Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Music Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000002

00:46 Well we're just having a wonderful time already,
00:49 and our second program already! Yeah.
00:51 Amen! Time flies when you're being blessed, doesn't it?
00:56 It really does. And you've noticed that
00:59 we have added someone - Mollie Sue, that's right -
01:03 to our group here. And Mollie, what's going on?
01:07 A lot of good things... 3ABN Camp Meeting!
01:09 That's what's going on. Spring Camp Meeting, right?
01:12 And Mollie, what are we going to be doing?
01:14 What's the folks that's here and those at home
01:16 got in store for tomorrow?
01:17 Well once we get you here we don't think you ought to have
01:20 any time to do anything but stay in God's Word.
01:22 So to the best of our ability we've got something planned
01:26 just every hour that we can.
01:28 And so tonight, of course, we have two more hours.
01:32 And then we hope you go and get some rest
01:34 and then are back out here bright and early
01:36 at 8 o'clock in the morning for breakfast.
01:38 You can get your meal tickets... I know some of these folk.
01:41 There's no way they're going to be here at 8 in the morning.
01:44 Oh yes you are! Can they come at nine if they...
01:46 If you have to come at nine - OK - I guess you can. All right.
01:49 At 9 o'clock, though, we start out with seminars.
01:52 We have seminars... four seminars tomorrow
01:55 every hour and a half. And so the first one is
01:59 9 o'clock in the morning. How many of you will be here
02:01 at 9 o'clock in the morning? I want you to just look at that!
02:04 I see that... OK. You'll get out here bright and early
02:07 in the morning. And that's going to be Jay Rosario
02:10 "Preparing Your Home For The Second Coming - Part 1. "
02:14 Now this is tomorrow. Friday it's identically the same
02:18 so I'm not going to go over Friday's seminars
02:20 because they're the same as tomorrow... part 2.
02:22 Different subjects but same people. Right. OK.
02:24 OK. And then at 10:30 in the morning we have
02:29 James Rafferty - "Prophetic Waymarks - Part 1. "
02:32 And so what does that mean's going to happen on Friday
02:34 morning at 10:30? Part 2. Part 2.
02:36 See. Ya'll get it.
02:38 OK. Then at noon tomorrow Stephen Bohr
02:41 with "God's Omniscient Sword. "
02:43 And then at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon Hiram Rester -
02:48 "Genesis Pillars of Revelation's Prophecies. "
02:51 So don't we have an incredible day - Amen -
02:54 already prepared for tomorrow? We sure do.
02:56 And tomorrow night we start this all over again, don't we Danny?
02:59 We do. And tomorrow night we have Reggie and Ladye Love Smith
03:03 I think's going to be here - yeah - doing music for us too.
03:05 That's right. Well it's just a wonderful time together.
03:09 And I was... I just cannot believe the number of people
03:12 here on Wednesday night already.
03:14 This means that this weekend you have to come early
03:17 to get your seat. You'd better come early is right.
03:19 Because whenever we have this large a group on Wednesday
03:23 night it's going to really be a big weekend.
03:26 And we're looking forward to that.
03:27 And wow, Danny, it really kind of overwhelms me
03:32 because we're already using overflow and...
03:35 We've got some big walls we can move out there
03:38 and we can make a lot more room for folks.
03:40 So if you're watching in the local area
03:42 we invite you to come. Yes! And we want you to be here
03:46 with us this weekend. So, many of you when we go into Wal-Marts
03:49 and stores all around they say: "We love 3ABN; we watch it. "
03:53 Well we want you to come out and meet some of our other
03:55 brothers and sisters here and some of your brothers and
03:57 sisters from around the world here at 3ABN Camp Meeting.
04:01 Spring Camp Meeting. Yes.
04:03 Jim, we have some great music tonight. We do!
04:06 And, you know, music is... I guess it's in the eye
04:09 or ears of the beholder. But to me what makes
04:12 great music is when it number 1 uplifts the Lord
04:15 Jesus Christ and when the artist who's singing
04:18 uplifts the Lord Jesus Christ.
04:20 Music shouldn't be about self.
04:22 It should be about lifting up God.
04:24 And I know Allison Speer.
04:27 I've known her for a number of years.
04:28 And Allison and her husband Brian... they're so dedicated
04:31 to the Lord's work. And not only that,
04:34 but then they have a special gift. If she chose, she could be
04:37 using this gift anywhere in the world that she wanted to.
04:40 But Allison has said: "I'm going to use my gifts
04:43 and Brian... we're going to use the talents and gifts
04:46 God has given us to uplift and magnify and glorify His name. "
04:50 So we're going to ask her to come out at this time.
04:52 And Allison, last time we gave you one song, but today -
04:56 tonight - this is yours now, right?
04:58 So... How nice! How nice. So as long as you want...
05:01 As long as you're done in 30 minutes
05:03 you can take all you want. OK.
05:05 The rest of the night if you want as long as you...
