Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Messianic Prophecies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray


Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000009

00:46 Good evening, and we welcome you back to Pillars of Prophecy.
00:50 Are we having a blessed time?
00:53 If you are, say "Praise the Lord. " Praise the Lord!
00:55 Amen. We have had already this evening
00:59 a wonderful sermon by Jay Rosario
01:01 and an anointed hour of music. It was really a blessing.
01:05 And this hour will be sure to please you as well
01:10 because it's my privilege to introduce our speaker tonight
01:13 who is Pastor C.A. Murray.
01:15 And he doesn't need an introduction.
01:18 You know when we take time to introduce we are not
01:22 honoring the man. We are simply introducing the man
01:27 who will bring honor and glory to the Lord.
01:30 And so Pastor C.A. is the Production Manager
01:34 here at 3ABN. He's an ordained minister.
01:38 He's... you've heard him sing this Camp Meeting.
01:41 He is a wonderful husband and you know
01:45 he's a good friend of mine. But more than that
01:48 he's a good friend of Jesus.
01:50 He's a man of his word and a man of God's Word.
01:54 So we'll be very pleased to have him address
01:58 the topic of Messianic Prophecies.
02:01 But before he comes out to speak
02:03 we're going to bring back Reggie and Ladye Love Smith.
02:08 And haven't you been blessed by their music? Amen!
02:11 Tonight they're going to sing a song that they wrote.
02:15 And the title of that song is Miracle.
02:52 I was tired and worn
02:55 the day that I met Jesus.
03:03 And I fell to my face
03:06 and cried out loud to Him.
03:13 "Lord I know if You're willing
03:19 You can heal me
03:25 from this hurt and pain
03:29 that lies so deep within. "
03:35 Could this be
03:41 my miracle?
03:46 Could this be the one
03:51 that I've been waiting for?
03:55 I've waited for.
03:58 I can hardly believe
04:04 how He cares so much for me.
04:09 Could this be
04:13 my miracle today?
04:32 He was standing by the well
04:37 when I first saw Him.
04:43 And He spoke of love
04:47 and how He cared for me.
04:53 For He told me I could drink
04:59 this living water
05:05 and it would quench my thirst
05:09 for all eternity.
05:16 Can this be
05:21 my miracle?
05:27 Can this be the one
05:31 that I've been waiting for?
05:35 I've waited for.
05:38 I can hardly believe
05:44 how He cares so much for me.
05:49 Can this be
05:53 my miracle today?
06:01 He said: "Come as you are
06:06 and drink from that fountain. "
06:14 Jesus made a way for you
06:17 if you will believe.
06:23 There is hope and peace for you
06:28 if you will trust Him.
06:34 He will break the chains
06:38 and set your spirit free.
06:45 This can be... oh, this can be
06:51 your miracle... your miracle.
06:57 This can be the one
07:01 that you've been waiting for...
07:05 you've waited for.
07:08 I can hardly believe
07:14 how He cares so much for me.
07:19 Can this be? Oh Lord, can this be?
07:25 Can this be? Yes this can be...
07:30 Can this be
07:35 your miracle
07:39 today?
07:44 I can hardly believe
07:50 how He cares so much
07:54 for me.
07:59 Can this be
08:03 my miracle
08:06 today?
08:11 God's miracle.
08:24 Amen!
08:31 Amen and amen.
08:37 I was talking with James Rafferty and
08:40 Kameron DeVasher last evening
08:42 and they were saying how tough it is to get a prophetic sermon
08:47 done in an hour because there are so many on-ramps and
08:49 off-ramps and so much material, so many ways
08:52 that you can go. And it's really tough to get it
08:56 all in an hour. And Shelley Quinn was saying
09:01 pretty much the same thing, so I have to agree with them.
09:03 There are so many facets to prophecy and so much
09:08 that can be encompassed by the prophetic word
09:10 that it's really just tough to sort of "fight the clock. "
09:14 But we will try to do our best. We am going to talk about
09:16 the Messianic prophecies. Of course,
09:19 we are going to concentrate our studies on the book of Isaiah,
09:22 but we will get to Isaiah through Luke.
09:27 So you want to put your finger in Isaiah
09:29 and then flip over to Luke 24.
09:32 Start there. We will get back to Isaiah
09:35 but we get to the Old Testament through the corridor of the New.
09:42 Love to hear those pages turning.
09:44 If you will, now bow your heads with me in a word of prayer.
09:47 Father God, truly Your Word is a lamp unto our feet,
09:50 a light unto our path.
09:52 And we pray now, mighty Father,
09:55 that You would be the teacher. That You would instruct us
09:59 and give us of the truth of Your Word.
10:03 Give us open and receptive hearts. And we thank you
10:05 in Jesus' name, Amen. Picture the scene:
10:10 two men are walking along a lonely,
10:14 dark, and dusty road.
10:17 Day is fading into dusk
10:21 bringing the curtain down on what has been
10:26 a long, exasperating, depressing,
10:31 disappointing three days.
10:35 It is as it were a "lost weekend. "
10:40 Have you ever wanted something really bad?
10:44 I mean really bad.
10:46 You wanted something so bad that
10:50 if you didn't get it you just didn't know how you would go on.
