30:23 but there are eight first day texts 30:25 in the New Testament only 30:27 and yet there are 87 Sabbaths kept alone in the Book of Acts. 30:30 Well, anyway here we go and there's the first one 30:32 here is the change that's what they tell me. 30:34 "In the end of the Sabbath, 30:35 as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, 30:37 came Mary Magdalene 30:39 and the other Mary to see the sepulcher." 30:40 Do you see a change here? 30:42 Oh, the Bible says is the Sabbath ended 30:44 now they come to anoint the body of Jesus. 30:47 You don't find the change in Matthew 28. 30:49 The sepulcher, the stone has rolled away. 30:51 They come on the first day of the week, 30:53 they run back to tell the apostles. 30:54 The apostles come and you know 30:56 there was one apostle didn't believe and he says 30:58 until I put my finger-- listen to me that's a fact. 31:03 There is it "And very early in the morning 31:05 the first day of the week, 31:06 they came unto the sepulcher at the rising of the sun." 31:08 It doesn't say no change, 31:10 it doesn't talk about a change not here then it goes on. 31:13 Mark 16:9 31:15 "Now When Jesus risen early on the first day of the week, 31:17 He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, 31:18 out of whom he had driven seven devils." 31:21 There is no change here. 31:22 We go to Luke and we look at Luke in 24:1 31:26 "Now upon the first day of the week, 31:27 very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulcher," 31:29 all the gospel writers tell the same story 31:32 the Sabbath is passed, the first day starts 31:37 and it's a work day for the anoint body of Jesus. 31:41 No change, you can't find the change in the gospels. 31:44 Luke 23:52, 54, 31:46 "This man went to Pilate, begged the body of Jesus. 31:49 And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen," 31:50 how do we know which day is the Sabbath? 31:52 Well, the same day you know which day is Sunday. 31:55 Because they go by the position they don't go by a calendar 31:59 but he comes, he takes the body of Jesus 32:01 down from the Cross that's Friday. 32:02 Here is he calls it what? The preparation day for what? 32:06 Come on for what? Sabbath. 32:08 All right, don't get me to keep you late tonight. 32:12 He died on Friday, He rested on Sabbath, 32:14 He rose again on Sunday. 32:16 And then John 20:1, 32:18 "The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdelene early, 32:20 when it was yet dark, unto the sepulcher, 32:22 and seeth the stone taken away." 32:24 There it is again, there is no change 32:26 even in the gospel of John. 32:28 Even in the gospel of John. 32:29 Bible tells us John 20:19, "The same day at evening, 32:32 being the first day of the week, 32:34 when the doors were shut 32:35 where the disciples were assembled for fear of Jews." 32:37 Someone said this is the first worship service. 32:41 Were they worshipping? 32:43 Come on, they were afraid that they were gonna 32:45 receive the same thing Jesus did at cross. 32:49 They were the ones that ran from the Cross. 32:51 It's very interesting, I want to talk about the women. 32:54 It's very interesting 32:55 that it was a woman at the crib, 32:56 a woman at the cross and a woman at the tomb, 32:59 the crept. 33:00 So whatever you want to say. 33:04 Okay, I won't say anymore but that's enough. 33:09 Pardon me. 33:11 Then He goes on, 20 verse19, "came Jesus stood in the midst 33:15 and said unto them, Peace beyond to you." 33:17 Remember one apostle didn't even believe. 33:20 And then Acts 20:7, 33:21 "Upon the first day of the week, 33:22 when the disciples came together to break bread," 33:24 they said, there is the communion service. 33:26 Not at all, in fact, Paul preached even unto them 33:29 into the night which was the next day. 33:32 He preached unto them 33:33 and the breaking a bread was not because you see, 33:36 the Bible tells us they broke bread daily. 33:43 It's not a change. 33:46 "Upon the first day of the week 33:47 very early in the morning lay up in store, 33:49 God hath prospered him, 33:50 that there be no gathering when He come." 33:51 They symbolic took up a collection 33:53 on the first day of the week, that's their argument. 