Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Rules For Interpretation (Hermeneutics)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Rafferty


Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000006

00:46 Good evening and welcome to what is our fourth presentation
00:50 in our Pillars aspect of this Camp Meeting.
00:53 We've had a number of seminars today...
00:55 each one better than the next. Each one fulfilling
00:58 and inspiring and informational and inspirational.
01:03 We come now to the last speaking for this particular evening.
01:08 And we have saved - dare we say - the best for last.
01:13 James Rafferty is not an ordained minister of the gospel,
01:18 but he has been ordained by God to preach the gospel.
01:22 Amen. He is a student of the Word.
01:24 And I need to tell you some- thing, let out a little secret.
01:26 It is not true that he and Ty Gibson were fraternal twins
01:31 separated at birth. Because when we think of James Rafferty
01:34 we think of Ty Gibson. They form a powerful team for the Lord
01:37 in Light Bearers Ministry.
01:39 Um, and of course they have also linked up with David Asscherick
01:42 as of late. And so that is a powerful weapon in the hand
01:45 of God. But James is a student of the Word.
01:49 Husband of one wife Rise.
01:51 Rise is a woman with a medical background
01:55 and does a very, very fine job in her own right
01:58 as a herald of the gospel.
02:01 And we expect a really powerful presentation.
02:05 You need to give ear because we're going to talk about...
02:07 he is going to be speaking about hermeneutics.
02:10 Basically which is a long word. Just means
02:12 what are the rules you use when you are interpreting prophecy.
02:16 And that's very, very important
02:18 because when we listen to television or radio
02:20 and sometimes you hear some things and you wonder
02:22 "where is that coming from? "
02:24 it may be because the hermeneutic is wrong.
02:26 It may be because they are not using some basic tools
02:29 that God has given us for digging into the Word
02:32 and then pulling out of the Word what God would have you to know.
02:35 And so James is going to tackle that very weighty
02:38 and important subject this night.
02:39 But before he does so we're going to call Reggie back
02:43 just after I have prayed. This song has become a favorite
02:48 around here. The song is I Have Fixed My Mind On Another Time.
02:52 And hearing that "amen" means it's a favorite of yours too.
02:56 It made its debut just a few years ago
02:58 in Battle Creek, Michigan, one November evening.
03:01 The words of William Miller after the Great Disappointment
03:05 October 22 of 1844.
03:07 They asked him about that disappointment and he said:
03:11 "I've just fixed my mind on another time
03:14 and that time is today and today. " And David Huntsinger
03:17 did such a beautiful job setting that thought to music.
03:20 And of course, Reggie sang it at the General Conference session.
03:23 And it was just... every time that song is sung
03:28 there are people who get tears in their eyes because
03:31 it is such a powerful word of God and such an ensign
03:36 and an emblem for those of us who are just waiting for Christ
03:39 to come. "And that is today and today. " I will live each day
03:43 as though Christ was coming this very day
03:45 because I have fixed my mind on another time.
03:48 Shall we pray. And then the next voice you will hear
03:51 will be that of Reggie Smith.
03:53 And then following him our preacher for the evening
03:56 our friend James Rafferty. Father God,
03:58 we praise you and thank you now
04:01 because You're a good God.
04:05 You're a great God.
04:07 You're a gracious God.
04:09 You are our God...
04:13 and for this we are thankful.
04:16 Lord, would You teach us this night those things that
04:19 You would have us to know and then help us, Lord,
04:22 to do them. Because it is in the doing - not just the hearing -
04:28 that we are made like Christ Jesus.
04:31 Help ups to know what You want us to do
04:35 and then to live lives surrendered to Jesus.
04:39 Bless the speaker; bless those of us who hear.
04:43 And we thank you for each and every perfect gift
04:47 in Jesus' name. Amen.
05:07 I have fixed my mind
05:11 on another time...
05:14 on another time.
05:22 And here I mean to stand until
05:28 God gives me more light.
05:35 And that is today, today...
05:42 today until He comes.
05:49 I have fixed my mind
05:52 on another time...
05:56 on another time.
06:06 I have set my course
06:09 on the narrow way...
06:12 on the narrow way.
06:18 For I know the time
06:22 is close at hand
06:26 for which I watch and pray.
06:32 And that is today, today...
06:38 today until He comes.
06:45 I have set my course
06:48 on the narrow way...
06:51 on the narrow way.
06:59 Even so, Lord... Lord come quickly...
07:05 this is my fervent prayer.
07:12 For I've caught a glimpse of glory
07:18 and I'm longing...
07:21 longing to be there.
07:39 When shall the Son of Man appear?
07:45 The trumpet sound its blast?
07:51 And Christ descend
07:55 in glorious fire
07:58 with all the saints amassed?
08:03 We'll rise with those
08:07 who sleep no more
08:11 to meet Him in the air.
08:17 When shall the Son of Man
08:23 appear?
08:28 The Son of Man appear?
08:35 Even so, Lord, come quickly.
08:41 This is my fervent prayer.
08:48 For I've caught a glimpse
08:52 of glory and I'm longing...
08:57 longing to be there.
09:01 For I've caught a glimpse
09:05 of glory
09:11 and I'm longing
09:16 to
09:23 be there.
09:27 I have fixed my mind
09:33 on another time...
09:40 on another
09:45 time.
10:02 Amen!
10:12 Praise God! Amen. Praise the Lord.
10:16 Well it's good to be here with you this evening
10:18 for another message from the Word of God.
10:21 I'd like you to open your Bibles
10:23 to this verse that I'm going to read.
10:28 I want you to tell me where it is.
10:36 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing... "
10:42 That's right: Amos 3:7. I knew you would know.
10:45 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing but He reveals His
10:50 secrets to His servants the prophets. "
10:52 Have you ever realized how emphatic that statement is?
10:56 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing
11:00 but He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets...
11:02 through His servants the prophets. " Now I love this
11:04 because this verse is not only
11:07 connecting us to Bible prophecy
11:09 but it is connecting us to the heart of God.
11:13 And that's what we're going to talk about tonight.
11:16 We're talking about hermeneutics.
11:17 We're talking about Biblical principles
11:21 of interpreting Bible prophecy
11:24 but we're actually talking about the heart of God.
11:27 Any time you talk about doctrine,
11:29 any time you talk about the Bible,
11:32 you're talking about God... theology... God.
