Series Code: 13GYC
Program Code: 13GYC000004
04:47 In the country of China,
04:49 the situation of the lepers has become a great tragedy. 04:55 There are 600 colonies and more then 250,000 lepers. 05:24 The first time I saw the lepers 05:26 and I looked upon their faces, 05:28 I felt a great pain inside my heart 05:32 but I felt called to serve them 05:34 because they are the sons and daughters of God. 05:55 These people were abandoned by society 05:58 and they feel that they don't belong. 06:00 Our goal is to help them feel special, 06:03 that they are loved, 06:04 but we also want them to know 06:06 that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for them, 06:09 that they are redeemed 06:11 and they have their kingdom for them. 06:26 I went to China in 2006 06:29 and saw the situation with the lepers 06:32 and found out that not one Adventist 06:35 was working to help them. 06:37 I wanted to do something to help. 07:06 We are involved, we've 18 projects, 07:10 and we have more than 70 volunteers. 07:15 We live among the people in the colony. 07:17 We eat with them. We serve them. 07:26 Jesus Christ served the people. 07:28 He provided for their needs, 07:31 that is what we are trying to do here. 07:34 We want to help these people, 07:35 and to provide for their needs, just like Jesus did. 07:41 So far, 327 lepers have been baptized. 07:49 My goal is to train these new converts 07:52 to serve and help other lepers. 08:23 The first time, we touch the wounds of the lepers, 08:26 it helps them to feel that someone cares about them. 08:29 Through this, we are showing the love of Jesus to them. 08:32 We are earning their trust. 08:58 Something is happening. 09:01 Something is happening in China in the leper colonies. 09:05 My name is Joy Cho and this is Grace Lee 09:08 and we are missionary volunteers in China. 09:10 God has given us a privilege 09:12 of serving in these lepers colonies. 09:15 There are 600 leper colonies in China with 240,000 lepers. 09:23 Although they have now taken the medication 09:26 that stops the spread of leprosy, 09:29 they still suffer the effects. 09:32 They need Jesus. 09:34 Who will share Jesus with them? 09:37 Our ministry has about 100 volunteers 09:40 and we are only in 10 out of the 600 leper colonies. 09:45 We need you. 09:47 Jesus wants to comeback very, very soon, 09:51 but He needs us to fulfill prophecy to become his remnant. 09:57 In order to become the remnant, 09:59 God has given us a way to prepare. 10:03 He's given us the work of Isaiah 58. 10:06 Guys, the work of Isaiah 58 10:08 is helping those who are in need, 10:11 living among them, working with them, 10:14 serving them just as Jesus did. 10:17 As we do the work of Isaiah 58, He qualifies us, 10:20 He cleanses us from all of our sins. 10:23 He gives us new characters to become just like Jesus. 10:27 It's been such a privilege, about six and a half months ago, 10:32 I went to China to checkout the leper colonies 10:34 because I wanted to comeback to the States 10:36 and recruit people for mission trips, 10:38 but with my one little carryon luggage and my backpack, 10:42 Jesus told me, you need to stay. 10:46 Give up your job as a teaching principal, 10:49 come and stay. 10:52 God has changed my life completely. 10:54 He's doing miraculous things. 10:56 The Holy Spirit is working mightily, 10:59 not just in the lives of the lepers who are open, 11:02 they are soaking up the gospel and the love that's shown. 11:07 There's one grandpa who's in his 80s. 11:10 He's blind, uneducated, 11:12 and yet he has memorized large portions of scripture. 11:17 Psalm Chapter 119, over 176 verses, 11:21 he can recite and that's just one. 11:25 One of our Chinese volunteers reads the Bible to him 11:29 and he memorizes it, he shares it, 11:31 he sees it as his work. 11:33 We have another leper grandpa and he says, 11:36 God has done two miracles in my life. 11:38 The first one is it to restore my sight, 11:41 so now I can read the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy 11:44 and the second is He healed, 11:46 I wounded my leg that I've had for a while 11:49 but I believe that God will do a third miracle in my life. 11:53 He believes that Jesus will heal his leg 11:56 so that he can walk again, for he is a cripple. 12:01 God is doing mighty things. 12:03 The work in China is the work of God's appointing 12:08 and what a privilege. 12:10 This is my friend Grace 12:11 and she's gonna share a little bit more with you. 12:14 You know, Sister White says 12:16 in Councils on Stewardship page 85, she says, 12:19 "The leprosy of selfishness has taken hold of the church." 12:24 And that's us, she says, "However, 12:26 The Lord Jesus Christ would heal the church 12:29 of this terrible disease if she would be healed." 12:32 The remedy is found in the 58th chapter of Isaiah. 12:36 We would like to invite you guys 12:38 to come and checkout the booth at the expo just across the way 12:44 and to find out more information. 12:46 But please come and learn more. 12:51 God is working in powerful ways 12:53 in China and also around the world. 12:56 Thank you. 18:30 Good evening, GYC. Good evening. 18:33 One of the most exciting things to me 18:34 about GYC is the amazing things 18:37 that attendees do throughout the year 18:39 and this evening we're gonna be featuring a project 18:41 by Bass Memorial Academy called Beyond Bass 18:45 and so I want to turn your attentions to the screen 18:47 as we show you a quick video. 