Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Prophet's Role

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kameron DeVasher


Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000004

00:46 Well this is our Spring Camp Meeting and we're having
00:50 beautiful spring weather here in West Frankfort, Illinois.
00:55 Showers of blessings today. Yes.
00:57 And we needed it. We haven't had rain it seems like
00:59 in a couple months. Right. So we needed that rain.
01:02 But it's beautiful outside today in the 70's.
01:04 Yes. This evening. Going to be a beautiful weekend
01:06 and we've put in additional chairs so we have plenty
01:09 of seats for everybody. Um-hmm.
01:11 If you're planning on coming this weekend
01:13 we will have a place for you.
01:15 Um-hmm. And you know what they told me? No.
01:17 They said they fed 150 people more than they had planned for
01:22 at lunch today. Isn't that great?
01:24 Wow. But you know we have to give our staff over there
01:29 a big hand because they have it all ready.
01:36 There are people who drive and I know folk who drive
01:39 all the way, for instance, from south Alabama.
01:42 They come from states all over
01:44 and instead of being in these services they come all the way
01:47 and they volunteer - that's right - and they work in the
01:50 kitchen. They do other work that needs to be done,
01:52 whether it's helping maintenance... doing whatever.
01:55 And they sacrifice much of the meetings. They do.
01:58 And even on Sabbath some of them are over there helping feed
02:00 you all as you come, and it's an incredible ministry.
02:03 And we give every one of them a full set of DVDs
02:07 of everything. So they go back home
02:09 and enjoy watching it. So... But we appreciate them so much.
02:14 And Mark Anthony and Melody Prettyman do such a tremendous
02:19 job with those volunteers,
02:21 and we really appreciate them.
02:24 Don't you love Camp Meeting? Ya'll love Camp Meeting?
02:26 Apparently... you came here.
02:27 I talked to people from Canada and California
02:30 and Florida. Yes. From states all in between.
02:32 And we'll find out if there's other countries represented
02:35 here. And it's going to get bigger even tomorrow.
02:38 And Sabbath we're expecting to have some pretty big crowds
02:41 here so we want you all to come early and get your seats.
02:44 But it's just such a wonderful atmosphere.
02:46 It reminds you a little bit... a taste of heaven, what it's
02:49 going to be like, because people are here together.
02:52 Loving each other - yeah - and loving Jesus.
02:54 That's right. And then being fed and spiritually fed.
02:56 And so I know a lot of you you're being physically fed
02:59 over here by Mark and the others
03:01 but also you're being spiritually fed, right?
03:03 With all the speakers and the singers.
03:05 And tonight we have some singers with us
03:08 that are some of our favorite. I'm going to say our...
03:10 Yes, both. I know you and Camille love them too
03:13 and they love you guys. But Reggie and Ladye Love Smith.
03:15 And many of you have seen them on the Gaithers.
03:18 They're on the Pillars... They sang on the Pillars project
03:21 that we had. The Pillars and also the Pillars Hymns.
03:24 And they're just incredible people.
03:26 Some of the "funnest" people in the world - yeah -
03:28 especially to travel. We've been to many countries...
03:30 several countries with them including Australia
03:33 and New Zealand and all around.
03:35 And these folk love Jesus and they're happy - they do.
03:38 Because there's never a dull minute when they're around.
03:40 No, no. And we love them. We not only love their music
03:43 we love them personally because they are just -
03:46 as Danny says - such loving and kind people. They are.
03:50 A few weeks ago I was down at Nashville
03:52 and Ladye was singing on the Grand Ole Opry.
03:54 She was doing back-up singing so she invited us to go behind
03:57 stage. And that was a neat experience to go there.
04:02 These folk: they do the Grand Ole Opry.
04:03 They do all kinds of singing... not only on their own
04:07 but with the Gaithers and others.
04:09 So you may turn on the television and see them
04:11 just about on any channel. But I'm especially happy
04:13 when we see them on 3ABN. Amen.
04:16 And we'd like them to come on out tonight.
04:17 Reggie and Ladye Love.
04:19 Glad to have you. Let's make them welcome.
04:21 All right.
04:25 Hi. The song that ya'll are...
04:28 The song you all are going to sing tonight
04:30 is... Tell us about it. Whose favorite song is it?
04:34 Come on over here Ladye. Come on up front. OK.
04:36 Whose favorite song is this song?
04:38 This is my Daddy's favorite song.
04:40 He's 88-1/2 years old.
04:42 And every time we go somewhere to sing he'll say
04:46 "Program's not finished if you don't sing this song. "
04:48 But it's his favorite song, but it's just an amazing
04:51 message of the story... So Danny, he's very serious
04:55 about it - this song - truly because he talks about...
05:00 Bill and Gloria Gaither actually wrote this song.
05:03 And he says "a program is never done... "
05:05 And we sang a concert one time almost two hours
05:08 and we finished singing and it was over
05:10 and we were all together just hugging and
05:12 carrying on with folk. And he came up to me and said
05:15 "The program's not finished
05:17 because you haven't done my song yet. "
05:20 So he's serious about this song. Eighty-eight years old.
05:21 And after you hear this song tonight I've got a feeling
05:24 ya'll will be saying the same thing
05:25 when you hear them sing from now on: "I've Just Seen Jesus. "
05:28 Amen.
05:45 We just knew He was dead
05:50 "It is finished" He said
05:53 And we watched as His life
05:57 ebbed away
06:00 Then we all stood around
06:04 till the guards took Him down
06:07 Joseph begged
06:10 for His body that day
06:15 It was late afternoon
06:19 when we got to the tomb
06:22 Wrapped His body
06:25 and sealed up the grave
06:30 So I know how you feel
06:34 His death was so real
06:38 But please listen and hear
06:41 what I say:
06:46 I've just seen
06:50 Jesus.
06:55 I tell you
06:57 He's alive!
07:01 I've just seen Jesus,
07:07 our precious Lord,
07:11 alive!
07:15 And I knew - yes I knew -
07:21 He really saw me too.
07:29 As if till now,
07:33 I never
07:37 lived.
07:40 All that I've done before
07:46 won't matter
07:49 anymore.
07:54 I've just seen Jesus
08:00 and I'll never
08:05 be the same
08:08 again.
08:20 It was His voice she first heard
08:25 those kind gentle words
08:28 asking what was her reason for those tears.
08:34 And I sobbed in despair
08:39 "my Lord is not there. "
08:42 He said: "Child, it is I...
