3ABN Homecoming 2013

Of Kingdoms and Covenants

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. Murray


Series Code: 13HC

Program Code: 13HC000007

00:46 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Camp Meeting... Fall Camp Meeting.
00:49 We've been having a great time, haven't we? Yes we have!
00:52 Absolutely. We've been having a good time before we went on
00:54 the air, didn't we?
00:56 We're just having a little bit of fun.
00:58 And it's great that the Sabbath is just beginning.
01:00 And we're going to have a great group of people here.
01:04 Some sermons tonight. We're going to hear some good
01:06 music tonight. I know you're going to be singing here in just
01:09 a little bit. We've got Lisa over here playing the piano.
01:11 Mollie Sue, you're especially...
01:14 Mollie's happy all the time. Oh yes. Have you ever seen her?
01:16 I've know her for 30+ years; I always see her smiling.
01:19 Now Hal may not always say that but I've always seen her -
01:22 and we're in close quarters - we've worked together
01:24 for many, many years. She has a great attitude.
01:27 But tonight you're just beaming. There's something special.
01:30 Step up here in the light. Look at that glow around her.
01:33 My whole family is here tonight. Both of my children,
01:37 my grandchildren, my husband.
01:40 Raise your hands, OK. My son-in-law.
01:42 Raise your hand, Dee Dee. All right. All of the kids.
01:45 Now let's get a camera shot over there. Somebody got 'em?
01:47 All right. There you go. Isn't that a good looking family?
01:50 Jeremy's over there. Even Pastor Hal's... The whole group.
01:54 The whole group is here, and do you all know what that
01:57 does to this mother's heart?
01:58 I am a happy woman tonight.
02:00 I'm happy for you. Now, I have to say hello
02:03 to some really special people.
02:05 My daughter Melody was supposed to be here for Camp Meeting
02:08 and I love it. I love Melody but I love it even more
02:12 when she brings all these grandkids.
02:13 That's right. Grandkids come up here. But...
02:16 Noah has been sick with the flu for almost a week. Wow.
02:19 And he really wanted to come and Baby Faith and Jonah
02:23 Mama said today "they're just beside themselves
02:27 saying 'We want to go to Camp Meeting.
02:29 We want to see Papa; we want to go to Camp Meeting. ' "
02:31 I brainwashed them 'cause they always say:
02:33 "We want to see Papa. " And that's all right,
02:35 grandparents. You can do that. It's legal.
02:37 Right? And so I said: "All right, tell them if they'll
02:40 look tonight and Papa's going to say hello to them. "
02:43 Baby Faith and Jonah, Papa loves you, OK?
02:46 And Noah, we're praying for you.
02:48 Justin is there. I think Hayley and Jesse are gone.
02:52 But for Melody, for all of you, we love you
02:55 and I look forward to seeing you. And Papa will come down
02:57 and see you in a few weeks. All right?
02:59 You know, Mollie and I would like to add our word to that
03:01 too. We miss you Melody and we miss all those grandchildren.
03:05 And especially the little two. They always...
03:08 We enjoy having them come up here on the platform.
03:11 And your family is there. You've got a bunch of grandkids.
03:13 I've got several of them here, that's right.
03:15 The Krueger family except for Ben.
03:18 Ben's at home. I hope he's watching on TV.
03:20 And Katie is out at Weimar.
03:24 She is in school there and working there.
03:28 So yeah, we love these grandkids. We really do.
03:30 Well, we've got some special music tonight.
03:34 But before we do that we want to sing a chorus.
03:37 And I don't know where John is. I like to get all the people
03:40 we can up here. So we're going to expect you to do it all.
03:43 We have Miss Yvonne here of course.
03:45 Pastor C.A. - he's going to be preaching
03:47 so we'll let him rest back there. But Lisa,
03:49 why don't you lead us in Because He Lives.
03:52 You the director Miss Yvonne?
03:59 Let's sing it out.
05:32 Let's bow our heads. Father in heaven,
05:36 because He lives we can face tomorrow.
05:41 And because He died we have that assurance
05:46 of life through Him.
05:50 And Father, we just thank You for that.
05:53 We thank you because You loved us first
05:59 and we return that love to You, Father.
06:02 And we simply thank you for being our Lord,
06:08 our God, and our Savior.
06:11 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
06:15 Yvonne Lewis has been such a blessing to all of us at 3ABN
06:20 and to Dare to Dream. We appreciate what you do
06:23 for the cause of God. And tonight you're going to be
06:25 singing? It just left my brain.
06:29 Well you'll know when the sound track goes?
06:31 All right. Oh my goodness. Yes, it left my brain totally.
06:34 All right. Let's put the music on. This is live television too.
06:37 Oh yeah. With All My Heart.
06:40 Ah, there you go. With All My Heart. All right.
06:42 Praise the Lord. Thank you.
06:57 In this quiet place with You
07:01 I bow before Your throne.
07:05 And bare the deepest part of me
07:09 to You and You alone.
07:13 I keep no secrets for there is no thought
07:19 You haven't known.
07:22 I bring my best and all the rest
07:26 to You and lay them down.
07:31 Oh, oh, oh, oh...
07:36 With all my heart
07:41 I want to love You, Lord.
