3ABN Homecoming 2013

Daniel 9:24-27 'The Time is Fulfilled'

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Dinzey


Series Code: 13HC

Program Code: 13HC000003

00:45 Hello and welcome again to 3ABN Fall Camp Meeting.
00:48 We are glad that you are here.
00:50 We have a group of people that have come from different parts
00:53 of the United States. Anyone come from outside
00:56 the United States here? Anyone here?
00:58 OK, they're probably on their way still.
01:01 But we are happy that you are here
01:03 and of course we welcome those that accompany us
01:05 via radio, Internet, satellite,
01:09 or local TV station.
01:11 Cable stations all over the world watching 3ABN,
01:15 listening to 3ABN. And we praise the Lord that we have
01:19 this opportunity to study God's Word together.
01:22 Today we're going to study a topic from Daniel chapter 9.
01:25 We're going to study about The Time Is Fulfilled.
01:29 The Time Is Fulfilled.
01:32 Before we do that we're going to ask Sr. Celestine Berry
01:36 that will come forward and minister to us in music.
01:41 Then we will begin to study God's Word.
01:44 It is my privilege to be the speaker for this hour
01:47 so I ask for your prayers
01:48 for we ask that the Lord will be the One to speak to us.
01:51 So at this time I'd like to ask Celestine Berry.
01:54 She will be interpreting a song called The Warrior is a Child.
01:58 So I invite you to God's throne of grace
02:02 as you listen to this song.
02:19 Lately I've been winning
02:24 battles left and right
02:28 But even winners
02:31 can get wounded in the fight
02:37 People say that I'm amazing
02:42 I'm strong beyond my years
02:45 But they don't see inside of me
02:52 I'm hiding all the tears
02:59 They don't know that I go
03:05 running home when I fall down
03:10 They don't know who picks me up
03:15 when no one is around
03:19 I drop my sword
03:22 and cry for just a while
03:29 'Coz deep inside this armor
03:36 The warrior is a child
03:48 Unafraid because
03:52 His arrow is the best
03:56 But even soldiers
04:00 need a quiet place to rest
04:06 People say that I'm amazing
04:10 I never face retreat
04:15 But they don't see the enemies
04:20 That lay me at His feet
04:26 They don't know
04:29 that I go running home when I fall down
04:35 They don't know who picks me up
04:40 when no one is around
04:45 I drop my sword
04:47 and cry for just a while
04:54 'Coz deep inside this armor
05:01 The warrior is a child
05:13 They don't know that I go
05:18 running home when I fall down
05:22 They don't know who picks me up
05:27 when no one is around
05:31 I drop my sword
05:34 and then look up for a smile
05:40 'Coz deep inside this armor...
05:47 deep inside this armor...
05:56 deep inside this armor
06:04 The warrior is
06:08 a child
06:21 Amen.
06:22 Amen; praise the Lord. We thank you Sr. Celestine Berry.
06:27 The Warrior is a Child. Amen?
06:30 Amen. A message in song.
06:32 And we would like to now invite you to prayer.
06:36 We would like to ask the Lord to lead us,
06:38 guide us, help us to understand His Word.
06:40 I will kneel, and I would ask you if you may remain seated.
06:45 But I'm going to kneel and ask the Lord for His blessing.
06:48 So let us pray together.
06:52 Our loving heavenly Father,
06:55 we thank you so much for Jesus
06:59 who gave His life for us.
07:02 And as we study this important topic, Lord,
07:05 we pray that You will lead us into a deeper understanding
07:11 of what Jesus has done and is doing for us.
07:15 We ask, Lord, for Your Holy Spirit to be poured out.
07:18 I place myself in Your hands, Lord, and I pray that Jesus
07:22 Christ may be seen and heard.
07:25 And so we ask that every word spoken will come from Your
07:29 throne of grace.
07:31 In Jesus' holy and blessed name, Amen.
07:37 Jesus came to preach a message to the people...
07:41 a message that some said "Never a man spake
07:45 like this Man. " You may remember
07:48 that before Jesus there was a forerunner the Bible calls him.
07:52 And so I invite you to turn in your Bibles
07:55 to Matthew chapter 1.
08:00 I'm sorry. It's not Matthew chapter 1.
08:04 It is Mark chapter I believe. Let me make sure of that.
08:08 Mark chapter 1 and verse 1.
08:11 So as we look at the scriptures we see that a forerunner was
08:15 sent. No, I'm sorry. It's not Mark chapter 1.
08:19 I noted it wrong on my notes.
08:22 So we start off with giving you the scripture
08:26 that it begins like this:
08:44 "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"
08:48 was his message. John the Baptist preached this message
08:52 and you have to ask yourself "What does he mean
08:56 by "Repent... for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. "
09:01 So we now take you to another scripture,
09:04 another speaker: Jesus Christ Himself.
09:07 And for this scripture we'd like to invite you to
09:11 Mark chapter 1 verse 14.
09:14 In Mark chapter 1 verse 14.
09:18 Notice:
09:42 Amen?
09:45 So what does He mean by "The time is fulfilled? "
09:49 "Repent ye and believe the gospel. "
09:52 He said that the kingdom of God is what? At hand.
