ASI Conventions, 2013 Jesus by Night

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Justin Kim


Series Code: 13ASIC

Program Code: 13ASIC000008

00:19 Good evening and happy Sabbath.
00:22 I have the privilege of introducing tonight
00:25 our speaker for the evening message.
00:27 My husband Ray and I have known Pastor Justin Kim
00:31 for quiet some number of years.
00:33 But my first memory or my earliest memory
00:36 is at a convention at GYC.
00:39 So I want to ask you first Pastor Kim, what is GYC
00:43 and what was your involvement with that organization?
00:46 Yeah, GYC is a organization
00:49 that stands for Generation.Youth. Christ.
00:53 We've had our evolution of our name,
00:56 and it was basically a group of young people
01:00 in almost ten years ago, mercy, ten years ago
01:04 where we tried to copy ASI.
01:05 Basically what you guys are doing here
01:08 and it was a meager attempt to be an adult.
01:14 And I understand that you moved from GYC
01:17 straight into pastoral ministry?
01:19 No, the last thing I wanted to be was a pastor,
01:22 and the last thing I wanted to be
01:23 was a public speaker in front of many people.
01:26 But GYC had a profound impact upon my life
01:28 I was doing some stem cell research at Mass General
01:33 and I was doing research there
01:36 and I thought that research is so boring and horrible
01:40 I'd rather witness to the people
01:41 in the hospital and slowly that was a slow evolution
01:45 there as well in to the pastorate.
01:47 Not that I believe in it anyways that's not the topic.
01:50 So what was the epiphany that you had there that
01:54 steered you then from research or to be a physician,
01:58 and that was your aspiration, to pastoral ministry?
02:01 Yeah, I was talking to a Muslim guy
02:03 at the hospital once
02:05 and he was the chief of Neuro Oncolo--
02:08 Pediatric Neuro-oncology for children's hospital, Boston
02:11 which in the medical field,
02:12 I don't think you can get higher than that.
02:14 And he was talking about religion
02:17 and he was saying like what's the point of it?
02:19 And had known me and I talked to him
02:22 and he said hey, I like what you have, Justin.
02:25 I'm like what? What do I have?
02:28 You know you have purpose, you know where you're going,
02:30 you have solid belief in God
02:32 and that's a real testament to me
02:35 and that was revolutionary to me.
02:37 And I thought, man I got to learn
02:39 how to, to use opportunities like this for God's glory.
02:43 And that so that brought you to pastoral ministry,
02:45 and since then where have you served?
02:48 I've served various churches in different areas in Michigan
02:52 and now I'm director of communications
02:53 in Sabbath school for the conference.
02:55 And for the Michigan conference?
02:57 That's right. Okay.
02:58 And do you have a family?
02:59 I do, we-- I just got married
03:03 to the same person three times last year,
03:06 it's a long story- it's another sermon
03:09 and we will be expecting in December
03:13 the third party of our family.
03:17 And it's interesting because your birthday is in December,
03:20 Rachel's birthday is in December,
03:23 and God willing the little person's birthday
03:26 will be in December.
03:27 Yes, it's cheaper for that time to happen all at the same time.
03:32 So we are looking forward
03:33 to what God has laid on your heart to share with us.
03:37 Thank you for giving us a perspective
03:39 of what history you have
03:41 and that God has actually brought you
03:43 to this time, for this moment.
03:46 We will be praying for you, God bless you.
03:48 Please, thanks for that.
03:50 Good evening everybody. Good evening.
03:53 It's a very huge privilege to be with you here tonight.
03:59 ASI is an organization
04:01 that's dear to a lot of us at GYC.
04:04 We were just enamored with what's going on here
04:07 and incorporating some of the evangelism,
04:11 amazing facts and the organization of ASI
04:13 and the philosophy of campus ministries
04:15 and all these other things were happening in the 2000s
04:18 it just merged into GYC to what it is today
04:21 and it's a privilege to be standing here before you today.
04:24 Do you have your Bibles here tonight?
04:26 We're gonna be studying from the Book of John
04:29 and that question needs to be asked.
04:33 Do you have your bibles tonight?
04:34 It's becoming more and more common
04:36 for people not to bring their Bibles
04:37 and if you do bring your Bibles,
04:39 you leave them in the hotel room
04:40 or for whatever logistical reason
04:41 or sometimes you have it on your phone
04:43 but it's great to actually have the text in front of you.
04:47 Amen everybody? Amen.
04:48 Where I'm actually be delving into the text.
04:50 There are different philosophies
04:51 to understand scripture
04:52 which I believe a lot of these wrong philosophies
04:55 are entering into the church of saying,
04:56 hey, you don't need to know the text.
04:58 Just kind of know generally what stories are in there.
05:01 We want to get into what Jesus has to speak to us.
05:04 Amen everybody? Amen.
05:05 So if you have your Bibles
05:06 please open to the Book of John,
05:09 the Book of John.
05:10 John Chapter 3, John Chapter 3
05:14 and before we read from scripture
05:15 and ask you to bow your heads with me.
05:21 Father in heaven, we ask here tonight,
05:24 Lord, you have promised that
05:26 in gatherings and in convocations
05:28 and in conventions such as these,
05:31 these are Your media to pour forth your Holy Spirit.
05:37 Father, this prayer has been asked already
05:40 and we being evil- if we know
05:42 how to give good gifts to our own children,
05:45 how much more will you Father,
05:47 give us the Holy Spirit to us that ask?
05:50 So here tonight on this Friday night on this ASI Sabbath
05:54 we ask for your Holy Spirit be with our minds
05:57 to awaken us from the sober realities
06:00 that you would have us to realize
06:02 and to be with our hearts.
06:04 Cleanse us from the blood of Jesus
06:06 and may we here from the words of Jesus himself
06:09 in Jesus' name, amen.
06:11 Amen.
06:12 John 3:1. John 3:1.
