Participants: Jay Rosario
Series Code: 12POP
Program Code: 12POP000007
00:45 You know, we are just having a wonderful time
00:49 here in West Frankfort. 00:50 You know, people say: "Are you in West Frankfort 00:52 or are you in Thompsonville? " 00:54 And you know, we're... We're actually... we're both actually. 00:57 All right. 'Cause our main facility is a West Frankfort 00:58 address. That's right. Then I think the church over here 01:01 and part of our property is on "T-ville... " 01:03 Thompsonville. Right. 01:04 But it's West Frankfort Thompsonville area. 01:06 Franklin County - yeah - Illinois. 01:08 And I had somebody say "Are you in a church or are you in a 01:10 worship center? " We are in a worship center... 01:12 Both. The Thompsonville Church meets here on Sabbath 01:15 but it is the 3ABN Worship Center 01:18 that has been paid for not by our local church 01:21 but by you... those of you in this 3ABN audience. 01:26 And we have people from all around the country 01:29 and outside the country here for our Spring Camp Meeting. 01:32 And for those of you at home 01:35 if you're in the driving distance area, come on out 01:38 tonight. If it's too late tonight, come tomorrow. 01:40 We're going to be here literally all day. 01:42 Right from about - oh yes - 9 in the morning 01:44 until 10 o'clock at night 01:46 so there's plenty of time for you to come and join us. 01:49 And those of you's that's here travelled... I think some of you 01:52 traveled a few thousand miles to be here. 01:54 And ya'll been blessed so far with all the meetings 01:57 and the speakers? Amen! OK, including the food I heard. 02:00 Yall're enjoying that too. All right. 02:03 And you know it's amazing but there will be 02:06 something going on when you get here... no matter when 02:08 you get here, right? And we do have wall-to-wall meetings. 02:13 And so it's been a wonderful blessing. 02:17 And just getting to visit with you folks has been 02:20 a real blessing as well. 02:22 It's amazing that almost 28 years after we were impressed 02:25 to build a station to reach the world that... 02:28 that because of you and your love and prayers and financial 02:31 support that 3ABN continues to literally reach the world. 02:36 Yes. Virtually every continent on planet earth 02:38 people can watch 3ABN or listen to it if they really want to. 02:41 And we couldn't do it without you, so thank you. 02:43 Those of you at home, thank you for your loves and your prayers 02:46 and financial support. I'm excited - have been - about 02:48 Camp Meeting. All of us are - oh yes - 02:50 with the speakers that we have tonight. 02:52 And we're going to introduce those in just a few moments. 02:55 But before we do that, I know that we're going to have 02:58 music. We are. And you know we have a tremendous 03:01 privilege here of most Sabbaths having John Lomacang. 03:05 Now John also serves as the Ambassador of Good Will 03:09 for 3ABN. Travels around the world for us. 03:12 Goes to Africa and the Philippines and Australia. 03:16 Yes, they go together... John and Angie. 03:19 And they're a wonderful couple. But we have a tremendous 03:23 privilege of not only getting to sit at John's feet 03:26 and hear him preach but also hearing him sing. 03:32 And we're going to have that opportunity right now. 03:35 He's going to sing a song for us called 03:38 Much Too High A Price. John. 04:15 Your love endured the cross 04:22 despising all the shame. 04:29 That afternoon when midnight fell 04:35 Your suffering cleared my name. 04:42 And that sin-swept hill became 04:48 the open door to paradise 04:53 because You paid 04:58 much too high 05:01 a price. 05:08 You paid much 05:12 too high a price for me: 05:17 Your tears, Your blood, the pain 05:24 to have my soul just stirred at times 05:30 yet never truly changed. 05:36 You deserve a fiery love 05:42 that won't ignore Your sacrifice... 05:48 because You paid 05:52 much too high a 05:57 price. 06:10 Your grace inspires my heart 06:18 to rise above the sin 06:23 and all the earthly vanity 06:29 that seeks to draw me in. 06:36 I want to tell this jaded world 06:41 of love that truly saved 06:46 my life. 06:51 A love that paid 06:56 so high a price. 07:04 You paid much 07:08 too high a price 07:13 for me with Your tears, Your blood, 07:17 and the pain 07:20 to have my soul just stirred at times 07:26 yet never truly changed. 07:35 You deserve a fiery love 07:40 that won't ignore 07:43 Your sacrifice 07:51 because You paid 07:55 much too high 07:57 a price... 08:03 because You paid 08:09 much too high 08:13 a price. 08:30 Amen. 08:36 Amen; amen. And how true. 08:41 He paid such a high price. 08:43 The very God of heaven sending His Son 08:50 to come here to die for such as we... such as I. 08:56 It... that's a big price. 09:00 It just helps us to know how much He loves us 09:03 and how much we should be completely grateful 09:09 for the gift of life eternal. 09:12 I'm so grateful tonight for God's leading 09:17 in this movement. The Seventh- day Adventist movement 09:22 is still a movement. 09:24 Don't ever let anybody call us a church, 09:26 a denomination. We must remain a movement. 09:30 Moving forward around the world with the gospel, 09:33 with a message. More interested in spreading 09:38 that message than in building churches 09:42 or empires or anything of that nature. 09:44 Spreading the message that Christ is coming again soon. 09:50 And one of the most exciting aspects of that has, for me, 09:53 been to see so many young people 09:58 that God just reaches out and touches. 10:01 Many of them have been touched through 3ABN. 10:04 Many of them have been just found by God. 10:08 I think of David Asscherick and I think of the Rosario brothers, 10:14 two of which work with David and the third, Jay, 10:18 is a pastor in California - the San Jose area - 10:22 at the Cambrian Park and he has the Los Gatos churches 10:28 there near San Jose. 10:31 You've heard Jay preach here on 3ABN many times. 10:36 God has blessed him. 10:38 And we pray tonight that once again 10:42 he will be anointed by the Holy Spirit as he brings 10:46 a message to us entitled The First Prophecy. 11:00 Hello everyone. Hello! 11:02 Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath. 11:04 How is everybody doing? OK. 11:06 Have you been blessed thus far? Amen. 11:08 I am very, very excited about this message 11:11 and I've been very, very blessed. It seems like... 11:13 it seems like it's been crescendoing - yeah? - 11:16 the closer and closer we've been getting to the Sabbath, 11:18 and so that's exciting. 11:19 Our message this evening is entitled The First Prophecy. 11:24 And we're just going to jump right in. Amen? 11:26 So just bow your heads with me as we invite the Holy Spirit. 