09:56 What does He mean by that?
09:59 And what does He mean by "the time is fulfilled? "
10:01 We will briefly take a look at this and bring you to
10:05 some scriptures that help us to understand what this means.
10:10 You must understand that when Adam and Eve sinned
10:17 as soon as they sinned there was a Savior.
10:21 Amen? Amen.
10:23 We read in the book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 8-
10:26 we're not going to look that up - but it says that
10:28 Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God slain from the foundation
10:33 of the world. So as soon as there was a sinner
10:37 God's grace was extended, His mercy was extended
10:41 to Adam and Eve and to the human race.
10:45 Because looking forward to the Lamb that would be slain,
10:49 Jesus Christ, it was said that He was slain from the foundation
10:53 of the world. So we have to ask ourselves
10:57 what happened there. You see, the kingdom
11:01 of grace was instituted because grace and mercy
11:06 were extended to Adam and Eve.
11:09 But when Jesus says: "Repent ye for the kingdom of heaven
11:13 is at hand and the time is fulfilled"
11:16 He's referring to a prophecy in the book of Daniel.
11:20 We're going to look at that in a moment
11:22 but first we'd like to invite you to Hebrews chapter 4
11:26 verses 15 through 16.
11:28 Hebrews chapter 4 verses 15 through 16.
11:31 Notice the wording in Hebrews chapter 4.
11:34 There are a lot of scriptures we have to look at today.
11:36 We'll get as far as we can.
11:38 Hebrews 4:15-16 we have these words:
11:41 "For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched
11:45 with the feeling of our infirmities
11:47 but was in all points tempted like as we are
11:51 yet without sin. " Praise the Lord!
11:54 Now let's look at verse 16.
11:56 "Let us therefore come boldly... " That means we're
11:59 confident... "unto the throne of grace
12:03 that we may obtain mercy and find grace in time of need. "
12:08 So it says here that we should come with confidence -
12:11 "boldly" the King James uses -
12:14 before the throne of grace.
12:16 If there is a throne of grace,
12:18 there must be a kingdom of grace.
12:22 So the kingdom of grace that was instituted in
12:27 the foundation of the world
12:29 was not established until Jesus Christ dies on the cross.
12:35 Because when you look at when Adam and Eve sinned
12:38 their mercy that they received
12:41 was looking forward to the sacrifice that would be made
12:44 on their behalf. So a kingdom of grace was instituted
12:48 but was established when Jesus Christ dies on the cross
12:52 victorious.
12:54 Amen? So when Jesus says "Repent ye because the time
12:57 is fulfilled" you see God had been working for
13:02 hundreds and thousands of years with the Jewish people
13:06 preparing them to do a special work in all the world
13:10 to bring the everlasting gospel to the world.
13:14 It was through them. They were to be the vehicle
13:16 to bring the everlasting gospel to the world.
13:19 So God worked with them
13:21 for hundreds and a few thousand years.
13:24 Eventually because of their sin,
13:30 their rebellion, time was allotted for them to get
13:34 things right.
13:36 But first let us look at a scripture
13:38 in Galatians chapter 4.
13:41 Galatians chapter 4.
13:44 In Galatians chapter 4 we are going to read verses 4 and 5.
13:48 Notice the words. If you prefer to write these down
13:53 you may. We might be going through them rather quickly.
13:56 "But when the fullness of time was come
14:01 God sent forth His Son, made of a woman,
14:05 made under the law... " For what purpose?
14:08 "to redeem them that were under the law
14:10 that we might receive the adoption of sons. "
14:16 God wants to adopt each and every one of us.
14:19 We have a choice to make.
14:21 The Bible says that "when the fullness of time"
14:24 so that means that God has a time table.
14:27 God has a heavenly clock.
14:31 And this clock... when the time came His Son was sent.
14:36 But He told God's children that this would happen.
14:42 He gave them a prophecy by which they were to guide
14:44 themselves to know when that time was coming.
14:47 And this is why we have to go to the book of Daniel.
14:51 This... When Jesus says "the time is fulfilled;
14:55 the kingdom of God is at hand" He's talking about establishing
14:59 the kingdom of grace that was instituted at creation
15:02 but He's talking also about the time was fulfilled
15:06 that you must repent before your time of mercy is closed
15:12 as far as being the people to bring the gospel to the world,
15:17 the everlasting gospel to the world.
15:20 And so let us turn in your Bibles to the book of Daniel
15:24 chapter 9. In the book of Daniel chapter 9.
15:28 If you look at the book of Daniel and you begin in verse 1,
15:31 we're not going to start there, you will notice that
15:34 Daniel is praying. The people of Israel were in Babylon
15:38 and he knew that they were placed there
15:40 because of their sins.
15:42 You should read that prayer of Daniel.
15:44 He identified himself with the sins of the people of Israel
15:48 even though there are no sins recorded in the book of Daniel
15:53 that he committed.
15:54 But the Bible says that "all have sinned
15:57 and have come short of the glory of God. "
16:00 But we see here that Daniel has been praying.
16:03 Tears were flowing from his face.
