3ABN Homecoming 2013

Bend Me, Shape Me, Anyway You Want Me

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: 13HC

Program Code: 13HC000004

00:46 Amen. Thank you for joining us in another presentation
00:49 here in the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:51 Also the Thompsonville church meets in this place.
00:55 So if you're in the general area of Thompsonville, we'd like to
00:58 invite you to join us for worship here in Thompsonville.
01:01 We are on Route 149.
01:03 Just before you get to Route 34 you will see
01:06 3ABN Worship Center Thompsonville SDA church
01:09 on the left if you're coming from the West Frankfort area.
01:12 If you're coming from another area,
01:14 you're going to have to... Route 34 either way east or west
01:17 you're going to have to turn right if you're coming from
01:20 Benton area. You're going to have to turn left if you're
01:23 coming from the Galatia area
01:26 and then we will be on the right if you're coming from that
01:28 direction. But here we meet on Wednesday night
01:31 at 7 PM... so come before 7...
01:34 and Sabbath mornings beginning at 9:15 AM
01:37 we are worshiping God's holy name here.
01:38 Whether you're watching on television or listening to
01:41 3ABN Radio you are welcome to come.
01:43 And of course, anyone else in the rest of the world
01:46 if you happen to be nearby come and join us.
01:49 We welcome you from wherever you're watching,
01:51 be it in a hospital, a prison, in your home,
01:55 visiting someone, or you're listening.
01:57 We encourage you to stay by and be blessed during
02:00 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting.
02:02 Our speaker during this hour is Sr. Brenda Walsh,
02:05 and she has a message from her heart to bring to us.
02:09 Brenda Walsh, if you remember, is the host and producer
02:13 of Kids' Time programs.
02:14 Now I don't see too many children here
02:17 but I would like to see by a show of hands how many
02:19 of you watch Kids' Time?
02:23 Well... look at that!
02:24 Just about every hand went up.
02:26 So we see that Kids' Time also has appeal to those that
02:30 are beyond 12 years old so we'll say that.
02:33 So we praise the Lord for that.
02:35 Sr. Brenda Walsh is also an author. Has written several
02:38 books and is a speaker that is going across the nation
02:43 bringing God's message to different people
02:45 and encouraging people to follow Jesus.
02:47 So you can notice as you watch Kids' Time
02:50 or in any participation that there is a joy
02:54 in the Lord about Sr. Brenda.
02:56 And she has what they call "contagious enthusiasm"
03:00 so we hope you will receive that inspiration.
03:05 We'd like to go to the Lord in prayer at this time
03:07 to ask for the Lord's blessing.
03:09 Let us pray together.
03:10 I'd like to invite you to stand if it's possible for you.
03:17 Let us pray.
03:20 Our loving heavenly Father,
03:22 we thank you so much, Lord, that we can come
03:26 before You and we can come with the assurance that
03:30 he that cometh to You You will in no wise cast out.
03:34 We ask for Your blessing as we have this meeting together
03:38 and we pray that You will bless Sr. Brenda with the Holy Spirit.
03:43 That as we hear her share
03:47 we will hear a message of hope, encouragement,
03:51 and a message from heaven.
03:53 We pray for a blessing upon everyone here
03:55 and upon those that are joining us
03:58 in different parts of the world.
04:00 We ask You for these blessings in Jesus' name, Amen.
04:04 You may be seated.
04:05 Sr. Brenda Walsh will be presenting a message
04:08 that has an interesting title
04:11 and it's a title that caught my attention.
04:14 It's called Bend Me, Shape Me, Any Way You Want Me.
04:20 So at this time I'd like to invite Sr. Brenda Walsh
04:22 to be with you, and she will have the rest of the time
04:25 to share God's Word. God's blessings upon you.
04:29 Thank you Pastor Dinzey.
04:31 Hello everyone! It's so good to be here together
04:34 and praising the Lord today, isn't it? Amen!
04:37 I want to share with you
04:40 there is no greater joy than sharing Jesus. Amen?
04:45 In fact, I think there is no greater joy
04:48 than seeing the results of sharing Jesus
04:52 and seeing that smile on someone's face
04:55 when they receive that Blessed Hope. When they realize
04:59 they have a Savior. It's amazing!
05:03 You know, we as Christians should be the happiest group
05:06 of people on earth.
05:08 In fact, my Daddy always used to tell me
05:10 since I was a real little girl he'd say:
05:13 "If you love Jesus, notify your face. "
05:18 And really and truly you show me a person that
05:21 is so down and depressed and I'll show you someone that's
05:25 not working hard enough for Jesus...
05:27 somebody that's not really out there soul witnessing
05:31 and thinking about others.
05:34 Because you just can't be depressed when you're out
05:36 serving the Lord, can you?
05:39 I love witnessing.
05:42 God gives us so many opportunities to witness.
05:44 And I hear from so many people that tell me: "Oh, I really
05:47 want to serve the Lord... I do, but I just...
05:50 I just don't know what I can do. "
05:53 In fact, one of the... I was speaking at a church one Sabbath
05:57 and at the end of the church service a well-dressed gentleman
06:01 stopped me and said: "Could I have a minute of your time? "
06:04 And he introduced himself as a physician in the area
06:06 and he said: "You know, " he said, "for years now, "
06:09 he said, "I lay awake at night you know trying to think about
06:12 what it is that God wants me to do. "
06:15 He said: "I just don't know what it is that I'm supposed to do.
06:19 I want to serve the Lord and I like hearing you talk about
06:21 serving the Lord, but I just don't know what to do.
06:25 I just can't figure it out. "
06:27 And you know what I told him? I said: "That's your problem! "
06:30 I said: "You're not supposed to figure it out.
06:33 God's already got it all figured out! "
06:36 You see, if you really want to serve Jesus
06:39 it starts with surrender.
06:41 It starts with surrendering your will to God's will
06:46 to allow Him to use you any way He wants to use you.
06:51 Thus, the topic for my seminar presentation today
06:54 Bend Me, Shape Me, Any Way You Want Me.
06:58 That's the way we want to be if we want God to use us
07:01 for His honor and glory.
07:04 It can't be all about what we want to do.
07:06 It can't be all the things in our comfort zone
07:08 that we feel good about.
07:10 We can't just sit there and plan out "Well I think
07:13 I'd like to do that" or "I'm pretty good about doing this.
07:15 I could do this to serve the Lord. "
07:17 Or you know: "I really don't... I'm not a people person.
07:21 I don't want to be a greeter at the door
07:22 but you know I don't mind being on the phone ministry
07:27 calling people. " You know what?
07:29 It's not about what we want to do.
07:31 It's not about what we're good at.
07:34 It's about what God has planned for us to do.
07:39 When I was first asked to produce Kids' Time
07:42 the very first words out of my mouth I'm ashamed to say
07:45 was: "I'm not a producer. I don't know what to do that.
07:48 I can't do that.
07:50 I'm a registered nurse. I don't know anything about producing.
