ASI Conventions, 2013

The Second Advent -part 2 (panel)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh (Host)


Series Code: 13ASIC

Program Code: 13ASIC000013

00:18 Twenty three percent of Americans agreed
00:21 with same sex marriage in February.
00:24 As August was drifting away, it was 83 percent.
00:30 And now the remainder I embarrassed to stand.
00:35 We got to be very wise
00:37 I heard the chief say this once,
00:39 we got to be very wise about it but it is not right.
00:43 Jesus say, that's it was in the days of Noah,
00:46 so shall it be all so in the days
00:47 of the coming of Son of Man.
00:49 And then he said, likewise as it was in the days of Lot.
00:54 Lot lived in Sodom
00:55 and Sodom has given a name to upper version, Sodomy.
01:00 We all are clear what it means
01:01 and everybody in Sodom was not a sodomite.
01:05 Yet they burned in the same fire
01:08 because they supported the pools
01:11 that agreed with the filth.
01:16 I want to just bring up several questions
01:19 and thank you for that.
01:21 And then we want to move to signs within the church.
01:25 Several statements were written
01:26 in about various world religions,
01:28 major world regions other than Christianity.
01:31 And the idea was do these factor big in end time events?
01:38 World religions that lead people away,
01:43 you know, from the message.
01:45 What is the role of these world religions
01:49 and their almost increased activity and magnetism?
01:53 Is that have anything to do?
01:55 A number of people have written questions
01:56 similar that with the end time.
02:02 Okay.
02:04 Fifteen seconds or more. Seventeen.
02:08 It seems very clear from Revelation 13 and 17,
02:11 if there is a globalism that occurs at the end of time
02:14 and it has a religious overtone.
02:17 So therefore something is going to happen
02:20 whereby religion or a form of religion
02:23 seems to become a global goal.
02:27 I'm not smart enough to figure out
02:28 how this will happen
02:29 but it's predicted in the Word of God,
02:31 I can take that at pretty good value.
02:35 And we're gonna see some kind of unification globalism
02:38 at the end of time around a form of religion
02:41 is the ultimate threat sector for God's true people.
02:45 Elder Wilson.
02:46 Definitely these world religions
02:49 are playing a major role in shaping culture
02:52 and in eventually forming some kind of alliance
02:58 which will be against the main theme
03:02 of the Three Angels Messages are Revelation 14
03:05 and that is turning people back to the true worship of God.
03:09 Righteousness by faith, Christ righteousness
03:13 which is the core really of the Three Angels Messages
03:16 is in total contrast to every other religious belief system.
03:23 Because there is a self initiated approach
03:29 to working away through salvation
03:31 where as a complete reliance upon Christ
03:34 is the message of the Three Angels Messages.
03:37 And really I think we're seeing
03:40 a tremendous effort on the part of many world religions
03:46 to somehow place their influence
03:49 on the world's perspective.
03:52 And that's going to affect all of us
03:54 and we have to redouble our efforts
03:58 to present the complete full message.
04:01 That is the reason Seventh-day Adventists
04:05 have been called at this time.
04:07 Amen.
04:10 I just want to just mention,
04:11 I don't want to start like a broken record
04:13 but in Matthew 24 talks about love external signs.
04:18 And the verses that are often ignored of verses 12 to 14
04:24 where Matthew says, "
04:28 And because lawlessness will abound,
04:30 the love of many will grow cold.
04:33 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
04:37 And this gospel of the kingdom
04:39 will be preached in all the world."
04:41 And that verse that
04:42 but he who endures to the end is in contradistinction
04:45 to what is mentioned the lawlessness
04:49 and the love of many growing cold.
04:51 So that enduring to the end
04:53 when we look at Hebrews 12:2 which Mark read for us
04:57 that he endured the cross despising the shame.
05:01 1 Corinthians 13:7, 8 says,
05:04 that love endures all things, love never fails.
05:09 So in the end times one of the signs of the end
05:12 in God's people will be the God pay of Christ.
05:16 And, you know, it's easy to look outside
05:17 and see all these things
05:18 that are happening and get ready.
05:21 But I hate to see to think that the thing
05:23 that's gonna precipitate the second coming
05:26 is going to be just all these external things.
05:29 I think we as a people need to recognize,
05:32 look inside of own hearts
05:33 because that's what gonna precipitate the second coming.
05:36 I don't think it's going to be other things.
05:38 Thank you for that and that segue us
05:40 to then focus more on the signs of the church
05:43 and one of the signs you are suggesting
05:45 is that they'll be this endurant love for Christ
05:48 in the midst of conflict.
05:50 I might just say one thing you didn't say
05:51 on the panel even though I'm the moderate
05:54 which must be I'm a little more moderate than the rest of you.
05:58 You know I've read a number of books recently
06:00 one from Harvard and one from Stanford
06:02 where the number one course at Stanford for the public
06:05 that is yarn for as a desire to have self control.
06:11 And that's the number one course people are attending.
06:14 As I read the book of those class notes
06:17 and then another one that was related
06:20 from another Ivy League school,
06:22 it almost was the summary of the Adventist message.
06:26 They went through and they said,
06:28 if you want to have control in your life,
06:30 for instance one section was on bright-lines
06:33 and bright-lines were the Ten Commandments.
