Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Daniel 8

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Hiram Rester


Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000014

00:47 Well good afternoon, and we welcome you once again
00:50 to the 3ABN Worship Center
00:52 for our Spring Camp Meeting 2012
00:56 the Pillars of Prophecy event.
00:58 We were trying to think of a name to call this
01:01 and we settled on event because we just didn't know what else
01:05 to call it. When we conceive these things
01:09 we want it to give our audience a thorough idea of whatever
01:14 subject matter we are covering.
01:15 When we had Ten Commandments Weekend we wanted to
01:18 cover them thoroughly.
01:20 Now that we've moved into the Pillars,
01:23 particularly the book of Daniel, we want to do it thoroughly.
01:25 I want to say hello to friends,
01:29 husband and wife, who are watching.
01:31 I don't think I will call their names because they...
01:33 they tell me that when they have these Pillars of Prophecy
01:36 or when we have these Pillars of Prophecy events they don't go
01:38 to church. She said: "We get up in the morning
01:42 and we stay in our pajamas all day
01:45 and we just plop down in front of the television set
01:47 and we don't move except to go to the kitchen and grab food
01:51 and take care of other needs, but we don't even take showers"
01:54 she said. "We just plop down in front of the TV all day. "
01:57 That's what she said. "And we just get our notes out
01:59 and we just have a good time in the Lord. "
02:02 And she said: "We DO brush our teeth
02:04 but we don't do too much else. "
02:06 And so I want to say "Hi" to you; you know who you are.
02:11 But I'm not going to call your names.
02:13 Our speaker for this hour is Pastor Hiram Rester.
02:16 He comes to us from Springfield, Missouri.
02:19 He may not be known to many of you, but as he has come
02:24 we understand that he is a man of the Word
02:26 with an evangelist's heart and an evangelist's background.
02:29 He is a pastor but he also has a number of meetings
02:32 to his credit and God has used him in a marked and mighty way.
02:37 And he is going to be dealing with...
02:39 Daniel 8 is the subject that he has been assigned.
02:43 And we know that he is going to be a blessing.
02:45 His wife is with him with their I think it's 2-year-old
02:49 that has come. And we didn't see her today,
02:51 she was just minding the 2- year-old.
02:54 But they came out today and we got a chance to meet her.
02:56 They are a wonderful family team.
02:58 He did a little fishing yesterday during his break time.
03:01 I think he caught 14 bass.
03:03 He's a vegetarian so he threw them all back.
03:05 He's just fishing for exercise.
03:07 But he is a preacher and a fisherman.
03:09 And a fisher of men dare I say,
03:12 and God has blessed him. So we will hear from him now.
03:15 Our music for this hour is brought to us...
03:18 is going to be brought to us by someone who has
03:21 just in the last year or so moved to this area.
03:24 Celestine Barry lives just down the road a little bit.
03:27 They were in Chicago, but she has moved to this area.
03:31 And we found out one day in church that she could sing.
03:34 And of course that's a dangerous talent to have here
03:36 at 3ABN because we will press you into service.
03:39 And she was gracious enough to sing for one of our Anchors
03:43 and sings for church, and we thought we would expose her
03:46 to a wider audience here at Camp Meeting.
03:48 A wonderful person... she and her husband Mike
03:50 and two girls. And just a wonderful family
03:53 that we have come to know and love.
03:55 So if you will now pray with me, the voice you will hear
03:58 after our prayer will be that of Celestine Barry.
04:01 She's going to be singing I think it's Midnight Cry?
04:03 And then after she shall have completed her song then
04:08 our evangelist, our friend Hiram Rester
04:10 will bring us the study on Daniel chapter 8.
04:13 Shall we pray?
04:14 Gracious Father, again we do thank you
04:16 and praise you for another opportunity to hear the Word
04:19 of God. And though we have moved into the day
04:22 and our bodies are somewhat fatigued, we are made strong
04:27 because there is a strength that comes from the Word.
04:29 There is a power in the Word.
04:31 There is growth that comes from the Word. And so Father
04:34 we ask from You for Your speaker
04:37 for Your minister of music a special unction.
04:41 Bless Celestine; bless Pastor Hiram as they speak
04:45 through music and speak through the spoken word
04:48 and the preached word what You would have us to know.
04:52 May we receive a blessing and we thank you
04:55 in Jesus' name. Amen.
05:13 I hear the sound
05:18 of a mighty rushing wind.
05:26 And it's closer now
05:31 than it's ever been.
05:38 I can almost
05:40 hear the trumpet
05:45 as Gabriel sounds
05:47 the song.
05:52 At the midnight cry
05:58 we'll be going home.
06:04 When Jesus steps out
06:11 on a cloud to call His children
06:18 the dead in Christ will rise
06:24 to meet Him in the air.
06:31 And then those that remain
06:38 will be quickly changed
06:46 at the midnight cry
06:51 when Jesus comes again.
07:00 I look around me
07:04 and I see prophecies fulfilling.
07:13 And signs of the times
07:17 are appearing everywhere.
07:24 I can almost hear
07:27 the Father
07:31 say "Son, go get My children. "
07:39 At the midnight cry
07:44 the bride of Christ will rise.
07:51 When Jesus steps out
07:57 on a cloud to call His children
08:05 the dead in Christ will rise
08:11 to meet Him in the air.
08:18 And then those that remain
08:25 will be
08:26 quickly changed
08:32 at the midnight cry
08:38 when Jesus comes again...
08:46 At the midnight cry
08:54 our Lord will come
08:58 again...
09:03 will come
09:06 again.
09:13 Amen.
09:17 And everyone said? Amen. Amen.
09:20 What a blessing; praise the Lord.
09:22 It is great to be with you here once again.
09:24 And Jesus coming back... At the midnight cry
09:28 when Jesus comes again. I remember that song
09:31 from all the way back to my time in the Baptist church.
09:33 And I've loved that song for so many years.
09:36 What a powerful message as we look forward to the soon coming
09:40 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
09:43 We continue here with Camp Meeting today, and we're just
09:46 excited to see so many folk. And as we get started here
09:50 today somebody back stage commented
09:53 that folks were a little bit drowsy back there.
09:56 I can't tell you who I caught napping
10:00 right in his chair just a minute ago.
