Revelation Today

Creation vs. Evolution

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Halvorsen


Series Code: 13RVT

Program Code: 13RVT000006

00:05 In today's troubled world people are wondering
00:10 where we are headed?
00:13 Revelation Today presents the answers.
00:17 Bible prophecy reveals what the future holds in store.
00:23 Revelation Today.
00:37 Good evening, everyone.
00:39 What a great night we have tonight.
00:42 One of the great debates in modern society
00:44 is the question of creation and evolution.
00:47 Many people are adamant.
00:49 This world is the product of evolution and that's that.
00:52 God had nothing to do with this world coming into being.
00:55 Some maintain that God used evolution to create the world
00:59 and then of course there's that matter of Genesis 1:1,
01:02 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
01:05 So what is it really?
01:07 And then why does it even matter?
01:10 Find out in tonight's subject "Creation versus Evolution."
01:14 Please welcome the presenter of Revelation Today,
01:16 Ron Halvorsen.
01:21 Let's bow our heads in a word of prayer,
01:23 let's seek the presence of Christ.
01:25 Gracious Father, I thank You for this book
01:28 because without it we would have no anchor for our soul.
01:32 Without this book there would be total confusion.
01:35 We would not know which way to go
01:38 and so we pray that You will show us
01:41 through the light of the word
01:42 that we might walk in Your path,
01:44 until we walk into the kingdom with You in Christ's name.
01:48 Amen and amen.
01:51 Creation versus Evolution.
01:54 Thanks to Darwin and the Theory of Evolution.
01:59 Naturalism has become the dominant religion
02:03 in our western world and modern culture.
02:07 Less than a century ago,
02:08 Charles Darwin popularized the credo
02:11 of his secular religion with the book
02:14 their Bible Origin of the Species.
02:18 Naturalism has replaced Christianity
02:20 in the western world.
02:22 And evolution has become naturalism's
02:25 principle dogma or doctrine.
02:29 You see naturalism is much a religion
02:32 as Muslim or Christianity because its entire philosophy
02:36 is built upon a faith based premise,
02:41 its basic presupposition
02:44 is rejection of everything that's supernatural.
02:48 So if you want to talk about the supernatural,
02:50 you want to talk about that which cannot be explained,
02:53 that which is a step beyond reason
02:56 into the area of faith they're rejected.
03:00 And yet they have to take a deep step,
03:02 a big step in faith to explain
03:07 the way they explain the creation of our universe.
03:11 And so we think of that
03:14 Charles Darwin there are three important questions of life.
03:18 By the way they can't answer,
03:20 first of all, where did we come from?
03:24 That's still up for debate.
03:26 Question is, why are we here?
03:29 And then the question comes, where are we going?
03:33 I mean those three questions
03:35 are the most important questions about life
03:38 and the great conflict between Christianity
03:40 and naturalism is over origin.
03:44 And the Bible states in Genesis 1:26, 27,
03:48 "Then God said, 'Let us make man in Our image,
03:52 after our likeness,
03:54 let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
03:57 over the birds of the air and over the cattle'"
03:59 and he goes on to say "'and over all the earth
04:02 and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.'
04:05 So God created man in His own image,
04:08 in the image of God He created him,
04:10 male and female He created them."
04:14 And then he goes on to say in Genesis 2,
04:16 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
04:18 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
04:21 man became a living soul."
04:23 If you look at Genesis the first and second chapter,
04:26 you discover that God spoke each day into existence
04:30 but when He came to the creation of man,
04:32 He didn't speak them into creation,
04:34 He knelt down and He formed them.
04:40 He touched the dust of the earth,
04:42 He formed them, He formed them with eyes,
04:45 He formed them with ears, He made them in His own image.
04:48 This was the touch of God.
04:50 He did not form the fish,
04:52 He spoke the fish into existence.
04:54 He didn't form the birds,
04:56 He spoke the birds into existence.
04:58 But when it comes to man, He touches him.
05:01 God has always been in touch with man.
05:06 From the very beginning to the very end,
05:10 God will always be in touch,
05:12 will always be in touch with man.
05:15 Now when God created, He created the first parents,
05:20 He created them in His own image,
05:22 this is a literal history.
05:25 This is not symbolic, it's literal.
05:27 Adam, Eve formed in the image of God.
05:31 Now listen to this.
05:34 The creation of Adam is literal history.
05:37 If we did not fall in Adam,
05:41 we cannot be redeemed in Christ.
05:45 So we not only say that He's not our Creator
05:48 but He is not our Savior, because if we reform in Adam
05:51 we cannot be redeemed on to Christ,
05:55 "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ" what?
05:58 "Shall all be made alive."
06:01 So this question of creation and evolution
06:03 in the mind of the believer,
06:05 in the mind of the Christian is important,
06:07 it's important because we say
06:09 that there is salvation only in Christ
06:11 that men and women, children, young people need to come
06:15 to acknowledge Christ as Savior in their life.
06:18 That's why the church evangelizes,
06:20 that's why we go to the uttermost parts of the world,
06:22 to share the good news
06:24 that Jesus Christ can and will redeem them
06:28 and we feel it in our own heart.
06:30 Haven't we, this great experience
06:32 of being redeemed in Christ?
06:34 But if we reject Him as the creator,
06:38 we must out of necessity reject Him as a savior,
06:42 because first of all a savior doesn't lie.
06:52 A savior tells the truth and we're going to see that
06:57 as we look at this evening.
07:00 The cosmic conspiracy is this, "It is Satanic in Its Origin."
07:04 It's a war against the Creator you can understand that.
07:08 If he can get you to disbelieve a creator God,
07:11 then everything goes, anything goes,
07:13 and so he says it's satanic in its origin,
07:17 this idea that we were created not by God.
07:20 It is deceptive in its principle.
07:23 The antichrist in Rome, we are studying Revelation,
07:26 we're not studying it verse by verse on our timeline,
07:29 you cannot study Revelation that way.
07:31 By the way, he doesn't deal it
07:33 chronologically like your western mind thinks.
07:36 Not at all, he begins sometimes in heaven
07:39 that he brings them back to earth, he brings them,
07:41 he brings them into a spiritual sanctuary in heaven,
07:44 then he brings them back to earth.
