Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Music Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000005

00:47 We want to welcome all of you back to our Pillars of Prophecy
00:51 here on this our...
00:53 this will be our... no, it's our fifth series, isn't it?
00:59 Yes. All right. Had a lot of them.
01:00 And did y'all enjoy Bro. DeVasher?
01:03 You know, this afternoon he came to my office
01:06 and - he and his wife - and they sat and talked with me
01:09 for a while. And I found... You know, you get to know
01:12 people's heart when you spend a little time with them.
01:14 Those people are for real.
01:15 They are. They really love the Lord.
01:17 We are so excited about this up-coming hour
01:21 that we have to spend because we have beautiful music.
01:24 We do. And speaking of Bro. Kameron
01:27 and his wife Emilie, they are carrying a new... she's carrying
01:30 a new addition to the family, too. Yes she is! Yeah.
01:32 Did you notice that? Yes I did. All right.
01:34 That's wonderful; that's great.
01:36 We always love for the kingdom of God to continue to grow
01:39 from the inside out.
01:43 That's right. That's church growth, I guarantee you.
01:47 And I... we're excited about what's going to happen
01:52 this next hour. And I'm also excited about
01:55 this particular offer. Tell me about it, would you Mollie?
01:59 Well Danny has spoken occasionally on 3ABN
02:03 and I think you mentioned it last night of this beautiful
02:06 project that the Lord has impressed upon his heart.
02:09 And it's called Love Rules!
02:11 God gave Danny... In this project there's 11 songs.
02:15 And it's teaching us, Danny, the Ten Commandments,
02:18 isn't it? Teaching us God's Word.
02:20 And that's what the Lord impressed upon him to do.
02:23 And so what we did was rushed to make sure
02:27 that we would have this ready for our Camp Meeting.
02:29 And we've got the CD; we've got the DVD;
02:32 we've got soundtracks as well as a piano and vocal
02:37 accompaniment book. So we've got the whole...
02:40 every one of these ready and available for you.
02:43 We worked hard and we sacrificed to get this ready for you
02:47 because we know nobody wants to go home without it.
02:50 But we put it all together and then as we are prone to do
02:53 here at 3ABN we put it together in a packet.
02:57 And if you get all four we've reduced the price.
03:00 How many of you like to get a bargain?
03:02 Don't you like it when we reduce the price on things
03:04 around here? And so we're making it available at the 3ABN booth
03:10 out here. And you can get the whole set for $75.
03:14 And if you put it all together...
03:16 If you were to buy this anywhere else...
03:18 If you were to buy it from a worldly outlet,
03:21 this is well over $100 worth of material.
03:24 What is this? That is the piano and vocal accompaniment book.
03:29 E.T. Everett put this together. Played it and put it together.
03:32 And I think Jill helped and Summer.
03:34 Several people played it to make sure that it was all right.
03:38 So it's actually a piano and vocal to the whole project.
03:41 And then we have... this is interesting.
03:43 They put it together. It's soundtracks but it's called
03:46 split tracks. What it has... it has... it's for you to use...
03:50 Say you want to take it to your church and you have a
03:53 choir or maybe you have a little bit of a choir
03:55 and you need some extra help
03:57 well the soundtrack can play where the kids sing the melody
04:01 but the choir... You can have the choir on it
04:03 if you say go to the right. Or if you turn it to the left -
04:06 pan what we call to the left - then there's no choir
04:09 and your kids can make up the whole choir.
04:10 So it's actually all 11 soundtracks
04:13 that either with voices or without voices on the same one.
04:17 Then today this just came.
04:20 This is the DVD that just came in.
04:23 And so the purpose of this whole thing...
04:25 The Pillars Project - Pillars of our Faith -
04:29 had such a tremendous impact on so many people
04:33 and literally around the world because it's teaching
04:37 a lot of our doctrines in the form of music
04:40 which David Huntsinger and Kris Wilkinson wrote.
04:43 And this actually is the same thing except for young people.
04:47 And so we have, for instance, the entire Ten Commandments
04:50 in one song. And it's the long version to teach our children
04:54 the Ten Commandments. There's a song on the Sabbath.
