Generation of Youth for Christ 2013

Various Music segments and Interviews

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: A compilation of different sessions


Series Code: 13GYC

Program Code: 13GYC000007

00:50 O sacred Head, now wounded,
01:01 With grief and shame weighed down
01:11 Now scornfully surrounded
01:21 With thorns, Thine only crown
01:31 O sacred Head, what glory,
01:38 What bliss till now was Thine!
01:44 Yet, though despised and glory,
01:51 I joy to call Thee mine
02:08 What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered,
02:14 Was all for sinners' gain Mine,
02:22 Mine was the transgression,
02:27 But Thine the deadly pain
02:33 Lo, here I fall, my Savior!
02:39 'Tis I deserve Thy place
02:45 Look on me with Thy favor,
02:53 Vouchsafe to me Thy grace
03:09 What language shall I borrow
03:16 To thank Thee, dearest friend
03:22 For this Thy dying sorrow,
03:29 Thy pity without end?
03:35 O make me Thine forever,
03:42 And should I fainting be
03:48 Lord, let me never, never
03:58 Outlive my love to Thee
04:06 Outlive my love to Thee
04:25 Jesus loves 7 billion people so much
04:28 that He will not come back until this Gospel,
04:30 the kingdom, is preached in all the world
04:32 as a witness to all the nations.
04:34 There are 7,276 unreached people groups.
04:39 That means Jesus is not coming back anytime soon.
04:44 Unless, He has a strategy for quickly,
04:46 rapidly finishing the work.
04:48 In Evangelism, page 570 it says,
04:51 God does have a strategy just like that.
04:54 "We should be able to see
04:55 in the multiplying opportunities
04:57 to reach foreigners in America,
04:59 a divinely appointed means for rapidly extending
05:02 the kingdom-- the third angel's message
05:04 into all the nations of earth.
05:06 God in His providence has brought men
05:09 to our very doors and thrust them, as it were,
05:12 into our arms, that they might learn the truth,
05:14 and be qualified to do a work we could not do
05:17 in getting the light before men of other tongues."
05:20 Look with me at God's plan.
05:23 Twenty of the most unreached people groups
05:25 in the whole world are here
05:27 in America and Canada by the thousands.
05:30 People from-- who speak Guajarati
05:33 and people from Morocco and Iraq
05:35 and Burmese and Thais and many other
05:38 small little groups of people
05:39 have just poured into our country.
05:41 They are coming quickly, they are coming fast
05:43 and Jesus wants you to be a missionary
05:46 right here and right now.
05:48 At our website,
05:51 you can find out who they are and where they are.
05:54 It may be as simple for reaching them as you going
05:57 and having lunch at a new park or finding an ethnic restaurant
06:01 where you can make and meet a friend.
06:03 It could be as challenging and as exciting
06:06 as relocating your job in a part of the country
06:09 where through prayer and fasting saying,
06:11 Lord, I want to be part
06:13 of finishing your work in this world,
06:14 you've discovered a group of Bhutanese people
06:17 or whatever He puts on your heart.
06:20 You can be the one who moves and does that.
06:23 I have a friend right now, Greg who's getting ready
06:26 to move to Detroit because he knows
06:28 there are tens of thousands of Muslims,
06:31 who do not have the assurance of salvation
06:33 through Jesus Christ.
06:34 God's plan has moved 850,000 international students
06:40 from around the world into our universities
06:42 across Canada and America.
06:44 They are the next leaders of the world in politics
06:47 and education and so many ways.
06:50 They will be the people and you can go and care for them.
06:53 The terrible thing is that 75% of them
06:56 will never be in an American's home,
06:58 80% will never go into a church.
07:01 But you can change that by simply volunteering
07:03 at their school, by caring for them,
07:05 reaching out to them.
07:06 You could even tonight, tomorrow night,
07:08 get a group of friends together and say,
07:11 we're gonna move our schools.
07:12 We're not gonna stay here, we're gonna go to
07:15 Purdue University in Indiana and start a ministry
07:19 to the 8,000 international students
07:21 that will change the world
07:22 because you've gone and because you care.
07:25 This is the love of Jesus, this is His plan,
07:27 this is what He is wanting to do.
