Participants: Pavel Goia
Series Code: 13ASIC
Program Code: 13ASIC000006
04:37 Amen.
04:38 Good morning. Good morning. 04:41 When I arrived yesterday, I looked on the schedule 04:45 and when I looked there it says, 04:47 Sebastian and then Pavel Goia 04:49 and I said, man, I have to share 04:50 my presentation with Sebastian. 04:53 Who is this guy, I got to meet him. 04:56 So I asked them, "Where is my-- 04:59 where is the room where I speak 05:00 and they said, Sebastian hall. 05:03 I said, okay. 05:05 So, he's not a person, he is a room. 05:11 I remember when I was driving my van, 05:13 it was the best car 05:14 probably I had up to that point in my life, 05:17 it was a Dodge Grand Caravan. 05:19 And before we have a prayer and we start, 05:22 I want to tell you what happened to that car. 05:26 The car that my best friend helped me get in the auction, 05:30 that car had a big screen TV inside the car. 05:35 For 1999, that was a big deal. 05:40 And the car had lights and we saw some bells 05:43 and everything and videogames. 05:46 Oh, when I would get in that car, 05:48 I'd keep the doors open, 05:49 so everybody could see what a car I have. 05:53 And I would hope that somebody would pass by 05:55 when I-- the door is wide open 05:57 and look inside and look outside 05:59 and feel good about it. 06:03 One day, I was in vacation with my family 06:06 and we were driving to Washington D.C. 06:09 and-- how many of you have a Dodge Grand Caravan? 06:13 I'll pray for you, I'm so sorry for you. 06:16 God bless you. 06:19 I was driving my van and the van goes... 06:25 It will not go from second to third gear. 06:29 So I stopped the car, started again... 06:34 It would not change. 06:35 So, basically I had to drive from Washington D.C. 06:38 to Wisconsin in the second gear, 06:41 it took me forever. 06:43 I learned the patience of the saints from Revelation 06:45 but-- 06:48 I got a transmission at a junkyard for $550. 06:55 I paid another $450 a church member, 06:58 he put the transmission on. 07:00 I drove the car for three months 07:01 and the transmission broke again. 07:05 Oh, I lost my holy patience. 07:07 I was so angry, 07:08 I started to hit the car with my foot in the tires. 07:12 And it was in front of all, 07:13 so my wife, honey, calm down, people know. 07:15 You just calm down. Count to ten. 07:17 I said, leave me alone! 07:18 I don't have money to spend in this junk. 07:22 Eventually, I calmed down, I hated the van. 07:25 Bad transmission. Dodge, bad transmission. 07:31 I got another transmission around $500 this time. 07:34 I paid another $450, put it on and put it for sale. 07:38 Let somebody else have it. 07:44 And then, I put it on cable TV, I lowered the price, 07:49 I put it on Craigslist or whatever is the name 07:53 and again and again and again and again newspaper, 07:56 nobody called, everybody knows 07:58 Dodge has a bad transmission. 08:02 So, I started to pray Lord, you're wonderful God, 08:05 you see where I'm going. 08:07 You care for us. 08:10 Would You please help me sell the van? 08:13 And I prayed and even had faith strong faith, 08:16 I believe the van would sell, didn't, nobody called. 08:20 And eventually I was in Beloit giving a prayer speech 08:25 and I said we should never focus on self 08:29 because God is more important than you and me. 08:32 And His plans more important than our plans 08:35 and you focus so much praying for self 08:37 and so little praying for God. 08:40 So much on our plans and so little on God's plans 08:43 and you wonder why God cannot work 08:45 as He did during Mosses or during Daniel 08:47 or on and on and on. 08:50 And as I was driving the van back home, 08:53 He talked clear to me that I don't practice 08:55 what I preach. 08:58 So, I said Lord, forgive me. 09:00 I'm not going to focus on my van any more, 09:02 help me focus on You. 09:04 And God spoke to me instantly and said 09:07 you need to give up everything. 09:09 I said, Lord, if it was Mercedes, 09:11 I'll not give it up, but this Dodge You can have it. 09:16 And God said, all of it? 09:19 I said, well, give me something because I need to buy a car. 09:23 Can you give me instead of 4,000, 3, 000 09:25 and the Lord didn't answer. 09:26 I said okay, have it for three. 09:30 And then I said, but would you give me a little at least 09:34 because I don't want to be in debt. 09:36 And the Lord didn't speak. 09:39 And then instantly I heard the voice in my mind 09:41 that said, you have two options 09:44 you give it all up or you are lost. 09:48 I said, Lord, I want to be saved 09:49 and I want to serve You. 09:50 And God said, then you need to give it up. 09:53 I said, okay, You can have the van. 09:54 And the Lord said, no, you need to give it all up. 09:57 I said, how much? He said all. 09:59 I said, well, what if I'm trying 10:02 but I'm not able. 10:04 Now He said, well, I'll take it from you. 10:05 Is that okay? 10:06 I said, no, I would rather give it up myself. 10:11 And I said okay, you can have the van. 10:13 And God said, okay, that's a good beginning. 10:16 As soon as I said amen, I got a phone call. 10:19 A church lady and maybe you heard the story 10:21 before she called me and she says, pastor, 10:23 do you still have that van for sale? 10:25 I said, Pam, I don't want to sell you the van 10:27 because you'll hate me, 10:28 you'll never come back to church, that's a junk. 10:31 I would rather have somebody else buy it. 10:33 I said, same story pastor 10:35 somebody else is gonna hate you. 10:37 I said, yeah, but they don't know me at least. 10:41 And then she said I know, it has a bad transmission, 10:44 we even prayed for your van. 10:46 My brother fixed it don't you remember? 10:48 I said, yeah, and I said why would you want the van? 10:51 And she says, I just pray that the Lord would use me 10:54 and the Lord inspired me to drive people 10:56 who don't have transportation to church, to drive children 10:59 who don't have transportation to our school 11:01 and I have a little Dodge Neon. 11:03 A Dodge oh, men. 11:04 And so, she said I need a van 11:07 but I don't have the 4, 000 that you want for it. 11:10 I said, Pam, how much do you have? 11:12 Oh, she told me she had less than half but that's okay. 11:14 I said, okay, you give me whatever you have, 11:18 whatever you can give me, whatever makes you happy. 11:21 She said, really, can I have it for this amount? 11:23 I said, yes, you can. 11:25 The bad part of the story is that 10 years later, 11:27 she's still using the van it never broke again. 11:33 Let's pray, and go straight into the subject 11:35 without going around. 11:37 Just straight to the subject. 