07:45 So you see he talks about the future,
07:48 then he talks about the church present.
07:50 You see you got to understand it in its pillars
07:53 or its doctrine notes, great themes.
07:56 And one of the great themes of Revelation
07:58 is that God is the creator.
08:01 That's the essential basic theme
08:03 of the Book of Revelation.
08:04 You cannot understand who the antichrist
08:06 is until you understand who Christ is.
08:10 Doesn't matter who the antichrist is
08:12 if you don't know who the Christ is.
08:16 And so we, we look at this as deceptive in its principle.
08:19 We're going to look at that cosmic conspiracy.
08:21 I'm gonna show you the United States
08:22 in Bible prophecy and how it fits into this.
08:26 I'm gonna show you the Mark of the Beast
08:28 and 666 and what it really says
08:30 and it's not a number on your license plate,
08:34 believe me and 666.
08:39 We're gonna look at those things,
08:40 but here we look at the creation,
08:42 the creation of world, it's deceptive
08:44 and it is destructive in its results.
08:46 What we're seeing in our world
08:48 total rebellion against God is the result
08:51 of this kind of teaching.
08:53 It's drawn us away if we have no divine creator,
08:56 then we don't have to pray.
08:57 If we don't have a divine creator,
08:59 we don't have to, we don't have to be honest with each other.
09:02 It leads to a bitter end.
09:05 The conspiracy is one against the Word of God.
09:08 We talked about that.
09:09 I believe that the whole Bible
09:10 is inspired from Genesis to Revelation.
09:12 I believe when God speaks, He doesn't stutter.
09:17 That His word is fast forever and ever
09:19 and no matter what-- listen, you don't--
09:23 you don't go to the church to find the truth,
09:27 you find the truth to go to the church.
09:32 We got it all messed up and so here in the beginning
09:35 we go to God to find out what God says about creation.
09:37 I want to ask the Creator what He says about creation.
09:40 I'm not gonna talk to the creature
09:42 and ask him about the Creator.
09:44 I'm gonna go to the Creator and ask about the creature.
09:47 Amen, come on now say, amen here in this play.
09:51 But it's also against the Word of God
09:52 and it's against the people of God
09:54 and it's against the laws of God
09:55 which we talked about last night.
09:57 Now how can the church talk against the moral law
10:00 and yet try to tell us that we have to be moral.
10:03 Why do you do away with something
10:04 that teaches us morality
10:05 and yet call ourselves-- believe me friend,
10:10 I'm amazed how we fall for things hook, line and sinker,
10:15 with no biblical bases
10:17 we fall for things, hook, line and sinker.
10:18 Let the Bible be your foundation.
10:20 It's against the laws of God,
10:21 it's against the government of God the conspiracy
10:24 and it's all there in Revelation
10:25 we're going to see night after night.
10:27 We're just getting into it. You don't lose patience,
10:30 you don't loose-- don't get tired with me.
10:34 You hear what I'm saying, don't get tired with me.
10:36 You're gonna have weeks to rest after I'm gone.
10:39 But while I'm here, you'll get no rest,
10:43 day or night.
10:47 So let's look at this together the Bible is our thought,
10:49 we are gonna go to the Bible find out what the Bible says
10:52 about this thing called creation and evolution.
10:56 "Fear God and give glory to Him,
10:58 for the hour" is what? "Judgment has come,
11:00 worship Him that made" what? "Heaven and earth"
11:04 he state straight away, heaven and earth.
11:05 Who said that, John.
11:07 Well, John didn't say that,
11:08 God said that to John and John wrote it down,
11:10 his pen was dipped in the red blood ink of Calvary
11:13 and he drops newfound faith like golden pollen
11:16 from stems of shaking lilies
11:17 to sweeten lives of men in every age,
11:20 even us here in Charlotte.
11:22 John writes on the inspiration, the word comes to the angel,
11:26 the angel brings it to John,
11:28 John to Christ to the angel to John
11:30 and John brings it to us
11:32 and I'm bringing it to you second-hand.
11:37 "And swore by him who lives forever and ever,"
11:38 and devil "who created heaven and earth
11:41 the things that are in it,
11:42 the earth and the things that are in it,
11:43 and the sea and the things that are in it,
11:45 that there should be delay no longer."
11:49 What Genesis says, created by God.
11:51 Revelation says created by God.
11:53 He is the same yesterday, He is the same today
11:56 and He is the same forever
11:58 and that's the fact of God's word.
12:00 That's the fact of God's word. Well, we go look at this.
12:04 It was one of the kind of conflict
12:06 that makes news headlines.
12:08 Field reporters were having a field day back then.
12:12 The people involved were national known figures.
12:14 The issues were pure dynamite.
12:15 You see, science being taught in our schools,
12:18 the issue was dynamite,
12:20 the place was the Tennessee court of law.
12:22 The date was March 1925 and the state of Tennessee
12:26 and by the way that was the Butler Act of Tennessee.
12:30 Tennessee voted that you could not teach anything outside
12:34 about the creation of the world except the Bible.
12:38 Wow, now, you can't teach
12:40 anything that has to do with the Bible.
12:42 We've come a long way a baby in the wrong direction.
12:48 "It shall be unlawful to teach any theory
12:50 that denies the Story of Divine Creation of man
12:53 as taught in the Bible."
12:54 That used to be the law in the schools of Tennessee.
12:59 But then remember came the Monkey Trial,
13:02 and that was two men Williams J. Bryan
13:05 and Clarence Darrow.
13:06 Now William Jennings Bryan
13:08 three times his party's nominee for president,
13:11 he was a godly man, a Christian man
13:14 and a believer in scripture and he defended the law.
13:18 Clarence Darrow on the other side,
13:20 I mean he was-- he defended scopes, a science teacher,
13:25 and he seemed to hold the Bible up to ridicule.
13:29 I mean this evolution got its foot into the door,
13:32 now we have a whole generation that ridicules the Bible,
13:35 whole generation that ridicules creation and the creator,
13:38 a total reversal of 1925.
13:39 Why?
13:40 Because there's a conspiracy
13:42 against God and against His word.
13:45 A Christian cannot speak, a Christian cannot witness
13:47 right in anyway to explain special creation.