07:45 And live my life
07:49 each day to know You more.
07:54 All that is in me
07:57 is Yours completely.
08:02 I'll serve You only
08:06 with all my heart.
08:22 You faithfully supply my needs
08:27 according to Your plan.
08:30 So help me, Lord, to seek Your face
08:35 before I seek Your hand.
08:39 And trust, You know what's best for me
08:43 when I don't understand.
08:47 Sometimes I don't understand.
08:52 But I'll follow in obedience
08:58 in every circumstance.
09:07 With all my heart
09:13 I want to love You, Lord.
09:17 And live my life
09:20 each day to know You more.
09:24 All that is in me
09:27 Lord, it's Yours... it's Yours completely.
09:32 I'll serve You only
09:42 with all my heart.
10:00 Beautiful, Yvonne. Thank you.
10:02 It's my privilege now to... I shouldn't say introduce
10:06 but for tonight, most of you know Pastor C.A. Murray.
10:09 And I met C.A. oh, I don't know if it's been
10:12 10, 12 years or so ago now. It's been a number of years ago.
10:16 Probably over a decade. I went to New York
10:18 and I'll make this part really short. But I went to New York
10:22 and went to a Camp Meeting... a huge Camp Meeting there.
10:25 Mollie said: "The pastor, you and Melody are singing,
10:28 but the pastor says he's singing with you
10:30 on a song that Melody wrote. "
10:32 And I said: "No, I don't want to do that because we haven't
10:34 practiced. There's 12,000 people - whatever - there. "
10:37 "Oh he said he knows the song. "
10:38 I said: "Well, he may be a great singer but we haven't
10:41 practiced together. " Well it ended up
10:43 it was Pastor C.A. Murray.
10:44 So I said: "Well I have to hear you. "
10:47 So he knew the part perfectly. He had listened to it.
10:49 In fact, he knew it better than I did for sure.
10:51 So we sang together. He brought me to his house
10:54 for lunch, and we got to know each other.
10:57 And what a tremendous man of God and his wife Irma.
11:00 We're so thankful that C.A. and Irma and their family
11:04 have come to 3ABN. Have been here for so many years.
11:07 He's a producer. He can direct.
11:11 He can - when it comes to television - he's hosted.
11:14 He used to host on TBN years ago
11:17 and he does radio. And most of all he's just
11:21 a man who loves Jesus with all of his heart,
11:24 his soul and mind, and he's a great friend.
11:27 And it gives me great privilege introducing him tonight
11:30 as speaker of the hour.
11:45 I need to fly in the face of what is
11:52 an obligatory amenity for public discourse.
12:00 They say when you are speaking before a crowd
12:05 you should never start any public presentation
12:08 with an apology.
12:10 That is standard for elocution courses, homiletics,
12:15 and preaching. You never start your sermon with an apology.
12:17 And of course you never end with an apology
12:19 because that's the last thing they hear so you don't want to
12:21 leave them with an apology.
12:24 And if you're a politician running for office
12:28 they say never be caught apologizing in the middle
12:33 of your presentation.
12:36 So you wouldn't apologize at the beginning;
12:38 you would not apologize at the end; and you certainly
12:40 wouldn't apologize in the middle.
12:41 But I have got to reject that and issue an apology.
12:48 I don't know what is listed as a sermon title
12:51 in your bulletin.
12:53 Step Child. OK, that's not the title.
12:59 The truck had Rendezvous at Beth Peor.
13:04 That is not the title.
13:09 Some weeks ago the title was
13:12 Stepchildren of Kadesh.
13:15 That is not the title.
13:19 I need to give you some insight into my ersatz
13:23 schizophrenia.
13:27 I have never considered myself a proud person
13:33 or an egotistical person. I prayed against that.
13:36 I read where Ellen White in Testimonies volume 1
13:39 asked the Lord: "Lord, keep me from being proud. "
13:41 And early on in my ministry I asked that same prayer.
13:45 And I asked the Lord: "Lord, I You ever did anything
13:47 for me, with me, to me, or through me
13:49 keep me from being egotistical and proud. "
13:54 Those are two character traits that I particularly dislike,
13:58 and I am correspondingly attracted to
14:01 people who have ability and humility.
14:05 I find that combination constellation of gifts
14:09 almost irresistible. If you are good at what you do
14:12 but manage to stay humble, I am automatically
14:15 attracted to you. I just... I love that.
14:17 And as such I have always asked for that in my own life.
14:21 And God has been kind.
14:24 When I came out of school the conference president said
14:26 "We're going to take two pastors. " I was #5 on the list.
14:29 And they broke the rules and for the first, last, and only
14:32 time in our conference they took five guys
14:34 and I got a call. And then 8 years after the Seminary
14:38 I was asked to pastor one of the 3 largest churches
14:41 in North America. And when I went into that pulpit
14:44 of the Ephesus church I said: "Lord, keep me humble. "
14:46 When I got on the General Conference Committee I said:
14:48 "Lord, keep me humble. " And I've always prayed for humility.
14:52 And yet there are times when
14:56 the Lord has to deal with me.
14:59 And about a month ago - maybe three weeks ago -
15:05 as I addressed myself to this particular sermon
15:08 God was leading me into preaching on the covenants.