11:39 Father in heaven, 11:43 please come and open Your word with Your spirit 11:45 that we may here Your voice 11:47 and we may fulfill the plan that You have for us. 11:49 In Jesus' name, amen. 11:53 Jesus said, unless you hate your mother and your father 11:59 and your wife and your children 12:01 and your husband you cannot be My disciple. 12:07 Now, if Jesus said unless you hate your mother-in-law 12:09 would have made it easier but He didn't say that. 12:15 He didn't say that, 12:17 it is the principle of self denunciation. 12:21 The principle of giving up everything. 12:24 It's not the nice prayer 12:26 when you pray and get an answer, 12:27 but it's the prayer when you don't get an answer 12:31 and you trust Him so much that you rejoice and have peace 12:35 and know that God knows everything. 12:37 Doesn't He? 12:39 She came to me, 12:40 the same lady that bought the van 12:42 and she said pastor, my husband left me 12:45 and my child is taking drugs and he is in prison 12:49 and I'm sick and I'm losing my job. 12:52 And I have been praying for six months 12:53 and I have no answer. 12:55 And I said, what do you pray for? 12:57 And she said, I pray for these problems 12:59 and I said stop praying for them. 13:02 Pray for God's plan. 13:03 And she said don't you care? 13:04 I said, yes, I does, that's the reason I tell you. 13:08 How much time do you-- do you or me 13:10 spend praying for our needs? 13:14 I'm not saying that 13:15 you should not pray for our needs. 13:17 God said cast all your needs upon Him, upon Jesus, 13:22 upon Him Jesus says. 13:24 He does care, if a father care for his children more over God 13:27 who loves us would care. 13:29 He'll not give us if we ask for a bread 13:31 but the Bible says, seek first the kingdom of God. 13:37 It's a matter of priorities and then trust 13:40 that I'll provide above and beyond your needs. 13:45 I remember I would go to school 13:47 and the classmates would make fun of me 13:48 and they would say, you're an Adventist 13:50 there is no God, you are stupid. 13:51 And I would go home and cry 13:54 and my father took me by hand through the cemetery 13:57 and my father told me, do you see the grave, 13:59 I want you to curse that grave. 14:00 And I said I cannot do that, you'll spank me. 14:03 My father said, I want you to hit him. 14:05 I cannot do that. My father said, hit him. 14:07 I said okay. 14:08 Why did he say? He is dead. 14:11 My father said unless you die, people will keep hurting you. 14:16 Paul says in 1 Corinthians I die daily. 14:23 I believe it's from Corinthians 15, 14:24 I'm not sure. 14:25 1 Corinthians I die daily. 14:30 Unless we learn to die, God cannot use us. 14:35 We wonder where is the God of Abraham, 14:37 the God of Moses? 14:38 Where is the God that push the sun 14:40 10 hours back during Josiah. 14:41 What is Joshua? Sorry. 14:43 What is English? 14:45 English is the most horrible, 14:47 terrifying language in the earth, 14:49 there is no rules. 14:50 The same spelling you can read it 14:52 two different ways, who knows why? 14:54 Anyway, the God of Moses who split the sea. 15:01 Where is that God? 15:02 Why miracles don't happen today? 15:04 I was giving in Spain in Madrid the prayer seminar 15:07 and after I gave the prayer seminar, 15:09 I came back home and then two years later 15:11 I get a phone call from Italy, from Rome 15:14 and the union says from Italy 15:16 come and give the prayer seminar here. 15:18 I said, I cannot, I just cannot, 15:19 I'm scheduled two years in advance, 15:21 I cannot clear not gonna happen. 15:23 And they said, we want you to come. 15:24 I said, you don't know English, 15:26 do you want me to speak Romanian? 15:27 No, we don't know Romanian. 15:28 Then just I tell you again, not going to happen. 15:31 I have a schedule and I cannot change it. 15:34 And I said, you want to get me two years in advance 15:38 and then they say, can you come from your vacation 15:41 I said, why? 15:45 And they said, have you been to Italy? 15:47 No. 15:48 What if we pay for you and your wife 15:51 two weeks vacation 15:52 and you speak two Sabbaths. 15:53 And everything in between is paid 15:55 I said well, keep going I'm listening, 15:58 and they said, well, we will get the hotel, 16:00 we will get the car, we will get the food for you 16:01 and you go in your expense 16:03 whatever you want you pay the gas. 16:05 I said, keep going 16:06 and you speak first and second Sabbath 16:08 and we pay the trip for both of you 16:09 I said, I'm coming. 16:12 I'm coming and I said what do you want me to speak? 16:14 Well, we want you to speak in four locations 16:16 Rome, Terrine, Milan and I think, 16:22 it was trying to remember Venice or whatever. 16:26 Anyway so I go there when I go to Milan 16:29 something strange happened. 16:31 The church is totally packed and they told me at the union 16:35 that the church goes in minus, 16:36 the church is declining, it's dying. 16:38 It's -0.3 whatever I don't want to you give you a number 16:42 that I'm not sure about. 16:43 I don't remember, my wife knows, 16:44 just pick these small details. 16:48 It doesn't matter, but anyway 16:50 so, sometime I even confuse the stories 16:52 because there are so many stories. 16:55 So, the church that I was told that is dying it was packed, 17:00 there was no room on the seats 17:02 or between the isles or in the back 17:04 or at the windows outside, 17:07 everybody was there like the whole Milan, 17:10 exaggerating it little. 17:11 And so around 250 people I said, 17:14 how many members do you have in the books. 17:15 Well, we used to have 16. How many? 17:19 Sixteen people would come to church, all old. 17:21 I said, how do you have so many and they said well, 17:24 you preached on prayer in Spain 17:27 and somebody from our church was there 17:30 and he did the translation from Spain 17:33 from Spanish to Italian, 17:36 now wrote the 44 pages brochure 17:38 and gave it to the 16 coming people to church to read it 17:42 and then they decided to meet every morning. 17:44 Let me stop right here for a second. 17:47 One of my church members talked to me yesterday 17:49 and said pastor what if we all prayed 17:53 and what if we all had the prayer group, 17:55 a small prayer group, two, three partners 17:59 that we would pray for each other 18:01 like Moses and Har and Adam. 18:04 The Spirit of Prophecy talks a lot about it. 18:07 And what if we also pray in the house, 18:10 with our family and then the spouses together 18:14 husband and wife to pray together 18:15 and then we would pray also alone. 18:17 What to do to our churches and to our families? 18:20 I said, yeah, we are speaking now, this is it. 18:24 Let's do it. 18:26 What if we did that? So back to the story in Milan. 