10:54 You ever wanted something really, really bad?
10:58 There are times when you can want something so badly
11:03 when the desire, the expectation
11:09 is so strong, so engrained and engraved on your psyche,
11:14 so much a part of your own personal ontology
11:18 that even the notion, the thought
11:21 that what you want could not be or not turn out precisely
11:25 as you wanted, precisely as you had envisioned it,
11:30 that thought is so alien to you, so repulsive, so repugnant,
11:36 so foreign, so alien to your thinking
11:40 that even... you don't even allow it to enter your mind
11:44 let alone your heart.
11:45 You just don't want to go there.
11:50 Some people want their Jesus - their Messiah -
11:54 with blonde hair and blue eyes.
12:02 Some people want their Messiah with black skin and dreadlocks
12:06 kind of like Bob Marley.
12:11 Some people want their Messiah to be kind of like
12:15 one of those vending machines where you get popcorn
12:18 and Famous Amos cookies and potato chips.
12:21 You know, you pray a little perfunctory prayer,
12:23 put in some seed money, pull out the handle and get
12:26 anything you want.
12:31 Some people want a Burger King Jesus.
12:35 Sort of an ethnocentrized have-it-your-way kind of God.
12:40 Some people want a 1960's hippie Jesus.
12:44 You know: sandals and slippers, "Peace, man. "
12:51 You see, this idea of making Jesus or making God
12:56 in our image and creating a God to fit our needs
13:01 and constructing a Savior to be what we want is as old
13:05 as sinful man.
13:07 Many of the Jews in the gospels and the epistles
13:12 rejected Jesus simply because He didn't fit their
13:17 preconceived notion.
13:20 They didn't get the Jesus they wanted
13:23 so they rejected the Jesus they had.
13:29 But not these two that are walking this road this night.
13:33 They are loyal, loving followers of Jesus...
13:38 not prominent ones. Ellen White says these two men
13:41 are "disciples. " They weren't prominent disciples.
13:44 They weren't a Matthew or a Luke or a John.
13:49 These were just followers of the Lord.
13:54 But evidently they were important enough to Jesus
13:57 to get a special visit.
14:00 See I could make a left turn... that's a sermon in itself.
14:02 There's nobody unimportant with Jesus. Amen!
14:07 So these three horrific days
14:11 have mercifully ended.
14:14 And as they walk, they weep.
14:18 They commemorate, they commiserate, they ruminate
14:21 on the galling apocalyptic failure of their fondest dreams.
14:26 On the worst weekend of their lives.
14:30 That 7-1/2 mile trip from Jerusalem to Emaeus
14:36 might well have been 7,000 miles
14:40 or 7,000,000 miles.
14:45 Now the Bible does not suggest or give us a digest
14:50 of their conversation before the arrival of Jesus.
14:55 But we can guess, we can intuit what they were talking about
15:00 by the clues that the Bible does give us.
15:05 The Bible says Cleopas and his companion loved their Lord.
15:09 They were true disciples.
15:11 But this love of God did not free them from the faulty
15:15 expectations, the misguided anticipation,
15:18 and the counterfeit ecclesiology rampant in rabbinical Judaism.
15:23 Cleopas and his fellow disciple
15:26 had made the same mistake that many of the Jews were making
15:30 and are making even today.
15:33 In short, their ethic was suffering under the weight
15:39 of their ethnic -
15:44 um-hmm -
15:48 and colored by 2,000 years of revisionist history.
15:52 The truth is, ladies and gentlemen,
15:54 that most of the pain and sadness and angina
15:58 that they were feeling that night was self-induced
16:01 and self-inflicted and unnecessary.
16:05 They were crying for nothing, Kenny.
16:10 You know, when you go to the doctor sometimes you get...
16:13 with one of these kind of non- distinct pains - the doctor will
16:16 push several spots you know to find out where it hurts.
16:19 He pushes here and you say: "Umh-umh... not there.
16:21 Not there. Umh-umh... not there.
16:23 Ummm! That's it. "
16:25 Well here's where the pain was for these two disciples;
16:30 here's where the migraine came from:
16:32 Luke 24:21.
16:34 This is the diagnosis of their pain.
16:39 The Bible says - recording their conversation to Jesus:
16:44 "But we were hoping that it was He
16:49 who was going to redeem Israel. "
16:53 Translated: "We were hoping
16:57 to get out from under Roman domination. "
17:00 "We were hoping to be top dog again. "
17:02 "We wanted God to do to Caesar just what He had done
17:06 to Pharaoh. " "We were hoping
17:09 that it was going to be Jesus who redeemed Israel. "
17:13 What they didn't understand is that is precisely what Jesus
17:15 had done.
17:18 He didn't redeem them from Rome; He redeemed them from sin.
17:23 The Bible says Jesus took them to a Bible study.
17:26 And I believe that Bible study was talking about
17:30 redemption, redeemers, and deliverance and freedom.
17:36 The Bible says He began at Moses...
17:37 a type of Christ, interestingly enough, and a redeemer.
17:41 And then He went through every single text concerning Himself.
17:48 And the Bible says their mourning turned to dancing.
17:51 Their sadness turned to joy.