07:53 I've been on television with my sisters cooking
07:55 and singing but I'm not a producer! "
07:58 And then I heard the Holy Spirit say to me:
08:00 "Brenda, did you really mean it when you told Me I could use you
08:05 however I wanted to use you? "
08:08 And let me tell you: immediately
08:12 I asked God to forgive me.
08:14 "Lord please. Lord, I'm so sorry.
08:18 Yes, I want You to use me. Lord, please forgive me.
08:21 I'm so sorry. I don't want to be that way any more.
08:24 Lord, I want You to use me however You want to use me...
08:27 however that is. "
08:29 And God took a willing heart.
08:35 And that was 14 years ago.
08:40 Kids' Time has been on every single day for 13 years.
08:45 We started a Bible study club for children and today
08:48 we have over 25,000 children enrolled in Bible studies
08:53 from over 100 different countries around the world.
08:55 Amen? Amen! Now that's what God can do.
08:59 That wasn't what Brenda can do. That's what God does.
09:04 You see the difference?
09:05 Now if I was willing just to stay in my comfort zone
09:08 and say: "OK Lord, I'm a nurse. I can't do that.
09:11 I don't know anything about that. "
09:12 It doesn't matter what we know.
09:14 It doesn't matter what our talents are.
09:16 God is never going to call us to do something
09:20 that He isn't going to give us every single thing we need
09:23 to get that job done.
09:25 And we don't have to be afraid!
09:28 We can trust Jesus. Our God is trustworthy. Amen?
09:33 I love that about God because God sees the big picture.
09:37 He is looking at the whole big picture
09:41 and we see this much of it.
09:42 We can't possibly know what is good or what we should be doing
09:47 here or what we should be saying here.
09:49 We can't know.
09:51 I had some people tell me... They said: "Well you know I...
09:55 I can't give a Bible study. I don't know anything about
09:59 that. " You know there are so many wonderful ways out there
10:02 that you can share God's Word.
10:04 Sometimes God is calling you to witness by a smile.
10:06 By just being friendly.
10:10 Maybe it is all He wants you to do is smile at somebody
10:14 that you saw in line at the grocery store.
10:16 And you just look at somebody and they seem a little dejected
10:19 and you want to go over to them and you just want to give them
10:21 a smile and say: "You know I just want you to know
10:24 Jesus loves you. I'd love for you to come to our church
10:27 this week. Would you like to come? "
10:30 Do you know that I have talked to so many people
10:33 that shared with me that the reason... the biggest reason...
10:38 they never came to church is nobody ever invited them.
10:41 Now don't raise your hands but how many here
10:44 have invited somebody to church this week?
10:47 How many people did you invite - you personally invited
10:50 whether it was a stranger, whether it was somebody
10:52 you know, that you know... a neighbor -
10:55 did you invite somebody to church this week?
10:58 What about last week? The week before?
11:01 You see sometimes it's just something simple.
11:04 Other times God may lead you into a whole conversation
11:07 and you don't have to worry about what you're going to say.
11:09 God will give you the words to say.
11:11 Isn't He amazing? I love how He does that!
11:14 God will lead you every step of the way.
11:17 We just need to trust Him.
11:20 One of the key ingredients
11:24 of really being a soul witnessing tool for Jesus
11:28 is what my Grandma used to always say: "prayed up. "
11:33 She'd say: "Honey, you've got to be prayed up. "
11:34 And that means we have to have a prayer relationship
11:38 with our Lord and Savior.
11:39 We have to have a constant communication.
11:41 We need to be filled and pray for an extra pouring of
11:45 God's Holy Spirit into our hearts and our lives
11:48 because guess what? We cannot share what we do not have.
11:52 We must be filled up with the Holy Spirit.
11:55 And God loves to do that for His children.
11:58 You see, God has commissioned each one of us to be ministers.
12:02 He doesn't just use your pastor of your church.
12:05 Each one of us He tells us to "Go ye therefore
12:08 and spread the gospel. "
12:09 That means every one of us
12:11 have a responsibility to work for Jesus.
12:14 And He has a different plan on how we do that
12:17 for each one of us.
12:19 We aren't going to know that plan unless we ask God
12:22 to come into our hearts and lives and lead us
12:26 every step of the way.
12:27 You don't have to be afraid.
12:30 Jesus has an incredible plan for you
12:35 and He's not going to let you down.
12:37 There are so many opportunities that I get all the time
12:41 to witness. In fact, I get a lot of time in airplanes
12:45 because I fly so much. I speak somewhere around the world
12:48 in a church almost every weekend
12:52 and so I get many chances to witness.
12:54 Do you know I keep a Bible study guide
12:57 in my Bible and I take my Bible with me
13:01 so that I have on my plane in my carry-on luggage
13:03 that I put underneath the seat in front of me.
13:08 I scoot that in there.
13:10 Whenever God is impressing me to give a Bible study
13:12 I can pull my Bible out because people invariably will say...
13:15 You know, when I start talking to them they'll say:
13:19 "Well this this and this and this. " And I'll say:
13:20 "Well you know before we get going
13:23 it doesn't matter what I think or what I say,
13:25 let's see what the Bible says. "
13:27 Now that makes a big difference. I pull my Bible out.
13:30 And I will share with you I do not have
13:34 the gift of memorizing scripture
13:37 like my Dad does or my sister Linda does
13:39 or so many of you may.
13:41 It's not my gift. I will get it messed up every time.
13:45 I can remember a million other things
13:47 but for whatever reason it's not my gift.
13:50 And so there will be many time when I'm getting ready to
13:53 speak somewhere and a text has slipped my mind.
13:56 I know what I wanted to say and I'll call Daddy and I'll say
13:59 "Daddy" I'll say, "I'm trying to find that text. I've spent
14:01 ten minutes and I can't find it. " And I said: "It's the one
14:04 that says... and he'll rattle it off to me just like that.
14:06 "Oh, thank you Daddy. "
14:08 You know? I wish I could so that's why my Bible is
14:11 so marked up. I keep a marker because I try
14:14 to find those texts easily.
14:15 But guess what? God doesn't expect me to
14:18 memorize all those texts.
14:20 And so I put together... In fact, I put together -
14:24 it says Brenda Walsh Ministries -
14:26 a Bible study guide. It's not any bigger than the...
14:28 than the size of a church bulletin.
14:31 You can slip it right in your Bible.
14:32 You can give a Bible study on just about any thing
14:36 you would want to give a Bible study about right here.
14:38 And so when someone's asking you what happens when you die
14:41 I go right to the part about death and I just start
14:44 you know going down and seeing what the Bible says
14:46 one right after the other.
14:48 I have never - and this is the truth -
14:50 I have never had to get through all those text before someone
14:52 stops me and goes: "Uh...
14:55 my mom is not in heaven, is she?
14:57 You don't have to read any more. "
14:59 I mean it is a wonderful incredible study guide.
15:03 And in fact I asked them to put that on the screen for you
15:05 because if you go to my website... I wanted to make this
15:09 available to everyone absolutely free.