11:29 Father, we thank you for this awesome, wonderful privilege 11:31 You've given us to investigate and to study the most important 11:35 book in the universe. 11:37 And Father we're so privileged to be among brothers and 11:41 sisters in Christ from different places in the world. 11:43 And in spite of our different cultures and different ages, 11:46 Father, we're family 11:48 and we feel like we're almost like in a family reunion 11:51 coming together as fellow believers in the faith. 11:54 Lord, this evening we ask that You hide me behind the cross. 11:57 We have not come to this particular place 11:59 to hear the philosophy of a man. 12:02 We have come here, Father, to hear the living words of God. 12:05 And we ask, Father, that You may open our minds 12:08 and give us new insights and new vistas 12:11 to old truths that we have know intellectually but 12:14 possibly that we haven't experienced. 12:15 So bless us, Lord. Speak in a very, very special way 12:18 is my prayer in Jesus' name. Amen. 12:22 Our message is The First Prophecy, and 12:25 it deals with... Of course, it's appropriate 12:29 that the first prophecy would be where? 12:31 In the first book of the Bible. Amen? 12:33 So let's take a look at the first book of the Bible... 12:36 Genesis chapter 3. We're going to be 12:39 going all over scripture this evening, so make sure 12:41 that your fingers are ready. Amen? 12:43 Because we're going to be going everywhere 12:45 all throughout the Bible. Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15 12:48 and when you're there please say a hearty "Amen. " 12:50 Amen. The Bible says in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15 12:54 "And I will put emnity between you and the woman 12:59 and between your seed and her Seed. 13:02 He shall bruise your head 13:04 and you shall bruise His heel. " 13:08 This is the first prophecy and really it's a promise also. 13:12 It's a promise and a prophecy 13:14 of what God was going to do in the person of His Seed. 13:19 Now Genesis chapter 3 is a fascinating chapter because 13:21 of course it talks about the fall of who? 13:24 The fall of Adam and Eve. Yeah. 13:27 And when you look carefully in verses 6 and onward 13:31 right after they disobeyed you actually have 13:35 an investigation on the part of God. 13:40 A what? An investigation. 13:43 And right after the investigation 13:45 God pronounces judgements. Amen? 13:49 In other words, the very first prophecy 13:52 is nestled in an investigation that God is doing. 13:57 And then right after the investigation 13:59 God is basically prouncing judgment. 14:01 If you put these two dynamics together, 14:04 you have what we like to call the investigative judgment. 14:08 Typically speaking, the investigative judgment... 14:10 many people think that it comes from the book of Daniel 14:13 exclusively or it comes from the book of Revelation 14:16 exclusively. But the point is that when you see the way 14:19 that God begins His... kind of His model 14:24 of pronouncing judgment you find that 14:26 the investigative judgment is found all the way back 14:29 in the book of Genesis. 14:30 And beginning in verse 6... we are here in Genesis chapter 3 14:33 beginning in verse 6 that the Bible says: 14:35 "So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, 14:37 that it was pleasant to the eye, 14:39 and a tree desirable to make one wise 14:41 she took of its fruit and ate. 14:42 She also gave to her husband with her and he ate. 14:45 Then the eyes of both of them were opened 14:47 and they knew that they were naked. 14:49 And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves 14:52 coverings. And they heard the sound of the Lord 14:55 God walking in the garden in the cool of the day 14:57 and Adam hid his wife... " Excuse me. 15:00 "And Adam and his wife hid. " 15:04 Adam did not hide his wife. Amen? 15:06 I just said that to make sure you were paying attention. 15:10 Now that I have your undivided attention... 15:15 "Adam and his wife hid themselves... " Excuse me. 15:18 "from the presence of the Lord God among the trees 15:22 of the garden. " Now this is where in verse 9 15:26 God begins a sequence of questions. OK? 15:31 In the Bible you have a fascinating fact 15:34 that God asks a lot of questions. 15:39 In fact, they say that in the ministry of Jesus alone 15:42 Jesus asked over 150 questions in His earthly ministry. 15:46 There's something about God asking questions, right? 15:50 He kind of wants humanity to open up among their own 15:53 assumptions. And the first question in verse 9: 15:56 "Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him... " 15:59 What is the first question? 16:00 "Where are you? " Question: did God know where Adam was? 16:04 So why in the word is He asking the question "Where are you? " 16:08 Because He is asking a question that is requiring Adam 16:12 to begin to think and to do a personal assessment. 16:15 Amen? That's why He asks these questions. 16:17 God already knows this but maybe Adam needs to realize 16:21 exactly where he is. Question #1. 16:23 So he said: "I heard your voice in the garden. 16:25 I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself. " 16:29 And He said... question #2: 16:31 "Who told you that you were naked? " 16:34 Question #3: "Have you eaten from the tree of which I 16:39 commanded you that you should not eat? " 16:41 It almost seems like the God/parent here is dealing with 16:45 kind of a little rebellious child, right? 16:47 So a child that understands that they have done wrong 16:51 and they feel very, very guilty. 16:52 So you kind of have this inter- action between God and Adam. 16:55 So God asks Adam three questions and then He transitions. 17:01 Yeah? And in verse 12: "The man said: 17:04 'The woman whom You gave to be with me... 17:08 she gave me of the tree and I ate. ' " 17:11 So what is Adam's justification for eating of the forbidden 17:15 fruit? He points his finger at who? 17:19 At the woman. 17:21 But really he doesn't just point the finger at the woman. 17:24 He points the finger at God because he says: "The woman 17:27 essentially that You gave me. " Right? 17:30 "So really utimately God this is Your fault. " 17:33 Right? The blame game began in Genesis chapter 3. 17:38 And when you look in verse 13 God moves from asking questions 17:44 to Adam and He asks one question to the woman. 17:48 "And the Lord God said to the woman: 'What is this 17:52 that you have done? ' " 17:54 What is the woman's response? 17:56 The woman said: "The serpent deceived me and I ate. " 18:01 Right? So if you notice Adam and Eve are kind of 18:04 dishing off their guilt on somebody else. 18:08 Adam dishes it off to the woman. 18:11 The woman dishes it off to the serpent. 18:14 God asks Adam three questions 18:16 and He asks Eve one question. 