05:08 No, she's got it all planned. She's got the songs
05:11 and ready to go. And your husband Brian,
05:13 he's taking care of you, isn't he? Yes.
05:15 He's gettin' your songs all lined out for you.
05:17 He's got them all ready.
05:18 Thank you for being here. It's been a while.
05:20 And you know we love you and we've had some great times.
05:23 I've had the privilege of traveling with her
05:25 family and your mother-in-law Faye. Yes.
05:28 You know, let me tell you: Faye is doing good.
05:31 She just came home from a rehab facility.
05:34 She fell and broke her right arm in six places
05:38 and her hip in two places.
05:41 And the night before she was going to come home from that
05:44 after about five weeks she fell again
05:47 and broke her left arm. She is home right now
05:50 and watching. Good. So we'll say "Hello. Hi Mom! "
05:55 "Ms. Faye... Mom... we love you. We really do. "
05:58 And hopefully next time - and maybe even Fall Camp Meeting -
06:01 you can come and join us. Yeah, that'd be good.
06:04 Thank you, Allison. Thank you Danny.
06:14 Sometimes I feel like I'm just walking around
06:18 with my head up in the clouds.
06:22 I'm steady movin' but I'm not gaining ground...
06:26 heading the wrong way in a crowd.
06:30 Then I remember I'm not part of this world...
06:34 I'm moving higher each day.
06:38 Upward mobility sounds mighty good to me
06:42 I just can't wait to get away.
06:46 Have to remember I'm not here to stay
06:50 I'm lookin' forward to a brighter day
06:54 Got to remember I'm not here for long
06:58 I'm just living in my temporary home.
07:17 Oh... if you are bothered by the problems of life,
07:22 Don't you let 'em get you down.
07:26 Just look to Jesus... you will not be denied.
07:30 He'll move you up to higher ground.
07:34 Don't you forget that you're a child of the King;
07:38 that you're an heir to His throne.
07:42 You may not know just when He's coming back again
07:46 to take us to our happy home.
07:50 Got to remember I'm not here to stay
07:54 I'm lookin' forward to a brighter day
07:58 Got to remember I'm not here for long
08:02 I'm just living in my temporary home.
08:06 Got to remember I'm not here to stay
08:10 I'm looking forward to a brighter day
08:14 Got to remember I'm not here for long
08:18 I'm just livin' in my temporary home.
08:22 Whoa, I'm just livin' in my temporary home.
08:28 Amen.
08:30 Hey, listen to this voice if you will.
08:32 This is my father-in-law, Brock Speer.
08:36 Oh how well I remember
08:41 in the old fashioned days
08:47 When some old-fashioned people
08:52 had some old-fashioned ways.
08:58 In the old-fashioned meeting
09:03 as they tarried there
09:10 In the old-fashioned
09:14 manner
09:17 how God answered their
09:23 prayer. Isn't that voice wonderful?
09:26 The best bass singer in the world.
09:33 Lord, I have a heavy burden
09:37 of all I've seen and know.
09:39 It's more than I can handle.
09:42 Oh, but Your Word is burning like a fire
09:47 shut up in my bones.
09:50 I can't let it go.
09:53 And when I'm weary and overwrought
09:58 with so many battles left unfought
10:04 I think of Paul and Silas in the prison yard.
10:09 I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars.
10:14 And when the saints go marching in
10:20 I want to be one of them.
10:25 Lord, this burden that I carry
10:29 I cannot leave behind.
10:32 But it all can overwhelm me.
10:35 But when I think of all who've gone before
10:39 and lived a faithful life
10:42 their courage compels me.
10:45 And when I'm weary and overwrought
10:51 with so many battles left unfought
10:56 I think of Paul and Silas in the prison yard.
11:01 I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars.
11:06 I see the shepherd Moses in Pharaoh's court.
11:11 I hear his call for freedom for the people of the Lord.
11:17 And when the saints go marching in
11:22 I want to be one of them.
11:26 Yes, when the saints go marching in
11:33 I want to be one of them.
11:37 I hear old Daniel praying in the lion's den.
11:43 Then I see Stephen dying
11:46 with the Lord's name on his lips.
11:48 I see the Man of Sorrow
11:51 with His long, troubled road.
11:53 I see the world on His shoulders and my easy load.
11:58 And when the saints go marching in
12:04 I want to be one of them.
12:08 I think of Paul and Silas in the prison yard.
12:14 I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars.
12:19 I see the shepherd Moses in Pharaoh's court.
12:24 I hear his call for freedom for the people of the Lord.
12:30 And when the saints
12:32 go marching in
12:37 I want to be one of them.
12:43 I want to be...
12:44 I want to be one of them.
12:54 Amen.
12:57 I think of all the songs that I have to sing
13:00 this one has to be my favorite.
13:03 The word redeemed is a precious word in my life.
13:10 I was a slave
13:15 in a foreign land.
13:19 So very far from
13:22 the Father's loving hand.
13:28 He rescued me
13:31 one glorious day.
