ASI Conventions, 2013

Be Smart, It's Time to Start

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Grace Daley


Series Code: 13ASIC

Program Code: 13ASIC000003

00:19 Good morning.
00:22 I am thrilled to be introducing our speaker this morning.
00:26 Grace Daley knows what it means to win.
00:30 She was the leading score in women's basketball
00:32 at Tulane University.
00:34 And in 2005 she was inducted in the "Hall of Fame."
00:39 Grace let the Italian Professional Basketball League
00:41 in scoring and was named most valuable player
00:44 by the French League.
00:46 She was also a Euroleague all stars selection in 2007,
00:49 that's not so long ago.
00:51 But Grace not only knows what it means to win,
00:54 she also knows what it means to surrender.
00:58 She grew up in a Christian home
01:00 but when she came face to face with Christ
01:04 her life changed forever.
01:06 She entered a new game, a race so to speak,
01:11 a race to the finish.
01:13 We'll hear Grace's story today and I know you will be blessed.
01:36 I can hardly wait to walk on shining of streets of gold
01:44 I can hardly wait to watch eternity unfold
01:51 I can hardly wait to see a city made of light
01:58 Where there is no more crying
02:02 No more pain and no more night
02:06 I can hardly wait to talk with Adam and with Eve
02:13 With Abraham and Isaac and with all those who relive
02:21 Know my heart would dwell to see the glories of that land
02:28 They all will pale to nothing
02:32 In the shadow of the lamb
02:41 It will be Jesus, it will be Jesus
02:48 He spilled His precious blood
02:52 So with Him I can meet
02:56 It will be Jesus
03:00 It will be Jesus
03:05 His love will make it happen for me
03:18 I can hardly wait to see the dead in Christ arise
03:24 The countless clouds of angels spread across the eastern sky
03:32 When the Lord Himself descends from heaven with a shout
03:39 That will be day we will forever seen about
03:51 It will be Jesus, it will be Jesus
03:59 He spilled His precious blood
04:02 So with Him I can meet
04:06 It will be Jesus
04:10 It will be Jesus
04:15 His love will make it happen for me
04:21 It will be Jesus
04:25 It will be Jesus
04:29 He spilled His precious blood
04:32 So with Him I can meet
04:36 It will be Jesus
04:40 It will be Jesus
04:46 His love will make it happen for me
04:53 His love will make it
04:56 Happen for me
05:09 Amen. Amen.
05:16 Good morning. Good morning.
05:18 All right, that was a beautiful selection
05:21 and I'm praying that this morning it will be Jesus
05:24 that's speaking through me to you all.
05:27 Praise the Lord.
05:28 I really appreciate the invitation
05:31 to speak at ASI this year.
05:33 I'm really grateful for the opportunity
05:35 because every time I share my testimony
05:38 I'm encouraged, I am re-motivated,
05:41 I'm energized.
05:43 So I'm hoping that today all of us will leave here
05:46 encouraged, re-motivated and energized
05:49 to be about our Father's business.
05:51 You know, as you heard of me introduction, I had
05:54 what most people will consider to be a dream job.
05:59 So that means I got to live all over the world,
06:02 in all over the United States.
06:04 And actually all of my expenses were paid, and I got paid.
06:09 I had very short I'm gonna call them ''Work Hours"
06:13 and I use that term very loosely
06:14 because I was out there playing, okay.
06:16 So I had very short work hours,
06:18 I was "working" for two to three hours a day
06:22 and I played on four different WNBA teams.
06:25 Minnesota, New York, Houston, Phoenix,
06:28 I also played for seven seasons overseas.
06:32 Three years in France, two years in Italy,
06:36 one year in the Czech Republic, a season in Spain
06:41 and a few days in Russia.
06:43 And I'll explain that story in a minute.
06:46 Well, here is the way that it goes,
06:48 every time I traditionally chose a team,
06:51 I chose a team based on how I could help them, right?
06:55 What I could contribute to them?
06:57 Now one time in my life
06:59 and this was my Russian experience,
07:02 I decided to choose a team
07:04 based on purely selfish reasons.
07:07 How much money I could make, all right?
07:10 And at that time playing in Russia for women's basketball,
07:13 that was the place
07:14 where you can make the most money.
07:16 So I prayed, "God, please
07:18 I just want to make as much money as possible,
07:20 send me to that place."
07:22 And lo and behold I ended up in Russia.
07:26 And have you guys ever heard of the mafia before?
07:29 It's real, okay.
07:31 I had-- I was called into an office
07:34 to get, you know, paid upon arrival
07:36 and they wanted to pay me in a duffel bag.
07:39 So I saw them putting cash in a duffel bag
07:42 and I had drivers, I didn't speak Russian,
07:45 I had drivers that were watching me
07:48 get paid in a duffel bag with a lot of cash,
07:52 who were supposed to take me to my apartment
07:56 and nobody I knew, knew where I was going, okay.
08:00 So it wasn't a very safe environment
08:02 my estimation.
08:03 So that didn't last for long, it lasted for seven days.
08:06 And what I learned from that story was,
08:08 it is never a good idea to ask God for what you want,
08:12 because you know what, you might get it.
08:14 It's a great idea to ask God for what He wants for you
08:18 because then you'll get what you really need.
08:20 Amen.
08:21 So unfortunately, it took the Russian mafia
08:23 to teach me that lesson.
08:25 So anyway, my story is very simple
08:27 and before I get started, I just want to take
08:29 a moment to pause for a word of prayer.
08:32 Dear, Lord, thank you again
08:33 for bringing me here and for this opportunity
08:35 I ask that every thing I say today will be holy
08:38 and fully representative of You. Amen.
08:41 Okay, so yeah, my story really is simple.
08:44 I decided to stop playing professional basketball
08:46 so I could faithfully observe the Sabbath.
08:49 And whenever I told people that
08:51 I got a multitude of adverse reactions
08:53 and the most popular were somewhere along these lines.
08:57 You know, you are a Christian,
08:58 you know, you're playing for the glory of God,
09:00 why would you stop doing that?
09:02 God gave you a gift
09:04 and He expects you to use it to glorify Him.
09:07 And I kept hearing that, God gave me a gift
09:10 and He expects me to use it to glorify Him.
09:12 But the conclusion I came to was that,
09:15 God did give me a gift
09:17 but that gift was not basketball.
09:20 The gift that God gave me was His word.
