3ABN Homecoming 2012

Ministry Reports & Music

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 12HC

Program Code: 12HC000012

00:47 Danny, we are back for the 2:30 p. m. service
00:51 and we've had a wonderful meal. Chef Mark Anthony
00:55 and his crew: Brenda and Melody and all the volunteers
01:00 that help him - yeah - have just really served us
01:04 all a wonderful Sabbath meal.
01:06 And so now we're back. Now the challenge will be
01:09 to keep these people awake. I know.
01:12 And I think we've got enough stuff here to keep them awake.
01:14 I do too. Yeah, yeah... we've got some good things going.
01:17 We really do. And what all have we got to do today?
01:21 Well we're going to do some music and we have some testimony
01:23 and we have some great reports. Yeah.
01:25 And we have a special little presentation
01:28 we want to give to somebody who did something special
01:30 a number of years ago that's still working.
01:33 That's right. And so we're glad to have him here
01:36 and his family... so we've got a number of things going.
01:39 We're going to be updated but we're going to continue
01:42 to do a little music. You all like music I can tell. Right?
01:44 Amen! And the Lord has blessed us here with some people
01:48 that are gifted in music. That's right.
01:50 And a lot of these folk and so... I mean how many churches
01:53 have a pastor who sings like John Lomacang?
01:56 Not too many. Only one... that's right.
01:58 And we're very blessed to have him. But anyway
02:01 we're going to have quite a bit of music here today.
02:02 So I'm looking forward to this and I just thank you all for
02:06 coming out to Camp Meeting as you do.
02:09 You know, many of you... How many of you have been here
02:11 at least five times for Camp Meeting?
02:13 Anybody been here at least to ten Camp Meetings?
02:16 Look at the hands that are still going up.
02:17 Anybody longer than that? 15 maybe?
02:20 Wow! OK, some of you have been here from the beginning
02:22 of it. That's all right!
02:24 Well I mentioned this morning we've switched to a lot of...
02:26 lot of venues you know here but this is one that's worked out.
02:29 And we have not only the folks here but the children,
02:32 you know, we've got our children.
02:33 And we're going to have some kids come and sing for us
02:36 in just a little bit. That's right. And you may have
02:38 a child that's going to be singing or a grandchild
02:40 or you may know some of these children.
02:42 So you'll want to see that... you really will.
02:45 Well right now we're going to invite Tammy out...
02:48 and my sister Tammy Chance. Yes.
02:51 And Tammy's going to be singing.
02:52 You using this little bitty mike?
02:54 Oh no... no, you're not going to use that.
02:56 I don't think that would carry me. That one wouldn't
02:58 do you very... That's a little one, isn't it?
03:00 That must be for the choir pretty soon. Yeah.
03:02 You've got a brand new project going, right? In a few weeks.
03:06 Yeah. What's some of the songs on there?
03:07 Um, well... Jehovah that I sang last night.
03:10 That's a beautiful song. Thank you.
03:12 And Through the Years which I'm going to do now.
03:14 Lanny Wolfe - yeah - is one of the greatest song writers of our
03:17 time - yes - I think. Yeah, sure... uh-huh.
03:18 And Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.
03:20 Really? Yeah. You can sing that?
03:23 I'm a little light complected for it I know.
03:25 Yeah I know. I don't think you can sing that right. OK.
03:27 I don't think I can do it justice but I like the song.
03:30 What else? Father's Eyes
03:32 that I sang our opening night. Yeah, that's a good one.
03:34 Um-hmm. And we're going to put Heavenly Music on it - OK -
03:37 that we did for the Pillars Project.
03:39 Oh yeah, that's a good one. And there's one that's
03:42 a pretty fast one called Look Up High.
03:44 OK. And that's a Tally song, so... OK.
03:47 I was kind of out of my comfort zone with it.
03:49 You know E.T... she likes to push.
03:51 Yeah. She pushed me out of box and into something different.
03:54 Yeah. OK, all right. Well we're looking forward to that.
03:57 It's been a while since you've had a CD out, right?
03:59 It's been about 5 or 6 years - OK, all right - and so we've got
04:02 a pre-release for tonight with just two songs on it.
04:05 OK. Well you're not going to get so... you know, so important
04:08 that you quit running the Sale Barn and stuff
04:10 during these things, are you?
04:12 No, that's just... Just 'cause you're singing doesn't mean
04:14 you're still not going to work at the Sale Barn when it's not
04:16 Sabbath. No, that... that brings us too much money.
04:19 The Lord blesses and we've got to have that income.
04:22 That's right. For 3ABN... that's great. Yeah.
04:24 I'm afraid if it was just my singing you'd have to fire me.
04:28 Well no we wouldn't. All right. Thank you.
04:43 "Don't waste your time in lookin' back"
04:46 I've heard a lot of people say.
04:50 Just keep your eyes on the future;
04:54 forget the things you did yesterday.
04:58 But every now and then I like to look back
05:01 and reminisce how good it's been
05:05 walkin' on this Christian journey
05:09 and havin' Jesus as my friend.
