Generation of Youth for Christ 2013

Thursday Plenary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lo-Ammi Richardson


Series Code: 13GYC

Program Code: 13GYC000003

00:13 Hello and welcome to GYC.
00:16 We want to have you to join us
00:19 in singing the theme song with the stage.
00:22 So if you would please stand.
00:39 The stage has been set, all creation looks on
00:46 Two kingdoms are warring between right and wrong
00:53 The choices you make have a very high cost
00:59 Eternity's won, or eternity's lost
01:07 Before men and angels, which side will you choose
01:14 The Savior is waiting, there's no time to lose
01:22 Before men and angels, each soul plays a part
01:30 For you are the world and the stage is your heart
01:38 Invisible forces are vying to win
01:45 Is God in your heart, or is darkness and sin
01:52 For greater that angels, above God's own voice
01:59 The power that's strongest of all is your choice
02:07 Before men and angels, which side will you choose
02:15 The Savior is waiting, there's no time to lose
02:23 Before men and angels each soul plays a part
02:30 For you are the world and the stage is your heart
02:38 It's God's reputation in question today
02:46 It's His vindication for which you should pray
02:52 His glory is shown through the universe wide
02:59 When you let Him into your heart to reside
03:07 Before men and angels, which side will you choose
03:15 The Savior is waiting, there's no time to lose
03:23 Before men and angels, each soul plays a part
03:31 For you are the world
03:35 And the stage is your heart
03:43 Thank you, you may be seated.
03:47 Hello GYC.
03:50 Have you been blessed so far? Yes.
03:53 How you been blessed? Great.
03:55 Amen. Amen.
03:57 Our next speaker is a good friend of mine,
04:03 Lo-Ammi Richardson.
04:08 Lo-Ammi is passionate about his work.
04:12 He is a Bible worker, coordinator
04:16 in the state of Tennessee,
04:18 and he will be sharing with us his testimony.
04:24 And before he does that, I want to invite you
04:27 so we can pray for him.
04:30 So let's bow here and pray.
04:37 Eternal Father, we are grateful to be in your presence.
04:44 We thank you for the gift of life this day.
04:50 We ask that as our brother Lo-Ammi speaks to us,
04:56 You may give him the clarity of thoughts
05:01 and the ability to speak your word.
05:05 As he shares his testimony,
05:08 may You anoint him with your spirit,
05:11 in Jesus' name we pray.
05:13 Amen. Amen. Thank You.
05:36 All to Jesus
05:40 I surrender
05:46 All to Him I freely give
05:53 I will ever love
05:59 And trust Him
06:02 In His presence daily live
06:15 I surrender all
06:22 I surrender all
06:29 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
06:36 I surrender all
06:54 All to Jesus I surrender
07:02 Make me, Savior, wholly Thine
07:10 Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit
07:16 Truly know that Thou art mine
07:24 I surrender all
07:30 I surrender all
07:35 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
07:41 I surrender all
07:51 I surrender all I surrender all
07:57 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
08:03 I surrender all
08:09 All to Jesus I surrender
08:14 Lord, I give myself to Thee
08:21 Fill me with Thy love and power
08:26 Let Thy blessing fall on me
08:32 I surrender all
08:38 I surrender all
08:44 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
08:55 I surrender all
09:01 Jesus I can trust in you
09:06 How I want to do your will
09:09 Come and say complete the job
09:13 Come and heal my wounded soul
09:23 I surrender all
09:28 I surrender all
09:46 How many of us have been blessed by the conference so far?
09:49 Amen.
09:50 It's a honor and privilege for me to be here.
09:52 Oh my goodness, I did not realize
09:53 how many people I was gonna see
09:55 but it's a honor and privilege for me to be here.
09:57 My name is Lo-Ammi Richardson,
09:58 I'm a Chaplain and Bible coordinator
10:00 at Heritage Academy located at Monterey, Tennessee.
10:04 I had the privilege and the honor
10:05 to share the testimony with you this morning.
10:09 How many of us have been joined the seminar so far?
10:12 The morning worships. Amen.
10:15 I hope that every one has been receiving a blessing
10:17 and they were starting the New Year
10:18 with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
10:21 If we have our Bibles which I know
10:22 we do because we believe that revival
10:25 and reformation comes from prayer
10:26 and studying the scriptures.
10:27 Amen. Amen.
10:28 So, if you have your Bibles
10:29 I like for you to turn to 2 Corinthians 5:17.
10:35 Second Corinthians 5:17.
10:39 As that you may keep me in prayer,
10:40 I appreciate every one who's been keeping me in prayer.
10:43 I should be in cloud nine by now
10:45 as much prayers that I've been receiving.
10:47 In Second Corinthians 5:17, Paul says,
10:50 "Therefore, if any man be in Christ,
10:53 He is a new creature: old things are passed away;
10:58 behold all things are become new."
11:01 I'll be honored and privileged to share my testimony
11:04 but before I get started,
11:05 I like to bow our heads for a word of prayer.
11:09 Father in heaven, I come to you dear Lord
11:14 with thus in your sight.
11:16 Father my only request
11:19 is that Lo-Ammi Richardson may not be heard or seen
11:21 but that your son Jesus Christ may be uplifted.
11:24 That my testimony maybe able to show
11:26 dear Lord that you're still in the business of saving souls.
11:29 I thank you dear Lord
11:30 for everything that you have done for me
11:32 and allowing me to be at this very moment
11:35 to your honor and glory
11:36 and I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
11:38 Amen.
11:39 It's good to be back home with family and friends.
11:41 Good to be back at home where
11:43 you know, eat the good food and have the festivities
11:47 with the people that are closest to you
11:48 and going back to the barber shop
11:50 and getting your first hair cut,
11:51 without asking what you need, right.
11:53 You know, your barber knows exactly what, what to expect.
11:57 But as-- many of you do not know
11:59 I grew up as a Seventh-day Adventist.
12:02 I grew, I literally went to church
12:04 seven days of the week.
12:06 Five days out of the school,
12:07 out of the week I went to the, my local home school,
12:10 then Sabbath, if you ever been to a black church,
12:12 it's a all day event.
12:13 8 'o clock in the morning
12:14 and then you have a Sabbath school
12:15 then 11 'o clock and then you have
12:17 choir practice, a wind and a social
12:19 and then Sunday we had path finder.
12:21 So, I was somebody who was in the church
12:22 literally every single day of the week.
12:25 I grew up here in the Orlando area.
