ASI Conventions, 2013

Music & Members in Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Debbie Young (Host)


Series Code: 13ASIC

Program Code: 13ASIC000001

00:19 I have the privilege of once again bringing to you
00:21 our offering in action segment.
00:24 This is a time when we can hear from project recipients,
00:28 reports about how your gifts
00:30 and your donations have been used
00:31 for their ministries to reach the world for Jesus Christ.
00:35 You know, we are really happy, Jim,
00:37 to be in partnership with so many ministries
00:39 and so many initiatives to be able to reach out
00:43 and we take this really very seriously.
00:45 We monitor and review and assure
00:48 that the funding that comes in, that the gifts
00:51 that you give are used for the gifts
00:54 or for the projects I should say
00:55 that have been approved for support.
00:59 So that's very important to us
01:01 and 3ABN as one of the projects for this year,
01:04 we are very deeply appreciative for being a partner with 3ABN.
01:09 Tell us what's going on.
01:10 Well, likewise because our partnership began in 1984.
01:15 Danny Shelton went to Big Sky, Montana.
01:18 And he was at the ASI Convention there.
01:24 And you-- most of you have heard the story before,
01:27 but he was not supposed to speak,
01:29 and on Friday there was an event plan
01:33 that we're going to go up on the mountain side
01:35 and have a great time together,
01:37 and there came a downpour of rain,
01:41 and so those that were in charge came and said,
01:44 Danny would you tell about your project.
01:46 Now they've already told him he was not gonna have
01:49 an opportunity to tell about it,
01:51 and that is when he told
01:53 about his dream of beginning a ministry
01:57 that would reach the world with the Three Angels' Message.
02:01 By the way I want to ask you a question.
02:03 How many of you were there that day?
02:06 Let me see your hand.
02:07 It's just amazing to see how 3ABN has grown
02:11 and with your growth
02:12 you've taken all ministries with you.
02:15 Well, you know, it's a very humbling thing for us
02:17 because we don't-- we look at this
02:19 and we say praise the Lord, this is what God has done.
02:23 This is what ASI has supported.
02:26 This is what the membership and those who are believers
02:29 around the world have supported.
02:31 And the amazing thing is that even though our base
02:35 is the Seventh-day Adventist membership,
02:38 about 50% of our gifts now come from those who are not
02:42 part of the Seventh-day Adventist fellowship.
02:46 So and we hear from people all over the world
02:50 that tell us, I believe everything I hear on 3ABN.
02:56 I just don't live anywhere near a Seventh-day Adventist church
02:59 and I live two blocks from the church
03:02 where I was confirmed or baptized
03:04 or whatever their expression might be,
03:06 but I want you to know, that I believe
03:09 and then they sent an offering
03:10 and we praise God for those that--
03:14 we call them Closet Adventists.
03:16 Now I know 3ABN has done a great job
03:19 at keeping pace with technology.
03:21 Tell us about some real exciting things coming up?
03:23 Well, the real new and right now is our app.
03:27 How many of you have iPhones or iPads.
03:30 I want to see the hands of those that are here.
03:33 Right now, you can take that be sure
03:36 it's on vibrate, but you can take that
03:41 and go to the app store, if you push that
03:45 and when it goes to search write in 3ABN
03:50 and then hit the search, it will come up,
03:53 it will give an opportunity, in fact Denzil McNeilus,
03:56 right you just did it
03:58 a few minutes ago right back there.
04:00 And you hit that free thing put in your password
04:05 and here it is, each of the ministries of 3ABN
04:10 are right here on this phone live.
04:13 You can watch wherever you are, live.
04:18 Now, this is something that cost money.
04:20 It's not free, but we felt like that investing in this
04:24 was something you would want us to do.
04:27 It's helping to reach more people, wherever they are.
04:31 Jim, some of the stories and testimonies
04:34 that we hear from 3ABN are always
04:35 so riveting and inspiring.
04:37 Is there anything that you can share with us?
04:39 You know, we are just amazed by some of the things
04:43 that we do here.
04:45 One, recently a lady right over here in New Port Richey,
04:49 she began watching, and then she went
04:53 to the New Port Richey Church, make contact with them there,
04:57 she was baptized.
04:59 I think the folks that studied with her are here tonight.
05:03 She will be here tomorrow
05:05 and through the rest of the time,
05:07 and you can read about her in our 3ABN World Magazine.
05:12 It is a thrilling story.
05:14 And then another individual recently
05:17 as I mentioned some of these people
05:19 that are watching but may be haven't yet,
05:21 he send us $100 and he said,
05:25 I live at least 75 miles from any Adventist church.
05:28 He said, I'm not young,
05:30 I was baptized in the Lutheran Church
05:32 he said just two blocks from my house.
05:35 He said I will continue going to the Lutheran Church,
05:39 but I believe 100% like a Seventh-day Adventist.
05:43 And then he said I'm so proud of the contributions
05:47 that Martin Luther made to the Adventist theology.
05:50 And I was impressed by that because
05:54 he's not only involved financially,
05:56 but he's involved as far as promoting our message,
06:00 even to those the church where he goes,
06:02 he tells them the truths about the Sabbath.
06:05 Oh, that is wonderful.
06:06 Jim, thank you so much for sharing with us,
06:08 what's happening with 3ABN.
06:09 Thank you, ASI. Amen.
06:14 Coming to the podium is James Hartley.
06:17 James Hartley is the president of LIGHT
06:20 and he's gonna tell us what LIGHT is an acronym,
06:23 what it stands for and how it got started?
06:25 You know what, James, I was just thinking,
06:27 seems like we were just here yesterday.
06:29 I was talking with you and you were sharing
06:30 a little bit about LIGHT.
06:31 Of course that was last year,
06:33 but many things have happened since then.
06:35 First catch us up, tell us little bit
06:37 about the fundamentals of LIGHT
06:39 and then we'll go into little bit more.
06:40 Sure, thanks, Debbie, for those that--
06:41 that haven't heard or not aware LIGHT.
06:43 First stands for the Lay Institute
06:45 for Global Health Training.
06:47 And we are a global initiative for the training
06:49 and equipping of lay members
06:51 to be active medical missionaries
06:53 in their local churches and wherever God leads them.
06:56 We have a network now, a growing network of 37 schools
07:01 that are on all main continents.
07:03 We haven't started--
07:04 we haven't been in Antarctica yet,
07:05 but in all the other continents we have trainees
07:08 'cause we want to see people
07:09 able to get trained in their country,
07:11 and in their language.
07:12 So there is now 37 schools
07:13 that are conducting a 6 months training package,
07:16 that like we are helping to create curriculum,
07:18 get it translated in different languages,
07:19 send that out and then all these 37 schools
07:22 that are producing hundreds of graduates every year.
07:25 You know, in every six months,
07:27 we're giving them opportunities for involvement.
07:29 We send them out in teams of four and five
07:32 with one leader to do short trainings often one month.
07:36 We've condensed our six month course into
07:39 what we call the essentials of health evangelism.
