Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Daniel 11

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Rafferty


Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000016

00:46 Well we are once again with you
00:49 and looking forward to a message from the servant of the Lord.
00:54 Pastor James Rafferty is going to be bringing us
00:57 a message on Daniel 10 and 11.
01:01 And he's going to have something to share with you
01:05 that I know you are going to be edified
01:10 by receiving the message tonight.
01:12 Looking forward to it.
01:13 I don't want to take a lot of his time and so we're
01:16 going to move right into the next part of our program:
01:20 the music. And that's Reggie and Ladye Love Smith
01:24 singing Blessed Assurance.
01:47 Blessed
01:50 assurance,
01:56 Jesus
01:59 is mine!
02:04 O, what
02:07 a foretaste
02:12 of glory divine!
02:22 And heir of
02:25 salvation,
02:30 purchase of God,
02:38 Born of His
02:41 Spirit,
02:45 and washed in
02:48 His blood.
02:54 This is
02:56 my story
03:02 and this is
03:05 my song,
03:10 Praising
03:12 my Savior
03:18 all the day
03:21 long;
03:26 This is
03:28 my story
03:34 and this is
03:37 my song,
03:42 I'm praising
03:45 my Savior
03:50 all the day
03:54 long.
04:04 Perfect
04:06 submission,
04:12 all is
04:15 at rest,
04:19 I in
04:22 my Savior
04:27 am happy
04:30 and blest;
04:34 Watching
04:37 and waiting
04:41 and looking above,
04:49 Filled with
04:52 His Goodness
04:56 and lost in
04:59 His love.
05:04 This is my
05:08 story
05:12 and this is my song,
05:19 Praising
05:21 my Savior
05:26 all the day
05:29 long;
05:35 This is
05:38 my story
05:44 and this is my song,
05:51 Praising
05:54 my Savior
06:00 all
06:02 the day
06:06 long;
06:10 And I'm praising
06:13 my Savior
06:20 all
06:22 the day
06:27 long.
06:36 Amen!
06:51 Good evening. Good evening.
06:53 You are holding up so well.
06:56 I think you're doing better than I am.
07:00 I've been out there with you all day long
07:02 and it has been such a blessing, hasn't it? Amen!
07:06 I'm just so thankful for how the Lord has been
07:08 speaking and communicating and bringing the message
07:11 together over and over again. Of course, we're not going to
07:14 find perfection in any man's teaching
07:17 but God is urging us to understand
07:22 the pillars of prophecy, and especially the book of Daniel.
07:25 Amen? Well we have no time to lose tonight,
07:28 so let's just begin with a word of prayer
07:30 and get right into God's Word.
07:32 Father in heaven, I just want to thank you this evening.
07:34 It's a privilege to be here at 3ABN Camp Meeting
07:36 to close up Your Sabbath with this focus on
07:40 the book of Daniel. This is a great task
07:42 that each of the speakers have been privileged
07:46 to participate in... myself included.
07:49 We've asked for a cleansing. We've asked for Your anointing.
07:51 We've asked for Your presence here.
07:53 We've asked for open minds and hearts,
07:54 and You have delivered over and over again.
07:57 And as was mentioned earlier
08:00 we have no reason to doubt that you will not continue
08:03 to fulfill Your Word... to keep Your promise.
08:05 You are 5 for 5, 6 for 6, 7 for 7...
08:08 100% faithful to do just that.
08:11 And so again as we pause to open up Your Word
08:15 we're praying for Your blessing.
08:17 We're claiming the promise of Jesus in Matthew 24:15
08:20 that those who read Daniel will understand
08:23 and Daniel chapter 12 verse 9 that the wise will understand.
08:27 Guide our minds and our thoughts tonight we pray.
08:29 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
08:33 Daniel chapter 11.
08:36 Daniel chapter 11... what a privilege.
08:40 You have a handout. We're not going to look at that right now.
08:43 We're going to begin by
08:46 seeking to identify a basic outline of Daniel chapter 11.
08:52 Do you or have you ever done puzzles?
08:56 You like to do puzzles?
08:59 I've done puzzles. When I was younger I did puzzles.
09:01 Maybe about 200 piece puzzle... something like that.
09:04 What's a hard puzzle? How many pieces would you
09:08 have to have in a puzzle for it to be challenging?
09:10 A thousand.
09:13 A thousand. What else?
09:14 500? 500.
09:17 1500! 1500...
09:24 Daniel 11 is like a 5,000-piece
09:30 puzzle. That's what Daniel 11 is like...
09:33 a 5,000-piece puzzle.
09:35 But this is the thing about puzzles:
09:37 when you go to put a puzzle together, where do you start?
09:42 You start with the corners, right?
09:44 You start with the corners and the edges.
09:46 They're the easiest, right?
09:48 So if we approach the book of Daniel - chapter 11 that is -
09:53 like a puzzle, a prophetic puzzle,
09:55 we could start by putting together the easy parts.
09:59 The corners; the basics... and work on the edges.
10:02 And then we can move from there and fill in some of the details
10:06 that we're sure of. And there's going to be some other pieces
10:08 and we're not actually sure where they go.
10:10 Even to this day I will have to say to you tonight
10:13 that there are some pieces in the puzzle of Daniel 11
10:17 that nobody - I mean our best scholars -
10:19 are just not sure where they go.
10:21 But if we compare that picture to the box
10:27 'cause that's what you do when you do a jigsaw puzzle, right?
10:30 you look at the box... you look at the box. OK, OK, OK.
10:34 And I believe the box is the Bible.
10:37 The picture that God has given us in His Word.
10:40 And we keep looking at the box; we keep looking at the box
10:42 and we compare scripture with scripture,
10:45 vision with vision, verse with verse.
10:48 I believe that God will show us as prophetic time unrolls
10:53 He will show us where the rest of those pieces fit.
10:56 And they will not be a forced fit.
10:58 Now when I was a young kid I did a few puzzles.
11:02 And I'm sure that piece went there. I was sure because...
11:06 I mean it was a little tough to get in there, but
11:08 but it did kind of fit... it looked like it went there.
11:11 But after a time I realized that I needed to pull it out.
11:17 It wasn't in the right place.
11:19 Are you willing to pull out a few pieces?
11:21 I mean, if you figure out that they don't quite fit there
11:23 are we willing to pull out a few pieces
11:25 and let God fill in the picture?
11:28 I think if we have that openness I think God can speak to us
11:30 this evening. I want to be open to that
11:32 and I pray that you will also.