09:23 And in His word is contained the commandments.
09:26 And in His commandments is the Sabbath.
09:29 So people often interpret
09:31 what I did is giving up my career,
09:33 but I'm very careful never to use that term
09:36 because I did not give anything up for Christ.
09:39 What I did was, I gave into Christ, right?
09:43 I gave into Christ and willingly surrendered
09:47 and just to become completely obedient.
09:50 Because He is the one that gave everything up for me.
09:53 He is the one that made the ultimate sacrifice.
09:55 My job was simple, just give in and accept His free gift.
10:00 And as much as people were telling me,
10:02 "Hey, you're playing for the glory of God."
10:04 What I realized was, if I was truly playing for God,
10:09 going about His business,
10:11 then I would be playing by His rules
10:14 and going along with His schedule.
10:17 And I learned that the schedule was simple
10:19 on my heavenly coach's team.
10:22 It's right there in the Ten Commandments
10:23 I'm not making this up.
10:24 Exodus 20:8-11, right?
10:27 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy,
10:29 Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work
10:31 and on the seventh day you rest."
10:34 So that meant I got to work for six days, Sunday, Monday,
10:38 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday during the day,
10:42 and on Friday evening
10:44 my heavenly coach calls a, what is this?
10:48 A time out, all right.
10:50 That is a universal symbol everywhere in the world I go,
10:53 this symbol everybody knows this means.
10:55 Time out.
10:56 Time out, right, so I'm gonna describe a time out
10:59 and if you can imagine this is exactly
11:01 what the Sabbath should look like and feel like for us.
11:04 During a time out players go to the sideline,
11:07 they take a break and they give their coach
11:09 their undivided, complete attention.
11:12 They listen intently to what their coach has to say.
11:16 And while your coach is talking,
11:19 it's a great time to catch your breath,
11:21 regain your focus, relax, regain your strength
11:25 because you're preparing to go out and perfectly execute
11:29 the plays that the coach drew up on the clipboard.
11:32 So the Sabbath is God's weekly time out for us.
11:37 So along with the coach calling time outs, on a team
11:40 the coach also is responsible for making the schedule.
11:44 Now here is a typical WNBA schedule.
11:46 I want to hold this up, and it's actually okay,
11:49 if you're not able to read the teams on this schedule.
11:53 What's important is that you know
11:54 that everyone of these lines represents a game.
11:58 Okay, so this is a typical WNBA schedule.
12:02 Now on this next page here,
12:04 I've taken the liberty of highlighting all of the games
12:08 that entail practicing or playing
12:10 on the Sabbath, okay.
12:12 So as you can see the schedule drastically changes, all right.
12:17 Now it's not just the WNBA, the same can be said for NBA
12:22 and also for college sports.
12:25 This was, I just printed out a current college schedule
12:28 of my old university, Tulane University,
12:31 and this represents, its book of schedule.
12:35 Now on this next page you'll see,
12:36 I've taken the liberty to blackout
12:38 all the games that-- that are entail practicing
12:41 or playing on the Sabbath, okay.
12:43 The schedule drastically changes again.
12:46 Now here is one of my favorites, the NFL.
12:49 Okay, I picked the Tampa Bay Buccaneers,
12:51 because they are close to home.
12:52 Here it goes, a typical NFL schedule.
12:54 Every one of these games, every one of these lines
12:56 represents a game during the season, okay.
13:00 Now here is what's left, after I blackout all the games
13:06 that entail practicing or playing on the Sabbath.
13:10 And you know,
13:11 most professional sports do the same.
13:13 I had a really unique opportunity
13:16 to share my testimony in Trinidad a few weeks ago.
13:19 And when I was there I held up a cricket schedule
13:22 because everywhere you go in the world,
13:24 it's the same thing.
13:26 If you're gonna be a part of these teams,
13:28 then you're gonna have to practice or plan the Sabbath.
13:31 So when I was playing for the Minnesota Lynx
13:33 and I was on their schedule,
13:36 was I about my Father's business
13:37 or was I about their business?
13:40 Their business.
13:41 When I was playing for the New York Liberty,
13:43 was I about my Father's business
13:44 or was I about their business?
13:46 Their business. Their business.
13:48 When I was playing for the Italian League,
13:50 was I about my Father's business
13:52 or was I about their business?
13:54 Their business. Their business.
13:56 When I was playing for the Russian League,
13:58 was I about my Father's business
14:00 or their business?
14:02 Well, you guys need to be better listeners.
14:03 I was about the mafia's business
14:05 and that's why I left.
14:08 All right, so when I decided
14:10 to become fully obedient to Christ
14:12 and started playing by His schedule,
14:14 that is the point when I decided
14:18 that I was gonna be about my Father's business.
14:21 And to me being about my Father's business
14:23 is as simple as being obedient.
14:27 And mostly you were probably
14:28 born and raised in the Adventist Church.
14:30 So you maybe wondering how come it took me so long
14:33 to come to this realization.
14:35 So I'm gonna take that time to tell you the story.
14:38 The answer is simple.
14:39 I didn't grow up in the Adventist Church.
14:42 My parents actually made the transition
14:44 when I was in high school.
14:45 So I attended church on the Sabbath with them.
14:48 And the way I saw it, we just changed the day
14:51 we went to church, all right.
14:53 Everything stayed the same.
14:56 It wasn't a big deal to me, we just changed the day.
14:58 We used to go on Sunday,
14:59 now we go to church on Saturday.
15:02 Everything continued as it normally would,
15:04 including my basketball career.
15:07 And I used to attend Sunday churches
15:09 and if any of you ever out there have
15:11 attended Sunday churches for the most part
15:13 you're out of there by noon, right?
15:15 So that was what I was accustomed to.
15:17 When my parents joined the Adventist Church,
15:20 I was in for a big surprise.
15:22 On Sabbath when 12 o'clock roll around,
15:25 they hadn't even collected the offering.
15:28 And when I would look at the bulletin,
15:31 the sermon was so far down the list.
15:34 And you have to think, I was a teenager at that time, okay.
15:37 We weren't getting out of church
15:38 until 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
15:41 So my memory of the Adventist Church
15:43 is being very tired and very hungry.
15:46 And I'm sure that many of you can relate.
15:50 I also remember that I made it
15:52 all the way through high school,
15:54 on the front page of the sports paper all the time.
15:56 I made it all the way through college.