07:42 And so this essentials of health evangelism
07:44 is about 140 hours of training, and we--
07:48 our students come in with our staff
07:50 and do like an intensive church training
07:53 and this often revives church, helps them to see
07:55 how they can get more involved in their communities,
07:57 active in health expos and door to door
07:59 and how to use-- you know, how to use the health message
08:02 as an entering wedge for the gospel.
08:04 How to make friends and we teach them
08:05 how to set up health clubs, not,
08:07 not like a health club that you would think of
08:09 where, you know, like stereo master.
08:10 Where you work out in, okay.
08:11 Yeah, yeah, not that sort of thing,
08:12 like a health club where people come like on a regular basis,
08:16 monthly and just have like a learn how to--
08:19 have a cooking class, a health seminar,
08:22 you know, it's a fellowship group from the community,
08:24 not necessarily attached to a church
08:27 or you might have an community center
08:29 and this provides a really relax forum
08:31 for making friends with people.
08:33 And this is, you know, this is a key to evangelism,
08:36 and so one you needs to really get close with people,
08:38 make friends with them, you know, a health expo,
08:40 you're not gonna build a long lasting relationship
08:42 usually in health expo, right, but that health expo
08:45 may lead you into a health club.
08:46 So we want to see, you know,
08:48 a movement of God's people let you know,
08:50 really utilizing the health message
08:53 like it's meant to be used in soul winning
08:55 and so we're doing everything
08:56 we can to expand this type of training.
08:59 Now you have some pictures and I like you
09:01 to kind of walk us through what those pictures represent
09:04 because it shares with us a little bit about
09:07 what's happening with the trainees?
09:08 Or what are they doing? How are they using this?
09:10 A good friend of mine Denzil McNeilus once said,
09:12 tools are only as good as they are used.
09:15 And so, they are not just trained,
09:16 but they're actually using this
09:18 training to go out and reach people.
09:19 Tell us a little bit about
09:20 what we might see on the screen.
09:21 Okay, yeah, this is--
09:22 these are our most recent graduates from the--
09:24 in the Philippines, the Philippines,
09:26 this project here is really our main core project
09:28 in South East Asia.
09:30 We just graduated 30 students and we're continually
09:33 appealing to our graduates to get to use
09:35 what they have learned.
09:36 We don't want people to sit down of course.
09:38 So these students we divided into five regions
09:42 to do five evangelistic campaigns
09:44 and graduates from the Philippines school
09:46 have gone off to start a new school in Indonesia
09:48 which you see a picture here, and also in Cambodia.
09:50 So in Indonesia working to reach Muslims,
09:53 a health message has been a perfect entering wedge.
09:56 This year alone we've done 20 health expos in Indonesia,
09:59 and one of the mission trip projects
10:02 was that our students went into a village,
10:04 a pure Muslim village
10:06 and they spent two weeks there,
10:07 and they worked with the people there
10:09 just on a health basis, they got to know
10:11 the leader of that village.
10:13 And they were really warmly received,
10:15 they shared that they were Christians
10:16 and through that two weeks, you know,
10:18 they became were really life friends with these people
10:20 and barriers were broken down and this is really helping.
10:24 You know, this shows how health can help to enter
10:27 into very difficult people groups and cultures.
10:31 Now tell us a little bit about
10:32 the medical missionaries in Cuba?
10:34 Oh, yeah, yeah.
10:35 Now Latin America, nowhere,
10:37 may be there are some Latin Americans
10:38 in the crowd this evening,
10:39 but nowhere is the gospel and the health message
10:43 spreading faster than in Latin America.
10:45 We really can't keep up with it,
10:47 so we are needing more missionaries to get involved,
10:49 that picture was taken in Brazil,
10:55 I should know that country.
10:56 My wife is Brazilian.
10:57 We did several health expos there,
10:59 but that just shows, you know, in Nicaragua, in Honduras,
11:02 in Dominican Republic, in Venezuelan,
11:04 in Colombia, in Bolivia, in Chile, in Peru,
11:08 these are all countries that we've run
11:09 trainings in and the word-- and has just taken off.
11:11 In Cuba is one of the most interesting stories,
11:14 a very difficult country
11:15 to even enter into for Americans,
11:18 but through the-- with the help of the Stubb family,
11:21 Henry and Arlene Stubbs,
11:23 we've gone there several years in a row,
11:24 and I have trained over a 100 medical missionaries
11:26 who just had a convention this past year,
11:29 and 32 of those graduates
11:31 are being stipend as full time Bible workers
11:34 and so they are out there just covering
11:36 this country of Cuba
11:38 and doing medical gospel of evangelism work.
11:40 It just been amazing,
11:42 so the Adventist church has seen it,
11:44 and they've invited us to their seminary and said,
11:46 can you set up a LIGHT school right here on our seminary?
11:49 We see this is working, we want more of it.
11:52 We can print our material on the press that have they there.
11:54 You can't print, you can't bring materials in,
11:56 you can't print elsewhere, but on the Adventist campus
11:59 you can print material, so we're gonna be--
12:01 we're gonna be doing that and so.
12:02 There's been 70--
12:03 we just had a recent training in Cuba 72 graduates.
12:06 Can you tell James this just a little bit excited?
12:09 You know, what I don't want you to miss
12:12 is that the offerings that have gone, come to LIGHT
12:15 have enabled all of this to happen,
12:17 so it has provided support for the trainers to go out
12:20 and to teach and to train, so it's one really represents
12:23 it just multiples, multiples, it's a ripple effect.
12:25 Absolutely, there is a picture here of Andresa.
12:28 She is working in the Amazon.
12:31 She is a Brazilian that came to Wildwood for training
12:34 and then linked up with LIGHT and we sent her
12:35 to the Amazon Lifesavers, led by Brad Mills,
12:39 so she's on the right there, she is now working.
12:41 They've started the school, training medical--
12:44 gospel medical missionaries to work
12:45 in the Amazon River Basin and here she is working
12:48 doing Bible work and with her students
12:50 doing our gospel work there,
12:52 so she's one another example is Cabello
12:54 from South Africa.
12:56 He was also trained.
12:57 A friend of mine from several ago at Wildwood,
13:00 he's leading our work in South Africa.
13:03 This is an amazing story they've started up a church
13:06 in an area of South Africa,
13:07 that there was no Seventh-day Adventist church.
13:09 Our students throughout the six months
13:10 doing so much community work,
13:12 helped build up that church and are now meeting regularly
13:16 and the project is doing well and we just had a visit
13:18 from the South--
13:20 Southern Africa Union Personal Ministries director,
13:23 he came right through our office at Wildwood
13:25 and he said, he heard about what we were doing,
13:27 we talked it all over, we met for an hour,
13:29 he wants LIGHT courses off through his entire union
13:32 to train lay members 'cause they are very interested
13:34 in Southern Africa in a comprehensive of evangelism.
13:39 More holistic type.
13:41 James, we want to thank you so much
13:43 for what you're doing through LIGHT
13:44 and to where people are doing
13:46 all around the world giving training,
13:48 so that Jesus can come soon.
13:49 Thank you very much.
13:50 Thank you, pleasure to be in God's work.
13:54 You know, it's wonderful to be a partner
13:56 with these ministries.
