Series Code: 12HC
Program Code: 12HC000014
00:47 Hello friends and welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting
00:51 2012. If you've been here all day 00:53 you know that the Lord has been flowing into us and blessing us 00:57 with abundant spiritual food from on high. 01:00 Can we all say "Amen" to that? 01:01 Elder Carter has not held back. 01:03 I think that he's the only man that's not going to cool down 01:06 before the Lord comes. As a matter of fact, 01:08 because of him many of us have already warmed up. 01:10 Isn't that true, C.A.? Very, very true. 01:12 You know, we were... we were just... 01:13 I've known... We were going back over our years... 01:16 We've known each other I think 35 years. 01:18 We were children when we first met. 01:20 But we were trying to determine who was going to speak first. 01:23 Remember that game kids play where you go odd, 01:25 even, and you throw your fingers out kind of thing? 01:27 We didn't do that. I just gave it to him 01:28 because he's my pastor now. I used to be his. 01:30 But it's been a wonderful wonderful day. 01:33 We've had a wonderful time. 01:34 We've stayed by. The Spirit has been here. 01:36 The music has been wonderful and the messages have been 01:39 very powerful. And tonight for this penultimate service - 01:43 there's one more that follows this - 01:44 we get to hear a Latino report from our Latino channel. 01:47 John Dinzey, the general manager of Latino, is making 01:50 a report. But before him, Jim Gilley 01:53 is coming to give us a message. 01:54 We could not go through a whole Camp Meeting and not 01:56 hear from our president in a formal way. 02:00 And then preceding him we've asked Pastor Lomacang 02:02 to give us just another song. A beautiful singer 02:07 and really a nice guy. 02:09 I've known him many, many years 02:10 when he was out in the world and Angie would have to drag him 02:12 to church to listen to my sermons 02:14 and try to elbow him to keep him awake. 02:16 And now my wife elbows me to keep me awake for his sermons. 02:19 No, that's not true. 02:22 Confession is good for the soul but as Danny says 02:25 it's hard on the reputation. Indeed! 02:27 John, would you pray for us please? 02:28 Sure. Let's bow our heads. Father in heaven, 02:30 we thank you so much. Lord, it's at Camp Meetings 02:33 like this that we are reminded again how much You love us. 02:35 The precious souls have come and we pray, Father, that 02:38 we've been faithful. We enjoy ourselves 02:41 when we're together but we pray that, Lord, You've 02:43 used us as branches 02:44 and we'd not forget that You are the vine 02:46 from which all the power that we muster up and even use 02:51 comes from. And we pray that You'll continue to pour into us 02:54 tonight. We pray in a special way, Father, that You'll pour 02:57 into Elder Jim Gilley. And tonight as he breaks 02:59 the bread of life we thank you for his leadership, 03:01 we thank you for his vision, and we thank you for his 03:03 dedication. We pray that You will take the words that he has 03:06 penned and ignite them from on high 03:10 and speak to our hearts as Camp Meeting is winding down. 03:12 Challenge us to - as he's always said - keep on keeping on 03:16 in Christ. Bless the music and also 03:18 the later on message from Elder Carter. 03:20 We pray that You will cap off this Camp Meeting 03:22 as You have begun it and as You have continued it: 03:25 for Your glory and Your honor. 03:26 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Amen. 03:29 I always... and I can say this honestly because he's 03:32 standing here... truly enjoy hearing my pastor sing. 03:35 He's a good preacher; he's a wonderful, anointed singer. 03:38 And he has been an inspiration to me... 03:40 one of the persons who kind of pushed me to sing 03:43 since I got to 3ABN. I'm always blessed by him. 03:46 John, what are you going to sing? 03:47 Well the song is... Aren't we going to do our 03:50 theme song first? You know, I'm ahead of myself. 03:52 We should. Yeah, let's do that. 03:54 Let's do that one last time. Keep our pastor in order. 03:56 What a day that shall be. Indeed! 03:59 Join with us if you will. 05:10 Amen. Now we're ready for that song 05:12 which will be? There Is A Fountain. 05:14 You know that inspired me by what happened off air today. 05:17 We had two precious souls that were baptized here - Amen - 05:20 which also is icing on the cake for Camp Meeting. 05:22 It reminded us that the theme has been all about Jesus. 05:25 That that fountain continues to flow. Amen. 05:28 And we are benefitting from it today. 05:30 The thief on the cross benefitted from it 05:32 and souls ahead of us, forward of us, will always be 05:35 covered by that fountain filled with the blood of Jesus. 05:38 Praise God! So our pastor, John Lomacang, 05:41 followed by Jim Gilley. The sermon title is 05:43 The Wisdom Of Solomon. 05:45 And then a Latino report from our general manager 05:48 of 3ABN Latino... John Dinzey. 06:07 There is a fountain 06:13 filled with blood 06:16 flowing from Emmanuel's veins. 06:23 And sinners plunged 06:27 beneath that flood 06:31 lose all 06:34 their guilty stains. 06:39 Lose all their guilty 06:44 stains. 06:46 Lose all 06:49 their guilty stains. 06:55 And sinners plunged 06:58 beneath that flood 07:02 lose all their guilty 07:08 stains. 