ASI Conventions, 2013

Members in Action + Sabbath morning sermon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.D. Brooks


Series Code: 13ASIC

Program Code: 13ASIC000011

00:18 Happy Sabbath.
00:20 Would you like to go to the mission field with me?
00:23 Can you say, amen?
00:25 Let's go the mission field and share little bit--
00:27 I have with me Kelli
00:29 who is going to be talking about a special ministry
00:32 in the Atlantic area called Free.
00:35 Is there anything free in this world?
00:37 No.
00:38 No. Well, tell us F-R-E-E mean.
00:41 FREE is Friends of Refugees
00:44 providing Education and Empowerment.
00:48 And where are you targeting?
00:50 We are targeting Clarkston
00:52 which is close to Atlanta, Georgia
00:54 where there are currently 10,000 refugees residing.
01:00 And what kind of refugees, where are they largely from?
01:04 There's actually too many to name.
01:07 There's 69 different languages spoken in the Clarkston area.
01:11 A lot of the Adventist people that we are helping
01:14 are from Congo and Burma.
01:16 Amen, you have a video two minutes
01:19 so just get us into this
01:20 and help us how it feel for why we are here.
01:23 Let's roll that.
03:35 Well, before we come back to Clarkston we have a--
03:39 we're gonna go to Burma what was Burma now Myanmar
03:43 and I want to introduce to you Jazmine
03:45 who has a fantastic experience but it will really be a--
03:51 it really pulls on your heart when you think about it.
03:54 Your family was in Burma and the predominant religion
03:59 in Burmese, in the Burma is what?
04:02 Buddhist.
04:04 That's the Buddhist religion.
04:06 Now some years ago they decided that
04:10 their country be better
04:11 if they didn't have any Christians, is that right?
04:16 And what happened?
04:18 Actually the army began to come into the villages
04:23 and actually where its killing people,
04:25 killing Christians
04:27 and one day I understand your parents
04:32 and your grandparents heard the shooting coming
04:35 in the nearby villages and what they have to do?
04:38 They have to run away to, to save their life.
04:43 To save their life.
04:45 And the safety for their lives,
04:47 for the Waldensians people may not know was the mountains
04:52 but for your people it was the jungle.
04:55 Yes.
04:57 Now the story gets more interesting.
05:00 So there was mommy and daddy
05:02 and there was grandma and grandpa
05:03 and they are fleeing to the jungle
05:06 and where did you come into the picture?
05:11 Was your mother pregnant at that time?
05:13 Momma was pregnant, my brother and I.
05:17 She was.
05:18 So she is there in the jungle, they are fleeing,
05:20 they have nothing with them that they can carry
05:23 and momma starts to go into labor
05:28 and she has her baby.
05:30 But it wasn't you.
05:33 He was my brother first.
05:34 Your brother first.
05:36 You mean he came out first and then you surprised them
05:40 and came out also, twins.
05:43 She was so little, she told me
05:47 because her brother took all the space.
05:49 And she was so little
05:51 they didn't think she would make it.
05:53 They didn't have food,
05:55 they have to take leaves to wrap them in,
05:58 leaves to catch water to feed them.
06:03 So they were in the jungle one month, two months.
06:07 No, three years.
06:09 One year?
06:10 Three years hiding in the jungle,
06:12 finally the door opens,
06:15 somehow they make their way clear to Thailand by foot
06:19 and at last they are in the UN refugee came.
06:22 Yes.
06:24 Was it like heaven?
06:26 No.
06:27 Did you have enough food?
06:28 We would have enough food either, no, not enough water,
06:33 not enough cloth to cover our self.
06:37 Just hardly exist.
06:39 But anyway, one month, two months, one year?
06:41 No, its 13 years.
06:42 How many?
06:43 Thirteen years.
06:44 Thirteen years in a refugee camp.
06:48 Can you imagine this, folks?
06:50 Finally the time comes and the door opens,
06:54 they come to Georgia.
06:56 That was a miracle.
06:57 She is 16 by that time, not a word of English
07:00 and they are dropped into Clarkston, Georgia
07:03 among 2,500 refugees with three months free rent
07:08 and then Niang, you pick it from here.
07:11 You were eight years old when you came to America.
07:14 Yes.
07:15 And you landed in Clarkston.
07:17 What was that like?
07:19 When we first got here everything is different.
07:22 We don't speak any English
07:25 so it was hard and the government supported us
07:30 for three months after that we are on our own
07:34 and a lot of parents don't get
07:37 or find jobs after the three months
07:40 so we don't have like enough food or cloths
07:44 and our basic necessities.
07:46 And when we go to school we don't understand
07:49 what the teacher is teaching and we don't have any friends.
07:55 It was hard.
07:56 So and they bullied, they are isolated,
08:00 they are struggling and but they are praying.
08:03 These are Adventist families praying
08:06 and one day your daddy saw--
08:11 We pray everyday and night that with hope and faith
08:17 that God was some day show us an Adventist church
08:23 and that we will be able to go to Adventist school.
08:27 So one day my dad saw an Adventist van
08:30 in our neighborhood and he asked them
08:35 to take us for the next Sabbath.
