Pillars of Prophecy, 2012

Our Prophetic Heritage

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dan Jackson


Series Code: 12POP

Program Code: 12POP000001

00:46 Well it is a beautiful night here in West Frankfort, IL.
00:51 It is... it's beautiful outside.
00:53 The temperature is just perfect. It is.
00:54 It is. I told you when you came here...
00:56 He asked me about the weather. He said: "Well I don't know.
00:59 How's the weather? " I said: "It's perfect year round. "
01:02 Well it's been perfect today. And it got him here,
01:04 and he got here in about November.
01:06 We had an ice storm in December. Yeah.
01:08 He called me and said: "What about the perfect weather? "
01:10 I said: "It's the first time I've ever seen anything
01:13 like this. I guess you brought it. "
01:15 Anyway I'm sorry to interrupt. We're here at Camp Meeting
01:19 already. We are! You can tell it's going to be a fun, relaxed
01:21 but spiritual time, right? We've got a wonderful group
01:23 of people here and we had a wonderful whole busload
01:27 that came from Huntsville, AL. Oh, I'm looking forward to that.
01:30 Yeah. They come just about every year.
01:32 If you're from Huntsville, raise your hand. All right.
01:34 There you are, right. Praise the Lord!
01:36 Let's welcome them. OK. All right; all right.
01:39 I was... I was there this last week.
01:42 I was there just the other day, Sunday night,
01:43 at a wedding down there. OK.
01:45 Yeah. Lot of great folk from there. Amen.
01:48 Well listen, we are looking forward to a tremendous weekend.
01:54 Elder Dan Jackson is our keynote speaker tonight.
01:57 Elder John Bradshaw will be next after our music program. Um-hmm.
02:03 And then we have... the rest of the week we'll be
02:06 studying Bible prophecy.
02:08 Bible prophecy is so important to Seventh-day Adventists.
02:12 It is... without Bible prophecy we would not exist.
02:17 And so it is something that we feel needs emphasis
02:23 at this particular time.
02:25 We have lined up we really believe
02:28 the finest teachers and speakers of Bible prophecy
02:33 that are in this denomination today.
02:35 And if you look at that list
02:37 I think you'll just about have to agree with me.
02:39 Incredible speakers and then then the music we have.
02:42 You know, we have Reggie and Ladye Love Smith
02:45 going to be here for tomorrow night and Friday night
02:47 and basically much of the weekend.
02:49 We have a number of folk who are coming in.
02:51 And so it's going to be a spiritual feast, folk,
02:54 for real... it really is.
02:56 And it wouldn't happen without all of you here.
02:58 So we're glad that you are here.
03:00 Those of you that can't make it - couldn't make it -
03:02 for whatever reason we want you to stay tuned
03:05 because between Friday night and Sabbath all day, Jim,
03:08 I don't know. What do we have? Twelve hours or something.
03:10 I think it's 13 hours. Thirteen hours.
03:13 I do, and I'm looking forward to it.
03:16 I want you to know that. All right.
03:18 Well listen, part of that is going to be we have some
03:21 young people that have done a project here.
03:24 We call it Love Rules!
03:26 And Sabbath morning you're going to get to hear a bunch of
03:29 young folk singing for Jesus.
03:31 And they do such an incredible job. And it was such a pleasure
03:34 working with them. They really do, and Danny wrote
03:37 the songs that are... Every one of them
03:40 the Lord gave them to you. It was an exciting experience,
03:43 wasn't it? Well it was, and we'll talk more about it
03:45 later. But I decided... I was thinking about our
03:48 Pillars of our Faith and the music and how
03:50 people have received it so well and I thought
03:53 "What about our young people? "
03:54 So I began to ask people: "Do you know... could you recite
03:57 the Ten Commandments? " Yeah. Most said: "Well, I don't
03:59 know if we could. " Then I started asking the adults
04:02 "Well, we're not sure. " So we said: "Well, maybe we need
04:05 to write some songs like the Pillars of our Faith
04:08 except bring it down to youth.
04:11 That's easy for me to do... I relate to that -
04:13 with my mentality - so that works pretty good.
04:16 And the Lord blessed. And so we have some
04:18 key doctrines and songs and music that'll be here this week
04:21 also. So we've got lots of things going.
04:23 And I think the weather's going to hold out to not be
04:25 too hot and too cold.
04:27 Just like I told you... it's always perfect.
04:28 It's supposed to be beautiful here this weekend.
04:30 Perfect weather in southern Illinois. Perfect, that's right.
04:32 Well we've got some music coming up now.
04:34 We do. We have some of the... These are some of the dearest
04:37 people that I've ever met in my life:
04:39 Allison and Brian Speer.
04:41 Now Brian... gettin' him on camera is a chore.
04:44 He won't get on camera, but he's always working behind the
04:47 scenes... her husband. He told someone back stage
04:50 "I've only been on television once in the last many many years
04:53 and that was... Danny got me up front for some reason. "
04:56 I won't do him that way tonight.
04:57 But Allison has been singing... Many of you have probably
05:00 seen her on the Gaithers. I don't know if anybody watches
05:02 the Gaithers stuff? OK, quite a few of you do.
05:05 And on It Is Written. Yeah, she's been on It Is Written
05:08 singing. Of course with 3ABN our Camp Meetings in the past.
05:11 But it's been a while since she was here, and we're privileged
05:13 to have Allison Speer here from Nashville, Tennessee.