15:58 On television and in the papers.
16:00 I made it all the way through the professional ranks
16:03 and no Adventist, no church member,
16:05 no health and temperance leader,
16:06 no pathfinder leader, no stewardship leader,
16:10 no pastor, nobody ever asked me how it was possible
16:15 that I could advance so far in my career
16:17 and keep the Sabbath?
16:19 The topic of the Sabbath actually never came up.
16:21 Now I may have come up behind the pulpit at some point.
16:24 But I just explained to you guys, I was a teenager
16:26 and I was tired and I was hungry.
16:28 I never heard it.
16:30 But I know for sure
16:31 it never came up in casual conversation
16:34 with any church people.
16:35 Now everyone would just ask me about my games
16:38 and they would tell me they read about me in the paper
16:41 or they saw me on TV, and they would encourage me.
16:45 So naturally, I thought
16:47 these people are cheering me on,
16:49 I must be doing a very good thing, right.
16:52 Now I'm not blaming anyone for my ignorance
16:54 because that's exactly what it was.
16:56 I just didn't understand the concept of the Sabbath.
16:59 I'm giving you this information just to say,
17:02 that church people, we need to figure out
17:05 when it's time to be a cheerleader
17:07 and when it's time to be a prayer warrior.
17:09 Being about our Father's business means,
17:11 being obedient.
17:13 It means encouraging obedience and praying fervidly
17:16 when people are being disobedient.
17:19 Anyway, no one ever asked me how it was possible
17:22 to have my entire career while keeping the Sabbath
17:24 until four years ago.
17:27 And that simple question
17:29 sparked an amazing transformation in my life.
17:32 Here is the way the story goes and before I tell the story,
17:34 it's every important that I introduce two people.
17:38 And these two people are main characters in the story.
17:41 So I'm gonna ask, Dr. Don Bovell
17:45 and his wife, Ann Burnett to stand for a moment.
17:48 And you guys get a good look at them, okay.
17:50 Dr. Don Bovell, he's not the typical MD, okay.
17:54 And we call MDs, managers of diseases.
17:57 So he's not the typical MD.
17:59 He's currently trying to put himself out of business
18:02 and I'll tell you how.
18:03 He's introducing his patients to God's healthcare plan
18:07 of preventing and reversing lifestyle diseases.
18:10 He's been practicing emergency medicine
18:12 for over 24 years.
18:14 He's an amazing physician
18:16 and he's also an outstanding preacher
18:18 and he's also the son of a preacher.
18:20 Now his wife, Ann Burnett, now I know they don't look
18:24 much older than 20 years old,
18:25 but they've been married for 20 years.
18:29 Yes, I call her Princess Anne, because she truly exemplifies
18:33 what it means to be a child of the King.
18:35 She is amazing, she is a medical mission coordinator,
18:38 a licensed contractor,
18:40 an outstanding volunteer in the community.
18:43 She is an outstanding volunteer in the public school system.
18:47 And she is a fulltime PE coach,
18:50 volunteer at a local Adventist school.
18:53 She is also an awesome cook
18:54 and I appreciate all those meals.
18:57 I could go on forever,
18:58 but anyway, here is the way my story goes.
19:00 I came home from playing
19:02 basketball over season, I was sick,
19:04 I wasn't getting enough rest.
19:06 I wasn't eating right, I wasn't being smart
19:09 and I'll go over that a little later.
19:11 So when I would get home my parents would say,
19:14 "Oh, you know what, you can just go see
19:16 Dr. Bovell and his wife.
19:17 They will, you know, treat you
19:20 and you probably don't have to set an appointment
19:23 just call them."
19:24 So I said, okay, I don't know them
19:26 but I'm not feeling well so I called them.
19:28 And lo and behold they were just like parents said,
19:32 they were nice and they were loving.
19:35 And the first time I called
19:37 he allowed me to go to his office
19:40 and worked me into the patient flow
19:42 and I got treated like a VIP, okay.
19:44 Now this thing happened again the following year.
19:48 I had not talked to them in between this interaction.
19:51 I said, thank you very much for your help.
19:53 Came back next year home again,
19:55 I was sick, staying up late
19:58 not eating what I should be eating.
19:59 And my mom and dad, they said, "Hey, Grace,
20:03 go see Dr. Bovell and his wife, they'll treat you.
20:05 And I'm thinking, I just did that last year
20:07 and I haven't talked to them in between,
20:09 I probably shouldn't do that again.
20:11 But you know what, I wasn't feeling well.
20:13 So I said, okay, I'll listen.
20:15 Children obey your parents and the Lord, okay.
20:18 Because that simple active obedience is what sparked this
20:21 amazing transformation in my life.
20:23 So I said, okay, I called up and his wife answers the phone,
20:25 and she is all bubbly and happy
20:27 and I don't know what this is.
20:29 I don't know it's-- later on I figured out,
20:32 it wasn't craziness,
20:33 it was actually the joy of the Lord, okay.
20:35 So the two can sometimes be confused
20:38 but this lady was joyful, all right.
20:40 So it was an attractive quality,
20:43 second time this happened, they called me
20:45 over to their house and said,
20:46 "Sure, just come over he's about to go to work."
20:49 Treated me like a VIP patient.
20:50 I heard the missionaries say that the health message
20:53 can lead people to Christ.
20:54 This is exactly what happened with my case, all right.
20:57 So this thing happened three times, right.
21:01 And at this point I'm thinking, is this getting outrageous.
21:04 I keep not calling these people in between
21:07 and I keep only calling when I need help.
21:10 So this seems like I'm using them.
21:13 You guys picking up what I'm putting down?
21:16 Okay, so I said, I have to do something to save face.
21:20 His wife keeps talking about going to the gym
21:22 so I will extend an invitation to join her at the gym.
21:28 Now one more time, Princess Anne,
21:29 please stand up.
21:31 All right, can you step toward the middle of the isle?
21:34 I'm putting her on the spot.
21:37 I present to you, Barbie, okay.
21:41 Now here is what was in my mind.
21:44 I'm gonna spend time with Barbie in the gym,
21:46 its gonna be a total waste.
21:48 Because I'm used to hardcore workouts
21:50 and sweating and pushups and every kind of thing that's,
21:53 you know, just down in the trenches and she looks like
21:57 she is straight off the rack all right.
22:00 So I'm thinking, I'm gonna go
22:02 but I'm gonna be wasting my time.