08:46 I am here. "
08:50 I've just seen
08:56 Jesus!
09:01 I tell you He's alive!
09:08 I've just seen Jesus,
09:13 our precious Lord's
09:18 alive!
09:21 And I knew - yes I knew -
09:27 He really saw me too.
09:30 He really saw me too.
09:35 As if till now
09:39 I never lived.
09:47 All that I've done before
09:53 won't matter
09:55 anymore.
10:00 I've just seen
10:03 Jesus!
10:07 Well, I've just seen Jesus,
10:13 I've just seen Jesus,
10:18 And all I've ever
10:22 done before
10:26 won't matter
10:29 anymore.
10:33 I've just seen Jesus
10:38 and I'll never be
10:42 the same
10:44 again.
10:49 I've just seen
10:52 Jesus!
11:05 Praise the Lord! Amen!
11:08 Wow! I can see why her Daddy wants to hear that song.
11:13 Our speaker tonight needs no introduction to 3ABN.
11:19 He did an Anchors of Truth series this past year.
11:24 In addition he was a main speaker at GYC
11:29 and so you have already been introduced to him.
11:33 His name is Kameron DeVasher
11:36 and he is a pastor from Michigan.
11:38 He has the Muskegon/Fremont district in Michigan.
11:43 He's going to be speaking to us tonight
11:47 on a very important subject involving
11:53 prophets as they relate to the latter day church.
11:58 This church, just before Jesus comes.
12:03 And we're going to invite him to come
12:08 and to bring us to the throne at this time.
12:14 Good evening everyone. Good evening.
12:16 As Jim said, my name is Kameron DeVasher and I'm a
12:18 pastor from the Michigan Conference specifically.
12:20 I bring you greetings from the believers in Fremont and
12:24 Muskegon, Michigan.
12:25 All is going well in that part of the world, and I hope
12:28 all is going well in your part of the world.
12:30 And I know it's going well in this part of the world
12:31 as already this has been a blessing, has it not?
12:34 Amen! It's a wonderful time to be here.
12:36 As you saw in your bulletin this evening, the assigned topic
12:40 that I've been entrusted with is The Prophet's Role,
12:44 True Latter-Day Messengers,
12:46 and Judging New Light.
12:48 Judging New Light. There are at least 3 or 4 good books
12:52 in that title if not 3 or 4 good sermons.
12:54 And we have under an hour to work it out tonight
12:56 so we're going to do our best to have a very concentrated
13:00 yet at the same time a very clear presentation
13:03 of the important role of prophecy... especially as
13:06 we get closer and closer to Jesus' second coming.
13:08 And by the way, Jesus IS coming again.
13:10 Amen? Amen! Soon and very soon.
13:12 So this is an important topic and we want to give all of our
13:15 time and attention and energy
13:16 to a Biblical understanding of the role of prophecy
13:20 so that we can be led by the Spirit of the Lord
13:23 safely home to the other side.
13:25 But before we do any study of God's Word
13:27 let's begin with a word of prayer.
13:30 Dear heavenly Father,
13:32 Lord, I thank you again for blessing us with such a
13:35 tremendous opportunity to fellowship together
13:38 here in this room and throughout the media world.
13:42 And Lord, now as we come together to study Your Word
13:45 we ask that the same Holy Spirit who inspired its writing
13:49 will now inspire our understanding.
13:53 Teach us, we pray. In Jesus' name, Amen.
13:59 We serve a God who is great and who does wonderful things.
14:02 But one of the interesting or unique aspects of His character
14:06 is that God likes to talk.
14:08 The God that we serve is a talker.
14:11 He doesn't just communicate and let things go,
14:13 He continues to relate to them and communicate with them
14:16 and speak to them. God used His voice and words
14:20 to set creation in motion.
14:22 Throughout the Genesis 1 account you see: "And God said"
14:26 and then something would occur.
14:28 God would speak it. In Psalm 33 verse 6 we read:
14:31 "By the word of the Lord the heavens were made
14:34 and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. "
14:38 Genesis chapter 2 verses 16 and 17
14:41 records the very first action that God had -
14:45 first interaction that God had - with the created Adam
14:50 when He places Him in the Garden of Eden.
14:51 "And the Lord commanded the man saying... "
14:56 The very first thing God does with humanity
14:59 is have a conversation.
15:00 He speaks and communicates His will.
15:03 And of course the substance of that command is...
15:06 has incredible significance and requires a study all of its own.
15:10 But the simple point that I would like to emphasize
15:13 for our purposes this evening
15:15 is that the very first thing God wants to do with His human
15:18 creation is to speak to it.
15:21 God likes to talk... He's a communicator.
15:24 And even after our fall into sin
15:27 which made face-to-face communication impossible
15:32 God still, out of His love for us, decided to continue
15:36 speaking to us. To work with us, to communicate His will
15:39 hopefully to restore us and to redeem us.
15:42 And so since the face-to-face walking in the garden
15:46 in the cool of the day was no longer a possibility
15:49 the Lord had to get creative.
15:51 Sometimes He would speak audibly.
15:53 Speaking to Moses from the burning bush
15:55 there in Exodus chapter 3. Or to the boy Samuel
15:58 in I Samuel chapter 3. Or at Jesus' baptism
16:02 in Matthew chapter 3 you actually have recorded
16:04 in scripture where the audible voice of God
16:06 just says something and people hear it.
16:10 He speaks audibly.
16:11 But there were times when He communicated in other ways.
16:14 He indicated, for instance, His approval or disapproval
16:18 through the urim and thummim stones
16:21 in the ephod of the high priest's breastplate.
16:24 Now this is in the most holy place
16:26 and its high priestly role in the Old Testament.
16:30 And the Lord would reveal whether He approved
16:32 or disapproved of an idea through these stones.
16:35 Interestingly enough, He communicates.
16:37 Sometimes He speaks to people in dreams and visions.
16:40 You think of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter 2.
16:43 Not a particularly religious man.
16:46 Definitely not a follower of the true God, yet
16:47 the Lord spoke to him, gave him a dream, revealed His will
16:51 to him and then explained it through the agency of the
16:54 prophet Daniel. But He spoke to the king
16:58 and gave him this vision.
17:01 The same thing in the New Testament.
17:02 You see the example in Acts chapter 10 where Peter
17:04 was shown a vision from the Lord
17:06 when the Lord wanted to communicate His will about
17:08 the Jewish leaders going to the Gentile world.
