Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Daniel 9

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000015

00:47 Welcome once again to Pillars of Prophecy
00:49 during Spring Camp Meeting for 3ABN the year 2012.
00:54 And we are praising the Lord.
00:56 And we're praising the Lord because we're hearing
00:57 the preaching of the Word. Amen?
00:59 Amen. Amen. We have a wonderful crowd here
01:01 that has again come from different parts
01:04 of the United States and from other places of the world.
01:07 We praise the Lord that now we are on chapter 9
01:11 of the book of Daniel... a very powerful chapter.
01:14 And I believe you're going to be blessed as the speaker
01:17 for this hour is Pastor John Lomacang
01:20 who many of you know from the program House Calls.
01:24 Very... Program on demand on 3ABN.
01:28 Many people write their questions in.
01:30 And Pastor John Lomacang is also the pastor of
01:32 the Thompsonville Seventh- day Adventist church.
01:34 But one thing you will notice is that he loves Jesus Christ
01:38 and he wants the message of the Bible to come clear and powerful
01:43 to the people. So therefore he has prepared
01:46 through hours of study plus a lot of prayer.
01:49 And we know that the Lord will bless because he's depending
01:53 totally on the Holy Spirit. Amen.
01:55 We are going to... Before Pastor John Lomacang speaks
01:58 we have a beautiful hymn. Reggie was sharing some of the
02:02 words with me. I never heard it before.
02:04 But you're going to be blessed by the message in song.
02:07 It is entitled Hold On.
02:09 Before that we're going to have prayer.
02:12 And we'd like to ask you to stand.
02:15 Please stand. And we're going to pray and ask for the Lord to
02:17 bless this program with the Holy Spirit.
02:21 Let us pray together.
02:23 Our loving heavenly Father,
02:25 we thank you, Lord, that we can study the scriptures together.
02:30 Not only those of us here can be blessed but people
02:33 all over the world. We pray, Lord, for Your servant
02:36 Pastor John Lomacang.
02:39 We pray, Lord, that that which he has studied
02:43 will be fresh upon his mind.
02:45 But we also pray, Lord, that every word will come
02:49 from Your throne of grace.
02:51 We pray that the words will be clear
02:53 and that the message will be understood.
02:56 We pray that if need be - just as You sent to Daniel -
02:59 You will send angels to help us understand.
03:03 We pray, heavenly Father, for a blessed experience.
03:08 We ask for Your name to be glorified.
03:11 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen!
03:15 It's my privilege to introduce once again
03:17 Bro. Reggie Smith. The name of the song is Hold On.
03:22 And after this you will hear the preaching of God's Word
03:25 and His servant John Lomacang. May the Lord bless.
03:45 You might be clinging to the last
03:50 thread of hope in your heart.
03:57 You might be wond'rin
04:00 if God even knows
04:04 who you are.
04:09 So tired of waiting for your best life to begin
04:17 and now you're thinkin' 'bout
04:20 just giving up on Him.
04:26 Hold on a little longer,
04:31 hold on a little stronger.
04:34 The night will pass, the pain won't last.
04:39 Hope is never gone.
04:42 Hold on... and while you're waiting
04:47 press on and keep on prayin'
04:50 till you're back
04:52 to the place where you belong.
04:58 Trust Jesus
05:02 and hold on.
05:06 He promised He would never leave you,
05:11 you are not alone.
05:15 No matter where you are right now
05:19 you're never far from home.
05:22 So don't give up and don't give in
05:27 and don't think you can't
05:29 smile again.
05:34 Hold to God's unchanging hand.
05:41 Hold to God's
05:44 unchanging hand.
05:48 Hold on a little longer,
05:52 hold on a little stronger
05:56 till you're back to the place
05:59 where you belong.
06:03 Trust Jesus
06:07 and hold on
06:16 till you're back to the place where you
06:21 belong.
06:24 Trust Jesus
06:27 and hold on.
06:39 Just hold on!
06:53 Amen.
07:00 Is that powerful or what?
07:02 Amen! Hold on.
07:04 So I think you'd better do what Reggie just suggested...
07:09 hold on... because we're about to open a book in...
07:12 in the Bible that is probably one of the central reasons
07:18 why confusion and truth often have a collision.
07:24 I'd like you to bow your heads with me as we ask the Lord
07:27 to lead. He has been leading all weekend long,
07:29 but we never take for granted whenever we stand
07:32 where only God has the right to stand.
07:37 Heavenly Father, we pray that right now
07:39 You would take this message
07:42 that You have given me the responsibility to work on
07:46 and now empower it, Father, to reach the hearts and lives
07:50 of those watching and listening and those even under the power
07:55 of Your presence right here.
07:59 Accomplish Your purpose I pray.
08:01 In Jesus' precious name, Amen.
08:05 Now it is on Daniel 9.
08:09 Let me just say something before I take off.
08:14 I don't mean I'm going to run off the stage.
08:17 I'm going to be standing still running.
08:20 That's even more powerful.
08:24 This is probably... if you could think of prophecies
08:29 in the Bible... this is probably one of the single-most
08:32 powerful prophecies confirming the divinity of Jesus:
08:36 Daniel chapter 9.
08:39 And so I thought about what to title it.
08:41 Rather than just saying the 70 weeks or the 490 years
08:45 or time prophecy I decided to entitle that
08:48 Timing Is Everything.
08:51 Timing IS everything. If it were not so,
08:53 we would not have prophecy. As a matter of fact,
08:56 the very nature of prophecy is to keep us in sync
08:59 with heaven's agenda.
09:01 Timing is everything.
09:03 Isaiah the prophet tells us that time...
09:05 and I paraphrase what he said...
09:07 he said "time is what prevents everything from happening
09:11 at once. " Now you think about that.
09:14 That's in fact true.
