ASI Conventions, 2013

Youth Reports and Music

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 13ASIC

Program Code: 13ASIC000007

00:19 At this time we're going to bring you
00:21 a short presentation from each of our youth departments.
00:24 And Roby, what can you tell us about our youth convention.
00:29 You know, the youth department of ASI has the potential
00:32 to chance young people's lives on so many fronts.
00:36 But I would say that the three greatest ways
00:38 the ASI has impacted my life that is the youth department
00:43 I could literate with three Ps.
00:45 That will be to say the people, the programs and the places.
00:49 Now, the people, you know,
00:51 if you send your kids to the ASI youth convention
00:55 you are placing them in association
00:57 with some of the most quality young people
01:00 in the Adventist church.
01:01 Like in my experience one of my friends
01:04 that I made at ASI he told me about his experience
01:07 preaching a full series overseas
01:09 and it got me so excited
01:10 that I preached about tens cents or so.
01:13 So the people, the programs
01:15 we get some of the greatest speakers
01:17 in Adventism from Ted Wilson
01:19 who was with us I believe last year.
01:22 You know, Mark Finley, David Asscherick,
01:23 Sebastien Braxton.
01:25 You are placing your young people in an environment
01:28 where they will hear a life changing messages.
01:30 And the number three, the places we go.
01:34 Whether it's the juniors whom as you will are impacting
01:37 the lives of thousands of other young people in Thailand
01:41 or the early teens are youth who they go door to door,
01:45 go to the homeless shelters, soup kitchens, feed people.
01:49 ASI all together
01:50 it's a comprehensive youth program
01:52 that will change your young people's life.
01:54 So thank you for sending them
01:56 to ASI youth program and please continue
01:59 because there will be difference for eternity
02:02 because of this program I'm convinced.
02:10 Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.
02:13 I'm Rebecca we're the kindergarten class.
02:16 We're so excited to have this opportunity
02:18 to share glimpse of what we've been learning this week.
02:23 This week we have been learning about
02:28 how God's love is displaced their nature.
02:33 For Inspiration tells us
02:36 "Nature and revelation alike testify of God's love."
02:44 Here we go.
02:49 "The heavens declare the glory of God,
02:55 and the sky above shows his handiwork"
03:01 Psalm 19:1.
03:06 We've been having a lot of fun in kindergarten.
03:10 They are great kids and we've had an absolute ball.
03:14 We were wanting to share couple of things that
03:16 we've done, some special things this year.
03:18 We've made this thing
03:19 that the kids are holding in front is called para-chain.
03:22 And every time, for ever meeting
03:24 they would come in and we would sit down and say
03:26 did you have something that you wanted to.
03:29 Thank Jesus for or pray to Jesus about
03:32 and they would yeah, and they would think
03:35 and then they would-- it really put down into it
03:38 and it was really special and year we get around
03:41 and we pray over these pair-- or phrases
03:44 and it was neat to see the kids heart
03:46 as they were pouring, you know,
03:48 I want to pray for my grandparents sake,
03:50 or I just got a new sister and I'm so excited
03:52 or whatever it was to be held to bond together a little bit.
03:56 The other thing we did was we had a special song
03:58 and so we want to share that with you right now.
04:01 Are you ready? Here we go.
04:05 Little drops of water
04:08 Little grains of sand
04:10 Make the mighty ocean
04:13 And the beauteous land
04:15 And the little moments
04:18 Humble though they be
04:20 Make the mighty ages
04:23 Of eternity
04:25 People on the hills
04:27 Has the rings like the kings
04:29 The kings has the magic every Saturday
04:34 Small things they offer
04:36 And turnings like toffees before every Saturday
05:02 Good evening, the primaries have had an awesome time.
05:07 We may miss being at home and our loved ones
05:09 but we are so glad to be here with you.
05:13 The primaries have been looking
05:15 and studying how to make wise choices
05:18 from the fruit of the tree of life
05:21 and the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
05:24 How do you make wise choices?
05:27 And so we've had nurse Opeka
05:31 who has taught us that 95% of all of our health ills
05:35 come from what we put in our mouths.
05:38 And she taught us something, children,
05:39 can you help me with it?
05:41 If God made it?
05:44 If man made it?
05:47 If you can't pronounce it.
05:50 Very good.
05:54 We've also had Taylor Bridal who has been teaching us
05:57 how to make good choices and some secrets about music.
06:01 And we've also had Ryan St Hilaire
06:05 and his team teaching us about entertainment
06:08 and what a good choice is there.
06:11 We all need to make good choices,
06:12 so we are making them because of feelings or desires
06:16 or because the spirit drives them
06:18 and its in the Word of God.
06:20 So we are going to bring three musical offerings to you.
06:23 The first one is the scripture son,
06:25 1 Corinthians 10:31 and then a song
06:28 we need to sing every morning
06:30 so that we can make wise choices
06:32 and the last one a paraphrase from Galatians 6:22
06:36 that a friend help me do.
06:49 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink,
06:54 or whatever ye do,
06:58 do all in the glory of God's
07:04 and spread your incense where you are.
07:11 When I wake up in the morning and I lift up my head
07:16 I sing praise the Lord, praise the Lord
07:20 When I roll right out of bed and my feet hit the floor
07:25 I sing praise the Lord, praise the Lord!
07:29 Good morning Lord, I love you, I just wanted you to know
07:34 Here's my heart my life, my will, myself,
07:37 I give it all to you!
07:39 Take my life and use it, guide my feet along your way
07:44 May your words my mind renew, your Spirit fill me each day
07:49 When I see the morning sunlight and I breath in fresh air
07:54 I sing praise the Lord, praise the Lord
07:58 When I spend time in God's Word,
08:01 talk to Jesus in prayer
08:03 I sing praise the Lord, praise the Lord
08:07 Take my life and use it, guide my feet along your way
08:12 May your words my mind renew, your Spirit fill me each day
08:37 God's spirit makes us loving
08:40 Glad, peaceful, patient, kind
08:43 Good, faithful, gentle, self-controlled
08:46 These are the fruits of life
08:49 We will not get tired of doing good
08:54 --choices--rewards
09:00 God's spirit makes us loving
09:03 Glad, peaceful, patient, kind
09:06 Good, faithful, gentle, self-controlled
09:09 These are the fruits of life
09:12 We choose the fruits of life
09:29 Good evening, ASI.
