Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Daniel - Theme Of Book

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000011

00:46 Well this is a beautiful Sabbath Day
00:49 here in southern Illinois
00:51 and we have already been blessed with a wonderful message
00:56 at 9 AM with Shelley Quinn
00:57 and then the music program Love Rules! that we have just
01:01 really enjoyed. And Danny, I just feel the optimism and
01:06 the response of the people so positive to that message
01:11 in music. I was watching their faces as they were watching
01:14 the screen - yes - on that and I could tell that it was
01:16 hitting a chord with them.
01:17 That these are tools, and how important is our responsibility
01:22 to make sure our young people are equipped
01:25 with everything that we... all the tools we can give them
01:27 to help them learn about Jesus and His great love.
01:30 Amen. Well you know we mentioned last night
01:33 the number of networks that we have. Of course, we have
01:35 3ABN, 3ABN Latino. We have 3ABN Dare to Dream.
01:40 We have 3ABN Proclaim; 3ABN International;
01:44 3ABN Russian channel;
01:47 and then the Sonbeam channel on the Internet.
01:51 And so we just keep spreading the gospel.
01:56 I'm missing one... I know I am.
01:58 Mollie's trying to mouth it to me; I can't read lips!
02:03 Camille learned that years ago.
02:05 I am not a lip reader. If I ever lose my hearing,
02:09 I'll be in trouble because it's...
02:11 Well Danny, we're just so thankful that God has given us
02:14 another tool for reaching people with the gospel.
02:18 And we saw what happened with the Pillars music.
02:24 It went around the world. It was just unbelievable!
02:27 I've been in countries around the... I was in London
02:31 and we went to a church and they were singing
02:33 I Have Fixed My Mind On Another Time.
02:36 Chile and South America and Europe - around the world -
02:39 they're singing these songs.
02:41 And we believe that this is going to happen
02:43 with the young people in many different languages
02:45 on this project. We really do.
02:48 We believe that God is using all of these means
02:51 to spread the gospel.
02:52 Well listen, we want to ask you at home and those of you that
02:56 are here to be a very special part of helping support
03:00 this ministry at this particular time.
03:03 As I mentioned, I wrote a letter out.
03:04 Summer came early this year. You know, we didn't have much
03:07 of a winter, did we? No. And we always have a difficult
03:11 time financially in the summer
03:13 but we didn't expect that it would follow with the weather.
03:18 And two months prior to when we normally start running a little
03:22 short we started running short.
03:24 So we have made an appeal. You have been responding.
03:28 We praise God for that.
03:30 In this difficult economy
03:33 we believe that we must continue to preach the message
03:37 with power. We must not cut back.
03:41 The pen of inspiration tells us that that work which we
03:46 have not done in easy times
03:48 we'll have to do in more difficult times.
03:50 And I've thought about that, Danny.
03:52 I've thought: "Wow, we should have preached more when...
03:55 when things weren't quite so difficult. "
03:57 But God wants us to do it now
04:00 and He will sustain us.
04:02 Well Jim, when you look at what's being accomplished
04:07 by so few... And I praise God for
04:10 Jim and Camille... for him coming. Jim is a great
04:12 businessman. He's also a great spiritual leader.
04:15 And I don't say this to embarrass him or to...
04:17 but I want you to know that Jim has made cuts everywhere
04:21 he can to save money.
04:24 To literally... He has... I mean done an incredible job.
04:28 Brian... we're thankful for Brian,
04:30 for Mollie, for the Ad-Com Group.
04:32 For everybody getting together saying "Where can we cut down
04:35 on spending and yet not cut down on getting the gospel
04:38 to the world? " You see, that's the important thing.
04:41 Jesus said "Go ye... " So we've never been
04:44 here as a maintenance organization just maintaining.
04:48 So we believe that we have to go forward,
04:50 so by faith that's why we've done it.
04:52 We continue. When a need arises for Russia
04:55 now for the Sonbeam channel, for Dare to Dream...
04:58 What an incredible network, and thank you Dr. Yvonne Lewis.
05:01 She's here today.
05:03 Her father had been sick so she missed the first couple days
05:06 and for Bro. Hodge. We're praying for you.
05:09 If you're watching today, God bless you in recovery.
05:12 But Dr. Lewis is here, and what an incredible job
05:15 that she has done with Dare to Dream Network.
05:18 Reaching the needs of inner city people - young people
05:21 especially - without compromising the message.
05:24 Now that's an incredibly hard task
05:27 if you know about inner city life.
05:29 And yet the Lord brought Yvonne Lewis here
05:32 and so we couldn't say "no" to this.
05:34 Jim, you couldn't say "no. " No, absolutely not.
05:36 And yet you knew that our finances didn't really show it.
05:39 Folks, it's been an absolute miracle. All the new programming
05:43 that she has put together in the last 6 or 8 months.
05:45 And some of you are watching Dare to Dream.
05:48 You're seeing that. I had a lady yesterday...
05:50 Anybody watching Dare to Dream?
05:51 Yeah, and... All right. Quite a few of you.
05:53 You can get it on the Internet; also on what is it? G-19?
05:57 Yes. And on the Internet. So tune in to 3ABN
06:01 and click on Dare to Dream. Watch this great program.
06:04 That's right. Because it is unique.
06:06 And I will say this: Yvonne Lewis is one of the hardest-
06:08 working people I've ever known.
06:11 She does it with grace and ease.
06:14 You don't see her, but she gets to that office
06:17 early... You know, before noon anyway.
06:20 I mean I'm just teasing, but she doesn't leave till midnight.
06:25 She is really a hard-working person.
06:29 And when we go by there she's constantly working.
06:33 By the way, when she's taping she's here at 6 o'clock in the
06:36 morning if she needs to be. I'm just teasing.
