Generation of Youth for Christ 2013

Music / 'Something is Happening'

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Justin McNeilus


Series Code: 13GYC

Program Code: 13GYC000001

00:14 How many of you guys use social media?
00:16 Can't see, raise your hands.
00:18 Okay, a lot of you guys.
00:19 Well, here I have a group of friends
00:22 who use social media
00:23 at the beginning of last year for something credible.
00:27 Amy, can you share to us what-- what you guys did?
00:29 Sure, after GYC last year
00:31 my friend Josephine and I were talking
00:33 and we said you know, it would be really great
00:35 if we read through the whole Conflict of the Ages series
00:37 in a single year.
00:39 And we decided we wanted to hold each other accountable
00:41 and Josephine posted on her Facebook wall,
00:44 we are gonna read code, who wants to do it with us
00:46 and the next thing we knew dozens of people liked it.
00:49 This guy in Arkansas formed a group
00:51 and the next thing we knew there were a 177 people
00:54 who committed to read Conflict of the Ages through
00:57 over the year of 2013.
00:58 How many books are those?
00:59 There are five books, Patriarchs and Prophets,
01:01 Prophets and Kings, the Desire of Ages,
01:03 Acts of the Apostles and the Great Controversy.
01:05 So five books in one year, that's awesome.
01:08 On your social media and how many people ended up
01:11 on joining this group on Facebook.
01:13 Hundred and seventy seven.
01:14 Hundred and seventy seven people reading the Great Controversy,
01:19 all these other books at the same time, incredible.
01:22 So we have here Joanne who joined us
01:24 or joined the group.
01:26 Can you share a little bit on did you finish all the books
01:29 and how was your experience.
01:30 It was an amazing experience.
01:32 Unfortunately I wasn't able to get
01:33 through the entirety of the five books.
01:35 I still have about 28 chapters to go,
01:39 but I'm on my way and I'm going to catch up
01:41 and it was so amazing to be able to read through the five books
01:45 working through the stories of the Bible
01:47 and apply the principles to my life.
01:49 It was amazing to see how the Holy Spirit
01:50 uses reading experience
01:52 to apply those principles in my life to the situations
01:54 that I was experiencing as I was reading the stories.
01:57 The Holy Spirit used it to reach me
02:00 and to reach those that I was encountering to the ministries
02:01 I was involved with.
02:02 Blessing.
02:04 We have Ronnie and you, did you finished everything?
02:06 No, I wasn't able to finish everything,
02:08 I got most of the way through the Great Controversy
02:11 and the other books
02:12 but it was still a blessing to be a part of the group.
02:14 Okay, awesome.
02:15 So, you know, something you don't finish it
02:16 but at least we try.
02:18 So, Amy, which come to an end
02:21 but what's the plan for this group
02:23 in this coming New Year?
02:24 So the group decided to make it
02:25 an annual kind of accountability thing for us to keep
02:28 encouraging each other to read the Spirit of Prophecy.
02:30 So we are gonna read five more books next year,
02:33 Education, Early Writings, Christ Object Lessons,
02:35 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings
02:37 and Steps to Christ.
02:38 And we are also gonna do some catch up
02:39 for those of us who didn't quite finish
02:41 The Conflict of the Ages this year.
02:43 But really the encouragement is for anybody can go home
02:45 and decide that they want to hold each other accountable
02:47 for a spiritual goal in their own life.
02:49 And you can use social media in such an easy way
02:51 to get other friends involved and may get a good way
02:54 to encourage each other to continue for those goals.
02:56 It's great. Thank you.
02:58 So I encourage you to even in your own wherever you are at,
03:02 get a group of friends and get reading these books.
03:06 You'll be blessed.
03:08 So here I have another friend David
03:10 and David you're a student?
03:12 Yes. What are you studying?
03:14 I'm a senior medical student at Loma Linda.
03:16 Medical student, okay, sorry cut you there.
03:18 So you must be really busy. Most of the time.
03:22 But you did something this past year
03:24 that was incredible.
03:26 Tell us little bit about that?
03:27 Oh, God opened an exciting opportunity for me,
03:30 I had an opportunity right after I left GYC
03:33 to go up to Idaho to work with a Christian Adventist team
03:38 that has developed a family practice
03:41 that integrates spiritual care
03:42 and really brings meaning to people's lives through God
03:46 and through His word in addition providing good medical care.
03:49 So you went to Idaho
03:50 for two weeks to work with a doctor?
03:53 And so I'm taking care of patients
03:54 under the doctor's supervision.
03:56 I go in and grab a chart,
03:57 when you go to the doctor's office
03:58 the patient is written why they are there.
04:01 So I pick up this guy's chart and the reason that he said
04:04 that he had come in, you know what it was?
04:06 What was it? I need a friend.
04:08 So he needs a friend. So what did you do?
04:12 So that's not something we have got special training on.
04:15 Okay, yeah, I can see that.
04:17 But I went in saw him and heard a bit of his story,
04:21 he is dying from liver cancer.
04:22 Wow.
04:23 And he is trying to decide whether to go on
04:25 with the chemo or not.
04:26 And he wanted to talk to my supervisor head doctor
04:29 and so I thought what do you say to a dying man?
04:33 Because this is not something we've gone over I thought,
04:34 well, may be I can at least offer to pray for him.
04:37 Not necessarily for healing,
04:38 we don't always know if that's God's will
04:40 but at least for comfort and strength and wisdom
04:42 because he's got an important decision
04:44 and I asked him and you know what he said?
04:45 What did he say?
04:46 I would rather not, because he said I just--
04:50 I just feel sad about all the wrong
04:51 that's done in the name of God.
04:53 Is there anything else I can do, I asked him.
04:55 And he said yes, can you just call the head doctor.
04:57 So I went and called the head doctor and they went in
05:00 and 15 minutes passed and they are not still in there
05:04 and I thought I was impressed to pray for him.
05:06 Thirty minutes passed, he is behind schedule,
05:08 I was impressed to keep praying.
05:10 Forty five minutes passed, they're way behind schedule
05:13 and the guy comes out of the room.