05:12 Through the years He's blessed me;
05:16 through the years He's kept me.
05:20 Through the good times and the bad
05:23 He's been the best friend I've ever had.
05:27 Through the years I'll love Him;
05:31 through the years I'll serve Him
05:35 'till I reign with Him forever
05:39 through the years.
05:51 Let's see some smiles out here.
05:55 Beautiful memories He's given me
05:58 along with blessings by the score.
06:02 Love like I thought could never be
06:06 got sweeter than each day before.
06:10 Oh, I know that I can never explain it:
06:13 the joy His love and goodness bring.
06:17 And if He's been just as good to you
06:21 why don't you join in and sing?
06:24 Through the years He's blessed me;
06:28 through the years He's kept me.
06:32 Through the good times and the bad
06:35 He's been the best friend I've ever had.
06:39 Through the years I'll love Him;
06:43 through the years I'll serve Him
06:47 'till I reign with Him forever
06:51 through the years.
06:55 He's been a strong and a mighty tower;
07:00 He's never left me in my darkest hour.
07:03 I know He won't fail me now
07:07 or through the years.
07:10 Through the years He's blessed me;
07:13 through the years He's kept me.
07:17 Through the good times and the bad
07:21 He's been the best friend I've ever had.
07:25 Through the years I'll love Him;
07:29 through the years I'll serve Him
07:33 'till I reign with Him forever
07:36 through the years.
07:44 Through the years.
07:52 Through the years.
08:04 When we were very young
08:07 we lived next door to people who had the strangest habit.
08:11 We would play with these kids during the week
08:13 and on Saturday they would all pile in the car
08:16 and just disappear for the day.
08:18 And we thought it was the strangest activity.
08:20 Every Sabbath morning - or Saturday morning -
08:22 the whole family would get in the car and just disappear.
08:26 And so we moved to another part of the town -
08:29 Buffalo, New York - and wouldn't you know? We moved right across
08:32 the street from some people with that strange...
08:34 same strange habit.
08:36 Saturday morning the whole family'd get in the car
08:39 and just disappear.
08:40 And when they did come home we couldn't play with them.
08:44 You know, we couldn't go across and play with them
08:46 like we could the other 6 days.
08:48 And so as young people we asked: "What do you guys
08:51 do when you disappear in the car, you know? "
08:55 And they said: "We go to Sabbath School. "
08:56 And I'd never heard of Sabbath School.
08:59 So I said: "OK, next week when you disappear
09:02 I'd like to disappear with you. "
09:04 And so I jumped in the car with them
09:06 and we all disappeared together.
09:08 And the moment I got in the Sabbath School
09:10 it was the sweetest most wonderful experience.
09:13 First of all, there was a beautiful Sabbath School teacher
09:16 that when you got the answer right she would stroke your
09:18 cheek and say: "That's right, dear. "
09:21 And I liked that.
09:23 So I actually began to study my Sabbath School lesson
09:26 for prurient reasons.
09:27 They weren't... I just... I wanted to get touched.
09:30 It was just nice. And then she got married
09:32 and some man took her away and it was just horrible.
09:34 But by then I had fallen in love with Jesus.
09:37 And at age 10 I was baptized into the
09:39 Seventh-day Adventist church.
09:40 And so those young people across the street
09:42 were the first evangelists. We've been talking about
09:44 evangelism and sharing the Lord.
09:48 And so this song is an old evangelistic tune
09:51 that was old when I joined the church... which was
09:54 several decades ago as a child.
09:57 I had the privilege of baptizing my mom,
09:59 my sister, and my dad... one month before he had a stroke
10:01 and died. So I'm very pleased that we were able
10:04 to be used by God. But we are all evangelists.
10:07 The call of Christ... the Macedonian call...
10:09 comes to all of us.
10:11 And so this song is entitled So Send I You.
10:25 So send I you
10:29 by grace made strong by triumph,
10:35 or host of hell,
10:38 or darkness, death, and sin.
10:44 To bear My name
10:47 and in that name to conquer.
10:52 So send I you
10:57 eternity to win.
11:06 So send I you
11:10 to take to souls in bondage
11:14 the words of truth
11:18 that sets the captive free.
11:22 To break the bonds of sin,
11:27 to loose their fetters.
11:31 So send I you
11:34 to bring the lost to Me.
11:44 So send I you
11:48 My strength to know in weakness.
11:54 My perfect peace
11:57 to feel instead of pain.
12:02 To feel My power,
12:05 My peace, My promised presence.
12:10 So send I you
12:14 eternal fruit to gain.
12:24 So send I you
12:28 My grace to know in weakness.
12:33 To hear My voice
12:36 "Well done, My perfect...
12:42 To grace the lost with power
12:46 and all My presence.
12:50 Come share My joy,
12:54 My kingdom and
12:57 My crown. "
13:02 "As the Father
13:06 has sent Me...