06:15 The Sermon tonight is entitled,
06:17 to Jesus by night, to Jesus by night.
06:22 It is a byline or a nickname
06:26 for one character in scripture.
06:30 It's very interesting
06:31 how bylines follow you were ever you go.
06:35 I like to tell you a story.
06:36 Its actually two stories that happen to me
06:38 and I merged them into one for illustration sake.
06:41 I was once a little child
06:43 that was showcased before the church,
06:46 like we do on 13th Sabbath like we did here tonight.
06:49 Where, each of the divisions come out and show their kids
06:52 and they do the some little cute things
06:53 and for Jesus love and kindergarten
06:55 and primary to do those things
06:57 and they could do whatever, and it's cute.
06:59 Yes.
07:00 And I was like, you know, seven, eight, nine, ten,
07:02 eleven, twelve, years old, I don't remember
07:03 and I had to memorize the 13 memory verses.
07:07 I mean, stand up to the mike
07:08 and I had natural false settle voice back then
07:10 and, and I speak into this mike and say,
07:13 God made everything, Genesis 1:1.
07:17 You know all the Bible--
07:18 obviously they shortened Bible verses,
07:20 but at early age, praise the Lord,
07:23 that they were teachers
07:24 who believed in scripture memorization.
07:27 Amen everybody. Amen.
07:29 And then we all finished the memory verses
07:31 the next person went up
07:32 and this is the Korean church we worship in the gym.
07:34 We're high above, just like kind of like we are here today
07:37 and is very nerve-racking kind of experience.
07:40 And you know when the kids are nervous,
07:41 the parents also kind of get nervous
07:43 and kind of that tension in the crowd.
07:45 And then this girl went up to the mike
07:47 and she about to say her 13 memory verses
07:49 and then her face insistently changes
07:52 and she becomes white.
07:55 Not rationally but the blood drains from her face.
07:59 She changed white,
08:00 this Korean girl like just completely white.
08:03 And then she pops up her cheeks
08:06 and she kind of hurls over into above---
08:10 in front of everybody above the people breakfast in public.
08:15 It is the most nastiest experience
08:17 I ever had in my life.
08:18 And then as a little child, the unsanctified source
08:21 that we were, we all are just like
08:23 and we step away from her.
08:25 Excuse me.
08:26 At that point, everybody was looking for one person.
08:29 They were not looking for the Lord Jesus Christ,
08:30 they were looking for the girls mom, to cleanup.
08:35 From that point on, this story
08:38 or this experience followed her for the rest of her life.
08:44 We go and maybe two, three years later like hey,
08:48 remember couple of years ago
08:49 when you throw up at Sabbath school.
08:52 You have been in high school and you like hey,
08:54 remember a long time ago like we met at primary,
08:56 like may went to other Sabbath school
08:58 as nasty like breakfast.
09:01 We go to college and come back for thanksgiving
09:03 and say, hey, remember a long, long time.
09:07 It was you, you throw up at Sabbath school.
09:10 We go to wedding, and we get like
09:12 reunions coming together and you like, hey,
09:15 didn't something happen to you at Sabbath school,
09:17 that's why you threw up?
09:19 And we never make her forget it.
09:24 This is followed her, her entire life.
09:28 In John Chapter 3, by the way that's not advice,
09:30 that's not most godly think to do,
09:31 that's not a sanctified thing to do.
09:33 Well, we don't want to do anything more.
09:34 But here in the Book of John, there is one character,
09:38 his name is found in verse 1.
09:40 And if you are there please say, amen.
09:41 Amen.
09:43 Amen? Amen.
09:44 Can you say, amen louder than that.
09:45 Amen is a biblical word.
09:47 Amen everybody. It's not a bad.
09:49 Amen? Amen.
09:50 You have your Bibles, amen? Amen.
09:52 Hey, backseat people, do you have your Bibles?
09:54 Amen.
09:56 Okay, we pray for the backseat people.
09:58 Okay. John 3:1.
10:01 There was a man of the Pharisees,
10:04 named, What's his name?
10:05 Nicodemus.
10:06 Now many of you should be some what familiar with the story.
10:09 We're not gonna go into the details of it
10:12 but here, there is the man named Nicodemus.
10:15 Nicodemus in verse 1, he was a man of the Pharisees,
10:18 a ruler of the Jews, and verse 2,
10:21 "The same came to Jesus by" what?
10:24 By night. "By night."
10:25 Nicodemus as mentioned, three times
10:27 and three times alone in the gospel of John
10:30 and every time his name is mentioned,
10:33 this moniker this byline, follows him.
10:36 The one that through up as---
10:39 the one that came to Jesus by night.
10:44 Nicodemus here in verse 1, is a Pharisee,
10:48 in my understanding the Pharisees,
10:50 they were not church officials.
10:51 It is, thus probably more of the Sadducees were priest
10:55 but these Pharisees were businessmen,
10:57 they were upper class
10:58 and they were very, very spiritual
11:00 and there living more conservative in their leanings.
11:03 Here in verse 1, he is a ruler of the Jews,
11:06 and in Desire of Ages he was a very capable leader.
11:10 And perhaps once a year he had, he go to ASI, I don't know.
11:14 Perhaps he is part of the leader--
11:16 he is the ruler of the Jews.
11:18 He was someone who can move and shake
11:22 and he was top notch guy.
11:24 And something about the Pharisees were,
11:26 at an early age they had memorized scripture.
11:31 He was part of the culture at that day.
11:32 The education system,
11:33 that many children of the age 12
11:35 had to memorized Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
11:39 Numbers and Deuteronomy.
11:41 And for those who were successful,
11:43 would graduate to the secondary level of education
11:45 and memorize from Judges to Malachi.
11:49 By the time they finished
11:50 the memorizing the Old Testament,
11:53 they would look for Rabbis to follow.
11:56 And the Rabbi would ask them many questions
11:58 and they pass these questions, the Rabbis would say,
12:01 two words, a two word statement.