22:04 But at least it won't look like I'm using these people anymore.
22:07 So we went to the gym and she invited me to her
22:09 "Strength and Conditioning Class," all right.
22:11 She's just gotten out of her dance class,
22:13 so I figured, this is gonna be a walk in the park.
22:16 And you know what, I breezed to the class and I thought,
22:20 it wasn't that bad, that was okay.
22:22 Okay, here is the next scene
22:24 I wake up in the morning, all right.
22:26 You guys ever heard something called DOMS,
22:28 delayed onset muscle soreness, right.
22:31 So I wake up the next morning
22:34 and I can't even walk, all right.
22:37 And I drive a stick shift,
22:38 so I literally had to lift my leg
22:41 to put it on the clutch.
22:43 And then I started thinking to myself,
22:45 I cannot be outdone by Barbie, all right.
22:48 We're going back to the gym together.
22:50 We're gonna keep doing this until I can prove myself, okay,
22:54 'cause I, I play to win, I'm a competitor.
22:57 So here's what happened, we started going to the gym
23:00 and after a while she says, "Hey, you know what,
23:03 do you want to start studying
23:04 the Sabbath school lesson together?" All right.
23:07 And now the red flags are up because remember,
23:11 in church I was very hungry and very tired.
23:14 And the Sabbath school part of the service
23:16 was a very big reason for that.
23:18 That made me get to church earlier.
23:20 So I said, you know what,
23:21 I will study this lesson with this lady
23:25 because I'm enjoying her company, all right.
23:27 I'm enjoying the relationship.
23:30 Now a lot of times
23:31 when you get caught up in religion
23:32 and we forget about
23:33 the importance of relationships.
23:35 That's how you bring people to Christ.
23:37 So the particular lesson that we're doing at the time
23:40 was called The Christian Life.
23:42 I don't know if you guys can remember, this
23:43 one is from 2009.
23:45 And this is how the journey begins.
23:47 We start going through this book and in the meantime
23:50 we're always going to the gym.
23:51 That's our regular activity right, multiple times a week.
23:54 The first lesson in the Sabbath school lesson
23:56 was entitled, "Love."
23:59 And I thought to myself, I know that God is love
24:03 and this is old news.
24:05 This is exactly why
24:08 I wasn't doing this book before,
24:09 because there is nothing in there for me.
24:12 God is love, I know that.
24:13 And the next lesson was entitled "Faith."
24:17 And I thought to myself again, faith without works is dead,
24:20 I know that too.
24:22 My dad's been telling me about that, my mom
24:24 preaching that, you know, my entire life,
24:26 I grew up in a Christian home.
24:28 So I'm going through the emotions with this lesson.
24:31 And the next lesson was entitled "Hope," all right.
24:36 And let me be honest with you all,
24:38 I was hoping that it would soon be over, okay.
24:42 But at the same time,
24:44 I'm having a great time at the gym
24:46 and I already told you guys, I wasn't gonna be outdone
24:48 or outlasted by Barbie, okay.
24:51 The next lesson was entitled "Life," all right.
24:55 And I know that the Bible says,
24:56 "I have come that you may have life
24:58 and have it more abundantly."
25:00 So once again I'm just going through the emotions.
25:03 None of this is really for me but I'm enjoying
25:06 the relationship with my new friend.
25:08 So I'm gonna continue, the next lesson was entitled,
25:13 "Revelation" and it become one of those things again
25:16 where I'm hoping that God reveals to me
25:20 when the end of this lesson book is going to happen.
25:23 Because this was taking up a lot of my time
25:25 in the mornings now, okay.
25:27 So the next lesson was entitled "Sin."
25:32 I should have probably put this
25:33 on the biggest size poster board available,
25:35 because sin is a very big problem
25:36 we have in earth, right?
25:38 So sin is a very big problem,
25:39 and I know that the wages of sin is death
25:41 and the gift of God's eternal life.
25:42 So once again that was no new news to me.
25:46 Now at this point thing's changed.
25:50 The next lesson is when my eyes started to become opened.
25:54 And my name is Grace and I feel like my mom and dad
25:57 gave me the name Grace for such a time is this.
26:00 Because whenever I see my name
26:03 you have my attention, all right.
26:05 Any document that has my name I like to research the meaning,
26:07 I like to read about it, I like to hear about it.
26:10 The next lesson was entitled "Grace,'' okay.
26:15 And just a little side note, whenever you see the word
26:18 "grace" in your Bible from now on,
26:20 I know a lot of times we've been, you know,
26:23 conditioned to think that grace is simply
26:25 an undeserved gift from God.
26:28 Interpret the word "grace" as God's power, okay.
26:33 And that will change your relationship with God
26:36 and the way you read the Bible.
26:37 So grace is God's power.
26:39 So God's power lead me to open my eyes at this point.
26:43 And simultaneously as the lesson was called Grace,
26:47 and I decided this is now about me,
26:49 that's when Princess Anne asked me,
26:52 "Hey, you know, you're about to go overseas,
26:54 how are you gonna do all that and keep the Sabbath?"
27:00 And I got to think it
27:01 because I had a contract already written,
27:04 the dollar amount was already decided.
27:06 I just had to show up at this point.
27:08 I chose the country I wanted to go to, okay.
27:12 She asked me this question
27:14 and I said, "You know what, I can't."
27:18 If I'm gonna be about my Father's business,
27:21 I can't go back over there and play again, all right.
27:24 So the next lesson was entitled, "Rest."
27:30 So now I have a direct message from the Lord, Grace, Rest.
27:35 And when I got that message, come on,
27:40 there was only one thing left to do.
27:42 I picked up the phone immediately,
27:44 I called my agent and I said, game over.
27:48 It's time for me to play for a new coach, all right.
27:51 And then he said, "Well, are you sure about this?"
27:55 And I said, absolutely,
27:57 you don't have to call me anymore.
27:58 If you have a job give it to someone else
28:00 because now I'm about to go about
28:02 my Father's business, all right.
28:04 So that was an open and shut,
28:05 there was nothing left to decide.
28:08 There was no agonizing over this decision,
28:10 God just said, Grace, rest, it was simple choice to make.
28:15 Now what followed is very interesting.
28:17 While Grace was here on earth resting,
28:20 I started thinking,
28:23 I used to be a basketball player
28:24 while I'm here on earth.