09:30 We had a wonderful time in the junior class
09:33 these last tree days, action packed,
09:34 nonstop, no time to breathe.
09:36 We were learning about great men for God.
09:40 We're studying people like Paul, Moses, Joseph and Daniel.
09:45 And we have been learning how these-- the habits
09:48 and characters of these men to be able to learn
09:50 how we can be great for God.
09:52 In the long being-- along with being
09:54 great for God always comes service.
09:57 And so the juniors this year
09:58 were able to put together 50 Sabbath school footlockers.
10:03 And each of these footlockers
10:04 contain material for 50 children.
10:09 So the material for the footlockers
10:12 was donated very lovingly
10:15 and the children worked on the contents
10:17 very diligently over the past two days.
10:20 And today the footlockers were filled.
10:23 The youth division came and helped us.
10:26 We praise the Lord for that
10:27 and it was a lot of work, been a lot of fun.
10:30 And so now the footlockers are on their way now,
10:34 some of them and some through out the rest,
10:37 through out next week
10:39 and they are going to Thailand to help the children there
10:43 and also they are going to refugees
10:46 through out the United States.
10:48 So over 2,500 children will be blessed from the ministry
10:52 that the juniors did here at the ASI.
10:55 So we praise the Lord for His goodness,
10:57 helping us to have strength and with every little detail
11:01 miraculously went together so we praise the Lord.
11:04 Amen. Amen.
11:08 Now the juniors are gonna sing our theme song.
11:12 We are a missionary band
11:19 We are but a band of children
11:24 We are few, and weak and small
11:28 But we want to work for Jesus
11:32 And there's work enough for all
11:37 We are a missionary band
11:41 A missionary band, a missionary band
11:45 We are a missionary band
11:50 Doing all we can
11:54 There are many little children
11:58 Far away across the sea
12:03 Who have never heard of Jesus
12:07 But to idols bend the knee
12:11 We are a missionary band
12:15 A missionary band, a missionary band
12:20 We are a missionary band
12:24 Doing all we can
12:29 So we want to send them teachers
12:33 Who will teach them how to pray
12:37 To the dear and loving Savior
12:41 Who will wash their sins away
12:46 We are a missionary band
12:50 A missionary band, a missionary band
12:54 We are a missionary
12:59 Doing all we can
13:04 It was Jesus died to save them
13:08 'Twas for this to earth He came
13:12 He will make them pure and happy
13:16 When they learn to love His name
13:20 We are a missionary band
13:24 A missionary band, a missionary band
13:29 We are a missionary band
13:33 Doing all we can
13:47 Good evening. Good evening.
13:50 We've had a blast with your early teens.
13:53 We have.
13:55 And in Matthew Chapter 5,
13:57 Jesus says one word over and over He says "Blessed."
14:02 Blessed are the poor in spirit,
14:05 the meek, the merciful, blessed are the peacemakers.
14:11 In the early teen room this week we had been blessed.
14:14 We studied the beatitudes and considered the attitudes
14:21 that Jesus is describing with His words
14:24 and we ultimately realized
14:25 that only He can give us those attitudes.
14:29 Yeah, and so he gives us these attitudes
14:33 and it makes us want to share, we want to serve.
14:38 And so yesterday we enjoyed practicing ways
14:42 to share by learning first aid, CPR,
14:47 taking vitals, bandaging,
14:50 splinting and things like these.
14:52 And then today we went to a local ambulance service
14:56 and we got a glimpse into what it means
14:59 to serve locally in our communities
15:02 in emergency medical services.
15:05 Mostly importantly the goal for the early teen room
15:09 is to know these words you are about to hear
15:13 to know these words of Jesus by heart
15:17 and to live those words by His grace and for His glory.
15:31 Blessed are the poor in spirit, they shall receive the Kingdom
15:38 Blessed are they that mourn, relief shall come their way
15:45 Blessed are the meek, all the earth shall be theirs
15:51 Blessed are the hungry for righteousness
15:58 For they shall be satisfied
16:01 They shall be satisfied
16:06 Blessed are the merciful, there shall be an equal portion
16:13 Blessed are the pure in heart, they shall see God
16:20 Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be the sons of God
16:26 Blessed are those who are persecuted
16:30 For righteousness' sake,
16:33 For theirs is kingdom the kingdom of heaven
16:41 Blessed are you when others revile you
16:44 And persecute you
16:46 And utter all kinds of evil against you
16:50 Falsely on my account
16:54 Rejoice, rejoice and be glad
17:00 For your reward is great in heaven
17:04 Rejoice, rejoice and be glad
17:10 For your reward is great in heaven
17:17 Blessed are you rejoice
17:24 Blessed are the poor in spirit, they shall receive the Kingdom
17:30 Blessed are they that mourn, relief shall come their way
17:37 Blessed are the meek, all the earth shall be theirs
17:43 Blessed are the hungry for righteousness
17:50 For they shall be satisfied
17:53 For they shall be satisfied
17:58 Blessed are the merciful, there shall be an equal portion
18:05 Blessed are the pure in heart, they shall see God
18:12 Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be the sons of God
18:18 Blessed are those who are persecuted
18:21 For righteousness' sake,
18:24 For theirs is the kingdom
18:28 Kingdom of heaven
18:33 Blessed are you when others revile you
18:36 And persecute you
18:37 And utter all kinds of evil against you
18:41 Falsely on my account
18:45 Rejoice, rejoice and be glad,
18:48 For your reward is great in heaven
18:52 For your reward is great in heaven
18:56 Blessed are you
18:58 Rejoice, rejoice and be glad,
19:01 for your reward is great in heaven
19:05 Rejoice, rejoice and be glad
19:06 For your reward is great in heaven
19:09 Blessed are you rejoice
19:16 Amen.
19:24 Hello, ASI.
19:25 My name is Joshua and Plohocky,
19:27 I'm the leader of your youth program.
19:29 We've got a few of the youth here
19:30 to represent the program to you tonight.
19:33 Thank you so much for sharing your youth with us.
