3ABN Homecoming 2013

Music and Ministry Reports - Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host)


Series Code: 13HC

Program Code: 13HC000012

00:45 Hey, welcome back to 3ABN Fall Camp Meeting.
00:48 We've been having a good time, haven't we?
00:50 Amen!
00:51 Brenda Walsh, though, she always makes you cry.
00:53 She always makes me cry with those stories...
00:55 but they're incredible stories of what God is doing.
00:58 Thank you for your love and prayers and financial support
01:01 of 3ABN. And we have more programming.
01:04 I never dreamed when we started this that we would have
01:07 the privilege of being able to come to one place like this
01:11 at 3ABN. Do meeting after meeting after meeting.
01:13 Kind of a little bit like a preview of heaven.
01:16 Right? We all get together as a family
01:18 and get to sit around the throne of God.
01:20 Now we get to hear about great testimonies of things
01:23 that are happening. Speaking of that, I'd like to introduce
01:26 Bro. Jay Christian who is the manager of 3ABN Radio.
01:30 Jay has some incredible stories, so I'm not going to take
01:33 any more of his time. And we appreciate Jay so much
01:36 for what he's been doing for so many years.
01:38 Dedicated his life, his talents, to the Lord Jesus Christ
01:43 and what a tremendous job he does at 3ABN Radio.
01:46 Jay. Amen. Thank you, Danny.
01:48 I want to mention something that Danny mentioned a little
01:52 bit earlier. He was talking about the atmosphere
01:56 at the board meeting. Well, when they have the board meeting
01:58 they always ask the different department heads to come
02:02 and make a little presentation on what their particular
02:05 part of the ministry has been doing since they met last.
02:09 And I went in this year, and I could feel...
02:12 I mean, in a way it kind of surprised me to hear Danny
02:15 mention that there was just a whole different feeling
02:18 in the board meeting today.
02:20 Because when I walked in there I could feel it.
02:22 There was just something there. There's an excitement
02:24 and it's wonderful to be part of that excitement.
02:28 At 3ABN Radio we're doing some really exciting things.
02:32 And I'm trying to use one of my little tablets here
02:35 for the first time, and I see that it is now fighting me.
02:40 So here we go... maybe.
02:43 I used to come out here with my notes
02:46 and I would have trouble turning the page.
02:49 And guess what? I'm still having trouble.
02:52 There we go. OK. But there are so many things
02:56 that are happening at 3ABN Radio and we are extremely pleased.
03:00 You know, over time it seems to me
03:05 that the phone calls that we're getting,
03:10 the people responding to our message,
03:13 just getting to be more and more.
03:15 And from the beginning we've been hearing people
03:20 telling us about their low power or their full power radio
03:23 station. People would come into their church
03:25 and they would say: "We've been listening to your
03:27 radio station for the last number of time... last 6 months,
03:30 last 6 weeks... however long it's been...
03:33 and we wanted to come. We really like what we hear.
03:35 We want to come to your church. "
03:37 And they become baptized.
03:39 And you know, right here in our own church in Thompsonville,
03:42 Illinois, that very thing has been happening.
03:45 There have been a number of people that have come
03:48 because they've heard 3ABN Radio
03:51 and they are curious and they want to learn more
03:55 and they're baptized. And now they're members of
03:58 the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:00 And so praise God for that.
04:02 And so we can also imagine what it's like at the other
04:05 affiliates as they're out there and they experience somebody
04:08 show up for the first time. "I heard you on radio.
04:11 I want to learn about your church and your beliefs. "
04:14 Now that is something that is just very wonderful
04:16 to experience, and we can tell you from first hand.
04:18 I do want to remind you that there is a LPFM
04:22 filing window, but if you want to respond to it
04:27 you have to be fast because we are less than 5 weeks
04:31 about four weeks out until the end of the filing period.
04:36 And so you need to be quick. If you want to know what to do,
04:39 if the Lord has been moving on your heart
04:42 to get a LPFM station locally for your community,
04:47 I recommend that you act now.
04:50 Don't wait; don't discuss it any more.
04:52 Hopefully your discussion and your prayer have all been
04:55 done up until now, because now is the time to act.
04:59 It's a very short time until that happens.
05:02 We've given out about 85 information packets
05:07 to people, but then Nikki Anderson tells me that
05:10 she had to stop doing that and start sending them by e-mail
05:13 just because time was getting so short.
05:15 So give us a call at - I'll give the number -
05:18 618-627-4651. Nikki's extension is 3500
05:23 and I'm going to probably hear about this.
05:26 But give her a call... preferably on Monday morning
05:30 because she's really the Mama Bear of 3ABN Radio
05:34 and she loves... she lives and breathes...
05:38 what she's doing for the Lord at 3ABN Radio.
05:40 And she loves to hear from each one of you.
05:42 And so if you are thinking about by any chance
05:45 of applying for a LPFM radio station, give her a call.
05:50 But do it quickly.
05:51 By the way, we've picked up a couple of new affiliates.
05:54 We're over the 235 mark. I haven't counted them
05:57 for a while so I can't tell you exactly what it is.
06:00 But we've picked up 2 more now. In Homosassa and Inverness, FL
06:06 and right now they're carrying us about half time.
06:09 And they purchased the station from somebody else
06:13 and they had an agreement they had to fulfill.
06:15 And so after that agreement is fulfilled then we will be on
06:19 there full time and maybe they'll do some local
06:21 broadcasting themselves as well.
06:24 I want to talk about an affiliate of ours
06:28 that is just very active.
06:31 We are so pleased to have somebody that is out in the
06:36 community doing so much with their radio station.
06:40 I say radio station, and as you hear the story
06:43 I think you'll hear the tense of that change.
06:47 He started... the man's name that got all this started is
06:51 David Bolduc. He lived in Illinois
06:55 and got started with a micro- transmitter... which might have
06:58 covered maybe a couple of neighbors from his garage...
07:02 maybe on a good day if he was lucky.
07:05 He called me one day and said: "I feel like the Lord is leading
07:09 me to move to Cadillac, Michigan.
