3ABN Homecoming 2013

Christ and the Covenant - Part 6

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David Asscherick


Series Code: 13HC

Program Code: 13HC000014

00:53 Well Danny, this has been one really blessed Camp Meeting.
00:59 All right. Ya'll agree? Say "Amen, praise the Lord. "
01:02 It really has. I mean we say this every year.
01:04 Isn't it amazing? How many of you come and say
01:07 "This is the best Camp Meeting ever! "
01:09 Yeah. But either our memories are short or it really is!
01:11 It just keeps getting better and better. It does!
01:14 Mollie is always saying this; she said it again today.
01:17 And she's said it every time that we've ever had a Camp
01:21 Meeting. And you know, I told her the same thing.
01:23 And actually I have more energy at the end of this Camp Meeting
01:28 than I've ever had at one.
01:30 Well, any time you're in the presence of the Lord
01:32 it's gonna be good for sure. That's right.
01:33 And I've really felt like that. All the sermons, the music.
01:36 And special thank you to Pastor David Asscherick
01:40 for being here and sharing. Hasn't it been enlightening?
01:43 Amen. And don't you like to hear somebody teach you something
01:46 you didn't already know? Yeah. You know, we as Adventists...
01:48 we kind of... we're a little bit know-it-alls, right?
01:50 I mean, we kind of know the Bible and all of that.
01:53 But I like to hear a guy who can tell you something
01:55 you didn't already know. It bothers me a little bit
01:58 he's so young and he knows so much -
02:00 yeah, yeah - but I'm happy about it, too.
02:02 You don't like kids telling you stuff you didn't already know,
02:05 but in this case I accept it.
02:07 Yeah, we really love this guy.
02:09 He kind of has our DNA, you know.
02:12 I think he would feel right at home around here, Danny.
02:16 Well, we've been telling him you know, maybe he ought to
02:19 make this his home. I think he should; I really do
02:23 because he has a real gift for sharing the gospel.
02:28 Yeah, he does. Absolutely. And a heart for it for sure.
02:31 We may not get to say too much to those on the air
02:34 when it's over. We'll be able to talk to those that are here,
02:37 but we just want to thank them for joining us
02:40 and being with us and for standing with us
02:43 and being so generous to this ministry.
02:47 We have great things ahead.
02:49 We're excited about those things.
02:52 All the things that are happening. Thank you -
02:55 for those of you at home - for your help.
02:57 And talk about going to India and Russia.
03:00 What we bit off today is huge: $25,000 a month -
03:03 yeah - added to our budget for Russia.
03:05 That's right. I mean, that's a lot of money if you think
03:07 about it. But somehow the Lord will bless.
03:09 He always has. But I just thank you, Jim,
03:11 for saying: "You know what? We're not going to worry about
03:14 the money; we're going to go forward. "
03:15 Thank the Lord. I was sitting in the back
03:17 and it just overwhelmed me that we have to move forward.
03:21 I had no choice, Danny. It was... the Lord just...
03:24 And when I called Brian, he's our treasurer,
03:27 he was driving. He wrecked a car and...
03:32 But when he got it back on the road he...
03:35 Poor Brian's getting it tonight.
03:37 he said: "I vote for it; I vote for it. "
03:40 And Mollie the same; you the same.
03:43 And actually when we announced it here
03:46 Julia... that was the first you had heard it.
03:49 And she said: "This is the second most wonderful thing
03:52 that every happened to me. "
03:54 The first was the birth of her grandchild
03:57 and the second was hearing this announcement this morning.
04:00 If you've got grandchildren, you know what that's like.
04:04 That's right; that's right.
04:06 That's a big praise the Lord.
04:07 Well, we've got some music coming. Somebody you know
04:10 pretty well. Somebody singing tonight?
04:12 This wouldn't be Darrell, would it?
04:13 Could be. Darrell Marshall. Drinkin' From the Saucer.
04:17 Yeah, there's a song that he... Have any of you heard him
04:21 sing that song Drinkin' From The Saucer? Yeah.
04:23 He says: "Everywhere I go and travel that's the people's #1
04:28 favorite most requested song. "
04:30 And so we're happy that Darrell is here tonight.
04:33 He's happy in the Lord and his wife, Brenda.
04:35 Wonderful pair; wonderful team.
04:37 But he's going to come out and sing for us
04:40 Drinkin' From The Saucer. And then after that, Jim?
04:42 Yeah well, after that our speaker David Asscherick
04:46 will come with the final presentation
04:49 on the covenants. And we're going to be blessed by that.
04:53 Darrell, we're glad you're here. Thank you.
05:12 I've never made a fortune
05:19 and it's probably too late now.
05:26 Oh, but I don't worry about that much
05:33 'cause I'm happy anyhow.
05:40 As I go along life's journey
05:46 I'm reaping better
05:49 than I've sowed...
05:55 I'm drinkin' from my saucer
06:00 'cause my cup has overflowed. Ain't that good?
06:05 Amen.
06:08 Ain't got a lot of riches;
06:14 sometimes the goin's rough.
06:19 Listen to this:
06:21 But I've got a friend in Jesus
06:27 and that makes me rich enough.
06:32 Oh yes...
06:34 I thank God for all His blessings on me
06:41 and the mercy
06:44 that He's bestowed.
06:50 I'm drinkin' from my saucer
06:55 'cause my cup has overflowed.
07:03 You know, my friend, sometimes sadness and sorrow
07:07 comes our way. There doesn't seem to be much we can
07:10 do about it. But I remember that one night when I was
07:14 at my very lowest I looked up into heaven
07:17 and I touched His precious nail-scarred hand.
07:20 God promised us that He'd be faithful
07:22 to reach down and pick us up and restore us to new.
07:25 Has He done that for you tonight?
07:29 So Lord, help me not to grumble and complain
07:36 about the tough rows
07:38 I have hoed...
07:45 I'm drinkin' from my saucer
07:50 'cause my cup has overflowed.
07:57 And if I should go on living
08:03 and if my way gets
08:06 steep and rough
08:10 I'm not going to ask for other blessings...
08:14 And do you know why?
08:15 'cause I feel that I'm already blessed enough.
08:21 Ah, this is my prayer for you tonight:
08:24 That I may never be too busy
08:29 I don't ever want to be too busy, friend -
08:31 to help another
08:33 bear his load...
08:39 You see, I'm drinkin' from my saucer
08:45 'cause my cup has overflowed...
08:51 Yes, I'll be drinkin' from my saucer, Lord,
08:56 oh yes I will,
09:00 this cup has overflowed. Tell me tonight:
09:05 has your cup
09:08 overflowed?
09:13 Amen... amen.
09:19 Amen! Thank you, Darrell.