05:16 And she's just going to... We've told her: "Just bless us
05:18 and when you're through we'll come out and
05:20 just keep going as long as the Lord is blessing. "
05:23 Allison, are you here? Come on out.
05:25 All right. Let's welcome Allison, all right?
05:27 Thank you, Danny. All right. Thank you. Love you.
05:42 You ask me why I believe like I do.
05:46 Why I'm so convinced that the Bible is true.
05:51 I'm here to tell you it's only because
05:57 I've come through enough
05:59 to see what faith does.
06:04 Faith sees the invisible,
06:07 believes the impossible,
06:09 receives the incredible no matter what was.
06:14 Faith moves the unmovable,
06:16 proves the unprovable
06:19 for anyone willing to trust.
06:23 Believe and you'll see what faith does.
06:31 If there's a mountain that stands in your way,
06:36 for all you can see it will be there to stay.
06:41 God said with the faith of a small mustard seed
06:46 that mountain will move.
06:48 Believe and you'll see!
06:53 Faith sees the invisible,
06:56 believes the impossible,
06:58 receives the incredible no matter what was.
07:03 Faith moves the unmovable,
07:06 proves the unprovable
07:08 for anyone willing to trust.
07:12 Believe and you'll see what faith does!
07:20 Faith sees the invisible,
07:23 believes the impossible,
07:25 receives the incredible no matter what was.
07:33 Faith moves the unmovable,
07:35 proves the unprovable
07:38 for anyone willing to trust.
07:42 Believe and you'll see what
07:45 faith does.
07:50 See what faith does.
07:55 Believe and you'll see.
08:00 See what faith
08:03 does.
08:07 Amen!
08:13 Allison will be back with us in the next hour...
08:17 will be doing a mini-concert and presenting more music
08:22 at that particular time.
08:24 Our message tonight will be brought to us by
08:27 Elder Dan Jackson.
08:29 He is the President of the North American Division
08:32 of Seventh-day Adventists which involves
08:36 of course the United States. It involves Bermuda
08:40 and it also involves Canada.
08:43 It's a wonderful, wonderful division and has been...
08:48 It was the original division for Seventh-day Adventists
08:52 as this particular organization was founded
08:55 in the United States.
08:57 But the President of the North American Division
09:02 which also involves Canada is a Canadian.
09:07 And he is the first Canadian to hold the position
09:12 of president of the division.
09:14 And he was elected by a strong majority
09:18 at the General Conference that took place
09:22 a few years ago now in the beautiful town of
09:27 Atlanta, Georgia.
09:29 So we are excited about him.
09:31 We've appreciated his leadership.
09:34 A number of decisions that he has made that we know to be
09:39 very positive decisions.
09:42 Pray for him because he faces a lot of challenges.
09:47 In the church today there are many, many challenges.
09:51 And so pray that God will always give him
09:54 the judgment that he needs to make those decisions.
09:59 We ask for your prayers here at 3ABN
10:01 for the same reason as well.
10:04 Elder Jackson will pray for us as he begins the service,
10:09 and we will ask him to come at this time.
10:20 Good evening. Good evening.
10:23 How are you this evening? Good.
10:25 I have a simple and a fundamental question
10:27 that I want to ask this evening.
10:29 As you sit there and I stand here
10:32 I want to ask all of those who are with us tonight
10:36 who are ministers to please stand up.
10:41 Now you all believe in the Bible, don't you?
10:46 You're a little confused about that.
10:50 Will all the ministers in the congregation please stand up?
10:54 You know, I'm going to talk about that tonight.
10:57 I'm so glad to see that the scriptures have sunk in.
11:02 Please be seated.
11:04 And praise God, the reality is this:
11:07 that at the moment you accept Jesus Christ
11:12 as your personal Savior
11:14 you have become a minister of the Most High God.
11:18 You have accepted privileges and responsibilities
11:23 that you did not have before.
11:25 And it does not matter whether you intend to or not
11:29 you have become a witness to God.
11:34 Would you pray with me as we begin?
11:38 Our God and our heavenly Father,
11:40 we thank you so much for Your grace and Your goodness.
11:45 We want to honor You because You are the King of Kings
11:49 and the Lord of Lords.
11:52 And heavenly Father, we anticipate that very soon
11:55 Your Son and our Savior, Jesus,
11:57 will return to this planet. And we are anxious for that.
12:02 We appeal to You as John did to come.
12:06 And heavenly Father, we pray that as we are here
12:09 anticipating that return that You will change each of us
12:15 to the extent that we know and understand all the time
12:19 what our responsibilities are
12:21 and the privileges that we share.
12:23 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
12:26 She woke up one morning in Hamilton, Ontario,
12:31 and she went to her father and she said to him:
12:35 "Dad, I've got to go to Sacramento. "
12:40 And he said: "Why do you have to go to Sacramento? "
12:45 And she said: "I don't know,
12:48 but I believe that God told me last night that I need
12:52 to go to Sacramento. "
12:54 And her father - who is a dear, understanding man -
12:57 said to her: "If you believe God wants you to go to Sacramento,
13:01 then you'd better go to Sacramento. "
13:03 Now she wasn't going to go to school there...
13:06 she had done that already.
13:07 But she had a burden laid on her to go to Sacramento.
13:12 And so she did. She got a jet; she flew to Sacramento.
13:16 And once she got there and the plane landed
13:20 the Lord directed her: "Go and find a lady
13:24 you have been studying with previously. "
13:27 She couldn't remember the woman's name.