18:21 I wonder why that is. 18:23 I think that the reason why He did this is to show 18:27 that ultimately the priest of the home - amen? - 18:33 is who? It was Adam. It was Adam's responsibility 18:37 to maintain faithfulness and integrity 18:40 not only in their marriage but also in their home. 18:43 So that's why God is asking Adam more questions. 18:46 Why? Because Adam is more accountable in the union 18:50 of marriage. So He asks Adam three questions. 18:54 He asks the woman one question and notice 18:57 as you continue reading in verse 14. 19:01 God turns to the serpent. 19:04 "So the Lord God said to the serpent: 'Because you have 19:07 done this you are cursed more than all cattle 19:11 and more than every beast of the field. 19:13 On your belly you shall go and you shall eat dust 19:16 all the days of your life. 19:18 And I will put emnity between you and the woman 19:22 and between your seed and her Seed; 19:24 He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel. ' " 19:27 Did you notice what just took place? 19:30 God came to Adam; asked Adam three questions. 19:33 Then He went to Eve; asked Eve one question. 19:36 And then He went to the serpent and asked the serpent 19:39 no questions. Amen? 19:43 Why? Because the serpent... God wasn't trying to negotiate 19:46 with the serpent. Amen? 19:47 But what we see here is that the questions begin 19:51 to get fewer, fewer to the point where there is no more 19:53 questions. And in verse 14 God is now basically pronouncing 19:56 judgment on the serpent. And after He pronounces judgment 19:59 on the serpent He begins to pronounce judgment 20:02 on Adam and Eve. 20:04 And where you keep reading in verse 16: 20:05 "To the woman He said: 'I will greatly multiply your sorrow 20:08 in your conception. In pain you shall bring forth children. 20:12 Your desire shall be for your husband 20:14 and he shall rule over you. ' " 20:15 Verse 17: "Then to Adam He said: 'Because you have 20:18 heeded the voice of your wife and have eaten from the tree 20:20 of which I commanded you saying you shall not eat of it, 20:23 cursed is the ground for your sake. In toil you shall 20:26 eat of it all the days of your life. 20:28 Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, 20:31 and you shall eat the herb of the field. 20:33 In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread 20:35 till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. 20:38 For dust you are and to dust you shall return. ' " 20:42 Interesting. Adam and Eve commit a sin. 20:46 They disobey the voice of God. 20:48 God comes initially to Adam. 20:53 He asks three questions. 20:55 Then He goes to Eve... He asks one question. 20:59 Then He goes to the serpent... He asks no question 21:03 and pronounces judgment. 21:04 Then He comes back to the woman and pronounces judgment. 21:09 Then He comes back to Adam and pronounces judgment. 21:13 If you notice the judgment on Adam vs. the judgment on Eve, 21:17 which one is more lengthy? 21:20 The judgment of Adam. Again, Adam was given 21:23 three questions. His judgment is a little bit longer. 21:25 Eve was asked one question and her judgment is just really 21:29 one text. Really what you see here is chiasm. 21:33 Anybody know what a chiasm is? Raise your hand. 21:35 Chiasm is basically kind of a structure in prophecy 21:38 and even in literature where you basically have 21:41 a, b, c, b, a. 21:43 They actually do that quite a bit in poetry. 21:45 Those of you who are avid fans of poetry... 21:47 which I doubt many of you are avid fans of poetry. 21:50 Amen? 21:52 At least, you know, I wasn't an avid fan of poetry 21:55 when I was in school. So what you see here is 21:58 you see God approaching Adam. Then He approaches Eve. 22:02 Then He approaches the serpent. 22:04 Then He approaches Eve again; 22:06 and then He finally approaches Adam. 22:07 Do you see the pattern there? 22:08 It's a mirror, right? It's a chiasm. 22:11 And when you go through all the books of the Bible 22:14 they actually say that major portions of prophecy 22:17 are in a chiasm structure. 22:19 One of the things that many, many Bible scholars believe 22:22 is that the Pentateuch... 22:23 Anybody know what the Pentateuch is? 22:25 First five books of the Bible, right? 22:26 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. 22:29 Many theologicans believe that the Pentateuch is actually based 22:32 on a chiasm. What that basically means is that 22:35 the first book mirrors the last book. Yeah? 22:39 The second book mirrors the second-to-the-last book. 22:43 And then what you have is kind of like a zigorat. 22:46 Anybody knows what a zigorat is? 22:48 It's kind of like an Aztec temple. 22:50 Not quite like this but it's kind of like this. 22:53 And then there's a top portion which is kind of like 22:56 the epicenter. Like that's what the main point... 23:00 that's what the nucleus... that's what the main 23:03 subject matter of that particular prophecy is. Yeah? 23:07 And when you look at the Pentateuch 23:08 what is the middle book of that chiasm? 23:12 It's the book of Leviticus. 23:14 And what is Leviticus talking about? 23:15 Fundamentally what do you see over and over in the book of 23:19 Leviticus? You see the word sacrifice. 23:22 Right? You see lamb; you see sacrifice. 23:25 Lamb; sacrifice. Anybody done the Read the Bible in One Year 23:29 before? Typically speaking what is the book that kind of 23:33 makes it kind of rough to kind of get to finish that goal? 23:38 Let's be honest. 23:39 Generally speaking it's the book of Leviticus, yeah? 23:42 Because it is very repetitive, right? 23:45 And it's very, very hard to follow. 23:46 The point is that every time you see the word lamb there 23:49 who is that really referring to? 23:50 It's referring to Jesus Christ Himself. 23:54 So the most Christ-centered book in the entire Bible 23:56 we can even argue is what? 23:58 It's the book of Leviticus! 24:00 Because you always have a reference to the lamb. 24:03 You always have a reference to the sacrifice. 24:05 You always have a reference to the blood. Yeah? 24:08 So that is kind of a somehow a chiastic structure. 24:12 When you study the book of Revelation actually... 24:14 Actually the book of Revelation is also formed in a chiastic 24:18 structure, yeah? So what we're basically saying 24:21 is that the first prophecy in Genesis chapter 3 24:24 is kind of laying down the principles - yeah? - 24:28 to knowing how to interpret 24:32 the subsequent prophecies that will follow. 24:35 Does that make sense? If this is the first prophecy, 24:38 well then obviously the first prophecy will give us hints 24:40 as to what prophecies are really all about 24:42 and how you and I can intelligently and accurately 24:46 interpret every other prophecy that will come after 24:49 Genesis 3:15. Does that make sense? 