Participants: Zeno Charles-Marcel M.D., Brenda Walsh
Series Code: 13ASIC
Program Code: 13ASIC000014
01:05 Just imagine a city made of gold
01:17 Imagine the day 01:20 When the Father's radiant 01:24 Glory will behold 01:29 Imagine a time 01:33 Where there will be no crying 01:37 Nno more pain 01:41 Imagine when Jesus comes again 01:53 Imagine a place 01:57 Where there's no more night 02:05 Where the glory of God 02:08 Will forever shine 02:11 With eternal light 02:17 We'll gather round the throne 02:22 Of the great I am 02:29 What glory when Jesus comes again 02:40 The trumpet will sound 02:44 And the dead in Christ 02:45 Will all be raised 02:52 He will come in the twinkling of an eye 03:01 And then those who believe in Him 03:06 Thy Savior and Lord 03:11 Will be caught up 03:14 To meet Him in the sky 03:27 Just imagine 03:31 What glory that will be 03:38 On the day 03:41 When our precious Savior's face 03:47 We will see 03:51 We will bow before thy throne 03:56 Singing praises to the Lamb 04:01 To the Lamb 04:05 What glory 04:08 When Jesus comes again 04:16 Imagine when Jesus comes again 04:27 Comes again 04:40 Good evening, ASI. 04:42 We have to come to the last message for this weekend, 04:48 its been a blessing to have speakers 04:51 that have shared the Word of God with us. 04:55 My privilege this evening is to introduce fellow colleague, 05:00 a medical missionary and a dear friend, 05:04 Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel is currently serving at 05:08 Wildwood Lifestyle Center & Hospital 05:11 and he's our vice president of medial affairs. 05:19 Good evening. Good evening. 05:23 God is good, isn't He? Amen. 05:25 Amen. 05:27 You know this week we've been enjoying 05:30 quite a bit of action. 05:33 We've had inspiring talks, we've had informative seminars, 05:40 we've had help and motivation, 05:44 we've had preaching all day long, 05:47 God is good. 05:49 Now I have been blessed and I hope 05:50 that you have been too but God isn't finish with us yet. 05:53 There is something else that He has in store for us 05:58 and I'm privilege to be the spokesperson this evening. 06:04 Our theme has been, as you can see 06:07 "It's Time to be About Our Father's Business." 06:12 I would like to explore for the next few minutes 06:15 what the Lord has laid on my heart. 06:19 I'll focus on the business of our Father's business. 06:26 And in that I will talk about four things, 06:30 who we are and whose we are? 06:34 What business we are actually in? 06:38 How we define success in that business? 06:43 And what we're actually asked to do? 06:49 I'd like to pray and invite you to bow your heads with me. 06:57 Father in heaven, we come before You 07:01 this evening and ask that one more time that Your 07:05 Holy Spirit will take possession of this auditorium. 07:11 That You will guide our thoughts, 07:14 You will guide my words 07:16 that they will not be mine any longer but be Yours. 07:21 And I pray that You will change our thoughts 07:24 where we need changing. 07:26 And bolster our courage where we need to be bolstered, 07:30 so that we can participate in this great work 07:34 and hasten Your coming 07:36 which will be soon Lord Jesus, amen. 07:46 You know if you don't know where you're going 07:49 any road you take will get you there. 07:54 So it's said but it's actually a paraphrase from, 07:59 from a well known story Alice in Wonderland 08:02 and it goes like this. 08:03 Alice is supposed to be going along 08:05 she meets a Cheshire cat 08:06 and she says, would you tell me please 08:08 which way I ought to go from here? 08:12 And the cat responses well, that depends a good deal 08:15 on where you want to go. 08:17 So she says, I don't mind, I don't care, anywhere. 08:23 Then says the cat, 08:25 it doesn't matter which way you go? 08:28 So long as I get somewhere, Alice said 08:31 and he says, oh, you're sure to do that 08:37 if only you walk long enough. 08:40 Well, I believe that we have been walking 08:43 for a longtime, amen. 08:48 And the question is how we've been 08:50 the most productive in that walk. 08:54 We learnt last night from Pastor Kim about Nicodemus 08:57 and his journey from nighttime to daytime, 09:02 from obscurity to the light, 09:07 we will challenge to hurry up and to get ourselves 09:11 by God's grace into the daylight too. 09:13 This morning we heard through Pastor C. D. Brooks 09:16 that God had a plan from the beginning, 09:21 from the foundation of the world to save humanity 09:24 and that God provided everything that was needed 09:27 at the right time along that path. 09:30 He's still in that business today. 