09:23 All right. Have we had a great Camp Meeting?
09:27 Yeah... we've had a wonderful Camp Meeting.
09:29 And they'll tell you that in the back as I was getting ready
09:33 for this particular... the final, the sort of
09:36 climax to our series on the covenants, I was just bubbling.
09:38 I am so excited about this presentation I can't contain
09:41 myself. So I'm going to forego any niceties
09:44 and we're just going to pray and get into the Word.
09:46 Is that cool? All right, let's do it.
09:49 Father in heaven, we come before You just now
09:51 and we want to thank you for all of the good gifts
09:54 that come down from above. As Pastor Lomacang was quoting
09:57 that verse there, it just reminds us that everything
10:01 from a beautiful song to a good meal to a lovely
10:03 Sabbath Day, the warm sunshine and everything else
10:06 that every good gift comes directly from You.
10:08 And Father, the greatest of gifts is the gift of salvation,
10:12 the gift of Christ. And we've been talking about that
10:14 from the perspective of this covenant between
10:16 the family of God and the family of earth.
10:18 Father, as we seek to land this plane now and to bring
10:22 some of these threads - these various threads that we
10:24 have yet out - I pray that You will help me
10:26 to explain and to speak of scripture -
10:31 to dig into scripture in a way that will make this
10:34 very clear, very beautiful, and very life-changing.
10:38 Be with us now, Father. Send Your Spirit into this place,
10:41 into our hearts, and into these halls.
10:43 And we anticipate Your presence among us.
10:46 Be with us now, Father, in our last presentation
10:49 of Camp Meeting. In Jesus' name let everyone say
10:51 Amen.
10:54 All right, let's talk about the covenant.
10:56 We're going to do our review, if at all, at the end
10:59 and I want to literally just pick up the story from
11:02 exactly where we had ended it.
11:04 We had talked about the fact that God as a covenantal
11:07 reality - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - has made
11:09 a series of covenants with humanity.
11:12 We saw that He made a covenant with Adam for example
11:14 that was a covenant to eat of every tree but not of
11:17 this particular tree, and Adam was disobedient to the covenant.
11:20 God then "reset the hard drive" so to speak
11:23 and He started over with His new man - His new Adam -
11:26 and that was Noah. God extended Himself
11:29 in covenantal relation to Noah, and Noah was
11:31 partially faithful in the sense that he made the ark, etc.
11:35 But later he too failed and came short of God's covenantal
11:38 promise. And in the book of Genesis which we've mentioned
11:42 several times it's as if the author, Moses, is racing
11:44 right up to Genesis chapter 12
11:47 because he wants to get to the story of Abram - who
11:50 later becomes Abraham. Abraham becomes the pivotal
11:53 figure, the fulcrum on which the entire Old and New Testaments
11:58 hinge. And that's why you have this very-strongly-weighted
12:01 emphasis in Genesis in the last 39 chapters
12:05 it covers just a few... you know, 150, maybe 100 years
12:08 where the first covers the better part of 2,000 years
12:10 of earth's history. Racing to get to Abraham
12:13 because Abraham did not seek to... well in a sense he did...
12:17 we're going to get to that in just a moment... but
12:18 the thing that Abraham did right - we're not going to
12:20 talk about all the things he did wrong -
12:22 is the Bible says: "He believed the promises of God. "
12:26 He did what, everyone?
12:27 He believed the promises of God.
12:29 And he did have one little hiccup, and we talked about
12:31 that - circumcision - in which God gives him an ongoing
12:34 sign and symbol for him and his descendants
12:36 that they were not to try and fulfill God's promises
12:40 but they were to trust that God would fulfill His own promises.
12:42 Amen? And yet the rest of the history of the Old Testament
12:47 and much of the rest of the history of Israel
12:49 is basically an uninterrupted succession - an uninterrupted
12:53 series - of God extending His hand in covenant faithfulness
12:56 and it being rejected, rejected, rejected.
12:59 The followers - the descendants of Abraham - coming short of
13:02 the covenant: coming short, coming short, coming short,
13:03 coming short, coming short so that we finally arrive
13:06 in Daniel toward the end of the Old Testament
13:09 and we find Daniel praying. And the first thing
13:11 out of his mouth as he's pray- ing there in Babylonian exile,
13:13 "Oh Lord, the great God, You who... "
13:17 And what's the first thing that he says?
13:19 "You who keeps the covenant. "
13:22 "You have kept the covenant. "
13:24 And it's as if God has extended his hand over and over
13:27 and over and over again
13:29 in wooing and beckoning and inviting His people.
13:34 In fact, the longing desire of God's heart -
13:36 and you find this refrain over and over again in the Old
13:38 Testament - is this: that "I will be their God... "
13:41 Can you finish this?
13:42 "and they will be My people. "
13:44 You find that refrain that just comes up over and over again.
13:47 God wanted to say that of Adam in the garden.
13:49 "I am his God and he is My son, Eve is My daughter. "
13:52 He wanted to say it of Noah when the thoughts of man
13:54 were only evil continually. "I am his God
13:57 and he is My people. "
13:59 It's the same thing that He said of Job.
14:00 "Have you considered My servant Job? " And God finally
14:03 finds Abraham. And when He find Abraham
14:07 He makes this series of promises.
14:09 "I will give you the land and I will keep covenant
14:11 and you will have descendants as the sand of the seashore
14:15 and the stars of the sky. " And the Bible says
14:17 "Abraham believed God. "
14:19 Now there's a very interesting thing -
14:21 go to Genesis chapter 15- that happens right in the midst
14:24 of that. And it's... Frankly it's just a little weird.
14:28 Genesis chapter 15.
14:30 And it really is communicating here
14:35 the severity and the significance
14:38 of the nature of the covenant that God made with Abraham
14:44 and the way that those covenants were taken in ancient times.
14:50 Let me just say it that way. In Genesis chapter 15 we find -
14:52 we'll pick it up in verse 8.
14:56 This is where Abram says: "Lord God, how will I know
14:59 that I shall inherit it? " And He said to him:
15:01 'Bring me a 3-year-old heifer, a 3-year-old female goat,
15:04 a 3-year-old lamb, a turtle- dove, and a young pigeon. '
15:07 Then he brought all these to Him. "
15:08 Now watch this: "And He cut them in two. "
15:11 Bring these various things. How do we know that this covenant?
15:15 How will we know that the covenant will be true?
15:17 That You will do all of the things that You say You will do?
15:19 We need something... And this is very much
15:20 in keeping with what's called ancient Near Eastern tradition.
15:23 OK? You bring these three animals, and then notice that
15:27 they're cut in two. Hold onto that; that's exactly
15:29 where we're going to end up with at the end of
15:30 the whole presentation. It says that they were cut
15:33 in two... It says: "down the middle.
