Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Daniel 7

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ken Cox


Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000013

00:47 We're having a tremendous Sabbath as I've mentioned before
00:50 and it just keeps getting better and better
00:54 as we look at some of these great prophecies
00:57 from the book of Daniel.
01:00 You know, it's a great thing to look at these again today
01:03 because they are so pertinent in our world.
01:07 We need to keep understanding God's Word.
01:11 We need to keep studying it,
01:14 and we should never come to the place to where we think
01:17 we know it all. Because if we come to that place
01:21 that's when the devil can slip up on us.
01:23 So we keep studying. I have no question in my mind
01:28 that as we continue studying the book of Daniel
01:31 as Christians, as those who believe that Christ is coming
01:36 again soon, our interpretations will not change.
01:41 However, we will see things
01:45 in these teachings that we perhaps have not seen before.
01:50 Because God keeps bringing them to our eyes -
01:53 to our understanding - so that we begin to see
01:58 an even deeper understanding of these books.
02:03 And so we are determined here at 3ABN
02:06 to keep preaching the pillars of faith.
02:09 To keep preaching our 28 fundamental beliefs.
02:12 To keep preaching the prophecies
02:15 and standing by that which God has given
02:20 this people: a truth that is so precious for each one.
02:26 Well listen, we are so glad you're here.
02:28 We have a lot more things planned for today.
02:32 This next subject is going to be on Daniel the 7th chapter
02:37 and the speaker will be Elder Kenneth Cox.
02:41 I have known him for many, many years.
02:44 Had the privilege of serving on his board of directors
02:48 for many years... was chairman of it for five years.
02:51 And I believe in the ministry of Pastor Kenneth Cox.
02:57 John Carter, the great Australian-American evangelist,
03:02 and I were talking one day,
03:04 and we came to the conclusion because we both know a lot of
03:10 evangelists, that there is probably no question
03:14 that Kenneth Cox has held more evangelistic crusades
03:19 than any evangelist who is living today.
03:22 And I'm talking about full five-week or more crusades
03:27 where he would go into a city, preach the message,
03:31 people would give their hearts to the Lord,
03:34 and then he would baptize them
03:37 and then move on to other areas.
03:40 All over this hemisphere and around the world
03:45 his messages have gone... because not only
03:49 has he preached these messages live -
03:53 which he has, just consistently one after another -
03:56 but also he was one of the pioneers of video evangelism.
04:02 And if you remember years ago
04:05 and I remember a crew came from Australia
04:08 and they videoed him. And then those series
04:12 were shown all over the world literally.
04:17 Sometimes they were shown in auditoriums.
04:19 Sometimes they were shown in homes.
04:22 But wherever they were shown they uplifted the glory of God
04:28 and people received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
04:32 So he'll be speaking to us today on Daniel 7.
04:35 You see, we had Daniel 2.
04:37 Remember the enlargement - repetition and enlargement.
04:43 Daniel 2, Daniel 7, then Daniel 8.
04:46 And there will be some repetition. There's no question.
04:50 But there's also enlargement, and we will see even more truth
04:55 as we study these beautiful and wonderful messages.
05:00 Before he comes to speak
05:04 and have our prayer with us as he will
05:07 Yvonne Lewis is going to sing for us Just Once More.
05:12 And then the next voice will be Pastor Kenneth Cox.
05:19 Good evening. Good evening.
05:22 It's so wonderful to have you here at this Camp Meeting.
05:25 Isn't it wonderful that we serve a God that forgives?
05:31 You know, the Christian walk is so full of ups and downs
05:35 and twists and turns, and yet we know
05:38 that we serve a Savior that we can go to.
05:41 He was tempted in all points like as we are
05:44 yet without sin. So we can come boldly to the throne of grace
05:48 where we can obtain mercy and find grace to help
05:52 in time of need. We can say: "Lord, I messed up
05:56 but I need You to forgive me just once more. "
06:31 Here I am again.
06:35 I'm on my knees again.
06:39 But these are different tears
06:43 from a brand new set of scars.
06:47 Now they may look the same
06:51 but these are not the same.
06:55 These are dirty tears
06:59 so I can't see where you are.
07:04 But I pray You'll understand
07:07 and, Lord, I pray You'll take my hand.
07:12 And I pray there's still a place
07:15 in the shelter of Your grace.