04:57 Even a song on the Trinity.
04:58 And many of us don't understand - especially
05:01 children - how do you explain the Trinity?
05:03 So we wrote a song about the Trinity.
05:05 We have a song on the... "Go ye into all the world. "
05:09 We have a song called He Promises.
05:11 We have a song that talks about what happens to you
05:13 when you die. So it's a lot of these.
05:15 And Brenda Walsh put together a group of children
05:18 and kids that came here. And then we had some of our
05:20 local singers here, and absolutely did an incredible job
05:25 and got it orchestrated. And these young people...
05:27 So the new DVD... you'll be seeing it Sabbath morning
05:31 at 10 o'clock. And we'll do all eleven songs for you.
05:34 But this is something that if we...
05:36 For me it's a burden that the Lord has given me.
05:38 And there's some things I've done over the 28 years
05:41 that every now and then something comes along
05:43 and I say you know: "Thank you, Lord. "
05:45 And this is one of those because if there's ever a time
05:47 when our young people need to be focused on the Word of God
05:50 it's today. And you can put your children to sleep at night
05:54 and they'll hear all these songs in the Bible.
05:56 Every song - almost every song - has Bible scriptures
05:59 even on how to give your life to Jesus.
06:02 Jesus is the key to heaven... only He unlocks the door.
06:06 Then it gives Bible scriptures in Acts.
06:08 Then the next one says "If we confess our sins... "
06:10 and the kids are singing. So it's all done just for the
06:13 purpose of our young people.
06:15 The doctrines of the Christian faith and even more specifically
06:18 much that we put accents on as Seventh-day Adventists:
06:21 the commandments, the Sabbath,
06:23 basically the state of the dead's all here.
06:25 So the Lord really blessed on it and I give Him the credit
06:28 for it. And we wanted to tell you about it tonight
06:30 because as we're going to debut it on Sabbath morning
06:37 then everybody in the whole world is going to want this
06:40 material. And I've got to tell you that right now
06:42 all we have is 25 of these books.
06:45 And so we are letting you know ahead of time.
06:47 And something we're going to do for the people at home
06:50 is this special Camp Meeting price - the reduced price -
06:54 we're going to make it available to everybody at home
06:56 for one week. The week following Camp Meeting
06:59 we'll make it available to everybody in the whole world.
07:02 But to you here this is especially for you
07:05 and we have it all available for you now.
07:08 You know, the only way that we can tell you about this
07:12 is to tell you about this because we want you to know
07:16 about it. We're excited about this project!
07:18 And so tonight we wanted to have an unveiling
07:22 and let you see what we're excited about.
07:26 Then Sabbath morning when you hear that music
07:29 you will really see why we're excited.
07:32 Danny has worked so hard on these.
07:35 And the Lord gave them to him. I know they came quickly.
07:38 But we drive down the road... Camille and I have gotten
07:41 some of the CDs early when they were still...
07:45 didn't even have some of the tracks with it.
07:47 And we would listen to it and marvel at the wisdom
07:52 of these songs. Because they are teaching our kids
07:55 and some of these songs just... I honestly tell you the truth...
07:59 don't like to listen to them 'cause I can't get them out
08:02 of my mind. All right. And they just keep going through my mind.
08:05 That's good! I know, but sometimes you want to sleep,
08:09 you know, and you're still... Love Rules! just keeps...
08:13 it just keeps coming through my mind and my heart.
08:16 And... but these are Bible-based messages.
08:21 Just like the Pillars hymns were that you heard -
08:24 our first Pillars I that taught about the Sabbath and
08:28 the state of the dead and the sanctuary.
08:30 These are really Pillars for Kids
08:33 and they teach all of the teachings of God's Word
08:37 in a way that kids are really going to love 'em, enjoy them.
08:41 And you get them for your children, your grandchildren,
08:44 the next door neighbor's children.
08:46 You just get them but get them in the hands of our youth...
08:51 our young people. Well, speaking of music
08:54 we want to invite Reggie and Ladye Love out again. Yeah.
08:56 And they're going to... We've asked them to do about
08:58 six songs or so. And Reggie and Ladye... come on out.