13:14 So send
13:20 I
13:23 you. "
13:41 Slightly over 25 years ago I was asked to pastor the
13:44 Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist church in Manhattan, New York.
13:49 And it was the largest church I ever pastored.
13:51 It had about 2,000 members when I got there.
13:54 There was one of my members who distinguished themselves
13:57 to me because every single Sabbath they came to church
14:00 late.
14:01 But I didn't mind because
14:04 every Sabbath when she came to church late
14:06 she brought a line of people with her.
14:10 And I was very impressed by that.
14:12 She would go around and gather all of these people
14:14 from the showbiz industry who were night sleepers
14:18 who got up late, and in gathering them
14:20 it would make her late. But every Sabbath
14:22 they would come down the aisle of the church,
14:24 sit on the first two rows,
14:25 open up their pens, their tablets and their Bibles
14:28 and take notes on my sermon.
14:30 You've got to be impressed with somebody who does that
14:32 every single Sabbath. So I didn't mind the fact that
14:35 she came to church late. And I baptized her
14:38 along with one of her guests and some other people.
14:40 And she was responsible for leading at least half a dozen
14:43 people to the Lord.
14:45 So I said: "Well if that's what coming to church late does
14:48 then... " Well that's another story.
14:50 Anyway, Yvonne Lewis was then in show business.
14:54 And we pulled her out of show business
14:57 along with a number of other people who were singing jingles.
14:59 I want to embarrass her just a little bit.
15:01 Making hundreds of thousands of dollars
15:03 singing for the devil.
15:05 They would sing beer commercials and smoking commercials
15:08 and all kinds of stuff. And when they were baptized
15:11 each of them took a pledge that they would no longer
15:13 sing any of that kind of stuff.
15:15 They wouldn't sing for beer, for wine, for cigarettes.
15:18 And all of them took massive hits in their income
15:22 because the people that did those commercials
15:24 said "Well if you don't want to sing we'll find somebody else. "
15:26 But they each determined
15:28 "We're not going to do that for the devil any more. "
15:30 And she was one of them, and so she endeared herself
15:33 to me as a person who sacrificed immediately
15:36 for the cause of Christ.
15:38 And so did that group of people that she used to bring to church
15:41 late every Sabbath.
15:43 He tells this every time. You know that, right?
15:45 And so we tease each other.
15:47 I said: "You know I've been dragging you around
15:48 for 25 years. " But now she's come to 3ABN
15:52 and she is standing tall for the Lord.
15:55 And Dare to Dream has taken its place among the
15:58 brotherhood, the sisterhood of channels that are part of
16:00 the 3ABN offerings. And she is doing really
16:03 almost a one-man-band job putting this thing together.
16:07 Between her and the Holy Spirit
16:08 they are an unbeatable combination.
16:10 So we wanted to give her a little time to talk about
16:12 really our newest baby, Dare to Dream,
16:14 which really went on air full time this past January.
16:17 Yes. Thank you, Pastor C.A.
16:19 who never fails to remind me how late I was
16:22 every week, every Sabbath.
16:25 Thank you. How many of you have had
16:27 the opportunity to see Dare to Dream?
16:30 Praise the Lord.
16:32 I am so thankful to be a part
16:35 of 3ABN and the vision to go into the inner city.
16:40 Danny a few years ago
16:42 had wanted to do an urban network.
16:47 And one was begun but it just didn't work out.
16:51 And so the idea was still there
16:54 but there was no one to really do it.
16:56 And the Lord led me here through another means.
17:00 I had written a book and I came here to be interviewed
17:04 for my book. But as the Lord would have it
17:07 I ended up being the general manager
17:09 of Dare to Dream Network.
17:11 And so I'm so thankful because there's such a need
17:14 in the inner city. You see, a lot of times we
17:17 focus on mission work and we think, you know,
17:20 we should just go overseas. And certainly we should!
17:23 Certainly we should go overseas.
17:25 But guess what? We have a need right here.
17:28 We have a need right here where people are languishing
17:31 and dying for want of the gospel.
17:34 Our own people here in the United States.
17:37 And so if we could just take a look at what's going on.
17:42 And this is what God laid on my heart:
17:44 take a look at what's going on in the inner city
17:47 and then develop programming around that.
17:50 Take a look at the various crises that confront people
17:54 in the inner city and then look at what kinds of programs
17:59 we can develop to help them.
18:02 And so God... It's amazing to me
18:05 because this could not have been done without God.
18:08 Since January we launched on satellite -
18:12 actually New Year's Eve so January 1-
18:15 we launched on satellite. And since then we have now
18:18 14 programs that are not
18:24 that didn't originate on the parent network.
18:27 They are original to Dare to Dream.
18:30 So we have 14 new programs.
18:32 We have 5 that we do in-house and then I have some
18:35 wonderful people who produce programming
18:39 for us externally like Bro. Ray Young and Ken Dixon.
18:43 And so we've been able to do some programs externally too.
18:48 So we have programming here for example
18:51 for relationships because we know
18:55 that many relationships... the family is eroding
18:58 in the inner city and children are being raised
19:01 by single-parent households.