19:35 We believe that Jesus is coming very soon
19:38 and we are trying to prepare for that event
19:40 not just by preaching
19:42 but we wanted to pick a theme this year
19:44 that would actually help to facilitate your youth
19:49 to preparing for that soon
19:50 and second coming of Jesus Christ.
19:52 Our theme was entitled "I care"
19:54 and we emphasized on social justices.
19:58 My partner Mike is going to share
20:00 a little bit more about that.
20:03 All right, so with the theme
20:05 social justices or the topic social justices
20:08 which obviously encompasses many things.
20:10 What we wanted to do Wednesday was get this--
20:13 get the young people hands on.
20:15 So we went to a local women's center
20:17 for abused women from all different backgrounds
20:22 to help out with some of the needs
20:23 in the local community here and surrounding Orlando area.
20:27 And Irene had the opportunity
20:30 to work really in a miracle situation.
20:32 We are gonna have an opportunity
20:34 to actually interact with any of the women of the facility
20:36 but the Lord did work it out that we were able to
20:39 and so Irene is gonna tell us
20:40 a little bit about her experience.
20:44 So what I was sharing with you this evening
20:46 is what I was doing at the women's center.
20:50 So I got the opportunity
20:52 to work with the children there.
20:55 And so we start-- well, we started of doing was
20:59 we packed little bags for them, school bags
21:02 and we divided it to elementary,
21:06 middle school and high school.
21:08 And after we are done that
21:10 we spent some time with the children.
21:14 So we sang to them, we read to them
21:18 and even made a skit about the Good Samaritan
21:22 and they absolutely loved it.
21:26 And when there was time for them to take a nap
21:28 and us to leave
21:29 they said we will miss you and hope you'll come back.
21:36 And we said the missing was well
21:38 and that we love them and Jesus loves them
21:42 and I just think its so important for them
21:45 to know that there is somebody out there
21:47 that cares for them and loves them unconditionally.
21:53 So Max, no Alex what did you do?
22:00 Well, you were out in the kids area in school,
22:03 I was outside.
22:04 I was gardening actually,
22:06 didn't plan on it but it was lot of fun.
22:08 We got to clean up the yard
22:09 and we got to help out with the playground
22:12 that we put rubber down
22:14 so that they would have a safe area to play
22:16 and their play equipments and we weeded a lot, a lot.
22:20 It looks much better now.
22:22 It was a lot of fun, we almost got rained out
22:25 but it didn't and I'm glad that we got to help them.
22:28 I know we made a difference.
22:31 Something else I would like to say
22:33 in our speakers this year have been talking about
22:37 how we can impact our community
22:40 not just in physically like what we did on Wednesday
22:43 but also spiritually and emotionally
22:47 so that we can help other people realize
22:49 that someone cares for them.
22:54 Again thank you very much.
22:55 Your people are been
22:56 a true blessing to us as leaders.
22:58 They are wonderful youth
23:00 and it was just a privilege to work with them
23:02 and to be able to interact with the community
23:04 and help out other programs whatever we could do
23:07 we wanted to so we could put the gospel in motion.
23:11 May God bless you. Amen.
23:15 We praise the Lord Jesus that you are here tonight
23:18 to see these young people that are behind me
23:21 because they represent ASI's
23:23 finest group of ASIYFJers.
23:30 Can you say amen? Amen.
23:31 If you don't know what YFJ is
23:33 it stands for Youth for-- and finish it for me.
23:36 Jesus.
23:37 Every year people tell me we are very excited about
23:40 what Youth for Jesus is going to share
23:42 and how this summer impacted them
23:44 and that is exactly
23:46 what we are going to this evening.
23:48 For the past 15 years on Sabbath mornings
23:52 you have put your money in an envelope
23:55 to sponsor this program.
23:58 Without you ASI Youth for Jesus does not happen
24:02 and we want to say a big thank you
24:04 because your money has taken the gospel
24:07 and impacted the lives of the young people
24:10 that are standing behind me.
24:13 I wonder if there is any past
24:14 ASI Youth for Jesus participants in here tonight.
24:18 Are there any in here stand up if you are in here.
24:20 ASI Youth for Jesus, there is one way back over there.
24:23 There is some up here, some up here playing the piano.
24:26 Some over there.
24:27 My friends I want you to know
24:29 that this program is one of the best marketing tools
24:32 that ASI has for gaining new members
24:35 in its constituency.
24:37 What do you say? Amen.
24:38 And we just praise the Lord Jesus
24:40 that you are supporting it.
24:42 Don't forget you're gonna come in this place tomorrow morning
24:45 and tomorrow morning
24:46 you are going to see on your seat an envelope
24:49 that envelope will look very--
24:52 you may not want to look at that envelope
24:54 but that envelope represents what you--
24:57 where you are going to place your money
24:59 to sponsor all of what ASI is sponsoring this year.
25:03 So as you go to bed this evening
25:04 I want you to pray
25:06 and I want you to ask the Lord Jesus Christ
25:08 how much money He wants you to put in there.
25:10 Now, they didn't pay me to come out here,
25:11 I don't get a percentage but I love what ASI does
25:14 with young people, what do you say?
25:17 These young people participated in a daily regiment.
25:19 At 6 a.m. they got up, they had worship,
25:22 at 8 a.m. they had breakfast,
25:24 9 a.m. was worship, 10 a.m. was class,
25:27 12 p.m. was when they did their chores
25:30 and got ready for lunch, 1.30 was lunch,
25:33 3 o'clock was given the cars go on outreach,
25:36 6 o'clock we show up at your church
25:39 where you are holding the evangelist meeting
25:41 and they preach from 7:15 until 8:00
25:44 whenever the long winded evangelist got finished
25:47 and John is gonna tell you
25:48 how many gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ.
25:52 John, where are you at my friend?
25:53 This is John Holland
25:54 the ASI Youth for Jesus field supervisor.
25:57 Good evening every one. Good evening.
25:59 So good to be here,
26:00 so good to share some of the wonderful things
26:02 the Lord has been doing with our youth this summer.
26:04 I thank you to ASI and its constituents again
26:07 for your prayers, for your financial support.
26:10 We couldn't have done without you.