06:38 Well now what we're saying is, see we could have said
06:41 "no. " Jim could have said "no" to this opportunity
06:44 of Dare to Dream, but he didn't.
06:46 Because we're depending on the Holy Spirit to impress
06:49 each of you to maybe do more than you've ever done before.
06:53 So we're asking you - those of you at home
06:55 and those of you here today -
06:57 we mentioned last night we kind of don't like to just
06:59 take up an offering because that offering plate gets
07:01 one dollars and five dollars without really thinking about...
07:05 I've been there in a position... Sometimes I'm there and they
07:07 pass an offering. And I reach in and give a dollar
07:10 or five dollars... maybe not even aware of what the offering
07:13 is about. But that's what you do when you when you're there,
07:15 right? But we're asking you to pray and ask the Holy Spirit
07:19 what He would have you to do.
07:21 Maybe there's something you have in your hand
07:23 that you say: "You know what? Lord, I'm going to dedicate
07:25 this. " Today maybe you want to write a check.
07:28 If you're not ready this morning, think about it.
07:30 You can hand it... Are these mine? That's mine.
07:33 Oh! Oh, OK... OK. You just inspired me.
07:37 OK... all right. On that truck?
07:39 That's the pick-up. You gave it to me? To the Lord.
07:42 Oh! I thought you were giving me the keys to the...
07:44 So why did you give me the keys to your truck?
07:46 No, I know what he did.
07:48 Jim's selling... He has a beautiful truck and he's
07:51 selling it and he's going to give 50% of that...
07:53 I'm giving 100%. I'm giving the keys right now. OK.
07:57 He gave it to the Lord and gave me the keys!
07:59 That's a pretty good deal.
08:01 So... Well I don't want it back, it's too tempting.
08:04 Yeah, but I will tell you... I'll tell you this:
08:06 that the Lord is coming, folks. It requires
08:10 sacrifice that we haven't done in the past years it does
08:14 require in order to get this message out. So this is
08:16 exactly... And you only had that just a few months.
08:18 It's a beautiful truck. Yeah. He feels guilty for driving
08:20 a nice truck and I hope... Are you trying to get that
08:24 to rub off on me? Oh, no no.
08:26 I have another vehicle though.
08:27 See? And so if you have another vehicle
08:30 you don't need... I didn't need a second vehicle.
08:32 No, I understand. I appreciate that... what you're doing.
08:35 And what we're saying today seriously: many of you
08:37 may have something that you want to donate.
08:40 And 3ABN... we've never needed it worse.
08:43 You know that we don't do praise-a-thons and beg-a-thons
08:45 but from time to time we make our needs known.
08:47 And this is one of those times.
08:49 This summertime our operating budget has been down so low
08:53 we really haven't known how we were going to pay things.
08:55 And we don't say this... You know we don't stand up
08:57 and do this very often. But I think people after 25 years
09:02 they think you're an institution. Yeah.
09:03 And a lot of people believe when they give to the church -
09:06 the Adventist church takes up a donation for media...
09:09 People say: "Oh I give to 3ABN when they take up an Adventist
09:13 media at our church we give. "
09:15 Well 3ABN is not included in that. No.
09:17 And rightfully so. We shouldn't be. We're not... That's right.
09:20 We're an independent supporting ministry 501c3.
09:24 But just so that you all know: the only money that
09:27 comes to 3ABN is what you give directly to us.
09:30 So we're asking you to think about it.
09:32 You to write a check as the Holy Spirit impresses you.
09:35 Not only now, but if you're not a monthly giver
09:37 if maybe you could give something a month.
09:39 Whether it's $5, $50, $100. The big gifts are great
09:43 but what keeps us going is the smaller gifts.
09:47 $25... $50. Jim asked some people to send in $61.
09:51 I had a birthday the other day and I didn't believe they would
09:54 and some people actually did send in $61 for the birthday.
09:58 He said: "I wished you was 71. " Yeah, right.
10:01 So... You look 75. I thought...
10:05 Next year he's going to ask for $76 because I looked 75
10:08 last year. Right and so... Well listen,
10:11 we just love the Lord and we want to be a part of His work.
10:14 Have a prayer for us, Danny. Would you? All right.
10:17 Lord, we thank you for Your blessings and Your love
10:19 and we thank you that You are the leader.
10:22 You have directed 3ABN into existence.
10:25 You have seen us before the foundations of the world
10:28 and you saw all the people that would join together
10:30 that care enough to take this gospel of the kingdom
10:33 into all the world. And I pray that You will impress
10:35 each of us today what we should do in doing our part
10:39 to take this gospel into all the world by giving of our
10:42 finances. Not only our time and our prayers but our finances.
10:45 So we pray that You will bless this offering today worldwide.
10:48 In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Amen.
10:52 Those of you at home, you can mail your checks where you
10:54 usually do here at P.O. Box 220, West Frankfort.
10:58 Or you can go on the website and click where it says donate
11:02 and you can donate by credit card immediately
11:05 and we'll receive that credit immediately.
11:08 Right now... Go ahead. I think we have Pastor C.A. Murray
11:11 coming out. He's going to sing during the offertory.
11:14 I'd better make sure the truck runs out here... so...
11:17 It's a nice Cadillac truck by the way.
11:39 He lifts my burden
11:45 whenever I'm down.
11:50 He gives me joy
11:54 when I'm wearing a frown.
11:59 He is my hope
12:03 in the midst of despair.
12:08 And He... He is my comfort
12:13 for He's always there.
12:23 So I sing
12:26 not because I feel like singing.
12:32 And I praise Him
12:36 though the end I may not see.
12:42 For whenever
12:45 I lift the name of Jesus
12:50 Jesus reaches down
12:55 and He lifts me.