07:30 But are they open? Do they really care?
07:32 Will they be interested?
07:33 Way more than the typical American.
07:36 You see, of the 70,000 refugees
07:38 that pour into this country every year,
07:40 they come from having seen
07:41 their houses burned to the ground,
07:43 they have watched their family massacred
07:45 before their very eyes
07:47 and now suddenly, they're in a new strange country,
07:50 surrounded by snow, huge shopping malls.
07:53 They need an American friend, somebody who will just say,
07:56 can I help you, can I be beside you?
07:59 You can get involved just by going down
08:01 and volunteering at a refugee processing center
08:04 by maybe teaching them how to drive,
08:08 get in car with them, take them around
08:10 or maybe just buy them some warm clothes
08:12 and a bag of rice to get by.
08:14 These are the special things that God is wanting to do
08:17 to let you be a missionary to reach the world next door.
08:21 What about this problem?
08:23 One in ten Americans says,
08:25 "I don't know how to speak English very well."
08:28 And just couple of years ago, as we were going out with GYC
08:31 for outreach, I had somebody turn and say to me
08:34 as they got back in the bus, "I felt so bad.
08:37 I had nothing to give this person
08:39 who couldn't speak English out the door.
08:40 They were Vietnamese but I didn't know what to do."
08:44 You don't have to worry about that anymore,
08:46 we've created a website called,
08:50 in which you can go to and you can find
08:52 in many languages Bible studies, pamphlets,
08:55 videos, radio programs and so if you meet somebody,
08:59 you can just point to it and say,
09:00 "Tieng Viet, Vietnamese language, look here."
09:03 And maybe when their son comes home,
09:05 they can help them find and hear
09:07 the gospel in their own language.
09:10 What's so amazing about what God is doing
09:13 in bringing the world to our cities,
09:16 to our neighborhoods is that they're coming from places
09:19 where they would get killed to become a Christian.
09:23 These are the fiery countries, the hottest countries
09:25 where persecution is so strong and yet they're here
09:28 from Eritrea, Mali, the Maldives,
09:31 many of the places we've already talked about.
09:33 For the first time in their lives,
09:35 they have the freedom to choose to follow Jesus Christ
09:39 without getting killed and you can be there
09:41 sharing with them.
09:43 But do you feel confident to do this?
09:45 What would you say to a Buddhist or a Muslim?
09:47 Fine to go be friends and to make relationships,
09:50 but what do you say when it comes right down to it?
09:54 I want to share with you, and slow down
09:57 for just for a moment so that these simple,
09:59 four simple points that come out of the love,
10:01 out of the respect, the kindness of Jesus
10:04 can tuck away in your mind.
10:06 'Cause I found them so effective
10:08 wherever I've traveled and talked with people.
10:11 They're simply: number one, Listen.
10:14 Number two, Affirm Our Similarities.
10:16 Number three, Share about Differences through Stories.
10:19 And four, Invite to a New Experience.
10:22 Number one, Listen. What does it mean to listen?
10:26 You don't need to be a Hindu expert
10:28 to talk to some body from India.
10:30 You can just simply ask good questions like
10:32 "Hey, what do you and your family do as Hindus
10:35 for celebrations in ceremonies?
10:37 And then listen and care.
10:39 As we talk to them, anybody of any world religion
10:42 who can tell that you're generally interested in them,
10:45 will share and you'll be able to connect
10:46 and be able to understand what really matters to that person,
10:50 what their problems are, and then you will be able
10:52 to connect your God, His power,
10:54 His love to what their needs are.
10:57 So listen, learn, care.
11:00 Number two, Affirm Our Similarities.
11:03 Seventh-Day Adventists are uniquely,
11:05 through our Biblical beliefs, we just,
11:08 we have so many close connections
11:10 with the different world religions,
11:12 so that you can share and lead them to know more about God.
11:15 Jews in Israel say to us, "Are you serious?
11:18 This is-- Sabbath keeping thing
11:19 is not an evangelistic trick in Jerusalem?
11:22 You have members who around the world
11:24 are keeping the Sabbath from Friday night
11:27 to Saturday night sunset?"
11:29 I've had Muslims say to me on a plane, "You don't eat pork?