24:51 For example, in Genesis 3:15 we basically see 24:54 three fundamental things. We see the word emnity. 24:59 "I will put emnity... " Yeah? 25:01 "between you and the woman; 25:02 between your seed and her Seed. " 25:05 Notice that the "her Seed" is a little different 25:08 than "your seed. " 25:09 Depending which translation you have... 25:11 The second Seed in Genesis 3:15 is capitalized 25:15 in some Bibles. Have you noticed that? 25:17 Why do you suppose it's capitalized? 25:20 Well, we're going to talk about that in a minute. 25:22 "He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel. " 25:26 There's three elements here. 25:27 We have the emnity element. 25:29 We have the seed element. 25:31 And we also have the "You shall bruise His head" 25:35 element. In other words, we have to understand 25:38 what the emnity point is. We have to understand 25:40 what the seed is, and we have to understand 25:43 what bruising His head is all about. 25:46 Yeah? So run with me if you can to the book of Galatians. 25:50 We're going to take a careful look at what this mysterious 25:55 seed is all about. 25:58 Galatians chapter 3 in the New Testament. 26:05 And when you're in Galatians chapter 3 26:07 and verse 16 please say "Amen. " 26:09 Amen. Galatians chapter 3 and verse 16 26:12 the Bible says: "Now to Abraham and his... " What? 26:15 Seed. And notice the S there is what? Is capitalized. 26:19 Obvious connection to Genesis 3:15. 26:21 "Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. " 26:26 He does not say "and to seeds" plural. 26:28 "As of many but as of one. And to your Seed 26:32 who is Christ. " 26:36 So according to Galatians 3:16 26:38 who is that Seed? That capital S? 26:41 It's referring to Christ. 26:43 So in Genesis 3:15 the second Seed that we find there 26:46 is talking about Christ. Yeah? 26:48 What's the point? 26:49 The point is that the first prophecy in the entire Bible 26:53 is presenting to us that the focal point 26:57 of every other prophecy that comes after Genesis 3:15 27:02 is not saying that the prophecy is about... 27:06 is merely a forecast of future events. 27:08 It's not saying that prophecy is about, you know, 27:12 evil nations that will come and attack God's people... 27:14 even though prophecy does include that. 27:16 What it is showing us is that the spotlight on Bible prophecy 27:21 is not really about an event 27:24 as it is about a person. 27:28 And who is that person? 27:29 That person is Jesus Christ. 27:31 Many times when we interpret prophecy, we interpret 27:34 prophetic books, there are sometimes where it's so dry. 27:41 Anybody know what I'm talking about? 27:42 The prophetic interpretation is so dry. There's no strokes 27:47 of gospel truth in there. 27:49 And the point is that, if prophecy... the first prophecy 27:52 is all about the Seed and the Seed is Christ, 27:54 well then that basically means that the focal point of prophecy 27:57 is Jesus. And if in our prophetic interpretation 28:01 our interpretation is void of Christ, we have to ask ourselves 28:05 a question: Is our interpretation correct? Amen? 28:09 Let me give you an example. Run over to the book of Revelation. 28:12 Usually when we think of Revelation we think of what? 28:14 We think of beasts, right? Coming up out of the water. 28:17 We think of lambs with - you know, seven eyes. 28:20 We think of trumpets and, you know, plagues. 28:23 And we think of all of these things. 28:24 Many, many people are afraid of the book of Revelation. 28:26 Did you know that? 28:28 I remember prior to my conversion 28:30 I remember watching a particular horror movie 28:32 that in the process of the movie it started quoting Revelation. 28:35 I said: "Ooh, that's scary! " 28:38 And I remember my mom had a little Bible. It was in Spanish. 28:40 It was La Santa Biblia, 28:42 and I was terrified of that little book 28:44 because I knew at the end of that book there was a book 28:46 called Apocalypses. And that just sounds scary, doesn't it? 28:49 Apocalypses. 28:51 Doesn't it just sound scary? 28:52 And when I watched the movie I though: "Oh my goodness. 28:54 This is scary! " And then finally when I had the privilege 28:57 of opening scripture and I realized that "Wow! 28:59 The book of Revelation is completely the opposite 29:03 of what I thought it was going to be. " 29:04 Right? Instead of being a book of terror, a book of horror, 29:07 it's actually a book full of the promises of God. 29:11 So the key is if we want to understand what prophecy is 29:13 and how do we see Christ in prophecy, this is one example. 29:17 When you go to the book of Revelation 29:19 let's go to the first verse of the entire book of Revelation 29:22 and see what the introduction is all about. 29:25 Amen? Revelation chapter 1 and verse 1. 29:28 When you're there say "Amen. " Amen. 29:30 The Bible says: "The revelation of Jesus Christ 29:32 which God gave Him to show His servants 29:34 things which must shortly take place. 29:37 And He sent and signified it by His angel 29:39 to His servant John... who bore witness to the Word of God 29:43 and to the testimony of Jesus Christ 29:45 to all things that he saw. 29:46 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words 29:49 of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it 29:52 for the time is near. " 29:55 Now according to the introduction in verse 1 29:57 what is Revelation about? 29:59 Notice it says "the revelation of Jesus Christ. " 30:03 And actually the word revelation in the original Greek means 30:06 the unveiling. Right? 30:10 So when you see Revelation chapter 1 you notice that 30:13 the first thing that it does is it shows you that the book of 30:15 Revelation is not so much about events 30:18 as it is about a person. Amen? 30:21 And if it's the unveiling well then that must mean 30:25 that the book of Revelation is focusing 30:28 on Christ beyond the veil. 30:32 Now where do we see a veil in the Old Testament? 30:36 In the sanctuary. And where was that veil? 30:39 It separated the holy place and the most holy place, right? 30:44 And of course there was another veil that basically introduced 30:47 the entrance of the sanctuary. 30:49 So basically this is sanctuary terminology, right? 30:52 So what Revelation is showing us is simply 30:54 unveiling the work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary. 30:59 Right? So the first text of the entire book of Revelation 31:02 points directly to Jesus. 31:05 I think pretty much right now we're all in agreement. 31:07 Let's go to the last verse of the book of Revelation. 31:09 Let's go to Revelation chapter 22 31:13 and let's see what the last text in the book of Revelation 31:16 tells us. Because if we can see the beginning mark of Revelation 31:20 and the closing mark of Revelation, 31:21 it helps us kind of understand what prophecy really is 31:23 all about. Revelation chapter 22 and verse 20. 