15:13 And about three weeks ago I came to understand that
15:16 David Asscherick was also preaching on the covenants.
15:20 And so I said: "OK Lord, I'm not preaching on that. "
15:23 I didn't ask God. I said: "If he's preaching... I'm not
15:26 going to preach on the covenants. I'll find
15:27 something else. " And so I said: "Lord, give me something else
15:30 to say. " And I began to work on something else.
15:35 And nothing else came.
15:38 And up until last week I had nothing.
15:41 The other night I was sitting up till 3 o'clock in the morning
15:43 2:30... quarter of three. I came to bed
15:45 and Irma was already asleep and she kind of said...
15:48 My wife can talk in her sleep. She can carry on a full
15:51 conversation in her sleep. And she said: "Did you finish
15:53 the sermon? " And I said: "Yeah. "
15:58 And I had a blank sheet of paper.
16:00 And so she said: "I'm glad. " And I kissed her on the cheek
16:02 and she kind of kissed the air. You know...
16:04 and then she went back to sleep.
16:08 Then last week I was supposed to give my graphics.
16:11 You know, the little things we put on the screen.
16:13 The texts and the titles to Will Warren.
16:15 And he asked me: "You got your graphics? "
16:17 I said: "No, " because I had nothing.
16:20 And then Jim Gilley asked me: "How's your sermon coming? "
16:22 And I said: "Jim, I've got nothing. "
16:25 And up until this week I had nothing because
16:29 I determined I wasn't going to preach what David was
16:32 going to preach on. "Asscherick's got that.
16:35 I'm not preaching that stuff. I want my own sermon. "
16:38 And God was dealing with me
16:41 and the Lord was saying to me: "If you don't preach what I
16:45 told you to preach, I'm not going to give you anything. "
16:50 And so two nights ago... well, Monday night
16:53 again up till 1 o'clock in the morning
16:55 staring at a blank sheet of paper.
16:56 Tuesday... nothing.
16:59 And I heard as it were the voice of God
17:02 say to me: "Murray, you're going to go in that pulpit
17:06 and you're going to preach what I told you to preach. "
17:13 And then three nights ago
17:15 I was up all night because Irma was now in Panama.
17:19 We got a bunch of clothes. She wanted to take clothes
17:22 down to the Indian people that live up in the mountains.
17:24 So we stayed here till 10 o'clock at night.
17:27 We packed clothes till 2 o'clock in the morning.
17:29 Took Irma to the airport at 2:00 AM.
17:31 Put her on her plane at 6:00 AM.
17:33 Drove back here at 8:00 AM. Went into board meeting
17:36 right after that. Stayed in board meeting all afternoon.
17:39 Did some things and then got here last night
17:41 on 30 minutes of sleep.
17:43 Sang and then Jim Gilley said: "How's your sermon coming? "
17:50 And I said: "I've got nothing. "
17:55 And so he said: "Here's what you're going to do:
17:57 You're going to go home and stay in that house
18:02 until God gives you a message. "
18:05 So I went home. I propped myself in a chair.
18:08 And I sat down and I wrote what God told me to write
18:12 and I finished an hour ago.
18:20 So I am wired and inspired!
18:25 And sleepy.
18:29 But we'll get through it
18:31 because God is good.
18:32 If you are of the notion that preachers are called
18:35 to preach because they are perfect people, let me
18:37 disabuse you of that notion.
18:40 God has to deal with us just like He deals with anybody else.
18:44 And sometimes it's harder because our heads tend to be
18:46 harder and we tend to do things in Jesus' name
18:50 when Jesus has nothing to do with it.
18:55 So the new title
19:00 of the sermon is Of Kingdoms and Covenants.
19:06 Amen and amen.
19:12 Hal, I think I'll pray first.
19:16 Father God, we importune You now
19:22 because we need to hear a word from the Lord.
19:29 Not the mind of man but the mind of Christ.
19:36 And so speak to us because we need to hear from You.
19:42 Amen.
19:44 Let me say here parenthetically
19:45 do prepare to come to next year's Spring Camp Meeting.
19:49 You are going to hear some fifteen sermons
19:52 all on the subject of the second coming.
19:55 And I guarantee you nobody will say the same thing.
19:57 Fifteen different preachers preaching on the same subject.
19:59 I guarantee you every one will be different.
20:02 It will be a power time preach- ing about the second coming.
20:06 And so God said to me: "You know you and David Asscherick
20:09 are on the same team; you're wearing the same uniform.
20:12 So you preach what you've got to preach
20:15 and he'll preach what he has to preach...
20:18 and God will be glorified. "
20:19 Turn with me if you will to the book of Genesis.
20:23 Two short texts.
20:25 Genesis 17 verses 10 and 11
20:28 and then we will flip over to Joshua 5:5-7.
20:32 God a lot of stuff to do and very little time to get it done.
20:36 Genesis 17:10-11.
20:44 The Word of God says: "This is My covenant
20:47 which you shall keep between Me and you
20:50 and your descendants after you. " God speaking to Abraham.
20:54 "Every male child among you shall be circumcised
20:57 and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin
21:00 and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. "
21:04 Joshua 5 now.
21:06 Joshua 5:5-7.
