Generation of Youth for Christ 2013

Thursday Plenary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeffery Rosario


Series Code: 13GYC

Program Code: 13GYC000005

00:26 Lift up your heart in faith
00:32 For God is ever nigh you
00:38 Eager to bless his children
00:44 Mindful of every child
00:49 Lift up your heart in prayer
00:54 For God will ever heed you
01:00 Seek Him in every sorrow
01:06 Find Him in every need
01:11 Lift up your heart through tears of grief
01:17 He will give you peace
01:22 And heal you
01:28 Lift up your heart in praise of Him
01:35 who hath redeemed you
01:39 Praise His unfailing mercy
01:45 Praise His unchanging love
01:49 Lift up your heart, for by His might
01:56 He doth guard your path
02:00 And guide you
02:07 Lift up your heart unceasing
02:12 Praising the Savior's name
02:16 Lift up your heart for He hath ransomed you
02:22 Lift up your heart for He doth succor you
02:27 Lift up your heart for He doth offer you
02:33 A crown of everlasting life
02:50 A crown of everlasting life
03:15 Amen. Good evening.
03:16 Good evening.
03:19 Good evening GYC.
03:21 Good evening.
03:23 I have the privilege of attempting
03:27 to preach on this awesome theme before men and angels.
03:32 And I have to say that
03:34 thinking about this huge theme for this year's conference,
03:39 it's almost impossible to use language to capture the thing.
03:43 Amen.
03:44 Beside over that truth is even stranger than fiction.
03:49 The story, this idea
03:52 that you and I are living in this cosmic context is just--
03:58 it's beyond my ability to explain.
04:03 As you know our passage is based on this phrase
04:08 from the Apostle Paul, the statement that Paul makes
04:11 as he is writing to the Church at Corinth
04:14 and what I want to do tonight, is I want to set a frame,
04:19 I want to set a context, the foundation
04:23 to talk about what does this mean.
04:25 What does this statement mean?
04:28 How does this statement have the potential
04:31 to totally give us a paradigm shift on how we view everything?
04:35 How we view ourselves and how we view God.
04:39 So I want to lay a foundation tonight
04:42 and then for the next two sermons
04:43 what we are going to do is we're going to--
04:45 we're going to take the lens and we're going to zoom in
04:48 and I trust and I hope and hope you're praying for me
04:50 and I hope that God would give us a vision of His dream.
04:56 Just to capture a glimpse of His dream
05:00 and the implication for our generation
05:03 as young Adventist Christians
05:05 and the opportunity that we have.
05:08 That's my hope, that's my prayer
05:10 for a huge paradigm shift this weekend.
05:12 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
05:14 I am hoping for a huge paradigm shift this weekend
05:17 even as the one who's going to attempt
05:21 to put these things into words.
05:22 I'm going to kneel for prayer,
05:24 I invite you guys to just remain seated
05:25 and just bow your heads as we ask God
05:28 to make our time together, to make it productive,
05:32 challenging and inspiring.
05:34 Pray with me.
05:37 Father in Heaven, we thank you for the breath of life.
05:40 We thank you for the privilege of being alive today.
05:46 And tonight as we come together to open
05:50 the Holy Scriptures, to crack open your word,
05:52 my humble payer is that You would show up tonight.
05:58 And I pray that the same spirit that inspired these words
06:01 would be here to interpret the words
06:04 and to press them deep on our conscience.
06:10 That you would broaden our scope of the potential
06:13 that You see in us.
06:17 That You would give more clarity to how awesome You are.
06:22 But we pray for the spirit of God
06:23 to make all this possible tonight,
06:25 in Jesus name we thank you and we pray, amen.
06:31 Our theme as I mentioned and as you probably know
06:35 comes from this phrase, the statement
06:38 that Paul makes in the book 1st Corinthians.
06:41 I'm going to invite you to--
06:43 to journey with me to 1st Corinthians,
06:45 Paul's first letter to the Church in Corinth
06:48 and there is a whole lot going on
06:50 in the book of 1st Corinthians.
06:52 In fact the church in Corinth is the messiest church
06:57 in the entire New Testament.
06:58 There is all kinds of craziness
07:01 happening in the Church of Corinth
07:03 and Paul is sort of just getting warmed up,
07:07 1st Corinthians Chapter 1, 2, 3.
07:08 He is setting the stage for these two huge letters
07:12 that he's going to write to this little church
07:14 and then when you get to Chapter 4:9,
07:16 this is where we get this crazy phrase from,
07:20 before men and angels.
07:21 And first Corinthians Chapter 4:9,
07:25 my Bible says this, "For I think that God has,"
07:29 what's that next word?
07:31 Okay, "displayed us."
07:32 I want you to put that in your pocket
07:34 because that's my word, that's my word display.
07:37 Okay, I'm going to be dropping that word over and over again
07:40 through out the course of this weekend.
07:42 "God has displayed us the apostles
07:45 last as men condemned to death.
07:48 For we have been made" and there's our second word
07:52 "a spectacle".
07:55 We have been made a spectacle,
07:57 a spectacle to who?
07:59 Bible says before angels and to men.
08:04 There we go before men and angels.
08:07 This idea of God taking something
08:11 and putting it on display is deeply profound.
08:15 In Paul's theology,
08:18 the people of God are in exhibit.
08:21 A spectacle after all, it's something that you look at,
08:24 a spectacle is something people look at.
08:26 The purpose of a spectacle is for it to be seen,
08:30 for it to be watched, for it to be analyzed, right?