13:52 The subject of creation in public school
13:54 is you can't say anything. Cosmic conspiracy.
13:59 The question tonight that we must ask
14:01 is man still climbing out of the dismal swamp.
14:06 I have a little poem here. Listen to this.
14:08 "Once I was a tadpole beginning to begin,
14:11 Then I was a frog with my tail tucked in,
14:14 Then I was a monkey in a banyan tree,
14:16 now I'm a professor with a Ph.D."
14:22 Well that's about the explanation,
14:25 that's about it.
14:27 The battle continues between science and religion.
14:31 Now, no Christian, no intelligent human being
14:33 is against the facts of science.
14:35 But to the what end? You see to what purpose?
14:40 The scientists fully can't explain anything
14:43 answered in the ultimate question about life.
14:46 The ultimate question is this, where did we come from?
14:50 That's the ultimate question?
14:52 The ultimate question is why am I here
14:55 and finally where are we going?
14:59 That's the three questions that we need to answer
15:01 in our own experience, in our own life.
15:04 You see, we are like a little kindergarten fellow,
15:08 picking up pebbles on the beach
15:09 you know and exploring the outskirts of God's heaven,
15:13 but never really understanding fully the depths of it.
15:17 I can't comprehend it.
15:19 Romans 1:20 says,
15:20 "For since the creation of the world
15:22 His invisible attributes are clearly seen,
15:25 being understood by the things that are made,
15:28 even His eternal power and Godhead,
15:30 so that they are without excuse."
15:32 He says because what the word says about this God
15:35 and what God says we are without excuse.
15:39 An intelligent act or unintelligent accident?
15:42 That's the question.
15:44 The question is, a divine pronouncement
15:47 or a divine predicament?
15:49 That's what the question is and we need to look at that
15:52 if we're going to be honest.
15:53 Now who has ever seen Him?
15:57 He doesn't advertise Himself God
15:59 and put a label on every snowflake
16:02 and say this comes from the hand of the Almighty.
16:06 He doesn't sign on every rose bush reading
16:09 this comes from the courtesy of God.
16:12 He doesn't put a label on every summer, rain,
16:16 shower like an advertises of soap and detergent.
16:19 You know whiter than white.
16:21 He's always the invisible, behind the visible.
16:25 You see the mover behind motion cause behind effect.
16:30 You see every part of creation shows an element of purpose.
16:35 This motion there must be a mover
16:39 and He's the mover.
16:42 Every living organism and every individual cell
16:46 has a bit of intelligence in it,
16:48 something that came to our mind.
16:50 Something pushes a palm tree to become a palm tree.
16:53 It never becomes an oak.
16:55 It never makes a mistake to become a pumpkin.
17:00 From the moment the seed touches the earth,
17:03 from the moment it's watered,
17:05 it begins to grow, I mean it begins to grow.
17:09 It lifts a hundred tons of sap every season
17:11 into its branches to make its blossoms
17:14 and its cluster of seeds keeping palm trees coming on.
17:18 Where is the mind behind the mind?
17:23 The power that does the pushing.
17:28 We never see it, the pusher never shows up,
17:34 but you know He's there come on, He is there.
17:41 There is amazing chemistry in the universe
17:43 and yet the chemist never shows up and takes a bow.
17:46 This mathematical order in the universe
17:48 and I mean look at the stars
17:50 going at the speed 25,000 miles an hour.
17:53 It would take you a hundred thousand years
17:56 to the nearest star
17:59 and you think God can't take care of your little problems?
18:08 He counts the stars you think He can't count your family,
18:12 three children, He hasn't covered.
18:19 Listen to me, there's artistry in everything,
18:24 artistry in everything, where is the artist?
18:29 Order in everything, where is the organizer?
18:34 He dwells in mystery this God I mean He remains hidden,
18:40 this God until the day comes and a baby is born
18:45 wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.
18:48 A crib when He enters the world,
18:50 a cross when He leaves the world
18:52 and a clip when He comes to glory to rise up to heaven.
18:57 When the baby is born that seed
18:59 that word which became flesh and dwelt among us.
19:03 When that baby was born he came to show us life
19:07 in its fullest until the sun until Bethlehem all mystery
19:11 and Jesus unravels the mystery
19:13 and He says "I'm the word, I'm the Living Word,
19:16 I am the Creator, the Creator of all things."
19:20 That's why the Bible tells us,
19:22 that it may remain a mystery
19:24 but all things were made by Him.
19:26 That was not the only thing made
19:27 that was made that He didn't make
19:31 because He is the great maker,
19:34 He is the great maker.
19:37 I mean all things,
19:40 here's the evolutionist formula for life.
19:43 Nobody times nothing is everything.
19:46 I'll read it again you didn't get that I mean,
19:49 nobody times nothing equals everything.
19:54 What an explanation, give me a break.
19:56 I like what John MaCarthur said, he said,
19:59 "If naturalism is true, 'We are no more than protoplasm
20:02 waiting to become manure.'"
20:07 Come on, give me a break here.
20:09 Let me just read this text for you.
20:11 "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image,
20:13 according to Our likeness,
20:15 let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,"
20:17 and goes on to say "on the earth
20:19 and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
20:22 So God created man in His own image."
20:24 Now let's look at this together.
20:26 If naturalism is true, we are no more than protoplasm
20:28 when you become manure.
20:30 Because naturalists say modern societies adrift
20:33 we're witnessing the abandonment
20:34 of all moral standards
20:37 and the loss of humanity sense of destiny.
20:40 You wonder why people are acting the way they act,
20:42 if they believe you came from an animal
20:44 you might as well act like one.
20:47 Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out?
20:51 You see there is a problem,
20:53 the problem for Christians is this,
20:55 is Genesis reliable?
20:58 Is Genesis explainable? Is it reasonable?
21:01 And the problem for the evolutionist is,
21:03 is evolution reliable, reasonable and factual.
21:08 Now let's look at this Man is distinct from animals.
21:11 He is distinct first of all in bone.
21:14 Man is distinct in bone.
21:16 You can see that anywhere, anytime, anyplace.
21:20 And the fact is, this in every way
21:22 and always man differs
21:26 in bone structure, man walks erect.
21:28 Have you noticed that?
21:30 Man walks erect.