13:57 You may not to be, you be able to go
13:59 and actually do the training, may be you're not a trainee,
14:02 but you can be in partnership
14:04 by giving your gifts and your offerings,
14:06 so that they can reach the world.
14:08 Huh, Alistair Huong, how are you?
14:11 Hi, Debby. Good. Wonderful.
14:12 Tell me about AudioVerse?
14:14 Well, first of all how many of you have
14:16 actually heard of AudioVerse?
14:19 There are still a few that don't
14:21 and we need to change that right now, Debby.
14:25 So tell us what is AudioVerse?
14:27 It sound like I listen to verses,
14:28 is that what that is?
14:29 Well, that's not too far off the truth.
14:31 AudioVerse is a website.,
14:36 where you can download thousands of free Bible based
14:39 Christ centered Holy Spirit filled sermons
14:42 and all for free.
14:44 Now how did this get started?
14:46 In 2005 two friends not me, but good friends of mine
14:49 started a website really to cut down the work
14:54 involve the burning CDs in their local church ministry,
14:57 you know how that goes?
14:58 Burn CDs that cost money, it takes time,
15:01 why not just put it online
15:03 'cause there was such a thing called an iPod in 2005.
15:07 We don't know what they are anymore,
15:09 but it just took off and ministry after ministry
15:13 thought this is a wonderful opportunity to share
15:16 the gospel to the world, and from 2005 till now,
15:21 AudioVerse regularly has grown to the point
15:24 of serving over 3 million downloads every single year,
15:28 and over 30,000 unique visitors to our website
15:31 every single month, so, the word is getting out.
15:35 Oh, it certainly is.
15:36 Now your project is one that is being funded
15:39 so that you can ramp up or upgrade your equipment.
15:43 Since all of this is happening online,
15:45 why do you need more equipment?
15:46 How does that work?
15:47 Yeah, you'll actually see some of our volunteers
15:49 running around here at ASI.
15:51 We are actually recording ASI again.
15:54 This is a real privilege for us to do that
15:56 but we've been using outdated equipment for a long time.
16:00 We try to keep the cost low
16:02 in order to provide the sermons for free
16:04 and so a lot of our equipment
16:06 from shipping back and forth and hundreds of hours
16:08 of use every year, they're wearing out.
16:10 And because of the volume of sermons that we're producing,
16:13 we need more equipment
16:14 that we really don't have enough of
16:17 and actually for a long time our volunteers
16:19 all have used their own personal computers
16:22 to do the editing and uploading
16:24 and everything it's really a sacrificial work.
16:27 And we figured to give the Lord our best
16:29 to do the quality work that He expects of us,
16:33 it's time to upgrade.
16:34 Now you send volunteers, it sounds like
16:36 this is probably a pretty tremendous work for us.
16:38 Do you have lots of paid personnel
16:40 that's working at AudioVerse?
16:42 We actually have three and two of them are part time.
16:46 And but the bulk of the work
16:48 really are done by our volunteers.
16:50 So they really believe in the mission of AudioVerse.
16:54 So, all right, there is something you said,
16:55 so you're giving all these, and when you said 3 million
16:58 downloads a year that's a lot of--
17:01 You know, what I think that if you just,
17:03 just a dollar for each of those downloads,
17:05 you would be all set, so why give them for free?
17:10 Almost half of our downloads, most of our downloads actually
17:13 over half of our downloads come from
17:15 countries outside of the US
17:18 and a large number of our users simply cannot pay,
17:23 and aren't those the people we're trying to reach?
17:26 The purpose of AudioVerse is to get the message
17:29 out to the world, to bring the preacher
17:33 because faith cometh by hearing
17:35 and hearing by the word of God
17:36 and we intend to bring the word of God to the people.
17:39 God gave us the gospel for free.
17:41 Jesus died for us for free.
17:43 And we intend to give that message
17:45 out to the world for free.
17:46 It's not about the money, it's about souls being won.
17:49 Amen.
17:51 Tell us you were sharing with me
17:52 some exciting testimonies.
17:55 Share with our ASI family,
17:58 how AudioVerse is actually touching lives?
18:00 Yes, just recently I received an email
18:02 from a young lady who lives in Great Britain.
18:05 She grew up being sexually abused by
18:07 a gentleman close to her family
18:09 and she had come to the point
18:11 where she was losing hope in life.
18:14 She happen up on AudioVerse,
18:15 she found one of our messages by our speaker
18:17 who went through a similar experience
18:20 but yet found healing in Jesus Christ,
18:23 and she had a revival experience in Jesus.
18:25 She got in touch with the speaker
18:27 and she wrote me an email telling her story to me
18:31 the very day before she was going to meet with her abuser
18:34 to tell him that she has forgiven him.
18:37 AudioVerse has changed that young lady's life.
18:40 And another young lady recently wrote me an email.
18:42 She said, I'm a young person,
18:44 I'm a high school student on the island of Guam,
18:46 I don't know how to give Bible studies
18:48 so I just play AudioVerse sermons
18:50 to my friends during lunch time Bible study.
18:53 And through that process,
18:54 she led four of her six friends,
18:56 in that Bible study, to baptism.
18:59 Amen.
19:00 And the only reason the other two weren't--
19:02 did not accept the call to baptism was
19:04 because they already were, so AudioVerse was a tool
19:09 for this young lady to lead her friends to Jesus,
19:12 to make a commitment for Him.
19:14 And may be just one last story.
19:17 There was a gentleman
19:18 who wrote me a story about his life.
19:21 He got into drugs, he went away from the Lord,
19:24 his marriage was in shambles and he found himself in jail.
19:28 And he realizes what's the purpose in life?
19:32 And then in the quietness of his room,
19:33 he found some messages
19:34 on AudioVerse about righteousness by faith.
19:37 He learned what it meant to be
19:38 saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.
19:40 He had a revival experience and to cut a long story short,
19:44 he ended up mending up his marriage
19:47 and both he and his wife ended up
19:49 being full time Bible workers.
19:51 And they are currently now in full time ministry.
19:53 Amen.
19:54 The Holy Spirit can work in such simple ways
19:57 and in quiet ways in people's personal lives.
20:01 You know, Alistair, I'm just thrilled that the ASI family
20:04 can actually participate
20:06 and be a partner in this ministry with AudioVerse.
20:10 Thank you so much for every thing
20:11 that you are doing through AudioVerse
20:13 and may God be with you.
20:14 Thank you.
20:16 Good evening, ASI I have with me tonight Jeff Reich,
20:21 Jeff is the CEO of Laymen Ministries.
20:25 Jeff has a passion for helping lay people to do ministry
20:29 and he also has many mission projects around the world
20:32 and but we're not here to talk about that tonight.
20:36 We're here to talk about his latest project.
20:38 He is creating a documentary called The Days of Noah.
20:42 Jeff, would you tell us a little bit about that?
20:44 Yes, actually CEO sounds little stuffy, doesn't it?
20:47 so I kind of like-- you know, they call me
20:50 the chief cook in bottle washer
20:51 most of the time at the ministry.