19:03 And one of the problems that Bro. Lemuel...
19:05 I know you and Cherie and Brad, you guys know
19:10 that one of the problems is the absence of the father
19:13 in the household so there's no male role model.
19:17 So where do you get your idea of what a man is?
19:22 Where do you get your idea of what a father does?
19:26 Where do you get it? You get it from gangs.
19:29 You get it from you know when you go to juvy.
19:32 You meet other people there and you bond with them
19:35 but you're not getting the godly mentor that you need.
19:39 Well praise God, TV can go into your house
19:43 and help teach you. Are you with me?
19:46 TV. Are you guys hearing me?
19:48 I mean, this thing is so exciting because television
19:51 can go into the home and do the things that we can't
19:55 necessarily do in a church
19:57 because some of these kids won't go to church.
19:59 But they'll flip that dial and they'll watch that television.
20:03 So we really, really need
20:06 to look at how we can promote God in the inner cities.
20:12 And praise God for 3ABN
20:15 and the vision to go forth into the cities.
20:17 We have a program that we are producing -
20:20 Bro. Ray Young, Quiet Time Ministries
20:22 out of Michigan - that is called Making It Work.
20:27 That's a family program.
20:29 We have Families for Heaven
20:31 and we have substance abuse programs.
20:33 We're showing Cherie's program
20:35 which is just a wonderful program.
20:37 We have programs for food preparation
20:43 and so because chronic disease is an issue.
20:46 Diabetes, hypertension, cancer.
20:48 So we have programming that helps people
20:51 know about the health message but in a fun way.
20:54 Because we want to appeal to our demographic.
20:57 We want to have cutting-edge kinds of programs
21:00 that actually focus on the role of the mother
21:04 and the father and health and the gospel
21:08 and all of these things. And I praise God
21:12 that Dare to Dream is doing that.
21:15 What we have right now - some of the newest things
21:18 that we have - are these fillers.
21:19 And I'm excited about that, too, because the fillers
21:22 are these one minute little either it's a devotional
21:25 called Connection Minute or we have Health Minute
21:30 which gives you like a little health nugget.
21:32 And our newest thing... we have Money Minute too...
21:36 but our newest thing is The Mindful Minute.
21:39 And The Mindful Minute is... it's not even up yet.
21:42 It should be edited hopefully and airing
21:46 within the next couple of weeks.
21:48 And these are just little motivational minutes
21:51 on procrastination, determination,
21:54 goal setting, achievement.
21:57 Just these one little bullet points that can kind of
22:00 motivate people to kind of do something
22:02 and change your life by the grace of God.
22:05 All of these with Biblical underpinnings
22:08 because without the gospel this is meaningless.
22:12 With the gospel all things can be accomplished.
22:16 So it is an exciting time at Dare to Dream.
22:19 I ask you to please support us.
22:22 We really need your support.
22:25 First we need your prayers because we are going in
22:28 on Satan's territory. There's a program
22:32 I just met with a couple young men this past week
22:35 that I had met at ASI originally and they came here
22:38 to do some programming. And they are going to host
22:41 a program for us. We think it's going to be called
22:44 Hip Hop Hype. It's going to be about
22:47 the hip hop industry because to me
22:50 if there's one thing that has decimated our culture
22:54 more than anything else I think it's hip hop.
22:58 Hip hop is not just music... it's a culture.
23:01 It's actually... The guys were telling me the other day
23:04 this is like a religion now.
23:06 They have their own pillars, their own tenets.
23:08 You know, one of their tenets is "have fun. "
23:11 Have fun? I mean, how deep is that?
23:14 That's really deep, right? Have fun.
23:16 These things are antithetical
23:20 to what we're trying to teach in the Word, through the Word.
23:25 So we have some young men that came out from the hip hop
23:29 world that are going to be talking about what that world
23:32 is about and uncovering the deception
23:36 that that world offers.
23:37 And don't think that it's just young African-Americans
23:41 that are listening to hip hop.
23:42 Hip hop has infiltrated all of America.
23:46 So the most... The guys were telling me that
23:50 the largest consumers of hip hop are suburbanites.
23:54 Young white suburbanites.
23:57 So we've got to get this thing... we've got to get it
24:00 under control and God has made a way through media.
24:04 Media is the best way to get into millions of homes.
24:09 Millions of homes.
24:11 So, what do I need for you to do?
24:14 Number 1: please pray for us because we are on the front
24:17 lines and because we really do need that underpinning
24:21 of support that prayer gives.
24:24 That power that prayer gives.
24:25 Number two: we need for you to contact your cable companies
24:30 and say: "We want Dare to Dream. "
24:32 A lot of people say to me: "Well how can I watch it?
24:34 I don't know how to get it. How can I watch it? "
24:36 If you have an iPhone or an iPad
24:38 you can download the TVU app on there
24:42 and then the code for Dare to Dream is 5569.