08:33 According to Paul, that's what we are,
08:35 he is speaking of the Church, okay?
08:40 The display is put before two totally different dimensions.
08:45 The display is put before the angels
08:47 and it's also put before men.
08:49 Now this idea, we'll be exploring more of this
08:52 throughout the weekend but this idea, it's not--
08:55 it's not unique to this particular book,
08:57 you find Paul using this type of language
09:00 in the different letters that he wrote.
09:02 You find this type of-- this type of idea
09:04 in the different epistles of Paul for example,
09:07 from 1st Corinthians if you hang a write
09:09 and go to Ephesians Chapter 3, turn with me quickly here
09:13 as we set some foundation.
09:15 In Ephesians Chapter 3, now Paul is writing
09:17 to an entirely different Christian community
09:20 and he uses the same concept in order to try
09:24 to bring into focus what these people should,
09:28 how these people should think about themselves
09:32 and how they should think about God, okay?
09:36 These are ingredients that Paul is throwing out there
09:39 in order to help bring-- to fine tune the way
09:44 the community thinks about itself
09:46 and the way it thinks about God.
09:48 In Ephesians Chapter 3,
09:49 we're there, can you say hallelujah?
09:50 Hallelujah.
09:52 Okay, the Bible says this.
09:55 Now I am jumping right in the middle of this,
09:57 this powerful, powerful argument that he is presenting.
10:00 But in verse 10 it says and the context is
10:03 what Jesus has been up to in this world
10:08 and Jesus being the fulfillment of the promises of God
10:12 to humanity, verse 10,
10:14 Ephesians Chapter 3, to the intent.
10:18 Another way to say that would be for the purpose of, okay?
10:24 That now the manifold wisdom of God
10:28 might be made known by the Church
10:32 to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, okay.
10:39 In that statement according to Paul,
10:43 the biggest concern that is weighing on God's heart
10:47 is to make his manifold wisdom understood,
10:52 to make it available, okay?
10:55 Now if you look at the text who is God
10:57 trying to make His wisdom available to?
11:00 The Bible tells us here that he is trying to make it
11:03 available to the principalities and powers
11:05 in heavenly places, okay?
11:08 And the agent-- the agent of that revelation
11:12 is not some big magic trick that Jesus came to do.
11:16 It's not some big aabra ka daabra
11:18 that Jesus does on this-- in this world.
11:23 The magic trick is basically the church.
11:30 Through the church,
11:32 God is putting something on display
11:36 that according to God when this thing gets on display
11:40 the entire universe will see something about God
11:45 that it would otherwise never be able to see.
11:50 Okay the manifold wisdom of God
11:54 made known to the principalities
11:55 and powers in the heavenly places
11:57 by the church, that's Ephesians 3:10.
11:59 Guys, if you're thinking,
12:00 if you got your thinking caps on,
12:02 that should blow your mind, that is crazy.
12:05 We were to digest those words,
12:08 it is amazing what the implications are.
12:11 Basically you and I, the church,
12:16 nobody is down here on this earth.
12:19 We have the potential to make something about God.
12:23 To make some detail about God,
12:25 some dimension about who God is and what God is like?
12:30 We have the potential of making
12:31 that mysterious dimension available,
12:35 making that known, giving access to that,
12:39 to that dimension of God that would
12:41 otherwise not be available to the whole universe.
12:44 So in essence this is why you read these weird verses
12:47 for example, 1st Peter 1:12 if you're taking notes.
12:49 It says that the angels of God are interested
12:53 and they're looking into the outplaying
12:57 of the plan of salvation of what Jesus accomplished
13:00 with humanity, with the human race, okay?
13:04 Peter tells us that the angels are so intensely interested
13:07 that they are just-- basically they got
13:09 their nose on the window and they're just like
13:10 watching what's happening down here.
13:13 This is why Jesus says things like in Luke 15,
13:16 I think it's verse 10 that whenever
13:18 something powerful takes place with a human being
13:21 on this planet, there is a party
13:24 among the angels in heaven, isn't that what it says?
13:27 In other words there is this picture
13:28 that heaven is very intimately,
13:32 what do I want to say involved with what's happening
13:35 on earth in the lives of apparently insignificant people.
13:39 It's powerful, it's amazing.
13:41 And I would want to go as far as to say
13:43 that human beings now are able to come
13:46 into a closeness with God
13:48 that even the angels themselves will never experience.
13:52 Think about that.
13:54 You looked-- you looked at yourself
13:55 in the mirror this morning,
13:56 you think about your life, who you are.
13:59 You think about what is worthy of example
14:01 in your life and what isn't.
14:03 You, simple "ou" apparently insignificant you,
14:08 the angels will learn something about God
14:11 through you that they would otherwise have no access to,
14:13 is that powerful or what?
14:16 That's the ultimate.
14:17 That's the ultimate-- that's the ultimate compliment,
14:21 so backing on to this big picture,
14:23 this is what Paul sets the stage as.
14:26 He want's the Christian community
14:28 to operate with his paradigm.
14:30 This is what's happening.
14:32 This little planet in the vastness
14:34 of God's endless universe,
14:36 this is a little speck in God's universe.
14:40 And it's this little planet,
14:41 this little corner of God's universe
14:43 that has rebelled against its own creator.
14:45 CS Lewis calls it enemy occupied territory, right?
14:48 Now think about this the one single--
14:50 the one little speck in the universe
14:52 that has rebelled against God will eventually become
14:55 the headquarters for the kingdom of God.
14:57 Revelation tells us that the New Jerusalem
15:00 comes down and where does it-- where does it settle?