09:02 And I've seen the list of songs and these are incredible songs
09:06 and wonderful. How many were blessed by I've Just Seen Jesus?
09:09 Amen! Isn't that incredible?
09:11 I had to go wipe some... some goosebumps off.
09:13 I was doing like this... couldn't keep my hands down.
09:16 Some people... I just like wanted to praise the Lord.
09:19 Honestly. And you guys, we're so thrilled that you would come
09:23 here - because they travel around the world -
09:25 that you would come here and spend this time with us.
09:27 And you're great friends and we love you.
09:30 I'm looking forward to the music you have tonight.
09:32 And as always... I sat in Australia
09:35 and listened to a whole concert.
09:37 Usually they sing a little, and they did a concert.
09:39 I listened to them in Florida and I walked away and I said:
09:43 "You know what? These folks... I don't think I've ever been
09:46 more blessed than when I just sat back and listened
09:49 to these folks just minister under the anointing of the
09:51 Holy Spirit. " So thank you for being here tonight.
09:54 The time is yours, and let the Lord lead you.
10:00 Great is Thy faithfulness,
10:06 Oh God, my Father!
10:13 There is no shadow of turning
10:18 with Thee;
10:23 Thou changest not...
10:28 Thy compassions,
10:30 they fail not:
10:35 As Thou hast been
10:40 Thou forever
10:43 wilt be.
10:47 Great is Thy faithfulness!
10:53 Great is Thy faithfulness!
10:59 Morning by morning
11:04 new mercies
11:07 I see;
11:11 All I have needed
11:17 Thy hand hath
11:20 provided...
11:26 Great is Thy
11:29 faithfulness,
11:36 Lord unto
11:42 me!
11:55 Summer and winter
12:00 and springtime and harvest,
12:06 And sun, moon, and stars
12:11 in their courses above,
12:16 Join with all nature
12:22 in manifold witness
12:28 To Thy great faithfulness,
12:34 mercy, and love.
12:39 Great is Thy faithfulness!
12:44 Great is Thy faithfulness!
12:49 Morning by morning
12:54 new mercies I see;
12:59 All I have needed
13:04 Thy hand hath provided...
13:10 Great is Thy faithfulness,
13:15 Lord, unto me!
13:20 Great is Thy faithfulness!
13:25 Great is Thy faithfulness!
13:30 Morning by morning
13:34 new mercies I see;
13:40 All I have needed
13:44 Thy hand hath provided...
13:51 Great is Thy faithfulness!
13:55 Great is Thy faithfulness!
14:00 Great is Thy
14:03 faithfulness,
14:11 Lord, unto
14:16 me!
14:31 Amen!
14:38 Thank you, Lord.
14:40 Thank you, Lord. He is so faithful and true
14:42 to each and every one of us. Amen to that? Amen!
14:45 I tell you, we have a hope that never quits.
14:47 It never lets go; it never stops.
14:50 You know, sometimes our days are pretty rough.
14:52 I know in my own life, sometimes you just get tired.
14:55 We get tired of traveling sometimes.
14:57 You know, we're tired of airports
14:59 and tired of busses and stuff. But you know what?
15:01 The Lord never quits. There's always hope
15:04 in the name of the Lord.
15:28 Suspended above
15:33 the world that He made
15:36 and below His home
15:39 in the sky
15:44 God in the flesh
15:47 came down to man,
15:52 and man raised Him up to die.
15:59 And there on the tree
16:03 the destiny
16:06 of every fallen man
16:14 was held by the nails
16:18 driven through
16:22 His sinless feet
16:26 and hands.
16:29 Somewhere between
16:33 heaven and earth
16:37 stood a symbol of grace
16:40 not based on our worth.
16:44 It was there He endured
16:48 what we deserve...
16:52 for the cross held the hope of the world
16:58 somewhere between
17:01 heaven and earth.
17:06 Somewhere between time
17:11 and space.
17:12 Somewhere between judgment
17:18 and grace.
17:21 He became the sin
17:25 He'd never known.
17:30 And then the skies turned black,
17:32 His Father turned His back.
17:37 And for that moment
17:39 He was left alone.
17:44 He was left alone.