24:46 And you can watch Dare to Dream 24/7 on your iPad or iPhone.
24:50 So that's really really really good
24:52 because that makes it accessible.
24:54 But we want to be on cable.
24:56 How can we get into all these homes
24:58 if we're not on television? A lot of these kids
25:00 some of them don't have iPads and iPhones.
25:02 We need to get into their homes.
25:05 Please help us by, again, praying,
25:08 by contacting your cable company,
25:10 and by your financial support.
25:12 Right now basically we need a staff here.
25:16 We need equipment. We need so many different things here
25:20 to help this program to just go through
25:24 and to accomplish that which God would have it to accomplish.
25:28 We have brochures; we have promotional items; door hangers.
25:32 We have all of that. If you want any of that,
25:35 call us at 3ABN and we can see to it that you get that.
25:38 Thank you so much for all that you do
25:41 for the cause of Christ. God bless you.
25:43 Amen. Right on time; praise the Lord.
25:46 We're going to call out Jimmy Rhodes just now
25:48 to bring us some music.
25:50 He is SUCH a blessing to this ministry
25:53 and as you can see, multi-talented.
25:56 I don't know if there's anything he does not play
25:58 and play well... but he is such a blessing.
26:00 While he is coming and getting himself together
26:02 I want to say this just very quickly:
26:04 you know, statistics have shown us in the last year
26:07 that the Seventh-day Adventist church is the fastest growing
26:09 Protestant denomination in America.
26:12 And we can thank the Lord for that.
26:14 But when you scrape beneath that statistic
26:16 here's what you find:
26:17 you find the same thing I found when I was pastoring
26:19 in New York City. And that is that most of our growth
26:22 is among immigrant populations
26:24 in the country less than 15 years.
26:26 That's where our growth is coming principally from.
26:29 Once those immigrant populations get in and get settled
26:32 we're not winning them in appreciable numbers either.
26:35 We are not winning indigenous black Americans;
26:38 we are not winning in great numbers white Americans.
26:41 Now that problem goes across the board all denominations.
26:44 God is going to have to show us a way
26:46 to get behind some of these walls and some of these doors.
26:49 I just came back from a meeting in New York City
26:51 and they're saying: "How can we increase our saturation
26:54 of affluent white America which is many times resistant
26:59 to the gospel or just accepting the gospel on a surface
27:03 kind of basis? We want to make them children of God
27:05 because Christ died for them too. "
27:07 So the inner city or the cities are not all
27:10 poor, marginalized people. There are some affluent people
27:13 in those cities that we are also not reaching.
27:15 That's why we feel 3ABN is so important
27:17 because it can go where persons cannot go.
27:20 It can say what persons cannot say.
27:22 It can do what persons cannot do.
27:25 So do pray for this ministry because I think not only is it
27:30 timely I think it's critical to the finishing of the work
27:34 and meeting these various strata of people
27:37 that are not going to take a knock on the door.
27:38 They're not going to take a tract.
27:40 They're not going to walk into the church.
27:41 The church has to go to them...
27:43 and that's what 3ABN does.
27:45 Keep that in mind and do pray for this ministry.
27:47 We present to you now Jimmy Rhodes.
30:33 Amen!
30:36 Wow! I tell you, that was really...
30:40 That got me awake!
30:42 Didn't that waken you up? Awaken you? Waken you up?
30:47 I got a letter the other day
30:50 from a man who said: "I deliver pizzas
30:55 in the Carbondale area.
30:58 And while I'm delivering pizzas
31:02 I'm listening to the radio.
31:06 And while I have been listening to the radio
31:09 I have found the truth of God's Word. "
31:12 Amen! He said: " I am listening to 3ABN Radio. "
31:16 And then he went into our truths
31:20 in such a unique way.
31:23 Now this gentleman delivers pizza but he also
31:28 has another way that he makes a living.
31:32 He is a professional musician
31:35 and writes music... does things of that nature.
31:38 He's been here at least once to this church
31:42 and he was asking me about any other churches that might
31:46 be closer to where he lives.
31:49 And of course we've answered his letter.
31:52 Over and over we find this.
31:55 Over and over and over again.
31:58 When I went in the hospital a couple years ago
32:01 for... I've had people for years tell me I had a lot of gall...
32:06 And they decided to remove my gall bladder
32:09 which no one has accused me of having too much gall
32:13 since then. And while I was there
32:17 the nurse came in and some guys came by to see me.
32:22 It was Danny and John.
32:26 And when she saw them she said: "I know who you are.
32:32 You own 3ABN. "
32:34 She says: "My husband listens to 3ABN all the time
32:40 on the radio. " And then she introduced us to her husband.
32:46 Later he came and he was here.
32:49 And we have seen how radio is reaching out.
32:53 Right now Jay Christian is going to come
32:55 and he's going to share some of the thrilling things
32:58 that are happening with 3ABN Radio. Jay.
33:03 Praise God!
33:05 Thank you, Jim. You know it's one of the most exciting
33:08 things in the world. I've been at 3ABN now
33:12 for 13 years.