08:36 So we started attending church.
08:39 Amen, and that was the Adventist connection,
08:42 that was free.
08:44 Right there Kelli on the spot.
08:46 We are out of time
08:47 but praise the Lord you were there.
08:50 Your burden for these girls was to get them where?
08:53 Into Adventist education.
08:55 We have 17 now, we are bringing on,
08:57 rock it down on faith and ten more this year
09:00 and we have 42 Adventist children
09:02 that are back end to come
09:04 to Adventist education to leave the gangs
09:06 and the drugs and the violence that filtrate
09:09 the public school system in their area.
09:11 If you want to learn more about this beautiful refugee work
09:13 you could come to the exhibits this afternoon
09:16 and this evening to number 7135.
09:19 I hate to mention this in passive
09:21 but Kelli this is your 40th birthday,
09:24 I heard that you had a cruise
09:26 you could have gone on but this is here life.
09:29 Can we all say, amen?
09:31 Thank you so much. Thank you.
09:32 God bless you.
09:33 Okay.
09:39 Next I have with me representing our mission work
09:44 far and near, Jud Wickwire.
09:47 We're so glad that you are here with us today
09:49 representing Adventist World Aviation.
09:52 And back in the mid 1990s the Adventist church
09:55 I understand found it necessary to pull back
09:59 from its aviation program, not entirely but in part.
10:03 Elder Folkenberg was president then
10:05 and he encouraged Adventist pilots
10:09 don't give up, go self supporting
10:11 but we need Adventist missions.
10:13 Is that correct?
10:14 That's correct and we had to change the ways
10:18 that we reach the people
10:20 and provided airplanes to the mission field
10:22 because that was still an ongoing need.
10:25 So how does a bush pilot from Canada
10:29 in British Columbia going to camp meeting at Hope
10:35 get into Adventist World Aviation?
10:37 Well, the short answer is a free lunch.
10:39 Free lunch?
10:40 That's two words of true story, a free lunch.
10:42 We getting a lot of trouble with those-- no way.
10:45 My wife and I were at a camp meeting there
10:47 and we-- its midweek and saw poster that said
10:49 there was a free lunch for pilots,
10:52 it said 12 o'clock and we looked at our watch
10:55 and that's how close we were to missing the call.
10:57 Is that right?
10:59 You went to that lunch, what did you hear?
11:00 Well, we heard about Adventist World Aviation
11:02 which we never heard of before,
11:04 heard about the need for mission pilots
11:06 and it was a long term service,
11:10 it was five years that was required
11:11 and self supporting and honestly
11:14 that was discouraging thing for us at the time.
11:17 Yeah, so many of us
11:18 we don't know how to get into self supporting work
11:20 but when God calls He provides for, doesn't He?
11:24 Yes, He certainly does.
11:25 Over for some reason God touched my heart
11:28 and a couple months later
11:30 I just said, well, I just gonna send in a resume of our family
11:34 to Adventist World Aviation just see what they say
11:37 and the answer was immediate.
11:39 They came back and said we've been praying for a family
11:42 and they have a-- they showed me the list
11:45 of what they were praying for and it was an impossible list.
11:48 Not because it was such difficult requirements
11:51 but just an odd collection of skills
11:53 and our family met that requirement exactly.
11:55 Of course. Isn't God good?
11:58 That was back in 2005. That was 2005.
12:00 So you had to commit five years--
12:03 Five years of service.
12:04 And you had to figure how to support yourself?
12:05 And the time required to develop that support.
12:08 That's a great ministry, a great mission.
12:10 It was. To take it on.
12:11 You have to believe it, you have to do it.
12:13 Yes.
12:14 Now, did you network with anybody?
12:16 I know you are working in Glasgow, Philippines
12:18 but particularly we are gonna be talking about Guyana.
12:21 Guyana is where we were call to serve.
12:23 And there was a family there already?
12:24 Another family there, LaBore family
12:26 that were serving.
12:27 What was their name?
12:28 LaBore. LaBore.
12:29 Serving there, LaBore. That was critical.
12:30 There were on boots on the ground
12:31 already to join them.
12:33 We've got some slides, can we roll those
12:35 and tell us just quickly how this work progressions.
12:39 Often in the communities we would go to
12:41 religion was not the first thing they wanted to hear
12:43 so we would bring in supplies and do medical work.
12:48 And the next picture just shows some of the mining
12:51 that goes on in many of the communities
12:52 and a lot of outsiders come in
12:54 with the intent of exploring the recourses.
12:56 They will promise the community's services
13:00 and things that were are good for them
13:01 but really their ultimate goal is to exploit the resources.
13:05 Hence, we had to prove that our intentions were pure
13:09 and that we only wanted to help the people
13:10 and just demonstrate the love of Jesus to them.
13:13 And in this next picture here you can see that
13:16 we would pick up patients, this patient was carried
13:18 from miles through the jungle to meet the airplane
13:21 to be carried out for medical care.
13:24 Okay, well, dental work?
13:27 Dental work was a key component to touching the most people.
13:32 Almost everyone suffers
13:34 from some form of tooth decay and pain.