15:04 It doesn't settle on Mars or in Saturn, right?
15:07 It settles on this planet.
15:08 This planet becomes the headquarters
15:10 of God's kingdom.
15:12 Your backyard becomes the capital
15:16 of the kingdom of God.
15:17 This is the grand scope of what Paul is talking about.
15:21 And his burden is if the church
15:24 can even begin to grasp the significance of that.
15:32 What would happen? What would be the potential?
15:34 Okay, so let's get to work.
15:37 Paul wants you to know you're on display.
15:41 He wants you to know that the world is watching
15:45 and the question that begs is, what does the world see?
15:51 If the world is watching
15:53 and if we're supposed to be in tune
15:55 with the fact that we're on display
15:56 and the world is watching the question is,
15:58 what does the world see?
16:00 I'll be honest with you, this whole business
16:02 about angels watching us, I don't really have access
16:05 to that stuff, I can't really grapple with that,
16:07 that's a mystery to me.
16:09 But what we could prayer on is this whole concept of
16:11 "We are on display before men" because that we can--
16:15 we can get farther with that.
16:17 What is it that Paul wants us to walk away with,
16:20 with this idea that we are on display before men.
16:23 He wants us to know that the world is watching.
16:28 Now I am going to argue tonight
16:29 that the entire scope of scripture
16:31 is this one single story of this significant idea.
16:35 Listen to what I am saying guys,
16:36 some of the stuff may be-- may sound a little weird,
16:39 but listen to what I am saying.
16:42 Some of us may be prone to feel,
16:45 to assume this attitude, I am going to be faithful to God
16:49 and I don't care what the world thinks of me.
16:54 Can somebody say you meant to that?
16:56 You probably won't 'cause you think it's a trap, right?
16:58 It is a trap, all right.
17:01 This idea I'm going to be faithful to God
17:04 and I don't care how the world perceives me.
17:10 I'm going to argue tonight that, that doesn't capture
17:15 God's greater vision.
17:17 That that is in fact an unbiblical way
17:19 to perceive yourself and to perceive how God perceives you.
17:23 Hey, the element of scripture that tells us
17:26 repeatedly over and over again in different threads
17:30 throughout the entire Bible is this simple truth.
17:35 God is concerned with how the world perceives us.
17:41 I got two amen on that.
17:43 God is concerned with how the world perceives us.
17:46 Why is God concerned with how other world perceives us?
17:49 Because how the world perceives us
17:51 will effect how the world perceives Him.
17:54 Amen.
17:55 Are you with me? Yes.
17:57 And how the world perceives God
17:59 determines how the world relates to God, yes or no?
18:04 And this whole business of relating to God
18:06 is what the whole show is about, right?
18:10 God wants us to operate with a high sense of awareness
18:17 that the world is watching.
18:21 And in fact, when you think of the foundation
18:25 of the Great Controversy theme,
18:28 after all this is what the whole weekend is about.
18:29 We're in this Great Controversy,
18:31 we use that language that just rolls off of the tongue,
18:34 it becomes cliché if we're not careful, yeah?
18:38 What's the whole Great Controversy thing about?
18:41 The age old question, why didn't God destroy the devil
18:45 before we got into this big mess?
18:49 I mean in public evangelism you get that question thrown on you
18:51 every single, every single opportunity, right?
18:55 Why didn't God just blow the devil away?
18:59 The simplest way to put it,
19:02 is because were God to do that
19:08 it would look bad.
19:13 Is that true, yes or no? Yes.
19:14 The reason God could not eliminate
19:18 this controversy at its inception
19:21 is because were God to step into that situation
19:24 and take care of business just like that,
19:27 immediately there would be false perceptions
19:30 of who God actually is.
19:32 And so the controversy continues, because guys,
19:35 at the end of the day listen to this.
19:37 The essence of the Great Controversy
19:39 is essentially centered on how God is perceived.
19:45 That's what the whole thing is about,
19:47 how God is perceived.
19:49 God knows that he is love.
19:52 God knows that the essence of his character is beauty
19:55 just his righteousness and love, He knows that.
19:58 The problem is does everybody else know that?
20:01 You with me?
20:03 The whole thing is about perception,
20:05 the whole thing is about what will God look like.
20:08 The whole thing is about, will God be understood to be
20:13 who He is and what He is like.
20:16 That's the story of the Bible,
20:17 that's the story of the controversy.
20:19 Tonight I want to say that this idea,
20:21 Paul didn't just pull this out of a hat one day.
20:23 He didn't just wake up one morning and say
20:25 "before men and angels" that's the catch you want,
20:27 that's the catch you want, after the mail to Corinth.
20:32 He didn't just pull that out of a hat.
20:33 When Paul-- when Paul breaks down this big picture,
20:36 this cosmic context, He is basically borrowing
20:40 from the entire Old Testament.
20:42 This ideology is Old Testament ideology.
20:45 It's what the whole thing is about.
20:48 Think about this.
20:50 When you read the Old Testament
20:51 you're basically encountering a people, okay?
20:56 You're encountering a people who are struggling
20:58 to figure out the significance of this
21:00 and you're encountering God
21:04 who realizes that the stakes are high
21:06 for these people to realize this.
21:08 Think about this, think about Israel,
21:09 I am speaking about Israel.
21:11 Your Old Testament it basically made up of books
21:15 of the prophets, right?
21:16 The prophetic writings, think about this.
21:18 Every prophet that was sent, that is in the Old Testament
21:21 was sent not to the heathen world,
21:23 the prophets were sent to who everybody?