28:25 I used to do certain things in a certain way.
28:28 And the next lesson was entitled, "Heaven."
28:31 So that was God just telling me, Grace, rest,
28:34 set your sights on heaven, okay.
28:36 Stop thinking about
28:38 what you were doing now here on earth.
28:40 So then I thought to myself, okay, that's fine, I'll rest,
28:43 I'll set my sights on heaven.
28:45 But I used to be a basketball player,
28:48 what do you want me to be now, God?
28:50 Next lesson, "Discipleship," okay.
28:54 Before you call He will answer
28:56 and while you're yet speaking, He will hear.
28:59 So now I got this mandate from God.
29:01 I'm gonna be a fulltime disciple.
29:03 I'm pumped up, I'm excited about this.
29:06 But then, reality set in I said, you know what,
29:09 when I was a basketball player I used to get a paycheck.
29:12 I've been reading my Bible
29:14 and I hadn't heard anything about disciples
29:15 getting a salary, okay.
29:17 So Jesus, how much do disciples get paid, right.
29:21 And the next lesson was entitled...
29:26 that even makes me laugh, all right, "Stewardship."
29:28 And that was simply God telling me
29:30 you know what, you can keep thinking about your bills
29:33 and you can keep thinking about your house and your car,
29:35 but none of that's yours anyway, that is all mine.
29:39 All you have to do is put your life into My hands
29:41 and I will handle your business,
29:43 if you're going about My business, right?
29:46 So then I thought to myself
29:47 where am I gonna do this, discipleship.
29:50 'Cause I'm convinced
29:51 this is my course of work for life now
29:53 and the answer came in the nex tlesson,
29:56 "Community."
29:57 Isn't this amazing?
29:58 It's amazing the way God speaks
30:00 when you're listening, all right.
30:03 Community, so I decided I'm staying right here at home
30:06 and I bought a house in my hometown
30:07 and that worked out great.
30:09 And I got my blinders on
30:10 because God tells me to do something
30:11 I go forward full force.
30:13 So while my blinders are on
30:14 about being home in the community,
30:16 the next lesson was entitled, ''Mission."
30:20 So that was God telling me,
30:21 yes, you have work to do at home,
30:23 but at the same time remember the Great Commission,
30:25 to go into all the world and preach the gospel.
30:27 And since I got that commission from God,
30:29 I've been traveling every year on a mission trip
30:33 with the group called "United Hands."
30:35 It's actually a group that was started
30:38 in part by Dr. Bovell and his wife.
30:40 We traveled to a different country in the world every year
30:45 just to spread the gospel through the health message.
30:48 We provide free medical, dental and optical care
30:51 for communities in need.
30:52 And at the end of every visit
30:54 they come to me, they come to the counseling station
30:56 where we let them know
30:59 that we want you to be in good health.
31:01 And we gave them the tools in order to stay healthy,
31:05 to prevent or reverse whatever conditions they have.
31:08 And most importantly we tell them
31:09 that God loves them.
31:11 So we meet their needs
31:12 and then we tell them about Jesus.
31:15 We follow His example.
31:17 So what I realized is the more I got connected to Christ
31:20 the more connections I had in this life.
31:22 When I started looking for a job
31:23 I couldn't find one, I had three, okay.
31:27 And I turned down many others offers.
31:30 And here is what I learned, I learned that the kingdom
31:32 has to be our ultimate objective.
31:35 And as I traveled over the years,
31:38 I have witnessed that we are loosing sight of that.
31:41 Now I'm gonna share a story with you
31:42 that happened just a few months ago.
31:44 So you know that is not just the world
31:47 that's loosing sight of our objective, okay.
31:51 I'm gonna talk about the Adventist Church.
31:53 I'm gonna bring this close to home.
31:55 And this story is gonna illustrate
31:57 why it is time to be about our Father's business?
32:01 Amen.
32:02 Now the Be Smart team,
32:03 Dr. Bovell, his wife and myself,
32:05 we traveled to a church in another state
32:07 and just like today,
32:08 I was asked to share my testimony.
32:11 You know, I walked away from professional basketball
32:13 to observe the Sabbath, it's a simple consistent story.
32:16 But there was a catch on this particular invitation.
32:20 The pastor of that church told me not to make the Sabbath
32:25 a central issue or a focal point
32:28 while sharing my testimony.
32:30 Now let me repeat this so it's clear to you, okay.
32:33 I was told not to focus on the Sabbath,
32:36 try not to mention the Sabbath
32:38 at a Seventh-day Adventist Church.
32:40 And the words of the pastor,
32:42 the Sabbath is a very sensitive issue
32:45 and the church is divided about it.
32:48 Now I didn't completely understand it at the time
32:50 why I was getting this message, but it was revealed to me later
32:54 that some of the leaders in the church
32:56 and deep pocketed people have their kids playing
32:58 all kinds of sports on the Sabbath, okay.
33:01 So I was reminded a number of times
33:03 before our arrival.
33:04 And upon our arrival
33:06 to stay away from the topic of the Sabbath
33:09 by a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor,
33:12 and also by the associate pastor.
33:15 Now I never thought I'm not that old,
33:17 I never thought I will live this--
33:18 see the day when I would hear
33:21 that the Seventh-day Adventist Church
33:23 is divided about the Sabbath.
33:25 Anyway, I just prayed the prayer in Acts 4:29,
33:28 I said, "Now, Lord, behold their threatenings
33:31 and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness
33:34 we may speak thy word"
33:36 and I went about my Father's business.
33:39 Now this particular church had two services
33:41 and I thought to myself well,
33:43 I'll definitely make it past the first one
33:46 but then after that, the Be Smart team
33:49 is gonna go have worship back in the hotel, all right.
33:52 Well, God is good, okay.
33:54 God is good and I miraculously made it through both services
33:57 and needless to say,
33:59 those that were offended by the message
34:01 were those that were clearly in violation of the message.
34:04 Now I'm just gonna say this to you straight,
34:06 because I only know how to speak plainly
34:08 there are a lot of Seventh-day Adventists
34:10 that are not keeping the Sabbath.
34:13 It may sound harsh, but I'm gonna speak
34:15 as directly as I can to make sure this is clear.
34:17 If we're not going about our Father's business,
34:20 we're going about the devil's business.
34:23 There are no two ways about it.
34:25 And we can't be about our Father's business
34:27 if we're not being obedient to our Father.