33:17 And I've got to tell you: no one has ever put up with me
33:21 anywhere near 13 years before.
33:23 So God is listening to your prayers for sure for me
33:28 because I love it. There are all sorts of...
33:31 You know, you heard a couple stories that Jim gave you.
33:36 And we are always getting stories. As a matter of fact
33:40 I was just talking to one of our affiliates
33:43 that is here at the Camp Meeting now
33:46 from Fulton, Missouri, at 107.9 FM.
33:52 And he was telling me that... And this is a story that we hear
33:55 so often. You've heard this before with 3ABN.
33:58 But it also happens with 3ABN Radio.
34:02 And that is that people walk in and say
34:05 "Hello. I've been listening to your radio station.
34:09 Wanted to come and visit your church. "
34:11 And just recently that happened.
34:13 A couple came in and not of the Seventh-day Adventist
34:17 persuasion but said: "We just want to come and visit
34:20 your church and get to know what Adventists are like
34:23 and what it feels like going to an Adventist church. "
34:26 Praise God for that, right?
34:29 That's one of the things that affiliates can do.
34:31 Now he was also telling me another situation
34:34 where there was a young man
34:37 that started getting into trouble, and at 14 he was sent
34:41 to jail for something like 14 years.
34:43 And while he was in jail he had lots of time to kill
34:47 and he said: "You know I hear all these people
34:49 saying things about the Bible. And I've got time to study now
34:55 so I'm going to study it and see what the Bible says. "
34:58 Well he was reading the Bible unfiltered
35:01 and you know what that can do.
35:03 When he got out of church...
35:05 I'm sorry. When he got out of prison
35:07 he started looking for a church
35:10 that followed the Bible.
35:13 Guess what he found?
35:15 The Seventh-day Adventist church in Fulton, Missouri.
35:18 He is now a Bible worker with that church.
35:21 One of the things that he does is he goes into the community
35:25 to knock on doors and ask for Bible studies.
35:29 And when no one answers the door they put a little
35:31 door hanger on there that says: "Please listen to 107.9 FM...
35:37 good Christian radio. "
35:39 So Praise God. Just some of the ways
35:41 that people are using being an affiliate to reach the people
35:46 in their communities. We have many many good
35:50 affiliates out there. As a matter of fact, we are
35:53 approximately at 225 at the moment.
35:57 We've added just this year
36:00 station WIHC in Newberry, MI;
36:04 KFJL in Medford, OR;
36:07 WAIR-LP in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina;
36:12 WJSY-LP in Newport, VT.
36:15 So we'd like to welcome those stations.
36:18 We also have a couple of new micro transmitter stations:
36:21 tiny little itty bitty stations that don't cover a very big area
36:25 but every person that listens to them
36:28 it has a profound effect. And so we thank these people
36:32 for putting on some micro transmitter stations
36:35 in St. Louis, Missouri, and in Forks, Washington.
36:38 Also a new low-power station in New Zealand
36:42 in Auckland, city of Red Beach. So welcome
36:44 and we thank you very much.
36:46 And another full-power FM station
36:49 in Live Oak, Florida. They have a construction permit
36:52 and they'll be joining us hope- fully in just a little while.
36:56 We calculated just a little while ago about how many people
37:00 we're reaching now with our radio stations...
37:04 affiliates out there.
37:06 Eighteen and a half million people.
37:09 Praise God! And you know when we first got started
37:12 our first day on the air was February 28, 2000.
37:17 Nobody could listen to us unless they had the C band TV.
37:22 You know, people back into those days had the big
37:25 satellite dishes and they'd roam around
37:28 and they'd find something. And we would hope somebody
37:29 would stumble on us. Well just right after that
37:33 they opened up the possibility for low-power FM stations.
37:38 And it has been an absolute godsend.
37:41 It really has because we've been reaching people.
37:45 Sometimes people don't want other people know that
37:49 they're showing an interest in Christianity.
37:52 Or sometimes they don't want other people to know that
37:54 they're checking out Seventh-day Adventist church.
37:57 And so they can listen to us in the privacy of their car
38:01 while they're driving down the street.
38:03 And so many people... We've heard the story over
38:07 and over again about how somebody is driving
38:09 and they're getting to the edge of the radio station signal
38:12 so they'll pull over. Somebody told us once
38:15 that they were going down the interstate and they got out of
38:18 range and they frantically looked for an off ramp.
38:20 They took an off ramp and they drove back
38:22 until they could start to get the signal again.
38:25 They pulled over and listened till the end of the program.
38:27 And at the end of the programs we tell people how to contact us
38:31 and they wrote and said: "I really need a copy
38:34 of that program. " Praise God. Praise God for our affiliates.
38:38 And so we have a lot of very good affiliates.
38:42 We have one that started off as a micro transmitter
38:47 and now they've got a bunch of different radio stations
38:49 up in Michigan. Just turned another one on.
38:52 They have three radio stations.
38:55 This started from a little teeny micro transmitter.