09:33 He has a plan and even today He's working His plan. 09:38 Now we have some inspire council 09:40 given in the book Education all the way back in 1903, 09:44 "Success in any line demands a definite aim. 09:49 He who would achieve true success in life 09:51 must keep steadily in view 09:55 the aim worthy of his endeavor." 09:58 We should take that to heart. 10:01 God has kept His aim in view, 10:03 but I'm afraid that not always we 10:07 and I speak including myself, 10:09 not always have we done our part to surrendering 10:13 and letting Him do His work through us. 10:16 Now this is pretty unfortunate but God still has a plan 10:20 and He still has a work for each of us to do 10:24 as we participate with Him in this plan. 10:29 Now the first thing that I believe we ought to 10:33 look at strategically is to understand 10:37 who we are in this grand plan. 10:42 And to do that I want to look at 10:43 a few people in the Bible who didn't realize 10:48 who they were in this plan. 10:50 The first one I would like to draw 10:51 to your attention is Balaam. 10:54 Now you know, Balak who was the king of Moab 10:57 and you can find this in Numbers 22. 11:01 He became alarmed at what was going on 11:03 and he spent some of his emissaries to Balaam 11:07 who was described as a prophet. 11:12 Balaam sends word back to, to Balak to tell him 11:15 that he can't come and curse Israel. 11:21 But you know the rest of the story, 11:23 even though God had told him 11:26 that he shouldn't go Balaam persisted. 11:31 He didn't remember who he was. 11:35 He didn't keep steadfast to his plan in the plan 11:40 and the result was he betrayed God. 11:46 Now Cain the firstborn of Adam and Eve, 11:52 he didn't realize who he was either. 11:55 He didn't realize that he would have had a part 11:58 in this great plan of salvation himself 12:02 and so he asks a rhetorical question 12:05 when God asked him about his brother. 12:08 He asked, am I my brother's keeper? 12:15 Now that is not a rhetorical question 12:17 that is a real question 12:19 because you see the answer to that 12:21 is an affirmative, yes, we are our brother's keepers. 12:28 Cain didn't know who he is, who he was. 12:32 King Saul, he often forgot who he was 12:35 and this let him down a path 12:37 that eventually instead of seeking God 12:41 he sought the Witch at Endor. 12:45 Saul didn't know who he was 12:50 but I'm very glad that the record is open 12:52 and we can see other examples of people who did remember 12:56 they did know who they were in this plan. 12:59 The first one that comes to mind is Daniel, 13:02 he understood clearly who he was. 13:06 He was willing to go against the authorities 13:11 in order to pray to his God, our God. 13:16 We know that got him into trouble 13:18 and God delivered him. 13:19 And then we have Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego 13:22 who were not careful to talk to the king. 13:24 Now in those days you know what kings did 13:30 but they defied the king 13:32 because they were serving another king, amen. 13:35 Amen. They knew who they were. 13:39 But these are glamorous people 13:41 that we read about in the Bible. 13:43 They are some who are not so glamorous. 13:46 The little maid who was there with Naaman's wife 13:53 and she was a slave taken into captivity 13:56 against her own will but yet she knew who she was 14:01 and she helped her sleeve master. 14:05 She knew who she was. 14:08 And of course the woman, 14:09 who washed Jesus' feet with her tears 14:12 and dried His feet with her hair. 14:16 We're told that anywhere and everywhere 14:20 that the gospel is spoken that we should mention her 14:24 and we're doing that tonight. 14:26 She knew who she was and she knew 14:29 that she knew the grace of God 14:32 in order to continue on that journey that she was on. 14:38 So who are we? 14:43 We need to realize that we are sinners saved by grace. 