11:37 And any time you're talking about God you're talking about
11:39 the heart of God: how He thinks, how He feels, who He is.
11:42 And of course that touches on His passion, His love
11:47 for you and for me.
11:48 Let's pray together this evening again.
11:51 Father in heaven, we're just thankful for Your Word.
11:53 We want to lift it up tonight; we want to exalt it
11:56 because that Word is Jesus and we want Him to be
11:59 lifted up before us so that our eyes can be attracted
12:02 to the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
12:04 We know that Lamb is replete in Bible prophecy.
12:09 He is saturating with His redeeming blood the book
12:12 of Revelation. And tonight we want Him to show us...
12:17 to lead us through these prophecies.
12:19 To lead us past the beast, past the dragon,
12:22 through the 7 last plagues and safely into the city of God.
12:25 So we give You this time. We give You our hearts.
12:28 It's been a long day... some of us are tired,
12:30 perhaps distracted, but Father this is Your time
12:34 and this is Your place.
12:35 You have promised to send us Your Holy Spirit
12:37 to convict, to encourage, to draw us to heaven.
12:44 Do that for us now we pray.
12:45 I give You my heart, myself. Ask for a cleansing and
12:48 an anointing. And we pray in the name of Jesus Christ,
12:50 Amen.
12:53 Historicism, preterism,
12:57 futurism... even idealism.
13:00 These are all different approaches to Bible prophecy.
13:03 And some of them are very popular today like futurism:
13:07 a very popular approach to Bible prophecy.
13:10 Let me define that for you.
13:12 Futurism is a Christian eschatolgical -
13:16 eschatological: that means end-time events -
13:19 an end-time events view that interprets the book of
13:22 Revelation and Daniel as future events in human history.
13:27 It is primarily taking these prophecies and putting them
13:30 into the future... especially Revelation
13:32 from chapter 4 onward.
13:34 All that is going to take place some time in the future
13:36 after the church is raptured out of this earth
13:40 and the antichrist is set up. That is the primary focus
13:42 of futurism. What it entails - basically and simply -
13:48 is that there is no prophetic message, no prophetic word
13:52 for God's church for His people
13:54 from about the time of the early apostolic church
13:58 all the way down until the church is raptured out.
14:01 There's a huge gap there that takes place in Bible prophecy
14:06 in prophetic message for God's people.
14:08 Now preterism... Preterism is pretty much the opposite.
14:12 Preterism is a Christian eschatological view
14:16 that interprets the prophecies of the Bible - especially
14:19 Daniel and Revelation - as events that have already
14:22 happened in the first century AD.
14:25 By 100 AD it's all over.
14:28 All of these prophecies have been fulfilled.
14:29 Nero was the beast; he had the mark.
14:32 All of that has already taken place.
14:35 Now it holds - even though it is exactly the opposite
14:37 of futurism - it holds something very similar
14:41 in conjunction with futurism. And that is
14:46 is that it, too, leaves a gap in the prophetic
14:50 message. It leaves a gap of 2,000 years
14:54 from the message that God has given to His church
14:57 until the very end of time.
14:59 There's no prophetic message... it's all been fulfilled.
15:04 Both of those approaches to Bible prophecy
15:08 contradict the verse we just read: Amos 3 verse 7.
15:11 "Surely the Lord God will do... " How much?
15:14 "nothing except He reveals His secrets to His servants
15:17 the prophets. " Now, God is revealed throughout the Bible
15:22 as always revealing what He's going to do.
15:27 Example: the flood.
15:31 God warned the world for 120 years
15:35 that He was going to send a flood
15:37 through Noah, His faithful servant.
15:39 Then you have Sodom and Gomorrah.
15:41 God sent the two angels, the two messengers there
15:43 to Sodom and Gomorrah. You even have Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.
15:45 God warned them through Moses "I'm going to do a new thing
15:48 here. The earth is going to be opened up. "
15:49 You go all the way through the Old Testament.
15:52 You've got Jonah being sent to Nineveh.
15:53 Over and over again God always sends His prophets,
15:57 His messengers. Isaiah, Jeremiah: there's going to be
16:00 captivity. The army from the north is going to come.
16:02 Babylon is going to come like a lion and he's going to ravage.
16:05 God has always been faithful to warn His people
16:09 through Bible prophecy.
16:11 Satan, on the other hand, takes a different approach.
16:14 When he is allowed to work he strikes without warning.
16:18 You remember the story of Job?
16:20 He comes at a time when you're the most concerned,
16:23 when you're the most worried,
16:24 and he takes everything he can take.
16:27 Annihilates in violence and leaves us utterly devastated.
16:33 Completely the opposite of God.
16:35 God has warned and He continues to warn.
16:38 God has given Bible prophecy; God continues to give...
16:41 give Bible prophecy because He wants to prepare every
16:45 generation and He wants to prepare the last generation.
16:47 So all the way through the book of Revelation we have
16:50 the three angels' messages.
16:51 Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
16:53 And we have this incredible message called the everlasting
16:56 gospel. Unique to the book of Revelation, unique to the Bible
17:00 because there is no place else in the Bible that that phrase
17:02 is ever used but in Revelation chapter 14.
17:05 If we could unpack that tonight, that would be beautiful.
17:09 But we want to stick to our subject matter here.
17:12 However, we won't be avoiding the book of Revelation.
17:15 In fact, let's jump in there right now.
17:17 You know I can't stay out of that book for very long.
17:20 I feel like a fish out of water.
17:23 Revelation chapter 1.
17:26 I love the way this book is introduced.
17:31 It picks up where the book of Daniel left off.
17:33 Daniel chapter 10... he sees this man,
17:36 you know, with the face like the appearance of lightning
17:39 and the feet like polished brass and this bright, beautiful,
17:43 glorious, attractive being - Jesus Christ - comes to Daniel.
17:46 That's where Daniel leaves off. That's the end of his ministry
17:49 the end of his prophetic ministry.
17:51 John picks up where Daniel left off.
17:54 John sees Jesus right away in Revelation chapter 1
17:58 in this same form.
17:59 And when Jesus comes to John
18:03 He reminds him - and this is the first message of the book
18:05 of Revelation - He reminds him about the gospel.