34:29 We can't work for Him if we're not working with Him.
34:32 And if we're not being obedient,
34:33 we're actually working against Him.
34:36 And you know, this thing is actually
34:37 deeper than the Sabbath.
34:38 We have to think to ourselves, how many Christian principles
34:41 are we not sharing
34:43 because we ourselves are not living them?
34:45 Now think about it, the two main points of emphasis
34:49 in this Seventh-day Adventist Church,
34:51 that set us apart from other religions
34:53 are the Sabbath and the health message.
34:55 Do you guys agree? Absolutely.
34:58 And I've already told you a very real story
35:00 to let you know that the Sabbath is in danger.
35:04 Now if we take time to look at various congregations
35:07 we're also gonna learn that the health message
35:10 is in danger too.
35:12 We tend to save the health message
35:13 for Health and Temperance day.
35:16 And we do this twice a year maybe at the most.
35:19 So this is a message that is clearly not being consistently
35:24 reinforce from behind the pulpit.
35:26 And in order to make real progress at the church
35:29 in order to truly be about our Father's business,
35:33 this has to change.
35:35 We have heard so many because we travel
35:37 all over the United States, okay.
35:39 We have heard so many Adventist pastors,
35:43 use this line and maybe you've heard it also.
35:46 They say things like,
35:47 "Eating right won't get you into heaven,"
35:50 have you guys heard that?
35:51 We've heard it.
35:52 And although everyone will agree
35:55 with that statement, you have to admit,
35:57 it's actually very disrespectful
35:59 to the health message.
36:01 And it's actually something that we hear far too often.
36:05 Now let me try to put it into prospective,
36:07 you actually don't hear preachers getting up
36:09 behind the pulpit and saying things like,
36:12 "Returning tithe won't get you into heaven,"
36:15 have you guys heard that?
36:16 You've never heard that,
36:17 because they know that would be disrespectful
36:19 to the tithing message.
36:21 And they value the tithing messages.
36:23 They respect tithing
36:24 because they put it into practice
36:26 and they've seen the miracles it can render.
36:29 They talk about tithing every time
36:30 the offering plate is passed around.
36:32 They're convinced that tithing is not a means of salvation
36:37 but it is a powerful testimony of obedience to God.
36:41 Now you also don't hear pastors
36:43 getting behind the pulpit and saying,
36:44 "Community service won't get you into heaven,"
36:47 have you guys heard that?
36:49 It's simply because that would be
36:51 disrespectful to community service.
36:53 And they've put that into practice,
36:56 they've seen the miracles that it can render.
36:59 So they talk about community service all the time.
37:01 They talk about visiting the sick and shedding,
37:03 distributing literature, visiting prisons
37:06 which we could do more of.
37:08 And it's something they're convinced of
37:11 and they know it's not a method of salvation,
37:13 but it is a powerful testimony and an effective tool
37:18 to leading people to Christ.
37:20 Now look, eating right
37:21 and following the health message
37:23 may not get you into heaven, but it will ensure
37:26 that your time on earth as a disciple
37:29 is more productive and enjoyable.
37:31 It is a clear indicator to the world
37:34 that you understand the true stewardship involves
37:38 not just your time, your talents and your treasure,
37:41 not just using those things to glorify God,
37:43 but also your temple.
37:45 It is a method, it's not a method of salvation,
37:49 but it is a powerful testimony of obedience to God
37:54 and a very effective tool in leading people in Christ.
37:58 Amen.
37:59 Now many pastors, many leaders
38:02 have not put the health message into practice,
38:04 so they haven't seen the miracles it can render.
38:08 And that's why they may not respect or value it.
38:12 When is the last time,
38:13 you guys know the principle of our rest, right?
38:16 When is the last time you've heard a preacher
38:18 tell their congregation, you ought to go to bed early?
38:23 It's probably because most preachers
38:26 are staying up late, right.
38:28 And the rule is simple.
38:30 If you are not practicing this lifestyle
38:33 then, you probably will not preach it, okay.
38:37 So those two principles,
38:39 the Sabbath and the health message,
38:41 they are two gifts that God gave us
38:44 that make it so easy
38:46 to spread His message of love and salvation and it is time
38:50 and it maybe past time at this point,
38:52 but it's absolutely time to be about our Father's business
38:56 and to be obedient and start using those messages.
39:00 We need to commit to 100% obedience
39:02 in all aspects of our lives
39:05 and understand that there are no levels of obedience.
39:09 You're either about your Father's business
39:11 or you're not.
39:13 People tend to-- you know, people
39:16 who actually are not about their Father's business
39:18 they tend to make excuses
39:20 to try to justify their behavior.
39:22 People that are about their Father's business
39:24 simply trust and obey, regardless of the consequences.
39:30 Now I have guy come up to me
39:31 after I shared my testimony once
39:33 and he told me that his son was
39:35 a collegiate baseball player.
39:37 And that would be harder for him to make the decision
39:40 to keep the Sabbath, than it was for me,
39:42 because his son is a 20 year old guy.
39:45 And you know, it's different for him
39:47 and I just don't understand.
39:49 I'm here to say and this is what I told him,
39:52 there are no levels of obedience,
39:55 we are all ultimately faced with the same decision.
39:59 Are we gonna be about our Father's business or not?
40:03 Now besides following Christ
40:04 is never a matter of giving things up.
40:06 It's simply a matter of giving in.
40:09 Once you give into Christ what's gonna happen is,
40:12 you're gonna willingly surrender
40:13 all the things in your life to Him.
40:16 And a life of complete surrender and obedience
40:20 is the most powerful testimony.
40:23 Now I used to think that playing basketball
40:26 was my vehicle to share Christ.
40:28 But then I realized,
40:30 I was the one driving that vehicle.
40:32 What I finally learned was that obedience
40:35 is the most powerful vehicle,
40:38 because Jesus is the one behind the wheel.
40:42 And I've actually had more opportunities
40:44 to share Christ in the last four years,
40:47 since I stopped playing on the Sabbath
40:48 then in my entire 15 year career.
40:52 Now fast forward to today I look forward to the Sabbath,
40:55 I love the Sabbath,
40:56 it's the most awesome day of the week.
40:59 But I also love the right arm of the gospel,
41:02 I love the health message.
41:05 You heard me talk about it a little while just now
41:06 I'm gonna little further, I love the health message.
41:09 I don't just love to talk about it,
41:11 I love living it and I love the benefits.