13:30 She couldn't remember where the lady lived.
13:32 There's a little bit of a predicament, right?
13:35 Not too many people get up in the morning and say:
13:38 "Well I think I'll just go to Sacramento today"
13:40 and then do their best to get on a jet and get there.
13:43 But that's what she did.
13:45 And she tried to remember as best as she could
13:49 how to find her way to the woman's house.
13:52 And she drove in that section of the city that she thought
13:56 might be the right place, but she felt that she was
14:00 hopelessly lost. And so she pulled into a garage station.
14:04 And there as she pulled into that station
14:06 a young man in a car pulled in behind her.
14:11 And he got out of his car.
14:15 And this again... this is not a good thing, right?
14:17 We don't do this.
14:19 But this young man got out of his car
14:22 and he went and knocked on her window.
14:24 She rolled the window down and he said:
14:26 "It looks like you are lost. "
14:28 And she said: "That's exactly right. I am lost.
14:33 I'm looking for a lady that I used to study the Bible with
14:39 and she lives around here.
14:42 And her name is... " And she gave the name.
14:45 And the young man just stepped back from the car
14:48 and he said: "That's my grandmother.
14:51 That's my grandmother! "
14:54 And she went and studied with that woman
14:57 and she studied with him, and they both are SDA's today.
15:00 God touched her mind.
15:03 Now why would we be surprised about that?
15:06 I mean, it's a thrilling story, isn't it?
15:08 But why would we be surprised about that?
15:11 Because the Word of God tells us that "In those days
15:15 God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. "
15:20 You see, as Seventh-day Adventists we have been known as
15:24 the people of the Book.
15:27 The people of the Book.
15:29 And yet that is not just a flippant statement.
15:32 That is not just an appellation that we give to ourselves
15:36 to make us feel good about ourselves.
15:39 The reality is that we have by God's grace
15:43 and at the direction of the Holy Spirit
15:46 a prophetic heritage.
15:48 We have almost forgotten about it in some circles.
15:52 But the reality is this: when you begin to study
15:55 the commencement of the Seventh-day Adventist movement
15:59 and you begin to look back at how our forefathers
16:03 understood the Word of God you come to see where we fit in
16:09 in the Word of God itself.
16:11 I want to turn you... I hope you have a...
16:13 I want to turn your attention; I don't want to turn you!
16:16 But I want to turn your attention to an important part
16:20 of the scripture. One that is so relevant and so invigorating
16:24 to us as Seventh-day Adventists.
16:26 I hope that you have a Bible with you.
16:28 Please, if you do, turn to Daniel chapter 12.
16:31 It's an amazing chapter.
16:34 You know Daniel... as you look at his prophetic ministry...
16:38 he had so many different kinds of circumstances.
16:42 God had shown him over and over again
16:47 how things would happen... not only during the time
16:51 in which he lived but way off into the future.
16:54 And I always love Daniel for his humanity.
16:58 Because Daniel didn't understand all of these prophecies, did he?
17:02 Daniel didn't understand every word that he had written down.
17:06 As a matter of fact, there were times... Like in one place
17:10 where Daniel says at the end of Daniel 8
17:13 "And I fainted and fell sick certain days. "
17:17 He was out of it... He didn't understand
17:19 but he continued to be faithful to God.
17:22 In spite of what appeared to him
17:25 to be unintelligible at times...
17:27 He could not understand what was ahead of him.
17:30 Daniel was faithful, and he transcribed those things
17:34 that God showed him. When you get to Daniel 12
17:37 Daniel has had more visions.
17:40 I want you to look at Daniel chapter 12
17:42 beginning with verse 1.
17:44 An amazing time being described in Daniel 12 verse 1.
17:48 "And at that time Michael, the great Prince
17:51 who protects Your people, will arise.
17:54 And there will be a time of distress and a time of trouble
17:57 such as has not happened from the beginning of the nations
18:01 until then. But at that time
18:03 Your people - every one whose name is found written in the
18:07 Book - will be delivered.
18:09 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake:
18:12 some to everlasting life and others to shame
18:15 and everlasting contempt.
18:18 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the
18:21 heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness
18:25 like the stars forever and ever. "
18:28 Interesting allusion to ministry.
18:33 "But you, Daniel... " in verse 4...
18:38 "roll up and seal the words of the scroll
18:42 until the time of the end.
18:45 Many will go here and there
18:47 and knowledge will increase. " Seal up the book;
18:52 roll up the scroll. And later on in this chapter
18:56 in verse 8 you hear Daniel expressing again
19:02 his feelings. " I heard but I did not understand
19:05 so I asked: 'My Lord, what will be the outcome of all of this?
19:10 What will happen in the end? ' "
19:12 And this is what we read: "Go your way, Daniel,
19:15 because the words are rolled up and sealed
19:18 until the time of the end. "
19:20 Then if you skip down to verse 13
19:23 "As for you, go your way till the end.
19:26 You will rest, and then at the end of the days
19:29 you will rise to receive your allotted heritage. "
19:33 Amazing. He ends the book, he ends the writing
19:39 in some level of misunderstanding.
19:43 He is told to roll up the scroll
19:45 and to leave it alone until the time of the end.
19:50 We find our heritage right there, friends.
19:55 You know, in the mid part of the 19th century
20:01 a group of people began studying the Word of God.
20:06 And they came to the conclusion when they studied the prophecies
20:10 of Daniel chapter 8 and Daniel chapter 9
20:13 that Jesus would return again.