07:11 The dying thief 07:14 rejoiced to see 07:18 that fountain 07:21 in his day. 07:26 And there may I 07:30 though vile as he 07:33 wash all 07:36 my sins away. 07:41 Wash all my sins 07:45 away, 07:49 Wash all 07:51 my sins away. 07:57 And there may I 08:01 though vile as he 08:04 wash all my sins 08:09 away. 08:16 Ever since by faith 08:20 I saw that stream 08:25 Thy flowing wound 08:28 supplied 08:32 redeeming love 08:36 has been my theme 08:40 And shall be till 08:44 I die! 08:47 Yes it shall be 08:51 until I die. 08:55 Yes it shall be till 08:59 I die. 09:03 Your redeeming love 09:07 has been my theme 09:11 and shall be till 09:15 I die... 09:22 And it shall be 09:28 till... till I 09:34 die. 09:49 Amen! 09:52 Amen! Thank you, John. 09:57 Shall we bow our heads. Father, 10:00 there is a fountain 10:02 filled with blood. 10:06 And Father, Your son Jesus 10:11 supplied the blood. 10:14 May we be covered by that blood; 10:17 may we be filled with Your Holy Spirit. 10:20 In Jesus' name, Amen. 10:22 Danny asked me to bring a devotional to you 10:26 here as we come down to the end of the Sabbath 10:30 and a wonderful time together. 10:33 And I'd like to turn your attention to the scripture 10:37 and to I Kings the 3rd chapter 10:41 and just for a moment take a look at Solomon. 10:47 You remember that God chose him to be the king. 10:50 In verse 7 of chapter 3 of I Kings he says 10:55 "Now, O Lord my God 10:58 You have made your servant king instead of my father David. 11:02 But I am a little child. 11:04 I do not know how to go out or come in. 11:09 And Your servant is in the midst of Your people 11:12 whom You have chosen... a great people 11:15 too numerous to be numbered or counted. 11:20 Therefore, give to Your servant 11:24 an understanding heart 11:26 to judge Your people that I may discern 11:29 between good and evil. 11:32 For who is able to judge this great people of Yours? 11:39 And the speech pleased the Lord 11:41 that Solomon had asked this thing. 11:44 And then God said to him: 'Because you have not asked... 11:47 because you have asked this thing 11:49 and have not asked for long life for yourself 11:52 nor have asked for riches for yourself 11:56 nor have asked the life of your enemies 11:59 but have asked for yourself understanding to discern 12:04 justice, behold I have done according 12:08 to your words. See, I have given you 12:12 a wise and understanding heart 12:15 so that there has not been anyone like you before you 12:19 nor shall there be 12:22 like you arise after you. ' " 12:26 The wisdom of Solomon. 12:31 The judgment... the just plain intelligence. 12:35 And then you remember some of the stories. 12:37 You remember the story of the two ladies 12:41 that had the baby. And you remember his judgment 12:46 and what he said to them. 12:49 Wisdom! 12:51 You know we think sometimes that we can measure wisdom. 12:55 We think that with I.Q. tests that you can tell 12:58 how intelligent people are. 13:01 I've done a little reading and research on the I.Q. 13:04 and there are a number of people that have very high I.Q.s 13:08 that are listed on the Internet 13:10 and are listed in books on the subject. 13:12 A number of them. Christopher Langan is one. 13:17 I think he lives in Wisconsin now. 13:20 He has an I.Q. up around 200. 13:24 Bless his heart. 13:25 He spent at least 20 years as a temporary worker and bartender. 13:32 He has not... 13:35 has no degrees. What has he done with that? 13:39 We look at Marilyn vos Savant. 13:41 By some tests she actually measured 228... 13:46 which is just way beyond. 13:48 She lives in St. Louis. She writes for Parade magazine. 13:52 But she dropped out from the Washington University 13:57 there in St. Louis. 13:59 I mean, you're starting to get a picture. 14:03 I.Q. is not necessarily associated 14:09 with success. 14:11 Intelligence doesn't always have with it wisdom 14:16 nor judgment. 14:18 There's a man by the name of Kim Ung-yong. 14:21 He has an I.Q. of about 210. 14:24 There's Stephen Hawking. 14:26 Stephen Hawking somewhere in the 160's. 14:29 John Sununu: 180 I.Q. 14:35 I.Q. Intelligence. Who is wise? 14:39 And if you go around and you ask different people 14:42 different questions you will get all kinds of answers. 14:45 If you went to a military academy 14:48 and you said "Who is wise? " they would say "Well 14:52 let me tell you a little bit about that. " 14:54 And they would go into the history of military maneuverings 14:57 and all of the planning of strategies. 15:00 And they would look back and they would say: "Now 15:03 we can tell you some generals who were outstanding. " 15:07 And they would mention people like General MacArthur, 15:11 General Patton, General Eisenhower, 15:16 General Schwarzkopf. 15:18 And they would talk about some of the great generals 15:21 of history: Napoleon and others. 15:24 And they would identify wisdom... 15:28 If you were talking to military people they would identify 15:30 wisdom in a military sense. 15:34 You go to a financial organization. 15:37 Say: "Who is wise? Who is the wise man? " 15:43 They'd say: "Well, let me give you some illustrations. " 15:47 And then they would talk to you about people like Steve Jobs. 15:50 You probably have one of his products on you right now. 15:55 If you don't, there's one somewhere close to you 15:59 I can guarantee you. 16:01 This is a man who along with others started Apple. 16:04 And then because he was hard to get along with and difficult 16:07 they threw him out. 16:10 He was bought out. 16:12 Later when the company was about to go under 16:15 they brought him back... and the rest is history 16:20 as you have seen that corporation become worth 16:26 not just billions... hundreds of billions of dollars. 