11:34 So let's start with the four corners: Daniel chapter 11
11:37 begins, verse 1: "In the first year of Darius the Mede. "
11:44 It continues in verse 2 to talk about 3 more kings
11:47 that will stand up in Persia and the fourth will be
11:50 richer than them all. So where does Daniel 11 begin?
11:54 What power? What kingdom? What earthly power
11:57 is it speaking of when it begins? Medo-Persia.
12:02 OK, there's corner number 1... it's Medo-Persia right here.
12:05 That's our first corner... Medo-Persia.
12:07 We're starting with Medo-Persia.
12:08 Just like Daniel chapter 8... Medo-Persia.
12:12 Then it goes on in verse 3, and it says:
12:15 "And a mighty king shall stand up and rule
12:18 with great dominion and do according to his will. "
12:21 Hmmm. Doesn't really tell us who this mighty king is.
12:24 It said in verse 4 that: "When he shall stand up
12:27 his kingdom shall be divided and broken to the four winds
12:30 of heaven... " Who do you think that is?
12:33 Well, I want you to go back to Daniel chapter 10
12:37 and notice what it says in Daniel 10 and verse 20.
12:42 "Then said he: 'knowest thou wherefore I came unto thee? ' "
12:46 This is the angel Gabriel talking to Daniel.
12:48 "And now I am going to return and fight with the prince
12:52 of Persia. And when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of
12:55 Grecia shall come. "
12:57 So guess who that next kingdom is.
13:00 Why? How can we be so sure of this?
13:04 Well, if you look at your outline
13:06 you are going to notice here in this outline Daniel chapter 2,
13:09 Daniel chapter 7, Daniel chapter 8, and Daniel chapter 11
13:14 each one of them parallels.
13:17 This is the principle that we talked about. You remember
13:19 the repeat and enlarge principle?
13:21 Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 begin with Babylon, but
13:24 Babylon passes from the scene so Daniel 8 begins with
13:27 Medo-Persia. Daniel 11 does the same thing.
13:30 Medo-Persia then Greece.
13:32 What power follows Greece?
13:35 Rome. All right, let's put in the next corner.
13:37 In Daniel chapter 11 and verse 14:
13:42 "And in those times there shall many stand up against
13:45 the king of the south. Also the robbers of thy people
13:49 shall exalt themselves to establish the vision
13:52 but they shall fall. "
13:54 Now this verse is describing the rise of Imperial Rome,
14:00 pagan Rome... the robbers of thy people
14:02 or the breakers of thy people.
14:04 Which is a fit description for Rome because
14:07 that's the way the fourth beast is described in Daniel 7:8.
14:13 They're the ones that stamp and break the pieces
14:16 or the people under their feet.
14:18 So here we have the rise of Rome.
14:21 Verses... Daniel 11 verses 3 all the way through verse 13
14:25 are describing the breakup of the Grecian empire -
14:30 the four generals - and the history, the detailed history,
14:35 of what took place. And that's where we get the term
14:37 the king of the north and the king of the south
14:38 until the establishment or the rising up of Imperial Rome
14:42 in verse 14. Now verses 15 and 16
14:46 still continue to describe this transition that's taking place.
14:49 But as you move into verses 17 and 18
14:52 you have Rome fully established. How do we know that?
14:56 Here's our next corner... corner number 3.
14:58 Daniel 11 and verse 20.
15:02 "Then shall stand up in his estate - in his place -
15:07 a raiser of the taxes in the glory of the kingdom. "
15:12 A raiser of the taxes in the glory of the kingdom.
15:15 Do you know who that's talking about?
15:17 No. All right, let's turn in our Bibles...
15:21 Let's move forward in our Bibles to the New Testament.
15:24 and the book of Luke.
15:26 Let's go to Luke chapter 2 and verse 1.
15:31 Interesting thing about the prophecies of Daniel:
15:34 they bring us from Daniel's time down to the time of Rome
15:39 and of course go all the way to the second coming of Jesus
15:43 but don't give us a lot of details between Rome and Christ.
15:46 Excuse me, between Rome and the second coming of Christ.
15:49 Revelation, however, picks up in the time of Rome
15:52 and goes all the way down to the second coming of Christ
15:54 and fills in all of the details that are not necessarily
15:57 apparent in the book of Daniel.
15:59 They're there... but they're not apparent.
16:01 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
16:04 are all written in the time of Rome.
16:06 So if we are talking in Daniel 11 about the kingdoms
16:09 of Rome and if this history - prophetic history -
16:13 has anything to do with what I think it has something
16:15 to do with which is Jesus
16:17 then we should see a connection between the prophetic history
16:20 in Daniel 11 and the time of Christ.
16:23 And there is a connection.
16:24 Luke chapter 2 verse 1: "And it came to pass
16:28 in those days that there went out a decree from
16:32 Caesar Augustus. " Now who was Caesar Augustus?
16:36 He was a Roman emperor.
16:40 A Caesar... the first Caesar.
16:42 "that all the world should be... " What? Taxed.
16:45 OK, do you remember what Daniel 11 said?
16:48 It said there's going to stand up a raiser of taxes
16:53 in the glory of the kingdom. Now why is that significant?
16:59 The reason it is significant is because again you remember
17:03 one of the principles that we're following.
17:05 We're following the principle first of all of repeat and
17:07 enlarge but another principle that we're following that was
17:10 so powerfully presented by our brother Jay was that
17:15 prophecy from the beginning of time - Genesis 3:15-
17:19 prophecy is centered in Jesus Christ.
17:23 Prophecy is centered in Jesus Christ.
17:25 That's why there's so much emphasis on Rome
17:28 in the book of Daniel.
17:29 Because Rome was to be the power under which Jesus Christ
17:34 was going to be born.
17:35 It's not really about Rome... it's about Jesus.
17:38 If Jesus was born in China,
17:41 then China would be the center of this prophecy.
17:43 If Jesus was born in Asia,
17:46 then Asia would be the center of this prophecy.
17:48 But Jesus was born under the power, under the kingdom
17:50 of Rome. And so Rome becomes the focus of this prophecy.
17:54 It is the focus of this prophecy because it connects with Jesus,
17:59 it connects with God's people
18:01 both Old Testament and New Testament.
18:04 And that's why it's so important to understand
18:06 that Rome goes all the way to the very end
18:08 because Rome continues to connect with God's people.
18:11 We'll see that in a little bit.
18:13 So we go back to Daniel chapter 11.
18:15 This is so powerful.
18:16 Daniel 11 verse 20 is... These verses: 20, 21, and 22
18:21 are the center of Daniel 11.
18:23 Now we're getting our center of gravity right here.