07:20 I know I don't deserve
07:22 another chance...
07:26 But I'm sorry; I blew it.
07:31 I failed You once again.
07:35 All the things I said I was
07:39 I haven't been.
07:42 And I know that
07:45 You've heard this
07:47 a million times before
07:53 but I need You to forgive me
07:57 just once more.
07:59 Oh, I need You to forgive me.
08:05 Now I made promises -
08:10 lots of promises -
08:15 tied with ropes of sand
08:19 so they'd never last for long.
08:23 And I'm ashamed to ask
08:27 but I've just got to ask for more:
08:32 May I start again?
08:35 Will You carry me back home?
08:39 Can You look beyond the sin
08:43 to this helpless fool within?
08:47 Can You take what I've abused
08:50 and make from it a vessel You can use?
08:55 I admit I don't deserve
08:59 another chance...
09:02 Oh, but I'm sorry; I blew it.
09:08 I failed You once again.
09:12 All the things I said I was
09:15 I haven't been.
09:18 And I know that
09:21 You've heard this
09:24 a million times before
09:29 but I need You to forgive me
09:34 just once more.
09:42 Can You look beyond the sin
09:45 to this helpless fool within?
09:50 Can You take what I've abused
09:53 and make from it a vessel You can use?
09:58 I agree I don't deserve
10:01 another chance...
10:04 Oh, but I'm sorry; I blew it.
10:10 I failed You once again.
10:14 All the things I said I was
10:17 Lord, I haven't been.
10:20 And I know that
10:23 You've heard this
10:26 a million times before
10:32 but I need You to forgive me
10:36 just once more...
10:38 I said I need You to forgive me
10:44 just once more...
10:52 Lord, I need You to forgive me
10:57 just once more.
11:16 Amen.
11:22 Thank you, Yvonne. Appreciate that very much.
11:25 Wonderful, wonderful song.
11:27 Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
11:29 Very happy to see all of you, welcome you
11:33 to this Camp Meeting. We hope you are being blessed
11:36 as we study the book of Daniel.
11:38 No, I am not too old to be able to kneel before my Lord
11:43 and Savior, so I'm going to kneel and pray.
11:51 Heavenly Father, Almighty God,
11:56 Lord and Savior,
11:58 we come to Thee this afternoon
12:02 asking that You will give us the Holy Spirit.
12:08 Lord, we want to surrender our hearts to You
12:14 and ask that You will give us wisdom.
12:18 Give us understanding.
12:20 Help us to see and to know what You have revealed
12:26 that we might walk as You have directed and led.
12:32 Bless each one here.
12:34 Those that are watching by television
12:37 and those that are listening on the radio
12:40 or on the Internet, Lord,
12:42 may they be blessed in a special way as well.
12:45 Keep us each close to You, Lord.
12:50 We thank you for the wonderful hope that we have
12:53 in Jesus Christ our Lord. This we pray in His name, Amen.
13:05 The book of Daniel evenly divides into two parts.
13:11 The first six chapters of the book of Daniel
13:16 are historical. They talk about Babylon.
13:22 They talk about God's people in Babylon.
13:25 They are wonderful stories about how those people were
13:30 tested and how they stood firm for the Word of God.
13:33 Talks about the conversion of a pagan king
13:36 and what took place in his life and how they influenced him.
13:39 All these are historical state- ments in the book of Daniel
13:43 and that's what the first six chapters deal with.
13:46 Second chapter has some prophetic parts in it
13:51 as you have just studied.
13:52 But it's with the seventh chapter and thereon
13:57 that deals with the prophetic aspect of Daniel.
14:01 From that point on you have visions
14:05 that were given to Daniel and what he was told by God.
14:10 And those take you step by step
14:13 through a template - if you please - a template that
14:18 God laid down that covers from Daniel's day
14:22 to the coming of Christ.
14:23 That's what those six chapters cover:
14:26 from Daniel's day to the coming of Christ.
14:30 Very, very important that you and I understand
14:35 that template. And if we understand that template
14:40 then we will know exactly what is happening
14:43 and what's going to take place.
14:45 That's the reason God gave it
14:47 is so that we could understand what is happening.
14:50 We have to be very, very careful
14:54 not to superimpose upon that template...
14:59 to superimpose some method
15:04 of Biblical interpretation.
15:06 We should not do that.