17:12 The apostles going outside of their normal Judeo world
17:16 and going out to the Gentile world. He communicated that
17:19 through a dream.
17:21 And sometimes the Lord literally would just write things down.
17:25 By the way, I think this is one of the most beautiful
17:28 wonderful things about God is that when He wants to get it
17:30 right, when He wants to make absolutely certain,
17:33 when He wants to add that very personal touch
17:36 He'll just take His finger and write something down.
17:39 I think of the Ten Commandments.
17:41 The transcript of His character He wrote with His own finger
17:45 and delivered it to humanity.
17:47 Sometimes even negative things like at Belshazzar's feast
17:51 in Daniel chapter 5 a hand shows up
17:53 and writes out the message from the Lord in writing
17:57 for all to see. These instances recorded in the Bible
18:01 of God speaking to people through an audible voice,
18:05 or direct transcription, or by the use of the ephod stones
18:08 or such other spectacular occurrences are relatively rare,
18:14 especially when compared to the incredible number of times
18:18 the Lord communicated through His primary agent
18:22 which was His servant the prophet.
18:26 Without question God's most consistently utilized
18:31 method of communication with humanity
18:34 is the ministry of His messengers the prophets.
18:38 A simple word search reveals more than 500 instances
18:42 in scripture where phrases such as
18:45 "The Word of the Lord came to" and it gives someone's name.
18:48 "The Word of the Lord came to... " The Word of the Lord
18:49 came to this one... and it will be Abraham. It will be Moses.
18:52 It will be Elijah. It will be some messenger
18:54 who then takes that Word and speaks it to others.
18:56 The Lord doesn't speak directly to those people
18:58 but uses the agency of the prophet.
19:00 "And the Word of the Lord came to... "
19:02 And often times including that word search you can find
19:05 where it says they were commanded to give the message
19:08 with the preamble "Thus saith... " Whom?
19:11 "the Lord. " When Elijah went before someone,
19:14 when Isaiah, when Jeremiah, when Abraham...
19:16 When anyone who had a message from the Lord came to them
19:18 they didn't say: "I am Isaiah and thus saith me. "
19:21 They said: "No, no, no, no. I am speaking on behalf of
19:24 the Lord. Thus saith the Lord. The Word of the Lord came to me;
19:27 thus saith the Lord. "
19:29 It was God Himself, interestingly enough
19:32 and appropriately enough, through the prophet Amos
19:37 in Amos chapter 3 and verse 7 who made the statement
19:40 "Surely the Lord God does... " How much?
19:43 "Nothing. " I'm glad the statement doesn't end there.
19:50 Our God does some things, right? Amen.
19:53 But He does them within a context:
19:55 "Surely the Lord God does nothing EXCEPT
19:58 or unless He reveals His secret to His servants the... " Whom?
20:03 "the prophets. "
20:04 God is all about doing things. But before He does
20:08 He likes to talk.
20:09 God communicates His will before He executes His will.
20:14 God is a talker.
20:16 So tonight we're going to kind of "unpack"
20:19 this gift of prophecy. What is the role of the prophet?
20:23 What is the authority of the prophet?
20:25 What places does it have in our Christian experience
20:28 as we look forward to and by the grace of God hasten
20:31 the coming of Jesus?
20:32 What's this role of prophecy all about?
20:35 If God's preferred method of communication
20:39 is the work of a prophet - is the agency of that person -
20:44 it would be immensely helpful for us as Bible-believing
20:48 Christians to have a Biblically sound definition of exactly
20:53 what a prophet is.
20:55 I would imagine if you were to take a walk down the street
20:58 in Main Street America - anywhere in the world
21:00 for that matter - and ask someone "What is a prophet? "
21:03 I'm guessing you would get some interesting suggestions,
21:07 opinions, some ideas.
21:09 And most of them... I would hazard a guess that
21:11 most of them would say that a prophet tells the... what?
21:14 The future. They probably conjure images of, you know,
21:18 gazing into a crystal ball or reading some sort of cards
21:21 or doing some sort of incantation and sorcery
21:23 kind of thing so that they can look into the great unknown
21:26 and see the future.
21:28 And sometimes even in the Christian world we have this
21:31 idea that prophets are simply God's way of telling the future.
21:34 But I think we're going to see tonight from a study of God's
21:37 Word that prophecy is primarily not focused on future telling
21:41 or foretelling but as just simply a mouthpiece for God
21:47 or "forthtelling" what He has to say.
21:50 We're going to see that the prophet is a spokesman for God.
21:54 Basically we can summarize it this way:
21:57 prophecy is the voice of God to humanity
22:01 through humanity.
22:03 OK? God speaking to people through people.
22:09 This is the Biblical definition.
22:11 Let's take a look at it... the prophet as a spokesman for God.
22:14 Please go in your Bibles to the book of Exodus.
22:18 Exodus chapter 3. We're going to study this out.
22:20 I'm sorry... Exodus chapter 4.
22:22 Exodus chapter 4.
22:24 And we see this Biblical job description of a prophet.
22:31 Exodus chapter 4. We're going to go to verse 10.
22:33 The Lord has seen the woe and misery and sorrow
22:37 of His people in the land of Egypt
22:39 and it's time for then to... have Pharaoh let His people go.
22:43 But the Lord does not go directly to Pharaoh with that
22:45 message... He raises up a prophet... a spokesman.
22:48 Chapter 4 and verse 10:
22:50 "Then Moses... "
22:52 Of course we would imagine Moses said: "Then Moses said:
22:55 yes Sir! " Much shorter book we would have.
22:59 But that's not what the scripture records. Verse 10:
23:01 "Then Moses said to the Lord: 'Oh my Lord, I am not eloquent -
23:05 neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant -
23:08 but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue. ' "
23:12 He said: "Oh, Lord... Nnnn no. "
23:18 "I am slow of speech... I'm not eloquent. "
23:21 Which from a human perspective is a legitimate
23:24 excuse for not being a spokesperson.
23:27 You want someone who's a mouth- piece who has a decent mouth.
23:30 And Moses said: "I don't have the equipment; I'm not
23:32 qualified; I can't do it so I won't do it! "
23:36 And you know I'm so glad the Lord didn't say
23:38 "Oh, never mind. "
23:40 That's not what He said.
23:43 Watch what the Lord said... verse 11:
23:44 "So the Lord said to him:
23:46 'Who has made man's mouth? '
23:48 Or who makes the mute, the deaf?
23:51 The seeing or the blind?