13:06 He is the music
13:10 that makes my heart glad.
13:15 He whispers peace
13:20 whenever I'm sad.
13:24 He is the sunshine
13:28 that brightens my day.
13:33 And He... He is the lighthouse
13:38 to show me the way.
13:43 So I sing
13:47 not because I feel like singing.
13:53 And I praise Him
13:57 though the end I may not see.
14:03 For whenever
14:05 I lift the name of Jesus
14:10 Jesus reaches down
14:15 and He lifts me.
14:21 So I sing
14:24 not because I feel like singing.
14:30 And I praise Him
14:34 though the end I may not see.
14:40 For whenever
14:42 I lift the name of Jesus
14:47 Jesus reaches down,
14:52 turns me around
14:54 and He plants my feet on higher ground...
15:01 He reaches down
15:06 and He
15:10 lifts me.
15:25 Amen.
15:28 Amen... thank you.
15:32 Our speaker this morning needs no introduction.
15:36 Stephen Bohr has spoken here many, many times.
15:40 You know him from 3ABN.
15:42 You know him as President of Secrets Unsealed.
15:46 And this morning he will bring us a message
15:51 entitled: Daniel, the Book Theme.
15:55 And we will look at the theme of the book of Daniel.
16:09 Good morning. Good morning. Happy Sabbath to you all.
16:14 Happy Sabbath. No better place to be today.
16:17 Amen.
16:20 Our time is limited so I'm going to synthesize a few things
16:24 that I had intended on presenting.
16:30 We're going to actually speak about the historical portions
16:34 of the book of Daniel.
16:37 That's Daniel 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
16:41 However, before we do let's bow our heads
16:45 and ask for the Lord's blessing.
16:47 Our Father and our God,
16:50 how wonderful it is to be in this place.
16:54 So many of Your family members gathered together
16:58 from so many places to render You the honor and glory
17:02 and praise that You deserve.
17:04 And also to hear Your voice speaking to us
17:07 through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Word.
17:10 We ask, Father, that as we study
17:13 Your Holy Spirit will be present in this place.
17:17 Give us clarity of thought
17:19 and willingness of heart to receive the seed of truth
17:24 that You have for us... not only those gathered here
17:28 but those who are watching all over the world.
17:32 We thank you, Father, for the privilege of approaching
17:35 Your throne in prayer, and thank you for hearing us.
17:38 For we ask it in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
17:44 The books of Daniel and Revelation
17:46 are saturated with symbolic terminology.
17:53 They have metallic men,
17:56 savage beasts, domestic sanctuary animals,
18:01 mysterious horns that speak,
18:05 strange actions like eating a book and having it be
18:10 sweet in your mouth and bitter in your stomach,
18:13 mysterious numbers. In order to understand
18:19 the meaning of these symbols
18:22 we have to decipher them or we have to decode them.
18:26 Because these portions of Daniel and Revelation
18:31 are dealing in symbols
18:34 and symbols must be interpreted.
18:37 In contrast to the apocalyptic sections
18:41 of the books of Daniel and Revelation,
18:44 and particularly Daniel in this case,
18:48 the historical chapters of Daniel are just simple,
18:54 up-front, easy to understand stories.
19:00 They do not contain symbols directly.
19:04 They are just a matter-of-fact story of things that occurred
19:09 in the period of the Babylonian and the Medo-Persian empires.
19:15 As I mentioned, these stories are straight-forward
19:19 and easy to understand.
19:21 For example, what child cannot understand the story
19:26 of the 3 young men that were thrown into the fiery furnace?
19:30 Very easy to understand.
19:33 What child cannot understand the story of Daniel
19:36 who was cast into the lion's den?
19:39 Once again, straight-forward, simple to understand.
19:43 These stories were meant to speak to people
19:48 in all times and in all places.
19:51 And they do not apparently have to be decoded or deciphered.
19:56 However, the stories in the first half of the book of Daniel
20:03 have a deeper dimension
20:07 than just being simple, mere stories that took place
20:13 once upon a time. These stories really illustrate
20:18 in narrative form the symbolic apocalyptic portions
20:24 of the book of Daniel.
20:26 In other words, these stories actually decode in simple,
20:32 matter-of-fact language the symbols that we find
20:36 in the apocalyptic portions of the book of Daniel.
20:40 Now the stories in the book of Daniel and the apocalyptic
20:45 portions in Daniel must be interpreted differently.
20:49 The apocalyptic portions like Daniel 2 and Daniel 7
20:54 and Daniel 8 through 12 we must use the principle
20:58 of historicism to interpret them.
21:01 They began in the days when the prophet wrote
21:04 and they are fulfilled in the course of history without
21:08 interruption until Jesus sets up His everlasting kingdom.
21:12 In other words, the apocalyptic portions of Daniel
21:16 have only one application.
21:18 They do not have multiple fulfillments
21:22 because they basically present the history from the time
21:28 of Daniel till the setting up of the everlasting kingdom...
21:31 every event in its proper order in between.
21:35 One application - the historicist application of
21:38 prophecy. The stories in Daniel
21:42 require that we use a different method of interpretation
21:47 because the stories are really types of end-time events.
21:51 In other words, these stories in a literal and local way
21:57 actually point forward to world-wide and spiritual events.
22:02 In other words, to the historical chapters of Daniel
22:05 we must apply the law of typology.
22:09 What once happened literally and locally
22:12 will happen once again on a global scale
22:16 and spiritually with God's spiritual people.
22:21 Now time will allow us only to take a look at two chapters
22:26 in the historical section of Daniel.
22:28 The first chapter that I would like us to take a look at
22:32 is Daniel chapter 3.
22:34 And the second chapter that I would like us
22:36 to dedicate time to is chapter 6.