15:11 So you can go to my website www. brendawalsh. com
15:14 and you can download it yourself. Print it off,
15:16 fold it up, put it in your Bible.
15:18 And you have no excuses now, so you can give a Bible study too!
15:23 And so just www. brendawalsh. com
15:25 and you can get your own Bible study guide.
15:27 There are so many ways that God allows us to witness for Him.
15:33 One of the ways... Three years ago
15:36 God impressed me to start posting a daily devotion
15:39 on Facebook. How many Facebook friends do I have out there?
15:43 Quite a few of you I can see.
15:45 Well you can go... They only let you have 5,000 friends
15:48 on Facebook, so I started so it's Brenda Walsh
15:51 and then I started another one called Brenda Walsh Ministries
15:54 'cause it's unlimited on that one.
15:56 And then you can... I post on both the same devotion
15:59 every single day. I haven't missed in 3 years.
16:02 And I can tell you that every single day somebody -
16:07 and I'm sure my Facebook friends will tell you this -
16:09 will post that "Wow! This was meant just for me. "
16:13 "This really hits the nail on the head for me today. "
16:16 "This is what I needed today. "
16:17 Now I'm going to share with you: there are days that
16:20 you know what I'm tired or I'm busy or I'm in a hurry
16:23 and I want... I'm tempted... You know, the enemy will
16:27 tempt me: "Brenda, you might have to skip it today. "
16:29 I'm so busy.
16:31 But that's not God's plan, is it?
16:34 And I never want to be too busy to do what God wants me to do.
16:37 And every single day that I have been tempted
16:40 to skip my Facebook devotional
16:43 God has shown me over and over again why He wanted me to do it.
16:47 You see, God is gonna be there
16:50 every step of the way. You are not on a ministry, you know,
16:54 by yourself. You're not on your own road...
16:57 Jesus is walking with you.
16:59 And so you don't have to be afraid!
17:02 Just as God: "What is the plan You have for my life, Lord? "
17:05 "What is it You want me to do? "
17:08 "Lord, I... " God knows you inside and out.
17:11 I talk to Jesus. He is my best friend.
17:13 I tell Him everything.
17:14 And I tell Him if I'm scared; I tell Him if I'm nervous.
17:18 I tell Him: "Lord, do You really want me to do that? "
17:22 You know, and I want to always do what God wants me to do.
17:28 In fact several years ago I started adding something
17:31 to my prayer life that I started praying and asking God
17:34 to make me instant to His will.
17:37 I don't want to second guess what the Holy Spirit
17:40 is speaking to me. I don't want to go:
17:42 "Oh, You didn't really mean that Lord"
17:43 and just keep on going.
17:45 No! I want to be instant to God's will.
17:47 I want to do whatever He wants me to do right then.
17:49 I might miss an incredible witnessing opportunity.
17:52 So it's an important thing to pray - don't you think? -
17:55 is that God makes us instant to His will.
17:59 And He's never ever going to leave us out there hanging.
18:02 You know, several years ago
18:07 I was here taping back-to-back programs.
18:11 That means I had a week of taping
18:13 and the next week taping as well.
18:15 And I usually would either be speaking at a church
18:18 that weekend or I would be going home.
18:21 And this particular weekend my husband was going to be gone
18:25 traveling and I thought "Why should I drive 6 hours home
18:28 for one day and then 6 hours back
18:31 to... because I'd have to come right back.
18:33 If my husband's not going to be there, I might as well
18:35 just stay here and rest. "
18:37 I don't get to do that a lot. I don't have a lot of down time.
18:40 And so I was really excited about that.
18:42 I thought: "I am just going to stay here in my little 3ABN
18:45 apartment and I'm just going to have a nice quiet Sabbath. "
18:49 And Sabbath morning I got up.
18:53 Was having my cereal. I was sitting there
18:56 in my bathrobe watching Kids' Time.
18:58 I never get to see that either.
19:00 I'm so busy producing programs I rarely get to see them.
19:03 And so I was watching and I said: "Oh, you know what, Lord?
19:06 I think I'm just going to stay here today.
19:08 I'm not going to go to church.
19:09 I think I just want to be in my bathrobe.
19:11 I'm going to watch Kids' Time. I can watch 3ABN for my church.
19:15 You guys have never thought anything like that, right?
19:17 And you would never even think those thoughts, but I was
19:20 saying, I said: "You know I just am so comfortable
19:23 I never get any down time and I can have a extra-long worship
19:27 with You, Lord. I can just enjoy a nice quiet
19:30 day with just You. Oh, oh, wouldn't that be wonderful? "
19:33 And I started to settle into my comfortable chair.
19:35 And I'm still eating my cereal, watching Kids' Time.
19:38 And all of a sudden I heard the Holy Spirit say to me:
19:41 "Brenda, get out of that chair and get ready to go to church.
19:47 I want you in church today! "
19:48 And that voice was so loud in my head I literally...
19:52 I put my cereal down - almost splattered it -
19:54 I jumped out of my chair. I ran and I got in the shower,
19:57 got dressed, and I mean I knew God wanted me in church
20:01 even though I was really wanting to be - you know -
20:04 in my little apartment playing hooky.
20:06 Well, I got into church... And I came into church
20:12 and Pastor John Lomacang was already up in front.
20:14 And I'm... You know, my dad's a preacher
20:17 so being a pastor's daughter I know you're supposed to be
20:20 early to church not late to church.
20:22 And so they're already doing the announcements
20:24 so I know I'm late. And I thought: "Well I'll just
20:26 skooch in and nobody's going to know. "
20:28 And so I skooched in the back and I a chair down on the end
20:32 that was empty and there was no one on that row.
20:36 And I thought: "I'll just quietly get in. "
20:37 But just as I'm walking up the aisle Pastor Lomacang
20:40 says: "And we're so excited that Miss Brenda's joined us
20:43 today. " So much for sneaking in.
20:48 So I sat down and I was like you know: "Oh Lord, I'm sorry
20:53 I was late. I don't know what I was thinking.
20:55 That was so selfish. Please forgive me. "
20:58 So I'm sitting there. I get my Bible out.
21:01 I get my highlighter out in case pastor's got any
21:03 texts I want to underline.
21:04 And I'm getting ready there to enjoy the service.
21:06 About that time Jay Christian
21:10 who is head of our 3ABN Radio
21:12 he was sitting about 2 rows behind me.
21:15 He got up and came and sat by me.
21:17 And he whispered in my ear. He said: "Miss Brenda, "
21:20 he said, "there is a lady on my row - sitting on my row -
21:24 that is crying. " He said: "Do you think after the service
21:27 you could maybe say something to her? "
21:29 he said, "because she probably needs a woman's touch. "
21:33 And I said: "Well sure. " I said "How will I know who she is? "
21:36 And he said: "Well, she's sitting in the middle of my row,
21:40 I'm two rows behind you"
21:41 and he said: "and she's wearing pretty shoes. "
21:44 I was pretty impressed that he'd notice that!