09:15 A man by the name of Charles Caleb Colton said
09:19 "Time is the most undefinable yet paradoxical of all things. "
09:25 Listen carefully. He said for example:
09:28 "The past is gone. The future has not yet come.
09:31 The present becomes the past even while we attempt to use it.
09:36 And like a flash of lightning the time that we thought
09:39 we had expires. "
09:42 Timing is everything.
09:44 Time motivated David the prophet to say -
09:47 or David the patriarch to say -
09:48 "Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of
09:54 wisdom. " Timing is everything.
09:57 When you think of that text it sounds like David is saying
10:00 that we ought to count our days.
10:02 But the truth of the matter is David is saying
10:04 we ought to make our days count
10:06 because we don't have a whole lot of them.
10:09 I've been losing the race
10:11 and I think some of you have been following me.
10:13 I go to the Facebook page sometimes and I...
10:15 I see that there was a time my hair was completely jet black.
10:20 Then there was a time when it was partially black and grey.
10:23 But at least the argument over whether or not my hair
10:26 is real has been settled.
10:33 Time has a way of making things that are really ridiculous
10:36 irrelevant as they often always were.
10:39 But God has given us time.
10:41 Time is the vehicle of prophecy,
10:44 and prophecy is the passenger of time.
10:48 Prophecy relies on time to unfold.
10:51 Prophecy forces us to wait for something
10:53 that doesn't wait for us
10:56 if in fact it is true that "time waits for no one. "
11:00 While Daniel was serving under Darius the Mede
11:04 he was instantly reminded of the captivity of his people
11:09 the Israelities and the reason why they were in captivity.
11:13 And the Lord spoke these words to him that he recorded
11:17 in a book that actually existed: Daniel 9 and verse 2.
11:21 Today if you are fast you can turn there,
11:23 but if not all the slides are going to be on the screen.
11:25 We have charts and all. And let me encourage you:
11:27 this is a serious topic that you want to get.
11:31 Let me tell you why.
11:33 Daniel 9 that I'm going to cover today
11:35 is going to be talking about the complete fulfillment
11:38 of every aspect of the 70-week prophecy
11:40 or the 490-year prophecy.
11:43 But last year in September I did a 5-part series
11:47 called Final Events.
11:49 And three of those parts dealt with the misinterpretation
11:52 of Daniel 9.
11:54 It even covers where the rapture theory came from.
11:56 Who began the rapture theory...
11:59 all the contributors to the rapture theory.
12:01 All the way up to even the debacle that happened
12:04 a few years ago or maybe last year with Harold Camping.
12:07 It covers all the popular books.
12:09 The Late Great Planet Earth.
12:11 The entire Left Behind series by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye.
12:15 It lets you see as one of the most recent magazines put out
12:19 that's been covering all the hype about 2012
12:22 National Geographic says well a Spectre magazine recently said
12:27 "The secret rapture is a belief that millions of Christians
12:31 embrace but they have absolutely no scriptural support for. "
12:37 National Geographic said that.
12:39 And I have a magazine I showed one of my members just recently.
12:42 It says the word "rapture" appears no place in scripture
12:45 and neither does the teaching.
12:47 But the misunderstanding of this prophecy gives it foundation.
12:50 We'll talk about where those misunderstandings came from.
12:53 But Daniel begins as he's under the rule of Darius
12:58 the Mede we read in Daniel 9 and verse 2:
13:19 You know it's amazing how something as friendly as time
13:22 when misused can become your greatest enemy.
13:25 One of the reasons why the children of Israel
13:28 were serving time is because they didn't value time.
13:32 God gave them time to serve Him
13:34 and they used time to serve themselves.
13:36 So now God gave them a definitive time -
13:38 70 years in captivity in Babylon -
13:41 and there was nothing they could do to turn back
13:43 the hands of time. Jeremiah 25:11
13:46 tells us about that prophecy of the captivity of the
13:50 children of Israel in the province of Babylon.
13:53 The Bible says:
14:10 When Daniel was in captivity he finally caught the message
14:13 that God intended time to teach him.
14:15 So instead of complaining about the time he had left
14:18 seeing that he could not shorten the 70 years
14:21 Daniel decided to use the time.
14:23 The question is: "How did he use the time? "
14:25 Daniel 9 and verse 3 records how he used the time.
14:30 Just like we should use the time we have. He said:
14:44 And from verse 4 to verse 19 Daniel prays diligently
14:49 confessing the sins of his people and confessing
14:53 his own sins and realizing the reason why he's in Babylon
14:57 is because he didn't use the time that God had given him
14:59 to serve God the way that God intended to be served.
15:04 But in the middle of Daniel's prayer
15:06 God sends a divine interruption.
15:10 Have you ever prayed and God sends a divine interruption?
15:13 Sometimes we pray and in the middle of our prayer
15:16 as we're waiting for the answer God sends the answer.
15:19 Can you say "Amen" to that?
15:21 Once God knows our hearts are willing
15:24 we don't always have to finish our prayers
15:27 to inform God of what our needs are.
15:29 He knows our needs before we ask.
15:31 But seeing the sincerity of Daniel's heart
15:34 pleading for God to forgive him and his people
15:37 God interrupts his prayer and that interruption
15:40 is recorded in Daniel 9 beginning with verse 20.
15:43 Look at the screen... this always amazes me. He says:
16:03 I like this...
16:17 That's an entire sermon right there... flying swiftly.
16:20 What do you say?
16:36 Now I want you to get this. This angel
16:39 according to what I understand was in heaven.
16:41 When Daniel began to pray God said
16:44 "Gabriel, go down and stay by the side of Daniel. "
16:48 Now I don't know how far heaven is, but if you read
16:51 the rest of the text he says:
17:03 So while one time period is winding down
17:06 God introduces another time period.
17:10 In other words, in the middle of the 70 years of captivity
17:14 God introduces the 70 weeks.