13:38 It's almost chronic for most people
13:39 and so dental care was one of the greatest needs
13:41 we could bring to the people.
13:43 Well, do you have video that we can actually
13:45 see some of your flying in there and--
13:47 We have a particularly story about a community
13:49 called Baramita that really demonstrates
13:51 how just taking our time
13:53 and demonstrating the love of Jesus
13:54 through our actions made a difference.
13:56 Two minutes, let's see this video.
14:03 We're in the village today of Baramita
14:05 and Baramita is a project that we are working on.
14:08 We began here just doing medical evacuations
14:11 and brining in supplies for the villages.
14:13 Initially we were told that,
14:15 you know, we could not talk about
14:17 our religion here anything like that.
14:18 They said, you know what,
14:19 you can come here and you can fly us up
14:21 but we don't want anything to do with the religion.
14:23 While the other day that a Tachau got very, very sick.
14:28 Tachau means chief or captain or leader of a village.
14:32 Jud Wickwire gets a call for an emergency medevac.
14:35 And this morning he lost consciousness.
14:37 So we called the hospital an hour ago
14:38 and said they can come up so.
14:40 Patients are flown to the hospital in Georgetown
14:43 where they can receive a higher level of care.
14:46 Now that the Tachau is in the plane
14:49 Jed offers a word of prayer and asks for a safe flight
14:52 and healer to the Tachau.
14:56 As Jed taxis and takes off towards Georgetown
15:00 nothing is visible but jungle only.
15:02 It would have been impossible
15:03 to get this patient out of the jungle in time
15:06 had it not been for the aircraft.
15:08 Jed was able to medevac him out
15:10 and it turns out he had appendicitis and had ruptured.
15:13 We got him into the hospital
15:15 and he needed an emergency appendectomy.
15:18 So certainly left too long he certainly would have died
15:24 if left in that community without being cured.
15:27 Now that we've been doing flying for them
15:30 and some health seminars
15:32 they begged us to come and live there
15:34 and we even started a building a house there.
15:37 A year and half later they said
15:39 we want you to come here and live among us
15:40 and to, you know, teach them about what we know.
15:44 And so they actually gave us a piece of land
15:45 and they build the house that's behind me here
15:48 and that house has been built specifically for Bible workers
15:51 and medical workers to stay at
15:53 as we minister to the people here in Baramita.
15:55 Its actually see the gospel has done to someone's life.
15:59 Amen.
16:00 You know, I think one of my favorite pictures
16:02 that I saw, I don't know if they still have it available
16:04 but was the plane and a return flight.
16:08 How is that so important?
16:10 Taking patients back to their homes
16:12 after they have had medical treatment
16:14 is a service that was never provided before.
16:17 And I know one of the first flights
16:19 that I made back into that village
16:20 I took in two-- three mothers
16:22 and their children had been waiting
16:24 for three months to go home
16:25 after giving birth to newborn babies.
16:28 Three months with their families waiting.
16:30 They either find their way out,
16:32 out of very hard travel and much time
16:35 or they fly out in this magic machine
16:37 and I trip you for back at the village wonder
16:40 if they'll ever come home again.
16:42 What a privilege it must be as you land there
16:44 and bring home their loved ones.
16:46 Yes, it is. It is very rewarding.
16:47 If people want to learn more about your ministry
16:48 they can come over the exhibit today.
16:50 Our exhibit's stall 2310.
16:53 Can't promise you a free lunch
16:54 but certainly a rewarding ministry
16:57 if you want to get involved.
16:58 Come and talk to Jud there at--
17:01 7310. 310.
17:02 Okay, thank you.
17:03 God bless you. Thank you so much.
17:11 I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles
17:13 to Philippians Chapter 4, Philippians Chapter 4
17:19 and in here we find an amazing promise
17:22 that if everyone at ASI would thoroughly believe
17:25 and act accordingly
17:27 we would turn the world upside down.
17:30 This is Acts Chapter 4 and we are looking at verse 13.
17:33 I suppose you know it by heart.
17:35 Acts 4:13, the apostle Paul writes.
17:40 "I can do all things through Christ
17:44 that strengthens me."
17:45 Can you?
17:47 Yes, you can if you believe it.
18:35 A frightening place this world of ours
18:41 The frantic pace of changing powr's
18:46 Where no one plays familiar roles
18:51 But in these days one promise holds
18:59 I can ride the morning winds
19:05 And You are there
19:11 I can sail the widest seas
19:17 And you are there
19:24 I can find the darkest night
19:31 And you are there
19:35 O Lord
19:37 I can never
19:42 Be lost from You
20:05 Please search me now
20:07 And know my heart
20:10 Then show me how to do my part
20:14 To walk the way You'd have me go
20:18 And if I stray Lord I still know
20:27 I can ride the morning winds
20:33 And You are there
20:38 I can sail the widest seas
20:45 And You are there
20:48 You are there
20:52 I can find the darkest night
20:58 And You are there
21:03 O Lord
21:07 I can never
21:11 I can never
21:15 I can never
21:19 I can never
21:22 I can never be lost
21:29 Never be lost
21:38 from You
21:52 Amen.