21:28 To who everybody? Israel.
21:29 To the people of God, right?
21:31 And the prophets were sent, sent to the people of God
21:34 with one overwhelming burden and here's the burden.
21:38 Ah, what are you doing?
21:45 The gentiles are watching.
21:49 What are they going to think about God?
21:54 Is that oversimplification
21:56 of the message of the Old Testament?
22:00 It just blows my mind, it's kind of like--
22:02 now I drive a Ford Focus, you know
22:03 and now I see them everywhere.
22:06 But I didn't see them anywhere before I drove one, right?
22:08 It's once you see something, once you get in something
22:11 you see it everywhere.
22:12 I see this concept now all through scripture,
22:14 I can't even get my eyes out of this concept.
22:16 Everywhere I open up it's right there staring at me.
22:19 The whole message of the Old Testament was essentially that.
22:21 Think about the biblical narrative.
22:23 Think about all the mighty nations
22:25 and historical figures that poke their head up in scripture.
22:29 Think about the ancient kingdom of Babylon.
22:32 Think about Cyrus.
22:33 You know, all these names that come up.
22:35 Think about Nebuchadnezzar, think about Caesar in Rome.
22:39 Why are these nations and big figures
22:42 in history even in your Bible at all?
22:46 Why?
22:48 For one simple reason, because they just
22:50 so happened to rub shoulders and bump into who?
22:55 The Jews.
22:56 They bumped into Israel and therefore
22:58 they made the cut, right?
23:01 That's the only reason Caesar's in there,
23:02 that's the only reason Rome is in there.
23:04 Because Israel happens to be rubbing shoulders with Roman
23:07 therefore Caesar is worthy of mention
23:09 in the biblical narrative.
23:11 Do you understand what I am saying?
23:12 The implication here is, yes he is--
23:15 Rome, the greatest empire of its time.
23:17 Yeah, that's important. Egypt, the pharaohs.
23:19 Yeah, that's important. Only because Israel is involved.
23:25 Isn't that a beautiful thing?
23:27 It shows that the whole-- the whole story of scripture
23:30 is just wrapped around God's deep impressing concern.
23:35 That he has these people on display
23:38 and that the gentiles are watching
23:40 and what they see will affect how they see that
23:42 and how they see that will affect
23:43 on how they relate to that
23:45 and that's what's breaking God's heart,
23:49 how they relate to Him.
23:52 So we have statements that tell us
23:54 that the journey of the children of Israel
23:57 throughout scripture is essentially parallel
24:04 to the journey of God's people in the end time.
24:06 We're familiar with this, the attitude of Israel
24:10 before the first coming of Jesus
24:14 gives us a glimpse of the attitude of God's people
24:16 before the second coming of Jesus.
24:18 The Jews going through-- the Israelites going through
24:20 the wilderness towards the Promised Land
24:22 is a lesson book for the people of God
24:24 going through the wilderness to heavenly king.
24:27 Amen, are you with me? Amen.
24:29 Familiar stuff, yea?
24:32 What was God's dream for Israel?
24:36 What was God's dream for Israel?
24:38 We know already that Israel being God's people
24:41 throughout the Old Testament that the essence
24:44 of their existence was to be put on display.
24:48 Let's go back, let's go way back.
24:51 Let's look at Genesis Chapter 12
24:55 and in a few strokes here we're going to basically
24:59 paint the picture
25:02 of this bumpy and messy journey of Israel.
25:09 And how by looking at Israel
25:11 we are basically staring in the mirror
25:14 and we're looking at the potential,
25:18 the potential of God's dreams be naturalized
25:24 in our very generation.
25:25 Are you in Genesis 12? Can you say, amen?
25:27 Amen. May I read?
25:29 Yes.
25:30 All right, here we go Genesis Chapter 12.
25:32 By the way what comes before Genesis Chapter 12?
25:35 Don't say Genesis Chapter 11, don't be a smarty pants.
25:39 Genesis Chapter 11, what's going on in Genesis Chapter 11?
25:43 In Genesis Chapter 11 you have the tower of --
25:48 Amen. Am I right?
25:49 Did I get that right?
25:51 The Tower of Babel, and what's going on
25:52 in the Tower of Babel?
25:53 What's going on?
25:57 You have the world in a global state of darkness so to speak.
26:02 Genesis 11 in the picture that it shows,
26:03 it shows a unified rebellion against God.
26:08 A unified determination to move
26:12 through human civilization, to establish human civilization
26:16 without God in the picture, yeah?
26:19 The world is in unified darkness,
26:22 gross darkness covers the people,
26:25 there is a mess.
26:26 We have a problem, ladies and gentleman, yeah?
26:29 How is God going to solve this problem
26:32 as God is looking for His choices of solutions,
26:35 what is He going to pull out of his pocket?
26:37 What will He pull out of his pocket?
26:38 What is the thing?
26:40 What is the magic trick that God is going to use
26:44 to recover human civilization from the darkness
26:49 of the Tower of Babel?
26:50 What will God do? What's the magic trick?
26:53 Genesis Chapter 12
26:55 and what's in Genesis Chapter 12?
26:59 May be we should read it.
27:02 "And God said to a man, some man, some guy, all right?
27:08 Some guy will be part of God's magic trick
27:12 and God and the Lord God says to Abraham
27:16 "Get out of your country, from your family,
27:18 from your father's house to a land that I will show you"
27:21 verse 2, "I will make you a great nation,
27:24 I will bless you and make your name great and you--
27:27 what does that say? You shall be a what?