17:18 So while the captivity of the Israelites is winding down
17:21 God said: "Wait a minute.
17:23 I've got to make sure that the reason why you ended up here
17:29 does not get repeated. "
17:32 So God establishes a probationary prophecy -
17:36 a probationary prophecy -
17:40 so that He not only frees His people physically
17:44 but they are also freed spiritually.
17:49 So Daniel 9 verse 24 introduces this prophetic period.
17:54 What I call the probationary prophecy.
17:57 Notice the words of Daniel 9 verse 24:
18:09 And notice the six things. You'll see the green numbers;
18:13 follow them carefully.
18:14 As a matter of fact, say them with me:
18:36 If you're looking at this prophecy, it had to span
18:39 more than 70 literal weeks.
18:43 It had to be more than 490 days
18:46 because the arrival of the Messiah was more than 500 years
18:51 still in the future.
18:52 So God said to Daniel: "You're going to have time
18:55 to work on this one. " And that's what's nice about God.
18:57 You know, when we mess up God gives us time to work on
19:00 what we have gotten wrong. Can you say "Amen" to that?
19:02 God is not swift. God does not deal with us
19:05 according to our sins.
19:06 God is not a rush-to-judgment kind of God.
19:09 And when you look at this prophecy in hindsight
19:11 you think: "If I were the children of Israel,
19:13 I would have used my time wisely. "
19:17 But then again, how many of us are waiting till we find out
19:19 the exact date of Jesus' arrival to start acting right?
19:24 I've got to borrow that from C.A. - uh-huh.
19:33 Having the right date is not as important as
19:36 walking the right walk.
19:39 So they wanted the date, but God said: "I want the walk.
19:43 You want the date; I want the walk. "
19:44 Still more than 500 years were yet to pass.
19:47 So the prophecy of the 70 weeks would span a period of
19:51 490 years and the evidence for its length is cited
19:56 in Daniel 9 and verse 24. Notice this slide:
20:13 And the question is: to cut off from what?
20:16 There was a larger time period introduced a chapter earlier
20:23 that had to do with not only the rebuilding of Jerusalem
20:27 but all the way to the time where the final judgment
20:30 just before the coming of the Lord was to begin.
20:32 Look at that prophecy: Daniel 8 and verse 14.
20:35 Here is the larger period from which it was cut off.
20:37 The Lord said to Daniel:
20:50 So now let's look at this graphic together and begin
20:52 to build this prophecy. Notice this:
20:54 You find on the top that red bar spans the entire 2,300 day
20:58 prophecy - Daniel 8:14.
21:00 Below that you see a small red box which is the 70 weeks
21:04 of Daniel 9 beginning in verse 24.
21:06 In other words, the 70 weeks are cut off from this larger
21:10 period. The next slide shows you that it's not just
21:13 2,300 days but its 2,300 what? Years.
21:18 It's not just 490 days but it's 490 what? Years.
21:22 And we'll give you the beginning of that. In other words,
21:24 when this prophecy is understood
21:28 as God delivers it, it closes the door
21:32 to futurism, to dispensationalism,
21:35 and also to the secret rapture.
21:37 In other words, there is no secret rapture.
21:39 God does not deal with us differently from age to age.
21:43 He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
21:48 So God gave him a time period from which to work.
21:52 But He also established the beginning date
21:55 of when the 70 weeks as well as the 2,300 years would begin.
22:01 Look at Daniel 9 and verse 25.
22:03 I like to preach but today calls for teaching.
22:06 Daniel 9 verse 25... the Lord says:
22:31 There are those that are saying that in the future - not too far
22:35 from now - that there is going to be a re-establishment
22:38 of the sacrificial system in Jerusalem and that the Lord
22:41 is going to establish His kingdom in Jerusalem.
22:43 Let me tell you something: if I were God
22:45 I wouldn't want to go to the Middle East.
22:48 Come on... anybody in here understand?
22:51 Why go to a place that there is no peace.
22:53 Jerusalem signifies peace, and when you read Revelation
22:57 Revelation talks about the New Jerusalem
23:00 not the old Jerusalem.
23:02 The old Jerusalem is the Bible land, not the holy land.
23:06 The holy land is in heaven. What do you say? Amen.
23:09 But dispensationalists have twisted the understanding of
23:12 this prophecy and many of them are looking to the Middle East
23:15 for the place where God is going to establish His kingdom,
23:17 begin to convert the Jews then convert the world.
23:22 And the secret rapture... The people all of a sudden start
23:24 disappearing from everywhere. That's not anywhere found
23:27 in scripture. But how do they get to that actual view
23:30 is a real question. There are two other dates.
23:33 How many dates did I say? Two other dates.
23:35 They are valid dates but they cannot bring the entire
23:38 70-week prophecy to its fulfillment.
23:41 If you begin with those dates you never get all the aspects
23:44 of the prophecy to come to fulfillment.
23:45 Follow very carefully.
23:47 Look at one of those incorrect dates that have scriptural
23:50 support. Here's the first one given by Cyrus.
23:52 The 70 weeks... Look at the chart right here.
23:55 The 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24... Cyrus, he gave a decree
24:01 but that was not the decree that God had intended
24:03 because the decree that Cyrus had given was for the rebuilding
24:07 of the temple - not for the complete restoration
24:10 of the Jews. And if you begin in 539 BC...
24:12 Look at that one more time. If you begin in 539 BC
24:15 and go to 40... It takes you 490 years later
24:19 and you only get... you only get to 49 BC.
24:22 You're not in AD yet.
24:24 Christ... nothing about that prophecy gets fulfilled.
24:27 Look at the next incorrect date, the next slide.
24:30 This is the next incorrect date: a decree given by Darius
24:35 also to build the temple at Jerusalem.
24:38 That began in 520 BC. 490 years later takes you simply
24:42 to 30 BC. Not enough time for the Messiah to come...