10:01 I just asked if I could tell that, and he said "No. "
10:05 So even though he introduced me today I can't tell you
10:08 that he nodded off just a bit. I can't... he said "No. "
10:11 And so I won't tell you his name, but he was nodding off
10:14 just a moment ago. And Danny said:
10:16 "Now go out there and keep us awake. "
10:18 And I'm like "that's kind of funny. You have me
10:19 speaking on Sabbath afternoon during nap time -
10:22 for lay activities, right? -
10:24 and you have me speaking about a dream a guy had when he
10:30 was asleep
10:33 and you want me to keep you awake? "
10:36 Well what doesn't add up about that?
10:38 I mean, that's what I'm trying to figure out
10:40 as we get started here.
10:41 BUT as we dig into it I do want to encourage you
10:44 to stay awake. Because as I've read my Bible, there's only
10:47 one place in the entire Bible that I found
10:50 where someone went to sleep while the preacher was
10:52 preaching. And do you know what happened?
10:56 We love you, and it was Eutychus, right?
10:58 He fell out of the window; he was taken up dead.
11:00 I'm not saying that's what happens if you go to sleep
11:02 while the preacher was preaching.
11:04 What I'm saying is we love you and we don't want to take any
11:06 chances. So I'm going to try to keep you awake.
11:08 Turn with me in your Bible to the book of Daniel chapter 8
11:12 and as we get into our message here today...
11:14 Oh, it's so exciting to get into the Word of God once again.
11:18 I told you yesterday as we got started about a
11:21 car accident that I had that ultimately led to...
11:25 to my family beginning to study these great truths
11:28 that I now have the privilege of presenting to you here today.
11:32 And as that began and I began to attend church
11:36 on Sabbath, there was something beginning to take place
11:39 in my life. All the way back when I attended that very first
11:41 Amazing Facts crusade God was speaking to me and saying
11:45 "Where that man is you are to be one day. "
11:48 And all the while I'm thinking "No way!
11:50 I'm going to be a chemical engineer. " That was my plan.
11:53 I didn't want anything to do with preaching.
11:55 Getting up front in front of a bunch of people.
11:57 Being all nervous and scared to do that.
12:00 I didn't want anything to do with that. No way!
12:02 I knew what I wanted. I wanted to be a chemical engineer
12:05 with an emphasis in environmental engineering.
12:07 I wanted a nice house, a 4-wheel-drive pick-up,
12:10 and a fast boat, and then the Lord could have anything
12:12 left over after that. That was my plan.
12:16 And I began to feel God calling me toward ministry.
12:20 and I heard a man down in church make a statement
12:22 to my Dad: "Bill, that son of yours is going to make
12:25 a fine preacher one day. " And when I heard that
12:26 I thought: "Oh, man. " It made me mad; it actually did.
12:29 You know, kind of down inside because I was running from
12:32 a call from God. Perhaps someone here today
12:34 is running from a call from God.
12:37 Well as time went on I ended up at Union College.
12:42 Right? And as I was at Union College
12:46 I joined a study group in the dorm.
12:48 And we studied once a week, and you could start any
12:50 conversation with anyone in college by asking this one
12:53 simple question: "So what's your major? "
12:56 Right? And they were always surprised.
12:59 I asked them what their major was and listened and talked.
13:01 And they would say: "What's you major? " And I would tell them
13:02 "Well I'm majoring in chemical engineering... in engineering. "
13:05 And they said: "You're not... you're not majoring in theology?
13:09 You're not planning to be a pastor? "
13:10 After we got done doing Bible study, and that would always
13:14 aggravate me.
13:16 Then one evening I'm studying with a friend of mine
13:20 and he's out there in the world somewhere today.
13:24 Last I heard he was ministerial director I believe in the
13:26 Middle East: Bern Yuot from Sudan.
13:29 What a powerful story and testimony he has.
13:31 Hello, Bern, if you're out there.
13:33 And you know, we were studying one night
13:37 and he said: "Hirman, how long are you going to continue
13:40 studying this engineering stuff and put off starting to
13:44 study for ministry that God is calling you to? "
13:46 I got aggravated.
13:49 I explained to him that I didn't really think that was his
13:53 concern... and I left.
13:56 I went back to my dorm room and that night I wrestled
13:59 with God all night back and forth.
14:02 And I don't know at what point I surrendered
14:04 but that night I surrendered to God's call.
14:06 The next morning I got up and I went in to drop chemistry.
14:09 I didn't need that level of chemistry.
14:12 I had already completed chemistry I
14:14 for chemical engineering. I would need the more
14:16 advanced chemistry. I walk in when the office opens.
14:19 I tell the lady who I had never really met
14:22 that I'm dropping chemistry. She said: "You can't do that.
14:25 You're a chemical engineering major. " I said: "Well,
14:27 I'm thinking about going a different direction. "
14:29 She said: "You're going to go into ministry, aren't you? "
14:32 I'm like: "Who's this lady been talking to? "
14:36 I then go to class at Union College later that day
14:39 and as I'm there I hear a man speaking
14:44 in a class that was for seniors.
14:46 I was just out of the Baptist church. I had been an Adventist
14:49 less than six months when I went up there.
14:51 And I didn't know if I would be able to afford to go back
14:54 any more and so I wanted to take a class called
14:57 prophetic guidance
14:58 because it was something I wanted to study more about.
15:00 And I had to go meet with the dean 'cause it was for seniors
15:03 at that time. And I said: "Look, I may never be in a school
15:06 like this again. This semester I am here...
15:08 I want to take the class. "
15:10 And he signed off and let me take it.
15:11 Well there was a man from Andrews there to talk to the
15:13 students about coming up to Andrews to take Master's classes
15:16 because these were seniors.
15:18 And as he concluded that day he said:
15:21 "If anyone is struggling with a call to ministry,
15:24 come and talk with me afterwards and I... or sign up
15:29 and meet with me during the week
15:31 and I'll be glad to pray with you and counsel with you
15:34 about that. " I had never heard anyone say anything like that
15:37 that way... before or since, actually.
15:39 And so I signed up to meet with him.
15:42 It was in the middle of my calculus class the next day
15:44 which, you know, it's a great reason to miss calculus.
15:46 And so I went to meet with the guy.
15:49 I walked in. I said: "Sir, I have to get to class
15:51 but those that are called to ministry, that God is
15:54 working in their life... I'm sure it's different for everyone
15:56 but what is it that you see consistently taking place? "
16:01 Well he had it down to a science.