18:25 The center of Daniel 11- 20, 21, and 22-
18:28 Forty-five verses. Half of 45 is 22-1/2.
18:31 So we're right in the middle here, and the center
18:34 of this prophecy is focusing on Jesus.
18:38 You remember Genesis 3 verse 15.
18:41 It's the Seed... it's Christ.
18:43 If Christ is not at the center, we have got a misinterpretation
18:47 of the prophecy. Antiochus Epiphanes is not Christ.
18:50 This is talking about Christ.
18:52 This is talking about Jesus. Everything comes to Jesus.
18:55 So what happened when this emperor of Rome...
18:59 what happened when he sent out a decree that all the world
19:02 should be taxed?
19:05 There was a young couple
19:08 who had to travel, she being great with child,
19:11 to their... his native village of Bethlehem.
19:16 Just like the prophecies had said.
19:19 And so we see here... In Daniel 11:20 we see here
19:25 a connection to the birth of Jesus Christ.
19:27 And he was born according to Luke 2 verse 1... And I love
19:31 the fact that these gospels have a different perspective.
19:33 Luke was a historian and so he focuses on the history.
19:36 You don't find Caesar Augustus or Tiberius mentioned
19:40 in Matthew or Mark or John
19:42 but you find them mentioned in Luke.
19:44 I am so thankful that Luke connects us in this way
19:48 to the prophetic history of Daniel 11.
19:51 Now notice what happens in verse 21.
19:54 Let's read the rest of verse 20:
19:57 "Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of the taxes
19:59 in the glory of the kingdom. But within a few days
20:01 he shall be destroyed... neither in anger nor in battle
20:04 and in his estate - in his place - shall stand up
20:07 a vile person to whom they shall not give the honor of the
20:10 kingdom. But he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom
20:14 by flatteries. " Who was it that followed
20:18 Augustus Caesar... Caesar Augustus?
20:21 Do you know? Someone says Herod.
20:25 No, he was just a tetrarch... he was just a little pawn.
20:29 Let's go again to the New Testament.
20:31 We're going to go this time to Luke chapter 3.
20:35 The historian - the prophetic historian -
20:39 speaking about the prophecies of Jesus, the life of Jesus,
20:42 in Luke chapter 3 tells us who the next emperor was.
20:46 Luke chapter 3 and verse 1.
20:49 "Now in the... " We just read this, right?
20:52 We just heard this. "Now in the fifteenth year
20:54 of the reign of... " Who? "Tiberius Caesar. "
20:58 And check the history on Tiberius. It matches perfectly
21:00 with what we've been told in Daniel 11 verse 21.
21:04 Matches perfectly.
21:05 He was a vile person. He wasn't loved by the
21:07 people of Rome as Augustus was.
21:09 But he was a friend of Augustus; Augustus was fond of him.
21:14 Adopted him and he became the next ruler.
21:17 "Now in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar" - AD 27-
21:21 it tells us in the context that "all the people" -
21:23 verse 21- "were being baptized. And it came to pass that Jesus
21:26 also being baptized... "
21:28 In other words, now Jesus is grown up.
21:30 Now He's a young man. He's been baptized by John
21:33 and He's beginning His ministry. How old was He?
21:36 About 30 years old.
21:39 Just a young guy.
21:42 Much younger than me... right?
21:49 The Bible says to young people despise... "Don't let anyone
21:52 despise your youth. " Amen?
21:55 We need to lift up our young people.
21:56 We need to encourage our young people
21:58 like Jay and other who are out there.
22:01 You know, they may not know everything, understand
22:03 everything, have the experience we have, but I'm just thankful
22:06 that this church is allowing these young people to get up
22:09 and to preach and to teach and to get into ministry
22:11 and get involved in ministry. I was 21 years old
22:14 when I gave my life to Jesus. I was 22
22:16 when I started preaching this beautiful message. Amen.
22:20 We need to... And of course our church was founded upon
22:23 the young people. The youth is what started
22:25 and founded this movement.
22:26 So Jesus is a young man in the context of Daniel chapter 11.
22:33 He is baptized under the reign of Tiberius Caesar.
22:37 Now notice verse 22... "And with the arms... "
22:40 Daniel 11:22: "And with the arms
22:41 of a flood shall they be overflown from before him
22:44 and shall be broken... " Talking about God's people.
22:47 "Yea, also the Prince of the covenant. "
22:53 Who is that talking about?
22:54 It's talking about Jesus. You can compare that with
22:56 Daniel chapter 9:25, 26, and 27.
23:00 The word there is the same. This is talking about
23:02 none other than the Messiah.
23:04 This is pointing us to the cross.
23:07 This is pointing us to the time when Jesus Christ
23:10 died of a broken heart.
23:14 The weight of the sins of the world were laid upon Him
23:18 and it broke His heart.
23:22 He went through that separation experience with His Father
23:25 who He had known for all eternity.
23:29 I went through a little separation experience
23:32 when my son went off to academy in his senior year.
23:35 I shed a few tears.
23:37 Didn't think I would.
23:39 I missed him and I had been his father for 17 years.
23:44 He was 18 years old now... maybe 18 years.
23:46 I felt that emptiness.
23:51 Jesus and God had been together from eternity.
23:54 They had never been separated ever... ever.
23:58 Can you imagine?
24:00 I can't even imagine what that would be like.
24:02 You and I experience separation from loved ones:
24:05 children, parents, grandparents.
24:09 Those who may pass... even unexpectedly.
24:13 And it hurts our hearts.
24:15 But Jesus took upon Him the weight of separation
24:19 that encompasses every person and all sin
24:22 in being separated from His Father.
24:24 We can't even fathom what it felt like.
24:27 But it crushed His heart.
24:30 So we've got the third corner.
24:33 Here it is right here: it's Christ.
24:35 Or I should say the second corner. It's Christ.
24:37 We begin with the first - Medo-Persia.
24:39 We're moving through to the second - Jesus Christ -
24:42 who is the center of Daniel chapter 11.
24:44 The cross.. the birth and the cross of Jesus.
24:47 And once we put these stakes in these are immoveable.
24:50 These are landmarks for us.
24:51 Once we put them in then we can understand
24:54 the rest of it. I mean we may not have all the pieces in there
24:57 but we've got the corners. We're working on the framework.
24:59 What is the next corner that we need to put in here
25:02 that is very clear to us? Well I believe the next corner
25:04 is found all the way over in Daniel 11 and verse 40.
25:10 Daniel 11 and verse 40.
