Revelation Today

The Reason Behind Riots, Crime and Immorality

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ron Halvorsen


Series Code: 13RVT

Program Code: 13RVT000005

00:06 In today's troubled world
00:08 people are wondering where we are headed?
00:13 Revelation Today presents the answers.
00:17 Bible prophecy reveals what the future holds in store.
00:23 Revelation Today.
00:37 Good evening, everyone.
00:38 Glad to be able to join you tonight
00:40 and I'm glad you are here at Revelation Today.
00:43 Now there is no doubt that we live in a sinful world.
00:47 In fact, the world is always being sinful
00:49 that is ever since Adam and Eve ate the fruit
00:51 that they should not have eaten in the Garden of Eden.
00:54 But it seems today that society is out of control
00:59 as though things are getting worse and worse.
01:02 I think few people doubt that.
01:04 Why is it though that we see
01:06 such a dramatic increase in hostility.
01:09 Why is there mass murder?
01:11 Why is it that marriage
01:12 and moral values are under such attack?
01:15 The Bible tells us why and tonight you will find out
01:18 why in The Reason Behind Riots, Crimes and Immorality.
01:22 Please welcome the presenter of Revelation Today,
01:26 Ron Halvorsen.
01:30 Good evening. Good evening.
01:32 Good evening.
01:33 Someone said to me, you know, revelation--
01:35 where are we looking at revelation?
01:38 Everything we've talked about is about revelation.
01:42 We first of all saw the revelation of Jesus Christ
01:44 that He's reliable,
01:46 that His prophecy comes to pass
01:50 and then the second night we looked at it
01:52 and saw that rise and fall of nations
01:54 that God is in the midst of all that's happening in our world.
01:57 That he is gonna abstract
01:58 God far-off far away from everything
02:01 but he's God up close and help take down kings
02:04 and set up kings and rulers.
02:06 And someday He will rule with the rod of iron.
02:09 Someday He will be the ruler of the earth again.
02:13 That's a marvelous promise, that second night.
02:17 We looked at her the Middle East crisis
02:19 and what's happening in the Middle East
02:20 and how that's a fulfillment of the words of God in prophecy
02:24 Old and New Testament and how that in the--
02:27 New Testament revelation
02:29 God has His people called the remnant of God.
02:33 And so we saw the remnant
02:35 will be kept by God in these latter days.
02:39 Then last night we talked about
02:41 the most important thing the nature of God.
02:44 In the first chapter and second chapter
02:45 and third chapter and fourth chapter,
02:48 fifth-- revelation
02:49 almost every chapter deals with this Christ who is God.
02:53 This Christ who is the Almighty God
02:55 the Creator and the Savior
02:57 and he talks about this who walks amid
02:59 who walks amid the candlesticks.
03:03 And so tonight we want to look
03:04 at the reason behind riots,
03:05 crime and immorality.
03:07 Let's bow our heads in the word of prayer.
03:09 Gracious Father, we pray send your Holy Spirit to us tonight.
03:12 May we be blessed as we open Your word
03:14 because You told us three fold blessing
03:17 may we receive that in the name of Christ,
03:19 amen and amen.
03:23 In Revelation we have God and san in collusion.
03:26 We have a loss race hanging in the balance.
03:29 In fact, the destiny of all nations
03:34 revealed in the scenes of the Book a Revelation.
03:38 In Revelation we have two mountains.
03:40 We have Mount Sinai that mighty mountain
03:42 I mean, that was the mountain majestic and rugged
03:46 Mount Sinai that rose out of the valley of sin.
03:49 I mean it was there that windswept mountain cracks
03:52 that felt the footsteps a Moses that great leader
03:55 and also felt the presence the presence of God.
03:59 Mighty Sinai, that mountain filling the whole horizon
04:03 and it was on that mountain the God
04:05 with His own finger wrote to Ten Commandments
04:07 which most Christians today adhere to and love and respect
04:12 and have written on their hearts.
04:14 That was Mount Sinai
04:16 but there was also another mountain.
04:18 I mean, there was Mount Calgary.
04:21 Mount Calvary was another visit of God to man.
04:24 I mean this felt the footsteps of the Creator.
04:27 He's lifted up on the rough wooden cross
04:30 hanging between heaven and hell a Savior.
04:33 Calgary rises upon the horizon.
04:36 Two mountains far apart in time and close in destiny.
04:41 Two mountains, in Revelation John writes
04:44 and he says this, there are two mountains.
04:46 He says in Revelation there are two cities.
04:49 In Revelation there are two leaders.
04:52 In Revelation there are two groups of people
04:54 the saved and the lost,
04:56 the remnant God and those of false Israel.
05:00 I mean it's all there in the Book of Revelation.
05:03 The two groups of people.
05:05 Now Calgary and Sinai the drama of law and grace
05:10 and on the battle of those two mountains
05:12 the Lord of God and the grace of Christ.
05:15 Now the Bible says
05:17 the Revelation 12:17 these words.
05:20 "And the dragon was angry with the woman,"
05:23 by the way I'm going to give you that sheet of paper
05:25 that give you all the symbols in Revelation
05:27 so you can when you see the word woman
05:29 or beast or horn or what is that represent
05:32 and I'm gonna show you
05:33 the Bible representation of that symbol.
05:36 One person asked me is Revelation literal or symbolic?
05:40 Well, its literal in some sense and it's symbolic in another.
05:43 Well, how do I know?
05:45 Well, you look to see if it's a symbol of--
05:47 for instance I John saw that's literal.
05:51 Right, He's coming with the clouds
05:53 every eye shall see Him, that's literal
05:56 but where a beast comes out of that water that's symbolic.
05:59 And so we're gonna give you those symbols
06:01 so you'll be able to understand it more
06:03 in a clearer way the Revelation.
06:05 Remember Rome wasn't built in a day.
06:07 There's no quick fix.
06:09 We want to look at the basic foundation
06:12 before we get into the study
06:13 of those latter experience of any Christ
06:16 and the struggle for good and evil.
06:17 But here he says
06:18 "The dragon is angry with the woman."
06:20 The woman is the church
06:21 "and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
06:23 which keep the commandments of God,
06:25 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
06:28 Here comes that mountain into the Book of Revelation.