18:54 I guess the big picture goal is to pass our books to-- 18:57 pass out 'The Great Controversy' 18:58 that is to everyone in the area surrounding Bass 19:02 which is Lumberton, Purvis, Pipersville and Hydesburg 19:07 There is a great need in our world 19:09 and as we went door to door, we saw that even more. 19:13 Now more then ever, 19:14 Satan has employed agencies and employed tactics 19:19 to lead people away from Christ. 19:20 It talks about the war 19:23 that's going on between God and Satan 19:25 and this time it's we're like living in the last days 19:28 and so people need to know and understand 19:31 what really happened and what's really going on. 19:34 If you want to pass "The Great Controversy" 19:38 in your town, my best suggestion for you 19:41 is to just ask for donations, 19:43 find the money, raise the money, 19:45 get the books and just go out there. 19:52 Beyond Bass started when we were in class 19:55 and the teacher started explaining 19:57 that she couldn't sleep that night. 19:59 She told us that she was gonna teach everything 20:01 that we were gonna supposed to do second semester. 20:03 She told us the plan was to give 20:06 The Great Controversy out to everyone in Lumberton. 20:09 This is what God brought to my mind 20:12 and I started writing the numbers 20:13 on the board of how many homes 20:15 there were in the surrounding towns 20:17 and basically saying what if we, 20:19 as a this small class get to this area first 20:22 and in the next year the next one and we continue on. 20:25 Well, I was in my office one day 20:26 and my Bible teacher comes in and says, 20:29 I have an idea and it's a little out of the box, 20:32 but I want to see what you think of it. 20:35 When I first heart of that, 20:36 I really didn't know what to expect. 20:38 Miss Chelsy was explaining it out, 20:40 like oh you know, this could be fun, 20:42 it could be interesting, 20:44 but then, you know, I was also kind of nervous 20:46 like I don't know how I feel about going door to door. 20:48 Door to door I was like no. 20:51 I don't do that. 20:52 At first I thought it was impossible, 20:54 first to do it 'cause we had a really small class 20:56 and it was just like, all 14 of us. 20:59 So went through with the training in the class, 21:01 I gave them a canvas and I said, 21:03 okay, you guys need to do this. 21:05 We just started reading with the person 21:07 and just practicing back and forth 21:10 and kind of memorized it, 21:11 which actually took it quick on that. 21:13 They started calling people. 21:14 They raised all the money for the books. 21:17 They started making maps, 21:19 here's the areas we're gonna cover. 21:20 They just took ownership of it. 21:22 The money really wasn't the hard part. 21:25 We probably knocked that out in about a week or two. 21:28 We had all the money that we needed for the books. 21:32 The hard part was getting out there. 21:37 The other part of the project was to read the book. 21:40 And I was-at first, I thought it's you know, 21:42 it's gonna be really, really long 21:43 and but actually it went by pretty fast 21:45 and you know, you learn a lot of new things. 21:47 I hadn't really read the Great Controversy. 21:49 I mean, I read bits and parts of it 21:51 but now I'm going through the whole book, 21:52 chapter by chapter. 21:53 I thought it really was awesome, I loved it. 21:56 I mean, the beginning was history and I like history. 21:58 We had to pick a chapter 21:59 and present it for a class period, 22:01 about 40 minute class period and then assign homework, 22:03 that was one way where we had to make 22:06 The Great Controversy kind of ours. 22:08 It made it a whole lot easier to just to give the book 22:11 because when people ask you, 22:12 you know, what's the book about? 22:13 You know, I say, 22:15 you know, it was a lot easier to explain to them 22:17 and tell them what it was. 22:19 Because we didn't knew The Great Controversy 22:21 and still having the same end to it, 22:23 it had in the beginning like I don't want to share this with. 22:26 I couldn't have the attitude because I know it's in here 22:29 and I know that everyone needs to read it. 22:31 Once you've read it then it's like 22:34 you won't want to not give it out. 22:37 Going door to door, passing out The Great Controversy was-- 22:41 it basically like being a part 22:43 of The Great Controversy kind of. 22:45 It was like becoming a part of the book almost. 22:49 So just last year, 14 students, 22:52 a small little class, 22:54 each student gave out about 50 books in the community. 22:57 They covered an entire town near us 23:00 and now this year, this year's class 23:02 is going to cover the next town. 23:04 Imagine if every person at GYC 23:07 went home and said I'm gonna give out 50 books, 23:09 that's only in half of the year, the whole year, a 100 books. 23:13 Imagine what that would accomplish. 23:17 Hi, my name is Phil Wilhelm, 23:19 I'm the Principal of Bass Memorial Academy. 23:21 And I cannot tell you how excited I was 23:23 when my Bible teacher brought this idea to me 23:26 and I want to encourage each one here 23:28 that might have a similar idea 23:30 that is waiting on somebody else. 23:32 The leadership is anxious to have people bring ideas. 23:35 They are 100% behind it 23:37 if somebody will just do the work. 23:41 The money is there and I just want to encourage 23:43 each of you in that respect. 