3ABN Homecoming 2013

I Ain't Goin Nowhere

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Jim Gilley (Host), John Lomacang


Series Code: 13HC

Program Code: 13HC000013

00:44 I want to welcome all of you
00:47 to this final service of our Fall Homecoming Camp Meeting.
00:50 Have you been blessed so far?
00:52 Amen! Praise God. And I want to just welcome all of you
00:55 from around the world that are with us as well.
00:58 We know that God, by the power of His Holy Spirit, is
01:01 touching every one of our hearts
01:02 and drawing us closer to the Lord.
01:04 And Danny, isn't that what Camp Meeting's about?
01:06 Oh absolutely. And we have Pastor John Lomacang
01:10 then right after that Brother David Asscherick.
01:13 After that we'll have some good fellowship time here.
01:15 So it's been a great, great time together.
01:19 I have felt an anointing of the Holy Spirit.
01:21 Shelley said while ago she's never been so inspired
01:23 in a long time. Right, Shelley?
01:25 You got a microphone back there? I do have one.
01:27 I could just bobble my head I guess.
01:29 But you know, I was thinking as I was listening
01:33 not just to the sermons but to the reports
01:35 of what is going to happen in Russia. You know, going forward
01:40 by faith. And that's what inspires me is when it's not
01:44 what man does, but when God tells us to go, we go!
01:48 And there's so many wonderful things going on.
01:51 It's... I've just got Goosebumps this weekend
01:55 and I'm ready to go.
01:56 As the Bible says: we walk by faith and not by sight.
02:00 Because we can't see the way but God says "go anyway. "
02:04 Well if we tried to reason this thing out
02:07 we could never reason it out. But when we put our faith
02:09 and confidence in God He's never failed us. Right.
02:12 And Sr. White has a quote, and I've never have quite got it
02:15 down right but it goes something like this:
02:18 "Lest we forget what God has done for us in the past
02:24 we have nothing to fear for what's ahead. "
02:27 And so that is just what we do.
02:29 We look at what God has done in the past and know He's
02:31 the same yesterday, today, and forever.
02:35 And you know, we have such tremendous loyal supporters
02:39 of 3ABN. And two of those individuals
02:43 are today... they are celebrating their 50th
02:48 wedding anniversary. George and Tina Bame.
02:52 Often they're right here at Camp Meeting.
02:55 They're the little people that have big hearts
02:58 and have been big support to this ministry.
03:02 And George and Tina, we just want to wish you
03:05 a happy golden anniversary and pray that
03:10 you have many many more years to come.
03:14 Absolutely. And also Pat and Gene McClintock
03:16 have gone to Russia. My cousin Pat and her husband Gene
03:19 have done many series over there. It's their 50th
03:22 anniversary also. So we want to say happy anniversary
03:25 to you. Amen. All of this is happening because He lives,
03:27 right? So we want to hear you all join us in singing
03:30 Because He lives I can face tomorrow.
05:10 Amen.
05:13 Father, we just want to thank you so much, Lord.
05:15 Yes indeed, You do live.
05:18 Oh, what a wonderful wonderful gift!
05:21 Father, we thank you for this Sabbath day.
05:24 In my mind, Lord, this is a High Sabbath
05:28 because, Lord, of how You're touching all the hearts.
05:31 All the reports that we're getting, Lord,
05:34 we just thank you. Father, as we prepare for
05:36 this evening's service I just ask, Lord,
05:40 that each one of us be totally emptied of self
05:42 so that we can be filled with You.
05:44 Father, we love you; we thank you;
05:47 we give You praise and glory.
05:49 Thank you, Lord, for being in our hearts.
05:52 We thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.
05:56 Amen.
05:57 J.D. Quinn, and he is
06:03 the head of our Pastoral Department.
06:06 He and I both have a mutual friend
06:08 who I almost said his name.
06:10 And it's just great to work with this group.
06:14 One of those that we enjoy working with the most is
06:17 Pastor C.D. Murray.
06:25 And Pastor C.A. is going to sing for us.
06:30 He's going to... Pastor C.D. Brooks:
06:34 you were on my mind.
06:38 Pastor C.D.Brooks is one of our great, great supporters.
06:42 And C.A. Murray's going to sing for us in lieu of Elder Brooks
06:47 not being here. Always good to play second fiddle, C.A.
06:54 And he's going to sing He Has Forgiven Me.
06:58 And after that, our pastor John Lomacang
07:02 will be bringing us the Word of God.
07:31 I know what it's like
07:35 to think of things I've done
07:40 and want to run and hide
07:44 my head in shame.
07:50 I know what it's like
07:54 to really hurt someone
07:59 and feel no sense of sorrow
08:04 at their pain.
08:09 Oh, but I know what it's like
08:13 to have enough of my disgrace
08:18 to find, because of Jesus' blood,
08:23 my sin can be erased.
08:30 He has
08:34 forgiven me
08:39 My sin has been washed
08:44 from His memory.
08:49 by the blood of the Lamb
08:54 of Calvary
09:00 He has
09:06 forgiven me.
09:13 Do you know what it's like
09:17 for God to be your friend?
09:23 To talk to Him
09:25 with nothing in between?
09:32 Do you know what it's like
09:36 when your day comes to an end
09:42 to sleep in peace
09:44 all because your heart is clean?
09:51 Do you know what it's like
09:55 when the accuser comes your way
10:00 to look him squarely in the eye
10:05 with confidence
10:07 and say:
10:15 "He has
10:20 forgiven me.
10:25 My sin has been washed
10:30 from His memory
10:35 by the blood of the Lamb
10:40 of Calvary
10:45 He has
10:49 forgiven me. "
10:54 He has
10:59 forgiven me.
11:03 My sin has been washed
11:08 from His memory
11:14 by the blood of the Lamb
11:18 of Calvary
11:23 He has
11:27 forgiven me.
11:35 By the blood of the Lamb
11:40 of Calvary
11:47 He has
11:52 forgiven
11:56 me.
12:11 Amen.
12:15 Thank you, Pastor C.A.
12:17 Good evening everyone! Good evening.
12:20 Now we know the sun is setting somewhere.
12:22 I think here is one of those places where the sun is
12:25 about to go down, but I'm going to beseech the Lord
12:28 for His glory that He would keep it warm
12:31 just a little longer.
12:33 Now I've got 44 minutes and 50-something seconds
12:37 and I'm not known to preach that short.