18:31 They said, we started to pray 18:33 every morning at 5:30 at the church, 18:35 that sacrifice and we pray at 5:30 18:38 then we started to pray in small groups at home 18:40 and then we started to pray in the families 18:41 and then we started to pray alone. 18:43 And our church became just prayer 18:45 and we said we are not gonna pray for self. 18:48 Give me this job, heal me of this disease, 18:50 we are going to pray for God and forget self 18:52 and even if we die that's not important any more. 18:56 Whatever He wants, whatever would glorify Him 18:59 and that's the prayer that God cannot refuse 19:02 when you'll give up self to the point that you, 19:06 remember David go to Psalm 63 in the wilderness of Judea 19:13 followed ten years, that's not a short time. 19:18 Have you prayed 10 years for something with no answer? 19:20 Would you keep praying? 19:22 Ten years being followed by King Saul and his army. 19:26 David doesn't pray for protection, 19:28 doesn't pray for justice, doesn't pray for water, 19:31 doesn't pray for food 19:32 and he has an army with him and their families. 19:36 David says, in a dry land where there is no water, 19:39 I have seen You. 19:41 Your presence is better than life. 19:43 Better than the richest foods, better than the water. 19:46 I would rather spend a thousand days here with you 19:51 because one second with You 19:53 is better than a thousand days in Los Vegas 19:54 so, what if I spend the whole life with you? 20:00 Focusing on God to the point that you forget your cancer, 20:03 you forget your foreclosure, you forget your problems, 20:05 you forget your divorce. 20:07 Focusing to God so much that you say, 20:09 does it really matter if I live or die 20:11 as long as He's glorified and his work goes on. 20:15 What if we do that? 20:17 We will not be here, we will be at home. 20:20 All the Bible characters, 20:21 all, not one, all have gave up self. 20:26 They had gave up self 20:29 and therefore God did what He did to them. 20:32 And God will not use you and me before we learn that. 20:37 And sooner or later we will have to give it up, 20:40 because if not we will not make it 20:42 when the crisis comes. 20:45 So, back to the story and they said, 20:47 we loved that we need to focus on God 20:50 and we need to forget self finally, 20:53 and they said after a week of praying together. 20:56 How many days? A week, is that a long time? 21:00 But they said we pray like crazy, 21:02 we pray like there is no tomorrow, 21:03 we pray like Jesus was coming tonight. 21:05 We're desperate, we are losing, we are closing, 21:07 we are burying our church, we prayed. 21:10 After a week somebody came from the neighbors 21:13 and said what's happening here guys? 21:15 You had just in the weekends, Saturdays you have the few car, 21:18 now you have cars every morning at 5:30, 21:20 is there something going on? 21:22 They said, no, we just pray. 21:23 What do you pray for? 21:24 Well, we just pray for God's will 21:26 and God's presence and the guy says, 21:28 well, you know, my wife has cancer, 21:30 would you pray for her too 21:31 when you pray for whatever you pray? 21:33 They said, yeah, and they told me we prayed 21:35 but we didn't believe that something would happen. 21:37 It didn't even crossed our mind that something may happen. 21:42 Second week, a week later, the guy comes and he says, 21:45 you know, my wife was in the third stage, 21:48 she had several like 3, 4 whatever months to live. 21:51 She went to the doctor today and the doctor said gone, 21:54 no trace of cancer. 21:57 What did you do? 21:58 And he says, you know, I talked to my neighbor 22:01 and he came with me, would you pray for his son, 22:03 he is in prison and they prayed and then the next neighbor 22:06 and then the whole street and then the next street, 22:08 the whole neighborhood got baptized. 22:14 The Pentecost can repeat again and it will repeat again 22:20 and should happen today if not today then when? 22:25 And Jesus said, unless you hate the word in Greek is miseo 22:29 that doesn't mean to hate because Jesus said 22:30 we should love one another. 22:32 Jesus said, you should love and respect your parents. 22:34 The word miseo means to love less them. 22:37 Unless you love them, them less than you love me. 22:41 You are not worthy to be My disciple. 22:42 That means God should come before job. 22:45 God should come before your house and your mortgage. 22:47 God should come before your husband 22:49 or wife or children or parents. 22:50 God should come before anything else. 22:55 Unless that happens, God cannot work 22:57 that's the principle of self-renunciation 23:00 and then the second person and unless you hate yourself 23:03 so God should come before you. 23:05 I tell you that's hard 23:09 because God doesn't accept 95%, 23:13 He takes it all or nothing. 23:16 Don't we sing I surrender all to Jesus? 23:20 So, basically this is the principle, 23:23 God says, I cannot save you 23:25 and I cannot use you before you die. 23:33 And death is not easy. 23:35 Sinners have easier time to be saved than saints 23:38 because sinners know that they're wrong 23:40 and they give it up, but saints never give up 23:42 and God doesn't ask us to give up just our sins 23:44 but He wants us to give up our righteousness too. 23:47 Whatever we are right, He wants us to give it up too. 23:50 He just wants us to give it all up 23:53 and not to be controlled by our righteous 23:55 but be controlled by Jesus and that's difficult to do. 24:00 I remember we started the Bible studies in Lexington 24:03 and there were just a few people 24:04 before giving Bible studies in that church. 24:06 We prayed and we sent 10,000 invitations in homes. 24:12 We made up a plan 24:13 that we will do one zip code a year. 24:17 There are ten zip codes that means in 10 years 24:19 Lexington is going to be a evangelized. 24:21 So, we sent to the first zip code 24:22 and we got like 300 responses back. 24:27 And in our church there are like 24:28 two, three people giving Bible studies, 24:30 so we talk to the church and we got 10 24:32 and then 20 and then 30 and then more people 24:35 and eventually we gave 276 Bible studies. 24:40 I want to say amen. 24:42 Okay, 276, and I remember having them tell the stories 24:46 in front of the church and one lady, 24:48 I'm not going to say the name comes to me 24:50 and she has a very dubious life. 24:52 And she says, pastor we don't used to come to church 24:55 and I don't feel worthy to come to church 24:58 and I don't even feel worthy to pray. 25:00 That's nonsense. 25:02 When you say I'm a sinner therefore I cannot pray, 25:04 it's like you say I'm sick, 25:06 so I cannot go to the doctor, nonsense. 