Series Code: 12POP
Program Code: 12POP000008
00:46 We have three wonderful hours
00:49 every single night of this week. 00:51 Wednesday night, Thursday night, 00:52 now Friday night we have a sermon. Then we have some music 00:57 and then we have the second sermon. Rather than 01:00 putting those sermons back-to-back 01:02 we give you some music in between. 01:03 So we are just so happy that every single one of you 01:07 are here, and I'm especially happy to have these two. 01:11 Danny, tell us who we have. We have Jonah Daniel right here. 01:15 He just turned six last week. 01:17 And this is Melody's youngest. And then Baby Faith 01:20 is over here. Looks just like Melody did when she was 01:23 this age. Yeah. Baby pictures are amazing. She does. 01:25 And Baby Faith, are you Papa's girl, honey? 01:28 Good girl. You Papa's boy? 01:31 Say yes... Good boy! 01:33 Good boy... see how that works? 01:36 All right. Well they both... You love Jesus? 01:39 Uh-huh. Tell me, what CDs do you guys listen to at night 01:44 when you go to bed? Love Rules! 01:48 Love Rules! What do you listen to? Mama's... Mama's CDs. 01:52 Yeah. Melody told me almost every night they get in a fight 01:54 because she wants to hear Love Rules! - the new CD - 01:57 and he wants to hear Mama's. So that's cute. But they... 02:01 they go to bed listening to good stuff, 02:04 and I'm proud of these kids. They moved to Nashville 02:06 which Papa's not been the happiest thing about 02:09 a few weeks ago. But I've had reasons to go down there 02:11 every week now. Yeah right. Now they're up here. So anyway... 02:14 we wanted to bring them out today and just say "hello. " 02:17 They wanted to say "hello" to all the people around the world. 02:20 So thanks for coming out, kids. 02:22 Thank you, Danny, for bringing them out. 02:25 That's right. Well I'll tell you something: 02:31 that's about as good a grandpa as you'll ever find right there. 02:35 I've watched him and been amazed, and he loves those 02:40 grandchildren. Takes them back into Sabbath School 02:43 into the little classes when they were living here. 02:46 When they visit here, he's back there with them every Sabbath 02:49 morning in the little Cradle Roll and Kindergarten 02:52 and in those lower classes singing those songs with them. 02:56 Loves those children. 02:58 Well listen, right now I'm going to invite 03:01 another Shelton to come... Kenny Shelton. 03:03 Kenny was here in the very beginning 03:06 with Danny and has his own ministry now. 03:10 But we always love to have you, Kenny. 03:13 Would you lead us to the throne? Absolutely. 03:16 Where it's possible... I'm going to kneel up here. 03:17 If you can kneel, wonderful. If not, bow your heads 03:19 as we pray tonight. 03:24 Our kind loving heavenly Father, 03:26 what a privilege to be able to come to Your throne tonight! 03:28 Father, we thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit 03:33 that's been descending upon each and very speaker. 03:36 Thank you for this Camp Meeting. 03:37 We thank you for the messages that have been preached. 03:40 Thank you for opening our ears, our hearts, and our minds 03:42 that we may comprehend these beautiful spiritual truths. 03:46 Tonight, Father, is no exception. Oh, we need 03:48 Your Holy Spirit. We need to understand the word of the hour. 03:53 We pray as each one comes forward that we will stand 03:56 behind the cross of Calvary. 03:58 May each one see Jesus in a very special way tonight. 04:01 Through the songs that are sung, through the words that are 04:04 spoken, the Bread of Life as it is broken to each and every 04:08 one of us. May we receive it very fresh from heaven tonight. 04:12 Thank you for all the work that's done behind the scenes. 04:15 Thank you for all the blessings. 04:17 Thank you for the souls now that are making decisions 04:20 for Jesus right now. We just ask again the richest blessings 04:23 of heaven to be upon each and every one of us. 04:25 May we know when we leave this place tonight 04:28 that we have been with Jesus. 04:30 We have not come here tonight to be entertained 04:32 but we have come here tonight to learn more about Jesus 04:35 and to prepare for His soon coming. 