24:46 because BC means what? Before Christ. All right!
24:50 These are the two dates that rapturists often use.
24:53 So when you try to get all those six things that we outlined
24:57 to occur. When you begin to understand Daniel 9:24-27
25:00 and try to get that to fit within these two time frames -
25:03 Cyrus and Darius - it just doesn't fit.
25:05 It leaves a gap. It leaves a what? A gap.
25:09 That's why it's also called the "Gap Theory. "
25:11 So they said: "OK, let's make this work. "
25:13 So they fit all kinds of other rulers in that spot
25:16 and it doesn't fit.
25:21 But when you use the correct dates... Look at the next slide.
25:25 Given by Artaxerxes. And the text that supports that
25:30 is Ezra chapter 7 verses 11-28.
25:32 This picture shows you the correct timing
25:35 for the 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9:24.
25:38 Look at that with me.
25:39 The correct timing there? Artaxterxes.
25:41 Say that with me again. Artax... Now don't just say it,
25:44 try to spell it. Now I'm helping you; it's on the screen.
25:47 Now what I want you to do is commit yourself
25:50 to get this presentation. Not because I'm doing it.
25:53 Because you're going to run into people that believe the rapture
25:56 theory. Let me also encourage you: later on after sunset
26:00 to also - if you're watching - to also get your hands on
26:03 the Final Events DVD... because I can't spend the time
26:06 doing that now. But it breaks down every aspect of the
26:09 secret rapture.
26:12 When you begin with Artaxerxes every particular of the prophecy
26:16 comes to fulfillment. Can you say "Amen" to that?
26:19 Now let's look at that in detail.
26:20 Daniel 9 verse 25... look at the particulars.
26:41 Now the reason I repeated that is because I wanted you to see
26:44 the chart. Now it sinks in a little bit better.
26:46 So you begin from 457 BC.
26:49 You will follow that, and when you cross from BC to AD
26:52 what do you do? You add a year
26:55 because there's no year 0.
26:57 Can you imagine? When were you born? I was born
26:59 in 0. I was born March 3, 0.
27:03 There is no 0.
27:05 So when you switch from BC to AD you've got to add a year.
27:09 If you simply subtract 457 from 490,
27:13 you're going to get 33.
27:15 You've got to add that 1 for the changeover
27:17 to take you to 34 AD.
27:19 So the question is as we look at this outline again,
27:22 look at this next slide, let's begin to construct
27:24 this chart together. Here it is:
27:26 the 70 weeks... Daniel's outline.
27:29 And every particular... 457 BC
27:31 notice when we said: "Know therefore there shall be
27:34 seven weeks. " So the seven weeks fit.
27:37 Notice what happened in 7 weeks or 49 literal years.
27:41 From 457 BC Jerusalem was rebuilt in 408 BC
27:46 just as the prophecy predicted it would be. What do you say?
27:50 Amen. So that part of the prophecy is fulfilled.
27:53 "The wall shall be built again even in troublesome times. "
27:57 When you remember the story of Nehemiah. Remember that?
27:59 The people were in disrepair; the walls were broken down.
28:02 They couldn't get the thing finished, and God had spoken
28:05 to Nehemiah's heart. And he went and he finished the building
28:08 project in 52 days.
28:11 The Bible says they were convinced... they were convinced
28:17 that God was with Nehemiah and the people.
28:20 And the reason was the people had a mind to work.
28:23 The people had a what? Mind to work.
28:26 God sent Nehemiah to help the finishing process.
28:29 So Jerusalem was rebuilt in 408 BC.
28:33 That's the first aspect. Now let's look at it again.
28:35 You have 62 weeks that come up next.
28:37 After the 7 years you have 62 weeks or 434 years.
28:42 In other words, from 408 BC 434 years later
28:47 it takes us to what year? 27 AD
28:50 That's exact... That's math!
28:52 If you have math, that's just simply what we're doing... math.
28:56 So the question is: what happened in 27 AD?
29:02 Now wait a minute you theologians.
29:06 I want those who don't understand to see it unfold.
29:08 Acts chapter 10 and verse 38 tells us
29:11 what happened in 27 AD.
29:14 And remember, the Messiah was supposed to be anointed.
29:17 Remember that?
29:19 Acts 10 and verse 38. Look at the Bible:
29:21 I love the Bible. Praise the Lord for that.
29:25 Dr. Luke writes:
29:46 That's what happened in 27 AD.
29:48 Now you read in that text and you say: "But Pastor John,
29:51 it doesn't say a thing about 27 AD.
29:54 Somebody at home is saying: "I don't see any 27 AD in that
29:57 text. " Well... how do we know that Jesus was in fact
30:03 anointed in 27 AD?
30:05 How do we get the timing?
30:06 Line upon line... precept on precept.
30:10 Luke chapter 3 verse 1, verse 21 and verse 22.
30:15 Look at the screen:
30:50 Now let's look at the next graphic and begin to build
30:52 this part part because Tiberius Caesar is significant.
30:55 Notice between... look at the 62-week period there.
30:58 You see a small line, and if you can read that...
31:01 My graphic guy said that's too tiny, but some of you've got
31:04 great vision. I appreciate that.
31:06 Tiberius Caesar began to reign with his brother in 12 AD.
31:12 And the text says "In the fifteenth year of the reign of
31:17 Tiberius Caesar. "
31:19 Come on... math. Ready? 12 + 15 gives you what?
31:23 27. So far the Bible is correct.
31:27 What do you say? Amen. So Jesus showed up.
31:30 I used the title for the presentation:
31:32 Timing is Everything.
31:34 Let me just make a point... this is a sidebar.
31:36 I'm not going to take too much of my time to say this, but
31:38 this is what I want to say: Nothing that happens in heaven
31:42 happens by chance or by coincidence.
31:46 Sin is on a timetable.