23:45 I've Amber and Rayford here with me tonight 23:48 and they would like to share it 23:49 from their perspective about this project. 23:53 Okay, how many of you have ever handed out 23:56 or sold A Great Controversy? 23:59 Okay. 24:00 Well, I have canvassed for three summers. 24:03 I was able to sell and give out A Great Controversy 24:08 and for me it was good 24:11 but I never got into actually read the book myself. 24:15 And so Beyond Bass actually gave me 24:17 the opportunity to be able to read it. 24:25 Several times, I was enjoying the book 24:28 with friends and family. 24:31 I was able to actually get into the book. 24:35 I was able to see God in a whole different light. 24:39 A lot of people see God as some harsh person 24:42 but I was actually able to see God's love. 24:45 And so-- one thing I want to challenge you 24:50 about is to go home, to read it yourself 24:53 and to actually make it a part of your life. 24:57 Now, how many you have actually read 24:59 The Great Controversy? 25:02 Hey, good. A lot of you, that's great. 25:04 I had read it before actually as a challenge at another GYC. 25:08 David Asscherick in one of his last seminars of-- 25:12 the session that he had challenged everyone to go out 25:15 and read the whole entire conflict of the ages series. 25:18 I believe this was in Houston if I'm not mistaken. 25:21 And I took that to heart and I made sure I read the book. 25:26 Didn't do much with it though, it was a lot of good knowledge. 25:29 A lot of knowledge that helped my own personal life 25:31 but I didn't share it until this project started and from there, 25:37 it was truly for me it was amazing 25:40 because it was a step into the book, 25:44 into the story, into reality, making myself 25:49 not only just a person who saw the whole entire picture 25:53 that God wanted us to see 25:54 but made myself a part of the whole entire reality 25:59 that's playing out around us and fought on God's side 26:01 and passing out the book giving other people 26:04 the opportunity to learn of the truth 26:07 and make their own choice 26:08 and become a part of The Great Controversy also. 26:11 So I challenge you guys to-- in your own churches, 26:15 in your own schools, pass out 26:20 The Great Controversy, people need it. 26:23 So Beyond Bass, I'm so excited about it. 26:25 I'm gonna use the last of my voice to appeal to you. 26:29 This project has been so inspiring, 26:31 reading the book, passing it out to people, 26:35 giving The Great Controversy out, 26:36 it's not a new concept but reading it 26:40 and going to the doors as students will say, 26:41 hi, I'm reading this book and it's blessing me, 26:44 so we've raised the money to give you one for free. 26:47 We didn't have people who were turning us away, 26:49 they were excited to see that. 26:51 I want to encourage you to go home, 26:54 to read The Great Controversy 26:56 and then to go beyond your school, 26:57 beyond your church, beyond your home 27:00 as we're working to go Beyond Bass. 27:02 What if, imagine-- what if all of us at GYC, 27:06 we go beyond what we're comfortable with 27:09 and we go beyond and we cover our area. 27:11 Look how we showed that map, 27:12 look how quickly that area could be covered 27:15 if we're willing to go beyond our area to share this message. 27:19 How many of you would be willing 27:22 to go home to read it if you haven't 27:24 and to share this book with others. 27:25 Raise your hand. 27:27 God wants to use us to share this message. 27:30 If you want to join in the project 27:32 or learn more about it, come see us, 27:34 we're in row 200, we've a booth there. 27:37 If you can't find us, look for it, 27:38 it is written and then come find us to the left. 27:40 Come see us, we'll love for you to be part of this project 27:44 to go beyond to share God's word. 27:51 With me this evening, I have a new friend Elder Knott 27:56 and he's part of one of the most historic parts 27:59 of the Adventist Church. 28:01 Can you tell us a little bit about that? 28:03 Well, you're not sure you want to be telling 28:04 teens and young adults that you're really old 28:07 but at 165 years old, the Adventist Review 28:11 is still the newest thing in the church 28:14 because if you go to your website, 28:16 you will see this week's edition of the Adventist Review, 28:18 all unlocked there with the freshest news, 28:21 the newest content. 28:22 So it's very old but very new. 28:26 Now the Adventist Review is particularly interesting to me 28:29 because I've been involved in the publishing work 28:31 for the last few years. 28:32 My grandma has read your magazine multiple times, 28:34 my mom reads it as well. 28:36 But what do you think is the largest impact 28:38 or what excites you the most about the Review? 28:42 The Review is designed to gather the scattered flock. 28:46 That was James White's original term. 28:48 He saw this magazine designed to connect 28:51 Adventists all around the globe. 28:53 You may remember Ellen White's great vision of the 1848 28:56 before the magazine was published. 28:58 She said, she saw it going like streams of light 29:01 clear around the world. 29:02 Well, today, Adventist Review 29:03 and Adventist world reach 165 countries, 29:08 about eight million Adventists every month read the magazine 29:11 or within the reach of the magazine. 29:13 We get to see and hear those stories of it 29:16 connecting Adventists to each other 29:18 and to the central truths of Adventism, 29:20 that's what makes it fun to go to work everyday. 