22:39 So we're going to look at chapter 3 and chapter 6.
22:43 You know, if we had the time I would show you that every
22:47 single one of the historical chapters is a type.
22:50 Chapter 1 is actually the introduction to the book.
22:54 And as you examine this chapter the character of Daniel
22:58 and his friends foreshadows the character that God's people
23:02 will have at the end of time.
23:03 Daniel 3 and 6 we're going to study.
23:06 Daniel chapter 4 has a definite end-time application
23:10 to the kings of the earth. It teaches them tremendous
23:13 lessons about why they govern and the principles that they
23:18 need to apply in government.
23:20 Chapter 5 is in the foreground
23:24 of Revelation 16 and 17. The drying up of the Euphrates
23:28 and the fall of Babylon is told in Daniel chapter 5.
23:32 Each one of these chapters in the historical section
23:36 of Daniel really is a historical type of end-time events
23:40 that will take place on a much larger scale.
23:43 So let's take a look at Daniel chapter 3.
23:47 This story actually prefigures and foreshadows
23:52 the crisis that is described in Revelation chapter 13
23:57 and verses 11 through 18.
24:00 These two passages - Daniel 3 and Revelation 13:11-18-
24:05 have many, many common elements.
24:08 And I would like to draw several parallels between them.
24:12 First of all, in Daniel chapter 3
24:16 we have a conflict between the religion of Babylon
24:21 and the religion of Israel... the religion of the Hebrews.
24:26 The theme in the book of Revelation is also
24:29 the conflict or the controversy
24:32 between God's people - spiritual Israel -
24:35 and the harlot Babylon who is mentioned in Revelation 17.
24:42 Interestingly enough, in Daniel chapter 2 as you know
24:46 God showed Nebuchadnezzar how history would transpire
24:51 in that great image that had different metals.
24:54 But after God showed Nebuchadnezzar
24:57 how the kingdoms would occur in the history of the world
25:02 Nebuchadnezzar was unhappy with that.
25:04 And so in Daniel chapter 3 we find Nebuchadnezzar
25:08 making an image fully and completely of gold.
25:11 Now there's more here than meets the eye.
25:14 It involves more than false worship.
25:17 Actually what Nebuchadnezzar is saying to God in His face
25:22 he is saying: "History is not going to transpire
25:26 as You say. History will transpire as I say. "
25:30 In other words, Nebuchadnezzar is attempting to change
25:35 the prophetic scenario of how
25:38 prophetic history will develop.
25:42 Let me ask you: has the Christian world today
25:45 changed how end-time events will transpire?
25:50 Has spiritual Babylon done that?
25:53 Yes... by introducing methods such as futurism
25:58 and preterism, people misunderstand how prophecy
26:03 is truly going to be fulfilled in the end time.
26:07 Because God's scenario of prophecy has been changed
26:12 or has been shifted.
26:14 Both in Revelation 13
26:18 and in Daniel chapter 3 we have a beast.
26:23 As you remember, Nebuchadnezzar for 7 years lived as a beast.
26:28 In Revelation chapter 13 you have the mention of a beast.
26:34 In Daniel chapter 3 you have the beast raising an image
26:40 and in Revelation chapter 13 we also have a beast
26:45 who raises an image.
26:47 In both Daniel 3 and in Revelation chapter 13
26:51 we have an emphasis on mystical or mysterious numbers.
26:55 In Daniel chapter 3 we have an image that is 60x6.
27:01 In Revelation chapter 13 we have the number of the beast
27:06 which is 666.
27:08 We have no time really to show the relationship
27:11 between these two numbers.
27:13 There is a very close relation- ship between 60x6 and 666.
27:18 Both numbers are related to the sun.
27:21 In fact, Nebuchadnezzar when he raised that image
27:25 it was in honor of the sun god Marduk.
27:28 In antiquity gold was connected with the sun.
27:31 In fact it was called "the dew of the sun. "
27:34 In other words, the reason why the image was of gold
27:37 was because the people were actually worshiping the sun
27:40 god Marduk... whose number, by the way, is 666.
27:45 In both chapters the issue is worship.
27:50 In fact, in both chapters
27:53 there is a universal call to worship.
27:55 Nebuchadnezzar says: "All ye nations, tongues, and peoples:
28:00 when you hear the instruments play you shall
28:03 worship the image. " Revelation also speaks about
28:06 nations, tongues, and peoples in the end time.
28:10 Revelation chapter 17 and verse 15.
28:13 In both chapters you have a death decree
28:16 against those who will not worship the image of the beast.
28:21 In both chapters you have an insignificant remnant
28:26 that refuses to worship the image of the beast
28:30 and therefore they become subject of the death decree.
28:34 We have this remnant that refuses to worship...
28:39 even on pain of death. They would rather be obedient
28:42 to God and die than be disobedient to God and live.
28:47 In both stories you have a shaking.
28:51 You know, there were many Hebrews that were taken to
28:54 Babylon. Many of them were taught in the school of Babylon.
28:58 And yet when push came to shove
29:01 there were only 3 young men. We don't know where Daniel was.
29:05 But there were only three young men that stood there
29:09 in the valley of Dura and refused to worship the image
29:13 of the beast so to speak.
29:15 In Daniel chapter 3 the issue of conflict
29:20 is worship and also the commandments of God.
29:23 You see, the young men could not worship the image
29:26 because the Bible says "You shall have no other gods
29:29 before Me. " They could not worship
29:31 for the reason that the Bible says that we're not supposed to
29:34 worship any graven image.
29:36 They would not bring disrepute upon the name of God
29:41 by kneeling before that image. And furthermore
29:44 they would have dishonored their Creator
29:48 by worshiping that image that had been raised up.