17:49 Somewhere between
17:53 heaven and earth
17:56 stood a symbol of grace
17:59 not based on our worth.
18:04 It was there He endured
18:07 what we deserve.
18:12 For the cross held the hope of the world
18:18 somewhere between
18:20 heaven and earth.
18:29 Stood a symbol of grace
18:33 not based on our worth.
18:37 It was there He endured
18:41 what we deserve...
18:45 for the cross held the hope of the world,
18:52 yes, the cross held the hope
18:55 of the world,
18:58 yes, the cross held the hope
19:02 of the world
19:08 somewhere - somewhere -
19:11 between
19:13 heaven
19:18 and earth.
19:24 Suspended above
19:28 the world that He made
19:33 and below
19:35 His home
19:37 in the sky.
19:50 Hallelujah; hallelujah!
19:55 We just want to thank you for having us here.
19:57 We feel so honored and blessed to be part of the 3ABN team
20:01 and I know you are so very blessed.
20:03 And Ladye Love wants to say something.
20:04 I was just saying "We love to come to 3ABN! "
20:06 Yes we do! We love to be a part...
20:08 We love being here. We love being with you at Camp Meeting
20:13 and we love everybody here so much.
20:16 We have a great time. Danny talks... but we have
20:17 a great time backstage too. And just fellowshipping together
20:23 and when we eat together and when we talk.
20:26 And we just have a great time; we love coming to 3ABN.
20:29 I just wanted to say that - absolutely -
20:31 we have a great time here. You know I've got to tell you.
20:33 My son loves to come up here
20:34 'cause there's a couple of good fishing holes up here
20:37 that we found out about. You know, some blue gill...
20:39 And I tell you my son loves to go over there.
20:41 And Mr. Danny... he calls Danny Shelton.
20:44 He said: "Mr. Danny's going to take me fishing today, Daddy. "
20:46 I said: "Oh, is that right? "
20:48 "Have you talked to Mr. Danny? "
20:49 "Well I haven't... but I'm sure he will. "
20:51 You know, so... Danny did. Danny did!
20:53 So who knows, tomorrow we might get in a couple fishing there
20:57 on the way, but... Hey, but you know, we are so very blessed.
21:00 And you know, when I say "we" all of us together
21:02 are blessed to have 3ABN here. Amen to that? Amen!
21:06 And this goes all over the world; it's just incredible
21:09 how this reaches the world. Television is just incredible.
21:14 You know, and the Lord... You know it's all about the Lord.
21:16 It's all about our Lord, and you know it. And He loves
21:19 and cares for each and every one of us.
21:21 And there is a great hope in that. And He has made a promise
21:25 to each and every one of us. And we can hold...
21:27 hold onto that. We're going to do several songs
21:29 tonight - selections - and we're going to really mix it up.
21:32 So if we haven't gotten to your favorite style yet,
21:34 hang on and we hope we'll get there.
21:36 And if you don't like one style so much, smile anyway and act
21:39 like you like it... 'cause the camera might be on you!
21:43 That's right, so...
21:45 So we're going to change it up tonight.
21:47 There's a song that a group - a quartet - called the uh...
21:51 the Cathedrals. Thank you. The Cathedrals. Just had
21:53 a little ADD pass through my mind there.
21:56 The Cathedrals back in the 70's did this song,
22:00 and we wanted to... and we put together a different kind of
22:02 style to it. It's a little toe tapper.
22:04 If you'd like to tap your toe, just don't tap your neighbor's
22:06 toe or whatever. And if you don't like it, smile along
22:09 with us. It's called Can He? Could He? Would He?
22:25 Can He?
22:27 Could He? Would He? Did He?
22:31 Can He? Could He? Would He? Yes, He can, He could, He would
22:33 and He did.
22:35 I said Can He? Could He?
22:39 Would He? Did He?
22:42 He can, He could, He would; yes, He can, He could, He would
22:44 and He did. I know, I know that He did.
22:47 From the moment I heard about the Lord and His Word
22:50 well it seemed too good to be true.
22:53 There were questions and doubts, I tried to figure it out
22:56 but the best that I could do
22:58 was to wander around in this love that I found
23:01 till the questions started answering themselves.