16:02 He said: "Number one: there's a call to be a Christian
16:04 that every Christian has. " I said: "OK... that's solid. "
16:07 He said: "Number two: there's a secret call.
16:09 God is speaking to you from the inside. You know it.
16:12 You may not know what He's calling you to do
16:14 but you know He's calling you. "
16:16 I said: "OK... that's fine. "
16:17 He said: "The next is that... number three... "
16:23 he said "there's spiritual gifting.
16:25 If God is calling you to do something,
16:27 He's going to begin to give you the ability to do it.
16:31 Number four: if God is calling you to do something,
16:35 at some point He's going to begin to open the door
16:38 for you to do what He's calling you to do. "
16:41 And he said: "And number five:
16:44 if God is calling you to do something, often times
16:48 other people who are in touch with God
16:50 will begin to see His call in your life. "
16:54 At that time I broke down crying as I thought of
16:57 all the times people had thought I must have been
16:59 a theology major. The things that people had said
17:02 that had aggravated me up to that point.
17:04 And the next evening I called up Libby -
17:10 my wife now - she was out at Weimar College at the time.
17:14 Her dad had brought her... her dad had introduced us.
17:17 He had brought her to Mississippi for us to meet
17:19 after he had finished preaching an evangelistic series.
17:22 He was with Amazing Facts, and I went to a series
17:25 of Brian McMahon. We studied for three years
17:27 and then Steve DeLong came and we attended his meetings
17:29 and were baptized. I loved his message and his daughter...
17:34 so I took both and we went on the road ourselves.
17:37 And it worked out. Praise the Lord for that.
17:43 And I called her up. I said: "I know your dad's a preacher.
17:45 And so I believe God's calling me to ministry
17:48 and if you don't want to be married to a preacher
17:50 then we should probably you know stop this now. "
17:52 You know I'm kind of blunt sometimes I've been told.
17:57 She said: "You believe God's calling you to ministry? "
17:59 I said: "I do. " She said: "I've really thought
18:01 that for some time but I figured God would show you
18:03 when He's ready. "
18:07 I thought: "Wow! Well this is absolutely amazing. "
18:12 "You know, " she said, "I only have one request and that's
18:16 that God would let me be there to hear your first sermon. "
18:20 I thought: "OK, that sounds fair. But she's in California;
18:23 I'm in Nebraska. "
18:25 And so the next day I told
18:30 a professor of mine that I was going to begin to study
18:35 for ministry. And he said: "That is great news.
18:39 You know the pastor is going to be out of town in a couple
18:41 of weeks and I'm supposed to get someone to speak. "
18:43 This is one of the little country churches I attended
18:45 out away from the school. And he said: "I'll go ahead and
18:47 put you down. " I immediately panicked.
18:51 Then I remembered the words from a day or two before:
18:55 "If God's calling you to do something, He'll begin to open
18:57 the doors. " And as I walked away down the hall
19:00 that was the only weekend while I was at Union
19:03 and Libby was at Weimar that she was coming to visit.
19:06 She did hear that first sermon.
19:08 A praying woman - a praying wife - I do have.
19:11 Praise the Lord for that!
19:13 You know, God guides our lives. He also guides the major
19:18 world events, and we're going to see that here
19:20 in the book of Daniel.
19:21 The book of Daniel... It's amazing. We just heard
19:24 from Elder Cox as he shared with us about the world kingdoms
19:29 right? Also was shared earlier today with Daniel 2.
19:33 So Daniel 2 and Daniel 7.
19:35 You've got Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
19:38 God guides major world events but He guides the details
19:42 of our lives too. Praise the Lord for that.
19:45 Just like Bible prophecy sometimes the details
19:48 of our life can we only understand how God was at work
19:52 when we look back and see what God has done.
19:55 When we're going through them sometimes we don't see
19:57 them working out but we do when we look back...
20:01 just like the historical view of Bible prophecy.
20:05 Now, with this in mind you have your Bibles open
20:08 to Daniel chapter 8. And we just jump right in in verse 1.
20:13 And it says here: "In the third year of the reign
20:15 of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, Daniel,
20:19 after that which appeared unto me at the first.
20:21 And I saw in a vision and it came to pass when I saw
20:24 that I was at Susa in the palace which is in the province
20:27 of Elam; and I saw in a vision and I was by the river Ulai.
20:30 Then I lifted up mine eyes and saw and behold
20:32 there stood before the river a... " What? "a ram
20:37 which had... " How many horns? "two horns.
20:39 And the two horns were high but one was higher than the other.
20:43 And the higher came up... " When? "last. "
20:47 Verse 4: "And I saw the ram pushing westward
20:51 and northward and southward so that no beast might stand
20:54 before him, neither was there any that could deliver
20:57 out of his hand. But he did according to his will
20:59 and became great. "
21:02 And as I was considering... He says: "As I was thinking
21:07 about this - as I was considering -
21:09 behold a he-goat. "
21:11 Now where I'm from we call that a billy goat.
21:13 All right? He had a big old billy goat.
21:18 Now I'll tell you about a billy goat. Goats will butt.
21:22 A lot of times though if they're fighting they'll rare up first.
21:25 And we'll talk about that in just a moment.
21:26 My great grandpa had a pedigreed goat down in south Mississippi
21:31 that he had brought over from Europe.
21:33 Oh yeah, he was popular among the old men in south Mississippi
21:37 'cause he was the one that had a goat with a pedigree.
21:39 So everybody wanted to bring... everybody want him to bring
21:42 his goat over for a visit if you know what I mean.
21:44 OK?
21:46 And so he was a popular fella.
21:49 He kept the goat in the yard. It was a fenced yard.
21:51 But that old goat as somewhat of a pet got in the habit of
21:54 butting people when they were looking the other way.
22:00 And one day he went out to the shed there
22:02 and there were the steps going up into the shed.
22:05 It was up on blocks, and instead of going up the stairs
22:08 as he got older there and was having a hard time
22:11 he just started walking up and reaching in the door.
22:14 And he stood beside the stairs where he would set stuff
22:16 he needed. And he reached in there...
22:19 He went over and he leaned over...
22:23 to reach in and get something and that big old billy
22:26 looks up from across the yard and gets a good running start...
22:32 Boom!
22:35 This is south Mississippi... it's raw sometimes.