20:15 There are all kinds of people who look back at that movement
20:19 and who say that was just a fanatical movement
20:23 of a bunch of freaks.
20:25 But the reality was there was a sincere attempt
20:29 to study and understand the Word of God.
20:31 And those people who went through that experience
20:35 were bitterly disappointed.
20:38 We call it the Great Disappointment of October 22nd
20:42 1844... the Great Disappointment.
20:46 But in the aftermath of that disappointment
20:50 they began to read and study again.
20:53 And you know, I want to make this point:
20:55 you know, those men and women - those young people -
21:01 who were graced by the Spirit of God to start this movement...
21:07 those very brave and heroic people
21:11 who moved through the disappointment of 1844...
21:16 they began to study the Word of God more than they ever had.
21:20 I want to say this to you:
21:23 that by God's grace our people, all of us today,
21:28 need to get back into that habit.
21:31 Amen! We need... You know, I...
21:34 I tell people all the time now.
21:36 We need to get back into the barns.
21:39 We need to get back into the barns.
21:41 We need to have more Sabbath conferences.
21:44 We need to get our people together around tables
21:48 and in barns and in back yards
21:51 and wherever we can, and we need to open the Book again
21:54 and begin to study it again for ourselves to know what it says.
21:58 It is too late in the process of time for me to rely
22:02 upon you or you to rely upon me.
22:06 We need to understand the Word of God for ourselves. Amen.
22:13 So they were studying the Book
22:16 and they began to read through the book of Revelation.
22:20 And they came to chapter 11... or chapter 10, pardon me...
22:25 and it's an amazing chapter.
22:28 And I want you to turn to Revelation chapter 10.
22:30 "Then I saw another angel... " This is Revelation 10 verse 1.
22:35 "I saw another angel coming down from heaven.
22:38 He was robed in a cloud with a rainbow above his head.
22:41 His face was like the sun, and his legs were like
22:44 fiery pillars. He was holding a little scroll
22:50 which lay in his hand. "
22:52 Now I want you to know that is not a picture of Jesus
22:55 because later this same... this same being
23:00 swears by Him who created the heavens and the earth
23:03 and the sea. You read that in this chapter.
23:05 But it was a glorious being.
23:08 But he almost symbolizes... Or not symbolizes
23:11 resembles the picture of Jesus walking in the midst of the
23:16 candlesticks in Revelation chapter 1
23:18 and the same one who spoke to Ezekiel in Ezekiel chapter 3.
23:24 The appearance was very similar.
23:26 He obviously was in a place very close to the presence
23:31 of God because he radiated it.
23:35 "He was holding a little scroll which lay open in his hand.
23:41 And he planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot
23:44 on the land and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion.
23:47 When he shouted, the voices of the seven thunders spoke.
23:51 And when the seven thunders spoke I was about to write
23:54 but I heard a voice from heaven say:
23:56 'Seal up when the seven thunders have said
23:59 and do not write it down. '
24:03 And the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on
24:06 the land raised his right hand to heaven
24:09 and he swore by Him who lives forever and ever
24:12 who created the earth and all that is in it
24:15 and the sea and all that is in it
24:17 and said: 'There will be no more delay. ' "
24:19 But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his
24:24 trumpet something is going to happen.
24:29 "In those days the mystery of God will be accomplished
24:35 just as He announced to His servants the prophets. "
24:38 And if you look over to Revelation chapter 11
24:41 you look at the passages that precede the blowing of the
24:46 seventh trumpet in verse 13 of Revelation chapter 11
24:51 "At that very hour there was a severe earthquake
24:54 and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people
24:56 were killed in an earthquake and the survivors were
24:59 terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.
25:02 The second woe had passed; the third woe was coming.
25:05 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet
25:07 and there were loud voices in heaven which said:
25:10 'The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom
25:13 of our Lord and of His Christ.
25:16 And He will reign forever and ever. ' "
25:18 So just before Jesus was to come again.
25:22 You know, when our pioneers began to study the Word of God
25:25 they got into the six seals... the seven seals...
25:29 and they discovered that at the end of the sixth seal
25:32 there was this earthquake.
25:40 "But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound
25:42 his trumpet the mystery of God will be accomplished
25:45 just as He announced to His servants the prophets.
25:48 Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me
25:50 once more: 'Go take the scroll
25:54 that lies open in the hand of the angel
25:58 who is standing on the sea and on the land. '
26:01 So I went to the angel and asked him to give me
26:04 the little scroll. And he said to me:
26:08 'Take it and eat it.
26:12 It will turn your stomach sour
26:14 but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey. '
26:17 I took the little scroll from the angel's hand and ate it.
26:23 It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth
26:26 but when I had eaten it my stomach turned sour.
26:31 It was sweet in the mouth but bitter in the belly. "
26:36 And then the angels says to him:
26:38 "Then I was told 'You must prophesy
26:42 again about many peoples, nations, languages, and kings. '
26:46 The middle part...
26:48 or after October 22nd of 1844
26:53 our people were studying the Book
26:57 and they looked back at how sweet the message
27:02 of the return of Jesus had been.
27:07 They praised God for what He had led them into.
27:12 And now at this point in time
27:16 as they are now studying Revelation chapter 10
27:22 they are concluding that their experience had been
27:26 prophesied... that it emerged right out of Revelation
27:28 chapter 10. Because indeed that which had been so sweet
27:32 to them now had created great bitterness.