41:14 I also love sharing it.
41:16 Now the Be Smart team,
41:18 myself Dr. Bovell and his wife, we have repackaged
41:21 the health laws in a very creative way.
41:26 What we've done is, we repackaged it in a way
41:29 where we made each health law a mission.
41:32 A mission that you should accomplish
41:34 by the end of the day.
41:35 And when you accomplish that mission
41:37 you kind of check it off the list, right.
41:39 So it's a daily accountability list.
41:42 We call it the smart chart.
41:43 Now I'll show you how it works,
41:44 but first I'm gonna go over the principles briefly.
41:47 The B&B Smart is for believe in God.
41:49 Your mission, should you choose to accept
41:51 starts your day with a prayer, spend quality time with God,
41:54 have morning devotions, spend time in the word
41:56 and end your day with prayer.
41:57 Something we teach children to do,
41:59 but something we often neglect as we get older.
42:01 The E&B Smart is for eating fruits and vegetables
42:04 and drinking water.
42:06 Your mission, should you choose to accept
42:08 is to go for at least seven servings
42:10 of fruits and vegetables every single day.
42:12 And a easy way to remember that is,
42:14 go for seven to get ready for heaven, all right.
42:17 Because as it was in the beginning,
42:18 so will be in the end.
42:19 So the maze we'll start
42:21 getting ready for heaven right now
42:22 by eating the foods that God created.
42:25 So E is for eating fruits and vegetables
42:26 and drinking water.
42:28 Water and no soda, all right.
42:31 And we also are encouraging people to choose the fruit
42:34 instead of the juice, all right.
42:37 Eat the fruit, the whole fruit and nothing but the fruit,
42:40 so help you God.
42:42 And the S&B Smart for sunshine and air.
42:46 Your mission, should you choose to accept
42:48 is to get at least 15 minutes of sunshine
42:50 and fresh air every single day.
42:53 Now if you're darker skinned,
42:55 your need more time in the sunlight.
42:58 80% of African Americans are Vitamin D deficient.
43:03 70 % of Hispanic Americans are Vitamin D deficient.
43:08 60% of White Americans are Vitamin D deficient.
43:13 The best source for Vitamin D is the sunshine
43:16 and God has given this thing to us for free.
43:19 We need to get out get into the sunshine every single day.
43:22 The M&B Smart is for moderation.
43:24 We teach the Christian definition of moderation,
43:27 which means self control in good things
43:31 and avoiding bad things, right.
43:33 Abstain from all evil.
43:35 So I'm not gonna limit this to just tobacco and alcohol,
43:39 I'm gonna say we need to abstain from foods
43:43 that are very high in sugar, like donuts and cookies
43:46 and cakes and ice-cream.
43:48 So when we teach moderation we don't teach children,
43:52 oh, it's okay to have a little bit of ice-cream
43:54 after your dinner.
43:55 We teach children
43:56 replace that ice-cream with some fruits
44:00 or something that God created.
44:02 And it's simple, we want to put things in our body
44:06 that are good for us.
44:07 When we know things are not good for us
44:09 because the studies have proven that sugar causes diabetes,
44:12 contributes to heart disease, cancer,
44:15 causes you to gain weight, suppresses your immune system.
44:18 Things like that we don't even want to touch, all right.
44:21 We want to eat the foods that God made for us
44:24 that heal our bodies and restore us.
44:26 The A&B Smart is for action, all right.
44:29 "A" is for action for adults 30 minutes a day, okay.
44:33 For children, we're talking about
44:36 actually 60 minutes a day minimum.
44:39 Now I want you guys to take one minute with me, okay.
44:42 Everybody standup, all right, we've been sitting long enough
44:46 and that's not healthy sitting down for so long.
44:48 And here is what we're gonna do for 60 seconds.
44:50 I want you guys to do this activity,
44:52 it's very simple, all right.
44:53 You're sitting in your chairs, all you're gonna do is,
44:56 touch your bottom down to your chair and get back up.
44:58 Touch your bottom down to your chair and get back up.
45:00 Try not to use your arm, if you have to that's fine.
45:03 Ready set go, keep going, 60 seconds,
45:05 if you're at home and you are watching this,
45:07 get up from your couch and just touch down and get up.
45:10 And right now we're looking great, this looks like
45:12 a popcorn machine in full blast.
45:15 So far so good, but you're only 12 seconds into it, all right.
45:19 We're gonna keep doing this for 60 seconds,
45:21 come on, keep going.
45:23 The doctor up here is working in double time,
45:25 he is on a mission.
45:27 We're 23 seconds into this right now.
45:29 Keep going, we have to get the 60 seconds,
45:31 that's our goal right now.
45:33 We're trying to get fit for the kingdom,
45:34 not just spiritually but also physically.
45:37 All right you're half way there,
45:38 we have 25 more seconds to go.
45:42 The popcorn machine is slowing down.
45:44 It seems like, it's almost time to eat the popcorn.
45:47 All right, 20-- 15 more seconds to go, keep going.
45:50 Some of you guys are getting a deep squat there,
45:52 your heart rates getting up, you're feeling good.
45:54 Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four,
46:00 three, two, you may be seated.
46:07 I chose that activity to prove a simple point,
46:10 exercise makes you happy, all right.
46:14 This is as joyful as this room has been
46:16 as long as I've been up here,
46:17 I should have done this at the beginning.
46:20 Exercise actually increases your body's level of serotonin,
46:23 the body's natural happy hormone.
46:26 So God gave us these things so we can be happy.
46:29 He gave us these health laws.
46:30 So exercise 30 minutes a day
46:32 and exercise actually lowers your blood pressure
46:35 more effectively than medication.
46:38 But just like medication
46:39 you got to do it every day, okay.
46:41 And obviously, we advocate resting
46:43 one day on the Sabbath.
46:45 "R" is for rest.
46:47 Rest, it means being in bed by 10 o'clock
46:50 every single night, okay.
46:52 And that something we have to do
46:54 if we want to be effective witnesses the next day
46:57 that are awake, alert and happy.
46:59 Going to bed on time improves your mood.
47:01 The T&B smart is for tell others.
47:04 It's a very powerful principle that is a reflex
47:07 if you're living this way.
47:09 Tell others, share Jesus every day,
47:13 everywhere you go all around the world,
47:16 in your home, outside your home, share Jesus.