33:56 Do you know how they did? 33:57 They didn't take offerings in a church like we do. 34:00 What they used to do is go on Sunday morning, 34:02 because they were working, 34:03 they count it their profits for the week before 34:06 and the apostles would come around 34:08 and collect the tithe and then they would go out 34:11 and help the poor, the needy 34:13 and build the church of Jesus Christ. 34:15 There's no room for compromise, no room. 34:19 Acts 17:2, Acts 16:13, 34:22 Acts 13:14, 42, I mean, there it is 34:24 "87 Sabbaths kept by the apostles." 34:26 What more proof. 34:27 "For we which have believed enter into rest, 34:30 as I have sworn in my wrath, 34:31 if they shall enter into my rest 34:33 although the works were finished 34:34 from the foundation of the world." 34:35 And then he talks about this place of rest. 34:38 And by the way, its two rest, it's a spiritual rest, 34:42 see that's what Joshua's saying, 34:43 it's a spiritual but its also a Sabbath rest 34:46 because the creation, He says, the creation of the world. 34:49 "Seeing therefore it means remaineth 34:50 that some must enter therein, 34:52 and to whom it was first preached 34:53 entered not because of their unbelief." 34:55 The gentiles rejected 34:57 and they had to bring the gospel to them 34:59 and that's how we got this wonderful Sabbath 35:05 to the first church to early church. 35:08 Now let's look at this, there are two rests 35:10 I talked about it, salvation rest, Sabbath rest. 35:14 Sabbath as in the Hebrew is seventh day. 35:18 Babylon. 35:20 Now notice confusion 35:22 and now let's notice the subtle changes. 35:25 Grace became license. 35:27 Hey listen, law became an option. 35:30 Listen to the change. Obey became convenient. 35:32 If it's convenient obey, if its not don't worry about it 35:35 subtle changes it took centuries. 35:38 Do you think they woke up one morning said 35:39 let's change the day? 35:40 Not at all. 35:41 And I didn't think, I don't even think 35:43 that they tried to do it maliciously. 35:47 They just thought this is the best way 35:48 to reach the gentile world 35:50 because the gentile world was already keeping Sunday 35:53 and Jesus rose on Sunday 35:54 so they kind of tried the reason, 35:56 they tried to do the work of God for God. 35:58 Don't ever try to do the work of God for God. 36:03 And when did that change come? 130 A.D. check up me. 36:07 When Barnabas, by the way Barnabas of Alexandria 36:12 then came 165 A.D. Sixtus, Bishop of Rome. 36:16 And he proposed an annual Easter festival one day a year 36:20 and that was the Easter festival. 36:21 That's the first time ever they kept it as a holiday. 36:25 That was in 160-- check up on it. 36:28 200 A.D. Rictor, Rictor was bishop of Rome. 36:32 He proposed this idea of this law, 36:35 he made it a law in 200 A.D. 36:38 Then came 314 A.D. Constantine. 36:40 He made the first Sunday law. That was Constantine. 36:44 Then 321, not until 321 was it law. 36:47 Not until 321 that the church ever totally change over. 36:53 It wasn't the command of Jesus. 36:56 It wasn't the command of Jesus. 36:58 And then came 1563, the council Trent. 37:03 And in large of Sunday law 37:04 to include all people except farmers. 37:07 And so now if you didn't keep Sunday you are punished. 37:11 It was gonna come a time 37:12 when you won't be over the buy yourself, 37:14 say if he that the mark of the beast 37:15 and number of his name, hey that day is coming. 37:19 That day is coming. 37:20 What is with this? 37:23 "On the venerable day of the Sun," 37:25 Constantine 321, 37:28 "Let the magistrates and people residing in the cities rest, 37:31 and let all workshops be closed. 37:34 The sun was foremost god with heathendom. 37:37 There is a truth, something royal, 37:38 kingly about the sun making it fit emblem 37:41 Jesus, Sun of justice." 37:43 Catholic World, that was in 1894. 37:46 "Hence the church in these countries 37:48 would seem to have said, 'Keep the old pagan name. 37:51 It shall remain consecrated, 37:52 and it shall remain sanctified.' 37:54 And thus the pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, 37:58 became the Christian Sunday, sacred to Jesus." 38:02 Catholic World, page 809, in March 1894. 38:06 How did the change happen through the centuries? 