21:32 There's no animal that stands and walks erect.
21:35 Now the anthropoid rumbles and rushes to the forest
21:39 or through the jungle on all forms.
21:44 Man differs in countenance. The Bible teaches us that.
21:48 Man differs in countenance
21:50 the light intelligence is in the face of man.
21:53 Man differs in Osteological framework.
21:56 No animal has the thumb
21:58 with fingers only man has a hand,
22:01 a fish has fin and a claw for a lion,
22:05 or hoof for a horse and a claw for a bird.
22:08 Man is distinct, he's different in mind,
22:12 What do you mean? Well, his ability to reason.
22:15 Have you ever tried to teach theology to an elephant?
22:18 Or teach astronomy to a bird?
22:22 Ever tried to teach theology to a dog
22:25 and yet the most primitive savage and I've been to
22:27 so many of those primitive places in the world,
22:29 listen the most primitive savage in the world
22:32 can learn all three, he's different in mind.
22:37 Man differs in his soul.
22:39 He alone above all creatures can learn to love.
22:43 He's the only one that can turn to love
22:45 to learn to love God and to obey.
22:48 The facts are before us man is distinct
22:50 from all beast in every way
22:51 and what's the difference, much.
22:53 You see Walt Whitman used to love
22:55 to write poetry about animals.
22:57 He could write about a cow
22:58 but a cow could never write about Walt Whitman.
23:03 That's the difference. That's the difference.
23:07 I mean, it's a big difference, a big difference.
23:12 Man possesses infinite range,
23:16 I'm not, nor can I be atheistic evolutionist.
23:19 I'm not, nor can I be a materialistic evolutionist.
23:24 The theory is not factual by the way it's not faithful
23:27 and it's not biologically true
23:29 and it's not scientifically correct
23:32 nor is it demonstratable.
23:34 Any man who loves God,
23:35 loves his word recoils at such a thought.
23:39 There are actually-- by the way,
23:40 there are actually three where there is four,
23:42 but I'm gonna just deal with three.
23:44 But there are three theories.
23:45 First of all life began what?
23:47 With the germ writing on a media
23:48 or whatever writing on a piece of manner, fell down
23:51 and all we see today is a result of germ.
23:53 That's a good one, a germ.
23:57 If that's intelligent explanation
23:59 for life God help us.
24:01 Here we are, listen to me, frail creatures of living dust
24:04 on a small out of the way planet
24:06 we must be enveloped by atmosphere
24:08 and hemmed in by rigid laws, limits of protection.
24:11 If we live at all we walk a narrow,
24:14 we walk a narrow path between extremities
24:16 we can't stand too much high, we can't stand too much low.
24:20 I mean or too much cold,
24:22 body temperature goes up ten degrees,
24:24 boom you're out of there.
24:26 Down ten degrees most cases you're dead.
24:28 Why?
24:29 Life began as a germ that is not reasonable explanation.
24:34 Secondly, life began as a Green Scum.
24:38 I am almost amazed.
24:40 I mean, I'm astonished at such thought,
24:43 Pasteur demonstrated for all time,
24:46 there is no such thing
24:48 as spontaneous generation of life,
24:50 it's true I can take a piece of straw and drop it in water
24:53 and soon there will be that stagnant water
24:56 is teeming with all kinds of animalcules.
24:58 But I need life to generate life.
25:01 There has to be life that life was God,
25:06 that life was God.
25:08 Then of course comes the Big Bang.
25:11 Now, if I was really going to illustrate this,
25:14 I would throw a granite out here and see.
25:17 Well, the explosion should bring us all together.
25:24 If you want a scientific experiment
25:27 put an egg in your microwave, turn it on, step back.
25:32 Boom, I've never seen
25:34 a bomb fall on a building and put it together.
25:38 I've never seen an explosion,
25:43 put it together and yet they say,
25:46 boom the Big Bang an accidental Big Bang.
25:51 And here we have a universe perfect design,
25:55 the intricate balance.
25:57 Have you noticed, fantastic beauty,
26:01 Big Bang an accident, an accident who led the fuse,
26:07 yeah, well, God didn't-- well, I'd-- Well,
26:11 He didn't light a fuse and blows up He,
26:14 molded us and put us together anyway
26:16 but it's preposterous.
26:18 Did you ever ride the Amtrak?
26:20 Now I want to stay in here tonight
26:21 and tell you intelligent people,
26:23 that this high-speed passenger train--
26:26 and I were to say to you it was not an accomplishment
26:29 of contemporary engineers but rather it mysteriously
26:32 assembled itself over a long period of years
26:35 in abandoned automobile scrappy.
26:41 Come on now you left me out of town?
26:44 Or if I were tell you,
26:46 do you have a copy of the encyclopedia?
26:49 Wouldn't you lift an eyebrow if you were informed
26:51 that this is not a product of thousands
26:52 and thousands of hours of research
26:54 but that it simply came about a result
26:56 of an explosion in a print shop?
27:03 Look at the inner workings of the computer,
27:06 amazing isn't it.
27:08 Come on now a contemporary computer.
27:11 What would your reaction be
27:12 if I told you this marvelous electronic machine evolved
27:15 that of ancient ruins of Greek library?
27:17 Impossible you say. Yeah, it is impossible.
27:22 Have you ever seen a mighty rocker?
27:25 The "Saturn V" 36 storey's high,
27:28 it took 325,000 people to build it.
27:31 What if I announced in reality
27:33 it had assembled itself by chance,
27:36 out in space from the Jettison hardware
27:40 of some unknown civilization?
27:43 You would've left me out of town.
27:45 Have you ridden on the beautiful 747 Boeing?
27:50 I've flown on many times across the pond the ocean.
27:54 Listen to me, what if I told you that exists
27:57 because two mechanics when they were fighting
28:01 in the hangar throwing nuts and bolts
28:03 and looming at them each other
28:05 and hammers and turned around
28:06 and there it was
28:10 Boeing 747, come on now.
28:16 What made the first Woodpecker peck wood?
28:23 Well, you see evolutions says, it grew its beak long.
28:25 What did it do starve to death with a short beak,
28:28 give me a break here.
28:30 What made the first Woodpecker peck wood?