18:09 Revelation 1 verse 5: "From Jesus Christ
18:12 who is the faithful witness and the first begotten
18:14 of the dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth.
18:18 Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins
18:22 in His own blood. "
18:25 Revelation begins with Jesus and the gospel.
18:30 Revelation does not begin with the beast and the mark
18:35 of the beast. If God wanted Revelation to begin with
18:39 the beast and the mark of the beast, he would have put
18:40 chapter 13 in chapter 1.
18:43 But He didn't. Why?
18:46 Because the only way we'll be able to encounter
18:50 that beast is we first encounter Jesus.
18:54 Amen. The only way we're going to survive
18:57 through the end-time trial is if we keep our focus on Jesus.
19:02 That's the message of the book of Revelation.
19:04 That's the introductory message of the book of Revelation.
19:07 It introduces us to Jesus, who has redeemed us by His blood.
19:11 And then it shows us Jesus standing among the candlesticks.
19:16 Now on the way to that revelation
19:19 God gives a specific insight
19:24 to how we ought to interpret the book of Revelation.
19:27 I want you to look at this first of all in Revelation
19:31 chapter 1 and verse 4.
19:33 Revelation chapter 1 and verse 4.
19:36 It says here: "Grace be unto you
19:39 and peace from Him... " - talking about God -
19:43 "which is and which
19:49 was and which is to come. "
19:53 Now who is this describing?
19:55 It's describing Jesus... it's describing God.
19:58 God is described as He who is -
20:01 that's present tense -
20:03 who was - that's past tense -
20:05 and who what? Is to come... that's future tense.
20:09 See, God reveals who He is in this verse.
20:13 I am the God who is. I am the God who was.
20:16 And I am the God who is to come.
20:18 Now futurism is all about the God who is to come
20:20 or prophecy that is to come.
20:22 Preterism is all about prophecy that was.
20:25 But historicism - this other approach to Bible prophecy -
20:30 is brilliant because historicism takes in the full scope,
20:34 the whole grain, of Bible prophecy.
20:38 Its approach to Bible prophecy describes prophecy
20:41 as that which is happening today,
20:44 that which has happened in the past,
20:46 and that which is going to happen in the future.
20:49 It doesn't separate out.
20:50 It doesn't... it doesn't separate or pull apart
20:54 those aspects not only of Bible prophecy but of God's own heart.
20:59 In other words, historicism doesn't say
21:03 "God was with them and had a prophetic message for them
21:06 but He doesn't have anything for us... not for 2,000 years. "
21:08 Or "God is going to be with these people down in the end
21:11 of time but He has nothing for us right now...
21:13 not for these times. "
21:15 Historicism says: "God - the heart of God -
21:19 always has been with His people, always will be with His people,
21:24 and always is with His people. "
21:26 Jesus says it this way in Matthew chapter 28 and verse 20.
21:29 He says: "Go preach the gospel to all the world
21:32 and lo I am with you always even unto the end of time. "
21:36 Hebrews 13 and verse 5 says it this way:
21:38 "I will never leave you or forsake you. "
21:42 That is the heart of God,
21:44 and Bible prophecy is a revelation of the heart of God.
21:49 So on that premise alone...
21:52 Now I don't want to necessarily emphasize the reason why
21:56 we have preterism
21:59 and the reason why we have futurism.
22:01 It had to do with the counter revolution.
22:03 Excuse me, the counter reformation...
22:06 which was a counter revolution.
22:08 It had to do with two Jesuits,
22:11 one by the name of Luis Alcazar who developed preterism
22:17 to undermine the Protestant reformation
22:20 taking these prophecies that directed the attention to
22:24 the pope and the Catholic church and putting them in the past
22:27 to Nero and also it had to do with Francisco Ribera
22:33 who - another Jesuit - took the prophecies and put them
22:35 into the future... again to take the focus off
22:38 the interpretation of the reformers which was
22:41 on the pope, on the Catholic church.
22:44 I don't want to emphasize that tonight. That's history.
22:47 You can Wikipedia that... you can Google that.
22:48 You can look that up almost any way... it's just fact.
22:51 But what I want to emphasize is this:
22:55 the reformers were men who knew the Bible
23:00 and the God of the Bible.
23:02 They were men who lived and died because of their faith
23:06 in Jesus or I should say the faith of Jesus
23:09 that was manifest in them.
23:11 They were men who were willing to give their lives
23:14 for the truth of the Word of God.
23:17 These men knew not only Bible prophecy but
23:20 they knew the God of Bible prophecy.
23:22 And that is what motivated them, urged them,
23:26 possessed them to understand this principle of historicism.
23:32 The principle that has been handed down from them to us
23:36 to this day. And a principle that not only shows us
23:40 how to interpret Bible prophecy but also shows us
23:43 the heart of God.
23:45 So God introduces the book of Revelation
23:48 as describing Himself. And then I want you to notice something
23:51 that is profoundly interesting, at least it is to me.
23:54 This verse is found in Revelation chapter 1
24:00 and verse 19. Revelation 1:19.
24:06 He's closing up the introduction.
24:08 He's talking now again to John
24:11 and He says: "John, I want you to write the things
24:14 which you... " What's the phrase?
24:16 "have seen and the things which are and the things which
24:22 shall be hereafter. "
24:24 See, I am a God who is now,
24:28 who has been, and who will be after.
24:31 And I want you to write the things that are -
24:34 the things you've seen - and the things that will be hereafter.
24:37 Bible prophecy is a revelation
24:41 of the God of the Bible.
24:43 And the way that we approach Bible prophecy
24:46 is directly connected to the way that we see God...
24:49 the way that we see the heart of God.
24:53 The way that we see who God is.
24:55 And God is a God who is with us presently,
24:59 has always been with His people in the past,
25:02 and will always be with His people to the very end.
25:05 And that's why historicism makes sense.
25:07 Now there's a number of reasons why historicism makes sense
25:10 even in the interpretation of Bible prophecy.
25:14 But to me that's the foundation, that's the bottom line,
25:17 of why historicism makes sense.
25:19 The other thing that I think is powerful is that historicism
25:22 really takes in all of the other interpretations.
25:24 Even a new approach - which is idealism
25:27 which doesn't look at applying it to history at all
25:30 but just to spiritual conflicts and experiences
25:33 that God's people go through in different generations...
25:36 All of those approaches separate the full picture
25:42 of the heart of God.