31:50 The Bible says no man knows the day nor the hour
31:52 of the coming of the Lord... but God knows!
31:55 If God didn't know, the Bible wouldn't say so.
31:58 "No, not the angels of heaven but... " What?
32:01 "My Father only. " God knows!
32:04 And there are those who say "Well we delay the coming
32:07 of the Lord. " No, the Bible says
32:09 "Some people say 'the Lord delayeth His coming. ' "
32:11 He knows the day, and that's why He says
32:13 we can't say that the power to speed up the coming of Christ
32:17 is in our hands. And let me ask you the question:
32:20 in whose hand in here is the power to speed up
32:23 the coming of the Lord?
32:24 It's your responsibility to do the work of the Lord.
32:27 If you don't do it, the rocks and the trees will do it.
32:29 And the mountains will do it. But God is not going to say:
32:32 "You know, those folk down there in Thompsonville have
32:35 put off My coming for 15 years.
32:37 I wish they would hurry up so the rest of the world
32:39 can be happy. " Let me tell you something:
32:41 He said: "I'm going to come at an hour that you think not
32:44 to appoint you your portion with the hypocrites. "
32:47 Let us never think... Now we can hasten,
32:50 we can work diligently,
32:52 to bring about the coming of the Lord.
32:54 That's why 3ABN is committed to carrying the gospel
32:57 24 hours 7 days a week around the world. Amen.
33:00 That's why there are churches all over the world
33:01 preaching this three angels' messages in the last days:
33:04 so that people can hear the gospel.
33:06 Because there's another component there.
33:08 He says: "When the gospel of the kingdom...
33:10 when this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all
33:13 the world for a witness unto all nations... "
33:15 Come on now... what's the rest?
33:16 "THEN shall the end come. "
33:20 That's where we have the part to play.
33:23 But if you don't fulfill your part,
33:26 God's going to get somebody else to do it.
33:27 As a matter of fact, can you imagine somebody saying
33:29 "I am not going to let Jesus come; I just don't want Him
33:32 to come... so I'm not going to do anything. "
33:35 And the Lord's gonna say: "This is one person
33:38 that's holding Me up. " That's not heaven's timetable.
33:41 God knew at the entrance of sin how much time He was
33:45 going to give for sin to run its course.
33:50 And thus nothing that happens in heaven
33:53 happens by coincidence.
33:54 It's all based on the time of God's Word.
33:58 As a matter of fact, look at Galatians...
33:59 Galatians 4 and verse 4.
34:04 Jesus came right on time. Timing is everything.
34:07 Galatians 4:4 reads as follows:
34:19 God had the timing. Timing is everything.
34:25 The very nature of prophecy is to keep us on schedule
34:30 with heaven. That's why Daniel 9 verse 26 gives us
34:35 the second half. We already covered the first 49 years.
34:38 Jerusalem was rebuilt.
34:40 Then we just peeked at the next 434 years.
34:44 Jesus was anointed... He was baptized
34:46 and His ministry began in the year 27 AD.
34:50 Let's go to the next part.
34:52 What's going to happen after that 62 weeks?
34:54 Daniel 9 verse 26... the Bible says:
35:08 Brethren, these next 4 or 5 verses that I'm going to share
35:12 with you show you how significant timing is.
35:15 When Jesus came to the earth... and I want you to stay up...
35:17 When Jesus came to the earth everything about His life
35:23 was based on the words of the prophets.
35:27 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi,
35:30 Ezekiel... You can keep going down, minor and major prophets,
35:33 they were all fulfilled.
35:35 "A virgin shall conceive... "
35:37 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given. "
35:40 Everything. And when you read the words of Christ,
35:42 He often said: "This happened that the words of Isaiah
35:46 might be fulfilled. "
35:47 "I will speak to these people; they are the ones that are
35:50 deaf. " He says: "They close their ears. "
35:51 Isaiah the prophet said that a long time ago.
35:53 And when Jesus came the Jews rejected Him
35:55 and He said: "THIS is the fulfillment
35:57 of Isaiah the prophet. "
35:59 When He stood up and read He said: "This is the fulfillment
36:01 of Jeremiah the prophet. "
36:03 Everything that happened in the life of Christ was foretold.
36:06 He came because He... get this...
36:09 was a part of constructing the schedule of heaven.
36:14 He said: "I've got a datebook here. Got some dates I need to
36:17 fulfill. " And He came down here.
36:22 I like to say it this way: "He took a vacation from...
36:25 He took a vacation from creating constellations
36:28 and galaxies to spend some time with us. "
36:31 "The Word became flesh. "
36:34 He said: "Let me lay aside My powerful divinity
36:38 and go spend some time with My ever-loving humanity. "
36:42 And the very people to which He had submitted this
36:45 gospel were the very ones that rejected Him.
36:48 Thus this probationary prophecy was very necessary
36:50 to make sure that if they were converted
36:54 they would be converted based on God's timetable
36:58 and according to God's pre-determined agenda.
37:02 Nobody's converted on their own terms.
37:05 Nobody's baptized on their own terms.
37:09 And none of us is going to heaven on our own terms.
37:13 It's always by the Word of God.
37:16 Look at the word of Jesus.
37:17 All of these time prophecies made it very, very clear
37:19 that Jesus understood that everything had a time.
37:22 As a matter of fact, when Jesus preaches His last
37:24 public sermon just before the Last Supper with His disciples
37:27 listen to what He said: John 12 and verse 23.
37:30 This is what He said:
37:40 Notice what He said: "The hour has come... "
37:42 "This was foretold; this was predicted;
37:44 I knew this was coming. "
37:46 As a matter of fact, when His mother at the wedding of Cana
37:49 when she said to Jesus: "Give them some wine;
37:53 give them... they're running out of stuff to drink. "
37:55 He says: "Woman, what do you have to do with Me? "
37:58 He said to her: "My hour has not yet come. "
38:02 All about time. Look at the next one.