16:31 And if you were a financial individual and they said 16:34 "Who is wise? " you'd have to look at him. 16:36 You would have to look at Bill Gates. 16:40 You would have to look at Carlos Slim 16:44 who is actually probably the richest man in the world. 16:47 Mexico... the man that's into communications down there. 16:51 Or you could talk about Warren Buffett. 16:54 Warren Buffett starts out with a few thousand dollars 16:57 borrowed or invested from by relatives 17:02 and builds an estate worth billions. 17:05 He's given away half of it and still is worth 50, 60 billion 17:08 plus. 17:11 And so the financial people would point you that direction. 17:17 But let's say that you don't... 17:19 You're still looking for who is really wise. 17:23 We've discounted the I.Q. thing 17:26 because none of those I.Q. high-like people have 17:29 really accomplished all that much. 17:32 So we're looking at wisdom in a different way. 17:35 And so we now go to the medical field 17:39 and we say to someone in the medical field 17:43 "Who is wise? " 17:45 "Oh... " they'd say... "Ben Carson. " 17:51 Ben Carson is! 17:53 If you've looked at anything Ben's been involved with 17:56 you see how that he was the one that did that successful 18:01 surgery where they separated those Siamese twins. 18:06 This is a man with gifted hands. 18:09 I was visiting with a pretty well-known professor 18:13 and doctor from Johns Hopkins University. 18:16 And we were in an airport just waiting for a plane 18:19 and we began to talk and he told me what he did. 18:22 And I asked him, I said: "Do you know Ben Carson? " 18:26 He looked at me like... Well he said: 18:29 "Ben is in a different league than the rest of us. " 18:34 Said: "He's high echelon. " 18:36 He said: "I see him in the hall sometimes but... " 18:40 He looked at me and he said: "Do you know Ben Carson? " 18:44 I said: "Well, let me tell you. 18:46 At that time I was going to the Spencerville church 18:50 and Ben was a member there. 18:51 And Ben... he'd just humbly come in and sit down with his 18:55 family and then... He was one of the elders. 19:00 And often - even if he wasn't on the platform - 19:04 he would go to the door with the pastor and shake hands. 19:07 I have shaken the hand of Ben Carson... 19:11 the gifted hands. " 19:15 And I want to tell you I did not 19:17 give him that old East Texas crunch either! 19:22 I was careful with that hand. 19:28 Talented. 19:30 Unbelievably gifted... 19:35 and God has used him. And there are others. 19:38 You could look at those who have done the great... 19:41 You know, to me one of the patron saints 19:44 of medicine is Dr. Salk because when I was a child 19:48 I had polio. 19:50 I was three years old. 19:52 There were over 400 cases in our city. 19:54 They only had one iron lung. 19:57 I fortunately did not need an iron lung. 19:59 But it was simply you made it or you didn't. 20:04 There was no hope... hospitals were full. 20:07 They didn't even... The doctor came and saw me - 20:10 in those days they'd come to the house - 20:12 and he said: "He has polio. " 20:13 But there was no real treatment for it. 20:18 We just... I was there and they prayed for me 20:23 and they were by me. And for two solid weeks 20:27 I was in semi-conscious sort of a coma. 20:31 And then one day I woke up 20:34 and I remember this, see. 20:37 I remember waking up. I don't remember any other part. 20:40 But I remember the family being so amazed. 20:44 And then after that all the way growing up 20:49 I'd take a nap every day. 20:51 Every day... 20:53 because they said: "We're afraid you might get polio again. " 20:57 And then a man by the name of Salk came out with a vaccine. 21:01 My children may have had to take a nap but there was no fear 21:06 for our children of polio 21:09 because of a great man. 21:13 You talk about wisdom? 21:15 If you were looking medically you would probably say 21:19 "this is wisdom. " 21:21 If you go to a politician... 21:22 you'd go to a university and you'd go to the 21:24 political science and you'd say "Tell us... who is wise? " 21:28 And they would say: "Well listen 21:31 when you're studying politics - and we will not talk about 21:34 current politics - but when you're studying politics 21:38 you have to look at the affect the individual has had 21:42 historically. And so it takes a long time in history 21:46 to really tell who has affected the world 21:51 in the best positive way. " 21:53 And so they would go back and they would look at 21:55 a senator from Illinois who became president 22:01 and who declared freedom 22:06 for all the occupants of the United States. 22:11 And Abraham Lincoln you'd have to say 22:15 time has tested him 22:19 and this has been 22:22 a wise, wise individual. 22:27 True wisdom that comes 22:33 every century or two. 22:36 And we saw that... historically we see that 22:41 in the effects of the man's work. 22:46 And so politically this would be 22:50 the person that we would say. 22:53 You go to a sports figure and you'd say 22:56 "Who would it be? " And so if you went to a coach - 22:59 you went to a football coach - he would have to say 23:03 "You know, I'm sorry, but if you put it all together: 23:06 the ability physically, 23:10 the ability as far as cerebrally and so forth, 23:14 I would have to choose... " 23:15 And maybe he'd choose Peyton Manning 23:18 'cause he would say "He's so knowledgeable. 