07:12 And I said: "Well good luck. "
07:14 I said: "You can always run a microtransmitter up there. "
07:16 And he said: "Well, yeah, maybe the Lord has a radio station
07:20 for us too... a full power radio station. "
07:22 And I said: "May be... " and I encouraged him to pray.
07:24 Sure enough, the Lord gave him a full power radio station.
07:28 Now I'm using the phrase "the Lord gave. "
07:32 But it's not like David was just standing around
07:35 "I wonder what's happening; I wonder what I could be doing"
07:39 and the Lord saying: "I'm going to give you a radio station. "
07:42 That isn't what happened.
07:44 What David did was he got started.
07:46 He put things in motion.
07:50 He prayed; he talked to people in churches
07:53 and things fell into place.
07:55 So when I say "God gave him a radio station"
07:57 I want you to understand what took place before
08:01 God gave him the radio station.
08:02 So they got the radio station in Cadillac, Michigan
08:04 and became a 3ABN affiliate
08:07 and started developing some of their own programming as well.
08:11 And then God gave him a station in Newberry, Michigan.
08:16 Remember all the stuff that happened before God gave him?
08:18 Well the same thing happened here.
08:20 After that, another one in Harrison, Michigan.
08:24 Now they're in the process
08:26 of getting I think the fifth radio station...
08:32 They're getting one other station that's going to be
08:35 going on the air soon. And then in Mio, Michigan
08:39 hopefully they're going to pick up another radio station.
08:42 That's five full power radio stations
08:46 that this man and his group are doing.
08:49 Their local programs are very popular. People in town
08:53 are talking about them. People are coming to the
08:56 churches in the area, and that's what it's about:
08:59 people coming to the churches.
09:00 Introducing people to Christ.
09:03 One of the things that they do
09:06 when they first initially got started was
09:09 they started contacting all of the different churches
09:12 in the area. Not the Seventh-day Adventist churches
09:14 only but the other churches as well.
09:17 They started running information about the other churches.
09:20 You know, maybe some church news...
09:23 something along that line.
09:24 And so the people from those other churches started listening
09:28 as well. They enjoyed the programming
09:30 and telling their friends.
09:31 They got involved in the local community.
09:34 Now with permission I'm going to tell you a story
09:37 that I just learned today about something that just happened
09:39 recently in Michigan.
09:42 A woman was driving down the interstate going home
09:46 from somewhere... work or somewhere.
09:48 She was listening to another Christian radio station
09:52 which is quite a ways away from the station
09:58 in I think it was Cadillac but I'm not sure which one it was.
10:02 There are so many to choose from, praise God.
10:04 But she was listening to one of the stations
10:06 and it wasn't ours and it's quite a ways away
10:10 from the Volduq station and all of a sudden
10:14 her station was on the 3ABN station.
10:19 And she looked at her radio and said: "How did that happen? "
10:21 She dialed it back
10:24 and no sooner got there than boom, it's right back
10:28 on the 3ABN station.
10:31 And her comment was that she got really irritated
10:34 with that because she wanted to listen to this other station.
10:36 She didn't know what was going on so she changed it again.
10:40 Guess how long it stayed on the other station?
10:44 Not very long. It was right back on the 3ABN station.
10:49 And so the lady said: "Well maybe there's a message
10:51 here that God wants me to hear. "
10:53 And so she started listening.
10:55 Guess which station she listens to now? 3ABN!
10:58 That's it... and she has gone to the church.
11:02 Guess what else she is doing?
11:03 Bible studies. That's it. Praise God!
11:07 And so that's what 3ABN is about.
11:10 That's what we've been about for so long:
11:12 getting people acquainted with God,
11:15 getting people acquainted with the truth of the Bible.
11:20 And praise God for that. And we are so pleased to be
11:23 a part of that. Now, we are adding new programs.
11:27 We are totally blessed on 3ABN Radio because
11:30 from day one - and I praise God for this -
11:34 I was able to be here at the very beginning of 3ABN Radio
11:39 and from the beginning we've been able to put a blend
11:42 of the best TV programs on radio;
11:45 we've been able to create our own programs that we record
11:49 in our studios; and we get the best of the
11:52 programs that come from other Adventist ministries as well.
11:56 And we're just thrilled to be able to do that.
11:58 And so we have our own unique mixture
12:00 of the programming that we do.
12:03 But if you were listening to us
12:06 almost 14 years ago now when we went on the air
12:09 we have many programs today that are not the same programs
12:13 as we had back then because we continue to grow
12:15 and add. We are continuing to do that.
12:18 We just put a new program on called Mind Cure.
12:21 Dr. Magna Parks is the host of that program.
12:27 And I am telling you it is an excellent program.
12:31 And starting with the first run, it's just started here within
12:35 the last month, and starting with the first run
12:38 we are getting lots and lots of requests for people wanting
12:41 copies of the program. And it hasn't even gone through
12:43 its first full cycle yet.
12:46 That is very unusual and that is one of the quickest responses.
12:48 It's hitting a nerve. And again, it's just wonderful
12:51 when things like this happen because we are doing so much
12:54 good for people out there and introducing them to Christ
12:57 and helping them with the problems that they have.
13:01 There is an affiliate that we have in West Virginia
13:06 and a man who is the president of the board
13:10 owns a business in town.
13:13 And he was in his business one day
13:16 and a man came in... a local doctor.
13:19 And he said: "I have a non-profit corporation.
13:22 Do you want it? "
13:24 And he said: "What? "
13:26 He said: "I have a non-profit corporation.
13:28 Do you want it? I'll give it to you.
13:29 You don't have to buy it. You don't have to do anything.
13:31 I'll give it to you. " And he said: "We've already
13:33 got one. What would we do with that? "
13:36 So he started praying about it; started thinking about it.
13:42 And he thought: "You know, there's a LPFM filing
13:45 window coming up. Maybe we could apply for another
13:48 radio station. " So he looked and there is a frequency there
13:52 but someone locally in 2000 that got a construction permit
13:56 for a radio station but they decided not to build it.
14:00 And so the frequency is available.