31:26 And when you're there please say "Amen. " Amen. 31:28 The Bible says: "He who testifies to these things says 31:30 'Surely I am coming quickly, Amen. ' 31:34 Even so come... " What? "Lord Jesus. " 31:39 The last text of the entire book of Revelation: 31:41 "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. " 31:47 What does the last text of the book of Revelation 31:49 teach us about? It presents Christ! 31:52 And not only does it present Christ but it presents 31:54 a returning Christ, right? "Even so come Lord Jesus. " 31:58 So what do we have so far? 31:59 Well, the first verse of the book of Revelation 32:01 teaches us about Jesus. 32:03 The last verse of the book of Revelation teaches us about 32:06 Jesus. Now let's go... Are you ready? 32:10 Anybody want to take a guess 32:12 what our third trick is going to be? 32:15 We're going to look at the middle verse of the entire book 32:19 of Revelation. We're going to look at what I like to call 32:22 "El ombligo" of the book of Revelation. 32:25 Anybody know what a "El ombligo" is? 32:28 I know some of the Spanish people are chuckling 32:29 because they know what I'm talking about. 32:31 "El ombligo" is the belly button. Amen? 32:33 That's what the "ombligo" is in Spanish. 32:36 So what is the middle verse of the book of Revelation? 32:39 I'm so happy you asked that question. 32:42 Because if you go to Revelation chapter 12 32:45 you actually find the middle verse of the book of Revelation. 32:50 Anybody want to take a wild guess what it is? 32:52 Revelation chapter 12... not verse 17. 32:56 We've been reading Revelation 12:17 quite a bit. 32:58 It's actually Revelation chapter 12 and verse 10. 33:03 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 10 33:05 is literally the epicenter, the nucleus 33:08 of the entire book of Revelation. 33:11 Most assuredly, this text - the center Bible text of the book 33:15 of Revelation - must show us what the heart subject 33:20 of Revelation is. Would you not say so? 33:21 Well then let's find out what it's talking about. 33:24 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 10 tells us: 33:26 "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven 33:28 'now salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God 33:33 and the power of His Christ have come. 33:36 For the accuser of our brethren who accused them before our God 33:40 day and night has been cast down. ' " 33:42 Amen? That is the middle verse of the book of Revelation. 33:46 And what person do you see in Revelation chapter 12 verse 10? 33:51 The Bible says that the power of His Christ has come. 33:56 What do we have so far? 33:58 The first verse in the book of Revelation talks about who? 34:01 Jesus. 34:02 The last verse of the book of Revelation talks about who? 34:05 Jesus. And the middle verse of the book of Revelation 34:07 talks about... So what do you think that everything in between 34:11 is really about in the book of Revelation? 34:13 Jesus. When you think of the most prophetic book 34:15 in the entire Bible, what do you suppose that book is? 34:19 Revelation, right? Daniel and Revelation. 34:21 Those are the two prophetic books. 34:22 So the point is that if you notice carefully 34:25 when you look at Revelation you realize that it's really 34:28 talking about Christ. 34:30 This is consistent with Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 34:34 which is the very first prophecy of scripture. 34:37 Genesis 3:15 is laying out 34:40 the foundational principles on how to interpret 34:42 subsequent Bible prophecies. 34:45 And the point is that notice that Christ is all over the book 34:47 of Revelation and notice that in Genesis 3:15 the Seed 34:51 with a capital S is kind of the focal point of it. Why? 34:54 Because He's basically crushing the head of the serpent. 34:57 So if there's any prophetic interpretation that comes 35:00 after and it is void of Christ, 35:03 we have to ask ourselves the question: 35:05 "Is it Biblically sound? " Amen? 35:07 So prophecy points us to a person, and that is Jesus. 35:11 And if you go back to Genesis 3:15 35:13 there is another element that we see. 35:16 So in Genesis 3:15 one of the elements that we see 35:18 is that prophecy is supposed to point us to the person 35:21 of Christ, to the mission of Christ, and it's supposed to be 35:24 redemptive. Amen? We should see the plan of salvation 35:28 articulated in our prophetic interpretation. 35:31 And I think that's how we do service to prophecy. 35:34 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15 the Bible says: 35:37 "And I will put... " What? "emnity... " 35:41 Now what does the word emnity mean? 35:43 The word emnity is used all over scripture - 35:46 hold your finger in Genesis 3:15- 35:48 and run with me to Romans chapter 8. 35:52 Romans chapter 8 talks quite a bit about emnity. 35:55 Yeah? And it uses it in the context of the struggle. 35:59 And it uses it in the context of differentiating between 36:03 two different classes of people. 36:06 Romans chapter 8... And when you're there please say "Amen. " 36:09 Amen. The Bible says in verse 3 of Romans chapter 8: 36:14 "For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the 36:16 flesh God did by sending His own Son in the likeness 36:20 of sinful flesh on account of sin. 36:23 He condemned sin in the flesh that the righteous requirements 36:26 of the law might be fulfilled in us 36:29 who do not walk according to the flesh but according to 36:31 the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh 36:34 set their minds on the things of the flesh 36:36 but those who live according to the Spirit 36:38 the things of the Spirit. " Here it is: 36:39 "For to be carnally minded is death 36:42 but to be spiritually minded is life and peace 36:45 because the carnal mind is... " What's that next word? 36:48 "emnity against God because it is not subject to the law 36:52 of God nor indeed can be. 36:54 So then those who are in the flesh cannot please God. " 36:58 You see that? So in Romans chapter 8 the apostle Paul is 37:00 using the same word "emnity" that was used in Genesis 3:15. 37:04 And he's showing that the carnal mind is at emnity. 37:07 The word there emnity is basically communicating war. 37:10 Yeah? It is at opposition. 37:14 It is in a battle; it is in controversy. 37:18 So when the Bible says "I will put emnity between 37:21 thee and the woman" this is talking about strife. 37:24 This is talking about a struggle. 37:26 This is talking about the great controversy. 