38:08 "Christian shall not Judaize and be idle on Saturday, 38:11 but shall work on that day but the Lord's Day 38:13 they shall especially honor him." 38:15 That was in 325, they never called 38:17 Sunday the Lord's day until 325 38:19 and it wasn't through words of apostles, 38:21 it wasn't through word of Jesus, 38:23 it was the word of the council of Laodicea, 38:25 Roman Catholic Church. 38:29 "As being Christians, shall, if possible, 38:31 do not work on that day. 38:33 If, however, they are found Judaizing, 38:35 they shall be shut out from Christ." 38:36 They would cast out of the church. 38:39 "After all, fundamentalists meet for worship on Sunday, 38:41 yet there is no evidence in the Bible 38:43 that corporate worship was to be made on Sundays. 38:46 The Jewish Sabbath, or day of rest, 38:48 was, of course, Saturday." 38:50 Catholicism, Fundamentalism. 38:53 "It was the catholic church that decided 38:55 Sunday should be the day of worship for Christians, 38:57 in honor of the resurrection." 39:00 In vein do they worship me 39:01 teaching for doctrines the commandments of man? 39:04 Listen, the word history. 39:06 "You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation 39:09 and you will not find one single line 39:10 authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. 39:13 The Scripture enforce the religious observance 39:15 of Saturday." 39:16 That's the Faith of our Fathers. 39:18 At least they admitted. 39:20 "My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing 39:22 that is gone out from my lips. 39:25 Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, 39:26 to be assigned between me and them, 39:28 that they might know that I am the Lord 39:30 that sanctified them." 39:32 That's what the Bible says. Now where do we get Sunday? 39:35 Listen, not from the Bible, 39:37 we didn't get it from the prophets, 39:38 we didn't get it from the apostles, 39:40 we got it not from Jesus, not at all. 39:44 "Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, 39:45 to be a sign between me and them, 39:47 that they might know that I am the Lord 39:48 that sanctified them." 39:50 I'm giving you these texts 39:51 because I want you to see the evidence. 39:54 The evidence. 39:56 "Here is the patience of the saints, 39:58 here are they that keep the commandments of God, 40:01 and have faith in Jesus Christ." 40:03 It's a matter of loyalty to Christ that's what it is. 40:09 You see its compromise to the church. 40:12 Later on infant baptism, purgatory, confessional booths 40:15 I could go on, peoples decision born 40:17 again Christian we require of it 40:19 such, a such doctrine and yet it's the same church 40:21 that change the day of worship for the believer. 40:26 What right does anybody have to change what God has written? 40:31 So we find that loyalty to Christ. 40:33 Are you loyal? Are you loyal to Jesus Christ? 40:37 That's the point. Let me tell you personal story. 40:42 My dad was an alcoholic. He was a mean drunk. 40:49 Before he knew Christ we feared him. 40:55 My dad from Friday night 40:56 to Monday morning was drunk. 41:00 We knew a little physical abuse, 41:02 we knew emotional abuse and we feared our father 41:08 because of alcohol. 41:11 And I prayed for my father. 41:13 When I first became a Christian I wanted my father, 41:15 I wanted to lead him to Christ, 41:17 I was set free and I wanted my father to know Jesus. 41:21 I had the privilege of leading my mother to Christ 41:23 and she became a Christian and then I had the privilege 41:25 of leading my brothers to Jesus Christ, 41:27 they became Christians and now just my father. 41:33 And I prayed for my father. 41:37 One day at college I received a letter from my father 41:39 and he told me that he had just given his life to Jesus Christ. 41:41 Amen. 41:44 And my father, I mean, my father 41:46 was so determine to live for Christ 41:48 and then he was studying the Bible, 41:49 he said son, you have been telling me about the Sabbath. 41:52 I have been reading it, and its there in the Bible. 41:54 I'm going to keep the Sabbath. I said that just wonderful. 41:59 And then my father said, 42:00 but you know I have a little problem 42:02 because I work every Saturday and for 20 some years 42:05 every Saturday I had to work because I'm a maintenance man. 42:07 He was a maintenance man in a factory. 42:09 He had to fix the machines on Saturday 42:11 so Monday they would come in and they could work. 42:15 But my dad said I'm determined. 