23:22 He not only is a great quarterback - even though 23:25 he's in the latter years of his career - 23:28 but he is so knowledgeable it's like having a coach 23:32 own the field. " 23:34 And so they might choose him. 23:39 Wherever you go, different people 23:44 would say: "This is wisdom. " 23:48 Different groups would choose one or another 23:53 and say: "This is the wise individual. " 23:59 But what would the King of Kings and Lord of Lords 24:05 say? 24:07 Who would He say 24:10 is the one who is wise? 24:15 Well, let's read what He says. 24:18 Let's turn to Proverbs 24:22 the 11th chapter and verse 30. 24:25 "The fruit of the righteous 24:30 is a tree of life 24:32 and he who wins souls 24:37 is wise. " 24:42 The King of Kings says 24:44 that the soul winner is wise. 24:48 What does He say in Daniel the 12th chapter 24:52 and beginning with verse 3? He says: 24:55 "Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the 25:01 firmament and those who turn many to righteousness 25:07 like the stars forever and ever. " 25:14 You see, God sent His Son to save humanity. 25:19 Those who are wise accept that Son 25:25 and share that Son. 25:28 So who does God say is the wise one? 25:33 The soul winner. 25:36 The one who first of all accepts Jesus Christ himself. 25:40 That is the wisest thing that you can ever do. 25:44 There is absolutely nothing that exceeds that in wisdom... 25:49 and that is if you accept Him as your personal Savior. 25:56 If you realize that He is God of very gods. 25:59 He is the Creator. 26:01 He is the only one that can go to the cross 26:05 and die for you and for me and save us. 26:10 And the wisest thing we can do is accept Him 26:14 and then to share Him. 26:17 Oh, we have other things that we're involved with. 26:21 But you see it's all like a team. 26:24 Today when Pastor Carter brought out his team 26:27 he introduced Javier. 26:31 And he said: "Javier is my chef. " 26:34 And he is. 26:36 If you've ever worked in foreign countries in evangelism, 26:41 you know how dependent you are 26:44 upon your food. 26:48 How important that is. 26:51 Elder Carter's the only evangelist I know of 26:54 who actually honestly has a chef that he takes with him 26:58 to prepare his food. 27:01 Now we enjoy eating the different foods in countries 27:04 where we've been. We enjoy it. 27:06 But you enjoy one meal and then the next meal 27:09 it tastes the same and it's not like home. 27:13 They don't cook potatoes the same way we do here. 27:16 I don't care where you are in the world... 27:19 it doesn't taste like home. 27:22 You're there a week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks... 27:27 whatever. Your health is so important. 27:33 And so this is why that part of his team 27:37 is a chef. 27:39 Every single part of that team is important... 27:45 every part. 27:47 You know, we talk about being in the Lord's army... 27:50 and we are. This is the Lord's army. 27:54 We are in the great controversy and we are on God's side. 27:58 Now when you go into the Army and look at it 28:02 every single person has an important thing that they are 28:06 involved with. They're not all flying the jet plane. 28:12 They're not all doing that which is, you know, 28:17 delivering maybe the final weapon... 28:21 which for Elder Carter, for instance, he is the jet pilot. 28:25 But there have to be mechanics. 28:29 There have to be people that are involved with fuel. 28:32 There are people involved in every aspect. 28:36 I'm not going to try to get technical on all those different 28:38 aspects, but you see what I'm saying. 28:40 We are in God's army. We are all part of it. 28:45 We have different parts to play. 28:48 In fact, in World War II for instance - 28:51 some of you were around in those days - 28:53 you saw this entire nation together. 28:58 People working in factories that normally didn't work 29:01 in factories making products that were used to defend liberty 29:07 and to keep our freedom. 29:10 And everybody was involved. 29:12 People even buying liberty bonds. They were involved. 29:16 You see, this is where we are. 29:18 We are in an all-out war 29:21 and every single one of us is involved. 29:26 Yes, we talk about sharing faith and so many times 29:30 we want to try and make an evangelist out of everybody. 29:32 But everybody's not an evangelist! 29:34 Everybody's not a public speaker. 29:37 Everybody is not so built that they can necessarily 29:42 knock on doors. It would kill some people to knock on a door. 29:46 But we can all be dedicated to winning souls 29:53 in our way, asking God "Lead me 29:57 in my own skin, Lord. 30:00 You've made me the way I am. 30:02 Now use me... use me 30:07 as You would use me and let me be... " 30:13 And it may be that He may someday bring you into a place 30:17 where you are preaching. You look at people like Andrew. 30:19 Andrew worked one at a time for people. 30:22 You know, if you look all the way through scripture 30:25 it was Andrew that went and got his brother Peter. 30:27 Brought him to Jesus. 30:29 It was Andrews that found that little boy 30:32 that had the fish and the loaves, 30:35 and he brought him to Jesus. 30:37 Andrew was not the person that was standing up there 30:41 preaching. 30:44 He was the quiet person 30:48 who worked one by one 30:52 with individuals. 30:55 And the world is full of Andrews. 30:58 And thank God for it. 31:01 Thank God they're not all Peters. 31:04 If the church were all Peters 31:06 we would have a lot of problems, believe me... 31:09 even more than we have. 31:11 We need a balance. Every one is part: 31:16 you yourself being used by God 31:21 as He would have you to be used. 31:24 I had a good friend who's a doctor. 31:26 And this man... I could just go on and on and tell you 31:31 about him. He was brilliant. He could speak fluently 31:34 five languages. He was humble. 