25:44 And in the brilliance of historicism we have preterism.
25:47 We have futurism. Not in the clearest definition
25:51 of those terms but in the sense that we have prophecy that's
25:54 in the past and we have prophecy that's in the future
25:56 but we also have prophecy for the now.
25:59 You think God's people need prophecy for the now?
26:05 The Bible tells us in Ephesians chapter 4 that God has given
26:08 prophets and the other gifts to His church
26:11 until we all come into the unity of the faith.
26:17 He says in verse 12 of Ephesians 4
26:20 that it is for the: "perfecting of the saints,
26:22 the workings of the ministry, the edifying of the
26:24 body of Christ. " Do you think we need prophecy now?
26:28 Ephesians goes on to describe what God is doing
26:31 through His Word... His written Word, His prophetic Word.
26:34 In chapter 5 it says that He is "washing
26:38 His church with the water of the words
26:42 that He might present it to Him a glorious church... "
26:47 verse 27 of Ephesians 5...
26:48 "not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing. "
26:53 Did you know that you're in a washing machine?
26:58 I have done laundry before.
27:04 Amen, sister.
27:07 The first time I did laundry at my house
27:11 I just put the colors in with the whites.
27:16 Why waste the space? Why waste the time?
27:18 Get it all done.
27:23 I did it all in cold water... it didn't turn out the best.
27:25 My wife began to help me to understand how this all works,
27:29 why it's so important. But what would happen
27:31 if I was washing a load of colors and as the cycle
27:34 was moving through... You know, it went through the wash
27:36 then it went through the rinse and it was going through
27:37 the spin cycle and it was getting ready to go through
27:38 the rinse again I decided: "Hey, there's a little bit
27:41 of room in there. You know, those clothes have gotten
27:44 kind of wet and so they've shrunk up a little bit
27:47 and I've got a few whites here. Let me throw those in.
27:48 And of course I'm going to need some bleach. So let me throw
27:50 those whites in. Let me throw a little bleach in there
27:53 and we can get it all done together. "
27:55 What do you think of that, ladies?
27:57 The guys are just sitting there going "huh? "
27:59 The ladies are all "Haah! What?
28:02 You wouldn't do that, would you? "
28:06 Actually, I wouldn't be that...
28:11 ignorant
28:15 I don't think.
28:17 Besides, the last washing machine my wife bought
28:21 the door locks automatically after 2 minutes.
28:25 Have you ever seen those kind of washing machines?
28:26 I think she got that specifically because of me,
28:28 I don't know.
28:31 But yet we are willing to do that with Bible prophecy.
28:35 You see, the historicist approach to Bible prophecy
28:38 tells us that we are seeing prophecy that is in the process
28:42 of fulfillment... like the washing machine.
28:45 It's in a... it started in a certain cycle.
28:47 Daniel chapter 2, Daniel chapter 7,
28:49 Daniel chapter 8, Daniel chapter 11.
28:51 And that cycle now has been going on for some time.
28:55 Perhaps we're in the second spin cycle.
28:57 We're down there toward the toes; we're down toward the end
29:00 of the prophecy. But at this point
29:02 there are some of us who want to open the door
29:05 to that prophetic washing machine -
29:07 throw in some whites, throw in some bleach -
29:10 thinking it's all going to be OK.
29:11 It's all going to be all right.
29:14 There's room for a little bit more; there's room for a
29:16 different interpretation; there's room for another
29:18 application; there's room for some more clothes in here.
29:21 Not realizing that those clothes are going to mess up the
29:25 and not actually get clean and the bleach itself is
29:28 going to wipe out everything.
29:36 Historicism is so beautiful
29:41 because it helps us to recognize
29:44 how God has led us in the past.
29:48 And as we watch these prophecies unfold
29:52 it gives us confidence and faith
29:55 that God is going to finish the cycle...
29:58 He's going to finish what He's begun in the past.
30:01 But there's something else that's really profound
30:06 about the way that prophecy is written.
30:08 I call it the principle of repeat and enlarge.
30:11 It's a Biblical approach - a hermeneutic to Bible prophecy -
30:15 that is invaluable.
30:17 And the reason I say that is because the principle
30:20 of repeat and enlarge tells us not only about the heart of God,
30:25 how much He wants us to be in the kingdom of heaven,
30:28 but it also lays down the groundwork for how to approach
30:32 and understand and interpret Bible prophecy.
30:35 Repeat and enlarge.
30:37 This principle is found not only in Bible prophecy
30:41 but it's found throughout the Bible. For example,
30:43 you go to Genesis chapter 1. What do you have there?
30:45 The creation story.
30:48 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. "
30:50 Goes through the whole thing.
30:52 All seven days; He rested on the seventh day.
30:53 Then you get to Genesis chapter 2.
30:55 What do you have there?
30:56 Some people would say "another creation story. "
30:58 No, it's not another creation story.
31:00 It is repeat and enlarge.
31:02 In Genesis 1 He tells us He made man in His own image.
31:05 Male and female made He them.
31:07 Genesis 2 He tells us specifically
31:10 how He made the woman.
31:11 He's enlarging upon Genesis chapter 1.
31:16 That's the principle of repeat and enlarge.
31:18 Giving more information; repeating the story
31:20 from a different angle
31:21 giving more insight, more understanding.
31:23 Then we go to Exodus
31:25 which is repeated and enlarged upon in Leviticus
31:27 which is repeated and enlarged upon in Numbers
31:30 and repeated and enlarged upon in Deuteronomy.
31:32 All four of those books contain, for example,
31:36 the annual feasts... which were a type of the plan of salvation.
31:40 All four of those books describe the annual feasts.
31:43 They describe the feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread,
31:45 Pentecost, Tabernacles... which were required -
31:48 those 3: Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Tabernacles -
31:50 were required once per year for all males
31:54 so that they could remember the plan of salvation
31:58 that God was incorporating into those symbols...
32:00 into that sanctuary.
32:02 It is the symbols of the sanctuary that pointed
32:04 to the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.
32:08 Then you go to - for example - I and II Samuel.
32:13 I and II Samuel is repeated and enlarged upon in
32:15 I and II Kings.
32:17 I and II Kings is repeated and enlarged upon in
32:19 I and II Chronicles.