42:16 He went to the boss and he said, 42:18 boss, I need Saturday off. 42:19 And the boss said, you can't have Saturday off 42:21 while you have to fix the machines. 42:25 And that's it well, 42:26 I want to go to church and worship with my family 42:28 and I want to follow the command of Jesus Christ 42:30 and he said oh, no, you can't. 42:32 Now here's my father, 42:33 my father was a honest working man I have ever known, 42:35 I mean, but he didn't make much. 42:42 But he still had some children home and a job, 42:45 is a job and the boss said, 42:47 no you're gonna come in Saturday Bill. 42:49 He says, no. 42:50 He said I can't, I got to keep this day for Jesus. 42:54 And so he came in on Monday and the boss was waiting 42:56 as he punched in the boss said I'll see you next Saturday. 43:01 My father said, no. He said I'm gonna go to church. 43:03 He said, well, then if you go to church Saturday 43:05 don't come in Monday. 43:09 All week long my dad would come punch in, 43:11 the boss would be there, see you Saturday, 43:14 see you Saturday and that's the test. 43:20 Do you think that's legalism? 43:23 Why isn't it legalism if you keep Sunday 43:26 but if I keep Saturday you tell me that's legalism? 43:30 I can't fight on that. I can't understand that. 43:35 My dad wanted to do what God told him to do. 43:38 What's wrong with that? 43:40 And so he came in on Friday and the boss took his card 43:42 and said, see you tomorrow, Bill. 43:44 My dad said, no I've got to, 43:45 I've got to be in church with my family. 43:49 And so he went to punch out 43:52 boss took his card and said, see you tomorrow, Bill. 43:55 He said, no. 43:56 He said, don't come in on Monday. 43:58 You're fired. 44:00 My dad had to walk about six blocks 44:01 from little Brooklyn Bridge. 44:02 He walked up to the train station 44:05 and took a train down to Coney Island. 44:07 He said, son, I was walking up 44:09 and I was praying and I was crying 44:11 and I was thinking about my family 44:13 and I thought about how much they depended on me 44:15 and but then I remembered what God had said, 44:18 that He would provide. 44:20 Amen. Amen. 44:22 And he says, I was-- he says, 44:23 I was walking up and all of a sudden 44:27 I heard the boss calling, Bill, Bill. 44:32 He turned around and the boss was running up the hill. 44:36 And the boss said, are you that crazy? 44:39 He said, yeah. 44:41 He so then you come in on Sunday. 44:44 Now, hey wait, no, no, no. 44:46 You see on Saturday he got time in a half, 44:50 on Sunday he got double time 44:52 and for the rest of his life until he retired double time. 44:56 Don't you ever think that God can't provide for you? 45:02 Don't you ever think that God is not able to do 45:07 far beyond what you can expect, 45:09 far beyond what you can ever know. 45:11 And he came into a commitment with my father. 45:14 God saved him from alcohol. 45:16 My father sobered up, 45:17 my father got so involved with Jesus, 45:20 I mean, he was a different man. 45:22 We loved our father 45:24 and I still to this day my father rests 45:27 in a grave in Brooklyn with my mother. 45:31 Listen to me, I hope I'm in Brooklyn 45:33 when Jesus comes so I can see my father 45:36 made sober by the grace of God, 45:38 my father that was faithful to God 45:40 in the keeping of the Sabbath, 45:42 my father which was faithful to God in all ways 45:45 became a deacon of his church. 45:47 He was the first one there in the morning 45:49 and the last one to go at night 45:51 because he loved Jesus Christ. 45:52 You call that legalism, I call it loyalty. 45:59 Amen. Amen. 46:00 And love and the Bible says, if he love Me, 46:08 if he love Me keep My commandments. 46:16 Keep My commandments. 46:18 Till his death and I stood there 46:22 at that grave laying my father to rest 46:28 knowing that he fell asleep in Jesus Christ. 46:33 That's with me and my house, we will serve the Lord. 46:45 Now, he did not say it was easy. 46:50 By the way, it's not easy to be a Christian 46:53 but its right, it's not easy 46:58 to be loyal to Christ in a Christless world 47:03 but it's right and so the church 47:06 in the last days in Revelation 47:09 will have people like that, faithful. 47:12 We called it the remnant. 47:14 The remnant from all the church, 47:15 he calls it the remnant, 47:16 we are trying to be loyal to God in every way. 47:21 He talks about those remnant 47:24 who keep the commandments of God 47:27 and have faith in Jesus Christ. 