23:04 Singing: Can He? Could He? Would He?
23:06 Yes He can, He could, He would and He did!
23:10 Well can He? Could He?
23:13 Would He? Did He?
23:16 He can, He could, He would. Yes, He can, He could, He would
23:18 and He did!
23:20 I said: Can He?
23:23 Could He? Would He? And did He?
23:27 He can, He could, He would... Yes He can, He could, He would
23:30 and He did!
23:53 I know that He did.
23:55 Well can He? Could He?
23:58 Would He? Did He?
24:01 Can He? Could He? Would He? Yes He can, He could, He would
24:03 and He did. I know, I know He did.
24:06 I said: "Can He? Could He?
24:09 Would He? Did He? "
24:12 Can He? Could He? Would He? Yes He can, He could, He would
24:15 and He did. I know... yes He did y'all...
24:18 Can He? Could He?
24:21 Would He? Did He?
24:24 Can He? Could He? Would He? Yes He can, He could, He would
24:26 and He did. And I know He can.
24:29 I know He did. I know that He will... and He did.
24:37 He did!
24:45 Amen!
24:47 Hey Reggie, I think I heard you say "y'all" in the middle of
24:51 that. He said: "Y'all He did. " I did.
24:54 I guess that lets you know that we're southern.
24:56 You can't tell by our accents at all I know...
24:59 but we are from Tennessee now.
25:01 But you know, it's just so awesome that we can come
25:04 and celebrate God's goodness together, isn't it?
25:06 And that we can love Him and we can sense His presence
25:10 in our lives. Because I don't know about you
25:12 I need to know His presence in my life.
25:15 I need to feel it. I need to be reminded of His presence.
25:18 He's never left me... He's always there.
25:21 I don't know about you but we... this last past week
25:24 we've had a lot of friends with a lot of heartache...
25:27 that have been going through some really bad heartache.
25:29 And I don't know what you're going through right now.
25:32 I don't know if your cancer's back.
25:35 I don't know if your finances are bad.
25:38 I don't know what it is... I don't know that you're
25:40 going through, but what I do know is that He will never
25:44 leave you or forsake you. Amen. He loves you more than anything
25:49 and He says: "I am here. I am here for whatever.
25:53 I'm here to grieve with you. I'm here to wrap My arms
25:56 around you if you're lonely.
25:57 I will never leave you or forsake you. "
26:00 And I don't know if you know this but Reggie and I are
26:02 married and we first got... to each other.
26:05 And when we first got married I thought: "Finally! "
26:09 As you can tell, I like to talk a lot.
26:12 But I thought: "Finally someone who wants to hear every word
26:15 I have to say. Whoo! "
26:18 And everybody that's married is laughing right now.
26:22 I thought: "He just loves me so much he'll want to know
26:24 everything I have to say. " And boy, my feelings were so hurt
26:28 at one point because I thought he'd just want to know it all.
26:31 And I finally realized that a human being cannot...
26:36 cannot be my everything.
26:38 He cannot be there. He's human; he can only hear so much.
26:41 Right? Hallelujah!
26:45 He can only hear so much.
26:47 And what I found was that... You know what?
26:50 God said: "You know what Ladye? I will hear everything
26:54 you have to say. You cannot tire Me out
26:58 and everything you say is important.
27:00 I want to hear every ramble and I won't get tired.
27:04 I'm here for you whenever. " So if you're lonely tonight,
27:08 I just feel like if you're lonely
27:10 I just want you to know that God says: "I am here for you.
27:13 I will never leave you or forsake you. "
27:29 Someone said
27:33 that in this life
27:38 some rain is bound
27:42 to fall.
27:47 And each one shares
27:53 his share of tears
27:57 and trouble...
28:00 it troubles us all.
28:07 But the hurt won't hurt
28:12 forever.
28:17 And those tears are bound
28:22 to dry.
28:27 And it won't rain
28:33 always.
28:39 The clouds will soon
28:43 be gone.
28:48 And the sun
28:51 that they've been
28:55 hiding
28:58 has been there
29:01 all along.
29:08 And it won't rain
29:15 always.