21:46 And so I said: "OK, I'd be happy to. "
21:50 So he gets up and goes back to his pew.
21:53 And I'm sitting there now getting ready for church
21:56 and all of a sudden I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me
21:59 saying: "Brenda, go sit with her NOW! "
22:03 And it was so loud, it was so real
22:06 I literally shot up out of my chair.
22:08 I grabbed my purse, grabbed my Bible.
22:09 My highlighter went flying across the floor.
22:12 I didn't even go get it. I jumped up; I turned around,
22:14 I walked down to where Jay was sitting.
22:16 I crossed in front of him. I went down the middle of the row.
22:19 And sure enough, there's this beautiful woman
22:21 with blonde hair and she's got the most gorgeous
22:25 turquoise shoes on.
22:27 And so I passed over in front of her
22:30 and I moved her Bible that was setting on the seat
22:33 and I put my arm around her
22:36 and I said: "I want you to know Jesus loves you
22:39 and I'm your friend. "
22:41 "Jesus loves you and I'm your friend. "
22:44 And you know, tears were streaming down her face.
22:47 And I gave her a big hug.
22:49 And then we started to get into the Word.
22:54 And I said: "What is your name? " And she said: "Rhonda. "
23:00 And I said: "I'm Brenda. " And she said: "I know. "
23:06 And so we started to go through the church service
23:10 and all of a sudden Pastor John asked us to turn in our Bibles
23:14 to a certain text. And right there where we turned
23:18 was a very special bookmark.
23:20 See, these bookmarks... I wrote about them in my book
23:23 called Passionate Prayer. It's under the chapter called
23:26 Margie's Mission. It's the second chapter.
23:28 Some of you nodding: you've read the story of Margie's
23:30 bookmarks. Well, there was a very special bookmark
23:33 that was in there, and I had been praying about that
23:35 particular bookmark. I had been praying that God would
23:38 use that bookmark to win a soul for Him.
23:40 And I would pray and pray and pray and I would say: "Lord,
23:44 is this the person? Is that the person? "
23:46 Many times I've said: "Lord, when do You want me to give
23:47 this bookmark? " We opened the Bible
23:50 and there it is: that bookmark
23:53 and it's right at the text that Pastor John had asked us
23:55 to turn to. And I knew immediately I was supposed to
23:59 give Rhonda that bookmark.
24:01 And I reached in there and I handed the bookmark to Rhonda.
24:04 And she looked at me and she went: "Oooh... "
24:06 and she said: "Margie's bookmarks. "
24:11 And I said: "Yes. "
24:12 And I said: "How did you know? "
24:15 And she said: "I read your book. "
24:18 And I gave her another big hug.
24:20 We ended up with the church service
24:24 and at the end of the service before the closing song
24:28 I whispered to her and I said: "Rhonda, would you mind
24:30 if we just? " There was a door over to the side
24:32 and I said: "Would you mind if we just stepped over
24:35 and went inside of there and I could pray with you? "
24:37 And she said: "Yes, I would like that. "
24:40 So before everybody even exited the church
24:43 Rhoda and I slipped across over into that door over there
24:46 and I shut the door. We went over there.
24:49 I put a couple chairs out; we sat down.
24:51 And I said: "Rhonda, what would you like me to pray about? "
24:55 And she started to cry.
24:57 And she said: "I want you to pray that God will give me
25:02 the strength to go to my Sunday-keeping church
25:06 tomorrow and tell them that I will no longer
25:11 be worshiping with them, that I am going to join
25:13 the Seventh-day Adventist church. "
25:16 She said: "You see, God's been working on my heart
25:20 about the seventh-day Sabbath. " And she said:
25:25 "Someone had given me your book Passionate Prayer. "
25:28 And she said: "The Sabbath is so clear. "
25:31 She said: "I knew in my heart. " And she said:
25:33 "And this morning, " she said, "but I've been resisting it
25:36 because I love the Lord with all my heart. "
25:38 You see, Rhonda already had a deep relationship with Jesus.
25:41 She loves... In fact, she was one of the hardest workers
25:44 in her church. And she knew what a void that would be
25:48 in her own little church if she left. And she was struggling.
25:50 And she was saying: "Lord, do You really want me to worship
25:55 on the Sabbath? Does it really matter? "
25:57 And she hears the Holy Spirit telling her:
25:59 "I didn't say 'Go worship on any Sabbath'
26:01 I said MY Sabbath. ' "
26:04 And that morning... Rhonda got up that morning
26:08 and felt impressed that she needed to come here to church.
26:12 But she was scared to come.
26:14 It's hard to come into a church you've never been to before
26:18 by yourself... and especially if it's not your denomination.
26:22 And so she called several friends and nobody would go
26:25 with her. But God didn't let her off the hook.
26:28 He said: "Rhonda, I want you in church today. "
26:32 And so Rhonda - because she listens to the Holy Spirit
26:34 because Rhonda has a deep, committed relationship
26:37 with Jesus - she came.
26:40 But as she was sitting on that row all by herself -
26:43 nobody was sitting near her -
26:46 she began to feel lonely.
26:48 She began to feel just literally sitting there all alone.
26:53 And she literally was sitting there
26:55 and tears had started coming down her cheeks.
26:58 And she literally prayed to the Lord
27:03 "God, if you want me to be here, I need a friend. "
27:08 And she said: "Right then, a second after that was my prayer
27:12 to Jesus, I see you shoot up out of your chair
27:14 like a bullet. " She says: I'm thinking: "What are you doing? "
27:17 And she said: "All of a sudden she's coming right back,
27:20 she passes in front of me, she's moving my Bible.
27:22 She puts her arm around me and the first words out of your
27:25 mouth are: "Jesus loves you and I am your friend. "
27:30 Can I tell you I had no idea
27:33 what was going to come out of my mouth?
27:35 I had no idea what she had prayed.
27:37 There's no possible way I could have known that.
27:40 Are you starting to get the picture that Jesus knows?
27:43 He's got a plan for our life.
27:45 We don't have to figure it out.
27:47 God has a plan. All we have to do is be willing,
27:50 obedient, and joyful about whatever God wants us to do.
27:55 Do you know I had the privilege a short time later
28:00 of being up here right on this very platform
28:06 where our baptismal tank was
28:08 and watching Rhonda be lowered into baptism.
28:14 There is no greater joy than serving Jesus.
28:20 Now I have a story I want to share with you
28:22 but before I share this story
28:24 I want you to know that Rhonda is here with us today.
28:28 And I'd like to introduce Rhonda. Would you stand
28:30 for me, please? Would you mind?
28:32 Rhonda's here today. Rhonda's one the biggest workers
28:35 here in our church. Rhonda, I have shared your story
28:40 to people around the world.
28:41 And this is the very first time I have been able to share this
28:44 story with you here. What a privilege it is.
28:48 And thank you for all you do to allow God to use you
28:52 in such a special way.
