Generation of Youth for Christ 2013

Sunday Morning Devotional

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Sikuhululekile Hlatshwayo


Series Code: 13GYC

Program Code: 13GYC000015

00:24 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
00:28 Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
00:32 Streams of mercy, never ceasing
00:36 Call for songs of loudest praise
00:40 Teach me ever to adore Thee
00:44 May I still Thy goodness prove
00:49 While the hope of endless glory
00:53 Fills my heart with joy and love
00:58 Here I raise my Ebenezer
01:02 Hither by Thy help I've come
01:05 And I hope by Thy good pleasure
01:09 Safely to arrive at home
01:13 Jesus sought me when a stranger
01:17 Wandering from the fold of God
01:21 He to rescue me from danger
01:25 Interposed His precious blood
01:29 O, to grace how great a debtor
01:34 Daily I'm constrained to be!
01:38 Let Thy goodness, like a fetter
01:42 Bind me closer still to Thee
01:45 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
01:49 Prone to leave the God I love
01:54 Here's my heart O, take and seal it
01:59 Seal it for Thy courts above
02:06 Nice time to sing our theme song,
02:08 "The Stage."
02:09 Please stand as we sing it.
02:24 The stage has been set
02:27 All creation looks on
02:30 Two kingdoms are warring between right and wrong
02:35 The choices you make have a very high cost
02:41 Eternity's won or eternity's lost
02:47 Before men and angels
02:50 Which side will you choose?
02:52 The Savior is waiting, there's no time to lose
02:58 Before men and angels, each soul plays a part
03:04 For you are the world
03:06 And the stage is your heart
03:12 Invisible forces are vying to win
03:17 Is God in your heart, or is darkness and sin?
03:23 For greater than angels, above God's own voice
03:28 The power that's strongest of all is your choice
03:34 Before men and angels, which side will you choose?
03:40 The Savior is waiting, there's no time to lose
03:46 Before men and angels, each soul plays a part
03:51 For you are the world
03:54 And the stage is your heart
03:59 It's God's reputation in question today
04:05 It's His vindication for which you should pray
04:10 His glory is shown through the universe wide
04:15 When you let Him into your heart to reside
04:22 Before men and angels, which side will you choose?
04:28 The Savior is waiting, there's no time to lose
04:34 Before men and angels, each soul plays a part
04:40 For you are the world
04:43 And the stage is your heart
04:51 You may be seated.
04:57 Good morning, GYC.
04:59 Good morning.
05:00 Have you been blessed by the theme song this year?
05:04 I really, really like it, the words, the music everything
05:07 really kind of I hope is going to help us
05:10 take this theme on for the rest of the year.
05:13 Anyhow I would like to welcome you today
05:15 to morning devotions, morning devotional program.
05:19 I really want to ask you that you join me
05:22 as we pray for our speaker this morning.
05:25 She has been feeling a little bit ill with her voice
05:28 but she has a passion and a desire
05:30 to share a word of God with you.
05:32 So if you just join me as we pray for her
05:34 and pray for our hearts as well
05:35 that we'll be open and receptive
05:37 to the message this morning.
05:39 Let us pray.
05:41 Heavenly Father, we thank You so much
05:42 because You love us unconditionally.
05:44 You loved us first, Father.
05:46 And we just want to pray at this point
05:48 that You will please open our hearts
05:50 that you would bless the word, Father,
05:52 that is going to be spoken
05:53 and I pray that You would come into this place
05:57 and allow us an encounter with You.
06:00 We pray for blessing Father in Your son's name, amen.
06:24 Now and for always it is written
06:28 Penned by the loving hand of God
06:31 My people perish without vision
06:35 They go astray
06:38 And when a man makes it his mission
06:42 To go where others have not trod
06:45 Into the Valley of Decision
06:49 To show the way
06:52 Of him they'll say
06:57 Hallelujah!
07:01 Blessed is the Man with a vision
07:05 Hallelujah!
07:08 One who delights in God's Word
07:12 Hallelujah!
07:15 He is a lover of Jesus
07:19 Hallelujah!
07:22 Blessed is the man who fears the Lord
07:33 And in the midst of tribulation
07:36 He will stand steadfast and secure
07:40 Gracious is he who shows compassion in all his ways
07:47 And when his hands are filled with riches
07:50 They're still extended to the poor
07:54 This one will bless his generation
07:58 All of his days
08:01 And they'll say
08:05 They'll say
08:06 Hallelujah!