25:09 That's the reason you go to the doctor. 25:11 You don't wait until you're well 25:12 and then go to the doctor but anyway so, she said, 25:15 I cannot feel worthy even to come to church 25:18 more over to give a Bible study, 25:20 but it's so exciting, I want to be part of it. 25:23 And I said listen, you will never grow, 25:26 unless you work with others. 25:28 Because God didn't ask us 25:29 to come to church to be blessed, 25:31 He called us to come to church to bless. 25:34 You will never get the blessing before you share a blessing. 25:37 You are blessed to the degree that you bless. 25:40 So I said, you come to church, you got to work with others, 25:43 as you work with others you grow. 25:45 And she said, 25:46 but I'm not worthy to tell them. 25:48 I said, who told you to tell them anything. 25:51 You just go there and pray with them. 25:53 This is the DVD this is the guide. 25:55 They play the DVD, they read the guide 25:57 and you say good job, 25:59 let me have a prayer and you go home. 26:00 Let them read it. 26:02 Oh, that's easy. I said, okay, go. 26:06 She takes the Bible study, she goes, 26:08 she calls me five minutes later, 26:10 God doesn't consider me worthy. 26:11 The apartment building is locked, 26:13 I buzz the thing and nobody opens the door for me. 26:17 I said I want you to stay there I want you to get in your car 26:21 and pray until God gives you an answer 26:23 and then you come back. 26:24 And she said, okay. 26:26 Five minutes later, she called me, 26:27 God didn't give me an answer I'm coming. 26:29 I said, you didn't hear what I said. 26:31 I want you to pray until you get an answer. 26:35 And she said, what if He doesn't give me an answer? 26:37 Then I want you to sleep there and wake up there 26:41 and go to sleep next night there 26:43 and I want you to stay there 26:44 and pray until you get an answer 26:48 because God is not going to turn you down 26:50 but you don't give up. 26:52 And she said, pastor, 26:53 but if He takes two, three days. 26:55 I said that's what it takes. 26:59 And I said, I want you to give up, 27:00 but I have a family I said no you don't. 27:02 Well, yes, but I have a job. 27:05 No, you don't, you don't even have a life, 27:07 live me alone, just pray. 27:08 I said, why would you say that, 27:10 I said you told me that didn't you? 27:12 You just told me that. Yes, I did. 27:14 Then pray, I'll pray here for you in my office 27:16 and I'm not going to go home before you have an answer 27:20 and she prayed and she prayed, 27:21 I said, Lord, you got to answer now. 27:24 And she called me two hours later 27:26 and she is like unable to talk, pastor, you wouldn't believe- 27:30 calm down, tell me what happened. 27:33 So, I was praying, I'm praying, 27:34 I'm praying and it took like one hour 27:36 and they said Lord I'm not worthy 27:38 but I'm not going to give up. 27:40 And she was I'm praying, I'm praying, I'm praying 27:42 and somebody comes through the door 27:43 go into the trash container to clean out the garbage 27:47 and she said I run to him, I said can you let me in, 27:49 I go to this apartment to give her a Bible study 27:52 and he says, no. 27:53 If she is not home to open the door 27:55 I'm not going to let you in 27:56 but guys, I'm angry with you and she says with me? 28:00 And he says, yes, because I asked 28:02 for a Bible study and nobody ever came. 28:05 And she said, no problem, I give you this Bible study 28:09 and I go back to the church pick another one for her. 28:12 And the guy says, okay, come in and she says, no, you're a man 28:15 and I'm a lady alone, I'm not gonna... 28:17 Come in and she says, okay. 28:19 She comes in, he says, sit down she sits down, he leaves, 28:24 he goes, he close the door behind him and he is gone. 28:26 Now she is alone in his apartment. 28:29 And she says, Lord, I don't know what to do. 28:32 Just five, ten minutes later 28:33 he comes with another 11 neighbors 28:35 they all want a Bible study sit down, now, tell us. 28:40 And she says, I don't know what to tell you, 28:41 I'm a sinner, my life is horrible. 28:43 I left the church so many years ago, 28:45 I'm not worthy, 28:46 I don't even know what to tell you, 28:48 but this is what I have the DVD and the guide. 28:52 Now, he says, well, if a pastor came 28:54 we will not talk to him 28:55 because those are the good people and we are sinners 28:57 but if you came we will do that. 29:00 So they played the DVD and he says what do we do now? 29:03 And she says I'm supposed to have a prayer for you 29:04 and she prayed for them and she called me, pastor, 29:07 I gave a Bible study to those people! 29:11 I said, don't we have a good God? 29:14 How do you feel about it? 29:16 And she started to cry and she says 29:17 God wants to save me, doesn't He? 29:19 I said not just you. 29:21 God wants to use you, not just to save you, 29:22 stop focusing on yourself. 29:25 I remember when our son had a car accident. 29:29 I pray for my children everyday and we should, shouldn't we? 29:34 There is nothing wrong with that. 29:36 The problem is priorities, who comes first. 29:38 There is nothing wrong to pray for your job 29:40 or for your health or for your children. 29:42 The problem is priorities, who comes first. 29:46 Who is the leader? Who is in control of your life? 29:49 And that's the biggest problem, 29:50 we have hard time to give up control. 29:52 All the conflicts that we have is because we never give up, 29:56 because it's our kingdom against God's kingdom. 30:00 So I pray for my child and my wife prays, 30:05 we pray for them quite a lot. 30:08 But one day my child had a car accident, not a car, 30:13 I'm sorry, a four wheeler accident in Collegedale. 30:17 Young people are stupid. 30:21 They may be smart but they sometimes 30:24 there is a room here 30:25 but there is no furniture inside. 30:29 And he... he called us and he said, I love God 30:37 but I cannot go to church anymore. 30:38 I said what happened? 30:40 During the week every day I go to school and work, 30:43 Saturday is the single day when I'm off. 30:45 I don't work, I don't go to school, I don't learn. 30:49 God loves nature, doesn't He? 30:51 So what I do, I go on the lake. 30:54 It's my single day when I can have fun. 30:56 I said, son, go to church. Oh, I cannot. 30:59 I said, son, go to church. You go on to lake Sunday. 31:03 No, Sunday I have to learn, I have to write papers. 31:07 So my wife and I were praying for him. 31:11 One day, he calls us and he says from hospital, 31:16 I had an accident. 31:17 I was on the lake 31:19 and I flipped in the air with a ski 31:22 trying to make to do a trick and the handle came 31:26 and took my ear off and I fished my ear 31:29 but then they got me in the boat 31:30 and then I fainted. 