31:37 He taught a Sabbath School class. 31:40 He had a practice in a part of town that 31:43 was definitely under crust... not upper crust. 31:48 Over half of his patients were never even sent a bill 31:53 because that's the way he operated. 31:57 And towards the end of his practice 31:59 I was at his office one day. By the way, 32:02 no minister or worker of ANY denomination... 32:07 no pastor ever was allowed to pay one dime. 32:11 He always took care of them totally free. 32:14 I don't care if they were Protestant, Catholic - 32:17 particularly Adventists - but all the others. 32:21 And that day he became emotional. 32:25 He said: "Forty years I've been in this practice. 32:30 I came into a practice not only to do medicine... " 32:34 And he was a doctor twenty-four hours a day. 32:37 You've never seen anything like it. 32:38 He went to Israel with me at least eight times 32:41 and always he was taking care of people 32:44 on the trip and helping them because that is the way he was. 32:49 But he said: "You know, I cannot point 32:54 to one single soul 32:59 that has ever joined the church 33:02 because of my practice. " 33:05 And I pointed out somebody quickly that I knew had. 33:08 And he said: "Well but... " He gave somebody else credit 33:11 for that individual. And yet every time you would point out 33:14 somebody he would give somebody else credit 33:16 for that individual. 33:19 And then I said to him: 33:21 "Carl, do you realize how faithful you have been 33:27 as a witness here? 33:30 You have no idea. When you get to the kingdom 33:33 you will see. But on top of that 33:35 every time I have gone out to hold a crusade 33:39 you have pressed into my hand a check 33:42 and said: 'Use this in that meeting. ' 33:47 Carl, some of those meetings we couldn't have held 33:50 without your help. 33:52 We couldn't have reached the souls that were reached 33:56 without your help. 33:58 You don't realize... we're part of a team together 34:04 proclaiming the gospel. " 34:07 You know, I tell you: sometimes we get the idea 34:13 that we work alone. We don't ever work alone. 34:17 Danny began this ministry but God immediately 34:21 touched people and had them come and be a part. 34:24 There was a couple that came from down near Chattanooga, 34:27 Tennessee. Came... borrowed $50,000 34:31 and brought it up here to help them get their first 34:34 building finished. You see, and then... 34:38 Amazing story that man tells about how God gave that money 34:41 back to him. But over and over again 34:45 every time Danny... and he has shared these things with us... 34:48 he realizes that God always had somebody there. 34:51 Somebody to lift; somebody to help. 34:54 And still there are those who are lifting and helping 34:59 and making this ministry continue to be strong. 35:02 We are a team. 35:06 85,000 contributions over a year... 35:10 85,000 team members 35:15 helping to proclaim 35:19 the gospel of Jesus Christ 35:22 being and showing 35:26 the wisdom that God would have us to have. 35:32 "Those who are wise 35:35 shall shine like the brightness of the firmament 35:40 and those who turn many to righteousness 35:44 like the stars 35:47 forever and ever. " 35:52 He that winneth souls is wise. 35:59 He may not be rich; he may not be well-known. 36:05 He may not be a captain of industry 36:09 nor a leader of military. 36:14 But God says he's going to shine 36:18 forever and ever. 36:23 And you are those who are wise. 36:29 Who've accepted Jesus 36:31 and you are sharing Him with the world. 36:36 Father, I thank you as we look at Your Word 36:41 that you have made each of us different, Father. 36:46 We are so totally different. 36:49 And that just makes it like the snowflakes... no two are alike. 36:55 Amen. There never will be another John Carter. 36:59 Never will be another Danny Shelton. 37:03 There never will be another any one of us 37:07 because You have made us unique. 37:11 You have gifted each person, 37:14 and the gifts that You give... 37:17 help us to use those gifts 37:22 to proclaim Your message. 37:26 To share what You have done in our own hearts. 37:30 For we thank you for hearing us 37:33 in Jesus' name, Amen. 37:42 Amen; praise the Lord! 37:43 Amen. Amen. Wonderful message... 37:46 study of God's Word. 37:48 It's my privilege to talk to you about 3ABN Latino. 37:54 The Lord is good. 37:56 The Lord is great. 37:58 I would like to tell you that 3ABN Latino is 38:02 a continuation of God's call 38:06 to bring the three angels' messages to the world. 38:11 I would like to share a scripture with you. 38:13 For some reason I felt like I should share this scripture. 38:15 This is in Luke chapter 4. 38:18 Luke chapter 4 and I'm going to begin in verse 40. 38:24 I'm going to try to read quickly because I have a lot of 38:27 great things to share with you. 38:30 You know, in Psalm 101 it says that we should tell of the 38:33 wonderful works of the Lord. 38:35 That's what we're going to do. 38:37 Luke chapter 4 verse 40. 38:39 It says here: "When the sun was setting 38:42 all those who had any that were sick 38:45 with various diseases brought them to Him. 38:48 And He laid His hands on every one of them 38:51 and healed them. " 38:54 3ABN is a mending broken people channel. 38:58 Amen? Verse 41: 39:00 "And demons also came out of many crying out and saying 39:05 'You are the Christ, the Son of God. ' 39:07 And He, rebuking them, did not allow them to speak 39:12 for they knew that He was the Christ. " 39:16 That's a good message for us. 39:17 We shouldn't allow demons to speak. 