08:09 Blessed is the Man with a vision
08:13 Hallelujah!
08:16 One who delights in God's Word
08:20 Hallelujah!
08:24 He is a lover of Jesus
08:27 Hallelujah!
08:31 Blessed is the man who fears the Lord
08:44 And in a world turned cold and heartless
08:51 And at a time we've lost our way
08:59 He is a beacon in the darkness
09:06 And all who hear of him will say
09:15 They'll say
09:17 Hallelujah!
09:21 Blessed is the Man with a vision
09:24 Hallelujah!
09:28 One who delights in God's Word
09:31 Hallelujah!
09:35 He is a lover of Jesus
09:39 Hallelujah!
09:42 Blessed is the man who fears the Lord
09:49 Yes, blessed is the man who fears the Lord
10:18 Good morning, GYC.
10:22 The remnant.
10:28 Amen.
10:31 Many of you've been blessed this year.
10:33 Amen.
10:35 I've been uniquely blessed.
10:38 This has been a very different GYC experience for me.
10:43 But especially getting to see the Great Controversy
10:47 working out in my own life.
10:51 You know, I was talking with the friend of mine
10:53 and she said I'm praying for you.
10:55 And I'm praying that as you prepare
10:58 that God would make the Great Controversy
11:00 a reality in your life.
11:01 And I said why?
11:04 Why you praying that for me?
11:06 I don't want that but it's a blessing
11:10 to represent God in our lives.
11:12 It's a blessing to be an argument
11:17 in this controversy
11:18 and argument in favor of God to say that
11:20 God is worthy of our trust
11:23 and because we trust Him, we obey Him, amen.
11:27 That's a blessing and the privilege that we have.
11:30 This morning, our message is--
11:34 I guess a combination of the messages that
11:37 we've been sharing together in the mornings.
11:39 So let's bow our heads
11:41 and we'll get started this morning.
11:45 Loving Father, we're thankful
11:49 that You call us
11:54 to be an argument in Your favor.
11:57 Lord, we pray that the way we live our lives
12:00 would be the way that Christ lived His life.
12:03 We thank You that Jesus came to be an example for us
12:07 and that because of His example
12:09 and because He triumphed in our behalf,
12:11 we can also have the victory.
12:14 We pray that as we open Your word this morning,
12:17 the Holy Spirit would be our teacher
12:20 that You'd be the one to speak
12:21 to our hearts and to our minds.
12:23 We pray these things in the name of Jesus, amen.
12:26 Turn with me in your Bibles to 1 Kings 19,
12:31 1 Kings 19.
12:37 Israel had been in apostasy, the worst king ever Ahab
12:44 and he had led the nation into apostate state.
12:51 You see he had married Jezebel who was the daughter
12:56 of the priest of another God who is not their God.
13:03 And this decision that he made
13:05 to marry this woman who was not of Israel,
13:08 who was not one of God's people
13:11 had a huge impact on the children of Israel,
13:13 huge.
13:15 Jezebel came in
13:16 and she had all of God's prophets killed
13:18 and she instated her own prophets.
13:22 Four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal,
13:27 so that the decisions that we make
13:29 when it comes to that very important decision
13:33 the marital union,
13:35 have huge impact on our ministry
13:39 and our ability to reach people,
13:41 and our ability to have an impact
13:42 in the world for Christ.
13:44 And Ahab had made this decision
13:47 and it had brought the children of Israel
13:50 into a terrible state.
13:55 But then shows up Elijah,
13:58 the prophet of God, mighty man of God.
14:02 And he came and he told Ahab
14:05 that there was gonna be famine in the land
14:08 for three years.
14:10 And thereafter God did something,
14:15 He told Ahab and He told Elijah
14:18 to call all those prophets together onto that mountain
14:22 and they were gonna try to see whose God was the real God?
14:29 And they brought their sacrifices
14:31 and all those prophets of Baal, all those priests,
14:35 they came and he said,
14:37 we want to see the God who will answer by fire.
14:42 And so they started begging their God
14:46 to bring fire down to burn the sacrifice
14:50 and no fire came.
14:54 And the day wore on and they kept
14:55 trying and trying,
14:57 they started cutting themselves.
14:59 And you know, it's-- I love the Bible,
15:01 I think the Bible is so real, yeah?
15:04 Because it tells us that
15:06 Elijah started making fun of them.
15:08 He said, "Oh, cry a little louder,
15:11 maybe your God is sleeping."