13:36 He called me out;
13:38 paid a debt I could not pay.
13:44 I am redeemed.
13:49 I am redeemed.
13:53 Jesus loosed the chains of sin
13:57 and set me free.
14:01 I am redeemed.
14:06 I am redeemed.
14:10 Jesus loosed the chains of sin
14:14 and set me free.
14:22 Oh, but still I live
14:26 in a foreign land.
14:31 But now I'm free according to
14:36 redemption's plan.
14:40 And soon I'll join the wrapped in white...
14:45 the redeemed
14:49 and sing a song the holy angels
14:53 cannot sing.
14:57 I am redeemed.
15:01 I am redeemed.
15:06 Jesus loosed the chains of sin
15:10 and set me free.
15:14 I am redeemed.
15:18 I am redeemed.
15:23 Jesus loosed the chains of sin
15:27 and set me free.
15:33 Some glorious morning they shall come from every nation
15:37 and every generation.
15:39 Side by side they shall march
15:41 into the celestial city of Jehovah
15:44 and in perfect harmony they will begin humming a new song.
15:49 It's a song composed by God and arranged for His people.
15:54 As the saved by grace approach the land of their dreams
15:58 the hosts of heaven - the holy angels -
16:00 will step aside and be silent
16:02 for they cannot sing this new song.
16:04 It's a song reserved for voices who once cried out
16:07 for their Redeemer, those washed in the blood of the Lamb.
16:11 We are the redeemed!
16:13 I am redeemed
16:18 by love divine.
16:22 Glory! Glory!
16:26 Christ is mine!
16:29 He's mine!
16:31 All to Him
16:34 I now resign.
16:39 Jesus loosed the chains of sin
16:43 and set me free.
16:47 Yes, Jesus loosed the chains of sin
16:52 and set
16:54 me free.
17:03 Amen! I am redeemed!
17:07 Isn't that a good song?
17:09 Phil Cross wrote that. I think it's one of the finest songs.
17:14 It was... It's fairly new - maybe ten years old -
17:16 but the Lord is still anointing songs.
17:19 The Lord is still anointing young song writers to write
17:23 for the body of Christ. And we are a witness to that.
17:27 We are a witness to that.
17:29 He will have a witness in every age, and we see that happening,
17:33 don't we? I hear a lot of people talking about how...
17:36 what is wrong with the church.
17:38 I want to talk about what's RIGHT with the church.
17:41 We get a lot of stuff right.
17:44 We are givers. We bear one another's burdens.
17:48 We care for one another. We lift one another in prayer.
17:52 We gather in peace. We are tolerant people.
17:56 That is a gift from God.
17:58 That is not something that we take lightly.
18:01 We are tolerant of folks because we want to share
18:04 the love of Christ with people.
18:06 There are lots of things right in this world.
18:11 Doesn't mean we don't go through some struggles and trials,
18:16 but those struggles and trials we lay at the feet of Jesus.
18:21 And we just hold on. We hold on, right Bart?
18:24 Bart's going through a physical trial right now.
18:27 This pain that you're experiencing is temporary.
18:32 This is your temporary home.
18:34 And I love what Bill Gaither says: "We are all terminal. "
18:42 That's pretty good. "We are all terminal. "
18:45 But praise God, He is an everlasting Lord
18:49 and He keeps His hand over us.
18:52 Guiding us; teaching us; giving us instruction
18:57 where we need instruction...
18:59 strength where we need strength,
19:02 that incomprehensible peace
19:07 when you need peace.
19:11 In shady green pastures
19:16 so rich and so sweet
19:21 God leads His dear children
19:27 along.
19:31 Where the waters flow
19:35 by the weary one's feet
19:40 God leads His dear children
19:46 along.
19:52 Some through the water,
19:56 some through the flood.
20:01 Some through the fire,
20:05 but all through the blood.
20:10 Some through great sorrow
20:15 but God gives a song
20:19 in the night season
20:24 and all the day
20:28 long.
20:42 Sometimes on the mount
20:47 where the sun shines so bright
20:52 God leads His dear children
20:56 along.
20:59 Sometimes in the valley
21:04 in the darkest of night
21:07 God leads His dear children
21:12 along.
21:16 Some through the water,
21:20 some through the flood.
21:24 Some through the fire,
21:28 but all through
21:32 the blood.
21:37 Some through great sorrow
21:41 but God gives a song
21:46 in the night season
21:53 in
21:57 the night season
22:00 and all
22:06 the day
22:09 long.
22:24 Amen. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
22:29 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth
22:33 for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.
22:37 And there was no more sea.
22:39 Then I, John, saw the Holy City,
22:42 a New Jerusalem, descending out of heaven as a bride
22:46 prepared for her husband.
22:48 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying:
22:51 'Behold the tabernacle of God is with men.
22:55 And He will dwell with them and be their God
22:58 and they shall be with Him and be His people. ' "
23:17 In this house we've built
23:22 of make believe
23:26 loved ones go long before
23:31 it seems it's time to leave.