16:05 He knew - he was reading the book of Jeremiah -
16:08 he knew that the time was coming
16:10 for the deliverance of the people of Israel
16:12 and he was asking the Lord for understanding.
16:15 Furthermore, he was also pleading with the Lord
16:18 to understand the prophecy: the vision he was given
16:21 in Daniel chapter 8
16:23 specifically verses 13 and 14
16:26 which we hope to look at near the end.
16:30 Because it says there: "Unto 2,300 years
16:33 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. "
16:37 But today we're going to focus on Daniel chapter 9
16:40 beginning in verse 24.
16:42 So I invite you to begin there with me.
16:45 Daniel chapter 9 verse 24.
16:48 Are you ready? If you are, say "Amen. "
16:52 Very well... let's begin. Verse 24:
18:18 And so we have this prophecy brought to Daniel
18:22 and Daniel was seeking for understanding.
18:25 And God sent an angel to help him understand.
18:29 He actually came to bring him more detail about the prophecy
18:33 in Daniel chapter 8. More information that will help us
18:37 even today to understand God's time clock and events
18:42 that took place that help us understand that what God says
18:46 will happen, happens. Amen?
18:50 And so now as we look at this particular prophecy
18:55 we now bring you
18:58 to what this prophecy means.
19:03 You must understand... let's go back to verse 24...
19:06 It says: "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people. "
19:10 We have to understand what that means.
19:13 Is it 70 literal weeks? Is it 70 prophetic weeks?
19:17 We understand by studying the Bible
19:20 that in Bible prophecy a day equals what?
19:22 A year. You've studied this before.
19:25 Some listening may not understand this,
19:28 so we're going to bring to you at least one scripture
19:32 that brings that into our understanding.
19:35 In Ezekiel chapter 4:5-6... we're going to read that.
19:41 There's another reference in Numbers chapter 14 verses 33-4.
19:45 We are not going to read that one for the sake of time.
19:48 But in Ezekiel chapter 4
19:51 I invite you to turn in your Bibles there.
19:53 Ezekiel chapter 4... notice the wording
19:56 beginning in verse 5:
20:00 "For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity
20:05 according to the number of the days - 390 days -
20:10 so shall thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.
20:13 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right
20:17 side and thou shalt bear the inequity of the house of Judah
20:20 forty days. "
20:22 So he was going to be a symbol of what was going to happen
20:25 to Israel and Judah.
20:27 And then the verse finishes with these words:
20:31 "I have appointed thee each day for a year. "
20:35 Each day for a year. So in Bible prophecy
20:38 one day equals one year.
20:40 So when we look at the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9
20:44 beginning in verse 24 we have to ask ourselves
20:47 how many is that. Well, a little math will tell us.
20:50 Seventy times seven... we'll see that on the screen
20:52 for some folks that prefer to see that.
20:54 Seventy times seven is how much?
20:57 490. So when we look at this prophecy
21:02 we have to understand that seventy weeks times seven
21:06 which is 7 days in a week means 490 years.
21:12 490 years.
21:15 So the people of Israel had 490 years
21:18 to do as it is specified in the prophecy.
21:23 What was specified in the prophecy concerning them?
21:26 If you look at Daniel chapter 9, there were things
21:29 that specified the people of Israel and there were things
21:35 that God was going to accomplish through His Son Jesus Christ.
21:39 So in the prophecy - when you look at Daniel chapter 9-
21:42 you will notice that verse 24 says that
21:46 "they must make an end of sin. "
21:49 In other words, stop their rebellion.
21:52 It says: "finish transgression and make an end of sins. "
21:56 They had 490 years to accept God's message and repent
22:01 and believe the gospel
22:04 and to accept God's invitation to continue to be
22:08 the people - the instrument - that He would use to bring
22:11 the gospel to all the world.
22:13 At that point they had been keeping it to themselves...
22:18 even though it seems to appear that they would send out
22:22 missionaries from time to time.
22:25 Jesus says that they...
22:28 they encompassed sea and land to make one a proselyte. "
22:32 But they taught them things that were not in the scriptures
22:36 He said. But let's continue here as we look at this prophecy.
22:41 So we have seen that seventy times seven equals 490.
22:48 So we now have to ask ourselves: "If they had 490 years,
22:52 when do these years begin? "
22:55 When is the starting point? And the same starting point
22:58 for Daniel 9:24-27
23:01 is the same starting point for Daniel chapter 8 verse 14
23:05 which we hope to look at later.
23:06 So we see here what is the starting point?
23:09 In Daniel chapter 9 verse 25 you see the beginning.
23:14 It says: "Know therefore and understand
23:16 that from the going forth of the commandment
23:21 to restore and to build Jerusalem. "
23:24 From this commandment that is the starting point.
23:28 So as you look at scriptures and you look at history
23:31 you will notice that there were several decrees mentioned.
23:34 But the decree must line up
23:40 with what's written in scripture in order for that to apply.
23:42 Since there were several you examine all of them
23:45 and it's history... it is the decree of Artaxerxes
23:50 that clearly meets with what the Bible says
23:57 because it gave instructions to do exactly that:
24:01 to restore and to build Jerusalem.
24:03 "The walls will be built... even in troublous times"
24:06 the scripture says.