15:15 And so they cried a little louder.
15:21 Finally when they gave up, Elijah comes.
15:25 He makes the situation even more impossible
15:27 than it had been before.
15:29 Pouring water over the altar,
15:30 over the sacrifice and then they pray,
15:33 he prays and God answers by fire.
15:37 Consumes the sacrifice, the altar everything around it,
15:40 licks up all the water.
15:43 Elijah, mighty man of God.
15:49 But thereafter the devil doesn't let up.
15:57 He is tired.
15:59 After that God gives him supernatural energy
16:02 to run ahead of the king's chariot
16:05 as the rain comes down and...
16:11 he goes and he sleeps outside of the palace
16:13 and Jezebel hears what just happened.
16:16 She is not happy and so she threatens Elijah
16:20 and he knows that these are not empty threats
16:22 so he get scared and he runs away.
16:27 But you know what,
16:28 Elijah was saying as he ran away he said,
16:31 "I am the only one left, I am the only one left.
16:35 I've tried so hard to obey God.
16:38 I've tried to do all these things
16:40 and nobody else is following God and it's just me.
16:46 There is no one else trying to do the right thing,
16:48 it's just me."
16:51 And he felt sad and he felt alone.
16:58 And you know sometimes,
16:59 I know I have this experience when I was in college,
17:02 going to non-Adventist college and you're there in campus
17:06 and sometimes it feels like you are the only one there.
17:09 The only one who cares about spiritual things.
17:12 The only one whose got a burden
17:14 to share the Three Angels Messages
17:15 on your campus and it can feel very lonely.
17:19 And this is the experience that Elijah was having
17:23 or in a workplace, in a corporate office
17:25 and there is-- it seems like
17:27 there is no one else that you are the only one.
17:33 But you remember what God said to Elijah in response to that,
17:39 He said, I have me, how many?
17:42 Seven thousand who have not bow the knee, amen.
17:49 So that even in those moments
17:50 when it feels like you are the only one God says,
17:53 I know you can't see it right now
17:55 but I have 7,000 who haven't bowed the knee.
18:00 I have me 7,000.
18:04 And so our story for this morning
18:09 actually starts after Elijah is up there,
18:14 you know, praying and hears that still small voice
18:17 and then God speaks to him
18:20 and he gives him such an instructions.
18:24 So in 1 Kings 19:15,
18:32 the Lord said unto Elijah,
18:35 "Go, return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus:
18:39 and when thou comest,
18:40 anoint Hazael to be king over Syria,
18:43 And Jehu the son of Nimshi
18:45 shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel:
18:48 and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah
18:54 shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room.
18:57 And it shall come to pass, that him that escapeth
19:00 the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay:
19:03 and him that escapeth
19:04 from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay.
19:07 Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel,
19:10 all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal,
19:13 and every mouth which hath not kissed him."
19:16 And so he left from there and he went to find Elisha.
19:24 Now Elisha was in the fields working with his father
19:29 and you know how God had said
19:33 I have me 7,000 who haven't bowed the knee.
19:37 Elisha's family was actually
19:39 one of the families of those who had not bowed the knee.
19:43 You see, even though it seemed like
19:46 everybody was in apostasy,
19:48 there were some-- there were people who were not
19:50 and so God says,
19:51 I want you to go find this guy Elisha
19:54 and Elisha and his family have been faithful.
19:58 They have been faithful
20:00 in everything that they've been doing.
20:04 And so he goes and he finds Elisha
20:05 and Elisha is plowing the fields.
20:08 Now when you think about someone that God calls,
20:14 a lot of times you think about people who are doing
20:17 huge great amazing things,
20:19 like they are out there like preaching...
20:28 evangelistic series.
20:29 And you think like, yeah,
20:30 that's the kind of person that God would pick.
20:34 But Elisha was in the fields, plowing the fields.
20:39 So that Elisha for when he got called
20:44 is because he was being faithful in the little things.
20:49 He was being faithful in the things that in the--
20:52 in the work that was closest to him.
20:55 He was being faithful in doing his homework.
21:01 He was being faithful in doing his assignments
21:03 and studying for his exams.
21:07 He was being faithful in his relationship with his siblings.
21:13 He was being faithful in the small things
21:16 that sometimes we think are insignificant.
21:21 And yet if we want to do great things for God,
21:25 it starts with faithfulness in little things.
21:29 It starts with faithfulness in the small things
21:31 that are closest to us.