38:05 John 12 verse 27.
38:08 When Jesus told the multitude about His crucifixion
38:10 and His crucifixion was at hand He said in John 12 verse 27...
38:14 He said what?
38:27 He knew this was the hour.
38:30 Because there were many attempts that were made
38:31 on the life of Christ. There were times that they had
38:34 backed Jesus up to a precipice and they said:
38:36 "We've got Him now. "
38:38 And He walked right through the midst of them.
38:40 You know why? Because His hour had not yet come.
38:44 Here's another one: Mark 14 verse 41.
38:47 Laying the foundation for that Jesus prayed
38:49 in the Garden of Gesthemane just before He was arrested.
38:52 Just before the mob came to arrest Him, He's praying
38:54 with His disciples and they can't even stay awake.
38:58 But notice what He said:
39:18 He said: "This is the... You! This is the hour
39:21 that you should be praying for Me
39:24 and you're sleeping and resting. "
39:26 So you know, when I read that I could no longer get upset
39:29 with folk that sleep in church.
39:32 None of you are sleeping today, by the way.
39:34 Praise the Lord for that.
39:35 But another time prophecy: when Judas approached Jesus
39:39 with the chief priest to get ready to arrest Jesus
39:42 notice what else He said found here in Luke 22:53.
39:47 Once again, all about time.
39:48 He said... He said to the chief priest:
40:03 "This is your hour. " "This is the hour that Daniel
40:07 said I am going to be cut off.
40:09 I'm not going to be cut off for Myself.
40:11 This is the cut off hour.
40:12 This is the hour that I've got to give my life as a ransom
40:16 for many. " And I praise the Lord today that I can preach
40:18 this prophecy and say one of the verifying factors
40:21 is we're living 2012 AD... Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord.
40:25 What do you say? Amen. So whether you are atheist,
40:27 agnostic, or you don't even believe in anything
40:30 you cannot hide the fact that we are in 2012
40:33 in the year of our Lord.
40:35 Not in the year of Mohammed.
40:38 Not in the year of Buddha.
40:40 Not in the year of the Age of Aquarius.
40:43 In the year of our Lord. What do you say? Amen.
40:46 2012 years we've been in the year of our Lord.
40:50 So history verifies that Christ was here.
40:53 But the prophecy said He would not be cut off for Himself.
40:58 Daniel said He'll be cut off in the middle of the last 7 years.
41:03 Daniel also said He would not be cut off because of something
41:07 He'd done. And Isaiah the prophet agreed with Daniel.
41:10 As a matter of fact, Isaiah the prophet wrote
41:12 before even Daniel wrote
41:14 why Jesus was going to be cut off.
41:16 Look at Isaiah 53 and verse 8 together.
41:19 Isaiah 53 and verse 8 says:
41:31 He was stricken because His people rejected Him.
41:34 As a matter of fact, He came... in John 1:1 He said:
41:36 "I came to My own and My own did not receive Me. "
41:38 But just so that you don't think the Jews were the ones
41:41 that were responsible, He died for OUR sins.
41:45 I've heard some people say "Well man, I wouldn't want to be
41:48 the Jews. " It's not about nationality...
41:52 it's about spirituality.
41:54 It's not about your place of origin...
41:59 it's about your place of destination.
42:02 So oftentimes you get caught up: "Well I'm from this country,
42:04 that country. " The Lord says: "I came to save
42:06 the entire world. "For God so loved the Caribbean
42:09 that He gave His only begotten Son. "
42:12 What did He say? "For God so loved the world
42:15 that He gave... " So let's not beat up the Jews
42:18 all the time 'cause I believe that there are some people...
42:21 I lived in New York City, and there were some Jews
42:25 that walked around with black shirts and big bold lettering:
42:27 Jews for Jesus.
42:29 Some of them got it. Can you say "Amen" to that?
42:31 Amen. And so there are many that are still going to be
42:34 converted... but not the way the dispensationalists say.
42:37 There are many yet to accept Jesus.
42:40 Now let's look at the chart as we begin to build this
42:42 factor together. The chart now shows you where we are.
42:45 Daniel's outline: "After 62 weeks... "
42:48 You have the 62 weeks: 434 years.
42:51 Jerusalem is rebuilt. Jesus is anointed in 27 AD.
42:55 Then you only have one week left
42:59 or seven years left.
43:02 Notice half a week, half a week? You have one week left.
43:05 How many weeks do you have left? One.
43:07 How many days in a week? Seven.
43:09 So you have 3-1/2 years and 3-1/2 years.
43:12 Jesus was cut off in the middle
43:16 of the seven years.
43:19 In the middle of the week He was cut off.
43:25 And when you look at that the Bible writers make it
43:27 very, very clear. Paul the apostle,
43:29 when he was looking back at the crucifixion of Christ,
43:32 he made it clear. Even... even after
43:35 the crucifixion had occurred, Paul - by the unction
43:38 of the Spirit of God - made sure that those in the New Testament
43:41 church that were not privy or knowing of Jesus when He
43:45 walked the earth, he reminded them that what happened
43:47 to Christ was all about time.
43:50 Look at Romans 5 and verse 6.
43:53 Paul said... and this is the NIV. I like the way
43:56 it's said there. He said... Romans 5 and verse 6:
44:10 Who knows the King James version?
44:13 "For in due time Christ died for the ungodly. "
44:17 "In due time" is the way the King James version says it.
44:20 But Paul says: "Just at the right time. "
44:23 27 AD... at the right time.
44:27 No time earlier... no time later.
44:29 And there are questions that come up as you begin to
44:31 look at that because people try to say: "Well,
44:36 this thing can't be so accurate because the Bible
44:39 had to be written by faulty men. "
44:41 I'm putting together a new series of lessons right now
44:43 that says the Bible was not written by faulty men.