29:21 God's promises
29:25 are true.
29:29 And the sun's gonna shine
29:35 in His own good time...
29:40 and He will see you
29:46 through.
29:51 And the sun... it's gonna shine
29:56 in God's own good time...
30:01 and He will see you
30:07 through.
30:17 Amen!
30:45 Oh Lord, You're beautiful.
30:56 Your face is all I see.
31:06 For when Your eyes
31:11 they're on this child.
31:16 Your grace abounds to me.
31:25 I want to take Your Word
31:30 and shine it all around.
31:35 But first help me Lord
31:38 to just live it, Lord.
31:44 And when I'm doing well,
31:49 help me to never... never seek a crown.
31:55 for my reward
31:57 is giving glory unto You.
32:06 Oh Lord,
32:07 please light the fire,
32:15 that once burned bright
32:20 and clear.
32:25 Replace the lamp
32:30 of my first love
32:33 that burns
32:36 with Holy fear.
32:42 I want to take Your Word
32:48 and shine it all around.
32:52 But first help me
32:55 to just live it, Lord.
33:01 And when I'm doing well,
33:05 help me to never seek a crown.
33:10 For my reward
33:13 is giving glory
33:17 unto You.
33:42 Amazing grace
33:47 shall always be
33:51 my song of praise.
33:55 For it was grace
34:00 that bought me
34:03 liberty.
34:08 I do not know
34:13 just why He came to
34:18 love me so.
34:22 He looked beyond
34:27 my fault
34:29 and saw my need.
34:38 I shall
34:40 forever
34:46 lift mine eyes
34:49 to Calvary.
34:57 To view the cross
35:03 where Jesus died
35:07 for me.
35:13 How marvelous
35:19 the grace that caught
35:22 my falling soul.
35:29 He looked beyond
35:34 my fault
35:37 and saw my
35:42 need.
36:06 As I look back
36:09 on this road
36:13 that I've traveled.
36:19 I've seen so many times
36:24 that He's carried...
36:27 He's carried me through.
36:34 And if there's one thing
36:38 that I've learned in this life,
36:44 it's that my Redeemer
36:50 is faithful and true.
37:08 My heart rejoices
37:13 when I read His promise:
37:20 "There is a place
37:23 that I'm preparing
37:27 for you. "
37:35 And I know someday I'll see my Lord
37:40 face to face -
37:44 I'll see my Lord face to face -
37:48 'cause my Redeemer
37:56 is faithful and true.
37:59 He's promised to help me.
38:03 My Redeemer
38:07 is faithful and true.
38:16 And everything that He has said
38:22 He will do.
38:29 And every morning
38:33 His mercies
38:35 are new.
38:43 My Redeemer
38:47 is faithful and true.
38:55 And in every situation
39:00 He has proved His love to me.
39:06 When I lack the understanding
39:12 He gives more grace to me.
39:17 My Redeemer
39:21 is faithful and true.
39:29 And everything that He has said
39:35 He will do.
39:42 And every morning
39:46 His mercies are new...
39:51 they're new...
39:59 'cause my... my Redeemer,
40:12 our Redeemer,
40:16 our Redeemer
40:19 is faithful and true.
40:35 Our Redeemer
40:40 is faithful
40:44 and
40:46 true.
40:54 Amen!
40:57 Amen. Thank you. Beautiful!
41:01 Wow! Reggie and Ladye Love Smith.
41:04 Amazing talents. Aren't you glad they're using them for Jesus?
41:08 Amen. And I don't know... You're not supposed to...
41:11 I'm struggling. I thought I was doing pretty well but
41:14 envy's starting to come in here.
41:16 That's not fair to be able to sing like that, is it?
41:18 No, that's not true. I'm very thankful
41:21 and I'm blessed to sit back and listen to them
41:24 just as you are. Right now I want to introduce
41:26 Celestine Barry. Celestine's from the local area.
41:29 And she and Michael and her family moved here some time ago
41:33 and I didn't know that she could sing and the family.
41:36 Your husband plays music, but we're so glad that you're here.
41:39 And where are you from originally?
41:41 Philippines. Philippines. Yes. All right.