29:52 In other words, the issue is primarily concerning
29:55 the first table of the law... the first four commandments
29:58 of God's law... that define what worship is.
30:04 In both Daniel 3 and Revelation 13
30:07 those who come up with the idea of building the image
30:12 and commanding people to worship on pain of death
30:15 it was not Nebuchadnezzar.
30:17 It was actually the Chaldeans... the religious leaders
30:21 who instigated the king - the civil power -
30:24 to raise the image and command everyone to worship.
30:27 In the end time, it will be the religious leaders
30:31 who will instigate the civil powers of the world.
30:35 If you read Revelation chapter 17
30:37 where it says that the harlot representing an apostate church
30:41 will fornicate with the kings of the earth.
30:43 The idea will not come from the civil rulers.
30:47 The idea will come from the church trying or attempting to
30:51 influence the state.
30:53 The wrath of Nebuchadnezzar will be reflected in the end
30:57 time against those who keep the commandments of God.
31:00 The Bible says in Revelation 12 verse 17
31:02 that the dragon was enraged with the woman
31:05 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed:
31:08 those who keep the command- ments of God
31:11 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
31:13 In fact, Ellen White describes the body language
31:17 of Nebuchadnezzar. You know, when he stated:
31:19 "And what God shall be able to deliver you from my hands? "
31:23 She states: "With hand stretched upward
31:27 in defiance he said these words. "
31:29 Signs of the Times, May 6, 1897.
31:32 She also saw in vision the face of Nebuchadnezzar
31:37 when he said these words.
31:39 She says: "Satanic attributes made his countenance
31:43 appear as the countenance of a demon. "
31:49 Does that bring to mind Revelation 12 and verse 17
31:53 where it says that the dragon "was enraged with the woman, "
31:56 primarily against those who keep the commandments of God?
32:02 In Daniel chapter 3 we actually find
32:05 the king, by instigation of the religious leaders,
32:09 establishing a religious observance.
32:13 In other words, the king is establishing religion.
32:17 Does that bring to mind something that we have in our
32:21 United States constitution?
32:23 The first amendment to the constitution says
32:26 that Congress shall make no law
32:29 respecting what? The establishment of religion.
32:33 Here you have the religious leaders influencing the king
32:37 to establish a religious observance and command everyone
32:41 to worship the image.
32:43 In other words, this would be today a violation
32:47 of the first amendment - the first clause of the first
32:51 amendment - to the constitution of the United States.
32:55 The church through the state
32:58 establishing an observance that has to do with worship.
33:05 In both of these chapters - Daniel 3 and Revelation 13-
33:09 we have a terrible time of trouble that ensues
33:13 where the faith of God's remnant is severely tested.
33:19 In Daniel chapter 3 the furnace is heated
33:22 seven times greater than ever before.
33:24 I don't think that Nebuchad- nezzar had a thermometer.
33:27 I believe that it says that he heated the furnace
33:30 as hot as it could be heated.
33:32 Complete and total heat.
33:34 In the book of Revelation God's people will live during
33:37 the worst and most intense period in the history of the
33:40 world when the seven last plagues will fall
33:44 upon the earth.
33:45 The Bible tells us that these three young men
33:49 preferred to die rather than to be disobedient to God.
33:53 And they were thrown into a fiery furnace.
33:56 I'd like to read you a statement from Great Controversy
33:59 page 621 where Ellen White connects the furnace experience
34:03 with what will happen in the end time with God's people.
34:06 Speaking about those who will go through that severe time
34:09 of trouble in the future she says: "Their affliction
34:11 is great. The flames of the furnace seem about to
34:16 consume them. But the refiner will bring them forth
34:20 as gold tried in the fire.
34:23 God's love for His children during the period of their
34:26 severest trial is as strong and tender as in the days
34:30 of their sunniest prosperity.
34:32 But it is needful for them to be placed in the furnace
34:35 of fire. " Notice the allusion to Daniel 3.
34:37 "In the furnace of fire their earthliness must be consumed
34:42 that the image of Christ may be perfectly reflected. "
34:48 Now I remember when I was growing up... When I was a kid
34:53 my parents and my Sabbath School teachers would tell me
34:57 "You know, you need to be a Daniel.
35:00 You need to be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego... "
35:04 as if they were the important figures in the story.
35:10 You see, the central focus of Daniel chapter 3
35:14 is not on the faith of the three young men
35:18 but on the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Amen.
35:21 In fact, there's something very interesting in Daniel chapter 3.
35:24 Do you know that the word deliver is used
35:28 in this chapter four times? The word deliver.
35:34 Now remember that word because we're going to come back to it.
35:36 Let me tell you which are the four times.
35:38 In verse 15 Nebuchadnezzar asks: "And what God
35:43 will be able to deliver you from my hand? "
35:46 In Daniel chapter 3 and verse 17
35:49 the three young Hebrews say: "The God whom we serve
35:52 is able to deliver us and He will deliver us
35:58 from your hand. "
35:59 And then in chapter 3 and verse 28 after they're delivered
36:03 Nebuchadnezzar says: "God sent His angel
36:06 to deliver His servants who trusted in Him. "
36:10 The central theme of Daniel chapter 3
36:14 is the deliverance of God's people from their enemies.
36:21 Now we're going to discuss this word deliver
36:24 a little bit later on in our study this morning.
36:26 This word is used only in two other chapters in Daniel.
36:31 It's used in Daniel 6
36:34 and it's used in Daniel chapter 12 and verse 1.
36:38 Which tells us that there is a link between
36:42 Daniel 3, Daniel 6, and Daniel 11 and 12...
36:48 particularly the last few verses of Daniel 11.
36:52 As we study the stories of Daniel 3 and Daniel 6
36:58 we see what the issues will be in the end time.
37:03 The issues are not the oil of the Middle East.