15:36 They placed each piece opposite the other,
15:39 but he did not cut the birds in two.
15:40 And when the vultures came down to the carcasses
15:43 Abram drove them away. "
15:44 Now verse 12 is a fascinating verse.
15:46 This is the kind of strange part.
15:47 It says: "Now when the sun was going down, a deep sleep
15:50 fell on Abram, and behold horror and great darkness
15:55 fell upon him. " This is like a nightmare.
15:58 In the midst of this ratification of the covenant
16:01 these animals have been severed into two.
16:04 And incidentally, what that means is
16:06 that if you are untrue to the covenant or I am untrue to the
16:08 covenant, may this happen to me.
16:11 May I be severed in two.
16:13 May I be cut in two just as these animals have.
16:16 It was a far more solemn and somber ratification of
16:19 a covenant than a mere handshake.
16:21 Just as these animals have been split,
16:23 just as these animals have been bifurcated and split
16:26 down the middle, may the same happen to you and/or to me
16:29 if I violate the terms of this covenant.
16:31 And so Abraham then lays down and he goes to sleep.
16:34 And the Bible says a deep darkness came upon him.
16:37 Notice what it says: not just a deep darkness.
16:39 It says: "A horror and great darkness came upon him. "
16:43 In other words, he had a tremendous nightmare.
16:47 He had a nightmare.
16:49 Now watch what happens in the very next verse.
16:51 Verse 13: "Then He said to Abram: 'Know that certainly your
16:55 descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs.
16:57 And they will serve them and they will afflict them
16:59 for 400 years. ' And the nation... " I'm trying to find
17:02 the place here... OK, verse 17. Jump down to verse 17.
17:04 "And it came to pass when the sun went down
17:06 and it was dark that behold there appeared a smoking oven
17:10 and a burning torch that passed between those pieces
17:14 on the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram. "
17:17 What a strange thing. Abraham falls into this deep
17:20 slumber - this nightmarish sleep -and as he sort of awakens
17:23 he sees this thing that the Bible describes as a smoking
17:27 oven and a burning torch.
17:30 Some supernatural thing.
17:33 The very divine presence of God, and where is that
17:38 smoking oven and burning torch? Where is it?
17:41 It's walking between the two pieces of the animals
17:46 that have been cut in half as a symbol that if you violate
17:49 the terms of the covenant or I do, this would happen to us.
17:52 That there would be a severing; that there would be a splitting.
17:55 And Abraham in his groggy, nightmarish condition
17:59 sees this smoking... I mean what does that even mean?
18:03 It's obviously some picturesque vision
18:06 of some supernatural entity that is brooding between the two
18:11 pieces. Now here's a fascinating little insight from Ellen White.
18:14 She says that while Abraham was slumbering there
18:17 and that nightmarish darkness came over him
18:20 that God came into that and preached the gospel to him.
18:25 Now you might be thinking: "What? The gospel?
18:28 How could that possibly be darkness and a great horror?
18:30 And what is happening with the splitting of the thing
18:33 and the smoking furnace walking through? "
18:36 In the preaching of the gospel basically it was shown to
18:39 Abraham: this is how the covenant will be kept.
18:42 And it was a horror to him and a great darkness.
18:45 Are we together everyone so far?
18:47 Now, take all of that and sort of put it on a shelf
18:50 in your mind and recall with me
18:52 that when we come to the New Testament...
18:54 Let's transition now right up to the book of Galatians.
18:56 We've got to just spend a moment here in Galatians.
18:59 Go with me there.
19:00 We're going to return to that very idea of the splitting
19:03 of the sacrifice and that great darkness that came upon
19:08 Abram in this nightmarish preaching of the gospel.
19:10 The truth of the covenant.
19:12 We're going to what book everyone? Galatians.
19:15 Now obviously time is not going to allow us to go into
19:17 an exhaustive exposition of Paul's understanding
19:20 of the centrality of the Abrahamic covenant.
19:23 I'll just give you two passages, two passages,
19:25 and the first is in Galatians chapter 3 verse 26.
19:29 Galatians chapter 3 verse 26
19:31 and Paul is drawing one of a series of arguments
19:34 to a close here, and notice how profound and inescapable
19:38 the conclusion is based on Jesus' faithfulness
19:41 to the covenant. I'm in Galatians 3:26.
19:44 "For you are all... " What are we all now?
19:46 "sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. "
19:49 By the way, we've mentioned this but we've got to
19:50 revisit it. Who were the two primary figures in the
19:53 Old Testament that were the son of God?
19:56 Adam was the son of God and
19:58 Israel was the son of God. Now watch this:
20:01 Paul says: "You are now the sons of God and the daughters of God
20:07 through faith in Christ Jesus. "
20:10 Verse 27: "For as many of you as were baptized into Christ
20:13 have put on Christ. " Now this is what we were talking about
20:16 earlier: the reversing not only of the sin problem of Genesis 3
20:19 which is cutting off from God but also the reversal of the
20:22 sin problem of Genesis 11 which is alienation from our
20:25 fellow brothers and sisters. Yeah?
20:27 And so look at what he says here in verse 28:
20:28 Boom! "There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither
20:32 slave nor free; there is neither male nor female
20:35 for you are all... " What are we?
20:37 "one in Christ Jesus. "
20:40 You are all what? One in...
20:43 All of those ethnic, racial, socioeconomic divisions
20:48 that you think divide you
20:49 have been eviscerated and annihilated in Christ.
20:53 And then this is the conclusion that Paul is forced to come to
20:58 based on all of the foregoing testimony of scripture:
21:02 verse 29: "And if you are Christ's
21:06 Then you are... " What? "Abraham's seed. "
21:10 Let me just say that in a more modern language.
21:12 If you are Christ's you are Abraham's descendant
21:15 and you are heirs according to the promise.
21:19 So for Paul - as well as for the other New Testament writers
21:22 but here in particular Paul in Galatians -
21:24 this is not a series of broken, fragmented pieces
21:28 between the Old and the New Testament as - you know -
21:31 various people in the dispen- sationalist camp would teach us.
21:34 No! There is a tremendous continuity here
21:39 between God's covenant with Adam which failed
21:41 and His covenant with Noah which largely failed
21:42 and then His covenant with Abraham.
21:44 The descendants of Abraham failed, failed, failed, failed,
21:46 failed, failed.
21:48 Then what does the covenant require?
21:50 The covenant requires - and don't miss this -
21:53 a faithful Israelite.
21:56 Ah, and alas, that is what we have in Christ.
21:59 Now think of it this way.
22:02 Here's God extending His hand as God.