37:30 So in Genesis 3:15 the very, very first 37:33 phrase that is articulated in the first prophecy 37:37 is the concept of a struggle between the forces of good 37:42 and the forces of evil. 37:43 So prophecy according to Genesis 3:15 37:46 is not only pointing us to the Seed - capital S - 37:49 which is Christ. Not only is prophecy supposed to be 37:52 unveiling the work of Christ and His plan of salvation 37:55 for humanity but also prophecy... what it does is 37:59 it shows us what's going on behind the scenes 38:02 between the forces of good and the forces of evil. 38:05 Prophecy is a VIP class... 38:08 pass, excuse me... 38:09 into the realm of spirituality when you see what's happening 38:13 in the angelic world. Amen? 38:14 And that's why prophecy is so powerful. 38:16 That's what Genesis 3:15 is basically showing us. 38:19 So Genesis 3:15 shows us that there is emnity, 38:22 there is war between good and between evil. 38:27 The apostle Paul here shows us that there is emnity 38:29 between the spiritual mind and the carnal mind. Yeah? 38:33 And then finally when you go back to Genesis 3:15 38:36 what do you see? "I will put emnity... " 38:39 There's the great controversy: there's war, there's struggle 38:41 "between you and the woman and between your seed 38:45 and her Seed" - capital S - which we have already identified 38:48 to be Christ. "He" - the Seed - "shall bruise your head... " - 38:52 this is talking about the serpent's head - 38:54 "and you shall bruise His heel. " 38:57 So prophecy is ultimately going to unveil 39:03 when Christ bruises or crushes the head of the serpent. 39:08 What does this mean? 39:10 The point is that prophecy unveils the final triumph 39:17 of God and His people. 39:19 Amen? This is the three layers of the first prophecy. 39:23 Number one: it shows us, it unveils, the truth of the 39:26 great controversy. Number two: it shows us the Seed. 39:29 Yeah? Prophecy is all about detecting the Seed... 39:31 which is Christ. And finally, it shows us when 39:34 God is ultimately going to fulfill all of the promises 39:38 that He made. Amen? 39:40 So in Genesis 3:15 you have several things. 39:43 You have a serpent. 39:45 How many of you like serpents? Don't raise your hand. 39:50 You have a serpent and you have a woman. Yeah? 39:54 And you have emnity between the woman and the serpent. 39:57 Now that shouldn't surprise us, Amen? 39:59 Because there's always emnity between serpents and women. 40:02 Amen? Amen! 40:05 My mom is an avid enemy of serpents. 40:08 So much so that if she sees anything that looks like a 40:12 serpent on television literally she will scream 40:16 and she will attack the television screen 40:18 and probably attack you. OK? 40:20 So National Geographic doesn't work with my mother. OK? 40:22 Or Discovery Channel. She just... she just cannot... 40:25 she can't handle the snake bit, OK? 40:27 So it shouldn't surprise us. When we see a woman, 40:29 we see a serpent, and then we see emnity between 40:32 the serpent and the woman. Right? 40:34 And then we also see the Seed of the woman. 40:37 But not only that. We actually also see 40:40 the seed of the serpent. Yeah? 40:43 And there's emnity in many, many different levels. 40:47 So what exactly is this? 40:49 When you look at Genesis 3:15 you see emnity 40:52 between the serpent and the woman. 40:54 You see emnity between the seed versus the I'll call it 40:59 the big Seed with a capital S. 41:01 And you also see emnity between the serpent 41:04 and the big Seed. OK? So there's just a lot of 41:07 animosity in this text. Right? 41:09 There's a lot of controversy; there's a lot of beef, OK? 41:13 When you look at Genesis chapter 4... 41:15 Very interesting 'cause in Genesis chapter 4 41:18 you have kind of the continuation 41:20 of Genesis chapter 3. Make sense? 41:22 And you have the struggle between Cain and who else? 41:26 And Abel. What happened to Abel? 41:30 What did Cain do to Abel? 41:32 He murdered him. Now why? 41:36 He was jealous, right? When you look at Genesis chapter 4... 41:40 And by the way, as soon as Cain 41:44 killed his brother God came to Cain. 41:48 And what did God do to Cain? 41:53 He started asking him questions. 41:55 Where did we see God asking questions? 41:58 Genesis chapter 3. Adam was asked three questions. 42:01 Eve was asked one question. 42:03 So when Cain sinned, God comes and He's investigating. Right? 42:07 And after He investigates then He pronounces judgment. 42:10 So this is kind of like the template of prophecy 42:16 beginning all the way back from the book of Genesis. 42:18 So when we look at Daniel, we talk about the Investigative 42:20 Judgment, it really shouldn't shock us 42:23 because that's the way God has been handling rebellion 42:26 since Genesis chapter 3. 42:28 He asks questions, He investigates, and then 42:30 He pronounces judgment. It's part of God's plan 42:33 for dealing with sin. Now Genesis chapter 4 and verse 25. 42:37 The Bible tells us that right after Abel was assassinated 42:41 "Adam knew his wife again 42:44 and she bore a son named Seth, 42:47 for God has appointed another... " What? 42:51 "another seed for me instead of Abel whom Cain killed. " 42:56 You see that? There's... There's that word there. 42:59 There's the seed. Now where did we see seed? 43:01 We saw it in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15, right? 43:05 There's a struggle between the seed of the serpent 43:08 and the Seed of the woman. 43:11 And the point is that once this prophecy was given in 43:14 Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 the serpent was trying 43:17 everything that he possibly could to destroy the Seed 43:21 of the woman. Because he knew that this Seed that was going to 43:24 come through the woman was going to be the One 43:27 that was going to put his kingdom, the serpent's kingdom, 43:30 to an end. Amen? 43:32 So he did everything that he possibly could. 43:34 We literally basically summaried the entire 43:35 Old Testament. When you look at the struggle between good and 43:38 evil in the Old Testament it's simply the struggle between 43:41 the seed of the serpent and the Seed of the woman. 43:44 That's all you're seeing. And it manifests itself through 43:46 nations. It manifests itself through judgments 43:49 and through many, many different things. 43:50 And that's exactly what happened. So God provided 43:53 another seed through Seth. Yeah? 43:56 And when you read I John 3:12 it actually tells us that 43:59 the one who was behind Cain in killing Abel was noneother 44:04 than the "wicked one... " which is referring to Satan 44:06 himself. So obviously what Genesis 3:15 is showing us is 44:10 that to every battle - to every physical battle - 44:13 there's a spiritual battle behind that physical battle. 44:16 That's how we kind of have to look at the Old Testament 44:18 and the New Testament prophecies. 