25:12 It says here in Daniel 11 and verse 40
25:15 "And at the time of the end... "
25:19 "at the time of the end shall the king of the South push at
25:24 him and the king of the North shall come against him
25:27 like the whirlwind with chariots and horsemen
25:28 and with many ships and shall enter into the country
25:31 and shall overflow and pass over. " Now we're not going to
25:34 go into the details of that verse... at least not right now.
25:37 But we do understand one thing.
25:41 We have one corner here that's very clear:
25:42 the time of the end.
25:44 The time of the end.
25:45 Meeting after meeting has brought this out.
25:47 The time of the end is the year...
25:53 Oh, one person knows.
25:55 1798 AD. OK, there's our next corner.
26:01 OK. We've got Daniel 11:20-22, the birth of Christ.
26:04 We've got Daniel 11: 1-3 or 4.
26:06 We've got the Medo-Persians and the Greeks.
26:08 Grecians... Grecia. So we've got Medo-Persia,
26:10 Grecia. We've got Rome... the birth of Christ,
26:12 the death of Christ. And now we've got the time
26:14 of the end: 1798 AD. Here's the final corner:
26:17 Daniel 12 verse 1.
26:20 Now I'm not going to be talking about this verse.
26:23 Pastor Bohr will be covering this in detail,
26:26 but I just want to plug it in as a corner.
26:28 "And at that time... " By the way,
26:31 that time that's spoken of in verse 1 of Daniel 12
26:34 is the time described in the verses before Daniel 12 verse 1.
26:39 And I would say they are verses 45, 44, 43, 42, and 41.
26:45 "At that time Michael shall stand up. "
26:49 Now we understand what that is:
26:50 that is the close of human probation.
26:52 That is the time when Jesus Christ takes the kingdoms
26:54 of this world. They become His own, praise God. Amen!
26:57 So there are our four corners.
26:59 Are you pretty comfortable with those four corners?
27:01 There they are right there.
27:02 We haven't discussed anything that's in the middle of all of
27:04 that. We don't exactly know what's going on in the middle
27:07 but we have the basic corners.
27:09 Now I want you to look at your outline
27:11 and I want you to notice some- thing that I think is powerful.
27:15 This is something new to me but I think it's profound.
27:20 Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 8, Daniel 11.
27:24 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.
27:27 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.
27:29 Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.
27:31 Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.
27:33 Then what? In all of these prophecies
27:35 we have Rome followed by the Dark Ages.
27:38 We have the toes; we have the war with the saints;
27:41 we have the host trodden underfoot;
27:43 and we have spoil, flame, and captivity for many days.
27:47 Let's look at that in Daniel chapter 11.
27:50 Daniel chapter 11 beginning with verse 30.
27:54 Because we are told in the context of this prophecy
27:58 that we have no time to lose.
28:00 The world is stirred with the spirit of war.
28:04 The prophecies in the 11th chapter of Daniel
28:07 have almost reached their complete fulfillment
28:10 and much of the history that is recorded in these prophecies
28:14 will be repeated.
28:16 A power is spoken of in the 30th verse
28:19 that shall be grieved and return and have indignation
28:24 against... " What? "the holy covenant. "
28:27 "So shall he do. He shall even return and have indignation
28:29 with them that forsake the holy covenant.
28:31 And arm shall stand in his part and they shall pollute
28:33 the sanctuary strength and take away the daily
28:36 and they shall place the abomination that makes desolate
28:39 and such as do wickedly against the covenant
28:41 shall they corrupt by flatteries. But the people
28:43 that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. "
28:48 These verses are talking about the Dark Ages.
28:52 Goes on... verse 33:
28:57 "And they that understand among the people shall instruct
29:00 many yet they shall fall by sword and by flame
29:04 and by captivity and by spoil for many days.
29:08 And when they shall fall... " verse 34: "they shall be
29:10 open with a little help. But many shall cleave to them
29:13 with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall
29:16 fall to try them, to purge them,
29:18 and to make them white... even until the time of the end"
29:21 1798 AD - "because it is yet for a time appointed. "
29:25 This is the 1,260-year period.
29:27 This is the time of papal persecution in the Dark Ages,
29:31 and we are told that this history will be repeated.
29:36 Now there's a difference between interpreting
29:39 and applying Bible prophecy and then taking
29:42 the history of that application and repeating it.
29:44 It's two different things.
29:45 These verses... these prophetic verses...
29:48 stand immoveable in history.
29:50 They describe the Dark Ages.
29:52 But much of the prophetic history that these verses
29:55 fulfill is going to be repeated.
29:57 We're going to see it happen again.
29:59 And I think we're going to see it very clearly as we move
30:02 on through these prophecies.
30:04 But I wondered if you noticed something about the verses
30:07 we just read? There was one word that was repeated
30:10 over and over and over again... four times in these verses.
30:14 Do you know what that word was?
30:16 Covenant.
30:18 The holy covenant.
30:21 The covenant... the covenant. I really appreciated
30:24 how Shelley brought that truth to our minds and hearts,
30:27 didn't you? Because you see the word covenant
30:30 is key in Daniel 11. If you want to understand
30:32 Daniel 11, if you want to understand who this power is,
30:35 you need to understand that it is the power that is
30:37 having indignation against the holy covenant.
30:41 Jesus Christ is the Prince of the covenant.
30:43 So five times that word covenant is used.
30:45 Daniel 11 is a summation of Daniel 2, Daniel 7,
30:49 and Daniel 8. It builds and enlarges upon it
30:52 and it gives us more detail as it summarizes.
30:56 What is the holy covenant?
30:59 Well let's go to the New Testament:
31:00 Hebrews chapter 10 verses 16 and 17.
31:04 Hebrews chapter 10 verses 16 and 17.
31:06 I chose these verses because they're concise.
31:09 Hebrews 11 is broader and it's just as valid, but
31:12 Hebrews 10 is concise.
31:15 Verse 16: "This is the covenant that I will make with them
31:17 after those days says the Lord. I will put My... " What?
31:20 "laws in their hearts
31:22 and in their minds I will write them. "
31:24 Verse 17: "And their sins and their iniquities
31:29 I will remember no more. "
31:31 Now where do sins and iniquities get forgiven today?
31:35 Where? It's been a long day, hasn't it?
31:40 Someone pointed up. That's right.
31:43 In the heavenly sanctuary.
31:45 See that verse - verse 17- of the new covenant
31:48 is talking about the mediation of Christ and the forgiveness
31:50 of sins in the heavenly sanctuary.
31:51 Verse 16 is talking about the law of God.
31:53 The new covenant, therefore, is summarized in these 2 verses
31:57 as being God's law written in the hearts
31:59 and our sins and iniquities being forgiven by Jesus Christ
32:01 in the heavenly sanctuary. Is that a pretty good summary?