14:03 Guess what they're going to do?
14:05 They're going to develop another board.
14:08 The same people can't own the same one,
14:10 but they're going to develop another board -
14:13 an independent board.
14:16 They're going to apply for that frequency.
14:18 And they are going to by the time the two of them
14:22 are up and running, they will cover a much wider area
14:26 with their signals almost back to back.
14:29 Now, who do you think was behind that?
14:34 Do you think it was an accident that the doctor walked in
14:37 and said: "Let's see, I think I'm going to go into this
14:39 business over here. I don't know who it is.
14:41 I don't know what it is, but I'm going to go in
14:43 and I'm going to see if they want my non-profit? "
14:45 Do you think that's what happened?
14:47 No. However God did it God impressed this man:
14:52 "You don't want your non-profit any more.
14:55 I've got good use for it, and here's where I want you to go. "
14:58 And these people are going to apply for the LPFM station,
15:04 they're taking the non-profit, and they are going to put it
15:08 to good use in reaching their community with the message
15:12 of Jesus Christ through 3ABN Radio.
15:15 And I've got to tell you: I appreciate it.
15:17 As you heard me say a few minutes ago, I've been here now
15:20 for 14 years. I am just as on fire today for 3ABN -
15:25 as a matter of fact, I am more so - than I was 14 years ago
15:28 when I came here.
15:30 You cannot hear these success stories,
15:32 you cannot hear these testimonies,
15:35 you cannot hear what a difference that what
15:38 we are doing is making in someone's life...
15:40 you cannot hear those things and be untouched.
15:45 And so thank you for all of your prayers and support
15:50 for 3ABN and 3ABN Radio. God bless you.
15:53 Amen. Thank you, Jay.
15:55 Good report, eh?
15:59 All right. Now it's my privilege to introduce
16:02 a friend of all of ours. If you don't know him,
16:04 you need to get to know him pretty quickly:
16:06 Bro. Darrell Marshall.
16:07 Any of you know Darrell? You ever heard him sing?
16:10 Come on out, Darrell. He looks like Doc on Gunsmoke
16:12 right now. See that little tie he's got on?
16:15 And he's a little shy about wearing a tie
16:20 because 2, 3, 4 years ago
16:23 does anybody remember what happened when he wore a tie?
16:25 What face did it have on it?
16:27 Fred Flintstone. And I said: "You can't wear that. "
16:29 Behind stage we were coming out and I looked at that
16:32 and I said: "Darrell, you can't wear Fred Flintstone
16:35 on 3ABN. " He said: "Well, it's the only one I've got. "
16:37 I said: "Well here, I'll fix it. " So I took scissors
16:40 and I cut it off so it was only about this long.
16:43 What did you have against Fred Flintstone?
16:45 Nothin' - I just thought he shouldn't... he's got his own
16:47 time. He doesn't need to be on 3ABN.
16:50 So... I've still got that tie. Should I sew it back together
16:54 and wear it again? He said earlier... He said:
16:57 "I guess I could tape it. " I said: "That'd be easier
16:59 because if you wear it I can just pull it loose
17:00 next time. Won't have to re-cut it. "
17:03 We love you and appreciate you and Brenda
17:04 and what ya'll do together. Darrell's one of my favorite
17:07 singers of all time. I love hearing this guy sing.
17:10 And he's a lot of fun. He loves the Lord
17:13 and it's always great to have you guys here.
17:15 What are you singing today?
17:16 Jesus Will Be My Happiness. Oh, I like that one!
17:26 I don't need no mansion
17:29 high upon a hill
17:32 to know that I've got the very best.
17:37 I've got sweet peace of mind
17:39 that when I leave this world behind
17:42 Jesus is my happiness.
17:48 I don't need no fancy clothes
17:50 or a diamond ring
17:53 to know that I've got the very best.
17:58 I've got sweet peace of mind
18:01 and when I leave this world behind
18:04 Jesus will be my happiness.
18:08 For the joy of the Lord is my strength.
18:14 I'd rather have His love than anything.
18:19 The good things of this world will come and go
18:24 but true happiness is a lasting thing.
18:31 Is Jesus your happiness this afternoon?
18:33 Amen; amen. Wonderful!
18:41 I don't need no streets of gold or gates made of pearl.
18:46 I know Jesus will be heaven's best.
18:51 If I go or if I stay
18:54 I'm a winner either way.
18:57 Jesus is my happiness.
19:02 I don't need no mansion
19:04 high upon a hill
19:08 to know that my life has been blessed.
19:13 I've got sweet peace of mind
19:15 that when I leave this world behind
19:18 Jesus will be my happiness.
19:23 For the joy of the Lord is my strength,
19:29 I'd rather have His love than anything.
19:34 The good things of this world will come and go
19:39 but true happiness is a lasting thing.
19:45 I don't need no mansion
19:47 high upon a hill
19:50 to know that my life has been blessed.
19:56 I've got sweet peace of mind
19:58 and when I leave this world behind
20:01 Jesus will be my happiness.
20:06 Jesus will be my happiness.
20:10 Oh yes He will... Jesus
20:12 will be my happiness.
20:20 Amen. Amen.
20:24 Amen and amen.
20:27 When I was pastoring the Ephesus Church in New York
20:30 it was a church that for some reason attracted a lot of
20:34 celebrities. There were a number of people from the
20:37 industry who came on Sabbath. Some were friends of Adventists.
20:41 Others ex-Adventists. But there was this group of
20:46 young people - we were all much younger then -
20:50 who came to church and in that group was Yvonne Lewis.
20:54 She was yet to be Dr. Yvonne Lewis.
20:56 She was just Yvonne Lewis, singer.
20:59 And they would come
21:03 and they would sit and open their Bibles
21:07 and take notes. And each week this group of young people
21:12 who were some on Broadway, some in movies,
21:15 some were jingle singers. And the group grew and grew
21:18 and they would come to church each Sabbath.
21:21 Well, we began to baptize some of those individuals.