28:54 Well today there is part two.
28:57 Would you like to hear part two, the rest of the story?
28:59 Because this is a story that I have not had the privilege of
29:02 telling anyone before
29:04 because this story just happened.
29:07 It's an amazing story. You see, I'm telling this story
29:10 because God has a plan. He looks at the big picture
29:14 and He's moving. And all we have to do is trust Him
29:18 because God used me in a way to minister to Rhonda.
29:24 God used Rhonda and me to minister to somebody else.
29:29 And today I want to tell you that story
29:31 because it's amazing. You see, about 3 weeks ago
29:36 we were here taping Bible stories for Kids' Time.
29:40 Now this is the very first time that we have taped Bible stories
29:43 on an Egypt background as we were telling the story
29:46 of Moses. And so that meant Moses leading His children
29:50 out of Egypt.
29:53 And so all of our sets were all Egyptian theme.
29:58 That meant in make-up it was going to be a nightmare
30:01 because think about all that Egyptian eye make-up
30:04 we had to put on everybody.
30:06 The very first day of taping three weeks ago now
30:09 we're in the make-up room in the wardrobe area
30:15 and we're trying to get this make-up to go on.
30:18 And our make-up is just running. It seems like we can't
30:22 get that eye make-up to stay.
30:23 And we worked hard... all day long we struggled.
30:27 We'd get out on the set and we'd start to tape
30:29 and "Stop! Cut! " We'd have somebody's eye
30:31 that literally just... had dripped down to here.
30:35 And so we'd be like fixing that.
30:38 All day long it was "Stop! Cut! " Oh!
30:41 I was praying my way through it. I'm saying:
30:43 "Lord, what is the matter? " I said... I keep praying:
30:46 "You could fix that eye make-up!
30:48 Can't You just fix it, Lord? "
30:51 You know, I talk to Jesus that way. He's my best friend.
30:53 He knows me. God has a better plan.
30:59 You see I didn't know God had a reason for that make-up
31:02 giving us such a hard time all day.
31:04 That evening after that first day
31:06 I took a group of our Kids' Time volunteers
31:11 out for Chinese food in West Frankfort.
31:12 And afterwards I was going to head down a half an hour
31:15 down to Marion to go to a store and get some different make-up.
31:19 I thought: "Well if I get some waterproof
31:22 eye liner then that will work. "
31:23 But it was already getting late. I was tired
31:27 and I thought: "You know, I'm going to just... "
31:29 And I know the Holy Spirit you see leads and guides
31:31 put the thought in my head 'cause I was already all set
31:34 to go down to Marion. And I said: "You know what?
31:37 I think I'm just going to stop first in West Frankfort
31:40 at the CVS and just see if they have any waterproof eyeliner
31:44 that we can use on these Egyptian eyes. "
31:46 And I said: "That would save me a half hour trip there
31:49 and a half hour trip back. " And so I said: "Lord,
31:52 why don't we just try that? " So I had a group with me
31:56 in my car and we stopped at CVS.
31:59 Now my whole team is looking and we're reading all the labels.
32:02 "Nope, it's not waterproof. Nope, it's not waterproof. "
32:05 I mean, I'm saying: "Lord please, we're all tired.
32:07 Can You just show us where this is? Surely this store's got
32:10 to have somewhere a waterproof eyeliner. "
32:13 About that time someone special... my assistant - her
32:17 name is Melissa Hoffman - her mom is a Bible worker
32:21 in Sanford Gap church near Collegedale, Tennessee,
32:25 and she was helping us out in our Bible stories
32:27 that week, this season
32:30 and so she was helping me look for eyeliner too.
32:33 And she meets a lady - a young lady - that was
32:39 looking at perfume. And the girl turned and looked.
32:43 My assistant's mother's name is Pam.
32:45 She looked at Pam and she goes, she says: "Do you think this
32:47 smells good? " And so Pam you know... She says: "Yeah,
32:51 that smells good. " And Pam's talking to her a little bit.
32:54 And all of a sudden she looked over at me and she goes:
32:57 "What do you think? " And so I walked over.
32:59 Now I never told her I'm really hypersensitive to perfume.
33:02 And so she said: "What do you think? "
33:06 And I: "Oh, that smells nice. "
33:08 And I'm saying: "Lord, please don't let me sneeze. "
33:12 And so I said: "Oh, that smells nice. "
33:14 And we started talking.
33:16 And we all had our black T- shirts on that has the
33:19 Kids' Time logo and on the back of our shirt it says
33:21 Kids' Time crew and it tells what our...
33:24 Our first name is on it and then our job there.
33:26 Mine says producer on the back.
33:28 And we're all in our black shirts so she looked
33:33 and she goes: "What are you guys doing? "
33:34 You know, I guess we did stick out like a sore thumb.
33:37 And so I started sharing with her about the 3ABN,
33:43 our Kids' Time program. I said: "Why don't you, "
33:45 and I know the Holy Spirit was impressing me,
33:48 "why don't you come out tomorrow
33:50 and help us out on the program?
33:52 Why we might even dress you up and put you right out on the
33:54 show! " And she was like: "Really? "
33:57 And I'm like "What kind of nuts are these kinds of people? "
34:00 you know? And I said: "No, no. " So I was telling her
34:03 a little bit about what we did.
34:04 And she said: "Well, you know, that would be fine. "
34:07 I said: "I can have my assistant come by and pick you up
34:09 and take you right there. "
34:10 And Pam says: "Well I'll take her; I'll come pick her up. "
34:13 And so the next day went and picked her up
34:18 and she came out and to our set. And right away we had a spot
34:22 where we needed her; she needed to get those Egyptian eyes.
34:25 And so we dressed her all up in wardrobe.
34:28 She's sitting there in wardrobe
34:30 and I'm working on her make-up.
34:34 Now I've got to tell you this because this is a key part
34:37 of the program - part of my story - because
34:40 I want to show you how God works each step of the way.
34:43 The night before right after I had met this young lady
34:48 I took her before the Lord in prayer.
34:50 I prayed and I prayed and I prayed.
34:53 I prayed that God wouldn't allow anything to stop this
34:57 young lady from coming to help us out on the program.
34:59 I knew with everything inside of me she was supposed to be there.
35:03 And so I started praying and praying and praying
35:06 that God would open the door to make sure she came
35:12 and open her heart.
35:14 I also prayed something I've never prayed before
35:18 this particular thing. I said: "Lord... " I said,
35:20 "I am not here on weekends
35:23 to love and nurture her to You. "
35:26 I said: "I really, Lord... If there's any way
35:30 can You open the door so that Pastor John Lomacang
35:32 can have a chance to meet this young lady? "
35:34 I didn't know if that would be the only chance she'd have
35:37 to meet him, and I know that Pastor Lomacang
35:39 is filled with the Holy Spirit
35:41 and I know that he is the pastor of this church
35:44 and he loves his members.