27:30 You shall be a blessing,
27:33 I will bless those who bless you
27:36 and I will curse him who curses you
27:38 and in you, what does the text say?
27:40 All the families of the earth shall be blessed.
27:44 The magic trick that God comes up with,
27:46 to solve the Genesis 11 problem.
27:49 To solve the darkness on earth problem.
27:51 To solve the problem that the concept,
27:54 the character of God.
27:55 The perception of who God is and what is he like
27:58 is in total darkness.
27:59 And the way that God is going to figure out
28:02 how to solve that problem is by calling Abraham
28:06 and electing Abraham to be the representative
28:10 of a new culture that God will introduce on planet earth.
28:15 So that through this new culture,
28:18 the world would be exposed to who God is
28:24 and what He is actually like?
28:27 The call of Abraham is God's epic intervention,
28:32 epic cultural intervention.
28:35 This is the beginning here of what will be traced
28:38 from Genesis Chapter 12 all the way through
28:40 to the end of your Old Testament and folks look at the Bible,
28:43 look at your Bible.
28:44 That's a whole lot of ground, right?
28:47 That's a lot of ground to cover from Genesis
28:49 to all the way through to the end of Malachi.
28:51 The story is very, very linear.
28:56 And the story is essentially the history of the bumpy,
29:01 messy journey of this Church that would come out of Abraham,
29:05 to figure out the significance that they are on display,
29:10 they are in exhibit, they are a spectacle
29:12 and that the world is watching and that--
29:15 listen carefully to what I'm saying,
29:16 listen carefully and put this in your pocket.
29:18 That God's reputation is in their hands.
29:23 God's reputation is in their hands
29:27 and that means that the stakes are really, really high.
29:33 What the Jews bring to the table
29:35 is that the Jews bring the greatest gifts
29:37 this world has ever seen.
29:39 The Jews bring it to the table,
29:43 the Jews bring the two gifts, right?
29:45 The written word, right?
29:48 And the living word
29:49 and the person of the Messiah will come.
29:52 Those are the two greatest gifts
29:53 humanity has ever received, yes or no?
29:56 The Jews are the ones that are designated to bring this thing
29:59 to the table but here are the beginning stages of it.
30:02 The Jews are basically the ones that introduced
30:05 the idea of monotheism, that there is only one God
30:08 and I know we can appreciate that
30:09 'cause we're in Orlando, Florida.
30:11 That seems a bit obvious to some of you
30:13 as you look around you.
30:15 But the Jews bring this innovation to human experience
30:18 and they change the game.
30:21 They bring meaning
30:22 and significance back into humanity.
30:24 That the way we view ourselves is that history is linear,
30:28 it's not cyclical, it's not just some vicious cycle.
30:36 The future is real and the past is real
30:39 and individual decisions actually mean something.
30:42 So in Genesis Chapter 12 you have the beginning here
30:44 of this culture being formulated.
30:46 Now what is a-- what is a culture?
30:49 I mean sociology tells us that culture is basically
30:52 the ideals, the norms,
30:56 the customs and traditions of a group of people, right?
31:00 That's a culture.
31:01 And that finds expression through their literature,
31:04 through their music, through their food.
31:08 A culture is the ways of a people, their ideals,
31:10 their customs, their traditions.
31:11 Something would happen through these people
31:13 that when the world is exposed to it
31:16 they will think that God is awesome
31:18 and that God is beautiful and that whole encounter
31:21 has everything to do with solving the problem
31:24 of the Great Controversy between good and evil,
31:27 an unlikely solution.
31:29 So Genesis Chapter 12 we go, the Jews come on the scene
31:32 and the story unfolds and Moses comes into the picture.
31:35 Now we're in the Deuteronomy.
31:37 Now we're in Deuteronomy where they're being reminded.
31:41 If you can follow me here quickly
31:42 through this very short history of the Jews.
31:44 Now they are in Deuteronomy and the people
31:47 have been journeying, the people have been delivered
31:49 from bondage and now they are trying to recalibrate themselves
31:53 and figure out who they are, what their purpose is
31:56 and what will their contribution be to society, right?
31:59 So in Deuteronomy if you will, Deuteronomy Chapter 4,
32:04 listen to what happens here in Deuteronomy Chapter 4
32:06 where the people are now reminded to get in tune
32:10 with what God's original purpose was.
32:13 If you are in Deuteronomy 4, say amen.
32:14 Amen. Are you sleepy, yet?
32:16 No. Jetlag?
32:19 No, you are with me? Yes.
32:20 Okay, we're in Deuteronomy, what Chapter?
32:23 Four. That's the big test, isn't it?
32:26 Four, Deuteronomy Chapter 4 and I'm reading from verse 6.
32:28 Follow with me here.
32:31 It says this, "Therefore be careful to observe them."
32:35 To observe them, he is talking about
32:37 the whole cultural paradigm of who they are as a people,
32:42 including every aspect of their sociological existence, okay.
32:46 "So be careful to observe them for this is your wisdom
32:50 and your understanding in the side of the peoples
32:55 who will hear all these statues and say, surely."
32:58 What are they saying?
32:59 "This nation is a wise and understanding people."
33:03 And then he cuts back to, to addressing them.
33:06 "For what great nation is there that has God so near to it.
33:10 As the Lord our God is near to us.
33:14 For what ever reason we may call up on Him,"
33:16 verse 8, "And what great nation is there that has such statues
33:19 and righteous judgments as our in all this law
33:22 which I set before you this day.
33:24 Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself,
33:28 lest you forget."
33:30 Lest you forget, so listen to what I'm saying here.