29:22 Now you're telling me that happens on a weekly basis. 29:25 Adventist Review is published every week, 29:28 it's been doing that for all those years, 165. 29:31 Adventist World is published once a month 29:33 and that literally goes around the globe 29:36 fulfilling that vision of Ellen White's 29:37 and carrying news and inspiration 29:40 to millions of Adventists. 29:41 I've never had a chance to meet 29:43 but on one day I'm going to meet in the kingdom 29:44 and there's gonna be more of them there 29:46 because of the ministry, these magazines. 29:48 So outside of informing Adventist 29:49 on what's going on in the church, 29:51 what are the other impacts that the Review is having? 29:54 You know, we particularly appreciate 29:56 the opportunity to reach out and draw young authors 30:00 into the ministry of these two magazines, 30:02 specifically, Adventist Review. 30:04 Everywhere I go, I meet people who say, 30:06 you know, Bill, I think the Lord's been giving me 30:08 some talent to write, I've certainly got some ideas 30:11 I'm passionate about. 30:12 One of the jobs I have is to go out 30:14 and find those teens and young adults 30:16 at every convention I go to and say, 30:18 if you want to write, come find me. 30:20 I'm hearing the hauls, I'll give you my business card 30:23 and the email address works, you'll reach me directly. 30:26 An opportunity to learn about 30:27 what God is doing impressing your heart, 30:29 to write for the magazine, to write for publication. 30:32 God never wastes the ideas he gives His people. 30:36 And if He's given you something you're passionate about, 30:38 we'd love to be the ones 30:39 who help you get that into print. 30:42 You will notice as you look through our magazine 30:43 sitting on your chairs tonight, 30:45 that we feature some of the biggest 30:46 and best names in Adventism. 30:48 Our cover story by Shawn Boonstra. 30:50 Editorial by Mark Finley who's on my staff I might add. 30:54 We feature columnists like Cliff Goldstein 30:57 and Andy McChesney and Jill Morikone. 31:00 We do that because these are authors 31:02 who found fresh original ways to communicate truth. 31:05 Our readers tell us, 31:06 this is helping us in our spiritual life. 31:08 So, Elder Knott, you're saying, 31:09 if we'd have Bachelors in Journalism or Communication 31:13 then we can write and submit to the Review, is that correct? 31:15 You don't need anything like a degree like that. 31:18 What you need to do is 31:19 to be able to put an English sentence together 31:21 and have something you're passionate about. 31:23 Editors like to do work with people. 31:25 Don't send us everything after it's all polished, 31:28 we'll be out of a job. 31:29 Editors like to work with you, 31:31 develop ideas with you, and we make sure 31:33 that what comes out under your name 31:35 is your work, not ours. 31:37 So you're telling any attendee here 31:39 can submit something to you for editorial work? 31:41 Absolutely. I welcome that. 31:43 I know that a number of you, 31:44 God has laid a burden on your heart. 31:46 Come find me over the next two days 31:48 here at this conference. 31:49 I'll give you my business card or go to 31:53 Really simple, you're gonna see 31:54 one of the freshest websites in the church. 31:58 It is also one of the largest websites of the church. 32:01 Adventist news refreshed every 12 hours. 32:03 You will find writers' guidelines there. 32:05 They'll give you ideas how to write for us, 32:08 how to get what you're passionate about 32:09 into these magazines. 32:11 So 32:12 is a place where we all can connect, 32:14 to send in and submit articles to you? 32:16 Absolutely and this week, it is all unlocked, 32:19 all free to everyone at GYC 32:22 and literally everyone around the globe. 32:24 Once a year, we unlock the magazine to make sure 32:26 that everyone who comes to GYC gets an opportunity 32:29 to see everything that's there. 32:31 Search the archives, go back and find out 32:33 if your grand parents were missionaries. 32:35 Where they served in the church, 32:37 you can find historical records there. 32:39 You can also find high quality writing, 32:42 ideas that provoke you and help increase your witness 32:45 for the Lord and to His soon coming. 32:48 So I want to encourage all of you. 32:49 Why don't we checkout 32:51 Checkout the magazine, 32:53 that's gonna inform with what's happening in our church 32:54 and also submit the articles 32:56 that God has laid on your heart to Elder Knott 32:59 and I'm sure he would love to read them. 33:01 I look forward to seeing you in the hall 33:03 and seeing you in the kingdom 33:04 because you're reading the material 33:06 God's putting in front of you. Thank you. 33:10 Good evening GYC. Good evening. 33:13 Then you like the sound of that rain? 33:15 Sounds really good tonight 33:17 but it would be really bad tomorrow, why is that? 33:21 Because we have Outreach. 33:22 If you look at your-- 33:23 if you look at the weather channel, 33:24 there's a window of time 33:26 where there's no rain and that's tomorrow. 33:29 We're gonna tell you a little bit about Outreach tonight, 33:31 but first I'm gonna tell you 33:32 a little bit of something about how Outreach 33:34 has actually already happened. Michel? 33:37 When the executive committee decided on Before Men and Angels 33:40 as the theme for this year's conference, 33:41 we thought it would be so great if we passed out 33:45 The Great Controversy at a conference 33:47 that's all about The Great Controversy. 