21:34 That's where great things for God begin.
21:39 And that's the problem that we have,
21:41 is we want to do these huge amazing things
21:44 and God is saying,
21:45 I just want you to be faithful where you are.
21:52 I would like for your life in your--
21:54 in your current experience to be an argument in my favor
21:58 because you treat people kindly,
22:06 faithfulness in small things.
22:11 So my challenge, my first challenge,
22:15 we're going back home soon.
22:21 It's for us to be faithful in the small things.
22:27 In taking our exams, in the way we do our homework.
22:33 In the way we interact with our classmates.
22:37 Faithfulness in the small things.
22:39 In our relationships. The way we treat people.
22:44 Faithfulness in the small things.
22:46 That is gonna be the first and greatest challenge
22:49 as we leave this place.
22:52 But Elisha was there and he was working in the fields--
22:55 Oh, by the way you know, when we're faithful in small things
22:59 you know, I heard the story once.
23:02 There was a young lady, who-- she was taking history class
23:07 and she was faithful in her class work.
23:12 She did all her homework.
23:14 She handed her assignments on time.
23:17 She paid attention in class, participated.
23:19 And at the end of the semester--
23:21 she was attending a secular university.
23:23 At the end of semester she went up to her professor
23:26 and she handed him the Great Controversy.
23:29 And she said, Professor X,
23:32 this book has been a blessing in my life.
23:36 And I think that you'll appreciate
23:39 the contents of this book.
23:43 And what do you think?
23:44 Do you think he took the book or he did not take the book?
23:48 He took it.
23:51 He took the book and he said, Student X
23:56 because it's you who is giving me this book,
23:59 I'm likely to read it. Amen.
24:04 You see, it's an evangelistic tool.
24:08 It's an opportunity for people to look at you and say well,
24:12 this student is not stupid
24:19 so there must be something to what they say,
24:21 there must be something to them, to their life
24:25 because they see its fruit working out in your life
24:27 and in the small things you're putting God first
24:30 and doing well in your classes
24:31 and they say there is something to this.
24:36 And I think it's part of what Jeff Hew had been taking about,
24:39 you know, so for the nations to come tugging at our sleeves
24:44 saying I want to know what you have.
24:47 You know and they come to you and they say, you know,
24:50 I don't know how it is that you do well in this class
24:52 but I want to know what you have
24:56 and I had that experience once,
24:57 I thought I was super lost in my physics class,
25:00 sitting there just lost in the sauce, you know.
25:04 And several classmates came to me and they said,
25:06 "Sikhu, Could we study with you?"
25:10 And I said, "Oh, yeah, okay."
25:13 Like yeah, you just,
25:14 you just looks like you have it together.
25:18 I thought, man, I'm lost in the sauce.
25:23 But it becomes an opportunity to share the God that we have.
25:28 And you see, you know what?
25:30 Even when I don't understand,
25:31 I pray that God would give me understanding.
25:34 And you see before I study every single time
25:36 before I crack a book open to study,
25:39 I pray that God would giving me wisdom because,
25:41 because God is the source of all wisdom.
25:44 And if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask from God
25:46 who give it liberally and he appraise it not.
25:50 And you tell them that
25:53 faithfulness in the small things.
25:58 And so Elisha was 19, "The son of Shaphat,
26:04 who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him,
26:08 and he with the twelfth: and Elijah passed him by,
26:12 and cast his mantle upon him."
26:16 And in that action of Elisha casting his mantle upon him
26:20 after that you read that Elisha went running after Elijah,
26:24 he recognized something significant in that act
26:28 of Elijah casting his mantle upon him.
26:30 And you know, if it sounds like
26:32 that this doesn't make sense but why?
26:35 Why would he run after the prophet because he heard--
26:39 he saw him casting his mantle upon him?
26:45 But Elisha recognized the call of God in that action.
26:53 And how is that possible?
26:56 I don't know any other story in the Bible before this where
26:59 you know, someone goes and cast their mantle upon--
27:01 upon the individual and that represents the call,
27:03 I mean, how did he know?
27:07 Except to say that Elisha had learned
27:10 how to understand the voice of God.
27:14 He had learned what the voice of God sounded like.
27:19 And it's our privilege to learn the voice of God
27:22 so that when we hear the voice of God,
27:25 we will understand that it's God calling us.
27:31 You know, when...
27:36 I was in my senior year in college,
27:42 I sense that God was calling me to take a year
27:48 and get trained in campus ministry.