05:15 In the room Dr. Tukado had spoken to him
05:18 I mean talked to him about the situation,
05:20 he was taking experimental chemo in Texas at MD Anderson.
05:23 He was away from his family and felt he was dying
05:26 and he felt his choice was either die
05:29 with the experiment away from family
05:31 or die at home with his family.
05:33 So here we have a man who is dying,
05:36 he wants to have a friend
05:37 but he doesn't want to hear anything about God.
05:39 Well, that's what it seems like, right?
05:40 Okay.
05:42 So... What happens?
05:43 Dr. Tukado knows this guy and said, you know,
05:46 we have talked before about spiritual things
05:47 if you give any more thought to this
05:50 and the man brought up what he brought up before
05:51 that there is so much wrong done in God's name
05:54 and they had this conversation Dr. Tukado said,
05:58 sir, do you love your children.
05:59 He says, of course,
06:01 would you give your life to save theirs
06:03 if you knew it would come to that?
06:05 He said yes.
06:06 And then Dr. Tukado brought up that
06:08 verse in 1 John where it says,
06:10 "Beloved, let us loveone another,
06:12 for love is of God.
06:13 Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."
06:16 And he said sir,
06:17 God has been working to put this unselfish love
06:21 in your heart and you don't even know it.
06:24 Is that is an unselfish love in God like that,
06:28 the kind of God you could be friends with.
06:30 And what did he say? He says, I believe so.
06:33 Wow, amen,
06:34 so this man comes in wanting a friend,
06:37 he doesn't want to hear anything about God
06:39 but in the end he accepts him.
06:41 He had been an atheist. An atheist.
06:43 So he comes out of the room gives the doctor big hug,
06:46 says my wife will be so glad.
06:48 His family had been trying for years
06:49 to lead him to Christ.
06:51 He went home he didn't do the chemo later he died.
06:56 Dr. Tukado said I'm not going to make this choice for you
06:58 but I'll help you think of some ways
07:00 that you can make the choice for yourself
07:02 and be in peace with God would have helped him.
07:04 So he died and the wife came back later and said
07:08 thank you so much for what you did for my husband.
07:11 You were the only pastor he ever had
07:15 and this office was the only church
07:17 he ever attended.
07:18 Wow. Amen.
07:20 So what-- basically really short,
07:22 what do you suggest what's your message
07:25 through this experience through us here today?
07:28 For anyone God can use you where you are,
07:30 you don't have to go overseas to serve Him,
07:32 the needs are here and overseas
07:34 and for those of you that have
07:36 professional skills in medicine or other fields.
07:39 God sometimes gives us special opportunity
07:41 to help people at key points in their lives, use it for him.
07:43 Amen. Thank you. Amen.
07:45 So whatever you're doing you can use it for God
07:48 and that's why on Saturday night
07:49 you can go to the networking session,
07:50 connect with other professionals
07:52 to see what you can do for God.
07:54 So here we have some-- I have some other friends.
07:56 And they are doing also something,
07:58 what's happening Madelina?
08:00 I want to share about the power of God's word.
08:04 God is just amazing.
08:05 Some months ago, a friend and I,
08:07 we were talking about memorization
08:09 and our need in memorizing and for many years
08:13 I have sporadically memorize the couple of verses
08:16 but never something consistently.
08:18 So after a sermon by Chad and Fadia
08:21 they came to our college and they shared about
08:23 the power of memorization, Bible memorization.
08:26 So we decided to take the challenge,
08:28 the one verse a day well then seem challenge.
08:31 So we started memorizing one verse a day each day
08:35 and for me I thought this is impossible,
08:38 I have such a bad memory,
08:39 this, this just can't happen but God is powerful, amen.
08:44 So I have tried doing that its hard,
08:46 so you did it one verse a day for how long?
08:50 Well, it didn't last long
08:52 because one verse a day was not enough.
08:54 Not enough, okay.
08:55 We wanted to memorize more
08:57 because the verses were so powerful.
08:59 We were just like let's memorize more.
09:01 So one evening we were talking and deciding how much time
09:04 it would take to memorize the Book of John
09:06 and we decided that if we memorized
09:09 eight verses a day it would only take two weeks.
09:12 So we took up this challenge to memorize
09:14 on the Book of James, 1 John, 2 John and Jude
09:18 in the end of the semester,
09:20 so we started praying and doing it each day
09:23 and it was such a blessing.
09:25 It impacted my life in ways I cannot explain.
09:29 And the fact that I cannot memorize
09:31 but God's word is powerful enough to help us
09:34 put that word in our minds.
09:36 The world then seems they spent their lives memorizing
09:39 because they knew that they wouldn't have
09:40 the Bibles with them
09:41 and today, this is what we should be doing as well.
09:45 So you did verses once a day
09:47 and then you move to couple of verses a day.
09:49 Now you're doing chap-- not even chapters
09:51 you're doing books.
09:52 It's a blessing, so we are here
09:54 and we are thinking I want to do that.
09:56 Natasha what is some advice you can give us
09:59 on how to start memorizing verses.
10:01 Some practical things you can do
10:02 if you want to get to memorize more.
10:05 First thing is pay attention to what your best--
10:08 your primary learning style is.
10:10 If you are an auditory learner,
10:12 if you are a visual learner and really capitalize on that,
10:15 but also remember that the more learning styles you include
10:18 as you are trying to memorize,
10:20 the better off you'll be and specially reciting out loud
10:23 as you're trying to do it, not just doing it in your mind
10:25 really, really, really helps.
10:27 Another thing that is incredibly key is the consistency.
10:31 Memorizing every day
10:32 rather than just trying to do big chunks
10:34 and struggling within, you are feeling like you can't.
10:37 Or also another thing have a very good review schedule.
10:40 If you have a smart phone, get the scripture typer app,
10:43 it's also out for android this year
10:45 and we are excited about that
10:47 and it can help you have a consistent
10:49 review schedule that will really, really help
10:51 and the last thing is have an accountability partner.
10:54 Awesome. Thank you.
10:55 How many of you guys are going to memorize verses?
10:58 Awesome, thank you.