04:37 Help us Lord, we pray, to remember 04:39 we are in Your presence. 04:41 And because of that we bow before Thee and we thank Thee 04:45 and give You praise and give You honor and give You glory. 04:47 And tonight we say we love you. 04:49 Thank you for being part of the family of God. 04:52 Thank you for this beautiful crowd that You brought here 04:55 and those around the world that we're seeing come 04:57 to the knowledge of the truth. In Jesus' precious, holy name 05:00 we pray with thanksgiving. Amen. 05:08 Well, we're so glad to have you here, Kenny. 05:11 And Danny, we've got some wonderful music planned 05:13 for tonight. Oh we do. And we have a number of people 05:17 but I'm going to invite Reggie and Ladye. 05:18 You all were blessed last night, right? 05:20 Anybody here tonight that wasn't here last night? 05:23 OK, most of you were. A few of you missed a real treat 05:26 last night. Come on out Reggie and Ladye. 05:28 And they're going to sing a song... 05:31 They're going to sing a song and then they're going to 05:33 bring out a special guest to do a trio with you 05:36 and I'll let you guys... save that introduction. 05:40 And I understand that you didn't get to practice 05:43 till just a couple minutes ago. 05:45 Literally a couple of minutes ago. All right. 05:47 And pretty soon you're going to do a trio with somebody else 05:49 that you really haven't got to practice much with. 05:52 That's right. But we're looking forward to it. They're great... 05:55 they're great so it won't be bad. All right. 05:57 Pray saints; pray saints. They're pros. That's right. 06:00 All right. Well we thank you so much. Jim and all of us here 06:03 at 3ABN, we just say thank you for what you do for this 06:06 ministry and for the cause of God around the world. Amen. 06:18 It does not matter 06:22 where you started. 06:26 But friend it matters 06:31 where you end. 06:34 We're all walking 06:39 toward forever... 06:42 And there's only one road 06:46 that leads to Him. 06:50 The way is straight; 06:54 the path is narrow. 06:58 And though sometimes 07:02 it seems we walk alone 07:06 But an unseen hand 07:10 is there to lead us. 07:14 Just follow Jesus... 07:18 He knows the way home. 07:30 He never said 07:34 we would not suffer. 07:38 And He never said 07:42 we're spared the war. 07:46 He never said 07:50 we're spared the battle. 07:54 But He said He's already 07:59 won the war. 08:02 The way is straight; 08:06 the path is narrow. 08:11 And though sometimes 08:14 it seems we walk alone 08:18 But an unseen hand 08:22 is there to lead us. 08:26 Just follow Jesus... 08:30 He knows the way home. 08:34 The way is straight; 08:38 the path is narrow. 08:43 And though sometimes 08:45 it seems we walk alone 08:50 But an unseen hand 08:54 is there to lead us. 08:58 Just follow Jesus... 09:02 He knows the way home. 09:06 Just follow Jesus... 09:12 He knows the way home. 09:24 Good evening. How is everybody doing tonight? 09:27 Amen. You guys are ready to go! 09:29 Yes! This is a great crowd. 09:31 We need to introduce a great, great friend of ours 09:33 that you all know and love: Dr. Yvonne Lewis. 09:36 And as she comes out, I want to tell you something about... 09:39 a little story about Dr. Yvonne. 09:42 Hey girl. 09:44 We really haven't had a chance to visit much. 09:46 We really had to run through this song before. 09:48 But I've got to tell you a little short story. 09:50 And I think Danny has told it before, but we... 09:52 The first time we met... You guys know this girl's sung on 09:55 everybody's records. I mean, just lots of platinum records. 09:59 And we're just big fans of hers for sure 10:01 and have been following her career for a long time, but... 10:04 But we met in the studio over here 10:07 at the sound stage there. And we were brought in by 10:11 Danny to sing background on a record. 