33:32 In Deuteronomy Moses now has assembled the people,
33:37 okay, this is a new generation now.
33:39 This is a new generation and the new generation
33:42 needs to be reminded of what the whole thing was about.
33:46 And as they receive the reminder
33:48 it sounds a little bit like this.
33:49 Everything you have received, all of your statues,
33:53 all of your decrees, your whole cultural blueprint,
33:57 everything you have received is for the simple purpose.
34:01 So that the nations around you may look at you and say...
34:07 wow.
34:10 We've never seen a nation on this planet like this
34:14 whose God is so close to them.
34:16 In other words, that's what the gentiles
34:18 are supposed to be reacting like.
34:21 Amen. Amen.
34:23 That is the intended reaction,
34:26 that is the intended result of Israelite culture.
34:31 When people get exposed to it, it will blow their minds.
34:37 They will see something so beautiful, so sublime,
34:40 so awesome that the logical question is,
34:45 who in the world are these people
34:47 and who is their God that is so amazing?
34:50 Amen. That was the intended result.
34:52 That's what solved,
34:54 that is part of God's magic trick
34:56 to wrap this thing up, we call The Great Controversy,
35:00 this chaos, this hell that you and I live in
35:04 on this planet, this great battle
35:06 between the forces of good and the forces of evil.
35:09 The way that that thing get solved is by
35:11 putting on display something beautiful,
35:15 something compelling, something incredibly relevant
35:18 that meets the direct needs of the nations around them
35:23 and all they have to do is bump into these people
35:29 and the people will marvel.
35:30 So essentially they were supposed to demonstrate
35:32 that the ways of the God of Israel
35:33 was the most beautiful and fulfilling way to think,
35:37 to feel and to experience reality.
35:40 So now we get to things like Prophets and Kings
35:43 and these beautiful statements you read
35:46 from the pen of Ellen White.
35:47 These beautiful statements that summarized God's dream
35:50 and she says things like, "It was in order
35:53 that the Israelites might be a blessing to the nations
35:56 that God's name may be made known throughout all the earth
36:00 that they would deliver from Egyptian bondage.
36:03 They were to be placed far in advance of other peoples
36:10 in wisdom and understanding so that their supremacy
36:15 was to be reached and maintained
36:16 only in order that through them the purpose of God
36:20 for all nations of the earth might be fulfilled."
36:24 She continues, "that they were to be made
36:27 marvels of prosperity."
36:29 What do you think of that language?
36:31 The church was intended to be a marvel of prosperity.
36:36 Why?
36:38 So we can walk around padding ourselves in the back.
36:42 Marvels of prosperity--
36:45 so that attention would be drawn
36:49 to the beautiful character of Jehovah.
36:51 Amen.
36:52 And here's the last one line I'll give you there.
36:54 Even the heathen would recognize
36:56 the superiority of those who served in worship, the holy God.
37:01 It was never about them. Yes.
37:04 Never.
37:05 And every time you see the prophets go in there
37:07 and smack them up a little bit is because they lost focus.
37:11 They began to think it was all about them
37:13 because they had the truth
37:14 and because they had the message
37:15 because they had proper conceptions.
37:17 And I'll get to that in a second,
37:19 it was never about them,
37:20 it was always about mirroring something awesome.
37:25 It was always about living with a high sense of awareness
37:28 of what are the gentiles thinking
37:32 because that's what the controversies about
37:34 how God is perceived?
37:36 So check this out.
37:37 As you continue through, you get to the Major Prophets,
37:40 into the Minor Prophets and you just run
37:42 into little glimpses of God's dream.
37:45 God is just dreaming.
37:46 When these prophets were done,
37:47 they were writing down God's dreams for Israel.
37:51 God was dreaming on paper, for example.
37:54 What do you make of Zechariah,
37:55 can you follow me there?
37:57 Zechariah, probably thinking where in the world is that?
38:03 You can find Malachi right at the end of the Old Testament.
38:06 You find Malachi at the end of the Old Testament
38:08 hang a left and you run into Zechariah.
38:13 Remember Zechariah Chapter 8,
38:15 I'm gonna read this because the clock is ticking.
38:17 Zechariah Chapter 8, listen to this
38:20 and tell me how awesome this is.
38:23 Zechariah 8:21, again this is God just dreaming.
38:27 He's just dreaming on paper.
38:29 Verse 21, Zechariah Chapter 8,
38:32 "The inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying,
38:36 'Let us continue to go and pray before the Lord
38:39 and seek the Lord of host, I myself will go also.'"
38:43 Verse 22, "Yes, many people and strong nations
38:47 will come to seek the Lord of host in," where?
38:50 "In Jerusalem."
38:52 That's like Loma Linda, right?
38:54 At the headquarters they are gonna be flocking
38:58 to come to the headquarters.
39:00 Why are they coming to Jerusalem, folks?
39:03 They heard some rumors.
39:05 They heard rumors that God is there
39:07 and the beauty of God can be encountered there.
39:10 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
39:12 Verse 23, skipping down, verse 23,
39:15 "Thus says the Lord of host, 'In those days ten men
39:18 from every language of the nation shall,'"
39:19 I love this,
39:21 "They shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man.
39:25 And they'll say, let us go if you for we have heard
39:27 that God is with you."
39:30 How awesome is that? Amen.
39:33 That's what the whole point, that was the whole point
39:35 of the whole thing.
39:37 Think about that guys, think about that God is dreaming.
39:41 There's supposed to be people pulling on your clothes
39:43 on your way to Sabbath?