37:08 The issue is not the Muslims vs. the Jews.
37:15 The issue is not the West vs. the East.
37:19 The issue is worship
37:23 and obedience to God's commandments.
37:28 So these stories help us under- stand what the issues will be
37:31 in the end-time conflict.
37:34 You know, this morning I was interested as I was listening to
37:37 Shelley speak about the covenant.
37:39 You know, Daniel chapter 3
37:43 has a strong emphasis on the covenant even though
37:46 the word covenant is not mentioned.
37:48 You see, these three young men had a covenant relationship
37:52 with the Lord. And the Lord said: "If you have a covenant
37:56 relationship with Me, I can guarantee
37:59 that I will protect you. "
38:00 In fact, Jesus - as a loving husband -
38:04 protected His wife so to speak.
38:08 Jesus as the faithful Shepherd protected His sheep.
38:12 Jesus as the head of the body protected His body.
38:16 Jesus as the sovereign King protected His subjects.
38:23 Now let me express an important principle
38:25 as we study this story. Do you see that this story
38:28 foreshadows the end times?
38:29 I mean it's as subtle as a freight train.
38:32 I mean it's very, very clear the parallels are striking.
38:36 Now let me express this to you: very important principle.
38:40 I'm speaking now about Daniel chapter 3.
38:44 Literal Israel was literally captive in literal Babylon.
38:48 The literal king behaved like a literal beast,
38:51 set up a literal image in a literal valley
38:54 commanding everyone to literally bow
38:57 and literally worship the literal image.
38:59 A remnant of literal Jews refused to literally bow
39:03 before the literal image and therefore they were thrown
39:05 into a literal fiery furnace
39:08 and were delivered from the literal flames
39:10 by Christ who literally came into the fiery furnace.
39:17 But all of these literal things become symbolic.
39:21 We no longer have a literal beast in the future.
39:25 It's not a literal statue
39:27 that is raised up in a literal valley.
39:31 The affliction of God's people will not be in a literal
39:35 furnace. The furnace is symbolic; the beast is symbolic;
39:39 the image is symbolic... but the issues are the same.
39:43 The issues will be worship and obedience...
39:46 covenant obedience to God.
39:48 Ellen White in Manuscript Releases volume 14 and page 91
39:54 connected what happened in the valley of Dura
39:58 with God's seventh-day Sabbath in the end time.
40:01 There's a connection.
40:04 You know, why do we worship God?
40:08 Because He's the Creator.
40:10 And what sign has He given us that He is the Creator?
40:14 The Sabbath.
40:16 You can't disconnect the Sabbath from worship
40:19 because the Sabbath is the sign of allegiance to God,
40:23 the Creator according to scripture.
40:26 This is what she says:
40:28 "An idol Sabbath has been set up
40:32 as the golden image was set up in the plains of Dura.
40:36 And as Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, issued a decree
40:41 that all who would not bow down and worship the image should be
40:44 killed, so a proclamation will be made
40:48 that all who will not reverence the Sunday institution
40:52 will be punished with imprisonment and death. "
40:55 Did you notice how she connects the two stories?
40:57 And you say: "But Pastor Bohr,
41:00 there's no relationship between worshiping a literal image
41:03 and worshiping on a certain day that God did not create
41:07 as the day of worship. "
41:09 Is it the same thing to worship the sun which they were doing
41:13 as they worshiped the image as it would be
41:15 to worship on the day of the sun?
41:16 People say: "It's not the same thing. "
41:18 Let's think about it...
41:20 and I'll be explicit.
41:22 Who created the sun?
41:25 God.
41:26 Did He create it for worship? No.
41:29 So what happens if you make it an object of worship?
41:32 It's called idolatry.
41:34 Now let me ask you: who made the first day of the week? God.
41:38 Did He make it for worship? No.
41:40 So what happens if you convert it into a day of worship?
41:44 It's idolatry.
41:46 It doesn't matter if it is an object or an image
41:51 or a day. Anything that man creates for worship
41:55 that God did not make for worship is idolatry.
41:59 That is the connection that we have in these stories.
42:04 Now we must move to Daniel chapter 6.
42:06 Man that clock is the greatest enemy in the world.
42:08 You know, for a preacher...
42:11 we just wish that the sun would stand still
42:15 as in the days of Joshua.
42:17 But it doesn't happen... it's relentless.
42:19 Let's go to Daniel chapter 6.
42:21 Actually in Daniel chapter 6 Daniel - like the 3 young men -
42:26 is a symbol of God's end-time generation.
42:30 Let me give you several characteristics about Daniel.
42:34 It says in Daniel chapter 6 that he was full of the
42:38 Holy Spirit. Are God's people going to be full of the
42:40 Holy Spirit at the end time?
42:42 God is going to pour out His Spirit without measure
42:45 in the latter rain and God's people will be full
42:47 of the Spirit. Daniel was a man of prayer.
42:50 His prayer life was more important than his own life...
42:54 his own physical life.
42:56 Will God's people in the end time be a people of prayer?
42:59 Absolutely!
43:00 Daniel had a passion to under- stand the 2,300-day prophecy.
43:06 We're going to talk about that this evening
43:08 in the last in this series.
43:10 Are God's end-time people particularly interested
43:13 in understanding the 2,300-day prophecy
43:16 as it applies to us today?
43:18 Absolutely! Daniel was faithful in his secular duties...
43:22 in his everyday duties.
43:25 In fact we know this because his enemies said
43:28 "there's no fault in the way in which Daniel carries forward
43:32 his everyday, common, secular duties.
43:34 We can't find anything wrong in the way that he deals
43:37 with his everyday affairs. "
43:39 In Daniel chapter 6 and verse 4 we find this.