12:04 He would say, follow me,
12:08 which basically meant, you graduated.
12:11 Where were I go, you go. Wherever I step, you step.
12:13 Whatever I eat, you eat. Whenever I sleep, you sleep.
12:17 You will now become my disciple.
12:18 This will make sense, when the 12 disciples,
12:20 especially the four fishermen,
12:22 when Jesus came to them and by the way,
12:23 if you didn't pass the first five books,
12:26 you are sent off to a technical trade school
12:28 and you learn fishing.
12:32 You understand?
12:33 So in comes a Rabbi,
12:35 and talks to four fishermen and he says, follow me.
12:39 And what does the Bible say,
12:40 And straightway they forsook their nets.
12:43 And straightway they forsook their fathers Zebedee,
12:45 left them in the ship with the hired servants,
12:47 and followed him.
12:50 Its like saying, Harvard Medical School,
12:52 gives you a free scholarship in all expenses paid,
12:56 you drop everything and go.
12:58 Yes or no? Well, some of us.
13:02 Here verse 1, Nicodemus is one of those Pharisees
13:05 and he's memorized huge portions
13:08 if not the entire Old Testament.
13:10 Now, I would submit you today at something Adventist,
13:13 we need to become a people that knows our scripture.
13:17 Amen everybody. Amen.
13:18 Not in the pharisaical way, amen, but in a way,
13:22 that the scriptures can fortified our mind.
13:26 And only those who have fortified their minds
13:29 of scripture will be able to survive the heresies
13:32 and the deceptions of the last day.
13:34 Amen?
13:35 Here is the one of these people in verse 1,
13:37 "A man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus,
13:39 a ruler of the Jews,
13:40 the same came to Jesus by night,
13:43 " The context that here, he is coming to Jesus by night.
13:46 What is happening at night in these days?
13:49 Back than, today night time is just
13:52 whatever or you can do whatever you want,
13:53 you could go seminar at 11
13:55 and you can do everything do in day time
13:56 and you can do in night time.
13:57 But back then when it was night time,
13:59 you did absolutely nothing.
14:03 No lights, no luxury cities.
14:06 When the sun goes down, you go down.
14:09 When the sun goes up, you go up.
14:13 So here you have a man, high in education,
14:19 high in social status, high in finance, if you will.
14:24 And he sneaking around in the neighborhood
14:28 to make sure he is not caught.
14:30 And he is not going to visit some city place,
14:33 he is gonna visit a Jewish Rabbi.
14:36 Verse 2, "The same came to Jesus by night,
14:38 and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that
14:40 thou art a teacher come from God"
14:41 and he is butter Jesus up.
14:43 And here, I'm want to mention,
14:44 we're not gonna go into the actual the dialogue,
14:47 but here is what Jesus says, verse 3,
14:49 "Jesus answered and said unto him,
14:51 Verily, verily, I say unto you,
14:53 except a man be born again, he" what's the next word?
14:57 "Cannot."
15:00 To a man of ability to say
15:02 that he couldn't do something was a shock.
15:06 You can't see the kingdom of God.
15:08 what?
15:10 And again Jesus said again in verses 5,
15:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
15:13 Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,
15:16 he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
15:19 Verses 8, "The wind bloweth where it listeth,
15:22 and thou hearest the sound thereof,
15:26 but canst not tell whence it cometh."
15:28 Jesus says here three times,
15:30 you cannot, you cannot, you cannot.
15:34 Does this have Nicodemus attention?
15:38 What Jesus is doing? Here is the profound context.
15:42 Here Jesus is talking to Nicodemus one on one.
15:45 And by the way, its these one on one encounters
15:48 that makes Jesus so wonderful and charming and warm.
15:52 There's something attractive about Jesus
15:55 that the Nicodemus is willing to sneak around
15:58 and to meet one on one with Jesus.
16:01 This one on one context are found
16:02 throughout the Book of John.
16:03 In John Chapter 3, you have Nicodemus,
16:06 a guy of high stature.
16:08 In John Chapter 4, you have a girl of low stature.
16:12 And in John Chapter 3, you have Nicodemus
16:14 who is coming to Jesus.
16:16 In John Chapter 4, he had Jesus coming to the woman.
16:20 You have John Chapter 3, this is a deep in the night.
16:23 In John Chapter 4, this is at noon time.
16:26 You see the contrast between the two.
16:28 One on one encounters.
16:30 When he came Jesus knew
16:32 that Nicodemus was ashamed of Jesus.
16:36 This is the reason why he came to Jesus by night.
16:39 He did not want to the community to know,
16:41 he wanted Jesus to be in a pride relationship
16:44 and nothing to be known in public.
16:47 And Jesus says, you cannot, you cannot, you cannot.
16:49 What He doing is this, because that you are ashamed
16:53 because of the darkness of your heart,
16:56 you cannot see or walk or discern spiritual thing.
17:02 Is it making sense?
17:03 He's actually using the night as an object lesson.
17:07 Verses 10, "Jesus answered and said unto him,
17:10 are you a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?"
17:12 Verses 11, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
17:15 We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen,
17:17 and ye receive not our witness.
17:19 If I have told you earthly things,
17:20 and ye believe not, how shall you believe,
17:22 if I tell you of heavenly things?"
17:23 Verses 13, get this.
17:25 "No man has ascended up to heaven,
17:27 but he that came down from heaven,
17:29 even the Son of man which is in heaven.
17:31 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
17:34 even so must the Son of man be lifted up."
17:37 Here Jesus gives Nicodemus an insight
17:42 about what's to happen.
17:44 Just like how that serpent was lifted up,
17:46 Jesus is supposed to lift up.
17:48 And this comes back little bit later.
17:50 Go to verse 16, we know verse 16 very well.
17:53 This is the famous verse and go down to the verse 19,
17:55 again he talks about light.