06:31 Here God reveals that there's the mountain
06:33 the mountain of the commandments
06:35 and then there's the mountain
06:36 of the testimony of Jesus Christ.
06:38 And what greater testimony was
06:40 when Jesus hung on the cross and cried
06:42 Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.
06:44 Why?
06:45 Because they had transgressed the moral Lord of Sinai.
06:49 And so he says Father, forgive them.
06:51 So there Calvary and Sinai meet
06:54 and are wedded that day in God's love.
06:58 Then in Revelation Chapter 5 he says
07:01 "Saying with a loud voice,"
07:02 now every time when he says thunder
07:05 or he says trumpet or he says loud voice
07:08 that's for you to listen to.
07:10 "He says with a loud voice,
07:11 Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
07:13 to receive power, and riches, and wisdom,
07:17 and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing."
07:21 You see, that's the blessing
07:22 you receive from the Lamb of God.
07:24 He is the one slain the Lamb of God Jesus Christ.
07:30 Jesus is the center, the motive of revelation.
07:34 You can't study Revelation
07:35 without coming into a great experience with Jesus Christ.
07:38 That's why for these 50 years
07:40 I've been studying, reading the Book a Revelation.
07:43 Ever learning from the Book of Revelation.
07:46 Ever learning about this Christ
07:48 who walks amid the candlesticks.
07:50 This Christ who comes to redeem a fallen world,
07:53 this Christ who slain as a lamb,
07:55 this Christ who comes as a king.
07:57 I mean, you can slay the lamb to redeem us
08:00 He comes as a king to rescue us.
08:02 All here in the Book of Revelation,
08:05 it's all here in the Book of Revelation.
08:08 So we must climb in a sense
08:09 we must climb both mountains.
08:11 We must climb Calvary and we must climb Sinai.
08:16 Tonight I want you to come to grips with Sinai.
08:20 Now it was dark night in Coney Island.
08:22 This was in my neighborhood.
08:23 How many ever been to Coney Island can I see you?
08:25 Look at this well, you were in my neighborhood.
08:30 It was a dark night in Coney Island.
08:33 A light fog rolled in from the sea
08:35 and wrapped the dingy tenements in a halo of gloom.
08:38 Tenants lined the street like beaten old men
08:41 bent over from years of hardship.
08:43 I mean teenagers are going through their nightly ritual.
08:46 They had a needle
08:47 and they were sticking themselves with the needle.
08:50 They were hooked.
08:51 They had that look of anticipation.
08:53 They waited their turn,
08:55 they have a monkey on their back.
08:57 Now perhaps you heard that expression,
08:59 monkey on your back.
09:02 Now that expression come from a modern-day parable
09:05 told by pushers and pimps and junkies
09:07 it goes something like this.
09:09 And the first time I heard it
09:10 I was in Fox Street in South Bronx Mott Haven
09:13 and I was visiting a shooting gallery.
09:16 Not that I was shooting up
09:18 but I was bringing Jesus to the shooting gallery.
09:21 And there were four young men
09:22 who would come out to my meetings
09:24 and they were mainline heroin addicts.
09:26 They started snorting and then it burns tissue
09:29 and then their skin pop
09:30 and then they shoot it directly in the vein
09:32 and then death.
09:37 And so I went to visit these four boys
09:39 and I got to the shooting gallery,
09:40 college shooting gallery that's where they shoot up
09:42 and its usually vacant building
09:45 and when I got to the door was off the chain hinges
09:47 and I stepped over some of the drug addicts
09:50 that are half in and half out
09:53 and I found my boy sitting near.
09:55 And I sat down beside them and I had my Bible with me.
09:59 I want to study the Word of God with them
10:01 and they said man, we're dead man walking.
10:05 He says, you see preacher,
10:07 we have a monkey on our back.
10:10 I said, monkey on your back?
10:11 What do you mean monkey on your back?
10:13 He said well, it's a parable.
10:14 It's a story that we addicts talk about.
10:17 It's about a young man and this young man
10:19 he thought wow, it would be nice
10:21 if I could get away from my problems,
10:23 if I could get away from all my burdens,
10:24 all my troubles
10:26 and he's thinking about all the things
10:27 that are bothering him and he says,
10:29 well, I think I'll take a walk into the into the jungle
10:32 or out into the forest the jungle.
10:35 And so he says the boy starts out in the path
10:39 and you know as he's walking to the jungle
10:41 its kind of nice to get away from his problems
10:44 and I mean, he is looking around
10:46 in all everything look so beautiful
10:47 and these birds flying
10:50 and animal scurrying through the forest
10:52 and the young man is fascinated by it all
10:55 and he forgets his problems and forgets his troubles
10:58 and now he's free at last and he is walking
11:02 and then he notices this little monkey playing in the tree.
11:05 The young boys looked at me, 20 year old boys, 21
11:11 and there were tears in their eyes.
11:14 And this is in a young man looked at the monkey
11:16 and he thought it was a cute little monkey
11:18 and so we he took up a banana
11:20 and he offered it to the monkey
11:21 the monkey swung down landed on the main shoulders.
11:25 And the man thought wow, this is fun
11:27 and he started to play with the money.
11:31 And he started to feed the monkey.
11:34 And so it came time that he had to leave
11:36 and so he tried to get rid of the monkey
11:38 but the monkey wouldn't let go.
11:39 The monkey held on tighter and wouldn't let go
11:41 and so the man thought well, bring him with me.
11:44 And so he started carry the monkey
11:46 and trying to find his way back and-- excuse me,
11:49 he came to the crossroad and took the wrong road
11:52 and he is deeper and deeper in the jungle
11:53 and there is this monkey on his back.
11:57 And boys told me the story they said preacher,
12:01 soon he was spending more time feeding the money
12:06 than he was trying to find his way back home.
12:09 And he said preacher,
12:12 the monkey grew bigger and bigger
12:15 and it became bigger than a man
12:18 crashed him to the ground
12:20 and only then did it leave him, dead on the ground.
12:25 That's why we say, we have a monkey on our back.
12:32 I believe that's a perfect example
12:35 of how sin begins and how it ends.
12:38 I mean, the Bible tells us very plainly
12:42 about this monkey on the back.
12:43 He uses the expression "For all have sinned,
12:47 and come short of the glory of God."
12:49 All have sinned and come short.
12:52 Not only the drug addict but the deacon in the church.