21:14 Joshua 5:5: "For all the people came out
21:17 that had been circumcised
21:19 but all the people born in the wilderness on the way
21:23 as they came out of Egypt had not been circumcised.
21:27 For the children of Israel walked forty years in the
21:30 wilderness till all the people who were men of war
21:34 who came out of Egypt were consumed because they did not
21:38 obey the voice of the Lord.
21:42 To whom the Lord swore that He would show them
21:45 the land which the Lord had sworn to their fathers
21:48 that He would give us a land flowing with milk and honey. "
21:59 Let's deal with some definitions to begin.
22:04 When we talk about covenant, covenant is the way
22:09 that God has chosen - has elected -
22:12 to deal with mankind.
22:17 Covenant relationship is how Jehovah has determined
22:23 to interact, to interrelate, to interface, and to save
22:28 mankind. Covenants contain promises,
22:33 rewards, sanctions, and security.
22:39 The Hebrew word for covenant is beriyt.
22:43 It is often translated fetter or tied down or bind.
22:50 The New Testament word for covenant is even stronger.
22:53 In fact there are two words in the New Testament
22:55 and when the Septuagint writers began to translate
22:58 they found two particular words. The first word suntheke is
23:02 is translated contract. It is simply a contract
23:06 given or done among two equals.
23:11 But the word they chose to use for covenant
23:15 is even stronger than that. It is diatheke.
23:21 And they chose to use that stronger word even though
23:24 it is less used in the New Testament because
23:27 they understood and felt that covenants are no light thing.
23:34 That a covenant is a binding commitment
23:38 between man and his God.
23:42 Here, then, is the working definition for covenant.
23:45 See, I should have a nice graphic up there now.
23:50 Ego.
23:52 Here's the definition:
23:53 a covenant is an unchangeable divinely appointed
23:58 and imposed legal commitment or agreement between God and man
24:04 that stipulates the conditions of their relationship.
24:10 A covenant is an unchangeable divinely appointed
24:14 and imposed legal agreement between God and man
24:18 that stipulates the conditions of their relationship.
24:23 In other words, it defines the rules of engagement.
24:27 Covenant is also translated testament.
24:31 Same word. New covenant... New Testament.
24:34 Old covenant... Old Testament.
24:35 The words are the same.
24:37 In fact, the new covenant is simply the insurance policy
24:42 on the old or everlasting covenant.
24:45 The new covenant is the if clause in the everlasting
24:49 covenant. So one does not supersede the other.
24:52 One grows out of the other as the New Testament grows
24:55 out of the Old Testament. If you are a New Testament Christian,
24:58 you are de facto an Old Testament Christian
25:01 because the New Testament does not supersede the Old Testament,
25:03 it grows out of the Old Testament.
25:07 Covenants contain 4 elements:
25:10 parties, promises, rewards and sanctions, and as I said before
25:15 security.
25:18 Now, once a covenant is entered into
25:22 the rules of the game ladies and gentlemen are fixed.
25:27 They cannot, they do not change.
25:33 That's part of the security so that every time you go to God
25:37 you know you've got the same God.
25:40 He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
25:43 So even if you change, even if you're having a bad day,
25:47 God never does. So every time you go to Him
25:49 you know you've got the same God. Amen? Amen!
25:52 That's part of the security.
25:55 So there are no moving of the goal posts;
25:57 no changing of the parameters.
26:01 There can never be negotiation of covenants.
26:05 You don't get to negotiate with God
26:09 the terms of the covenant that He sets down.
26:13 You don't get to change the rules.
26:16 You don't change the elements.
26:18 There is no detente; no rapprochement;
26:21 no arguing; no bickering; no bantering;
26:25 no arbitration; no haggling.
26:27 Covenant comes at full price; it is never on sale.
26:37 You don't get to change... you don't get to change the terms.
26:43 Jesus didn't change the rules and you can't either.
26:50 It was the covenant and His love
26:54 that sent Him to the cross.
26:58 So you don't get to change the rules just because you are
27:01 having a bad day.
27:05 Amen. And if you can't say "Amen" say "ouch. "
27:16 There is no honorable discharge from covenant.
27:21 If you break a covenant,
27:26 it is done so through shame and disgrace.
27:32 There are some states - I think New York State is one -
27:35 that have no-fault divorce.
27:36 You know: "He's not at fault; she's not at fault;
27:38 he's not wrong; she's not wrong.
27:40 We just can't get along so we're just separating. "
27:43 You don't have that in covenants.
27:45 You break the covenant somebody's going to be shamed.
27:51 Somebody's going to be disgraced...
27:53 and it's not going to be God.
27:58 Amen or ouch... your choice.
28:05 To the only way out of covenant is through a wall of shame.
28:09 Covenant is important because the truth be told
28:12 God is more concerned about saving you
28:15 than even you are about saving yourself.
28:17 Amen.
28:18 He is much more concerned about keeping you from the flames -
28:24 um-hmm -
28:26 than even you are.
28:28 How do I know that?
28:30 Two words: the cross.
28:40 If there ever was any doubt about how seriously God takes
28:46 saving your soul just look at the cross.
28:57 Look at that blood- stained figure on the cross.