27:52 Because I'd seen the potential
27:55 and I thought if I were better trained,
27:58 maybe I could be more effective if I were better trained.
28:02 But this was in congruent with the plan of my life
28:10 and I struggled with this decision
28:14 until I finally came to a point
28:15 where I knew that if I didn't do this,
28:19 it would be blatant disregard of God's will
28:23 for me at that time, I knew it.
28:27 And so finally I gave up I said, okay, you know,
28:31 let go off the dream job
28:33 and do this campus ministry training thing.
28:40 But it wasn't easy because
28:44 my family also had plans for me, good plans.
28:49 I remember talking to my sister and she said,
28:53 "You know, I don't know what it is that God's calling you to."
28:59 She said, "You know, sometimes when God calls you,
29:03 you're the only one who'll understand
29:05 what he's calling you to.
29:07 Because he's not talking to everybody,
29:09 he's talking to you."
29:12 Look at Moses.
29:14 Moses had every advantage, anyone could ever want.
29:20 He belonged to the people of God
29:22 and yet he had been trained in the best schools
29:24 so while the people of God were in bondage,
29:26 he was in the palace.
29:29 He had every advantage, he had every protection
29:31 because his mother was the daughter of pharaoh,
29:34 well his adopted mother
29:35 and in spite of all these things
29:38 it says that Moses decided that it was better
29:41 to suffer affliction with the people of God
29:45 than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a Caesar.
29:48 Do you think the people around him
29:49 understood what he was doing?
29:52 Do you think they looked at him and said,
29:53 that makes a lot of sense.
29:56 No, it made no sense.
29:59 But Moses knew what God was calling him to.
30:02 And Elisha knew what God was calling him to.
30:06 And in that act he recognized the voice of God and he obeyed.
30:14 So the challenge becomes
30:17 that we need to learn the voice of God
30:19 and that doesn't happen in an instant.
30:22 That happens on a day to day basis,
30:25 spending time in His word,
30:27 those morning and evening devotions,
30:29 and then throughout the day spending time in prayer.
30:34 Elisha recognized the voice of God and he followed.
30:38 And so he tells us that in verse 20.
30:44 "He left the oxen, and ran after Elijah, and said,
30:49 Let me, I pray thee, kiss my father and my mother,
30:52 and then I will follow thee.
30:54 And he said unto him, Go back again:
30:55 for what have I done to thee?"
30:57 And in the statement Elijah was saying, you know,
30:59 I'm not gonna force you to come with me.
31:02 I'm not gonna-- it's up to you if you want to follow this,
31:05 if you want to do this.
31:07 And so he went back, in verse 21,
31:10 "And he took the yoke of oxen, and slew them,
31:12 and boiled their flesh with the instruments of the oxen,
31:15 and gave unto the people, and they did eat."
31:17 He went back, he slew the oxen he said
31:19 I'm done with this life, no turning back,
31:25 I have set my face like a flint and I'm not turning back.
31:30 I have made my decision that I'm gonna follow God
31:33 and I'm not turning back, no turning back.
31:39 And we have too few examples of this in the world.
31:43 What 20-- 50% marriages ending in divorce in the church.
31:52 We don't even know what commitment is anymore.
31:56 It's just words.
32:01 And so we say we'll do something
32:02 and we don't do it.
32:07 But Elisha committed, he made a decision
32:14 and he wasn't gonna turn back on that decision.
32:17 And that is gonna be the hard part,
32:20 the decisions that we've made here at GYC.
32:23 The decisions that God has called us to.
32:26 The hard part is do we set our faces like a flint
32:30 and we say no turning back, I have decided to follow Jesus,
32:36 and I'm not turning back, even when the going gets tough,
32:40 I'm not turning back.
32:44 No turning back, Elisha made that decision.
32:54 Then it says, "He arose and went after Elijah."
33:00 Elisha, when he left to go with Elijah,
33:06 he didn't leave behind bad things, you follow?
33:13 See, his parents were godly parents.
33:17 Even when the entire nation of Israel
33:20 seemed to be in apostasy, his parents remained faithful.
33:23 They were part of that 7,000.
33:27 And so what Elisha was leaving behind was not bad things.
33:34 And sometimes we think that to follow God,
33:36 we have to be leaving bad things.
33:41 Isn't it possible that sometimes God calls us
33:43 to leave things that are even good?
33:47 Look at Jesus.