23:36 But we learn how to give,
23:40 to forgive and receive
23:45 till we see them there
23:49 in that city.
23:53 "And He shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
23:56 And there shall be no more sorrow or death
23:59 or pain... for the former things are gone.
24:03 Span of stars overhead
24:08 as we walk this road.
24:13 While the darkness remains
24:17 I will bear your load.
24:22 And together we will tell
24:26 of the seeds He sowed
24:31 as we walk the road
24:35 into that city.
24:40 On that day we will sing
24:45 "Holy, holy. "
24:52 On that day
24:55 we'll bow down
24:59 in the light.
25:05 And then
25:07 we'll rise
25:11 and turn our eyes
25:17 to the One
25:20 who's the light...
25:22 the light of that city.
25:32 Though my mind can't conceive
25:37 all that He's prepared
25:42 and my eyes cannot see
25:46 all that's waiting there...
25:51 There the blind will see the sun
25:55 and the old will be made young
26:00 and the lame... the lame will run
26:04 the streets of that city.
26:09 On that day we will sing
26:15 "Holy, holy. "
26:21 On that day
26:24 we'll bow down
26:28 in the light.
26:34 And then
26:36 we'll rise
26:41 and turn our eyes
26:46 to the One
26:49 who's the light...
26:51 the light of that city.
26:58 On that day we will sing
27:03 "Holy, holy,
27:09 holy, holy, holy. " On that day
27:13 we'll bow down
27:16 in the light.
27:21 Oh-oh-oh-oh, and
27:24 then we'll rise
27:30 and turn our eyes
27:35 to the One
27:38 who's the light...
27:41 the light of that city.
27:47 Oh, and then
27:50 we'll rise
27:54 and turn our eyes
28:00 to the One
28:03 who's the light...
28:06 to the Lord, He's the light...
28:11 the light of that
28:13 city.
28:21 Blessed be the name of our Lord.
28:24 Come on out here, Danny.
28:26 Thank you. Beautiful! We will see Him as He is.
28:31 Um-hmm. You know, Allison... Allison got my mind to wondering
28:34 about... the songs have given us a glimpse of heaven tonight.
28:38 As we think about it and I've said that myself...
28:41 I go places and I tell people "We're all terminally ill.
28:44 We're born that way. "
28:45 And as you said, Gaither was saying that.
28:47 And so we have to have hope.
28:49 And that hope is sometimes in life we
28:53 kind of get confused and Satan throws things in our way
28:56 and we take our eyes away from Jesus.
28:59 But that's why 3ABN Camp Meeting. That's why
29:01 Three Angels Broadcasting Network
29:03 that have people who come - whether they speak,
29:05 whether they sing as you are -
29:07 in giving us a glimpse of that city.
29:10 And that just hit me. I was sitting back here
29:11 and I was thinking about the diversity.
29:14 That when we get to heaven how surprised many of us will be
29:17 that somebody else was there, right?
29:19 And to me like: "I didn't think he was going to make it. "
29:22 You know, boy. And they're saying:
29:24 "Well I didn't think Danny was going to get there. "
29:26 But you see all the different people and all the Christians
29:29 from all the different... See we... How many believe
29:31 that God has people in all churches? Don't you?
29:34 I do. So we realize we're not saved by the name as they say
29:37 "over the doorpost" but we're saved... we're saved when we
29:40 give our lives to Jesus and submit and commit.
29:43 And Allison, for instance. We've ministered together
29:45 for years. You all are Nazarene, right?
29:47 Yes. And your family is Nazarene
29:49 and you're wonderful Christian people. And I thought
29:51 all of these people when we get to heaven will say
29:54 "You mean that Catholic's over here? I didn't know he was
29:56 going to make it. " "Well those Adventists
29:57 are over there. I sure didn't know
29:59 they were going to make it. "
30:00 There's this old... this old... and I hope it was a joke.
30:03 Somebody said that when you got to heaven...
30:06 They dreamed they went to heaven and they said
30:08 you know, whoever they use, Saint Peter or somebody was
30:10 showing them around. And here was the Pentecostals
30:13 and they were praising the Lord.
30:14 And over here there were these people and they were
30:17 worshiping and doing. You know, everybody was
30:19 having this great time worshiping and then they got
30:21 over to a little place on the hill in the valley
30:23 and there were a group of people that was real quiet.
30:26 And they said: "Shhh... be real quiet.
30:28 Those are Adventists. They think they're the only ones here. "
30:34 But now we know that's not true. That was just a dream
30:36 somebody had. But I was thinking about when we get to heaven
30:39 the different kinds of music, the different cultural
30:42 you know, things that people have.
30:45 And so God is such a great God. Amen.
30:49 And to think about, you know, what He must see when He
30:51 looks down on this earth now.