27:37 And they believed when they read this passage
27:40 when they heard the words of the angel: "You must prophesy
27:45 again to many peoples and nations etc, etc"
27:49 they believed that God was calling them to do a mission
27:53 for Him. You think about it for a moment.
27:56 It's always amazing to me
27:59 how people can deny the power and the authority
28:02 of the Spirit of God. It's amazing to me.
28:05 Because we generally when we do those kinds of things
28:08 we wind up looking very foolish.
28:10 Because here is the reality: you think of those
28:15 little band of people... that little flock.
28:21 That little flock.
28:23 That little flock today is 17,000,000 people.
28:28 Twenty million at Sabbath School time
28:30 and at church time probably around 25,000,000.
28:35 And they tell us - our statisticians tell us -
28:39 that by the year 2020 we will have 30,000,000
28:42 Seventh-day Adventists if Jesus doesn't come
28:45 at the present rate of growth.
28:50 Our forefathers came to the conclusion
28:56 that what they had experienced in 1843
29:01 and then again in 1844 was no fluke
29:05 but that this was the movement,
29:08 the empowerment, of the Spirit of God in their lives.
29:13 And though they were wrong in their interpretation
29:16 of Daniel chapters 8 and 9...
29:19 though they were wrong in the sense that Jesus was not
29:23 going to come... the reality is they were right
29:26 in terms of the date and the time and what was
29:30 going to take place. Amen.
29:35 So what were they to prophesy about again?
29:41 What were they to actually prophesy about?
29:44 Well, you look over to Revelation 14 and you find
29:47 what we call over there the Three Angels' Messages.
29:52 Warnings... blessings... encouragement.
29:57 As a matter of fact, Ellen White makes the statement
29:59 that the three angels' messages are righteousness by faith
30:03 in verity. And when we preach them in any other way -
30:09 when we try to understand them in any other way
30:13 than with Jesus in the center of them and with the plan
30:17 of eternal salvation at the core of them -
30:19 we are misunderstanding them.
30:21 And I think that here alone is a subject for the study
30:26 of God's people in these days.
30:28 We need to get the books out again -
30:30 I mean the Bibles out again and the concordances out again -
30:34 and we need to pour over those messages -
30:37 Amen - and try to understand for ourselves
30:40 why is it that she would say "righteousness by faith
30:44 is the message of the third angel in verity. "
30:51 Would God speak so strangely
30:53 about people who have disappointed Him?
30:55 How is that righteousness by faith?
31:01 A message was given.
31:04 Mrs. White also makes a very interesting comment.
31:07 She makes this statement. She says
31:09 that the three angels are symbols of those who will
31:13 present the messages. Amen.
31:18 So that you and I... you and I
31:22 are the angels. Amen.
31:25 Now there is a dualism here because there are angels.
31:29 There is the ministry, the power, the authority of
31:31 the Holy Spirit flying in the midst of heaven
31:35 crying out. Working in the minds of men
31:39 to bring them to the reality of the last warning -
31:44 divine warning - to earth and to earthlings prior
31:48 to the return of Jesus.
31:49 There is that divine representation
31:54 by the Holy Spirit that convicts the minds, the lives,
31:58 the hearts of men and women.
32:00 "But... " she says: "those angels are symbolic
32:06 of those who deliver the message. "
32:10 That means you and me. Amen!
32:14 That means all of us in this room.
32:17 Do not be confused
32:21 by the systems that we have set up
32:25 because we are all ministers of the Most High God.
32:30 Amen. Some of us get paid for it...
32:33 others don't. But that does not preclude
32:37 any human being. So who will do it?
32:41 Who will do the proclamation?
32:44 I want to turn your attention to II Peter -
32:47 or to I Peter rather - chapter 2.
32:50 This is a significant passage that I believe
32:53 we ought to study as well.
32:56 Because when you talk about our prophetic heritage
32:59 you can't just deal with it theoretically.
33:02 Like... "Let somebody else do it. "
33:05 Or "Let's hire angels to do it. "
33:07 Or "Let's hire Three Angels Broadcasting to do it. "
33:11 No, the message must be personalized.
33:14 It must come to you and to me directly.
33:18 And I want to say that there is a link here.
33:21 Go to verse 4.
33:23 "As you come to Him, the living Stone -
33:28 rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to Him -
33:33 you also like living stones
33:37 are being built into a spiritual house
33:40 to be a holy priesthood
33:43 offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God
33:46 through Jesus Christ. "
33:48 You could also for your own reference look up
33:51 I Corinthians 3:16,
33:53 Ephesians chapter 2 verses 13 and 19-22.
33:56 This is not... this is not just Peter.
34:00 This is a New Testament understanding that you and I
34:03 are being built into a spiritual house
34:07 that is to show itself or demonstrate itself
34:09 in a priesthood.
34:12 Now I love the... I love what he talks about here
34:15 when he starts talking about stones.
34:17 I... Many years ago I built a house.
34:20 I have only ever done it once.
34:22 And I'm not going to tell you why I've only ever done it once.
34:27 But I did it one time!
34:31 And I did it... I bought a very poor lot.
34:34 And that was a part of inexperience as well.
34:37 But I had that house... or I built that house
34:40 and behind the house there was a clay bank.
34:45 And so every so often when it would rain
34:49 the clay would slop out onto the grass.
34:51 And I decided to build a stone wall.
34:55 So I rented a half-ton truck.
34:58 I went to a rock quarry and I asked them
35:02 to give me a whole half-ton load full of stones...