11:33 You don't drink alcohol?
11:35 You're better Muslim than I am."
11:37 And it's not just things like that but in the Quran,
11:39 we have connections about the virgin birth of Jesus
11:43 and the soon coming of Christ, so many connections.
11:46 What about Hindus and Buddhists?
11:48 Do we have anything in common with them?
11:51 Yes, as they focus so often on judgment.
11:54 Do good, receive good, do bad, receive bad,
11:57 this is the law of Karma and though we don't believe
12:00 in that same reincarnation, we also,
12:03 as we share and talk with them, have connection points
12:06 as they are seeking to cleanse their minds,
12:08 their speech, their words, their actions,
12:10 everything to make purity,
12:12 have been able to share with them
12:14 similar concepts that we also teach.
12:16 In fact, I remember talking to a Buddhist monk
12:19 as we were on a train coming down
12:21 from Chiengmai in Thailand.
12:22 We were talking back and forth and finally he looked at me
12:26 and I don't think he thought he had anything in common
12:28 with those western Christians
12:30 that he saw from across the ocean.
12:32 And he said, "I don't get it.
12:34 How is it that Christians just sin,
12:38 sin and keep on sinning and then they believe
12:41 that they will be forgiven and they can escape hell?"
12:44 It seemed immoral to him.
12:46 Well, I was able to share that there is a God
12:48 who searches the mind and the heart,
12:50 who seeks absolute purity.
12:53 But more than that, that there is a gospel that,
12:56 that not only forgives sins but transforms the heart,
12:59 the life and gives incredible power over sin
13:02 and the light went on in his eyes.
13:05 So affirm the similarities, come close to people
13:08 through what we hold in common.
13:10 And yet, there are incredibly important,
13:12 crucial differences that we must share about.
13:15 And in those, things we shouldn't try to debate.
13:17 Everybody gets defensive and we ourselves get scared
13:20 that they'll ask us a tough question
13:22 and so we call on them and we say,
13:24 let me share with you the true, true story.
13:26 Just tell them your story, what God has done for you.
13:29 Tell them the stories of the Bible,
13:31 weave in the different truths
13:32 and those things will answer the questions.
13:34 And then finally, number four, invite them to an experience.
13:38 God is waiting to touch these people through you.
13:40 He's gonna do mighty things
13:42 but simply call them to try something out.
13:45 "Can I pray for you with the problem
13:47 that you just shared with me?"
13:49 People are open to that.
13:50 "Will you meditate on this scripture
13:51 before you go to bed to help you go to sleep,
13:53 since you've been struggling with that?"
13:55 And they will respond.
13:56 Yes, God is wanting to use us
13:58 to reach the world that He has sent here.
14:01 Jesus is eager to come back but He is not wanting
14:03 to go to heaven without any of these special people.
14:06 So what I've shared with you is just a tiny piece of the kit
14:10 we've put together called Reach the World Next Door.
14:13 You can find it online, it's there,
14:15 also at our booth at ASIP Ministries
14:18 and we can talk more about the very simple,
14:20 practical things that God wants to do through you
14:23 to reach the world next door together
14:26 He is going to finish His work and no, it's not gonna be long.
14:30 God be with you. Amen.
14:33 Happy Sabbath, GYC.
14:36 I think I can say that the sun is almost down.
14:39 I want to introduce you to two of my friends
14:40 that are currently working
14:42 in the Literature Ministries Department
14:43 at the Central California Conference.
14:45 This is Ranela, which rhymes with Vanilla
14:48 and A.J., and why don't you tell us,
14:51 Ranela, a little bit about what you do.
14:53 In the Literature Ministries Department
14:55 in Central California, we hire young people
14:59 to go into specific churches to be Bible workers.
15:02 Now over the last few years we started realizing
15:05 that the church members were a little too reliant
15:08 on the church-- on the Bible worker...
15:10 Mercy, mercy.
15:11 ...and the Pastor to do the Evangelism.
15:14 So what we started doing, is instead of hiring
15:16 a typical Bible worker,
15:18 we started hiring what we call Cross Trainers.
15:21 And we hire them to come into the churches
15:23 to basically train the church members
15:27 how to be Bible workers.