12:39 They've forced me into a labor camp that I'm not going to
12:44 spend a lot of time on, so you just bow your heads
12:47 with me as we go to the Lord in prayer.
12:50 Heavenly Father, thank you for this opportunity;
12:52 may Your name be glorified through it.
12:55 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
13:00 The message is a message entitled
13:04 I Ain't Goin' Nowhere.
13:07 It's a title that makes English teachers screech
13:11 and stay up late wondering what on earth
13:14 does this preacher of 26 years do with a title that is
13:20 grammatically incorrect.
13:21 It was never intended to be grammatically correct.
13:24 It was intended to be my declaration.
13:26 No matter how bad it gets,
13:29 no matter how rough the road becomes,
13:32 no matter what Congress does or the President does,
13:36 no matter the storms of life
13:39 or the difficulties that will come our way,
13:41 I've made up my mind after 30 years of marriage
13:44 and 26 years of preaching I ain't goin' nowhere.
13:48 I don't care if the sky falls tomorrow or the ocean
13:51 overflows, the rains never cease until Jesus comes,
13:54 all the battles God has delivered me from
13:57 have given me resolve to say "I ain't goin' nowhere. "
14:02 You know, we are living at a time when Christians are
14:04 walking away from Christ for various reasons.
14:07 They all profess to know the Lord.
14:09 At one of the most pivotal times in the ministry of Jesus
14:14 when He had a tremendous crew of disciples to work with
14:17 for the reaching of souls, for the converting of lives,
14:22 at a pivotal moment when Jesus needed people
14:26 to preach the gospel, these words are recorded in the book
14:30 of John. It's in a book that sounds quite ominous
14:33 if you turn to it: John chapter 6 verse 66.
14:38 John 6:66.
14:43 What an appropriate passage
14:45 for such a disappointing message.
14:50 "From that time many of His disciples went back
14:53 and walked with Him no more" the Bible says.
14:56 "Then Jesus said to the twelve... "
14:58 He turned to the twelve.
15:00 He turned to His closest associates and He said to them:
15:03 "Do you also want to go away? "
15:07 "Simon answered Him: 'Lord, to whom shall we go?
15:11 You have the words of eternal life. ' "
15:16 October 22, 2012,
15:20 gave birth to a storm that became a great disappointment
15:24 to the state of New Jersey.
15:27 Hurricane Sandy became one of the most deadly storms
15:31 in United States history
15:33 second only to Hurricane Katrina.
15:37 It was a storm that racked up over 60 billion dollars
15:42 in damage. When you read the record
15:45 the newspaper said its force was felt from the sandy shores
15:48 of Florida to the tree-laden hills of Maine.
15:52 This Caribbean-born storm affected - they say - the entire
15:56 East Coast. But someone said "How could a tropical storm
16:00 named Sandy be such a threat? "
16:03 That's what the residents of Breezy Point in New York said.
16:08 "How could something with the name Sandy be so horrific? "
16:13 But 65 billion dollars later the stories began to roll in.
16:17 Sandy quickly lost the stage to a governor that
16:22 most politicians thought they knew until the hurricane came.
16:27 That's usually how it is.
16:30 People think they know who you are
16:32 until the storms of life come. Isn't that right?
16:36 Seaside Heights Boardwalk, a landmark that defined New Jersey
16:40 for decades, was almost completely ravaged.
16:44 But, in the midst of a political storm
16:48 wondering who the next president was going to be,
16:51 this pivotal man,
16:54 quite unusual to the likings of many,
16:58 quite not a presidential candidate as some people
17:01 looked at him and said - but I take my hat off
17:04 even to this day for the courage he had
17:07 at a time when it was needed -
17:08 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie stepped up to the
17:12 plate, rolled up his sleeves, and revealed who he is.
17:17 Political. com jumped on the story
17:20 because they felt that at a moment so necessary
17:23 for the political front lines, at a moment so necessary
17:27 when Republicans needed all the support they could -
17:30 especially from this man - it seemed as though he abandoned
17:33 his stage and began to reach across the aisle
17:37 at a time when they thought they needed him the most.
17:41 It became a hotbed story, but this is what Governor Christie
17:45 said... and I just want to tell you, I cleaned it up for TV.
17:50 He says: "I've got a job to do here in New Jersey
17:52 that's much bigger than presidential politics
17:56 and I could care less about all that stuff.
17:58 I've got 2.4 million people out of power.
18:01 I've got a devastated shore. I've got floods on the north
18:05 part of my state, and if you think right now
18:07 that I care about presidential politics
18:09 then you don't know me. "
18:12 That's what he said.
18:13 Unfortunately that was not the last headline
18:16 for the New Jersey governor, Governor Chris Christie,
18:21 for recently just a few weeks ago another disaster
18:25 hit the very same area.
18:29 The shores of New Jersey experienced - in the midst of
18:32 recovering from Hurricane Sandy -
18:35 another devastating report made the breaking news
18:40 as the stores that were being rebuilt - 50 of them -
18:43 in the very same location were completely devastated
18:47 by a fire... of which they thought the origin was
18:50 quite strange. But once again, Governor Christie held the
18:54 reins. He said: "I can see that you all are tired now.
18:57 I'm tired too... but my last choice is surrender.
19:01 And we're not going to surrender because you're not alone. "
19:05 He says: "We've been through blizzards.
19:07 We've been through nor'easters, hurricanes, and now a fire
19:10 and I've had enough with that. "
19:12 He continued: "Now we're going to make sure that the people
19:16 here get the help that they need and we are going to rebuild. "
19:20 And speaking about the fire he said:
19:22 "All that Thursday night did to me was to seal my commitment
19:27 to taking a stand. "
19:29 Governor Christie was no longer defined by his politics.
19:32 He was defined by his response in time of crisis.
19:37 And so I've got to ask the question... I mean
19:39 it begs to be answered, it begs an answer from Christians who
19:43 are living on the midst of a stage that's replete with one
19:47 crisis after the other: "How do you respond
19:50 in the hour of crisis? "
19:53 My brothers and my sisters, those of you that are tuning in,
19:55 we are living on the stage of the storms of the last days.
20:00 As Governor Christie said we've been through storms
20:02 and it's going to get worse before it gets better.