23:52 Have not I, the Lord? Now therefore... '
23:55 So in light of My ability to make someone be able to speak
23:58 'Now therefore go and I will be with your mouth
24:03 and teach you what you shall say. ' "
24:06 And that should be enough.
24:09 But notice that Moses - this great hero of faith -
24:11 contends with the Lord even more. Verse 13:
24:14 "But he said: 'Oh my Lord, PLEASE
24:16 send by the hand of whomever else You may send. ' "
24:21 It's like: "Lord, don't send me. Send literally anyone else...
24:27 just don't send me. "
24:31 How did the Lord like this response?
24:32 Look at the very next verse.
24:34 "So the... " What's the next word?
24:36 "anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses
24:40 and He says: 'Is not Aaron the Levite your brother?
24:44 I know that he can speak well. ' "
24:47 Notice He didn't have to touch his mouth.
24:49 He already knows the language; he already has eloquence;
24:52 he's a good speaker.
24:53 But the Lord didn't want to use a good speaker.
24:56 He wanted a miracle to be done through a bad speaker.
25:00 "I know that he can speak well and look, he is also coming out
25:04 to meet you. When he sees you he will be glad in his heart.
25:06 Now... " And here's our key understanding of the role
25:09 of prophecy. Look closely at verse 15 and onward.
25:11 "Now you shall speak to him
25:15 and put the words in his mouth. "
25:18 Notice the Lord was going to put His words in Moses' mouth
25:22 but now Moses is supposed to take those words and put them
25:25 in Aaron's mouth.
25:29 "You speak the words... speak to him and put the words
25:31 in his mouth. And I will be with your mouth and with his mouth
25:33 and I will teach you what you shall say.
25:35 Here's the key... verse 16: "So he shall be your
25:39 spokesman to the people
25:42 and he himself shall be as a mouth for you.
25:45 And you shall be to him as God. "
25:51 God said: "The relationship I wanted to have
25:53 was Me be God; you be My prophet;
25:56 and Pharaoh would be the audience.
25:58 But now - because of your doubt, your disbelief,
26:02 your refusal - we're going to have to shift that.
26:05 So now you're going to be God; he'll be your spokesman
26:09 to Pharaoh. "
26:11 But it's interesting. He said: "He'll be your spokesman
26:16 and you'll be to him as God. "
26:18 Go to Exodus chapter 7 verses 1 and 2
26:22 and we see an equivalence developed in the story.
26:26 "So the Lord said to Moses: 'See, I have made you as God
26:30 to Pharaoh and Aaron your brother shall be your... "
26:33 And instead of the word spokesman what's included now?
26:36 "prophet. "
26:37 Do you see the equivalence now between the term
26:40 spokesman and prophet?
26:42 This is the Biblical job description of these servants
26:47 of the Lord. That a spokesman for the Lord is His prophet.
26:50 Jeremiah... let's go there quickly.
26:52 Jeremiah chapter 1.
26:54 We see the Lord called yet another person
26:56 to be His special spokesman.
26:59 And once again God's chosen vessel
27:04 is hesitant to the call.
27:08 Jeremiah chapter 1 starting with verse 4.
27:10 And here's one of those many 500 phrases:
27:13 "Then the Word of the Lord came to me. "
27:16 Jeremiah is writing his own memoirs about this.
27:19 "Then the Word of the Lord came to me saying:
27:21 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.
27:24 Before you were born I sanctified you.
27:27 I ordained you a... ' What's the word?
27:28 'a prophet to the nations. '
27:32 Then said I: 'Ah Lord God behold, I cannot speak! ' "
27:36 Now Moses' excuse was because he was not eloquent.
27:40 Jeremiah's excuse is what?
27:43 I'm too young!
27:46 "For Lord, I cannot speak for I am a youth. "
27:49 "But the Lord said to me: 'Do not say I am a youth. ' "
27:55 Let me just parenthetically pause here.
27:58 We need young people to preach the message of the Lord.
28:02 Amen!
28:03 And we don't need a generation who says: "Maybe someday I will
28:05 when I'm older. "
28:07 The Lord doesn't look at that as a rational excuse.
28:10 He doesn't think that's reasonable.
28:11 He says: "I want to use you because you're young
28:13 and do something mature through you. "
28:15 "I want to be a living miracle that only you can host;
28:19 that only you can speak to.
28:20 I want to use you as My mouth. "
28:23 But he goes on: "But the Lord said to me
28:25 'Do not say I am a youth, for you shall go to all
28:27 to whom I send you and whatever I command you
28:29 you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces
28:33 for I am with you to deliver you says the Lord. '
28:35 Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth
28:37 and the Lord said to me: 'Behold, I have put My words
28:40 in your mouth. ' " Again, God's words in a human mouth
28:45 is the definition of a prophet.
28:49 II Peter chapter 1 verses 20 and 21.
28:53 Therefore we can see from this Biblical job description
28:57 what Peter was talking about when he wrote
29:00 in II Peter chapter 1 and verse 20
29:03 where it says:
29:07 "Knowing first that no prophecy of scripture
29:10 is of any private interpretation. "
29:11 Here's the reason in verse 21:
29:13 "For prophecy never came by the will of man
29:17 but holy men of God spoke as they were moved
29:20 by the Holy Spirit. "
29:23 And again thus in II Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 and 17
29:27 Paul can unequivocally state that all scripture is
29:31 "God breathed" or "inspired of God. "
29:36 It's His Word through a human's voice or a human's pen.
29:42 They are His spokesmen.
29:44 And by the way, let's go a little bit deeper now.
29:47 Seen from this perspective Jesus Himself -
29:49 which was far and away God's clearest communication
29:53 of His will with humanity...
29:54 The best way, the most explicit way that God communicated
29:58 His character to humanity was the person of Jesus Christ.
30:01 Is that clear?
30:04 But Jesus in this sense was the most fundamental...
30:07 in the most fundamental sense was a genuine prophet.
30:11 He was literally called "The Word. "
30:14 John chapter 1 verse 1: "In the beginning was the Word
30:18 and the Word was with God and the Word was God. "
30:20 Jesus is the Word of God.
30:24 He didn't just convey the Word He WAS the Word.
30:26 He didn't just have a message He WAS the message.
30:31 By the way, don't get caught up in the trap
30:34 of thinking we have Jesus on one hand
30:36 and we have doctrine on the other hand.
30:39 Friends, Jesus is our doctrine. Amen.
30:42 Anything else that tries to split those apart
30:45 is a false dichotomy.