11:08 Jesus, my Shepherd, Lord
11:11 And Friend
11:13 My Prophet, Priest, and King
11:17 My God, my Life My Way, my End
11:23 Accept the praise I bring
11:27 Hallelujah
11:32 Hallelujah
11:36 Hallelujah
11:45 Hallelujah
11:49 Hallelujah
11:54 Hallelujah
12:02 Weak is the effort of my heart
12:08 And cold my warmest thought
12:11 But when I see thee as thou art
12:17 I'll praise thee as I ought
12:21 Hallelujah
12:25 Hallelujah
12:30 Hallelujah
12:39 Hallelujah
12:43 Hallelujah
12:48 Hallelujah
12:56 Till then I would Thy love proclaim
13:01 With every fleeting breath
13:05 And may the music of Thy name
13:10 Awake my soul from death
13:17 Hallelujah
13:22 Hallelujah
13:27 Hallelujah
13:35 Hallelujah
13:40 Hallelujah
13:44 Hallelujah
13:49 Hallelujah
13:54 Hallelujah
14:04 Amen
14:10 Amen
14:22 You know something,
14:23 I have been involved in planning
14:25 or at least assisting in planning 10 GYC's.
14:29 How many?
14:31 Ten GYC's if you count Europe.
14:34 Of all the GYC's I have been involved
14:37 and this one has been the most difficult for us to plan.
14:43 All ten most difficult
14:45 and someone from the executive committee
14:46 I think it was Jeff, he said, you know,
14:48 as soon as we made the decision to hand out
14:50 the Great Controversy in our land of Florida
14:53 the problems got stronger and more.
14:58 Amen.
15:01 God wants to do incredible things
15:02 through this conference.
15:05 Last night, we prayed
15:07 the executive committee got together
15:09 and we had a very humble prayer.
15:11 You know, we have two new editions
15:13 to the executive committee.
15:15 I have a six month old, Jeff has a six month old,
15:18 we prayed that our children would never have to come to GYC
15:22 and comprehend what is being spoken about.
15:25 We want Jesus to come again.
15:29 Never have we had such difficulties,
15:31 God has incredible blessings in store for you.
15:37 This is a interesting Bible.
15:41 This is the Bible of the president of GYC
15:44 and it is the last time I'll preach with it.
15:48 I have been involved with GYC and on Sunday I retire.
15:54 It's been an interesting and exciting
15:58 and a blessed to serve God through GYC.
16:05 I was young, unmarried, no gray hair and I joined GYC.
16:13 I'm not so young any more, I have quite a bit of gray hair,
16:17 I have a lovely wife and now a son
16:20 and so it seems fitting to me to retire from GYC.
16:26 But let me just share with you a couple of things you--
16:29 you get ready to retire
16:30 and you begin to survey the landscape
16:32 of what God has done through GYC.
16:36 God has blessed us abundantly.
16:39 I have had the privilege to travel
16:41 to five of the six continents as president of GYC
16:45 and something has become so clear to me.
16:50 If we did not have a conference each year,
16:54 GYC would still exist.
16:58 If we didn't have a conference,
17:00 if we didn't have the nice flowers,
17:01 if we didn't have the fancy feather
17:03 like it or not,
17:04 if we didn't have the screens,
17:05 if we didn't have the video cameras,
17:06 if we didn't have the piano,
17:08 if we didn't have any of these things,
17:10 GYC would still exist
17:13 because GYC is not a youth conference.
17:19 At a core, GYC is radical commitment to him,
17:25 faithfulness, faithfulness and so traveling around
17:32 meeting different young people all around the world,
17:35 God has a generation that is radically committed to Him.
17:40 You take away all the stage and everything else
17:43 and GYC still exist.
17:46 And so I'm confident in telling you
17:49 the best days of GYC are ahead of us.
17:54 The best days of GYC are ahead of us.
17:59 Tonight, I'm gonna share with you a devotional thought.
18:07 When I give my notes in order.
18:10 The clock in front of me is racing down
18:14 and honestly, I don't care.
18:17 It's my last year.
18:21 We're gonna go as long as we need to go.
18:24 Are you prepared for that?
18:29 As of Christmas day I wasn't even thinking
18:31 that I would preach tonight,
18:34 I was gonna have someone else come
18:35 and someone else was preparing a sermon
18:37 and we got talking and started thinking
18:39 about the philosophic journey we might take tonight
18:43 and immediately after listening to that
18:44 I realize I needed to preach the message tonight
18:49 because it's a message for me.
18:52 One point, one appeal,
18:56 and honestly it's for me.
18:59 You can listen in if you like and I'll pray in a moment
19:03 that God also touches your life with it
19:06 but it's one point, one message and an appeal for me.
19:11 Let's pray.
19:15 Heavenly Father, Lord
19:16 here we are at the opening night of GYC.
19:22 It is New Year's and we can think of
19:24 no better way to spend it with you.
19:29 So we come together by the thousands
19:32 different countries, different backgrounds,
19:35 different ages, different experiences
19:37 but united under you.
19:40 Lord, we ask that you'd speak through me tonight,
19:44 despite my glaring deficiencies and weaknesses
19:47 we ask that you would shine through.
19:50 That is this message is delivered
19:52 that is a direct appeal to me that may be Lord
19:55 it would touch the heart of one other
19:58 or may be many others.
20:01 We pray that our minds wouldn't be distracted tonight.
20:07 That we would be completely focused on you
20:11 and the message you have for us.
20:14 Lord we pray these things in your precious name, amen.
20:19 Right now, at this moment in time
20:21 they're about 7 billion people on the planet.
20:26 7 billion that makes you
20:29 . 0000000014 of the earth's population.
20:37 In terms of numbers in the earth's population
20:40 you're extremely insignificant.
20:43 And yet Paul tells us in his letter,
20:46 he says you are a spectacle.
20:50 And he uses an interesting word in the Greek
20:52 he says, you are Theatron
20:53 where we get the word theater and he says you are a spectacle
20:59 not just to men, not just to the world,
21:01 not just to your parents, your friends, your co-workers,
21:04 not just to them but to the world and to angels.