20:06 We've had health storms and family storms,
20:09 financial storms, faith storms, relationship storms,
20:12 marriage storms, and spiritual storms... but as last-day
20:17 Christians - I've got to borrow what Governor Christie says:
20:20 "We've got to seal our commit- ment to keep on standing. "
20:24 What do you say? Amen!
20:26 And what you need to know is if we commit it, God can keep it.
20:29 Say it: "If we commit it, God can keep it. "
20:32 Come on, say that: "If we commit it, God can keep it. "
20:35 Paul the apostle told a fledgling minister, that
20:38 young man Timothy... he said:
20:40 "I am persuaded that He is able
20:42 to keep that which I've committed unto Him
20:44 until that day. " We've got to be committed today.
20:48 We've got a message. We've got just a few more steps
20:52 to make before we make it into the Promised Land.
20:55 And as I said in the beginning: "I ain't goin' nowhere. "
20:57 Come on somebody... say "Amen" to that. Amen!
20:59 You see, you can't control the wind but you can control
21:02 your sails. Don't tell God how big your mountains are.
21:05 Tell your mountains how big your God is.
21:07 Come on, what do you say? If God brings us to it,
21:11 God can bring us through it.
21:13 And stop seeing storms in every opportunity.
21:16 We need to begin to see opportunities in every storm.
21:20 I've learned over the years... We've had a lot of storms.
21:23 You know, if you've been married 30 years you've had some
21:25 storms. Come on, old people... say "Amen. "
21:27 Let's encourage the young folk.
21:29 If you've been married more than 20 years, you've had storms.
21:34 My wife and I can count our storms,
21:37 but one thing we have learned from God and the reason why
21:40 God has allowed storms to come is because character is not
21:44 developed in the storm, character is revealed
21:47 during times of storm.
21:49 The reason why that's so vitally important is because
21:52 most of the time you don't really know who people are
21:54 until they get their storms. Come on, isn't that right?
21:56 I mean, sometimes you see people walking through the
21:58 church. "How is everything going? " "Oh pastor,
22:01 it's such a wonderful Sabbath" and all of a sudden
22:03 the storms hit and you don't see them for weeks
22:05 and months at a time because they have not trusted God...
22:09 Let me rephrase that: until we trust God
22:13 before the storms it's going to be difficult
22:16 to trust God when the storms come.
22:20 You don't really know people until storms come,
22:23 which brings me to my first point. I only have four tonight.
22:26 Sometimes I have seven; I only have time for four.
22:29 The first point is very important:
22:31 the certainty of storms.
22:33 Storms will come, isn't that right?
22:36 Paul the apostle when he was a prisoner
22:39 when he was on his way to Rome in shackles
22:42 in handcuffs, he appealed to Caesar, knowing that he was
22:46 not only Jewish but he was also a Roman citizen.
22:49 And Acts chapter 27 verses 13 and 14
22:52 gives us a glimpse as to why people are continuing to live
22:56 as though there will be no more storms on the horizon.
22:59 Listen to what the Bible says. Acts chapter 27
23:01 and verse 13. And the Bible says in the midst of this
23:05 journey on Paul's way to Rome the Bible says in verse 13:
23:10 "When the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had
23:16 obtained their desire, putting out to sea they sailed
23:20 close to Crete. " In other words when the winds began to blow
23:25 softly they thought that things were going to be just fine.
23:28 But what the Bible didn't tell you... see in the story
23:30 if you read that entire story... which I preached a sermon
23:33 many years ago entitled "I Believe God. "
23:37 Paul warned them that even though the winds were blowing
23:41 softly the storm was on the way.
23:45 You see, the harbinger of a storm
23:48 on the horizon is the soft blowing wind.
23:51 It's a sure indication that... Here's the fact:
23:54 when a storm is in the forecast
23:57 don't ignore the winds just because they're blowing softly.
24:02 When you look at the video footage of Breezy Point in
24:05 New York City you remember that those who stood on the shore...
24:08 They've got the footage of residents standing at the
24:11 oceanfront when the emergency system was broadcasting
24:16 "Leave your homes. There's a storm coming... devastating
24:20 in its impact. " And they stood there and they said:
24:22 "We've never had storms before.
24:24 We have survived every hurricane that's come our way. "
24:29 And they thought that because they'd never had a devastating
24:31 storm that they were exempt from devastating storms.
24:36 Until the next morning... and you've seen the video footage.
24:39 You've seen the homes burning all through the night.
24:41 More than 100 or 150 homes devastated not just by the winds
24:46 and by the water but by the fire.
24:48 You see, we've got to pay attention.
24:50 It may be blowing softly now but I want to tell the church
24:53 today: there's a storm on the horizon
24:55 intense in its fury.
24:58 When the morning came it revealed their sense of security
25:02 had proved to be a false sense of security.
25:06 Just a few weeks ago my wife and I rejoiced.
25:09 We don't have a lot of money in stocks. We don't play the
25:11 stock market. Just to make it very clear, the conference
25:14 puts away money for our retirement. And we go so excited
25:17 when they said that the stocks hit an all-time high.
25:20 Anybody else?
25:22 Come on... somebody say "Amen. "
25:24 Amen. Some of you guys have got money out there.
25:26 You don't want to admit it on air.
25:29 But we got so excited that the stocks had topped 15,000
25:33 points for the first time in I don't remember how long they
25:36 said. And we said: "Oh, beautiful! "
25:42 But they said it may be a different story next week.
25:47 People rejoiced when the stock market went up,
25:50 but I want to tell you once again: when things are going
25:53 good, the soft winds are a harbinger that the storms
25:56 are on the way. And right now we're facing the fact
25:59 that the stock market may make a drop worse than it has ever done
26:02 in history because of what's going to happen on Monday
26:06 or what might happen on Monday.
26:10 For those of you who don't watch television, there's a
26:12 threat of a government shutdown on Monday.
26:14 But I want to tell you today, I don't care if the government
26:16 shuts down... I'm in God's hands. What do you say?
26:18 We put too much power in the hands of political men and women
26:23 because somehow we think that they've got the answer.
26:26 I've said this before but it fits right here:
26:28 my mind is not on the White House it's on the right house.
26:30 What do you say? And God's still on THAT throne.
26:33 Nobody has beat Him in any election. What do you say?
26:37 The devil made a campaign pitch and he got kicked out.
26:42 But I also learned that storms don't care about your plans.
26:46 Storms don't care about your financial strength.
26:49 Storms don't care about our possessions and storms don't
26:51 care about who we think we are.