29:01 The covenant, ladies and gentlemen, is your guarantee
29:05 that when you've finally had enough of dancing with the devil
29:11 and come to your senses and turn around and look for Jesus
29:16 He'll be right there.
29:21 "For he that cometh unto Me
29:25 I will in no wise cast out. "
29:32 John 6:37.
29:34 That's... that's... that's covenant language.
29:39 And it doesn't matter what you've done or how long you've
29:41 done it or how many times you've done it
29:43 or how deeply you've fallen into sin.
29:45 When you come to yourself and look for Jesus
29:50 the covenant guarantees that Christ will be there!
29:55 Amen.
29:57 And His arms will be open.
30:00 And He's not going to wash your face with your sins.
30:03 He's going to free you from them.
30:09 The covenant affirms that whatever hole you fall into
30:15 or crawl into, if you've got enough sense to call
30:19 He's got enough love to answer. Amen!
30:23 So you can't run too far, you can't run too fast...
30:26 you cannot outrun God's love.
30:32 Now before we get into the sermon... and by the way,
30:34 this is not the sermon. This is just ecclesiological
30:36 or benedictive.
30:39 I'm gettin' ready to get into the sermon.
30:41 This ain't it.
30:43 This is just... this is just... this is just
30:46 sneezing. I'm sneezing in your face trying to infect you.
30:53 And I know you're supposed to cover when you sneeze
30:56 but I don't want to cover 'cause I want you to be infected.
31:00 I want you to catch the virus.
31:03 So before we go into the sermon I want to give you what I call
31:07 "the cookies and milk of the covenant. "
31:10 You ready for some cookies and milk?
31:13 Soymilk.
31:20 Here then are the cookies and milk of the covenant.
31:22 The salas used to call this this donum super adetum.
31:28 That's Latin for somethin' extra.
31:32 Matthew chapter 10 verse 7.
31:37 Little cookies and milk.
31:39 Jesus said - words in red -
31:43 He told the disciples to preach that the kingdom of God
31:47 is at hand.
31:49 Not only is that covenant; that's cookies and milk.
31:53 Now it has several applications.
31:55 One of them is the fulfilling of a prophecy that Christ
31:59 spoke or alluded to in Matthew chapter 4 verse 17
32:02 dealing with the law and the prophets. And David dealt with
32:05 that a little bit this morning.
32:07 But Christ was also trying to tell the disciples
32:12 to tell the people... In fact, let me turn to that quickly.
32:15 Matthew 10... because there's something right on the back side
32:17 of that that I want you to see.
32:19 Matthew chapter 10 verse 7.
32:21 He says: "Tell the people the kingdom of God is at hand. "
32:24 What He is saying among other things is that "on your way
32:29 to glorification, on your way to pie in the sky
32:34 by and by, God's got a little something for you in the here
32:40 and now. " PLEASE say "Amen. "
32:43 Amen! Now let me tell you what you just said amen to.
32:51 On your way to "at-one-ment with God"
32:56 to atonement
32:58 while you're walking this Christian journey
33:02 while you are waiting for and working towards
33:05 glorification, you're going to get a little adoration,
33:09 a little exaltation, and a little jubilation
33:12 in the here and now.
33:15 Amen? Look at it in the very next verse.
33:18 You were in Matthew 10:7... look at verse 8.
33:22 "Heal the sick, cleanse the leper,
33:26 raise the dead, cast out demons,
33:29 freely you have received freely... " What? "give. "
33:33 Now that's covenant language.
33:35 When are those things going to happen?
33:38 Now! Amen? Amen.
33:41 So God is saying: "When you come into covenant relationship
33:45 with Jesus, not only do you have the promise of a perfect
33:50 future, God is going to give you some cookies and milk
33:55 here and now. "
33:59 Amen. Amen.
34:02 Now, the sun shines on the just and the unjust
34:06 as does the rain. But I contend that
34:11 having cancer with Jesus
34:17 is qualitatively better
34:22 than having cancer without Jesus. Amen.
34:29 Um-hmmm.
34:31 Getting fired from your job with Jesus
34:37 is better than getting fired from your job
34:42 without Jesus. Amen.
34:49 Christians get cancer.
34:55 Christians get fired.
34:59 Christians get sick.
35:02 In point of fact, most of the things that happen
35:06 to people who are non-Christians
35:09 happen to Christians.
35:11 Being in Christ does not insulate you from the things
35:14 that happen in the world. Amen? Amen.
35:17 You get sick, you get fired, you get flat tires.
35:21 People cut you off on the freeway.
35:24 People say stupid stuff to you.
35:29 You get all that stuff...
35:32 but you also get company
35:38 so you don't go through them alone.
35:41 You've got somebody on your side.
35:48 That's why when you get Jesus
35:52 you get joy.
35:55 Amen? Amen. You get a taste of paradise.
35:58 You get people who believe like you believe
36:01 so that even when you get in trouble
36:03 you've got somebody by your side. You see,
36:06 kingdom living, covenant living, living in the covenant,
36:09 living in the kingdom... life ought to be so lived...
36:12 it ought to be so lived that those outside the kingdom
36:15 who are looking on at your life ought to be...