31:32 And I'm in hospital and they put my ear back 31:34 and the doctor said if the handle hit here, 31:36 I'd have been dead instantaneously. 31:39 And he said God saved my life, next Sabbath I'm in church. 31:42 Did he go? No, he forgot. 31:45 He said let me explain how it happened. 31:47 He had an explanation. 31:48 We can explain every miracle away, you know? 31:51 So a month later he fell asleep driving the car 31:55 and he jumped 27 freefall, 27 feet freefall in a pond 32:01 kind of a whatever and the car sank in the water 32:05 and there were weeds and bushes around 32:07 and it took the police six hours to find him. 32:10 And he called me and says 32:11 I'm gonna turn around, but he didn't. 32:13 but then eventually one Sabbath, 32:16 he took the four wheeler 32:17 and they went in Collegedale up the mountain 32:20 and he tried to get up the mountain 32:22 where nobody could 32:24 and the four wheeler tipped over 32:26 and cut his head between the rock 32:28 and the four wheeler and shattered his helmet 32:33 and not just his helmet but took part of the skull 32:37 that there was naked brain here and pieces of bone on the rock 32:41 and splinters of bone coming through the eye, 32:43 so I got a phone call from... 32:47 I forgot the name of the biggest hospital 32:49 in Chattanooga... 32:52 Erlanger. Erlanger, whatever. 32:54 And I got a phone call and they said 32:56 he has about four hours to live. 32:59 My wife and I got in the car and we drove from Wisconsin, 33:03 that was about four, five years ago. 33:07 We didn't drive, we flew, if they would have caught me, 33:10 they would have taken my pilot license. 33:12 I mean, a 12 hour trip 33:13 we did in 9 hours and 15 minutes. 33:16 We drove like crazy. 33:19 And we prayed all the way but we didn't pray the regular, 33:22 thank you for being with me last night, be with me today, 33:24 ta-ta-ta, be with my church, amen. 33:27 We labored in prayer. 33:30 We grabbed God's hand and we did not let Him go. 33:33 And we prayed like there was 33:35 no other day of life in our life, 33:38 that was the last prayer. 33:40 And we said, Lord, we're not gonna 33:41 let You go before You do something here. 33:44 And after five hours of prayer, we changed our prayer 33:48 and we said, Lord, we commit our son to You 33:52 and if You decide to take his life, 33:55 it's hard to say, but may Your will be done. 33:57 However, give him a chance to be saved regardless 34:01 if he lives or dies, save him. 34:04 And when we switched the prayer 34:05 from save his life to save his soul, 34:09 then God answered. 34:12 That's the prayer that God cannot refuse. 34:14 And we said, Lord, I'm not gonna pray 34:16 for his life anymore, we accept it. 34:19 But please give him a chance to be saved. 34:23 And I told Donna, I said I have peace, 34:25 I know that God answered this prayer. 34:27 I don't know what He's gonna happen, 34:28 but I know that God answered our prayer. 34:33 We got there and they said, you know, it's strange, 34:35 we did CAT scans, there is no brain damage, 34:38 you can see the brain, there is no bone 34:40 but there is no brain damage and then we did two CAT scans 34:44 and the eye, he has 2020 vision. 34:47 There is bone coming through the eye but the nerve 34:50 and the vital parts of the eye are not broken. 34:53 So he has 2020 vision. 34:55 Now we don't know if he's gonna be 34:56 pricky anymore. 35:00 I said doesn't matter, 35:01 you know, you don't have to be pricky, 35:02 you have to be good Christian, you know. 35:06 He's a handsome guy, believe me. 35:07 But anyway and so just like his father. 35:10 I'm kidding. 35:12 So they said he'll live and he'll not be paralyzed. 35:17 Well, they did five plastic surgeries, 35:20 built the right side of the face 35:21 to match the left side with titanium 35:24 and you don't, if I show you the picture, 35:26 you don't know that he ever had an accident, 35:28 he doesn't even have a scar, he's really good looking. 35:32 Anyway, so he wakes up from the surgery 35:35 and you can see nothing except the left eye. 35:38 Well, he says, I'm not dead, am I? 35:40 I said no, son, because you will not talk 35:42 if you were dead. 35:44 He says, and I'm not paralyzed, am I? 35:47 Because I can feel my hands and my legs. 35:49 I said no, son, you can still do stupid stuff, 35:51 you can still move. 35:52 And he says, do I have brain damage? 35:54 I said no, son, you cannot have brain damage 35:56 because you don't have a brain. 35:59 And he says, haha, haha, don't make me laugh 36:02 because it hurts, haha, haha. 36:05 And then he says, God saved my life again, didn't He? 36:08 I said yes, He did. 36:11 And then he says, 36:12 I want to change but I cannot. 36:15 What should I do? 36:18 I said, son, we don't have the power to change regardless 36:22 how many times we want to. 36:24 But we need to die before God can make us new. 36:29 I said, son, you need to make a decision today 36:31 and everyday from today, every morning when you wake up, 36:35 you need to say, Lord, help me die today. 36:39 Kill me today, and come and live in me. 36:43 And if I forget for a second, kill me again. 36:46 And please don't let me live again. 36:50 And I said, son, you could have been dead now 36:52 but God gave you life to let Him live that life. 36:57 Now he got it. 36:59 And from that day, 37:00 every morning he wakes up earlier, 37:02 he prays then he calls me 37:03 and he says look, what God did for me today. 37:05 It's amazing that God can do this miracle today. 37:08 It's not what He did in the Bible, 37:09 it's what He did today. 37:10 He's not that God that He did miracles for you 37:13 30 years ago or 40 years ago when you got baptized, 37:16 He's the God that is alive today. 37:20 We don't have time. 37:21 Oh, yes, we do have a little time, that's good. 37:26 I went from Milan to Turin. 37:30 Turin, Torin, whatever you say 37:32 it in English, I don't know, it's English, doesn't matter. 37:34 And in Turin, the church was already packed 37:40 and there is a guide called Funny. 37:42 I know that's funny but whatever, 37:45 but his name was Funny and his wife Dana. 37:48 And he comes to me and he says, you know, 37:50 I got that brochure 44 pages prayer seminar 37:54 and I gave it to the church 37:55 but they are not really interested. 37:56 They said yeah, yeah, it's nice. 37:58 But then my wife and I read it and we said, 38:03 we cannot live the way we live anymore. 