35:46 Do you know, as I'm putting... The next morning I'm putting
35:50 that make-up on this young lady
35:52 her name is April
35:55 in walks Pastor John Lomacang.
36:00 Now I prayed and I had faith but here... when I actually
36:04 see him in the flesh my mouth about dropped open.
36:06 He has never come into our make-up room before
36:10 uninvited or without a reason... ever.
36:12 So can you imagine my shock on my face
36:16 when I saw here's Pastor Lomacang walking in.
36:19 And I'm thinking: "Oh Lord You have a plan.
36:21 Thank you Jesus! "
36:24 And when I got done I said: "Oh Pastor Lomacang
36:26 I want you to meet April. " And so I'm introducing him
36:29 to April. And then April said something that about made
36:33 my heart stop. She looked up and she said:
36:36 "3ABN saved my life. "
36:40 She'd never mentioned anything about that before!
36:43 I had no idea she'd even known anything about 3ABN.
36:48 And he goes: "Really? How's that? "
36:50 And she said: "Well, your 3ABN ministry team - prison ministry
36:55 team - two years ago, " she says, "I was in prison
36:59 and your church - your 3ABN prison ministry, women's
37:03 ministry team - came to see me every week. "
37:07 And she said: "And I was so angry with God
37:11 I wanted nothing to do with God. I didn't want to pray to Him.
37:15 I didn't want to talk to Him. "
37:19 And she said: "And then one of the women
37:21 in the ministry team looked at me and said:
37:25 "Well don't stop talking to God.
37:27 Just tell God that you're mad at Him. "
37:30 And she said: "I can do that? "
37:33 And this young lady said: "Yeah, you can tell God
37:36 anything! If you're mad at God tell Him you're mad at Him. "
37:40 And do you know, that started me praying again.
37:45 That started me talking to God again.
37:49 And God showed me that it really wasn't Him I was mad at,
37:55 I was mad at myself and all the mistakes I had made.
38:00 Do you know, April came and helped us every single day
38:06 that week... she came and helped us.
38:07 I think she might have missed one day.
38:09 And she was in church that Sabbath.
38:12 She's been in church each Sabbath since.
38:15 And yesterday April shared with me
38:20 that she wants to join our church.
38:22 Amen. Well Amen. You can go ahead and clap for that because
38:26 that's a big Amen.
38:30 And I want to tell you: do you know who that woman was
38:34 on the women's ministry team that told her to go ahead
38:37 and tell God that she was mad at Him?
38:39 That was Rhonda.
38:41 That was Rhonda.
38:43 And I want to introduce to you Rhonda and April
38:46 who are sitting next to each other today. They are here.
38:49 Would you mind both standing? April and Rhonda are here today.
38:53 And isn't it amazing
38:59 how God uses each one of us.
39:01 Now God knew... You can sit down bless your hearts.
39:04 I love you both April and Rhonda.
39:06 And I wanted to share with people around the world
39:09 how God works.
39:11 You see, two... It was more than two years ago
39:16 I don't even know how long it was, Rhonda, when
39:17 God allowed our story to take place.
39:21 How long was it? Four years ago she said.
39:24 And then two years ago God's using Rhonda
39:28 in the same plan He has for April's life
39:31 where He's going to bring me into that.
39:33 Can you see how God works?
39:36 Two years after the fact and God's still working
39:40 and He is putting the pieces to those puzzles to make
39:43 a beautiful picture. Isn't God good?
39:47 Amen! You see, I love how God works that way.
39:50 I love it when you see God's plan unfolding.
39:55 But here's the thing: we don't always know and see God's plan
39:58 unfolding. We can't always... We can't always know.
40:03 Many times it'll be when we get to heaven
40:06 that we're going to even see the fruits of our labor.
40:10 We need to trust Jesus.
40:12 God is not always going to tell us what happens
40:15 or how He used us.
40:17 But I can tell you this: if you're willing to allow God
40:20 to use you He will
40:23 and we just need to trust Him to do it however He wants to do it.
40:29 We want to trust God. All we need to do is say:
40:32 "Lord, bend me, shape me, any way You want me.
40:34 I am Yours. Use me however You want. "
40:39 You see? And He will.
40:40 There are so many many opportunities that God gives us
40:45 all the time and we've just got to trust Him.
40:47 It's a lifestyle change that I'm talking about.
40:50 It's a day-to-day difference in your life.
40:53 It's when you have determined in your heart to surrender
40:56 your heart and life to Him and say: "Lord,
40:58 guide my steps today. "
40:59 Wake up in the morning and say: "Lord, could You give me
41:01 some divine appointments today? "
41:03 "Lord, use me in a special way. "
41:05 "Use me however You want to use me. "
41:08 And then get ready for what God's going to do.
41:11 It might be a telephone call that you make
41:14 and God gives you an opportunity to witness for Him
41:17 to somebody on the phone that you've never even met or seen.
41:19 It might be somebody in line at the grocery store.
41:22 You know, I wrote about in my book Passionate Prayer
41:25 I wrote the story of another young woman that goes to this
41:28 church. I met her in line at Wal-Mart
41:31 and God used that experience to bring Angela into this church.
41:37 You see, God doesn't expect us to do the work.
41:43 We are only the messenger... we are only the tool
41:48 that God can use to bring others closer to Him.
41:51 It's not our job to save souls; that's God's job.
41:58 When God calls us out to be fishers of men He didn't say
42:00 "Go clean the fish. "
42:02 God doesn't want us to go out and try to fix people,
42:05 make them perfect. There are no perfect people.
42:10 But God can take all our imperfections,
42:12 God can take all the ugliness in our lives,
42:15 and He can turn it into good and use it for His honor and glory
42:18 if we are willing, obedient, and joyful about whatever it is
42:22 God wants to... how He wants to use us.
42:26 This year I think I've had about three trips now to Australia.
42:29 In one year... that's a long trip.
42:32 But I've got to tell you: I love my Australian brothers and
42:34 sisters. I've got so many friends there that they
42:37 I land into an airport in Australia I feel like I'm
42:40 going home too. And this last trip
42:44 that I made just a month ago
42:48 I was going to speak for a women's ministries retreat
42:53 in Victoria Conference.
42:56 And for the first time ever
42:59 my mom was going with me on a ministry trip.
43:02 It was the most incredible exciting thing to have my...
43:07 my mom - who had never been with me on a ministry weekend -
43:10 come with me. And it was also her very first time at a women's
43:14 retreat. So for her very first retreat I was her speaker.
43:18 And I was so excited to have this special time with Mom.
43:21 Now selfishly I had another reason I was also glad
43:24 because when you grew up in a family with five kids
43:27 there is no alone-time with your mama.
43:29 And so when Mom and I were talking about it on the flight
43:33 back from Australia that it was probably the most
43:36 alone time I had with her - just Mom and I -
43:39 my whole life.
43:41 We never had that much time just alone with Mom and I.
43:45 And so that was a special gift from God.