36:18 ought to be so envious of what is going on in your life
36:22 that they say to themselves: "I've got to get me
36:24 some of that. "
36:27 Paul calls it "provoking them to jealousy. "
36:32 So when person A gets fired without Jesus
36:36 and person B gets fired with Jesus
36:38 A ought to look at B and say
36:41 "I don't know what you've got
36:43 but I want some of that! " Amen.
36:49 That's kingdom living.
36:51 That's covenant living.
36:53 That's Christ saying: "Hey, the kingdom of God
36:58 is here and now. "
37:02 It's cookies and milk on the way to glorification. Amen?
37:09 When you make your entrance into the kingdom
37:12 it brings joy, doesn't it?
37:15 Now listen, we tend to say parenthetically
37:18 "Christians ought to be the happiest people in the world. "
37:21 Here's the truth about that statement:
37:23 sounds good... ain't true.
37:25 Nobody can be happy all the time.
37:31 Nobody can be happy all the time.
37:36 Some days you get up - you will forgive my pejorative English -
37:41 that day you ain't going to be happy.
37:43 Ever had days like that?
37:45 Today is not a happy day.
37:48 Ate something. Wife kicked you in the night.
37:53 Fell out of bed.
37:56 You ain't going to be happy.
37:58 But even on the days when you aren't happy
38:00 you can have joy because joy supersedes happiness.
38:04 The Bible doesn't say: "in His presence is the fullness of
38:06 happy. " There's fullness of? Joy.
38:10 Because you can have joy even when you're not happy.
38:12 When you are living in covenant relationship with God
38:16 even in the worst of times
38:18 you can be... you can have joy
38:22 because joy comes when you enter into the kingdom
38:27 and when you come into the covenant relationship with God.
38:31 Now nobody's happy all the time. Do you run around grinning
38:33 all the time? Folks think you've got a mental problem.
38:39 But you can have joy
38:41 even when you're not happy. Amen?
38:44 Now let me embarrass us.
38:46 We all know Mollie's battling stuff.
38:50 And one of the things she told us when she came back to work
38:56 was... Mollie said: "Listen. "
38:59 I was in the office. I think Danny was there.
39:01 Jim, some other people.
39:03 She said: "Listen, every time you see me
39:06 do not ask me 'How you feeling? '
39:12 I don't want that. Every time 'How you feeling? ' "
39:17 She said: "I don't plan on living my life like that. "
39:21 Amen. Amen.
39:23 "I'm not going to be a victim so don't come 'How you feeling? '
39:30 because that's not who I am so don't do that.
39:34 I've got good doctors. I've got a loving husband.
39:36 I've got exercise and diet and I've got God! "
39:40 Amen.
39:44 So I never ask her how she's feeling.
39:47 I say: "How you doing? "
39:53 But you get my point.
39:57 This week I got some bad news.
40:00 I got two sets of bad news in the same day.
40:04 Have you ever had days you're sailing along,
40:06 life is going along fine,
40:07 you're sailing along and all of a sudden life comes and just
40:09 kicks you in the stomach?
40:11 Ever have a day like that?
40:13 I got that this week.
40:15 Sailing along and all of a sudden somebody came
40:20 and told me something that I just was not prepared for.
40:23 It's like the devil just sucker punched me.
40:24 I just... I wasn't ready for that.
40:27 And it just... I had to sit down.
40:29 I... you've got to... what?
40:38 I couldn't believe it.
40:42 And then right after that I got some more bad news.
40:49 Totally unexpected.
40:51 You know, you get that kind that kind of rocks you back on your
40:56 heels because it seems to come out of nowhere.
41:00 And things you count on and people you count on
41:03 and stuff that you expect to happen just falls apart.
41:06 And you want to say: "Lord, what in the world is going on? "
41:13 But you know what?
41:19 Here I stand.
41:25 Nothing's changed.
41:28 God is still on the throne. Amen.
41:31 Nothing's changed.
41:35 That's what happens
41:38 when you live in kingdom/covenant reality.
41:48 You know, when I preach I... not always but many times...
41:53 I in my mind's eye picture that Christ is standing right
41:58 by me. And in my mind He's always one step over
42:02 and one step back. Just a little visual game
42:06 I have with myself. Christ is always by my side.
42:08 And so I see Him here.
42:13 Tall... good looking.
42:18 He doesn't have that permed hair I see in the pictures.
42:21 His hair is combed straight.
42:24 Flawless figure... except for the nails,
42:31 hands and feet.
42:34 And I visualize that.
42:41 And don't pity Him because of the nails
42:47 because He got those volitionally.
42:51 He volunteered for those.
42:55 And the covenant says He will keep those throughout
43:01 all eternity because He loves us.
43:10 He loves you, and because the eternal and everlasting
43:15 covenant said that Christ would do
43:19 whatever was necessary
43:23 to win you back to the Father.
43:27 Such is the seriousness of the covenant.
43:34 One of the few Spanish terms I've learned is
43:37 asunto serio.
43:39 Serious business.
43:43 The covenant is serious business.
43:46 Now my time is fast slipping away. I've got a bunch of things
43:48 to talk about. We've got to move kind of fast.
43:50 Going back to Genesis/Joshua.
43:52 In looking at this Genesis/Joshua relationship
43:55 I'll try to tie all this together.