15:09 We need to take what God's Word says
15:12 and understand what it's saying and follow it.
15:16 Not having some preconceived idea of what it should do.
15:21 So we need to be careful that we don't permit that to happen.
15:26 So what we're going to do here this afternoon is
15:28 we're going to take a look at the seventh chapter
15:31 and we're going to see how God has laid out how things
15:36 are to take place.
15:38 They will hold true all the way through the book of Daniel.
15:42 They will hold true all the way through the book of Revelation.
15:47 And so you and I as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ
15:52 do not have to be in doubt as to what is going to happen,
15:56 what's going to take place.
15:57 We know what the scripture tells us is going to happen.
16:02 So Daniel starts right out in the beginning.
16:05 We're going to go to the second verse.
16:08 Second verse there of Daniel and it just simply says...
16:11 says this:
16:14 If you have your Bible. I'm going to have to get my
16:17 clicker to work. It doesn't seem to work.
16:19 Daniel the seventh chapter. We'll take a look at
16:26 verse two.
16:32 OK, it says: "And Daniel spoke saying 'I saw in my vision
16:36 by night... "
16:43 Daniel starts out by using Biblical symbolism.
16:51 Uses Biblical symbolism... Sorry but we're having trouble here.
16:56 You always worry whether this is going to work or not.
16:59 Biblical symbolism God uses all the way through the Bible.
17:03 And those symbols hold true all the way through scripture
17:07 that you and I can know what God is telling us
17:12 and what is taking place.
17:13 So here as we look at Daniel he talks about certain symbols.
17:18 Let's go on to the next verse.
17:21 And it says...
17:24 Maybe we could see the next verse?
17:29 "Four great beasts came up from the sea
17:31 each different from the other. "
17:34 Now that isn't right. It jumped so let's back up.
17:38 It says he saw the wind blowing on the waters.
17:43 OK? In Bible prophecy we are told clearly
17:46 that water represents peoples, nations, and tongues.
17:51 Revelation the 17th chapter verse 15
17:56 tells us that water represents people, nations, and tongues.
18:00 So we find that when he sees the wind blowing on the waters
18:04 it's talking about people... what's going to take place
18:08 there. Wind we find in Revelation the 7th chapter
18:12 and verse 1 it tells that wind represents war.
18:17 Represents strife, so forth.
18:20 And so these represent war, strife, among the people.
18:24 And as the result of that we are told that four beasts
18:28 came up out of the sea. So we'll see
18:31 if the next text will come up for us here.
18:36 OK? No. Anyhow it says that that was to take place.
18:42 So among those four beasts the scripture doesn't leave us
18:46 in any doubt. If you have your Bible, you want to go to
18:48 Daniel 7 and verse 17.
18:51 It tells you clearly that these four beasts
18:54 are four kings that shall arise out of the earth.
18:58 So the scripture does not leave us in any question
19:03 as to who these beasts are.
19:05 It tells us they are four kings
19:07 that will rise up out of the earth.
19:10 So we have those clearly there in scripture.
19:13 So let's take a look at the first one.
19:16 Begin to see what it's talking about when we're talking about
19:19 the first beast.
19:35 So the first beast is like a lion.
19:41 This beast - of all the beasts that are pictured -
19:46 is the only one that a man's heart is given to.
19:50 OK? And the reason a man's heart is given to it
19:54 is because of the conversion of king Nebuchadnezzar.
19:58 That's the reason it says that a man's heart was given
20:01 to this particular beast.
20:03 Rose up on its two hind feet.
20:06 This represented the kingdom of Babylon.
20:10 As you read... as you just studied in Daniel 2
20:13 God said: "Thou art this head of gold. "
20:16 So this lion... a man's heart is given to it
20:19 representing king Nebuchadnezzar.
20:21 If you take a look at Babylon,
20:23 Babylon was a marvelous city.
20:27 Nebuchadnezzar was a fantastic general.
20:32 He never lost a battle.
20:34 And he took all the spoils that he had from campaign
20:39 after campaign and poured it on the city of Babylon.
20:44 And so this city became known as the golden kingdom.
20:49 And there was tremendous wealth in the city of Babylon.
20:54 If you took a look or if you walked into the city
20:58 of Babylon, you went through something called
21:01 the Ishtar Gate that opened into the city of Babylon.
21:05 This is a very, very famous gate
21:07 and when you went into there you can see...