12:27 So, this is home for me,
12:28 so I am excited to be here to share my testimony.
12:31 I went to the church of Pine Hills Church.
12:33 I attended Forest City Spanish when I was younger
12:35 and Altimas Springs Church, if there's members here,
12:38 I just want to say thank you so much
12:41 for praying for me through out the years.
12:43 Just a little background on my behalf
12:44 my mother was somebody who is very spiritual.
12:47 Somebody who is funny and very committed to God,
12:50 my father on the other hand was somebody who was happy,
12:53 he was always there if he needed anything,
12:55 he was there and--
12:57 if he needed anything he was there and he--
12:58 you can always depend on him
12:59 he was the first person to open the church doors
13:02 to welcome members in,
13:03 he was the one to lead out in song service.
13:07 My mother was the spiritual leader of the home,
13:09 she always trained me to be a God fearing man,
13:11 to glorify God in everything that I do.
13:14 My upbringing was one of a very innocent child,
13:16 I was different because I didn't know the dirty jokes,
13:19 I was different because I could not play outside.
13:21 My memory of church wasn't a negative one,
13:23 so my testimony we're coming and putting the church
13:26 in a good light and not a negative one.
13:28 I had a lot of great memories growing up into the church,
13:31 I was never considered a quarter quad,
13:33 a rebel or a bad child, I just was very disobedient.
13:36 I always had to have the last word,
13:38 I was always someone who had to push the limits.
13:40 I was always in trouble in school growing up
13:43 and those who know me
13:44 know that I love to talk and love to debate
13:46 and God said I want to use that gift, of that talent,
13:49 I'm gonna use it for my glory and here I am today.
13:52 Those who knows me,
13:53 my situation growing up wasn't always the best.
13:56 When I was younger at 12 years old,
13:57 my mother moved to Puerto Rico
13:58 to take care of a home down there,
14:00 because the situation in our home wasn't the greatest.
14:02 My father worked overnights
14:04 and I spent a lot of time, home alone.
14:07 My relationship with my parents wasn't always the best.
14:10 You can imagine my mother had me
14:11 at the age of 46 and my father is 62,
14:14 so you can imagine the age discrepancy
14:15 between my parents and myself.
14:18 My-- I guess I started to turn away from the Lord
14:22 when I started to watch more music
14:24 and listen to more music and watch television
14:26 and changes started to happen in my life.
14:28 I wasn't malicious but I was very rebellious.
14:31 At 13 years old, I got into an altercation
14:34 that allowed me to end up in juvenile detention center.
14:37 I was always in trouble in class,
14:38 I was always in trouble with the law
14:40 but I could hide it pretty well, I could always keep a good face
14:42 because I was always the one who had it up, be it spirit,
14:45 I was always the one smiling,
14:46 I was always the one who welcomed people,
14:48 so nobody ever saw this side of me.
14:50 At the age of 15, I experimented with night clubs, partying,
14:54 Church didn't play an active part in my life
14:56 as I was growing older
14:58 and this quarter quad new found freedom was found
15:00 when I was able to get my drivers license
15:02 and able to drive where ever I pleased,
15:04 and the only time I went to church
15:06 was only to go visit friends
15:08 and to you know, socialize with them.
15:10 My situation had gotten worse
15:11 when I grew up, at home and at school.
15:14 And every school that I attended,
15:15 I was always in the room, in the principal's office
15:18 being threatened to be kicked out
15:20 and because of my rebellious ways,
15:23 I was sent to Puerto Rico.
15:25 You can imagine a little black boy
15:26 who doesn't know too much Spanish,
15:27 the culture shock that I had when I moved to Puerto Rico.
15:31 The only person that understood,
15:34 the only person that I understood
15:35 speaking Spanish to me was my mother.
15:37 I can honestly say I hated living in Puerto Rico
15:40 but through it all, my mother saw everything
15:42 she always did everything in her power to make sure to bring me
15:47 and allow me to grow up to be a God fearing man.
15:49 My heart was naturally rebellious,
15:52 the Bible talks about our hearts are basically wicked and evil.
15:56 And for the most part growing up,
15:57 I struggled with my identity
15:59 and I believe that the struggles that we have here at the church
16:02 with the young people is that
16:03 we struggle with that same thing,
16:04 we struggle with our identity.
16:06 We don't know who we are,
16:07 we don't know where we are going,
16:08 we don't know what we're doing with our lives
16:10 and we allow things and different influences
16:13 to kind of nurture us and kind of mould us into who we become.
16:18 So for me, basket ball was an outlet,
16:20 that's what I identified with.
16:22 I attended church while I was in Puerto Rico.
16:24 There was a great youth group there
16:26 and I was very happy to see young people just like you
16:29 that was on fire for God
16:31 but it's sad to say
16:32 that most of them are now no longer in the church.
16:35 My church family was a second home to me,
16:37 I always had respect for the church
16:40 and that's for me I never outright rebelled
16:42 and left the church completely
16:44 but I always visited from time to time
16:45 because I knew the people that over there
16:47 was always there for my well being.
16:49 My time in Puerto Rico spent was
16:51 majority of the time was spending with drug dealers,
16:54 drinking at the age of 15.
16:56 This was the norm in Puerto Rico when I was there.
16:59 I remember participating in robbing cars and skipping school
17:02 but again nobody knew about this
17:03 because I could keep a clean face.
17:06 I made things rough for my mother,
17:08 I made things rough for my family
17:10 for the decisions that I made,
17:11 I never made things easier for her.
17:14 I love my mother but I loved to do
17:16 want I wanted to do much more.
17:18 My grades suffered because of that
17:20 but I maintained a good enough GPA
17:21 in order for me to play basket ball.
17:23 I didn't know, it got to a point
17:26 where I was continued to-- become get involved with things
17:31 that I didn't have no business getting involved with
17:33 and there was a discussion with my parents
17:36 to send me to boot camp.
17:37 So, you can imagine I am not gonna go to no boot camp,
17:40 so I straightened my act up real quick.
17:42 In the book of James Chapter 3:8,
17:44 if you can turn there,
17:47 for the majority people use different weapons.
17:49 People know how to fight with their hands, with their feet,
17:51 people know how to shoot guns.
17:53 Well, for me, James 3:8 describes,
17:55 "My weapon of choice." And James 3:8.
18:02 James 3:8. Are we there?
18:07 James 3:8 says, " But the tongue can no man tame;
18:13 it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison."