14:49 We are heirs to an adoption, 14:52 we have become children of the living God. 14:58 We must never ever forget who we are, 15:02 children of the living God. 15:06 So as children we are and should be interested 15:11 in what is going on in our family 15:14 and especially we must be interested 15:18 in Dad and Dad's business. 15:22 You see, God's business 15:25 is a family enterprise, a family business. 15:30 The thing is though our customers 15:33 are our distant relatives, that's who we serve too 15:39 but they don't know that we are related. 15:42 Now I have a colleague, a recently colleague Linda, 15:45 she is working on her family tree 15:47 and she tells me that for the last two years 15:49 she has been going through talking to different people, 15:53 family members who she already know, 15:56 knows who then lead her to somebody else 16:00 who was also a relative and she is going through this 16:02 and she has a quite a compilation 16:03 she says of this family tree. 16:07 Now she has been meeting some people 16:10 in the town where she lives, who she knows are relatives 16:16 but they don't know that she is. 16:19 So she goes to the bank and she wants to do 16:20 some transaction and lo and behold, 16:24 you know the cashier, the teller is a relative 16:28 she knows that she has him on that list 16:31 and the bank manager is also 16:32 but you know the bank manager doesn't know 16:34 that the teller is related too to them, 16:39 it's a fantastic story that she is telling 16:41 and I'm just eager for her 16:42 to finally disclose this to all these people that-- 16:46 that you've been finding out that she is related too 16:48 but you know we are all related 16:49 brothers and sisters right here. 16:51 Amen. 16:52 And we have brothers and sisters who are out there, 16:55 out of this auditorium, 16:57 we have people who have been up and down the halls, 17:01 visitors to this resort, they are members 17:06 of God's family if they only understood. 17:12 So we are in a family business. 17:16 God our Dad is the CEO. 17:22 But sometimes we don't understand 17:23 what business Dad is in 17:25 and what this family business is all about. 17:30 And if we don't understand our business 17:32 we might miss the point and we won't be able 17:36 to complete what is this that Dad has in mind for us. 17:41 Now Professor Levitt at the Harvard Business School 17:44 gives an example that I'd like to share with you this evening. 17:49 He was a professor of great renown 17:54 and he wrote many classical pieces about 17:58 what it is to be in business 18:00 and how to make business successful. 18:04 He said, that growth is a requirement for any business 18:09 and the tenant grow or die 18:12 is a common way of looking at it. 18:16 God's business must grow or it will die, 18:20 would be a translation of what he says. 18:24 God wants to expand His kingdom. 18:30 He gives the example of the railroads and he said, 18:35 "you know the railroads didn't stop growing 18:38 because the need for passengers 18:41 and freight transportation declined 18:43 actually he says that the need for these things actually grew. 18:49 The railroads are in trouble today he said, 18:52 not because that need was filled by others 18:55 such as cars, trucks, airplanes and even telephones 18:59 but because it was not filled by the railroads themselves." 19:05 You see, we often times think about the things that people 19:08 become interested in other than God thinking 19:12 that these things alone are the attraction 19:14 when in fact it's because we haven't engaged 19:18 in the attraction of God and Godly things. 19:25 Speaking about the railroads he continues, 19:28 "They let others take customers away from them 19:32 because they assumed themselves to be in the railroad business 19:39 but really they were in the transportation business." 19:46 ' So what business are we in? 19:51 He says, "The reason they defined 19:52 their industry incorrectly 19:55 was that they were railroad oriented 19:59 instead of transportation oriented, 20:02 they were product oriented instead of customer oriented." 20:08 They were not following a greater plan. 20:14 Now God's business is securing the universe 20:17 and He will shut the mouth of Satan by showing 20:22 that they are people, human beings you and me 20:29 who would rather die than offend Him, amen. 20:35 People who are willing to give all of themselves, 20:39 everything they know 20:42 to go to a place that we have not seen. 20:49 God's business is security, 20:55 He would like to be for there to be people like Job 21:01 and you and I can participate in that legacy. 