33:49 So we teamed up with Pacific press to come up 33:51 with a good looking, attractive, unabridged Great Controversy 33:55 that we could hand out at this year's conference 33:56 and many of you have stopped by our booth, 33:58 have already seen our new design of this controversy. 34:02 But what's interesting and what's a little funny 34:05 is that even before I or any members 34:08 of the executive committee could get our hands 34:10 on this new edition of the GC, 34:12 our press contact had already given away 34:16 a copy to his neighbor. 34:17 So the very first copy of this GC 34:19 that many of you've held in your hands 34:21 was not given away to a member of our church 34:25 but it was actually given away to our press contact's neighbor 34:30 who is not Adventist. 34:31 So from the very beginning, 34:32 this was created as a sharing resource. 34:35 Amen. 34:37 I've a confession to make. 34:39 I've never actually been on Outreach at GYC. 34:44 I've always gotten my students on to the buses 34:47 and then there was nothing left for me 34:48 or I've been working for GYC. 34:50 But guess what's going to happen tomorrow? 34:53 I'm going on Outreach and I hope you're going, too. 34:58 We're gonna show you the video one more time 34:59 to help you prepare for Outreach tomorrow. 36:46 Just tomorrow, you can pick them up 36:47 at breakfast if you have a meal plan 36:49 and meet us here in this auditorium. 36:51 But if you noticed in the video, 36:54 there's not only the possibility of you going door to door. 36:57 Eric, can you tell us a little bit about 36:59 what else may happen for our attendees? 37:01 All right, well, so Outreach has nine different ministries 37:05 or ways that we reach the community 37:06 and you will be able to participate 37:08 in several of them. 37:09 Just some examples, one of them is Hospital Ministry. 37:12 Hospital Ministry, what we do is we actually go room to room, 37:16 we sing a song or two for the patient. 37:19 We... pray with them and then we-- 37:23 if the opportunity arises, 37:24 we stay back to create a relationship with them. 37:27 We're also going to a section 8 complex, 37:29 we've been there for a year now 37:32 and we're gonna be using this as a way 37:34 to thank them for letting us be there for that year. 37:39 We're gonna be in the nursing home 37:41 creating relationships with them. 37:42 They hardly get any visitors at all, so be there. 37:45 So would you like to know 37:46 how to go on one of the service buses? 37:49 It's completely random. 37:53 As you load the buses, 37:55 you may or may not be on one of the service buses. 37:57 It's about a one in six chance. 38:00 Tell us a little bit about the follow up 38:02 this all has been planned here in Orlando. 38:03 I'd be glad to. 38:05 So now it doesn't matter 38:06 what bus you get into because we need help 38:09 for the initial follow up 38:11 but also for the long term follow up. 38:13 So first about the initial follow up. 38:16 On your buses, there will be a sign up sheet. 38:19 We need at least five people per bus 38:23 but not limited to five people, 38:25 so we want everyone to help up 38:26 because what we need to do 38:28 is to call everyone of those contacts that we've established 38:32 so that they know that we are reaching out to them. 38:34 We want to make sure we break a ground with them 38:37 and tell them that there will be more things 38:40 coming up to follow up with them 38:43 and that leads me to the second thing. 38:45 There is a long term follow up 38:47 that we need to do for Central Florida. 38:49 How many of you live here in Orlando... 38:53 in the Central Florida region? 38:54 I know there's more of you out there, come on. 38:57 This is my first year at GYC 38:59 and I was excited to get out here. 39:01 I'm excited to participate in Outreach and Evangelism. 39:05 So I know there's more of us out there, 39:07 but anyway, the long term follow up-- 39:11 what we're gonna do is actually create a workshop 39:13 to train people as community missionaries. 39:17 This way, you can keep in contact 39:19 with those that you've met, 39:20 that you knocked on doors with and hopefully 39:22 minister to them for the long term. 39:25 Isn't that exciting? Amen. 39:27 Oh, come on, this is what it's about. 39:29 Establishing long term relationships with people 39:32 so that when you get to the kingdom, 39:34 you can see him and say, hey, I knocked on your door. 39:39 I gave you that Great Controversy 39:41 and we can all say, praise the Lord. 39:44 So remember that. 39:45 I just took quickly to announce that. 39:47 The workshop is actually next weekend, 39:49 January 11, at Kress Memorial Church. 39:52 And we'll have more information at the Irish side booths 39:55 and also the Salt booths. 39:57 So if you have any questions, go to those booths 39:59 and we'll give you more information. 40:00 And you know, there's not time but there is even more. 40:02 They are planning an evangelistic series. 40:04 There's a lot going on to follow up 40:06 where you're going to be doing tomorrow. 40:08 Tell us what it's like at a door? 40:11 Yes, for those of you 40:12 who have gone door to door before, 40:14 you know that personal labor 40:15 is one of the most awesome experiences. 