47:33 And I want to be that kind of follower. 47:36 I want to be that kind of man of God, 47:40 that I will be faithful to Him or the heavens. 47:46 You may take the world but give me Jesus. 47:50 Consider it with the carpenter of Nazareth 47:56 who won the Sabbath day went to His church on the synagogue 47:59 and He prayed and so may God help us 48:02 to be faithful always and everywhere. 48:42 Here's a good Bible question, 48:44 "Does the Bible make clear which day 48:46 is the actual Sabbath day?" 48:49 Well, it does. 48:50 We don't need to guess about this, 48:51 we can go to the Word of God 48:52 and find out what God has actually said. 48:54 And what I would do is turn to my Bible 48:57 and invite you to do the same 48:58 to turn in your Bible to the Book of Luke, 49:02 the Gospel of Luke Chapter 23. 49:05 What if God makes it very, very clear? 49:08 You don't want to go on through life, guessing. 49:11 You don't want to go on through life thinking 49:12 that something's rights when actually it is not. 49:17 I remember hearing some-- 49:19 just a few years ago about people 49:21 who had spent their lives living in Rhode Island 49:25 yet when the authorities actually checked 49:28 where the State line was, 49:30 it was found that these people 49:31 were really living in Connecticut. 49:33 All their lives, Rhode Island phone number, 49:35 Rhode Island zip code, Rhode Island taxes 49:37 and so on and they discovered that the line had been wrong 49:41 and they had been in oversight all these years. 49:43 They were really citizens of Connecticut 49:45 and they weren't Rhode Islanders. 49:47 What a surprise to find out. 49:49 Now let's ask our self the question, 49:51 what day is the Bible Sabbath day 49:53 according to the Bible? 49:54 You want to be right about this, sure you do. 49:57 We're in Luke Chapter 23 and the Bible tells us this. 50:03 Towards the end of the chapter, 50:04 this is where Jesus is being taken down from the cross, 50:06 Verse 52, 50:07 "This man went to Pilot, beg the body of Jesus, 50:11 took it down, wrapped it in linen, 50:14 laid in a sepulcher Jesus was buried." 50:16 Verse 54, "And that day was the preparation 50:21 and the Sabbath drew on." 50:23 It was the preparation day. 50:25 Now what day was that? What day of the week was that? 50:28 We know that Jesus died on Good Friday, that's right. 50:34 Now I know there's always somebody who says, 50:36 I know Jesus died on a Wednesday 50:37 because three days and three nights 50:39 means he could rise on Sunday morning. 50:42 If you read in Luke Chapter 24, 50:45 it will tell you that Sunday was the third day 50:49 since Jesus died. 50:51 Sunday, Saturday, Friday, Jesus died on Good Friday. 50:57 Jesus died on Good Friday, the preparation day 51:02 and it says here "The Sabbath drew on." 51:05 So the women saw Jesus' body in the sepulcher. 51:09 Verse 56, "They returned 51:11 and prepared spices, and ointments, 51:13 and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment." 51:17 Now, chapter 24 and verse 1, 51:20 "Upon the first day of the week, 51:22 very early in the morning they came to the sepulcher, 51:25 bringing the spices which they prepared 51:28 and certain others with them 51:30 and they found the sepulcher stone rolled away 51:34 from the sepulcher and swivel. 51:36 Jesus died on the preparation day, 51:39 the next day was the Sabbath 51:41 and He rose on the first day of the week. 51:43 And we call the resurrection day, 51:45 Easter-- Easter Sunday, that's right. 51:48 So now, very easy, imagine this was 51:50 written on a whiteboard in front of you. 51:53 Jesus died on preparation day, He rose on Easter Sunday, 51:57 the day in between was the Sabbath day, 52:01 the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday 52:03 had to have been a Saturday 52:05 and it was, it was the Sabbath day. 52:07 You understand that Jews kept the Sabbath day on Saturday 52:11 and you also understand 52:13 that the Sabbath was given to everybody 52:16 to keep on the seventh day of the week. 52:19 Just in case that's not enough for you, 52:21 let me take you back to the time of the Israelites 52:25 wandering in the wilderness. 52:27 And as they did that God fed them miraculously. 52:32 Manna came down from heaven and coated the ground. 