06:35 And they said the Ten Commandments
06:37 if you have something that sets you from God
06:40 and you just hang the Ten Commandments
06:42 up in your office studies now show
06:44 that you'll have less cheating, less dishonesty,
06:48 more compliance then if you handout a policy book
06:52 or if you look at this or that.
06:53 This was a secular thing and they were saying
06:56 what you really need is the Ten Commandments
06:58 displayed prominently in your building.
07:01 And I thought the early advent churches
07:03 that had the Ten Commandments on the front and they say
07:06 then not as the law that you had to keep
07:09 but as the promise God would keep in you.
07:11 And that somehow just brought, you know, focus to them.
07:14 So thank you panel,
07:16 for allowing me to use my position to make.
07:22 Just one small point in the midst
07:24 of your many points which are excellent.
07:27 Let's move on now to this idea of the church.
07:32 What are signs in the church that God needs to come,
07:40 maybe good, maybe bad?
07:41 Our last section we're gonna talk about
07:42 what we can do to hasten His coming,
07:45 so don't take all those
07:46 and I'm talking about signs in the church
07:48 and I have a number of questions here
07:52 if you need help, yes.
07:53 One of them is signs in the church, the Bible says,
07:57 "My people will be willing in the day of His power."
08:00 And it's incredible when Jesus last words recorded
08:03 in the first chapter of Acts,
08:05 you'll be witnesses to me and Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria,
08:07 the outer most part of the earth.
08:09 And if you look at the projects were supported by ASI,
08:13 some are local, some are in conference,
08:15 some are worldwide.
08:16 And I can tell you when people are thinking
08:18 about their estate plans now they're thinking
08:20 what can we do for our local church,
08:22 what can we help the evangelism, our conference.
08:25 What are the world fields?
08:26 So these are positive things that I see and we're told
08:29 that near the end of people will give hundreds
08:31 as cheerfully as dollars are given today.
08:34 That is a good sign within our church, I believe.
08:37 Okay, let me just throw a question in here
08:41 that someone called in
08:44 and I'm gonna direct this to Elder Finley
08:46 since he was wanting to speak.
08:49 My question is, are we holding up the return of Jesus
08:52 by our current lifestyles within the church?
08:56 There seems to be relaxing of standards
08:58 and the churches looking a lot like
09:00 other churches in the world.
09:01 I've heard members say when I talk about these things,
09:05 this is not a salvation issue.
09:07 And what I'm talking about is modest dress
09:10 and jewelry and makeup and diet and Hollywood entertainment.
09:14 Is this a sign of the end in the church?
09:20 The solution to the standards problem
09:25 is not a judging others
09:27 whose standards may not be the same as my own.
09:31 Neither is that solution focusing on those standards.
09:37 The more I get to know Jesus,
09:39 the more my heart yearns to be like Him,
09:43 and the more selfishness and greed
09:46 and lust are no longer part of my lifestyle.
09:50 And so the solution, you know, Jesus says,
09:53 Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:20,
09:56 "We are ambassadors for Christ."
09:59 When I come to Jesus and I really know Him,
10:03 I wouldn't want to do one thing that displeases Him.
10:07 And if there is an article of dress,
10:09 if there is something I'm watching on television
10:11 that displeases Jesus,
10:13 I wouldn't want that in my life.
10:16 When I talk to young people and they say to me,
10:20 is it wrong to watch this on television
10:23 or what's wrong with movies,
10:25 my approach to them is simply this.
10:29 I would say to them in Philippians Chapter 4,
10:34 God gives us a screen for our minds.
10:38 When you put a screen on the window
10:40 in the summer time
10:41 it keeps out the mosquitoes and keeps out the bugs.
10:46 And God gives us a screen for our minds
10:49 in Philippians 4 God says,
10:51 "And the peace of God," verse 7,
10:53 "which passes all understanding,
10:55 will guard your hearts and minds
10:57 through Christ Jesus."
10:59 The devil wants to steal our minds,
11:02 Jesus wants us to keep our minds.
11:05 Then Paul says, " Finally, brethren,
11:07 whatever things are true,"
11:09 or is whatsoever watching true,
11:11 "whatever things are noble,
11:13 it uplifts you builds your character.
11:15 Whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
11:18 whatever things are lovely if its good report
11:21 if there is any virtue of this any praise think
11:24 on these things are meditate upon these things."
11:28 The Bible gives us eternal principles
11:31 and the question you ask is what is your motive in dress?
11:36 Is it to be an ambassador for Christ
11:39 or to draw attention to yourself?
11:42 What is your motive in what you watch
11:45 in what you watch on television and others?
11:48 Is that going to prepare you for the kingdom of Jesus
11:51 or is that gonna fill your mind with something
11:54 that deteriorates from that kingdom?
11:57 So to me focusing upon Jesus,
12:00 allowing the eternal principles of His word
12:03 to shape my mind solves the standards problem.
12:08 Elder Wilson.
12:09 I wanted to say something about a very positive sign
12:11 that I see within the church
12:13 as to the nearness of Christ coming.
12:17 We have humbly shared the idea of revival in reformation.
12:24 You would not believe
12:26 the incredible grass roots response
12:29 that we are receiving from around the world.