44:46 The Bible was written by holy men.
44:49 "Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. "
44:54 God didn't choose people with a beer in one hand
44:56 and a cigarette in the other and a pen in the other.
44:59 He made sure that their lives were imbued by the presence
45:03 and power of the Holy Spirit
45:05 so that He could use them as honorable vessels.
45:08 That's why He used a tax collector - now converted.
45:11 And he made it very, very clear...
45:13 He made it very, very clear that this is truly all about time.
45:17 Look at Matthew chapter 26 and verse 18
45:19 how He made it very clear. Concerning the Passover weekend
45:22 just before Jesus was crucified Matthew wrote these words:
45:36 But now we get down to the very significant, nitty gritty
45:40 part of the 70-week prophecy...
45:43 the 490th... because there are some parts not yet fulfilled.
45:46 As a matter of fact, we don't want to leave any gaps.
45:48 What do you say? The gaps have to all be filled in.
45:51 Daniel 9 verse 27 now takes us to the next part.
45:54 Daniel 9:27... the Bible says:
46:11 Now when you think about that...
46:13 Let's look at this chart. I want you to see this right now.
46:15 The chart is very... I'm going to explain it as we go.
46:17 Here it is... Daniel's outline again.
46:20 "He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week. "
46:23 Sixty-two weeks after that - 434 years -
46:27 the Messiah anointed. You see Jerusalem rebuilt.
46:29 Then you see Jesus cut off in the middle. And after Jesus
46:32 was resurrected, where did He go?
46:36 Come on... talk to me. Where did He go?
46:38 He went to heaven.
46:39 He didn't go and begin to preach to the New Testament church.
46:43 So it almost seems as though there's some kind of
46:47 problem in the prophecy because it says: "He shall
46:50 confirm His convenant with many for... " How many weeks?
46:53 "for one week. " So, how is He going to do that
46:57 when He's not here?
46:59 Ah... I think we've found a gap.
47:02 No we didn't.
47:04 God's Word is sure.
47:08 Hebrews chaper 2 and verse 3.
47:10 Here it is. There are no gaps.
47:14 There are no gaps with Jesus.
47:17 Here it is:
47:41 Now follow carefully.
47:42 Who heard Him? Tell me... who heard Him?
47:44 The disciples heard Him.
47:47 Who heard Him? The apostles heard Him.
47:49 They heard Him so well that He says:
47:52 "I do great works but greater works than these...
47:56 than these will you do. " So when Jesus left...
47:58 Remember the whole 70-week prophecy was about
48:02 probationary time for who? For the Israelites.
48:05 For the Jews. So therefore if there's still 3-1/2 years left
48:10 that's why when Jesus - before He left - He said:
48:12 "When you begin preaching the gospel, first go to the lost
48:15 sheep of the house of Israel. "
48:17 So on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out
48:20 it fell at Jerusalem. There were Jews that were there.
48:23 Devout men out of every nation.
48:25 And it was poured out on the Jews
48:29 because there were still 3-1/2 years left.
48:32 And the book of Acts unfolds in chronological sequence
48:36 unmistakably that God still gave the Jews
48:39 even after they crucifed Him...
48:41 Now let me tell you something: that is a loving God.
48:43 What do you say? Amen. He said: "You already nailed Me
48:45 to the cross but I'm giving you 3-1/2 more years left. "
48:50 Persecuted the apostles. Threw them in jail.
48:53 Stoned Stephen. And you know the story very, very well.
48:58 They stoned Stephen.
49:00 The final appeal to the nation of Jews -
49:03 Acts chapter 7 and Acts chapter 8-
49:05 Paul - the unconverted Paul - was there under the name
49:08 Saul... gave consent for the stoning of Stephen.
49:11 And that very year marked the closing.
49:14 But I am going to deal with these two very, very briefly -
49:16 very, very quickly though -
49:18 because there are still two main points left
49:22 for this prophecy to be completely fulfilled.
49:25 Now do you understand it so far?
49:28 OK. Let's deal with two parts.
49:30 I'm going to kind of do them in reverse
49:32 because the Bible also said not to leave out anything.
49:35 It said He's not only going to die in the middle of the week
49:37 but He's going to cause the sacrifices and the oblations
49:40 to cease. In other words: "I AM the Lamb of God
49:44 slain from the foundation of the world. "
49:46 "There's no need for another lamb... I AM the Lamb. "
49:51 I am so glad we don't have to take lambs' lives.
49:53 Can you imagine?
49:55 It'd be a bloody world.
49:57 I mean really... think about it.
50:00 The lambs were just dying where the people lived.
50:03 But can you imagine if we had to take lives?
50:05 That's why it's so ridiculous... It is so ridiculous
50:08 that evangelicals sometimes teach
50:11 that the sacrificial system is going to be reinstated
50:14 and the red heifer's going to be reinstated
50:16 and the sacrificial system's going to be reinstated.
50:18 And they say that we are saved by works?
50:22 You get that?
50:25 Salvation has always been by grace through faith
50:28 in Christ alone. Amen.
50:30 Well let's look at how Jesus brought the sacrificial system
50:33 to its end when He died. Mark 15 verse 37 and verse 38.
50:39 Because that has to come down; sacrifical system has to cease
50:42 because the BEST Lamb has just been sacrificed.
50:45 Notice the words of Mark:
51:04 Now if you said bottom to top you'd say "Somebody did that. "
51:07 But there was nobody... They were long past
51:10 the antediluvian age so there was nobody tall enough
51:13 to tear that curtain from the top to the bottom.
51:15 Now the reason why the Lord tore that from the top
51:17 to the bottom He made it very, very clear.
51:19 He said: "You house is left unto you desolate. "
51:22 "The Lamb, the chief corner- stone, the One that you kept
51:27 putting aside is the only means whereby you found
51:30 you could have salvation. "
51:31 As a matter of fact, He even said this to us.