17:56 And that very night they turned around and ran
18:01 back to Jerusalem. No food; no water; no sleep; no rest
18:06 because their lives had been changed by the truth. Amen!
18:11 And their response to learning the truth was the same
18:16 as it always is for people when they learn the truth.
18:21 Their response is codified for us in Luke 24:32.
18:25 "And they said to one another: 'did not our hearts
18:29 burn within us
18:34 as He spoke with us by the way? ' "
18:40 I have no doubt that Christ spent a lot of time
18:45 in the book of Isaiah.
18:47 There are three principal illusions
18:52 and many minor ones
18:55 showing who and what Christ was going to be and do
19:00 and it's found in the book of Isaiah.
19:01 I need to tell you: Isaiah is the prince of prophecy.
19:07 He is one of the most fabulous prophetic writers
19:11 in the Word of God.
19:13 And when they dug up the Dead Sea scrolls
19:16 Isaiah was one of the books translated the most
19:19 and one of the ones from which many, many manuscripts came.
19:24 Perhaps Isaiah's prophetic utterances were to them
19:27 among the clearest indicators of the manner,
19:30 message, and mission of Jesus.
19:33 And how wonderfully providential ladies and gentlemen
19:36 that Isaiah's prophetic word was given at the absolute
19:40 nadir, the absolute bottom, the absolute lowest point,
19:44 the absolute pit, the rock bottom of Israel's experience
19:48 with their own God.
19:50 So many see the Old Testament as a gospel of law
19:55 and the New Testament as a gospel of grace,
19:58 but let me correct that this night.
20:01 Because the truth is in
20:04 looking at the history of God's dealing with His own people
20:07 pre first Advent it is one of colossal, gelatinous,
20:13 over-arching radical, aggressive,
20:16 persistent, consistent, irresistible grace.
20:21 Old Testament.
20:23 In Isaiah, Hosea, Jeremiah,
20:28 Ezekiel we see grace that takes a licking
20:32 and keeps on ticking.
20:38 History affirms that when God's people are at their worst
20:43 the people's God is at His best.
20:47 Amen.
20:49 Now we could make a left turn and stay on that for 20 minutes.
20:53 Because if it's good for them it's good for you.
20:55 When you're at your worst -
20:58 um-hmm -
21:00 God is at His best. Amen!
21:04 And you see that in bold relief in the book of Isaiah.
21:07 Note to self: even when my lifestyle indicates
21:12 before the universe that I am a fool
21:15 God remains faithful.
21:22 II Timothy 2:13 says:
21:24 "If we are faithless, He remains faithful;
21:28 He cannot deny Himself. "
21:31 Now that's for good or ill. It simply says
21:34 the promises of God are true whether you are true or not.
21:38 Now that's for good or ill.
21:40 That does not counteract or contramand Galatians 6:7
21:43 It is true: what you sow you reap.
21:46 But the promises of God are true -
21:49 Amen? Amen -
21:51 and are not dependent upon you
21:53 because God swears by Himself.
21:55 When God says: "If we confess our sins
21:58 He is faithful and just to forgive"
22:00 you'll forgive my pejorative English
22:02 "that ain't got nothing to do with you. "
22:05 God made that promise because He's God.
22:08 So anybody who confesses their sins...
22:12 He is faithful and just to forgive anybody their sins.
22:17 Doesn't matter who you are.
22:19 God didn't make that promise just for you.
22:21 He made it for everybody and anybody.
22:24 Why? Because He's God!
22:26 Amen!
22:28 So He's faithful... cannot deny Himself.
22:32 Show you something really cute.
22:34 Lamentations chapter 3 verse 22.
22:36 Lamentations 3:22.
22:39 You've got to realize... and a lot of this stuff in Isaiah,
22:42 Lamentations, Jeremiah, the strength comes
22:45 because of the context. Not so much the words themselves -
22:48 though the words are powerful - it's the context in which
22:51 they are written. Look at Lamentations chapter 3 verse 22.
22:55 This is written... To get a handle on this...
22:58 this is written after the northern kingdom has been
23:03 erased for 100 years.
23:05 Nebuchadnezzar had already begun to dismantle
23:08 the kingdom of Judah.
23:09 Most of the rich and affluent were deported
23:14 and he was coming back to get the rest.
23:18 And Jeremiah writes: "Through the Lord's mercy
23:24 we are not consumed. "
23:28 You see the context?
23:30 We are going into captivity but through His mercies
23:33 we are not consumed.
23:34 "They are new every morning;
23:39 great is Your faithfulness. " Amen!
23:42 Now ladies and gentlemen, that rolls off the tongue
23:45 fairly easily when you've got money in the bank,
23:48 and you've got a nice house,
23:50 and the kids are doing all right,
23:52 and you've got health, and you've got a good family,
23:55 and you've got good friends.
23:56 You know, that is easy to talk that way.
23:59 But when you're broke
24:08 or bankrupt, unemployed,
24:12 homeless, sick, dysfunctional,
24:16 your children are misbehaving,
24:18 and you're on your way to prison
24:21 that's kind of a hard statement to make!
24:24 And ladies and gentlemen, that is precisely
24:28 where Israel was going. They were facing a 70-year
24:32 prison sentence - Lemuel - in Babylon.