35:07 which they did. And I took them home
35:09 and I piled them up against that clay bank.
35:12 Of course I didn't know enough to put a foundation in
35:14 or to put mortar in between them.
35:16 So when it rained, you know, the clay came between the rocks
35:20 instead of directly on the lawn.
35:23 But I have seen a master.
35:27 I have seen a master builder.
35:30 I saw him build... I saw him build a wall
35:34 the width of this... this room
35:37 out in front of the church. He was a stone mason.
35:41 And I was amazed at...
35:44 I was the pastor of the church and I would come and I would
35:47 watch him. It was an amazing thing to watch.
35:49 When he completed that wall you could have put a marble
35:53 on top of it and it wouldn't have rolled 1/4".
35:56 And it was perpendicular.
35:59 It was a thing of beauty.
36:02 People used to drive to come and see the wall.
36:05 It was a small town.
36:08 It was a little like they sing about Toledo, Ohio:
36:11 the only entertainment is going to the bakery to watch
36:13 the buns rise. In that town the only entertainment
36:17 was to look at the wall!
36:19 But it was a masterpiece.
36:22 I watched him as he worked on that wall.
36:26 He would pick up stones and with his big old glove
36:30 which seemed three times bigger than his hand
36:32 he would look at the rocks and he would look at the wall.
36:36 And then he would kind of dust them off with his hand.
36:38 Then he'd take his chisel and he'd work away at them
36:41 and he'd find a place for each stone in the wall.
36:45 There were some stones that he had to cast aside.
36:48 But you know, the reality is this: that God is building
36:52 a spiritual house. He calls you and me "living stones. "
36:58 It is a masterpiece.
37:00 It is something that He alone is capable of doing.
37:03 But in the process of doing that, He links us
37:07 and we are linked back to the delivery of the message.
37:11 Because what God is doing... what God is doing
37:15 is building a spiritual house for the purpose of ministry.
37:19 Of priesthood.
37:24 Three things about this passage,
37:26 and I'm going to move on through it.
37:29 Verse 6: "For in scripture it says
37:32 'See I lay a stone in Zion...
37:36 a chosen and precious cornerstone.
37:38 And the one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.
37:41 Now to you who believe this stone is precious
37:44 but to those who do not believe the stone that the builders
37:48 rejected has become the Cornerstone
37:51 and a stone that causes people to stumble
37:53 and a rock that makes them fall.
37:54 They stumble because they disobey the message
37:57 which is also what we were destined for.
37:59 But you... " Peter says...
38:02 "But you... " Meaning those of you who have accepted
38:06 Jesus as your personal Savior. "But you
38:09 are a chosen people, a royal priesthood,
38:12 a holy nation, God's special possession
38:16 that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of
38:20 darkness into His marvelous light.
38:23 Once you were not a people but now you are the people of God.
38:27 Once you had not received mercy
38:29 but now you have received mercy. "
38:32 Amen.
38:35 We cannot avoid the conclusion
38:37 that things that have happened to this movement
38:41 have happened for a purpose.
38:44 That you are not here by accident.
38:47 That God did not call you into the Seventh-day Adventist
38:52 movement... And by the way, it is still a movement...
38:55 it is not a denomination.
38:57 Even though we call it a denomination it is a movement
39:00 and it is intended to be a movement!
39:04 Three things this passage tells us about the church
39:07 and tells us about you and me.
39:08 Number one: it tells us first of all
39:11 about the nature of the church.
39:14 It's interesting when you think about this.
39:17 It talks about the nature of the church.
39:19 You see, God is building... God is building
39:23 a spiritual house and you're just a stone.
39:26 And I'm just a stone in His hand
39:31 for His purposes for His use.
39:33 But you know, if you've ever looked at a stone wall
39:37 or a stone house, you come to understand
39:40 something very quickly about it.
39:42 That is you start pulling too many of those stones out
39:44 and that wall is going to come down.
39:48 The church first of all... the nature of the church...
39:51 is that it is a commonwealth.
39:54 The church... we are interdependent.
39:58 Now people sometimes get a little upset with me
40:01 when I begin into this subject, you see.
40:04 Because I'm a believer that God's the one that dusts
40:07 off the rocks and the stones.
40:10 And He's the One that chisels them
40:12 and finds a place for them in the wall.
40:15 God never gave that process to you and me.
40:20 He did not ask you and me to judge even one other person.
40:26 Amen! As a matter of fact, Ellen White says
40:29 "Before you ever criticize another person
40:32 you first must become... " And she doesn't give
40:36 authorization for it but she says: "You first must become
40:38 a center of spiritual influence. "
40:41 We are called upon interdependently
40:46 to be centers of spiritual influence.
40:49 It is not my job to condemn you
40:52 and it is not your job to condemn me.
40:55 We may talk to one another in love
40:58 and share and grow. And the Bible says
41:01 "Exhort one another to good works. "
41:03 I'm not excluding any of that.
41:06 And I'm not saying that God just accepts everything
41:09 because you know, like my friend the stone builder,
41:12 there were some stones that wouldn't fit in the wall.
41:14 But it's God's business to decide which ones those are.
41:19 The church is interdependent.
41:22 It is a commonwealth. We cannot act effectively
41:27 as the people of God if we are spending time
41:31 throwing stones at the wall or at each other.
41:34 Amen! We can't do that.
41:36 We cannot be effective. We need each other.