10:13 And we didn't know... And he said: "Well, C.A. is bringing 10:17 another singer in and I don't know too much about her. 10:21 And I know ya'll might be nervous, and she'll probably 10:23 take a lot longer to work with but just be patient with her 10:27 and we'll get through it, OK? 10:29 OK. On the other end of the stick, she didn't know us. 10:33 And she was telling C.A. the same thing that... 10:36 the same thing: "I don't really know them. " 10:38 And C.A.'s saying: "Look, they could take a little longer 10:41 but be patient with them. " 10:43 And so we met, and I'm telling you... we... the first note... 10:47 The very first note - right? - we hit it off. 10:50 And we just said praise... The first note we were like 10:53 "OK... " In our minds... "OK, this is going to work. 10:55 This is good. " We breathed a sigh of relief! 10:58 Said: "Oh thank you... thank you, Lord. " 11:00 All together I think we all said: "Praise the Lord! 11:02 This is going to ge great. " 11:04 But we have been so great, great friends since then, 11:07 and I know you love her. And she's doing a great, 11:09 marvelous work here. So we want to do a song for you 11:11 "Holy, Holy, Holy" that we did on Pillars II for you. 11:28 Glory be to the Father 11:33 and to the Son 11:38 and to the Holy Ghost. 11:44 As it was in the beginning, 11:50 is now and ever shall be... 11:56 world without end 12:00 Amen; 12:03 Amen. 12:31 Holy, holy, holy 12:37 Lord God Almighty. 12:43 Early in the morning 12:48 our song shall rise to Thee. 12:55 Holy, holy, holy 13:01 merciful and mighty. 13:07 God in three persons... 13:13 blessed trinity. 13:28 Holy, holy, holy 13:35 though the darkness hide Thee. 13:40 Though the eye of sinful man 13:46 Thy glory may not see. 13:56 Only Thou art holy... 14:02 there is none beside Thee: 14:08 perfect in power, 14:13 in love and purity. 14:31 As it was in the beginning, 14:37 is now and ever shall be... 14:43 world without end 14:47 Amen; 14:50 Amen. Ah-ah-ah... 14:54 Holy, holy, holy 15:00 Lord God Almighty. 15:05 All Thy works shall praise Thy name 15:11 in earth and sky and sea. 15:17 Thousands and ten thousands 15:22 bowing down before Thee 15:28 You were - yes You were - 15:32 and You are 15:34 and evermore 15:39 shall be. 15:49 Amen! 16:01 Praise the Lord! 16:05 Praise the Lord. 16:24 When I am down 16:27 and, oh my soul, so weary; 16:33 When troubles come 16:36 and my heart burdened be; 16:41 And I am still 16:45 and wait here in the silence, 16:50 until You come and sit a while 16:56 with me. 16:58 You raise me up, 17:02 so I can stand on mountains; 17:06 You raise me up, 17:10 to walk on stormy seas; 17:16 And I am strong, 17:20 when I am on your shoulders; 17:27 You raise me up, 17:30 to more than I can be. 17:48 Oh oh oh oh... 17:53 Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. 17:59 Thank you, Lord. 18:08 You raise me up, 18:12 so I can stand on mountains; 18:17 You raise me up, 18:20 to walk on stormy seas; 18:24 And I am strong, 18:29 when I am on your shoulders; 18:34 You raise me up, 18:37 to more than I 18:40 can be. 18:46 There is no life - 18:50 no life without its hunger; 18:54 Each restless heart 18:57 beats so imperfectly; 19:02 But when you come 19:06 and I am filled with wonder, 19:11 sometimes I think 19:14 I glimpse eternity. 19:18 You raise me up, 19:22 so I can stand on mountains; 19:27 You raise me up, 19:30 to walk on stormy seas; 19:34 And I am strong 19:38 when I am on your shoulders; 19:44 You raise me up, 19:49 to more than I can be. 19:54 Ooh ooh ooh, You raise 19:58 me up, 20:02 to more than I can 20:10 be. 20:30 We wrote a little song... Ladye Love and I wrote this 20:33 little song, and it's entitled Thank You, Lord. 20:36 And we needed a trio... We have a trio partner... 20:40 You all know and love this girl. Please make her welcome. 20:44 Melody. I started to say Melody Shelton. 20:47 And so Melody... 20:52 Melody is a Tennessean now. 20:54 She just moved to Tennessee. How long ago was this? 20:57 A little over a month ago. Yes. 21:00 And I said: "It's so funny. We have to come to Illinois 21:01 to see each other. " We live in the same place 21:04 and we're just seeing each other for the first time in a while. 21:06 But she's busy with all her children and singing 21:08 and all her ministry and we've been gone a lot. 21:10 So I'm glad to see you again and get to sing with you again. 