18:17 That was my weapon of choice, my tongue,
18:20 my tongue was a stock of weapon I had,
18:22 I was somebody who can cut people with my words,
18:25 I was someone who made lives
18:26 miserable of the people who I did not respect
18:28 and I would say anything that I needed to say
18:30 in order for me to get my point across.
18:32 But every time I got in trouble,
18:34 there was always one consistent person
18:35 that was there, that was my mother.
18:37 She always stood up for me despite of what I did,
18:41 she always stood up for her boy,
18:43 she loved me regardless of what I did.
18:45 My dream was to play professionally for Puerto Rico.
18:48 My mother wasn't somebody who shutdown my dreams
18:51 but she always reminded me, Lo-Ammi always put God first
18:54 and bring Him honor and glory in everything that you do.
18:57 After graduating from Puerto Rico
18:59 in 9th grade I moved back home,
19:00 I wanted to attend Forest Lake Academy
19:03 and my parents agreed
19:04 that they should send me back home here to Florida,
19:06 so my sophomore year in 2001
19:09 I moved back here to sunny Florida.
19:12 I was excited, I knew a lot of my friends
19:14 that were going to attend the school
19:16 but my time there didn't last long.
19:19 I was dismissed after a semester for fighting
19:22 and saying somethings to the principal
19:23 that is not GYC approved.
19:25 Never did, I never did well with authority,
19:28 after getting kicked out of Forest Lake Academy,
19:30 I attended public school, Heavens High School.
19:33 I was nervous, I was scared.
19:34 This is High school that was known
19:36 for having 75% dropout rate,
19:40 60% of those high school students
19:42 who studied there from freshman year
19:43 to the senior year did not graduate.
19:45 When I got kicked out of Forest Lake Academy,
19:48 I cannot say this boldly
19:49 but I graduated with I got kicked out with a 0.86 GPA.
19:53 My only A was in choir, so I want to thank Mama Murphy
19:56 if you watching for that A.
19:58 My concern in life GYC was popularity,
20:02 my concern in life was basket ball.
20:05 And major adjustments needed to be made in my life
20:07 as I attended public school for the first time
20:10 and if anybody ever been to-- lived in the rough area
20:13 know that you have to grow tough skin,
20:16 you have to be able to hold your own.
20:18 I no longer attended church at this point in my life
20:20 but I was attending school functions,
20:22 proms and home comings
20:24 and Friday night is about games and basket ball games.
20:27 I drank casually with my friends,
20:29 I smoked marijuana, I partied from time to time
20:32 and this is the summary of my high school experience.
20:36 I've lost many friends since graduating high school.
20:40 A lot of friends who have been shot, who has been killed,
20:42 who I'll never be able to see again.
20:44 Young ladies who are have three or multiple children
20:48 who don't know who the father it is.
20:49 And I always imagined
20:50 the influence that I could have had
20:52 if I just stood within my faith,
20:54 in the faith that I grew up believing.
20:57 Friend shots, killed, women who had no idea
21:00 who the father of the children,
21:01 entertainment for me was to go out to drink,
21:03 to fight, to party.
21:04 This is the mindset and the culture
21:06 that I was growing up in.
21:07 See GYC, I believed in God, but I believed in money,
21:10 I believed in maintaining success of this worlds,
21:13 of this world regardless of the circumstances
21:15 that I put myself in.
21:17 For me, my mindset was to have quick money, easy money
21:20 and by the time of my senior year of high school,
21:22 I had so many trials and toils.
21:24 At the age of 17, I was arrested once again for resisting arrest
21:28 with violence against the police officer
21:30 that led me to have a year and half probation
21:33 and I remember for the, when I was going
21:35 get sentenced by the judge,
21:37 my mother and my father,
21:38 they was going to the courthouse with me
21:39 and my mother told me, Lo-Ammi, I want you to plead guilty
21:42 and you can imagine the look that I gave my mother
21:44 as I was going to go face the judge
21:46 to plead guilty for something
21:47 that I felt that "I was innocent" in.
21:50 But I remember standing in the courthouse there
21:52 and as Judge Rodriguez was standing there,
21:55 he was sentencing every single person
21:57 to prison time or to jail time.
21:59 So you can imagine by the time I'll come up,
22:01 I knew I was gone, right.
22:02 And as I was standing before the judge,
22:04 the judge asked me what do you plead.
22:06 And I said guilty.
22:07 And he was kind of taken aback,
22:08 he was surprised and I pleaded guilty
22:10 and he said, why do you plead guilty?
22:11 I said, well, sir, I felt like the situation
22:14 I put myself in, I deserve, I'm guilty of the reason why,
22:18 what I did was validated in my opinion.
22:21 And I remember my mother, little 4'11"
22:24 yellow and white Puerto Rican woman looks at the judge
22:27 and she looks at the judge and she says Judge Rodriguez,
22:30 I was Rodriguez before I married to my husband
22:32 and I see above your seat that, in God we trust
22:36 and she starts going in about you know, God we trust in,
22:40 God puts up Kings and He sets down judges
22:42 and I know that God appointed you
22:43 and my son deserves to go to jail.
22:45 I am sitting here wondering
22:46 you know, I am scared to death right.
22:48 But after the whole thing, the judge looks at me
22:51 and he says if it wasn't for your mother
22:52 and your God fearing parents,
22:54 I would have sent you to prison that day.
22:56 So, if there is an influence that my mother had upon my life,
22:59 that always will resonate with me.
23:02 Though I got kicked out
23:03 of Forest Lake Academy with 0.86 GPA,
23:05 I was able to graduate high school
23:07 with more than credits than I needed.
23:09 Amen.
23:10 I attended college
23:11 but the lifestyle never changed, it actually got worse.
23:14 Hip-hop became a major influence in my life.
23:18 See, here I am growing up a Seventh-day Adventist boy,
23:20 all of sudden thinking he's a drug dealer,
23:22 a gang banger, a thug
23:23 because of the music and because of the influence of hip-hop
23:26 and if anybody ever tells you
23:28 that music does not play a major part in your life
23:30 that doesn't not change your mindset, they are lying.
23:33 Because here I am, a Seventh-day Adventist boy
23:35 lost in who he is because of the influence of hip-hop.
23:39 I was raised in end as Seventh-day Adventist
23:41 but now I am thinking I'm a hardened criminal,
23:43 I am a thug and you could tell the attitude that I had,
23:46 the changes that I made because of the clothes
23:48 and the attitude that I possessed.
23:49 My dream of pursuing basket ball never ended and never died.