40:18 You are going one on one to these people 40:21 and meeting them right where they are at. 40:22 You're meeting people who probably wouldn't walk 40:25 into the evangelistic series on their own or into church, 40:28 but there are people out there that are open 40:29 but may be they just haven't gone to church or whatever. 40:32 But when they see you, 40:33 a young person that's smiling and happy, 40:36 it gives them a different idea of Christianity 40:38 and they are actually a lot more open about it. 40:41 And so we're gonna go tomorrow. 40:43 We're gonna be loading 55 buses to go into Orlando, 40:46 door to door and we're-could be passing out globe. 40:49 This is what David Asscherick wrote 40:51 about his personal experience with The Great Controversy, 40:54 but we're gonna be doing something different as well. 40:56 We're gonna be leaving The Great Controversy 40:58 on a donation basis. 41:00 So we'll be training you guys tomorrow on what to do. 41:04 We actually have these training cards. 41:05 So as you can see, they are small. 41:07 It's not rocket science. It's very simple. 41:09 It will be an easy training tomorrow. 41:12 You can actually pick these up at the glow booth tonight. 41:15 So you can actually start 41:17 training and memorizing the canvas. 41:19 I just want to encourage you guys to come 41:20 because there are people out there 41:22 that you're gonna reach that will probably 41:23 not be reached if we didn't go out. 41:25 Now I don't want you to be intimidated 41:27 by raising money for two reasons. 41:29 One, if we don't raise money 41:31 SALT is not going to be able to follow up on the contacts. 41:35 So we need to raise money. 41:36 But more importantly, there's someone out there 41:39 that needs to be touched. 41:40 There's someone out there that needs to be touched. 41:42 Can you tell us your experience? 41:44 One hot summer in Holt, Michigan. 41:47 I was big booking and big booking 41:50 is where you sell The Conflict of the Ages series, 41:53 the big blue books. 41:54 And I knocked on one door on three different occasions. 41:58 The first time I knocked, 41:59 a young gentleman answered the door 42:02 and unexcitedly brushed me off to his mother. 42:05 I went in and she greeted me, fed me, what a blessing. 42:09 I showed her the books and she was so interested, 42:13 she said, can you get these to me in Spanish? 42:16 I said sure. I'll comeback. 42:18 I came back the second time, 42:20 but unfortunately the books in Spanish hadn't arrived. 42:23 So I still went, I talked to her, 42:25 made good friends with her and also spoke 42:28 some more with her son who was planning 42:29 to move to California to be an actor. 42:33 I left and on the third occasion, 42:35 I finally came back, I came and I had the Spanish books, 42:39 but his mother was not home, he was home. 42:43 So I started talking to this young gentleman. 42:45 He invited me in and I showed him the books that I had. 42:48 And do you what book he was interested in? 42:51 The Great Controversy and also Steps to Christ. 42:54 He was so interested and he's like wow. 42:57 I started telling him about the book and he asked me, 43:00 where can I learn more about this? 43:02 I said, well, hey, are you interested in Bible studies? 43:04 He said, yes, of course. 43:05 Is it free? Do I pay them? 43:07 Like, no, no, no, no charge. 43:09 But we can have a Bible study this week. 43:11 That same week, at the end of the week, 43:14 Friday afternoon, we had our first Bible study 43:16 on Daniel Chapter 2. 43:18 He was so blessed, we continued 43:20 and in the course of a couple of months, 43:22 he was baptized and now he's currently finishing 43:24 a theology degree at Southern University. 43:30 John Bradshaw, David Asscherick, 43:35 Clifford Goldstein, Doug Batchelor, 43:39 these are names of people 43:40 who have had an enormous impact on us 43:44 and they were brought into the church 43:46 through this book. 43:48 Who's out there waiting for you? 43:50 I'm asking you, please. 43:52 We've got a thousand more spots 43:56 than we had last year to fill for Outreach. 43:59 Please come, please join us tomorrow morning, God bless. 44:10 Good evening GYC. 44:13 God is good? All the time! 44:15 God is good? All the time! 44:17 I'm excited about those testimonies 44:19 they have been sharing and we're here again to share 44:21 the testimonies of what God is doing. 44:24 And I'm here with Sikhu and our friends. 44:27 And Sikhu is the director of GYC Affiliates 44:30 in North America. 44:31 And she will be sharing with us 44:33 what God is doing here in North America. 44:37 Thanks, Valmy. 44:38 You know a lot of times when we think about missions 44:40 and we think about going somewhere faraway overseas 44:44 but as you know, the world church 44:46 has been emphasizing mission to the cities 44:48 because there's a mission field right here in our own backyard. 44:51 So, Joanne, you are part of a city mission 44:55 that happened this past year in 2013. 44:59 Yes. 45:00 So this last summer back in-- I think it was, yeah mid-summer. 45:04 We joined forces with Simplicity, 45:07 a mission group that's based in Pennsylvania 45:09 and their focus is meeting the needs of the local people 45:13 within their community and it's practical needs. 45:15 Their groceries, laundry, whatever they need, 45:18 and they are following that up with a spiritual component. 45:21 So we partnered up with them 45:23 and we hosted a VBS program for the kids. 45:25 We had a health seminar in the evenings 45:27 and during the day, they went out 45:29 and did surveys in the community. 