21:14 And this song that we wrote, um... 21:17 The reason we wrote it... We were thinking about 21:21 all the things, you know, that are going on in our world 21:23 right now. There's been some really hard times in the past 21:25 year, you know. Economically... just a lot of things. 21:29 Financially... economically. Just hard times. 21:32 And so I started thinking about, you know, 21:35 it's hard... things are hard for a lot of people... 21:38 but we are so blessed. 21:40 And we need to remember that we are so blessed. 21:43 And I started trying to think of what are the things that 21:45 we can talk about - think about - that we're grateful for? 21:48 And we have so much to be thankful for. 21:50 Sometimes it gets hard to remember that, doesn't it? 21:53 When we're in the midst of life, 21:55 all the things that are going on in our life. 21:57 This song we start talking about the things that really matter. 22:00 We are so truly blessed, so we wrote this song 22:02 thinking about our family and our friends. 22:05 And Melody sings this great. 22:07 And we'd just like to share this message to you 22:10 and maybe that you can think right now... 22:12 Maybe you've got some really hard things going on. 22:14 but think of the things that you truly have 22:17 that you are to be blessed for that you can be grateful for 22:19 right now. Amen. 22:37 For all the countless ways 22:40 You have blessed me all my days 22:44 Father let me pause to say 22:48 "I give You thanks. " 22:52 For the life You've given me 22:56 For my friends, my family 22:59 For every wonder I have seen 23:03 I give You thanks... 23:06 I give You thanks. 23:12 Thank you, 23:15 Lord. 23:19 Thank you, 23:23 Lord. 23:26 For all You've 23:30 done for me 23:34 I thank you, 23:38 Lord. 23:57 For Your faithfulness You've shown 24:01 and for Your presence through my fears 24:04 For all the joys... and yes, the tears 24:08 I give You thanks. 24:12 For the faithfulness You've shown 24:16 as I face each dark unknown 24:20 I have never been alone 24:23 I give You thanks... 24:26 Lord, I give You thanks. Sing it with us: 24:32 Thank you, 24:35 Lord. Thank you, Lord. 24:39 Thank you, 24:43 Lord. For all You've done... 24:46 For all You've 24:51 done for me 24:54 I thank you, Lord. 25:00 Sing: We thank you, Lord 25:01 We thank you, 25:06 Lord. Lord we thank you. 25:09 Thank you, 25:13 Lord. 25:17 For all You've 25:21 done for us 25:24 we thank you, 25:29 Lord. For all You've done... 25:32 For all You've 25:36 done for us 25:41 we thank you, 25:47 Lord. 25:56 Amen. 25:58 All right. Thank you very much. 26:02 I tell you what: these folks just showed me what 26:04 professionals they really were. They actually 26:07 were supposed to sing Holy, Holy, Holy tomorrow 26:09 and they said "We haven't sung it in months. " 26:11 And I said: "Oh, we'll put the words up. 26:13 You can go from the words. " And somehow the words 26:15 didn't come up. So for them... I don't know all the words 26:19 myself, but the ones I heard I really liked. 26:21 So they may have re-written the song but it still praised 26:25 the Lord and gives honor to Him. 26:26 Still I got blessings from it, and when I heard them sing that 26:30 I get chill bumps. I appreciate them 26:32 so much doing that. And Reggie, Ladye, Melody. 26:35 and all those. Now I'm going to introduce 26:37 Bro. Darrell Marshall. He's going to be singing a song 26:41 that he's sung here before and people requested. 26:43 We used to travel quite a bit together and almost everywhere 26:45 we go they'd say: "Well Darrell, we don't know what 26:48 you're singing but you have to sing Drinking From the Saucer 26:51 right? That's right. And when I heard that 26:53 I said: "Now saucer... what's that mean? " 26:55 But when you listen to the words it's like "All right! " 26:57 Sure. I like that song. Then right after Darrell 27:00 it's going to be our pastor and your friend, 27:03 and my friend, Pastor John Lomacang's gonna sing. 27:06 All right. 27:23 I've never made a fortune 27:30 and it's probably too late now. 27:37 Oh, but I don't worry about that much 27:43 'cause I'm happy anyhow. 