30:47 It is not founded on scripture.
30:49 Jesus is not just a part of our message
30:52 Jesus IS our message. Amen!
30:54 Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 1: "God, who at various times
30:57 and in various ways spoke in times past
30:59 to the fathers by the prophets
31:02 has now in these last days spoken to us
31:05 by His Son. "
31:07 In this sense Jesus can be understood as the apex of
31:11 prophecy, the... not just the Word of God
31:14 to man but the Word of God AS MAN.
31:16 He was the embodiment of God's message to humanity.
31:21 To Moses the Lord had prophesied this coming prophet.
31:24 In Deuteronomy 18 verses 18 and 19 we read:
31:27 "I will raise up for them a Prophet" - capital P -
31:30 "like you from among their brethren. I will put My words
31:34 in His mouth, and He shall speak to them
31:37 all that I command Him. "
31:39 This was Jesus' job description when He came.
31:42 He didn't come to have His own will.
31:44 But not His will but the Father's will be done.
31:46 Is this true?
31:48 It only stands to reason then that Jesus would make the
31:50 statements that He did... John chapter 8 and verse 28
31:53 for example. He says: "I do nothing of myself.
31:56 But as My Father taught Me I speak these things. "
32:00 A spokesman for God. How about John 14 verse 10?
32:04 "Do you not believe that I am in the Father and that the
32:06 Father is in Me? The words that I speak to you
32:09 I do not speak on My own authority,
32:11 but the Father who dwells in Me does the work. "
32:15 John 14:24... how about this one?
32:17 "The Word which you hear is not Mine. "
32:21 So in this same context, Jesus can say: "I am the Way,
32:25 the Truth, and the Life" but at the same time "the words
32:27 that I speak aren't My words. "
32:28 "I am the Truth, but I am sent from God.
32:31 I am the message. "
32:33 "The word which you hear is not Mine
32:36 but the Father who sent Me. "
32:40 Let's take this a little bit... step deeper.
32:42 We're developing an idea here. We're developing a theme.
32:47 In the gift of prophecy we get a glimpse
32:50 into the working relationship that God has with Himself.
32:55 Did you know that God can work with Himself?
32:58 God can talk with Himself.
33:01 He's a totally unique being...
33:03 He can't be totally unique... you just simply ARE unique.
33:05 He's a solitary, one of a kind, unique being in all the
33:09 universe: one God in three persons.
33:12 Thus we see in Genesis 1:26: "Let us make man in our image. "
33:18 God has a conversation and then executes His will.
33:21 God works with Himself.
33:23 So thus we can see... For instance, we saw in
33:26 II Timothy chapter 3 and verse 16
33:28 "All scripture is given by inspiration of... " Whom?
33:31 "God. " And we read that God the Father.
33:35 So that's what Paul says, but II Peter chapter 1 and verse 20
33:38 which we just read - verses 20 and 21-
33:41 declares that "holy men of God spoke as they were moved
33:44 by the Holy Spirit. "
33:47 Apparently every member of the Godhead has a role
33:50 in this prophetic utterance.
33:53 God the Father; God the Holy Spirit.
33:55 "But you may say: "What about Jesus?
33:56 Besides being the embodiment of the message
33:58 how does He work in it? "
34:00 Go with me to I Peter chapter 1.
34:03 You're already in II Peter. Just back up to I Peter
34:05 chapter 1 and verses 10 and 11.
34:08 Let me show you something fascinating.
34:11 We're going to break this down.
34:13 Chapter 1 starting with verse 10.
34:17 Speaking of the salvation that is ours
34:20 that is extended - offered to us - through Jesus Christ
34:23 notice what the apostle says. Verse 10:
34:25 "Of this salvation the prophets inquired
34:30 and searched carefully. "
34:32 Now pause right here. The prophets were the ones
34:35 who foretold the coming of Jesus
34:37 yet they still searched and studied
34:40 to understand it more.
34:42 We see that also in the book of Daniel.
34:44 He would receive a message, write it down,
34:46 and still not understand the full implication. Is this true?
34:50 Same thing about... with Jesus.
34:51 They would prophesy the coming of Jesus
34:52 but they didn't quite understand it... so they inquired.
34:55 They searched to understand it better.
34:57 "They searched carefully" - verse 10-
34:59 "who prophesied of the grace that would come to you. "
35:02 Verse 11:
35:04 "Searching what or what manner of time
35:07 the Spirit of Christ who was in them
35:11 was indicating when He testified beforehand
35:15 the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. "
35:20 Now this is a little bit of a complicated sentence structure
35:23 but let's break it down what he's actually saying here.
35:26 The prophets prophesied by what the text says here
35:31 as the Spirit of Christ who was in them.
35:36 But I thought it was the Holy Spirit who moved them to speak?
35:39 But according to this text it was the Spirit of Christ
35:42 who inspired them with their messages.
35:46 Note this carefully again. According to the apostle...
35:48 and by the way, can I add the prophet Peter...
35:53 it was the Spirit of Christ in the prophets
35:56 that testified to them of the things that they wrote.
36:00 The Spirit of Christ was testifying...
36:02 Which by the way this is a fascinating parallel.
36:05 Christ testified in the prophets
36:10 about Himself and then showed up
36:13 and fulfilled the words of the prophets in His life.
36:18 And the apostle Peter said it was the Spirit of Christ
36:21 who was testifying in the prophets.
36:24 When someone testified, by the way, they have shared
36:27 their testimony. Is that true?
36:30 So whose Spirit was in the prophets?
36:33 According to the text, the Spirit of Christ,
36:37 the Spirit of Jesus. Jesus was giving His testimony.
36:43 Would it not be perfectly reasonable then
36:46 to understand in Peter's statement a simple equivalence?
36:49 The gift of prophecy IS the testimony of Jesus.
36:55 So all scripture is given by inspiration of God,
36:58 holy men were moved by the Holy Spirit,
37:01 and it was the Spirit of Christ who testified in them
37:03 of things to come. All three members of the Godhead
37:07 represented in this gift of prophecy.
37:09 And it's the testimony of Jesus is the content of their message.
37:13 The gift of prophecy IS the testimony of Jesus.
37:18 Go to the book of Revelation.
37:20 Let's flesh it out even more.
37:21 Revelation chapter 1.
37:23 Perhaps the clearest passage in scripture
37:26 to explain the mechanics of prophecy...
37:30 how God's message gets to His people...
37:32 is found here in Revelation chapter 1 starting with verse 1.