21:58 The Lord is pleased
22:00 when He can find an individual
22:02 that He can use and the individual
22:04 were about to listen to has been used mightily of the Lord.
22:09 I assume the Lord is pleased.
22:11 I want you to welcome Pastor C.D. Brooks.
22:13 Amen.
22:18 Thank you.
22:26 Want to say good morning to everyone.
22:29 And may God bless you as He has blessed me already.
22:33 I'm very honored to be here on this particular day
22:39 and because of my sincere admiration
22:44 for ASI what it has done, what it does,
22:51 what it contributes, what it stands for.
22:55 I consider this a high privilege today.
23:00 God was gracious to call me from dentistry to ministry.
23:08 And I'm so thankful that He did.
23:12 And so I'm overwhelmed with I with a whole idea
23:16 I thought God was calling me to impossibilities
23:22 and I needed an anchor.
23:25 I needed something to under guard my faith
23:29 and I found it soon in my personal study
23:33 Christ's Object Lessons,
23:36 "All of His biddings are enablings."
23:42 All Gods biddings are enablings.
23:48 There was a time when this world was lost
23:53 through the sins of our fathers.
23:57 Heaven took into consideration, a plan of redemption
24:04 which involved also the cost of redemption.
24:11 God who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills
24:16 He doesn't count His cattle by head,
24:20 or by hills.
24:25 The gold is mine, the silver is mine.
24:27 He doesn't really need us.
24:31 But to fight greed and selfishness
24:34 and other such immoralities
24:38 God has willed that we have a part
24:42 in His work including a financial part
24:48 as He seeks to salvage from humanity
24:52 and build up the population of His entire universe.
24:58 Love, decided on a mission to this earth.
25:03 Love was committed to that mission
25:06 before the fall ever occurred
25:11 God had decided, God had determined
25:16 I will put enmity between thee and the woman
25:20 thy seed in hers a Messiah is coming
25:23 who will bruise your head.
25:25 Now Satan is listening to this and then he got the promise,
25:31 I'm going to sin someone born of a woman.
25:36 Now I want you to imagine
25:38 Eve gets pregnant first time
25:45 and the devil is watching everyday.
25:49 The child is born he fastens his eyes on Cain.
25:55 Could this be Messiah?
26:00 Well, he was wrong.
26:01 When he saw Cain's attitude,
26:04 his desire to as he pleased in spite of what God said
26:08 even the devil decided he is not the one.
26:13 But then came Abel
26:16 who wanted always to follow the Word of God,
26:18 to it as God said.
26:20 Not according to his own opinion
26:22 but according to the word of God
26:25 and he offered a blood sacrifice on an unshared altar
26:30 and the devil worried and he inspired Cain
26:35 and Cain killed his own brother.
26:41 Still Satan wondered was he the promised one?
26:47 Hundreds of years passed
26:50 Satan remained confused about some things
26:54 yet his kingdom outnumbered
26:57 the kingdom of God a scores of thousands.
27:04 He seemed to have had more
27:07 in his forces than God did in His.
27:12 Down the centuries until lowest time
27:16 Satan drove the world mad with pleasures of sin
27:21 and sex and every other debasing element
27:25 Satan was doing his program always wondering
27:31 where is this Messiah fella.
27:35 And then he heard God speaking to Noah
27:39 through Noah's own testimony.
27:42 Build an ark for the salvation of man and beast.
27:48 Build an ark and preach salvation
27:52 and here was the man willing to do what God says.
27:55 For 120 years he preached his eschatological messages
28:02 to the sport of the unbelievers the hearts made of stone.
28:08 And finally it was finished.
28:11 Methuselah, which mans "when he dies it shall come."
28:16 Methuselah was the living sign and his death occurred.
28:21 It's got to be close now.
28:23 It's got to be close now.
28:26 And one day while they were in festivities
28:29 and mocking and laughing and deriding
28:33 an unusual sight-- animals a very description.
28:38 I have spoken about this business before
28:41 and it seems to me that if I looked
28:45 and saw a lion walking down the street
28:50 with a cat it seems to me
28:55 if a wolf was leading sheep I would be impressed
29:02 but sight set answers and they gave them
29:06 and the people continued in that rebellion
29:08 until the door was shut that no man can open.
29:13 Noah had predicted and no one had ever seen that
29:17 but now they hear it
29:19 like drive breeze on a summer threshing floor.
29:22 They hear the rattle of rain as it strikes the earth.
29:28 Dark thunder herds, thunder heads build up.
29:34 It is being fulfilled.
29:37 They knocked on the door on the sides of the ark Noah,
29:41 we believe you now.
29:45 We will come in if you, if you let us
29:49 but it was out of the hands of Noah
29:54 and the raids came, the battle rain,
29:58 shatter rain, waters of the deluge.
30:01 The plates of the earth were jostled about,
30:06 the stones, the skeleton structure of earth
30:12 was changed and moved and broken.
30:17 It was too late and the Lord's servant says
30:19 Satan himself feared for his own life at that time.
30:27 One this is sure the patriarchal age was over,
30:30 no more 900 plus year old giants in the land.
30:38 One man was a calculated and they do everything
30:40 with those foolish things anymore.