43:47 But I was so excited that Mom was coming with me
43:49 on this trip. I wanted to make sure... Mom isn't the seasoned
43:53 flyer that I am so I wanted to make sure
43:55 that she wasn't flying alone.
43:58 So I live in Knoxville. My Mom, you know,
44:01 is in Michigan. So I had her tickets arranged
44:04 so that I would fly from Knoxville to Detroit
44:07 and Mom would meet me in Detroit. She would get...
44:10 That would be the start of her flight.
44:11 We'd be on the same flight from Detroit to L.A.;
44:14 L.A. to Sydney; Sydney to Melbourne.
44:16 And so at no time Mom had to fly alone.
44:20 Well, I'm on the flight from Knoxville to Detroit
44:26 and our flight is delayed.
44:29 And it's delayed. Now I had... making sure...
44:32 I like to be certain. I don't like to be late;
44:35 I want to be sure that nothing could happen.
44:37 I didn't want my Mom to be worried about anything
44:40 so I had planned even a three-hour layover in Detroit
44:43 so there would be no rushing around.
44:45 I wanted it to be very simple for my Mom.
44:47 And now it's getting... we're over an hour delayed.
44:51 Now it's a two-hour delay.
44:53 Now it's an even longer delay and I'm praying and I'm praying
44:55 and I'm praying and I'm saying: "Oh Lord, I know You're
44:58 in charge here but you know Mom's going to be worrying
45:01 and she can't get on that flight without me.
45:05 And Lord, You know where I need to be. "
45:07 Telling God stuff He already knows.
45:13 And so we finally get in. Our flight is about
45:16 already almost 1/2 hour late
45:20 and now we get up to our jet bridge and guess what?
45:25 They can't get the jet bridge to work that's going to come
45:28 to our plane to let us off the plane.
45:31 Now all these people on the plane... I'm sitting up front
45:35 and there's a pilot in front of me that's taking a flight
45:41 to go get a flight somewhere. He was just a passenger
45:44 on this plane. He was sitting in the seat in front of me
45:46 and we talked a little bit before the plane had taken off.
45:50 Now he's the first one up and I'm the next one after him
45:54 'cause I was the second seat.
45:56 And the flight attendant is right in front of him
45:59 and it's a narrow little bitty puddle-jumper plane kind of
46:02 thing. And now all these people behind are all
46:05 agitated and irritated because that jet bridge
46:07 is not there. Everybody's late.
46:10 And so tempers are getting a little hot, and this one
46:13 particular gentleman... he, I think, had been drinking.
46:16 And he was saying things he shouldn't be saying.
46:18 He was screaming at that flight attendant.
46:19 Now it's not her fault.
46:21 And she looked like she was going to cry.
46:24 And so I said to the pilot: "Excuse me just a minute. "
46:27 And he backed up and let me by.
46:29 And I just went over and gave her a great big hug.
46:31 And I said: "I want you to know you're doing the best job
46:34 you can. This is not your fault. "
46:36 I said: "Please don't take this personal. "
46:38 I said: "You're doing a really good job.
46:41 Don't be upset. " I said: "Jesus loves you;
46:45 He's got a special plan for you today. "
46:47 And she said: "Thank you for that. "
46:49 And she kind of wiped her eyes 'cause she was trying hard
46:51 not to cry. And I stepped back to let the pilot...
46:54 I didn't want him to think I was cutting in line.
46:56 And so the pilot turned and looked at me and goes:
46:58 "That was really nice. "
47:01 And I said: "Well it's not her fault. "
47:03 And the guy behind is still ya ya ya ya ya ya you know.
47:09 And so the pilot sits down by me and he says:
47:11 "You know I'm late too. " He said: "I'm going to have to
47:15 get off this plane" he said...
47:17 he said "cause I'm flying the next flight. "
47:22 And I said: "Well I'm flying too. "
47:23 And I said: "You know my Mom" and I shared with him a little
47:26 bit what I was doing. And I said "It's the first time ever
47:28 my Mom... You know, was going on a ministry trip with me"
47:30 I said "She's waiting at the gate already. She'd already
47:34 texted me like "Where are you? "
47:36 And I'm texting her back saying "I'm stuck on the plane. "
47:40 And I said: "I sure hope they don't leave without me"
47:43 I said "because I really need to make that flight.
47:45 There is no other flight. "
47:47 And I said: "We're going to L.A. "
47:53 And he said: "You're going to L.A. on Delta? "
47:56 I said: "Yeah. " And he goes: "I'm the pilot of that plane! "
48:01 And I said: "You are? " He had already told them
48:05 to bring the steps to let him down, they couldn't wait
48:07 for that jet bridge. He said: "Don't you worry. "
48:09 He's coming down the steps. He turned around
48:11 and looked at me and said: "Don't you worry.
48:12 I'm not leaving without ya. "
48:15 And so I waved to him. I said: "Thank you. "
48:18 And I was like: "Oh God You're so good to me. "
48:21 And so I texted Mom. I said: "I'm stuck on the plane
48:24 but I'll get there. Don't worry. "
48:26 So as soon as that jet bridge was fixed I mean I was
48:29 huffing and puffing and running and running and running.
48:31 And I got to the gate and there was Mom.
48:35 And I gave her a great big hug and she goes: "I was worried
48:37 honey. " She said: "They're calling for us.
48:42 We're supposed to be boarding. "
48:44 And about that time I see the pilot looking out from the
48:51 cockpit... No, not the cockpit. The door you go in to board
48:55 the plane. And he's looking out and he sees me
48:57 and he goes: "OK, now we can leave. "
48:59 And he said: "Get that woman and her mom on this plane. "
49:02 And he came over for a few minutes and I introduced him
49:05 to my Mom and he said to my Mom something about how she'd done
49:10 such a good job raising me or something like that.
49:12 And so I thanked him for waiting for us
49:15 and we got on the plane. And we were there getting
49:17 all settled in and all of a sudden a flight attendant
49:20 came up to me and said: "The captain told all of us
49:24 crew that you were very special friends of his
49:26 and that we're supposed to treat you really good
49:28 and if you need anything to let him know. "
49:32 Next thing you know another crew member came by
49:36 and told us the same thing.
49:37 And I think every one of them came to introduce themselves.
49:41 "We want you to know if there's anything you need... "
49:43 I mean all throughout that flight they were bringing us
49:46 meals from first class. I mean, they were...
49:49 They were treating us so good.
49:50 And I had one of my books called Battered to Blessed
49:53 in my carry-on that I was going to give as a gift
49:57 to our women's ministries director.
49:59 And I pulled that out and God impressed me
50:01 to give that book to the captain.
50:03 And he had told me his name was Tom, and so I signed the
50:05 book to him and I called the flight attendant.
50:08 I said: "Would you make sure the captain gets this book? "
50:12 And she said: "Well yes, I'd be happy to. "
50:14 And so I put a little note in there to him.
50:18 I put my business card in.
50:20 And then we prayed and we were thinking...