37:36 "The revelation of Jesus Christ
37:39 which God gave Him to show His servants
37:44 things which must shortly take place.
37:47 And He sent and signified it by His angel
37:50 to His servant John
37:52 who bore witness to the Word of God and to the
37:54 testimony of Jesus. "
37:56 Notice the Word of God is the scripture
37:58 and the testimony of Jesus is that message he's received:
38:02 the gift of prophecy.
38:04 "Who bore witness to the Word of God
38:06 and to the testimony of Jesus Christ
38:08 to all the things that he saw. "
38:10 Notice that the testimony of Jesus Christ
38:12 is the testimony of all the things that he saw.
38:14 It was that prophetic insight he was given
38:17 by God through Jesus. Fascinating.
38:20 In fact, let's break it down a little bit.
38:22 We notice here that God the Father gives the message
38:24 which He calls the revelation of Jesus Christ
38:26 to His Son. His Son gives it to His messenger -
38:32 which in this case is the angel -
38:34 and the angel gives it to John.
38:38 John writes it down and gives it to the churches.
38:41 Thus we see exactly the mechanics of the gift
38:45 of prophecy. From God to Christ,
38:48 and Christ sends it this time through an angel
38:50 to His messenger John.
38:52 John writes it down, sends it out to the churches.
38:54 And all of this experience
38:56 in Revelation chapter 1 and verse 10
38:58 John calls simply "being in the Spirit. "
39:02 God the Father, God the Son,
39:05 God the Holy Spirit... all transmitting a message
39:09 from God to His people.
39:10 God likes to talk to His people.
39:13 Notice this also:
39:14 this makes it perfectly reasonable that as He continues
39:18 unfolding this message to the churches which is the book
39:21 of Revelation notice what He says here starting with verse 4:
39:26 "John to the seven churches which are in Asia" -
39:29 so now the formal letter has begun -
39:31 "grace to you and peace from... "
39:34 and he doesn't say "from John. "
39:37 He says "No, this is not my message. "
39:39 He said I'm giving you greetings from "Him who was
39:44 and is and is to come" -
39:46 which is God the Father -
39:47 "and from the seven Spirits which are before His throne" -
39:50 which is the Holy Spirit. Verse 5:
39:52 "and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. "
39:56 The One who can testify.
39:58 "The faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead,
40:00 and the ruler over the kings of the earth. "
40:02 All the members of the Godhead are at work
40:06 in the gift of prophecy.
40:08 This is how it operates.
40:10 By the way, that same equivalence - the testimony
40:13 of Jesus IS the gift of prophecy -
40:15 is the spirit of prophecy -
40:18 that Peter had outlined already we see again in Revelation.
40:22 This time go to Revelation chapter 19 and verse 10.
40:24 Revelation 19 verse 10.
40:28 John receiving this message from his angel messenger
40:31 is so excited, so astounded, he basically loses his mind.
40:36 He gets so excited. In verse 10 in chapter 19 he says:
40:40 "And I fell at his feet... " - speaking of the feet of the
40:43 messenger, the angel messenger -
40:45 "And I feel at his feet to worship him, but he said to me
40:48 'See that you do not do that!
40:51 I am your fellow servant. ' "
40:55 And you'll notice as you study the Bible that there's
40:57 an equivalence always between servant and prophet.
41:00 "Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing till He reveals His
41:03 secrets to His servants the prophets. "
41:06 He calls John His servant.
41:08 And now he says "I'm a fellow servant. "
41:13 "See to it that you do not do it. I am a fellow servant
41:15 and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus.
41:18 Worship God for the testimony of Jesus is... " What?
41:24 "the spirit of prophecy. "
41:26 Now there is an idea floating around that no, no, no, no, no.
41:28 The spirit of prophecy is simply - or the testimony of
41:31 Jesus - is simply your personal testimony about what
41:35 Jesus has done in your life.
41:37 By the way, every Christian should in that sense
41:41 have a testimony of Jesus. Is that true?
41:43 We should have something to say.
41:45 Before I was that... I was lost but now I'm found.
41:47 I was blind but now I see. Jesus is the change in me.
41:51 However, that's not what's being discussed here.
41:54 And we can tell that. Let's say: "Well you can see here
41:57 the spirit of prophecy can kind of be interpreted...
42:00 doesn't necessarily mean a prophet. "
42:03 Until you go to Revelation chapter 22...
42:06 Look at chapter 22 and go to verse 8.
42:11 John once again gets so excited that he does the same thing.
42:14 22 and verse 8:
42:16 "Now I John saw and heard these things. And when I heard
42:20 and saw I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel
42:24 who showed me these things.
42:26 Then he said to me: "See that you don't do that! ' "
42:30 He must be getting tired of it at this point.
42:32 Please stop it! "For I am your fellow servant... "
42:37 Word for word so far, right?
42:39 "and of your brethren... " But this time he doesn't say
42:42 "who have the spirit of prophecy. " He says...
42:45 "or have the testimony of Jesus" he says:
42:48 "Am your fellow servant and of your brethren the prophets. "
42:52 What we're talking about here in the testimony of Jesus
42:56 is the gift of prophecy. The prophetic utterance
43:00 that God gives to an individual as His mouthpiece:
43:03 His spokesman to His people.
43:06 Now let me pause here.
43:08 Christians vehemently and I believe correctly so
43:13 war against the idea of deism.
43:16 Deism is the belief that God started everything
43:20 and then just kind of flung it out there.
43:22 Good luck. Everything operates on natural law. There's no...
43:26 there's no personal God involved in our life.
43:29 That deism basically there was a God way back here
43:31 and everything else just kind of goes.
43:35 We... and I believe Bible- believing Christians should be
43:37 against that idea... but I believe that the same
43:39 Bible-believing Christians who war against that, many of them
43:43 have somehow suddenly or even subconsciously
43:46 accepted a modified form of deism.
43:50 Basically they look at the Bible and say
43:52 "Yes, from Genesis to Revelation God was a personal God.
43:55 God spoke to people; God spoke to prophets
43:57 hundreds of times in the Bible.
43:59 God spoke to prophets and He gave a message to His people
44:02 through the gift of prophecy but NOW
44:04 we're on our own. "
44:07 God spoke but now He is silent.
44:15 My friends, God still speaks. Amen.
44:21 He has a message for us today
44:24 and He has sent it through His servants the prophets.
44:29 Have no mistake about this.
44:31 God did not get this whole thing going for x-many years
44:34 and then just kind of stop and let it take it momentum.