32:22 For example, in II Kings chapter 21
32:25 we read the story of Manasseh.
32:28 That guy was unbelievable.
32:31 He was so wicked... he was so bad
32:34 he was worse than Ahab.
32:38 In II Kings chapter 21 I'm just going to show you one verse
32:42 here... just a powerful verse.
32:44 It says, verse 16: "Moreover Manasseh shed
32:49 innocent blood very much
32:52 till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another.
32:58 Beside his sin wherewith he made Judah to sin
33:00 in doing that which was evil in the sight of the Lord.
33:02 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh
33:03 and all that he did and his sin that he sinned
33:05 are they not written in the book of the chronicles
33:07 of the kings of Judah?
33:09 Manasseh died and rested with his fathers...
33:11 he was buried and rested with his fathers. "
33:13 Manasseh was a wicked king.
33:15 Is Manasseh who filled Jerusalem
33:19 with blood from one end to the other...
33:21 is Manasseh going to be in heaven?
33:27 You sound very sure about that.
33:30 I don't read anything like that in II Kings.
33:33 Where would you get your information from?
33:34 In II Chronicles. It repeats and enlarges upon II Kings.
33:38 And if you go to II Chronicles chapter 33
33:41 it talks here about the details of the final days
33:47 of Manasseh's life.
33:48 It says in verse 10: "The Lord spoke to Manasseh
33:51 and to his people and they would not hearken. "
33:53 You know how that is parents? Grandparents?
33:55 That's how God works with us to begin with.
33:57 When my kids were very small they used to sleep in
33:59 the same room. And they would giggle and they would laugh.
34:03 And Daddy would go in there and he would speak to them.
34:05 Daddy would say: "Time to go to bed. "
34:10 And they'd be quiet... for about 5 minutes.
34:13 And then Daddy would get his stern voice on, and he would
34:16 go back in there and he would say: "I said
34:19 it's time to go to sleep. "
34:21 And they'd be quiet... for about 10 minutes.
34:27 But if worse came to worse
34:30 verse 11: "wherefore the Lord brought upon them
34:34 the captains of the hosts of the kings of Assyria
34:37 which took Manasseh among the thorns
34:40 and bound him with fetters and carried him to Babylon. "
34:46 He got a spanking.
34:48 Did God spank Manasseh because God did not love Manasseh?
34:54 No, God spanked Manasseh because as many as
34:57 He loves He rebukes and chastens.
34:59 Don't despise the chastening of the Lord.
35:01 He loves us. Love is not always this gushy, mushy,
35:06 feely, touchy thing.
35:08 God loves us in a very powerful way at times
35:12 because we need it.
35:15 It worked with my kids...
35:17 at least until they were teenagers.
35:22 "And when he was... " verse 12...
35:24 and it worked with God's kid... "And when he was in affliction
35:26 he besought the Lord his God and he humbled himself
35:30 greatly before the God of his fathers.
35:32 And he prayed unto Him and he entreated of Him
35:34 and God - He - heard his supplication,
35:37 brought him again to Jerusalem and to his kingdom,
35:39 and Manasseh... " What's the word? "knew that the Lord
35:44 He was God. " You're right... you were right.
35:46 You're right... he's going to be in heaven.
35:48 He's going to be... he KNEW that the Lord He was God.
35:53 You can say: "Well Manasseh did all these terrible things. "
35:55 He knew. "This is life eternal that they might know Thee
35:57 the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent. "
36:00 God is in the business of saving sinners
36:02 "of whom, " Paul said, "I am chief. "
36:08 Any sinners out there this evening?
36:12 Praise God you have a Savior. Amen.
36:17 So repeat and enlarge reveals this heart of God.
36:22 Over and over and over again God is showing us
36:28 the way to the kingdom...
36:29 showing us the way to the kingdom.
36:31 In case we would give up, in case we would let go of hope,
36:33 He is showing us even Manassehs can be saved.
36:35 And by the way, when you get to Revelation chapter 7
36:37 you see there a picture of the 144,000.
36:41 It says there that they are sealed with the seal of God.
36:45 Twelve thousand out of this tribe, 12,000 out of this tribe,
36:47 12,000 out of this tribe, and 12,000 out of this tribe.
36:50 The twelve tribes that are mentioned there are
36:53 different from the original tribes that are mentioned
36:56 in Genesis 49.
36:58 There is a tribe that is sealed in Revelation 7 that is
37:02 not part of the original 12 tribes in Genesis 49.
37:08 You know what tribe that is that's missing?
37:12 Dan... Dan. Because Revelation 7 is revealing
37:18 again the heart of God.
37:20 Sometimes when we study Revelation 7 and the 144,000
37:24 we come to the conclusion that God has limited the amount
37:28 of people that He's going to save
37:30 as if God is standing at the pearly gates counting:
37:32 "143,998... 143,999...
37:37 144,000. OK, we've got the number...
37:40 let's close it up. "
37:42 Now what does that say about the character of God?
37:50 That's why I love the expanded picture that we have in verse 9.
37:56 I tell people, I say: "Do you know that the Bible
37:58 in the book of Revelation actually tells us
38:00 how many people are going to be saved in heaven?
38:02 The exact number? "
38:04 "Really? " "Yeah, it's in Revelation 7. "
38:07 "Revelation 7? Wait a minute... that's the 144,000.
38:09 This guy is hmmm. "
38:12 And we open up to Revelation chapter 7 verse 9 and it says:
38:14 "And I beheld and lo a great multitude
38:16 that no man could number out of every nation and kindred
38:21 and tongue and people. " Amen.
38:23 "And they cried with a loud voice
38:26 saying 'Salvation to our God
38:29 and to Him that sits on the throne. ' "
38:33 So if Dan's gone, who's replaced him?
38:37 I mean there's still 12 tribes there that are sealed.
38:39 Sealed, sealed, sealed, sealed.
38:40 Who has replaced the missing tribe of Dan?
38:45 Someone says Ephraim.
38:47 It wouldn't be hard to verify if that's the case.
38:49 You just go to Revelation chapter 7 and you read through
38:53 the tribes that are listed there
38:55 and you find out if Ephraim is listed there.
38:58 I know you are Bible students so many of you don't have to
39:00 do that, right? Someone might even know
39:03 what tribe is there without even opening up to
39:06 Revelation chapter 7.