24:35 Seventy-year bit.
24:40 And yet the prophet could say: "Your compassion
24:45 fails not.
24:48 Your mercies are new every morning.
24:52 Great is Your faithfulness. "
24:57 You see, we... God is not good...
25:01 God is not good in response to your goodness.
25:06 Need I belabor that point?
25:10 God is good because He's God! Amen!
25:14 God was good before you ever thought about being good.
25:22 He's not good in response to your being good...
25:24 He's good 'cause that's what God is.
25:26 In fact, it is His goodness
25:28 that brings out the goodness in you.
25:31 Amen.
25:37 And nobody does that better.
25:39 Nobody does a better job of making that point
25:42 than does Isaiah's Messianic prophecies.
25:46 And there's some good stuff in here, and I hope time doesn't
25:49 become my enemy. Well it's my enemy already.
25:53 You know the Bible says the last enemy that is slain
25:56 is going to be death.
25:57 One of those enemies will be time.
26:03 When you've got all eternity you can preach forever, John.
26:07 Isaiah highlights... he underscores
26:09 a love driven by desperation.
26:12 We see a new picture of God in the book of Isaiah.
26:15 We see this desperate, radical, all-encompassing,
26:19 clinging love of God.
26:21 The challenge is: "God's love for us is concomitant with
26:25 His hatred for sin.
26:29 I told some guys in a maximum security prison...
26:33 We were trying to tape some... some uh...
26:38 a little of the new Free Indeed! program.
26:41 And I told the guys: "You know, sometimes I almost
26:44 feel sorry for God.
26:45 To love that much and be treated like that...
26:50 that's rough. "
26:53 Because the amount of pain you receive is directly proportional
26:56 to the amount of love that you invest.
26:58 If you take a girl out one time,
27:00 spend a little money, and she says: "Don't call me again...
27:03 I didn't like the date. " Well one date; couple bucks;
27:05 couple hours. Not a big deal.
27:08 But if you've been dating for five years
27:17 and she says "Later, "
27:20 that hurts a little bit
27:22 because the pain is directly proportional to the investment.
27:28 And if you love a lot,
27:30 rejection hurts a lot.
27:35 And God is infinite love.
27:38 So how does He feel when He's rejected?
27:41 I told the guys in prison: "I almost feel pity for God,
27:44 but God doesn't need my pity... I need His. "
27:49 So do you.
27:56 Some of us may have an idea of how much God loves us
28:02 because He shows us that love 1,000 days 1,000 ways.
28:08 I think there are times when I can really feel the love of God.
28:11 Anybody else? You KNOW God loves you.
28:15 Because God wants you to know how much He loves you.
28:20 But I contend that human beings have absolutely no concept
28:26 of God's hatred of sin.
28:29 There's no way you can know how much God hates sin.
28:32 You can't. Because of our nature
28:36 there is nothing in this world that we hate
28:40 as much as God hates sin.
28:45 You can know how much He loves you
28:48 but you will never know His antipathy to sin.
28:55 Cannot know because we were born in sin.
28:58 We've got to fight our own sinful nature.
29:00 God has none of that.
29:02 We will never know how much God hates sin.
29:07 So how can we truly understand?
29:11 And if we had any idea, we would run from sin
29:16 like the plague.
29:19 Now let me make a left turn
29:21 'cause I want to get into Isaiah through the New Testament.
29:25 Show you something kind of cute.
29:27 Um, I want to look at Isaiah through the Messianic prophecies
29:33 and I've got to dash through this.
29:35 Matthew chapter 12 verse 39.
29:38 Write it down; I'll tell you what it says
29:41 or I'll give you a digest of what it says.
29:42 Matthew 12 verse 39.
29:44 One of the smart aleck Scribes and Pharisees
29:47 asked Christ for a sign.
29:49 Remember that?
29:51 "Give us a sign. "
29:53 Jesus says: "An evil and adulterous generation
29:58 seeks after a sign. "
30:03 But in Isaiah chapter 7 when Israel's cup of sin is
30:09 overflowing... In fact, it is so bad... Look at the language
30:12 in chapter 1 verses 3 through 20.
30:14 You've got to write that down. Had I more time I would read
30:16 all that for you and walk you through it.
30:18 But here is a digest of what's happening in Isaiah chapter 1
30:21 verses 3 through 20.
30:22 God says: "I hate your lifestyle.
30:26 Your worship is unacceptable.
30:29 Your sacrifices are futile.
30:31 Your prayers? An abomination.
30:34 I cannot hear you anymore.
30:36 When you lift up your hands in worship
30:39 I will cover My eyes. "
30:42 So there is no question that the relationship between
30:45 God and His people is fractured if not outright destroyed.
30:50 The relationship has broken down.
30:53 It doesn't really exist anymore.
30:56 And so God says to Isaiah:
30:58 "Go tell Ahaz the king: 'ask me for a sign. ' "
31:05 He said: "Ask Me for a sign. "
31:09 An evil and adulterous king
31:14 of an evil and adulterous people
31:18 "Ask for a sign. "
31:21 Now get my point: signs, ladies and gentlemen,
31:24 are not for believers... are they?
31:27 They're not. Believers have what?