22:04 Right? He who has been faithful. That was Daniel's prayer.
22:07 "You have been faithful; You have been faithful;
22:09 You have been faithful. You, O great God, have kept
22:11 the covenant. " And man after man after man
22:14 after man after man - and women -
22:16 have failed to keep covenant; failed to keep covenant;
22:18 failed to keep covenant; failed to keep covenant.
22:19 And so God essentially says to oversimplify it...
22:23 Not to oversimplify it... just to simplify it:
22:25 God essentially says "The only way a man will ever
22:30 keep covenant with Me and truly live by the principles
22:33 of the tablets of the law - to love the Lord your God with
22:36 all your heart, mind, and soul and the second is like it:
22:38 to love your neighbor as yourself -
22:39 the only way that anyone will keep covenant - My covenant -
22:44 a man... is if I become a man. "
22:50 So God, in a marvelous act of condescension,
22:54 in Christ becomes a man and ends up in Bethlehem's manger.
22:59 Now this pick up one of the threads that we've been talking
23:01 about: behind the veil. Satan raised his various
23:04 and sundry accusations about the kind of person and being
23:07 that God really was. But here He ends up in Bethlehem's manger
23:11 and lives a life - our life, a human life, a real life -
23:15 and walks a mile in our moccasins. And at every step,
23:19 at every turn, at every opportunity,
23:22 at every place that you see in the whole of the New Testament
23:25 Jesus is loving the Lord His God with all of His heart,
23:29 mind, and soul and He is always loving His neighbor as Himself.
23:33 He's keeping covenant with God!
23:35 And He's a man, right?
23:38 He's keeping covenant with God and He's a man.
23:40 And He will keep the covenant so profoundly and so faithfully
23:44 that He will be faithful unto death...
23:47 which is where we're going to go in just a bit.
23:49 Which is exactly what that, the cutting of those animals
23:52 down the middle meant.
23:54 Now here's a very interesting thing.
23:55 I told you two passages in Galatians. Let me show you
23:57 another one. And I don't have time to go into great detail
23:59 here, but I do want to introduce you to very briefly
24:03 a very interesting scholarly debate that's been taking place
24:06 particularly over the last 20 years.
24:07 And you'll just have to forgive me. I'm going to have to be very
24:09 slightly technical here, but you'll be able to get it.
24:13 The New Testament, of course, is written in the Greek language.
24:16 And there is a phrase that Paul uses repeatedly
24:20 and the phrase in Greek is "Pistis Christou. "
24:23 "Pistis Christou" - which literally means, simply means
24:27 faith Christ. "Pistis" is faith; "Christou" is Christ.
24:31 OK? And there's a very interesting scholarly debate
24:34 that's been taking place that basically goes something like
24:36 this: historically that phrase "Pistis Christou"
24:40 which is used regularly by Paul, particularly in Romans
24:43 and Galatians, that phrase has historically been translated
24:47 in what's called the objective genitive.
24:49 Now you might be thinking: "OK, you've lost me.
24:50 There's too much theology. " Hang on!
24:52 Just hang on for a moment.
24:53 It has historically been rendered as
24:56 faith in Christ, right?
24:59 And most of us would be very comfortable with that.
25:01 In fact, if you read your Bible
25:03 virtually every time if you have the King James or the NKJ
25:06 or even most of the modern translations,
25:08 if you come across the Greek phrase "Pistis Christou, "
25:12 it will be rendered in what is called the objective genitive
25:14 faith in Christ.
25:17 But in about the last 20 or 25 years
25:20 there have been a number of conservative theologians
25:23 who have looked at that and said: "You know what?
25:24 It is not absolutely necessary
25:27 exegetically to render that in the objective genitive.
25:31 It may well be the subjective genitive
25:34 which would not be rendered faith in Christ
25:37 but the faithfulness of Christ.
25:41 Now when you do this, and I'm not going to go into the
25:43 debate, the exegetical reasons why faith in Christ is probably
25:48 actually the better exegetical translation.
25:49 My point here is it's a far better theological
25:52 translation. And I want to show you just one passage, OK?
25:56 And it's right here in Galatians - Galatians chapter 2.
25:59 Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to read it through
26:02 in my translation here which is New King James.
26:05 And that's probably pretty similar to what many of you
26:07 have. Either New King James or King James... almost all
26:10 modern translations are going to render it this way.
26:12 And I think I've actually got it on the screen here, too.
26:14 So if you don't have the New King James and you have some
26:17 new translation, you can just see it here on the screen.
26:19 It goes like this. We'll pick it up in Galatians 2 verse 15.
26:24 It says:
27:13 "I went back and I read my own book, " he said,
27:15 "and I died to my own rabbinical way of reading it. "
27:18 Verse 20:
27:36 Now this passage here Galatians 2:15-21
27:39 which we cannot go into a thorough-going exposition
27:42 what we've just read here is a translation of that phrase
27:47 "Pistis Christou" in the objective genitive.
27:49 And I just want to ask you a question here.
27:50 You don't have to know any Greek, you don't have to be
27:51 a scholar. If we say that someone is saved,
27:56 that someone comes into a right relationship with God
27:59 because of their faith in Christ.
28:03 Where does it sound just to your ears...
28:05 just in the English... where does it sound like
28:08 the locus or the place of salvation is?
28:12 Yeah that's right. It is, isn't it?
28:13 There's a subtlety there that I am saved by my faith in Christ.
28:19 Do you hear that there? It's a subtle suggestion
28:22 that somehow it's my faith and my great confidence in God.
28:28 When if we take that very same phrase... and again, there are
28:32 excellent both exegetical and theological reasons
28:35 to render this phrase not in the objective
28:37 "my faith in Christ" but in the subjective
28:41 "Christ's faithfulness. " Which raises the question:
28:45 Christ's faithfulness to what? And the answer is saturative in
28:49 scripture: faithfulness to the covenant.
28:53 Christ's faithfulness to the covenant.
28:56 Where Adam had failed and Noah had failed
28:59 and Abram had failed and person after person after person after
29:01 person had failed and failed and failed and failed.
29:03 But here comes Jesus who literally was a man
29:06 who walked a mile in our moccasins who was in all points
29:08 tempted like as we are yet without sin
29:10 who lived His life in perfect relational integrity before God
29:13 and perfect relational integrity before others.
29:16 HIS faithfulness to the covenant.
29:18 And this is Paul's point!
29:20 The point we just read in Galatians chapter 3.
29:22 He said: "If you are Christ's, you are the descendant
29:25 of Abraham. " The covenant has been kept, and it was the
29:28 Abrahamic covenant. Now watch this:
29:30 we're going to put up a translation here.