20:53 But anyhow this documentary on the days of Noah,
20:56 it's a unique documentary that's never been produced
20:58 by the Adventist Church
20:59 in the history of the Adventist Church,
21:01 anything like this.
21:02 It's a really unique documentary
21:03 that's made up of four segments.
21:05 And the first segment is basically a reenactment
21:08 through animation of the story of the flood
21:11 as described in the book Patriarchs and Prophets.
21:14 And then the second part of it is actually going into--
21:17 it's kind of a spin on words investigating the judgment,
21:20 if this cataclysmic flood really did happen,
21:23 there should be some kind of evidence for it.
21:25 And so we were-- we've been interviewing,
21:27 paleontologists, geologists and looking
21:29 at some of the hardest hitting evidences that show
21:32 that the flood story is actually true.
21:34 The third part of the documentary
21:36 goes into this thing about parallel world views.
21:39 Where did this other world view of evolution come from?
21:42 And why did it spring up interestingly
21:44 enough at the end of the 17th century right
21:48 when William Miller and Joseph Wolff,
21:50 and all these other people started preaching
21:52 the Three Angels' Messages,
21:53 and it's just a really amazing parallel.
21:57 And then the last part of the documentary,
21:58 the most important part is the contrast
22:01 between Noah's message
22:02 which was a judgment hour message
22:05 and the Three Angels' Messages
22:07 which is a judgment hour message,
22:09 fear God, glory to Him for the hour of His what?
22:12 Judgment has come and do what? Worship Him who did what?
22:16 Create the heavens and the earth.
22:17 And what is the modern ark today
22:19 that God's calling us to get into.
22:21 And that's kind of where we were going
22:22 in the last part of this documentary.
22:23 It's a 90 minute production, and it's a lot of information
22:28 we try to put into.
22:29 We've been doing interviews
22:30 with people all over and that's been--
22:33 So you spend a lot of time in the parks
22:35 and the national and state parks.
22:37 Tell us about that?
22:38 What kind of challenges did you face?
22:40 You know, because of the fact that we're trying
22:41 to get a lot of unique footages really cinematic,
22:44 beautiful footage shot on a red camera,
22:46 4k camera with Gibb,
22:48 we are going to a lot of different parks
22:49 around the United States and state parks
22:52 and national parks and of course,
22:53 if you've ever been any of the national parks,
22:55 if you see a geological formation
22:57 or something like that in a national park,
22:59 you always see these little plaques right?
23:01 And those plaques say, oh, God created the heavens
23:04 and the earth and this was,
23:06 no that's not what it says at all.
23:07 There is always propaganda
23:08 that goes on all the national parks
23:10 about all these different geological formations or,
23:13 you know, certain force and how old the trees are there
23:16 and everything like that.
23:17 And so it create some challenges for, you know,
23:20 a Christian group going into these parks
23:22 and shooting a video that's dealing with creationism
23:24 and also dealing with the flood stories.
23:26 So propaganda sinners for evolution,
23:31 that must have given you
23:32 quite an opportunity to witness.
23:34 What kind of stories can you share with us?
23:35 Opportunity is an apprehension sometimes,
23:38 you know it's like--
23:39 in some of the parks you can just go in
23:42 and set up your camera gear.
23:43 The park ranger say, oh, that's cool,
23:44 you know, go a head and do it.
23:45 They don't bother you.
23:47 Other places you have to get film permits
23:49 and you go in and like a-- like for instance
23:52 there's one park and I have to be really careful about
23:54 what I'm saying here, but this one particular park,
23:56 we went to-- we drew a film permit to go in,
24:00 and then the lady that was doing
24:01 the film promo was telling us all the details about
24:03 how where we could shoot, where we couldn't shoot
24:06 and then she said, what is this film about?
24:09 And I started to tell her,
24:11 and her whole tone of voice changed
24:14 because you see there is a lot of like
24:16 government grants and money that come to help fix parks
24:19 up to help propagate evolution at some of these parks,
24:21 and so you're talking financial income for the parks,
24:25 and so what it-- ended up happening is we ended up
24:30 finding out that this one particular situation
24:32 the person became very hostile towards us.
24:34 And so, if anybody seen me on television,
24:37 I'm always kind of like,
24:39 fly by the seat of your pants kind of guy,
24:41 you know, I'm not scripted but now we are shooting
24:43 these kind of narrations with Gibbs
24:44 and he have to be at a certain place
24:46 at a certain time and everything is got to be
24:47 scripted just perfect and then they said,
24:50 oh, you gonna have to have a park ranger,
24:51 monitoring you at $80 an hour, the whole time
24:54 you're shooting, most of the time
24:55 and having a park ranger with his arms folded watching
24:58 while you're trying to do this kind of narration
24:59 can be pretty tough.
25:01 And so there is all this apprehension and so,
25:03 we went in and the first park ranger
25:05 that came with just watch us one day was a young girl,
25:08 was a fairly new park ranger and she saw us
25:11 and we started talking to her,
25:12 and then before we knew it she said,
25:14 you guys are cool, we'll see you later and she just left.
25:16 Well, then later she followed us to another location
25:19 and she start asking about the documentary
25:22 and I start sharing with her, turned out
25:23 she was raised in the Christian home.
25:24 And she said it's so refreshing to hear a different world view
25:29 than what I always hear with all the other people
25:31 that come to the park and then we had one place
25:36 we went to where there was large indoor museum,
25:38 they allowed us to set up our equipment
25:40 that big jibing stuff inside this museum and we--
25:43 was after hours when all the tourist were gone
25:45 so we can get really quality video footage.
25:47 The ranger helped us actually carried the gear
25:49 into the museum and then, he's standing around
25:53 and he's looking at this equipment,
25:54 he starts asking about this and he says,
25:56 you know, I listen to all these different scientists
25:58 and geologists coming here and they talk about
26:00 all these dinosaur bones and everything like
26:02 that and he said I just-- it just they all contradict
26:06 each other and he said what are you guys believe?
26:08 And I started sharing with him,
26:09 he goes well that makes a whole a lot more sense.
26:13 It was kind of interesting you know, but the-- that really
26:17 I know our time is about up
26:18 but the one really interesting happen
26:20 is one of the administrative people
26:21 from one of the parks had to go out with us one day,
26:23 and that person followed us around,
26:26 I got to talking with her while the guys were filming
26:28 and she told me that-- she said, you know,
26:32 Jeff you guys are doing wonderful work,
26:34 you go a head and film anywhere in this park you want
26:37 and she just really thanked us for being there.
26:40 So you've really seen God work through this project.
26:43 Yeah. You've seen His hand working.
26:45 Yeah, it's been really, really a blessing to interface
26:47 with some of the-- the administrative people
26:49 on the parks in session.
26:52 Been a real witnessing opportunity a lot of times.
26:55 Well, it sounds like a great project.
26:56 I can't wait to see the finished product.
26:59 So if people want to know more about this project,
27:01 how can they find out about it?
27:03 Come by our booth and pick up
27:04 one of our magazines down at the convention center,
27:07 we had the booth there in.
27:09 We hope to release this in March 2014
27:12 when Aronofsky's movie called Noah is released.