12:55 You see the problem we face tonight
12:57 in the ghetto and its grief,
12:58 in the Middle Easton its hate.
13:00 In the cities of America and their crime
13:03 I mean, all that stems from the fact of sin.
13:07 And you see the politician
13:09 cannot solve the problems in America
13:11 because the problem is sin problem.
13:13 There is something within our nature,
13:15 there's something within our heart
13:16 that brings us down to the road to addiction
13:19 to this kind of sinful addiction.
13:23 And so we have a monkey and the drummer man's violence
13:29 and the crime we see and the tears in the world
13:32 were written centuries ago in the very early stages
13:36 of a man's existence here in this planet.
13:38 I mean, virtue turn to wise and love turns to hate
13:40 and righteousness and sinfulness why,
13:43 because man habitually denied the truth for error,
13:47 our first parents
13:48 according to scripture and Genesis chose
13:50 to inject into the nature the heroin of hate
13:53 and the marijuana maliciousness and sin in the universe began.
13:59 It began just as an innocent thought.
14:01 It began as an innocent desire within the heart.
14:05 It began in the innocent way as an innocent touch
14:08 and it began as an innocent look
14:10 and it ended in complete departure.
14:13 They stumbled into sin
14:15 and they were cast out of the garden.
14:18 And the result to crust head of his son Abel
14:22 mid generation of genocide and rumors of wars
14:26 and rape and murder and lawlessness
14:28 and 6,000 years ago man became separated from God.
14:33 I mean, because his stubbornness
14:35 and his pride and desire to see it see it all
14:37 and touch it all and possess it all
14:39 and to be like God
14:43 and sin lets itself to its soul.
14:47 And so we always have a monkey on our sole
14:49 that's the problem.
14:52 It made us corrupt, degenerate, perverse
14:55 and it tarnished our character, even the best of us.
14:59 There's none righteous no not one
15:00 and we all seem to fall under the spell.
15:06 And it's crushed the image of God in us.
15:09 All of our sorrows and all of our violence
15:11 and all of our tragedy stem from Adam sin.
15:14 Satan the pusher of pot called pride.
15:16 I mean, Satan
15:17 pusher of marijuana and maliciousness
15:19 and the heroin of hate to deceived mankind
15:22 and now we're all hooked to hell.
15:25 One cannot study Revelation, one cannot study the Bible
15:31 and see human nature without realizing
15:36 it's dangerous.
15:38 I mean, it's totally dangerous.
15:41 The wages of sin is, what?
15:43 Death. Death.
15:45 But what it doesn't end there
15:46 but the gift of God is eternal life
15:49 through Jesus Christ our Lord.
15:51 There is the broken Lord at Sinai.
15:54 At the foot of Sinai there were the saints.
15:56 And what were they doing?
15:57 They were not praying, they were not serving God,
16:00 they were doing aerobics in front of a golden calf.
16:06 Broken law
16:08 and then there came Calvary disciples had run
16:13 and there was Jesus, there was Jesus.
16:18 The wage of sin is that-- by the way sin is dangerous.
16:24 You probably heard about the preachers
16:25 is preaching little country church
16:26 and he got a call to go to a big city church
16:30 and you know use kind of puffed up a little
16:32 for a while, I think I'll take this
16:34 and he took this city church
16:36 and he though I'll get away from those problems
16:38 they're in that church in the country.
16:39 Little did he know the bigger the church
16:41 the bigger problem.
16:45 I mean, hey, some people say I don't want to go to church
16:48 because there so many hypocrites there.
16:50 Where else would they be.
16:55 And so he went to this big church,
16:56 you know, and sit up to preach in there were people there
16:59 and he felt good about it and he's preaching away
17:02 and after the service people come out
17:05 and shake your hand, you know, how it is.
17:07 Preacher we really liked that sermon.
17:10 You should have know the guy
17:11 who was here before you know
17:13 and you know we love you--
17:16 next he preached, preached about sin
17:18 and he got a little more specific
17:20 about the sins of the city.
17:22 And the next week he preached about
17:24 sin and salvation and sin
17:26 and finally in the middle the week
17:27 there was a knock at the door
17:29 and the head deacon was there and preaches said,
17:31 oh, good afternoon.
17:33 He invited him in and the deacon sat down.
17:35 He said, preacher, we really enjoy your sermons
17:38 but-- listen to me friend, here's a secret.
17:45 If you come to the but during these series of meetings
17:49 but, ask yourself has this been the Word of God.
17:59 There's no buts when it comes to Word of God.
18:04 Anyway but he says, but okay, you can yeah, you can.
18:08 He says are-- he says, but what?
18:11 He says well,
18:12 we wish you wouldn't talk so openly about sin.
18:18 The preacher is thinking to himself
18:19 there goes 50 percent of my sermons
18:23 and he said you see,
18:25 we feel as a congregation the more you talk about sin
18:28 the more opt we ought to become sinners.
18:34 Can you imagine that kind of reasoning?
18:37 So the preacher was taken back for just a minute
18:39 and usually a just a minute for any preacher.
18:42 He walked over to the bookcase
18:45 and on top of the bookcase was a bottle
18:48 and on the bottle was a skull and crossbones
18:52 and red-letter poison.
18:55 So he took the bottle down, came over to the desk,
18:58 sat down put the bottle on the desk
19:00 and said deacon would you, would you take a drink?
19:05 That's not a good way to get rid of deacons believe me.
19:10 But he said will you take a drink?
19:11 Oh no, he says well, that says poison.
19:15 Oh, no, I can solve it.
19:17 I'll take the label of
19:18 and I'll put a new label on essence of peppermint.
19:24 The milder you make the label
19:28 the more dangerous you make the poison,
19:32 the dangerous you make the poison.
19:34 You see the cry of humanity today is
19:37 what must I do to be saved?
19:39 And the psychologist has a way, the sociologists has a way,
19:42 the politician has a way but God has a better way.
19:46 What must I due to be saved,
19:47 is there any end to the international
19:50 and national problems and dilemmas,
19:52 the paradox of our society.
19:54 Everything improving, science ever-improving,
19:57 living conditions ever-improving,
19:59 economy ever-improving.
20:00 I mean, that's-- I almost choked on that one.
20:05 But anyway everything in our material world
20:09 in our physical world except man himself
20:11 he still lies, he still cheats, he still be debauches.