15:28 That's their main purpose.
15:30 It's amazing, you know, Ellen White says
15:31 in Ministry of Healing, 149, she says that,
15:34 "Many would be willing to work,
15:36 if they were taught how to begin."
15:38 And so we train them in a super simple way
15:41 how to get Bible studies and it's been amazing to see
15:43 how many of those church members
15:45 are actually starting to get excited
15:47 that they can do something, too.
15:48 We actually have A.J. here that's gonna share
15:50 a short testimony about what happened last year.
15:54 I worked as a Bible worker for two years
15:56 in Central California and my church
15:59 began implementing the principles of cross training
16:02 in the beginning of 2013
16:04 and one of the first church members
16:05 that we trained was Miss Dorothy
16:07 and she is, maybe in her mid 70s,
16:09 a really healthy and active Adventist
16:11 but she had never given a Bible study ever,
16:14 not even once.
16:15 We took her through a series of training courses
16:17 and when the time came,
16:19 I took her to follow up a Bible study lead.
16:21 We met a really interesting Christian woman,
16:23 had a great discussion, but on the way,
16:25 after we were leaving from the visit,
16:27 Bonny, she told me, she said,
16:28 "A.J., this woman knows way more about the Bible than me,
16:30 she is gonna eat me for lunch."
16:32 I said, "Hey, Bonny, you got this.
16:34 You've been going to Sabbath School for over 70 years,
16:36 you know more than her, trust me."
16:38 Bonny continued to follow up with the Bible study
16:40 and now after many months,
16:41 Bonny is giving three or four or more
16:43 Bible studies on a weekly basis, consistently.
16:46 She later told me that she is so ashamed
16:51 that she has lived as a Seventh day Adventist
16:53 for over 70 years and never given a Bible study
16:55 but now she is so thankful
16:56 that her spiritual life has changed
16:58 and she's able to be an evangelist.
16:59 That experience taught me
17:01 that our church members are sleeping evangelists.
17:04 Anybody can be a Bible worker, anybody can give a Bible study,
17:07 they just need to be shown how to begin, it's so simple.
17:10 Amen. Praise God.
17:11 So what you're telling me, A.J. and Renela,
17:13 is that the young people that are here at GYC
17:15 who had never given a Bible study in their entire life
17:18 can give a Bible study.
17:20 Yes, yes. Awesome.
17:21 So what are some ways that the young people here
17:23 can get involved in their own local churches,
17:25 can get training to give Bible studies themselves?
17:29 You know, the first thing I will say,
17:30 and this might sound kind of weird
17:32 being in this group of people,
17:34 but sometimes we hear this phrase which I love
17:36 and it's the phrase of,
17:38 "You know, the work is gonna be finished by an army of youth."
17:41 Which is true.
17:42 We're gonna help finish the work
17:44 but I'd like to submit to you this evening
17:46 that the work isn't just gonna be finished by us.
17:48 It needs to be finished by army of lay people just like us,
17:53 old and young that are being trained.
17:55 So what can you do to actually get trained yourself
17:58 or to start training others?
17:59 First of all I will say, if you have the opportunity,
18:03 go to a Bible college.
18:05 As a young person, while you're young,
18:07 please go to a Bible college and get trained.
18:10 Give a little bit of your time to God in full time training.
18:13 So that wherever you go after that,
18:15 you can be an effective witness.
18:17 I would really encourage you to pray about doing that.
18:20 There's so many opportunities and if you really just can't go
18:24 to a Bible college, I would go,
18:25 this is something you can do next week,
18:27 go find your pastor, find your Bible worker
18:30 and go nag them and say,
18:31 teach me how to give a Bible study, train me.
18:34 There are simple tools that, you know,
18:37 with the cross trainers we don't teach
18:40 to the church members how to come up
18:42 with their own three points and an internal close.
18:44 We take a Bible study guide and we teach them
18:47 how to bring that guide to life.
18:49 Amen. So anyone can do it.
18:50 We have resources, if you want to stop
18:52 by the Globe Booth to find those too.
18:54 But anyone can give a Bible study.
18:56 And I encourage you guys to go find someone
18:59 that knows what to do,
19:00 ask to be trained and then start putting it into practice.