21:10 We're insignificant and yet we are spectacle to the world.
21:17 So the question we want to ask ourselves tonight is why?
21:23 What is it about you and I that have the ability,
21:26 the capacity to hold captive even the attention of angels?
21:33 And for us to answer that question I would submit to you
21:35 we have to understand who we are?
21:40 In the beginning Genesis 1:1 you can turn there if you like.
21:45 "In the beginning God created" God did what?
21:48 "Created the heavens and the earth."
21:50 Now, right away from this passage we notice something.
21:53 It says in the beginning God created,
21:56 the word there is Elohim.
21:58 This is the same Elohim that Moses
22:00 later ask in the Book of Exodus
22:02 He says, Elohim who are you?
22:05 and God comes to him and he says
22:06 very potently and very small it's a sink he said
22:09 I am that I am essentially
22:14 I am pure existence,
22:20 no beginning, no end.
22:22 Not subject to time like you and I are.
22:25 So In the beginning Elohim created.
22:28 So notice this very carefully.
22:31 God didn't have a beginning or an end.
22:33 Elohim I am did not have a beginning or an end.
22:36 But he chooses, he chooses to create a beginning
22:41 to place themselves in human history.
22:45 You missed it.
22:47 God did not need a beginning, does not have a beginning
22:50 but in choose, he chooses to create a beginning
22:53 so he can be a part of your story.
22:57 Elohim comes, in the Book of Genesis.
23:00 In the beginning God created,
23:02 He chooses to create a beginning
23:05 so that He can be a part of your life and a part of mine.
23:10 Chooses to interject Himself into human history.
23:14 You go out at night, and you look up into the stars
23:18 and most of us good Adventist upbringing can spot Orion.
23:23 You look at Orion and on the right shoulder
23:25 is the tenth largest star it is Betelgeuse.
23:29 Betelgeuse is 13,000 times brighter than the sun
23:32 and 10,000 times lighter.
23:35 If you replace Betelgeuse with our sun
23:37 it would extend past the orbit of Jupiter.
23:41 Now, you look up at Betelgeuse
23:43 and you can see it but it is 643 light years away.
23:47 Can you believe that?
23:49 That is you traveling a 186,000 miles per second
23:53 for 643 years
23:55 and you can look up and you can see it
23:57 but that's nothing with the naked eye
23:59 when the conditions are right
24:00 you can look up and see the galaxy Andromeda.
24:03 Andromeda is 2.5 million light years away from you.
24:08 Now, that's a large number, in my hunches
24:13 we can't comprehend that number,
24:15 so tomorrow when you're at breakfast
24:16 I want you to do me a favor.
24:18 Can you do that, yes or no?
24:20 You pull out your napkin and you get out a pen
24:23 and you write down the number 15.
24:26 What number you're gonna write down?
24:28 Fifteen, you are putting in on your napkin tomorrow morning
24:30 where the food is great at breakfast,
24:32 15 after the 15 you are gonna write down 19 zeros.
24:38 That's how many miles away we are from Andromeda.
24:42 Fifteen, Nineteen zeros,
24:46 past Andromeda there is approximately
24:48 a 100 billion galaxies
24:51 each of those galaxies has a 100 billion stars,
24:54 each of those stars has a 100 billion
24:56 excuse me suns, each of those suns
24:58 has approximately a 100 billion stars.
25:02 In terms of the sheer numbers of the galaxies
25:07 and the distances involved,
25:09 you and I are insignificant
25:14 and yet Paul boldly declares,
25:18 we are a spectacle, a Theatron.
25:23 How are you and I as insignificant beings
25:25 when we think about the vastness of God's creation,
25:29 spectacles to the world?
25:31 How do you and I hold captive even the imagination of angels?
25:39 In the beginning God created light, light is unique.
25:44 Picture with me outreach day,
25:46 outreach day is Friday and let's just say
25:48 you and I are on a bus going out on outreach.
25:51 You're gonna do that, yes or no?
25:55 So, one third of you are going out on outreach.
25:58 Are you gonna be on a bus with me or not? Yes.
26:01 You and I are on a bus we are traveling at 50 mph.
26:05 How fast are we going? Not a trick question, 50 mph.
26:11 Now, Jeff he is there and he is directing the buses,
26:14 Jeff is stationary, he is not moving,
26:16 he is going zero miles per hour.
26:17 How fast is Jeff going? Zero miles an hour.
26:21 Now, let's just say in this imaginary Friday outreach day,
26:24 you and I are cruising on the bus
26:25 and we happen to have a bow and arrow in our hands.
26:29 And I don't know why we have a bow and arrow in our hands
26:31 but we do for whatever reason.
26:33 Let's just say you and I shoot that arrow off the bus.
26:36 Most arrows travel at about 300 feet per second
26:39 and we could round that up to 200 miles an hour.
26:43 Our arrow flying off the bus is gonna go how fast?
26:47 How fast is it gonna go? 250 miles per hour.
26:52 Now, Jeff let's just say for whatever reason
26:55 he has got a bow and arrow too
26:56 and he shoots it from where he's standing still.
26:58 How fast is that arrow gonna go?
27:01 200 miles an hour.
27:03 Now, this fits very nicely with our world view
27:06 our Newtonian understanding of the universe.
27:09 A+B=C we shoot it,
27:13 it has the flying through the air at 250 miles an hour.
27:17 Now let's just say, we had a huge spotlight on this bus.
27:22 Again, I don't know why we have a huge spotlight
27:24 but we have a huge spotlight.
27:27 And we want to really kick things up
27:29 because you and I are excited,
27:31 yes, to get out to outreach.
27:34 So we tell the bus driver to crank things up
27:36 to a thousand feet per second.
27:39 Okay, now, we shine the flashlight from the bus
27:45 or let's do a thousand.
27:47 Now, I'm really gonna confuse you.
27:48 Let's do 1,000 per second.
27:51 How fast are we going?
27:54 We are going 1,000 miles per second.
27:56 Now, we shoot the flashlight
27:59 which light travels at a 186,000 miles per second,
28:03 we are going at 1,000 miles per second.