44:20 And when you continue seeing throughout history 44:23 it makes sense why there are so many death decrees in history. 44:27 Run with me to the book of Exodus. You're in Genesis. 44:29 Run with me to the book of Exodus, and we're going to go 44:32 to chapter 1 of the book of Exodus. 44:38 Exodus chapter 1 and verse 13 44:44 and when you're there please say "Amen. " Amen. 44:47 The Bible says: "So the Egyptians made the children of 44:49 Israel serve with rigor. They made their lives bitter 44:53 with hard bondage in mortar and brick and in all manner of 44:56 service in the field. All their service in which they made them 44:59 serve was with rigor. Then the king of Egypt 45:02 spoke to the Hebrew midwives of whom the name of one was 45:05 Shiphrah and the name of another was Puah. 45:07 And he said: 'When you do the duties of a midwife 45:10 for the Hebew woman and see them on their birth stools 45:12 if it is a son then you shall... ' What? 45:15 'kill him but if it is a daughter then she shall live. ' 45:19 But the midwives... " What? "feared God and did not do 45:22 as the king of Egypt commanded them but saved the male children 45:26 alive. " What do you see here? 45:29 You basically see that there is a desire to take out who? 45:36 All of the male seeds of God's people. 45:39 Now who do you think was kind of inspiring Pharaoh 45:42 and his crew to carry out this edict? 45:44 It was Satan. Why? Because remember 45:47 every power has a spiritual power behind, manipulating 45:51 and influencing. And the reason why the Egyptians were trying to 45:55 take out the Hebrew male child was because 45:58 the serpent in Genesis 3:15 remembered that through the line 46:02 of the Hebrews the Seed will come 46:04 and eventually crush his head. 46:06 All throughout the Old Testament that's basically what you see. 46:09 You see that in Exodus chapter 1 46:11 and even in the story of Jacob and Esau. 46:14 How many of you guys remember the story of Jacob and Esau? 46:16 The two brothers, right? 46:18 There was Esau that was inspired by the evil one, yeah? 46:22 to come and to try to take out Jacob. Why? 46:26 Because remember, behind the mind of Esau was who? 46:30 Satan insinuating and inspiring to try to take out Jacob 46:34 because through Jacob was going to come what? 46:37 Was going to come the Seed. 46:39 That's basically what you see all throughout the Old Testament 46:41 and that's why Genesis 3:15 is a pivotal text in scripture. 46:45 Yeah? Jacob and Esau... we see this. 46:47 Run with me to I Samuel. 46:49 Another example of this is in I Samuel. 46:53 I Samuel chapter 17... this is a famous story. 46:57 We tend to read this to the children - children's story - 47:01 but we tend to not realize this can also be applicable 47:03 for grown-ups as well. 47:05 I Samuel chapter 17 and beginning in verse 47: 47:10 When you're there please say "Amen. " Amen. 47:12 This is talking about the show- down between David and Goliath. 47:16 Anybody familiar with this story? I think we all are. 47:19 "Then all this assembly... " in verse 47 47:21 "shall know that the Lord does not take with sword and spear 47:26 for the battle is the Lord's 47:27 and He will give you into our hands. 47:30 So it was when the Philistine arose and came and drew near 47:33 to meet David that David hurried and ran toward the army 47:36 to meet the Philistine. Then David put his hand in his bag 47:39 and took out a stone. 47:40 And he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead 47:44 so that the stone sank into his forehead 47:46 and he fell on his face to the earth. 47:48 So David prevailed over the Phillistine with a sling and 47:51 a stone and struck the Phillistine and killed him 47:53 for there was no sword in the hand of David. 47:56 Therefore David ran and stood over the Phillistine 47:58 took his sword and drew it out of his sheath 48:00 and killed him. And cut off his head with it. 48:03 And when the Philistines saw that their champion was dead 48:06 they fled. " So here you have Goliath and David. 48:11 Now who do you think was inspiring the mind of Goliath? 48:14 Pretty obvious, right? 48:16 Trying to attack David. Why? 48:17 Because through the line of David was going to come who? 48:19 The Seed. Very interesting. Who won the battle? 48:23 Little David, right? 48:26 And after David wins the battle 48:28 he actually takes the head off of his enemy, Goliath. 48:32 Isn't that interesting. 48:34 When you read in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 48:36 where was the serpent going to receive his wound? 48:39 In his head. 48:41 Can you guys see the parallel there? 48:43 So in every story in the Bible you simply are seeing 48:46 a microcosm of the final show- down between Christ and Satan. 48:51 And we could go on and on on on. 48:53 But the point is that when you read every story in scripture 48:56 through the lens of Genesis 3:15 you will come to the conclusion 49:00 yeah? - that there is a spiritual war behind every 49:03 physical war and that in the end ultimately God wins. 49:08 And that's the purpose of prophecy 49:10 is to unveil who wins in the end. 49:12 And hopefully by showing you who's going to win in the end 49:15 you will put your faith on the winning team. Amen? 49:18 Revelation chapter 12... 49:19 If you come with me to Revelation chapter 12... 49:21 We see in Genesis chapter 3 that there's a woman. 49:24 We see her Seed. We see that there's emnity - 49:29 yeah? - and we see that there is a serpent. 49:31 Well when you read in Revelation chapter 12 you actually find 49:34 all of these element in Revelation chapter 12 as well. 49:37 Amen? When you go to Revelation chapter 12 49:39 beginning in verses 3 to 4 the Bible says: 49:42 "Another sign appeared in heaven. Behold, a great fiery 49:45 red dragon having seven heads and ten horns 49:47 and seven diadems on his head. 49:49 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven 49:51 and threw them to the earth. 49:53 And the dragon stood before the woman who was 49:55 ready to give... " What? "birth. " 49:57 What is another way of saying this? 49:59 Basically, the woman was about to deliver the Seed. 50:05 Right? Her Seed was about to be born. 50:07 "to devour her child. " So the dragon was trying to 50:10 devour her child as soon as it was born. 50:11 Why was the dragon trying to devour her child? 50:13 Because he knew that through her the Seed was going to come 50:16 and finally crush his head. 50:19 "She bore a male child who was to rule all nations 50:22 with a rod of iron. And her child was caught up 50:25 to God and to His throne. " 50:27 So here you have the dragon trying to attack Jesus. 50:30 Now how did the dragon attack Jesus at His birth? 50:33 What power did he use? 50:36 Herod. And what did Herod do? 50:38 A death decree to take out all of the male children. 