30:53 And though the world is headed in a direction
30:57 that again that there is no future without Him
31:00 He still can look down and say: "You know, there's 7,000
31:03 that haven't bowed their knees to Baal. "
31:05 Amen. And we want to be part of that. I know you do
31:08 and Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
31:10 Thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support
31:13 of 3ABN as we can continue to give an undiluted
31:17 three angels' messages unto all the world.
31:19 Because God has told us of whom much is given
31:21 much is required.
31:23 God has given us prophecy.
31:25 This, Allison, says Pillars of Prophecy.
31:27 And prophecy is so important.
31:29 A lot of people don't even understand how important it is.
31:32 And somebody said to me once:
31:34 "Why is prophecy so important to you? "
31:36 And I said: "I'll tell you why it's so important to me
31:38 is because I can say now that I've studied it somewhat
31:42 I've read the back of the book.
31:44 So no matter what Satan throws at me
31:46 I say: "I've read the back of the book, and the back
31:48 of the book says two words: 'we win. ' "
31:50 Right? If you don't know prophecy,
31:53 you don't understand that you win!
31:55 So now understanding what's coming, you can take it.
31:59 You can say: "Ok, all right. I understand it. "
32:02 I give an illustration sometimes of John and Mary.
32:05 They go in a bookstore... Or these folk are going -
32:08 whatever their names are - they go in a bookstore
32:10 and they buy this book. And they read the back of the book
32:13 and it says... Let's say that the folks were in the book
32:17 "John and Mary rode off into the sunset happily ever after. "
32:20 Now the folks take the book home; they're reading it.
32:22 One hundred pages in this 200-page book
32:25 John and Mary fell off a cliff.
32:28 It's a thousand-feet drop and they're hanging onto a limb.
32:32 That's not bad enough... the limb is cracking
32:34 and it looks like sudden death.
32:36 Do you... does the reader take the book and throw it away
32:40 and say: "Oh, no. John and Mary's going to die! "
32:42 Do they? No. Why not?
32:45 You read the back of the book.
32:47 So now it gets exciting so you say:
32:50 "Wow, how is the author going to get these folk
32:52 out of this jam? " Now in reality you and I can say
32:56 "How's God going to get us out of this? "
32:58 But we've read the back of the book, so Pillars of Prophecy...
33:02 And we have people that are teaching this.
33:04 And 3ABN has been blessed with speakers like you see tonight.
33:07 Bro. John will be here in just a few moments. Yes.
33:10 You know... Elder Dan that was here and all week we have
33:12 a lineup of all these folks coming to talk about
33:15 the good news ahead.
33:18 So we don't have to fear for what lies ahead
33:21 because we can understand the Word of God
33:23 and the end-result is: we win.
33:26 Allison, we love you and Brian. We appreciate you so much.
33:29 Thank you for what you do for the cause of God.
33:31 I was... Years ago - it might have been ten years ago -
33:34 I was watching one of the Gaither Homecomings.
33:36 A lot of these folk... they may not raise their hand
33:38 but I bet a lot of them watch these things at home.
33:41 And some wonderful programming for sure.
33:45 And so I was watching it, and this lady got up
33:48 and sang a song. And I'll never forget. I said:
33:50 "That woman has an anointing on her. "
33:52 And I Will Glory in the Cross was the song she sang.
33:56 And I said: "Man, this woman has an anointing on her.
33:59 What an incredible voice. I'd love to get her to 3ABN
34:02 sometime. " And it was Allison Speer.
34:04 And later... I don't know if I was talking to E.T. or someone
34:08 and she said: "Oh, we ran across Allison and Brian. "
34:10 I said: "I've got to meet these folk. "
34:12 You met Brian first. I met Brian.
34:15 And so we're thankful that... for what you do again
34:18 for the cause of God and thank you for coming to 3ABN.
34:20 Thank you; God bless you.
34:26 It's my privilege now to introduce my pastor
34:29 and the pastor of this church and the SDA church,
34:32 Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church here,
34:35 part of the Illinois Conference.
34:36 Pastor John, how are you doing?
34:38 Good to be here, Danny. He's not only my pastor
34:40 but he's my basketball buddy.
34:42 And several years ago we invited John to come to 3ABN.
34:46 We had a little church and... and it was like a company.
34:50 And the conference said: "Well we can't afford to pay pastors,
34:52 but if 3ABN wants to do that. " So we said: "OK. "
34:56 So we interviewed John... two Johns actually.
34:59 John Lomacang and John Stanton.
35:02 Any of you know John Stanton from House Calls?
35:04 He's six foot with his... Barefooted he's 6' 9-1/2".
35:07 So he's a little bit taller than I am. He's a little bit...
35:10 He's a big... he's a big boy.
35:13 And so we ended up... They came here and so we said:
35:17 "You know, we need these folk on our pastoral staff. "
35:19 So we hired them and one of the members came and they said:
35:23 "Are those guys good preachers? "
35:24 And I said: "I don't know if they can preach or not
35:26 but we needed some good basketball players
35:28 for our ball team. " And so they didn't take that too seriously -
35:33 No they didn't - I hope. But anyway
35:35 John is a good basketball player.