51:33 And I want for you to get this clearly because sometimes
51:35 there are those of us who love studying our Bible.
51:37 There's nothing wrong with studying your Bible,
51:39 but remember what He said to the Jews.
51:42 I believe it's John 5 verse 39.
51:44 He said: "Search the scriptures
51:47 for in them you think you find eternal... "
51:49 He said: "You think you find eternal life...
51:51 but they are they which testify of Me. "
51:55 Here's the point He made. He said: "You'd rather study
51:57 the scritpures and I'm standing right here. You want the written
52:00 Word but hey, what's better than the Living Word? " Amen.
52:04 Now come on now... when we get to heaven we're not going to
52:06 have Bibles in heaven because we're going to have the Living
52:08 Word! There'll be no computers in heaven looking up scriptures.
52:13 We're going to have the Living Word right before us!
52:16 In the beginning was the Word and when all the written words
52:18 are gone the Word of God endures forever.
52:21 "He spake and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast. "
52:26 "By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made
52:28 and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. "
52:32 So before there was a need for the written Word
52:35 there was the Living Word.
52:38 Before there was a need for the written Word
52:41 after the Living Word became the spoken Word.
52:43 "He spake... " What was the first thing He said?
52:45 "Let there be light. "
52:48 Brethren, before there was a need for spiritual light
52:50 and physical light to hold in your hand
52:54 God dispelled the darkness that existed from the very beginning.
52:57 The entrance of God's Word brings light.
53:03 So that's how it was.
53:05 The sacrifical system came to its end.
53:08 That's why today those amongst our denomination
53:11 that still keep talking about we need to keep these feasts
53:14 and all these... whatever they want to do...
53:17 You can keep them if you want to.
53:18 No sin in keeping them...
53:20 but you can't find Jesus in those feasts
53:23 because the feast... the wave sheaf... has already been waved.
53:27 The firstfruit has already been offered.
53:30 The Lamb has already been slain.
53:32 And He ascended to heaven and His Father accepted
53:34 His sacrifice. Amen.
53:37 There's no more sacrifices needed.
53:40 But how does this thing wind down?
53:43 Well, you'll find not only did the sacrifical system end
53:49 but the gospel - the last appeal to the Jews -
53:51 ended when they stoned Stephen
53:53 and the gospel then went to the Gentiles.
53:57 Boom! That's us.
54:00 Acts 13 verse 46... our final scripture.
54:03 Acts 13 verse 46. Paul and Barnabas preached
54:06 a powerful Sabbath sermon and the entire city of Antioch
54:10 came together. They said: "That was a good sermon! "
54:12 So the entire city wanted to hear the message.
54:14 And the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together
54:17 to hear the Word of God.
54:18 And Paul and Barnabas preached their hearts out.
54:20 When the Jews saw the multitude they were filled with envy.
54:23 They said: "Who are all these people in our church?
54:25 We're the only ones worthy of salvation. "
54:27 That's why you'd better be careful when folk visit your
54:30 church. That's extra credit... that's not in the sermon.
54:35 Don't ever say that there's people that are from the outside
54:37 not worthy of eternal life... no matter how they look.
54:39 That was the problem the Jews had:
54:41 "They don't look like saved folk...
54:43 what are they doing in here? "
54:44 And they got so upset that people came in there
54:46 that didn't look like they belonged there they said
54:48 "Paul and Barnabas, we don't like the way you preach.
54:49 Get out of town. "
54:51 And this is what they said before they left town...
54:53 Acts 13 verse 46:
55:13 Can the Gentiles say "Amen? " Amen!
55:16 The Gentiles have now become spiritual Jews.
55:20 As God gave the literal Jews probationary time, brethren,
55:25 this prophecy says as Pastor Stephen Bohr and our
55:28 former speaker said there are spiritual applications
55:32 and there are literal applications.
55:33 God gave the literal nation of Israel probationary time.
55:37 He's given us now probationary time
55:39 to do the very things He told them to do:
55:42 "Make an end to sin. Get rid of transgression.
55:44 Get your life together
55:46 so that your life can be an oil of gladness
55:49 anointing the Most Holy. "
55:51 Last glimpse of the chart... the fulfilled chart.
55:54 Here it is:
55:56 the final week of Daniel's outline was fulfilled.
55:59 27 AD... this is just the last week.
56:02 27 AD Jesus was anointed.
56:05 31 AD Jesus was cut off.
56:08 34 AD the gospel went to the Gentiles.
56:11 The confirmation began with Jesus
56:15 and ended with His disciples.
56:17 The final week of Daniel's 70-week prophecy was fulfilled.
56:23 Now here's what that means.
56:25 Here's what that means. For those who still hold onto
56:27 the rapture... Brethren, I shudder to thinking
56:30 that there are those who spend millions and billions of dollars
56:34 buying Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins and Hal Linsdsey
56:36 and Harold Camping and all the like
56:39 and Francisco Ribera and Luis de Alcazar in Rome
56:43 and all those books on the secret rapture.
56:45 And Scofield and all these guys. Scofield Study Bible.
56:48 All those notes, those rapture notes.
56:50 I shudder to think that there are millions and millions
56:53 of sincere Christians looking for an event that will never
56:56 happen. But I want to say to you today:
56:57 timing is everything.
57:00 Jesus fulfilled the prophecy on time
57:02 and He's coming back on time. What do you say? Amen.
57:05 So today we've got a Lord that knows what time is all about.
57:08 That's why my time is almost done.
57:12 So I'm going to thank God that we made it through this.
57:14 What do you say? Amen!
57:16 For those watching: get this presentation.
57:18 Share it with your family members and also get
57:20 Final Events so you can under- stand the lie that is connected
57:24 to this false teaching called the secret rapture.
57:28 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17