39:19 We must preach the gospel. Amen? 39:22 Cannot dwell too much on this part. We have to keep going. 39:25 Verse 42: "Now when it was day 39:28 He departed and went into a deserted place. 39:32 And the crowd sought Him... " 39:36 Did I jump something? No. Verse 42: 39:39 "Now when it was day He departed and went to a deserted place. 39:42 And the crowd sought Him and came to Him 39:47 and tried to keep Him from leaving them. " 39:50 You see, Jesus had preached to them. 39:53 He had healed the sick and they had been blessed. 39:58 And somehow they knew He had to go 40:01 and they did not want Him to go. 40:04 This is why it says here 40:08 that they what? They tried to keep Him 40:11 from leaving them. 40:15 When you have contact with Jesus Christ 40:18 and you are blessed, you don't want that experience to go away. 40:21 Amen? Amen. 40:25 Now I know you have to go home 40:27 but have you been blessed? 40:30 Amen; praise the Lord. 40:31 Verse 42: "But He said to them 40:35 'I must preach the kingdom of God 40:40 to the other cities also because for this purpose 40:45 I have been sent. " 40:47 Amen? 40:49 It says here He was preaching in the synagogues of Galilee. 40:53 And so what do we have here? 40:55 We have Jesus coming to a people in a city. 40:58 Preached to them. Healed the sick. 41:01 But He had to continue His journey. 41:05 The people didn't want Him to leave. 41:07 But you see, He had preached there and His mission was 41:10 to leave what? People behind that would what? 41:12 Continue the work. 41:15 But they did not want Him to leave. 41:17 Jesus said: "I must preach the gospel in other cities also. " 41:22 Amen? The gospel has to go all over the world. 41:27 And I would dare to say to you 41:29 that if the technology was available back then 41:34 when Jesus was walking among us, 41:36 among the people then, He would use radio and television. 41:40 Why? Because He wants to preach the gospel in other cities. 41:44 Other places... other nations. 41:47 And because He wanted to do this 41:50 He would use radio and television. 41:52 Wouldn't you say that's possible? 41:54 Amen. 41:56 So you see, Jesus longed 42:01 for every person to accept the message of salvation. 42:04 And even though He wanted to stay there... because the 42:07 Bible says He loved the world... 42:08 there are other people He has to reach... other people also. 42:11 "I must go to other cities and preach the gospel to them. " 42:14 And this is why 3ABN has to continue going 42:18 to every city, every country, preaching the everlasting gospel 42:23 of Jesus Christ. So I praise the Lord that since 42:26 1984 when God made the call 42:29 to build a television station that would preach the undiluted 42:33 three angels' messages - one that will counteract 42:35 the counterfeit - I praise the Lord that God found a man 42:40 that had faith to go forward in faith. 42:42 Amen? So 3ABN is a channel of divine origin. 42:48 That's what I like to say to people. 42:50 A channel of divine origin. 42:52 And you know, when we get letters from the 3ABN Latino 42:54 people they said "this is a channel of divine origin. 42:57 I have been blessed in my home. " 42:59 I praise the Lord that we are now on over 1,100 43:04 cable companies in the US, Central America, the Caribbean, 43:10 and South America. Amen? Amen! 43:13 I was recently in Guatemala 43:16 and there it was announced to me 43:19 that they have 513 cable companies. 43:24 Wow! That's a lot! 43:26 But our volunteers there... the Lord has used them 43:29 in a mighty way. We are on 96% of them. 43:33 Praise the Lord! 43:35 In Costa Rica we have a great amount of people 43:39 that have been reached by... we're on cable there. 43:43 Almost the whole country. 43:44 Colombia. It is growing so fast there 43:47 that we are practically nearly all over the country. 43:51 I wish I had time to share some stories about that. 43:53 Maybe we can sneak one in. 43:54 Guatemala, Colombia, Costa Rica, 43:58 Honduras, El Salvador are probably the top countries 44:02 where we have cable affiliates. 44:04 But if you talk to me about Peru, yes we have many there. 44:07 Mexico? We have many there. 44:09 And the list goes on. 44:12 And I was sharing with some people earlier this week... 44:15 And we went to a cable convention 44:18 and the Lord blessed us with 40-something cable affiliates. 44:22 But there we met a cable executive. 44:25 And he said to us: "You know 44:30 I could help you get on 100 cable companies in Venezuela. " 44:35 I said: "Praise the Lord! " 44:37 And he was going to go and think about that 44:39 as we shared some things with him. 44:40 "I'm going to go home and think about this. " 44:42 About a month later he said: "I'm ready now. " 44:44 And he sent the plan. 44:46 He said: "I know it's kind of expensive for you. " 44:49 You see, it costs nearly $600 44:51 for the satellite receiver and the modulator. 44:53 "I know it's kind of expensive for you 44:55 so here's the plan: every 6 months send us $25 44:59 and we'll put you on. 45:01 Six months later... $25 more. We will put you on. " 45:04 And so if we had all the money 45:06 we could get on 100 more cable systems in Venezuela 45:09 right away. Amen? Pray for that... pray for that. 45:14 So... let's hear some testimonies. 45:16 In Guatemala I was told that there is an 80-year-old man - 45:20 a preacher that had a large church - 45:24 and he began to watch 3ABN Latino. 45:27 And he announced in his church "I've been blessed! 