28:05 How fast is the light gonna go?
28:09 How fast? Did anyone say 187?
28:15 You would assume that wouldn't you?
28:17 Newtonian understanding of the universe A+B=C.
28:20 You know we shoot the flashlight
28:22 and it goes at 186,000 miles per second.
28:25 Jeff shoots the flashlight
28:27 it goes at 186,000 miles per second.
28:30 We can get the bus going a 185,000 miles per second.
28:35 We shoot it, it goes at 186.
28:37 Jeff shoots it goes at 186,
28:39 it does not matter how fast we are going,
28:41 it is going to shoot out of that beam
28:44 at the same speed, strange isn't it?
28:49 I mean it just boggles our mind.
28:50 We can't even comprehend light.
28:53 Light defies physics, but you and I,
28:56 we walk around the universe and all the Newtonian
28:59 understandings that we have A+B=C
29:01 we have to live by, light doesn't.
29:07 You would think that something like light
29:08 would hold captive the imagination of the world.
29:12 You would think something like light
29:13 that makes zero sense to you and I in our minds,
29:16 zero sense to a logical mind would hold captive
29:20 would be the theater to the world,
29:23 but yet Paul says, we are the spectacle.
29:29 Astronomers have found this planet
29:32 racing through our galaxy at 67,000 miles per hour.
29:36 At the same time it is rotating at 1,000 miles per hour.
29:40 You and I, we affectionately call it earth.
29:44 We have a greater light
29:45 that gives us four million tons of energy per second
29:48 and in a 11 year cycle
29:50 that sun varies one tenth of one percent.
29:55 Every 11 years, one tenth of one percent
29:58 our earth tilts at twenty three and half degrees.
30:01 You know why it does that because if it didn't tilt
30:04 one side of the earth would become too hot
30:06 so life couldn't be sustained on planet earth
30:09 and the other side will be too cool,
30:11 no life on planet earth.
30:13 Hydrogen coverts .007 percentage of its mass to helium,
30:18 if with there as .006 converted no life on planet earth.
30:22 If there is .008 no life on planet earth.
30:27 We are 93 million miles away from the sun.
30:30 94 million miles away no life on planet earth.
30:33 92 million miles away no life on planet earth.
30:38 Thus the oceans have 3.4 % salt content
30:42 your blood has 3.4% salt content.
30:46 4% salt content no life on planet earth
30:49 in the oceans or your blood
30:51 2% no life on planet earth.
30:56 Our earth is finely tuned to sustain life.
31:02 Our atmosphere has 21% oxygen, 23% no life on planet earth.
31:07 19% no life on planet earth and there are
31:10 hundreds and hundred of these finely tuned dial
31:13 so that life can be sustained on planet earth.
31:17 Carbon levels, ratios of proton to neutrons
31:20 and neutrons to electrons
31:22 and core temperatures of the earth all finely tuned
31:25 so that you and I can exist on planet earth.
31:31 And it's more than that
31:32 if one of these little dials are slightly off,
31:35 the rest are rendered useless.
31:38 All of them have to show up and be perfect
31:42 everyday for a life to exist on planet earth.
31:47 You look at the finely tuned earth and you would think
31:50 that would be a spectacle to men and to angels.
31:55 All these hundreds and hundreds are finely tuned dials exactly,
31:59 perfectly executing the will of God day after day after day.
32:08 You and I can't go a day without making a mistake.
32:14 The earth goes day after day without making a mistake.
32:20 Yet somehow as insignificant begins
32:28 you and I are spectacle, Theatron,
32:34 a theater not just to our peers
32:35 not just to our parents, not just to our friends
32:38 and cousins and family members
32:40 but a theater to the world
32:41 and hold captive even the attention of angels.
32:45 You and I look at this beautifully finely tuned
32:48 doing everything to God's will planet earth
32:52 and think why isn't it the spectacle?
32:55 You don't have all of a sudden apple trees producing oranges.
32:59 They execute perfectly everyday
33:01 and yet you and I can't go a day without making a mistake.
33:06 And somehow we are the spectacle.
33:13 Everything we have is made up of atoms.
33:16 Atoms are .0000001 millimeters in diameter
33:22 that is small.
33:24 Let's pretend you and I had a grapefruit just to illustrate
33:27 how small that is a grape fruit only with neutron atoms,
33:32 nitrogen atoms rather.
33:34 Now, we look at that grapefruit
33:36 and we slice it open and we think
33:37 we want to take a look at
33:38 all the atoms inside of this grapefruit.
33:41 So we pull out each atom
33:43 and we blow it up to the size of a blueberry.
33:46 Now, look at down at your hand and picture a blue in it.
33:50 Do it quickly, quickly, quickly I'm looking.
33:52 Pull out your hand, you are picturing a blueberry in it.
33:55 You are tuning in by 3ABN
33:57 get your hand out look at the blueberry.
34:00 Now, we have just blown up every nitrogen atom
34:03 in a grapefruit to the size of the blueberry.
34:05 How big now do you think
34:07 our grapefruit has to be to encapsulate
34:10 all of those blueberry size atoms?
34:15 The size of the earth. Can you believe that?
34:21 From here all the way to the bottom
34:23 completely filled up with blueberries.
34:30 Now, you might remember from grade school
34:33 sort of the diagram of an atom.
34:35 You have got right a dot in the middle
34:37 and then sort of circling it is this other dot
34:40 the dot in the middle is the nucleus,
34:41 it has your protons and neutrons
34:43 that's what the mass of the atom is.
34:45 Let's say we slice open that blueberry,
34:47 we take a look at it
34:49 and we want to look at the nucleus
34:50 where the mass of the atom is,
34:51 you know, our blueberry
34:53 we can't see the nucleus with our naked eye.
34:56 So, we blow it up to the size of the baseball stadium.
35:02 And then nucleus is the size of the baseball.
35:08 Things are really, really small.
35:12 Now, these are extremely dense too
35:14 and let's say we wanted give something that is
35:16 equal density to that baseball size blown up atom.