22:39 He reaches back and grabs the big old billy goat by a horn
22:42 'cause he was hurt. It knocked him up on the wood;
22:44 it hurt him! He was an old man, you know.
22:46 And then he thumbed out his... What does every good country boy
22:48 always have? Pocket knife.
22:51 They said that goat was good in life and he was good in death
22:55 too. They ate him... and that was the end of that goat.
23:01 Well this goat here comes to an end as well.
23:06 In fact, one of his horns is broken and he comes to an end...
23:09 a violent end. So let's look at it here.
23:12 It says as we look here at the goat, verse 8:
23:15 "Therefore the he-goat... " - this old billy goat -
23:17 waxed very great. And when he was strong
23:21 the great horn was broken
23:24 and for it came up four notable ones to the four winds
23:26 of heaven. " So what is this talking about?
23:29 This is an amazing prophecy, an astounding prophecy.
23:32 Well, like Daniel 7 God is using animals to represent
23:37 nations. But unlike Daniel 7
23:42 God is using what the Bible defines as
23:47 clean animals
23:49 as opposed to the unclean like the lion, the bear,
23:53 and the leopard. These are clean animals
23:56 which are also used as sacrificial animals
24:00 in the sanctuary temple
24:03 as well as on the Day of Atonement or Yom-Kippur.
24:09 So just hang that on a hook in your mind.
24:12 That may become significant here for us in a little bit
24:15 based on how the clock treats us today.
24:18 So we move ahead.
24:20 Now, dig into this with me.
24:22 I want to share something that I learned growing up
24:25 in south Mississippi. We had a small, 80-acre farm.
24:28 Kind of a hobby farm.
24:29 My parents both worked full-time jobs, but we also had
24:32 a few cows and a few horses and a few this and a few that.
24:36 And then we'd sell this and get something else.
24:38 Right? Well one time we had both sheep and goats
24:42 in the same field.
24:45 That's an educational experience.
24:47 I learned something that immediately would have
24:51 jumped out to God's people in Biblical times
24:55 about this prophecy that you and I probably
24:57 wouldn't normally catch reading it today.
25:01 You have a ram being beaten by a goat.
25:06 You think well, if you've got a puny ram and you've got a
25:08 big bad goat, that would work, right?
25:11 Nope. Nope.
25:14 You can even check it out; look it up on the Internet now.
25:17 I did just to make sure I remembered it correctly,
25:20 and the facts are what I remembered.
25:22 And that is that a billy goat never beats a ram.
25:28 Never.
25:30 No matter how big and bad your billy is and how puny your
25:34 ram is, if he's a grown-up ram
25:36 and knows how to ram... he's going to win.
25:40 Do you know why?
25:42 Because initially before goats butt when they fight
25:47 they rare up to paw.
25:51 Rams don't rare up to paw.
25:55 Rams put their head down and butt.
26:00 They ram... Good verbiage there.
26:04 They ram.
26:07 And so the goat rears up
26:10 and the ram hits him right under those front legs
26:12 and over he goes... fight over.
26:15 Now you know in Daniel 2 you had nations that would be
26:19 defeated by nations inferior to them. Yes or no?
26:23 Now in Daniel chapter 8 you've got a ram being defeated
26:26 by a goat. Those from an agrarian society
26:30 immediately saw this and said: "Wow! This is unusual. "
26:34 Now what does this mean? Verse 20: "The ram which
26:37 thou sawest having the two horns are the kings of Media
26:39 and Persia. " Daniel 8 and verse 20...
26:41 I mean, it just tells you that's what it is.
26:43 The kings of Media and Persia. Notice there were two horns
26:47 and one was higher than the other.
26:48 We read that a moment ago.
26:49 When you go to Daniel chapter 7 and verse 5 and you read about
26:53 the bear, he's raised up on one side
26:55 representing Medo-Persia, right?
26:57 And now you have the ram with one horn higher than the other.
27:01 Now who is the goat? What does the goat represent?
27:04 Verse 21: "And the rough goat" - the billy goat - "is the king
27:07 of Grecia... of Greece. And the great horn that is
27:10 between his eyes is the first king. "
27:13 We can call that Alexander the Great.
27:17 Then it says here:
27:20 "Now that being broken... " verse 22
27:23 "whereas four stood up for it or from it
27:25 four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation
27:28 but not in his power. "
27:30 At the height of his power Alexander the Great died.
27:33 His kingdom as we saw in Daniel 7 was temporarily divided
27:37 as Elder Cox broke it down for us.
27:39 That's right. You have the four generals of Alexander
27:42 the Great. To the north went Lysimachus.
27:45 To the south Ptolemy; to the east Seleucus;
27:47 and to the west Cassander.
27:48 We have a "more sure word of prophecy. "
27:50 The Bible is true; the pillars of prophecy are clear.
27:54 My friends, also he has four heads
27:57 so that... or four horns. That parallels the four heads
27:59 on the leopard in Daniel chapter 7 and verse 6.
28:03 He also it said there in Daniel chapter 8
28:07 as we read, this goat "touched not the ground. "
28:10 That's another way to say that dude was flying.
28:15 Right? Yes or no? Yes.
28:18 Now in Daniel 7 and verse 6 as you look at the leopard
28:21 with four heads he also has four wings.
28:24 And Habakkuk 1 and verse 8 tells us wings denotes speed
28:26 in Bible prophecy.
28:28 And Alexander the Great moved very quickly
28:30 as he conquered the known world in 8 short years, right?
28:33 And this goat is moving so fast he doesn't even touch
28:36 the ground. See the parallels all add up. They come together.
28:39 But you see, Daniel 8 is not there just to review Daniel 7.
28:43 It's there to give us additional information.
28:45 Repetition and enlargement.
28:48 So let's try to enlarge upon what we've studied already today
28:51 as we move ahead here.
28:53 We read here now in Daniel chapter 8 and verse 9.
28:58 "And out of one of them... " Out of the four horns that...
29:02 that broke, or rather the great horn was broken and the four
29:06 horns that came up... out of one of them
29:08 "came forth a little horn which waxed exceeding great
29:11 toward the south and toward the east and toward
29:13 the Pleasant Land. " This clearly parallels
29:17 the fourth beast of Daniel 7 with the iron teeth
29:20 and that is Rome. Or in the statue of Daniel chapter 2
29:25 the iron legs, OK?