30:43 That man figured it out and he said,
30:45 there was an 81 declension,
30:48 81 percent declension in the lifespan.
30:53 Eighty one percent declension in the lifespan
30:58 and it seriously affected the growth,
31:01 the height and the weight of man.
31:08 God trying to save man inexplicably
31:14 absolute, hard,
31:17 unwilling to listen, unwilling to do
31:21 and then the earth was repopulated.
31:23 There came a man on the scene of action
31:25 whose name was Abraham.
31:28 And God called him one day and said get thee out
31:31 from thy father's house, from your kindred to a land
31:33 that I will afterwards show you all.
31:37 No wonder He's called the Father of the faithful.
31:40 Anybody would go if they knew exactly
31:42 where they were going
31:43 and so our land flowing with milk and honey
31:46 but it takes faith to go when you don't know
31:48 where you are going
31:51 when God said I'll show you all later.
31:56 Abraham bid goodbye to his people
32:01 and struck out with his possessions
32:04 as a stranger in a strange land.
32:09 The plan of redemption
32:12 had been brought to his attention through a covenant
32:14 God made with him a blood covenant.
32:19 He also understand the 400 year bondage
32:24 of His people in Egypt land.
32:29 Joseph had been the hero of Egypt.
32:32 I never will forget when I went to Egypt
32:34 for the first time the smiles that curled
32:37 across my hosts as I called Egypt
32:43 the greenery of the world.
32:47 But then Bible says
32:49 there came a pharaoh that knew not Joseph.
32:53 They had been driven down into the--
32:56 in fact, it's a strange country.
32:59 You go down north and up south.
33:06 And there was down there a man
33:08 with hatred seeding in his heart,
33:11 a pharaoh that knew not Joseph.
33:14 He began his march down north
33:20 and he drove the Hyksos out of power
33:23 and out of land into the Fertile Crescent.
33:30 A pharaoh that knew not Joseph.
33:35 But somehow Satan inspired him
33:37 with a fear and an awe of a king called Messiah
33:42 who would be born among these very people.
33:45 Stirred him up so much that he ordered
33:48 the slaughter of new born babes
33:53 and everybody in the Jewish race
33:58 who had one of those was trying best
34:04 to preserve him that was born
34:08 to a couple Amram and Yoshebel a son.
34:15 Mother had prepared an ark, pitched it with tar,
34:18 set it afloat on the Nile trying to keep him alive.
34:25 Somebody knew, especially the devil
34:27 that this one would be dangerous.
34:31 This one could be the deliverer.
34:36 This one going up could seize power.
34:40 And Satan knew what the power of God could do.
34:45 God had made this covenant
34:46 with Abraham and Moses
34:51 was a part of the consideration of that covenant.
34:55 That covenant flew down stream
34:59 and it did not change.
35:01 Isaac and Jacob were involved.
35:05 It's wonderful to meet or realize
35:08 that even though this beautiful boy was born
35:11 and his named would be called Moses
35:14 and he didn't understand his role God understood it
35:19 and the promise flew down the streams of time
35:22 not to be changed at all but to be accepted
35:25 and believed by his own people.
35:28 it would not fade in to a oblivion
35:32 and it did not pertained frank led to Israel alone
35:36 to the exclusion of other people every where.
35:39 Israel set free would become God's, witness says.
35:46 Israel set free would become examples
35:50 to the rest of the world,
35:51 the pagan's through which they would pass.
35:55 Israel would say something to them
35:57 that they had never heard before
36:00 that there is a God who cares
36:02 and He offer salvation through the blood of His own son.
36:07 Nobody else could teach that lesson like Israel
36:11 and Moses was chosen to confront pharaoh.
36:15 He said to pharaoh thus save the Lord,
36:19 let my people go.
36:22 Pharaoh was incredulous.
36:24 He asked a sensible question,
36:26 who is God that I should let the people go?
36:31 He laughed at the idea.
36:34 Why, he thought to himself no God
36:37 that I don't know, I worship this one and that one
36:39 but this one I never heard of.
36:41 He is not going to order me around,
36:45 said the pharaoh and God would have to teach it.
36:50 Now there are many who feel so badly towards pharaoh.
36:54 Do you know Israel asked the same question
36:57 when Moses went to them,
36:58 they wanted to know who is God?
37:00 Moses had to get the answer from God, I'm that I'm.
37:04 What does that mean?
37:05 I'm whatever you need.
37:09 If you are hungry I'm the bread of life.
37:12 If you are thirsty I'm the water of life
37:14 but more than that if your soul hungers for truth
37:18 I am the truth.
37:22 He went back and told Laman,
37:24 they never quite seemed to have gotten that
37:27 but they at least were willing to listen.
37:32 And so God sent ten plagues.
37:35 Ten, yeah, I think the first three
37:38 had to teach Israel but the last seven
37:44 were experienced by the Egyptians alone.
37:51 And that just were needed for this trip.
37:56 I think God looked over his plans
37:59 and said I need ASI on this one.
38:05 They had to have code for the sanctuary,
38:11 for the ark, for the candelabra.
38:16 They had to have gold and silver and brass.