45:31 Within the one week, within one week, 45:34 we had almost 200 Bible study interest. 45:36 Can you believe that? 45:38 The harvest is ripe, right here in our own backyard. 45:42 So would you say that going into a city 45:45 and doing this kind of work 45:46 would be worthwhile maybe at all? 45:48 Oh, absolutely. 45:49 It's so practical and the fact that it's right here. 45:51 It's amazing to see how it fit so well within our lifestyle. 45:54 We have an amazing message to share 45:56 and to be able to walkout your front door, 45:58 knocking that door right next door 46:00 and there you go, City Ministry. 46:02 And this was a collaborative effort between-- 46:04 you've mentioned Simplicity-- And GYC. 46:07 GYC Missions Department and GYC Atlantic Affiliate? 46:11 Yes. 46:12 I'm putting words in her mouth, okay. 46:13 We move on to Bethany. 46:15 You went to an event that was organized 46:19 by one of the affiliates which was--which affiliate? 46:23 CYC. 46:24 CYC is standing for Carolina Youth For Christ. 46:26 Carolina Youth For Christ. 46:27 Okay, awesome. And how old are you? 46:29 I'm 15. You're 15, okay. 46:32 Why did you go to that event? 46:34 Well, I was gonna go to a horse camp 46:37 but I was like, you know, that would be putting horses 46:40 and what I want, before God, 46:42 so I decided to go to CYC. 46:44 Awesome. And what were they doing at CYC? 46:47 In the mornings, we had like meetings on fundamental beliefs 46:51 and we took notes on like how to give Bible studies. 46:55 And then in the afternoons, 46:57 we had a meeting on Evangelism 46:59 and how we could preach to others. 47:01 And then in the evenings, we would buddy up 47:03 and we would go door knocking 47:06 and pass out literature and-- 47:09 Awesome. 47:10 Now, I'm not gonna ask you about experiences 47:12 you had during that week of cross training 47:15 but what happened after when you came back home, 47:17 what did you do with the material 47:18 that you had gathered from that experience? 47:20 Well, I've been doing Bible studies with my neighbor. 47:23 Is your neighbor 15 as well? 47:25 No. 47:28 He's older. Okay, okay. 47:30 Yeah, I already gave him Bible studies 47:33 and he was really excited that I was going. 47:35 He's like, you will have more stuff to share with me 47:38 and I was like yeah, this is gonna be great. 47:40 So I went back and I gave him the Bible studies 47:43 and he's like amazed. 47:44 He's like how did you learn this much in one week? 47:47 He's like I don't understand how this is possible. 47:49 I was like well, you know, 47:51 with God's help, we got it all down 47:53 and I'm here to share it with you. 47:56 And how-- did he make any decisions? 47:59 He's in to valley? 48:00 Like, well, he's headed towards baptized. 48:03 Amen. 48:04 So we should pray for him? 48:05 Yes, please pray for him. 48:07 Okay, awesome. 48:08 We're gonna move right on just 48:10 'cause they give us such a short time. 48:12 Patrick? Yes. 48:13 You are here representing which affiliate? 48:17 I'm here representing GYC West. 48:19 GYC West on the west coast. 48:20 On the west coast. 48:21 And this is not a mission that happened 48:23 but something that is going to happen. 48:26 What is it? Where is it gonna be? 48:27 Why is it? 48:29 At the end of August, 48:31 we're gonna have a mission trip to Lakeport, California. 48:34 And the focus of the mission trip 48:36 is going to be reaching out 48:37 to the Native American community. 48:39 And the burden that we have is to fulfill 48:42 that principle in scripture that says, 48:45 those who are strong should bear the burdens of the weak. 48:48 And the Native American community has a history 48:53 that I think demands more attention 48:55 when it comes to service. 48:57 And so what we want to do is build a team 49:00 that's gonna go out at the end of August 49:02 and you can get more details at the GYC booth this evening. 49:07 And we're going to go door to door, do canvassing. 49:10 One of the features is that we're going to raise money 49:13 for the education of the children. 49:18 And in addition to that, we'll also do health programs, 49:22 vacation bible school 49:24 and trying to create a holistic evangelism effort 49:28 that can demonstrate to them the holistic restoration 49:31 that God wants to bring about 49:33 in their lives and in their community. 49:35 So is this something that 49:36 people here can get involved with? 49:38 Absolutely, absolutely. 49:40 You can get involved like I said 49:41 by getting more information at the booth this evening, 49:45 but to begin the process of communication, 49:48 email us at 49:55 I already said that so that's confusing me. 49:58 at and we can begin the dialogue 50:03 for getting you plugged into this mission trip. 50:05 Awesome. Thanks. 50:06 We're gonna ask David a couple of questions next 50:08 but you know, one thing that comes out 50:11 of just talking with these guys before coming up here is, 50:14 these are regular people and you know, 50:17 they have regular jobs but they are doing something, 50:20 you know, organizing a mission trip, 50:22 that doesn't have to go far away. 50:23 You don't need a passport. You don't need a visa. 50:26 You can just go there 50:30 and sometimes you can even drive there, right? 50:32 And, David, you are a part of a mission 50:35 that you had to drive a bit of a distance. 50:37 Yes, it was only about eight hours. 