26:11 Thank you as well to Florida Conference in its constituents.
26:15 We thank you for your prayers and financial support.
26:18 We had a total of three church sites this year.
26:21 I believe all of those were in Lake County
26:23 about an hour outside of Orlando
26:25 and we hand Umatilla,
26:27 we had the Lady Lake church and we have the Leesburg church
26:31 and we were blessed that each of those church sites--
26:34 I want to just take an opportunity to thank
26:37 and recognize the bi-workers that served at those sites.
26:41 At Umatilla we had Terran Watkins.
26:44 Raise your hand Terran, I don't know where you are.
26:46 She is behind me somewhere, Terran.
26:47 And we had Christian Bou.
26:49 Christian Bou, you are watching on TV.
26:50 Well, thank you for your support
26:52 and your help with this year's program.
26:54 He had to go back and take care of some things were college.
26:57 And we had some maps individuals
26:58 they are gonna be introduced in just a moment.
27:00 At the Leesburg site we had Louis Zapata.
27:05 Raise your hand Louis, he is gonna share testimony
27:06 in just a moment and we had Lindsey White.
27:08 I don't know where she is behind me
27:09 but you will see her hand go up.
27:11 Lindsey actually came into Youth for Jesus as a student
27:15 and then she helped with her health nugget talks
27:17 and now she served as a Bible workers.
27:19 So she is actually more of a veteran than I am.
27:23 At this time I would like to take some-- an opportunity
27:26 to have some of the speakers, some of the Bible workers
27:28 and some of the students share some testimonies.
27:31 I'm gonna invite Gare to come up here.
27:33 Gare was our speaker at the Umatilla
27:36 Seventh-day Adventist church site.
27:38 This was his second year as a speaker.
27:41 Gere from East Wenatchee, Washington.
27:44 On a cherry-- tell us briefly your experience
27:48 as a speaker this year.
27:49 Well, I just have to say it was God ordained.
27:52 You know, for me I'm nothing as filthy rags.
27:56 There is nothing that I can do
27:58 but through Jesus Christ we can do everything.
28:00 Amen. Amen.
28:01 So I was discussing the Sabbath topic
28:04 and there was one man on my front pew
28:06 and he was sitting there
28:07 and there was just this look of grief on his face.
28:09 He just-- he couldn't get it,
28:11 he couldn't understand the Sabbath.
28:13 I could just see in his face but the Bible changed him.
28:18 There is nothing that I could say
28:19 that could change him
28:20 but the Bible transformed him and he accepted Sabbath day.
28:24 Isn't that incredible? Amen.
28:25 Through the Bible you and I can do anything
28:28 and it was just such a privilege to be
28:29 able to speak for Youth for Jesus this year
28:32 and its something that Youth for Jesus changed my life
28:35 and it made me want to dedicate my life to the ministry
28:37 and I don't know what I'm gonna do yet
28:39 but praise God that He has a plan.
28:40 Amen. Thank you, Gare.
28:42 I now that God has a plan for him.
28:43 He is going to be an evangelist.
28:45 There is many recommendations that he go and pursue that.
28:48 Louis one of our Bible workers this year,
28:51 a local from Apopka, Florida
28:53 and he was serving as a Bible worker at Leesburg
28:56 and then we brought him on
28:57 as a Bible worker with Youth for Jesus.
28:59 Tell us Louis, a little bit about your experience.
29:02 Well, before I say anything
29:04 I want to read something from Education 271,
29:08 "With such an army of workers as our youth,"
29:12 how soon might the mess "rightly trained,
29:16 how soon might the message of a crucified, risen,
29:19 and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world!"
29:24 And I just want to say we as Adventist
29:26 already know what that means
29:27 because Matthew 24:14 says that "This gospel of the kingdom
29:32 shall be preached in all the world
29:35 for a witness to all nations and then shall the end come."
29:39 And these young people back here
29:42 are the means by which God wants to use to do that.
29:45 And I just want to say as a Bible worker
29:46 it has been an honor
29:48 and a privilege to work with these young people.
29:50 I just want to give a quick story
29:53 of something that happened.
29:54 It was on a Saturday evening we usually go out
29:57 and do evangelism out in the neighborhood.
30:01 On this particular Sabbath we were out in a nursing home
30:04 and some of the young people had to go do a Bible study.
30:08 So I had to take those young people,
30:09 we only had limited transportation
30:11 and I had to take some of those young people
30:13 out to do this Bible study.
30:15 So I had to leave the whole Leesburg group by themselves
30:19 with Lindsey White our Bible worker
30:22 and I'm thinking in my mind men, this is gonna be crazy.
30:25 I'm leaving all these young people with one Bible worker,
30:29 when I get back I don't know what's gonna happen.
30:31 But when I get back the Bible study had cancelled
30:34 and I got back a little sooner
30:36 and I came to find a bunch of young people
30:40 singing, talking to these older folks
30:43 about Jesus with smiles on their faces
30:46 and they took such initiative that they had actually
30:50 planned out a program for that evening.
30:53 So they took care of everything.
30:55 With these young people it has been a privilege
30:57 and I just want to say that
30:59 I'm honored to have being given this opportunity
31:01 to work with these young people.
31:03 Amen. Thank you, Louis.
31:05 We had a unique opportunity this year to have NAPS with us.
31:07 We've had them in the past but this time
31:09 we have them at each of our church sites
31:11 and it was just a blessing.
31:13 Donald, please come tell us a little bit about NAPS
31:15 and some of the testimonies
31:17 that you encountered here with Youth for Jesus.
31:19 Yeah, so, I'm a part of NAPS
31:22 and NAPS stand for the National Association
31:25 for the Prevention of Starvation
31:27 and our focus is not just to prevent
31:31 physical starvation but also spiritual starvation.
31:33 And we go all around the world doing medical work,
31:38 feeding programs, spreading the love of God,
31:41 and not only that but also doing work
31:43 right here in the United States
31:45 visiting juvenile detention centers,
31:48 schools encouraging youth
31:50 because we know that there is power in the young people.