27:16 Anthony Hopkins is in that movie.
27:18 Really, it's a multimillion dollar production
27:21 and we are hopping to release this exactly the same time.
27:24 Thank you very much. Thank you.
27:27 Joining me on the stage tonight are Linda De Romanett
27:32 and two of her friends and we'll introduce them
27:35 to you in just a moment.
27:37 Linda, you have a radio network called Family First.
27:42 Tell us a little bit about your network?
27:46 We have stations across the south of the US,
27:49 and we are a city ministry.
27:51 We think it's really important
27:53 that we be in the bigger cities.
27:55 And radio is a way to penetrate without-- without walls.
28:01 So tell us about your programming,
28:03 what kind of, is it music format?
28:05 Tell us about your format?
28:07 No, we do all talk, no music.
28:10 We do religious liberty, we do revelation seminars,
28:13 we do sermons, we do health, we do children's programs.
28:20 And your radio ministry, is it reaching people,
28:23 tell us about that?
28:25 Tell us about what it's doing to reach people?
28:27 We've had so far that we know 503 baptisms
28:32 in the various areas we are at.
28:34 Wow, did you hear that?
28:36 503 baptisms as a result of her radio network.
28:40 But that's just a tip of the iceberg.
28:42 Those are people that have showed up
28:44 and showing up at the churches and said,
28:46 I want to be an Adventist.
28:49 Wow, so we've got some people with you tonight,
28:53 we have Sandra and David Yandoh,
28:56 is that correct?
28:57 And you were Sandra, you were driving down
29:01 the street one day listening to your radio,
29:05 you decided to flip the dials and all of a sudden
29:07 you came upon 91.5.
29:10 Tell us what happened?
29:11 What did you hear and what caught your attention?
29:15 Well, I was very excited--
29:17 I was actually listening to Charles Brooks,
29:19 I didn't know it was Charles Brooks,
29:22 but it was just-- this is where the rubber hits the road.
29:27 For me, it was extremely powerful
29:30 and I was really looking for the truth,
29:36 I wanted to go deeper into my Christianity
29:39 and I really didn't know how because they were
29:43 all music stations, but here it was.
29:45 So how did this radio program impact your life?
29:49 What changed as a result?
29:51 It was amazing, after listing to the radio station 91.5,
29:58 it was just hearing sermons and speeches
30:04 and extremely powerful.
30:08 It just had an enormous impact.
30:10 What was your favorite program?
30:14 I like the sermons actually
30:16 and because they really dwelt deeply into the Bible
30:20 and I was looking for God and that's where I found it.
30:23 So you found God, but you also found
30:25 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
30:27 How did that happened?
30:28 So how did you find the church?
30:29 Because after a little bit of listening
30:33 over a period of several weeks,
30:36 I realize this is a Seventh-day Adventist radio station.
30:40 Thank you, Linda.
30:41 And who are they and I wanted to know more
30:44 and we went searching for church.
30:48 And you found the church.
30:49 And we found the church
30:50 in North Lake Church in Leesburg, in Florida.
30:54 Okay.
30:55 And we've never looked back. We were baptized there.
30:59 We have Bible study there.
31:01 We're very involved now. It's amazing.
31:04 And so, David, what did you think about all this?
31:06 Your wife comes home and she tells you,
31:08 I found this new teaching, I've listened to these programs
31:13 and it's really changed my life
31:15 and what did you think about all that?
31:18 I thought she won the lottery.
31:21 She was jumping up with joy, she was full of the Holy Spirit
31:25 and next thing I knew we were going to--
31:30 we are looking for a Bible study.
31:32 And we found the Bible study in at North--
31:38 at the hospital where I work and we had--
31:42 And you work at which hospital?
31:44 Florida Hospital Waterman in Tavares,
31:47 and it's an Adventist hospital and yet I work there
31:50 I didn't really--
31:52 I was not a member of that church at the time,
31:55 I was a Methodist, but we had Bible study
31:59 with retired pastor at the North Lake Church
32:03 and going to that church was like walking
32:07 into a bookstore full of encyclopedias,
32:10 there's seven retired pastors that attend that church.
32:15 So if you had a question then you had an answer in.
32:19 It may be it just that's what we're hungered for us,
32:22 Sandra is hungry for it and it pleased us.
32:26 All right, thank you very much. My next guest is Pat Arrabito.
32:32 Good evening.
32:34 Pat is president of LLT Productions.
32:38 She is also executive producer of the Seventh-day
32:41 which you may have seen
32:42 and also the Israel of the Alps,
32:44 but tonight we gonna talk about her new project called
32:49 Hell and Mr. Fudge and this is a feature film
32:54 that she has produced.
32:56 Pat, tell us a little bit about this film?
32:58 Well, it's really an unusual way of witnessing,
33:02 I think producing a film.
33:05 It's based on the story of a man
33:08 who is hired to find out
33:09 what the Bible really teaches about hell and eternal torment.
33:14 We want to talk about that subject
33:17 because I think a lot of people are confused about it
33:19 and misled and God is misrepresented
33:23 by that doctrine of Him tormenting people for eternity
33:27 if they don't go to heaven.
33:29 So I think you brought a video clip with you to show.
33:33 Yeah.
33:34 I have a little few clips of the film
33:36 that you can see tonight and we'll talk about it.
33:43 Is he in hell?
33:47 Is Dave in hell?
33:51 It's a tragic thing to die without knowing the Lord.
33:55 Edward who?
33:56 Fudge as delicious as it sounds.
34:00 Gospel is not about building up walls,
34:03 to keep people out.
34:04 It's about breaking down walls to invite people in.
34:16 Not without a fight.
34:18 And if isn't eternal fire how come we can't go see it?
34:20 How come we can't go drive out in the desert
34:22 somewhere and watch it burn?
34:24 You're firing me?
34:26 What's wrong with this picture?
34:27 Where in the Bible does this say immortal soul?
34:35 Folks are partial to the truth that they've already got.
34:39 Bible never mentions it.
34:41 Now, somehow it snuck its way into our beliefs been
34:43 in 2000 years and it's alive.
34:45 Alive.
34:49 So where is this being shown?
34:51 What kind of venues are you playing it in
34:53 and what's happening with this?
34:55 Well, our goal is to get it in theaters across the country.
34:58 Right now, we're working with local people
35:01 to bring it to their local communities.
35:03 So we have it set up for a rental program,
35:06 people can bring it to their community through
35:08 renting a theater or occasionally a theater
35:10 will book for film, it's also available
35:12 for church rentals.
35:14 So tell us about some of the showings,
35:15 I know you've had a number of showings around the country,
35:18 what's happening with that?
35:19 Yeah, it's been in over 30 theaters
35:21 so far and many more than that, churches or schools.
35:27 We had some really interesting response in Bakersfield,
35:29 the local churches all got together.
35:31 The local Adventist churches got together
35:33 and rented a big beautiful 1,500 seat theater
35:38 and invited the community
35:39 and they sold over 1,300 tickets.
35:41 Wow.
35:42 It was a fun night because several of our casts
35:45 were there as well.
35:47 And you might be interested in one of the stories?