20:16 I mean, he discovers implements of peace
20:20 but he turns them into implements of war.
20:23 He dropped napalm and burns and destroyed
20:25 he justifies himself only as we destroy
20:28 can we secure peace.
20:29 But where is peace in our world?
20:32 Not until Jesus Christ comes
20:34 who is forever Prince of peace in Revelation,
20:39 amen and amen.
20:41 Amen.
20:42 Where use that peace? We are sick with lawless.
20:49 We are sick with murder and prejudism
20:52 and all this we see it's around us.
20:55 There's only a hope is to reach up
20:57 to reach out as He reaches down.
21:00 That's the great story of Revelation.
21:02 That's the story of the lamb slain.
21:03 That's the story of your hope, my hope.
21:05 This very day He is the way out,
21:08 Jesus Christ is the way out
21:11 and He wants to lift us up and to take us to heaven.
21:15 Now what we don't need today his new laws.
21:18 We have enough of them, don't we?
21:19 Yes.
21:20 We don't need new diplomacy.
21:22 We don't need new government.
21:25 We don't need new moral codes.
21:27 We don't need new permissiveness.
21:29 We need new characters. We need a new nature.
21:32 Come on now, that would change it
21:34 when if-- if we were changed.
21:37 We could change a nation.
21:39 If we were really changed by the power and grace of God
21:42 we could change a world.
21:45 That change comes about
21:47 only through the Lord Jesus Christ,
21:50 only through the Lord Jesus Christ.
21:53 Now thus we come face to face with the law.
21:57 Why?
21:58 First because the law reveals the fact
22:00 that I'm separated from God.
22:03 The law shows God's holy character
22:06 and reveals that I'm a character.
22:10 You remember God is sovereign you seek God has a will
22:14 and by himself without our existence
22:16 He makes decisions and policies and sets of principles.
22:20 He is righteous God absolutely perfect
22:23 and it is impossible for God to do anything wrong.
22:26 He is just, He is love, He is eternal love,
22:29 He is that love, He is the object
22:32 and we are the object of that love
22:35 and we are the one loved.
22:37 He is eternal life,
22:38 we have eternal life through Him.
22:40 He is on this of sin all wise you are not all wise.
22:44 For sure this preacher isn't all wise.
22:47 Ask my third-grade teacher.
22:50 Omnipresent, God is everywhere.
22:54 if I make my bed in hell God comes to me at hell.
22:57 If I make my bed-- He's there, He's everywhere.
23:01 You cannot escape Him.
23:03 Someday you will come face to face with Him.
23:06 You see, God is immutable He never changes.
23:10 God is veracity, God is absolute truth,
23:13 all this is seen in this perfect law
23:15 through past history.
23:16 The Lord is not ten rules
23:18 the Lord is of expression of the character of his God
23:21 and you see all those things wrapped up in ten laws.
23:24 Have to say to you in ten ways
23:27 God is trying to express himself for you.
23:29 In ten ways Jesus is kind to make Himself known to you.
23:33 And so those Ten Commandments.
23:35 I mean they were given to protect us.
23:38 You see those Ten Commandments
23:39 were given to protect our families,
23:42 a beautiful family.
23:44 You see God gave those commandments
23:47 that He might protect the home,
23:49 He might protect your health,
23:50 He might protect-- by the way
23:52 He might protect not only your health
23:54 but your happiness.
23:57 I thought it was all-- I mean, so was important
23:59 then why shouldn't it be important now?
24:02 But someone say Ron, that's old-fashioned.
24:09 Ron, but so is love.
24:13 And so is the sanctity of the home
24:16 and so is kindness and they are all old-fashioned.
24:22 Perhaps we as a nation,
24:23 perhaps we as the people need to get back
24:25 to the old-fashioned things, amen.
24:27 We need to get back to old-fashion.
24:29 We need to get back to the God of our forefathers
24:32 and our foremothers.
24:34 We need to get back to that.
24:35 God is the same yesterday,
24:37 God is the same today and God is the same forever.
24:40 He never changes.
24:43 Now you may try to change Him
24:45 and the church may try to change Him
24:47 and men may try to change Him
24:49 and smart theologians may try to change Him
24:52 but my God never ever changes.
24:59 And that's why, that's why the Bible tells us
25:03 "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God,
25:06 it is not subject to the law of God,
25:08 neither indeed can be."
25:10 What's the carnal mind? That's the sinful mind.
25:13 It's at enmity to law.
25:15 Before I knew Christ,
25:17 before I was born again by the grace of God,
25:19 before I came in contact with Jesus
25:22 I lived to break the law. I lived to break the law.
25:27 I woke up in the morning said,
25:29 I wonder how I can get in trouble today?
25:34 I mean, I live to break,
25:40 who could I hurt today?
25:44 Who can I rip-off today?
25:47 Until He came into my life
25:50 and then He took a moral law written on tables of stone
25:54 and he wrote it on the fleshy tablets of my heart.
25:56 I never met a born again thief
25:58 that wanted to go on stealing.
26:02 Come on now, I never met a born-again murderer
26:07 that wanted to go on murdering, amen.
26:10 I was in Birmingham, Alabama preaching the Word of God
26:13 and a man came up to me one night
26:15 and he said, you know, I just got out of prison.
26:16 I spent 28 years.
26:19 He said, I sent there for murder.
26:21 It was during that month that I led him to Christ.
26:24 It was during that month that that murder
26:26 became a soft and gentle person,
26:30 so gentle he joined the church,
26:32 he got involved with Christ,
26:34 he got involved with the church,
26:35 he became a deacon in a church.
26:37 You see, from the moment he came to know Christ
26:40 he did not want to and would not think of it.
26:45 Why do we think that when I get saved,
26:50 I don't need it, I'm not to abide by it?
26:56 What is that about?
26:58 Listen, Matthew 5:17
27:00 "Think not that I've come to destroy the law,
27:01 or the prophets.
27:03 I'm not come to destroy, but to over fill."
27:05 Preach again not recent said I only read the New Testament.
27:09 You can't understand the New Testament of the old.
27:13 Do you know how many times the Old Testament
27:16 is mention in the Book of Revelation?
27:20 You come to my advanced seminar on Saturday morning on that
27:24 and I'm gonna show you how many times.
27:27 See that how I do that that's a commercial.