29:28 This is Rome. And then Rome would slowly...
29:31 Rome would fall apart. It would not be conquered.
29:34 And there would be a transition from pagan Rome
29:37 to papal Rome
29:39 as then the papacy - the Vatican - would begin to
29:43 dominate right there in Rome where the Caesars once ruled.
29:47 OK. And we read about it here. Verse 10:
29:51 "And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven. "
29:53 Now... now it's not just expanding this way
29:55 but it's spiritually expanding.
29:58 We're no longer just talking about a political power now
30:00 but about a religious power.
30:03 And it says as we look at it together:
30:05 "It waxed great, even to the host of heaven.
30:08 And it cast down some of the host and of the stars
30:12 to the ground and stamped upon them.
30:14 Yea, he magnified himself even to the Prince of the host. "
30:18 Who's the Prince of the host?
30:19 That's our Jesus... that's right.
30:22 He magnified himself to the level of Jesus.
30:25 Wow! Now it continues on and it says here:
30:30 "And by him the daily... " - notice that word "sacrifice -
30:34 next is in italics... it's supplied -
30:36 "was taken away and the place of His sanctuary... " -
30:40 the Prince of the host's sanctuary -
30:42 was cast down. "
30:44 Now as we unpack this for just a little bit
30:47 and I want us to look at it, I want us to see
30:49 a couple of things very intriguing.
30:52 You have the transition from pagan Rome - a political power -
30:56 now to a religious system: papal Rome.
31:00 Now when we talk about papal Rome we're not talking about
31:02 individual people who can love Jesus as much as anybody else.
31:06 Can you say "Amen? " In fact, God speaks to people
31:09 in religious systems that aren't solid on following the Bible
31:15 and He says "Come out of her My people. "
31:18 He's referring to the people in all different churches as
31:20 His people. Can you say "Amen? " That's right.
31:24 God loves everyone, and He's not trying to pick on
31:27 anybody. Now as we look here at this we find
31:31 that very clearly it's talking about some of the stars
31:35 being cast to the ground. Now a star in Bible prophecy
31:38 represents an angel. An angel can be a messenger.
31:41 But some have said: "Well could this power be responsible
31:45 for angels being cast out of heaven? "
31:47 My friends, who's behind this power? Satan!
31:50 The one who was responsible for getting angels
31:53 cast out of heaven. Yes or no?
31:55 That's right. Go with me... Keep your finger here,
31:57 we're coming back to Daniel 8 the whole time that we have.
32:00 Go with me to Revelation chapter 12.
32:02 Revelation chapter 12.
32:04 You're familiar with the passage I believe.
32:05 Revelation chapter 12 as we look here together today.
32:08 And it says in Revelation 12 and verse 4:
32:11 "And his tail drew the third part of the stars
32:15 of heaven... His tail drew the third part of the stars
32:19 of heaven. " Now Revelation 1 I believe
32:23 it's verse 20 tells us that the stars in Bible prophecy
32:26 are what? Angels. So "His tail drew the third
32:29 part of the stars of heaven and he cast them to the earth.
32:31 And the dragon stood before the woman which was ready
32:34 to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was
32:37 born. " We're just looking here to see stars
32:38 being cast out of heaven.
32:40 That doesn't mean it's happening literally.
32:42 When John's writing it in Revelation 12 he's referring
32:45 to a historical event. Yes or no?
32:48 As well as not only... you know,
32:51 at the beginning but also as Satan - the casting out
32:54 of Satan at the time of the cross, right?
32:56 Which was also historical by the time he wrote this.
32:59 Now we could also talk about a third casting out
33:01 when Satan's accusations are finally stopped forever.
33:05 Praise God. But that's not the point of our message right now.
33:08 So we move ahead and we look at how this war started
33:11 in heaven. We looked in Revelation 12
33:14 while we're here in verse 7.
33:15 And it says: "And there was... " What?
33:18 "There was war... " Where?
33:21 "in heaven. Michael and His angels fought against the dragon
33:24 and the dragon fought and his angels. "
33:26 And the dragon "is the old serpent called the devil
33:27 and Satan which deceiveth the whole world"
33:29 if you go down to verse 9.
33:31 Now the Greek word here for war is ptolemos.
33:36 You know what ptolemos is? That's where we get
33:39 the English word today politics.
33:43 The war started in heaven
33:46 not first because of open conflict.
33:50 Satan wasn't just sitting there one day and says:
33:52 "You know what? I want to be like God. Take this! "
33:54 That's not how it happened.
33:57 No. He starts undermining... politicking.
34:00 Trying to get people on his side slowly without really
34:04 giving away his full intentions.
34:07 In fact, pretty much every war that starts even in today's
34:11 time first begins with politics. People first trying to
34:15 you know jockey for position to get people on their side.
34:19 Right? Yes.
34:22 Well politics. Let's break that down into English
34:25 here for just a moment, OK?
34:27 Do a serious word study for just a moment.
34:31 poli... politics. Poly being what? Many.
34:37 And tics... blood-sucking parasites.
34:39 So no, it's not a serious word study.
34:43 You know, we're...
34:48 Charles De Gaulle said that in order to become
34:52 the master... in order to become the master
34:57 the politician poses as the servant.
35:03 You know, that's precisely what Satan does.
35:05 I'm not trying to... I know there's good, honest
35:08 politicians out there because one of them told me that...
35:10 that there were. BUT... But
35:16 I want to be clear here.
35:19 Satan poses as the servant to supposedly give you
35:23 what you want to become your master.
35:27 And that's what he was doing in heaven. All the while
35:30 "Hey, I'll give you freedom. I'll give you this.
35:33 I'll give you that. " But he wants to take God's place.
35:36 That's at the root of it. The politician poses as
35:39 the servant to become the master.
35:43 Now, as we think here and go back to Daniel chapter 8
35:48 we're going to see a bit more.
35:49 We look here in Daniel chapter 8
35:52 that in verse 11 it says: "He magnified himself to the
35:56 Prince of the host. " Some other translations say
35:59 that he exalted himself. In II Thessalonians chapter 3
36:04 I believe verses 4 and 5 it talks about
36:06 how that this same power would "exalt himself above all that is
36:10 called God or that is worshiped
36:12 so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God
36:14 showing himself that he is God. "
36:16 That's blasphemy: when a man takes upon himself
36:19 the prerogatives of God
36:21 primarily when he claims to stand
36:23 in the place of who? God. John 10:30-33.