23:53 I went to different community colleges
23:54 and nothing ever panned up
23:56 but I, so I played local leagues here in the Central Florida area
24:00 until the opportunity presented itself for me
24:02 to go to Puerto Rico for open tryouts.
24:04 During this time, I was working for a Fortune 200 company,
24:07 a pretty good job, paying job
24:09 and I remember going to my boss and telling him,
24:11 I am going to quit my job
24:12 to pursue my dream in basket ball
24:14 and I still remember my boss telling me,
24:16 why are you quitting the job Lo-Ammi, you have a 401k,
24:18 you are making X amount of 1000$ a year,
24:20 you're young, you-- I mean you can take this money
24:23 and save it and do great things
24:25 but you see, I had a goal, I had a purpose
24:28 and I wasn't gonna allow anything to cushion me
24:30 from bidding to the goal that I may,
24:32 that I was going to obtain.
24:33 And the same mindset we should have GYC
24:36 when God calls you into the Ministry,
24:38 when God calls you to the work,
24:40 do not say well, I'm gonna depend on my degree,
24:43 I am gonna depend on my job,
24:44 when God says go, go, no strings attached.
24:50 So I've pursued my dreams.
24:52 Out of the 500 attendees that showed up to this trial,
24:54 I was into the top 50.
24:56 After coming back from Puerto Rico and playing there,
24:58 I had an opportunity to move to Tampa
25:00 about hour and a half away here from Central Florida.
25:04 Things got progressively worse for me.
25:06 As I still attended school, I was working two jobs,
25:09 I was partying at every weekend, I was smoking,
25:11 but now-- a progress now for me to sell drugs.
25:15 I lived in a house, I owned two cars
25:17 and the perception that I was given of,
25:20 that I had every thing this world has the offer,
25:22 I had the cars, I had the money, I had the success
25:25 but the reality was, I was just a hard worker
25:27 just like everybody else I just knew how,
25:29 I just knew my connections
25:31 and I remember growing up GYC
25:32 or doing this time for I had no conscious.
25:34 I remember coming back to Orlando and buying a vehicle
25:38 and I remember I didn't want to go register it,
25:40 I was gonna do it back in Tampa,
25:42 so I took a non registered car that had no insurance
25:45 and I drove it an hour and a half on the highway
25:48 with three pounds of marijuana and two ounces of cocaine
25:52 and I remember driving up to the highway
25:54 and all I was thinking if tire my popped
25:57 and sure enough, it popped,
25:58 and a police officer rolling up behind me.
26:00 And if it wasn't the, all he had to do was ask for my license
26:03 and registration and I am pretty sure
26:04 I would not be standing here before you.
26:06 But I can see God's providence
26:08 always working out the situations for me
26:09 regardless of what the dumb decisions I made,
26:12 God was always there.
26:14 My state's importer in Tampa came to a close
26:17 as I got into a altercation at one of the clubs
26:19 that I felt that it was time for me to move back home.
26:22 I never dealt with my issues, I always ran away from them.
26:26 I went from church from time to time
26:27 you know to try to be a good Christian
26:29 but I never faced my problems,
26:31 I never surrendered my heart completely to Jesus.
26:34 I remember moving back to Orlando
26:36 when I worked various jobs, after school programs
26:38 and summer camps and basket ball camps.
26:41 My dreams of playing basket ball kind of faded
26:44 because I wanted to pursue money and fame.
26:48 I had the opportunity to be on a reality TV show
26:51 but I turned it down for the fact
26:52 that I had a business proposal
26:53 but it didn't workout the way
26:55 that I thought it would've been or would have.
26:57 Alcohol became my drug of choice.
27:00 For me, I wouldn't consider myself an alcoholic per say
27:03 but I was very dependent on the drug.
27:06 Everything that I wanted to do was gonna have a good time,
27:08 I was gonna party, I was gonna make sure that,
27:10 I was gonna live life to the fullest.
27:13 The clubs are in groove
27:14 and I had good times while I was in the world.
27:17 And I remember all of the memories
27:18 that I shared in, this one particular incident
27:21 as we went out, group of my friends,
27:22 my roommates we went out to a club at night.
27:25 And the-- friend of mine purchased a brand new car,
27:27 a bright Cadillac and he had a pistol as well,
27:30 that we are shooting at outside of the apartment complex.
27:32 And I remember right before we left,
27:34 he was going to a whole different scenario,
27:35 different scenery that we're not accustomed to.
27:38 And I remember him placing the pistol
27:41 in the back of the trunk.
27:42 And as we went to the club that night,
27:44 we made sure to try to keep our nose clean
27:47 but as you can, as you know,
27:48 there's always situations that happen.
27:51 And before you know it,
27:52 altercation happened between my friend
27:54 and another gentleman there at the club.
27:56 And two people fighting end up being 17 people against three.
28:00 17 escalated to 50 and before you know,
28:03 we're outside of the club,
28:05 and this five escalated to a point where,
28:07 they were just wailing at all of my friends
28:09 that we had, we was outnumbered.
28:11 And I remember my friend,
28:12 as he is laying down on the curve bloody and,
28:14 and I was so upset GYC
28:16 because I'm somebody who is loyal,
28:18 I love my friends to death.
28:19 And I will do anything for them at any given time.
28:22 And I remember asking him, where are your keys?
28:24 Because all my goal was to go to the back of that car,
28:27 take the pistol and God knows
28:28 what was gonna happen that night.
28:30 As I found the keys then I went to the back of the trunk,
28:32 I realized that the gun wasn't there.
28:35 And I know that it was God who took it and removed it away
28:38 because I don't know what would have happened
28:40 if I had my hand on that pistol.
28:43 I didn't work, I had enough money
28:45 for me saved up and to kill time,
28:47 I got my certification as a personal trainer.
28:50 I remember meeting this young lady,
28:51 there's always a story over the young lady, right.
28:53 I remember meeting this young lady
28:56 at the gym that I was working at,
28:58 and I remember having a liking to this young lady.
29:01 And my life seemed to fall apart after I met this young girl,
29:05 everything that happened for me,
29:07 all of the money that I had, the cars that I owned,
29:10 everything I put my whole love and desire
29:12 into this young lady, into this young girl
29:14 but nothing ever panned out.
29:16 The reason why I moved in with my roommates
29:18 was planning to stay together to kind of save up money
29:20 and they was gonna branch off and do our old things.
29:23 And like the story of the Prodigal Son,
29:24 the money that I had became less and less.