27:50 As I go along life's journey 27:57 I'm reaping better 28:00 than I've sowed. 28:06 I'm drinking from my saucer 28:11 'cause my cup has overflowed. 28:16 Ain't that good? 28:19 Ain't got a lot of riches 28:25 Sometimes the goin's rough 28:31 But I've got a friend in Jesus 28:38 and that makes me rich enough. 28:44 I thank God for all His blessings on me 28:51 and the mercy 28:54 that He's bestowed. 29:00 You see, I'm drinking from my saucer 29:05 'cause my cup has overflowed. 29:14 You know, my friend 29:16 sometimes the sadness and sorrow comes by us. 29:19 Don't seem like there's much we can do about it, huh? 29:22 But you know, I remember the one time when I was 29:25 at my very lowest I looked up into heaven 29:28 and I touched His precious nail-scarred hands. 29:31 God promised us all that He'd be faithful to reach down, 29:35 pick us up, and restore us to new. 29:38 Has He restored you tonight? 29:40 So Lord, help me not to grumble and complain 29:46 about the tough rows 29:48 that I have hoed. 29:55 I'm drinking from my saucer 30:00 'cause my cup has overflowed. 30:07 And if I should go on living 30:14 and if my way is steep and rough 30:20 I'm not going to ask for other blessings... 30:25 And you know why? 30:26 'cause I feel that I'm already blessed enough. 30:32 This is my prayer for you all over the world tonight. 30:35 That I may never be too busy 30:39 I don't want to ever be too busy, friend. 30:42 to help another 30:44 bear his load 30:50 You see, I'm drinking from my saucer 30:55 'cause my cup has overflowed. Oh yes. 31:02 Will you be drinking from your saucer 31:07 ah yes, 'cause your cup 31:11 has overflowed? 31:15 Tell me tonight: has your cup 31:18 overflowed? 31:23 Amen... Amen. 31:32 I was telling Darrell just a moment ago: "That's 31:34 one of my favorite songs. " Isn't that a wonderful song? 31:36 Amen. Not just the melody but the lyric. 31:39 You know, God blesses us so much. 31:42 Did you get that? You're drinking from your saucer 31:45 because your cup has overflowed. 31:47 That's what He promised. He said: "I would establish 31:51 a table before you in the presence of your enemies. 31:56 I will anoint your head with oil 31:58 and your cup runneth over. " 32:01 That's an interpretation of the very promise that the Lord 32:04 has made to us. And that's how life is sometimes. 32:06 Sometimes we're in the valley and it's just so dry. 32:08 But it's never dry in the presence of Jesus. 32:12 And I said to Darrell, I said: "Darrell, I'm not just saying 32:16 that. " Because you know a lot of times 32:17 singers compliment each other. "I like that song; 32:19 yeah, I like that song. " You kind of... almost a reaction. 32:22 But that truly is how God is to us. 32:25 We are living in the saucer and one day we're going to see 32:29 the big dish when we get to heaven. 32:31 Amen to that? 32:33 There are other times in life when you just don't understand 32:36 what has happened. We... I didn't ask 32:40 permission to do this, but I think this is so appropriate. 32:43 Just a few days ago we had an unfortunate 32:48 event to attend: 32:51 the death of a 6-year-old boy. 32:53 And you know you... We sat there in a room 32:57 of people that just all of us, no one had an answer. 33:00 We tried to figure out: well why did this happen? 33:02 Is it for God's glory? No. 33:06 The pastors tried to come up with a... 33:09 They said: "We don't even have the answer 33:11 but we just know that God had nothing to do with this. " 33:14 And you know, I was thinking about that. When this song 33:17 a few months ago came to me, I was just looking through 33:22 the Internet for songs. And this song came to me 33:26 at the moment I needed it. 33:28 Because sometimes you ask and it just seems like 33:31 the answers of God are silent. 33:34 But the silence of God never equates to the absence of God. 33:38 And so when you are in those moments of life 33:44 and you don't hear the voice of God as you would like to 33:48 never forget that it's still a great privilege to 33:51 talk to God. You stumble through the year; 33:54 you lose your footing; you just can't find answers. 