52:35 What day of the week did that happen? 52:36 Well, everyday of the week except for the Sabbath day. 52:41 So, everyday God allowed manna to come down, 52:45 on the Sabbath day He worked a miracle 52:47 to prevent it from coming down. 52:49 He also worked a miracle to cause 52:51 that if they gather it on Friday 52:54 enough manna for two days it wouldn't spoil. 52:57 Typically, if they took enough two days the excess would spoil 53:01 but if you're on Friday, the preparation day 53:03 and you grab enough manna for two days 53:05 God would work a miracle 53:06 to allow to last across the Sabbath 53:08 and onto the first day of the week, 53:10 the day that today we call Sunday. 53:13 All the way around God was working miracles 53:15 every week for 40 years in the desert 53:19 and the focal point if you like of those miracles 53:22 was a certain day on which the manna never fell. 53:26 God worked miracle after miracle after miracle 53:29 to show which day the Sabbath day was. 53:32 So from then till now you've had an entire race of people, 53:37 whole people group and Christians besides 53:40 keeping that same seventh day. 53:43 The only way we could have gone off track is 53:45 if all of the Jews went to bed Friday night 53:47 and overslept by 24 hours and got up Sunday morning 53:49 and say it's the Sabbath day today. 53:52 It's just not possible it could be that way. 53:54 So the Bible makes clear which day the Sabbath day is. 53:58 The question is how does that sit with you? 54:01 Maybe the better question is, 54:03 when you know what the Bible teaches 54:06 are you willing to surrender to Jesus 54:09 and let Him work His will out in your life? 54:13 I hope the answer is that, yes, you're willing to do that. 54:16 And now another Bible question, 54:19 "I have a friend who keeps everyday holy. 54:22 Is that possible?" 54:24 Let me read you from Exodus Chapter 20. 54:27 Exodus Chapter 20, 54:28 this is where God gave the Ten Commandments. 54:31 He said, 54:32 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 54:34 Six days you shall labor and do all your work 54:37 but the seventh day 54:38 is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. 54:40 In it you shall not do any work, 54:42 you, your son, your daughter and so on." 54:45 Part of the command to rest on the seventh day 54:47 is the command that says that other six days are workdays. 54:51 God has declared clearly. 54:53 The Prophet Ezekiel 54:55 even referred to the six working days. 54:59 So God has specifically said, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 55:04 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are not holy days. 55:08 He's been very, very clear. 55:10 So we don't really have the liberty to say, 55:13 well, I'm gonna choose Monday or I'm gonna choose Thursday 55:16 or I'll choose them all. 55:18 Remember the word Sabbath is rest. 55:20 If you are resting seven days out of seven, 55:24 under most circumstances that wouldn't be right 55:27 and when would you get anything done? 55:31 God is clear about this, 55:34 He didn't ask anybody to keep everyday holy. 55:37 It's not possible to keep everyday holy. 55:39 God did ask us to keep the Sabbath day holy 55:42 and doing that it is definitely possible. 55:44 That is seventh day of the week, 55:47 the day that today we commonly referred to as Saturday. 56:05 Eyes for India, is giving sight to the blind 56:08 and you can be a part of this amazing work 56:11 that God is doing. 56:12 Fifteen million blind people live in India, 56:15 more than any other country in the world. 56:17 And many of the blind in India could see again 56:20 if only they could have simple cataract surgery. 56:23 It Is Written is making that happen. 56:26 Would you support Eyes for India? 56:29 For just $75 you'll be giving the gift of sight to someone 56:34 who desperately wants to see. 56:36 Here's all you need to do. 56:37 Call 1-800-253-3000 that's 1-800-253-3000 56:44 to donate and support Eyes for India 56:48 or you can write to It Is Written, Box O, 56:51 Thousand Oaks, California, 91359. 56:55 You'll also find Eyes for India online at 57:00 Every $75 you give gives someone 57:03 the precious gift of sight. 57:05 Eyes for India, doing the work of Jesus 57:07 in opening the eyes of the blind 57:10 and opening hearts to the love of God. |
Revised 2015-01-08