19:03 After a while, you'll find that you can actually go
19:06 to your church members and your friends
19:08 and start training them.
19:09 We need to start working in the business of multiplying
19:11 instead of addition and God can use anyone.
19:14 He can even use you. Amen.
19:15 So how many want to be trained to give a Bible study?
19:18 Yes? Amen. Praise God.
19:19 Let's continue to work together to hasten
19:22 the second coming of Jesus.
19:30 Good evening again.
19:33 You get a little fatigued of saying good evening?
19:35 Good evening. Good evening.
19:37 We have up here Pastor Finley
19:40 and I have just a few questions I'd like to ask him.
19:43 And, Pastor Finley, we'll just start with this,
19:46 I understand you are launching a new blog
19:49 and maybe you can just tell us a little bit about that.
19:51 Well, Justin, the title of our blog is "Into All The World"
19:55 and you can find at
19:58 Our Into All the World blog
20:01 focuses on all aspects of evangelism
20:04 and Biblical preaching, spirituality.
20:08 So there is a section, for example,
20:09 on Sermon of the Month.
20:11 Each month I will write a sermon
20:13 and pastors, young people
20:15 that want to get ideas from that sermon
20:16 can look at that Sermon of the month.
20:19 There'll be my favorite stories and illustrations.
20:21 You may need a story
20:23 or an illustration for a sermon, it will be there.
20:25 We share evangelistic methods,
20:28 how to conduct varying evangelistic
20:31 different seminars.
20:33 There is a place on different evangelistic advertising
20:37 that we have used,
20:38 why it's worked, why it hasn't worked.
20:40 We have another section on resources for evangelism.
20:45 So everything about evangelism,
20:48 how to do evangelism in an individual city,
20:50 and each week I write another aspect of that blog.
20:55 If I'm traveling in India and have an experience,
20:57 share that.
20:58 So it gives me a personal way to connect
21:01 with thousands of people and gives them an opportunity
21:04 to have cutting edge
21:07 21st century evangelistic resources,
21:09 materials, ideas, concepts at their fingertips.
21:13 So every week, new content that you're coming up with.
21:17 And If I wanted to get that content, how do I sign up?
21:20 You simply go to,
21:25 there will be a sign up page that asks you for your name,
21:28 your address, your email address
21:31 and once you do that,
21:33 you will be able to get into the webpage
21:35 and you also will get these blogs each week.
21:38 All right.
21:39 So we're gonna go and sign up, yes?
21:41 Fresh content weekly.
21:44 Now aside, obviously, from coming to GYC,
21:48 what would be the most exciting thing
21:50 happening in your life?
21:51 Justin, there are so many exciting things
21:55 that I don't have enough time to do them all.
21:57 The Seventh-day Adventist Church General Conference
21:59 has launched something called "Mission to the Cities."
22:02 We have 650 cities targeted around the world, 650.
22:07 What God is doing is amazing,
22:10 we just finished a year long process
22:12 in New York City with Elder Wilson.
22:14 We had over 300 evangelistic meetings,
22:18 4,900 were baptized in New York City.
22:22 Oh, wow. So that's just one thing.
22:24 We are on our way to India
22:26 where we will have a satellite downlink
22:28 for the first time in the history of India,
22:31 50,000 downlinks in India.
22:34 50,000 sites.
22:36 50,000 sites.
22:38 One of the things that to me is really exciting is,
22:41 my wife and I have been praying for the last three years
22:45 about a possibility and we are just negotiating.
22:49 Now we just, in fact, I was talking to the attorneys
22:51 just before walking on stage here.
22:53 We are just settling on a piece of property
22:56 about an hour from Washington D.C.
22:59 that we will use for an evangelistic training school
23:02 that we'll build this year.
23:04 Now, it's different than any other kind of
23:06 evangelistic training school.
23:07 It will have a church but in addition to that,
23:10 each quarter
23:11 we'll run only four days of training a quarter.
23:14 So you might get trained in evangelistic preaching,
23:17 four days on just studying the Bible,
23:19 scripture memorization.
23:20 So only four days a quarter, people can choose
23:23 any one of the classes to come to,
23:25 there is no charge for the class at all.