38:57 And then they've turned on... They've have gone from...
39:00 And they've shared the story with us.
39:02 David Balduke is one of our most active affiliates
39:05 that we have out there. And they're always looking
39:07 for new stations and new ways to share God.
39:10 And when you ask them: "How much money do you have? "
39:12 What's the answer we give at 3ABN?
39:16 None. And yet they always find ways
39:21 to pick up more radio stations
39:23 and more listeners and they're blessing God as well.
39:27 And you know, we are... We often get letters from
39:31 people who listen to us.
39:33 And I see Cherie Peters down here in the audience.
39:37 Somebody wrote you a letter, Cherie, and they said:
39:39 "To Cherie Peters:
39:41 I just listened to one of your Crossroads on 3ABN Radio
39:44 programs. It never fails when I listen or watch your
39:48 program on 3ABN TV I cry.
39:51 There's something about your programs that touch my heart.
39:54 I was raised a Seventh-day Adventist but never really
39:57 lived a Christian life until recently.
39:59 I've not had a great relationship with my mother.
40:04 I just wanted to share that your programs
40:08 have touched my life.
40:10 And thank you for all that you do. For being so real
40:13 and transparent with your audience.
40:15 By the way, I love the way you close your programs
40:18 saying: "God is crazy about you and so am I. "
40:21 So these are just some of the ways...
40:24 some of the responses that we've gotten from people
40:28 who are listening to 3ABN Radio.
40:31 And oh yeah, there is one other thing, too.
40:33 You can listen on your Smartphone's if you like.
40:35 We always send people to the tunein app.
40:38 So if you've got a Smartphone wherever you get your
40:41 applications from look for tunein. There's a free version.
40:45 Download it to your Smartphone
40:47 and then do a search for 3ABN.
40:49 And 3ABN Radio is usually the first one that pops up there.
40:53 And so you can put us into your favorites
40:55 and then you can listen to us any time you want
40:57 wherever you're going.
40:59 So we encourage you to do that and we also encourage you
41:02 to remember that the cost of 3ABN in reaching the world
41:08 is monumental. It really is.
41:11 God provides every penny that we need...
41:14 not a penny more, not a penny less.
41:17 But we just want to ask you to remember us in your prayers.
41:22 And if you can think of us as well in your financial
41:25 donations we would appreciate that also.
41:28 Thank you very much and God bless you.
41:31 All right. Thank you, Jay.
41:33 I'm going to ask the NAPS group to come out.
41:35 One of my favorite groups in all the world
41:37 is the NAPS young folk from Oakwood University.
41:42 Glad to have you all out here. Come on up forward here.
41:45 Isn't this a good looking group of young people?
41:48 And they're here helping at Camp Meeting with the young
41:51 people and the teenagers. And I talked to some of them
41:54 and they said: "This is the best group we've ever enjoyed
41:57 Camp Meeting. These folks make it so fun for us. "
42:00 Want you guys to tell us: what's happening with NAPS here?
42:02 Who's talking? Here... come on over here.
42:04 All right, you guys. Tell us what's happening.
42:06 Update us on NAPS. OK, well I think that
42:10 before... We are NAPS which stands for the National
42:12 Association for the Prevention of Starvation.
42:14 And currently right now I can tell you one of the
42:18 segments that we're doing.
42:19 This past summer I was in Surinam in South America.
42:22 And God TRULY blessed there.
42:26 I'm actually going to share a short small story with you guys.
42:29 And this story happened with one of our Bible study contacts
42:32 and her name was Simba.
42:34 Now Simba was blind and had no limbs.
42:36 Her legs were amputated from her knees.
42:39 And one day the voodoo priest came over
42:42 and said: "I'm going to wash you in these weeds
42:45 and I'm going to make sure you get your vision back. "
42:48 But prior to that we were doing Bible studies with her.
42:52 And she said: "No 'cause I am washed in the blood
42:56 of the Lamb. " And we praise God that as young people
42:58 God has allowed us to do this in Surinam in South America.
43:02 Amen. And I will also share a little testimony from
43:05 Surinam in South America.
43:07 I ran into this guy... his name was John.
43:09 And John... he tried to commit suicide
43:13 two times based on the situation that he was going through.
43:15 And he looked so down and his countenance was...
43:18 was... you could tell that something was bothering him.
43:21 But after a Bible study everything changed.
43:24 He was smiling. You could tell that the light
43:27 of Christ had came upon him.
43:28 And that was such a blessing for us to witness in Surinam.
43:31 But now the work does continue because Christ is not back yet.
43:35 And so we have work that... We're building a wellness center
43:38 in Sawyerville, Alabama. We have the pictures
43:40 of the wellness center. And down there is one of the
43:43 poorest counties in the United States as far as
43:46 healthcare goes. And the closest hospital
43:50 is almost an hour away.
43:51 And we are trying to bring these people care
43:55 'cause I know that's what God would want us to do.