24:08 So we take the year 457 BC as the starting point.
24:11 So we'll show that on the screen.
24:13 We'll take the 457 BC as the starting point
24:18 and we will see that the prophecy covers the time
24:23 when the Messiah would be revealed.
24:26 So we see that from the commandment to restore
24:30 and to build Jerusalem - 70 weeks, 490 years -
24:35 starts in 457 BC. And if you count 490 years
24:39 from 457 BC it takes you to the year 34 AD.
24:44 How does it take you to 34 AD?
24:46 You must understand that you don't count 0.
24:51 They literally went from 1 BC to 1 AD.
24:56 They didn't go to year 0... there is no year 0.
24:59 So you went from 1 BC to 1 AD and that's how you see
25:02 that there are 490 years.
25:05 If you understand that say "Amen. "
25:07 Amen. Some of you have studied this before.
25:09 So we see now that we move on
25:11 to what is next in the prophecy.
25:16 I'd like to bring you now - you will see a graphic
25:19 that will show you that because of the way the prophecy
25:23 is mentioned it says that there are 62 weeks
25:28 and then it mentions... it mentions a time
25:34 when there are 483 years... 483 years.
25:37 It specifies something about the last week
25:40 because it says: "He shall confirm the covenant with many
25:44 for one week. " And so we see that there is...
25:49 there is one week that is of greater importance
25:53 because it's the final stage of the time they had
25:57 to repent and believe the gospel.
26:01 Repent and believe the gospel.
26:04 So now we will see on the screen
26:06 that beginning in 457 BC taking us to 490
26:11 we notice that there are 483 years from 457 BC
26:15 to a specific time when there are 7 years left.
26:21 We're going to focus on the seven last years.
26:24 We're going to focus on those seven last years
26:26 to understand what happened and that shall be the focus
26:28 of our study for the remainder of the time.
26:31 So we see in the last 7 years. Now we have to ask ourselves
26:35 about the Messiah. What happened?
26:39 What happened because it said "the Messiah. "
26:43 There are some interesting things in this prophecy
26:45 that we're going to look at,
26:46 and so I invite you to pay close attention.
26:50 So let us begin in 27 AD.
26:55 That brings us to the time when the Messiah is revealed.
27:01 What happened that helps us to understand
27:04 that the Messiah comes upon the scene of history
27:07 to begin His ministry. I invite you to turn in your Bibles
27:11 to Luke chapter 3 verse 21.
27:13 Luke chapter 3 verse 21.
27:17 Luke chapter 3 verse 21.
27:19 As you saw a graphic the time came in 27 AD
27:22 when Jesus Christ was baptized.
27:26 Luke chapter 3 beginning in verse 21.
27:28 Are you ready? Say "Amen. "
27:30 Amen. We read: "Now when all the people were baptized
27:35 it came to pass that Jesus also being baptized
27:39 and praying the heaven was opened
27:43 and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove
27:48 upon Him. And a voice came from heaven which said:
27:51 'Thou art My beloved Son;
27:54 in Thee I am well pleased. ' "
27:59 Amen? Amen.
28:01 So when Jesus is baptized is when He is really revealed
28:04 to the public as the Messiah.
28:08 When Jesus is baptized He is revealed as the Messiah.
28:11 He begins His public ministry.
28:13 Prior to that He was doing work as any other man would do.
28:18 He was a carpenter.
28:20 He learned to be a carpenter by trade.
28:22 But His public ministry began in the year 27 AD
28:27 which can be identified by the words of the book of Luke.
28:32 It mentions specific detail as to who is governing
28:36 at that time that helps us understand
28:39 to arrive at that particular date.
28:41 So in 27 AD Jesus Christ was baptized
28:44 and He is and was the Messiah.
28:49 So in 27 AD He was anointed
28:54 by the Holy Spirit. Amen?
28:58 So that is what the word Messiah means:
29:01 the Anointed One.
29:04 So in 27 AD Jesus Christ was anointed
29:07 as the Messiah and He began a special ministry
29:13 focusing to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
29:17 You will see that in the writings of Matthew, Mark,
29:20 Luke and John. "I am sent to the lost sheep
29:23 of the house of Israel. "
29:24 The Bible says in John 3:16
29:26 that "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten
29:30 Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
29:33 but have everlasting life. "
29:34 So He came to preach to the Jewish people but preach to us
29:37 as well. But He came to call the people of Israel to repentance
29:42 and to believe the gospel
29:45 because "the time is fulfilled; the kingdom of God is at hand. "
29:50 The kingdom of grace was to be established
29:52 and the people of Israel had only seven years left.
29:57 So the Messiah is the Anointed One.
30:01 So in Daniel chapter 9 verse 24
30:06 I invite you to look at that again: Daniel 9:24.
30:10 In addition to the people of Israel to finish transgression -
30:15 abandon rebellion - and to make an end of sins
30:20 God through His Son was going to make reconciliation
30:25 for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness
30:31 and eventually to seal up the vision and prophecy.
30:35 But there's another point here that we're going to look at:
30:38 "to anoint the Most Holy. "
30:41 What does that mean?
30:43 We're going to look at that in a moment.