17:56 "This is the condemnation,
17:58 that light is come into the world,
18:00 and men loved" what?
18:03 "Darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
18:07 For every one that does evil hates the light,
18:10 neither comes into the light,
18:12 lest his deeds should be reproved.
18:14 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light,
18:17 that his deeds may be made manifest,
18:19 that they are wrought in God."
18:22 Here Jesus is being super straight.
18:26 He is saying, you're ashamed.
18:29 Question, how many of you here are ashamed of Christ?
18:34 Maybe, you are not here ashamed of Christ at ASI
18:37 but when you go back your home,
18:38 and in your cubicles or in your offices,
18:40 or in your neighborhood or in your business,
18:43 you are ashamed of Christ.
18:45 Maybe, you're in schools,
18:47 maybe you are in a civil community organizations
18:51 and you are afraid of speaking or afraid of being like,
18:55 or afraid of being a straight up,
18:57 bold and confident Seventh-day Adventist.
19:01 And your relationship with the Lord Jesus
19:03 is a private one.
19:05 My father is a taller man, for an Asian this is very rare.
19:12 He is taller than me.
19:15 All sons are taller than their fathers in Korea
19:18 except for our family.
19:21 My father in the 60's or 70's was a hippie.
19:24 So just imagine a Asian Korean hippie.
19:28 He had longer hair and as the pastor, he told me,
19:31 you got to grow your hair out.
19:32 And I was like, no, I'm a pastor,
19:33 I want my head to be short and we have these discussions
19:36 that goes back and forth.
19:37 And finally he says, didn't Jesus have long hair?
19:39 And there is no biblical support for that.
19:41 I don't know that.
19:43 One time I went into my dad closet,
19:46 with my mom and dad closet.
19:47 And I don't know about you,
19:48 there's always that one room in houses
19:51 where you put all your stuff in
19:53 that you never want to see ever again.
19:55 Well, this is magical grounds for young children.
19:58 So I was only child, I have a very vivid imagination
20:01 and I crawled and explore this closet.
20:04 And there are, there are dresses in there,
20:06 that I never seen my mom wear,
20:08 there was hideous things in there.
20:10 There was some old stuff in there
20:11 and there was moths in there and it was like
20:13 dry cleaning plastic bags to cover everything.
20:16 It was just wonderful wired stuff.
20:18 As I dump deeper into this jungle of closet
20:21 I want all the way to the back of the closet, okay.
20:24 Isn't some C. S. Lewis story by the way.
20:27 And at the back of the closet
20:28 there was, get this, an orange leather suit.
20:36 Now for those who are laughing,
20:37 you are laughing because this was in fashion,
20:39 when you were young, you know what I'm talking about.
20:41 But for the younger generation like, this is so,
20:44 this is disturbing for me and I still remember this.
20:47 Why in the world, is there is a suit made out of leather?
20:51 Let alone, why is it color orange.
20:54 And with this orange suit,
20:55 there was a nice lime green tie hanging with it.
20:59 For some you, that's your kitchen,
21:00 your kitchen looks like this.
21:03 And I screamed out loud. I was like, God what is this?
21:07 And my father and my mother
21:08 come out thinking I've got into trouble
21:10 and I take out this and like, what is this?
21:12 How is responsible for this kind of fashion?
21:16 I wish my father responded in a smile,
21:20 kind of, its one of those like
21:21 reminiscing smiles from like the olden days
21:23 when he used to be young kind of imagination.
21:26 Oh, that's my suit.
21:30 Oh man, why?
21:35 And he offered to give me the suit.
21:37 And I said, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I don't want it.
21:41 And he is thinner than I'm and taller than I'm.
21:43 And so I wouldn't be able to in fit in this suit.
21:46 And I asked him this, dad, why do you have this suit?
21:51 I'm trying to imagine, you know,
21:52 skinny Asian tall guy with long hair in a purple---
21:57 orange, orange with a green tie.
21:59 And he said this, that's the suit,
22:02 when I met your mother.
22:05 At some party or at airport or something,
22:08 some kind of memory attached to it that he wore.
22:11 And my mom looking like, yeah, you look pretty dad.
22:13 I'm like, no I don't,
22:14 I don't want this to be happening right now.
22:18 But here is the point, at that point I said,
22:21 hey dad, this is old, throw it away.
22:24 And he said, no I can't.
22:26 It just hold too much sentimental memories,
22:30 its too good.
22:31 Okay, then why don't you wear it?
22:35 And what did he say?
22:36 No, I can't, because I'm ashamed of it.
22:39 And so this suit is in a intermediate terry state.
22:45 It can't be thrown away and rejected,
22:48 but it can't be worn out in public.
22:50 It just stuck in closet in private somewhere
22:54 and as long as it stuck, it's safe.
22:58 Everything the status quo can be maintained.
23:03 But it is stuck in the privacy of a closet.
23:06 For Nicodemus, his relationship with Jesus
23:10 was a orange leather suit.
23:14 He came to Jesus,
23:16 but he came to Jesus by, by night.
23:19 Is this making sense?
23:21 For some of us, the Lord Jesus
23:23 is a wonderful Lord God and Savior.
23:26 He is the one who saved us,
23:28 we have great memories with Him.
23:30 The churches are bright, we love the Adventist church,
23:33 we love the haystacks,
23:34 we love the ABC and 3ABN and ASI and GYC
23:38 and every other acronym in this church,
23:40 we love it to death.
23:42 But the minute we enter into publics fear,
23:45 we turn to private
23:49 and we refuse to talk about the Lord Jesus.
23:52 Let alone be like Lord Jesus in the public market place.
23:57 Isn't that making sense?
23:59 Now some of you, I know that some of you
24:00 will think that, that's not me.
24:02 I go around and I'm a public Christian.
24:06 Second time Nicodemus is mentioned is found
24:08 in John Chapter 7, go to John Chapter 7.
24:14 John Chapter 7, if you there, please say amen.