32:04 So the power that is against the holy covenant
32:07 is working against the law of God
32:09 and is working against the mediation of Jesus Christ.
32:11 Daniel 11 is simply summarizing what we've already learned
32:14 in Daniel 7. What does it say in Daniel 7:25?
32:17 "He will think to change times and law. "
32:20 What does it say in Daniel chapter 8?
32:21 "He will exalt himself against the Prince of the host
32:24 and cast the sanctuary and the truth to the... ground. "
32:27 Do you see that now?
32:29 Daniel 11 is simply summarizing what's already been revealed
32:32 in Daniel 7 and 8.
32:33 It's bringing it to a close.
32:36 Here's the focus: it's against the holy covenant.
32:38 It's against the covenant people of God.
32:41 There's no disconnect between Daniel 11 and Daniel 2,
32:44 Daniel 7, and Daniel 8. In fact,
32:47 the king of the North is first mentioned
32:51 in Daniel chapter 1.
32:57 The king of the North is first identified in Daniel chapter 1.
33:02 You know, we get to Daniel 11. We talk about the king of the
33:04 North, the king of the South. King of the North, king of the
33:05 South. I'm thinking: "Who is? Who are these powers? "
33:08 Well in Daniel chapter 1
33:11 we are told that "In the third year of Jehoiakim
33:16 king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon,
33:19 to Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim
33:21 king of Judah into his hand. "
33:23 Nebuchadnezzar is identified in Jeremiah 4
33:27 and in Jeremiah 25:9 as the king of the North.
33:31 He's identified as the king of the North.
33:34 And as Pastor Bohr so beautifully brought out,
33:38 Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon is a type
33:41 of the final Babylonian power in the end of time
33:45 and will repeat all of those actions against God's people
33:50 that it instigated originally.
33:53 One thing that I wanted to bring out that I thought was
33:56 very significant in those points
33:59 is that in Daniel chapter 3
34:04 Nebuchadnezzar finally became a believer in the true God.
34:10 Now he became a believer in Daniel 2
34:12 but it was here... it wasn't here.
34:14 In Daniel chapter 2 Nebuchadnezzar attended...
34:19 he was the first attendee at a Daniel seminar.
34:26 He sat in the front row
34:28 and when the evangelist was finished he said:
34:32 "I want to join your church.
34:34 I'm tired of all these other churches.
34:36 I'm not getting the truth from all these other religions.
34:38 I want to join your church. "
34:41 And so he began to worship the God of heaven.
34:45 But like many converts who are intellectually convinced
34:51 but not heart converted he slipped out the back door.
34:55 How long did it take? A few years.
34:59 Daniel chapter 3. He takes the truth of God
35:02 and he perverts it.
35:06 Compromises it; takes that image; makes it all of gold.
35:08 Begins to enforce worship.
35:11 But God wasn't done with Nebuchadnezzar yet.
35:13 You're out there witnessing; you're sharing; you're doing
35:15 Bible studies. You think: "Oh you know, I share this truth
35:17 and they're just like... they're not accepting it.
35:19 They're not making their decision. When they make the
35:20 decision then they backslide. "
35:22 God isn't done with them yet.
35:24 God isn't done with us yet. Amen!
35:27 Daniel chapter 3: Nebuchadnezzar is red hot
35:31 like the face of the dragon.
35:33 There are people in political places in our world today
35:35 who are red hot. They may be angry at you
35:37 but you need to stay with Jesus.
35:41 Abide with Jesus. Reveal Jesus.
35:44 You're going to be in the fire
35:45 but you're going to be with Jesus.
35:48 It's when you're not willing to go all the way with Jesus
35:51 that you're in danger.
35:53 It was the mighty men who weren't willing to go into the
35:56 furnace that died. Doesn't matter how powerful you are.
35:59 Doesn't matter how strong you are. If you're not willing
36:00 to go all the way with Jesus you're going to die at the door.
36:03 The safety is in the furnace with Jesus. Amen.
36:08 And so they were in there with Jesus.
36:10 And he saw Christ in them
36:13 and his heart was touched, his heart was moved.
36:17 And he mellowed... completely mellowed.
36:19 "Who is that in there? That's the... You know,
36:21 that's the son of God, that's the son of man in there. "
36:24 And then Daniel chapter 4 which was written by Nebuchadnezzar
36:27 himself. It's one of my favorite chapters.
36:30 It is! Daniel 4 is one of my favorite chapters.
36:33 Daniel 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 and 12
36:38 are my other favorite chapters.
36:43 Daniel 4 is so powerful because Nebuchadnezzar
36:45 goes through this crazy experience... crazy experience.
36:49 Loses his mind for seven years.
36:52 Has no wisdom. He's eating grass; his hair
36:55 is like eagle's feathers and his nails are like eagle's claws.
36:58 And when he gets done with all of this and his reason comes
37:00 back he says: "Praise God! "
37:02 That's a converted man right there. Amen! "Praise God! "
37:05 You know, you can KNOW that God has worked on your heart
37:08 when you can go through a trial like that and say "Praise God! "
37:10 "Praise God! God loves me so much.
37:13 I don't even want to question what He's doing
37:16 because I know He has my best interests at heart.
37:18 And He can do whatever He wants because I've seen His heart
37:21 and I know what God is like. Praise God! "
37:23 There are people out there that are going to see that.
37:25 Politicians, others. They're angry at first but then
37:27 they see, they see God's people.
37:28 They see and they change.
37:31 They turn. And that's why God's people go through this
37:33 trial: so they can reveal the spirit of Jesus Christ.
37:37 So we know this is the Dark Ages.
37:39 We know in verse 36 this king does according to his own will.
37:43 "He exalts himself and he magnifies himself
37:46 above every God. And he speak marvelous things against
37:48 the God of Gods and prospers till the indignation that is
37:51 determined shall be done. "
37:52 Verse 37: "He doesn't regard the God of his fathers. "
37:56 Capital G. Claims apostolic succession.
37:59 Doesn't regard it. "Doesn't regard the desire of women.
38:01 Doesn't regard any god, but he magnifies himself
38:05 above all. " II Thessalonians chapter 2
38:08 verses 2 through 4 Paul is almost quoting from Daniel 11
38:12 verse 36 when he describes the man of sin.
38:15 Very clear. "In his estate he honors the
38:18 god of fortresses. He continues on until the time of the end. "
38:22 And then it says in verse 40: "At the time of the end
38:25 shall the king of the South push at him. "
38:27 And that word "push" means to gore.