44:36 No, no, no, no. God has a plan from the beginning to the end.
44:39 He's the first to the last and friends
44:41 Jesus is coming soon. Amen!
44:43 And until Jesus comes He will continue to guide His church
44:47 through the spirit of prophecy. Amen.
44:49 So let's see if we can justify this.
44:51 By the way, Hosea chapter 12 and verse 13
44:55 tells of how God guided His children of Israel
44:58 in the Old Testament times by a prophet. It says:
45:00 "By a prophet... " Hosea 12:13...
45:03 "By a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt
45:06 and by a prophet he was preserved. "
45:08 They were led and preserved by the gift of prophecy...
45:12 ancient Israel.
45:13 Stephen in Acts chapter 7 explains that the rejection
45:17 of the guidance of God's prophetic messengers
45:19 culminated in their rejection of Christ.
45:21 You'll find this in Acts chapter 7 verse 51 and 52
45:26 where standing before the Sanhedrin - the Jewish leaders
45:29 of his time - who now after Jesus' death he makes this bold
45:32 speech saying: "You stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart
45:37 and ears... " I'm sorry... "in heart and ears
45:40 You always resist... " Whom? "the Holy Spirit. "
45:44 And what does he mean by that?
45:47 "You always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did
45:50 so do you. " Then he says: "Which of the prophets
45:54 did your fathers not persecute? "
45:58 He's like: "Open the scroll. Show me one prophet
46:01 that they were like: "Oh we love your message.
46:03 We respect you; we trust your authority.
46:06 Come on in. " No!
46:07 He says: "Looking back... all the way back...
46:10 God's people don't like God's messages
46:13 so they take it out on God's messengers. "
46:19 "Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute?
46:21 They killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One
46:23 of whom you have now become the betrayers and murderers. "
46:29 By the way, Jesus said the exact same thing
46:31 in parable. You'll find it in Matthew chapter 21.
46:33 The vineyard owner sent servant after servant -
46:37 of course that's prophet after prophet -
46:40 servant after servant to the hired laborers, but they killed
46:43 each one. Finally the owner sent his son saying
46:47 "Surely they will listen to my own son... "
46:50 but they killed him too.
46:54 Looking at this tragic history of the children of Israel
46:58 Paul in I Corinthians 10 explains that their history,
47:02 their failure, should be a lesson, examples for us
47:05 upon whom the ends of the ages are come.
47:09 The history of Israel and their rejection of prophecy
47:13 that led to their rejection of the Messiah at His first coming
47:16 is to be a lesson book for us in the New Testament time
47:19 as we look forward to the second coming of Christ
47:21 that we will not repeat their folly.
47:24 And if God guides through the gift of prophecy
47:27 we should listen to the God who speaks to us today.
47:32 Each gift list in the New Testament
47:35 whether it's in Romans 12, I Corinthians 12,
47:38 I Corinthians 14, Ephesians chapter 4...
47:41 the only gift that's mentioned in each one consistently
47:44 is the gift of prophecy.
47:46 This is the New Testament church. God didn't stop talking.
47:49 When Jesus showed up He was done. No, no, this was
47:51 the New Testament church. After Christ apparently the gift of
47:53 prophecy continues on.
47:55 Revelation chapter 12.
47:56 Maybe you're still there in your Bibles.
47:58 Go to Revelation 12 verse 17.
47:59 As Seventh-day Adventists we probably know this text by heart
48:03 but if haven't seen it, it's right there in your scripture.
48:05 After a description of Satan's war against the true church
48:08 of God it culminates in verse 17
48:10 where Satan -
48:16 this... here in figure referred to as the dragon -
48:19 we find in verse 17: "And the dragon was enraged
48:21 with the woman" - which represents the church -
48:24 "and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring
48:28 or the remnant of her seed. "
48:30 And how do you know who's the rest of the offspring?
48:32 Who's part of that true church? That final message?
48:35 "Those who keep the commandments of God
48:39 AND have the testimony of Jesus. "
48:42 Which the book of Revelation and the apostle Peter calls
48:45 the gift of prophecy. Amen!
48:47 If you want to know if we are part of God's last time
48:49 end-time message just before Jesus comes,
48:51 just look for simple things. Are they keeping God's law?
48:55 Are they faithful to the Ten Commandments...
48:57 all of them? AND within that movement
49:03 is there guidance from the gift of prophecy? Amen!
49:06 According to scripture, this is a Biblical definition;
49:09 it's a Biblical expectation.
49:11 Prophecy didn't end... God still speaks.
49:15 Given the tragic example of Israel's rejection of the
49:18 prophets and the clear teaching that the New Testament church
49:20 would have the gift of prophecy even till Jesus comes -
49:23 that final movement - it's no wonder that in I Thessalonians 5
49:27 verses 19-21 we read the words of Paul
49:31 which I imagine he wrote so emphatically:
49:33 "Do not quench the Spirit. "
49:37 "Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecy. "
49:44 Now he doesn't say "So anything that's called
49:47 a prophet accept it"
49:50 'cause that would be ridiculous.
49:52 Jesus Himself said: "Beware lest anyone deceives you.
49:56 False prophets will be coming. "
49:58 But does not that imply that there will be true prophets
50:00 at the same time? Why counterfeit something
50:02 that doesn't exist?
50:06 Jesus said there's going to be false and there's going to be
50:07 true. And so Paul says here "Don't quench the Spirit.
50:09 Don't despise them... " Don't accept them out of hand
50:12 nor reject them out of hand.
50:14 You should be discerning; you should be judicious.
50:17 He said: "Test all things
50:18 and hold fast to that which is good. "
50:21 Test all things.
50:22 Now if we had time we could go through a long litany of
50:25 the test of the prophets, but I'll very quickly give this
50:27 to you. If you want to buy the DVD and slow it down
50:29 you can catch it. Maybe they'll offer one with subtitles,
50:33 but here we go: what to look for in a true, latter-day
50:36 messenger/spokesman for God.
50:38 First of all, does it harmonize with the rest of God's
50:40 inspired Word in his holy scripture?
50:42 The same Spirit that inspired the scripture
50:45 will inspire the prophet to explain the scripture.
50:47 Is that clear? Amen!
50:48 Isaiah 8 verses 20 and 21:
50:52 "To the law and to the testimony. If they do not
50:53 speak according to this Word
50:55 it is because there is no light in them. " Very simple.
50:57 God's new light has to match with the other light.