43:56 Particularly as we look at the children of Israel's
44:00 trek through the wilderness.
44:03 Ellen White says this. She says
44:05 we ought to study their Egypt-to-Canaan experience
44:08 because we are paralleling their experience
44:13 in many many ways. As we go from earth to heaven
44:17 there are striking parallels in their trek from Egypt
44:21 to Canaan. She also says
44:23 that we ought to spend a lot of time
44:27 in the book - interestingly enough -
44:29 of Deuteronomy.
44:31 Here's a quote. Ellen White says:
44:33 "The principles set forth in Deuteronomy
44:35 for the instruction of Israel
44:38 are to be followed by God's people to the end of time. "
44:42 So she says you need to study what happened to God's people
44:45 from Egypt to Canaan because as we move from earth to glory
44:49 we're making the same mistakes, falling into the same traps,
44:51 having the same problems. We need to look at their
44:54 mistakes and learn from them.
45:01 True prosperity - not wealth - is dependent upon a continuing
45:07 covenant relationship with God ladies and gentlemen.
45:12 Deuteronomy, then, is prep school for those of us
45:15 who would be heirs to the Promised Land.
45:19 Three things are stressed in the book of Deuteronomy
45:21 that we need to take care of tonight.
45:23 Number one: know your religion.
45:30 Know what you believe.
45:32 By knowing it I mean be able to defend it.
45:40 Know your faith
45:42 because there will come a time when you may have to
45:45 defend it. So just don't go to church and listen to a preacher
45:49 preach. Know your faith for yourself.
45:51 That's stressed in Deuteronomy.
45:53 Number two: practice what you preach.
45:57 Amen.
46:00 Practice what you preach.
46:03 Don't just preach it... live it.
46:07 Amen. Amen.
46:09 Number three: watch out who you hang out with.
46:18 Now I'm not saying don't go to people who don't know the Lord
46:21 because that's how you witness.
46:22 I'm talking about people you hang out with.
46:28 Watch your company.
46:30 If that was ever true, it is surely true now
46:33 in these last days. Know your stuff.
46:37 Don't just say it... do it.
46:40 Spend most of your time with people who are traveling
46:43 in the same direction as you.
46:45 That's Deuteronomy.
46:47 Here's a quote from Ellen White:
46:49 "Especially today while earth's history is closing
46:53 the Lord requires of His children
46:56 a vigilance that knows no relaxation. "
47:00 The price of being a Seventh-day Adventist
47:04 is vigilance.
47:06 Keeping your eyes open.
47:10 No naps; no vacations.
47:14 Let us then reaffirm the truth that wandering in the wilderness
47:19 for 40 years was never God's plan.
47:22 You listening to me?
47:23 The Bible says - Deuteronomy 6:23-
47:25 "He brought them out that He would take them in. "
47:28 He brought them out that He should take them in.
47:30 He brought them out that He should take them in.
47:33 God brought you out of the world with the intention
47:35 of taking you into the kingdom, not having you wander
47:37 around 3ABN Camp Meeting for the rest of your life.
47:43 He called us out of the world that we might go in
47:46 through covenant relationship with Him.
47:48 That includes: a new birth, a new life, new joy,
47:51 new desires, new friends, new family,
47:53 new tastes, new habits, new pursuits.
47:55 A new name, a new occupation,
47:57 and a new destiny.
48:01 "That where I am there ye may be also. "
48:06 And the clock is becoming my enemy.
48:08 God's desire for humanity has never changed.
48:12 Jeremiah 21:11.
48:14 The same song Danny talks about: I Know The Plans.
48:20 John 17:11 Jesus said: 'I'm praying for the ones
48:24 that You game Me that we all may be one. "
48:32 So if you're wandering or drifting in the wilderness,
48:34 if you cannot seem to find your way, not only are you not
48:38 where God wants you to be
48:40 you may not be who God wants you to be.
48:50 You've got a heritage; you've got an inheritance.
48:54 Go and get it.
48:59 Now I don't have time to read Romans 8:16-17
49:02 or Galatians 3:26-29
49:04 because it says that we are "heirs to the promise. "
49:08 What is so arresting about this Genesis connection
49:13 are the signatures of the covenant.
49:15 And I'm not going to have time to go through it.
49:17 Let me jump to something else.
49:19 I feel like David. I need like 5 hours.
49:23 Ellen White makes two very, very important statements
49:27 and I've got to get to them before we close.
49:29 Here's the first one
49:31 dealing with covenant relationship and kingdom living.
49:35 Here's the first statement. She says:
49:37 "Our Christian lives
49:39 should not be a ceaseless round of sinning
49:43 and repenting. " I want you to hold onto that.
49:47 How many have ever sinned and repented?
49:51 How many have done it more than once?
49:54 How many have done it a lot of times?
49:57 OK. That's all right.
49:59 Ellen White says: "Sinning and repenting ought not to
50:03 characterize your Christian relationship. "
50:09 If you sin, you need to repent.
50:13 Amen. Amen.
50:16 But sinning and repenting ought not be
50:19 the sum and substance, the center and circumference
50:22 of your relationship with God.
50:24 That's yo-yo religion.
50:26 That's not kingdom or covenant religion.