45:31 I've been watching 3ABN Latino 45:33 and I've discovered that the seventh day is the Sabbath! " 45:38 He's been baptized and he's just rejoicing in the Lord 45:42 that he has discovered the Sabbath of the Bible. 45:45 And I said: "Praise the Lord! " 45:47 If I tell you about Costa Rica I could tell you about a Baptist 45:50 pastor that went to church and there he said: 45:52 "May I speak to the pastor please? " 45:54 "Sure, here's the pastor. " And he said to him: 45:57 "I, my wife, and my children would like to be baptized. 46:02 What do we need to do? " 46:04 And the pastor said: "Well we normally like to 46:07 do some Bible studies with you so that you understand 46:09 the doctrines and then you are baptized. " 46:12 And he said: "I've been studying with 3ABN Latino for over three 46:16 months with Pastor Bohr, Mark Finley... " 46:22 and he mentioned several pastors. 46:24 He said: "You have? " 46:26 He said: "Ask me any question. " 46:29 "OK, tell me about the Sabbath. " 46:31 He gave him a mini Bible study... 46:33 a Baptist pastor to a Seventh-day Adventist pastor. 46:36 Mini Bible study on the Sabbath. 46:38 He said: "Wow, you know this doctrine! " 46:39 "How about this? " Shared with him. Sure. 46:42 Shared some scriptures with him. 46:44 He said: "Pastor, I cannot argue with what you know. 46:47 You know the doctrines. When do you want to be baptized? " 46:51 He said: "How about next Sabbath? " 46:52 So the next Sabbath the Baptist pastor was baptized 46:55 with his wife and his children. Amen? Amen! Praise the Lord! 46:58 The Lord is doing great and mighty things. 47:01 In Puerto Rico in a place called Orocovis 47:04 we hear about a couple that they're looking for something 47:07 to watch on TV and they find a channel they have never seen 47:10 before. Started watching this channel. 47:13 3ABN Latino. 47:15 And they watched for several months 47:18 and decided: "This is the truth of the Bible. 47:20 Let's go and get baptized. " And they were baptized. 47:24 Shortly after they were baptized something strange happened: 47:29 the channel disappeared 47:33 and they could not get 3ABN Latino any more. 47:36 And they waited. Maybe there's something wrong 47:38 with the transmitter. And they waited 47:39 and they could never get it again. 47:41 And they said: "Well we miss it so much. " 47:43 They decided to buy a satellite dish 47:45 and now they keep on watching 3ABN Latino. 47:47 So praise the Lord, there are many stories in Puerto Rico. 47:52 Let's move over to... Let's see, how about 47:59 Edwin? Yes. Edwin from Guatemala. 48:03 This is from Guatemala. 48:05 This Edwin... he married a Seventh-day Adventist woman 48:12 but he was not a Seventh-day Adventist. 48:13 He was... He said: "I used to go... " 48:15 The way he tells the story: "I was raised 48:17 going to a Sunday church. " 48:19 He got married to the Seventh-day Adventist lady 48:22 and he said "For over 10 years 48:25 I made fun of her. I ridiculed her. 48:28 I just tormented her and made her life miserable. " 48:33 That's what he did! 48:35 So one day he's watching... He decides to... He was tired... 48:41 He wasn't tired and he said "It was 11 o'clock at night. 48:44 I wasn't tired. Didn't want to go to bed 48:46 so I turned on the television. " 48:48 And he keeps looking for channels and he passed 48:51 3ABN Latino. He said: "Something told me 48:55 to go back to that channel. " 48:58 "Something told me to go back to that... " 49:00 So he goes back to the channel and there he hears 49:06 the question. They start talking about the Sabbath. 49:10 "Say, my wife likes to go to church on the Sabbath. 49:12 Let me hear what these people have to say. " 49:14 So he listened 49:15 and he becomes convinced this is the message of the Bible. 49:21 And he kept on watching and watching. 49:23 He said: "The more I watched the more I learned that I was 49:26 completely mistaken... and I was baptized" he says. 49:30 And he says: "The Lord has changed my life 49:34 and I am not the same. " 49:36 Isn't that wonderful? When you give your heart 49:39 to the Lord your life is not the same. 49:42 Your life is not the same. 49:44 Let me tell you about another person. 49:47 His name... When I saw his name I said: "Wait a minute. 49:50 I've heard that name before. " 49:52 Julius Caesar. 49:55 His name is Julius Caesar... 49:57 Aguilar... Spanish last name: Aguilar. 50:00 He said that he was a police officer in Honduras. 50:05 And in Honduras as a police officer 50:07 he was just a regular person. 50:10 And he would drink and he said he was a corrupt police officer. 50:16 He was taking bribes from people, taking money from 50:19 people. He was just bad! 50:22 And he said that things would happen to him 50:25 that he would explain away. 50:26 He said one time he was involved in an accident 50:29 and his motorcycle flew over a car, landed far away 50:34 and he survived. 50:37 So he dismissed it as: "It's a good thing I was wearing 50:41 a helmet. " But the Lord saved his life. 50:45 But he said: "At that time that's what I thought. 50:47 I look back now and the Lord saved my life. " 50:50 Another time they were chasing some guys... some 50:53 criminal guys. And when they came near him 50:56 they were surprised that he took out a weapon, 50:58 started shooting at them. 51:00 He said: "We were about 18 feet away. 51:02 He should not have missed but he missed us. 51:06 And I dismissed it again: Oh, the guy is a bad shot. 51:09 He doesn't know how to shoot straight. 51:11 But now I look back" he says 51:13 "and I know the Lord saved my life. " 51:17 And because the people of the world have no peace - 51:20 and if you're in the world, those that are watching - 51:23 you don't have peace until you find the Lord Jesus Christ. 