43:43 Daniel chapter 6 and verse 4. It says: "So the governors
43:46 and satraps sought to find some charge against Daniel
43:50 concerning the kingdom
43:52 but they could find no charge or fault
43:55 because he was faithful nor was there any
43:59 error or fault found in him. "
44:03 Will that characterize God's end-time people?
44:05 Is it also necessary for us to be faithful in our
44:08 everyday secular duties? Absolutely!
44:12 Because if we don't then the enemies of God's people
44:15 will have reason to accuse God's people in the end time.
44:18 So where did the enemies of Daniel have to find
44:22 something against him? Notice Daniel chapter 6
44:25 and verse 5. It explicitly tells us that they tried to
44:29 find fault with his religious convictions
44:32 and his religious practices.
44:34 It says there: "Then these men said:
44:37 'We shall not find any charge against this Daniel
44:42 unless we find it against him concerning... ' What?
44:46 'concerning the law of His God. ' "
44:51 What is the conflict over in Daniel chapter 6?
44:55 It is over the law of God vs. the laws of men
44:59 and Daniel's right to worship his God and pray to his God
45:04 according to the dictates of his conscience.
45:07 Now listen carefully: the second clause of the first amendment
45:10 to the constitution... the first clause says
45:13 "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment
45:16 of religion" but the second clause says
45:19 "nor forbidding the free exercise thereof. "
45:21 This story illustrates the second clause.
45:25 What happens when the second clause of the U.S. constitution
45:28 is violated... because King Darius or Darius as people
45:32 call him... King Darius was not establishing religion,
45:36 he was forbidding the free exercise of religion.
45:39 He was saying that you could not pray.
45:41 And Daniel says: "No, Nebuchadnezzar could not
45:44 establish religion and you cannot forbid the free exercise
45:47 of religion. " And so Daniel insisted on praying to his God.
45:51 Once again we have a faithful remnant
45:54 who chooses to worship God
45:56 and chooses to keep His commandments.
45:59 And life is not as important as being faithful to God.
46:03 He refused to obey this religious decree.
46:07 And by the way, in both stories you have the civil power
46:10 enforcing a religious decree
46:13 because his advisers told him to do it.
46:18 In the book of Revelation the dangerous powers for God's
46:21 people are not the civil powers of the world.
46:23 The Romans were no risk to Jesus Christ.
46:27 It was the church acting upon Pilate, the state at that time,
46:32 that led to the death of Jesus Christ.
46:34 And the same thing happened during the period of the
46:38 1,260 years.
46:42 A death decree was uttered along with this law
46:46 forbidding worship of the true God.
46:50 The law was written and it was signed
46:55 and a death decree was connected with it.
46:59 It's interesting to notice - I emphasize this point -
47:03 that this decree was actually given by authority of the king
47:07 but it was the religious advisers who actually
47:11 instigated him to do it.
47:13 And the king was totally deceived.
47:16 What happened when the king woke up and discovered that
47:19 he had been deceived?
47:21 Well... the princes became cat food.
47:30 Isn't that right? Absolutely!
47:34 Let me ask you: in the end time are the kings of the earth
47:37 going to discover that the religious systems have deceived
47:40 them into giving decrees against God's people?
47:42 Revelation chapter 17 verse 16 says
47:45 that the kings will hate the harlot!
47:48 In other words, they will hate the apostate church
47:51 and they will turn on her.
47:53 Do we have in Daniel 6 a great tribulation that
47:57 Daniel went through? Absolutely!
47:59 Do you think that his faith was tested?
48:02 No doubt whatsoever about it. He knew the lions were there
48:05 and he knew that the lions were hungry.
48:08 And yet in spite of this fact Daniel said:
48:12 "I have a covenant relationship with the Lord.
48:14 He has promised that if I am faithful to Him
48:17 He'll come through and He'll deliver me from the lions. "
48:21 Once again the word deliver that was used four times
48:25 in Daniel 3 is used five times in Daniel 6.
48:30 This connects the two chapters and then at the end
48:32 we're going to go to chapter 12 where you have
48:35 the final fulfillment of what is foreshadowed
48:38 in these two stories.
48:39 Notice in Daniel chapter 6 and verse 14
48:42 it says that Darius labored till the going down of the sun
48:47 to deliver Daniel.
48:49 You know the king... this is interesting.
48:52 The king exercised his authority. He thought he was
48:54 great. He was exercising authority by giving the decree.
48:58 And then he wasn't very free because he couldn't change
49:01 his decree. That means that his power was not absolute.
49:05 And so he did everything until sundown to deliver Daniel.
49:09 Not able to.
49:11 So in chapter 6 and verse 16 the king says to Daniel:
49:16 "May the God whom you serve continually deliver you...
49:21 because I can't. "
49:23 In verse 20 when Daniel's been thrown into the lion's den -
49:29 and I'm sure that he petted the lions while he was in there...
49:32 all night -
49:34 they behaved just like little kitty cats.
49:37 The next morning Darius who has not slept at all...
49:41 You know, he has these dark shadows under his eyes
49:45 and he's all depressed. He comes to the entrance and he
49:47 says in verse 20: "Has the God whom you serve
49:51 continually... " that's a key word... "continually
49:54 been able to deliver you? "
49:56 There you have the word deliver again.
49:58 In verse 27 after Daniel is delivered
50:03 the king says that "God delivers and rescues.
50:08 He works signs and wonders and has delivered Daniel
50:13 from the power of the lion. "
50:15 What lion? What is the central theme of Daniel chapter 6?
50:20 Deliverance!
50:22 What is the central theme of Daniel chapter 3?
50:25 Deliverance! Folks, we have trying times ahead for us.
50:29 There is going to be a time of trouble such as never has
50:32 existed in the history of the world.
50:34 It will involve worship; it will involve obedience to God...