21:23 And I was very impressed because these then young people
21:29 decided once they got baptized that if they were doing
21:32 jingles there were certain things they would no longer
21:34 sing for. They weren't going to sing for cigarettes;
21:37 they weren't going to sing for alcohol;
21:38 they weren't going to sing for tobacco.
21:40 And so all of these young people took quite a strong hit
21:44 in their salaries. They paid for their faith right away.
21:49 And at the head of that group was Yvonne Lewis.
21:51 I talked with her, I talked with Darrell, Ullanda,
21:54 so many of these young people who were singing in the world
21:57 but decided to turn their back on the world
21:59 when they accepted Jesus.
22:00 And so I was very impressed with that.
22:04 At the head of that group as I said was Yvonne Lewis.
22:06 We had a Bible study on Friday nights, and I would get there
22:09 about 6 or 7 o'clock and sometimes that Bible study
22:11 would go to 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning.
22:13 These young people were hungry for the Word of God.
22:16 And then go home, shower a little bit,
22:21 and then be back in church at 6 AM for Sabbath School
22:24 teachers' meeting. So Sabbath School was very very long
22:26 in the Ephesus Church. But these young people spread out
22:30 and when they came to the Lord they went and got other
22:32 young people. And that was back in the mid 80's.
22:35 And Yvonne and I kept in touch all these years.
22:38 I just had the feeling that if I could get her to 3ABN
22:42 that God had something for her to do.
22:44 I did not know that she had sung for Jim Gilley
22:47 as he was pastoring in Texas.
22:49 But Danny did not know her,
22:51 and I just thought: "If I could kind of get her in front of
22:55 Danny that somehow there'd be some click. "
22:57 And I just felt God wanted her here.
22:59 And so I arranged for her to sing at a live broadcast
23:02 we had in Pennsylvania and I asked Danny at the end...
23:05 Said: "Danny, what'd you think? "
23:06 And he was like: "Hyh... she's OK. "
23:11 That didn't work. So later on we brought her out here.
23:15 And I was away when she came and sang.
23:18 And that morning Danny called me on the phone
23:20 and Danny said: "You know, this girl can really sing!
23:23 She's pretty good. " I said: "I was trying to tell you that
23:25 two years ago when you said 'Hyh, she's not so good. ' "
23:30 But then we felt that God just wanted her here,
23:33 and it appeared in the minds of several individuals
23:37 that if we could get her connected with this new urban
23:40 network that she would do a very good job
23:42 because of the connections she had and the energy that
23:44 she brought. And sure enough, when the board voted her to do
23:47 that, Dare to Dream became a reality
23:51 and she has done a very fabulous job... almost a one man
23:56 show... putting a full network together
23:59 under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
24:02 So we're going to ask Yvonne to come out now and talk
24:04 a little bit about the Dare to Dream network.
24:06 It is no longer the baby it once was... it's growing now.
24:09 The baby is beginning to walk and doing a very very good job.
24:12 I tease her because we've known each other about 30 years now.
24:15 I say: "I've been dragging you around for 30 years. "
24:17 You're on your own now and God is blessing you.
24:20 Thank you, Yvonne. I can't believe you didn't say
24:22 I was late every Sabbath like you always do.
24:24 I should say that: "She was late every Sabbath. "
24:28 Well, praise the Lord everybody. How many of you have watched
24:31 Dare to Dream? How many of you have seen it at all?
24:34 Oh, praise the Lord. That's good.
24:36 One of the things that I've found with Dare to Dream is that
24:38 it seems to transcend race and culture.
24:42 You know, I get a lot of people that call me
24:44 that are of different cultures and they say: "We love
24:47 Dare to Dream. " So I'm really thankful for that
24:49 because we are really in reaching out primarily
24:53 to minorities we are still being able
24:56 to reach others. And that is such a blessing that
25:00 people are saying they are being blessed by the programming.
25:03 I've had the opportunity this past year to have had...
25:07 We have at this point 19 programs that are inherently
25:13 Dare to Dream programs. They've either been
25:16 produced in-house or produced externally
25:19 and we have more coming.
25:22 We are also reaching out to various facilities.
25:25 We are now being shown in the Illinois Juvenile Correctional
25:30 Facility in Harrisburg. We are working on
25:34 the St. Louis psychiatric facility for the criminally
25:40 insane which - you know - everybody needs this.
25:43 We have to have this. This can change lives.
25:46 Dare to Dream can change lives.
25:49 One of the things, too, that I'm excited about
25:52 are the fillers that go in between the programs.
25:56 We don't just have just like regular fillers.
25:58 We have Mindful Minute
26:00 which includes academic strategies.
26:03 How do you take notes? What do you do?
26:05 How do you? What's important in the classroom?
26:08 We're trying to teach our children
26:11 that they can be achievers; that they can move forward;
26:15 that they can dare to dream.
26:17 And so all of the programming, all of the fillers that we have
26:22 are really geared toward that.
26:24 We have also the Ten Commandment fillers that are coming up
26:27 where Pastor Ezra Mendinghall is going to be exploring
26:32 each commandment and giving a little application
26:35 of each one. That's exciting.
26:37 We have youth spots. We have Did You Know?
26:39 We have all kinds of things in an effort to reach people
26:44 at a very grassroots level at a very practical place
26:48 to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ and tools for living
26:53 to every viewer. And so we ask for you to really
26:57 pray for us. We just got a really great great praise report
27:02 from Bro. Moses Primo
27:04 who went to visit with a cable company.
27:09 And that's... One of my dreams, one of my prayers
27:13 is that I will be able to turn on any TV
27:19 anywhere and see Dare to Dream.
27:22 Because we want to be able to reach people in their homes.
27:25 We want people to just turn on the television
27:28 and see Dare to Dream.
27:29 We have a video that we've prepared for you
27:32 that kind of gives an overview of the network.
27:36 Please take a look at it.
27:43 Dare to Dream is 3ABN's urban network.
27:48 Minorities, inner city residents, people caught up in
27:51 inner city life that don't seem to know about their resources:
27:55 that's our primary audience.
27:57 That's who we target our efforts toward.
28:07 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
28:10 My guest is Cy Richardson, Senior Vice President of
28:13 Programs for the National Urban League.