21:11 Now let me tell you a little about this Ishtar Gate.
21:16 Germany... Germany went into Babylon -
21:22 the ruins of Babylon - and excavated.
21:24 And they took the Ishtar Gate and they took it down
21:30 clay tablet after clay tile off the walls.
21:35 They took them off and numbered them.
21:37 Took them each one and numbered them.
21:40 And then they brought all that back to Germany.
21:43 And you can go to one of the museums there, the Pergamus
21:48 Museum in Berlin, and they have rebuilt the Ishtar Gate.
21:53 That's what you saw. That picture was the actual
21:56 picture of the Ishtar Gate.
21:58 So it begins to give you some idea of the glory
22:01 of this kingdom that he had built. It was...
22:05 It was a fantastic kingdom that Nebuchadnezzar had built.
22:09 And it was his desire - as you found out -
22:12 that it would never end.
22:14 That it would go on and on and on.
22:17 Jeremiah talked about Babylon in Jeremiah the 4th chapter
22:21 and verse 7. He said:
22:36 And so he said that he would come and destroy them.
22:41 And this Nebuchadnezzar did place after place.
22:44 Now as found out, Babylon ruled or was in control
22:50 from 605 BC
22:52 to 539 BC.
22:57 And Babylon was a...
23:00 I should say Babylon was in power for 70 years.
23:07 At that time Medo-Persia is rising
23:12 and it's under the control or the leadership
23:17 of Cyrus.
23:19 Cyrus has made his way and is pictured here
23:22 in Daniel 7 as a bear. And it says:
23:39 This was a coalition of the Medes and Persians
23:43 coming together.
23:45 Cyrus... great, great leader...
23:49 and overcame Babylon. He and his men
23:54 went up and they surrounded the city of Babylon.
23:57 We are told that the people went up on top of the wall
24:01 and threw food to him and laughed at him.
24:04 He took his men and they marched down the Euphrates river.
24:08 The Euphrates river flowed right through Babylon,
24:10 the city of Babylon.
24:12 Marched down the Euphrates river and a selected place
24:16 they began to dig canals. And they diverted the river
24:19 Euphrates into those canals. And then he and his men
24:23 marched up the muddy bottom of the Euphrates river.
24:27 They marched up there. And inside the city
24:32 it had been... the gates had been left open.
24:35 They had been predicted by scripture in Isaiah 45 verse 1.
24:41 It said that the two lead gates would be left open.
24:59 And just exactly as said those gates were left open.
25:02 He and his men marched into the city of Babylon
25:07 and took it. Belshazzar who was the king
25:11 at that time - the grandson if you please
25:14 of Nebuchadnezzar - was ruling. And it says:
25:26 So Medo-Persia overthrew Babylon.
25:30 Medo-Persia ruled
25:35 from 539 BC to 331 BC.
25:40 This is the time that she ruled.
25:42 A strong kingdom.
25:45 Did a lot of things that took care of the place.
25:49 This is the time in which Esther is involved
25:53 and all in your Bible. OK?
25:56 But after that we come to a third beast.
25:59 In Daniel 7 verse 6 it says:
26:11 This is the kingdom of Greece. And by the way, folks,
26:16 when I'm talking about a template, God is laying down
26:18 a template here and God is so - how should I put it? -
26:24 so desirous that you understand that template
26:30 and what is taking place that He even calls these nations
26:33 by name so that you don't have to be in doubt.
26:36 He's not asking you to guess what this is.
26:40 In Daniel the 8th chapter He calls them by name
26:42 so you can know exactly what's there. And this is
26:46 Alexander the Great, the kingdom of Greece.
26:49 Alexander at a young age took over the army
26:53 from his father and began to march those men
26:57 and to take one kingdom after another.
27:00 In fact, Alexander marched that army for seven years
27:06 without ever going home.
27:09 Marched them clear to the borders of India.
27:14 Took everything he could lay his hands on.
27:17 One historian said this about Alexander the Great:
27:32 How true that was.
27:35 Wept because there was nothing else to conquer.
27:40 Arriving at the borders of the country of India,
27:45 his men refused to go any farther.
27:48 Turning, they headed back home.
27:51 Coming to the city of Babylon
27:54 Alexander the Great is lying on a table
27:59 in that very hall where the hand had written
28:04 mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.