12:32 And as Nancy and I travel as others travel,
12:36 we visit local churches, areas, all over this globe.
12:41 And there is a resurgent of a humility before the Lord
12:47 that I think is absolutely a clear sign
12:51 that the Holy Spirit is doing something extraordinary.
12:55 The whole understanding of a return to scripture
12:59 to reading the Bible
13:00 and understanding it as it reads
13:03 and understanding of the Spirit of Prophecy,
13:05 a passionate prayer life and then a witnessing activity.
13:10 And this is most remarkably seen in our young people.
13:15 And I want to tell you even though
13:16 you can find challenges in the area of youth ministry
13:21 and challenges to try to draw our young people back in,
13:25 we're seeing an incredibly large interest
13:28 on the part of young people to get back to the basics
13:31 and to work for the Lord's soon coming.
13:33 Amen. Amen.
13:36 Okay, we have one minute left
13:38 and other signs in the church you want to bring out
13:40 I was not-- I was gonna ask your previous question
13:42 about the jury et cetera, et cetera.
13:44 I'm gonna answer that from the standpoint of a physician.
13:47 If someone comes to your office as a physician
13:49 with complaints of chest pain,
13:51 maybe some leg pain,
13:52 maybe some sweating diaphoreses.
13:55 You don't treat eat symptom,
13:56 there's a reason for the symptom.
13:58 And I think if we try to pick apart those things,
14:00 you see what is actually going on.
14:03 I just want to read one quote
14:04 that Ellen White wrote, she says,
14:07 "There is one great central truth
14:08 to be kept ever before the mind
14:10 in the searching of the scriptures,
14:12 Christ and Him crucified."
14:14 And I think if our young people came to church every week
14:18 and they saw an uplifted Savior every week powerfully
14:22 and convincingly presented from the pulpit,
14:25 we would not be having a problem with jury
14:27 and et cetera as you can name them,
14:30 you know, letting for an item.
14:32 So spoken as a radiological cardiologist word
14:37 get to the heart of the matter.
14:39 We're gonna have another special medley now,
14:42 Second Coming medley with Jennifer LeMountain
14:45 and I know that you're gonna be blessed
14:48 as we listen to these wonderful numbers.
15:12 That glorious day is coming
15:19 The hour is hastening on
15:25 Its radiant light is shining
15:31 Brighter than the sun
15:38 In yonder clouds of heaven
15:44 The Savior will appear
15:50 And gather all His chosen
15:57 To meet Him in the air
16:03 O Christian, hear the warning
16:10 To Jesus quickly fly!
16:15 Be prayerful, watchful, faithful
16:21 The trumpet soon will sound!
16:27 O Sinner, hear the warning
16:33 To Jesus quickly fly!
16:39 Then you, in that blest morning
16:45 May meet Him in the sky!
16:53 Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring
16:57 Jesus is coming again!
17:02 Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing
17:08 Jesus is coming again!
17:13 Coming again, coming again
17:18 Jesus is coming again!
17:30 I can hear the chariots rumble
17:35 I can see the marching throng
17:39 And the flurry of God's trumpets
17:43 Spells the end of sin and wrong
17:48 Regal robes are now unfolding
17:52 Heaven's grandstand's all in place
17:57 Heaven's choir now assembled
18:01 Start to sing Amazing Grace
18:08 O the King is coming
18:14 The King is coming
18:18 I just heard the trumpets sounding
18:22 And now His face I see
18:26 O the King is coming
18:32 The King is coming
18:36 Praise God
18:38 He's coming for me
18:44 Praise God
18:47 He's coming for me
18:57 For me
18:59 For me
19:05 Amen. Amen.
19:10 Well, welcome back those of you that maybe just joined us
19:15 we're in the midst of the panel discussion
19:17 on the second coming.
19:19 And we have considered several questions,
19:21 why are we still talking about the second coming.
19:23 And why has Christ not yet returned
19:26 and we had some vigorous answers to that
19:28 if you just joined us you may want to get the tape
19:31 or listen to it again as its aired
19:34 to see what the panel has said.
19:35 Then secondly what are some signs of the coming
19:37 both in the world and then in the church
19:40 and we heard some exciting things
19:42 about what Lord is doing in the church.
19:45 I want to just-- I know that section is done
19:47 but there was one other question
19:49 I want to add there that we did not get to.
19:51 And then we'll go to our final section
19:54 which hopefully is really the take home methods
19:57 what can we do as church members
20:00 to hasten the coming?
20:01 Can we in fact hasten it what can we do?
20:03 But before we get to that section
20:06 a number of people wrote in
20:07 so I felt like we needed to address this
20:11 and all the questions were similar
20:14 and I think they were grappling
20:16 and most of these questions with the delay.
20:20 And they were saying,
20:22 you know, well, maybe those prophecies made sense,
20:25 you know, back then.
20:27 But maybe they need to be reapplied again
20:30 taking some portions of scripture
20:32 and then reapplying those various prophecies
20:36 and what not.
20:37 So, I want to ask you what would you say
20:40 about these duel applications of prophecies
20:43 that we're seeing within the church?
20:52 I think when let Mark answer that
20:54 when he had a good answer backstage
20:56 but I want to talk to you about the delay.