41:44 They love gospel music in the Philippines? Yeah!
41:47 All right. Well you have a great gift that God has given you
41:50 and your entire family. And what are you going to be singing
41:53 tonight? It's I'm Not Ashamed of the Gospel.
41:56 All right, thank you. Thank you!
42:12 We're an anchor for those who are hurting
42:19 We're a harbor for those who are lost
42:26 Sometimes it's not always easy
42:32 bearing Calvary's cross
42:40 We've been ridiculed by those
42:43 who don't know Him...
42:47 mocked by those who don't believe
42:54 Still I love standing up
42:57 for my Jesus
43:00 'cause of all that He's done for me.
43:07 That's why I'm not ashamed
43:11 of the gospel
43:15 The gospel of Jesus Christ
43:20 No, I am not afraid
43:25 to be counted
43:28 and I'm willing to give my life
43:35 See, I'm ready to be
43:38 all He wants me to be
43:43 Give up the wrong for the right
43:49 No, I am not ashamed
43:52 of the gospel
43:55 No, I am not ashamed of the gospel
44:02 of Jesus Christ
44:17 For every moment His hand
44:20 has held mercy
44:24 For all the love that He's shown
44:27 all my life
44:31 Simple thanks doesn't say how I'm feeling
44:37 I get tears in my eyes
44:44 So as for me,
44:47 I'm going to keep on believing
44:51 in the One
44:53 who's been so faithful to me
44:58 I'm not out to please
45:01 the whole world around me
45:05 I've got my mind on eternity!
45:11 I'm not... I am not ashamed
45:16 of the gospel...
45:19 The gospel of Jesus Christ
45:26 No, I am not afraid
45:30 to be counted
45:33 and I'm willing to give my life
45:39 You see I'm ready to be
45:43 all He wants me to be
45:48 Give up the wrong for the right
45:54 No, I am not ashamed
45:58 of the gospel...
46:01 No, I am not ashamed of the gospel
46:07 of Jesus Christ
46:15 To some He's just a name
46:18 but to me He's my everything
46:23 I am not ashamed of the gospel...
46:28 No, I am not ashamed
46:32 of the gospel...
46:35 I've got too much behind me
46:40 to let this world bind me
46:43 To some He's just a name
46:46 but to me He's my everything
46:51 I am not ashamed
46:53 of the gospel...
46:57 No, I am not ashamed
47:00 of the gospel...
47:04 No, I am not ashamed
47:07 of the gospel
47:13 of Jesus
47:17 Christ.
47:35 Beautiful! Celestine Barry, thank you so much.
47:38 What an incredible voice. Beautiful!
47:40 We're going to bring out right now my friend
47:43 Darrell Marshall and I think he's going to bring his bride
47:45 of almost... I think they're almost of two years now:
47:48 Brenda. And it's the first time I think she's going to sing
47:52 on 3ABN. Right, Brenda?
47:54 Yes. And we're glad that you're here. And so
47:57 you and Darrell are going to be doing a duet tonight.
47:59 It's good to see you, Buddy. Good to be here.
48:01 Darrell's left southern Illinois and moved to Nashville,
48:05 and so you're in full time music are you now?
48:08 You guys? Well no... Brenda has a job
48:11 and I have a little handyman service.
48:13 Do some handyman work around to supplement our habit.
48:18 Your habit of gospel music? Our habit of singing, yes.
48:20 All right. Well I tell you what: you guys are great.
48:22 We're glad that you're here. And what are you going to sing
48:24 tonight? Jesus Use Me. It's a new song for us.
48:27 All right. I love the song though... it's a great song.
48:40 Dear Lord, I'll be a witness
48:45 if You will help my weakness
48:49 I know that I'm not worthy Lord
48:54 of You
48:58 By eyes of faith I see Thee
49:04 upon the cross of Calvary
49:09 Dear Lord, I cry
49:11 "Let me Thy servant be. "
49:18 Jesus use me
49:23 Please, Lord, don't refuse me.
49:28 Surely there's a work
49:31 that I can do.
49:37 And even though it's humble
49:42 help my will to crumble
49:47 Though the cost be great
49:50 I'll work for You.