39:46 You shouldn't be able to get from your door to your car
39:48 without people grabbing your clothes, right?
39:52 They shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man and say,
39:54 take us with you.
39:55 This is the type of impact that God intended
39:58 the church to have.
40:00 What about the Queen of Sheba?
40:02 What about the Queen of Sheba?
40:04 She comes, she travels why is she traveling to see--
40:07 to see the great Solomon,
40:08 the great Jewish king, the great--
40:10 Why?
40:11 Because she's heard rumors, rumors have traveled
40:14 all the way to her empire that there is a people
40:17 called the Israelites and they have access
40:20 to some amazing things,
40:22 she comes, she sits at Solomon's feet.
40:24 When you read 1st Kings Chapter 10,
40:26 it will blow your mind.
40:29 She opens her heart and shares all the dilemmas
40:31 and the perplexes, every question she had
40:33 and Solomon was able to answer
40:35 every single one of her questions
40:37 as she says the rumors I heard
40:38 they are not even half.
40:42 They are not even half of what I've experienced here,
40:44 she goes back to her-- to her country
40:46 and she takes back some a piece of Jewish culture.
40:51 Can you say amen to that? Amen.
40:58 All through scripture, guys, you see it over and over again
41:02 for the sake of God's name,
41:03 for the sake of God's name,
41:05 for the sake of God's name so that the gentiles,
41:11 so that the gentiles won't get it wrong,
41:13 that's what the thing is about, that's what the thing is about.
41:18 You get that over and over again, Ezekiel 36:21,
41:21 we're told that God has a concern
41:23 for what the gentiles think, it's right there.
41:27 In Ezekiel Chapter 20 there is a--
41:29 there is a historical sweep giving of the history of Israel.
41:33 Their entrance into bondage in Egypt,
41:34 their deliverance from Egypt, their time in the wilderness,
41:37 they enters into the Promised Land
41:38 and you know what the summary there is?
41:40 Four different times, Ezekiel says,
41:42 "God did this,
41:47 so that His name would be glorified among the gentiles."
41:51 Over and over again you get the same picture, guys.
41:56 You trace that other way too and you boom,
41:57 you run into the dead-end at the end of Malachi.
41:59 And you turn the page and now you're back
42:01 in the New Testament and now we are back at the feet of Paul.
42:07 The same Paul that painted this crazy picture
42:09 that the church is on displayed that the church is respected
42:12 whether the church is an exhibit
42:13 where the world is supposed to encounter
42:16 some rich culture that shows God to be awesome
42:19 and beautiful and amazing.
42:21 Now you are back to Paul himself
42:23 and I'm wrapping this thing up.
42:24 You're in Romans Chapter 2.
42:27 Turn quickly with, to Romans Chapter 2, please.
42:31 Romans Chapter 2, listen to this,
42:33 this is amazing, okay?
42:35 This is amazing.
42:36 Now we are in New Testament times.
42:40 All this historical heritage is behind us now,
42:43 now we are into days of Paul,
42:45 and now we get a picture of why Paul paints this--
42:49 this grandiose picture so that the church can figure out,
42:52 oh, that's what it's about, that's what it's about.
42:56 Romans 2:24, we get this devastating indictment
43:01 from the pen of Paul.
43:04 Romans 2:24, what does it say?
43:06 It says, he's quoting by the way,
43:09 it says this, "For the name of God is," what does it say?
43:14 "Blaspheme among the gentiles because of you."
43:20 As it is written he's building this huge case
43:24 and why the Jews failed?
43:26 Why did the plan go off the rails?
43:29 Why is it that by the time we get to the times
43:31 when Jesus is supposed to make a safe landing
43:35 into this world?
43:36 Why is that when--
43:37 when the runway was supposed to be smooth out,
43:41 that the hills where supposed to be lowered and flattened
43:44 and the ditches were supposed to be raised.
43:46 So that when Jesus comes and he lands on the shore,
43:48 it's a smooth landing and the world is ready for Him.
43:50 What you have in scriptures is the exact opposite.
43:53 When Jesus shows up to this world
43:54 it's a crash landing, isn't it?
43:58 It's mayday, mayday, emergency,
44:00 the world's not ready to receive Him, right?
44:03 And Paul says,
44:07 "The name of God is blasphemed among the gentiles."
44:10 And for you, guys, we just went from--
44:12 from the beginning all the way through
44:14 back to Paul and it's the same old story,
44:16 this is what the thing is about.
44:18 Actually I read this in a modern translation,
44:21 though I'm not a huge fan,
44:23 I read this in the modern translation
44:25 and it's pretty compelling.
44:27 I want you to listen to this,
44:29 this is from the message translation and this is--
44:33 this is the big chunk of Romans Chapter 2.
44:35 And this is what it essentially says.
44:36 It may even come up on your screen.
44:38 In Romans Chapter 2, this is what it says
44:40 from verses 17 onward, it says,
44:43 "If you're bought up Jewish, don't assume
44:46 that you can lean back in the arms of your religion
44:48 and take it easy, feeling smug because you're an insider
44:53 to God's revelation, a connoisseur
44:55 of the best things of God,
44:57 informed on the latest doctrines!
45:00 I have a special word of caution for you
45:05 who are sure that you have it all together yourselves
45:08 and because you know God's revealed Word inside
45:12 and out, and feel qualified to guide others
45:14 through their blind alleys and dark nights
45:16 and confused emotions to God.
45:19 While you are guiding others,
45:21 who is going to guide you?
45:25 I'm quite serious. While preaching 'Don't steal!'
45:28 Are you going to rob people blind?