39:07 Does anyone know what tribe it is?
39:09 Manasseh, of course!
39:12 Isn't that interesting? Isn't that powerful?
39:15 Isn't that beautiful to recognize that
39:17 God is using that very same name as if to say to us
39:22 "I'm going to have some Manassehs in the end of time. "
39:28 "I'm going to have some people that you thought were very
39:30 wicked... There may be a president;
39:33 there may be a pope. " Ah! Is that heresy?
39:37 No, that's love that believes all things and hopes all things.
39:44 That is the essence of what God is building in the hearts
39:50 and lives of you and me.
39:52 And He's doing that through the revelation of Jesus Christ.
39:56 So you get to Daniel and basically God is just following
39:59 the pattern... the pattern that's been established
40:01 in Genesis and in Exodus and Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
40:05 And in I and II Samuel and I and II Kings
40:07 and I and II Chronicles. He's just continuing that pattern
40:10 that's in the Psalms... you know, repeat and enlarge;
40:12 repeat and enlarge; repeat and enlarge.
40:14 And so you have Daniel chapter 2 and then you have
40:16 Daniel chapter 7 and then you have Daniel chapter 8.
40:17 And then you have Daniel chapter 11.
40:20 That's Sabbath night... Daniel 11.
40:23 You guys are going to be so full of information and understanding
40:27 you're going to get to that meeting on Daniel chapter 11
40:29 you're just going to be going: "Oh, I'm going to pop! "
40:31 So I suggest - as I am doing - that all of you get as much
40:36 exercise as possible between meetings.
40:39 Even if it's just going out that door and going around
40:40 and coming in this door.
40:42 Just that one little jaunt right there.
40:43 Just get exercise, exercise, exercise...
40:45 'cause the more you exercise the more your brain
40:47 is going to be able to grasp. It's a proven medical fact.
40:51 It's true. Exercise is key; it's vital
40:54 to brain function.
40:57 I looked at the Sabbath schedule and it's intense.
41:08 So you come to the New Testament and what do you find?
41:11 You find the principle of repeat and enlarge.
41:13 You have Matthew; repeat and enlarge Mark;
41:16 repeat and enlarge Luke; repeat and enlarge John.
41:18 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
41:20 All of them giving us insights and understandings,
41:22 repeating and enlarging upon the picture.
41:24 You know some of us we have a favorite.
41:26 "I like Matthew. " "I like John. " "I like Mark. "
41:29 And there are certain stories in those gospels that maybe
41:31 aren't in others or aren't told quite the way they are
41:34 in the other gospels.
41:35 Each one of them gives us more insight and understanding
41:38 of the character and heart of God.
41:40 It's the way that He writes.
41:41 It's the way that He's written the Bible; it's the way that
41:43 He writes prophecy and will help us to understand
41:46 Revelation; it will help us to understand Daniel.
41:49 Does the same thing happen in the book of Revelation?
41:51 Do we see repeat and enlarge there? Yes we do.
41:53 We have the seven churches.
41:55 The first vision in Revelation repeated and enlarged upon
41:58 in the seven seals. Repeated and enlarged upon
42:01 in the seven trumpets. Repeated and enlarged upon
42:05 in Revelation 12 through 21.
42:09 I wish we had time to unpack all of that.
42:11 You're going to have to take my word for it for now
42:13 even though we were told not to do that.
42:17 But I believe that you are students of prophecy
42:21 and that you will study this out.
42:23 And we'll have some extra information for you on this.
42:26 For now what I'd like to do is go to Revelation chapter 1.
42:31 Just to get... to give you an idea of this
42:36 principle of repeat and enlarge
42:37 and how it parallels historicism.
42:41 How it connects with historicism and builds and develops
42:45 this beautiful approach to the prophecies of Revelation...
42:50 to the prophecies of the Bible.
42:51 Revelation chapter 1. John sees a vision of Jesus
42:55 standing where?
42:58 Among the candlesticks.
43:00 Where does that imagery come from?
43:02 The candlesticks? The sanctuary!
43:04 The sanctuary is all through the book of Revelation.
43:06 There are almost 70 references to the sanctuary
43:08 in the book of Revelation. So the sanctuary is the key
43:11 to unlocking Revelation.
43:12 Now the sanctuary is a key to understanding
43:15 the principle of repeat and enlarge
43:19 and of this historicist approach to Bible prophecy.
43:24 Why? Because the candlesticks
43:28 were in the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary.
43:33 The courtyard - according to Hebrews 13-
43:36 represents the earth and the cross of Calvary.
43:42 Revelation chapter 13. Let's just look there quickly.
43:45 Excuse me, Hebrews chapter 13. Let's just look there quickly.
43:47 You know, the book of Hebrews is what unlocks the symbolism
43:50 of the sanctuary. Hebrews unlocks the symbolism of the
43:53 sanctuary and the sanctuary symbolism unlocks
43:55 the book of Revelation.
43:58 Hebrews 13 says... verse 10:
44:01 "We have an altar whereof they have no right to eat
44:05 which serve the tabernacle for the bodies of those beasts
44:08 whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the
44:09 high priest for sin were burned without the camp.
44:12 Wherefore Jesus also... " - verse 12- "that He might
44:15 sanctify the people with His own blood suffered
44:17 without the gate. " The altar of Hebrews 13
44:21 and verse 10 is the cross.
44:24 In the heavenly sanctuary the courtyard represented
44:28 this earth. The altar where the lambs were taken and slain
44:31 represented the cross of Calvary.
44:34 After Jesus died, He was resurrected.
44:36 He went into heaven and He began His work of mediation
44:40 there on behalf of the entire world.
44:43 He became the only mediator between God and man.
44:46 What compartment of the heavenly sanctuary -
44:50 because remember, the sanctuary on this earth was a type
44:53 of the sanctuary in heaven...
44:55 What compartment of the heavenly sanctuary
44:58 did He begin His work in when He ascended to heaven?
45:01 Revelation tells us.
45:03 Revelation tells us He's standing among the candlesticks.
45:07 He's in the holy place.
45:09 That's what Revelation tells us.
45:12 That means that from AD 31, His resurrection,
45:17 until some time down the prophetic line of time
45:21 Jesus is in the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary.
45:25 Now we know when that time of transition took place.
45:28 We all believe that took place according to Daniel chapter 8
45:31 verse 14 in 1844.