31:53 And its been a pleasure working with the Youth
31:56 for Jesus program and I have some--
31:58 and I'm actually a part of-- the team
32:00 that worked with Youth for Jesus program
32:02 is called the year of dedication team
32:04 and we've taken a whole year off
32:06 from our school, our college education
32:09 and dedicated it to ministry to doing the work of the Lord.
32:13 And we ended our year with the Youth
32:14 for Jesus program after going to Guiana
32:17 and after doing Oklahoma tornado relief.
32:20 And at Youth for Jesus we had some powerful testimonies.
32:24 I was privileged to be able to do
32:26 Bible work with some of these students
32:28 and some of these students here
32:30 came never giving a Bible study before
32:33 and they left leading somehow.
32:36 Some students came not having morning devotions
32:39 and they left leading out worships,
32:42 leading out devotions having their own devotion
32:46 and we know that that is only God that is working.
32:49 And when I was doing Bible studies
32:51 with this one lady named Ms. Sylvia
32:53 she was accepting everything we were teaching her
32:56 and the last study was on baptism
32:59 and I told the students,
33:01 I've said this is gonna be a serious study watch out.
33:04 Watch out your study paid off
33:05 and lo and behold when we got there the kids
33:09 they have never acted up so bad before.
33:12 For that night, that Bible study
33:14 that afternoon they were the worst
33:16 they have ever been and I knew why
33:20 because Ms. Sylvia decided to give her life to Jesus
33:23 and to be baptized.
33:24 And that was a beautiful thing.
33:26 And another experience that we had
33:28 is we worked with some kids, some low income community.
33:31 They were 17 kids that we worked with
33:34 and we were teaching them scripture songs,
33:38 we were sharing with them the same love of God
33:40 that we shown all around the world.
33:42 And three of those kids decided to get baptized.
33:46 And not only that but the others
33:49 their lives were changed forever.
33:51 They will never be the same
33:53 and we would after we taught them the thing
33:56 we wanted to make sure they understood.
33:59 And so we did it and while we were in the van
34:01 we went and we, we were testing them.
34:04 Okay, we are asking them certain questions
34:07 and every question that we ask them
34:08 from the Bible they remembered.
34:11 They remembered everything we taught them
34:13 and it was a powerful thing in this one girl.
34:16 Her name was Jacqueline
34:17 one of the ones who got baptized.
34:19 She, she came to me and she said
34:23 I'm so happy you guys came.
34:25 I haven't been to church in a long time
34:27 and I'm so thankful for the opportunity
34:29 to go to church.
34:30 And I'm so happy,
34:32 I'm so excited about my new life
34:35 that I'll be able to live in Christ.
34:37 You know and so praise the Lord
34:38 for the opportunity with Youth for Jesus.
34:40 Thank you, John, thank you, Pastor Sky,
34:43 and all of the life staff that Youth for Jesus,
34:46 all the kids praise God for you are.
34:48 We learned some new songs this year that NAPS taught us
34:50 and privates will have an opportunity
34:52 so sing that at some point.
34:54 Wonderful songs from-- in a different language.
34:57 The three primary goals of Youth for Jesus
34:59 are to impact the youth that attain you for Jesus,
35:02 to train then, to equip them, to inspire them.
35:05 And the second goal is to impact the community
35:08 that we are involved with-- I should say the church
35:10 and then the community that we are involved in.
35:13 So we got the kids, the students,
35:15 the church families that were working
35:17 with at the sites and the community.
35:19 And I want to tell you how that was done by God's grace.
35:23 We had a total of 32 baptisms this past Tuesday night.
35:26 Amen. It was powerful.
35:30 We've a testimony about that in just a moment.
35:32 We spent a total of 40 hours
35:34 doing outreach over the phone half weeks
35:36 that we were there at each of those church sites.
35:39 Approximately 2,500 doors were knocked on
35:43 and a total of 47 or so Bible studies were given
35:46 in the community by these students.
35:49 Amen. Amen.
35:51 Powerful, wonderful thing
35:52 to see a young person inside someone else home
35:55 praying and studying the Word of God with them.
35:57 I'd like to take an opportunity
35:58 to now invite Austin to come up front.
36:00 Austin from Wildwood, Georgia.
36:03 His dad is Mr. Charles Morsel, I don't know his first name
36:08 but he is going to be speaking here soon.
36:10 And you had a neat experience
36:12 with the food at Youth for Jesus.
36:15 So tell me a little bit about that
36:17 and your experience.
36:18 Okay, well, I have one question for everyone first of all.
36:21 Is there anyone here who has some kind of food allergy?
36:25 You can just raise your hand. Yes, there are.
36:29 Well, I have food allergies as well
36:31 and particular not allergies.
36:33 And when I got to Youth for Jesus at first
36:35 I was thinking I might have trouble with that
36:37 because its happened many times in the past
36:39 that people either tell me that
36:42 oh, there is not nuts in this or there is no nuts in that
36:44 and I eat it and I get sick.
36:46 But here Youth for Jesus
36:47 it was such a blessing to be able to eat the food
36:51 and not only eat the food but special is provided.
36:55 For instance one time at breakfast
36:57 I went to breakfast
36:58 and they had muffins and gravy.
37:01 Now I like muffins and gravy
37:03 but the gravy there had something that
37:07 I might have not been able to eat
37:09 but Ms. Melanie the cook she came and she said no,
37:12 there is a separate gravy that did I could eat.
37:14 And it was very good and it actually turned out
37:17 that that one she preferred it to the original one.
37:21 Another experience was at lunch time,
37:25 before we go out on outreach in the evening
37:28 we prepare our sack lunches.
37:30 And as I was preparing my sack lunch one day
37:33 I saw that at the end of line there was chili mix
37:36 I like chili mix as well and when I saw it
37:39 I know oh, it had cashews
37:42 but before I left Ms. Melanie as well came and said
37:46 oh, here is the special chili mix
37:47 that you can eat.
37:48 And it was just a blessing that how God provided
37:50 through the kitchen staff, through Ms. Melanie food
37:53 that I could eat and that I could enjoy.
37:57 The last thing you want to see is a young person so close up
38:00 as they are knocking on someone's door.
38:02 So we are so grateful awesome that you still with us
38:04 and everything worked out good for you.
38:07 Joe, come up here and tell us a little bit
38:08 about your experience with the classes.