33:56 When you are in that dark moment, don't forget 33:59 that that's the moment that sometimes a prayer will do. 34:21 Sometimes we stumble 34:26 Sometimes we even fall 34:34 When we can't find a friend 34:40 Can't comprehend it all 34:49 And we are lost 34:55 with nothing to hold on to 35:01 When we can't find the answer 35:09 sometimes a prayer will do 35:17 And we are stronger 35:23 Somehow I know we will 35:27 get through 35:32 to face the future... 35:38 Sometimes a prayer will do 35:54 Sometimes we reach 35:59 for what's not really there 36:07 Sometimes we lose our grip 36:13 and come tumbling through midair 36:22 And we are lost 36:28 with nothing to hold 36:31 on to 36:36 When we can't find the answer... 36:43 that's when a prayer will do 36:51 Then we are stronger 36:58 uncertain if we will 37:02 get through 37:06 to face the future... 37:12 Sometimes a prayer will do 37:27 Yes, we are stronger 37:34 Somehow I know we will 37:38 get through 37:43 to face the future... 37:48 Sometimes a prayer will do 37:55 And now we're 37:58 stronger 38:03 Somehow I know we will 38:07 get through 38:16 to face the future... 38:22 Sometimes a prayer will do 38:30 Sometimes a prayer will do 38:45 Amen. 38:47 Thank you, John. 38:49 Hey Melody. Hi... Hi. 38:53 I'm a little bit mad at you you know. 38:56 Bad enough for her to move away 38:59 but take all the grandkids away. 39:02 But Nashville's only about... should be about 3-1/2 hours 39:05 and maybe less than 3 for me when I get in a hurry to 39:08 see them. I've had a reason to go down each week 39:11 since you've been there. But as long as we have reasons... 39:13 Maybe we'll get you singing more often 39:15 she'll come up here more often. So we've got to keep that 39:17 family thing going together. 39:19 I love you, appreciate you and all that you do 39:21 and glad that you're... very happy that you're singing 39:24 for Jesus. Thank you. And you're going to be doing a couple songs 39:27 tonight. What are you going to be doing? 39:29 My Redeemer Is Faithful and True. 39:31 That's a good one. Um-hmm. 39:32 And... Near To The Heart Of God. 39:34 Oh, that was on the Pillars Hymns? All right... love it. 39:56 As I look back 39:59 on the road that I've travelled, 40:03 I see so many times 40:07 He carried me through; 40:11 And if there's one thing 40:14 that I've learned in my life, 40:17 my Redeemer is faithful 40:21 and true. 40:24 My Redeemer 40:28 is faithful and true. 40:33 My Redeemer 40:35 is faithful and true. 40:40 Everything He has said 40:44 He will do, 40:48 And every morning 40:50 His mercies are new. 40:56 My Redeemer 40:58 is faithful and true. 41:09 My heart rejoices 41:13 when I read the promise 41:16 'There is a place 41:19 I'm preparing for you. ' 41:24 And I know someday 41:26 I'll see my Lord face to face 41:30 'cause my Redeemer 41:33 is faithful and true. 41:38 My Redeemer 41:41 is faithful and true. 41:47 My Redeemer 41:49 is faithful and true. 41:54 Everything He has said 41:58 He will do, 42:01 Every morning His mercies 42:06 are new. 42:10 My Redeemer 42:12 is faithful and true. 42:18 And in every situation 42:22 He has proved His love to me; 42:26 When I lack the understanding 42:31 He gives more grace to me. 42:36 My Redeemer 42:39 is faithful and true. 42:44 Everything He has said 42:47 He will do. 42:51 Every morning His mercies 42:55 are new. 43:00 My Redeemer 43:02 is faithful and true. 43:08 My Redeemer 43:11 is faithful and 43:15 true. 43:32 Amen. 44:16 There is a place 44:20 of quiet rest, 44:24 Near to the heart of God, 44:30 A place where sin cannot 44:37 molest, 44:39 Near to the heart of God. 44:45 O Jesus, 44:48 blest Redeemer, 44:53 Send from the heart of God, 44:59 Hold us who wait 45:03 before Thee 45:07 Near to the heart of God. 45:17 There is a place 45:21 of comfort sweet, 45:25 Near to the heart of God, 45:31 A place where we 45:35 our Savior meet, 45:39 Near to the heart of God. 45:46 O Jesus, 45:49 blest Redeemer, 45:54 Sent from the heart of God, 46:00 Hold us who wait 46:04 before Thee 46:08 Near to the heart of God. 46:36 There is a place 46:40 of full release, 46:44 Near to the heart of God, 46:50 A place where all 46:54 is joy and peace, 46:59 Near to the heart 47:02 of God. 47:07 O Jesus, blest 47:11 Redeemer, 47:15 Sent from the heart of God, 47:21 Hold us who wait 47:27 before Thee 47:33 Near to the heart of 47:40 God. 48:07 Thank you, Melody. 