35:36 But I just want the folks to know that I love you
35:39 and appreciate you and Angie for what you do.
35:41 I have a tremendous amount of respect for you
35:43 because I've seen you year in and year out
35:46 always committed to God, to the gospel.
35:49 And I know that that's what your life is all about:
35:51 spreading the three angels' messages - undiluted
35:54 three angels' messages - to a lost and dying world.
35:57 And thank you for not only the support you give to 3ABN,
36:00 to me personally, many of the folks out here. We love you
36:03 and we look forward to you ministering to us right now.
36:05 Thank you, Danny... appreciate that.
36:08 Wow! How do you follow Allison Speer?
36:11 I thought about that back there but I said:
36:12 "Wait, I'm not following Allison Speer, I'm following Jesus. "
36:16 Amen. And so it's a lot easier.
36:18 You know, I was thinking of the songs to sing tonight
36:20 and one that came to my mind was the song "I Surrender All. "
36:24 You know, when I got involved in ministry in the church
36:27 when I first started I was a member of a 1,200 capacity
36:31 church in Brooklyn, New York: Bethel SDA Church.
36:34 It was disheartening to try to sing on Sabbath morning
36:37 with so many eyes looking at you having never sung before.
36:40 So my wife and I began by going to prison ministry.
36:43 Every Sabbath after Sabbath School we'd go to prison
36:45 ministry. And we'd sing there and preach there
36:48 and it became easy because we were singing and preaching
36:50 to people that when they entered the prison they gave up
36:53 everything that they were and had
36:55 before they entered these houses of incarceration.
36:59 And I thought about that a little bit. I said: "You know,
37:02 when they enter the prisons - whether maximum security,
37:06 whether county jail - everything that they had
37:09 on the outside they leave it on the outside.
37:13 They can't take a single thing with them on the inside except
37:16 who they are. And I thought about the writer of this song -
37:20 a young man that lived in the late 1800's. And he said...
37:23 He was a musician. He played 13 different instruments.
37:26 He was caught between being a Christian and a worldly
37:30 composer. And one day as he was conducting a song
37:34 in a local church - a small little church -
37:36 the Lord touched his heart and he said:
37:38 "I've got to give up all the things that connect me
37:40 to the world and I've got to surrender all to Jesus. "
37:43 And that's where this song was born: I Surrender All.
37:46 And the Lord impressed me a few years ago
37:48 to re-introduce those songs that never lose their power
37:51 and never lose their value.
37:53 So listen to the message in a song that never loses
37:56 its power and never loses its message: I Surrender All.
38:15 All to Jesus
38:20 I surrender,
38:23 All to Him
38:26 I freely give;
38:30 I will ever
38:35 love and trust Him,
38:40 In His presence daily live.
38:47 I surrender all,
38:54 I surrender all,
39:02 All to Thee,
39:06 my blessed Savior,
39:11 I surrender all.
39:23 All to Jesus
39:27 I now surrender,
39:31 Humbly, humbly
39:33 at His feet I bow.
39:38 Worldly pleasures
39:43 all forsaken,
39:48 Take me, Jesus,
39:51 take me now.
39:55 I surrender all,
40:02 Oh, I surrender
40:07 my all,
40:11 All to Thee,
40:14 my blessed Savior,
40:19 I surrender all.
40:27 I surrender my all,
40:33 Lord, I surrender
40:38 all.
40:42 To You, my Lord,
40:46 and to You, my Savior,
40:51 I surrender all.
40:59 All to Jesus
41:03 I now surrender,
41:07 for I feel that
41:11 sacred flame.
41:14 Oh, the joy
41:18 of full salvation,
41:23 glory, glory
41:27 to His name!
41:33 I surrender my all,
41:39 Lord, I surrender
41:45 all,
41:49 All to You
41:52 my blessed
41:55 Savior,
42:00 I surrender
42:05 all.
42:18 Amen.
42:24 September of this year is going to be an anniversary.
42:27 Not our wedding anniversary. We just celebrated 29 years
42:30 in May. And just keep my wife in your prayers.
42:33 She's home with a fever.
42:36 This song hopefully will encourage her and give her
42:38 strength. September 29th of this year
42:42 will be my third anniversary of my throat injury.
42:48 Three years ago September 26 right here on this stage
42:51 at 3ABN I was preaching a sermon about Job.
42:55 And I said: "On any given day without any prior notice
42:58 and for no apparent reason you'll be faced
43:00 with a challenge and the trial of your life. "
43:03 Three days later, playing basketball in the gym,
43:06 I got elbowed in the throat.
43:07 No, it wasn't Danny. He's not tall enough to reach my throat.
43:11 I just had to say that!
43:14 'Cause somebody said: "Was it Danny? "
43:16 No, it couldn't have been Danny.
43:17 Love you, Danny. But that just fit right there.