20:58 And that we've discussed this briefly also
21:01 and Ellen White says, the apparent delay
21:04 or tearing time is not so in reality,
21:07 at the appointed time He will come.
21:09 I believe that Jesus wanted to come early
21:11 but He will not come late.
21:15 Amen. Thank you.
21:17 And now to the other section of the question, Elder Finley.
21:24 What about the reapplication of time prophecies?
21:27 You have to distinguish between application and fulfillment.
21:32 If you look for example and I'll give you an example,
21:34 if you look at the seven churches,
21:36 the seven churches apply in a historical period of time.
21:40 Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira et cetera.
21:44 But they were principles from those seven churches
21:47 that you can apply in every generation.
21:50 So when it comes to the application
21:52 of the principles of prophecy,
21:54 you can have more than one application.
21:57 The Bible is always relevant, it's always true.
22:01 But fulfillment is a different thing.
22:04 Every time prophecy of the Bible
22:07 that is routed historically in time has one fulfillment.
22:12 There is no exception
22:14 when you look at the fulfillment of prophecy.
22:17 Let me give you some examples the 1,260 years,
22:20 538, 1798, you have a fulfillment.
22:24 So Seventh-day Adventists look at historical continuum.
22:28 We look at-- we look at Daniel 2, Daniel 7,
22:31 Daniel 8, Daniel 11 as a historical continuum.
22:34 Babylon Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, the rise of the papacy,
22:38 the break-- the breakup of the Roman Empire
22:40 and eventually the coming of Christ.
22:43 So we look down that continuum.
22:45 Now what about taking prophecies
22:47 like in Daniel 12, the 1,290 days
22:50 and reapplying it saying that,
22:52 you know, that may not apply to 508 to 1798.
22:58 There are those and here is what at least I believe
23:00 and I'll give you my own personal opinion.
23:03 I think it's a fundamental Pharisee
23:06 to try to retime said today
23:09 and they were two reasons for that.
23:11 And one of them is found in Revelation 10,
23:16 where an angel swears where you have this angel
23:21 Revelation 10:7 and it says, Revelation says,
23:26 he swear by him who lives for ever an ever
23:29 that created heaven
23:30 and the things that are there in.
23:32 And earth the things that are there in
23:34 that there should be time no longer.
23:37 So here you have an angel lifting his hand to heaven
23:41 saying that after the fulfillment
23:43 of the 2,300 years in 1844 that prosthetic time
23:47 the word for time in Greek is chronos,
23:49 the chronos prosthetic time runs out.
23:52 So after 1844,
23:54 there is no longer a message based on time.
23:57 What is God looking for? He is looking for three things.
24:02 The development of a people
24:03 that reflect his lovely character.
24:05 That love him so much that they go out
24:06 and preach the gospel to the world.
24:08 He's looking for a people that are unselfishly served
24:11 that of a passion to serve the world for Christ.
24:15 So the issue is not figuring out on a time short.
24:22 The issue is no longer figuring out some time chart
24:27 that one person understands that nobody else understands
24:30 and if they only would understand it
24:32 Jesus would come.
24:33 The issue was now
24:35 the development of a character like Christ,
24:36 the passion to preach His love to the world.
24:39 And the reflection of His character
24:43 and the desire to see every human being,
24:47 no Christ and His love in a planet.
24:48 So looking at time is no longer an issue.
24:52 Here is a statement that really has helped me
24:54 on this the seventh volume of the Testimonies 971
24:58 which Ellen White says,
24:59 "The people of God will never again
25:01 have a message based on time."
25:04 So it's no longer time that we're looking for.
25:07 It's a people that are so committed
25:08 to taking the gospel to every nation,
25:10 kindred, tongue, and people in the world.
25:14 Thank you for that.
25:16 Going now forward to our next question,
25:19 our final question actually for the section
25:21 we have about 23 minutes to develop it.
25:24 And that is how can Church members,
25:27 members of the remnant church
25:30 be involved in working to finish the work?
25:35 How can we involve in that?
25:37 And I guess before we get into that
25:40 I have a specific question that I want to put before you
25:43 because a number of people wrote in.
25:45 And they were concerned with this emphasis
25:49 which I think also was a Bible text,
25:51 it's actually I don't know if they know it or not
25:53 but this is actual text from the Bible
25:55 that talks about hastening the coming of the Lord.
25:59 And so I probably got 15 or 20 questions that asked.
26:04 Can we really even hasten His coming?
26:08 And that seems one said
26:10 that seems like a real burden put on me.
26:13 If He hasn't coming this long and now I'm supposed to do it.
26:16 How can we even say we're supposed to hasten His coming?
26:21 And some of you're wanting to answer that.
26:24 Yes, let's go ahead.
26:26 I'd like to propose an answer
26:27 out of old time classic Adventism.
26:31 And that is to remember
26:32 when we're living the period in which we're living.
26:35 We are living if anything
26:37 we ever preached and believed is true
26:41 we are living in the Day of Atonement.
26:44 This is it we have been for 169 years
26:49 as I said the other day if that is not true
26:52 and we have no reason to be here.
26:55 If we are living in the Day of Atonement
26:58 then how should we live?
26:59 What did Israel do? They cleaned everything up.
27:02 They cleaned their hearts,
27:04 they stood in the door of their tents
27:06 which symbolize they didn't intend
27:08 to be in the desert very long,
27:09 they were headed home and so should we be.