28:07 Was lying on a table there dying.
28:11 Suffering from epilepsy and drunkenness, debauchery.
28:18 His four generals come in.
28:21 They said to him: "To whom will you give the kingdom? "
28:24 He said: "I'll give my kingdom to the strongest. "
28:28 So when he died his kingdom was divided among his 4 generals.
28:34 That's why that leopard beast had four heads.
28:39 It also had four wings which represented the swiftness
28:42 with which Alexander the Great took everything
28:46 that was before him.
28:48 Greece ruled from 331 BC
28:54 to 168 BC.
28:57 Now we come to the fourth kingdom.
29:00 Daniel 7 and verse 7. And it says:
29:31 This beast is not like any of the others.
29:35 It's a non-descript dragon
29:39 and it's taking everything before it.
29:42 And this represented the nation of Rome... pagan Rome.
29:47 Rome overthrew Greece in 168 BC.
29:53 Rome was different.
29:56 Rome was different than any of the nations before it.
30:00 And they just simply moved in and took over
30:03 one part of the country after another
30:05 until they had great masses of the country.
30:11 But there's something that happens here, folks.
30:14 Rome not only came in and took over these areas
30:19 but they brought civilization to these nations.
30:24 Rome is the one who made the roadways safe.
30:30 They made the waterways safe.
30:33 Roman soldiers marched down the road carrying
30:37 standards that said Pax Romana
30:40 which meant Roman peace.
30:43 Now that many not sound significant to you
30:47 but that is tremendously important
30:50 because that's what opened the way for Christianity
30:54 to be preached.
30:56 Up until that time... basically impossible.
30:59 But with Rome making the ways safe for travel
31:03 those apostles and all could go anywhere they wanted to
31:07 and preach the gospel.
31:09 And that's what they did.
31:11 So Rome made that possible.
31:13 But Rome was brutal.
31:17 It had great iron teeth
31:21 and it ruled with an iron hand.
31:26 You remember it was Herod under Rome
31:30 that had the children in Bethlehem killed.
31:35 It was Roman soldiers that crucified Jesus...
31:41 stuck the spear into His side.
31:43 Rome ruled from 168 BC
31:48 to 476 AD.
31:52 Rome ruled during this time.
31:55 Now we've been following pretty much
31:58 even what Daniel 2 says.
32:01 When you get to the 7th verse it says:
32:11 All of a sudden this beast who is non-descript and all
32:15 also has ten horns.
32:18 Those ten horns represented the ten Germanic tribes
32:24 that came down and ran over the Roman Empire.
32:29 They were known as Goths.
32:32 They were Germanic people
32:35 and they were made up of tribes such as the Heruli,
32:38 the Vandals, the Ostrogoths, the Alemanni and so forth.
32:42 These became the nations of western Europe.
32:47 The ten kings as it refers to.
32:52 Ten kings that ruled at that time.
32:55 Those nations became the nations...
32:59 The Anglo-Saxons became the English.
33:02 The Franks became the French.
33:04 The Alemanni became the Germans.
33:06 And they became the nations of western Europe today.
33:11 Now this becomes important
33:14 because as you continue to study scripture and you move
33:19 into the book of Revelation
33:22 you're going to find that there's... it carries right on
33:25 through. Like I told you, we're laying down a template
33:28 and it will all fit within that template, folks.
33:32 And so you and I need to follow it very very carefully.
33:35 Now we come to another part all of a sudden
33:41 that comes up. And by the way, this is all Rome.
33:48 You understand me?
33:50 We're going to take a look at what in scripture is referred to
33:53 as the little horn. OK?
33:57 But the little horn comes up out of... Huh?
34:02 Out of Rome. So it doesn't matter
34:05 which you're talking about it's still Rome
34:08 and it's Rome all the way through.
34:10 And we'll take a look at that as we go through.
34:13 So the scripture describes this little horn with these words:
34:19 Give us another slide. It says:
34:41 So now we have this little horn rising.
34:45 Uh, he's different from the others.
34:49 He does certain things.
34:51 God does not intend for you to have any doubts
34:57 as to who this little horn is.
35:00 I want you to understand that.
35:01 No, God does not intend for you to have any doubts about it.
35:05 In fact, He will give you
35:10 identification or give you one point after another
35:15 that will identify this little horn.