28:35 What about the bumblebee by the way when bumblebee flies
28:38 the scientist go high because you see,
28:40 it's not supposed to be able to fly,
28:45 with his body the way it is little tiny wings,
28:47 it's not supposed to be able to fly.
28:50 It flies, let me tell you.
28:52 What about the salmon, little tiny salmon
28:56 it worked their way down into the sea seven years
28:59 some of them seven years they come back,
29:02 they make their way up the river they fight that,
29:04 and they get by the bears first
29:06 and then they get by the waterfalls
29:08 and then they get and they keep going
29:10 and fighting and dying on the way
29:12 they finally make it back to that
29:13 little river where it was born.
29:17 What puts in the salmon's head
29:21 go home little child, have your babies and die?
29:26 So you might regenerate, new generations of salmon.
29:31 Come on now.
29:33 What about the miracle mitosis,
29:36 when those lore of heredity,
29:39 what about the developing embryo?
29:42 It's so proof of the designer and intelligence at work,
29:45 think about the miracle of the multiplication of cells.
29:48 All cells differ brain cells and lung cells and heart cells
29:53 and human cells and animal cells.
29:55 I mean, everything is different.
29:58 There is mutation, there is variation,
30:00 there is change, there is change,
30:05 but a rose always be a rose called by any other name.
30:09 A chicken be a dolphin,
30:14 a fish will always be a fish.
30:18 You can't make a fish out of a bird.
30:24 They tell me one time the crocodiles flew
30:26 I'm glad they don't, now because I live in Florida
30:28 and they come up my canal every now and then.
30:30 I'm glad they don't fly. Now when I see them I fly.
30:37 And I don't think they fly.
30:40 But listen to me we quarrel and we argue, and we debate,
30:44 and we debate we try forget that.
30:47 Dismiss all the way-- we are not gonna argue it.
30:51 Why don't you just enjoy it?
30:53 Why don't you just enjoy nature?
30:56 I'm a fly-fisherman, I love fly-fishing
30:59 and you don't know it's so beautiful
31:00 when I get out on stream, early, early in the morning
31:03 when the fog is lifting and I'm out there in my waiters
31:05 and my fly and I'm trying to match the hatch
31:08 and then I'm-- wow and birds are flying
31:14 being the fly and beautiful touch by nature.
31:19 Listen to me the coolness if hay,
31:23 I'm a morning person.
31:25 If God comes in the morning I'm ready.
31:28 It's by the end to of day, I'm kind of grouchy,
31:31 you know I mean come on anyway Genesis 1:5
31:36 "God called the light Day,
31:37 and the darkness He called Night.
31:38 So the evening in the morning were the" what?
31:40 "It was the first day."
31:41 By the way was the first day
31:42 of the first week of the first month of the first year.
31:45 You see the canvas is set God is about to do
31:48 the greatest artistic work in the universe.
31:51 He's about to do the greatest work in the universe
31:55 and its darkness is upon the face other deep empty,
31:59 void, dark with the flick of His hand,
32:02 God turns on light.
32:04 Light to see by, God turns on.
32:07 He turns on light. Light why?
32:11 Why just God turn on light?
32:13 Because He's going to create man.
32:14 What could as man created with eyes
32:16 if he can't see in the dark?
32:19 What could if thousand budding flowers
32:21 if man can't see it?
32:23 And so God does everything in order.
32:24 I mean He creates, He creates light.
32:27 I mean so that we might see the majestic mountains,
32:30 we might see the budding flower,
32:31 we might see birds, mountains.
32:34 If they're not seen by man what could are there?
32:38 God created light before He created life.
32:42 You cannot have life without light.
32:46 The second day unfolds the Bible says
32:51 about the second day,
32:52 "Then God said," Let there be a firmament
32:54 in the midst of the waters,
32:55 and let it divide the waters from the waters.'"
32:59 Genesis 1:6-8.
33:01 Firmament that will hold flowers,
33:04 that will hold trees and stars.
33:07 He creates it first.
33:08 He don't create a tree say, oh, where am I gonna plant it in?
33:13 He does it in order.
33:15 Everything you see in universe is done in order.
33:18 I mean and the second day unfolds
33:20 and He goes on and then He says,
33:21 and "God made the firmament and divided the waters
33:24 from under the firmament from the waters
33:25 which were on top at the firm above the firmament
33:28 and it was so and God called the firmament Heaven.
33:30 So the evening and morning were the second day."
33:33 And then God creates and notice he goes on,
33:35 it's a cycle it goes on the third day,
33:38 the third day God moves upon the face that is deep.
33:41 Notice what it says about the third day,
33:44 and "God said, 'Let the earth
33:45 bring forth grass and herb that yields seed
33:48 and fruit that yields fruit according to its kind.
33:54 And this seed itself on the earth and it was so
33:56 and the earth brought forth grass, and the herd
33:59 and yields seed according to its "what?"
34:02 "According to its kind."
34:04 The Bible says
34:05 "And the trees that yields fruit
34:06 whose seed is in itself according to its kind.
34:08 And God saw that it was good.
34:10 And so the evening and morning were the third day.
34:12 Listen, to what happens on the third day,
34:15 and the green grass sprouted and the little flowers blossom
34:18 and the pine tree pointed its finger to the sky
34:21 and the oaks spread out its arms,
34:23 and lakes cuddled down in the hurdles of the glen,
34:25 rivers ran down to the sea.
34:30 And God said it's good, God said it's good.
34:34 And by the way it is good, it is good.
34:39 They have gold that melted over the hillside
34:42 and ran right in the valley
34:43 and gold of apricot with pale sliver leaves
34:46 and the purple of grape and Hollyhocks.
34:49 Hollyhocks rose red and yellow one
34:51 fill their banners before they make,
34:53 and their work lilies pure white as the character of God
34:56 and all these things God speak it was done
34:59 beauty was everywhere.
35:03 But God's not done yet,
35:05 I mean, God's not done yet.
35:08 Listen, he goes on there in Genesis
35:10 and explains the fourth day unfolds in Genesis Chapter 1
35:15 "And God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmament
35:17 to the heavens to divide the day from night,
35:19 and let them be for signs and" what?
35:21 "Seasons."