50:37 a covenant relationship with Him.
50:39 And when the trying times come
50:41 we need to understand... we need to KNOW
50:44 that if we are in a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ
50:47 He will come through and He will protect His people.
50:51 Amen.
50:52 You know, God could have simply skipped these stories.
50:56 And He could have said: "You know, when you're going through
50:59 the end-time crisis I'll be with you. "
51:03 But God left these stories because He says:
51:05 "If I did it once, what makes you think I won't do it again? "
51:10 Amen! In other words, He left these stories as types,
51:13 as illustrations, as symbols
51:16 of what will transpire in the future.
51:19 The stories do have a second fulfillment.
51:22 The chain prophecies do not
51:24 because they... we apply to them the historicist way
51:29 of interpreting Bible prophecy.
51:31 Of course, the deliverance of Daniel is spectacular.
51:36 And you don't think the lions were hungry?
51:39 The Bible says - and by the way, did you notice?
51:42 Once again it's the enemies of Daniel who died.
51:45 Who died when the three young men were thrown into the
51:49 fiery furnace? The ones that threw them in.
51:52 In the days of Esther... this is a recurring theme
51:55 in scripture. In the days of Esther
51:58 who hung on the gallows?
52:00 The one who prepared the gallows.
52:03 In the book of Revelation do the kings destroy God's
52:07 people? No. They destroy the harlot
52:11 who prepared the plot.
52:12 In other words, God has given us these stories
52:15 to comfort us - comfort us - and to give us assurance
52:18 in the end time. Now listen folks:
52:22 the only other place that the word deliver is found in Daniel
52:25 is in Daniel 11:41.
52:28 And I'm not going to go into that because we have
52:31 a study on Daniel 11 a little bit later on today.
52:33 But in Daniel chapter 11 it speaks about
52:36 certain groups that escape the power of the king of the north.
52:43 The king of the north represents the same as the little horn,
52:46 the beast, the harlot, the abomination of desolation,
52:48 and the man of sin. They're all symbolic of the same system
52:51 at the end of time.
52:52 And though it's translated "these shall escape from his
52:55 hand" really it's the same Hebrew word
52:59 "these shall be delivered from his hand. "
53:01 It represents those who belong to every church where God has
53:04 true children who will escape before the destruction comes.
53:10 Will escape from the power that will oppress
53:13 and persecute God's people at the end of time.
53:15 Then of course it says that the king of the north
53:18 sets up the tents of his palace
53:20 between the seas and the glorious holy mountain
53:23 to deliver a final death blow against God's people.
53:28 Then you have the last reference to the word deliver
53:31 in the book of Daniel... Daniel chapter 12 and verse 1.
53:34 It says: "At that time... " And now we're dealing not with
53:37 Daniel's day... we're dealing with the end of time.
53:40 That which was foreshadowed in Daniel 3 and Daniel 6
53:44 will now be described in Daniel chapter 12 and verse 1.
53:47 "At that time Michael shall stand up. "
53:50 Who is Michael?
53:52 Jesus Christ.
53:54 What does that mean that He's going to stand up?
53:56 Actually it means that probation will close.
54:01 And when He stands up He stands up to defend what?
54:06 "Who stands in favor of the children of His people. "
54:10 But then notice it says: "And there shall be a... " What?
54:14 "There shall be a time of trouble such as never was. "
54:18 Did that happen in Daniel 6?
54:21 Did that happen in Daniel chapter 3?
54:24 Absolutely! But then it says
54:29 that at the end of the time of trouble
54:32 God's people will be what? God's people will be delivered,
54:38 every one who is found written in the book.
54:43 You see, folks, these stories of Daniel 3 and Daniel 6
54:49 are a living historical illustration
54:51 of the deliverance of God's people at the end of time.
54:55 They teach what the issues will be.
54:58 They teach that there will be a remnant.
55:00 There will be a death decree.
55:02 The issue will be worship and the observance of God's
55:04 commandments. There will be a severe time of trouble.
55:07 But the glorious truth is that in the midst of that
55:11 terrible time of trouble such as never has been,
55:13 during the period when the 7 last plagues are falling,
55:17 so to speak the furnace is heated seven times than ever
55:20 before Daniel chapter 12 and verse 1 tells us
55:24 that God's people will be delivered...
55:28 every one who is found written in the book.
55:31 Incidentally, if it says every one who is found
55:37 written in the book then their names must have been written
55:40 in the book before this.
55:43 Which indicates that there was a judgment that took place
55:46 before where God wrote their names in the book.
55:51 I'd like to end by reading a verse
55:54 that has been a comfort to me.
55:57 I know it's been a comfort to many
55:59 throughout the course of the history since it was written.
56:03 It's in that beautiful Psalm
56:06 that many have memorized... Psalm 23.
56:11 The Psalmist says:
56:13 "Yea though I walk
56:17 through the valley of the shadow of death
56:20 I will fear no evil... "
56:23 Then what does it say?
56:26 "for Thou art with me.
56:29 Thy rod and Thy staff
56:33 they comfort me. "
56:35 We need to be studying the promises of God.
56:39 We need to be committing those promises to memory
56:42 because we will need to quote those verses
56:46 to ourselves and to those we come in contact with.
56:50 Because ultimately God will have the last word.
56:54 You know, if you look at the book of Daniel
56:56 the central theme really is that God will have the last word.
57:00 He will set up an everlasting kingdom with His people,
57:04 a kingdom that shall never be destroyed. Amen!
57:09 I pray to God that we will be members of that kingdom.
57:12 Let us pray.
57:15 Father in heaven,
57:17 we thank you for giving us these stories from the past.
57:23 We thank you that through them we are able to see
57:27 clearly what will happen in the future.


Revised 2014-12-17