50:29 Sinning and repenting is Satan's ersatz substitute
50:34 for victorious Christian living.
50:36 You've got some people whose lives are nothing but
50:38 sinning and repenting, sinning and repenting,
50:39 sinning and repenting, sinning and repenting.
50:42 That's not victorious Christian living.
50:45 Some people actually define their relationship with God
50:48 by sinning and repenting.
50:51 It marks their days, it marks their nights,
50:52 it marks their Sabbath, it marks all their relationships.
50:55 It marks their view of God and His ability or inability
50:59 to save. Sinning and repenting and sinning and repenting.
51:01 It turns heaven into a cruel joke
51:05 and salvation into a figment of our imagination.
51:09 Sinning and repenting, sinning and repenting,
51:11 sinning and repenting. God's people Israel
51:14 practiced that for 1000+ years
51:19 and in the end it destroyed them
51:22 because sinning and repenting, sinning and repenting,
51:24 sinning and repenting denies sanctification.
51:30 It denies victorious Christian living.
51:33 It denies what is at the essence of covenant living
51:37 and reality. It says: "I cannot overcome. "
51:44 It says that our flesh is stronger than His Spirit.
51:49 It says that I John 1:9 is only a half truth.
51:56 "When I confess my sins He is faithful and just
51:59 to forgive but He cannot cleanse. "
52:04 Ladies and gentlemen, any sin that you are forgiven for
52:09 but not cleansed from
52:11 you are destined to repeat.
52:18 "Oh, I forgive you. but you're going to do it again. "
52:22 You've got to have the whole package.
52:24 I need to be forgiven for and cleansed from
52:29 because if I am not cleansed from, it will destroy me
52:32 and separate me from God.
52:36 You see, John chapter 1 verse 12 says:
52:40 "To as many as received Him to them gave He the right,
52:44 the authority, the power to say 'No! '
52:50 to Satan and to becomes a son of God. "
52:54 That's victorious Christian living.
52:57 That's the power of kingdom living
53:00 and covenant relationship.
53:02 Romans chapter 6 tackles the idea of being dead to sin
53:05 and alive to righteousness.
53:07 If you're dead to sin, you can't live in sin.
53:11 And let me say this parenthetically.
53:13 Any relationship - family, friends, husband, wife,
53:18 boyfriend, girlfriend, business associate relationship,
53:21 anything that is turning you into a spiritual yo-yo
53:25 you need to fix it or end it.
53:31 If the God you are serving can't keep you, then may I
53:35 suggest you try mine.
53:39 "For He is able to keep you from falling
53:41 and to present you faultless before His presence
53:44 with exceeding joy. " The New King James says
53:47 "keep you from stumbling. "
53:49 The Moffatt's translation says "keep you from slipping. "
53:53 The AHB translation says, Danny, "keep you from tripping
53:59 and to present you faultless. "
54:04 Our Christian journey, number two.
54:07 Ellen White says this:
54:09 "Our Christian journey should not be a pilgrimage
54:13 of sighs. "
54:15 Not size. S-I-G-H-S.
54:21 Your Christian journey
54:24 ought not be a pilgrimage of sighs.
54:29 "How're you doin? "
54:32 "Ahhhh. "
54:37 "Isn't God good? "
54:42 "Ahhhh. "
54:45 Ellen White says that in Christ Object Lessons.
54:47 "Your Christian journey ought not be a pilgrimage of sighs. "
54:51 There ought to be some joy in your life.
54:55 Ought to be some happiness in your life.
54:58 Ought to be some "Praise God" in your life.
55:01 It ought not be a joyless existence
55:04 because with all of the stuff you've got as a child of God
55:09 you've got Jesus.
55:15 And so if your life is a joyless Christian existence...
55:20 Someone actually came to me some time ago and said:
55:22 "You know what? I just don't feel Jesus.
55:24 I don't... I don't feel happy in Jesus.
55:26 I just don't feel a... I don't... I don't feel it.
55:29 I just... I hear people praising God and I just...
55:32 I come to church and I hear the sermons
55:33 but I just... I just... There's something wrong.
55:35 There's some disconnect.
55:40 I just don't feel it. "
55:41 May I suggest humbly and respectfully
55:45 that if that is part of your experience
55:48 the wrong person is seated on the throne of your life.
55:53 You need to get off the chair and let Jesus get on.
55:59 Get out of the driver's seat; slide to the passenger seat;
56:04 and let Jesus take the wheel.
56:06 Amen.
56:08 Um-hmmm.
56:10 Here's what happens when you put Jesus in the driver's seat.
56:14 Psalm chapter 16 verse 11.
56:17 "You will show me the path of life
56:19 and in Your presence is fullness of joy... "
56:25 Amen? Amen.
56:27 "and pleasures forever more. "
56:28 So number one: no up and down.
56:30 Number two: when you get up stay up
56:33 and let God give you joy.
56:37 And I maintain again that as long as you have Jesus
56:40 you have joy.
56:42 That is the truth about covenant living
56:47 and kingdom reality.
56:50 God has sold out for you
56:56 and you will never be happy, you will never be content,
56:59 you will never have the true joy of Jesus
57:04 until you sell out for Him.


Revised 2014-12-17