50:42 Does that sound familiar? We just read that in the book 50:43 of Exodus. You see that? It just literally repeats itself 50:46 because the devil's trying to do the same thing over and over 50:49 and over throughout every epoch of Bible history. 50:52 And he fails... he does not succeed. 50:55 So when you look at Revelation chapter 12 50:57 he fails at an attempt to attack the Seed. 51:00 So because he cannot attack the Seed any more 51:02 who does he take his anger out on? 51:04 The woman! You see that? 51:07 And not only does the woman have a Seed, right? 51:10 But also we read that the serpent also has a seed. 51:13 In this particular portion of scripture 51:16 the Seed of the woman is noneother than the man child 51:19 which of course was going to rule with a rod of iron 51:21 which is referring to Christ. 51:23 But who do you suppose the seed of the serpent is? 51:27 If it is not Christ it is antichrist. 51:32 And that's why all throughout scripture you have 51:35 God's people - the woman in the wilderness, yeah? - 51:38 And you have the beast power trying to kill the woman. 51:40 All you're basically seeing is an unfolding of Genesis 3:15. 51:44 That's all you're seeing over and over and over 51:47 and over again. 51:48 So you have the serpent, the woman, and the Seed of the 51:51 woman. And then in Revelation 12:17 that's why 51:53 the dragon is wroth. Because remember there's emnity; 51:57 there's beef; there's controversy. 51:59 And the devil knows that he has a short time 52:02 before his time is over. 52:04 I want to read a fascinating Bible passage to you. 52:08 Run with me to the book of Romans. 52:10 Romans chapter 16. 52:12 Because even though we know that in Genesis 3:15 52:16 it's talking about Christ, yeah? 52:18 And the picture that you have, of course, is that Christ 52:21 is about to step on the head of the serpent. 52:25 And in the process of course the serpent bruises the heel 52:29 of Christ but immediately after crushes the head of the serpent. 52:33 Well I ran into a text that really, really 52:36 intrigued me in Romans chapter 16. 52:38 Romans chapter 16, and when you're there please say "Amen. " 52:41 Amen. Verse 19: 52:42 "For your obedience... " the apostle Paul says 52:45 "has become known to all. 52:47 Therefore I am glad on your behalf. 52:50 But I want you to be wise in what is good 52:53 and simple concerning evil. " 52:56 Now listen carefully. 52:58 And the God of peace will crush... " 53:02 Who? "Satan. " Does that sound familiar? 53:06 Will crush Satan. But notice what it says under who. 53:09 "under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus 53:14 Christ be with you all. Amen. " 53:17 So we saw in Genesis 3:15 53:19 that the Seed - capital S - was going to crush 53:22 the head of the serpent. Yeah? 53:24 And was going to basically take him out. 53:26 But the Bible tells us that in Romans chapter 16 53:29 God wants to fulfill the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 53:34 in the life of His followers. Amen? 53:39 Question: When was it that Jesus successfully 53:42 crushed the head of the serpent? 53:44 When was it that the serpent bruised the heel of Jesus? 53:47 At Calvary at the cross, right? 53:49 Jesus said: "I, if I be lifted up, I will draw men unto Me. " 53:53 And He says the prince of this world is "judged. " 53:56 And He's referring, of course, to Satan himself. 53:58 That at the cross Satan was no longer - yeah? - 54:03 had the opportunity to go to heaven and to represent 54:08 planet earth because now at the cross 54:11 Christ became the rightful ruler of planet earth. Amen? 54:14 So Satan was confined to planet earth. 54:17 But of course at Calvary we're talking about 54:21 AD 31, yes? We're talking about something that took place 54:24 2,000 years ago. Is the serpent still alive? Yes or no? 54:28 He still is. So the question is: when is 54:30 Genesis 3:15 going to be fulfilled ultimately? 54:34 Romans chapter 16 tells us that God wants to ultimately fulfill 54:38 this prophecy with His believers. 54:43 There's three casting outs of Satan. 54:45 Satan was cast out in heaven; 54:47 he cast cast out at the cross... 54:50 he was confined to planet earth; 54:52 and finally by the grace of God he will be cast out 54:55 of the hearts of God's people. 54:58 And in Romans chapter 16 we are told 55:01 that God wants us to be wise in what is good 55:07 and simple concerning evil. And God - the God of peace - 55:11 will crush Satan under our feet shortly. 55:15 Somehow God is going to use His people 55:18 to vindicate His character. Amen? 55:20 And the same way that God was able to be victorious 55:23 over the serpent was going to Calvary. Yeah? 55:26 Because at Calvary is where you have the most 55:30 amazing, the most outrageous picture of the love of God. 55:34 One preacher says that the proof 55:38 that the Bible is inspired is Calvary. 55:43 And he says "because no sinner could make up such a beautiful 55:47 story. " And it's true. So when you look at the cross, 55:51 when you look at Calvary, what you're seeing is 55:53 the most beautiful language that heaven could communicate 55:57 to fallen man to basically communicate how serious 56:00 God is to fulfill the prophecy of Genesis 3:15. 56:04 But the point is that the way that Christ was able to 56:07 crush the head of the serpent was at Calvary. 56:10 Unfortunately the serpent is still roaming around, Amen? 56:13 and he's still creating havoc on the people of God. 56:16 So the million dollar question is: 56:19 how do we finally see the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15- 56:22 the first prophecy in the book of Genesis - 56:24 come to fruition? If it was at Calvary 56:27 where Christ crushed the head of the serpent 56:31 and Romans 16 tells us that God wants to crush 56:34 the head of the serpent under your feet, 56:37 where do you suppose we need to go 56:41 in order for God to crush the head of the serpent 56:45 under our feet? We need to go to Calvary, Amen? 56:49 God is wooing His people. 56:51 Genesis 3:15 is a promise of what Christ is going to do 56:54 at the cross but it's also a promise of what God is 56:57 going to do in your life as His follower. 56:59 Christ wants to use you - Amen? - to finally vindicate 57:02 His character. The only way that we're going to be able to 57:05 accomplish this is by coming to the foot of the cross. 57:09 The serpent is still alive today. 57:11 It's not until God's people embrace this prophecy 57:14 take His heart and say: "Lord, I want to see this prophecy 57:17 fulfilled in my life. " How many of you today want to see Jesus? 57:20 I want to go to Calvary 57:22 and I want You to crush the head of that serpent 57:27 under my feet. Raise your hand. |
Revised 2014-12-17