48:09 Near to the heart of God. 48:11 I was sitting back there listening to the song. 48:14 You know, we get so busy in our Christian life 48:18 that I think sometimes we're too busy for God. 48:20 And I know even in ministry sometimes we're so busy 48:24 doing things for the ministry 48:27 that we tend to lose our personal relationship with 48:30 the Lord Jesus Christ. So tonight we have a few minutes 48:33 and I want you to really think about your life and maybe 48:37 the last year, the last two years. 48:39 Are the things of earth growing strangely dim 48:41 in the light of Christ's glory and grace? 48:44 Are the things of earth that you once loved 48:46 are you now beginning to hate? 48:48 And that's really where we should be. 48:50 Every day should be a growing experience 48:52 in the Lord Jesus Christ. And we have so much 48:55 to be thankful for. Can you imagine 48:57 if you were born even a hundred years or so ago? 49:00 Look at what God has given us to get the... 49:03 how He has equipped us to get the gospel into all the world. 49:07 And I believe part of that is maybe because 49:11 we've been lazy... we've been Laodicean. 49:13 And we haven't really gone door to door and mouth to mouth 49:17 the way we should, so the Lord says: "Look, I'm anxious 49:19 to come back but I can't come back till My people 49:22 perfect My character within their lives. 49:25 So I'm going to give you every tool that I can 49:28 to help get this gospel to the world. " 49:31 So He gives the gift of television, but then it's been 49:34 so misused by the world. 49:37 And I was thinking today... I said: "You know, 49:39 it's amazing what the world has done to steal our children... 49:44 to steal our church of tomorrow. " 49:47 Because there's... Even from the time... 49:49 Well I say even as though it's not been very long ago. 49:52 I'm over 60 now, but from the time I was a young person 49:56 and you guys too, there were so... almost nothing compared 50:01 as what there's out there today to discourage our young people, 50:04 to take their eyes off of Jesus. 50:06 I mean all the little video machines and games 50:09 and all the things that's going on... the Internet. 50:12 While these things can be a blessing, they have been 50:15 misused. And we as parents sometimes - and grandparents - 50:18 allow these tools - television - 50:21 whether it's television, radio, music, 50:24 games, videos, whatever... Internet - 50:27 as babysitters. 50:29 Hello... somebody with me? 50:32 I know none of you are guilty of that. 50:34 None of you are guilty of that but we sometimes use them as 50:37 babysitters. And so we forget that these are tools 50:42 that Satan is happy to use. 50:45 And he's happy to steal our young people from us. 50:49 And he's very happy when we as adults 50:53 get caught up in all these other things. 50:56 Tonight I would encourage you to turn your eyes upon Jesus. 50:59 Look full in His wonderful face. 51:02 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim 51:05 in the light of His glory and His grace. 51:20 O soul, 51:23 are you weary 51:25 and troubled? 51:29 No light in the darkness 51:34 you see? 51:39 There's light for a look at 51:44 the Savior, 51:48 And life so abundant 51:53 and free! 51:58 Turn your eyes 52:02 upon Jesus, 52:06 Look full in 52:09 His wonderful face, 52:15 And the things of earth 52:20 will grow strangely dim 52:25 In the light of His glory 52:29 and grace. 52:39 His Word will not fail you - 52:44 He has promised, 52:48 Believe Him, and all will 52:53 be well: 52:57 Then go to a world 53:01 that is dying, 53:06 His perfect salvation 53:11 to tell! 53:16 Turn your eyes 53:20 upon our Jesus, 53:25 Look full in His 53:27 wonderful face, 53:33 And the things of this old earth 53:39 will grow strangely dim 53:43 In the light 53:45 of His glory and grace. 53:57 In the light 53:59 of His glory 54:02 and grace. 