31:32 Faith. Faith. Thank you.
31:34 You don't need signs... you've got faith.
31:36 Faith supersedes signs.
31:42 Faith is better than signs.
31:45 Faith is stronger than signs.
31:48 Signs can be counterfeited by the devil...
31:52 faith cannot! Amen!
31:57 You've heard the story of Isaac and Jacob and Esau?
32:04 He put on the rough skins and he felt it.
32:08 And he figured: "OK, that's got to be the right kid. "
32:12 You see, signs can be counterfeited.
32:18 Faith cannot.
32:21 Faith is better than signs.
32:23 Faith is stronger than signs.
32:25 Sometimes even in these last days
32:29 because of some of the tricks Satan's going to pull
32:32 you won't be able to believe your own senses.
32:35 All you will have is your faith.
32:41 So God in love goes against the grain of His own paradigm.
32:46 You've got to stick with me here.
32:47 He suspends the rules of engagement;
32:50 subordinates Himself to a people who should have but had no
32:54 faith; and in deference to a king and country who
32:59 have rejected Him, Jehovah God says: "Ask Me for a sign. "
33:06 And what does this smart aleck king say?
33:11 "No!
33:13 Not asking You for a sign.
33:15 I don't feel like asking You for a sign. "
33:20 Now God is suspending the rules.
33:21 He's gone against the grain, His own trajectory and says
33:24 "I'm going to let you ask Me for a sign...
33:27 I'm asking you to ask Me for a sign.
33:29 Faith ought to be enough but I will bow to you.
33:32 Ask Me for a sign. "
33:34 And the king says: "Not going to do it. "
33:39 So God told him: "I'm going to give you a couple signs
33:42 anyway. Number 1: you're looking over here at Syria.
33:45 Syria's not your problem.
33:46 Your problem is over here... Assyria.
33:51 And I want you to know 65 years from now nobody's
33:53 going to think about Syria. Your problem is Assyria.
33:58 My Word should be sufficient. "
34:01 Now let me take another left turn.
34:04 Elijah... or rather Isaiah and Hosea
34:09 are contemporaries.
34:12 They are prophesying at the same time.
34:14 Even their names display this desperate, radical,
34:20 uncompromising love of God
34:23 and His desire to be with His own.
34:25 I was talking with Irma the other night and I said:
34:27 "You know, it's almost as though the God we see in the book
34:29 of Isaiah is schizophrenic" and she jumped up on the bed
34:31 and said: "Don't you call God schizophrenic! "
34:36 But you see this dichotomy.
34:40 God wants to be with His people so bad
34:43 yet you also see this absolute hatred of sin...
34:46 and they exist together at the same time.
34:51 Hosea's name means Yahweh has saved.
34:54 You need to hold onto that. Isaiah means Jehovah will save.
34:58 Point: God loves His people.
35:05 Counterpoint: God hates sin.
35:09 So Hosea has two children...
35:12 they're not really his but we'll say they're his.
35:16 One is Lo-Ruhamah: not pitied or no more mercy.
35:21 So the father's name is... The father's name is
35:25 Yahweh has saved but the son's name is
35:28 No more mercy.
35:29 The second son, Lo-Ammi, his name is Not My people.
35:36 Isaiah's name is Jehovah will save.
35:40 His first son is Shear-Jashuh
35:44 which means A remnant shall return.
35:48 His second son is Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz.
35:52 Now say that twenty times quick.
35:56 His name means Speed the spoil; hasten the plunder
36:00 or in short Destruction is coming quickly.
36:05 Isaiah says himself in Isaiah chapter 8 verse 18
36:10 "I and my children - or the children the Lord gave me -
36:13 are for signs and wonders. "
36:15 In other words, God didn't just give these names randomly
36:20 or capriciously or accidentally.
36:22 Those names were signs and sermons.
36:26 They were not just put there to prophesy
36:30 they were prophecies. Do you follow?
36:33 Those names were God's feelings about God's people.
36:40 So get this now:
36:42 God sent a man, two men,
36:47 whose names were signs with two sets of sons
36:52 who were additional signs
36:57 and they were predictions of the most ghastly
37:00 predictions in the Old Testament.
37:02 God was saying: "The Syrians can't hurt you
37:05 but the Assyrians will destroy you.
37:08 You will become slaves to the most vicious nation on earth.
37:14 They will take you; they will displace you;
37:18 they will enslave you; they will murder your men;
37:22 ravish your women; sweep away your children;
37:26 mercilessly slaughter your old seniors;
37:30 and when they are done
37:32 ten of the twelve tribes will be gone forever. "
37:38 That's a radical prophecy.
37:41 When the Assyrians are done...
37:44 If you want to read something that will just make your blood
37:47 curdle, read the history of Assyrian conquest.
37:50 The Assyrians were the original terrorists.
37:52 They were blood-thirsty people.
37:54 God is saying "When the Assyrians come through
37:58 not 50%, not 60%... 10 of the 12 tribes
38:03 will be gone... never to exist again. "
38:12 "And when they come you will no longer have a country
38:17 to call your own.
38:18 No visible assurance that you are the chosen.
38:21 You can't rock back on this promise given to Abraham
38:24 that we are the chosen.