35:49 Yes.
35:50 I would like to know how did the cast respond.
35:53 You used real actors, is that correct?
35:55 Our lead actor is Mackenzie Astin
35:58 and he told a little bit about his mom,
36:01 who is a well-known actress.
36:04 He said my mom was raised in a church
36:06 that taught eternal torment, an even as a child
36:09 she was terrified of going to hell.
36:12 He said that terror followed her into adulthood.
36:14 And he said it gave me great satisfaction to be able
36:17 to tell my mom that first of all there is no sin
36:20 that's so bad that she could ever commit
36:22 that would be too bad for the grace of God.
36:24 And secondly there is
36:25 no eternal fire waiting for her.
36:28 When the film showed up in Spokane,
36:30 he flew up and took his mom to see it,
36:33 he said she's gonna cry all the way through it,
36:34 but she'll love it.
36:35 And he told me afterwards he said
36:37 we had a fabulous discussion about it afterwards.
36:40 Wow.
36:41 So tell us some more stories about
36:43 how this people are responding to this?
36:45 Sure, in St. Lina, we showed in the local theater
36:49 and we did a little survey afterwards ask people
36:52 to fill out a form and a note that came back to us
36:55 was from a person who have also been raised in a church
36:58 where she was taught eternal torment
37:00 and she said even as a child I couldn't understand
37:05 how a God who calls Himself
37:06 love could torment people for eternity in fire.
37:10 And she said you have confirmed my childhood beliefs
37:13 and I can hardly wait to tell my friends and family
37:15 and show them the film.
37:16 Wow. So has this film won any awards or?
37:21 We won a Platinum Award
37:22 at the Houston Film Festival last summer
37:26 and that's basically the highest award
37:28 that you can get in a category, it was the category for films
37:32 with the Christian theme.
37:33 And what's next?
37:35 Well, next is marketing
37:37 that's all we're working on right now,
37:38 and we want to just get it out there as far
37:41 and as wide as we can.
37:43 I believe that people are confused
37:46 about the character of God.
37:48 And if they think that God torments sinners
37:51 in fire for eternity, they have a wrong view of God.
37:55 And not only that, they are also open to lying spirits
37:59 if they believe that you are alive when you're dead,
38:01 they are open to lying spirits and I want people to know
38:04 what God is really like.
38:05 It breaks my heart that
38:06 they would think of Him in that way.
38:09 So it's a really important message
38:11 that you're trying to get out.
38:13 I believe it's foundational.
38:15 And we found even--
38:18 we've gotten a very good response so far,
38:20 but occasionally we'll get a response from someone
38:22 who feels like we are watering down scripture,
38:25 if we take eternal torment away.
38:28 They believe it's taught in the Bible.
38:30 The movie is about a man name Edward Fudge,
38:32 a real man, it's based on his real story and he--
38:36 the result of his research was a very thick book,
38:39 entitled the Fire that Consumes,
38:42 where he shows very clearly what the Bible teaches.
38:46 He himself believed in eternal torment
38:48 until he did that research and wrote that book.
38:51 And now he understands that God is much nicer than that.
38:54 So has he actually seen the movie
38:56 and what's his response to that?
38:57 Oh, he worked real closely with us,
38:59 you know, we worked with him to get his story
39:02 we-- he worked with us so as we developed the script
39:05 and when the first time he saw the movie
39:07 he cried all the way through it.
39:10 He loved it.
39:11 Well, thank you so much, this is exciting
39:14 and just one last thing
39:16 if people want to show this film in their community
39:19 what do they need to do?
39:20 Come to me or email me.
39:22 I have a little card with a website,
39:25 with all of the information for how to use that film,
39:29 how to bring it to your community
39:30 and we'll be happy to work with you.
39:32 We want you to bring it to your community.
39:34 We want your people to know what God is really like.
39:37 All right. Thank you very much. Thank you.
39:39 Thank you.
39:41 This is our offering in action segment,
39:45 and once again we are excited to hear
39:49 from our previous year project recipients
39:52 about the work that has been done
39:55 and to hear highlights from others
39:57 for this year's projects about what they plan to do.
40:01 So for right now we're actually going to hear
40:03 from Darryl Thompson,
40:05 he's from the Ellen G. White Estate,
40:07 and he's gonna give us a project report
40:10 on the digitization of Ellen G. White writings.
40:14 So give us some context
40:16 and tell us what was the current plan
40:19 or the original plan?
40:20 The original plan was
40:21 as many of you heard our Ellen G. White writing CD
40:25 and we had six different databases that we managed.
40:28 And we wanted to unify that.
40:30 So in 2007 we started working on bringing all the writings
40:34 into one electronic database.
40:37 And then in 2009 we said why not expand that?
40:42 To including all the languages of Ellen White,
40:46 that had been translated into one database
40:49 so that was the dream
40:51 and that's where we sort of heading to now.
40:53 So up to last year or give us some status update.
40:56 Where are we on the translations
40:58 and moving them into the online environment--
41:03 Database, yeah.
41:06 Some of you may visit
41:09 which is the website
41:11 in which we have all the writings available
41:14 and there are 58 languages out there.
41:16 At present we have 500 books available in the 58 languages.
41:22 In the past year with ASI funding,
41:24 we added another 35, the previous year we added 105.
41:30 This year we concentrated on adding languages
41:32 that people requested.
41:34 So we did some Slovak, Czech and 58 books in Korean.
41:40 And we stared working on the Japanese books as well.
41:44 And that is working in eight books in Arabic.
41:47 Those books are a lot harder to do
41:49 because if any of you have ever looked at Arabic script,
41:53 it's nothing like the Romanist characters that we have.
41:56 And so, that's what we've being working on.
41:59 And we've got like--
42:00 we know there's about 2,000 translated books out there.
42:03 We've access to nearly 800 of them
42:07 and so far we've done 500 of what we're having.
42:10 That's a quite a feet,
42:12 you must have a large staff to work on all of this.
42:17 We have a decent size staff.
42:19 We have like 30 employees
42:22 that are scattered all across the globe.
42:25 And they are working on various parts of the project, yes.
42:29 Now, this seems to be the year of the apps,
42:31 something we've heard about 3ABN's apps,
42:33 we've heard about may be the sermons
42:37 that could be considered in the app store with AudioVerse,
42:41 just the whole lot of those things
42:42 we understand E.G. White has an app.
42:45 And so tell us a little bit about that
42:46 and then how you're working on moving the digitalization
42:51 on to the app for that availability.
42:55 Who here actually knows about EGW writings app and uses it?
42:59 Ah, good to see all those hands, yes.
43:01 So we have an android app,
43:03 EGW writings and that's available in 11 languages.
43:07 And then we have the iOS app
43:08 and that's available also in 11 languages.
43:11 Some of you may heard about iOS7
43:13 which is kind of be a big change.
43:15 We're working on a new app and a new interface for that.
43:18 I don't know if we'll coincide with this release,
43:20 but we're working towards that.
43:22 Okay, now I have to stop,
43:23 you said an iOS and that's not a language
43:25 that I'm familiar with, can you explain that a little bit?
43:27 Apple, you know.