38:29 To war against him.
38:31 "At the time of the end... so the king of the South pushes. "
38:34 And we know who the him is. The him is the king
38:36 of the North. The him is spiritual Babylon.
38:38 The original king of the North was Nebuchadnezzar.
38:42 The him is a continuation of that same king that was
38:46 identified in verses 30 through 39.
38:49 That's who the him is.
38:50 But who's the king of the South
38:52 that gores him, that wounds him, that inflicts him?
38:56 Who's the king of the South?
38:57 Well that word "south" occasionally is translated as
39:00 Egypt. South was the country south to Palestine.
39:04 Just like Babylon was... well, they were east.
39:06 But they were considered the king of the North because
39:08 they had to come up and then down from the north.
39:10 And Egypt... Palestine/Israel was caught in the middle
39:13 between these two power that were warring against each other.
39:16 They were caught in the middle.
39:17 And friends, today we are caught in the middle.
39:20 Spiritual Babylon and spiritual Egypt.
39:25 Spiritual Egypt? Yes, spiritual Egypt.
39:27 Revelation chapter 11... Revelation chapter 11
39:32 and look here at how John identifies who Egypt is
39:38 in Revelation chapter 11 and verse 7.
39:46 Talking about God's two witnesses:
39:49 the Bible... the Old and the New Testaments.
39:51 "And when they shall have finished their testimony
39:53 the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit
39:56 shall make war against them
39:59 and shall overcome them and shall kill them.
40:03 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of that great city
40:06 which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt
40:10 where also our Lord was crucified. "
40:13 That text in the context of Revelation 11
40:17 is talking about atheism
40:19 and the rise of atheism in the country of France.
40:22 It's talking about the time when Berthier went
40:26 into the Vatican - into Rome - and took the pope captive.
40:30 And what year did that take place? 1798 AD.
40:32 When was 1798 AD? The time of the end.
40:35 "At the time of the end shall the king of the South -
40:38 spiritual Egypt - war at him. "
40:42 Push at him; gore him.
40:44 Now Revelation chapter 13 is so beautiful,
40:48 so significant, so powerful because it also tells us
40:52 about this wound. It says in Revelation chapter 13
40:55 and verse 3: "And I saw one of his heads as it were
40:59 wounded to death" - 1798 AD -
41:02 "and his deadly wound was... " What? "healed. "
41:07 It's all in one verse, but there's some history there
41:10 isn't there? I mean, it wasn't like he was wounded and
41:12 then three words later he was healed. Right?
41:16 There's some history taking place there.
41:17 Well Daniel chapter 11 helps us with that.
41:22 I want you to look at your outline again
41:24 because I believe this is so profound.
41:26 You look at Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 8 and Daniel 11.
41:29 You recognize Babylon, Medo- Persia, Greece, Rome.
41:32 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.
41:33 Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome. Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.
41:35 Then you recognize the Dark Ages. They're all identified.
41:38 The ten toes with the clay has the church and state mingling
41:42 but not cleaving to each other. You've got war with the saints.
41:44 Host trodden underfoot; spoil claiming captivity.
41:46 Then comes the iron and the clay. Judgment; judgment;
41:51 and verses 40 through 45 of Daniel 11.
41:54 And you notice there's a question mark there.
41:55 What are verses 40 to 45 talking about?
41:58 That is the piece of the puzzle we don't know where it fits
42:01 so we're just going to leave it aside for a while.
42:02 But we're going to put in all the other pieces.
42:05 After the churchcraft, statecraft in Daniel 2
42:08 you have God's kingdom set up - the stone.
42:10 In Daniel chapter 7, God's people inherit the kingdom.
42:14 Elder Cox - powerful message - emphasized in Daniel 7
42:18 three times it goes from the papacy coming to an end -
42:22 deadly wound - to God's people inheriting the kingdom,
42:24 God's people inheriting the kingdom, God's people
42:26 inheriting the kingdom. Three times it's emphasized
42:27 in Daniel 7. Daniel chapter 8- right after
42:31 judgment we have again God's kingdom set up.
42:34 "The prince shall be taken without hands" it says in
42:37 Daniel chapter 8 in the interpretation.
42:39 And in Daniel chapter 11 we have God's kingdom.
42:42 Well in 12 verse 1... I believe 12:1-3 is actually
42:45 part of Daniel 11.
42:46 So what we need... I think...
42:50 to understand Daniel 11:40-45
42:54 properly, appropriately, prophetically...
42:57 What we need to be able to put the pieces in the right place
43:00 is we need another chapter in the Bible:
43:04 another prophetic chapter or two that would follow the same
43:09 sequence: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
43:15 The 1,260 days of persecution.
43:19 The 1798 AD deadly wound that the wound is healed
43:22 BUT after that wound is healed
43:26 would take us further in prophetic history -
43:28 Are you following me? -
43:30 and give us more details that aren't necessarily covered
43:33 in Daniel chapter 11... at least not clearly covered
43:36 in Daniel 11.
43:37 If we could find another book -
43:39 perhaps even a prophetic twin of the book of Daniel -
43:47 a book that supplements the book of Daniel
43:50 and helps us to interpret the book of Daniel...
43:52 That gives us specific details about what's going to happen
43:56 after the wound is healed. Perhaps those details
43:59 could help us figure out what's happening in Daniel
44:00 chapter 11 verses 40 to 45 before Jesus stands up.
44:04 Is there such a book?
44:07 Anyone? Revelation!
44:09 And what chapters in Revelation? Thirteen and fourteen.
44:13 Look at this... this is incredible!
44:15 John sees a beast rising up out of the sea.
44:18 It has ten horns. He's going backwards now
44:21 because he's looking back. It has ten horns.
44:23 Remember? The ten toes; the ten horns.
44:25 It has ten horns and it has a mouth like a...
44:28 actually goes back, doesn't he? Goes back. It has a body like
44:31 a... No? Yeah. It has a body like a...
44:34 leopard and it has feet like a bear and it has a mouth
44:37 like a lion.
44:40 The lion, the bear, and the leopard connect us directly
44:46 to Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece.
44:48 And then the dragon - you know, that terrible beast -
44:50 gives it his power and seat and great authority.
44:51 Who is that? Pagan Rome.
44:54 In fact, think about this:
44:57 Revelation 13 is a repeat of the same history
45:01 that's already been given in Daniel 2, Daniel 7,
45:03 Daniel 8, and Daniel 11.
45:05 it's the four kingdoms;
45:07 It's the Dark Ages; and it's the deadly wound.