35:22 Now, let's take a box about 1 foot by 1 foot
35:25 and let's start smashing cars into it
35:28 because we are trying to create something
35:29 that has a same density I'll donate my truck
35:31 we will smash it into this one foot box
35:33 and then we will have everyone in this auditorium
35:36 smash their car into this one foot by one foot box.
35:40 Will you do that yes or no?
35:41 It's just an example, you can do it.
35:44 So we are smashing our cars in and I don't know
35:47 how many people there are may be 3,000.
35:52 You think there is 3,000 cars in here?
35:54 Will this go with that three or four thousand cars
35:56 we are smashing it into this one foot box.
35:58 Now, that's gonna be pretty dense
35:59 three or four thousands cars you agree?
36:01 Yes or no?
36:03 One foot box three or four thousand cars?
36:06 You know how many car we got to smash in there
36:08 to get an equivalent density?
36:11 6.2 billion.
36:21 Let me tell you something friends.
36:23 You and I are insignificant
36:26 6.2 billion cars to get equivalent density,
36:31 blow it up to the size of a blueberry
36:33 and it fills the earth.
36:36 And in the 1890s they thought to themselves
36:37 you know, it be really cool
36:39 if we could get to the bottom of these particles.
36:42 So they were-- they got to split in these atoms
36:45 and they got to something
36:46 even smaller than an atom, a quark.
36:51 And then they thought you know we will split that
36:52 and they found something else and we will split that
36:54 and they found something else and they split that
36:57 and now they believe that there is a theory out there
36:59 that the smallest thing on the universe is a string.
37:05 You may have heard of string theories
37:07 and super string theories these strings of energy.
37:10 Now, just to give you an idea of how small
37:12 we are talking about in these strings,
37:14 check this out.
37:15 They are saying that the universe to the earth,
37:19 okay, the entire universe to the earth
37:22 is like an atom to a string.
37:30 We can't comprehend that.
37:35 You look at the atoms
37:36 and the density of the nucleus and the quarks
37:40 and the leptons and the bosons
37:42 and the Higgs bosons and the strings.
37:46 You and I are insignificant
37:49 you would think that of the created world
37:51 that would hold captive the attention of angels.
37:57 But Paul says you and I are the spectacle, Theatron,
38:03 theater to the world.
38:06 Up in the stars, you have these stars
38:09 that are essentially dead start,
38:10 their protons and neutrons have collapsed on each other.
38:14 It would be like if we looked up at the sun
38:16 and crumpled it like a piece of paper
38:17 to the ten mile diameter.
38:21 Now, you take a piece of a neutron star
38:24 and let's just say we can extract
38:26 one sugar cube of a neutron star and put it on to our hand.
38:31 So you and I look at your hand again,
38:33 quickly look at it, look at it, look at it,
38:35 you no longer have a blueberry there, yes.
38:38 But you have one sugar cube of a neutron star.
38:44 How much do you think that weighs?
38:48 100 million tons...
38:54 100 million tons,
38:59 you and I, we are insignificant.
39:04 But yet somehow Paul says we are spectacle.
39:09 In the beginning God created, he filled the skies with fowl.
39:15 There is a bird called the albatross,
39:17 its wing span is 12 feet
39:19 and it can fly 600 miles without stopping.
39:25 The world record for an individual
39:28 set in New Zealand.
39:29 I think even last year is about half of that,
39:33 300 and some miles without stopping.
39:37 That is nothing compared to, I got to just get the name
39:40 I always forget it, the Bar-tailed godwit.
39:43 The Bar-tailed godwit can fly 7,000 miles without stopping.
39:49 That would be like you and I running to Seattle
39:52 where we held the conference last year back to Orlando
39:55 and then back to Seattle without stopping.
40:00 You and I are weak compared to the fowl of the air.
40:05 My wife and I were traveling one time
40:07 from Salt Lake City to Bend, Oregon.
40:10 We had just taken off
40:11 and then we heard this tremendous thud
40:14 and felt this tremendous thud on the plane
40:16 and the captain came across a loudspeaker,
40:19 he said folks we have hit a bird,
40:22 we are gonna turn around, the bird had collapsed the cone,
40:26 the nose of the plane.
40:29 We felt like it was a good idea to turn around.
40:33 They have hit a buzzard at 37,000 feet above sea level,
40:39 seven miles above.
40:44 There are approximately
40:45 4,000 species of birds that migrate.
40:49 There are geese that migrate five and half miles above,
40:53 the Arctic tern in a one year cycle
40:57 travels 49,700 miles.
41:01 In its 3rd year life span
41:03 that would be like going to the moon
41:05 and back three times.
41:08 The average adult travels about the equivalent
41:11 of going to the moon a half of time in its life time.
41:16 You and I are weak, you and I are pitiful
41:23 and yet somehow Paul says we are a spectacle.
41:28 In the beginning Elohim created,
41:30 he created creatures of the sea.
41:33 Our ocean makes up about 71 percent
41:36 of this affectionate thing we call earth
41:38 and we have explored almost five percent of it.
41:42 Not long ago my grandma and I
41:44 we are on an exploratory trip down in Curaçao.
41:48 Curaçao is an island just north of Venezuela
41:50 and our intention was to be down there
41:53 and take a submarine down and study these shells
41:57 at 1,000 feet below sea level.
42:00 Now, one morning the head marine biologist of the Smithsonian,
42:03 he got up and he said to me, he said Justin,
42:06 today we are gonna take a trap down to the bottom of the ocean.
42:10 Now, you can imagine my excitement
42:12 because I'm thinking the Smithsonian
42:13 we are going to take this highly sophisticated trap
42:16 down to the bottom of the ocean
42:17 and see what we catch.
42:19 So I go with them over to the lab
42:22 and he goes and he picks up this
42:23 five gallon white bucket.
42:27 Now, I'm not a fool
42:29 because you don't ever judge a book by its cover.
42:32 So I'm thinking of myself oh, nice inside of this bucket
42:35 is the highly sophisticated Smithsonian trap.
42:40 No, the bucket was the trap.
42:44 So, he proceeds to drill exactly one hole into the bucket,
42:48 he puts one five pound weight
42:50 and then he fills it with fish guts,
42:52 put the lid on top and says we have got it.