35:23 The Bible goes on to say, "For the days and years
35:26 and let them be for light in the firmament of the heavens
35:30 to give light on earth and it was" what?
35:33 "So."
35:35 He sets the sun of blazing in the heaven.
35:38 This God He sets the sun of blazing in the heaven.
35:41 This God, sets the stars in the heavens.
35:45 This God-- chains, accident,
35:52 the sun and then comes the fifth day.
35:56 Think of it, friend, the fifth day comes,
36:00 the whole world is living through on the fifth day.
36:03 I mean, it's beautiful.
36:05 "Then God said, 'Let the waters abound
36:07 with an abundance of living creatures,
36:08 let birds fly above the earth
36:09 across the face of the firmament of the heavens.'"
36:11 I live in Crystal River, Florida.
36:14 I swim with the manatee all when along.
36:17 I try to swim every day when I'm home
36:20 and you know beautiful manatee we have the largest herd
36:23 a manatee in all Florida, 450 in our herd.
36:26 They come in winner and spend winter with me.
36:29 You tell me accident,
36:33 I swim in the springs beautiful.
36:37 Let me tell you, I've been so most beautiful places.
36:40 I was in Tobago, anybody from Tobago?
36:43 Anybody?
36:45 Well, you haven't been there, you haven't lived yet,
36:46 you haven't seen a little part of heaven.
36:48 I've been in Tobago at the Nylon Pool.
36:50 You can look down thirty feet
36:52 and it's like it's just you can reach down
36:54 and grab a pebble.
36:57 Everywhere was in abundance of living creatures.
36:59 I go to Africa and when I preach--
37:01 whenever I go to Africa I tell them,
37:03 I got to go to the park, Kruger Park in South Africa.
37:06 I got go there and animals, I'd been in that in that park
37:09 I've seen every type of animal in Africa.
37:13 I mean you talk about elephant
37:15 you see these elephants in the zoo,
37:16 they are not African elephants,
37:20 they are Indian elephants, they are not African.
37:22 It's like a house coming at you boom, boom,
37:25 and I'm backing up heading for the car.
37:27 I mean, I have seen a lion take down a water buffalo.
37:29 I've seen the water buffalo, I've seen white rhino,
37:31 I've seen the leopard, I've seen the lion,
37:34 the pride's of lion.
37:35 Listen an abundance but on that day,
37:38 they were created to love each other and so are we.
37:44 Something's happen something's happen
37:49 and He says this
37:50 "And so the evening in the morning"
37:51 were the what?
37:53 "Were the fifth day."
37:54 But God is not done and we go to the sixth day
37:57 and we find on the sixth-day God comes down.
38:00 Listen, He formed him and "Then God said,
38:03 'Let the earth bring forth living creature
38:06 according to its kind, cattle and creeping thing
38:08 and beast of the earth,
38:09 each according to their kind, and it was so.
38:11 And then God said, 'Let us make man in Our image,
38:15 according to our likeness and let them have dominion
38:18 over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air,
38:20 and over the cattle,'" they were entrusted to us
38:23 "'and over all the earth and every creeping thing
38:26 that creeps on the earth.'
38:27 So God created man in His own image
38:29 in the image of God He created he,
38:32 male and female He created them."
38:36 And then because the love,
38:37 God took Eve from the side of Adam to become prime rib.
38:46 Remember that man,
38:49 you may be the head but she's the rib.
38:55 I almost said nothing better than prime rib.
38:57 I don't know about that, but anyway
39:01 He forms them with eyes we might see and ears
39:03 that he might hear and hands that he might touch
39:07 and heart that he might love and Adam and Eve
39:10 I mean what a beautiful
39:11 scene that must've been there's man created
39:14 in the image of God perfect in all ways
39:17 and then family, love,
39:19 God intended family and God intended love.
39:26 The conspiracy now to try to devalue the family values
39:31 to try to devalue the family.
39:33 Listen to me, there's nothing greater
39:35 in this world than to have a godly family,
39:38 a Christian family that loves God together
39:42 and worships God together.
39:44 Come on now. Come on now.
39:49 God works with us in spite of it, amen.
39:53 God works with us but He intended
39:56 something much better for us.
39:58 This day, I feel sorry for the kids today.
40:02 I'm gonna give you grandpa advice.
40:05 I really feel sorry for kids.
40:07 See in the old days,
40:09 you know you started out holding hands
40:11 and you know and you know
40:16 and then you plan to get married in your--
40:18 nowadays it's this, all you have a red car,
40:22 I have a red car, we have something in common.
40:24 Let's live together. Come on now.
40:29 God values your life, He values your family.
40:34 Amen. Come on now.
40:36 We need to get back to some
40:37 old-fashioned family values don't you think.
40:39 Come on, give God, give God recognition on this.
40:43 We need to get back to some of those things,
40:46 but God creates, God creates all these beautiful things
40:49 and He goes on the seventh day.
40:50 By the way God says this,
40:52 "Thus the heavens and earth were finished
40:53 and the host of them and on the seventh day
40:55 God ended his work which He had made
40:57 and He rested on the seventh day
40:59 from all the work which He had done or He had done
41:02 and rested on the seventh day."
41:04 Now the Bible goes on to say,
41:06 "From all his work which He had done.
41:08 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it,
41:10 because He rested from all His work
41:12 which God had created and made."
41:14 And then He goes on
41:15 "He creates a special day called the Sabbath day."
41:20 Now I want to tell you something.
41:22 God's not tired.
41:23 That's not that kind of rest,
41:25 but it's like when the artist finishes the canvas
41:28 and I do acrylics, I paint acrylics.
41:32 And when I get done with my artwork
41:34 I step back to look at it.
41:35 I have to go way back.
41:40 I step way back. That's the rest.
41:44 You see when the carpenter builds the house
41:46 he steps back, he looks at it.
41:48 That's the rest, you see, that's the rest.
41:50 He-- I mean, the musician finishes the symphony
41:55 and there it is, the last note.
41:56 He steps back.
41:59 And even in music there's a rest note.
42:03 In the music of the heavens,
42:04 the earth, the sea, the sky, there's a rest note
42:07 and he calls it the Sabbath.
42:09 I wish I could have jumped over to the seventh day.
42:12 Come on, we easily just jump around it.
42:15 You see, God does everything in order.