35:19 Goes on. Says here in verse 24:
35:47 God there gives you 8 points of identification.
35:52 Now folks,
35:57 I had a couple little girls come up here
36:00 on the platform before we started. And they said:
36:04 "Can we ask you a personal question? "
36:06 And I said: "Yes. " They said: "How old are you? "
36:09 And so I told them how old I was
36:14 and they said: "Oh... oh! "
36:19 I've been preaching a long time, folks.
36:23 And I've been preaching the prophecies a long time.
36:28 And I have told people this over and over and over.
36:33 If you can take those 8 points that God gives
36:37 and you can make it fit any other power on the face of
36:42 the earth, come and see me.
36:46 I'll listen to everything you have to say.
36:50 This is the only power that it will fit.
36:55 So what I'm trying to say is God is tying it down
36:59 so you and I don't have to be in doubt.
37:01 We can know exactly what is taking place
37:05 and where we are in regard to this particular power.
37:10 So God gives you 8 points to identify it.
37:15 You'll find that He puts that all together for you.
37:18 The first one it says would be "among them. "
37:24 This is what the first clue is:
37:27 that it would be "among them. "
37:29 Maybe we can go to the next slide.
37:31 Next picture.
37:34 OK... and it says:
37:42 If you look at verse 8- Daniel 7 and verse 8-
37:46 it says another would arise "among them. "
37:50 That's what it says: "would arise among them. "
37:53 Therefore I don't have to go off to Africa looking where
37:58 this is to come up. Or I don't have to go to
38:00 South America or I don't even have to go to the United States.
38:03 The scripture is absolutely clear that it was going to
38:06 come up among those ten horns.
38:10 And if it's going to come up among those ten horns
38:12 then that tells me clearly that it had to come up
38:16 in western Europe.
38:17 That's where it has to rise.
38:20 So we don't have to be in doubt as to where it's to be.
38:23 It had to come up out of western Europe.
38:27 It would rise "among them. "
38:29 The second point that the scripture gives... it says:
38:37 These ten Germanic tribes came down and ran over the
38:42 Roman Empire and basically brought an end to it in 476 AD.
38:49 Therefore this little horn had to come on the scene
38:52 of action after 476 AD.
38:56 That's what it's saying.
38:58 Another would rise after them. He has to come on the scene
39:01 of action after 476 AD.
39:07 Lots of things are happening at this time, folks.
39:10 The nature of the whole kingdom is being upset and all.
39:15 Justinian is the emperor
39:18 and Justinian is trying to keep his empire together.
39:23 And he's doing everything that he can.
39:26 And so he feels like that if he can take
39:30 and make the bishop of Rome...
39:34 put him in power... I'm sure that Justinian never saw
39:39 Virgilius as anything other than a puppet
39:44 that he would do what Justinian wanted him to do.
39:47 And so we read here in history, it says:
39:59 Mark it down; put it down. It's an important date.
40:02 "under the military protection of Belisarius. "
40:06 And so Virgilius ascended the papal chair.
40:10 History tells us that's not what happened.
40:14 History tells us that the bishop of Rome
40:18 stepped to the seat of Caesar
40:22 and seized the scepter.
40:25 So you have a complete change taking place there.
40:30 Not necessarily because should I say that he sought it.
40:35 I don't know that he sought it
40:37 but he didn't do anything to stop it.
40:39 But a change began to take place.
40:43 It says here... the third point:
40:48 These ten Germanic tribes were strictly pagan powers.
40:55 Civil powers... that's all they were.
40:58 But now all of a sudden we have a change taking place.
41:02 Listen to this statement:
41:42 I don't know if you caught what that is saying,
41:45 but it's saying that he basically was forced
41:50 not only to be the religious head but the civil head
41:54 of government. And so all of a sudden
41:57 we find church and state being put together.
42:03 Different... different than all the others
42:06 that were before it.
42:08 And thus we find all of a sudden...
42:10 I hope you understand, folks,
42:14 that church - don't care which church it is -
42:19 church has no civil power.
42:25 Church just doesn't have civil power.
42:29 It has to turn to civil government
42:34 to get its power.
42:36 That's what has to happen.
42:38 And that's what happens in the last days
42:41 when a church turns to civil government to have its power.
42:46 And that's what you had here in 538 AD.
42:49 By the way, I don't have anything up here on it
42:52 but I have the quotes and stuff.