38:11 We had Bible study every day, two, three hours
38:14 and you have something you want to share about that.
38:17 Thank you, John.
38:21 That's Icelandic for good evening, ASI.
38:25 Good to see you and may God bless you.
38:27 Now who of you have been blessed since you got here?
38:32 Amen.
38:33 I must say in the past five weeks
38:35 that I've been here I have been truly blessed.
38:38 Never before to me
38:39 has the Word of God been so clear.
38:42 We've-- we've gone through all 20 of our doctrines
38:48 and seeing and getting to experience them,
38:50 starting them with friends and seeing how--
38:54 how clear the Word of God can be to us
38:57 has really changed my life.
38:59 Its built confidence in me.
39:01 When we went out on outreach
39:03 I felt confident, I felt so sure
39:06 when I was sharing the gospel with these people
39:08 and I find it-- I find it
39:11 that's been a true blessing to me.
39:12 So and I can't wait.
39:14 When I go back home to Iceland to share this with my family,
39:17 with my friends and with my church members
39:20 and continue to bringing the gospel to the nation
39:23 and hopefully to the world
39:25 for that is out mission, isn't not?
39:27 Amen. Amen.
39:29 So that's what I have to say, that's my personal testimony.
39:32 Thank you and may God bless.
39:35 We had three people total from Iceland.
39:37 It was just great to have them here with us.
39:39 Okay, I'm gonna ask now for Savannah.
39:42 Savannah, please come up and tell us a little bit
39:44 about your experience doing outreach.
39:48 Well, an important part for me
39:50 to come to Youth for Jesus was learning
39:52 how to become devotion and Jesus in my community.
39:56 Not at a program but learning how to do it at home.
40:00 And so we would go out every day
40:01 for a couple of hours and knock on doors
40:04 and ask people if they wanted Bible studies.
40:08 And so in one of the particular instances
40:11 we had gone out and while we were in the van
40:13 we have a season of prayer just for the people
40:16 that we are gonna meet and for us as well
40:19 that God will work through us
40:21 and we always pray for something specific
40:23 that we would like to see happen that day.
40:26 And so we went out in this community
40:28 and it was a little bit different than usual.
40:30 The people were friendly, they were nice
40:32 but they didn't really want what we had to offer.
40:35 But we came to this one house and we knocked on the door
40:38 and a gentleman came to the door
40:41 and one of my team members
40:43 told him about what we were doing
40:45 and he is like sure, come on in.
40:48 And we were able to give him and his wife and his daughter
40:51 a Bible study right there and then and that's something
40:54 that we really asked for specifically
40:56 that we would be able to give Bible study
40:59 with somebody in prompt too.
41:00 And so it was a big faith building experience for me
41:04 but it enabled me to realize that God knows everything
41:09 that we ask for and He knows what all make us happy that day
41:14 and what we need to be encouraged.
41:17 Amen.
41:18 Savannah was also a great help to my wife
41:20 and with our little baby Caleb who is nine months old.
41:22 She just loves holding him and rocking him to sleep
41:24 so thank you Savannah, for that as well.
41:27 Okay, Corry, come on up here brother
41:28 and tell us a little bit about
41:30 a Bible study experience that you had.
41:31 Corry is from Fort Worth, Texas where we were last year
41:35 and that's somewhat how
41:37 Corry has heard about Youth for Jesus.
41:39 Him and a friend Andrew came from Fort Worth.
41:41 And so what was it like giving Bible studies in the community?
41:45 Well, its really interesting giving Bible studies.
41:49 I remember one in particular it was--
41:54 first I'm gonna start with the outreach
41:55 where we are looking for people to give Bible studies.
42:00 So we knocked on this guy's door
42:02 and he was actually the first person
42:05 that answered the door that day.
42:07 And he didn't really like he wanted a Bible study
42:10 but when we started asking him the survey
42:13 he opened up and he was like
42:15 yeah, I want to learn more about the Bible.
42:17 So we got his contacts
42:23 and contacting stuff like that
42:27 and we were going to do a Bible study there that week
42:32 but he said that he had a busy schedule,
42:36 like he would be at work on the days
42:38 we will be giving Bible studies and stuff.
42:40 So we were like-- but we decided like
42:44 maybe call him later in the week
42:45 to find out it will work or not.
42:48 So later during that week we called him and he said,
42:54 I'm available.
42:56 My boss just called me like 10 minutes ago saying
42:59 you don't have to go work today.
43:01 So we were able to give him the Bible study
43:04 and he learned like so much about the Bible
43:06 and we answered few of his questions
43:09 and like he is really excited.
43:12 And he told us later that since he had the day off
43:15 he had invited a friend of his to come over and like,
43:19 you know, group off whatever and it turns out
43:23 he would have been there at the same time
43:26 we would have been doing Bible studies
43:28 but his transportation was delayed.
43:30 So like God cleared out two things out of his schedule
43:34 so that we could do a Bible study with this man.
43:36 He is very inspiring, I guess. Thank you, Corry.
43:43 Thank you so much. Okay, Kindle.
43:46 Kindle, from I was gonna forget the town,
43:48 you're gonna say what it is.
43:49 It's in Alaska and what is it-- what the name of-- Ketchikan.
43:53 Ketchikan, Alaska.
43:54 All the way from Alaska and she came down here
43:57 and she was actually a student last year with Youth for Jesus.
44:00 She is gonna say a little bit about
44:02 how that impacted her life
44:03 what she has been doing this last year
44:05 and what she intents to do
44:06 now going back with a second year added.
44:10 So ASI convinced that Youth for Jesus
44:13 is a life changing program.
44:15 Okay, are you convinced that ASI Youth for Jesus
44:18 is a life changing program?
44:19 Yes. Much better.
44:21 So Youth for Jesus is my second year
44:23 as a YFJ as we like to call it
44:26 and Youth for Jesus completely revolutionized
44:28 my spiritual walk with Christ.
44:30 I came to youth for Jesus rather reluctantly last year
44:34 as kind of-- I wanted to go but as it got closer I thought
44:36 what I'm going myself into, what am I doing?
44:39 But I came and at the end of it I had a passionate relationship
44:43 with my personal Savior Jesus Christ.