30:45 So we see here that Jesus... the time comes when He was
30:50 going through the city of Jerusalem. Going through
30:52 the cities of Israel preaching "Repent ye:
30:56 and believe the gospel. " He went from place to place
30:59 healing the sick. Even raising the dead,
31:03 giving sight to the blind.
31:04 Even curing a disease that they thought was incurable:
31:07 leprosy.
31:09 Even demons were cast out.
31:11 Never a man spoke like this Man.
31:14 And He preached with passion and He looked at every person
31:18 as a person He longed to save.
31:21 So He preached with an urgency to the people of Israel
31:25 to repent and believe the gospel.
31:28 But unfortunately the Bible reveals
31:34 a point in time when Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane.
31:38 He headed to Jerusalem.
31:39 Went to the Garden of Gethsemane...
31:41 there began to pray. And in Matthew 26 you will see
31:45 that He is pouring out His heart out in prayer
31:48 because the time of His suffering was coming.
31:51 Greater suffering... because He suffered all His life.
31:54 Eventually we remember... You remember that Judas
31:58 came with people with clubs and spears and swords
32:03 to take Him captive.
32:05 Did He resist? No.
32:08 He went willingly with them.
32:10 And He was taken before the high priest
32:12 and He was there before the Jewish Council.
32:17 They examined Him, questioned Him,
32:19 even found false witnesses, and eventually condemned Him
32:23 to death without a just cause.
32:26 He was taken then to the Romans and brought to them.
32:30 And he said: "What evil has He done? "
32:33 And there was no evil He had done.
32:37 And he insisted: "But why? What evil has He done? "
32:41 They went as far as saying: "His blood be upon us
32:46 and our children. "
32:50 He had done nothing wrong.
32:52 And there on the cross
32:57 even two individuals as testimony to those there...
33:03 one a thief that at first was
33:07 attacking Jesus with words.
33:10 Eventually he understands that he has an opportunity
33:15 for salvation still while on the cross.
33:19 And he even says to the other thief:
33:25 "He has done nothing amiss" the Bible says.
33:28 "We are suffering for what we have done
33:31 but He has done nothing amiss... nothing wrong. "
33:34 And then he turns to Jesus and he says:
33:38 "Remember me when You enter into paradise. "
33:43 How? Do you see faith there?
33:47 This thief beholds Jesus Christ dying on the cross
33:50 but yet he believes that He will go to paradise
33:54 and he says: "Remember me when You go to paradise. "
33:59 He believed and therefore his faith was accounted
34:04 for righteousness.
34:07 And Jesus promised him: "Verily, verily I say unto you
34:10 today, you will be with Me in paradise. "
34:15 What kind of testimony was that to those listening?
34:19 What? What is He talking about?
34:21 He's dying on the cross. It was a testimony
34:25 that even though He's was going to die He's going to rise again
34:30 to victory.
34:32 The last testimony there on the cross
34:38 came from the centurion. When Jesus Christ gave up
34:40 the ghost the Bible says what happened then?
34:44 The centurion said: "Surely
34:47 this is the Son of God! "
34:52 He didn't whisper that... that was loud.
34:55 Impressed by what had happened, impressed by how Jesus was
34:58 dying, suffering willingly. And he said:
35:02 "This is the Son of God. "
35:05 And there on the cross, Jesus Christ gave His life for us.
35:10 And now I say to you that Jesus confirmed the covenant
35:15 with many for one week,
35:18 but the time came when in 31 AD
35:24 Jesus was crucified.
35:28 There on the cross He gave His life for us and died
35:35 to bring salvation to the world.
35:37 So in 31 AD... As you look at the graphic you notice
35:40 that 27 AD to 31 AD are 3-1/2 years.
35:44 Jesus spent 3-1/2 years of public ministry
35:47 and when He dies on the cross there are 3-1/2 years left.
35:51 So even though they went as far as to crucify the Son of God
35:56 God in His incredible mercy
35:59 gave them another 3-1/2 years.
36:02 Is God merciful? Would you say "Amen? "
36:04 Has He been merciful to you? Would you say "Amen? "
36:07 Amen.
36:09 I invite you to turn in your Bibles to Matthew chapter 27
36:12 verse 50.
36:14 Matthew chapter 27 and verse 50.
36:16 Something interesting happens
36:19 while Jesus is dying on the cross.
36:22 Matthew chapter 27 verses 50 and 51. Notice:
36:26 "Jesus, when He had cried again with a loud voice,
36:30 yielded up the ghost. " Verse 51:
36:33 "And behold the veil of the temple
36:37 was rent in twain from the top to the bottom
36:41 and the earth did quake and the rocks rent. "
36:46 So you ask yourself: "Why does Matthew
36:49 while describing what's happening at the cross
36:51 take us away from that scene and move us to the temple? "
36:57 Because something significant had happened
37:02 that if we just keep reading we may miss.
37:05 And many people read this and miss it.
37:08 But I believe you understand that God was giving a message
37:12 to the people of Israel: that temple
37:16 is now... no longer valid.
37:20 What happens? No more sacrifices are needed
37:22 because the true sacrifice was done.
37:27 The Lamb of God was slain and crucified for us.