27:13 Israel stood there and the Hebrew word used
27:16 to describe what they engaged in this or not.
27:19 It means deep self interceptions
27:23 searching of ones own life.
27:25 In what way am I still outside the will of God?
27:29 And I just believe that people living on the Day of Atonement
27:32 should take their relationship
27:34 with the Lord very, very seriously.
27:38 So but did that hasten has coming?
27:40 They knew when that was each year.
27:42 Could you hasten the Day of Atonement,
27:44 they came at a certain time.
27:45 The question was really
27:47 can we hasten the coming of Christ
27:50 and what do you think, Elder Wilson?
27:54 I definitely believe that
27:55 and if the Lord wants to use us to hasten His coming.
27:58 And I don't think we can do it ourselves,
28:01 as we place ourselves in God's hands.
28:03 I think now we are developing so many opportunities
28:07 for church members to become involve.
28:11 Any of you who have been involved in new beginnings
28:14 and the small group ministry in public evangelism,
28:20 some of us have just come out of wonderful experience
28:24 in the New York City area.
28:26 When you are involved in preaching the biblical truths
28:30 as Seventh-day Adventist understand them
28:33 and lifting up the Three Angels messages
28:36 with Holy Spirit power.
28:38 I want to tell you the changes
28:39 that take place in people's lives
28:42 and the messages which you actually preach
28:45 and as the one who was preaching
28:47 in one of those meetings.
28:49 It absolutely reinvigorates your belief
28:53 that Jesus is coming soon.
28:56 And it is one of those things which all of us
28:58 you may not be able to preach
29:00 but you can do medical missionary work.
29:02 You may not be able to proclaim something publicly
29:05 but you can talk to your neighbor.
29:08 You're going to see I might add a stronger emphasis
29:11 in this area of personal ministry of reaching out.
29:15 I mentioned comprehensive health ministry,
29:18 we're gonna have tremendous global conference on health
29:21 and lifestyle in Geneva next summer
29:25 sponsored by the General Conference
29:27 where people from all over the world
29:29 are gonna be coming to help know
29:31 how participate in the way that Jesus work.
29:35 So I think that there are many ways
29:38 in which each of us can now get involved.
29:40 If you have any questions,
29:41 just go down to the exhibit area
29:43 and you'll find all kinds of ways in which to witness.
29:47 And that I believe as we humble ourselves,
29:50 truly humble ourselves
29:52 and ask for the in filling of the Holy Spirit
29:55 and the latter rain, I believe that will hasten Jesus coming.
29:59 Okay.
30:01 Doctor, you have something to add?
30:03 Again I want to draw from my physician background.
30:07 You know, sometimes when you go to the doctor,
30:08 they give you a difficult diagnosis.
30:11 It's hard to swallow.
30:13 And I want to just look at Revelation 3
30:17 because I think that's how we can hasten
30:19 the soon coming of the Lord.
30:21 He gave us a diagnosis which we do not like.
30:24 He says, "enter the angel of the church of Laodicea write,
30:28 it says, I know your work,
30:29 that you are neither cold nor hot.
30:30 I could wish you cold or hot.
30:32 So, then because you are lukewarm
30:35 because you see I'm rich
30:36 but have become wealthy have need of nothing
30:39 and do not know that you are wretched,
30:41 miserable poor, blind and naked."
30:43 That's a tough diagnosis but praise the Lord.
30:46 He doesn't leave us there.
30:47 He says, "I counsel you
30:50 because you have all these medical issues,
30:53 spiritual issues to buy from me
30:55 gold refined in the fire.
30:56 That's the Christ or righteousness
30:59 that you have maybe rich and white garments
31:03 that you will be clothed
31:04 and the same of your nakedness may not be revealed."
31:07 And then in Zechariah 12:10,
31:10 "And I will pour on the house of David
31:12 and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
31:14 the spirit of grace and supplication.
31:17 Then they will look on me whom they have pierced,
31:20 they will mourn for him as one mourns for his only son,
31:24 and grieve for him as one grieves for a firstborn."
31:27 And I think that answer to this soon
31:30 to the hasting the coming of the Lord
31:32 is to recognize and accept or diagnosis.
31:35 At the same time of recognizing
31:37 that He who gave us the diagnosis
31:39 is loving and merciful and has a remedy for us.
31:43 Amen. Okay.
31:45 I want to get a couple questions,
31:47 I know you have other things you'd like to say
31:48 but the people are wanting to speak here as well.
31:53 Here's one for Elder Reid, since he raised his hand.
31:57 "I really believe that we're at the end of time
32:00 but I have believed that from 30 years.
32:02 But now I really know
32:04 that it definitely is the end of time.
32:07 But it's always hard to know what to do.
32:10 Do we invest the 401K
32:14 that we're about to invest to prepare for retirement.
32:17 What do we do with our funds?
32:19 I have asked the Lord in prayer for answers
32:21 that don't seem to come.
32:23 I feel that I perhaps have made bad choices in the past
32:27 thinking the Lord was coming soon.
32:28 Yet I know the end is near. The end is definitely in near.
32:32 I guess my question is
32:34 how should I repair for retirement
32:37 before the cloud of total financial collapse
32:41 that comes on the horizon."