44:47 So I went home
44:48 and I was praying and I was like
44:49 Lord, give me somebody to study the Bible in.
44:52 And I was picky.
44:53 I was like, I don't really want to have to go knock on doors.
44:56 How of you have been knocked on the door?
44:58 This is ASI like all the hands should go up.
45:01 Okay, so I didn't wanted, you know, some people are like
45:05 no, I don't have time and so I got home
45:07 and my first day at work-- I work at Marina
45:09 and so Marina is kind of little rough and tough sometimes.
45:12 I get there and the girl I'm working with she--
45:15 we are working together and she just out of the blue
45:17 she says Kindle, you go to church?
45:19 And I said, yeah.
45:20 Her name is Chelsey and so through the rest of the day
45:22 we just kind of we dialogued about
45:25 what Seventh-day Adventist believed and what is going on.
45:27 And in my heart I was praying, I was like Lord, is this it?
45:30 Do you want me to ask her if she wants Bible studies?
45:33 And you know, you are kind of like that
45:34 feeling you have inside, you are reluctant.
45:36 Inside I was praying about it
45:37 and I'm getting ready to leave towards the end of the day
45:39 I'm like Chelsey, would you be interested
45:41 in studying the Bible?
45:43 And she said, Kindle,
45:44 I would love to study the Bible with you.
45:47 I was just praise the Lord. I was so excited.
45:50 And so we began studying the Bible
45:52 and I honestly thank God for her into my life
45:55 for a blessing to myself more than it was to her.
45:58 And she would tell me we are still studying,
45:59 she would tell me as we are studying
46:00 she will say whatever I can do to make this work
46:04 I will take stuff out of my schedule
46:06 so I can be there for our Bible studies.
46:08 And I just praise God for that
46:10 and it just keeps your passion alive.
46:12 When you see somebody learned to love your Jesus
46:16 passionately there is nothing like it in the world.
46:20 Also by the grace of God
46:22 there is some other young ladies in my community
46:25 and my sister is part of this small group
46:28 and she is only other Adventist
46:30 and there's about seven of us all together
46:32 and we get together about once a week
46:34 and we just read the word of God
46:36 and its been such a blessing to really fellowship,
46:40 even though they are not all Adventist
46:41 its a great way to reach out to them.
46:44 So this year when I go home I will be talking to my pastor
46:47 and I want to get more involved.
46:48 He has asked me to speak a couple times at church
46:50 but you see, I'm excited to go home
46:51 and like to preach and just share Jesus
46:54 and what Jesus has done.
46:55 And not only in my church but in my family
46:58 because when you have that relationship with Jesus,
47:01 when you have that peace
47:02 there is nothing that can replace it.
47:05 So send your kids, send your grandchildren,
47:09 everybody come to Youth for Jesus
47:10 it will change your life
47:11 as I can experience like nothing else.
47:14 And like we read, a generation of youth widely changed--
47:18 trained, excuse me, can bring this work to a close
47:21 and we can be that generation.
47:23 We can be this people. Amen.
47:26 Thank you so much.
47:27 Scott, please you have another testimony.
47:29 Yes, amen. Amen.
47:32 Scott has a-- someone he is getting introduced to you
47:34 and they have a testimony sharing as well.
47:36 Again the three primary goals,
47:38 number one, is impact on the participants.
47:43 Twenty of your young people baptized.
47:46 Amen.
47:47 The next-- praise the Lord. Yes, praise the Lord.
47:50 The next impact that we tried to make is on the local church
47:56 and then the third impact in order of the importance
47:59 if you can put an importance on that impact
48:01 we do is the impact in the local community.
48:05 And Josh is gonna come over here
48:07 and he is going to share with you a testimony about
48:11 how Jesus touched his life
48:13 in this Youth for Jesus program.
48:15 Josh, it's good to see you. Thank you.
48:17 Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
48:21 I had never planned on being here.
48:23 Hold it to your mouth.
48:24 God thankfully brought me here.
48:27 I'm gonna give you my testimony
48:29 so little long and see what happens.
48:35 I grew up in a church, Seventh-day Adventist
48:37 till I was 16.
48:41 People in the church can be discouraging.
48:47 They can be judgmental, they can condemn.
48:51 They did this to me.
48:52 They did it to my family,
48:54 they did it to my brothers and my sisters.
48:57 When I was 16 I left the church.
49:01 I left the church because of these people.
49:05 They constantly condemned me
49:06 for the trials I face as a human.
49:09 Luke 6:39 Jesus said, "Can the blind lead the blind?
49:13 Shall they not both fall into the ditch?"
49:18 These people were blind to the love of God.
49:20 They were more worried about the clothes I was wearing,
49:23 the food I was eating and my friends.
49:27 They did not reflect the love
49:29 that Jesus Christ meant for us to reflect.
49:34 The blindness of these hypocrites
49:36 pulled me into the world, into the ditch of the world.
49:40 Matthew 4:8, 9, "Again, the devil taketh him
49:44 up into an exceeding high mountain,
49:45 and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world,
49:48 and the glory of them, and saith unto him,
49:51 All these things will I give thee,
49:53 if thou wilt fall down and worship me."
49:56 Brothers and sisters, I fell into that ditch.
49:59 I worshipped the devil for nine years.
50:03 He showed me everything the world had to offer
50:07 and the glory of it just as he promised Jesus
50:10 he would do to him.
50:13 Alcohol, dealing and consuming the peers
50:15 and hardest drugs anyone can obtain.
50:19 Almost any women I wanted I had my way with her.
50:24 I had what I thought was a perfect job,
50:26 it required me to work on Sabbath I didn't care.
50:29 The world is mine and I was the worlds.
50:32 Jesus said in John 8:34,
50:34 "Verily, verily, I say unto you,
50:36 Whosoever committeth-- who so ever committed sin
50:38 is the servant of sin."
50:40 The Roman 6:23 says "The wages of sin is death."
50:45 On April 28th of this year
50:47 I was fired from my perfect job as a chef.
50:49 I went to work and my parents to a store
50:51 till I got a new job in the kitchen.
50:54 Nine days later
50:56 I was in extremely terrible accident.