27:30 Back to the message all right.
27:32 I got to do that every now and then.
27:33 You know your-- you get that blink.
27:35 Won't you get tired that stuff anyway?
27:38 What is sin?
27:39 It's transgression the Bible says of the law.
27:42 And is there sin in the world tonight?
27:44 Yes.
27:45 Then the law must be in existence now.
27:49 Of course it has to.
27:51 I had not known sin
27:52 but first of all he says I not know sin,
27:54 secondly I could not have committed sin.
27:57 And if we say there's sin in the world
27:59 don't you tell me
28:00 that the Lord has done away with
28:01 that there's no law any longer.
28:04 That's the reason I need a Savior,
28:08 there's a broken law.
28:10 "What shall we say then?
28:11 Is the law sin? God forbid.
28:12 Nay, not known sin, but by the law,
28:14 for I have not known lust, except the law said,
28:17 Thou shalt not lust."
28:20 Look at Matthew 22:35-40.
28:22 "Then one of them, which was a lawyer,
28:24 asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
28:26 Master, which is the great commandment?"
28:28 And notice what he says.
28:30 And "Jesus said unto him,
28:31 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
28:33 with all thy soul, with all thy mind.
28:35 This is the first great commandment.
28:37 And the second is like unto it,
28:38 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
28:42 On these two commandments
28:43 hang all the law and prophets."
28:44 Some one says, well, now brother Halverson,
28:46 since we are under this New Testament says,
28:47 one of the New Testament now we have only two laws.
28:51 But it says on those two laws hang what?
28:54 Just like on these two arms hang ten fingers,
29:01 on those two principal hang the moral law.
29:03 You see first of all your love for God
29:05 and secondly your love for men.
29:08 You can't love men till you learn to love God.
29:10 You can't love God until you're willing to love man,
29:13 that's what the Bible says.
29:14 Those two commandments hang all the Ten Commandments.
29:18 All the Ten Commandments.
29:20 Preacher once said to me, I've been saved.
29:22 I said, well, so have I.
29:24 That was the surprise to him he thought he was the only one.
29:30 I don't have to keep that old law.
29:32 Well, let's look at that.
29:33 Loves is the what? Fulfilling of law.
29:36 Says if I love him I'm gonna what?
29:39 Fulfill the law.
29:40 Listen, I had a friend like that.
29:43 You know, he was walking along Coney Island,
29:45 Neptune Avenue, Brighton Beach
29:46 he saw a car he didn't want to walk all the way it was hot.
29:49 So he looked in it was an air conditioned in that car.
29:52 So he got in the car.
29:53 I won't tell you how he got in the car.
29:56 My wife once locked her keys in the car.
29:58 I just coming out of church-- the keys.
30:03 That's language only husbands understand.
30:07 And I said what, honey?
30:11 Before she got the-- I was in the car.
30:16 I mean, I was so good in it
30:17 when I want old-fashioned camp meetings
30:19 they used to make me chief of police on the campus
30:22 so I could get old ladies into their car.
30:26 And so my friend he brakes into this car sits,
30:29 I won't tell you how he started the car
30:30 but anyway he's driving along cool air
30:33 blowing his face came to Neptune Avenue,
30:35 came to about West 3rd Street
30:38 complete stop like penny fell off
30:40 and got stop dead in traffic.
30:42 He got down he was,
30:43 he felt as a knock on the-- there's a knock on the window
30:46 and there standing a policeman.
30:51 He says, where is your license?
30:53 He didn't have license.
30:55 Kid was an old enough to have a license.
30:58 He says, where is your registration?
30:59 He dived for the glove compartment.
31:02 Got him out lead him up against the car.
31:04 For 17 years in my life I thought this was attention.
31:11 So he gets booked-- you know,
31:12 they just tap it in your first offense,
31:14 you know, how that is and.
31:16 Got off and he is enjoying his freedom
31:18 and he's walking through the neighborhood.
31:22 Listen, not of these preacher stories,
31:23 one is true stories.
31:24 I mean, he's walking through the neighborhood he sees a car.
31:30 He says why should I walk I could get in the car.
31:33 He gets in the car starts it up drive the same thing happened
31:39 and the same policeman from 60th Precinct
31:43 pulls him out of the car.
31:44 But officer, you don't understand.
31:46 You see, I've already broken that commandment.
31:51 But you see I been set free I'm saved.
31:56 Yeah, he did hard time after that.
31:59 Listen to me,
32:00 you see great denominations have said a lot
32:03 about the law being moral,
32:04 Presbyterian say, the Baptists say,
32:07 the Methodists say.
32:08 I could go on, most every church
32:11 talks about that moral law the Ten Commandments.
32:14 And David the psalmist said which by the way
32:16 is even more important than what they have said.
32:19 "I delight to do thy will,
32:21 yea, O my God, thy law" is written where?
32:24 "Its written on my heart" the Bible says.
32:28 "Here is the patience of the saints
32:30 here are they that keep the commandments of God,"
32:31 and have what?
32:33 "The faith of Jesus Christ." So here it is the moral law.
32:39 Now change the law which commandment?
32:43 I mean, which commandment should I do away with?
32:46 I mean, shall I do away with that first commandment?
32:48 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
32:50 Hey, listen to me.
32:51 We may not worship some thousand, thousand,
32:53 thousand, thousand, gods like the Hindu
32:55 but listen to me we have God's.
32:59 Sometime our job is our God.
33:01 Have no time for Jesus, no time, that's our God.
33:08 For some it's their home that's their God for others
33:10 it's their family that a God.
33:11 I mean, I think we need this,
33:13 this has never before when we made
33:15 so many Gods of plastic and chrome and.
33:21 Second commandment says,
33:22 Thou shalt not make into graven image
33:23 and bow down to them."
33:25 I mean we've made images and last days the Bible says
33:28 we're gonna make an image to the beast.
33:32 I mean, graven image.
33:35 What, do away with that commandment?
33:36 I don't think so.
33:37 And this commandment
33:39 "Thou shalt not take the name Lord thy God in vain."
33:41 If ever there was a need now the name of Jesus
33:43 is being used in such a careless crude way.
33:46 I get tired of hearing those godless
33:49 people throwing the name the purest name
33:51 in all the universe casting it from filthy lips.
33:56 I was playing golf once
33:57 I only go once in a while its good
34:00 because I walk in the woods a lot.