37:33 And that brought an end to sacrifices... all sacrifices...
37:39 because the true sacrifice had come.
37:42 All those lambs and goats
37:45 and all those animals were but a shadow - a symbol -
37:49 of what Jesus Christ was going to do on the cross
37:53 and what He would continue to do after the cross.
37:56 And so I invite you to consider that Jesus Christ
38:03 did something powerful.
38:06 Now let's go into John chapter 20 verse 16.
38:09 We have to hurry. John chapter 20 verse 16.
38:13 We remember that Jesus Christ on Sunday morning
38:17 was resurrected from the dead.
38:18 In John chapter 20 verse 16 we have the following words:
38:21 "Jesus said unto her: 'Mary. ' She turned herself
38:25 and said unto Him: 'Rabboni' which is to say Master.
38:29 Jesus said unto her: 'Touch Me not
38:31 for I am not yet ascended to My Father.
38:34 But go to My brethren and say unto them
38:37 I ascend unto My Father and to your Father
38:40 and to My God and your God. ' "
38:42 Amen.
38:46 So Mary went with that message:
38:48 "I have seen Jesus the Messiah alive again! "
38:55 It was almost unbelievable to them.
38:59 It was news too good to be true!
39:02 But the good news was true.
39:05 And that evening Jesus showed Himself before the disciples
39:09 and presented His scars to them.
39:13 Later one called Thomas who said: "I won't believe
39:17 until I put my fingers into the nail scars. "
39:22 So later Jesus presented Himself to him and said:
39:25 "What? Thrust your finger in My scars. "
39:29 What did He tell Mary? "Don't touch Me. "
39:31 But now He's telling: "Put your fingers in here. "
39:35 Giving permission to touch Him.
39:37 Jesus said to Mary: "Do not touch Me because I have not yet
39:40 ascended to the Father. "
39:43 Did He go to the Father before He showed up? Yes He did!
39:46 He went to the Father to assure Himself
39:49 that the sacrifice was accepted.
39:54 And Jesus Christ died as an innocent Lamb for us.
39:59 Took our sins upon Him
40:01 so that we could have salvation.
40:06 And so it was that something else happened
40:10 after He ascended up to heaven.
40:13 And so I bring you now to Daniel chapter 9 verse 24.
40:20 Daniel chapter 9 verse 24.
40:22 The last part says that during the 70 weeks -
40:27 during the 490 years -
40:29 a time would come when the Most Holy would be anointed.
40:33 "To anoint the Most Holy. "
40:35 Some people mistake and think this is talking about Jesus
40:37 Christ. But this is not talking about Jesus Christ.
40:41 Daniel chapter 9 verse 24 the last part is talking about
40:44 the Most Holy place in heaven being anointed.
40:51 I would like to bring to you
40:56 the Hebrew words Most Holy in Daniel 24 are kodesh ka-doshim
41:01 which means holy of holies.
41:04 That's what it means.
41:06 And so I bring you this quote by F. C. Gilbert:
41:29 That's from the book The Messiah in His Sanctuary
41:31 page 227. F. C. Gilbert.
41:34 So this part - "to anoint the Most Holy" -
41:37 is talking about the Most Holy place in heaven
41:40 to be anointed.
41:42 And so I bring you this graphic in the year 31 AD
41:47 when Jesus Christ was crucified;
41:49 later went to heaven
41:52 and anointed the Most Holy place in heaven.
41:57 Amen.
42:00 So in 31 AD the heavenly temple was inaugurated
42:05 for service by the High Priest for the people of God:
42:10 Jesus Christ.
42:12 So in Hebrews... Please join me in your Bibles
42:17 in Hebrews chapter 9. We're going to read quickly
42:19 verse 18 and onward.
42:21 Hebrews chapter 9 verse 18 and onward.
42:23 Notice how these words help us to understand this.
42:28 "Whereupon neither the first testament
42:30 was dedicated without blood
42:33 for when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people
42:36 according to all the law he took the blood of calves
42:39 and of goats and water and scarlet, wool, and hyssop
42:41 and sprinkled both the book and all the people
42:44 saying: 'This is the blood of the testament which God
42:47 has enjoined unto you. '
42:49 Moreover, " it says, "he sprinkled with blood
42:52 both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministries. "
42:56 Verse 22: "And almost all things are by the law
42:58 purged with blood, and without the shedding of blood
43:00 is no remission. "
43:02 Verse 23: "It was therefore necessary
43:05 that the patterns of the things in the heavens
43:12 should be purified with these.
43:16 But the heavenly things them- selves with better sacrifices
43:21 than these. For Christ is not entered into the
43:25 holy places made with hands,
43:27 human hands - which are the figures of the true" -
43:30 the one in heaven - "but into heaven itself
43:32 now to appear
43:34 in the presence of God for us. "
43:40 Amen?
43:42 So what we have here is Jesus Christ entering into
43:47 the Most Holy place in heaven
43:49 anointing the heavenly temple.
43:52 He went into the holy place and anointed it.
43:57 He went into the Most Holy place... anointed it
44:01 and came out
44:03 to begin His ministry in the holy place
44:08 because His ministry in the Most Holy place comes later
44:14 in the year 1844.