32:43 Well, it's very interesting that people are concerned
32:46 about the economy, finances or something
32:48 we all have in common and it's amazing
32:49 that people are beginning to think
32:52 more seriously about that in relation to the end.
32:55 I think everybody here recognizes
32:57 this is important to understand now
32:59 that everyone who leaves this earth alive
33:02 that means you are in the save group.
33:05 Will have gone through a period of time
33:06 when you cannot buy or sell.
33:09 How do you prepare for that time?
33:10 The similar question is just like what you've asked.
33:13 And I personally think there are several things
33:15 that we've been told and one of them
33:17 is to develop our faith in God,
33:18 so that He can see us through these difficult times.
33:21 Put our lives in harmony of God's will.
33:23 Ellen White was such a strong stewardship preacher
33:26 that frequently when she spoke
33:27 people would come down the isle spontaneously
33:29 with tears in their eyes and say,
33:31 should we sell our house?
33:33 And she always gave the same answer.
33:34 Put it on the altar and if you have more than one
33:37 houses and lands divest yourself of these
33:40 and put the money in the cause.
33:42 Someday we're gonna have to walk off
33:43 and leave everything as we see it being burned up.
33:47 Was this true?
33:48 And that will, you know, reduce this value
33:50 considerable as you can imagine.
33:52 The whole idea is when we put ourselves in God's hands,
33:58 all we have is belongs to God
34:00 and that will be I think important.
34:01 There is a little trying that we put in faith
34:03 and finance the new book on stewardship
34:05 which is retirement in the end time same thing,
34:08 make sure your needs are met then the next level your family
34:12 and finally your spiritual legacy.
34:14 And if you have people like Cathy and I who,
34:16 you know, taking care of our debts
34:18 we're taking care of and so on.
34:20 We should have a great focus on finishing the work now.
34:24 We should all be audited by the RS every year.
34:27 On contributions only. Get that part.
34:32 Let me toss one in here,
34:33 I really agree with what Ed just said
34:35 but let the Lord lead.
34:38 The important thing is put it on the altar
34:40 and let the Lord make the decision.
34:43 We could make the wrong decision let the Lord lead.
34:47 Pastor Brooks question for you.
34:52 Does-- what role and this is talking about
34:57 how members could be involved
34:58 so I put the question in this section.
35:00 What part does church member activation,
35:04 in another words being inactive church members
35:06 having the process of receiving the latter rain.
35:11 Don't we get the latter rain
35:13 to empower us to do effective evangelism?
35:16 Why do it before then?
35:20 I was sitting here and thinking at my age
35:24 I don't hear as well that some of my brethren.
35:27 But I have a concern that I think
35:30 gets to the bottom of most of our problems.
35:33 God has a special love for this revenant church.
35:38 Now we know that this is true.
35:41 Satan despises you says the Spirit of Prophecy
35:46 and he hates to workers even more.
35:49 So we've got that aspect
35:51 of the Great Controversy before us.
35:54 And the remedy for many of our churches
35:57 is to simply preach the message God has given to us.
36:03 They need a hear it in church
36:05 and then share it in the streets.
36:09 Listen to what God had said.
36:11 We will not become discouraged, hear it
36:16 but I heard a young man say, he was a minister just a sign.
36:21 And he said to his friends,
36:24 I'm glad we don't have to preach
36:26 that old stuff anymore.
36:31 And I thought to myself how tragic that is.
36:35 God has given us an in time message.
36:40 Ellen White says the Three Angels messages are the last
36:45 and I sometimes ask what part of last
36:48 is it we don't understand.
36:50 It is the last warning message to the world.
36:54 We need to know it thoroughly second coming is a part of it.
36:58 I used to have people coming to me
36:59 and said, pastor, how do you do this
37:01 when you are going to repeat the same
37:03 evangelist sermons over an over?
37:06 I should know you don't have to do that
37:08 you must repeat the text and the proofs
37:12 but you don't have to.
37:13 You want to have 15 ways to preach the second coming.
37:17 And it all to be enjoyed discovering how do we do it.
37:20 And thus it is fresh
37:23 and when we understand our message
37:25 and when we pray and revival of strikes
37:30 and that sort of thing and we line up with it.
37:34 Then it will be a joy to share it
37:36 because we are certain about something.
37:40 I'm certain that this message is the truth.
37:46 I don't have any doubt,
37:47 I settled that at a longtime ago,
37:50 I'm certain and I would trust that all of us will be soon.
37:55 Elder Finley, you know the Bible says
37:58 it's more blessed to give then it is to receive.
38:02 One of the reasons to get actively involved in witness
38:05 and sharing your faith
38:06 is because as you do that you grow in Christ.
38:10 God could have reached the world without us.
38:14 But He gives us the glorious privilege
38:17 to participate with Him in His mission
38:19 in soul winning starves, selfishness to death.
38:24 Acts of the Apostles 105 says, "Strength to resist evil
38:28 is best gained through aggressive service."
38:31 The Pharisees prayed and they crucified Christ.
38:35 The Pharisees memorize the Bible
38:37 and they crucified Christ.
38:39 How can you pray and memorize the Bible
38:42 and crucify Jesus?
38:44 Because it focused on them self.