21:08 He wants people to be like Shadrach 21:10 and Meshach and Abednego. 21:14 People who are willing to defy the odds, 21:18 people who were willing to stand for the right 21:20 though the heaven's fall. 21:23 You see Job and Shadrach 21:25 and Meshach and Abednego, Daniel, Joseph 21:32 they were all following another plan 21:36 and that plan is the plan of Jesus. 21:41 They wanted to be like Jesus 21:44 and they were like Jesus. 21:49 God wants us to love Him and to love others 21:54 more than we love even ourselves. 21:59 God wins through love and compassion, 22:02 through self sacrifice and through 22:07 and the compassion that requires self control 22:10 and denying ourselves. 22:14 So if we can define the business 22:17 we are in a win through 22:18 self sacrificing love and compassion 22:20 with self controlled business that's our business, 22:25 that's our Father's business. 22:27 By this means the kingdom of God has expanded, 22:33 by this means we grow. 22:39 So the next thing is how we define success, 22:46 simply this way. 22:48 If you turn in your Bibles with me please 22:51 to 2 Timothy 4, 22:55 2 Timothy 4:6, 7. 23:05 And this is Paul talking about his journey 23:09 and coming to the end of his journey 23:12 how he can count his success. 23:15 He says, "For I am already being poured out 23:18 as a drink offering, 23:21 and the time of my departure has come. 23:24 I have fought the good fight," 23:26 that's verse 7, "I have finished the course, 23:29 I have kept the faith 23:33 in the future there is laid up for me 23:36 the crown of righteousness, 23:38 which the Lord, the righteous Judge, 23:41 will award to me on that day, 23:43 and not only me," what else does he say? 23:47 "But also to all who have loved his appearing." 23:53 This is how we count our personal success. 23:58 This is how God counts our success. 24:02 The growth of our Dad's business 24:04 is not about profits with an F. 24:09 Financial profits it is not about gain profits, 24:16 even though it is profitable for the kingdom 24:21 the currency is people, 24:26 the profit for God is it talking back 24:31 of what was lost. 24:36 Each person then, 24:40 God sees as being a potential candidate 24:44 to have the testimony of Jesus, 24:49 that will love not our lives even unto death. 24:56 Now we all familiar with that great text John 3:16, 25:02 God is in this business because He loves the world. 25:05 Can you repeat it with me? 25:06 "For God so love the world, 25:09 that He gave His only begotten son 25:12 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, 25:16 but have everlasting life." 25:18 You see, this is what God wants. 25:21 This is how He will count success. 25:25 But you know while many people memorize John 3:16, 25:30 many people don't memorize 1 John 3:16 25:35 and if you will turn your Bibles with me please 25:38 or if you have it on electric medium 25:42 you can look 1 John 3:16. 25:50 The text that I have memorized is this. 25:54 This is how we know what love is. 25:59 "Jesus Christ laid down His life for us." 26:04 Isn't that a wonderful text? 26:07 This is how we know what love is. 26:09 "Jesus Christ laid down His life for us." 26:13 But the text doesn't stop there it goes on. 26:19 It says, "So we therefore 26:22 ought to laid down our lives for the brethren." 26:31 This is what love is. 26:36 So here we are 26:39 at the close of the ASI Convention. 26:45 And we need to know what ought we to do. 26:51 How can we be successful in our Dad's business today? 26:57 How can we share God in the marketplace 27:02 which is where people, regular people 27:06 meet and congregate everyday. 27:16 I have been doing some reading about 27:20 people who are considered by the world to be great 27:24 and an unlikely place I found a "great person" 27:30 by the world standards, his name is Wayne Gretzky. 27:34 Now if you're not a hockey fan and I am not, 27:39 you may not know about Wayne Gretzky. 27:42 But Wayne Gretzky is supposed to be 27:44 the all time number one hockey player 27:48 ever ice hockey, ever. 27:53 Now he is ascribe this particular quote. 