26:53 Isaiah the prophet said in Isaiah 24 verses 2 and 3-
26:56 you write this down because we don't have time to wait for you
26:58 to turn there - talking about the storms:
27:01 "And it shall be as with the people so with the priest,
27:04 as with the servant so with the master,
27:06 as with the maid so with her mistress,
27:09 as with the buyer so with the seller,
27:11 as with the lender so with the borrower,
27:13 as with the creditor so with the debtor,
27:15 the land shall be utterly emptied and utterly plundered
27:19 for the Lord has spoken it. " When troubled times
27:23 finally hit this world, the way that God sees it
27:25 nobody is going to escape except those that are standing
27:29 in the secret place of the Most High.
27:32 They shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
27:38 "Then they will be able to say: 'I will say of the Lord
27:41 He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in Him will I trust. ' "
27:46 Every time I get discouraged I go to Psalm 91.
27:49 It has become a favorite verse in our family.
27:52 My wife's family enjoys that and I early adopted that
27:55 because there is a place that God can keep any storm of life
28:00 from touching His children. Can you say "Amen" to that?
28:03 In Evangelism Ellen White says - page 199 she says:
28:07 "The storm is coming relentless in its fury. "
28:10 And she asks the question: "Are we ready to meet it? "
28:14 A few years ago my wife and I decided to get a very
28:17 inexpensive air fare. Now if you go down to the Virgin Islands
28:20 the inexpensive air fares are often during hurricane season.
28:25 Just a tap on the shoulder.
28:28 We went down there because we had been to the Virgin Islands.
28:30 We've been there every year since the late 90's
28:33 and we said "It's always been wonderful. "
28:35 So we decided we're going to go ahead. "I know it's hurricane
28:37 season - just getting started - but we've never had that
28:39 experience before. " We got down there and as sure as
28:42 we said we'd never had that ex- perience we had that experience.
28:45 We got some video footage standing on the balcony of our
28:50 room where we stayed and videotaping the storm.
28:54 And we looked at each other and said: "That's what we get
28:57 for coming to St. Thomas during the hurricane season. "
29:00 Which means... my second point...
29:03 my brothers and sisters storms are a part of this life.
29:10 Don't think of storms as strange.
29:14 Storms are not unusual.
29:16 Storms and sin were born at the same time.
29:20 They've got the same birthdate.
29:23 Trials, heartaches, pain,
29:27 death: they were all born together.
29:31 That's why Peter says in I Peter chapter 4 and verse 12
29:33 "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery
29:38 trial which is to try you as though some strange thing
29:44 happened to you. "
29:46 The reason why this point is important to me is because
29:48 there are some Christians that have embraced some teaching
29:50 somewhere that when you become a Christian then all of a sudden
29:53 storms are taken out of your backpack.
29:57 I don't know if it's the prosperity gospel.
29:59 I don't know where that idea came from, but somehow
30:02 Christians are beginning to embrace this idea
30:05 that now that I'm a Christian storms are no longer a part
30:08 of my experience. Can I just make it very clear:
30:11 that's a lie. Am I telling the truth? Yes!
30:14 As a matter of fact, let me make it even clearer.
30:17 You see, before you gave your life to the Lord you were
30:19 sitting up in the bleachers somewhere.
30:22 But once you get out of those bleachers and get on the field
30:25 and you're in the football game you've got to put your helmet
30:27 on. Come on, somebody, tell me:
30:28 you've got to put your helmet on. Amen.
30:29 You've got to get you some reliable shoulder pads,
30:33 and you've got to make up your mind that somebody's going to
30:35 hit you and they're going to hit you hard.
30:36 And I'll tell you exactly who that is: that's the devil
30:38 and his angels. If you've been around long enough,
30:41 you know the devil can hit hard. Am I telling the truth?
30:43 He knows how to hit hard.
30:45 He knows how to hit hard.
30:48 And nobody knows that better than me that lives down here in
30:51 southern Illinois playing basketball with guys that
30:54 bale hay for a living.
30:59 I've been walking around today with my little finger in the
31:03 center of my chest. Man, I'll tell you: I'm learning
31:05 the hard way. I love basketball, but man,
31:07 I need to go back to New York
31:09 where people keep their hands off of you.
31:12 They keep hitting me down here.
31:14 I moved down to southern Illinois; I got hit in the head
31:17 one night so hard Danny ran to the house with me
31:19 and said: "Angie, we're taking him to emergency.
31:21 He's hearing a bell in his head. "
31:24 They took me to the hospital and they just said:
31:26 "Well answer the phone! "
31:30 Next time I was playing basketball down at Marion
31:33 at this big old Baptist church. A guy 270 pounds
31:35 fell on my leg and for the whole year I was in a cast.
31:39 Said: "How did you get that? " "Playing basketball
31:40 in southern Illinois. " If that was not bad enough,
31:44 now it's been almost four years now - yes -
31:47 September 29th of this year will be four years
31:50 that I got hit in my throat, almost lost my voice
31:52 right over there in that gymnasium.
31:54 You ought to tell Danny get some different people
31:55 to play with us.
31:58 And just Tuesday now I got hit in the center of my chest.
32:00 The guy is so built he didn't even know he hit me.
32:02 I told him after the game... I said: "You hit me. "
32:04 I had to stop the game. I couldn't even lift my arms.
32:07 Last night I told my wife: "Honey, I want to roll over
32:09 and hug you. " But I couldn't even roll over.
32:13 I know the devil knows how to hit.
32:15 That's why when I was in high school and I was on the football
32:17 team... look at me and say: "Lord have mercy. "
32:20 I was on the football team.
32:22 I remember I played my second game. I got hit by a guy that
32:26 was twice my weight. You know what I did after that
32:29 play was done, Bro. Dick? I took my helmet,
32:31 went over to the bench, took it off,
32:34 and said to Coach Caruso who was an Italian who was not
32:39 a Christian... I won't tell you what he said.
32:43 But I said: "Coach, I'm out of here. "
32:45 And he said with a very strong football accent -
32:49 whatever that means...
32:51 He said: "Where are you going? " I said: "When I leave
32:53 high school I'm leaving high school with
32:55 all my brains intact. "
32:57 And I decided to play basketball instead.
32:59 And I want to tell you today: I've had more injuries in
33:00 basketball than in football.
33:03 I know that the devil knows how to hit.