38:22 These were slaves
38:23 where were they going to get it?
38:26 That's a little episode that
38:27 perhaps we haven't always caught
38:30 but when the time came the people of Egypt
38:34 had been so terrorized and flat-out beaten
38:39 that they came out with loads of gold and silver
38:42 and gave that to the Israelites.
38:45 Pleaded with them to take it,
38:46 maybe you cannot please your God and call him off
38:52 and they made them rich, instantly rich.
38:57 These Egyptians, God saw beyond,
39:04 God saw the sanctuary being developed.
39:06 He saw the implements.
39:08 This could not be shoddy, this would represent God.
39:15 So they brought enough gold, even gems
39:18 for the high priests garments, god providing.
39:23 I read somewhere that the trip should have taken 11 days,
39:27 11 days from Egypt to and Canaan
39:30 but because of murmuring and resistance
39:36 it turned into a 40 year nightmare.
39:42 There were times when God seemed to be on age.
39:46 Imagine God saying to Moses, a creature leave me alone.
39:51 Why in the world would God speak to a man like that
39:55 as though the man controls the moment?
39:57 Leave me alone that I might know
40:00 what to do with these people.
40:02 Moses hung in there pleading for their Savior.
40:10 Leave me alone,
40:13 and he even offered himself to thy rested.
40:16 Now, that's Christ job.
40:19 What was this he couldn't do that
40:20 but he could become a type of that
40:24 and he did become a type of that.
40:27 The wrath of God subsided until there was the roar,
40:32 the low rumble of thunder on the horizon
40:37 and God said I will forgive.
40:41 A long and tedious and hard and unnecessary journey
40:47 should have taken 11 days instead
40:51 it took quite a bit longer.
40:55 It took quite a bit longer.
40:59 Ladies and gentlemen,
41:01 God has already, always that is
41:04 God has always needed finances and financers.
41:10 People who are willing to carry His work forward.
41:15 For God had to defeat selfishness
41:17 and greed in the hearts of His own people.
41:21 Even when Israel was allowed to go back
41:23 after the second captivity
41:25 and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem
41:28 the Medes and the Persians handled the finances.
41:32 God always needed someone who could do that.
41:37 And then along came Jesus
41:41 as a babe born in a manger, poor heritage.
41:47 There is Jesus then came an urgent message
41:51 Josephise take the mother and child and flew into Egypt.
41:55 Now who could just do that in the middle of the night?
42:01 Maybe if you had time you could find a father-in-law
42:04 or somebody who could led you, loaned you the money.
42:12 But to be told to leave now
42:15 without consideration of where he would get the funds
42:18 to finance such a trip.
42:19 You couldn't go that far
42:22 without finances.
42:27 And I have wondered how could he do it?
42:30 Well, I discovered an answer.
42:34 Three wise men came to visit the child
42:39 and I can imagine God impressed them
42:42 don't go empty handed but take with your gold,
42:47 and myrrh and frankincense and they brought these gifts
42:52 and laid them at the feet of the babe.
42:56 Now you've got the money to finance your trip to Egypt.
43:01 My wife and I have been to the area called Matariya
43:05 they say that's the place where the holy family stayed
43:08 until God bid them return
43:12 to their own land and they did.
43:17 Matariya, the Savior of the world
43:20 escaping to a remote village with His parents
43:24 but the finances were supplied by God.
43:28 Christ was that babe, the preeminent one,
43:32 the conquering king, indeed God himself
43:38 the Lord Jesus Christ
43:42 soon a reputation would develop around Him
43:45 and soon men here and there from every where
43:50 would get to know the plan of salvation.
43:53 For before the foundations of the earth were laid
43:56 God and Christ were committed to the cross.
44:02 Christ was seen as a triumphed one.
44:06 After years of powerful perfect prayerful ministry
44:10 busy all day from here to there
44:13 healing the sick, opening the eyes of the blind,
44:16 doing exactly what He should have done
44:20 He knew that His time on earth
44:23 for now was growing quite short
44:28 and He would have to tell His disciples
44:32 about their assignment.
44:34 Now who in the world hearing the words back there
44:39 a despise small group,
44:42 who in the world could have imagined
44:45 growth and prosperity and progress
44:48 such as Christ envisioned.
44:51 Go into all the world, teach all nations,
44:54 baptizing them in the name of the Father
44:57 and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost
44:59 and don't worry about extra clothing,
45:03 don't worry about piles of money,
45:08 forget about script, I would compare that
45:10 to credit cards of today,
45:15 Bank of America cards.
45:19 Than Lord how are we going to do it?
45:23 How are we going to handle this?
45:27 You know, it's almost inevitable
45:30 that if you follow a line of Adventist preachers
45:33 by the time you get there
45:35 they will have ploughed the earth well.
45:40 Last night I listened to a powerful,
45:43 beautiful sermon about a character
45:45 who shows up in my message today.
45:49 A man who was fabulously rich,
45:52 a man who had the top education
45:57 in all the land of Israel,
46:00 a man who had the last word in the Sanhedrin,
46:07 a man who had more money than he could ever use
46:11 that man's name was Nicodemus
46:14 about whom we heard so delightfully last night.