42:55 This is our trap, so we get to the submarine,
42:58 we put it on the submarine and we are ready
43:01 and we descend 1,000 feet
43:03 below sea level to put the trap out.
43:07 Now, we take that trap, we put it down on the bottom
43:10 and let me just sort of paint the picture
43:13 for what I saw, nothing.
43:18 We put this highly sophisticated trap,
43:21 you and I might call it a bucket with a hole,
43:23 we put it down in the bottom of the ocean,
43:25 1,000 feet below the sea level
43:27 and as far as you could see was sand.
43:31 You cut the lights and you can't see anything
43:33 because light can't penetrate that far down.
43:36 And so for a moment I'm thinking to myself,
43:39 what a waste of time.
43:42 There is nothing around.
43:45 We put the bucket down
43:46 and we took the submarine off
43:48 to this other little coral head that was there
43:51 however far away we checked it out
43:53 and it may be 15, 20 minutes had gone by
43:56 and the biologist he said you know let's go back,
43:59 let's take a little look at that trap.
44:02 So we go back and 15, 20 minutes later
44:06 and we shine the light on this trap
44:09 and I'll never forget the sight.
44:12 There were fish surrounding the trap, there were eels
44:18 that had worked their way into the hole of the trap.
44:21 There were invertebrate that were swimming
44:24 and hovering around the trap
44:26 and in the sand every direction leading up to that
44:29 you could see these little lines of snails and crabs
44:34 and starfish and mollusc
44:36 all working their way to the trap.
44:40 These highly sophisticated, highly tuned sensory organs
44:45 leading them to the dead fish in our trap.
44:51 For the longest time the Mariana Trench
44:53 is about seven miles down,
44:54 the pressure is thousands of feet per square inch.
44:57 They had assumed that no life could exist down there.
45:01 It's a deepest part of the ocean,
45:02 just recently we have been able to send some
45:04 unmanned submarines down there to check it out.
45:08 You know what they found? Life.
45:12 The assumption was that
45:14 no sunlight rays can penetrate that far down so,
45:16 so what on earth could be feeding this,
45:18 this ecosystem down there.
45:21 What you have essentially what our underground volcanoes
45:24 and out of the underground volcanoes
45:26 you are having bacteria that's not only living
45:29 but it's thriving down there.
45:32 And its setting up these beautiful ecosystems
45:34 that we've never even imagine could be on our planet.
45:39 And they have this tubeworms T-U-B-E tubeworms
45:42 that have lodge themselves
45:44 basically into the crust of the earth.
45:47 They don't have a stomach, they have two sets of gills.
45:50 One set of gills extracts oxygen from the water,
45:54 the other set houses this bacteria
45:56 that synthesizes sugars from the water.
46:00 And by the way their head is about three degree Celsius
46:04 and the feet of these two worms is about 200 degree Celsius.
46:09 It will be like you walking around in freezing
46:12 ice cold water in your head and boiling feet,
46:15 boiling water at your feet.
46:18 Yet, they are thriving and there are
46:19 these beautiful ecosystems down below our oceans.
46:23 Electric eels have produced enough electricity
46:25 to light ten light bulbs.
46:28 Oysters change their gender
46:30 and then change their gender back.
46:32 Octopus have three hearts
46:34 and their blood is the color blue.
46:37 There are sponges that don't have a head,
46:40 don't have eyes, don't have sensory organs,
46:43 don't have anything that you and I have
46:44 and yet they are still alive.
46:47 And you know what, we have only explored
46:49 less than five percent of the oceans
46:52 that God created.
46:55 You would think that angels
46:58 and men would look down at the oceans and say this,
47:02 this is a spectacle, this is something
47:05 I want to know more about.
47:08 But Paul says, you are the spectacle.
47:13 You are the theater not just to men
47:19 but to angels and you.
47:23 In the beginning God created you,
47:25 I assume most of you can see me.
47:28 You have 110 million cones in your eyes,
47:32 you have seven million rods
47:34 and a million nerve fibers making that happen.
47:37 That all working with your brain,
47:38 simultaneously you are making about
47:40 a trillion computations per second.
47:43 You have a couple of hundred billion brain cells
47:46 that span into these neuron branches
47:49 to the tune of about over a trillion.
47:52 If you could extract the circulatory system
47:54 from your body it would wrap
47:56 around the earth two and half times.
48:01 You have a 100 million white blood cells stored in your body.
48:04 Every second your body is killing off
48:07 eight million red blood cells
48:08 and developing eight million new once which begs to ask.
48:14 How does my body know
48:16 to keep producing more of me, not someone else?
48:22 All of my blood cells have what we term DNA.
48:26 Each blood cell has about six feet of DNA.
48:30 If you wanted to type the code to how to make Justin?
48:33 You would have to start typing now
48:35 at 60WPM eight hours a day
48:38 and 50 years later you would complete the code.
48:42 If you could line up that DNA
48:45 and over and over and it would start here,
48:48 it would go to the sun it would come back
48:51 and it would do that 600 times.
48:55 My body is hardwired to be me
49:00 and your body is hardwired to be you and no one else.
49:05 And I would submit you this if that
49:08 where the end of the creation account,
49:12 we would be fascinating.
49:15 We would be about as interesting as the octopus
49:18 with three hearts or the neutron stars
49:22 that's a hundred million pound cube of sugar or the atoms
49:28 or the leptons or the quarks,
49:30 we would be just equivalent on there,
49:36 but we are not just that.
49:39 We have been created to be more, so much more.
49:46 The creation account doesn't just stop it there
49:48 because you and I have something that is different.
49:51 You and I have something that is different
49:53 than anything else God created.
49:55 These things are all interesting,
49:56 these things are all-- we observe them,
49:59 we are in awe with them and we feel insignificant,
50:02 but we have something that they don't
50:06 according to the Book of Genesis.
50:10 And for a second I would like
50:12 to give you a little insight into my field,
50:17 where I get a little more comfortable
50:18 than trying to share these facts about the earth,
50:21 astronomy or your body.