36:27 Or when he claims to have the power to forgive what?
36:30 Sins. Mark 2:5-7.
36:33 Now as we look at this very interesting prophecy
36:38 we find that Satan is exalting himself up to the level
36:42 of Jesus. Go with me to Isaiah 14.
36:44 While we're this close... Isaiah chapter 14.
36:47 Let's look here together today: Isaiah chapter 14.
36:51 Near the middle of your Bible: Isaiah.
36:54 We look here... Isaiah chapter 14.
36:57 And it says this... Isaiah 14 starting in verse 12.
37:01 You're very familiar with this passage most of you.
37:03 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,
37:05 Son of the Morning? How art thou cut down to the
37:07 ground which dost weaken the nations?
37:09 For thou has said in thine heart 'I will ascend into heaven'
37:12 'I will... ' Do what? 'exalt my throne above the stars' -
37:18 the angels of God.
37:21 'I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation
37:23 and the sides of the north. I will ascend above
37:25 the heights of the clouds. I will be like the Most High. '
37:28 Yet shalt thou be brought down to... "
37:31 as we say it in Mississippi - "to hell
37:34 to the sides of the pit. "
37:37 Notice he's talking about what he will do.
37:40 He wanted God's position without God's character.
37:44 He wanted the power of God without the character of God.
37:48 As we look at Bible prophecy there is a constant...
37:52 a constant comparison that jumps out at you and me
37:56 between the character of the loving God
38:01 and the selfish character of Satan.
38:05 You know what Jesus did. We're told very clearly.
38:08 You can look at it in many places.
38:10 A wonderful place to look is Philippians chapter 2.
38:13 I won't take time to turn there,
38:15 but it talks about how Jesus humbled Himself.
38:20 He was born in the likeness of a man and being found
38:23 and fashioned as a man He humbled himself even to
38:26 the death of the cross.
38:28 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him.
38:33 You see the One who could be exalted it would seem no higher,
38:36 no higher - humbled Himself.
38:40 While Satan is pushing himself up
38:43 Jesus was humbling Himself.
38:47 While Satan was posing as a servant to become a master
38:52 Jesus, who was the Master,
38:54 truly became the servant.
38:59 Wow! The loving, beautiful character of God
39:03 as Jesus came down to this world.
39:05 And He lived a sinless life showing what the Father
39:08 was like. If you want to know what the Father is like,
39:11 He said: "I have showed you the Father. "
39:14 He healed, He loved, He taught, He was compassionate.
39:19 And the only people our Savior seemed to ever have any
39:23 strong words for were the religious people that thought
39:27 they were better than everybody else.
39:30 Yes or no? Let's be clear.
39:33 So the highest place any of us will ever get
39:36 is the foot of the cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
39:41 Back here in Daniel chapter 8 let's move ahead.
39:46 Daniel 8:11-12
39:48 "Yea, he magnified himself" or exalted himself
39:52 "even to the Prince of the host and by him the daily"
39:55 that word sacrifice in italics is supplied by the translator
39:58 "was taken away and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.
40:03 And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice
40:06 by reason of transgression. And it cast down the truth
40:10 to the ground and it practiced and prospered. "
40:14 We see here in these two verses five simple things.
40:18 This power would persecute God's people:
40:20 the host of heaven in that context.
40:22 During the Dark Ages there was a persecution.
40:25 That reviews Daniel 7 in part.
40:28 The next one: that he would exalt himself.
40:30 Magnify himself even to the Prince of the host.
40:34 In other words, he wanted to be like God.
40:36 OK? Both of those things are found in Daniel 7.
40:40 In Daniel 7 as he magnified himself it was speaking
40:43 great words, blasphemous words. Wanting to be equal with God
40:47 and have the power to forgive sin.
40:50 Then there are three other points that are specific attacks
40:55 on the plan of salvation and are enlargements here
40:58 from Daniel 7 in this chapter: Daniel chapter 8.
41:02 We look here: "He would take away the daily... "
41:06 Number 2: "cast down the sanctuary... "
41:10 And number 3: "cast the truth to the ground. "
41:14 Now the "daily. " The tamid in the Hebrew.
41:19 Dealing with the daily sacrifices
41:21 that the priest would do.
41:23 And Hebrews 7 says Jesus "ever liveth to make
41:27 intercession for us. "
41:29 This religious power would somehow try to cause people
41:33 to not be looking at Jesus and what He does for us
41:37 but to obscure that in some way.
41:40 We may come back to that a little bit more in a minute.
41:43 I don't know... we'll have to see how it works out.
41:45 Number... the next point: the sanctuary.
41:48 "Cast the sanctuary down. "
41:51 That is counterfeited in the system today.
41:54 Oh yes. The system actually patterns its service
41:59 off of the Old Testament sanctuary.
42:02 You can get a book called Question Box.
42:05 Very interesting reading. Many years ago when I
42:08 last went through the Catholic book Question Box
42:11 but it talks about the services today... the mass.
42:17 And where do they get the bells?
42:19 From the sanctuary.
42:21 The priest's robe... that's right.
42:25 Where do they get the candle?
42:29 From the sanctuary... that's right.
42:31 Each of these things. Where do they get holy water?
42:36 They claim that they get it from the laver of water
42:39 at the entrance to the sanctuary.
42:43 They also claim right there in no uncertain terms
42:46 as well as quoted elsewhere that...
42:51 Where do they get the veil that separates the confessor
42:55 from the priest? The veil in the temple.
43:01 Now I'm going to draw a correlation for you here.
43:04 If you were in the holy place and you were
43:10 standing on one side of the veil in the holy place
43:13 and the most holy place was on the other side,
43:16 who's actually on the other side?
43:20 In the Bible. The Shekinah glory: the very presence of God.
43:25 Just process that one.
43:27 You sit down and you're here and there's a veil
43:30 and then there's a man on the other side
43:32 that according to their own quotes like what Elder Cox
43:35 shared with us in the last presentation
43:37 claims to stand in God's place and have the power to
43:39 forgive what? Sin. Certainly.
43:42 Now as we move forward the point I want you to not miss
43:46 here is this power would cause people to have a wrong view
43:52 of what God is like.
43:54 More than any other power in the history of the world
43:58 this power has caused people to view God wrongly.