38:47 Sharing your faith, using the gifts
38:49 that God has given you, witnessing,
38:52 starve, selfishness to death.
38:55 The more I love Jesus, the more I share.
38:57 And the more I share, the more I meant to love Jesus.
39:00 Amen. Elder Wilson.
39:02 Yeah, I just want to touch on the point
39:04 about the latter rain.
39:06 I believe that the Holy Spirit
39:07 has been working in a powerful way
39:09 and is working right now.
39:10 But there is going to come a time
39:13 when the latter rain will fall in unprecedented power.
39:18 And that is something that the Lord asks us to pray for
39:21 and to humble ourselves for Hosea Chapter 6.
39:26 "This is call to repentance and revival and reformation."
39:29 And I think that's at going again
39:32 what attorney Walton was saying,
39:34 this is Day of Atonement,
39:36 the sanctuary message is not just
39:39 some nice collection of interesting apartments
39:42 and things that we can talk about.
39:44 It is a description of God's plan of salvation
39:47 and we're living in that very description.
39:51 And Hosea 6, "Come, let us return to the Lord,
39:55 he's torn but he will heal,
39:56 he will bind us up, he will revive us,
39:59 we'll that we may live in his sight,
40:01 let us peruse the knowledge of the Lord
40:03 is going forth is established as the morning."
40:06 And in verse-- the end of verse 3,
40:09 "He will come to us like the rain,
40:11 like the latter and former rain to the earth."
40:14 And I believe that latter rain is going to come.
40:17 How else are we gonna reach the entire world?
40:19 It doesn't mean we should stop our mission activity
40:23 which is so beautifully exemplified here at ASI
40:27 and how the churches working in general.
40:30 But God has promised something very unique at the end of time
40:34 and I think we need to pray for it earnestly.
40:37 Okay, follow up on the comments of Elder Wilson
40:40 because they were number of questions
40:41 that we're right to this idea of the latter rain
40:44 connecting it with the loud cry.
40:46 So a number of people wrote in and said, what is the loud cry?
40:49 Didn't I read somewhere that it already started?
40:54 So this I think is a very big concern
41:00 as I got a number of questions.
41:01 So what is the loud cry?
41:03 Didn't it already start, now we're talking about
41:05 it needs to come but didn't it already start?
41:09 Well, I let one of these two master evangelists,
41:13 answer if they wish.
41:15 But, you know, Revelation 18
41:19 which is already been Referenced
41:22 is one that describes the incredible power
41:25 that will come down, much of that connected
41:27 with the work of publications and media,
41:31 activity that will go into the hearts
41:34 and homes of people?
41:37 I truly believe that the loud cry will come
41:41 at a particular time in an expanded way,
41:45 when the conditions are such that
41:48 people will have to make an absolute decision.
41:51 And I think that is I think I can see the convergence
41:54 of so many things that are coming very soon
41:57 when that loud cry will be shared in a most dynamic way.
42:02 I'll read, one interesting thing
42:05 is we're told that the Holy Spirit
42:07 does not come on a waiting church
42:09 but a working church and that's what Elder Finley
42:11 is just mentioned Elder Wilson as well.
42:14 And so if we want to receive God's spirit
42:16 would become active and I think that's important.
42:19 One other thing I should say
42:20 when you study about the role of the Holy Spirit,
42:22 it seems to me that Ellen White makes this amazing statement
42:26 we should be praying for the early rains experience
42:29 as well when people got their early rain
42:32 carefully listen uneducated fishermen
42:36 were able to speak in languages
42:38 they had never learned without an accent.
42:40 So efficiently they won thousands of people
42:43 to the church.
42:44 In addition to that they were able to raise
42:47 sick people even raised the dead.
42:49 Now this is incredible and she says
42:52 the latter rain will be more abundant than that.
42:54 So I think our prayer will be started me
42:56 growing with the early rains like will be ready
42:58 to be finished off with the latter rain.
43:01 Well, thank you.
43:04 Okay, another question that came in under this idea
43:07 of how can ASI members be involved
43:09 and church members in finishing the work.
43:12 Does each church having their own pastor
43:16 have a negative affect on the churches
43:18 evangelistic nature.
43:20 And if so what are the plans to change that.
43:24 I know this person is trying to get
43:25 rid of their pastor and that Elder Wilson,
43:27 but how would you respond to them?
43:31 Is if each church, you know, has their pastor
43:35 doesn't that hand for evangelistic activity.
43:37 Oh, yeah, yeah, okay.
43:39 Well, actually--
43:41 Elder Finley said it depends who the pastor is.
43:46 You know, when you go back into Adventist history,
43:49 you understand that pastors were not necessarily assigned
43:56 to individual churches.
43:59 But the church members were supposed
44:01 to carry on local activities within churches
44:04 and pastors or preachers were to be proclaimers
44:09 of the word in an evangelistic sense.
44:11 And the church members where to tell the pastor,
44:14 you go ahead and preach and we'll just take care
44:16 of all the needy gritty of running the church.
44:20 And I think that probably and in some parts of the world,
44:24 in our world church that's exactly what happens.
44:27 Where a pastor may have a district
44:29 with 30 churches, 40 churches
44:32 and he may only get around to a number of them
44:35 even during an entire year and yet local leadership
44:39 is driving the evangelistic activity.