34:05 And I was playing golf
34:06 and I was playing it all by myself
34:08 and by the way it was just at a Charlotte North Carolina.
34:13 And I was playing golf but you like to play along
34:15 because ever do get a good shot
34:17 you want someone see it, come on.
34:19 So I called up to these dreadfully gentlemen
34:21 I was just out of New York and they are so nice
34:23 and general and kind in the south.
34:25 In the south they are so friendly.
34:27 And they saw me and they said
34:28 would you like to join us, they said.
34:29 No, they said y'all want to join us?
34:32 And I said y'all what? Yeah, I'll want to join you.
34:37 And they asked me where I came from
34:38 and all they knew in a few minutes.
34:40 But anyway there was this one guy
34:43 had the worst slice I ever seen in my life.
34:47 I mean, he hit that
34:48 and then he used the name of Jesus
34:51 and I'm kind of humming to myself,
34:54 Jesus loves me this I know,
34:57 please keep me from hitting him
34:59 with the third-- three iron, you know what I mean.
35:02 I'm trying to stay in the spirit.
35:05 And got up there-- just got a tea
35:08 I said Lord, somehow let me witnessing
35:09 and got up to the tea and he just bow raised,
35:11 head off he says, by the way what do you do for a living?
35:14 I killed the rest of his game.
35:19 I think I like to pull that commandment,
35:22 don't you come on, friend.
35:23 The purest name, I mean, "Remember the Sabbath day."
35:26 We have to have a day of worship.
35:28 Honor thy father and mother.
35:29 There's not a parent here to say
35:31 let's do away with that one.
35:34 Let's do away with that one. Thou shalt not kill.
35:37 If ever there was a time
35:39 when that pure commandment living God gave to His people
35:45 I think it's now, don't you?
35:47 Come on, now we kill, we murder
35:52 before the whom and after whom.
35:55 We kill, thou shalt not steal.
36:00 Crime-- so the other night
36:01 I showed you the crime of this city alone.
36:05 Thou shall not covet.
36:08 Bear false witness and thou shall not covet.
36:10 You see the Ten Commandments
36:13 the Ten Commandments are this we look at that.
36:16 Now notice the Ten Commandments.
36:18 Thou shalt not covet
36:20 but it's like a ten link chain, ten links.
36:25 If I were hanging from the Empire State Building
36:29 on a ten link chain which link would be important?
36:41 No pick and choose.
36:45 Which link is important?
36:51 Now don't get me wrong follow me,
36:53 the law does not, the law cannot,
36:54 the law will not save you only the grace of Jesus can
37:01 but the grace of Jesus
37:05 writes his law in your heart.
37:11 The first time I met grace, I mean the grace a God
37:15 I had thrown a rock through the window,
37:19 public school 100.
37:21 I started to run and I was laughing
37:22 I ran right into the arms
37:24 to the Irish cop from 60th Precinct.
37:27 He lifted me up my legs were still going
37:32 and he said young man,
37:33 you just threw a rock through a window.
37:34 I did what most people do.
37:36 I said, no I didn't, officer. He said, I saw you.
37:40 You're going down to the station house.
37:43 Well, and I'm thinking
37:45 he's walking he didn't put me in cuffs
37:48 but he had me by the scruff of the neck
37:50 and got to 60th Precinct.
37:54 I thought to myself oh, no, my father's
37:57 is gonna come down and get me.
38:00 And then I thought oh, no, my mother-- my mother.
38:08 And he set me down he said young man,
38:10 you won't do that again will you?
38:12 No officer.
38:14 He said, all right, go home.
38:16 I ran for home, that was grace.
38:19 But I got to admit
38:21 I did throw a few with the rocks
38:25 saved for the grace of God.
38:28 Listen, listen to me the law of gravity,
38:32 the law of gravity doesn't hurt you
38:33 until you break it, right.
38:36 Law of gravity, you see that's terrible, that law.
38:39 No, if it weren't for the law of gravity
38:41 you would all be up at that ceiling.
38:44 Gravity holds you in your seat.
38:46 Hey, gravity obey, is what? It's a protection.
38:53 Disobeying is more than that.
38:57 Speed laws, you know, how and Asian driving
39:00 down the road 35 miles now you get up to 40
39:02 you start adjusting your mirrors, come on.
39:07 Get up to 50 every time
39:08 you go by billboard you look to the right.
39:13 I was breaking to my grandkids
39:14 once was driving down from New York in
39:16 I had a I had not an accident I mean a ticket in years
39:21 and I'm driving down I said
39:22 and was in Carolina was coming from New York
39:24 and I said all grandsons, this is Poppy's you going over,
39:28 I did not have an ticket in 20 some years
39:31 in just turned the light
39:32 and my grandson looked back he said,
39:34 I think that's a policeman.
39:36 I said, yeah and I pulled I got a ticket.
39:39 Pride goeth before the fall.
39:42 Let's look at the Bible let's see what the Bible says.
39:44 "But be ye doers of the word,
39:46 not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
39:49 For if any be a hearer of the word,
39:51 and not a doer,
39:53 he is like unto a man be holding
39:54 his natural face in a glass."
39:55 By the way translated this class is mirror.
39:59 He says like beholding your face in a mirror.
40:04 And why do you wrap these things up honey,
40:07 it's gonna take me longer to open then than use them.
40:10 I'm gonna, I'm gonna give you little illustration.
40:13 I want to get a little dramatic,
40:14 a little dramatic but anyway he says like "beholding
40:19 and you forgetteth what manner of man he was.
40:21 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty,
40:24 and continueth therein, being not a forgetful hearer,
40:26 but a doer of the work,
40:27 this man shall be blessed in his deed."
40:29 Now men you never really grow up.
40:32 Your momma tells you when your face is dirty
40:37 when you get married your wife tells you.
40:40 Carrol says to me honey, your face is dirty.
40:43 I said, no dear.
40:45 She says, go look in the mirror.
40:48 So what I do I go to the mirror,
40:55 well, first to go to the mirror and I look you.
41:02 Now there's two things I can do.
41:05 Throw away the mirror I've been saved.
41:11 Come on now,
41:13 I have been saved, Brother Ron.
41:19 The law is the mirror.
41:22 Throw away the law that doesn't man you are clean.