44:02 To reveal God as stern and rigid and as a tormentor at times,
44:08 right? And people have viewed... Even people outside of
44:11 Christianity have viewed the Christian God as tyrannical
44:15 because of atrocities that were committed in things like
44:18 the Crusades during the Dark Ages.
44:20 Right? Very intriguing.
44:23 Very, very intriguing.
44:25 And my friends, this power...
44:27 there are wonderful people in this power.
44:31 But what I'm trying to tell you is the danger
44:33 is this power has caused people to have a wrong view
44:36 of what my God is like and what your God is like.
44:42 And God wants the sanctuary to be lifted up.
44:45 He says: "My way is in the sanctuary. " Psalm 77:13
44:49 He wants people to see the truth... to see His love.
44:54 It says that this power would "cast the truth to the ground. "
44:58 This power would put tradition on an equal par with
45:02 and even above the Bible their own quotes say.
45:06 But my friends, the Word of God is the truth.
45:09 John 17:17: "Sanctify them through Thy truth;
45:13 Thy Word is the truth. "
45:16 And so you put tradition above the Bible
45:19 and you've cast the truth to the ground.
45:23 Let me tell you something else my friends.
45:25 God's law is the truth.
45:28 Psalm 119:142: "Thy righteous- ness is an everlasting
45:32 righteousness and all Thy law is the truth. "
45:38 The law of God is about the love of God.
45:41 In fact, on these two command- ments: love God and love your
45:45 neighbor hang all the law and the prophets.
45:47 It's an embodiment of the love of God.
45:50 But this power would change... intentionally seek to change
45:55 God's law according to prophecy according to Daniel 7:25
46:00 and therefore cast the truth to the ground
46:05 because the law is truth.
46:08 Let me tell you something else my friends.
46:11 There is one Mediator. "There is one God and one Mediator
46:15 between God and man: the Man Christ Jesus. " I Timothy 2:5
46:21 But this power would say "Well, you've got to go minimum
46:24 once a year to confession to the priest. "
46:28 This obscurity.
46:30 My friends, it's not Biblical.
46:33 And in so doing - John 14:6- Jesus says:
46:38 "I am the Way, the Truth,
46:44 and the Life. " The Way... the what? "Truth
46:49 and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father
46:52 but by Me. "
46:57 There's one God and one Mediator between God and man:
47:00 the Man Christ Jesus. " Jesus is the Truth.
47:02 But my friends, putting other mediators
47:05 between you and God - even the suggestion at times
47:10 that Mary is a co-redemptress.
47:13 Uh-huh. That's a whole 'nother issue to get into
47:16 so let's just back up because we don't have the time.
47:22 But my friends, if Jesus is the truth and He's the only way
47:27 and you start adding to that you're casting the truth
47:31 to the ground. Amen!
47:33 Oh yes. Now, we move ahead and we see this begin to
47:37 come together. We look here at Daniel 8 and verse 13.
47:42 "Then I heard one saint speaking and another saint
47:46 said unto that certain saint which spake
47:48 "How long shall be the vision concerning the daily
47:51 sacrifice and the transgression of desolation
47:53 to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden
47:57 underfoot? " Verse 14:
48:03 "And he said unto me 'Unto 2,300 days
48:08 and then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. ' "
48:12 Now this prophecy is going to be nailed down in Daniel chapter 9
48:18 as Bro. John Lomacang shares with us here next I believe.
48:24 Nails down a starting date in 457 BC
48:28 and you add 2,300 days. Incidentally, Numbers 14:34
48:32 and Ezekiel 4:6: a day in Bible prophecy
48:36 is a what? Year. Now that's only in Bible prophecy.
48:40 It's important to point that out. Otherwise, people start
48:43 looking for every time period in the Bible that's a day
48:45 and trying to make a year out of it.
48:47 It's only in Bible prophecy.
48:48 Same thing with the other prophetic symbols.
48:51 For instance, we're familiar with what a beast is.
48:54 Right? What is a beast in the Bible?
48:57 No. What is a beast in the Bible?
49:01 You said a kingdom. That's wrong.
49:05 A beast in the Bible is an animal that walks around
49:08 on four legs... typically... and eats straw.
49:13 A beast in Bible prophecy is a what?
49:19 A kingdom, nation, power. Yes, that's very simple.
49:23 I began to share how that a beast in Bible prophecy
49:27 is a kingdom and I had a fellow say: "OK, now Jesus rode into
49:30 Jerusalem on a donkey and a donkey is a beast.
49:34 What nation is that? "
49:36 I'm like: "Dude, man... that's not the way it works. "
49:40 In the Bible what is water?
49:45 Ah yes, it's water. It's something you drink.
49:48 Praise the Lord. Hopefully you take a bath in it,
49:51 hallelujah. OK?
49:55 You get baptized in it. Praise the Lord! Amen.
49:59 In Bible prophecy?
50:03 People, multitudes, nations, and tongues. Revelation 17:15
50:06 Same thing with a day. In the Bible what is a day? 24 hours.
50:11 That's right: a 24-hour period of time.
50:13 In Bible prophecy it is a? Year. OK.
50:16 Now I just thought we needed to clear that up very quickly
50:18 and spend a moment there 'cause some people miss that.
50:21 And my friends, that time period started in 457 BC.
50:25 It went all the way down until the year...
50:29 if you count it, remember there's no year 0-
50:31 1844. That's right.
50:34 The year 1844.
50:37 Go with me to Daniel 8 verse 17 very quickly.
50:41 "So he came near where I stood and when he came I was afraid
50:43 and fell upon my face. But he said unto me:
50:45 'Understand o son of man for at the time of the end
50:48 shall be the vision. ' " So this time period
50:52 would lead us down into the time of the end.
50:56 All right? Now there's a difference between
50:59 the time of the end and the end of time.
51:00 You've probably heard this illustration many times
51:02 but it's a good one to give right quick
51:04 just for those that haven't heard it.
51:05 And that is the difference between the time of the end
51:07 and the end of time. Let's say you're on the farm
51:09 like I was in south Mississippi growing up
51:11 and you decide: "You know what? I'm going to get my own turkey
51:13 ready for Thanksgiving this year... " if you eat turkey.
51:16 You know if you eat Tofurkey it kind of messes up
51:18 the illustration. But just go with me for a minute, OK?