43:29 Oh, sorry, it's okay.
43:31 Sorry, so if you have an iPhone or an iPad,
43:35 there's the new version gonna be coming out
43:37 and we're working on a total new interface
43:39 to integrate in with iOS7.
43:43 Now, some of you may liked--
43:46 I don't know those android users out here,
43:48 but that is growing market in rapidly.
43:52 And a feature that we've had
43:53 for the last 18 months on android,
43:55 we gonna be bringing to iOS
43:57 and that is the ability to be able to play audio books
44:01 directly through the app.
44:02 This been one of our most popular features on android.
44:05 So if you in a book, you can just hit the play button
44:08 and you can start listening to the book.
44:11 We have about 50 books that have been recorded,
44:14 those that are not we use TTS which is text to speech,
44:17 so if you have a kindle reader
44:19 some of you might have heard of--
44:21 you know, being able to tap and listen to the book
44:23 instead of having to read it.
44:24 A lot of people have loved it, especially young people
44:26 'cause they can be driving and drive time to work,
44:29 and they can just press play
44:31 and they can be listening to Desire of Ages
44:33 or Steps to Christ or Evangelism
44:35 or any book that they'd like to as they're driving to work.
44:38 So you don't have any down time,
44:39 you know, you can be listening to Ellen White all the time.
44:42 And so that's been really popular
44:44 and that will come to iOS.
44:46 The other big feature that a lot of people liked,
44:48 just you use as the study center in their app,
44:50 it will make step Bible studies out of it.
44:52 But it's locked on to that device.
44:54 So we're going to be looking at putting the app in the cloud,
44:58 so you'll be able to all your notes,
45:01 your bookmarks, and your highlights,
45:03 you be ought to move from I--
45:04 you know, your iPad, your iPhone
45:06 or to your computer and take the study centers with you.
45:09 And best of all if you create a study center,
45:12 you'll be able to share that with other people as well.
45:15 So that's something that we are working
45:16 on the next 12 months and hope to bring out.
45:18 Great things on the horizon.
45:20 So tell us some why do this?
45:23 Why all of the effort and the expense
45:26 to have Ellen G. White writings available in that way?
45:31 I think if we asked anyone here
45:33 they could answer that question as well.
45:35 I mean this church has been
45:36 especially blessed by the writings of Ellen White.
45:39 You just have to look at the comments that come in
45:42 if any one of you ever looked in the comment section
45:43 or the emails that come in, and thank her much.
45:46 You know, back in 1991
45:48 I bought my first Ellen White CD for $500.
45:52 Now, we give it to you for free.
45:55 When I came to the White Estate in 2002
45:57 that was my mission to make it free,
45:59 to get partners like ASI,
46:01 people like you to contribute to the project,
46:04 so that we can make it to the world for free
46:06 because the words that are contained in there
46:09 cannot be replaced.
46:11 As I read it daily, it gives me the spiritual insight
46:15 that I need to be ought to get through that day
46:17 just like reading the Bible.
46:19 And the Spirit of Prophecy goes hand in hand
46:21 with the Bible that will lead us in one direction,
46:24 to His kingdom.
46:25 Darryl, thank you very much
46:26 and for allowing us to be partners with you in ministry.
46:29 Thank you. Thank you.
46:31 Coming to the podium now is Rene Metz.
46:35 He is the director for Maranatha O.S.
46:38 And I'm gonna ask Rene,
46:40 tell us exactly what you do with Maranatha O.S.
46:43 That's a little bit different than Maranatha
46:45 as we understand it here.
46:46 Absolutely, it is different Maranatha,
46:48 it's not the Maranatha International,
46:50 but it's just a coincidence in names
46:54 however I believe the purpose is the same.
46:56 So we are a supporting organization in--
46:59 For the church in the Czech Republic
47:01 for Czechoslovakia Union
47:03 and our focus is to bring people to Jesus
47:06 so evangelism is our main focus.
47:08 And as such then the Youth for Jesus program
47:11 which is a project for this year,
47:13 falls under your banner, your responsibility.
47:14 Absolutely, absolutely,
47:16 Youth for Jesus is one of our main projects.
47:18 Tell us a little bit about
47:19 Youth for Jesus in the Czech Republic?
47:23 As all of you are familiar with Youth for Jesus program,
47:25 I don't believe I have to go into details,
47:27 but I would like to extend a thank you to ASI
47:32 because in Tampa, we brought a group of young people
47:35 to get excited, get motivated
47:38 and get ready to start the project
47:41 in the Czech Republic.
47:43 And since 2009
47:45 every summer we've had a group of young people
47:47 working in the project Youth for Jesus.
47:50 And our main goal in this project is
47:53 that we are trying to teach and motivate the churches
47:56 that this is not just a summer project,
47:59 but it is year around project,
48:01 it is not ASI's or Maranatha's project,
48:05 but it is their own project so we teach them
48:07 and motivate them to take it as their own,
48:10 so when the young people leave and go home,
48:13 the church-- the church members stay motivated
48:17 and they start to stay in unction.
48:19 Share with us a few of the specific challenges,
48:22 some of the things that are different
48:24 in the Czech Republic environment than here,
48:26 that you're faced with?
48:27 As we all know, as we all know
48:30 some of the challenges are similar,
48:33 but Europe is very secular continent.
48:37 Czech Republic is one of the most
48:39 secular countries of the world.
48:41 So one of the big challenges is
48:43 when the young people come to the door
48:45 and especially the new ones who have no experience,
48:48 it is very hard for them,
48:50 when they knock at the door and they get this very cold
48:52 and tough response,
48:54 so it is our job to motivate them,
48:56 to explain to them
48:58 and to prayerfully get over this challenge.
49:01 Also, in big cities
49:03 intellectual mindset is big challenge in Czech Republic
49:08 because for intellectual people
49:09 many times the simple salvation is way too simple,
49:13 it must be much more complicated,
49:15 so in the Bible studies it's kind of difficult to--
49:19 to discuss with them, but by God's grace
49:22 He is speaking to those people as well.
49:24 And may be the last one which could be similar
49:27 across the world is this self prejudice thinking,
49:32 when you come to the door,
49:33 and you already think that you will be rejected,
49:36 and that's something we all have to pray for that
49:39 we've come to the door with expectation of blessing.
49:43 Yes. Yes, that's wonderful.
49:45 Tell us some, a few testimonies
49:47 or what are some of the activities that you may do
49:51 when I think we may have a couple of pictures
49:52 that will guide us through that--
49:53 Absolutely, we do have a few pictures
49:55 so if--if we see them on the screen
49:57 this is a group of young people
49:59 that actually is meeting this year in Slovakia
50:02 in the city called Banska Bystrica.
50:05 The young people, on the next picture
50:07 we'll see are going to the squares,
50:10 they talk to people, they invite them
50:12 to health programs and to the evening meetings as well.
50:18 And on the next picture we have something that is exciting.
50:22 Wherever we go, we like to see young people being involved
50:26 and you see four young ladies, three of them are sisters,
50:30 one of them is named-- her name is Christina,
50:33 she came to the Youth for Jesus program
50:35 when she was 14 years old.