28:16 Thanks very much for having me. Absolutely.
28:18 This is such a blessing. Why Dare to Dream?
28:21 Dare to Dream really came as a response
28:25 to the needs of inner city residents.
28:28 Many of our folk, myself included,
28:30 have been what's called trying to get to the yes.
28:33 Trying to find someone who will give us a mortgage.
28:35 Trying to find someone who will give us a loan.
28:37 Trying to find someone... Dare to Dream is making
28:39 a difference in that we are actually showing people
28:42 a better way. We're giving them the gospel of Jesus Christ
28:47 but we're also giving them tools for living.
28:49 Welcome to The New Journey: a program about
28:52 real-life people with real-life testimonies
28:54 doing real-life ministry for Jesus Christ.
28:57 How would you feel to be falsely accused of a crime?
28:59 Well, our guest today had just such an experience.
29:03 When I say a better way
29:05 I want you to know that Jesus IS the way.
29:09 He is that better way.
29:10 And so what we do is we just take His teachings
29:13 and re-package them in a way that fits our demographic.
29:18 You would think that Christ should have come on a white
29:21 horse as an old man to deal with the devil.
29:23 But He came as a babe to show God's power
29:26 to handle anything that the devil can throw at any of us
29:29 at any stage of life. Dare to Dream offers
29:31 an array of programming. Anything from financial literacy
29:35 to relationships to, of course, spiritual growth,
29:38 to health... all different types of programs are on
29:42 Dare to Dream to equip the viewer.
29:45 I would really love to say that I made a plan to quit smoking
29:48 but the truth is it was so addictive that I didn't even
29:51 truly want to stop.
29:53 Make it understandable, enjoyable,
29:55 so it's entertaining and informative.
29:57 I know this looks a little silly. Wait a second!
30:00 He's over here bee-bopping.
30:02 You hear the music? Yes, yes, yes... this is my favorite song.
30:05 Good. Amazing Grace.
30:09 I'll take Your hand...
30:13 please don't,
30:18 don't let go.
30:20 3ABN is a nearly 30-year-old viable organization.
30:27 Dare to Dream is kind of the new baby for Three Angels
30:31 Broadcasting Network founded by Danny Shelton.
30:34 So all of the resources that are here are at Dare to Dreams'
30:37 disposal. We're just one of several networks.
30:41 It's on Roku; it's on your iPad, your iPhone,
30:45 your Smart Phone. It's on the Internet; it's on satellite.
30:49 For your local cable company it doesn't cost them a thing.
30:52 Let your cable companies know that you want Dare to Dream.
30:59 That's our latest promo.
31:01 Praise the Lord; praise the Lord.
31:05 Thank you very much.
31:08 Not too long ago I was talking to a young man
31:11 who is a gang member.
31:14 And he has no interest in spiritual things...
31:19 absolutely no interest.
31:21 And I was talking to him and he said to me,
31:23 and I wrote about this in the 3ABN World magazine article.
31:28 He said to me: "Everybody knows me.
31:33 Like everywhere I go... " with a little swagger...
31:36 "Everybody knows me. I go in
31:39 they know who I am. They know about me. "
31:42 'Cause basically he was saying "I'm just bad like that.
31:47 That's just how I roll. " And I was listening to him
31:50 and I'm thinking to myself: "This child has no idea
31:55 of where he's headed. He has no idea of the life
31:59 that he is setting himself up for. "
32:02 He's robbing people; he's beating people up.
32:05 He has no sense really of right and wrong.
32:10 It seems as though he just doesn't get it.
32:13 This is who Dare to Dream is also for.
32:18 We want young men like this who are so lost
32:22 that they can't seem to understand what is available
32:28 to them through Jesus Christ.
32:30 We want to show them. We want to show them on television
32:33 because they might not step into a church.
32:35 So we want to meet them where they are.
32:39 Let them flip the channel and see programs like
32:42 The New Journey. Programs where people have been
32:45 ex-offenders and they found out who Jesus is
32:49 and He turned their lives around.
32:51 They've given their hearts to Him and they have a new life
32:55 in Him. That's what we want to give to these young people:
32:58 a new life in Jesus Christ.
33:00 And it CAN be done and it IS being done.
33:03 And I'm so excited about what Dare to Dream is doing
33:06 because we have the opportunity to make a difference
33:10 in the lives of everyone that watches.
33:14 EVERYONE that watches. We have programs on
33:17 money management because we know that so many folks
33:21 are struggling out there.
33:23 We have a program that we're getting ready to produce
33:26 on employment and how to get basically employed. How to
33:32 do a resume. Because the unemployed rate is over 14%
33:37 in the African-American community.
33:39 So we want to let people know. What do you do at an interview?
33:42 Do you wear your pants hanging down here?
33:45 Or do you wear something that's presentable?
33:49 We want to teach people how to interact and how to be
33:54 successful. Successful... spiritually,
33:59 socially, financially successful.
34:03 And we can do that through the power of the Holy Spirit
34:08 and through Jesus Christ.
34:10 We are asking you to really support us.
34:15 Not just by saying you watch because we appreciate that
34:20 but also by contacting your cable companies.
34:23 Moses, again, came back with a wonderful report
34:27 from one of the cable companies saying they saw what we are
34:30 doing. They're very interested.
34:32 I'm excited about that brothers and sisters
34:35 because with that we can go into all of these homes.
34:39 So I ask you to please, please contact your local
34:43 cable company and say: "Please, put Dare to Dream on. "
34:46 "Put 3ABN on. "
34:49 Because we are now trying to step up our effort
34:54 because we know that Jesus Christ is coming
34:57 and we have to reach everybody with the gospel of the good news
35:01 of Jesus Christ. So, let your cable companies know:
35:05 "Please, put on Dare to Dream. "
35:08 Also we are looking to... We hope to have a remote truck
35:13 for Dare to Dream where we can go to some of these inner city
35:16 churches and put on evangelistic campaigns
35:19 and have them televised throughout the country.
35:24 And so we ask you to support us in that effort as well.