54:12 I'm going to do something I shouldn't do. 54:14 I'm going to ask my brother Kenny to come up for a moment 54:18 and talk to us here. We have just a couple minutes 54:22 in closing. I know you did a prayer earlier. 54:24 But Kenny is a minute man... I know that he is. 54:29 And I want you just to share just for a moment 54:32 and then let's do a closing prayer. 54:35 What you see... You travel a lot around the world 54:37 and you have yourself in a position now that you're free 54:41 where you can do some travel. I know you still have 54:43 a lot of things going, but you're open. 54:45 If you'd like Kenny to come to your church and minister 54:47 you can always contact him: Behold The Lamb Ministries. 54:50 You can go on the Net or you also can call us here at 3ABN. 54:54 Kenny, the world's in a lot of trouble right now. 54:56 Yes, it is. There's only one answer. What's that? Yeah. 54:59 Right now we need to be digging in the Word like never before. 55:02 The Lord is the answer. I've heard these songs tonight. 55:05 It has touched my heart. Sometimes people say I need 55:07 to be a little more quiet in the corner over there. 55:09 No, no. I just can't... it's just that simple. 55:12 All right, don't. The answer is to look to God. 55:15 Every speaker, every song has lifted us up, hasn't it? 55:19 Spiritually... our eyes upon Jesus 55:22 just as my brother sang, and I praise God for that. 55:24 We look in the world... You mentioned, we look in the world 55:27 and we see all of these things going on. 55:28 But I am going to be really honest with you tonight. 55:31 I'm lifting up my head because my redemption 55:34 is drawing nigh. I believe it's not long till Jesus will come! 55:38 And instead of looking down and depressed and worried of what's 55:41 going to happen: the little time of trouble, the big time of 55:44 trouble and Sunday laws and all these other things. 55:47 I prefer to look to Jesus because I need Him 55:52 like never before. We need to get ahold of His hand. 55:55 We need to, you know, speak and act and pray like Jesus. 56:00 And so I need to be studying Him more than studying all 56:03 the things in the world. You know why? 56:05 You mentioned the other night that you've read the book. 56:06 You know the beginning and you know the end. 56:08 So we already know things that's going to take place. 56:10 Let's be honest, right? God's people need to know prophecy. 56:13 You've been hearing about it this week, right? 56:15 They need to know prophecy, so now we need to be what? 56:17 Make sure that we're there. 56:19 We need to get our characters right with Jesus Christ 56:21 and that's spending time... And the Lord's impressing 56:23 in my heart and mind every day: 56:26 "Cry aloud and spare not. " 56:28 We need to be... right now because the time is near, 56:31 even at the door. That's the burden God has put on my heart 56:34 and I know He's put on you, too, and 3ABN. 56:36 All right, thank you. Turn him on and he can go 56:40 on for hours like this. 56:41 You know why? Because he loves Jesus 56:43 and he's not letting his gift be under a bushel. 56:46 He says: "As long as the Lord gives me more time. " 56:49 And he and I both have done the math. 56:51 So either Jesus is coming soon or some of you have done 56:54 the math. We're going to proclaim God's love 56:57 to a lost and dying world - Amen - till Jesus comes back. 57:00 Amen. And we hope and pray that that is your desire. Amen. 57:03 And if it is, I want you to bow your heads for just 57:06 a short prayer. 'Cause we've got one more hour: 57:08 Pastor C.A. Murray. But Kenny, just give us a short 57:10 closing prayer. And you watching around the world 57:13 and here, maybe you want to say a little prayer 57:15 and re-dedicate your life to Him. Amen. 57:17 Merciful Father in heaven, we thank you again 57:19 for Your love. Thank you for the songs that were sung. 57:21 Thank you that You've been here in our presence. 57:23 You've touched our hearts; You've touched our lives, 57:25 drawn us closer to Jesus. This is the purpose of Camp Meeting 57:29 and we thank you for it. 57:30 Lord, prepare our hearts. Save us please! |
Revised 2014-12-17