45:34 He transitioned from the holy place to the what?
45:36 The most holy place. Now, the seven churches,
45:40 the seven seals, and the seven trumpets
45:44 all begin in the apostolic age.
45:47 How do we know this?
45:50 Because of the symbols of the sanctuary.
45:52 First of all, the seven churches
45:54 show Jesus Christ among the seven candlesticks.
45:57 Now look in Revelation chapter 4.
46:00 Revelation chapter 4 and 5
46:04 is a picture of the inauguration if you will
46:08 of Jesus Christ. He's ascending to heaven.
46:10 He's going in before the Father.
46:12 Revelation chapter 4 shows the throne set up in heaven,
46:15 verse 2. It goes on to describe in verse 5
46:20 that out of the throne proceeded lightning and thunders
46:25 and voices and there were what?
46:28 Seven lamps of fire. So where are we right now?
46:31 The holy place.
46:32 By the way, thunders and lightning and voices
46:39 around the throne of God.
46:42 God's presence is symbolized by the power of thunder
46:46 and lightning and voices.
46:47 God is powerful; His presence is powerful.
46:49 When He came on Sinai there was thunder and lightning
46:51 and voices... the people were terrified.
46:53 Don't be terrified of the power of God.
46:55 God wants to infill you with that power.
46:59 So there's these thunders and lightnings and voices
47:01 and they're around the throne. And the seven lamps of fire
47:04 are burning there before the throne.
47:07 And these seven lamps are the seven spirits of God.
47:10 Now in chapter 5 John sees a book that no man could open
47:15 sealed with seven seals.
47:17 We're called to observe something here...
47:20 something that is very significant.
47:22 That there's no man in heaven, there's no man in earth,
47:24 and there's no man under the earth that can open this book.
47:26 But don't weep... there IS a remedy:
47:29 "Behold the Lamb of God
47:31 who takes away the sins of the world.
47:33 He has prevailed. "
47:39 And I can't help but pause here and remind us
47:43 how powerful the book of Revelation is
47:45 in connection to the gospel.
47:48 Because every message that's given to the seven churches
47:52 closes with this appeal to overcome.
47:54 "To him that overcomes... to him that overcomes...
47:57 to him that overcomes. "
47:59 And of course when we get up in the morning
48:02 and we stand in front of the mirror and we look at ourselves
48:04 we say: "You know, I'm not quite sure I'm overcoming. "
48:13 And so God doesn't finish... God doesn't leave us
48:16 with the message of the seven churches.
48:19 He takes us now to a repeat and enlarge picture
48:22 of the plan of salvation
48:25 and He shows us that there's no man in heaven,
48:27 there's no man in earth, and there's no man under the earth
48:29 that can actually prevail... only Jesus has prevailed.
48:34 And by the way, that word prevailed is the very same word
48:37 overcome. The very same word in the Greek.
48:39 Jesus has prevailed.
48:42 Now that doesn't mean that the message to the 7 churches
48:47 is null and void.
48:49 God is calling us to overcome,
48:51 but not the way that we have thought we are to overcome.
48:56 We're not to overcome by might
49:01 or power but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts.
49:04 And so God reminds us that you are weak; you are unable.
49:08 There's no man in heaven or in earth or underneath the earth...
49:09 but "Behold the Lamb of God... He's prevailed. "
49:12 And then you get to Revelation chapter 6
49:15 and the seal is brought forth and a white horse goes forth
49:17 conquering and to what? Conquer.
49:20 And that word conquering and to conquer... that word is the
49:22 same word: to overcome.
49:24 So now we get a picture of the plan of salvation.
49:27 Here's the picture: you need to overcome
49:29 but there's no one in heaven, in the earth, or under the earth
49:31 that can overcome. But Jesus has overcome
49:34 and if you will unite with Jesus Christ -
49:35 because you're the horse and He's the rider -
49:37 if you will give Him the reins of your life
49:40 and will connect with Jesus Christ, you will go forth
49:42 conquering and to conquer. Amen.
49:45 Your job is not to go forth conquering and to conquer.
49:48 Your job is to connect with Jesus.
49:50 When you are connected with Jesus you will go forth
49:52 conquering and to conquer. That's the message,
49:54 that's the gospel of the book of Revelation.
49:56 And Satan will do everything he can to try to upend
50:00 your connection with Jesus.
50:04 In this world of technology he's doing everything he can
50:08 to distract us. Let's go take advantage of technology.
50:11 Let's get our iPods and our iPhones and our i-this and
50:15 i's and let's fill them with the gospel,
50:17 fill them with the message, and put them in our ears
50:20 and put them in our eyes and focus on Jesus
50:22 wherever we go. Let's take advantage of it.
50:25 That's what I do. I have my little iPod
50:26 and I put it in there. I've got all the Conflict of the Ages
50:28 series in there. When I'm out on the track
50:30 or mowing the lawn or when I'm out getting wood or whatever
50:32 I'm doing I'm listening, I'm listening, I'm listening.
50:35 I'm not hearing every word but there are phrases,
50:36 there are thoughts that touch my heart
50:38 and I rewind and I listen to that again.
50:40 And I know, I sense the Spirit of God speaking to me.
50:45 It's not just in those morning devotional times.
50:48 It's not just that we wake up and we get together with God
50:50 for an hour and we say: "I've done my duty"
50:51 and now we go out into the world alone.
50:53 No, we take the Spirit of God with us.
50:56 We let Him abide with us and surround us and protect us.
51:00 We fill our minds and hearts not with CNN,
51:02 not with the latest corruption that's going on in this world.
51:04 We fill our minds and hearts with Jesus.
51:06 "Whatsoever things are pure and holy and just
51:08 and of good report. If there be any virtue
51:11 and there be any praise, think on these things. "
51:13 We don't empty our mind and meditate on nothing.
51:21 Meditation is all about Jesus.
51:22 It's not about emptying... it's about filling.
51:25 About letting the Holy Spirit fill us
51:28 with glimpses of Jesus that will strengthen and
51:30 uplift the soul. And they're all through the book of Revelation.
51:32 So... now notice this. As Jesus is inaugurated,
51:36 as He's in there in heaven and He takes this book,
51:39 it says, verse 6:
51:41 "And I beheld and lo... " Revelation 5 verse 6...