33:04 That's why in the book of Revelation the Lord says to
33:07 one of His churches, in Revelation chapter 2 and
33:09 verse 10 He says: "Do not fear any of those things
33:13 that you are about to suffer. "
33:15 Why is that Christians feel that suffering is something
33:19 that they should never experience.
33:20 What they have to keep in mind: if Jesus suffered, what makes us
33:24 think that we are exempt from suffering if the King of Kings
33:27 and the Lord of Lords - our Lord - suffered, what
33:30 makes us think that we're different?
33:34 People come to church and somebody look at them
33:36 and they leave. I tell you what: you go to a football game.
33:38 People that pay to get into those football games
33:40 they could care less how anybody looks at them.
33:42 Am I telling the truth?
33:44 Have you noticed that Christians will leave church for things
33:46 that people that go to football games wouldn't leave church for?
33:50 Wouldn't leave the stadium for.
33:52 You know what I meant.
33:55 We would come to church and somebody would just give us
33:58 a look and we go home.
33:59 What happened to so and so? "Oh, Elder so and so gave him
34:01 a bad look. " Now you know people who go to football games:
34:06 They could care less how you look at them. They're not going
34:07 anywhere. Am I telling the truth?
34:09 I read a story just the other day about a couple.
34:11 I wish Christians had half the tenacity of the people
34:14 in the world... half of the stick-to-it-iveness.
34:16 That's what my boss used to say to me. He said:
34:18 "John, what I like about you is you have stick-to-it-iveness. "
34:21 I didn't even know what that meant and I said:
34:22 "What do you mean by that? " He said: "Well you just hang
34:24 on in there. No matter what you just hang on in there. "
34:25 Amen, somebody. We've got to hang on in there.
34:28 He said: "You've got stick-to-it-iveness. "
34:30 I read a story about a couple that they were getting ready
34:32 for Black Friday. Do you know what Black Friday is?
34:35 That's the day after Thanksgiving.
34:37 But you know what happened? They were at Best Buy
34:40 twelve days early.
34:45 I won't give you their names.
34:46 They may be watching the program.
34:48 They put their tent up in front of Best Buy
34:51 twelve days early.
34:54 They were camping at the door of Best Buy...
34:57 and you know what they were camping for? A television,
35:00 a computer, some kind of gadget, some kind of gizmo.
35:03 Oh I wish Christians would camp at the church
35:05 on Sabbath morning and say: "I can't wait
35:07 till the doors open. " Come on somebody: tell me,
35:09 talk to me. Why don't we do that?
35:12 What has happened to the tenacity of Christians?
35:15 Why is it that we satisfy ourselves with a name
35:19 but we are missing the dedication of the world?
35:22 That's why Jesus said: "I have not seen such great
35:26 faith in Israel. " A heathen said: "Just speak the word -
35:30 all You've got to do is just say the word. "
35:32 But the Christians said: "Give us a sign. "
35:36 "Show us something that will make us want to trust You
35:38 and believe that You are the Son of God. "
35:41 Today's tests... if you hang in there, brethren,
35:43 if the trial comes, today's test will become tomorrow's
35:48 testimony. Isn't that right? Amen!
35:49 But you've got to hang on in there!
35:51 You've got to make sure. That's why when Jesus said
35:53 to us: "You're going to have tribulation" He also says
35:55 in John 16 verse 32, listen very carefully. He said:
35:58 "These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may
36:02 have peace. " Now get this.
36:03 He didn't say: "In your situation you're going
36:05 to have peace. " He didn't say: "In your family you're
36:07 going to have peace. " He said:
36:09 "In Me you're going to have peace. "
36:11 And didn't the prophet Isaiah say that
36:13 "He will keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on
36:16 Thee. " The problem with us
36:19 in the moments of trial and difficulty
36:23 is that we look at anything and anybody but Jesus.
36:28 I wanted to put our business out there, but I'm not going
36:31 to do that because very time... Somebody once told me, said:
36:33 "Pastor John, you reveal so much about you and your wife
36:36 in sermons. " So I won't do that.
36:38 But my wife and I have had trials. We have had trials...
36:41 We've had trials that last nine days.
36:45 I could tell you the three biggest trials we've had in the
36:47 30 years of our marriage. The first one came
36:49 in the beginning of our ministry. Lasted nine days.
36:52 That's when the devil tried to torpedo us out of the ministry.
36:55 By God's grace we hung in there and we're still here today.
36:58 What do you say? Amen.
37:00 Lasted nine days.
37:02 So the devil left us for a season.
37:04 Came back and said: "Well let me try this again. "
37:07 Second one lasted for 7 months.
37:11 You're talking about a pastor who didn't even want to come
37:14 to church. There was one... I remember one Camp Meeting
37:16 began and I was... some of you may remember this...
37:18 I stood in front of the church at the beginning of a
37:20 Camp Meeting. We didn't have the set yet.
37:22 I was standing right down front here one evening
37:24 as I was doing prayer meeting on the heels of Camp Meeting
37:28 starting, and I said to the audience: "Have you ever felt
37:31 that while you are driving to the church you just want to
37:34 keep on going and never look back? "
37:37 And they surrounded me and prayed for me
37:38 as I wept standing right here.
37:41 In the midst of a 7-month trial, but God brought me through
37:44 that, too. God brought us through that too.
37:47 Come on, say "Amen. "
37:48 And I'm not talking about marital problems.
37:50 See, the problem with my wife and I is we love each other
37:52 too much. People keep attacking us.
37:58 We get mad at each other. Oh yeah, we do...
38:00 every now and then 'cause my wife is not a weakling
38:02 by any means. She's a loving...
38:04 I praise God that she's the kind of wife she is.
38:07 But every now and then she digs her heels in
38:09 and I've gotta undig my heels.
38:12 We've got to get that thing fixed before the sunrise...
38:14 and we do. Amen. Sometimes you've got to
38:17 swallow your pride. That's why you have to keep in mind
38:19 the Lord says: "In this world you will have tribulation
38:21 but in Me you will have peace. " Whenever my pride starts to
38:24 get in my way I hear the voice in my head
38:27 "Pastor... " Not my wife, but the Lord.
38:30 "Pastor... pastor. What are you supposed to do?
38:34 Remember what you preached? Tell her you're sorry. "
38:38 Not yet.
38:42 "Tell her you're sorry else I'm not going to let you sleep. "
38:48 "Honey... HONEY...