45:30 Who would suspect you?
45:31 The same with adultery. The same with idolatry.
45:34 You can get by with almost anything
45:35 if you front it with eloquent talk about God and His law.
45:39 The line from scripture, 'It's because of you Jews
45:42 that the outsiders are down on God,'
45:44 shows that it's an old problem."
45:49 The whole thing that Paul is drawing here guys
45:51 is he is trying to draw attention back
45:54 to where the thing is supposed to be.
45:57 Devastating failure, first century Christianity,
46:00 the days of Jesus, Jesus now,
46:03 Jesus now enters into the story,
46:05 Jesus now enters into the frame
46:08 and the purpose for Jesus now as He enters
46:11 into this crazy complex world
46:14 where most people have a word concept of who God is,
46:18 Jesus purpose is now to correct the picture,
46:22 to paint a better picture, to carry--to carry a portrait
46:27 and to tell people no, no, no, no
46:28 this is what God is like.
46:32 Jesus is constantly going head to head
46:35 with a religious establishment of his day.
46:37 Jesus' great burden is to paint the right picture
46:40 every point that, that the Jews fail,
46:42 that Israel failed, Jesus comes into the picture
46:48 to pick up where Israel fell.
46:50 You see this all through His life,
46:52 you see through the story of Jesus
46:53 so, you see this in subtle ways,
46:55 you see this in explicit ways.
46:58 The Jews, the Israelites pass through the Red Sea
47:00 in their 40 years in the wilderness,
47:02 Jesus gets baptized in the Jordan
47:04 and he spends how many days?
47:07 40 days in the wilderness.
47:09 As the Israelites
47:10 were journeying through the wilderness
47:12 they receive the Book of Deuteronomy.
47:16 That refocuses the whole point of why they exist,
47:20 Jesus is in the wilderness and He quotes scripture
47:24 to defend himself against temptation
47:25 and what book does He quote from?
47:28 He quotes from the Book of Deuteronomy.
47:29 Jesus is trying to say in very clear tone,
47:32 very loudly that He is the true Israel
47:35 because Jesus, young people,
47:38 Jesus succeeded where the church failed.
47:41 Amen.
47:43 Jesus came to this world to pick up the mess,
47:47 to pick up the misconceptions,
47:50 to pick up the word perception of who God is
47:53 and what He is like, Jesus came and he pick that thing up
47:55 and He put it on His shoulders and the brokenness
47:58 of Israelite culture, every thing.
48:01 Jesus took all of that to the cross
48:04 and He flipped the page to begin a new page, a new story.
48:08 Amen. Amen.
48:10 Enter Adventism, enter the here and the now.
48:16 Brothers and sisters, I'm hugely burdened.
48:21 It seems to me that we are sitting
48:25 on an amazing responsibility and opportunity
48:28 to paint a beautiful picture of what,
48:31 of who God is and of what God is like.
48:34 Enter Adventist culture, enter our ideals,
48:40 our philosophy of life,
48:44 our perspective on every aspect of living,
48:49 think about our customs, our traditions,
48:51 the whole point of all of that
48:54 instead of when people get exposure to it,
48:57 they're supposed to walk away thinking, wow.
49:01 God is awesome and God is beautiful.
49:04 Amen.
49:05 Amen. Amen.
49:07 Tonight I'm gonna be a party pooper.
49:11 Well this is, I feel a huge burden.
49:15 And I want to raise a question here
49:16 I'm not coming to the table to provide a list of answers,
49:19 I'm coming here to raise a question?
49:22 Are we doing that?
49:24 When the world looks at us what does the world think?
49:29 Is it possible that we have deceived ourselves
49:32 into thinking we're just gonna be faithful to God,
49:35 we're gonna be loyal to God and we don't care
49:37 what the world thinks about and all along we didn't realize
49:40 that faithfulness to God includes
49:44 in awareness and a concern for how the world perceives us.
49:48 Amen.
49:49 They're not two separate things as part of the package.
49:52 Amen.
49:54 Because to love God supremely.
49:57 To love Him dearly is to care about how He is perceived.
50:02 Can you say, amen to that?
50:03 Amen. Okay.
50:04 To care of how He is perceived
50:08 is to care how you are perceived?
50:14 Not so anxious to give it amen to that one.
50:16 To care how He is perceived is to care how you are perceived.
50:19 Why is that the case? Because how you are perceived.
50:24 And somebody finish it for me.
50:26 How you are perceived will determine how He is perceived.
50:30 Are you with me? Amen.
50:32 True faithfulness to God to be sold out
50:37 is to live with the higher sense of awareness
50:38 that you that is not just about you.
50:41 Yes.
50:42 It's not about you that the gentiles are watching
50:46 and we need to wake up every morning
50:48 with the deep sense of burden in our hearts,
50:50 with this pressing question, what do they see?
50:54 Does God look awesome to the world
50:56 because of Adventist culture?
51:01 Does God look attractive?
51:02 Is God beautiful because of us?
51:09 Or are we perceived as weird
51:11 just for the sake of being weird?
51:15 Are you with me?
51:16 When will the day come where our public evangelism
51:19 will not necessitate thousands of handbills
51:22 and flyers but when we see in Zechariah Chapter 8,
51:25 where people will be coming to us?
51:27 Yes. Amen.
51:29 I almost wonder if the great commission to go, go, go, go, go
51:32 I wonder if that's-- if that's more of a plan B.
51:37 Are you with me?
51:38 I wonder if plan A
51:39 is to show that God is beautiful.


Revised 2014-12-17