33:51 Jesus came down to this earth and in John 1 He tells us that
33:56 the light came into the world
33:57 and darkness comprehended it not.
34:02 Jesus came to this earth and He was unappreciated.
34:06 That He was on this earth
34:09 and it seemed like nobody liked Him even.
34:13 You know, one minute they're following,
34:14 the next minute they're not and the multitude is so fickle.
34:20 But what did Jesus leave in heaven?
34:24 He left adoring angels who would do anything for Him.
34:31 He left the love of His Father
34:34 with whom He had always been they had never been apart.
34:39 When Christ came to this earth,
34:43 He didn't give up bad things, He gave up good things.
34:49 So yes, we must give up the bad things, amen.
34:55 But sometimes maybe God calls us
34:58 to give up even the good things to follow Him wholeheartedly.
35:07 You look at the life of Abraham.
35:11 Abraham had the son of promise
35:15 of whom it was said that in Isaac
35:17 shall thy seed be blessed.
35:23 And then God tells him,
35:24 "Abraham I want you to take your son, your only son Isaac
35:28 and I want you to sacrifice him to Me."
35:33 And so we'll argue with God and say,
35:34 no, it doesn't make any sense, these things are good.
35:41 But God calls us sometimes to give up the things
35:44 that are even good because you know why?
35:49 Because we love Him supremely, and that's why Jesus came,
35:53 He came because He loved us so much that even--
35:58 He was even willing to give up those things that were good
36:00 so that we could have a shot at salvation.
36:03 Are we willing to do that for others?
36:10 And I'm fearful saying this
36:11 because I realized that it's true
36:15 that maybe some of us need to give up
36:16 that really good job,
36:19 because we know
36:20 God is calling us to something else.
36:25 And the problem that we have with it
36:26 is God, this is a good thing,
36:27 I prayed for this job, You gave me this job.
36:31 And then God says, since you know that I'm the one
36:33 who gave you that job, give it back to Me.
36:38 Since you know that
36:39 I'm the giver of all good gifts,
36:43 give it back to Me.
36:47 And it becomes this thing where
36:48 we're not just giving 10% of our income.
36:53 But God says, what if you give more
37:01 and for some of us and this-- this goes for a knowledge of--
37:07 like I said this is about knowing God's voice,
37:10 like you hear His voice,
37:11 you understand that is Him speaking.
37:13 And once we know that, we have to follow.
37:16 And what I'm trying to say is,
37:19 it is possible that it is His voice,
37:22 that is asking you to let go of something
37:25 that you know is a good thing.
37:29 That relationship that you know isn't awesome thing
37:33 and He says, maybe I need it to give that up right now
37:38 for the sake of the cause.
37:42 It is possible is what I'm saying.
37:49 And so Elisha, he follows, he runs after Elijah
37:57 and the Bible says that he ministered unto him.
38:03 Oh, firstly when I thought about, you know,
38:06 Elisha going after Elijah, I thought, you know,
38:11 he probably went and then you know,
38:12 he became like the assistant prophet
38:19 or like associate prophet kind of thing,
38:22 where he got to do some miracles too
38:27 and like all this cool crazy stuff.
38:33 But the Bible says that Elisha followed
38:35 and he ministered unto Elijah.
38:40 He went and he was Elijah's personal assistant
38:47 which means like, you know,
38:49 back in the day they walk in the dust
38:50 and they get to a place
38:51 and they have to wash their feet,
38:52 he'd be the one washing his feet.
38:56 So that Elisha's work wasn't some glamorous,
39:02 wow, he is just so awesome thing.
39:07 Elisha he went from plowing fields
39:10 being faithful in the small things, to doing small things.
39:18 And he was willing to let go of being, you know,
39:22 he was, you know, he's the son of his father,
39:25 so everything the father has is his essentially.
39:28 He left all of that to go do small things.
39:35 And this is what I struggled with for years in my ministry.
39:41 I went to a good enough school,
39:43 that when you graduate there are certain expectations
39:46 of what you're gonna do with your life.
39:48 And I hated going to reunion's type stuff,
39:51 you know, like, when a friend gets married
39:53 and you have to go and meet everybody.
39:55 I hated it. Why?
39:57 Because every time people will say, oh, so what are you doing?
40:01 And I'll be like oh, yeah, I worked for the church
40:08 and they are like, oh, cool, like, are you like bishop?
40:17 And I'll say, oh, no, we don't have bishops in my church.