38:52 I'm sorry. "
38:55 "Why'd you wake me up? "
39:00 "I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. "
39:03 And do you know what I love about that? The next day
39:05 on the phone I hear her saying to her sister:
39:07 "It wasn't that easy yesterday but he apologized to me.
39:12 But you know, I felt so good when he apologized to me. "
39:17 You know my brothers, let me tell some of you strong men
39:19 with all these muscles and no heart:
39:22 it takes a strong man to say "sorry" when he knows
39:26 he's wrong. That wasn't in the sermon notes.
39:31 Trials will come, but if you live your life in Christ
39:36 those trial will become to you like water off of the back
39:39 of a duck. I'm not minimizing trials in the least.
39:43 I do not say: "When is my next trial coming? "
39:46 Come on. Am I telling the truth?
39:48 We don't look on them as: "Next trial...
39:49 when can I expect it? " Nobody does that.
39:52 That's unnecessary. That's not sane to look for another trial.
39:56 But if it does come, I want to make sure that
39:58 that trial finds me planted on the solid rock called Christ
40:02 Jesus. What do you say? Amen.
40:04 "You will have tribulation, but in Me you will have peace. "
40:07 Which brings me to my third point:
40:09 who do you become in the midst of the storm?
40:12 See, storms will come. Storms are not strange,
40:14 but who do you become in the midst of the storm?
40:17 Four years ago when I got hit in my throat, I remember
40:19 preaching that sermon about Job. And I said: "On any given day
40:22 without any prior notice and for no apparent reason
40:24 you'll be faced with the trial of your life. "
40:26 That was on Saturday night. On Tuesday night I got hit
40:28 in the throat. Doctor said I would have lost my voice
40:31 had it been just about 1/2" higher...
40:32 I'd never sing again. And I'm coming back by God's grace.
40:35 But it's a journey of faith. To make it even more difficult
40:39 than that was right after I got hit - this was in September
40:41 of 2009. In November Danny and 3ABN had already
40:44 bought tickets for me to go to Australia with Danny.
40:47 Guess what to do? To sing.
40:50 I only had five songs I could sing
40:53 and they were all baritone and bass.
40:55 And I went out there and said: "Lord, why am I even on this
40:58 plane? You know I don't even have a voice. "
41:00 And then I learned a very valuable valuable lesson.
41:04 God don't need your voice.
41:07 God just needs your heart. Come on and say "Amen. "
41:09 Amen. God says: "If there be a willing heart. "
41:12 A man is accepted according to what he has
41:16 not according to what he does not have.
41:19 God doesn't need your voice; God needs your heart.
41:23 Sometimes we think we don't have what God needs.
41:25 God can take anything you give. Ask that little boy with
41:27 the five loaves and two fish.
41:30 That was a happy meal for everybody else.
41:33 Amen? They were glad he brought it.
41:36 You give what God has given to you, and God will
41:40 pull you through. You know, I've discovered something
41:42 very important about that Job situation.
41:44 The reason why some Christians haven't gone through a severe
41:47 trial - this is profound, are you ready for it? -
41:50 is because God can't trust them to glorify Him
41:55 in their trials. Unpackage that for a brief moment.
41:58 Some people say: "I've never had a trial. "
42:01 Well, it doesn't measure with what the Bible says.
42:03 "All that live godly in Christ Jesus
42:04 shall suffer persecution. " Could it be that you ain't
42:07 livin' godly enough to be a threat to the devil?
42:10 There was a young lady having choir practice when we lived
42:12 in Sacramento, California. A Christmas program at
42:14 Pastor Bachelor's church and she came in late.
42:18 This 200-voice choir. She came in late, and we said:
42:20 "Are you OK? " She said: "Oh, the devil attacked me
42:23 but I'm here to rejoice. "
42:24 Everybody looked at her: "Are you all right? "
42:26 She said: "If I'm doing anything to get the devil's notice,
42:29 I must be doing something right. "
42:31 Amen? He's not going to attack somebody that's not a threat
42:35 to his kingdom. He'll make you think that life is hunky-dory
42:38 So when Christians say: "Everything is going just fine"
42:40 you'd better check yourself out
42:42 'cause if it's goin' just fine you may not be a threat
42:45 to the enemy. But Peter said...
42:49 When trials come our way he says... Now this is a
42:53 novel idea. But he said: "But rejoice to the extent
42:57 that you partake of Christ's suffering. That when His glory
43:00 is revealed you may also be glad with exceeding joy. "
43:03 In other words, he's saying "If the devil thinks of you
43:06 enough to make you suffer like Christ suffered,
43:09 then you're going to reign like Christ reigns. " Come on,
43:11 say "Amen. " If he lets you go through trials
43:14 like Jesus went through trials, don't forget the 23rd Psalm.
43:17 You see, right after the valley of the shadow of death
43:20 where David say: "I will fear no evil for Thou art with me.
43:23 Thy rod and Thy staff... they comfort me. "
43:25 You've got to go through the valley of the shadow of death
43:27 in the poem of David before you end up in the house
43:32 of the Lord forever. So here's my point:
43:33 you will not get to the house of the Lord forever
43:35 unless you have a valley of the shadow of death experience.
43:40 Put that in your pocket: if you haven't had it yet,
43:43 it's going to come. And if you don't believe it's going to
43:45 come, if you don't get ready for it because it is coming,
43:48 it will shake your faith and you will end up walking away
43:51 like those 70 that walked away from Christ
43:54 and walked with Him no more.
43:56 There's a whole lot of Adventists doing that nowadays:
43:59 walkin' away from God.
44:01 Amazing to me. Now we've got Christians
44:04 that are angry with God.
44:06 You know, I can't wrap my head around that.
44:11 If you as a Christian are angry with God,
44:15 does that mean that you are friends with the devil?
44:18 I mean, think about that for a moment.
44:20 Doesn't that make sense? If you are angry with the only
44:23 person that can help you, who's helping you?
44:25 Like an atheist. I don't want to be an atheist
44:27 because in times of trouble who do you pray to?
44:30 The worst thing to be is an atheist on a plane that's going
44:33 down. As a matter of fact, I hasten to say there may be
44:36 no atheists. That's how you cure atheism:
44:38 shake that plane up. Isn't that right?
44:42 But when Christians say... There are people now, they say:
44:44 "I'm angry with God. "
44:46 About what?