35:28 Anything that you can give towards that would be
35:30 a blessing. Dare to Dream really needs your help
35:33 because many of the people that really would benefit most
35:36 from Dare to Dream can't really afford to support it
35:39 as much as some of us who are working and can.
35:43 So we ask you to please, please support Dare to Dream
35:48 through your financial gifts
35:50 and through your prayers and through your letter writing.
35:55 Thank you so much for all that you have done so far.
36:00 Just by supporting us and let- ting us know that you're there
36:04 we really appreciate it. Thank you; may God bless you.
36:11 Thank you, Yvonne. Very good.
36:13 Dare to Dream has been such a blessing, and Yvonne
36:17 and her dedication. We were talking about it with Jim and
36:20 C.A. back there. Your dedication is really amazing.
36:24 That this woman... And Jim says usually she's the last one
36:27 to leave the building. Not always the first one there
36:29 but she's the last one to leave in the evenings.
36:33 And absolutely, thank you so much for what you do
36:36 for the cause of God... your dedication.
36:38 And honestly, she's done more in two years' time
36:42 almost by herself than we could imagine possible.
36:46 So thank you. All right.
36:48 Next we're going to bring out Kateena LeForge again.
36:51 And Kateena, we're glad you're back with us today.
36:54 We love you and your husband Joe.
36:57 And so Kateena, she's...
37:00 She works over - you can tell by looking at her now -
37:03 at... Is that Gold's Gym? Gold's Gym.
37:05 You better put a plug in for Gold's Gym, right?
37:07 Gold's Gym in Carbondale and Marion, yes.
37:09 She showed her muscle back there. Darrell Marshall said:
37:12 "Show us your muscle" and it scared me.
37:13 I said: "She's got muscles over there. "
37:16 Now I asked if Joe was there working out with you
37:19 every day since you teach, but I found out he just watches.
37:23 He thinks he's cool enough without it, that he doesn't
37:25 need it. I think he's a pretty cool guy.
37:28 And we so much love and appreciate both of you -
37:30 thank you - and appreciate your ministry for Jesus.
37:33 It's my pleasure to be here with you.
37:35 I was just praying about a month ago. I was saying:
37:38 "Lord, I haven't sung in a little while. Things have gotten
37:41 kind of quiet. What are we going to do, Lord? "
37:44 And that very day Shelley Quinn called me on the phone
37:46 and she said: "Hey, Camp Meeting's going on.
37:48 We haven't seen you in a while. Come over to Camp Meeting. "
37:51 So sometimes the Lord answers us really quick, doesn't He?
37:54 Amen. So it is His will that I be here with you today.
37:58 Let's just praise Him.
37:59 Praise Him with me in your spirit with all you've got.
38:02 What a blessing to know the Creator of all things
38:07 is your friend! The One that hung the stars in the sky
38:11 hears you when you're on your knees.
38:14 How Great Thou Art!
38:35 O Lord,
38:37 my God,
38:42 when I
38:45 in awesome wonder
38:50 consider all...
38:54 all of the worlds
38:57 Thy hands have made.
39:02 I see the stars,
39:08 I hear the
39:11 rolling thunder.
39:15 Thy power throughout
39:19 the universe
39:23 displayed.
39:28 Then sings my soul
39:33 my Savior God, to Thee;
39:40 How great Thou art!
39:46 how great Thou art!
39:52 Then sings my soul
39:58 my Savior God, to Thee;
40:04 How great Thou art!
40:10 how great Thou art!
40:22 And when I think
40:29 that God, His Son not sparing,
40:36 sent Him to die,
40:41 I scarce
40:43 can take it in...
40:48 That on the cross
40:53 my burden gladly bearing,
40:59 He bled and died
41:04 to take away
41:08 my sin!
41:19 When Christ shall come
41:24 with shout of acclamation
41:27 And take me home,
41:29 what joy will fill my heart!
41:34 Then I shall bow
41:39 in humble
41:42 adoration
41:47 And there proclaim
41:52 my God, how great Thou art!
41:59 Then sings my soul,
42:03 my Savior God, to Thee;
42:10 How great Thou art!
42:15 how great Thou art!
42:20 Then sings my soul,
42:24 my Savior God, to Thee;
42:30 How great Thou art!
42:35 how great Thou art!
42:40 How great Thou art!
42:44 how great
42:47 Thou
42:50 art!
42:54 How great
42:58 Thou
43:00 art!
43:15 Amen! Don't you love that song?
43:18 Let's sing the chorus together.
43:20 Then sings my soul,
43:24 my Savior God, to Thee;
43:30 How great Thou art!
43:35 how great Thou art! Sing it out:
43:39 Then sings my soul,
43:44 my Savior God, to Thee;
43:50 How great Thou art!
43:56 how great Thou
44:01 art! Amen!
44:06 You sound fantastic.
44:08 Well listen, you know things are just so exciting
44:12 in the ministry of 3ABN.
44:15 And one of the most exciting channels that we have
44:19 is our Latino... 3ABN Latino.
44:24 I have people that tell me they'll be down in Colombia
44:28 and they've been on 3ABN or they'll be in Venezuela
44:30 or they'll be somewhere in the islands and people will say:
44:34 "Oh, I've seen you on 3ABN! "
44:36 They'll just be walking down the street.
44:38 And so this is really an amazing amazing
44:44 ministry. John Dinzey is a man that God has chosen
44:50 for this ministry, and his wife Idalia joins with him.
44:55 And John, God bless you. We thank you
44:58 and we're so glad that you're with us.
45:00 You got another hand? All right.
45:03 Thank you, Pastor Gilley. I want to praise the Lord
45:07 for our leadership... the leadership of 3ABN:
45:10 Pastor Jim Gilley, Mollie Steenson,
45:13 Danny Shelton, Brian Hamilton.
45:17 All people that love the Lord. People that have in their hearts
45:21 reaching people for Jesus Christ.
45:24 I also want to praise the Lord for our 3ABN Latino staff.
45:28 Pastor Jim Gilley mentioned my wife.
45:31 I would also like to do the same.