46:18 He slipped over by night and I heard Dr. Kim
46:23 talking about the fact that Jesus and Nicodemus
46:28 must inevitably meet
46:30 but Nicodemus might have been a coward,
46:32 he might have been afraid.
46:34 I read all those various and various
46:37 and differing ideas about him.
46:40 He would come slipping over after dark.
46:44 Now was he a moral coward?
46:46 I don't picture him as that altogether
46:49 but he certainly didn't have complete understanding
46:52 when he did it.
46:54 Fearful of his fellow Sanhedrin,
46:56 maybe so I don't know
46:58 and what difference did it make.
47:01 He had the last word in Jerusalem.
47:04 Maybe after dark could have been
47:06 the best time for him and Jesus.
47:09 He had some protracted discussions
47:12 and he couldn't just receive them
47:14 as Christ passed by.
47:16 They needed to study the angels
47:19 so he went by night to see the young teacher.
47:26 The young teacher,
47:27 he called him a teacher said from God.
47:31 He went by to see Him, Nicodemus the master of Israel
47:35 gave John an account of their meeting together
47:40 and there are few other times
47:42 his name mentioned in the various texts.
47:47 "God so loved the world,
47:50 that He gave His only begotten Son."
47:53 That most famous off quoted text
47:57 John 3:16 was delivered to Nicodemus.
48:02 But he heard much more than that.
48:04 He was a moral man,
48:07 he was busy with temple and temple sacrifices
48:12 and their meanings as he talked to others
48:17 and now the young teacher says to him,
48:19 you must be born again.
48:21 Oh, that could wake him up.
48:24 You're talking to me?
48:25 That is what you have to say to me.
48:29 Not only that but I have this to say,
48:33 if I be lifted up from there I will draw all men.
48:39 All men?
48:41 Israel, Nicodemus country had become a narrow prejudice,
48:46 little split up nation with confusing traditions
48:51 getting hardly anything done that God willed for them.
48:56 Nicodemus was aware of it
48:58 and wondered what to do about it.
49:01 But Ellen White says,
49:02 at the best time Nicodemus came to Christ.
49:07 At the best time for him
49:09 and for the church Nicodemus came to Christ.
49:14 He had a close friend another rich man,
49:18 Joseph of Arimathea.
49:20 Joseph had prepared for a tomb for himself and for his family.
49:27 You know, when the vulnerable H.M.S. Richards Sr.
49:32 and I were having a conversation one day
49:35 and he began to describe this grief sight.
49:39 And H.M.S. Richards Sr. wept as he talked to me.
49:44 He said Brooks, don't fail to go there.
49:48 Don't fail to go there.
49:51 We not only didn't fail the first time
49:55 but we came back to that spot to film Breath of Life.
50:00 Richards wept in that garden
50:04 which still has its vine press
50:07 which does not fit the descriptions
50:09 or the descriptions of the tomb inside Jerusalem
50:14 does not fit, this one fits.
50:18 And he told me to look for three crosses
50:20 on the back wall, Byzantine crosses.
50:24 He told me the meaning of that, Richards did.
50:29 What an experience.
50:32 But then became poor,
50:37 Jesus became poor
50:41 and yet the Bible had predicted
50:43 He would be buried amongst the rich.
50:46 We heard that last night.
50:48 Richards said Brooks,
50:49 when you look in the tomb itself
50:52 you will see that one end of it has been extended
50:57 that's because Jesus was a tall man
51:01 and they had to work on it in a hurry.
51:05 He said and if you find the caretaker alone
51:11 ask him to do for you what he did for me.
51:16 I was anxious to see what it was.
51:19 I asked the caretaker he knew H.M.S. Richards well
51:24 and he went to the front of the tomb
51:27 and he looked out
51:28 and he didn't see anyone else coming
51:31 and he unlocked the bars
51:34 and I went in and laid down in the tomb
51:39 where we believe the Son of God spent a little time.
51:47 Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea begged
51:49 for the body of Jesus.
51:51 In those days bodies like those
51:53 and the two thieves there were like throwaways.
51:57 If any family was interested
51:58 they could buy the body, buy the body.
52:04 But when these two influential rich man showed up
52:08 Pilate who had made a mess of everything
52:11 signed a death warrant and Nicodemus
52:17 and Joseph took the body of Christ.
52:20 Washed it, clothed it partially
52:23 and perfumed partially.
52:29 Does that sound like a man scared to be seen?
52:34 No, I don't think so.
52:36 He did dread the hostility of the Jew says Desire of Ages
52:40 who held Him in such high esteem
52:45 but they were courageous men.
52:48 Joseph surrendered his own tomb,
52:52 the Sanhedrin found out about it
52:55 and they did douche the Lord.
52:58 He will bring calamities upon Israel.
53:02 In John 3 he didn't call Jesus Messiah
53:05 but Rabi, that's what He was
53:08 and he didn't indicate
53:09 which he though was above the other
53:12 but he called him Lord later on.
53:17 He then founded heart to associate Christ
53:20 and his end to Messiah
53:24 by referring to a snake on a pole.