49:56 He's the Lily of the Valley,
50:01 He's the Bright and Morning Star.
50:06 He's the fairest of ten thousand
50:10 to my soul,
50:14 He's the beautiful Rose of Sharon,
50:20 He's all this world to me.
50:25 But most of all
50:27 He is my coming King!
50:32 Help us sing tonight.
50:35 Jesus use me
50:39 Please, Lord, don't refuse me.
50:44 Surely there's a work
50:47 that I can do.
50:53 Even though it's humble
50:58 Lord help my will to crumble
51:03 Though the cost be great
51:06 I'll work for You.
51:13 Jesus use me
51:17 Please, Lord, don't refuse me.
51:22 Though the cost be great
51:25 I'll work for You.
51:37 Thank you, Marshalls. Beautiful!
51:40 Wow, great. That's a great song, too.
51:42 And that's really what it's all about: Jesus using us,
51:45 isn't it? Each and every one of us.
51:47 And right now we're just going to close this part of the
51:51 service with a little song that the Lord gave me
51:54 entitled All My Praise.
51:56 And that's all He really wants from us
51:58 and all we can give Him. We really have nothing
52:00 that's very valuable of ourselves.
52:02 And one night I was telling the Lord: "I'd love to give
52:05 You something. I love You. But what do I give the Creator
52:08 of the universe? " And it's just like I heard this little voice
52:10 "Just give Me all your praise. "
52:27 All my praise...
52:30 I give You all my praise.
52:39 That's all I have
52:43 to offer You.
52:49 I now build a sanctuary
52:55 so deep within my heart
53:01 and all my praise
53:04 I offer up to You.
53:13 I love you, Lord,
53:17 oh how I love you, Lord.
53:25 I bear my heart
53:29 and soul to You.
53:36 I'm an empty, broken vessel
53:41 filled with hurt and pain inside.
53:46 Still I offer up
53:50 all my praise
53:53 to You.
53:59 Fill me, Lord.
54:03 Oh, please fill me, Lord.
54:11 With Your Holy Spirit
54:15 fill me now.
54:21 For I long for Your anointing
54:27 that I may work for You.
54:33 Fill me, Lord...
54:37 touch me, Lord, just now.
54:45 All my praise...
54:50 I give You all my praise.
54:57 That's all I have
55:02 to offer You.
55:08 I now build a sanctuary
55:14 so deep within my heart.
55:19 Oh, and all my praise
55:23 I offer up to You.
55:30 Oh, and all my praise
55:35 I offer up
55:37 to You.
55:49 All My Praise is just one of my favorites.
55:52 And we do want to praise our Lord, don't we?
55:56 We want to thank Him for all of His goodness to us.
55:59 Why don't we just bow our heads?
56:02 Father in heaven, we thank you, Lord,
56:05 for all that You have done for each one of us.
56:09 Most of all we thank you for Jesus.
56:13 We thank you for Calvary.
56:15 We thank you, Father, that Your Son came to this earth,
56:20 lived a perfect life
56:23 and died a perfect death for each one of us.
56:28 Father, help us to make sure
56:30 that we have accepted His gift.
56:32 That we are not still trying to struggle on our own
56:36 but that we are allowing Jesus to cover us
56:41 with His precious blood.
56:43 Thank you, Father, for hearing us and blessing us.
56:48 In Jesus' name, Amen.
56:50 Well we just have had a wonder- ful time of praise together
56:55 and music together. Different kinds of music
56:58 and different individuals and styles
57:03 and different ways of praising.
57:05 All of these folks bless me because they sing under
57:06 an anointing - that's right - of the Holy Spirit.
57:09 And that's important. It's not just that they have
57:10 great talent but - no - they really love Jesus
57:13 and sing under an anointing. Yeah. And that to me is
57:16 everything: it's communicating what God has given us to Him.
57:20 And it really does. Well listen, we have another hour
57:24 coming up. Yes we do... all right.
57:26 And we're looking forward to it. Bro. James Rafferty
57:28 I think is going to be... that's the man. Yeah.
57:30 All right. And we'll see him next hour.


Revised 2014-12-17