50:23 Mom and I even had special prayer before I gave the book
50:25 to him that God would place an extra pouring of His Holy Spirit
50:29 upon this divine appointment that He made with Tom.
50:32 And we didn't get a chance to talk to him again after that.
50:36 But right before I'm getting ready to speak
50:40 at the women's retreat the very first night
50:43 my Mom sees a message. I have her holding my phone.
50:46 I have it on vibrate so it doesn't mess up anywhere.
50:48 And she sees this message come across my phone
50:52 and she can see and she goes: "Honey, Brenda, come look. "
50:54 And here was an e-mail from Tom
50:57 and he told me - poured out his heart.
50:59 Told me how he had been up all night reading my book,
51:02 that he wanted to know more about what I believed in,
51:06 and would I come and speak to his... he has a men's group
51:10 that he meets with. Would I come and speak to them?
51:12 Isn't God good? Amen!
51:15 You see how God leads each step of the way?
51:19 Every step of the way. Now I could not have possibly...
51:21 I could have been sitting there fuming because our plane was
51:24 late. I could have been sitting there - you know -
51:26 being all upset like everybody else.
51:28 But you see, if our plane is late and we're in God's plan
51:31 does it matter?
51:33 That's the really cool thing about being a child of God.
51:36 When you are a Christian and you're following Jesus
51:39 you never have any problems. They're God's problems.
51:43 You know, when we take our burdens to the Lord and leave
51:45 them there we really can trust them to Jesus.
51:48 We don't have to pick them back up and keep worrying
51:50 about it... we can trust it to Jesus.
51:53 I tell you, there are so many wonderful opportunities
51:58 to witness for Jesus
52:01 and God's got a special plan for each one of us.
52:04 I was witnessing on a plane going from Atlanta
52:08 to Shreveport. I always get nervous when I fly
52:11 into Shreveport because I've flown there three times
52:13 and all three times they've lost my luggage.
52:15 In fact, one of the times I had to actually speak
52:18 in my blue jeans. That's not good.
52:20 So now I don't fly that way any more.
52:23 I've always got something in my suitcase that I can speak in.
52:27 But I get nervous going to Shreveport.
52:29 But I was flying from Atlanta to Shreveport
52:34 and our plane was again delayed, delayed.
52:37 I get to sit next to a woman
52:39 in the gate area and we started... God opened the door
52:44 for a way for me to start witnessing to her.
52:46 She was a young woman that was in the service.
52:49 Her name was Noelle.
52:50 And just as we were really getting into God's Word
52:54 they tell us that they're ready to board now.
52:57 We'd had some kind of mechanical problems.
52:58 And so we get on the plane and wouldn't you know...
53:02 our seats are right next to each other.
53:07 And I was like: "Thank you Jesus!
53:09 Oh God, You're so good to me! "
53:11 And so I sat there and we had the whole way
53:14 to finish our Bible study.
53:16 And when we were done I said: "Noelle,
53:19 I'm speaking here tomorrow. "
53:23 I said: "I would love for you to come. "
53:25 And she said: "Really? "
53:27 She said: "Well you know I might just come. "
53:29 And I said: "Well I hope and pray that you do. "
53:32 I said: "In fact, I'm going to ask God not to give you any
53:36 peace or rest until you make a decision to come. "
53:40 She goes: "I kind of think you'd do that. "
53:43 I said: "Oh you know I will! "
53:45 And so I had prayer with her on the plane.
53:49 And all my way even to that hotel I was praying and praying
53:53 and praying that God would not let anything interfere
53:57 with Noelle being at that church the next day.
54:01 And I prayed. I called people.
54:03 I called Prayer Warriors... anybody that I knew would pray
54:06 for me. I called them up and said: "Please pray for Noelle.
54:10 Please pray for Noelle. Please pray for Noelle. "
54:11 You see, when God allows us to be His servants
54:18 we have to trust Him and we are not the Holy Spirit.
54:22 We need to pray and ask God to water those seeds that
54:25 He's allowed us to plant for Him.
54:27 And so as I'm getting... Now it's the church service
54:30 I'm looking all around to see if Noelle's there.
54:32 No, and I described her to the greeters.
54:34 This is what she looks like you know, and...
54:37 I searched through the congregation.
54:40 No, no. Now it's time to go back behind.
54:42 I'm having prayer with the elders before we come out
54:45 on the platform. Now we come out.
54:47 I am just... They have just introduced me
54:50 and I'm getting to the podium to speak
54:53 and in walks Noelle.
54:57 I was able to introduce her to everyone
55:01 right from the podium and told everyone about our divine
55:03 appointment. And I said: "You know, folks... "
55:07 I said: "Let's love her to Jesus. "
55:09 And I wish I had time to tell you all of Noelle's story.
55:13 Sometimes the clock is my enemy 'cause I have so many more
55:16 stories I could be telling ya.
55:18 But God used that experience in such an incredible way.
55:22 And I received... Not long after that Noelle was relocated
55:28 stationed some place different.
55:30 She wanted me to know she'd given her heart to Jesus,
55:33 that she was coming to church.
55:35 She'd asked for our Bible studies,
55:37 and I got her all signed up with Amazing Facts Bible studies.
55:40 In fact, I keep those cards... When I'm traveling
55:43 you know I pack... My carry-on bag on the plane
55:46 is packed for witnessing.
55:48 And so I've got those Bible study cards.
55:50 I've got my Bible.
55:51 I've got my Bible ministry study guide.
55:57 And when someone is interested in Bible studies
56:01 I will hand them that card and I will say:
56:03 "Would you mind putting your name and address on here? "
56:05 I said: "And I'd like for you to learn more
56:09 about what we've been studying. " They said: "Well
56:11 yeah, I'd like that. "
56:12 And I say: "Would you just put your name and address
56:14 on that card for me? " And they go: "Well I can mail it later. "
56:17 Don't give the enemy one minute to get them to change their
56:20 mind. No! I said: "Oh no. " I said: "You fill it out.
56:23 Would you allow me the privilege of putting a stamp on that
56:26 and mailing it for you? "
56:27 You see, I'm not going to give the enemy one second
56:31 to have them change their mind
56:33 and throw that out at the door on their way out.
56:36 You see, God is working in our hearts and our lives today.
56:40 We need to have such a close walk with Jesus,
56:43 we need to be so "prayed up" as my Grandma says,
56:46 that we can hear the Holy Spirit talking to us.
56:50 That we can know when we hear God's voice
56:54 and He's saying "Go sit over here" we sit there.
56:57 We have to be not afraid because we can trust Jesus.
57:00 He's going to give us the words to say.
57:01 There is nothing to be ashamed of or to be afraid of
57:05 when you're working for Jesus.
57:07 You really truly need to just have a heart that's open
57:11 and a relationship with the Lord that is so close.
57:15 You need to be able to fall on your knees
57:18 and pray to God and say: "Lord,
57:20 use me in a special way. "
57:22 "Lord, come into my heart and life. Bend me;
57:26 shape me any way You want me. "


Revised 2014-12-17