51:43 "in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts
51:46 in the midst of the elders stood a Lamb as it had been slain
51:49 having seven horns and seven eyes
51:51 which are the seven spirits of God which are... " What?
51:55 "sent forth to all the earth. "
51:57 Now the seven spirits of God were before the throne
51:59 initially, but now that Jesus has been introduced -
52:02 inaugurated if you will - now these come up into heaven.
52:05 This is His ascension; this is His resurrection.
52:07 It's the same in Revelation chapter 12.
52:09 "The dragon stood before the woman to devour the child
52:11 as soon as it was born. And the woman was taken
52:13 up to God to His throne. "
52:15 Starting right there with the apostolic age
52:17 in Revelation 12. Starting right there with the apostolic age
52:19 in Revelation's seven churches.
52:21 Starting right there in the apostolic age
52:22 in Revelation's seven seals.
52:24 The spirits of God are sent forth into all the earth.
52:27 When did that take place? The outpouring of the Spirit
52:30 on the Day of Pentecost. That's what's happening
52:32 right now in Revelation 5.
52:34 The outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.
52:35 And then the seals are opened and what do you have?
52:37 You have this white horse - the apostolic church - going
52:39 forth conquering and to conquer.
52:41 Then you have that persecution of the red horse
52:43 and the compromise of the dark horse.
52:44 And of course the pale horse of death
52:47 following with the judgment.
52:48 And those that are under the... under the altar
52:51 asking, calling out for judgment. And then of course
52:53 you have the signs then you have the 2nd coming of Jesus.
52:55 It's repeat and enlarge all the way.
52:57 The churches line up perfectly. Now let's go to the trumpets
53:00 and see if we can see the same prophetic picture.
53:02 Revelation chapter 8 and verse 2.
53:07 I'm going to go quickly now.
53:09 "And I saw seven angels and they stood before God
53:12 and to them were given seven trumpets.
53:15 And another angel came and stood at the altar having
53:17 the golden censer. And it was given unto him much incense
53:19 that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints
53:24 upon the golden altar which is before the throne. "
53:26 OK, there's two altars in this verse.
53:28 Did you notice that?
53:29 There's an altar from which he gets incense
53:31 and then there's a golden altar which is before the throne.
53:33 Let's start with the golden altar; that's the easiest.
53:35 Where is the golden altar? In the holy place
53:37 or the most holy place? It's in the holy place.
53:41 It's right before the curtain in the holy place.
53:43 That's where the golden altar is.
53:46 Now we've already identified that the altar in the courtyard
53:49 is Calvary. This is a picture of Jesus
53:52 taking the merits of Calvary into the holy place.
53:58 And He is there beginning His mediation.
54:00 This is apostolic age
54:02 because the golden altar is in the holy place.
54:05 We know most holy is post-1844
54:08 so this is apostolic age.
54:10 So He's mingling the incense which is His righteousness.
54:14 Now we understand incense in Revelation 5 represents
54:17 the prayers of the saints. But in Revelation 8
54:19 it's mingled with the prayers of the saints. Therefore
54:22 according to Ephesians 5:2
54:23 incense here is the sacrifice of Jesus,
54:26 a sweet-smelling savor.
54:29 Why does His incense have to be mingled with our prayers?
54:32 Because... well, have you ever prayed a cold, listless,
54:36 selfish prayer? You have and you just don't know it.
54:39 All your prayers are contaminated
54:44 by bad motives. All of them.
54:47 Selfishness... selfishness.
54:51 Have you ever moved along in your Christian experience
54:54 oh a year, two years, five years, ten years, twenty years
54:57 and all of a sudden you realize something
55:00 about yourself that you've never noticed before?
55:03 You realized a motive that was in your heart
55:06 that was wrong and you doubted whether you'd even
55:10 been a Christian for all of those years.
55:12 And God says: "No worries... I've got this.
55:16 It's My righteousness; it's My incense.
55:19 You're My child... I've got you covered. "
55:21 And we say: "Praise God! Hallelujah! " Amen.
55:24 Now what happened? In the apostolic age
55:27 they were praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
55:29 They were praying earnestly in that upper room.
55:32 And as they were praying those prayers came up
55:34 and they were mingled with the righteousness of Christ.
55:35 They were confessing their sins, their self-righteousness. Their
55:37 "I want to be the greatest; I want to be number one. "
55:39 You know, Me, me me, me... I, I, I, I.
55:41 And as those prayers came up they were mingled with the
55:44 righteousness of Jesus Christ. And it says in verse 5
55:46 the angel took the censer and filled it with what?
55:49 Fire off the altar. And cast it where?
55:53 Into the earth. So they were praying for the
55:56 outpouring of the Holy Spirit and what happened?
55:58 Fire comes down... cloven tongues of fire
56:00 into the earth. And there were what?
56:02 Voices and thunderings and lightning and an earthquake.
56:06 Where were all of those taking place in Revelation chapter 4?
56:08 Around the throne of God.
56:10 Where are they now? In the earth.
56:12 God has poured out the power that's around His throne,
56:15 the very presence of Himself, the very essence of who He is
56:18 through the Holy Spirit - fire - and He's poured it out
56:20 unto His disciples into the earth.
56:22 And then, of course, the trumpets begin to sound
56:24 because that outpouring of the Holy Spirit
56:26 took the gospel to all the world. And those trumpets
56:28 represent judgments. But those judgments don't come
56:30 until God pours out His Spirit and fills the world with the
56:33 gospel. And it's going to be the same in the end of time.
56:35 So each one of these prophetic pictures,
56:39 these prophetic messages, begin in the apostolic age
56:41 and take us all the way to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
56:43 I know I have filled your minds with a lot of stuff.
56:45 I talk very fast.
56:46 I'm ready to apologize for that but not in public
56:52 because I have so much more I would love to share with you
56:56 and I have 33 seconds to do it.
57:02 We haven't even touched the second half of the book of
57:05 Revelation where we've got a phenomenal picture that proves
57:09 historicism and shows us beyond a shadow of a doubt
57:14 that our approach to Bible prophecy
57:17 is 100% foundationally immoveable.
57:22 Immoveable. We'll get a chance...
57:25 I'll get a chance to share that with you. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
57:27 As soon as the time ends we're going to pray together.


Revised 2014-12-17