42:18 You see, He does not create fish
42:21 and then run around to create water.
42:24 He doesn't create birds
42:26 and then run around to give them a sky.
42:29 He doesn't create a day of worship
42:32 until He creates the worshiper.
42:34 How can you have a worship day any day
42:36 than after the sixth day
42:37 because He doesn't make the worshiper
42:39 until the sixth day?
42:45 I don't know why so many reasons people
42:46 get angry at that?
42:47 I really don't.
42:49 I don't know why you'd get upset with it.
42:51 That's the cycle of God.
42:53 That's God saying, I want to give people--
42:56 I wish we could take that rest serious, friend,
42:59 you would be a happier person, believe me.
43:01 We'd be happy if you could get some rest.
43:03 Today, we don't even get rest on the weekend do we?
43:05 Come on.
43:06 That's why we want to make up for the rest of the week.
43:09 But He blessed it, He sanctified,
43:11 He did is something very-- He does everything in order.
43:14 He made it for worship
43:16 and He rested, blessed, sanctified.
43:19 He did all this, He did all this
43:22 and He said, all this is good.
43:25 And I want you to follow me.
43:26 The first day, creates what?
43:32 Light, darkness.
43:34 And He goes on down creating everything in order, you see.
43:39 You see, when a fish swims it gives glory to God.
43:44 When a bird flies, it gives glory to God.
43:49 When an animal rumbles through the jungle
43:51 and through the forest, he gives glory to God.
43:55 And when man comes in the presence of God
43:57 he worships to give God glory.
44:00 That's what it's all about. That's what it's all about.
44:05 That's what it's all about.
44:08 You see, I'm reminded every Sabbath day every time
44:12 I commit myself to a spiritual rest.
44:15 God is there and God is here.
44:18 In every voice of thunder, in every roar of the wind,
44:22 in every roar of the wave, in every cry of the baby
44:26 and the voice of love and He made us
44:29 and then in a special way He brought us.
44:31 I think about the little boy
44:32 the little boy who had a sailboat.
44:35 He made it with His own hand.
44:36 My brother and I once made a big
44:39 one of these Balsa Wood Airplanes.
44:42 We had a save a long time to get enough money for that
44:46 and it was a kind with you know the papers are thin,
44:49 almost like tissue paper and we covered with the wings
44:52 and hoof got everything in place and the wings
44:56 and my brother got a brilliant idea
44:59 just as we finish he says, well the glue is taking so long
45:02 let's put it in the oven.
45:09 Well, you got a idea about the Halvorsen's here, right now
45:12 and my brothers are watching me now, do you hear this one.
45:15 I'm just telling them you hear this one Halvorsen?
45:17 Okay, they are hearing.
45:20 So my brother Billy he had a brilliant idea,
45:22 let's put it in the oven.
45:23 So we put the wings in the oven first
45:29 and that was the end.
45:30 By the way that was the end of our creativity.
45:35 But anyway this little boy he worked hard on that,
45:38 that sailboat I mean he worked he painted it,
45:40 he had a-- I mean the sails were different colors
45:44 and he painted whole blue
45:47 and he couldn't wait to get to the lake
45:49 and he got a big ball of string
45:51 and he tied to it to his sailboat
45:53 and he sent the sailboat out he kept letting out string
45:57 and the sailboat can you bring it back
45:59 and take it home and he was proud of that.
46:02 Not only because I mean, he had that
46:05 he had made with his own hands and he had a lot of fun with it
46:08 and he would bring it down lake and he would let out the string
46:11 and go further and further and further and further out.
46:16 And then one day,
46:18 as he was leaning out over the bank
46:20 you know kids, another foot
46:25 and he was leaning over and he boom fell in,
46:31 let go the sting
46:34 and the wind took the sailboat out of the lake.
46:37 Kid climbed out, soaking wet, looking for its set was gone.
46:45 He went home heartbroken.
46:46 You can imagine I mean you put all those hours,
46:48 put all those minutes everything into that sailboat
46:51 and he had more fun with that sailboat
46:54 and now it's gone.
46:55 He went home to his daddy cried,
46:57 and he says, daddy, I lost my sailboat.
47:01 One day he was walking downtown
47:02 and he came to one of those used furniture places
47:05 and he noticed in the window was a sailboat
47:10 and he said five dollars.
47:12 The kid ran in and said, "Mister, that's my sailboat."
47:18 He said, no son, that's my sailboat,
47:21 you pay five dollars and that your sailboat.
47:24 He said, but you don't understand
47:25 you see I made that boat let me told about that
47:27 you know little defects of that boat,
47:29 the man looked and sure enough it was the boy's boat
47:32 but now was the man's boat.
47:34 You had it, you lost it.
47:37 And so he says you five dollars and so he went home
47:39 and crying with daddy and his daddy said well,
47:41 you work for it son, and you work around the house
47:44 and cut the lawn and I'll give you
47:46 and when you get you five dollars you go and you.
47:49 So that boy work hard,
47:52 works sweating in the hot sun
47:54 mowing and mowing finally he got five dollars.
47:59 And he ran right down to that store
48:02 sure enough the sailboat was still in the window.
48:05 And he ran in and he said,
48:07 "Mister, I want that sailboat. Five dollars."
48:13 And the man went to the window
48:15 and got the sailboat and laid in the boy's arms
48:19 and boy started a smile and he was so happy.
48:25 As just walking out the man heard and he says,
48:28 I made you and I bought you,
48:32 you are doubly mine.
48:35 You are doubly mine.
48:38 Don't you know that God made you
48:44 and then God came into this world 1,900 years ago,
48:49 so that He might touch you again
48:52 and He climbed a hill called Calvary
48:55 and there He hung between life and death
48:59 and He said, Father, forgive them
49:02 for they don't know what they do
49:04 but I come to buy them back.
49:07 And the Bible says "Jesus Christ pay
49:09 the ultimate price for your soul and mine,
49:14 He paid the ultimate by giving His life.
49:17 He made you, He bought you and He loves you."
49:24 God bless you and I'll see you.
50:02 I'm glad to be able to bring you
50:03 some answers to your Bible questions.
50:06 Thank you for asking, pray for me as I answer.