29:26 And this young lady who was my prized possession,
29:29 all of sudden she left.
29:31 And I remember if for the first time in my life
29:33 she was asking, what does my life entail,
29:38 why is my life important?
29:39 I remember watching that the TV show
29:41 the office from season one to seven
29:43 and watching every episode
29:45 and as soon as the episodes are over, I felt depressed.
29:48 And for the first time I, I can't say
29:50 I was contemplating suicide
29:51 but I'd rather die than to continue living.
29:54 You try to read your Bible
29:55 but there was guilt when you was reading it.
29:58 My car was always breaking down,
29:59 one month there was no cable,
30:01 the other month, there was an eviction notice
30:02 and everything that I had planned up
30:04 was just falling apart in my life.
30:06 And I remembered my mother and my sister
30:08 always prayed for me to make my life as miserable
30:11 as possible until I gave my heart to Jesus.
30:13 Everything that I had was completely gone.
30:16 And I remember one evening
30:17 I did receive the phone call from my sister
30:19 and she says, hey, would you be interested in going to GYC.
30:23 She said, you've been sponsored.
30:25 Now, little bit I know
30:26 that my mother paid for me to come to GYC
30:28 and my mother knew, my sister knew
30:29 if I knew my mother would've paid
30:31 I would have not attended the conference.
30:33 So I figured I wanted to start my life on a spiritual note,
30:36 you know start off the New Year's
30:38 right with God and not with a hangover.
30:40 So I decided I was gonna go attend GYC.
30:43 And my mother GYC was willing to go completely broke
30:47 for the salvation of her boy.
30:50 And I wonder how many of a parents
30:51 here have the same mindset
30:53 that if you say how many,
30:55 how many parents here are willing to give up
30:57 everything that they have
30:58 so that their son or daughter
31:00 can make into the Kingdom Of Heaven.
31:02 And the reason why I love my mother
31:03 and I respect her so much
31:04 is because she was willing to go dead broke,
31:06 sell the house if she needed to,
31:08 just for the betterment of my spiritual life.
31:11 But see, what I see,
31:12 when I mention with young people,
31:15 the goals and the aspirations
31:16 of parents is to have a successful career,
31:18 to find a right mate, to go to Church
31:20 and be faithful type parents.
31:21 But GYC, there's so much more,
31:23 your parents--why don't you see the investment
31:25 that you're willing to make in order for them to be saved.
31:29 So I decided to go to GYC, I was into traveling
31:31 during that time and I was collecting hats
31:34 and loved to travel to different cites.
31:37 I went to the bus at this Church at Maranatha,
31:40 and I remember seeing a whole lot of kids that wasn't my age.
31:43 That wasn't in my age group.
31:45 And I remember one of my friends that was there told me,
31:47 he didn't know anything about the conference
31:48 but he told me it's a kid's conference.
31:51 So you can imagine the mindset that I had
31:54 is getting on the bus, right.
31:56 And another friend of mine Morris
31:58 who's here in attendance was surprised to see me
32:01 and he asked the question,
32:02 do you know what you're getting yourself into?
32:05 Morris, I don't think you realized
32:06 the depth of that question brother
32:08 because here I'm, a young guy
32:10 with this hat back, with the big jacket,
32:12 with questions seeking answers.
32:14 And I remember I pulled up to GYC
32:16 and as soon as I got off the bus,
32:18 I knew I did not belong.
32:19 As I looked around, I felt like everyone,
32:22 to me everyone was a outcast.
32:23 I was like, who are these young ladies with the long dresses,
32:26 who are these people wearing--
32:27 you know quoting Ellen G. White who--
32:29 why are they eating vegan food?
32:31 And praise God, I love long dresses,
32:33 I'm striving to become a vegan, pray for me,
32:36 I still struggle with the cheese from time to time.
32:39 But I saw something different in this conference
32:42 than I saw in any other conference growing up.
32:45 I saw a group of young people
32:46 who had a purpose of living and something,
32:48 and they was living for something
32:50 so much greater than themselves.
32:51 They had a purpose, and they had a purpose and a mission
32:55 and this is what drew me to GYC.
32:57 And I'm not going to lie,
32:58 I did not come to necessarily here--
33:00 sermons or to come bringing God into my life
33:03 but I wanted to go get information,
33:04 you know, the seminars that we've been going to
33:06 and kind of take notes because my friends and I,
33:08 we used to debate about religion, about sports
33:11 and I wanted to make sure I got enough information
33:13 so I can go back and debate the things that I learned.
33:16 We had good debates.
33:17 And I remember waking up early, the morning devotions
33:21 and seeing this Brother Sebastian Braxton
33:24 morning devotions is speaking
33:26 and I was drawn to his Testimony,
33:29 to his sermonizing because of the fact we had,
33:31 I felt like we had a similar background.
33:33 I can honestly tell you I do remember the seminars,
33:35 I was always in attendance while I was at GYC
33:38 with my brother and my sister
33:39 and you know, the loving sisters that I,
33:41 you know that sister that I have
33:42 is so loving and caring suggested,
33:44 she suggested that I go and meet new people.
33:47 So, anyway, I'm out by myself
33:49 and I remember Friday night
33:50 as I was getting my turkey sandwich again,
33:53 this is before I met Jesus.
33:54 I was getting my turkey sandwich Friday night
33:57 and I remember meeting a young lady there,
33:58 of course, the story always has to have a young lady
34:00 so I apologize for that.
34:02 But I remember her talking and asking,
34:05 is this your first time attending GYC and I said yes
34:08 and she was very surprised
34:10 the way that I was talking to her,
34:12 that I was just being myself, I was honest.
34:14 And I want to kind of just suggest something to GYC,
34:17 to all those who are attendants.
34:19 I understand this is a God fearing conference
34:23 but there's people here who have never heard
34:25 the Seventh-day Adventist message
34:26 that just want to see people
34:27 who are genuine and true to themselves.
34:29 And the reason why this young lady was surprised
34:31 is because she was, you know,
34:32 I wasn't saying God bless for the happy Sabbath
34:34 you know, Maranatha,
34:36 all of the lingo that we used as Adventist, I was myself.
34:40 So if you see people who are here
34:41 who attended the GYC, it's a time and place
34:44 for those things but be yourself.
34:46 People are here who had never attended,
34:48 who feel like an outcast like I was.
34:50 So I appreciate this young lady who,
34:52 who took time to talk to me.