51:27 So one night he's depressed. 51:29 He went through this long bout with depression 51:32 and he was just suffering. He said he nearly ended his life. 51:36 That's how depressed he was. 51:39 So one day he's looking for a movie to watch. 51:43 Found 3ABN 51:46 and began to watch. And he said 51:49 that during those bouts with depression he noticed 51:52 that whenever he watched 3ABN Latino 51:55 he was encouraged... he felt better. 51:58 And so he... Whenever he felt bad he started watching 52:01 3ABN. He was encouraged and felt better. 52:04 And now he's a member of God's family. Praise the Lord! 52:08 And of course he's not the same police officer he used to be 52:11 because God transforms your life. 52:15 I have another story. This one is from Dominican Republic 52:19 and his name is Franklin. 52:22 Franklin was studying the Bible 52:25 and he was surprised. He said: "Wait a minute. 52:27 It says here that God blessed and sanctified 52:31 the seventh day. " 52:33 So he's talking to his wife and his mother-in-law 52:36 and another daughter of the mother-in-law. 52:41 And he said: "Hey! I just read here that it says 52:44 that we're supposed to sanctify and bless the seventh-day 52:47 Sabbath. " And the mother-in-law said: "You are wrong. 52:51 This is not right because that's been changed. 52:55 That's been changed... that's what I've heard. " 52:57 So they started arguing. "But the Bible says this! " 53:00 "Oh no, that's been changed! " 53:02 And so she said: "Wait a minute. 53:04 I know who can help us with this. " 53:06 I'm telling you what the e-mail said. 53:09 She said: "There's a Jehovah's Witness friend of mine 53:12 that can help us with this. " 53:16 And he said... I'm going to give you the dates as he gave them. 53:18 That was Thursday, the 7th of October 53:22 of that year that he was talking about. 53:25 On Thursday... On Friday he's sitting on his bed 53:31 looking for something to watch 53:33 and he said: "The first thing that comes on 53:36 is a program he was watching and they were addressing 53:39 a question. Says here: "We have a letter from someone 53:42 that wants to know which day is the Sabbath. 53:45 Is it Saturday or is it Sunday? " 53:48 And he was shocked. "Wait... what? 53:50 That's what I've been studying about. " 53:53 He jumped out of bed he says and he went to get his wife 53:56 and his mother-in-law. "Come here! Come here! 53:58 They're talking about... Remember? Come on... " 54:00 And they sat down and they said they followed all the texts 54:04 in the Bible and he was taking notes quickly. 54:08 And the way he said this was 54:12 "I felt that I had to stop at that channel and listen. " 54:16 When he found it and he heard this 54:19 he felt it was confirmation that the Lord directed him 54:22 to 3ABN Latino to listen to the message. 54:25 That was October the 8th... Friday. 54:29 What do you think he was doing Sabbath, October the 9th? 54:32 He went to church 54:35 because he was convinced that this was God's message. 54:41 That was the first e-mail. In other e-mails he said 54:44 "I am now happy to be a member of the Seventh-day Adventist 54:47 church because this is God's message. " 54:51 Amen? Praise the Lord. 54:53 So many stories. 54:55 Because you see, Jesus said: "I must preach the gospel 54:59 in other cities also. " 55:01 Why? Because there are people to be saved in every city. 55:05 In every city we must keep going to preach the gospel. 55:09 I could tell you stories about Europe. 55:11 There was a young man in Europe - a soldier - 55:14 watching 3ABN. And he said that he 55:20 received orders that he was supposed to go to Afghanistan. 55:25 And he said: "I've been watching 3ABN 55:28 and I must be baptized before I go. " 55:33 So he went... He was in Germany actually 55:36 so he went looking for a Seventh-day Adventist church. 55:39 And he got an interpreter 55:42 and he went through the same thing as another person 55:44 I told you earlier. He said: "You want to be baptized 55:47 but you must do some Bible studies. When are you leaving? " 55:50 "Next week. " He said: "We don't have enough time 55:53 to do the Bible studies. " "I've been studying the Bible 55:55 with different speakers that he mentioned. " 55:58 "Well let's see... " And he questioned him on things. 56:00 And he said: "You are ready! We will baptize you. " 56:04 So he was baptized and he says "I'm happy to be able to say 56:08 that I am now going to Afghanistan knowing 56:11 that I have given my heart to the Lord 56:13 and I am in... walking in God's way. " 56:17 The Lord is so good. 56:19 The Lord is so marvelous. 56:21 And as I said earlier another time 56:24 I am so grateful to the Lord 56:27 that twenty-four hours a day 56:30 the message of the gospel is going out 56:33 from right here in southern Illinois. 56:36 And from southern Illinois the message goes out 56:40 reaching millions of people in different cities of the world 56:44 and they are hearing God's message. 56:47 And the Holy Spirit is there trying to persuade them 56:52 and guide them into all truth. 56:55 Why? Because Jesus Christ is coming soon 57:00 and there are people to reach for salvation. 57:03 And God is not willing that any should perish 57:05 but that all should come to repentance. 57:08 We want to encourage you to continue to pray for 3ABN. 57:12 There are many more people to win for Jesus Christ 57:16 and we must keep going until the Lord says the work is done. |
Revised 2014-12-17