38:26 When the Assyrians come you won't look like the chosen;
38:29 you won't feel like the chosen;
38:32 you won't live like the chosen.
38:34 You will feel abandoned, alien, alone, forsaken...
38:40 and all you will have is something that you didn't want;
38:46 that you don't deserve;
38:48 and yet I will give you one more sign
38:52 because when the Assyrians come you will need it. "
38:58 Isaiah 7:14
39:01 "Behold, a virgin shall conceive
39:06 and bear a Son
39:09 and you shall call His name
39:13 God with us.
39:19 And so when the Assyrians come
39:21 and you watch your children slaughtered and enslaved,
39:25 your women raped and tortured,
39:28 your men cut to shreds,
39:31 you're going to need to hold onto the fact
39:35 that a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son.
39:42 And even though it looks like God is far away
39:46 God is going to be with you. "
39:49 And as I alluded to this is the first of three
39:54 major prophetic utterances that give assurance
39:58 that God's eternal purpose will come to pass.
40:03 From the first prophecy in Genesis 3:15
40:06 to the last words of Jesus in Revelation 22:12
40:10 "Behold I come quickly"
40:11 God is saying: "Regardless of what things look like
40:14 you must resist the evidence of your own senses
40:17 and hold on by faith to the prophetic Word of God -
40:21 which is surer than your senses. "
40:23 The picture is that the plan of God will stand.
40:30 The picture that is given of God
40:35 in the book of Isaiah reaches unparalleled heights.
40:40 It is in Isaiah that the love of God and the heart of God
40:44 is exposed... as it were, stripped bare.
40:47 We see a God in Isaiah that we see nowhere else
40:51 in the Word of God.
40:53 We see a transcendent and a holy God... a righteous God.
40:58 Lord over a profligate and hypocritical people.
41:02 And yet we see a glorious, patient, temperate God.
41:06 The term Holy One of Israel
41:09 which talks about the majesty of God
41:11 appears in the Old Testament 32 times.
41:14 Do you know that 26 of those times is in the book of Isaiah?
41:19 Because he's giving them a picture of a holy, lofty Lord
41:24 who loves His people
41:25 and speaks of his understanding of a God
41:30 and what Christ is and what Christ's mission is
41:34 and what His people were bringing on and doing
41:38 to themselves. Make no mistake about it brothers and sisters,
41:41 Isaiah ministers in rough times.
41:44 Times of great national crisis.
41:47 God's people were as far away from Him as they ever would be.
41:53 And God in His love sent Isaiah,
41:56 murdered by Manasseh.
41:59 He sent Micah; He sent Amos;
42:04 He sent Hosea. Later on He sent Jeremiah and Ezekiel
42:10 to warn them, to encourage them.
42:13 We see a love that gushes from the heart of God.
42:17 A love, though unrequited,
42:20 simply would not let His people go.
42:26 Some of the most beautiful and sublime passages
42:28 in all of scripture are born in the conceit of that love.
42:35 But a love whose end and aim and ultimate purpose
42:40 is continually hindered by sin.
42:45 Israel is stripped bare in the book of Isaiah.
42:49 Sin is stripped bare in the book of Isaiah...
42:52 but so is God.
42:54 Some of the most beautiful, powerful, endearing,
42:57 and enduring passages in all of scripture are found in Isaiah
43:02 consonant with some of the most sober and arresting and somber
43:07 texts in the Bible. Give you an example: Isaiah 28.
43:10 Time is getting away from me so I don't have time to read it
43:12 all, but if you go to Isaiah 28:15
43:14 God speaks about a covenant that the leaders of Israel
43:17 are making with death.
43:21 We get a chance to see as much as humans can endure
43:25 the psychology of God.
43:27 The psychology of divinity.
43:29 He said: "You have made lies your refuge. "
43:33 You are lying to yourselves.
43:35 You have made this covenant with death.
43:37 But in verse 18 of that same chapter - 28:18- He says:
43:41 "But I God have annulled your covenant with death. "
43:46 Your agreement with hell has been cancelled.
43:49 The destruction that you are calling upon yourself
43:53 I guarantee you you're going to feel.
43:57 You think you're Teflon.
43:59 You think it's not going to touch you.
44:02 You think death is going to go by you, but I guarantee you
44:06 that the travesty, the drama
44:10 that you cause upon this kingdom
44:12 is not going to pass by your own head.
44:14 Now we see this thing that I call the schizophrenia of God
44:18 that my wife doesn't like and I apologize for that.
44:22 Because right in the middle of that invective,
44:25 right in the middle of God, as it were, spanking His people,
44:29 He tucks a little caveat...
44:34 a little love note.
44:36 It's as though He bares His breast and bares His soul.
44:40 So right in the middle of the spanking
44:42 verse 16 He says: "Behold I lay in Zion
44:46 a stone, a foundation, a tried and precious stone. "
44:49 Now who is that talking about?
44:51 Talking about Jesus.
44:53 So right in the middle of the spanking it's as though He says
44:57 "This is going to hurt me
45:01 worse than it hurts you. "
45:05 Now my Mother used to pull out that line.
45:09 And I didn't buy it then...
45:13 I don't buy it now.
45:15 But when you're dealing with God, it's true.