45:32 My wife Idalia is over here on the left. I would like to ask
45:35 her to stand. She doesn't want to stand
45:37 but I would like to ask her to stand for a moment.
45:40 This is my wife Idalia
45:42 that has been a tremendous blessing in my life
45:45 and such a tremendous support for 3ABN Latino.
45:50 And I enjoy working with her.
45:52 I tried to convince her to come up with me, but
45:55 she said: "No, no. You go ahead; you go ahead. "
45:58 And so I asked her to pray for me
46:01 so she's praying for me.
46:02 I also want to praise the Lord for the 3ABN Latino staff.
46:05 We have our manager for our Production Department
46:09 Jorge Jaque who is inside the truck
46:12 helping to produce this particular hour.
46:16 A tremendous worker for the Lord. Works hard;
46:19 works many hours. And the Lord sent him here.
46:22 And his wife Lynette is standing right here.
46:24 A tremendous support for him. He has to work many hours
46:28 and travel, and she's a blessing as well
46:31 because she supports her husband and I'm sure prays for him.
46:34 And so our 3ABN Latino staff: we have editor Ishmael Terron,
46:39 Carolina Bonilla, Rocio Barron works in our call center.
46:43 Adam Barron works in programming
46:47 and also helps with our 3ABN Latino Radio
46:50 which is another miracle of the Lord.
46:52 And we're getting on some radio stations, so I praise the Lord
46:55 for that. So I am saying those things to you
46:58 letting you know that - perhaps you're not aware -
47:00 3ABN Latino is celebrating ten years of blessings,
47:04 ten years of miracles,
47:06 ten years of reaching people for Jesus Christ,
47:09 and we are just grateful to the Lord for what He has done.
47:13 We can look back and say: "The Lord has done all that.
47:16 The Lord has done all that. "
47:17 Because He deserves all the honor and all the credit.
47:20 And so I am grateful to the Lord for your support
47:24 because you have helped to convert at least 62
47:29 of the UHF channels that we have.
47:32 So where 3ABN English now was
47:35 we have 3ABN Latino, Dare to Dream,
47:38 and our other networks - 3ABN Proclaim! -
47:40 reaching people for Jesus Christ. So we started to see
47:43 an increase of calls from places like Las Vegas
47:47 and different places where our 3ABN downlinks are.
47:52 And it's such a blessing to see that instead of
47:56 reaching one group of people now you can reach
47:58 more groups of people and more options
48:01 to reach people for Jesus Christ.
48:03 So I praise the Lord for that.
48:04 And so - talking about our downlinks - I have to tell you
48:08 perhaps you've heard the good news that we are getting on
48:13 on 9 more UHF stations.
48:16 They do not belong to us; they are affiliates.
48:19 And the Lord used Bro. Dan Peek, one of our engineers,
48:23 through a contact that he had or a friend that he met.
48:27 And he contacted him and said: "Can we use 3ABN Latino? "
48:31 So now we're getting on in places like San Francisco;
48:35 Sacramento, California; Austin, Texas;
48:38 Stockton, California, and other places.
48:43 So we praise the Lord that He is opening doors
48:46 to reach people for His kingdom.
48:48 And so I am grateful to the Lord that we are now on over
48:50 1,100 cable companies. Do I hear an "Amen? "
48:55 Amen!
48:56 And so I could tell you about Venezuela.
49:01 Did I hear Venezuela? Venezuela!
49:03 Yes. We're getting on more cable companies. We used to be
49:06 on a few of them, but last year we had conversations with
49:11 someone that said: "I can get you on 100 cable stations
49:14 in Venezuela. "
49:16 Then somebody else contacted us from a union in Venezuela
49:20 and said: "We'd like to work with you. We think we can
49:23 get you on 40 cable stations. "
49:26 And so I said: "Praise the Lord! "
49:28 So we sent the first 20 satellite receivers over there
49:32 to get on in these different... time is running fast...
49:36 on these different cable stations already, and we want
49:39 to make sure that we're on before we send the rest.
49:41 And we do not have all the funds for all of these satellite
49:44 receivers, so we ask for your prayers
49:46 because if we had the money today we could send those today.
49:50 And so we praise the Lord for what was done over there.
49:54 While I have time I have to tell you about Costa Rica.
49:57 Costa Rica is the place that we were on over 10 cable companies
50:03 over there, and we were told that two or three of them
50:07 took us off the air.
50:09 So I told the secretary of the conference that was telling me
50:14 that "I would like to visit these cable companies to see
50:17 if we can get back on. "
50:18 He says: "Well, if you would like to do that
50:20 I will accompany you. " So I took that as an invitation,
50:23 ran it by our 3ABN administration,
50:26 and they said "Go! " And not only did we go to
50:30 visit these three cable stations I wanted to go to each and every
50:34 one of them that we were on.
50:36 And it was such a joy to say: "May I see your channel line-up
50:39 please. " And they would hand it to me and I would see
50:41 3ABN Latino there. I would contain myself, but it was
50:45 enough to say: "Praise the Lord; we're on that cable company! "
50:49 And so some of these cable executives when you got in
50:52 "Oh welcome, welcome. "
50:53 And they would turn on the TV and they would put us on there
50:56 and I would say: "We're on that cable company.
50:59 Another one checked off. " But we ran into some
51:02 cable executives that told us: "Well, we took you off
51:06 because there was another channel that needed to be on
51:08 and they're a local channel and they have a must carry.
51:12 I didn't have any modulators so I had to take somebody off
51:16 so I took you off to be honest with you.
51:19 I took you off because of that. "
51:21 And so I said to him: "Now let me ask you a question.
51:24 If we send you a modulator,
51:27 would you be willing to put us back on? "
51:29 And he said: "Well, sure...
51:31 people have been calling asking what happened to 3ABN Latino
51:36 so if you give us that we will gladly put you on. "
51:39 And I said: "Wonderful. " And he went like this...
51:42 So I shook his hand, letting me know he is willing to do this.
51:46 And so we got on the cable company that took us off.
51:49 There is one more we didn't get a chance to visit
51:51 that was very far away,
51:53 and so we didn't get a chance to visit that one.