50:10 We want the Holy Spirit to speak to us
50:12 and bring us His Word.
50:14 Our question is this.
50:16 "I have been told Christians don't have
50:17 to obey the law of God.
50:19 Is that true?"
50:22 Well, I could give you the answer
50:23 to that question in one word
50:26 and if I did the answer to that question would be no.
50:30 It is not true that Christians
50:31 don't have to obey the law of God.
50:34 Do Christians have to obey the road rules,
50:37 the laws of the land?
50:39 Do Christians have to get building permits?
50:41 Isn't that interesting
50:42 if you have to get building permit
50:44 you're going to get a building permit.
50:46 But then there might be someone who says,
50:48 I'm a Christian and I need a building permit
50:50 to build a shed or garage.
50:53 But as a Christian I don't have to obey God's rules
50:58 or what's that other word ordinances,
51:02 county ordinances and city ordinances.
51:04 No, no wait a minute.
51:06 It isn't a question of whether we obey or not of course we do.
51:09 Thou shalt not kill, is that one up the grab somehow.
51:12 Thou shalt not commit adultery
51:13 and unfortunately there are some who like
51:15 to get away with breaking that one.
51:16 God says that's one of the Ten Commandments,
51:18 remember Ten Commandments, not ten suggestions.
51:21 Bowing down to graven images. Is somehow that okay?
51:24 No, somehow that's not okay, because God said no
51:28 and God didn't say no
51:30 because He was trying to take away.
51:32 God said no because He was trying to add to our lives.
51:35 Now it's not a question
51:36 of whether we should or shouldn't,
51:37 that's it that's a settle question.
51:39 The question is, what's our motivation.
51:42 The question is also is obedience somehow
51:49 something we do to earn salvation,
51:53 those are the questions.
51:54 So let's consider it.
51:57 What's a person's motivation for obeying God?
52:01 You know, the Prophet Micah said,
52:02 "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good,
52:04 and what doth the Lord require of thee,
52:05 but to do justly, to love mercy,
52:08 to walk humbly with thy God?"
52:11 God wants us to live right.
52:13 Why? Because He loves us.
52:15 What difference does it make?
52:16 Well, when we love Him we want to do His will.
52:21 So obedience the motivation for obedience is love for God.
52:26 When we have love for God in our heart,
52:28 obedience comes naturally.
52:29 It isn't something that we have to say,
52:31 oh, man, ever since I became a Christian,
52:34 boy, what a hard thing up.
52:36 I've had to quit killing people.
52:40 No, since I met Jesus,
52:43 I don't want to lose my temper with anybody.
52:45 Since I met Jesus, I don't want to cheat anymore.
52:49 Since I met Jesus, I don't covet like I used
52:52 to because I've learned that contentment
52:55 that comes with knowing God and having His blessing.
52:58 So when Jesus comes into your life,
53:00 you love the things that He loves
53:01 and one of those things that He loves is obedience.
53:04 How do we know?
53:05 If you love me He said, keep My commandments.
53:08 And that wasn't
53:09 if you love me, go ahead prove it that wasn't--
53:11 if you love Me here's what's going to happen.
53:14 You'll be keeping My commandments.
53:15 So it's a promise of what God will do
53:18 in the life of the person who loves Him.
53:22 You don't obey God because you say, okay,
53:24 now if I keep the Ten Commandments
53:26 that will get me to heaven.
53:29 There's only one way to heaven,
53:30 that's by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
53:34 But what does grace do?
53:36 Grace works obedience in a person's life.
53:38 What does faith do?
53:40 Faith takes hold of the Word of God
53:42 and lets the Word of God be worked out in a person's life.
53:45 You meet Jesus, obedience starts to happen.
53:48 Obedience isn't what earns you salvation.
53:51 Nothing earns you salvation.
53:52 Meeting Jesus gave you the gift of salvation.
53:57 Obedience is what happens in the life of a saved person.
54:02 Now another Bible question and here it is.
54:05 Is the lack of respect for God's law
54:07 a sign that we're in the last days?
54:10 That sure is.
54:11 You know the Bible says that in the last days
54:15 there would be somebody the Word of God calls
54:17 a man of sin, the man of sin.
54:21 And another way of translating that man of sin
54:25 is man of lawlessness.
54:28 Who do you think is behind disrespect for the Word of God?
54:32 Satan?
54:33 Who do you think is behind disrespect for the law of God?
54:36 Satan.
54:38 When you're confronted with temptation
54:40 and let's say it's the temptation to tell a lie.
54:43 The Holy Spirit will come and speak to you
54:45 and say, oh, no, don't go there.
54:46 Don't do that.
54:48 But Satan is the one who's gonna say
54:49 go ahead, tell that lie.
54:51 Think of how much further ahead you can get.
54:53 Think of what you can get for that how much you can gain.
54:57 This lack of respect for God and God's word
55:01 and God's law is I believe a sign
55:03 that we're getting close to the end of time.
55:06 The Word of God says about the devil it says
55:08 the devil has come down to you having great wrath
55:11 because he knows that he's only got a short time,
55:13 Revelation Chapter 12 it says that.
55:16 The more time that passes is the less time Satan has
55:21 to drag people away from God and into sin.
55:26 Yes, as we see this disrespect for God's word and God's law,
55:30 I believe it's one of those signs
55:33 that we're living in earth's last days.
55:35 Remember Jesus said, a sign of His coming
55:37 would be the false christs and false prophets shall arise.
55:42 A prophet is someone who speaks in behalf of God.
55:47 If there are more and more people saying
55:49 they speak in behalf of God but they're saying
55:52 you don't have to obey God,
55:53 you can toss the law of God out of the window.
55:56 I mean, people who do that
55:59 in a civil sense we call them anarchists.
56:03 There's no need for spiritual anarchy
56:06 as we get ready to go to heaven.
56:16 In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God says
56:19 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
56:22 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
56:26 Every Word is a one minute Bible based
56:28 daily devotional presented by Pastor John Bradshaw
56:31 and designed especially for busy people like you.
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56:44 watch Every Word, you will be glad you did.
56:50 It Is Written, is dedicated
56:52 to sharing the gospel around the world.
56:54 To discover more about It Is Written,
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57:05 Visit our website, today.


Revised 2014-12-18