45:19 So right in the middle of saying "Your covenant with death
45:23 has been annulled... you are going to die...
45:27 by the way, Jesus is coming and I still love you
45:33 and I've laid a foundation stone
45:35 that nobody is going to be able to remove. "
45:39 You see the power of that? Even in the spanking
45:42 God stops to say: "I still love you. "
45:44 There's a text in Isaiah where God says: "Listen,
45:47 tell those people I'm not your God any more.
45:49 I'm done. Tell them to find some other God. "
45:54 And then one chapter later: "Oh, by the way,
45:56 tell them I love them. "
46:00 You see a love that will... you see God on the stretch.
46:03 You see a picture of God as never before.
46:06 You see a God who is hurt but He just can't let go
46:12 because He loves so much.
46:15 So He re-affirms yet again
46:18 "You have broken your word but I have not broken Mine.
46:22 You have broken your covenant
46:24 but My covenant remains unbroken. "
46:26 These allusions to Christ are set against a backdrop
46:29 of national apostasy.
46:32 The major continuing problem is this:
46:34 pernicious sinful living that reveals itself in God's people
46:39 trusting in wrong things - just like today -
46:41 seeking after other gods - just like today -
46:43 unethical and illegitimate alliances,
46:47 unjust, unfaithful, and treacherous leadership.
46:50 So the people were bad and so were the leaders.
46:54 Um-hmm.
46:56 And each and every time God enumerates their sins
47:01 or enunciates a complaint
47:03 or contemplates a punishment
47:05 He reiterates that His purpose through the prophecies
47:09 though grounded and founded in that time
47:13 are directly focusing to Jesus
47:16 and, by extension, to us.
47:20 Within the matrix Isaiah couches what I call
47:25 four Messianic missives.
47:27 I discovered this the other day. I call them the Messianic
47:30 missives. And I've got to run real fast.
47:31 Four times when he lifts up Jesus not as conqueror
47:35 but as servant Lord.
47:37 And this is a picture you get of Christ and God
47:39 in the book of Isaiah. You don't get a conquering king.
47:41 You get a servant Savior.
47:43 You get a servant Lord.
47:44 The Israel... rather, the Jews of old shouldn't have missed
47:48 this. That's why I said earlier on
47:52 that the pain that Cleopas and his buddy were feeling
47:54 was self-induced? Because it's plain what Jesus
47:57 was going to do. It's plain what Jesus was going to be
48:00 about. It's plain the kind of life Jesus was going to live.
48:03 It shouldn't have been missed.
48:05 Had they read this and understood this
48:07 they would have rejoiced even in their sadness
48:10 that Christ had gone to the cross.
48:12 Because the promise is that He's going to die one day
48:14 and three days later that temple was going to be resurrected.
48:22 Isaiah 42 verses 1-7: the first Messianic missive.
48:26 The second: Isaiah 49 verses 1-13.
48:29 The third Messianic missive: Isaiah 50:4-11.
48:34 And the fifth... the fourth rather: Isaiah chapters 52
48:38 and all the way through 53.
48:40 We don't have time to read them all.
48:41 I've got to try to pull them all together
48:43 and do it really fast.
48:45 They're all put in the last 1/3 of the book
48:48 when Israel's fate had been sealed.
48:52 Israel - the ten northern tribes - were gone
48:56 and Judah was going.
48:58 And yet we find these four Messianic missives
49:02 tucked in the last part of this marvelous book.
49:06 Isaiah 43 verses 1-7.
49:08 I'll give you a digest. He says... he starts out
49:10 the first line: "Behold My servant. "
49:14 So we see that we're talking about a servant King.
49:18 Verse 3... love this:
49:20 "He will be careful not to cut off one bruised branch
49:24 or blow out one flickering flame. "
49:27 That's not a picture of a conquering king.
49:32 That's a picture of a saving servant Savior.
49:39 God is saying: "If you come crawling to Jesus
49:43 with your last ounce of strength,
49:45 Jesus is not going to throw or kick sand in your face. "
49:49 Amen? Amen. If you come with Him...
49:52 If you've got one little flame flickering,
49:55 you know what He's going to do?
49:57 He's going to put some wood on that flame.
49:59 He's not going to blow it out.
50:00 That's a Savior... that's a servant!
50:04 That's not a conquering king.
50:07 If you can get to Jesus,
50:08 if you've got enough sense to call,
50:11 He's got enough love to answer.
50:16 That's the first Messianic missive.
50:19 The second Messianic missive is Isaiah 49:1-13.
50:23 Verse 3 is the one I want to highlight right now.
50:25 He says: "See My servant... " again servant.
50:29 The Christ content is this: it focuses on the Redeemer
50:34 of Israel as their Holy One. There's that term again.
50:37 He says: "To whom man despises,
50:41 who the nation abhors,
50:44 is the servant of rulers. "
50:46 Again, we've got this servant mentality.
50:49 Christ didn't come to Lord it over us.
50:51 He came to be a servant.
50:52 He's serving us even today!
50:56 Third Messianic missive: Isaiah 50:4-11.
51:00 Verse 4: God says: "Show Me the divorce papers. "
51:06 I call this the still-married missive.
51:08 God is saying: "Show Me the divorce papers.