51:55 So I ask for your prayers that we'll get back on that one.
51:57 They're getting calls too.
52:01 So while I was there after visiting cable companies
52:04 for three days, going from this one to that one,
52:06 from this one to that one. And 2 or 3 of them we drove
52:10 five hours to get there and talk to these people.
52:14 But on Thursday they took me to a meeting
52:18 They said: "We want you to go with us. It's The Day of the
52:21 Bible. We're going to hand out Bibles to someone. "
52:25 This is what I understood: OK, we're going to go there
52:27 and in 10 minutes we'll be done and we'll go back and visit
52:30 cable companies. When I got there, there was this
52:34 room about maybe 1/3 of the size of this room
52:38 and it was the Congress of the country of Costa Rica.
52:42 And they were celebrating The Day of the Bible.
52:45 Christians had come from different denominations.
52:48 They were in that room.
52:49 And I'm sitting there and I look at the program
52:51 because I see the Conference president
52:54 sitting up in the front.
52:55 And I look at the different names on there, and I don't see
52:58 his name on there. So I asked the treasurer
53:01 "What is the president doing over there?
53:03 The president of the Conference. Does he have a part? "
53:06 He said: "I don't think so. "
53:08 OK. And I'm sitting there and I hear one person get up
53:12 and give a little speech. And it was a good speech.
53:14 Actually spoke about the Bible, the importance of the Bible.
53:17 I said: "Praise the Lord! "
53:19 And then a Congressman got up and started talking about
53:23 standing up for the moral right and doing what the Bible says.
53:27 I said: "Well praise the Lord! "
53:29 But it was about an hour that I was sitting there.
53:31 I said: "Lord, what am I doing here? I need to go visit
53:33 cable companies and we're just sitting here.
53:35 I'm just sitting... what am I doing here? "
53:37 But the Lord was working some- thing out that I didn't know.
53:41 Eventually they introduced the candidate for the presidency
53:45 of Costa Rica. And he got up and he said:
53:50 "Well, it's a blessing to have this particular day -
53:53 The Day of the Bible - here. And I want to let you know
53:56 how I start my day. When I wake up in the morning
53:59 I read my devotional. It's an Ellen G. White book... "
54:03 And I said: "What? "
54:05 "by this title, so every day I start with Ellen G. White.
54:10 I want to let you know that I appreciate the Seventh-day
54:12 Adventist Church. As a matter of fact, they have a local channel:
54:15 3ABN Latino. One of my favorite channels, " he said.
54:18 "And I want to encourage every one of you to watch
54:21 3ABN Latino, " he said.
54:22 And I'm saying: "Am I hearing this right?
54:24 The candidate for the presidency is promoting 3ABN Latino? "
54:28 I said: 'Praise the Lord! " It was getting good!
54:31 "And so, well, we have some friends here: the Seventh-day
54:34 Adventists. I want to introduce the Conference president, "
54:37 he said. "Pastor Vallejo, would you please come up? "
54:40 "Oh, I'm happy to be here, " Pastor Vallejo said.
54:43 "It's a pleasure to see that they're talking about the Bible.
54:45 And we have a special guest here from America
54:50 the general manager of 3ABN Latino.
54:53 Would you please come up? " I was not expecting that
54:55 I'm thinking. "Did he just call for me? " I asked somebody.
54:59 He said: "Yes, you need to go up there. "
55:01 I had to take my camera down and go up there.
55:03 And before you know it, the Congressman that's a candidate
55:07 for the presidency: "It's a pleasure to meet you, " he said.
55:11 "I watch 3ABN Latino. Please say hello to your wife, "
55:13 he said. "She does a marvelous job. "
55:17 And he knew her name.
55:19 He knew Pastor Bohr's name.
55:21 He knew Pastor Alejandro Bullón's name
55:22 and mentioned several speakers. He watches 3ABN Latino.
55:26 Amen. And so before it was over he said:
55:29 "Before you leave I'd like to take a picture with you. "
55:31 Here I'm thinking: "I would like to take a picture with you, "
55:33 but he said: "I want to take a picture with you. "
55:36 And he agreed. I said: "I would like to interview you
55:38 because you have a tremendous thing to say to our viewers. "
55:42 He consented to an interview. We'll be putting that on
55:44 3ABN Latino as soon as it's done editing.
55:47 So I praise the Lord for what He's doing.
55:48 He's reaching people in places
55:52 that for some of us it's difficult to reach.
55:54 And radio and television can get to those places.
55:57 But you know, it takes all of us working together.
56:03 Because the Bible says that this gospel of the kingdom
56:07 shall be preached in all the world
56:09 for a witness unto all nations and then the end shall come.
56:13 And so we have a work to do.
56:15 While we're putting these programs on the air
56:17 you can go door to door, you can visit people in your
56:20 community like the people in Guatemala.
56:23 They were going door to door and saying "hello" to people.
56:26 But one lady came to the door and said:
56:29 "No, I don't want anything you have. Just go away. "
56:33 And the young people walked away and they said:
56:36 "Well, let's go over here. " And they started talking about
56:38 3ABN Latino as they were going to the next house
56:40 and the lady said: "Wait, wait. What did you say?
56:43 Did you say 3ABN Latino? "
56:45 "Yes we did. " "Then come on over. I like that channel. "
56:48 And I said: "Praise the Lord! "
56:50 3ABN Latino opened the door for them to come in and share
56:55 with her about the good news.
56:58 And so I tell you: pray for us.
57:00 We want to get to as many places as possible.
57:03 The Lord is blessing us to grow in different places.
57:06 Before our time is over, perhaps those of you that speak English
57:09 would be interested in knowing that we are having
57:11 an evangelistic campaign live from Bucaramanga, Colombia,
57:15 23 to the 26th. Mark Finley will be on
57:18 being translated to Spanish. You can watch that
57:20 on 3ABN Latino. And so please remember us in prayer.
57:24 Jesus Christ is coming soon.
57:25 Let us work together to finish this marvelous gospel. Amen?


Revised 2014-12-17