44:48 And I say the reason why people are angry with God
44:51 is because they don't know God and they don't know the devil.
44:54 I like the way Billy Graham said it. He said:
44:56 "Some people are more concerned about not offending people
44:59 than they are about offending God. "
45:05 Since you don't know God, let me introduce God to you again.
45:08 And I'm going to do this in a time frame that is going to set
45:10 a record. Let me tell you about God: James 1:17.
45:14 This is who God is: "Every good and every perfect gift... "
45:18 What did I say? Every good and every what?
45:21 "perfect gift is from above. " It doesn't come from down there.
45:25 It comes down from the Father of life with whom there is no
45:28 variation or shadow of turning.
45:30 Here's the point: the Bible says if a good gift is
45:33 coming your way, God sent it.
45:35 The devil does not send divine gifts.
45:38 If a gift comes your way that causes you to walk away
45:42 from God, then God didn't send it.
45:44 If you pray for a job and it comes on the Sabbath,
45:47 God didn't send it. Come on say "Amen" somebody.
45:50 Amen. Some people said: "I got a job on Sabbath.
45:52 I've been praying and got a job on the Sabbath. "
45:54 Well you better check that out because you must not know God
45:57 'cause God's not going to give you a job at the post office
45:59 on Sabbath.
46:04 People don't know God. Numbers 23 verse 19
46:07 write it down: "God is not a man that He should lie. "
46:09 I thank God for that.
46:11 He don't lie. When God say "I will bless you"
46:13 I will bless you. When God says: "I've got your
46:15 back" He's got your back.
46:17 When God said: "I will deliver you from trial"
46:19 He will deliver you from trial. But the problem is
46:23 some people want trials to end before God wants them to end.
46:28 But let me just tell you this and remember this:
46:30 every time you wash your clothes
46:31 God knows when to take the clothes out of the
46:33 washing machine. You'll get that tomorrow morning.
46:38 God knows when to take the clothes out of the
46:42 washing machine. They're going to be in there as long as
46:45 they're dirty. Let me tell you one of
46:46 the reasons why some of you have been going through trials
46:48 so long: 'cause you've got so much dirt in your life...
46:52 Can I be straight?
46:54 Some of you've got so much dirt in your life that God's got
46:57 to put you in another trial 'cause they ain't learned yet.
47:02 God knows when to take the clothes
47:06 out of the washing machine.
47:10 But don't forget, David the Psalmist who knows about trials
47:14 says: "The righteous cry out and the Lord hears
47:16 and delivers them out of all of their troubles. "
47:21 Psalm 34:17.
47:25 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord
47:27 delivers him out of them all. " Psalm 34:19.
47:34 Some people think that trials should end when they say
47:38 the trial should end. But only God knows
47:41 when the trial should end. And to take that a step further
47:45 sometimes God knows that you need more than a washing cycle.
47:48 Sometimes God knows that you need to be dried out.
47:51 Am I telling the truth?
47:53 I mean, think about that illustration. A shirt
47:55 thrown into the washing machine
47:56 wondering what on earth he has done to deserve this.
48:02 Am I talking to Christians?
48:04 You've been in the wash cycle before?
48:06 Your life has been turned upside down before?
48:07 You're in the washing machine. Somebody dumps the detergent
48:10 to clean you up and you're wondering: "What have I done
48:12 to deserve this? " And finally the ride ends
48:14 and you say: "Oh good, thank God for deliverance! "
48:16 only to be taken out and plunged into a dryer.
48:21 Sometimes God's got to wash you out. And when that's done,
48:23 as you're spinning endlessly around and around,
48:27 finally it stops and you say: "Oh boy, that was hot! "
48:33 Only to be plunged under a hot iron.
48:36 And you know why you go through that?
48:38 Because God's coming back for a church without spot
48:41 or wrinkle or any such thing. Amen!
48:43 What do you say? God knows what you need.
48:48 I know I've been through some trials that I created myself.
48:51 I like God. He'll forgive you but you gonna pay.
48:55 Am I telling the truth? Some people say: "Ah man,
48:58 I didn't mean that. " You didn't mean that;
49:02 God will forgive you... God will forgive you.
49:04 I remember once - I shouldn't tell you this...
49:09 Now you want me to tell it to you.
49:11 Don't even ask me.
49:13 I remember I heard a mother once say
49:15 to a kid that had been so disobedient...
49:18 SO disobedient...
49:20 and the kid knew that he was going to get whipped
49:24 and he said: "Mom, please forgive me.
49:27 I've given my heart to God. "
49:30 She said: "Your heart belongs to God but your behind
49:33 belongs to me. "
49:36 God forgives us, but sometimes - follow me carefully, there's
49:40 a point to that; that's not just a joke -
49:42 He says: "Despise not the chastening of the Father. "
49:45 He deals with you as a faithful Father would deal with his son.
49:49 Am I right? So sometimes God's got to whip us to get us
49:51 back in line. But it's not because He doesn't love us.
49:54 You see, parents always say that. I didn't understand
49:56 that till I got older. They always say:
49:58 "I'm only doing this 'cause I love you. "
50:01 I know now God only allows us to go through trials -
50:04 come on - because He what? He loves us.
50:07 You've got to keep in mind everybody's going to have
50:09 a trial. And the point of the matter with trials is
50:11 no trial is going to end before God wants it to.
50:18 So get to know Him before it comes.
50:20 "For no temptation has over- taken you but such as is common
50:22 to man, but God is faithful... " Come on, say that.
50:24 But God is what? "faithful who will not suffer
50:27 you to be tempted beyond what you are able
50:29 but with the temptation make a way of escape
50:31 that you may be able to bear it. "
50:34 God is good. God measures trials.
50:37 God does not let the devil just hit us. Isn't that right?
50:40 Aren't you glad for that? 'Cause if the devil could hit us
50:42 how he wants to hit us we'd all be dead on our way
50:45 to Camp Meeting. So God said: "No, don't hit him like that.
50:48 You can do anything but take his life. "
50:50 That's why Job is still the example today of a God...
50:52 a God-fearing man who hung in there.
50:56 We need more people with that kind of faith.
50:58 People that don't invite it but they have such a close
51:01 relationship with God that when the trial comes
51:03 they say: "I know God has nothing to do with this
51:06 so I'm just going to trust Him through it. "
51:07 As Maya Angelou told Oprah Winfrey one day...