45:11 Now when that wound is inflicted in Revelation 13
45:16 and that power goes down
45:18 what do we see taking place?
45:21 Revelation chapter 13. Look at it with me in verse 11.
45:27 And I want to read it in the context of verse 10.
45:33 Verse 10: "He that leads into captivity shall go into
45:37 captivity. And he who kills with the sword
45:40 must... " What? "be killed with the sword. "
45:42 What's that talking about?
45:43 What is that talking about right there?
45:46 That verse?
45:47 Who's it talking about? What event is it talking about?
45:49 Talking about the papacy... the deadly wound.
45:53 But the deadly wound was already mentioned in verse 3.
45:55 But now it's being mentioned again. Do you know why?
45:57 Because there's a connection between verse 10 and verse 11.
46:00 Verse 11 is telling us about what time
46:03 this other beast - this other kingdom - was going to rise up.
46:06 It was going to rise up around the time
46:09 when the other power was going down.
46:10 You can read it in the Great Controversy.
46:14 The papacy is inflicted with a deadly wound around 1798 AD.
46:18 And there's another power that's rising up out of the earth -
46:21 right? - and it has two horns like a lamb.
46:26 That represents Jesus... Christianity.
46:30 So that power represents the United States of America.
46:35 The United States of America with its lamb-like principles
46:38 of religious liberty and civil liberty.
46:42 But then it says it's going to "speak like a dragon. "
46:48 The dragon is what gives power and authority to the 1st beast.
46:52 And now this beast is going to speak like a dragon
46:54 which means what? They're going to be what? Connected together.
46:58 They're going to connect.
47:01 And then it goes on to describe the image to the beast
47:03 and the mark of the beast and the economic control
47:04 of the whole world so no man can buy or sell.
47:06 Could it be that Revelation chapter 13
47:11 verses 11 through 18 are describing the activity
47:16 of Daniel 11:40-45?
47:21 James White thought so.
47:24 James White thought so.
47:26 And in A Word to the Little Flock he wrote
47:28 that the last power that is revealed in Daniel chapter 11
47:33 is the same power that is revealed in Revelation
47:36 chapter 13 verses 11 through 18 and his number is 666.
47:41 That's what James White wrote in A Word to the Little Flock,
47:43 the first book that was ever printed by the pioneer
47:46 Seventh-day Adventist church. James and Ellen White
47:48 put it out together. A Word to the Little Flock.
47:50 Get it if you haven't read it. It's powerful.
47:52 But I want you to notice something here that I think
47:55 is powerful.
47:58 I can't think of a better word. I can't think of another word.
48:01 Powerful.
48:03 God is opening up to our hearts and minds
48:06 in the time in which we live a prophecy that has baffled us.
48:10 And I believe it's because it hasn't been time for it
48:13 to be fulfilled. And it is time now!
48:17 It is being fulfilled now.
48:18 I'm just going to read through it in the less than 10 minutes
48:21 we have left and try to expound a little bit upon it.
48:25 I'm just going to give you bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah.
48:27 And you're going to have to go back and read and study and pray
48:30 and be Bereans.
48:32 Daniel 11 verse 40: "At the time of the end... " -
48:35 1798 AD - "shall the king of the South... " -
48:38 atheism - "push... " - war, gore - "at him... " -
48:41 the king of the North... papal Rome.
48:45 "And the king of the North... " excuse me,
48:48 "And the king of the North... " - the papacy -
48:50 "shall come against him like a whirlwind
48:53 with chariots and horsemen... " Military might.
48:56 "and with ships... " Economic pressure.
49:00 "and shall enter into the countries and overflow
49:03 and pass over. "
49:06 I want you to think now.
49:07 I want you think about history, just about history.
49:11 Because Bible prophecy stands by itself.
49:15 History simply confirms it... that's all history does.
49:18 Have events taken place in history
49:23 in the time of the end...
49:25 Now understand: the time of the end is from 1798 AD onward
49:28 where the papacy that was once wounded
49:33 by atheism has turned around
49:38 and come against atheism like a whirlwind,
49:41 brought it down with the help of the United States
49:45 and economic pressure. And then entered into the
49:47 countries - the atheistic countries -
49:49 and overflown and passed over?
49:51 Yes. It's unbelievable when you think about it
49:54 because I want to tell you a few things. First of all,
49:56 when... let me tell you my testimony.
50:00 1984. Ronald Reagan was just elected president
50:04 by a landslide vote. Every state in the union
50:08 voted for him except for? Wisconsin,
50:12 which was Mondale's home state or was it Minnesota?
50:15 Minnesota and D.C.
50:18 Every... it was a landslide.
50:20 Ronald Reagan's in and he decides to send
50:24 an ambassador to the Vatican.
50:27 Now he already decided that in 1981.
50:30 Probably didn't know that, but he couldn't do it.
50:32 Do you know why he couldn't do it? Because there was a law
50:34 on the books from 1867 that prohibited sending an ambassador
50:38 to the Vatican because it was a violation of church and state
50:40 separation.
50:43 So that wall had to come down.
50:44 Well it already began to come down.
50:46 It had already begun to come down.
50:48 When we sent that ambassador to the Vatican in 1984
50:51 it already came down... began to come down.
50:53 Now... moving on.
50:55 So Ronald Reagan's in.
50:57 I'm out in the world partying with my friends
50:59 because nuclear weapons are being pushed into western Europe
51:02 and let's just eat and drink because tomorrow we're
51:04 going to die 'cause he's just going to blow us to smithereens.
51:08 There's just going to be this nuclear holocaust.
51:10 All the movies are telling us about it.
51:11 You know, just like they are today.
51:12 It's you know, this or that or the other.
51:14 And in 1984 I begin to study with Seventh-day Adventists.
51:18 Now the reason I'm studying with Adventists is because my
51:19 sister... I've become a Christian. My sister...
51:22 I'm really cutting out a lot here... my sister's studying
51:25 with Adventists and she starts telling me about this idea
51:28 of going to church on Saturday and not eating meat.
51:29 I'm thinking: "This girl is in a cult
51:31 and I need to get her out. " She's my twin sister.
51:33 So I began to study with Adventists... not to become
51:35 an Adventist but to get my sister out of the church.
51:37 But as I start studying with these Adventists
51:39 and they're going through the Bible and Bible verses
51:41 I'm learning how to study the Bible. I'm thinking:
51:43 "This is fantastic! "
51:45 I've never seen anything like this before.
51:48 I thought the Bible was for the priest.
51:49 I was raised a Catholic. I thought the Bible was for
51:50 the pastor. I can understand the Bible; I can interpret...