40:21 I'm a secretary and they'll look at me like,
40:27 all that education to be a secretary.
40:30 Why did you study biochemistry?
40:32 I was so embarrassed.
40:35 And my friends would like, oh, you know, I'm just,
40:38 you know, finishing up on the PhD part of my MD-PhD
40:41 and then I'm applying for residencies in like cardiology.
40:46 I'm thinking, oh, man.
40:52 Because it felt to me like I left
40:54 what could potentially have been these amazing things
40:58 at least as the world sees amazing
41:01 to be measly, is that a word?
41:06 Yeah, okay. Secretary.
41:11 But does God need secretaries?
41:14 Amen.
41:17 And it took me years to get to the point where I realized,
41:21 I realized what that test means when it says,
41:23 better is one day in your courts
41:27 than a thousand elsewhere,
41:28 that I would rather be where God wants me to be.
41:33 And even I'm sweeper in God's kingdom,
41:36 I want to be there.
41:40 And we still have this idea of what greatness is
41:45 and we view greatness the way the world views greatness.
41:50 And because of that we won't do what God is calling us to do.
41:56 One thing that would frustrated me.
41:59 A friend of mine told me how at seminary X
42:04 which is not Andrew's Seminary
42:07 but, you know, different part of the world.
42:10 He said that, you know
42:11 who goes to the seminary to become a pastor?
42:16 Is those people who failed at everything else.
42:22 As a matter of fact one of my friends went to the seminary
42:24 because he couldn't get into his accounting program.
42:29 Makes me so mad, God's work is the last resort.
42:40 Oh, I want to do great things with my life
42:42 and that's too small, small for me.
42:48 But God wants people with engineering brains,
42:53 with history brains, with biology brains,
42:56 He wants people who are diligent in their work,
43:02 in His ministry, I'm not saying that
43:05 everybody needs to go fulltime ministry you understand.
43:08 I'm not saying that.
43:11 But I'm saying that why is God's work
43:14 of lesser value in our eyes than every other work?
43:21 Why is that when we think of pastoral ministry
43:23 or we you think about you know, a person who is a secretary
43:26 in a conference office, so we think about this or that,
43:28 we're like, oh, well, you know, that's what you're doing,
43:30 you can't do anything else, why is that?
43:36 We have a problem. Our value system is off.
43:46 Because God's work is the highest order of work.
43:55 This means that the secretary
44:00 who is not a secretary in the conference office
44:02 I mean, just the secretary or the accountant
44:05 or whomever that ultimately
44:09 it better be about God's work in your workplace,
44:14 that regardless of where we're working,
44:15 regardless of what circumstance we're in,
44:18 that number one thing for us is to do God's work,
44:22 that is what we've been called to do.
44:27 So that if He calls us to do anything more we will obey.
44:36 And there are some people in here
44:39 whom maybe God is calling to fulltime ministry.
44:47 But because of our skewed value system,
44:53 you're thinking well, I haven't failed
44:54 at anything or everything else.
45:01 And praise God sometimes you know,
45:03 He does permit that we'll fail at everything else
45:07 so that He can call us to do that thing
45:09 that He wants us to call us to,
45:11 but why does it have to go that far?
45:14 Well, we just trust Him and we hear His voice, obey.
45:21 And so Elisha comes and he ministers to Elijah,
45:28 until finally Elijah was called up to go to heaven
45:30 and he saw him ascend in that chariot.
45:40 Now God wants something from us,
45:48 and I've talked already about
45:51 faithfulness in the small things
45:54 I've talked about hearing His voice and obeying,
46:01 even if it sounds contrary to logic,
46:06 but God want something more from us.
46:10 God wants all of us.
46:14 Yes, all of us but all of us, the whole of you.
46:21 He wants all of you.
46:25 He wants for your whole life to be surrendered to Him
46:29 as a sacrifice that is living.
46:34 That's what God wants from us.
46:37 Story about a little boy,
46:42 who brought everything that he had to Jesus.
46:49 And they were there and there were 5,000 people plus
46:56 and the people were hungry, Jesus needed to feed them
47:00 and they said, we don't have anything.
47:02 And so Jesus asked what do you have in your hands
47:11 like, nobody has nothing
47:12 and he say, well, there is a little boy
47:13 and he has his own sack lunch
47:19 and said, he said, bring it to me
47:21 and this little boy brigs his lunch to Jesus,
47:28 thinking what is this little thing among so many?
47:34 What does it help, this small sacrifice that I have?