51:13 You are acting like you're single.
51:15 You're acting like you don't have a husband.
51:18 You're acting like I'm not still your husband.
51:21 Show Me the divorce papers.
51:24 I didn't sign anything.
51:26 I didn't sell you; I didn't rent you;
51:30 I didn't loan you; and I didn't give you away.
51:33 In effect, you're still Mine. "
51:35 Amen. "Your problem is of your own making
51:39 not My inability to save you. "
51:42 Now that's a sermon in itself.
51:44 The upside is: if you follow God
51:49 stuff is gonna go good.
51:52 Amen? If you don't follow God
51:55 stuff is gonna go bad.
51:59 Amen. Amen.
52:02 That's what He's trying to say.
52:03 "You're getting ready to go into captivity not because
52:06 I couldn't keep you from captivity
52:08 but because you insist on following your own ways
52:13 and those ways are leading to captivity.
52:16 "There is a way that seemeth right...
52:20 but the end thereof? Ways of death. "
52:26 So God says: "I didn't sign any divorce papers...
52:29 you're still mine. "
52:30 The fourth Messianic missive
52:33 is also the third major Christ allusion.
52:38 It is Isaiah 52:13 through Isaiah 53:12.
52:42 And I don't have time to go into this,
52:44 but I have a little thing that I found in Isaiah.
52:46 I call them the He's us, the Jesus, or the Me's us.
52:51 He's us is something that Isaiah wrote
52:55 that dealt directly with him
52:59 but has futuristic implications.
53:02 The Jesus is those parts of the Messianic missive
53:07 that point directly to Jesus.
53:09 And the Me's us are those things that Isaiah wrote about Christ
53:14 that I can take as mine.
53:16 Amen? They go for me and us.
53:20 So Isaiah is full of He's us,
53:24 Jesus, and Me's us.
53:28 And I've got about ten He's us, Jesus, Me's us,
53:30 but time is getting away from me.
53:32 I can't do the He's us, Jesus, Me's us.
53:34 I guarantee you: it's in there.
53:38 Amen.
53:41 "Who hath believed our report? "
53:43 Powerful statement, rather. "And to whom has the arm of
53:47 the Lord been revealed? "
53:48 The most revealing of the several glimpses of Christ
53:52 is followed by a re-affirmation of this perpetual
53:54 covenant of peace. And then Isaiah closes with
53:57 what I call the crown jewel... these diamonds in the rough.
54:01 Don't have time to read them. Isaiah 55:5-7,
54:05 Isaiah 55:6-9, Isaiah 58:6-9 God says:
54:11 "Here I am. " Isaiah 59:21,
54:13 Isaiah chapter 60 where he talks about everlasting life.
54:17 He says: "You folk are trying to follow your own light
54:18 but your light is black light it's not real light.
54:21 If you want real light come to Me.
54:22 I am the giver of light. And if I give you light
54:24 you'll never be in darkness again. "
54:26 Amen. Powerful, powerful. Isaiah 61:1-3...
54:29 this was the text that Christ quoted in Luke chapter 4:15
54:33 when they tried to pick up stones and kill Him
54:35 when He talked about the acceptable year of the Lord.
54:37 How the arms of God are open. And you've got to realize
54:40 this is written against a backdrop of a people who had
54:42 turned their backs on God, who didn't want God anymore,
54:45 and were going into captivity. And God is saying with them:
54:48 "the door is still open. "
54:53 So that's Isaiah 61:1-3.
54:56 And I want to close with one of the most cherished scriptures
55:01 in the Word of God. I want you to find it with me:
55:04 Isaiah chapter 40.
55:06 Isaiah chapter 40.
55:08 I'm looking at my time but I want to close with this.
55:15 I suspect this scripture has given more hope
55:20 to the downtrodden
55:22 and to those who are sad.
55:28 Isaiah chapter 40 verse 28.
55:30 I read now from the New King James.
55:36 "Have you not known?
55:39 Have you not heard?
55:41 The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends
55:44 of the earth neither faints nor is weary. "
55:47 Praise God! Amen.
55:49 "His understanding is unsearchable.
55:51 He gives power to the weak
55:55 and to those who have no might
55:59 He increases strength.
56:04 Even the youth shall faint and be weary... "
56:09 Back in the days when we were at the Bethel Church
56:11 Pastor Lomacang and I would go and play basketball
56:13 all Sunday.
56:15 All Sunday.
56:17 All day 'cause you're young.
56:18 Figure you're never going to get old.
56:22 Now I play once a year.
56:28 "Even your youth shall faint and be weary
56:31 and the young men shall utterly fail
56:33 but they that wait on the Lord
56:39 shall renew their strength.
56:44 They shall mount up with wings as eagles. "
56:49 Glory to God. "They shall run...
56:55 not get weary.
56:58 They shall walk and not faint. "
57:04 Amen. And I suspect that promise has given more hope
57:07 to discouraged souls than any in the Word of God.
57:12 And it's right there in the book of Isaiah,
57:14 written at a time when God's people have said to their own
57:19 God: "We don't want You. "
57:23 And yet God's promise was sure.
57:27 "If you wait on the Lord, I'll be there. "


Revised 2014-12-17