44:16 Amen?
44:18 This is what this scripture is telling us.
44:20 He went in there and anointed the thing.
44:22 Now I'd like to invite you to consider
44:25 this interesting thing.
44:27 You see, God must make people aware of what He is doing.
44:31 So I invite you to turn in your Bibles
44:34 to Acts chapter 2 verses 1 and 3.
44:37 Acts chapter 2 verses 1 and 3.
44:39 If you join me quickly... We have to catch up on time
44:42 here if we can. Acts chapter 2 verses 1 and 3.
44:45 Here we have: "And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come
44:49 and they were all with one accord in one place
44:52 and suddenly there came a sound from heaven
44:56 as of a rushing mighty wind
44:58 and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
45:01 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues
45:05 like as a fire and it sat upon each of them. "
45:10 So what happened there on the Day of Pentecost?
45:13 The Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples
45:16 in the appearance of cloven tongues.
45:19 Now hold that thought for a moment.
45:22 You see, the Bible records in... we're not going to go there...
45:25 in Exodus chapter 40 verses 9 through 38
45:27 and also in Leviticus chapter 9 verses 22-24
45:31 that when the first sanctuary was instituted,
45:36 inaugurated, sacrifices were made
45:39 and then... It was anointed, sacrifices were made
45:43 and then what happened?
45:47 Fire came down from heaven.
45:49 And God descended upon the temple and filled the place
45:54 with His glory.
45:57 That's what happened in the first sanctuary.
45:59 Later as you go to II Chronicles chapter 7
46:03 you have to read chapter 6 and you will notice
46:06 that again God sent the blessing down.
46:10 The temple was done... it had been built.
46:12 You can call it the David-Solomonic temple
46:14 because David wanted to do it. He wanted to build the temple
46:16 but he could not.
46:18 Solomon was given the task.
46:21 And when the temple was finally erected, was anointed
46:25 for the priests to come in and do their service,
46:27 in II Chronicles chapter 7 verses 1-3
46:31 fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifices.
46:37 Amen. Letting them know that "I approve of what has happened"
46:43 "I will dwell in this house
46:46 just like in the first house you gave Me. "
46:52 Unfortunately, this temple was torn down.
46:57 So when Jesus Christ comes upon the scene
47:00 was there a temple? Yes or no?
47:01 Yes... but something happened to this temple.
47:09 The veil of the temple was rent in two.
47:12 Not with human hands because it was rent from the top
47:15 to the bottom... God letting them know:
47:17 "This temple, the services are over.
47:20 It is now the time for the temple in heaven
47:24 to be inaugurated for the ministry of the High Priest -
47:29 the true High Priest, Jesus Christ -
47:31 to begin His ministry. "
47:33 And so we see that God is bringing a message
47:37 to the people because when that ceremony is accomplished
47:42 God sends fire down again
47:45 in the form of the Holy Spirit
47:48 and cloven tongues as a fire appeared to the disciples.
47:53 So God is letting them know something has happened:
47:55 the Holy of Holies has been inaugurated.
48:01 I would like to - for those of you that are SDA's and like
48:04 to look into a quote by Ellen G. White concerning this -
48:10 this is found in Acts of the Apostles
48:13 page 38. Notice this.
48:20 This is from the book Acts of the Apostles:
48:51 Amen.
48:53 So He had been inaugurated as what?
48:56 Priest and King.
48:59 And once you are placed in that position
49:02 what do you do?
49:03 You begin your ministry.
49:06 And He began His ministry in 31 AD in the holy place.
49:13 You remember that there was a daily service that took place,
49:17 but once a year there was the Day of what?
49:21 of Atonement. So eventually Christ would enter into the
49:25 Most Holy place to begin the final phase of His ministry.
49:29 And you will notice as you read in the scriptures
49:32 that the high priest had duties every day.
49:38 And so Jesus accomplished those duties from 31 AD
49:42 to 1844. Taking care...
49:47 making sure the lamps are lit which were but a symbol.
49:51 So He ministered in the first apartment
49:54 considered the holy place.
49:56 But the people of Israel had 3-1/2 more years
49:59 to make an end of sins.
50:02 So the first 3-1/2 years Jesus Christ ministered unto them.
50:06 There remained 3-1/2 more years
50:10 because it says: "He shall confirm the covenant
50:14 with many for one week. "
50:15 If you go to Daniel chapter 9 you will notice that it says
50:19 "He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week
50:22 and in the midst of the week... " What would happen?
50:24 It says: "sacrifices and oblations would cease. "
50:29 And by His death on the cross
50:31 He ended sacrifice and oblations.
50:36 So after this - 3-1/2 more years -
50:42 the apostles continued to preach to the people of Israel.
50:45 You remember Peter's great sermon in Acts chapter 2.
50:49 Preached to them, taught them, led them to understand
50:52 that Jesus Christ was resurrected and was ministering
50:55 in heaven. That He was at the right hand of the Father.
50:57 They continued to preach for 3-1/2 years
51:00 and then later... I invite you to turn to the book of Acts
51:04 chapter 6. The book of Acts chapter 6.