50:24 Banking, I'm a banker
50:29 and I remember very vividly one of my mentors in banking,
50:32 he said, Justin, you can be successful in banking
50:35 if you learn one thing.
50:37 If you learn how to say no,
50:41 banking if you learn how to say no,
50:43 you will be successful and so to --
50:45 to understand the fundamentals of banking
50:49 and the fundamentals of finance we will go to the basics.
50:53 The 5Cs of lending across the world
50:59 there are always individuals
51:01 who are passionate, who have a great idea,
51:03 who are ready to be the next Bill Gates.
51:06 If they come in to request an investment from a bank,
51:10 that investment is filtered
51:12 through the criteria of the 5 C's of lending.
51:15 How many C's are there? Five.
51:18 And so the first thing
51:19 that we're gonna look at is collateral.
51:21 Some one comes into the bank
51:22 and it is assumed that they have an asset
51:25 that is going to be a stable value
51:27 and possibly an increasing value
51:30 and something that, if they get fallen into a pit
51:33 and everything goes bad for them,
51:35 they have something
51:36 that can be a long enough rope to get them out.
51:40 And so they look at the collateral,
51:43 they also look at the conditions,
51:45 the economic conditions surrounding it.
51:47 Let's say that you came in
51:48 and you had this great idea for a newly invented mouse trap.
51:53 We'll take a look at the economic conditions
51:55 and understand is there a market for that,
51:58 are there individuals out there who will spend money
52:01 to buy this mouse trap and are there enough mice
52:04 in the world that need to be trapped?
52:07 So we're looking at the trends
52:08 and we are looking for a positive trend.
52:13 We are gonna look at the capital.
52:15 The FDIC has very specific banking regulatory guidance
52:20 that says, you know, if a person comes in
52:23 and they invest at least 51%
52:26 they're considered well capitalized.
52:29 So that is to say with our mouse trap example,
52:31 let's say you needed $50,000
52:34 to get this venture off the ground.
52:36 If you put in more than 25,000 you'll be considered
52:39 well capitalized according to the FDIC.
52:43 And then we are gonna take a look at the capacity.
52:46 Once we get the terms of the loan figured out
52:48 and the bank decides that
52:49 they are gonna make the investment in you,
52:51 do you have the ability to pay back the terms.
52:56 So we set up may be a nice amortization
52:58 and every month you pay back your principle and interest
53:02 but we are gonna look at do you have the capacity to do that.
53:08 And then we are gonna take a look at the character,
53:11 which is arguably the most important of the C's.
53:16 Do you have the willingness to pay it back?
53:20 In other words, when you come in,
53:21 can I trust you as much as you trust me.
53:27 And so those are sort of the 5 C's
53:29 the fundamental principles of the world of financing
53:33 and so I look at the book of creation
53:34 sort of through those eyes of the 5C's of lending.
53:39 And we come to God with our insignificant human lives
53:44 and he approaches it, praise God not as a banker
53:49 but as a creator and as a loving God.
53:52 And let me just be abundantly blunt with you.
53:56 God is crazy.
54:00 God is crazy. You think about it.
54:03 You and I come to God and we say,
54:05 God can you give us an investment.
54:08 And so, through the fundamental understanding the finance
54:11 we take a look at it and he says,
54:12 okay, okay what kind of collateral can you offer?
54:17 Most of the time we take collateral
54:19 and it's an appreciating asset or at least something
54:21 that's gonna maintain its value
54:24 by the time you and I meet our creator
54:26 at the eternity we have nothing of value.
54:32 You can't go to God and pledge your house
54:35 or your bank account or your 401k
54:39 because by the time you meet Him in eternity
54:41 that is worthless.
54:45 And so we come to the creation accounting
54:48 and our collateral is non-existent.
54:53 Look at the economic conditions.
54:57 Is there a positive trend that we can somehow pull out?
55:01 No, you and I are one day older today than we were yesterday.
55:07 We just entered into a New Year,
55:09 you and I are stuck in this thing we call time.
55:12 We cannot go back in it so, so that you and I
55:15 as we woke up this morning we are one day older
55:18 and one day closer to death.
55:21 There's not a positive trend with our conditions.
55:26 Look at the capital, ha.
55:30 What do you gonna offer God?
55:34 FDIC asked for 51% so that you can be well capitalized.
55:38 Once a loan goes towards a negative direction,
55:41 they have these other categories
55:42 where you might be substandard or you might be doubtful
55:46 and at very worst case it's a loss.
55:50 You look at your capital investment
55:52 you are not investing 50% or 25%
55:55 or even 5% you're investing zero.
56:01 What could you possibly invest in
56:05 and give to the creator of the universe?
56:11 Then you look at the capacity.
56:16 June 27 of this year,
56:20 I woke up to my wife saying oh, my!
56:24 It was her body's way of telling her
56:26 our son was going to be born that day.
56:29 I'll never forget the first time holding my son.
56:32 He'll never love me as much as I love him
56:37 because before he had the ability,
56:39 before he had the capacity to love me I loved him.
56:45 You don't have the capacity to love God
56:48 more than He loves you
56:51 because before He created you,
56:54 He loved you in character.
57:00 Can God trust us as much as we trust Him?
57:06 God puts His absolute trust in us
57:10 and we continue to fail Him.
57:14 So you look at the 5 C's of lending
57:19 and everything about an investment in our screams,
57:25 don't walk away from this investment,
57:28 run away from this investment.
57:31 But God, God doesn't look at life
57:37 through the eyes of a banker.
57:40 He looks at all the conditions,
57:42 He looks at us insignificant as we are
57:45 and He says, okay I'll invest.
57:52 And the terms of the investment
57:53 they don't even have vocabulary for that
57:56 and finance because he says it's a gift.
58:00 You don't have to pay me back.
58:04 And so he looks at us insignificant
58:07 and He makes the most significant investment
58:11 anyone in the history of time has ever invested.
58:18 Looks down at us insignificant as we are
58:22 all the 5 C's screaming stay away, run away
58:27 and He says okay, I'll invest.
58:30 I'll invest my image.


Revised 2014-12-17