29:32 It's actually quite a fascinating translation
29:34 called the Kingdom New Testament.
29:36 Translation by well-known Anglican scholar N. T. Wright
29:40 who renders this same passage that we just read
29:42 in the subjective genitive, and I want you to tell me
29:45 if it makes any difference in the passage. You tell me.
30:00 Did that change the passage?
30:02 Oh, it marvelously wonderfully changes it
30:05 and it gives it a covenantal context - which is Paul's
30:08 context. Continuing on:
30:13 Which by the way, that's an unnecessary redundancy.
30:15 If you look at the text, why would Paul say
30:18 "We are saved by faith in the Messiah
30:20 therefore we have believed in the Messiah. "
30:23 That's saying basically the same thing.
30:25 We have faith in the Messiah; we have believed in the Messiah.
30:27 No, what he says is: "The Messiah has been faithful
30:30 and we believe it. "
30:32 Whoo, now we're getting some- where. Give it back to me Will.
30:34 It says... it's coming:
30:51 Now I just need to pause right here and say something.
30:53 Scripture says over and over and over again
30:56 that God is righteous.
30:59 God is what? But most of us, we think: "OK,
31:02 what does that mean? What does that mean that God
31:03 is righteous? " It means He's holy.
31:05 It means that He's morally virtuous, etc.
31:07 But the Old Testament uses the term righteousness
31:11 basically in this sense:
31:13 when it speaks of God's righteousness it means that
31:15 God has done what He said He would do.
31:19 He's been faithful to Himself and faithful to the covenant.
31:24 And so when Paul repeatedly refers to the fact that
31:26 we are made righteous by the Messiah's faithfulness
31:30 he says we are grafted in to Christ's faithfulness
31:34 to the covenant. So now, back to our point here.
31:37 God has been faithful as God. He has extended His hand;
31:40 He has extended His hand; He has extended His hand
31:42 and there was failure, failure, failure, failure, failure,
31:44 failure by a man. And God basically said:
31:46 "If any man's ever going to keep this covenant,
31:48 if anyone is ever going to truly love the Lord their God
31:51 with all their heart, mind, and soul and love their neighbor
31:53 as their self, I Myself in Christ will become a man. "
31:57 And so God performs an outflanking maneuver,
32:00 ends up in Bethlehem's manger,
32:02 lives the real life of a real human being
32:05 with all of the temptations and struggles and vicissitudes
32:08 of a real human life.
32:11 And remember, this was one of the major objections
32:13 of Lucifer. "How can He understand us
32:15 the chasm between the Creator
32:16 and the created being so great? "
32:18 But He comes and He's really one of us.
32:19 By the way, this is Paul's point in Hebrews when he says
32:21 "We do not have a High Priest which cannot be temped
32:25 with the feelings of our infirmities. "
32:26 He could have just said: "We have a High Priest that
32:28 can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. "
32:30 He could have put it in the positive.
32:31 Why did he put it in the double negative?
32:33 "We do not have a High Priest which cannot be touched
32:35 with the feeling of our infirmities. "
32:37 Why the double negative?
32:38 Because the natural assumption is: "How can God relate to me? "
32:43 How could God possibly? I mean, God is God.
32:46 God is grand; God is mighty. He's omnipotent,
32:48 He's eternal and all of those things.
32:50 But when God becomes a real man, a helpless vulnerable babe
32:55 in Bethlehem's manger and walks a mile in our shoes
32:58 and lives the life that we have been called to live
33:00 in faithfulness as a man to the covenant.
33:03 Oh, now, His hand is extended
33:07 the hand of God is extended
33:10 and the family of God - the family of Abram by the way -
33:13 Remember, the call of Abraham
33:14 was the answer to the sin of Adam.
33:17 Wholeness. God has been faithful as God
33:20 and God has been faithful as man.
33:23 And you might be sitting there scratching your head and
33:24 thinking: "Well what do I do?
33:27 I mean, this sounds like God has done everything! "
33:31 Oh, you're starting to hear the gospel.
33:36 "Well what do I do? What's my job? "
33:38 And according to scripture your job is to believe it.
33:44 Your job is to believe it, and when you believe
33:46 that's what Paul just said. "We know that no man's
33:49 going to be made righteous on the basis of the Jewish law. "
33:51 We are grafted into the Messiah's faithfulness
33:56 to the covenant. And thus the family of God
33:58 and the family of men are united in the only being -
34:03 check this out - the only being who knows what it is
34:06 to experience reality both as God and as man.
34:11 He literally is the link.
34:13 He is the chain because He is fully God and He is fully man.
34:17 God knows what it is to live as a God and to live as a man.
34:20 In Christ... He's the lynchpin. Now check this out.
34:24 This is mind blowing.
34:26 Go to Psalm 40... Psalm 40.
34:29 Here we have a Messianic prophecy about Jesus
34:34 who would come. Psalm 40.
34:36 I am literally jumping out of my skin right now.
34:40 Psalm 40... and David here, this is one of the Messianic
34:45 psalms, one of the Davidic psalms that anticipates
34:47 the Messiah. And we're not going to read all of it.
34:49 We're just going to pick it up in verse 6.
34:50 Psalm 40. What verse everyone? Six.
34:53 Check this out: "Sacrifice and offering
34:55 You did not desire. My ears you have... "
34:58 What does your Bible say? Opened.
34:59 Yeah. That's what my Bible says: "my ears you have opened. "
35:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
35:04 What does that sound like? "Open your ears. "
35:06 "My ears You have... " "I hear You. "
35:10 "You've given me understanding. "
35:12 That's not what it says.
35:14 The Hebrew word here is pierced.
35:16 Does anybody here have a translation by the way
35:18 that says that? "My ears you have pierced. "
35:20 You do, don't you. What translation have you got?
35:22 NIV. It says: "My ears you have pierced. "
35:26 And that's exactly the correct translation here.
35:28 The NIV has its own problems in other places
35:29 but it gets this one right. It gets this one exactly right.
35:33 By the way, it gets it wrong in Galatians 2, but that's another
35:35 story. "Sacrifice and offering You did not desire.
35:38 My ears you have pierced. "
35:43 "My ears you have pierced. Burnt offering and sin offering
35:46 You did not require. Then I said: 'Behold I come. '
35:48 In the scroll of the book it is written of me
35:50 'I delight to do Your will O My God.
35:51 Yes, Your law is within my heart. ' "
35:54 The law is the basis of the covenant.
35:56 And here is a very interesting thing.
35:57 I have to now take about 5 or 7 minutes to explain something
36:00 to you that would have been instantaneously recognizable
36:04 to a first-century Jew.
36:05 Or actually, this is not first century.
36:07 This is far before that.