51:10 She said: "Maya, what do you do when trial comes? "
51:12 She said: "You know what, Oprah? I know that whatever's on the
51:14 other side of this trial is better than what I have
51:17 right now. " Amen. Amen?
51:20 That's how it always is.
51:21 That's why Ellen White says in Testimonies volume 5...
51:24 Get this - she talks about trials being a blessing.
51:26 She said: "These trials are not the smallest blessing
51:30 in our experience. They are designed
51:34 to nerve us to determination to succeed. We are to use them"
51:38 that is, trials... "as God's means
51:41 to gain decided victories over self
51:46 instead of allowing them" - that is, trials -
51:48 "to hinder, oppress, and destroy us. "
51:51 What we don't understand is trials refine us.
51:55 And get this point that may come to you on your way home:
51:57 there will be no dirty gold in heaven.
52:02 Pastor C.A. you ought to understand that.
52:04 There'll be no dirty gold in heaven.
52:06 The Lord said: "Buy of Me gold tried in the... " What?
52:09 You see, when gold is first pulled out of the ground
52:12 it's got a whole lot of extra stuff with it that don't need
52:15 to be there. You don't sell dirt with gold.
52:17 Am I telling the truth? You've got to smelt that thing down,
52:20 melt it down until it's pure gold, and then its value
52:24 increases. What we don't understand
52:26 is when God pulled us out of the world there was a whole lot of
52:28 dirt with us. Am I telling the truth?
52:30 And until we are smelted down and melted down and purified
52:33 we are not fit to walk on pure gold streets.
52:36 There's going to be no dirty gold in heaven.
52:38 Come on and hang on in there while God is smelting us.
52:41 Isn't that right? Amen! Getting us ready for the pure
52:44 streets of gold. That's what trials do.
52:47 And keep this in mind: trials are shorter than blessings.
52:50 Trials... always shorter than blessings.
52:54 "For our light affliction which is but for a moment
52:57 is working for us far more exceeding and eternal
52:59 weight of glory. " So here are two things you need to do.
53:03 John 10:10. Here's what you need to do:
53:05 start blaming the devil.
53:09 Start blaming the devil for your trials
53:13 and stop blaming God.
53:16 "The thief comes not except to steal, to kill,
53:21 and destroy. " Give God the praise...
53:23 "but I have come that you might have life and have it... "
53:25 How, my friend? "more abundantly. "
53:28 So, here's my point as I wind up...
53:31 Man, my church wishes I could preach this short on Sabbath.
53:34 You give me a clock and I could do it.
53:37 The next time your trial comes, change your approach.
53:41 What'd I say?
53:44 James 1:2-3: 'My brethren, count it all joy. "
53:48 Come on, say it again. Count it all what? Joy.
53:51 "When you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing
53:55 of your faith produces patience. "
53:59 So I've got to end with something.
54:01 God gave me this last night. I was sitting down. I said
54:03 "Lord... " Sitting down in the back as David was
54:07 "cooking" this pulpit. Almost melted the thing last night
54:11 and today again... God was giving me this.
54:14 My sermon title came first then God gave me this.
54:18 It's entitled I Ain't Goin' Nowhere.
54:20 Are you ready? I've been through trials
54:23 for so long, they made me sing a different song.
54:26 But now that I know where I belong, I ain't goin' nowhere.
54:30 So when you think that life ain't fair to you
54:33 and people do what people do. Even when they walk out on you
54:35 I ain't goin' nowhere.
54:37 When there's no money for the bills to pay
54:39 and kids mess up no matter how you pray
54:41 and your spouse still leaves 'cause he wants to play,
54:44 I ain't goin' nowhere.
54:46 When men start hooking up with men
54:48 and women change from Jane to Ken
54:50 and you ain't seen love since you know when,
54:52 I ain't goin' nowhere.
54:55 When truth is kicked out of the pew
54:57 and preachers don't preach what preachers supposed to,
55:00 when money is all they want from you,
55:02 I ain't goin' nowhere.
55:05 For the love of Christ I can clearly see
55:07 how He gave His life on Calvary.
55:10 To turn from Him... oh no, not me!
55:12 I ain't goin' nowhere.
55:14 'Cause one day no death, no sin, no pain,
55:16 and hell on earth no more will reign.
55:18 And when The Glory Song is my refrain:
55:22 I ain't goin' nowhere.
55:23 It's dark out there so don't you stray
55:26 for the world is calling us away.
55:28 But soon night will give way to day. That's why
55:31 I ain't goin' nowhere.
55:32 Hold on, my friend, it won't be long
55:34 Christ is soon to leave His throne
55:37 and all the saints will soon be goin' home. That's why
55:40 I ain't goin' nowhere.
55:42 When He comes He'll split the eastern sky
55:45 and we'll finally look Him in the eye
55:47 and bid this cruel world good-bye. That's why
55:50 I ain't goin' nowhere.
55:52 So hang on in there my brother. Come on, say this
55:53 somebody. Hang on in there, my sister.
55:56 Hang on in there!
55:58 Make up your mind that no matter how bad it gets
56:01 you ain't goin' nowhere.
56:03 Who can say that? Now watch this.
56:06 Don't raise your hand 'cause the devil said: "You ain't
56:09 seen my best yet. " Am I right?
56:12 So let me end with this: "I am persuaded
56:14 that neither death nor life
56:17 nor angels nor principalities nor powers
56:22 nor things present nor things to come
56:24 nor height nor depth nor any other created thing
56:28 shall be able to separate ME" I ain't speakin' for you...
56:34 "from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. "
56:37 It's going to get tough. It's going to get hard.
56:40 It's going to get bloody. It's going to get nasty.
56:43 It's going to get difficult.
56:45 You may not have food and clothing.
56:47 You may even have to give up your job
56:49 and walk away from your family.
56:51 Somebody may let you down and drop you down
56:54 and turn their backs on you and crucify you
56:57 and say things that don't even apply to your character.
57:00 You may have people that hate you
57:01 and despise you and talk about you
57:04 and abuse you and use you.
57:07 And crucify you and unjustly accuse you.
57:10 People will say things that don't matter and do things
57:14 that will never exalt your character.
57:16 People will do things that God will never ever allow
57:19 to happen in the kingdom, but I want to tell you,
57:21 my friends, no matter what happens and how it happens
57:24 I ain't goin' nowhere.


Revised 2014-12-17