27:57 He said, ''A good hockey player plays where the puck is, 28:04 a great hockey player 28:07 plays where the puck is going to be, 28:12 I skate where the puck is going to be 28:15 not where it has been." 28:20 Ladies and gentlemen, tonight 28:23 we have been given so much council 28:29 through Daniel, 28:31 through Revelation, through Ezekiel, 28:35 through the Great Controversy, 28:36 we've been given so much counsel, 28:41 we know to a large extent where the puck is going to be. 28:48 We need to be skating 28:50 to where the puck is going to be 28:54 and that means we have to take seriously 29:00 what we have before us today. 29:04 In Luke 24:25-27, 29:07 Christ in talking to His friends 29:10 on the road to Emmaus, 29:13 He said, "O fools, and slow of heart to believe 29:15 all that the prophets have spoken." 29:19 You see the issue may not be financial profits with an F, 29:25 but God's prophets with the PH. 29:30 We should not be fools and slow to believe 29:33 what the prophets have spoken. 29:38 So what have they said? 29:42 They have said, through and Daniel and Revelation 29:46 that we are living at the end of time. 29:50 Do you believe that? 29:52 The time a short, the clock is ticking. 29:55 Look at that representation up there 29:58 is close to the midnight hour. 30:02 We can't be doing business as usual 30:05 as the world counts business. 30:09 We have to be about our Dad's business 30:12 because we are children and this is a family business. 30:19 We've been bought with a price Christ own life, 30:25 bought that we may return to God 30:28 His own in faithful service. 30:32 We have no time to give our energies 30:36 and times to worldly enterprises, 30:38 no time for that. 30:40 Shall we become absorbed in serving the world, 30:42 serving ourselves, and lose eternal life 30:47 and lose heavenly bliss, 30:51 and lose those that are around us 30:54 who are depending on us? 30:59 I pray not, we cannot afford to do this. 31:04 That every talent that we have be employed 31:06 in the work of God, amen. 31:12 We don't have time to enter into business enterprises 31:15 with unbelievers. 31:18 They have a different agenda. 31:21 Now we can work along with them 31:24 and we can help them but we should not, 31:28 in any special sense 31:33 fall under their agenda. 31:39 Seventh-day Adventist have been set 31:41 in the world as watchman and light bearers to us 31:45 has been entrusted the last warning 31:47 for a perishing world, 31:48 how dare we confederate with those 31:51 who will change our minds and change our focus? 31:58 We have been given a work of the most solemn importance, 32:02 the proclamation of the first, 32:04 second and third angel's messages 32:08 and that proclamation is not just by voice, 32:11 it needs to be indeed in action not just by voice. 32:19 There is no other work so great of importance. 32:24 We are to allow nothing 32:27 to absorb our attention other than this. 32:33 The more solemn truths 32:34 we are told ever entrusted to human beings, 32:38 have been entrusted 32:40 to those who are to proclaim 32:43 God to the world. 32:46 Every enterprise that we involved in everyone 32:50 is it means of evangelism. 32:53 To everyone who becomes a partaker of God's grace 32:56 the Lord appoints to work not just for ourselves 33:01 but to work for others. 33:04 Individually we are to stand in our-- 33:06 stand in our lot and place 33:10 and when there is a need we say here I am Lord send me. 33:15 Now we've heard wonderful testimonies of others 33:18 who are doing things and we sit and we say amen 33:21 but we're not to enjoy that vicariously 33:24 God wants us have an authentic experience ourselves. 33:28 Whether we work for ourselves or we work in an enterprise 33:34 and many will work for others who may not be Christian 33:38 but in the marketplace we need to be very clear 33:43 who our boss really is. 33:49 We have a redeemer and He's counting on us 33:54 to finish the work. 34:00 We're to use all of our powers in the service of God. 34:04 If what we preach on Sabbaths 34:06 have any meaning we need to understand 34:09 the time in which we live and we have to set an operation 34:14 every agency that can be employed 34:15 in doing missionary work for Christ, end of story. 