44:43 So I think probably we need to get
44:46 back to more of a model like that
44:49 rather than what Ellen White,
44:53 the Spirit of Prophecy indicates
44:55 we should not have settled pastors so to speak.
44:59 And a settled situation where everyone simply pays
45:03 the preacher to tell them something nice
45:06 rather the church members are to be involved
45:10 to the maximum in evangelism
45:12 and the pastor ought to be instructing them
45:15 as to how to do that.
45:17 Okay.
45:21 If I was a pastor listening to this
45:22 I'd be start to do a lot of work,
45:24 you know, when I was a pastor I told my members
45:26 I'm gonna reach out to the other
45:29 non-Adventist ministers in the town
45:31 and you reach out to the others,
45:34 anyway but, Elder Finley.
45:37 Here is the incredible good news,
45:39 every single one of us has been called as a witness for Jesus.
45:43 Every single one of us has been gifted by Jesus.
45:47 We don't need a degree, we don't need authority,
45:50 we don't need a letter of permission.
45:53 When you become a Christian, you are a witness for Jesus.
45:57 And if we can go from this ASI Convention saying
46:00 Lord, what gifts have you given me
46:04 that I'm not currently using
46:06 that I can put into action in my local church for Christ.
46:11 What do you want me to do?
46:13 Here is it incredibly dangerous prayer.
46:16 To get on our knees and say, okay, Lord,
46:18 you've been blessing my life.
46:20 Okay, Lord, I've been witnessing
46:22 to a certain extent.
46:24 Okay, Lord, I'm here at ASI, I have desire to serve You.
46:29 But what more do you have? What larger vision do you have?
46:33 What do you want me to do that I'm not yet doing?
46:37 Don't wait for your pastor.
46:39 Don't wait for your conference or your local church board.
46:43 Say, Lord, place in my heart a desire
46:47 to witness for You in a broader way
46:49 and follow the vision God puts in your heart.
46:52 Amen.
46:54 We have about two minutes left
46:55 and I'm kind of toned with just talking myself
46:59 or asking another question.
47:01 So I won't do either.
47:03 I'll just read a statement
47:04 that I thought was a powerful statement.
47:07 And this is from seven, seventh volume
47:11 of the Testimonies 298 written in 1902.
47:16 And I thought this put into focus
47:18 this idea of hastening the Lord's coming.
47:21 "Let no one overtax his God-given powers
47:26 in an effort to advance the Lord's work more rapidly,"
47:29 Pastor Finley.
47:33 "The power of man cannot hasten the work,
47:38 with this must be united
47:40 the power of heavenly intelligences.
47:44 Though all the workmen now bearing the heaviest burdens
47:47 should be laid aside,
47:49 God's work would be carried forward."
47:54 It's good news, isn't it.
47:55 So we need to work
47:57 but we have to recognize it's the angels
48:00 and those intelligences that are working with you.
48:03 Has this been a blessing to you?
48:05 Amen.
48:06 How many of you think that we should,
48:08 you know, in the early church, you know, what they said.
48:12 They said, leave, get out of here.
48:15 Tell someone else
48:17 before you forget when you hurt.
48:20 And as we leave ASI,
48:22 hopefully go back to our churches
48:25 and God can use us to indeed reflect His character
48:31 and thus hasten His coming.
48:34 May God bless you as we listen to this wonderful anthem.
49:53 Mine eyes have seen the glory
49:57 Of the coming of the Lord
50:03 He is trampling out the vintage
50:08 Where the grapes of wrath are stored
50:13 He has loosed the fateful lightening
50:18 Of His terrible swift sword
50:24 His truth is marching on
50:31 Glory
50:35 Glory
50:40 Hallelujah!
50:44 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
50:50 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
50:58 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
51:02 His truth is marching on
51:17 I have seen him in the watch-fires
51:20 Of a hundred circling camps
51:25 They have builded him an altar
51:29 In the evening dews and damps
51:33 I can read his righteous sentence
51:38 By the dim and flaring lamps
51:42 His truth is marching on
51:52 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
51:56 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
52:00 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
52:04 His truth is marching on
52:37 In the beauty of the lilies
52:44 Christ was born across the sea
52:51 With a glory in his bosom
52:57 That transfigures you and me
53:04 As he died
53:08 To make men holy
53:13 Let us live to make men free
53:17 While God is marching on
53:24 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
53:30 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
53:36 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
53:41 His truth is marching on
53:49 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
53:55 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
54:00 Glory, glory, hallelujah!
54:06 His truth is marching on
54:13 Amen
54:19 Amen
54:31 Hallelujah.
54:41 Please bow your heads with me for prayer.
54:44 Lord, incredible music.
54:46 Thank You so much this afternoon
54:49 that we were able to hear this varied peaces of music
54:52 they were powerful.
54:53 Thank You for wonderful discussion.
54:56 All this bring different perspectives to You
54:59 that what's gonna occur in the months and years ahead.
55:02 Help us to set aside our natural worries and concerns
55:06 and that we will focus on You.
55:09 Give us the desire Lord, to study more
55:12 so that we can confidently
55:13 and comfortably portray Your love to others.
55:17 Thank you that we're here together this evening, amen.


Revised 2014-12-28