43:22 I got elbowed in my throat and the physician said
43:25 if I had been hit about 1/2 inch higher I would never sing again.
43:29 I was sent home; put on 2 weeks solid voice rest.
43:33 He said: "Don't speak, don't whisper, don't talk,
43:36 don't leave your house. "
43:37 My wife liked that for about three to four days.
43:40 After that she said: "Say something! "
43:42 And so the only way I could communicate was through my
43:45 laptop computer. I began to talk with an electronic voice.
43:47 "Hello Angela. Are you in the house? "
43:50 And frightened her half to death when she heard this
43:52 strange voice in the kitchen.
43:55 And... But there was nothing more humbling than for a singer
43:59 to sit down and not be able to sing.
44:03 And I stayed home, didn't preach.
44:06 My first sermon back was A Time To Keep Silent.
44:11 What a time I had with the Lord... just He and I.
44:14 I couldn't sing but I turned my music up real loud.
44:17 Played my bass and my keyboard just praising the Lord
44:19 with tears running down my eyes.
44:21 And so I said: "Lord, OK. I don't know what this is
44:24 all about. I don't know what's going to come out of this
44:26 that's going to be praise to You but I'm just going to
44:28 use whatever I have left. " And gradually
44:31 my voice has been returning.
44:33 And I'm praying that it will come back fully... hopefully
44:35 maybe at the end of this three-year period.
44:37 But this song illustrates what God can do
44:40 because just a month and a half after I almost lost my voice
44:43 I had to go to Australia with Danny... and sing!
44:48 And I said: "There's no way. "
44:50 God blessed in spite of my weakness.
44:55 And so if you're going through something
44:58 I pray this song encourages you. Because tonight
45:00 the voice that I have is because the Lord in His mercy
45:05 and His infinite wisdom reached down and touched those
45:08 vocal cords. And He's allowing them to heal in His own time
45:11 and for His glory.
45:13 Allow the Lord to touch you
45:14 and that's where the difference will be made.
45:26 I was shackled by a heavy
45:31 burden,
45:33 Living beneath
45:36 a load of guilt and pain.
45:43 Then the hand of Jesus
45:49 touched me
45:52 and now I am no longer the same.
45:58 You know the chorus. Sing with me. Are you ready?
46:00 He touched me,
46:04 O He touched me,
46:09 And O the joy
46:13 that floods my soul!
46:19 Something happened,
46:23 and now I know
46:27 He touched me
46:30 and made me whole. Amen?
46:37 Since I met this blessed
46:42 Savior,
46:44 And since
46:47 He cleansed and made me whole,
46:53 Now I will never cease
46:58 to praise Him...
47:02 I'll shout it
47:05 while eternity rolls.
47:09 Are you ready? Here we go.
47:12 He touched me,
47:15 O He touched me,
47:21 And O the joy
47:25 now floods my soul!
47:28 Now listen: Something happened,
47:34 and now I know...
47:38 Yes, something happened
47:42 and now I know
47:46 You know that something wonderful happened
47:50 and now I know...
47:57 He touched me,
47:59 O Jesus touched me,
48:05 And O the joy
48:09 now floods my soul!
48:13 You know, something wonderful happened
48:17 and now
48:20 I know
48:28 Jesus touched me
48:32 and made
48:37 me whole.
48:49 Amen.
48:53 Beautiful, John.
48:55 If his voice gets much better I don't think I'll be able
48:58 to take any more. That's so good now
48:59 that's about all I can absorb.
49:01 What a blessing and what a great guy John is
49:05 and what a great Christian.
49:06 Speaking of that, it's my privilege to introduce
49:09 another wonderful brother in the Lord. I love this man
49:12 like my own brother. And Pastor C.A. Murray.
49:14 And C.A.'s going to sing. When he first came,
49:18 folks, he's very... he's never said "I can sing. "
49:22 So people didn't even know he could sing.
49:24 Now I knew he could sing. Come on out Pastor Murray.
49:27 I knew he could sing because when I went to
49:29 Mollie said: "You're going to a camp meeting. "
49:31 It's... which camp meeting was the first one I went to?
49:34 Northeastern. Northeastern, and that's basically
49:37 a black camp meeting, right? Um-hmm.
49:39 OK. And there was how many people there?
49:40 Seven thousand maybe. 7,000 people or so.
49:43 So Mollie said: "You and Melody are singing
49:46 at this big camp meeting. "
49:47 So she said: "The guy... one of the guys who scheduled you,
49:52 a Pastor C.A. Murray, said he's singing a trio with you. "
49:55 And I said: "No he isn't. "
49:57 And she said: "Well he said he can sing. "
50:00 I said: "It doesn't make any difference.
50:01 We've got our little game plan together.
50:03 I'm not going to go out in front of 7,000 people
50:06 and somebody get up and sing. He may be a great singer
50:08 but we've got to practice. I'm going to get there
50:11 just in time to go sing. " So she said:
50:13 "Well you'll at least be open to listen to him. "
50:15 And I said: "Well if he's there before we practice... "
50:18 So Melody and I started doing a song that she wrote.