36:09 "My ears you have pierced. "
36:11 "You don't desire sacrifice and offerings.
36:15 You want Your law in my innermost being. "
36:19 Go to Exodus 21.
36:21 Oh, that's easy to find. That's right after the 10 Commandments,
36:25 Exodus 20. And in Exodus 21 we have here
36:29 what the Bible simply calls - and Danny, I need you to come
36:31 out now if you're ready -
36:34 I needed somebody who carried themself as an august,
36:38 wealthy-looking person. That's exactly what we need.
36:41 Right there. That's what I need. I need a wealthy...
36:46 Not a proud, just a wealthy...
36:50 ancient land owner. OK. Yeah, there we go.
36:53 Look at him; look at him. OK, now check this out:
36:56 Exodus 21.
36:58 I told them: "Don't give him a microphone.
37:00 Just set him out. " Exodus 21... check this out.
37:06 It says: "Now these are the judgments concerning which
37:09 you shall set before them. "
37:10 OK, now this is basically God telling them how to live
37:12 a civil society. This is how you do civil society.
37:14 Here's one of the things. Verse 2:
37:16 "If you buy a Hebrew servant
37:19 he shall serve six years and in the seventh he shall go out
37:22 free and pay nothing. " Now already this sounds crazy
37:24 to us, right? Buying people?
37:27 But it's not slavery in the North American sense.
37:30 It's not slavery in the oppressive and unjust sense.
37:33 This was an economic institution.
37:35 It was a what, everyone?
37:37 It was an economic institution in which if you did not have the
37:40 fluidity... the resources to pay off a debt...
37:43 you could indenture yourself to the person to whom you owed
37:46 the money for a period of not more than six years.
37:51 Make sense? And if the Jubilee cycle had come up
37:54 say within three years of those five or six years
37:55 that you have indentured yourself, you are all out.
37:58 So let's say that I owe Danny some money.
38:01 OK? And I have maybe borrowed some money that I am unable
38:04 to pay back, or maybe I have purchased some land from him
38:07 that I'm not able to make good on.
38:08 And we're going back to Biblical times.
38:10 We're going back to like post-Abrahamic times.
38:13 The time of Moses, and God is giving these laws.
38:15 And He basically says: "If you need to in this
38:18 financial/economic institution indenture a servant
38:21 you can do so, but only for a period of up to six years,
38:24 not more than seven. " So far so good?
38:26 Now God gives very specific instructions here.
38:29 Verse 3. It says: "If he comes in by himself... "
38:33 that's me... "If he comes in by himself
38:35 he shall go out by himself. " Well that's reasonable.
38:38 If I indenture myself to Danny... Let's say we agree
38:41 on a period of five years. Because of the debt that I owe
38:43 him, five years is appropriate.
38:44 So what the Bible is saying here... And it has to spell this
38:47 all out because they had so lost awareness of just
38:50 basic civility and basic fairness and justice.
38:54 It says if I indenture myself to Danny for five years
38:57 and I go in as a single man,
39:00 how do I go out?
39:02 I go out as a single man. So far so good.
39:04 Now watch the next part of verse 3.
39:06 It says: "If he goes in married,
39:09 then his wife will go out with him. "
39:11 OK, so let's say that I was already married
39:13 and as I indenture myself to Danny for that period of
39:16 how many years? Five years...
39:18 What is being said here is that Danny cannot
39:21 somehow manipulate or take advantage of the situation
39:23 and retain my wife. No. If I go in single,
39:27 I go out single. That's fair and square.
39:29 And if I go in with a wife and a family,
39:32 I go out with a wife and a family.
39:35 But there's yet another possibility.
39:37 And here's the possibility, verse 4:
39:39 "If his master has given him a wife
39:41 and she has borne him sons or daughters,
39:44 the wife and her children shall be her master's
39:46 and he shall go out by himself. "
39:48 Now this is very interesting.
39:50 In ancient times it was very much in keeping with
39:55 basically just the way that the world worked, the economic
40:00 world. It was an agrarian world; it was a nomadic world.
40:02 Things were different. And somebody like Danny
40:05 who was an entrepreneur who had acquired flocks
40:08 and herds and thus, like Abraham for example,
40:10 servants and many people that lived in his household.
40:14 We know on one occasion that Abraham was able to rally
40:16 a large army to go and get back the situation that had gone
40:19 south with his nephew Lot. Right?
40:21 And so Danny is not just wealthy by himself.
40:24 He has a whole entourage. He's in agriculture
40:26 and he travels. And so it's not going to be fair
40:30 if I go in and say fancy his daughter
40:33 or maybe his niece or one of his servants.
40:35 And I ask permission - say it was his daughter -
40:38 to marry his daughter and he says "yes. "
40:40 And we get married say two years into our five-year
40:43 commitment. Now at the end of that five-year commitment
40:45 we've been married for 3 years. What the text is saying is
40:47 I don't just have the right now without an arrangement with
40:51 Danny to just go ahead and take her... "I'm out. "
40:54 Because she could play an important and critical role
40:57 in the functioning of that household.
40:59 Times were tough. You couldn't just go in
41:01 and marry somebody and think it was your right
41:03 to take them off. No, no, no, no.
41:05 I would have to further negotiate. By the way,
41:07 you see an instance of this with Laban. Right?
41:09 I have to negotiate with him. And he was not fair
41:12 to the contract. Far beyond it, in fact.
41:14 Very unjust. But I negotiate with Danny
41:17 and now he could say: "You know what?
41:21 You've worked for me for these five years. You can work another
41:23 two or three years and then the vacancy that is left by my
41:27 daughter or by my niece or whatever
41:29 will be sufficiently filled and I will allow you to go.
41:31 So far so good?
41:33 So if I go in single, I go out...
41:36 If I go in married, I go out...
41:38 And if I go in single and marry somebody from his household,
41:42 can I just go off with her?
41:44 No. I have to make an arrangement, don't I?
41:45 Now watch this... verse 5:
41:48 "But if the servant plainly says.. "
41:51 And hold onto that; that's critically important.
41:53 If the servant plainly says...
41:56 If he? Plainly. And the reason it has to be plain
41:59 is that what you are about ready to read is astonishing.
42:02 "If the servant plainly says
42:05 'I love my master, my wife, and my children' "
42:09 Now look at these next words:
42:10 "I will not go free. "
42:14 What? "I will not go... " What was the word?
42:19 Free. Now let's just say in the course of events
42:22 that I realize that my family and my own life is going to be
42:26 better off staying united with Danny and his clan.
42:30 With Danny and his family.
42:32 And over time Danny has shown himself to be a Godly man.
42:35 To be a just man; to be a fair man.
42:36 To be a man that I have come to love - say I married his
42:39 daughter - as a father and I don't want to go.