50:38 About eight hours? Yes. 50:40 Okay. But eight hour drive. 50:41 Yes. All right. 50:42 Eight hour drive. And which youth conference? 50:45 Eastern Canada Youth Conference. 50:46 Eastern Canada Youth Conference 50:47 and what did they do this past year, last year. 50:50 Last year, we had a mission in Manitoulin Island 50:52 which is a small island in Canada, Ontario. 50:55 And actually on the island 50:57 there's only one Adventist person in the whole island. 50:59 So our mission was to knock door to door 51:01 to get to know all the people on the island and-- 51:03 Oh, you said, it's an island in Canada-- 51:06 did you know there were islands in Canada? 51:09 But it's the largest island in Canada so I've heard 51:13 and there's only 170 Adventist family or a person. 51:17 Well, it's a family but only one Adventist person. 51:19 Oh, my, okay, on the entire island? 51:21 On the entire island. 51:22 So you guys went there to provide support 51:24 and try to minister to them. Yes. 51:26 And just quick snippet, anything-- 51:28 Oh, oh, I should ask your age too. 51:30 I don't ask the old people their age, you know, 51:32 but the young ones, how old? 51:33 I'm 17 years old. You're 17. 51:34 Okay, 17 year old David. 51:37 Any-- just a quick snippet, 51:38 something exciting that happened? 51:41 I'd say the most exciting thing 51:42 that happened to me personally was, 51:44 this one day when we were walking 51:45 and I just met a person who is drunk 51:47 and who's on the verge of committing suicide 51:49 and by the end of the mission he had given his life to Christ 51:52 and that really touched me personally, so. 51:53 Amen. 51:54 You praise the Lord for that. 51:56 Well, we have from the mission trip that happened in Canada, 52:01 a short video clip to show you from testimonies 52:05 that people had, but the take home message 52:07 that we're hoping to take from this is, 52:10 we can organize to do missions. 52:12 There are places right here in North America 52:14 that have not heard the gospel. 52:16 Whether if 170 Adventist were into a huge area 52:20 or there is only 170 Adventist Church 52:23 in a huge area and they could use the support, 52:25 they could use the energy that young people 52:27 can bring to the table. 52:28 So I want to encourage you to get involved, 52:30 organize something, let's do something 52:32 and finish the work. 52:33 And now we're gonna be seeing that video real quick. 52:45 Once considered the most effective 52:47 and efficient way of communicating 52:48 or delivering supplies, 52:50 door knocking is now uncomfortable 52:52 and quite frankly, very intimidating. 52:56 One never knows what awaits them on the other side. 53:03 Today, technology and digital communication 53:05 makes knocking on a stranger's door 53:08 seem pre-historic. 53:10 But is it possible that Literature Evangelism 53:13 still has a place in today's world? 53:20 Over the summer, this group of young people 53:22 push themselves to the limit, to find out. 53:38 The reason I came on this mission 53:40 was to serve Jesus here in Manitoulin. 53:45 After hearing about the population of Adventists 53:47 on the island, 53:49 I was very intrigued 53:50 and I wanted to be one of the people 53:53 who God used to actually bring the message to people 53:56 perhaps who've heard of it before, 53:58 who never knew Jesus before and so that's the very reason 54:01 I came to share my life in Manitoulin. 54:06 They were announcing GYC inter missions 54:08 and I heard they was one who went to Australia, 54:10 they were sent to New York and then I heard Canada. 54:14 And I was like, well, that's not really a mission trip 54:16 'cause that's like my backyard, you know. 54:18 You know, I decided well, I may take the house by myself. 54:21 It's gonna be my first canvassed house, by myself. 54:26 So for-- you guys know how people 54:30 When I first saw the door to door but, ah, 54:33 I really didn't want to do it. 54:34 When we got the packet that said, 54:36 half the group would be canvassing, 54:37 most probably we can have the group, 54:38 would it be, I was like, okay, 54:40 I hope I'm one in the bottom group. 54:43 But no, that wasn't at all. 54:46 We just prayed with her 54:47 and she was just surprised to see 54:49 that there's people still out there going 54:51 door to door and praying. 54:52 And you know, it was exciting new experience 54:54 and we're encouraging, we're ready for more. 54:56 Amen. 54:58 I had a really amazing experience here 55:01 with the health expo that we did, 55:02 being able to educate people about their health 55:05 as opposed to just trying to give them drugs 55:07 and medications to treat them. 55:09 Many times, it looked like we're gonna have pouring rain 55:13 and we just gathered together and prayed 55:15 and over and over and over we saw God, 55:18 you know, just holding the rain 55:20 and the clouds were there but no rain. 55:26 All my teammates are scared of dogs. 55:32 Now I love it and I'm so comfortable with it 55:34 and I don't want to stop. 55:36 I don't want to stop sharing, 55:37 I don't want to stop praying. 55:39 As I looked, I was just like, wow. 55:41 What if I had been selfish and stayed in the car? 55:45 That would have been one soul 55:46 that we have lost because of my selfishness. 55:49 Are we gonna give him every single ounce 55:51 that we have today? 55:53 Seeing that we only have just one more day. 55:56 Get up. Let's go. |
Revised 2014-12-17