23:28 We're targeting specifically young pastors
23:32 and young Adventist leaders.
23:34 I want to spend the rest of my life
23:36 pouring my life into young people and young leaders,
23:40 young pastors particularly,
23:42 teach them how to develop a spiritual church.
23:44 They continue their pastoring, they can come
23:47 one quarter a year for four days,
23:50 they can come two quarters for four days,
23:52 they can come three quarters
23:53 or they can come every other year.
23:55 So we are in the process, we have the funds for the land.
23:58 We don't have the funds for the facility
24:00 but as George Muller believed,
24:02 we believe that this is a vision in God's mind.
24:05 There are young pastors that graduate from seminary,
24:08 young Adventist leaders,
24:10 business people that can come for four days,
24:12 so we're really excited about that project.
24:13 Praise the Lord.
24:14 So in case you missed it, four days of training
24:17 from Pastor Finley.
24:18 He didn't say this up here but he said it backstage.
24:20 He is gonna commit to online mentorship
24:24 if you come to the training.
24:25 So you get training for four days
24:26 and then he trains you online for months to come after that.
24:30 Sounds pretty exciting to me.
24:31 I'm really excited about it, we believe it's God's idea.
24:34 Now, I want to ask one more question.
24:35 Possibly a little personal but that's what we do at GYC.
24:39 We have heard your health
24:41 maybe is not always as topnotch as it could be,
24:44 can you just share a little bit about that?
24:46 Well, first, Justin, I want to thank
24:48 each of the young people that have been praying for me,
24:50 some of you know that I did go through
24:52 a health challenge this past year.
24:54 The diagnosis is a lot better that it was
24:56 four-five months ago.
24:58 We thought that I had multiple myeloma,
25:01 that was the first diagnosis
25:03 which is a very serious diagnosis.
25:05 My physicians at the University of Maryland
25:08 backed that off to something called MGUS,
25:10 which is a pre-myeloma.
25:13 I may have that for the rest of my life
25:15 but, you know, I am a vegan vegetarian,
25:17 try to exercise every day,
25:18 I got a wonderful wife that feeds me well.
25:21 So my energy levels are better,
25:24 I just came back from one of our lifestyle institutes
25:27 where any germs you have after those hot and cold treatments,
25:31 it kills them immediately, scares them away.
25:33 I mean, they are gone.
25:34 So, Justin, I'm really feeling well.
25:36 But I do live with a certain uncertainty,
25:39 there are some numbers in my body
25:40 that are not the greatest.
25:41 But I move ahead in faith
25:44 as if I were gonna live 100 years
25:46 because, you know, the Bible says,
25:48 "This day Jesus has given us, the present is the present
25:52 because it's a present from Jesus."
25:54 Yeah, yeah.
25:56 Well, I think, young people,
25:57 it would be appropriate for us to pray for him.
26:00 Now we're gonna ask Israel to come out in just a moment.
26:04 There are times where we as young people
26:07 have the opportunity to recognize
26:10 and thank different church leaders.
26:13 And throughout the course of GYC's leadership,
26:15 we have done that with a few individuals
26:18 and we'd like to do that tonight for Pastor Finley.
26:20 And the reason we'd like to do that for you, Pastor Finley,
26:22 is because we look out at the leadership of our church
26:28 and we look to individuals who subscribe and preach
26:32 and appreciate the culture and mission of GYC.
26:36 And we feel like for the last ten years,
26:38 I think, it was 2004 when you first came to GYC,
26:41 you have been passionate about our mission
26:44 which is essentially an extension of the mission
26:47 of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
26:49 But more than just subscribing and preaching
26:52 and teaching the ideals of GYC, you are an example of those.
26:57 And that's why we want to recognize you tonight.
26:59 We have a little plaque here, we're gonna give that to you
27:03 and we are absolutely gonna pray for you.
27:05 Because it would be unfair of us
27:07 to let you go out of here
27:08 without a special prayer for your health
27:11 and as more important, your ministry
27:14 that God is gonna be using you.
27:16 So on behalf of myself,
27:18 on behalf of the many, many, many,
27:19 many young people out here,
27:21 we just want to thank you for your service
27:23 and thank you for let God lead you
27:25 in such a powerful, powerful way.