47:19 And the "T" is also for TV time,
47:21 limiting your TV time
47:22 to one hour or less of quality television.
47:25 And if you're watching this right now,
47:26 this is quality television.
47:31 You know, when we explain Be Smart,
47:33 we tell people to go for the goal.
47:35 Don't just try to work on one thing, work on everything.
47:38 God's working on our entire being, okay.
47:40 So work on everything and go for the goal.
47:42 And what we've actually done is,
47:44 we've come up with a creative way
47:46 to package this program
47:47 and present it to the public school system.
47:50 Now the B&B smart is actually for believing God
47:53 but in order to get this program
47:54 at the public schools, the B&B smart become
47:57 brush your teeth and bathe.
47:59 And you know what, we have parents thanking us
48:02 everyday about this. Because apparently,
48:04 these are things kids don't like to do.
48:06 So their missions are to brush their teeth in the morning,
48:08 brush their teeth before bedtime
48:10 and bathe before bedtime.
48:11 So we devised something called a smart chart, okay.
48:15 And I'm gonna repose that if this simple chart
48:18 and actually the kids get it, it looks like this.
48:21 It's in the form of a paper
48:24 that they fill out everyday at school.
48:27 This simple paper, we have seen this paper revolutionize
48:31 the lives of adults.
48:33 It holds them accountable for their daily actions.
48:36 We host free exercise classes for our local community,
48:39 four times a week, okay.
48:42 And it also involves a game night
48:45 for the young people, where we incorporate
48:47 a spiritual lesson at half time.
48:49 And we've been teaching these principles
48:52 and we've had people
48:53 filling out their smart charts, okay.
48:55 We've seen people loose 30 pounds,
48:57 45 pounds more sometimes.
48:59 We've seen people reduce their medications,
49:01 get off of their medications.
49:03 We've seen people experiencing the abundant life
49:06 that Jesus talks about based on simply following
49:10 His health principles that He's given for free.
49:13 If we could get this paper,
49:15 this smart chart in the more schools,
49:17 we have seen how powerful it is,
49:19 it can revolutionized the health of America.
49:23 Because it's something as simple as
49:25 holding people accountable for their actions
49:27 and letting them know that it is important to us
49:31 that they do these things, all right.
49:33 We all need encouragement, we all need reinforcement.
49:36 So we all want to encourage each other to be smart,
49:40 Be Smart it's time to start as good for your brain
49:42 and good for your heart, all right.
49:44 And if you wanted more information about our program,
49:47 you can go on our website it's,
49:59 and you can learn more about our program
50:02 and how we're trying to get this in the public schools
50:04 and the health principles that we promote
50:06 that are absolutely not from us,
50:08 that are from God.
50:09 Now I'm gonna close with a story
50:11 that just is gonna bring this whole thing into perspective
50:14 and let us know that truly
50:16 it is time to be about our Father's business.
50:19 Because if we're doing anything here on earth
50:22 that's selfishly motivated or is about us,
50:26 we are working in vain.
50:28 Now here is the way the story goes,
50:30 for the last four years I've been
50:32 a physical education teacher at the elementary school level.
50:35 Now in the upcoming year, I'll be a kindergarten teacher.
50:38 I'm excited about that.
50:39 I love kids and five year olds
50:42 are the best thing that ever happened to planet earth.
50:44 God made them cute for a reason, all right.
50:47 'Cause when they start acting crazy,
50:49 oh, they're so cute, all right.
50:51 It's softens your heart.
50:53 So anyway, pray for me on that adventure.
50:56 Well, every year in my PE classes
50:59 I used to teach a basketball unit, all right.
51:01 So when the kids see me you know,
51:03 going between my legs and crossing over
51:04 and making all the shots.
51:06 Well, the goals are only 8 feet tall, right.
51:09 When they see me making all these shots
51:10 and I asked them at the end of this unit,
51:13 hey, do you guys know
51:14 who the greatest basketball player
51:16 that ever played the game was?
51:18 These five year olds, they tell me that
51:20 I'm the greatest basketball player ever.
51:23 And you know, it's flattering but I like to consider myself
51:27 to be a pretty honest person.
51:28 So I have to break the news to them
51:30 and I told them you know what,
51:31 I appreciate you saying that,
51:33 but it's not me guess again.
51:35 And on one occasion I had a kid raise his hand,
51:38 oh, I know, I know, I know, I know.
51:40 Okay, who is the greatest basketball player ever?
51:42 Michael Jackson.
51:48 So I thought to myself, really? Michael Jackson?
51:51 So I said, listen you're half way there,
51:53 you got the Michael part right, Michael Jordan,
51:57 and these kids look up to me and they said, who?
51:59 All right.
52:05 Keep this in mind, a few years from now
52:09 if what you're not doing is about your Father's business
52:13 no one will remember who you are.
52:17 No one will remember what you've done.
52:20 Five year olds growing up today,
52:22 they don't know who Michael Jordan is
52:24 and he won, what six championships,
52:26 leading scorer here, leading scorer there.
52:28 and to be honest,
52:30 if I had not been invited to appear here today
52:32 you wouldn't know who I was either, okay.
52:35 So I'm saying this and I told you that story
52:39 to simply illustrate that it's time to be
52:42 about our Father's business.
52:44 Because if we choose to be obedient to Him
52:47 and I'm equating being about our Father's business
52:50 to being obedient, okay.
52:52 And if we choose to be obedient to God
52:55 we will be remembered by the one
52:58 that matters the most.
52:59 My Bible tells me in Hebrews 6:10,
53:02 "God is not unjust, he will not forget your work
53:06 and the love you have shown him
53:08 as you have helped His people and continue to help them."
53:13 So everybody at ASI today, two things Be Smart,
53:17 Be Smart it's time to start, right.
53:20 Second thing, it is time to be about our Father's business.
53:27 Dear, Lord, thank you for the opportunity once again
53:29 that You have given me to share my testimony.
53:31 And just thank You for the, the motivation
53:34 that I know that You have already given us
53:37 and I ask that you please just allow us to continue
53:40 to encourage each other as we're on this journey,
53:44 this journey to spread Your message.
53:48 Please help us to all remember and continue to utilize
53:51 the tools that You've given us to make this so easy for us.
53:55 Help us to be a obedient to Your word,
53:57 help us to always just strive to please You.
54:01 All these things I ask in Your name. Amen.
54:03 Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17