34:54 I remember Sabbath morning;
34:56 because we used to sit in the front,
34:57 I always wanted to sit in the front
34:58 because I wanted to get good seats.
35:00 And I remember singing Sabbath morning,
35:02 I remember losing my brother in law and my sister.
35:05 And I remember sitting--
35:07 oh, actually the young lady that I saw Friday night,
35:10 I saw Sabbath morning,
35:11 so you know, you try to play the cool guy,
35:13 so she is sitting probably like a run over here
35:15 fifth, sixth row in the back.
35:16 So I'm walking down the stage or down the aisle
35:19 and I'm making sure that I was gonna sit
35:20 on the third row far right.
35:22 So that way you know, I can turn around,
35:23 we make eye contact, oh hey, hey,
35:25 you know, but that didn't workout.
35:27 Hey, it didn't workout I'm just being honest with you.
35:29 So, as I'm sitting up front and I'm sitting there,
35:32 I turned around, she's completely gone.
35:35 But I know that God put me in that seat
35:37 for a specific reason, I will tell you why.
35:39 I'll fast forward to the GYC in Baltimore,
35:41 I went to the seminar of Mike Finley
35:43 when he was preaching and, and he was sharing
35:46 how he prepares for his sermon,
35:47 he says, right before he,
35:48 he speaks he comes up to the pulpit
35:50 and he's praying to God and God would tell him
35:52 there's a young lady over here, there is a couple over here,
35:55 there is a young gentleman over here.
35:57 And when you preach,
35:58 make sure to focus in these specific areas.
36:02 Back tracking to my Testimony.
36:04 Sabbath morning, Mark Finley speaks the sermon
36:08 and he remember, I remember preaching the sermon,
36:10 God's passion becomes our passion.
36:12 And I remember every question that I had you I see,
36:15 it seemed like, you know how Mark Finley preaches,
36:17 he does the whole little roll about thing
36:18 and he points at you right.
36:19 And every question that I had he seemed to be like,
36:22 out of the thousands of millions of people
36:24 that he called, he has chosen you.
36:26 There is no mistake that you have been called to be
36:28 a Seventh-day Adventist.
36:29 And every question I ever had you I see,
36:31 he seemed to be answering at that very moment.
36:36 And that's the first time in my life,
36:38 I felt The Great Controversy being played out in my life.
36:42 Here I'm a Seventh-day Adventist boy growing up,
36:45 not knowing why he's the Seventh-day Adventist.
36:47 The only thing we knew that we have a prophet in Ellen White
36:49 and we go to Church on Sabbath?
36:51 That's the only thing I knew.
36:53 But The Great Controversy started happening in my life,
36:54 because here's the struggle, God's love was appealing to me,
36:58 it says Lo-Ammi are you willing to give your heart for me?
37:01 And here's the other struggle
37:02 and the other voice in my head and the devil saying,
37:04 do not give up everything that you have.
37:06 Look at everything that you've accomplished.
37:07 Look what's going to happen in your life.
37:09 And The Great Controversy started to happen
37:11 in my life at that very moment.
37:14 And Mark Finley was making an appeal and he,
37:15 he wanted everyone to come up front
37:17 who was workers of the conference and lay workers.
37:20 And I remembered looking up with, with tears in my eyes
37:23 and the struggle and this battle within my heart
37:25 and I saw my sister and at that point GYC, I lost it.
37:29 I remembered every time
37:30 that my sister and my mother prayed for me.
37:32 And I remembered I never cried,
37:34 if people know me, I don't cry,
37:36 I've lost friends in this life,
37:37 I've lost many friends and many family relatives out
37:40 that I would never be able to see again.
37:42 And I remember crying like a baby
37:43 because I felt an experience of God's love
37:46 that I'd never had in my entire life.
37:49 And I remember for the first time, GYC,
37:50 I wanted to make a change.
37:52 And I remember after the seminar was over,
37:54 I came up to the Brother Sebastian Braxton
37:57 and only thing I was telling him, I was scared.
37:59 I didn't want to come back home,
38:00 I didn't want to come back to Orlando
38:02 because I knew the experience that I had at GYC was real
38:05 and it was gonna be completely opposite
38:07 of what my lifestyle was here.
38:09 Things changed and I wish
38:10 I could say everything was for the better.
38:12 I went back to the club scene, I went drinking,
38:14 I went partying but something was different,
38:17 something wasn't the same.
38:20 Why, because I experienced something real.
38:22 I experienced a genuine conversion here at GYC.
38:27 And I wanted that to continue in my life.
38:29 I remember working at the Nike factory
38:31 and I felt compelled to go to an evangelistic school,
38:35 there at life, at Lady Lake.
38:37 And I remember the first two weeks,
38:38 we drove up to Bass Memorial Academy
38:40 to do our Bible Markings
38:42 and there I was able to meet
38:44 Jeff Marshal, the VP of evangelism.
38:46 And out of the jokes and the casual conversation
38:48 we had, I can only say that we have a friendship
38:50 that we're bonded forever.
38:52 He has a kid and I'm happy that John came into the world
38:55 and I'll be first person to take him to his haircut.
38:57 So he can get a fresh lineup like myself.
39:00 If he sees me, he is gonna kill me, I know it.
39:02 But I remember going and tending to that life and,
39:05 and my father passed away.
39:07 And it seemed that God was kind of leading me to a direction
39:10 where I needed to be more dependent on God.
39:13 And I know if my father would've passed away outside
39:15 of me giving my heart to him,
39:17 GYC, I can be honest with you,
39:18 I don't know where my life would've consisted of.
39:21 And from that time from my father passed away
39:23 while I was attending life,
39:24 my mother, it took a toll on my mother.
39:28 And I remember I was struggling
39:29 with my tuition and I owed $2,000 dollars.
39:33 The day of graduation I owed $2,000 dollars
39:35 to the evangelists, who they are life.
39:37 And I remember, the day of graduation,
39:39 my sister came and gave me a $2,000 dollar check
39:41 from my mother that she emptied up the savings
39:43 that she was saving up throughout the years.
39:45 I lost a lot of friends in this life.
39:50 And my mother was willing to do anything to save her boy.
39:53 I remember I lost so many friends in the world
39:56 but God replaced them with the friends that I met
39:59 while I attended life that are many are here
40:01 in attendance and I just want to say I love you guys.
40:04 And I told God, Lord, you need to send me away
40:06 from Orlando as far as possible,
40:07 so he answered my prayer
40:08 and He took me all the way to California.