51:00 Amen. Very simple.
51:01 Acts chapter 17 verse 11 Paul - which by the way
51:04 at this point Paul was not in the Bible -
51:06 he was a noncanonical prophet
51:10 when he would go around and speak to people.
51:13 He would show up in the synagogue: "I have...
51:14 the Word of the Lord has come to me saying... "
51:17 And when he went to the town of Berea
51:20 he found that they were more noble-minded than those
51:22 other towns he had been to.
51:24 For what reason? He says:
51:26 "They received the Word with all readiness
51:29 AND searched the scriptures daily to find out
51:33 whether these things were so. "
51:34 Seventh-day Adventists here at Camp Meeting:
51:36 we have a lot of wonderful speakers here. Amen?
51:39 Amen. We have a lot of wonderful speakers out in the world
51:41 presenting fantastic messages. But never accept a message
51:43 just because of a personality you like saying it.
51:47 Test all things and hold fast to that which is good.
51:50 Amen. The history of scripture is littered with great men
51:54 who fell at important times.
51:57 Your trust is in the Lord.
52:00 Your trust is in His Word, and if a messenger has
52:04 the message from the Lord, you put your faith in the
52:06 message but you always test new light by the Word of God.
52:12 If it declares something will occur, the event will
52:14 come to pass.
52:16 If they proclaim the truth about Jesus coming in the flesh,
52:18 that's one of the signs.
52:20 By the way, if it's the testimony of Jesus
52:23 he'll get the teaching about Jesus correct.
52:26 Does this make sense? Yes. Common sense.
52:29 And of course, Matthew chapter 7 verse 20:
52:32 Christ-like fruits from their ministry must be evident.
52:36 After they present their word, when the teaching goes
52:38 in the hearts and the mind and the practices and the lifestyle
52:40 of those listeners, do they become more like Jesus?
52:43 But if the message leads away from Jesus,
52:46 away from a Christ-like life, watch out now.
52:50 But I tell you: we go through these tests of a prophet
52:54 which are valid and which are true
52:56 but you know what you will never find in scripture
52:59 is a test that says: "And make sure you like it. "
53:06 If it speaks not according to your desires
53:10 it is because there is no light in it.
53:12 That text is nowhere in scripture.
53:15 How many times did the Word of God come to His own people
53:19 and His own people said: "No no no. We don't like this one. "
53:23 That's what Stephen was saying in Acts chapter 7.
53:25 "The reason you rejected Christ is because you rejected
53:27 His prophets. " Jesus had to deal with that in the Pharisees.
53:30 "You search through the scrip- tures but they testify of Me. "
53:35 Hmmm.
53:40 Your enjoyment of the message presented is never an argument
53:43 for or against its validity.
53:45 The question is always and only:
53:47 "Is it true according to God's Word? "
53:51 By the way, there are people today... and I believe that
53:54 the Lord has spoken in these last days through the gift
53:56 of prophecy as manifest in the ministry of Ellen G. White.
53:58 Amen.
53:59 I'm just saying it out loud because I believe it's true.
54:02 And don't just take my word for it.
54:04 Read it for yourself; test it to scripture;
54:06 run it through the wringer. I promise on the other side
54:08 it will come out shining clean. Amen.
54:12 But there are people who will say: "No, no, no.
54:14 The spirit of prophecy is manifest but
54:16 you've got to understand, um,
54:19 she was human. " Which, by the way, yeah.
54:24 That's right... OK.
54:26 Not a particularly profound statement.
54:28 It sounds deep when you say it all slow...
54:30 but it's just a statement of fact. So was Isaiah.
54:33 So was Jeremiah. So was Daniel.
54:35 So was Isaiah. We could go through every list and every one
54:36 of them could have passed the human test.
54:40 So the question is not humanity
54:42 or gender. Female prophets in scripture, too.
54:49 But they'll say: "No, no, no. The spirit of prophecy
54:51 is a wonderful gift; it's great devotional reading
54:53 but it has no doctrinal authority. "
54:57 A friend of mine, Pastor Mark Howard,
54:59 brings out a beautiful question:
55:03 if God sends a prophetic message
55:06 and it doesn't have authority in matters of doctrine,
55:10 why did God send the prophetic message if it wasn't to correct?
55:16 You know, what we don't need is more opinions.
55:21 Right? Right. We need clarification;
55:24 we need understanding; we need truth from God's Word.
55:27 Not truth apart from God's Word but help us to understand
55:31 God's Word better. We need an authoritative helper.
55:33 We need the clarifying lens.
55:35 Acts chapter 15. Acts chapter 15.
55:38 How does the Word of God say that this happens?
55:41 I want to show you something as we come to our conclusion
55:43 very quickly: Acts chapter 15.
55:46 When there was a question in the early church -
55:49 verse 6 of Acts chapter 15- over circumcision
55:52 and the reception of Gentiles into the church
55:55 notice what happened. Verse 6:
55:56 "Now the apostles and elders came together to consider
55:59 this matter. And when there had been much dispute
56:01 Peter rose up and said to them:
56:04 'Men and brethren, you know that a good while ago
56:07 God chose among us that by my mouth
56:10 the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel
56:13 and believe. ' " How did they know that, by the way?
56:14 If you do the study, you would go back to Acts chapter 10
56:18 the vision - the prophetic experience he had -
56:21 where God sent him to the Cornelius Gentiles, right?
56:27 And he said: "You know that this occurred. "
56:28 A prophetic experience now is guiding them in the formation
56:32 of doctrine. And watch what happens.
56:37 Goes on: "So God who knows the heart acknowledged them
56:41 by giving them the Holy Spirit just as He did us
56:43 and made no distinction between us and them
56:45 purifying their hearts by faith.
56:46 Now therefore... " And he starts to base his argument
56:48 on that reason. When he was done you go down to verse 12
56:51 everyone listens to Paul and Barnabas talk about their work
56:54 among the Gentiles and finally James comes here in verse 15...
57:02 I'm sorry, verse 13: "And after they had become
57:04 silent James answered saying: 'Men and brethren,
57:05 listen to me. Simon has declared how God at the first
57:08 visited the Gentiles to take out them a people for His name.
57:11 And with this the words of the prophets agree. "
57:16 They took the spirit of prophecy manifest among them,
57:19 compared it with scripture,
57:21 and made a doctrinal decision because God still speaks.
57:27 Ladies and gentlemen, God is still speaking
57:28 to His church today.


Revised 2014-12-17