42:43 I don't want to leave. I've been indentured to him
42:45 for five years. I can now say plainly...
42:49 I say it how? Plainly.
42:52 I can say plainly: "Danny: man, I love you
42:55 and I love your people and I love your camp
42:57 and I don't want to go. I will not go out free.
43:01 I want to remain under your supervision
43:05 and under your mastership forever. "
43:10 Danny, if he feels mutually and we agree to this arrangement,
43:14 watch what happens. We don't just shake on it.
43:15 No, this is far too serious.
43:17 Look at what it says.
43:18 Verse 6: "This his master will bring him to the judges. "
43:23 And very interesting for those of you that are Bible students
43:25 here, the Hebrew word here is Elohim.
43:28 The master will bring him to the Elohim.
43:31 And watch this. This is where I'm going to say plainly...
43:35 Why do I have to say it plainly? Because it's astonishing!
43:37 I am going to willfully surrender my freedom.
43:42 Did you hear what I just said?
43:44 I am going to willfully surrender my what?
43:47 I'm free to go... and watch this:
43:49 "They will bring him to the door or to the doorpost
43:52 and his master will pierce his ear with an awl
43:56 and he will serve him forever. "
43:59 Now let me ask you a question:
44:00 What's the purpose of a door?
44:06 Simple question: what's the purpose of a door?
44:08 To go in and out.
44:10 Right? So when my master and I,
44:13 because we love one another, we have a great relationship.
44:16 I love his clan and his family; he loves me.
44:19 I'm a hard worker; he's a just and Godly man.
44:21 When we go to the judges - to the Elohim - and we say
44:25 plainly - I say plainly - "I'm not being manipulated
44:28 by him, I'm not being coerced by him"
44:29 I say plainly "I love my master,
44:35 I want to serve him forever. "
44:37 "You sure about this? " "I'm sure. "
44:40 "I love my master; I love my family and I love my wife.
44:46 I want to stay with him. " "You sure? "
44:48 "I'm sure. " "Come to the door. "
44:50 And I would stand in the door as a symbol that I'm what?
44:53 I'm free to go. I'm under no compulsion.
44:57 The judges are observing to see if I'm being manipulated.
45:00 And they see that this is not external responsibility or
45:03 obedience. This is my own voluntary... I am voluntarily
45:07 "I will not go free. I love my master.
45:09 I love my wife. I love my family. "
45:12 And the judges will say: "OK, come to the door. "
45:13 And then my master pierces my ear.
45:18 He pierces my ear with an awl as a symbol
45:22 and not just as a symbol but as an announcement
45:25 to the world. "I was free to go...
45:27 I was free to go but I chose to stay for love. "
45:34 Did you get it?
45:35 "I was free to go but I chose to stay for love
45:40 because I love my master, I love my wife,
45:43 and I love my children. "
45:46 Beloved, now go back to Psalm 40 and what does he say?
45:50 He says: "You didn't desire sacrifice and offering.
45:53 No, no, no. You have pierced my ears. "
45:59 And any Jew would say: "Oh...
46:02 he's a willful servant.
46:06 He has indentured himself... " Watch this...
46:09 "to his master and to his family forever. "
46:14 He was pierced. But Jesus was not merely pierced
46:19 in His ears. Oh, no. That's far too easy.
46:24 The reason they chose the ear was very likely that it
46:26 is the most innocuous and harmless place to pierce.
46:29 But Jesus was not pierced here. Jesus was pierced here
46:32 and He was pierced here. And in that piercing...
46:35 By the way, when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane
46:38 and Peter took out his sword and he was going to try to cut
46:41 the head off... Remember that? Do you remember Jesus' response?
46:44 "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Peter, Peter.
46:46 Don't you think that I could at this very moment
46:51 call to My Father and legions of angels would come.
46:54 I'm standing in the door. I'm free to go.
46:58 I am under no compulsion to be here.
47:01 I am under no manipulation or obligation to be here.
47:04 I'm standing in the door between heaven and earth
47:07 and I could be back at My Father's side with the snap
47:10 of a finger or the blink of an eye. But I'm going to stay
47:13 because I love My Master and I love My family
47:16 and I love My wife - the church. I'm going to stay here. "
47:20 And He was led and He was pierced
47:23 and His faithfulness... His faithfulness to the covenant...
47:27 His faithfulness to God to love the Lord His God
47:30 with all of his heart, mind, and soul and to love His
47:32 neighbor as Himself... He was faithful unto death.
47:37 Now this is where it gets even better.
47:40 Just before He had been led into the Garden of Gethsemane
47:43 Jesus gave His disciples a cup and He said:
47:47 "Hey, drink out of this cup, guys.
47:49 This is My blood... " Listen carefully.
47:51 "of the new covenant. This is the blood of the
47:54 arrangement. This is the blood of the agreement. "
47:56 And the disciples didn't have a clue about what was going on.
47:58 They didn't know about this.
48:00 They just wanted to lop the heads off of the Romans!
48:02 But He said: "No, no, no, no. You drink this cup
48:04 and you eat this. You'll understand later. "
48:06 But here's a fascinating thing:
48:08 when Jesus gave it to them
48:09 He said: "You guys drink all of it. "
48:12 You know why He said that?
48:13 Because He didn't drink any of it.
48:17 He didn't drink that cup.
48:19 He did not drink that cup. In fact, we know this because
48:22 the gospel says that Jesus in Mark, He says: "I'm not going to
48:25 drink of this cup until the day I drink it new with you
48:28 in the kingdom. You drink this cup. "
48:30 Because just moments later...
48:32 Just moments later - I mean within a few hours -
48:36 Jesus goes into the Garden of Gethsemane
48:39 and now here He's going to drink His cup.
48:42 You see, He had given the cup... Watch this...
48:46 He had given the cup of union and communion
48:51 and connection to His disciples.
48:53 Even they didn't understand what was happening,
48:56 but He was bringing back together the family of God
48:59 and the family of man. He was...
49:03 They don't even get it. "Drink the cup.
49:06 That's my blood. You drink it. "
49:07 "I will be faithful to the covenant unto death.
49:11 You drink that. " "Oh, yeah, yeah. "
49:13 "And eat this bread. This is My body
49:14 broken for you. Eat it. " "Oh, yeah, yeah. "
49:17 They don't even understand what's happening.
49:18 And Jesus in just a few short hours is going to go
49:21 stumbling into Gethsemane.
49:24 And as He stumbles into Gethsemane He's not play acting
49:27 and He's not being melodramatic when He cries out
49:30 "Father, if there's another way. If we can bring unity
49:33 to the family of God and the family of man...