38:05 This guy Funny used to own a big construction business 38:11 and he used to have a lot of money, well-to-do. 38:16 Very well-to-do. 38:18 And he was among those people 38:19 who're well-to-do and they loved God. 38:22 And they're in fire for God. 38:25 And they want God to be above themselves 38:29 and they want Jesus to come soon 38:31 and they do whatever they can to help that. 38:34 So this guy Funny was very involved in the church 38:38 and very supportive of the church 38:40 and he says, I got from this seminar 38:43 a different level of understanding 38:45 is not that that I go to church once a week 38:49 and to work there and to evangelism 38:51 and I give so much, that is way more than tithe. 38:55 It is that I have to give everything, myself 38:59 and he says, it occurred to me 39:00 that Jesus said to the young rich ruler, sell... how much? 39:06 All. 39:07 All. That's not easy. 39:10 How many of you're willing to sell-- 39:11 don't raise your hands 39:13 because we are not allowed to lie, to sell all? 39:18 Sell all! 39:20 How much means all? Pretty simple, nothing left. 39:25 Give it away and then follow Me 39:28 and you'll have a room in the kingdom. 39:32 And Funny said to me, 39:34 that was a tough decision, pastor. 39:37 And I was struggling and my wife and I kneeled down 39:40 and we prayed the whole night from 10 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. 39:45 and we said, Lord, you give us the power to give it all up. 39:49 And we're not gonna leave from here 39:51 before we give it all up. 39:53 And in the morning, God gave them the strength 39:55 like Abraham to give up his son. 39:57 They got the strength to give up their business. 40:00 And I'm not saying that 40:01 God wants you all to give up your business, 40:02 God may want you actually to keep it 40:04 and use it in a right way. 40:05 But God has a plan for everyone and you need to seek that plan. 40:11 So God inspired Funny to give up his business, 40:13 so his wife and Funny agreed 40:15 and that day they sold their business. 40:18 And after they sold it, within short time, 40:21 God inspired them to go to Africa. 40:24 And I'm not gonna give the names, 40:26 in details some places, they went there 40:28 and they build two orphanages 40:31 and then they came back and they prayed again. 40:34 And God said to them, who called you back? 40:35 Go back to Africa. 40:37 And Funny said but I have no more money. 40:38 And God said, who told you that I need your money? 40:43 We too many times think that God needs what we have. 40:47 It all comes from God, folks. Remember? 40:50 So Funny said but, Lord, I don't have 40:52 anything leftover and God said, go. 40:56 He said okay. 40:58 They went to the airport 41:00 and while they're in the line for security to check, 41:03 to be controlled baggage and everything 41:06 and, you know, they're in line, somebody comes 41:09 and he has two big bodyguards with him 41:13 and he says I'm Senator so and so 41:15 from the government from Italy 41:17 and I heard what you have done in Africa. 41:20 And I want to be part of it. 41:22 And here it's a briefcase that has 200,000 euros. 41:28 That's a big amount, believe me. 41:32 I don't know 300,000 or more dollars 41:35 but that's a big amount. 41:36 This is the briefcase, I know you cannot go to the airport 41:39 so I'm a Senator, this is a diplomatic briefcase, 41:43 it has diplomatic immunity and I'm here with you. 41:47 And these guys are gonna go with you in Africa 41:49 until you get to that place. 41:51 He went back and he built more and did more 41:53 and he used all the money and did great things there, 41:55 then he came back and said, Lord, what is next? 41:58 And God said go to Romania 42:00 and built a nursing home for the elderly. 42:02 He said I have no money and God said 42:03 you didn't learn the lesson, did you? 42:08 He's like the disciples. 42:09 Today God multiplies the fish and the bread 42:12 and tomorrow they struggle 42:13 and they wonder, we never get it. 42:16 So he goes to Romania and he looks in the airport 42:20 but nobody came. 42:22 So he gets there and he's waiting in the airport 42:24 and his wife says, honey, we have been waiting 42:27 for the last four hours, let's go. 42:28 And they go to the hotel and they get in the hotel room 42:31 and they don't know what to do and where to go. 42:34 And they start praying and praying and praying 42:36 and they pray a whole week, seven days and seven nights 42:39 in the hotel room and after a week of prayer, 42:41 somebody knocks on the door and says, you're Funny? 42:45 I found out what hotel you are, 42:46 I found out the room and everything. 42:48 I have here some drawings for you. 42:50 You told so and so in Turin, Italy, 42:54 that you are here to build a nursing home. 42:58 I'm an architect, I also help the church 43:00 with drawings, blueprints, 43:02 this is the blueprint of the building. 43:04 He said but the money? 43:06 He says all I have is the blueprints and he goes. 43:09 And finally his wife keep praying a week later, 43:12 somebody from Croatia knocks in the door, 43:14 from different country and he says, 43:16 I have some money and he gives him to the penny 43:20 the amount from the blueprints. 43:23 God inspired me to give you some money, 43:25 I have here the money for you. 43:26 And they get the nursing home and then he goes back in Italy 43:31 and says, God, what is next? 43:32 And God says to him, I want you to bring 43:35 some help to Ukraine, to the poor people. 43:38 And he talks to the church and they got four 18 wheelers 43:41 filled up with second hand clothing and furniture 43:45 and food and school supplies and everything. 43:47 And he gets three other drivers 43:50 and they drive two days and two nights 43:51 and they get to the border of Ukraine 43:53 and as they get to the border, the guards don't let them go. 43:57 They say, you know what, 43:59 two luggages, two-- how you call them? 44:03 The big... suitcases. 44:06 Suitcases, thank you, English again. 44:09 Two suitcases per person, whatever is over 44:12 you got to pay $2 per pound-- no, per kilogram, I'm sorry, 44:17 $2 per kilogram, that's crazy, that money, 44:19 you can buy new clothing, 44:20 you know, you don't use secondhand clothing. 44:23 And they pray and pray and pray 44:25 and pray and pray, I mean that time, 44:28 that was several months before I went to Italy, 44:30 I got an email from somebody called Funny and he says, 44:35 I did what you said in the prayer seminar 44:37 and God doesn't answer, what should I do? 44:39 I don't know this guy, I don't the story, 44:41 so I emailed him back, I said keep praying. 44:44 So now back to the story, he says, 44:47 so I got the email back from you 44:48 like you didn't care, keep praying 44:50 but I didn't know what to do, so we kept praying. 