27:27 Thank you so much. Thank you.
27:28 Appreciate this so much, Justin.
27:31 Appreciate you guys so much.
27:34 Well, thank you, GYC.
27:36 For me, the last ten years
27:38 working closely with the young people at GYC
27:40 has been just so spiritually invigorating.
27:44 When I teach my classes here at GYC,
27:48 I am inspired with the depth of spirituality,
27:52 the commitment of young people in the Adventist Church
27:55 and I know that the Adventist Church
27:57 is in great hands with young people
27:59 that have this kind of spiritual vision.
28:01 So thank you very much.
28:03 I want to read-- Before I read this,
28:06 Elder Finley's plaque, I want to ask
28:08 if there's anyone here today that would like to stand up,
28:11 you've been impacted by the ministry of
28:13 Elder Finley in your life, his ministry, his preaching,
28:17 you've given your life to Christ because of it
28:19 or he has inspired you,
28:21 Elder Finley, I want you to get a picture for
28:24 the impact that by the grace of God
28:25 you've had in the Church.
28:29 The plaque says this, it says, "Elder Mark Finley,
28:32 a passionate evangelist, champion of youth,
28:36 and kind friend.
28:38 For your years of service and friendship,
28:40 the young people of GYC thank you.
28:42 January, 2014.
28:44 Orlando, Florida."
28:46 Thank you.
29:00 We before we pray, Elder Finley,
29:02 we want to read a passage for you
29:04 that has been dear to our hearts
29:07 and with that we want to conclude
29:09 our dedication tonight
29:11 and it's taken from Hebrews 6:10,
29:14 we heard you say that
29:16 you want to spend the rest of your life
29:18 impacting lives of young people
29:20 and you can see from the people that stood up
29:22 that you've already done that
29:24 and by the grace of God
29:26 we want that to be a continuation.
29:27 It's a verse that you already know
29:29 and you've probably had it memorized
29:31 but we want to share it with you today in this context.
29:35 Hebrews 6:10 and it says, "For God is not unrighteous
29:40 to forget your work and labor of love,
29:43 which you have shown toward His name,
29:45 in that you have ministered to the saints,
29:48 and even in your retirement do minister."
29:51 We're gonna have a word of prayer for you
29:53 and ask that the Lord will continue to give you health
29:55 and strength in accordance with His will
29:57 and would make these final years of your ministry
30:00 even more powerful than
30:01 they have been up to this point.
30:02 Thank you so much.
30:12 Our Father in heaven, we bow before you today
30:14 as we welcome in the Sabbath.
30:16 We thank You, Lord, for the years of service
30:19 that Pastor Finley has dedicated not just by himself
30:23 but also with his wife to the church.
30:26 Father, we are thankful that in this church
30:28 You have placed people who serve not just as preachers
30:31 but also as examples.
30:33 And we thank You, Lord,
30:34 for the example of Pastor Finley
30:37 being a champion of Your Word during difficult times,
30:41 being a preacher of Your Word during difficult times
30:44 and also through Your Word
30:45 giving hope to thousands of people.
30:48 Father, we thank You that
30:49 there are people in this world today
30:53 who will stretch their hand out
30:55 and touch the lives of young people
30:58 and invest in them.
31:00 We thank You, Lord, for all of our church leaders
31:02 and specifically today for the impact that Pastor Finley
31:06 has had on thousands of young people in Your church.
31:10 Father, we ask that you would place in a very special way
31:13 Your hand upon him
31:15 that as he has given his life now to retirement
31:18 that You would continue to bless him.
31:20 Give him health, Lord.
31:21 Give him the ability to continue his ministry
31:24 in accordance to Your will.
31:26 We ask, Lord, that as he
31:28 continues on a new phase of ministry
31:30 that You would empower him, that You would give him wisdom,
31:33 that You would give him strength and power
31:35 and even greater success than he's already experienced
31:38 as he continues to lead young people
31:40 and train them to be leaders in Your church.
31:44 Father, we ask a special blessing
31:46 also upon his wife and his family that,
31:49 Lord, through their ministry to your church,
31:51 they would also find strength and encouragement.