41:25 But then as the legalist
41:32 trying to get clean with the mirror.
41:35 You can get clean with a mirror.
41:38 I just spread it all over my face.
41:43 But they're is the mirror
41:44 and their is the grace of God the soap.
41:49 Hey listen to this, pretty dramatic isn't it?
41:53 But we will get across the point.
41:55 I mean, look the grace of God
41:58 the grace of God look at that.
42:04 Now the mirror is in its right place.
42:07 The mirror shows that I'm dirty
42:09 and it drives me to Jesus Christ.
42:11 Can you say amen here tonight?
42:12 Amen. That's the moral law.
42:14 Do away with the moral law
42:15 and you'll find yourself in a dilemma.
42:17 Do away with the grace of God and you'll never get clean.
42:20 It's Lord in grace, its Sinai and Calvary
42:24 that embrace and set us free.
42:29 It set us free.
42:31 My Bible tells me, my Bible tells me
42:35 to look in the mirror that's the law.
42:39 The Bible says, "If you love me, keep my" what?
42:42 Commandments. Commandments.
42:44 The Bible says,
42:45 "For then must he often have suffered
42:47 since the foundation world,
42:49 but now once in the end of the world
42:50 hath he appeared to put away sin
42:52 by the sacrifice of himself."
42:56 What a beautiful description of what Jesus Christ does for us.
43:00 "Thy word is true from the beginning
43:03 and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever."
43:08 "Blessed are they that do his" what?
43:10 Come on, now. Come on.
43:11 Commandments.
43:12 I can imagine why preachers are fighting
43:15 to keep the Ten Commandments in the classroom
43:19 but they don't want you to keep
43:21 the Ten Commandments in your heart.
43:25 Why does he say you can't do away
43:27 with the Ten Commandments in the church
43:29 but they can't in municipal buildings?
43:32 I don't understand it.
43:35 When God comes into your heart, when grace fills you,
43:39 you want to do God's will, amen,
43:41 you want to walk in the path of God, amen.
43:44 You want to be obedient to God
43:46 and God takes the Lord of tables of stone
43:48 and he writes them in your heart.
43:50 You serve Jesus in your heart
43:55 and He changes the life.
43:58 I was in Hawaii,
43:59 I told you the other night how I got to go to Hawaii.
44:02 You know, I was all excited about that prayer,
44:04 you know the instant prayer
44:05 I went out there and I do prayer walking.
44:10 I do Joshua model of prayer walking
44:12 and we are prayer walkers all of this city right now.
44:15 But get to Hawaii
44:17 and I usually go into the worst neighborhoods
44:19 and I prayer walk
44:21 because they make the best disciples.
44:26 Sometimes the worst people make the best disciples.
44:29 I mean, Peter, peter was a blustering,
44:32 blundering, cursing, drunken fisherman.
44:34 Look what he did for the glory of God
44:37 without the Holy Spirit
44:39 and Peter there would have been no Pentecost.
44:42 I mean he takes the word
44:43 so I was praying for the meanest stuffiest,
44:44 Snornest, fightness, chewness, shootness
44:49 guy in Oahu.
44:52 And I stood up about the first night
44:53 in the series of meetings, I'm more excited.
44:55 By the way, I don't know
44:56 if you're getting excited about this but I am.
45:01 Someone said to me
45:02 you're as excited about this thing
45:05 is when you first came to it.
45:06 I said yeah I'm still saved. Come on, I'm still saved.
45:11 And so I was looking out and in walks this big Samoan,
45:15 Samoans they are big.
45:20 You think this guy is big.
45:23 This Samoan came down must've been 6'6'',
45:28 must've been well, I could only get this
45:31 far around him once I hugged him.
45:33 I'm a hugger but it took me
45:34 about three days to get them-- to hug him
45:36 and he had all the scars,
45:43 all the scars.
45:46 Wasted human 22-23 years old
45:52 and I kept praying for him.
45:54 He came out of the territory I had been praying.
45:58 I wish I had been there when God touch his heart.
46:01 I wish I had been there when Jesus came in his life.
46:05 I wish you'd been here
46:06 when he came and gave his life to Jesus.
46:09 And you know he-- I said to him you know,
46:11 I tell most people to come the Christ.
46:13 You have a habit in your life that's no problem
46:15 we have unknowingly we pray, you know,
46:16 and I said well, if you are having a problem
46:18 bring that stuff in a bound paper bag
46:22 and I will pray and take it away
46:23 and pray in the name of Jesus set you free.
46:25 You should have been there the night in anointed him.
46:28 He came down with two big shopping bags full of stuff.
46:34 I mean, I filled up my trunk I prayed all the way home
46:37 that I wouldn't be stopped by an officer
46:39 and he looked in my trunk
46:40 I would have done 40 years.
46:45 But that seems his life
46:49 was changed in such a way.
46:53 You know what, first year as a Christian
46:56 he won 100 people to Christ and built up-- listen amen.
47:01 Come on now, built up his church
47:03 and built up the youth group in his church.
47:05 Listen to me God is able
47:08 He says blessed to do His commandments
47:11 you may have right to the tree of life.
47:12 "He that saith, I know him,
47:13 and keepeth not his commandments," is what?
47:16 "A liar, and the truth is not in him."
47:18 You see this is the equation. No law, no sin, no salvation.
47:23 We don't need a Savior if we don't have a law.
47:26 Because the law says
47:27 I need a Savior, amen and amen.
47:32 The law teaches me I need a Savior.
47:36 I need, I need a Savior.
47:39 Years ago Cesar Millan
47:40 which was a great preacher was invited to a concert.
47:45 By the way, this is the hall where that concert was.
47:49 And he was old-fashioned preacher
47:51 and he went to the concert
47:52 because he want to be there
47:54 so he could share his faith in some way.
47:57 And just at that beautiful cocktail party
48:00 after the singer gave a little concert
48:06 with the people of state by
48:07 into that little cocktail party.
48:10 And she played magnificently and sand.
48:13 You know they sing in another language
48:15 but it was beautiful.
48:18 And after she'd finished Cesar Millan walked up
48:22 to and says, you know young lady,
48:23 as I listen to you I thought how the cause of Christ
48:25 could be benefited by your good voice.
48:28 And then he said this, you know, young lady,
48:31 you're much a sinner as a drunk in a ditch
48:35 and woman on scholar street.