44:53 So we are here at the border of Ukraine 44:56 for two days already and we kept praying 44:58 and I said to myself, these people want a gift. 45:01 So I go back to them with the passport 45:03 and put 100 Euro bill in the passport 45:06 and give it to them. 45:07 And the guy from the border says I would love to take it 45:10 but nevertheless I'm not gonna risk my job. 45:12 You cannot bring your four wheelers 45:16 unless you pay customs. 45:19 So Funny goes back and they keep praying 45:23 and keep praying and keep praying 45:24 and keep praying 45:25 and God doesn't give them an answer. 45:29 And they keep praying and keep praying 45:30 and God doesn't give them an answer. 45:32 So Funny says there is no answer to this prayer. 45:34 Folks, the Spirit of Prophecy says that 45:37 no honest prayer goes without an answer. 45:42 But it would be wrong to assume that God would answer the way 45:44 we want in the time we want. 45:48 God answers every prayer. We just don't see it. 45:53 And by the way, 45:54 most of the time answer to prayer 45:56 it's a process, it's not an event. 46:00 Back to the story. 46:01 So they decided to unload the four wheelers 46:05 in some storage place and go back home, 46:08 so they unloaded everything paid the storage for a month 46:13 and they gave it all up and went back. 46:15 And they called the local pastor 46:17 an older man, he says, 46:18 you know, get your church members 46:20 and get as much as you can and this is the password 46:24 from the lock, from the storage. 46:26 So the local pastor took six retired elderly people, 46:31 they went there each one two suitcases. 46:36 Today, tomorrow and the guard started to make fun of them. 46:41 Four 18 wheelers, it's gonna take you forever. 46:46 Day by day 14 suitcases, 46:50 seven people, six plus the pastor two each 46:52 you know, doesn't make much sense. 46:55 And the guard says, why do you do that, 46:58 how much money do you make selling this junk? 47:01 They said, you got it all wrong, 47:02 we don't make a penny. 47:04 We want to do what Jesus did. We want to help the poor. 47:07 We want to make a difference. 47:09 We want to help people and pray for people. 47:12 We care for people. 47:13 And the guard says, there is no Jesus, 47:16 there is no God. 47:18 And the pastor says, yes, you may not have a God 47:19 but I have one and I know Him and I see Him 47:21 and I hear Him daily, there is a God. 47:24 And he's very alive in my life. 47:27 And the guard says, no, if you can prove to me 47:29 that there is a God, I'll believe Him too 47:31 but I'm pretty disappointed with you 47:33 and the pastor says, sit down, 47:35 I'm gonna show you today that there is a God 47:37 and he gave him a full Bible study on grace. 47:40 And the guard says, my soldiers need to hear that, 47:42 so he calls them and out of 12 soldiers, 47:46 one stays at the customs and 11 listen. 47:51 And everyday as they bring suitcases 47:53 they give another Bible study. 47:55 And a month later 11 soldiers get baptized. 47:59 Amen. Amen. 48:02 And the guard says, you know what, 48:05 take all that is leftover, you don't have to pay a penny 48:08 for the customs and he lets them in. 48:10 So the pastor calls Funny and says, Funny, 48:13 this is the reason God didn't answer your prayer. 48:15 He answered better prayer. 48:20 And Funny said to me, 48:21 I just came short ago from Ukraine 48:25 and I'm waiting for the next step 48:27 and he says, since I sold my business, 48:29 my life changed. 48:30 And he said, I never had less food than before, 48:34 I never a month, there is no month 48:38 that I didn't pay my bills, God provided for me 48:41 just the same like when I had my business, 48:44 but somehow God is using me now. 48:48 Folks, what if everyone in our churches would do that? 48:54 Jesus would come tomorrow, oh, no, today, tonight. 49:01 We need to learn the principle of self-renunciation, 49:07 death to self 49:08 and if we don't learn it today then when? 49:12 My time is almost up but this is the harsh 49:17 side of discipleship unless you die to self, 49:21 you're not worthy to be My disciple. 49:24 Basically God says, you may think 49:26 that you're My disciple but you're lukewarm, 49:31 you're not hot, you're not cold, 49:34 you're somewhere in between and Paul says, 49:36 if you're not with God and not with Satan 49:38 is the most miserable position because you lose it all. 49:42 Either left or right, make up your mind. 49:46 The principle of self renunciation, 49:48 the cost of discipleship to give up everything, 49:52 to live for God, to bless, to renounce to die daily. 49:56 By the way, I remember, I talk to my wife 50:00 and I said, honey, there is no month 50:03 that better be God who calls you 50:05 because if not I'm going to answer. 50:07 Okay. So back to the story. 50:11 So, my wife and I talk and we said, 50:14 God has been faithful to us. 50:16 We used to have a big business in Romania, 50:17 we sold it all when they called us to ministry. 50:20 And you're never sorry, 50:21 in fact we consider it a privilege, a joy. 50:25 And my wife and I talk to them and we said we need to learn 50:29 to be more committed, 100% committed. 50:34 And they remember one morning, 50:39 I paid my bills, first I put one side the tithe check, 50:45 and then the offerings, 50:47 I put some money for offerings, 50:48 and then for the poor, and then I paid my bills, 50:51 and then I had the money for my son's tuition, 50:53 and then nothing leftover. 50:54 By the way, when you put God first, 50:57 God uses the chewing gum principle for you. 50:59 You know what that is? 51:01 The chewing principle, you know, 51:03 that you can chew gum for ever, it never ends. 51:07 God will make the leftover money last for ever. 51:11 That's the chewing principle. 51:15 So that's what God has done to us, 51:18 every single time when we give up everything, 51:20 God makes it whatever is leftover last for ever. 51:23 And we have a pretty good time. 51:25 I mean, I consider myself extremely blessed 51:28 and I mean that, I'm not trying to be humble 51:29 or to lie or to impress you. 51:31 I consider myself blessed. 51:34 And so, I had the money for tuition, 51:39 and as I-- I said, 51:42 you know, if you keep them in the house we may spend them, 51:44 let's go to school and pay tuition for my son. 51:46 I got it in my pocket, I got in the van, 51:48 now I had the Toyota Sienna, not that Dodge. 51:51 That is a good van. 51:53 Anyway, so I got in the van, 51:55 it was pouring, the rain was so heavy. 