31:54 Most importantly, Father,
31:56 we ask that You would come soon,
31:57 that You would fulfill Your promise in scripture
31:59 to put an end to sorrow and sin.
32:02 And that by Your grace we would be found faithful
32:04 to enter into those gates.
32:06 We ask for these blessings in Jesus' name
32:08 and for His sake, amen.
32:32 Our Father,
32:35 Which art in heaven
32:42 Hallowed be Hallowed be
32:46 Thy name
32:49 Thy kingdom come
32:51 Thy kingdom come Thy will be done
32:56 Thy will be done
33:00 On earth
33:05 As it is
33:07 In heaven
33:13 Give us this day
33:18 Our daily bread
33:23 And forgive us our debts,
33:30 As we forgive
33:36 Our debtors
33:40 As we forgive
33:47 Our debtors
33:51 And lead us not into temptation
33:56 But deliver us
33:59 From evil
34:05 For Thine is the kingdom
34:11 And the power,
34:14 And the glory
34:18 For ever
34:23 Amen
34:30 Amen
34:35 Amen
34:40 Amen
34:44 Amen
34:47 Amen
34:52 For Thine is the kingdom
34:59 And the power, and the glory
35:06 The kingdom, the power
35:11 The glory Forever
35:16 And ever
35:23 Amen
35:31 Amen
35:39 Amen
35:46 Amen
36:01 Someone is praying
36:06 For you
36:10 Someone is praying
36:15 For you
36:19 And when it seems you're all alone,
36:24 And your heart would break in two
36:28 Remember someone
36:31 Is praying for you,
36:36 For you
36:38 When it seems that you prayed
36:42 'Til your strength is all gone
36:47 And your tears fall like raindrops
36:52 All the day long
36:55 Jesus cares and He knows just
37:00 How much you can bear
37:03 He'll speak your name
37:06 To someone in prayer
37:11 I know, someone is praying
37:17 For you
37:21 Remember someone is
37:26 praying for you
37:30 And when it seems you're all alone
37:34 And your heart would break in two
37:38 Remember someone is praying
37:43 For you, for you
37:48 Have the clouds 'round you
37:50 Gathered in the midst of a storm
37:56 Is your ship tossed and battered
38:00 Are you weary and worn
38:04 Don't lose hope
38:06 Someone's praying for you
38:10 This very day
38:12 And peace be still
38:15 Is already on the way
38:21 You know, someone is praying
38:26 For you
38:30 Remember someone is praying
38:34 For you
38:38 And when it seems you're all alone
38:43 And your heart would break in two
38:47 Remember someone is praying
38:51 For you
38:55 We know that Jesus is praying
39:00 For you
39:04 We know that Jesus is praying
39:08 For you
39:12 And when it seems you're all alone
39:16 And your heart would break in two
39:20 Remember Jesus is praying
39:25 For you, for you
39:34 Remember Jesus is praying
39:41 For you
44:29 I have fixed my mind
44:32 On another time
44:37 On another time
44:43 And here I mean to stand until
44:50 God gives me more light
44:56 And that is today, today
45:03 Today until He comes
45:09 I have fixed my mind
45:13 On anther time
45:17 On another time
45:27 I have set my course
45:30 On the narrow way
45:34 On the narrow way
45:40 For I know the time is close at hand
45:47 For which I watch and pray
45:53 And that is today, today
45:59 Today until He comes
46:05 I have set my course
46:09 On the narrow way
46:12 On the narrow way
46:22 Even so Lord come quickly
46:27 This is my fervent prayer
46:34 For I've seen a glimpse of glory
46:40 And I'm longing to be there
46:50 When shall the Son of Man appear
46:56 The trumpet sound its blast
47:02 And Christ descend in glorious fire
47:08 With all the saints amassed
47:14 We'll rise to walk with those no more
47:20 To meet Him in the air
47:26 When shall the Son of Man appear
47:33 The Son of Man appear
47:39 Even so Lord come quickly
47:46 This is my fervent prayer
47:52 For I've caught a glimpse of glory
47:58 And I'm longing to be there
48:05 For I've caught a glimpse of glory
48:11 And I'm longing
48:15 to be there
48:26 I've fixed my mind
48:30 On another time


Revised 2014-12-17