41:41 And I tell people... People ask me from time to time
41:45 "Well you show up at different places. And you know, there's
41:48 people at those places where you shouldn't be, Pastor. "
41:53 And I tell them
41:55 "Those people are my brothers and sisters in Jesus" -
42:00 Amen - "and if they live and they breathe
42:04 as Seventh-day Adventists in the North American Division
42:07 whatever their problem I'm not going to judge them
42:12 But whatever their problem... I'm not going to accept
42:16 if they're way out in one field or the other.
42:19 I'm not going to personally accept that, but they're still
42:21 my brother, they're still my sister. I need them. "
42:27 The time has come for us to realize
42:30 that if there are problems in the church
42:33 they're my problems.
42:37 They're all of our problems.
42:39 The church by nature is a commonwealth.
42:43 It is interdependent.
42:46 "You yourselves... " Peter says "are living stones
42:49 being built into the household of faith. "
42:52 Then the second thing we discover about
42:54 the household of faith and about us as stones
42:58 is found in the first part of verse 9.
43:01 And we love this passage because it says:
43:04 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood,
43:08 a holy nation, God's special possession. "
43:11 You know, do you ever wake up in the morning...?
43:13 You wake up in the morning and you just say:
43:17 "Praise God! I'm a child of the King!
43:21 I'm a child of the King!
43:22 With Jesus my Savior, I'm a child of the King! "
43:26 Because that's the reality. Amen.
43:29 Every day you wake up the Supreme Ruler of the universe
43:34 calls you His child!
43:36 And you know... I know that we don't want to do
43:40 a lot of demonstrative things
43:42 but I've often believed that as Seventh-day Adventist
43:45 Christians when we meet each other we ought to
43:48 high-five each other
43:50 and say: "Praise God! I'm a child of the King. "
43:55 Amen.
43:56 You're a chosen generation.
44:01 But he goes on. He says:
44:05 "A royal priesthood. "
44:09 A royal priesthood. Now a priest
44:14 was essentially a mediator.
44:19 And you and I have been called to be mediators.
44:24 A royal priesthood.
44:26 Mediators of the grace and the goodness of God
44:31 not just to people in Sabbath School
44:34 but to people in all our world.
44:37 You know the law... When we come to understand
44:42 the scriptures the law basically
44:44 condemns anyone who is guilty of breaking them.
44:47 Am I right in saying that?
44:49 And so you and I naturally by birth have accrued
44:54 a debt to the law. We are indebted to the law.
44:56 But Jesus paid that debt. Amen.
45:00 Jesus took the guilt
45:02 so that we are no longer debtors to law as we live in Him.
45:06 Am I right? Is that right?
45:09 But you know, when we become free from the guilt
45:13 and the penalty of the law because of what Jesus has done
45:17 for us, He makes us a debtor in another way.
45:23 We become debtors to grace.
45:25 We become debtors to grace.
45:28 I am telling people over and over again
45:32 "Please do not accept grace
45:34 if you don't intend to be gracious. "
45:39 Do not accept grace if you do not intend to be gracious.
45:45 The church has been called into the world for this time
45:49 and this place to demonstrate the love of the heavenly Father
45:53 for the human family.
45:57 We are to be a priesthood mediating to the world around us
46:03 the goodness and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
46:08 Amen.
46:10 Yes, there are things wrong in the church.
46:13 Years ago I was preaching a sermon and somebody jumped up
46:18 in the balcony in the church I was pastoring
46:21 and they said: "You're trying to save everybody! "
46:26 And I said: "And so is God. "
46:30 Then he said: "But the church is filled with hypocrites. "
46:34 And I said: "I know... because I'm one! "
46:39 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. "
46:44 Think about it, friends.
46:47 How is it that we as sinners can say to other sinners
46:51 "You can't come to the banquet. "
46:55 We need to be so eternally grateful to our heavenly Father
46:59 as priests of the Most High God.
47:02 You know, you can't jump away from this.
47:05 Prophetically this church was called into existence
47:10 to deliver the goods
47:12 in the last days of earth's history.
47:15 Yes it is about Revelation chapter 14 verses 6 through 12.
47:20 I'm not trying to water that down.
47:23 I'm not trying to diminish it.
47:24 That is at the core of our message.
47:27 Worship God... fear Him... honor Him
47:30 because of the everlasting gospel.
47:32 Stay out of Babylon and don't accept the mark of the beast.
47:38 But grace is at the center of it.
47:41 "Those who I love I rebuke and chasten.
47:44 Be zealous therefore and repent. "
47:48 My job is not to condemn and to judge.
47:51 My job is to be a living witness to the grace and the
47:56 graciousness of God - Amen -
47:58 and to be active in my ministry
48:01 reaching out to the men and women, the young people,
48:04 my fellow students, my fellow workmates,
48:08 the people I meet. Everywhere I go
48:11 I need to be a witness to the grace and the graciousness
48:17 of God because I'm a priest.
48:22 I'm a minister. You may not have that on a business card
48:30 but that does not change the reality.
48:34 Do not be so absorbed
48:38 in the systems that men have made
48:42 that you don't see the reality that emerges out of the
48:45 scripture that lays upon you and me the burden of ministry.
48:50 You are a chosen generation.
48:53 Praise God and high-five each other.
48:55 Amen.
48:58 You are a royal priesthood.
49:02 God's own people
49:05 with a prophetic heritage.
49:10 And there's a third thing.
49:12 Not only have we discovered the nature of the church
49:16 as a commonwealth - interdependent - needing
49:18 one another so that we can deliver what God wants us to
49:23 prophetically. Amen. We are a priesthood.