50:59 It was 2 a.m. my best friend was asleep as a passenger seat
51:04 and we were heading back to my brothers house
51:05 from McDonalds after leaving a local bar.
51:09 For some reason I turned down the road
51:11 that lead to my parents house
51:12 complete opposite way of my brother's.
51:16 I passed out of the wheel and ran a stop sign.
51:22 As I began crossing the highway something woke me up.
51:26 I looked to right and less than 20 feet away
51:30 there was two headlights coming straight for me.
51:36 I smashed gas pedal as hard as I could
51:39 and a split second later an 8,000 pound
51:42 Chevy Suburban slammed into my passenger side
51:47 going approximately 50 miles an hour.
51:51 The panel that separates
51:52 the front and back door of the car
51:58 which is less than four inches away from the passenger window
52:01 where my best friend laid his head he was asleep.
52:07 The impact blew up in my trunk,
52:12 stamp my axle in half.
52:15 Even then I still refused to believe
52:17 that God has saved me that night.
52:22 After nine years of the serving of sin
52:25 nothing was doing it for me.
52:26 I became tired of all the parties,
52:28 alcohol, drugs and women.
52:31 I was so empty, so alone.
52:33 I had a voice, I had avoid in me
52:35 that I nor the pleasures of this world
52:37 not even the devil himself could fill.
52:40 A few weeks have past
52:42 and I got tired of working at the thrift store.
52:45 I miss the kitchen more than anything.
52:48 One day my mom told me
52:49 they needed help in the kitchen through YFJ.
52:52 Said mom, how am I gonna work 45 minutes away.
52:56 I don't have a car, I don't have a drivers license?
53:00 She said, don't worry.
53:02 One of the kids that was supposed to come
53:04 wasn't able to make it
53:05 and there is a bunk there for you.
53:09 The spot opened the opportunity for me
53:12 to stay there for the month.
53:14 I thought finally, kitchen I can work in.
53:16 Needless to say I accepted it.
53:19 At first I wouldn't go to the meetings
53:21 for while I was there my heart touched--
53:24 my heart was touched by these amazing youth there behind me.
53:27 Their dedication and love for Jesus was pouring
53:30 out of them in a way I cannot even describe it.
53:33 I started attending some meetings than more frequently.
53:37 I was walking out of the church one day Scott said to me
53:40 hey, Josh, you're gonna baptize next Tuesday?
53:45 I said I was thinking about it.
53:48 Honestly the only thought I put into it
53:51 was how to respond to the question
53:54 without making him feel bad.
53:57 Last Tuesday
53:58 YFJ had a baptismal service in Umatilla.
54:02 The back row of the choir had to squeeze together
54:04 to make room for one of the youth
54:06 who was helping with the song service.
54:09 I was sitting half on the chair and half off.
54:12 My back pain from the accident started to kick in.
54:16 I began to squirm in my seat.
54:19 I said, I don't want to squirm
54:20 in the seat in front of everyone.
54:21 So I'm gonna pray and hopefully God will this pain away.
54:25 I closed my eyes, I said, dear Lord,
54:29 and before I can get the third word in the pain disappeared.
54:36 Scott was closing the service
54:37 and asked the candidates to go chance.
54:39 Before they started to get up he stopped them and asked
54:45 if anyone in the building wanted to get baptized.
54:48 I wanted to say, yes, but the chains of sins
54:50 still had me bound even though
54:52 He had just answered that prayer for me.
54:57 He looking through the crowd then turned to the choir.
55:02 He stopped
55:03 and was staring directly at me with his big blue eyes.
55:09 I looked down for a second
55:10 trying to hide from the question.
55:16 When I looked up at him again
55:18 the blue in his eyes had turned deep red.
55:22 A red I have never seen before.
55:26 Those fiery eyes incinerated the chains of sin
55:28 that bound to this world and set me free.
55:33 I knew what I had to do. I was baptized that night.
55:39 The void I have nothing in this world,
55:48 the void in had nothing in this world could fill was filled.
55:52 The power of God lift me up and His love embraced me
55:56 and I was no longer alone.
56:00 For those of you that are feeling the way I did
56:02 and want to leave the church this is for you.
56:05 Jesus says in Luke 6:37,
56:09 "Judge not, and you shall not be judged,
56:11 condemn not, and you shall not be condemned"--
56:14 and you shall be condemned
56:15 "forgive, and ye shall be forgiven."
56:19 So don't be discouraged.
56:21 We come to church to hear the Word of God
56:24 not the words of the condemned.
56:26 Unfortunately Satan has more warriors
56:28 in the church than God.
56:31 Don't let hypocritical warriors of Satan
56:33 pull you into the ditch as they did to me.
56:37 Pray for them, forgive them.
56:39 As hard as it may be to do so do it
56:42 because after all they are the ones
56:44 condemned to hell and you will be forgiven.
56:49 You are never alone though you may feel like it is times
56:52 as God did on the cross-- as Jesus did on the cross
56:55 God is always there anxious to show you
56:58 the special place He built for you.
57:00 Don't ever give up on God. Amen.
57:33 Give me ears to hear Your Spirit
57:39 Give me feet to follow through
57:46 Give me hands to touch the hurting
57:51 And the faith to follow You
58:02 Give me grace to be a your servant
58:07 Give me mercy for the lost
58:13 Give me passion for Your glory
58:19 Give me passion for the cross
58:24 And I will go where there are no easy roads
58:30 Leave the comforts that I know
58:36 I will go and let this journey be my home
58:41 I will go
58:47 I will go
59:02 I'll let go of my ambition
59:07 Cut the roots that run too deep
59:13 I will learn to give away
59:18 What I cannot really keep
59:24 What I cannot really keep
59:31 Help me see
59:35 With eyes of faith
59:40 Give me strength to run this race
59:47 And I will go where there are no easy roads
59:53 Leave the comforts that I know
59:58 I will go and let this journey be my home
01:00:04 I will go
01:00:07 I will go
01:00:10 I will go Lord where Your glory is unknown
01:00:15 I will live for You alone
01:00:21 I will go
01:00:23 because my life is not my own
01:00:30 I will go
01:00:34 I will go
01:00:37 I will go
01:00:53 Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17