51:09 We have little time left. Let's see if we can
51:11 get this part done. Acts chapter 6. I begin reading
51:14 in verse 9.
51:16 I'm sorry. I'll begin reading, yes, in verse 9.
51:20 "Then there arose certain of the synagogue
51:22 which is called Synagogue of the Libertines and Cyrenians
51:25 and Alexandrians and of them of Cilicia
51:28 and Asia disputing with Stephen.
51:30 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the Spirit
51:34 by which he spake. Then they suborned men
51:37 which said: 'We have heard him speak blasphemous words against
51:40 Moses and against God. ' "
51:42 Didn't they say that Jesus spoke blasphemous words?
51:46 They said... repeating what took place here.
51:49 "And they stirred up the people and the elders and the scribes
51:52 and came unto him and caught him and brought him
51:54 to the Council. " Did they bring Jesus to the Council?
51:57 Was the high priest there?
51:58 We have here a similar stage taking place.
52:05 Verse 13: "And they set up false witnesses. "
52:08 Did they set up false witnesses against Christ?
52:10 Yes they did. "which said: 'This man ceaseth not
52:13 to speak blasphemous words against this holy place
52:16 and the law, for we have heard him say that this Jesus of
52:19 Nazareth shall destroy this place and shall change the
52:22 customs which Moses delivered unto us. '
52:25 And all that sat on the Council looked steadfastly on him
52:29 and saw his face as it had been the face of an angel. "
52:34 And you see, God again is ministering. His last message
52:39 in 34 AD to the people of Israel is through Stephen.
52:43 And he saw a vision identifying as a prophet.
52:46 He became a prophet.
52:49 So in Acts chapter 7 verses 54 through 59...
52:52 I'll try to get through them:
52:54 "When they heard these things, " he preached a sermon to them,
52:57 "when they head these things they were cut to the heart
52:59 and they gnashed on him with their teeth. But he
53:03 being full of the Holy Ghost looked up steadfastly
53:06 into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus
53:09 standing on the right hand of God and said: 'Behold,
53:12 I see the heavens opened
53:14 and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. '
53:18 Then they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears
53:22 and ran upon him with one accord
53:24 and cast him out of the city and stoned him.
53:29 And the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's
53:32 feet whose name was Saul.
53:33 And they stoned Stephen and calling upon God
53:36 and saying: 'Lord Jesus receive my spirit. ' "
53:39 Verse 60: "And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice
53:43 'Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. '
53:47 And when he said this he fell asleep. "
53:50 The last message of warning.
53:54 The 490 years were over.
53:56 And we have a representation of the people of Israel
53:59 rejecting this message
54:01 to repent and make an end of rebellion
54:06 and believe the gospel.
54:09 But they killed God's prophet Stephen.
54:13 And so I bring you to a graphic that shows us
54:16 that the end of the 490 years were completed.
54:19 Beginning in 457 BC
54:22 taking us all the way to 34 AD
54:26 when Stephen was stoned the 490 years were done.
54:31 So I ask you this question:
54:34 has God closed the door of mercy to the people of Israel?
54:39 No. "For God so loved the world
54:42 that He gave His only begotten Son
54:45 that whosoever... " What? "believeth in Him
54:47 should not perish but have everlasting life. "
54:50 They lost the privilege to be God's representatives on earth
54:54 as a country, a people,
54:57 but they still had the privilege and opportunity
54:59 to accept salvation full and free
55:03 if they believe the gospel. Amen?
55:07 And so we praise the Lord for God's mercy to us.
55:12 Stephen was stoned in 34 AD.
55:15 And so now I bring you to Daniel chapter 8 verses 13-14
55:19 rather quickly. Daniel 8:13-14.
55:23 "Then I heard one saint speaking
55:26 and another saint said unto him... "
55:46 Amen.
55:48 This scripture reveals that after 2,300 years
55:52 something of vital importance would begin.
55:57 The beginning point for this prophecy is the same as the one
56:00 the 70 weeks: 457 BC...
56:03 taking us to the year 1844.
56:07 What happened in 1844?
56:09 Jesus Christ stepped from the holy place into the Most Holy
56:14 place to do what it said in Daniel chapter 8 verse 14:
56:21 beginning of the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary.
56:27 Amen? And there He is ministering for us!
56:31 "For we have not a High Priest which cannot be touched
56:34 with the feelings of our in- firmities but was in all points
56:36 tempted like as we are... yet without sin.
56:39 Let us therefore come with confidence to God's
56:42 throne of grace. "
56:43 And as a people I invite you to "Behold what manner of love
56:48 the Father hath bestowed upon us
56:50 that we should be called... " What?
56:52 "sons of God. And it does not yet appear... "
56:55 verse 2 says of I John chapter 3
56:57 "what we shall be but when He appears
57:01 we shall be as He is. " Now notice I John chapter 3 says
57:06 that "he who has this hope purifies himself. "
57:12 And it is time for God's people to purify themselves
57:15 and to take up the message that John the Baptist preached,
57:18 that Jesus preached: "Repent for the kingdom of God,
57:22 the kingdom of glory is at hand. "
57:25 "Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. "
57:28 I say to you and to all those listening: Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17