24:16 Amen.
24:17 Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, John Chapter 7.
24:21 John 7:32, "The Pharisees heard
24:28 that the people murmured such things concerning him
24:31 and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent
24:33 officers to take him."
24:34 Here the Pharisees, the same Pharisees
24:38 that the Nicodemus as part of, they are in a community meeting
24:42 and they finally make a decision.
24:44 Do we have a motion, we have a motion.
24:46 We were at second, yes, we were second.
24:47 And they pass the motion to take Jesus and rifle Him up,
24:52 maybe to kill Him, take His life.
24:54 Well, I don't know where they got these officers.
24:56 I don't know, if they went to the yellow book,
24:58 they went to the internet and go to
25:00 but they got two guys, okay.
25:02 In my imagination, there just a huge guy with muscles
25:06 and they have, you know, tattoos and their bald,
25:08 I don't know why they are bald but they are bald.
25:10 Maybe thick necks and bulging and they are out to get Jesus.
25:14 Verse 37, "In the last day, that great day of the feast,
25:18 Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst,
25:20 let him come unto me, and drink.
25:22 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
25:25 out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."
25:27 And He is preaching in verse 40,
25:30 lot of people therefore,
25:31 "Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying,
25:33 they said, of a truth this is the Prophet."
25:36 Verse 41, "Others said, This is the Christ."
25:38 And some said, Shall Christ come out of Galilee?"
25:41 Verse 43, "There was a division
25:43 among the people because of him."
25:45 Verse 44, and I love this. I see humor in scripture.
25:48 "For some of them would have taken him;
25:51 but no man laid hands on him."
25:55 So these two big guys, I don't know why,
25:57 but there names are Bructes and Groutes.
25:59 They are thinking we're gonna take Jesus,
26:01 we want to get Jesus.
26:02 They go to Jesus and Jesus is preaching in the public square.
26:05 We're gonna get Jesus and we're gonna get Him.
26:07 And as they are gonna get Him,
26:09 they are listening to the Jesus preach.
26:11 And while they're listening to the words of Jesus,
26:14 they get lost in the words of Jesus.
26:17 Isn't that amazing that even the prosecutors
26:20 are getting lost in the sermons of Jesus?
26:24 And they forget,
26:26 why they were even where to begin with.
26:28 Verse 45, "Then came the officers
26:31 to the chief priests and Pharisees,"
26:33 and I love this "and they went back"
26:36 and I'm asking myself why did they go back?
26:40 Bructes and Groutes come back
26:41 and then the communities well, did you get Him?
26:43 Get who? Get Jesus.
26:45 Oh, yeah, you told we forget about Jesus.
26:48 Verse 45, " Why have ye not brought him?
26:51 "And the officers answered" and I love this,
26:55 "Never man spake like this man."
26:58 Awesome.
26:59 Verse 47,
27:00 "Then answered them the Pharisees,
27:02 Are ye also deceived?"
27:04 Have any of the rulers
27:05 or of the Pharisees believed on him?
27:07 But this people who knoweth not the law are cursed."
27:10 Verse 50, what is the first word in verse 50?
27:13 Nicodemus. Nicodemus.
27:14 Nicodemus is part of that board meeting.
27:19 "Nicodemus said unto them,"
27:23 just in case you forgot who Nicodemus was.
27:26 verse 50, he that through up at Sabbath school,
27:29 is that what the Bible says?
27:31 He that came to Jesus by,
27:35 the one who was originally ashamed,
27:38 the one who was originally shy,
27:40 the one who was originally introverted,
27:43 the one that came to Jesus by night, what does he do?
27:45 He raises his hand and he says this in verses 51.
27:50 "Does our law judge any man, before it hears him,
27:53 and knows, know what he doeth?"
27:56 Basically he is saying, hey, this is just really fair,
27:58 maybe we should give him a fair chance.
28:02 And Desire of Ages says,
28:03 there was an uncomfortable silence.
28:06 Meaning what? Nicodemus, was right.
28:09 And out of sarcasm they say this is verse 52,
28:13 "They answered and said unto him,
28:14 are you also of Galilee?
28:16 Search, and look, for out of Galilee arise no prophet."
28:18 And verse 53, "Every man went unto his own" what?
28:22 They just walk out. Level two Nicodemus is this.
28:26 This whole process of Nicodemus
28:29 coming around is taking three years.
28:32 How long everybody?
28:34 Three years. For three years.
28:35 Sometimes there are some people out there
28:36 it takes three years to win them.
28:37 Amen everybody?
28:39 Its not an excuse, some people it takes for years.
28:42 Level one, Nicodemus says, oh, you know,
28:46 I want to meet Jesus, but I'm ashamed.
28:49 I'm gonna go to Jesus but its gonna be at night time.
28:52 Level two Jesus-- oh Nicodemus,
28:54 level two Nicodemus, he in the board meeting,
28:57 Jesus is being attacked and he raises his hand
29:02 and he defense Jesus in the board meeting.
29:06 Today, we need people
29:08 who are willing to stand for truth,
29:10 to stand for Jesus, to stand for
29:14 what's right in board meetings.
29:17 Even if it means incurring an awkward silence
29:22 or sarcasm from the other side.
29:25 But still, this was not the level
29:27 that Nicodemus had to be act.
29:29 Amen.
29:30 Level one, who shy, level two, he is kind of peeping up,
29:35 but he is still silent.
29:38 The third time, the Nicodemus is mentioned
29:39 is found in John Chapter 19,
29:42 John Chapter 19, turn to chapter 19.
29:46 If you there please say amen?
29:49 Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, we've done a lot of time here.
29:53 John 19:30.
29:58 Amen? Amen.
30:01 "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar,
30:03 he said, It is finished,
30:05 he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
30:07 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation,
30:09 that the bodies should not remain
30:10 on the cross on the Sabbath day,
30:11 for that Sabbath day was an high day,
30:13 besought Pilate that their legs might be broken,
30:16 and that they might be taken away."