42:55 In 538 AD do you know what also happened?
43:00 I mean he not only became the political as well as the
43:05 religious head, but you know what else happened?
43:08 They enforced a Sunday law.
43:13 538 AD... they enforced a Sunday law
43:18 at that time.
43:21 So you find that definitely a change took place
43:24 It was different than from all of the others before it.
43:27 Says that it would subdue three kings.
43:33 As these Germanic people: the Franks, the Heruli,
43:37 the Vandals, the Ostrogoths and all these people
43:40 came down on the Roman Empire and began to break it apart
43:43 the Christians that lived in the Roman Empire
43:48 saw this as an opportunity to share the gospel.
43:52 And to their surprise,
43:55 they found these people with open hearts.
43:58 And so as they preached Jesus Christ to these people
44:02 they accepted it.
44:04 And that's why today western Europe is basically Christian
44:08 in concept. Is because they went in and they brought Christianity
44:13 to it and they reached out and accepted Christianity.
44:16 But among those that accepted it
44:19 there were three tribes that didn't go along
44:25 with what the papal power was preaching.
44:32 And under Justinian - under the pope of Rome -
44:38 they went in and they annihilated if you please
44:42 three tribes: the Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths.
44:47 And by the way, it said they would "uproot them. "
44:51 That's what it says.
44:52 If you want to go and check it out, you can find
44:56 back to the Anglo-Saxons. Their descendants are who?
45:04 The English.
45:05 To the Franks... the French.
45:08 Alemanni... Germans.
45:11 But you cannot find any descendants to the Heruli,
45:15 the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths.
45:18 It said it would "uproot them" and that's exactly what it did.
45:23 Also it says that this power would:
45:33 Another word for pompous would be blasphemy.
45:37 "Would speak blasphemous words against the Most High. "
45:42 The Bible defines blasphemy
45:45 as when one attributes to himself
45:49 the prerogatives of God.
45:52 In other words, if I claim to be God
45:56 or if I claim to have the power of God,
45:59 in the scripture that is blasphemy.
46:02 Now all I can do in this case is let them
46:08 tell you what they say.
46:10 These are a couple statements. It says:
46:24 In other words, saying they're the same as God on earth.
46:29 Another statement says:
46:38 Another one says:
46:50 Those are pompous words in my book, folks.
46:55 So when it said he would "speak pompous words"
46:57 he has done just that.
47:05 You have to find a power that has made war with God's people.
47:09 And history tells us that's exactly what took place.
47:14 This is a statement from encyclopedia - Wikipedia.
47:19 It says:
47:53 Numbers unbelievable
47:56 of the people that died as they made war.
48:22 And so indeed she did just that.
48:24 She made war against the people of God.
48:28 Well, we've looked at six of them.
48:37 Says this power would endeavor to change times and law.
48:41 They made no bones about it.
48:43 They make it very clear that they believe they have
48:46 this power. Listen to this statement:
48:56 Said that he has that power to do that.
49:00 And so the Bible lays it out very clear for us.
49:03 It just said that he would have power to do this.
49:07 Did they? Well, if you pick up your Bible
49:10 and turn to Exodus the 20th chapter, there you have
49:12 the Ten Commandments. I don't care which Bible you pick up
49:16 in Exodus the 20th chapter
49:18 you'll find the Ten Commandments.
49:19 But when you pick up a Catholic Catechism
49:22 that whole thing changes.
49:24 You'll find that the second commandment has been done away
49:28 with completely. It's not there.
49:31 The fourth commandment has been shortened
49:35 from 96 words to 8 words and has been moved to the 3rd.
49:40 And the tenth commandment has been divided into two
49:43 so they still have ten commandments.
49:46 So yes, they have changed times and they have changed laws.
49:52 Says:
50:00 The Bible... Folks, I marvel
50:06 at how clear and how accurate God's Word is.
50:10 I mean, over and over He puts it there
50:14 so that you and I don't have any question in knowing
50:18 what it's talking about. So when it says
50:20 "they will be given into his hands, " in the Bible
50:23 a time simply represents one year.
50:27 360 days.
50:29 Or, times represents two years: 720 days.
50:35 A half a time represents a half a year or 180 days.
50:39 Totaling that up it comes to 1,260.