34:20 "The great aim of those who profess 34:22 to believe the third angel's message 34:25 should be to bring all their powers 34:28 into active service in the cause of God." 34:34 We are to make a business of serving God. 34:38 If we don't read the Bible 34:40 and we don't understand who we are 34:42 and we don't understand what the word says 34:45 then we need to start doing that now. 34:50 When we read the Bible 34:51 and we understand what the word says, 34:54 there will be a hundred more people in God's work 34:58 where right now there's only one. 35:01 It doesn't matter what profession we have, 35:05 it doesn't matter who we are in our civilian life 35:12 we are part of the family of God, 35:16 part of the children of God. 35:24 This morning there was quite a donation that was made 35:29 but now is our time to live 35:30 for the salvation of our fellowmen 35:32 like we have never done before. 35:35 There are some who thing that to give money 35:37 to the cause of Christ 35:39 that this is all that they can do. 35:43 But I tell you it is not all that we can do 35:48 personal service-- personal service 35:54 giving of ourselves, our time 35:57 and our talent this is what He wants. 36:01 Now God has kept His aim constantly in view, 36:06 His people beginning with His son 36:08 is the object of His great affection. 36:13 He's calling us tonight 36:16 not to end the experience of ASI 36:20 but to begin a new experience. 36:24 Maybe just maybe we won't have an ASI next year 36:32 even so come Lord Jesus. 36:35 Amen. 37:03 Last night I lay a-sleeping 37:07 There came a dream so fair 37:11 I stood in old Jerusalem 37:15 Beside the temple there 37:19 I heard the children singing 37:22 And ever as they sang 37:26 I thought the voice of angels 37:30 From heaven in answer rang 37:34 I thought the voice of angels 37:41 From heaven in answer rang 37:48 Jerusalem, Jerusalem 37:55 Lift up your gates and sing 38:00 Hosanna in the highest 38:06 Hosanna to your King 39:47 And once again the dream was changed 39:51 New earth there seemed to be 39:56 I saw the Holy City 40:00 Beside the tideless sea 40:04 Light of God was on its streets 40:08 The gates were open wide 40:12 And all who would might enter 40:19 And no one was denied 40:25 No need of moon or stars by night 40:32 Or sun to shine by day 40:38 It was the new Jerusalem 40:44 That would not pass away 40:50 It was the new Jerusalem 40:57 That would not pass away 41:03 Join me. 41:05 Jerusalem, Jerusalem 41:12 Sing for the night is o'er 41:18 Hosanna in the highest 41:25 Hosanna forever more 41:32 Hosanna in the highest 41:43 Hosanna 41:47 Forever more 42:08 Well, I don't know about you friends, 42:10 but we've had a marvelous convention, haven't we? 42:13 Yes. 42:15 I've been blessed through and through. 42:17 I hope you've been, I hope you've been inspired, 42:22 I hope you've been convicted, I hope you've been comforted, 42:25 I hope you've been blessed and I hope you'll comeback. 42:29 Next year at this time 42:30 I believe next year August five to nine 42:34 if I'm not mistaken but it's around that time 42:36 will be meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan 42:40 and we hope to see you there, 42:41 if we can have the same number next year 42:43 and added all your friends 42:46 then we're gonna have amazing time, 42:48 the convention has been great. 42:54 Don't forget our booths, our exhibits 42:57 they're open tonight 42:58 from as soon as we're finish here 43:00 and you can make your way to the exhibits 43:02 and we have all the-- all the people 43:05 who have paid a lot of money to be there 43:08 to show you what they-- 43:10 they're doing in their mission work 43:11 they want you as inspired us they themselves are 43:14 and I'm hope you're going to go over there and see them 43:17 and in the end more than that don't forget, 43:21 "It Is Time To Be About Our Father's Business." 43:26 I would like to ask you to bow your heads 43:28 we're going to have a word of prayer. 43:30 Heavenly Father, Lord, thank You 43:33 for what You've done for us this week. 43:36 It's-- I'm amazed 43:38 and I'm so filled with gratitude 43:41 because You've blessed my soul. 43:43 Thank You for the selection of the speakers 43:45 that You selected that You sent our way, 43:47 thank You for all that we've seen 43:49 and heard and done. 43:50 Thank You for making it go smoothly, 43:52 thank You for sending all these dear people 43:55 and for thy Holy Spirit in touching everyone's heart. 