49:35 If there's another way that we can do this,
49:37 let this cup pass from Me. "
49:41 Three times He prays that prayer.
49:43 "I don't want to drink this cup. I don't want to drink this cup.
49:45 I don't want to drink this cup. "
49:47 Because that cup was the exact opposite of the cup
49:49 that His disciples had drunk just a few hours before.
49:51 They had drunk the cup of communion.
49:53 They had drunk the cup of connection and of family
49:57 and Jesus is drinking the cup of separation.
50:01 He's drinking the cup of severing.
50:04 He's drinking the cup of being cut off from His Father
50:07 and He's scared and He's terrified.
50:10 He could have delivered Himself
50:12 to remind ourselves. He's standing in the door
50:14 but He says: "I'll be pierced. "
50:17 The piercing of the ear in ancient Israelite times
50:19 was a rather modest piercing.
50:21 But Jesus here says: "If there's another way, we'll do it. "
50:29 And there is no response from the Father.
50:32 "Father, if it is possible... "
50:35 No response; no response; no response.
50:38 "Nevertheless, Thy will be done. "
50:43 And He's led to Calvary's cross, and He there is pierced.
50:48 And in that piercing when He cries out finally
50:50 "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? "
50:52 When He is faithful to... In fact, Satan, he overplayed
50:56 his hand. I love the words of Ellen White here
50:58 where she basically says that Satan pressed and he pressed.
51:01 He capitalized on Jesus' humanity with physical pain
51:04 and the abandonment of His friends, and pressed upon Him.
51:07 And he overplays his hand.
51:10 In fact, he ends up doing the very thing that he thought
51:13 God would do to him. Remember the demoniacs?
51:14 "Have You come to torture us before the time? "
51:16 And here he goes from concern about being tortured
51:18 to torturing. And I love what Ellen White says here.
51:21 "He bore his chest... only to receive the stroke of death. "
51:25 He overplayed his hand.
51:27 And in pushing Jesus to the uttermost limits
51:29 exhausting Him physically, emotionally, spiritually,
51:32 and psychologically, he pushed Him to the end.
51:35 And when Jesus let out that last breath - uuh -
51:41 and He died Satan thought for a moment
51:43 "Yes! I got Him! "
51:46 Only to realize in it must have been the very next moment
51:53 "He was faithful.
51:56 I never got Him. "
51:58 "I could only kill Him but He was faithful. "
52:03 "He was faithful to the covenant. He did what Adam
52:07 hadn't done. He did what Noah hadn't done.
52:10 He did even what Abram himself hadn't done.
52:12 He came as a man. He outflanked me.
52:15 Yes, He was a man subject to death but He never sinned
52:19 and I pushed my advantage against Him.
52:21 I coerced Him, manipulated Him in all various and sundry
52:24 ways. And here I pushed Him to the extreme physical and
52:26 emotional and psychological breaking point. And He broke
52:29 and I thought I'd won. And the moment I thought I'd won
52:31 I'd lost! "
52:35 Oh, I tell you beloved... it is the most beautiful story.
52:39 And here is where we encounter a great black box
52:42 of mystery. We don't even know what we're talking about now.
52:45 God dying?
52:50 And someone will object. "No, no, no, no, no.
52:51 God didn't die. " Well I am fully aware that
52:53 God is not capable of dying. But I am fully aware that
52:56 Jesus was God, and inasmuch as it was possible
52:59 for God to experience death in Christ He did.
53:03 Did you hear that?
53:04 Inasmuch as it was possible for Christ or God to experience
53:09 death, He did. Certainly His humanity died.
53:12 But even... What happened to that divinity?
53:14 And here's a quotation. It's one of the only quotations
53:16 that I am aware of in the voluminous writings of
53:18 Ellen White - the only one that I am aware of
53:20 where she speaks directly to this issue -
53:23 and I want to read it to you.
53:25 She says: "The Captain of our salvation... " It's right here:
54:05 And here's the sentence.
54:07 This is the only statement that I am aware of in the
54:10 voluminous writings of Ellen White where she speaks
54:11 to the issue of what happened to the Godhead
54:14 at the cross. She says:
54:22 Do you know what that mean? To sunder?
54:25 It means to break. It means to split violently.
54:28 It's what we say at weddings at times.
54:30 We say: "What God has joined
54:33 let not man... " What? "break or split asunder. "
54:37 And here she, as it were, pulls back the veil
54:41 to help us to see in some glimmering incandescent way
54:45 what happened even within the very nature of the Godhead
54:48 itself. She said something happened relationally
54:52 within the family of God where the family of God
54:57 was sundered at the cross.
55:00 And she says that'll never happen again.
55:02 That was a one off. And so it would not be
55:05 an oversimplification to say and it would be really the
55:08 heart of the gospel and the heart of the covenant
55:10 that the cost of our connection to Christ,
55:15 the cost of our connection to God,
55:20 was His absolute faithfulness to the covenant
55:24 even unto death. And when the sin of the world was levied
55:26 upon Him, He experienced separation from His own
55:32 eternal family: the Father and the Spirit.
55:37 The cost of your connection was His separation.
55:41 And Satan is standing there. The Bible says he was
55:44 led naked, he was standing there dumbstruck
55:48 when he realized "Not only does He know now
55:50 what it is to be a creature.
55:52 He knows what it is to suffer
55:55 and to die and to be in despair.
55:59 He knows what it is to be us. " At that moment, every accusation
56:04 that Satan had ever levied against the character of God
56:07 instantaneously fell flat on its face.
56:10 And just a few short days later Jesus is resurrected
56:14 from the grave. Can you say "Hallelujah? "
56:16 Jesus is resurrected from the grave.
56:18 and He ever lives at the very throne of God
56:23 and beside His Father to make intercession... now listen
56:26 carefully... for His brothers and sisters.
56:30 Whoo! He's there to make intercession for you!
56:35 And I want to make an appeal tonight, and here's the appeal:
56:38 right there, back on the table of truth,
56:41 "God is love. "
56:43 And here's the appeal. You've responded to appeals
56:45 before, but we're going to make a different appeal tonight.
56:47 You've responded to the appeal before and you've said:
56:49 "You know what, Lord? " I've done this...
56:51 Come forward and said: "Lord, by the grace of God
56:53 I'll be faithful.
56:56 I'm going to stop a, b, c, d.
56:59 I'm going to start e, f, g, h. "
57:01 Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
57:03 Tonight... tonight let's respond
57:07 not in our faithfulness
57:10 but let's respond to the Messiah's faithfulness.
57:15 I want to invite anyone who says: "You know what?
57:19 I believe in the faithfulness of Jesus.
57:23 I need His faithfulness. "
57:25 I want to invite you to come forward.


Revised 2014-12-17