30:18 Many of you are familiar the crucifixion
30:20 is dead by suffocation.
30:23 When the arms are raised up
30:25 and your poor cavity sinks down,
30:27 you have no space to breath.
30:29 So when you are feet are nail to the cross,
30:33 you have to stand up on your legs,
30:35 take a breath and because you so tired,
30:37 you sink that down unto you need to breath again.
30:40 Basically, they are gonna up and down
30:42 and breathing like this.
30:44 Because it's Sabbath and because you want Sabbath
30:46 look nice on a high day,
30:49 they said, hey lets brake his legs.
30:52 If you brake his legs He can't stand up,
30:55 if He cant stand up, he suffocates and dies
30:57 at earlier weight, at earlier time.
31:00 Verse 32, "Then came the soldiers,
31:02 and brake the legs of the first,
31:03 and of the other which was crucified with him.
31:05 But when they came to Jesus,
31:06 and saw that he was dead already,
31:08 they brake not his" what?
31:11 And praise the Lord,
31:12 this is a fulfillment of prophecy.
31:15 Verse 34, "One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side,
31:18 and forthwith came there out blood and water.
31:21 And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true
31:24 and he knoweth that he saith true,
31:27 that you might believe."
31:29 These things were done,
31:30 that the scripture should be fulfilled,
31:31 a bone of him shall not be broken.
31:33 And again another scripture said,
31:35 they shall look on him whom they pierced."
31:39 You see, what's happening here?
31:41 Jesus is fulfilling all these Old Testament prophecies.
31:47 If you what, a careful study of Psalms Chapter 22,
31:52 the first words of Psalms 22 is,
31:55 "My god, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
31:59 These words were said by Jesus. Yes.
32:03 And the last words of Psalms 22 in the Hebrew is,
32:08 It is done or it is finished.
32:11 Of which the last words of Jesus were,
32:13 it is finished or it is done.
32:17 And many scholar says, that while Jesus was on the cross,
32:21 if you have a chance tonight, read Psalms 22.
32:25 The Jesus is on the cross and heaven has closed,
32:30 the Father has turned away, even the clouds are coming on.
32:33 Everyone has rejected Him and He is on the cross
32:36 and He only source of encouragement
32:39 He gets, its from Psalms 22, its from Bible memorization.
32:45 And in many ways, He is rebuking,
32:48 that all the Pharisees who have memorized
32:50 the all the whole Old Testament
32:52 and here He is memorizing-- He is quoting Psalms 22.
32:56 And as He is quoting Psalms 22,
32:59 that the actual events are happening to Him.
33:04 He wanted to brake His legs and here He has already died.
33:07 Okay.
33:08 He talks about His mother, He is talking about thirsting,
33:10 He said all found in Psalms 22.
33:13 Well, at this point what happens.
33:14 Verse 38.
33:16 "After this Joseph of Arimathaea,
33:18 being a disciple of Jesus,
33:19 but secretly for fear of the Jews,
33:21 besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus
33:24 and Pilate gave him leave.
33:25 He came therefore, and took the body of Jesus."
33:28 Verse 39, "There came also," what's the name?
33:33 "Nicodemus, which at the first"
33:35 and just in case you forget who he was,
33:38 this was the one who threw up at the one
33:42 "at first came to Jesus by night."
33:45 The one who is originally shy or at second level
33:48 he kind of peeped up in a board meeting,
33:50 but on level three Nicodemus is this.
33:52 Verses 39, "There came also Nicodemus,
33:54 which at the first came to Jesus by night,
33:57 and he brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes,
34:00 about a hundred pound weight.
34:02 And they took the body of Jesus,
34:04 and wound it in linen clothes with the spices,
34:06 as the manner of the Jews is to bury."
34:09 Here Nicodemus has gone through a profound transformation
34:13 that he buys very expensive things
34:16 and instead of coming to Jesus by night,
34:19 he is coming to Jesus by day.
34:23 And he comes to the foot of the cross
34:25 and he doesn't care who is watching.
34:29 He doesn't care how much these things work.
34:34 He doesn't care how much education he has
34:38 or other people have over to thinking.
34:39 He just doesn't care anymore.
34:43 He is free from all these things
34:46 and the only thing he cares about is the Lord Jesus.
34:52 Because at that moment, all those memory verses
34:55 that he memorized, are coming to life.
34:59 They're flipping to his mind.
35:02 Genesis 3:15 this is the seed of the woman.
35:05 Exodus, this is the law giver from Mount Sinai.
35:10 He sees the blood patterns, this is Pentecost pass over,
35:14 pass over is pointing forth to this moment in time now.
35:18 In Leviticus, all those sacrifices
35:20 are pointing to this point now.
35:23 In Numbers the Shekinah Glory
35:24 this is the bodily formed to Shekinah now.
35:28 This is the covenant maker of Deuteronomy.
35:30 This is the King of Kings, judge of judge.
35:33 This is the guy the whole Old Testament is pointing too
35:38 and all these texts are flying through his mind
35:43 and he just can't be shy anymore.
35:49 He realizes, it is his moment in time.
35:55 Some day Adventist brothers and sister,
35:56 we know a lot of stuff.
35:58 Amen? We know a lot of stuff.
36:01 Yes, amen. Yes or no?
36:03 Amen. But don't be humble tonight.
36:04 Do you know lot of stuff, yes or no?
36:06 You know, 2,300 day prophecy
36:08 like the back of your hand, yes or no?
36:09 Amen. You should.
36:16 With all that Bible knowledge if Jesus is not the focal point
36:23 then Seventh-day Adventist becomes
36:25 one of the most dangerous religions out there.
36:29 But if Jesus is right at the center of
36:32 this is the most liberating faith on earth.
36:37 Amen? Amen.
36:40 Here Nicodemus goes all out
36:43 and in the book of Acts of Apostles
36:46 what I call level four Nicodemus,
36:49 seven in the Bible.