51:53 So give me two of those lessons, give me three of those lessons.
51:55 Let me go on Bible studies with you.
51:56 She was baptized in July; I was baptized in November
51:58 of 1984. So I'm an on-fire Adventist.
52:01 But there was one thing that bothered me:
52:04 the Adventists taught according to Revelation 13
52:08 and Daniel chapter 2 and Daniel chapter 7
52:10 the Adventists taught that the entire world was going to follow
52:14 the beast - follow the papacy - and receive the mark.
52:16 I'm thinking: "Wait a minute. What about USSR? "
52:19 You remember those guys?
52:20 Some of us have forgotten about these guys.
52:22 But back in the day when I became an Adventist that was
52:24 HUGE in my mind. I was thinking:
52:26 "They've got more tanks. They've got more nuclear weapons.
52:28 They've got more subs. They've got more everything!
52:30 They're swallowing up the world.
52:31 And this prophecy is saying that all the world is going to
52:34 follow the papacy. They're never going to do that. "
52:35 You see? So I had to choose.
52:38 Am I going to go by current events - by what I see
52:41 happening in the world - or am I going to go
52:42 by the Word of God?
52:44 And friends, every one of us is going to be faced with that
52:47 choice over and over again.
52:49 Today we're faced with it again with the Muslims, with Islam.
52:51 Every one. Are we going to go by what God is saying
52:54 in His Word or are we going to go by what current news
52:56 is telling us? And I tell you what,
52:58 if you listen to the radio long enough and you listen to
53:00 the news long enough and you imbibe yourself with all that
53:02 stuff long enough, you're going to start hating Muslims.
53:04 It's just inevitable.
53:06 You know God says we should be praying and interceding for all
53:09 men. We should not hate any man.
53:11 But you know, when was... What were you thinking
53:14 when he was taken out? You know who I'm talking about, right?
53:17 Not talking about Obama... talking about Osama.
53:25 What were you thinking? Yes!
53:28 Yes... got him! Finally.
53:31 See, we're called out of that kind of thinking.
53:35 We're called out of that kind of thinking.
53:37 And the only way you're going to come out of that kind of
53:39 thinking is your brain into the Word of God
53:42 and think of what things are good and true and honest
53:44 and of good report. Jesus loved His enemies.
53:47 He loved Herod; He loved Pilate.
53:49 He loved His enemies, and God is calling us to be like Him.
53:52 So I'm thinking: "There's no... I just... "
53:55 But I had to accept the Word of God.
53:57 Five years later that step of faith was rewarded
54:02 mightily. See, that's what prophecy is all about.
54:05 We follow the Word of God... what the Word of God says.
54:09 And you know when Communism fell?
54:10 Time Magazine had a full article on it.
54:12 You know what the title of the magazine was called?
54:14 The article on the fall of Communism?
54:15 Days of the Whirlwind.
54:17 Days of the Whirlwind.
54:19 They attributed the victory to John Paul II in Life Magazine.
54:24 In U.S. News and World Report they had a picture of
54:26 John Paul II and Mikhail Gorbachev.
54:28 You know what the title was? Gorby's Bow to Roman Legions.
54:33 I mean it just sends chills up my spine when I think about
54:36 how God has outlined Bible prophecy.
54:39 Now notice this 'cause we're not done yet.
54:40 The Jesuits were sent in to evangelize these countries
54:43 where the Catholic church was outlawed.
54:45 They weren't even allowed to have churches in there.
54:47 "He shall enter in... overflow and pass over. "
54:50 Notice verse 41:
54:52 "He will enter also into the Glorious Land
54:54 and many shall be overthrown. But these shall escape
54:57 out of his hand, even Edom, Moab, and the children
55:00 of Ammon. " Daniel 11. Just read Isaiah 11
55:03 11 and onward and you'll know who Edom, Moab, and the
55:06 children of Ammon are.
55:08 They are those people who are now enemies of God
55:10 but are going to come in under the loud cry.
55:12 That word "escape" as was shared by Bro. Steve Bohr
55:16 is the same word delivered in Daniel 12 verse 1.
55:19 Going on quickly.
55:22 Verse 42: "He shall stretch forth his hand also
55:26 upon the countries and the land of Egypt shall not escape. "
55:28 Egypt again: atheism, Communism, secularism.
55:32 There are other strongholds out there
55:34 that haven't fallen yet but they're going to.
55:36 Why? Because Revelation 13 says "everyone. "
55:39 See, Daniel 11 and Revelation 13
55:41 if you follow your outline on the back - I don't know if you
55:43 noticed there's another page there on the back -
55:46 you're going to see fourteen prophetic parallels
55:49 between Revelation 13 and 14 and Daniel 11:40 to 12:3.
55:54 Fourteen prophetic parallels...
55:56 and we're just looking at a few of them right now.
55:59 What's another one? Well look at this.
56:01 This is so powerful.
56:02 "But he shall have power... " - verse 43-
56:04 "over the treasures of gold and silver and all the precious
56:07 things of Egypt. "
56:10 So no man can buy or sell.
56:12 So no man can buy or sell.
56:14 "But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall" What?
56:18 The east is where the seething angel comes from in
56:21 Revelation chapter 7 and the north is where the
56:23 true king of the North comes from in Isaiah 41:25.
56:26 The people that are sharing these tidings
56:29 are people that are preaching about the seal of God -
56:32 Sabbath - and the second coming of Jesus
56:34 and they are called Seventh-day Adventists.
56:39 You're right here in Bible prophecy. Did you know that?
56:41 You are in Daniel 11 verse 44.
56:45 But you're going to be causing a little bit of trouble
56:48 for this power.
56:49 He's going to seek to go forth "with great fury to destroy
56:52 and utterly make away many. " Are you ready for that time?
56:56 Maybe not, but Jesus has promised us
56:59 that He'll give us the Spirit that we need
57:01 when the need arises. Amen!
57:03 Our job is to keep our focus on Him,
57:05 to put our trust in Him,
57:06 and to follow Him wherever He goes. Amen!
57:11 We've run out of time this evening, but you've got the
57:13 outline. There's more studies on this that you can get
57:15 if you just want to get ahold of us.
57:17 There's a lot for us to study; there's a lot for us to learn;
57:19 there's a lot for us to understand. But at least
57:21 we've got some corners and some edges. Amen?
57:22 Amen! Let's pray together this evening.
57:24 Father in heaven, I just want to thank you again
57:26 for Your prophetic words.
57:27 I want to thank you for the waymarks.
57:29 I want to thank you for this beautiful picture that we have


Revised 2014-12-17