51:59 And I'm driving four miles to the school 52:01 around the block four times, 52:02 so I go left and I go left and I go left and I go left, 52:05 and I'm close to the school 52:06 went to turn in to the school driveway, 52:08 somebody there after she dropped 52:10 her children to the school, 52:12 she is walking back home through the rain 52:15 and she is crying and cleaning her eyes. 52:17 And I stopped and she-- 52:19 I just baptized her a few months before. 52:21 And I said, what is wrong, 52:23 why do you cry, why do you walk home? 52:25 And she says, I cannot tell you. 52:26 I said, you got to, I'm the pastor. 52:28 And she says, oh, you're not the Catholic priest, 52:29 I don't have to tell you everything. 52:31 I said, yes, you are right, 52:32 you don't have to tell me everything 52:33 but you are crying and I need to pray for you. 52:36 And she says, well, I hate to tell. 52:38 I said, okay, hate but tell me. 52:40 She says, well, they closed the business, 52:44 so we got laid off. 52:47 I lost my job and I didn't pay the apartment 52:50 and the lady evicted me, and she had two small children. 52:55 And then she says, I had no food, 52:56 and I didn't pay electricity, and I didn't pay gas, 52:59 and I didn't pay telephone, 53:00 and today we used the last two potatoes, 53:03 and we don't know where to go, 53:04 and we don't know what to eat, and we're in the street. 53:07 And she says my two children are in the neighbor's house 53:09 but we cannot in the neighbor too long. 53:13 And God spoke to me and said, you need to solve this problem. 53:18 And I said, Lord, all I have is the tuition money 53:21 and I've got to pay tuition. 53:23 And the Lord said death to self. 53:25 I said, Lord, but I still have to pay tuition. 53:29 And the Lord said you don't hear it. 53:31 Give it all up. So I said, okay. 53:34 I said, get in the van. 53:35 We went to Aldi store. Do you know Aldi store? 53:37 It's the cheapest possible store, 53:39 but still, you know, food. 53:42 And I got there, I filled a cart with stuff 53:45 and she was kind of smiling a little 53:47 and I said that's good news. 53:49 And then drove back to the neighbors 53:52 and then after we unloaded the van, 53:55 I called the landlord and I said, 53:57 what church do you go to? 53:59 Oh, I go to the... and I'm not going to tell you, 54:01 it was a different denomination, not Adventist 54:03 but I don't want to tell you 54:05 because I don't want to blame any church, 54:07 because it's not the church that is good or bad, 54:09 it's the people, you know. 54:11 And they are everywhere, good and bad people 54:12 and we are good and bad it depends. 54:15 So, I said, it's that what your pastor is teaching you. 54:19 He says, who are you to talk that way. 54:21 I said, I don't care who I am, 54:23 I just tell it's that what your pastor is teaching you, 54:25 I'm gonna call your pastor and tell him what you did. 54:28 And she says, go ahead, I don't care. 54:30 I said, hey, I'm not going to stop there, 54:32 I call your pastor 54:33 and then I'm gonna put it over the internet. 54:35 I said, I'm gonna go against you full throttle, 54:38 I'm going to just? 54:39 How could you learn from the Bible 54:42 to love your neighbor as you love yourself, 54:44 to do like Jesus did? 54:46 You call yourself a Christian, 54:48 and when Jesus come and says, I was poor, I was naked. 54:51 How could you call yourself a Christian 54:53 when this lady is in the street 54:54 in the rain with two small children? 54:56 And she was quiet. 54:57 I said, do you have children? Yes. 54:59 Is this is the example you give them. 55:00 Is this what you want them to learn. 55:02 She said, but she didn't pay. 55:03 I said, she doesn't have the money, 55:05 she lost her job. 55:07 I said this is the money that I have in my pocket. 55:12 This is tuition money for my son. 55:14 I'm willing to give them all up 55:16 but that's just about half of what she owes you. 55:19 If you would forgive the other half 55:21 and let me tell you, you can afford more than me, 55:25 because you own quite a few apartments. 55:28 And she says, okay, I am gonna do that. 55:30 I said, praise the Lord. 55:32 And then I called my elders and I said, this Sabbath, 55:35 you will not have a sermon and you will not have a pastor 55:37 unless you did what-- you do what I did. 55:40 And they said, what did you do? And I told them the story. 55:42 And I said, I want you to get the money together, 55:44 not from the church budget, but from your own pocket, 55:48 and I want you to pay electricity 55:50 and gas and power and telephone for this lady, and they did. 55:55 Then I talked to the lady and I said, 55:57 I want you to find the job this month, 55:59 I don't care, work at Walmart. 56:01 And then while you work here, you'll find the better job 56:03 and next month we'll not help you again, 56:05 but next month you come to me and you tell me that 56:07 from little salary that you got, 56:09 you help somebody else, 56:10 I want you to do that for me, and she did. 56:12 She went to Walmart, she got a job. 56:14 Next month she told me that she helped somebody 56:15 and she gave me the name. 56:18 But after she was back in her apartment, 56:21 she started to cry, and I said, why do you cry. 56:24 She said, pastor, 56:25 I never had such a good day in my whole life. 56:27 This is God's church. 56:30 This is not just sermons, this is living like Jesus. 56:34 I feel home than any home in my entire life. 56:37 I feel that this is the church I should die for. 56:41 And she started to hug me and to kiss me 56:42 and she would not stop and she made my day, 56:44 believe me. 56:46 And so I went home and I told my wife, honey, 56:48 I didn't pay tuition, and I don't have the money. 56:51 She said, you lost the money. No, this is what I did. 56:53 And my wife hugged me and said, 56:55 good for you, good for you, pastor. 56:57 That's the way you should live. 56:58 That's what God called us to do. 56:59 And she said, God will provide, 57:01 and God did provide, we did paid tuition. 57:04 That day I got the money back from taxes and I paid tuition. 57:08 That very day at 2:30 p.m. 57:10 I got the money back from taxes and I paid tuition. 57:13 The point is not what you give, what you do. 57:19 But the point, the secret to a new life, 57:22 the key to salvation, the key to being used, 57:24 the key to growth, 57:26 the key to follow Christ is to die to self. 57:30 I've been crucified and I no longer live. 57:34 I die daily. 57:35 "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and dies, 57:39 it remains alone. 57:40 But if it dies, it bears much fruit." 57:43 The key to bear fruit is to die daily. 57:46 And you'll never accomplish much 57:49 before we die and when we die, 57:51 God is gonna live in you and in me. 57:53 He's gonna do what we cannot do. |
Revised 2014-12-17