50:21 which is the one... oh... I Know the Plans.
50:24 I Know The Plans. And so here come this...
50:27 This fellow come up and he grabbed the microphone.
50:29 And what I hadn't realized... he had a record
50:32 so he had been practicing with it
50:34 so he fit like a hand in glove.
50:36 And I said: "Man, this guy's quick. "
50:38 Then later he confessed "I already knew it;
50:40 I've been singing with Melody's CD. "
50:44 So that's how I met C.A. Murray.
50:46 He's an incredible preacher.
50:48 He and Irma are wonderful additions... their family that's
50:51 come here... has been a wonderful addition to 3ABN.
50:55 And we're so thankful for you, C.A.
50:57 and for your talent in music.. though he's not one
51:00 to push himself or to go out and say: "Hey, I want to sing. "
51:03 So we have to ask him. "Hey Murray - Pastor Murray -
51:05 would you sing for us? " And he says: "Whatever you want;
51:08 whatever the Lord wants me to do I'm willing to do it. "
51:10 So thank you for being here and blessing us.
51:12 And when this song is over when that clock's to zero...
51:16 You've got it to zero, right?
51:18 I've got it to zero.
51:19 I want you to close your eyes really quick.
51:21 I want you to think about heaven.
51:25 Now open them.
51:27 It's a rather difficult request, isn't it?
51:29 Because the Bible says your eyes have not seen
51:31 your ears have not heard. Hasn't even entered into our
51:34 hearts what God has prepared.
51:35 So we are much more comfortable thinking about the things that
51:38 won't be in heaven.
51:40 Because we really just don't know what will be in heaven
51:43 because you have nothing to compare it to.
51:44 Our best on earth falls short of what will be in heaven. Amen?
51:49 Amen. So we are comfortable thinking about what won't be
51:52 in heaven. No more sickness; no more sadness;
51:54 no more sorrow; no more rent payments;
51:57 no more doctors; no more nurses;
51:58 no more eyeglasses; no more rheumatism;
52:01 no more arthritis; no more aches; no more pains.
52:03 And the Bible says the last enemy that will be put under
52:07 God's feet is death. Amen. No more death.
52:10 I have a sermon called The Land Of No Regrets.
52:14 There'll be no regrets in heaven.
52:16 No regrets and no more death.
52:19 When I was pastoring in New York at one church -
52:21 my Ephesus church - I did 117 funerals.
52:24 Got sick of death.
52:26 Had one little funeral... seven little coffins.
52:30 There was a party one night at a house.
52:32 And it got a little cold and so they turned on the kerosene
52:36 heater. But somebody put gasoline in this kerosene heater
52:40 and it exploded. And the fire shot upstairs
52:42 and the seven little cousins instead of coming out of the
52:45 bedroom ran and hid under the bed.
52:48 And so we had seven little white caskets.
52:52 I'm glad to tell the parents that Jesus is going to mark
52:56 those caskets and we will see them one day.
52:59 There will be no more death.
53:01 What a day of rejoicing that will be...
53:07 when we all get to heaven!
53:18 Sing the wondrous love
53:22 of Jesus,
53:25 Sing His mercy and His grace;
53:31 In the mansions so bright
53:36 and blessed He'll
53:40 prepare for us a place.
53:45 A place.
53:50 While we walk the
53:53 pilgrim's pathway
53:57 Clouds will overspread
54:01 the sky;
54:04 But when trav'ling days
54:08 are over
54:10 Not a shadow, not a sigh.
54:16 A sigh.
54:20 When we all
54:23 get to heaven,
54:28 What a day of rejoicing that will be!
54:34 And when we all
54:39 see Jesus,
54:42 we'll sing and shout the victory.
54:52 Let us then be
54:56 true and faithful,
55:00 Trusting Jesus, serving Jesus
55:03 ev'ry day;
55:07 Just one glimpse of Him
55:12 in glory
55:14 Will the toils of life repay.
55:20 Repay.
55:25 Onward to the prize before us!
55:32 Soon His beauty
55:35 we'll behold;
55:38 Soon the pearly gates
55:43 they will open and we
55:47 shall tread the streets of gold.
55:52 Of gold.
55:55 When we all
55:59 get to heaven,
56:03 What a day of rejoicing that will be!
56:09 For when we all
56:14 see Jesus,
56:17 We'll sing and shout the victory.
56:23 So when we all
56:27 get to heaven,
56:31 What a day of rejoicing that will be!
56:37 For when we all
56:41 see Jesus,
56:46 we'll sing and shout...
56:49 we'll sing and shout...
56:52 we'll sing and shout
56:55 the victory.
57:09 Amen.
57:12 Going to be a great day and a great time.
57:16 You must promise even now
57:18 to be there on that grand and glorious day.
57:22 And the good news is it's coming soon,
57:27 soon, and very soon. Amen?


Revised 2014-12-17