43:58 Thank You for being our God and blessing us 44:01 in Jesus name, amen. 44:11 God be with you 44:14 Till we meet again 44:19 By His counsels guide, uphold you 44:27 With His sheep securely fold you 44:35 God be with you till we meet again 44:43 God be with you till we meet again 44:51 Neath His wings secure we hide you 44:59 Daily manna still provide you 45:07 God be with you till we meet again 45:15 God be with you 45:20 Till we meet again 45:24 When life's perils thick confound you 45:31 Put his arms unfailing round you 45:40 God be with you till we meet again 45:48 God be with you till we meet again 45:55 Keep love's banner floating o'er you 46:02 Smite death's threatening wave before you 46:10 God be with you till we meet again 46:16 Sing with us. 46:18 Till we meet 46:22 Till we meet 46:26 Till we meet at Jesus' feet 46:34 Till we meet 46:38 Till we meet 46:43 God be with you 46:47 Till we meet again 47:00 Goodnight, everyone. 47:02 And praise the Lord, praise the Lord. 47:06 Isn't this been wonderful? 47:09 We're still on the air for just a few more minutes 47:12 and so we want to take this opportunity to like-- 47:16 you sit by down if you want to few a second 47:19 to give you a little update 47:21 on our new kids channel 3ABN Kids 47:26 and, Brenda, tell us what's going on. 47:28 Well, I'm so excited. 47:29 How many here know the 3ABN is launching 47:32 a brand new network just for kids, 47:35 do you know that? 47:36 How many have never heard that? 47:38 Well, many of you, 47:39 well, it's going to be an exciting adventure. 47:42 Can you imagine a network 24/7 just for children, 47:48 all children's programming, amen. 47:51 And I'm really excited about it. 47:53 I did a program with Jim and Danny 47:55 and announce it and we ask for you suggestions 48:00 or names or what should we call this network? 48:03 Well, tonight we're announcing live our new name 48:06 it is simply 3ABN Kids Network and there is our new logo. 48:14 Isn't that awesome? 48:16 And I'm so excited we will be able to 48:18 we're building a new network in Collegedale, Tennessee. 48:23 You see there is not enough kids 48:24 in Southern Illinois, we love Southern Illinois 48:27 but there's not any kids there. 48:28 Lot a corn but not for many kids. 48:30 That's right. 48:32 And so we need to be in a location 48:35 where there is a lot of children. 48:36 There is over 5,000 children in the Collegedale area alone 48:40 and there is-- it's gonna be amazing 48:42 but here is where we need your help. 48:44 We need to-- it's gonna take a lot of money 48:47 to build a new network. 48:49 We're looking for land, we got to build a building 48:51 and so we have a lot to do but guess what, 48:53 if our money came in today next year at this time 48:58 we would be taping program in our new network. 49:00 Wouldn't that be awesome? 49:02 And so I'm really excited I wanted to share 49:04 that with you we're going to be having 49:06 so many incredible programs for kids, 49:09 Kids Time will be flagship program on the network 49:12 and so you'll still see that everyday 49:14 but we will have programs on missions, 49:16 we're gonna team up with Amaranth 49:17 and do a mission program showing kids helping kids, 49:20 working on the one day schools 49:22 then the one day churches then-- 49:24 and we will have our family worship, 49:26 Sabbath school, church, we'll have Bible story, 49:30 the half hour Bible story, Bible games. 49:32 Can you imagine Bible trivia 49:34 where kids gonna learn more about the Bible facts. 49:36 We will have cooking shows, health programs, 49:40 exercise programs for kids 49:42 and look about music programs where we can teach a music, 49:46 where piano lessons, guitar lessons, violin. 49:48 All the music will be religious songs 49:51 they're gonna learn, amen. 49:52 There are so many kids they can't afford music lessons 49:54 so there is so many awesome programs designed just for you, 49:59 your children around the world 24/7. 50:02 You know one thing we've came to the conclusion that 50:05 we must continually share with our children 50:10 the truths of the Three Angel's Messages 50:13 and so we praise the Lord for this opportunity. |
Revised 2015-01-01