40:11 And I worked as a Bible coordinator there for ASI.
40:14 And from there at time, I got a call to be a Chaplin
40:16 and a Bible worker coordinator at Heritage Academy.
40:19 And Lord knows where the Lord would lead me after this.
40:22 But I'm always open to His calling
40:23 because my life has been, my life hasn't been as exciting
40:27 as it ever been since giving my heart to Him.
40:29 I remember the first time, when I was on stage
40:31 and we was introducing a 3ABN in Seattle.
40:34 And everybody was texting me,
40:35 oh, Lo-Ammi, we saw you on 3ABN, we are so excited.
40:38 And I asked my mother, hey mom did you see me,
40:39 she says, yeah.
40:41 As she was not, she was like you look,
40:42 you look very good in your combination.
40:44 Who, who taught you how to combine your tie
40:46 and your suits and all of this stuff?
40:47 And I always wondered why my mother like acted
40:50 that way, she wasn't excited you know seeing me on stage.
40:53 And the reason why it's because she believed in our heart
40:56 that I was gonna do great things for God.
40:58 She had purpose in her heart and she knew in her mind
41:00 that I was gonna be the next Doug Batchelor,
41:01 the next Mark Finely,
41:02 all of these great pioneers of the church.
41:04 She envisioned it, she envisioned that in her boy.
41:08 And I remember as time was drawing close
41:11 and my mother was diagnosed with cancer.
41:14 And I ask that you may pray for me
41:16 because I gonna share something very personal with you guys
41:18 that I believe is necessary to share.
41:21 And my mother who, if anybody knows my mother,
41:23 was a God fearing woman.
41:24 Always active, she was up at 3 in the morning
41:27 to do her devotions.
41:28 By the time I woke up at night,
41:29 she already have half of her day done.
41:31 And I remember as cancer was taking over her life for,
41:34 eating her very life away.
41:36 And she was bed stricken in bed.
41:38 I remember flying to Puerto Rico and I'm here,
41:41 remember of every bad feeling that I ever did GYC.
41:44 Every single time that I saw my mother
41:47 appealing to me and counseling me
41:50 and everything that I did, I just rebelled against her,
41:53 and as I was standing there, as she stayed on her bed,
41:56 she had this glimpse of look like,
42:01 And for the first time, GYC, I was able to see
42:03 the glimpse of how God's love is for us
42:06 because regardless of my past and regardless of my dirt
42:09 that I have done and all of the falsity I may possess
42:11 and the actions that I have did, God looks at me the same way
42:14 how my mother looked at me when I walked into that room.
42:17 And I had questions GYC because I had questions
42:19 whether or not my mother loved me,
42:21 I had questions whether or not my mother loved my father.
42:23 I had these questions I'm human, you know.
42:26 And I remember we had that moment
42:28 and I don't know if we don't watch movies anymore, amen.
42:31 But you know there's always a scene in the movie
42:34 where it's the intense parts and everybody you know,
42:37 they kind of share that final moment.
42:40 And as my mother was there in pain.
42:44 For the 10-15 minutes, I had a conversation
42:46 that solidified everything.
42:48 And she says, Lo-Ammi, I don't want you to cry
42:52 because I know that I'm gonna finally see Jesus
42:55 by the tree of life.
42:56 I'm gonna see your father, I want to see you,
43:00 I want to see your family.
43:01 And we'll forever be together,
43:03 we're gonna be a perfect piece Lo-Ammi.
43:07 And Lo-Ammi regardless and this is what she told me,
43:09 Lo-Ammi regardless of the situation,
43:12 regardless of the friends that we meet,
43:14 the friends that we have lost and the memories
43:16 that we share, Lo-Ammi, it's about faith.
43:19 Lo-Ammi, it's about faith.
43:22 And I made a promise to my mother
43:25 and I said mom, it's gonna be my sole purpose
43:27 to try to snatch as many people out of the pits of hell
43:30 and to show them the lovely Savior
43:32 that I met in Jesus Christ.
43:34 And my mother looked at me, she said,
43:35 Lo-Ammi, I know you will.
43:38 And two days later, she passed away.
43:41 I don't know what my life would have been
43:44 if I never got on that bus to come here to GYC.
43:48 And these words from my good friend Fred who,
43:50 who asked me Lo-Ammi, I know who you are.
43:53 Lo-Ammi, I know where you came from,
43:54 we used to do dirt together.
43:56 What made you make a radical commitment to God?
43:59 Because everybody has their Jesus moments for a little time
44:02 and then we go right back
44:03 but you've been consistent, what is it?
44:05 And to be honest with you, I can't answer that GYC,
44:08 I just know that God placed me on that bus
44:10 and he was gonna lead me to a conference
44:12 where it was gonna change my life forever.
44:14 And he told me these words
44:16 that are always gonna resonate in my heart forever.
44:20 He says Lo-Ammi, we're looking at you.
44:22 And if you ever decide to come back to us
44:25 and do the things that we used to do,
44:26 we'll open you with open arms, but just know
44:29 you will kill your witness about God to us.
44:33 So GYC, my walk isn't my walk.
44:35 Every morning, I wakeup,
44:36 I'm living my life for my friends.
44:38 I'm living my life for those who are around me,
44:41 so they can see that God is real
44:43 and he's still active in saving souls.
44:45 Yes, even a wretched soul like me.
44:48 And now, being before the universe,
44:51 I can show and I can tell people
44:53 that this great controversy is real
44:55 because it was played out in my life.
44:57 See, I was a boy with no vision;
44:59 I was a boy with no understanding
45:01 of why he was calling to the faith.
45:03 But now I have a mission and I have a drive
45:05 to see people give their hearts to the only person
45:07 who ever loved them and ever cared.
45:13 GYC, before I met an angels
45:15 isn't just a conference, it's a life style.
45:19 For everything that we do, we're standing before friends,
45:23 before men and before angels.
45:26 The things that I say, the way that I dress,
45:28 the things that I speak, the way that I think,
45:30 I'm now a spectacle to the entire world.
45:33 I was a rebel without a cause
45:36 but now I have a cause to rebel.
45:38 To rebel against the standards of the world,
45:40 to live before the world as a spectacle,
45:43 a spectacle that God is real and active today.
45:48 And my question is, will you join me?
45:50 Will you join me in entering this great controversy,
45:52 to live your life as if you're standing
45:55 before the very presence of God
45:57 on a every day moment and every day basis.