47:40 What's my little life compared
47:46 to the needs that I see in the world?
47:50 I remember driving on Storrow Drive in Boston
47:54 and it was a Friday evening and I was looking around me
47:58 and all these people and I thought,
48:02 Lord, do they even know that it's Sabbath today?
48:07 And I felt so small but what can I do,
48:12 I'm just me and there is a whole city here
48:16 full of people who have no clue, no idea.
48:23 And I felt so insignificant.
48:32 But even though we are small,
48:36 when we bring our little lunches to Jesus
48:39 and we give Him all, He takes that and blesses it.
48:43 And then when He blesses it, it multiplies.
48:49 And as it multiplies it becomes
48:51 a blessing to so many more people
48:53 but what He needs from us, is that we would bring all.
48:59 Is that we would give Him all,
49:00 that we would commit ourselves we would say, you know, what,
49:04 it seems like nothing and I feel so small
49:09 and what does it matter
49:10 what little decision that I make
49:12 and even if I commit my life and I say, okay,
49:15 I hear Your voice calling me, Lord,
49:16 and I know there is a decision I have to make
49:18 but what difference does it make
49:20 in the grand scheme of things
49:21 and that's how we may feel but God says,
49:23 I just want you to bring all,
49:26 just give me all of you, give me all of you.
49:34 And if we would just give Him all of us,
49:38 maybe He could bless and multiply.
49:43 Maybe our lives could be a blessing to somebody else.
49:50 I'd like to invite us to make some decision this morning.
50:00 And I would like for them to be premeditated decisions,
50:04 so these are the kind of decisions
50:05 you've been thinking about this,
50:06 God is speaking to your heart,
50:08 you recognize His voice, you want to obey Him.
50:11 It may seem illogical but you know that it is God calling you
50:15 and you want to commit your life to those decisions
50:18 that you know God is calling you to.
50:20 I would like to invite us to make-- to take a stand
50:25 in saying, God, I want to make that commitment.
50:31 When I leave here,
50:34 I'm gonna be faithful in the small things.
50:37 When I leave here, I want You to use me.
50:44 I feel like I'm small and insignificant
50:48 but on that huge campus I want You to use me.
50:51 Maybe one person will be snatched
50:54 from the arms of the enemy.
50:57 But I want You to use me.
51:04 I'm not inviting you to come forward,
51:06 I'm inviting you to stand where you are
51:09 as my friend Naomi sings a song.
51:13 I'm gonna invite you to stand where you are
51:15 and as she sings this song,
51:19 the commitment that we're making in our heart,
51:22 that it get solidified by the words of this music.
51:29 And so as you listed to the words
51:31 that this commitment that we are making
51:35 will be solidified by the words we're hearing.
51:56 He heard the preacher say A single dime can feed
52:02 A hungry boy or girl With nothing to eat
52:08 So he pulled a dollar From the pocket of his jeans
52:15 And he asked his mama How many will this feed?
52:21 She just smiled And when she told him ten
52:28 He reached back again
52:34 What if I give all I have?
52:41 What's will that gift do?
52:47 My child, a gift like that Could change the world
52:53 It could feed a multitude
52:59 He didn't close his eyes And turn away
53:06 I can see him Standing tall
53:12 He saw the need And I can hear him say
53:18 What if I give all?
53:27 Three birthday dollars Could have bought a special toy
53:34 But he reminds me Of another little boy
53:40 Who gave to Jesus A gift of fish and bread
53:47 I wonder if he said
53:53 What if I gave all I have?
53:59 What's will that gift do?
54:05 My child, a gift like that Could change the world
54:11 It could feed a multitude
54:17 He didn't close his eyes And turn away
54:23 I can see him Standing tall
54:29 He saw the need And I can hear him say
54:35 What if I give all?
54:42 And long ago a Father and a Son
54:48 Saw the children lost in sin
54:54 Can you see the tears In the Father's eyes
55:00 As Jesus says to him
55:07 What if I gave all I have?
55:13 What's will that gift do?
55:19 My Son, that gift Will change the world
55:27 It will free The multitudes
55:33 What if I gave all I have?
55:39 What's will that gift do?
55:44 My child a gift like that Could change the world
55:51 It could feed A multitude
55:57 We cannot close our eyes And turn away
56:03 When we hear His Spirit call We see the need
56:10 Now let Him hear us say
56:15 What if I give all?
56:21 What if I give all?


Revised 2015-01-07