48:38 But I want to tell you the blood of Jesus
48:40 cleanses you from all sin.
48:42 Well, that woman huffed and puffed in went home
48:45 that night she couldn't sleep.
48:47 How many times I ask God
48:48 after I get done preaching don't let them sleep
48:52 until they made things right with God.
48:55 And during the night she felt to her knees
48:56 and Charlotte Elliott wrote those beautiful words.
48:58 "Just as I am without one plea,
49:03 but that Thy blood was shed for me,
49:06 and that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
49:07 O Lamb of God, I come! I come!"
49:11 He says, she says,
49:13 "Just as I am and waiting not
49:17 to rid my soul of one dark blot,
49:22 to thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot,
49:27 O Lamb of God, I come! I come!"
49:33 Nineteen hundred years ago
49:35 and more our Blessed Lord came to a world
49:39 that was rebellious.
49:41 The world it had such hate they even crucified Him.
49:46 And O Lord came and he touched
49:47 the lives of those around Him
49:49 and they found life and hope
49:52 and they found a new destiny.
49:54 You see there was Mount Sinai
49:56 and those people have been so religious
49:58 and trying to keep a law without a lamb,
50:03 trying to keep Ten Commandments
50:05 without conviction and without the Christ.
50:11 Ten Commandments without Christ
50:15 and there at the cross listen,
50:18 at the cross...
50:20 Jesus Christ died for sinners.
50:26 And because of that death on the cross you and I
50:30 can be victorious in our lives.
50:32 Amen.
50:33 God has called you to victory and not to defeat.
50:37 You may be in a moment of defeat in your life right now.
50:39 You may say Brother Halverson,
50:41 I'm really right down in a very pit say.
50:44 I can't see a way out.
50:46 I want to tell you that's Sinai,
50:47 Sinai says that's true but then Calvary comes
50:51 and Jesus says but I have a way out
50:53 and that way is by the old rugged cross.
50:56 That way is to come and say
50:58 "I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight of Lord,
51:01 will You forgive me.
51:02 Will You forgive me of my sin.
51:04 And that Jesus says Father,
51:06 forgive Mary and Ronnie and all the Ronnie's
51:13 and the Mary's that ever confess before God.
51:20 May you be driven to the fact and truth
51:22 that my moral law is now written in your heart
51:25 and may you be a child of God
51:28 willing to keep His commandments more than that
51:31 willing to surrender your will and your life
51:34 and you love to Jesus, amen.
51:36 Amen.
51:54 A Bible question I would like to share with you
51:56 is this Bible question let me read it.
51:58 "I still don't get it.
52:00 If God knows everything past, present and future
52:03 why on earth will He create Lucifer
52:06 knowing what he would-- knowing that
52:08 he would do what he has done."
52:10 Terrific question.
52:11 If God knew what was coming
52:13 why did he create Lucifer?
52:17 You know, the Bible tells us that God is love.
52:22 When God created the universe
52:23 He created angels sometime very long ago
52:28 and he gave angels freedom of choice.
52:31 It would appear to me that for
52:33 and extraordinarily long time Lucifer was the perfect angel.
52:36 The Bible tells us that he was a covering cherub,
52:39 he dwelled in the presence of God
52:41 but then for reasons...
52:43 we can't explain Lucifer turned bad.
52:47 The Word of God talks about this,
52:49 it doesn't explain it to explain
52:51 sin would be tantamount to excusing sin.
52:54 But I'll read to you from Isaiah Chapter 14.
52:58 Isaiah Chapter 14 and would begin at verse 12.
53:02 "How art thou fallen from heaven,
53:03 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
53:06 How art thou cut down to the ground,
53:07 you who did weaken the nations!
53:09 For you have said in your heart,
53:11 I will ascend into heaven,
53:13 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God
53:15 I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
53:18 in the farthest sides of the north
53:19 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
53:22 I will be like the most High."
53:26 Now Lucifer affect us, Satan affect us, yes he does,
53:31 but you know who's most affected
53:33 the one who was most affected is the God of heaven.
53:37 Now we might ask the question
53:38 oh, why would God let this happen to me?
53:41 I have a hardship in my life,
53:43 illness in my life, tragedy in my life
53:45 why would God let this happen to me?
53:48 Wait a minute.
53:49 Why would God let this happen to him?
53:52 You and I will get over the difficulties in our life.
53:55 In the resurrection,
53:56 we won't even have cause to think about it.
53:59 Will enjoy heaven...
54:00 and the glories of a recreated earth
54:03 and the splendor of the universe
54:04 for ever and ever and ever and ever.
54:08 What does God enjoy? Now God will enjoy us.
54:12 He wants to be with us, we are His payoff
54:15 which depending on how you look at it
54:17 doesn't seem like a great deal for God
54:19 but God has such love that
54:20 He considers it a deal worth doing.
54:23 But think of what salvation cost God?
54:26 Jesus came from heaven to earth
54:30 and He died a horrible death on a across.
54:35 And then if we understand the Bible correctly
54:37 we believe that when Jesus ascended to heaven
54:40 He ascended in bodily form and no longer want omnipresent.
54:46 I mean, think about this
54:47 heaven risk a lot allowing Jesus to die
54:50 and Jesus paid a lot in coming to this earth to die.
54:56 So why would God allow this thing to unravel?
55:04 Why would He create Lucifer
55:06 knowing what Lucifer might do?
55:08 Because God is love.
55:10 He couldn't remove free choice
55:13 knowing that somebody some angel
55:15 might squander His free choice.
55:18 God knew if that was the case
55:20 it would cost Him God more than anybody.
55:25 God was willing to pay the price.
55:27 Why did He allow it to happen?
55:28 Because He was willing to pay the price.
55:30 Why did He allow to happen?
55:32 Because God is a love and that's good news.
55:39 Thank you for your questions.
55:40 Tonight, we look forward to doing
55:42 more Bible questions next time.
56:13 In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God says
56:15 "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone,
56:18 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
56:22 Every Word is a one minute Bible based daily devotional
56:25 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw
56:28 and designed especially for busy people like you.
56:31 Look for Every Word on selected networks
56:33 or watch it online every day on our website
56:38 Receive a daily spiritual boost,
56:40 watch Every Word, you will be glad you did.


Revised 2014-12-17