36:51 Ellen White says, that Nicodemus emptied
36:55 his accounts is my words for the early church.
37:01 All those high contacts he had he used them for the church,
37:06 he used them for the gospel, he used them for Jesus Christ.
37:09 And if he was not for him
37:11 and his best friend Joe of Arimathea.
37:14 By the way which is very interesting
37:16 he is looking over at his best friend,
37:18 he is live wow, best friend, you are a rich man.
37:21 There's a prophecy
37:22 that Jesus will be buried in a tomb of a rich man.
37:27 Like he is living within the prophecy itself.
37:30 I mean, he is having this experience.
37:32 He realizes I need to go all out for Jesus right now.
37:37 And Acts of Apostle says this, he died a poor man,
37:40 he died a lonely man but he died a happy man
37:43 because he gave it all for Jesus.
37:50 The sacrifice that Nicodemus portrayed in the early church
37:58 will be the same sacrifice necessary
38:01 in the later day church.
38:03 I'm not telling later day saints, amen everybody.
38:06 I'm talking about today.
38:09 This is the time for the Father's business
38:14 and we need to empty all for the Lord Jesus Christ.
38:18 I'm not saying like just empty your bank.
38:20 I'm not talking about finances,
38:22 I'm talking about empty your reputation
38:25 for the Lord Jesus Christ.
38:27 Empty your energy that you have,
38:30 empty-- I don't care if you are young or old,
38:32 even if you're 90 years old
38:34 the Lord has a work for you to do.
38:36 You're still alive, amen? Amen.
38:41 We need to empty all for the Lord Jesus Christ.
38:46 This isn't some youth meeting where there's a lot of young--
38:49 no, young, youth meetings are very interesting.
38:52 Young people don't have much.
38:55 So when you ask them to give all
38:56 they willing give all
38:57 because they don't have much to begin with.
39:00 Amen.
39:01 I've been in enough youth meetings,
39:03 give all for Jesus and they look out their pocket
39:05 and say only have $2, yeah, I can give all.
39:09 They go all.
39:13 Young people the larger sacrifice
39:15 is give the rest of your life.
39:18 Sacrifice your time.
39:20 Sacrifice your 20s, your 30s for Lord Jesus.
39:25 You know, the world wants
39:26 our young people in their 20s and their 30s.
39:29 The fashion industry they go for the girls
39:31 in their teens 20s and 30s.
39:33 The sports industry goes for guys in their 20s.
39:35 The military goes for the 20s.
39:36 The business world goes for the 20s and 30s.
39:38 Why is it that our church rejects
39:41 those people in their 20s and 30s?
39:43 And I'm asking you intentionally,
39:45 amen everybody?
39:46 Just happens.
39:48 Praise the Lord for proms like ASI Youth for Jesus.
39:51 Praise the Lord for all His other programs
39:53 I can't mention to you tonight.
39:56 But for people who don't have a lot of time
40:01 empty your accounts, empty the rest of your health,
40:06 pensions and 501Ks, 401Ks or 301Ks
40:10 or you know Windex or whatever,
40:12 whatever all those things out there.
40:14 Empty your reputations for Lord Jesus Christ.
40:19 This is not easy to do. Why?
40:24 Because we rather be the ones who come to Jesus by night.
40:30 And here tonight I make a call her ASI,
40:34 I pray if it's Lord willing that this be the last ASI.
40:40 Not because ASI-- other people have preached about it,
40:42 other people have prayed this
40:44 but let tonight be a demarcation line.
40:47 There are some of you here tonight, you know,
40:49 you're not even in level one Nicodemus.
40:51 You just hear because as the crowd hear.
40:53 You need to be level one Nicodemus
40:55 and encounter Jesus one on one in your spare time
41:00 and have a personal intimate encounter with Jesus.
41:04 Amen. Amen.
41:06 If that's you I'm talking to you here tonight.
41:10 You know, me--
41:12 it's just the experience of the Holy Spirit, amen.
41:15 Level two, there's some of you,
41:18 you're comfortable in just the one on one experience
41:22 but the Lord is calling you to come out in a board meeting
41:25 and to stand out for faith, stand out for principle,
41:29 stand out for truth.
41:30 Do the right thing even though
41:32 your reputation may disappear because of it.
41:36 You're called whether you are in a class room to call
41:40 and to say something against the professor.
41:43 To say something against the chair
41:45 or the board chair or the moderator.
41:48 And there are some of us today if not all of us,
41:52 we're called to come out to the foot of the cross
41:57 and to give the Lord Jesus the best
41:59 and the most expensive of our gifts.
42:03 And I pray that every person in this room
42:06 that we end up being poured and lonely
42:12 but happy in the Lord Jesus Christ.
42:14 Amen.
42:15 Amen. Amen.
42:18 Fathers and mothers, sacrifice your children.
42:22 Children, sacrifice your parents.
42:24 Husband's, sacrifice your wives.
42:27 Wives, sacrifice your husbands.
42:30 Our soul focus from this point on
42:33 is the Lord Jesus Christ.
42:37 And some time
42:39 we need to demarcating point for that to happen
42:41 and I'm tempted to give a call and ask you to come out
42:44 but I'm thinking with such a wonderful group
42:47 such as this you already come to many a things like this
42:50 and you stood up already in the past.
42:53 The Lord is not calling you to stand up here at ASI,
42:57 the Lord is asking you to stand when you are one on one
43:00 in your bedroom all by yourself.
43:02 The Lord is calling to stand in those small board meetings
43:05 and the Lord is calling you to stand up
43:08 when you're front of many, many other people not here at ASI.
43:13 Amen. Amen.
43:15 How many of you here today
43:16 want to be a level four Nicodemus?
43:20 How you ask and say Lord,
43:21 I want to be part of latter rain
43:23 and I want to be the Joseph of Arimathea or the Nicodemus.