50:37 And that year she was also preaching the message.
50:40 And that was in 2010
50:41 and this year she brought with her two sisters as well,
50:45 so it is exciting to see that when somebody gets on fire,
50:50 will talk to someone else
50:52 and bring the young people with them,
50:53 so we're happy for that.
50:55 And just as a side note, this is really significant
50:59 because the young people are very kind of liberal
51:02 in their thinking and so it's difficult for them
51:05 to kind of get attached to spiritual things.
51:07 So to have them involved
51:08 in Youth for Jesus is pretty remarkable.
51:10 Absolutely.
51:12 For instance, I spoke with my colleague Yuri
51:14 who is running this project
51:16 and he told us that we've had few students
51:19 who came for one week and they said well,
51:21 after week I'm done, I'm going home.
51:23 They went home and in two days they were right back
51:26 decided that they want to stay
51:28 for the remaining of the program.
51:30 And you're right, Debbie, in the big cities
51:33 and that might be true for the whole world as well.
51:36 In the big cities we're struggling
51:38 with the liberal mindset
51:40 where young people are not much interested in spiritual things
51:45 and I'm thankful that the project Youth for Jesus
51:47 is really working on the minds of young people.
51:51 Tell us about the next picture, there's a young lady there?
51:54 This young lady, her name is Adela.
51:57 She actually happened--
51:58 and we don't believe in accidents, do we?
52:00 But she actually happened to be at Youth for Jesus program
52:04 without even wanting to be there, so she ended up there.
52:08 And she went through the course of the program,
52:10 she got excited,
52:12 the Holy Spirit touched her heart
52:15 and she will be baptized this fall.
52:19 So Youth for Jesus is really touching
52:21 the hearts of young people, not only the people at the door
52:24 but people that are actually doing this service
52:27 and this mission and we're excited
52:30 that this has this double blessing.
52:32 It's a blessing to see people being baptized from outside,
52:35 but it's blessing to see our young people being converted,
52:39 having a new, a renewed experience with Jesus.
52:42 And that brings us to our last picture
52:44 which really kind of commentates
52:45 and gives us the reason why all of this is happening.
52:48 Absolutely.
52:50 In our union,
52:53 the youth in Prague is really struggling spiritually
52:56 and I've heard someone saying that someone said,
52:59 I'll give a big prize to someone
53:00 who will inspire young people to live a spiritual life,
53:05 to give them something spiritual.
53:07 And now this picture you saw Luke who was baptized.
53:10 He is the member of one of the Prague churches.
53:13 And my colleague Yuri
53:16 he started after starting the Youth for Jesus project.
53:18 He started a bible study group.
53:20 Every Friday there are meetings studying the Bible.
53:22 And this is really making a change
53:25 in the young people's lives and those people actually,
53:28 10 of them out of this year in Slovakia
53:31 being part of the Youth for Jesus program
53:34 and this young man was baptized as a result of Youth for Jesus
53:38 and following Bible study, so we praise God
53:42 for using this beautiful project
53:44 to change the lives of young people.
53:46 And Rene, thank you very much for letting us know
53:48 how we can be partners with you in ministry.
53:50 Thank you. Thank you.
53:54 Our next project report from last year
53:57 comes from the group NAPS
53:59 and I let them tell you what this--
54:01 what NAPS stands for and this is Darla.
54:04 Good morning, NAPS is the National Association
54:08 for the Prevention of Starvation.
54:10 Tell us little bit about the project
54:12 that was funded for last year,
54:14 it was to build a wellness center
54:16 in a particular location.
54:17 Share with us a little bit about that?
54:19 Yes, the area we working in,
54:21 I don't know how familiar you are
54:24 with the Black Belt area,
54:26 but there is an area in the Southern US
54:28 called the Black Belt.
54:30 And this area is noted
54:32 for having the poorest education system,
54:38 medically deprived,
54:39 highest rates in mortality
54:42 dealing with multiple illnesses,
54:43 diabetes, hypertension, people dying needlessly,
54:47 one-- there's been cases where we've been working with--
54:51 we have a clinic that's running there right now every Friday
54:55 and it's given us a taste of the area.
54:57 There was one day a patient came into the clinic
55:00 kind of staggering in
55:03 and as he entered he went into cardiac arrest.
55:06 The doctor and the NAPS doctor immediately came out
55:08 and we started calling 911.
55:11 We called once, twice, six times
55:16 before anybody ever answered the phone,
55:19 when they finally came,
55:22 when they finally came one of the things
55:25 the lady asked on 911 is it an old man
55:29 and then she put us on hold,
55:31 while she finished her conversation,
55:33 when they finally came the EMTs didn't really understand
55:36 what the doctor had done, they hadn't received training.
55:39 And in so situations like that people have said
55:43 that their mother was dead, they called 911,
55:46 their mother was dead for 45 minutes
55:48 before an ambulance came
55:49 and these people are begging not just for medical relief,
55:52 but spiritual, we believe that the medical message
55:55 is just an avenue for bringing Jesus Christ
55:58 and hastening His coming.
56:00 Now, you mentioned to me that the two young ladies
56:02 standing next to you that are participants in NAPS
56:06 that they work in the community
56:08 and the community just loves them.
56:11 And I want to know when I talk to--
56:13 Kristin, why do people love you?
56:15 Well, the beautiful thing about that is
56:18 it's truly the love of God.
56:20 There is nothing of ourselves
56:22 that can attract anybody to us except for God's love,
56:26 and I'm-- as we work with the children
56:27 they see something is different in us,
56:29 that they can't see in their communities,
56:32 in their houses, they see the love of God
56:35 and the most important part is
56:37 we've had a privilege to be working in the schools there
56:40 as well as in the boys and girls club.
56:42 We do many children evangelistic work,
56:44 so basically we teach them
56:45 about the principles of our faith
56:47 and the children accepts it and they accept it
56:50 because they've received love
56:51 and if there is anything that I've truly learned
56:55 about drawing a community to Christ is through love.
56:58 So I praise God for that.
57:00 Genise, you had some remarkable experiences
57:03 working in that area.
57:04 Share with us a little bit about that?
57:06 Well, I know that another reason
57:08 that we've been able to receive
57:10 so much love from the communities,
57:11 we've been able to give love to them as well
57:13 and really become a family.
57:15 And the way that we've been able to do that
57:17 is like by going to their schools,
57:19 doing programs with their kids, going to their church services,
57:24 even just visiting them at their homes,
57:26 where we meet them, seeing them every once in a while,
57:28 we're showing them that we love them
57:30 and because of that they've been able--
57:32 they've been more interested
57:34 in what we're doing at the wellness center.
57:36 Even though it's not finish,
57:37 the staff houses that are finished
57:39 have been having Bible studies every Friday night.
57:42 So people have been coming to the Bible studies,
57:44 fellowshipping with us
57:46 and being more comfortable with the idea
57:48 and bringing other friends and family with them as well.
57:51 I tell you NAPS keep doing what you are doing
57:53 and thank you for letting us
57:55 be in partnership with you in ministry.
57:58 Thank you.


Revised 2015-02-26