49:28 But finally, Peter talks about the glory of the church.
49:32 The glory of the church.
49:35 Have you ever thought about that? The glory of the church?
49:41 You know, sometimes you know... We had that movie
49:45 a few years ago that was done by Mr. Doblmeier
49:48 on the Adventist Health System.
49:50 And you know all of us as Adventists as we watched that
49:52 we said: "Boy that's pretty good. We're doing all right.
49:56 We're doing all right.
49:58 I mean, we've got 14 colleges and universities
50:03 and hundreds of schools and over 6,000 congregations
50:08 in North America. " And by the way, North America
50:10 Jim Gilley, doesn't just include Canada, the United States,
50:15 and Bermuda. It now includes Guam and Micronesia.
50:18 So the North American Division spans from Bermuda
50:23 all the way to within 700 miles of the Philippines
50:26 and four hours north of Australia by plane.
50:35 We're doing pretty good, right?
50:40 Amen.
50:43 We have a lot of things, right?
50:47 You remember Hezekiah?
50:54 Peter tells us that the glory of the church
50:58 is that we will show forth the praises of Him
51:03 who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.
51:06 That's the glory of the church.
51:09 There is no glory in an institution...
51:13 even though that's nice and it makes us proud.
51:17 The fact is we can only assess ourselves as doing the work
51:20 of God if we are bringing glory to His name.
51:23 Ellen White makes the comment that praising the Lord
51:27 is the most effective method of soul winning.
51:30 Praise God, Amen!
51:35 Built a house.
51:41 It was a new adventure.
51:44 I was a lot younger than I am now
51:49 and I was having a lot of fun doing that.
51:52 I did one smart thing:
51:55 I hired a contractor to put in the foundation.
52:01 And it was on a crawl space, so I came and I
52:05 put up all the floor joists and put on the sub floor
52:09 after he had put the foundation in.
52:12 And I started setting up walls.
52:15 And it was kind of neat to see it start emerging.
52:22 And one day the building inspector showed up.
52:29 And you have to know that when a building inspector
52:33 gets out of his car with his arms up like this
52:36 that this is not a good day.
52:39 Because that's exactly what happened.
52:42 He jumped out of his car and he threw his hands up in the air
52:46 and he said: "You have built your house on the wrong lot! "
52:59 And I looked at him
53:03 and at the top of my lungs I yelled back
53:07 "I have not built my house on the wrong lot
53:12 because John Hanks put the foundation in
53:16 under this house and he knows what he's doing! "
53:20 And the man looked at me and said:
53:22 "Well if John Hanks put the foundation under your house
53:25 you're house is on the right lot. "
53:30 And then was red-faced.
53:33 He turned around and left.
53:36 And I said: "Praise the Lord! "
53:47 Friends, we are living at a very critical time
53:51 in the history of humanity.
53:57 Jesus is coming again. Amen!
54:00 I am very convicted about that, very convicted.
54:05 We are living in the final stages of earth's history.
54:08 You can't read this Book... You can't read this Book
54:12 and come to any other conclusion.
54:18 If that is true and if we as Seventh-day Adventists
54:24 look back and we see what our forefathers saw
54:29 and what they believed
54:32 and then we come to recognize the responsibility that is
54:36 upon us... First of all, there is no other foundation,
54:41 right? We know the Master Builder.
54:46 We need to have our lives founded, established,
54:50 rooted in Him.
54:53 And we need to be so active, so involved for Him.
54:59 You know it's interesting. As we look across this
55:02 vast field called the North American Division -
55:06 1,260,000 members -
55:10 we praise God for that.
55:13 And by the way, this is not a contest, right?
55:17 To see who can have... you know.
55:19 If we just have 4,000,000 by the time Jesus comes
55:22 it'll be OK.
55:23 It's not about numbers.
55:26 Must never be about numbers.
55:27 It must always be about the establishment of the
55:30 kingdom of God on earth. Amen.
55:34 But you know, the fact is this: that God is counting
55:38 on you and upon me.
55:39 Upon His ministers.
55:42 Upon those who will recognize
55:46 that connected with the words "Jesus, to You I surrender
55:51 my life" is the call to Christian ministry.
55:55 It is not a call that you and I can avoid.
55:59 It is not a call... You cannot...
56:01 You cannot look our Lord in the face and say:
56:04 "I'm a faithful servant" if you don't say with that
56:09 "I'm your minister. " Amen.
56:12 Want to ask you a question.
56:16 Would all the ministers in the congregation please stand?
56:27 And for those who are finding it difficult to stand
56:29 just raise your hand. That's good enough.
56:35 Friends, let's take this seriously.
56:37 We need each other.
56:40 We need to pull together as a church
56:43 to finish the task that God has given to us.
56:46 It is our task.
56:48 He is calling you and He is calling me.
56:51 Would you bow your head with me as we pray?
56:54 And heavenly Father, we want to thank you
56:58 for Your grace and Your mercy.
57:00 We want to thank you that as we look back in history
57:03 we can see where we came from...
57:06 the prophetic heritage that is ours.
57:10 Oh Lord, I plead with You tonight
57:13 to pour out Your Spirit upon every person here...
57:17 every person who has stood to say "I am a minister
57:20 of the Most High God. " Lord,
57:23 burn it in our minds. Give us no rest until we find
57:26 our rest in You, and we will praise You and honor You.
57:29 In Jesus' name, Amen.


Revised 2018-01-18