43:26 Raise your hands on.
43:27 I mean, you're not that tired, are you?
43:29 You know, that embarrassed are you,
43:30 raise your hands high.
43:33 Now this hand is for the cameras to see, yes.
43:36 You're making a public testament
43:38 to the entire internet world.
43:42 Amen.
43:44 But I want to ask you here how many of you
43:46 are tired for a call like this and say Lord,
43:48 I don't know whether you're calling me to,
43:51 I don't know what this entails,
43:52 I don't know if you are asking me
43:53 to empty my bank accounts,
43:55 I'm not talking about money you understand
43:56 I'm talking about just giving a mindset of that.
43:59 You say Lord, I can't do it.
44:00 I can't do it.
44:02 I enjoy the darkness and I need to be broken of it.
44:09 If that's You and the Holy Spirit has spoken
44:12 through a wired Korean preacher to you tonight
44:15 I want you to stand up here tonight.
44:18 This is not for the cameras this is for the angels
44:21 to look and say, man, that person has a problem,
44:23 let's help this person out.
44:25 If you're struggling with darkness
44:29 and you can't give all to the cause of Christ
44:32 but you want and you're asking the Lord's help
44:35 stand up at this time right now.
44:42 God bless you, brothers and sisters.
44:46 In a cause age as this there are some of you
44:49 still sitting down and you are sitting down
44:53 because you are leaders of large organizations
44:56 and you are thinking what will people think of me?
44:59 You are going through a Nicodemus experience.
45:02 Listen, this is a message for you.
45:04 Maybe you're not a CEO but you're a leader of small
45:08 little subsume ministry in the middle of no where, yes?
45:12 And you're like man, what will all my employees think of me,
45:14 what will all of staff think of me
45:16 but I can't give all to the cause of Christ.
45:19 God is calling you today stand up and give it up
45:22 and the Lord Jesus will help you.
45:24 Lord's calling you today.
45:26 How many of you want to be a Nicodemus
45:29 for Lord Jesus Christ, stand up now?
45:36 Hurry up, hurry up, we don't have time.
45:43 For those who are standing up God bless you.
45:44 I want to have a word of prayer with you.
45:46 For those who are sitting down
45:49 do you want to be part of the latter rain?
45:51 And my assumption is that already, we all are, amen.
45:57 God bless you guys, let's pray.
46:01 Father in heaven,
46:05 Lord, prophecy has a wonderful affect
46:11 of helping you see the larger picture.
46:15 And Lord, Nicodemus saw the largest picture possible.
46:18 He saw Your son in every Old Testament text.
46:23 This cause the certain unction out of him.
46:26 A certain zeal that wasn't some kind of fanatical emotionalism
46:32 but it was a fervent principle that refused to be closeted up.
46:39 And Father, I pray that You use organization like ASI
46:42 and Lord, help us to get outside of the camera's
46:45 outside of the largeness of this convention,
46:47 outside of logistics and unto wonderful order here
46:53 and help us to see what Your saying to our hearts right now.
46:56 Lord, as we go home tonight, as we go to our hotel rooms
47:00 there are some people in this room Lord,
47:02 grant us no sweep unto we surrender
47:06 before Your sight.
47:08 And Lord, we know that, we here at ASI
47:10 we've already give you our hearts
47:12 but, Lord, there are other components in our lives
47:15 help us to get outside of ourselves.
47:18 And Father, for the people who are standing up
47:21 Lord, inject into their hearts, injecting through their minds
47:27 the engrafted word of truth that can save our souls
47:33 and into cause a love for the light board
47:39 then we may issue darkness.
47:41 Lord, maybe no longer be proud, confident in our riches,
47:47 education, social stature reputations
47:52 and maybe we solely focused on the cross of Jesus
47:57 and that His work that He is currently doing
47:59 in the heavenly sanctuary.
48:01 This we pray humbly in Jesus name
48:05 and that all of God's people say, amen.
48:56 Just imagine
49:00 a city made of gold
49:09 Imagine the day
49:11 When the Father's radiant
49:15 Glory we'll behold
49:21 Imagine a time
49:24 where there will be
49:26 no crying, no more pain
49:33 Imagine when Jesus comes again
49:44 Imagine a place
49:49 Where there's no more night
49:56 Where the glory of God
49:59 Will forever shine with eternal light
50:08 We'll gather round the throne
50:13 Of the great I Am
50:20 What glory
50:23 When Jesus comes again
50:31 The trumpet will sound
50:35 And the dead in Christ will all be raised
50:43 He will come in the twinkling of an eye
50:53 And then those who believe in Him
50:58 As savior and Lord
51:03 Will be caught up to meet him in the sky
51:18 Just imagine what glory that will be
51:30 On the day when our
51:34 Precious savior's face we will see
51:42 We will bow before Thy throne
51:47 Singing praises to the Lamb
51:57 What glory when Jesus comes again
52:08 Imagine when Jesus comes again
52:19 Comes again
52:27 Amen.
52:44 When you prayed beneath the trees
52:48 It was for me, O Lord
52:52 When you cried upon your knees
52:56 How could it be, O Lord?
53:00 When in blood and sweat and tears
53:04 You dismissed your final fears
53:08 When you faced the soldiers' spears,
53:12 You stood for me, O Lord
53:25 When their triumph looked complete,
53:29 It was for me, O Lord
53:34 When it seemed like your defeat
53:37 They could not see, O Lord!
53:42 When you faced the mob alone,
53:46 You were silent as a stone
53:50 And a tree became your throne
53:54 You came for me only, O Lord
54:15 When you stumbled up the road
54:19 You walked for me, O Lord
54:24 When you took your deadly load
54:28 That heavy tree, O Lord
54:32 When they lifted You on high
54:37 And they nailed You up to die
54:42 And when darkness filled the sky
54:46 It was for me
54:49 For me, O Lord


Revised 2014-12-17