50:43 OK, we're told in scripture in Ezekiel 4 and verse 6:
50:53 Numbers 14:34 says: "I have given you a day for a year. "
50:56 And I have people ask me: "Well how do you know that's
50:58 right? " I have a very simple answer for that.
51:01 It works!
51:03 It works.
51:05 And so... yes. And so I told you
51:09 that Virgilius stepped to the seat of Caesar
51:13 in 538 AD
51:18 the papal power came to power.
51:21 If I add 1,260 years to that,
51:24 that takes me to the date of 1798 AD.
51:29 That was the time that was given to papal Rome.
51:33 OK?
51:36 That's how much time was given to it.
51:38 All right. At the end of that 1,260 years
51:41 something had to happen.
51:43 Napoleon had come to power.
51:45 Napoleon wants to rule Europe.
51:48 Knows he cannot do it unless he breaks the back
51:51 of the papal power.
51:53 So we read in the Americana Encyclopedia
52:08 And thus papal Rome came to an end as the scripture said.
52:14 Now folks, God has laid down a template.
52:17 Let me tell you: that template stays that way
52:19 all the way through. It doesn't change, folks.
52:23 And when people start putting other nations in
52:26 in place of these they just mess it up.
52:28 That's what they do.
52:30 Now I want to share something with you in closing.
52:33 I hope that you will get what I'm trying to get across to you.
52:38 The scripture is trying to get across to you.
52:40 This is what it says. Look at Daniel the 7th chapter
52:44 verse 8.
52:54 Talking about the little horn, right?
52:57 The little horn came to its end when?
53:01 Huh?
53:03 In 1798 AD it came to its end.
53:07 Right? OK, look at what it says here.
53:10 That's Daniel 7 verse 8.
53:13 Look what Daniel 7 verses 9 and 10 say:
53:23 What is that telling you?
53:25 That's telling you that when 1798 AD came
53:29 the papal power fell, and the next thing would be
53:33 the judgment.
53:36 Investigative Judgment would be the very next thing on the list.
53:39 He's giving you a template.
53:41 He says: "This is what's going to happen next! "
53:44 Now watch... That was Daniel 7:8-10.
53:50 Look at verse 14:
54:00 It says that after the judgment what comes?
54:05 Huh?
54:06 God's kingdom!
54:08 Said that's the next thing that's to come is God's kingdom.
54:11 After that God takes him and He drives it in the ground,
54:16 folks. Drives it into the ground trying to get you and I
54:20 to say: "Yes, I understand. "
54:22 Go to Daniel 7:21.
54:32 This is what it's talking about.
54:34 Watch what happens... what comes next.
54:36 We're still in verse 22. Daniel 7:21, now verse 22.
54:44 What's that?
54:46 That's the judgment.
54:47 He's going through the same thing with you saying
54:50 when papal Rome comes to an end, 1798 AD, the next thing will be
54:55 the judgment. And after the judgment... verse 22:
55:04 The time what?
55:05 Came for the saints to possess the kingdom.
55:09 The time has come for the saints to possess the kingdom.
55:13 Are you getting it? Amen!
55:15 Where do you think you are in the judgment?
55:18 The time has come for the saints to possess the kingdom.
55:23 We're down at the end.
55:26 Look... He doesn't even stop there.
55:29 It does it again... Daniel 7:24:
55:37 Still talking about the little horn.
55:39 OK? Then after that it says:
55:46 When did they take away the dominion from the little horn?
55:50 1798 AD. Then what's going to happen?
55:53 The judgment. And then verse 27 says:
56:10 That God is going to come and He's going to set up
56:14 His kingdom.
56:18 I don't know what to tell you that you and I
56:25 have the privilege of living at this time.
56:28 You're living at the time when God is going to set up
56:32 His kingdom. Amen. The time has come for the saints
56:36 to possess the kingdom.
56:39 Dear friend, you and I should be
56:44 daily... daily...
56:49 pleading with God.
56:51 Pleading with God to make us kind.
56:55 To make us gentle.
56:58 To make us loving.
57:01 To make us like our Savior.
57:07 This is what the world needs.
57:11 They need to see Jesus in you.
57:14 This is what the world's lacking.
57:19 Therefore, you and I need to give our hearts
57:22 daily to the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
57:26 May God bless you.
57:28 Stay close to Jesus Christ.
57:31 Walk with Him each day.


Revised 2014-12-17