53:29 The Bible said cursed is the man
53:33 who would hang on a tree.
53:35 He had to deal with that but he dealt with it
53:38 under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
53:42 He looked for the Messiah and he expected Him to come
53:46 with rich powerful gestures before the people.
53:50 He expected Him to come with glory surrounded him.
53:54 He expected a big celebration but he is boarded to a separate
53:58 and wilderness wrapped around aboard.
54:03 Cursed the man who dies that way.
54:09 Nicodemus, Ellen White says
54:10 in Desire of Ages became as firm as a rock.
54:14 He was rich man but he was as firm as a rock.
54:21 Don't worry about financing
54:23 the ministry and evangelism of the disciples,
54:28 I've got your back said the rich man
54:31 and he spent his money.
54:33 He spent his money and became poor.
54:36 Desire of Ages says,
54:37 he became poor yet he faltered not.
54:41 All of this began with a night conference in a garden
54:46 when Jesus said to him you must be born again.
54:51 I'm bound by the tyranny of the clock.
54:55 I did want to say this however.
54:59 I believe that before you had your first meeting,
55:03 I believe that before you stepped out
55:06 by faith to accomplish
55:08 what God has allowed you to accomplish ASI,
55:11 I believe you were conceived in the mind of God
55:15 and I believe that He chose you
55:17 and He chose these attitudes and that's why you are here.
55:20 That's what I believe.
55:22 And therefore ASI defines me to a large measure.
55:28 I'm going to skip over some things I would have said.
55:31 I want to tell you about a large evangelistic campaign
55:35 in one of the beautiful islands of the Caribbean.
55:38 We put our people into teams
55:40 and my brother five years older than I
55:42 whom I had the privilege of baptizing
55:44 he and his partner had a lady on their list,
55:49 I want to see her one day.
55:50 She always seems solemn and quiet.
55:53 And on this particular day her husband
55:55 was chopping down the grass with a machete
56:00 and when they approached he wanted to know
56:01 what do you want?
56:03 And they told him they had come to see her,
56:05 she had been coming to our meeting.
56:06 He said listen, I told that woman
56:09 if she were baptized in this church
56:11 I was gonna kill her.
56:12 That's his own wife.
56:14 And as he spoke she came out on the porch.
56:17 Didn't say a word for a while, did not tell you she said
56:22 and the woman said but I must.
56:26 On the day of baptism thousands were there
56:29 because all these people normally go to the beach,
56:32 saw what was happening and gathered around.
56:35 And we had a rather large baptism too
56:38 and that woman was in the group to be baptized with a robe on.
56:42 Ten men in the sea,
56:44 ten associates out there with them
56:47 and ten deacons bringing the candidates
56:49 and ten leading them all,
56:51 we had a assistant and he was clicking
56:54 when suddenly my brother looked
56:56 and here comes that man apparently in a rage.
57:00 And as he came he saw her,
57:05 they moved up close to her sides
57:09 and he said to his wife, didn't I tell you
57:14 that if you join this thing I was going to kill you?
57:17 And she said that same two words, but I must.
57:23 You mean to tell me I'm gonna kill you
57:26 and yet you're gonna join this?
57:30 I must.
57:33 He reached out and grabbed her shoulders,
57:35 the man moved in closer
57:37 but then they couldn't understand
57:38 what he was doing.
57:39 He was sliding his hands down her arms
57:43 as he knelt on the ground
57:46 and he said, all my life I've been looking
57:50 for religion worth dying for.
57:53 Hey, this one is worth dying for.
57:57 Ellen White says, that God will show you
58:00 when you should sell your house and your land
58:05 and finances work around the world.
58:07 An old man told me in Cleveland, Ohio,
58:10 that people are gonna have to come down
58:12 and leave those expensive technological inventions,
58:16 leave those large television screens,
58:20 leave all of that that they cherish
58:23 and He will come out the front door
58:25 and He will take that as key to lock it
58:27 and He will dawn on Him no need locking it,
58:30 I'm not coming back here.
58:31 You'll throw the key down,
58:33 you're off to a new quarters in Christ Jesus.
59:00 Please, stand with me and sing our song
59:03 of commitment, "Soldiers of Christ arise."
59:09 Soldiers of Christ arise
59:13 And put your armor on
59:18 Strong in the strength which God supplies
59:23 Thru His eternal Son
59:28 Strong in the Lord of hosts
59:33 And in His mighty power
59:39 Who in the strength of Jesus trusts
59:44 Is more than conqueror
59:50 Stand then in His great might
59:54 With all His strength endued
59:59 But take, to arm you for the fight
01:00:04 The panoply of God
01:00:10 That, having all things done
01:00:14 And all your conflicts past
01:00:20 Ye may o'ercome thro' Christ alone
01:00:25 And stand complete at last
01:00:32 From strength to strength go on
01:00:37 Wrestle, and fight and pray
01:00:42 Tread all the powers of darkness down
01:00:47 And win the well fought day
01:00:52 Still let the Spirit cry
01:00:58 In all his soldiers, "Come!"
01:01:03 Till Christ the Lord who reigns on high
01:01:09 Shall take the conquerors home


Revised 2015-02-12