46:00 If you would have told me three years ago,
46:02 that I'll be standing before people in Orlando, Florida
46:05 at a GYC conference sharing my Testimony,
46:07 I would've laughed in your face.
46:09 If you would have told me, that I was gonna be
46:12 the coordinator for the service projects in evangelism,
46:16 in the same city that I partied in
46:18 and did my dirt in and now that I'm going to go out
46:20 and evangelize Friday which I expect everybody on a bus
46:23 come Friday morning, I would have laughed.
46:26 But you see, God something, saw something unique in me.
46:30 Something that I cannot see in myself,
46:33 and now I'm standing before God
46:35 and I'm standing before you and I'm standing before people
46:36 who are watching online, I'm standing before them
46:39 and saying, my life is a Testimony of what God can do
46:43 if you just give your heart to him.
46:46 Listen, my life was full of excitement
46:48 but there is nothing more exciting
46:49 then being here with God's people,
46:51 talking about God and living for God
46:55 and doing everything you can for God.
46:59 I'm gonna make an appeal, specific appeal.
47:04 And this is for those who attended GYC
47:06 for the very first time.
47:08 Who's come to this conference not knowing who they are,
47:11 not knowing what to expect.
47:14 But they've seen something that is real,
47:16 they felt the prick of God talking to their very hearts
47:20 and they want something genuine.
47:22 Listen, if you-- I can't tell you,
47:25 I can't exaggerate how much I'm in awe
47:28 of how God has directed my life that I'm standing before you
47:31 at the very conference that changed my life.
47:32 It could be you if you have never given your heart to Jesus.
47:37 I'm talking about, not just I go to Church
47:40 from time to time, I may have my devotions,
47:42 I acknowledge that God is good.
47:43 But I'm talking about never fully giving your heart to God
47:47 and completely surrender your life to him and say,
47:49 Lord use me for your service.
47:53 If that is you at this moment,
47:54 I ask that you may come up front.
47:56 Those who had attended GYC for the very first time,
47:59 who have never had an experience with Jesus Christ
48:02 and you say that you know what,
48:03 I saw something in this conference
48:05 that I want to be a part of,
48:06 I want to be a part of this movement,
48:07 I want to be do-- I want to do great things for God.
48:10 And Lord, I don't know what you have for me,
48:12 but I'm willing to give it to, now.
48:13 If that is you I ask, that you may come up front.
48:16 Praise God.
48:18 I know I was that boy in the fifth row,
48:20 I was the one who was listening
48:22 to the voice of God who talked to me.
48:23 I was the one who was struggling with the idea,
48:26 should I give my heart to God and I can tell you,
48:28 it's been the best decision I have ever made.
48:32 And those who are coming up front,
48:33 never forget this moment.
48:35 Those who are coming up front,
48:36 always go back to this point in your life and say,
48:39 Lord this is tough, I'm going against,
48:41 I'm kicking against the grain,
48:42 friends are mocking me, friends are really killing me
48:44 and go back to this very moment and say,
48:47 God, I have my life, my life is so surrendered to you
48:50 and God would do great amount of things for you.
48:53 Second appeal, I know GYC has a negative reputation
49:00 with many people who have never attended this conference.
49:05 But if there's elders, workers in the Florida conference
49:08 of Southeastern conference who's attended this conference
49:11 or if you're Pastor or elder
49:13 that you was kind of skeptical about GYC
49:15 but you'll see an army of young people
49:18 who is radically wanting to give their lives to God
49:20 and do great things for them.
49:23 My biggest struggle when I came back into--
49:26 when I gave my heart back to God,
49:27 my biggest struggle that there was nothing
49:29 for young adults here in Orlando.
49:31 And I praise God for SALT
49:33 and you guys will know more about SALT,
49:35 check out their booth but this is a ministry
49:37 that they saw group of young people
49:38 who wants to do something for this city of Orlando
49:41 and if you are a lay worker or if you are a elder, a pastor,
49:43 a conference president whoever, whatever
49:45 and you saw GYC and you saw a glimpse
49:48 of what Orlando can be on a consistent basis
49:50 and you want to do something like this
49:52 in your local churches to invite young people to pray,
49:56 to study the words of-- hear good sermons
49:59 that comes from the Bible and not--
50:02 do you understand what I'm saying,
50:03 if that's you, come up front.
50:15 For those who came up front,
50:18 I'm talking to you directly.
50:20 God is going to do great things for you.
50:24 Every morning, when you wakeup,
50:26 we commit the heart to You.
50:29 Come back and say, Lord, I don't know what to do,
50:32 but you took the first step.
50:35 Ask the desires of your heart to God,
50:37 he will answer you, then I can imagine,
50:40 I'm looking at your faces,
50:42 I'm hoping to see you up here one day.
50:44 And I know you will, I know you'll do great things for God.
50:48 For my family and my friends,
50:50 I'm just a middle man trying to do God's work
50:53 and I want to personally thank everyone who has prayed for me,
50:57 who has labored for me, who looked at me as an outcast
51:00 and said there is no hope in him.
51:02 But you see, your perception of reality
51:04 is so different from God.
51:07 I just want to close out with the word of prayer.
51:09 You can bow with me.
51:15 Father in heaven,
51:18 we are truly before men and angels.
51:21 And father we know that the Gospel is still real
51:24 and active even in 2014,
51:28 that the worlds maybe seemed to go crazy
51:30 and offering their lowest of the things
51:33 that we desire but father you've seen
51:36 the hearts of these young people
51:37 and you see so much potential in them.
51:40 And you want to do great things for them.
51:43 Now father, I'm just so appreciative
51:45 for using a broken empty sinner like myself.
51:49 Father these are yours, I thank you so much
51:54 for being patient with me and loving me.
51:56 I thank you for my family and for my mother
51:58 who dedicated her life to save me.
52:03 Lord, I pray that my Testimony-- my Testimony
52:06 doesn't end today, it's a continual Testimony.
52:09 But father, we stand before you, before the universe.
52:13 I would have entered into this Great Controversy
52:16 on the side of yours.
52:18 And we want to do everything in our power
52:20 to represent you the best where we can.
52:23 We ask for your grace, we ask for your mercy Father.
52:26 We thank you so much for sending your Spirit
52:29 in to touch our very hearts.
52:31 Be with every individual
52:33 who has given their hearts to you dear Lord.
52:35 Be with them, don't ever forsake them.
52:38 I thank you so much for everything you have done.
52:41 We pray this in the name of your son Jesus Christ.
52:44 Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17