51:23 Sorry. And you say: "You know what? That barnyard
51:27 turkey is scratching around there where the cows have been
51:30 and eating what he finds.
51:32 And that's just not very appetizing to think about.
51:36 So why don't we put him in a pen and clean him out?
51:40 as the old timers would say.
51:42 Feed him shell corn for a month or two, you know? "
51:45 Well for that turkey when you put him in the pen
51:47 for that turkey that's the time of the end.
51:51 The day before Thanksgiving when mama says:
51:53 "Now go down and get me that turkey and pluck him
51:55 and bring him up here. " Well...
51:56 you do something first before you pluck him.
52:00 Yeah? And for that turkey that's the end of time.
52:05 OK. So the time of the end is a short time period
52:08 just before our Savior returns.
52:10 And this prophecy would lead us to that.
52:12 It's also called the judgment hour.
52:15 Now go with me to Daniel 12 and verse 4.
52:17 Very quickly. Take your time... just hurry up.
52:19 Daniel 12 and verse 4.
52:21 And it says this... Daniel 12 and verse 4:
52:23 "But thou o Daniel
52:25 shut up the words and seal the book
52:28 even to the... " What? "time of the end.
52:33 Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase. "
52:36 Now primarily is talking about Biblical knowledge
52:39 increasing as this prophecy would take you down to the
52:42 time of the end - the 2,300-day prophecy.
52:44 Now but as we look here I want you to notice
52:47 also increase of knowledge in the world around us.
52:50 When you hit right in the middle of the 1800's
52:52 around 1844 the industrial revolution is beginning
52:55 to take off. Yes or no?
52:57 And knowledge has increased at an ever-faster pace.
53:00 We know we're living in the time of the end...
53:02 also called the judgment hour. Go with me to Revelation
53:05 chapter 11. Revelation chapter 11
53:09 and I don't know what verse but we'll get there and find it.
53:12 Revelation chapter 11 and it's either verse 19 or 18
53:16 or 18 and 19.
53:19 Let's go with verse 18. We'll see where it gets us.
53:21 "And the nations were angry and Thy wrath has come;
53:24 the time of the dead that they should be judged
53:26 and that Thou shouldest give reward to Thy servants
53:28 the prophets and to the saints and them that fear Thy name
53:32 small and great and should destroy them
53:35 which... " Do what? "destroy the earth. "
53:40 But we just read right over something
53:42 that people often miss. But before we go back and get it
53:44 read verse 19. "And the temple of God was
53:47 opened in heaven. " When it says "Unto 2,300 days
53:50 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed"
53:52 it's talking about the sanctuary in heaven.
53:55 It's using the annual Day of Atonement or Yom-Kippur
53:59 as a judgment time... a final judgment time.
54:03 And as we look here, it says sanctuary or temple in heaven.
54:06 Verse 19: "And the temple of God was opened... " Where?
54:10 After the cross, an earthly temple is no longer called
54:14 the temple of God a single time.
54:16 From Matthew 27:51 when the veil was ripped
54:19 from top to bottom when Jesus said "It is finished"
54:24 and died and gave His life for you and me
54:26 an earthly temple or sanctuary
54:28 is never called the temple of God after that.
54:30 The church is called the temple of God
54:31 and the heavenly temple is called the temple of God.
54:33 Our body is called the temple of God,
54:35 but an earthly sanctuary is never referred to as
54:38 the temple of God after that moment.
54:40 Look here, though: Revelation 11:18.
54:43 "And the nations were angry and Thy wrath has come;
54:45 the time of the dead that they should be judged
54:47 and Thou shouldest give reward to Thy servants the prophets. "
54:50 I read right over it again. What are we trying to see?
54:53 Verse 18: "The nations were angry
54:55 and Thy wrath has come; the time of the dead
55:00 that they should be... " What? "judged. "
55:02 This prophecy leads us to the last days.
55:05 The nations are angry... signs of the times.
55:07 Yes or no?
55:09 Knowledge would be increasing and also
55:12 the time of the dead that they should be judged.
55:15 Some people think going back as far as you care to go
55:17 that the dead when they died they were immediately judged.
55:20 But the Bible says there's a time in the time of the end
55:23 for the dead to be judged.
55:26 And then the judgment goes from the dead to the living
55:30 and then Jesus is here.
55:34 But my friends, the judgment's not something to be scared
55:36 about. The judgment is something to commit our hearts to Jesus
55:39 and trust Him to take us through. Can you say "Amen? "
55:43 Praise God for that.
55:45 As we look here today I want to share with you
55:48 just a couple of verses. I Corinthians 15:31.
55:52 Would you turn there with me?
55:54 I Corinthians 15:31.
55:56 Actually I'm looking at the clock so I'll just quote it
55:58 for you. I Corinthians 15 and verse 31.
56:01 It says: "I protest by your rejoicing which I have in
56:04 Christ Jesus I die daily. " Remember that "daily? "
56:06 Satan is trying to distract you from what Jesus is doing
56:09 continually for us. But I believe he's also -
56:12 a practical application - trying to distract you from
56:15 your daily walk with Jesus. When Paul said: "I die daily"
56:17 did he mean he croaked over dead every day?
56:20 No. No, it meant he surrendered his life to Jesus every day.
56:23 II Corinthians 4 and verse 16
56:26 when it says that "The inward man is renewed
56:29 day by day. " Have you ever renewed something?
56:32 Have you ever renewed an insurance policy or a driver's
56:35 license? It doesn't mean you didn't already have
56:37 an insurance policy or a driver's license.
56:39 No, you're renewing it day by day.
56:42 "Every day, Lord, I'm following You.
56:44 Come into my heart today. I renew my covenant relationship
56:48 with You. " And Luke chapter 9 and verse 23
56:52 where our Savior said: "If any man will come after Me... "
56:56 That is, if you want to come after Jesus and follow Him.
56:59 "then take up your cross... " What? "daily and follow Me. "
57:04 My friends, there's nothing more I could point you to in
57:08 Bible prophecy more important than pointing you to Jesus.
57:11 He's coming soon, and He wants to spend time with you
57:14 every day and all day.
57:16 He says to come unto Him
57:19 and to let Him bear your burdens
57:21 and give your life and heart to Him.
57:23 Is that your desire today to put Jesus first?
57:26 Choose Him always and every day?
57:28 Praise the Lord. What a blessing. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17