43:57 So we are asking for those who can help us
44:00 to... in this ministry
44:04 to help - our address is also going to be on the screen -
44:07 to help donate to help these people.
44:09 I'll tell you a story that's coming from the wellness center,
44:12 the area where the wellness center is being built.
44:15 And there's this woman... her name is Miss Quinney.
44:18 And she was telling us this story of how the ambulance
44:22 did not come until her mom was dead for 45 minutes.
44:27 And to hear stories like that still happening today...
44:31 Because I know when we go overseas we see these kinds
44:33 of things happening, but to see that that's still happening
44:36 here in the United States. You know, it really brings...
44:40 it really does something to us and really just encourages us
44:44 to continue to press forward because these people are
44:46 really suffering. And so people who are out there
44:50 God may be calling you... even you, yes you...
44:53 to give to help support us.
44:56 And so I pray that if the Lord is speaking upon your heart
44:58 you can write the check. You can mail it in to us
45:01 at Oakwood University. You just saw the address.
45:04 You can mail it in and the Lord will bless your efforts.
45:07 Because the Lord loves you and He wants the best for you.
45:11 Thank you so much.
45:12 Amen. Did you know that there's a YouTube video of me
45:16 on the NAPS web page? Have you seen it?
45:19 I'm shooting baskets on there... I'm shooting basketball.
45:22 Oakwood University NAPS Group gave me a plaque.
45:25 It's in my office. It says: "Because of your unusual
45:29 physical and athletic abilities
45:31 we name you an honorary negro. "
45:33 So with my hand up I'm telling the truth.
45:36 Dr. Paul. Thank you guys. We love you
45:39 and appreciate what you do for the cause of God.
45:41 You're a great example for the world
45:44 of Christians and these young people here love you
45:47 'cause they already... I've talked to them.
45:48 Thank you so much. Now we're going to be singing.
45:51 Are you all singing with them too?
45:52 Are you with the choir? Oh, OK. All right.
45:55 Thank you and God bless you all.
45:57 Now Claire we have from Oklahoma Academy now.
46:00 She's... Thank you for being here.
46:01 You've put together a choir very quickly, right?
46:04 Young people from all over.
46:06 So what are you going to be singing today?
46:07 What are they singing? They are going to sing a medley:
46:10 Make Me A Servant and If Any Man Walk After Me.
46:14 All right. Let's be blessed.
46:34 Make me a servant,
46:38 humble and meek.
46:41 Lord, let me lift up
46:44 those who are weak.
46:48 And may the pray'r of
46:51 my heart always be:
46:55 make me a servant,
46:58 make me a servant,
47:02 make me a servant today.
47:08 If any man come after Me,
47:13 let him deny himself,
47:17 pick up his cross and follow Me
47:21 into life eternally.
47:26 Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Jesus...
47:30 He is the way, truth, and life.
47:34 Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.
47:38 Worship Him in one accord.
47:42 Hallelujah! He is King.
47:46 Master, Lord of everything.
47:50 He's the Christ, the Lord of all...
47:52 of the great and small.
47:55 He is the way, truth, and life.
47:59 If any man come after Me - Hallelujah! Praise the Lord -
48:02 let him deny himself - worship Him in one accord -
48:07 pick up his cross and follow Me - Hallelujah! He is King -
48:11 into life eternally - Master, Lord of everything -
48:15 He's the Christ, the Lord of all... of the great and small.
48:19 He is the way, truth, and life.
48:25 Amen!
48:32 Thank you, thank you... we love it.
48:35 Nothing like these young children, huh?
48:38 All right. They say "leaders of tomorrow. "
48:41 And if so, we're in good hands I think.
48:44 Amen. Thank you for what you're doing. That was great!
48:47 This is kind of a spur-of-the-moment.
48:49 All right. All lined up just right.
48:53 Our children's programs here are just outstanding
48:56 at Camp Meeting - yeah - so don't ever stay home
48:59 because you think the children won't be enter... really
49:03 involved here. Well Mary Ann, your daughter,
49:06 has been doing this way before you even came
49:09 to be with 3ABN - that's right - for I don't know how many years.
49:11 Ten years? Long time. Yes. Longer maybe Mary Ann's been
49:14 working and Kirk with the young people here.
49:17 We praise the Lord for them. Amen. We sure do.
49:20 We've got a special guest out here: Brother Jack.
49:22 Come out here. This is Jack Holt.
49:25 And a long-time friend of 3ABN.
49:27 Come on out. And you have a guest with us.
49:31 Let's see if we can get your name. What's your name?
49:33 Phyllis. Phyllis Knox? Um-hmm. OK, hi Phyllis.
49:37 Well I've got to tell you a little story about Jack.
49:40 Jack's a farmer. Lives up by Salem, Illinois...
49:44 up that way. And so for some of you that know
49:47 Mt. Vernon, Salem, as you're going up 57.
49:50 That's close enough I guess, Jack, for where you are.
49:53 He's a farmer. And years ago we went on satellite.
49:55 Our first satellite we went up on, but only people with
49:59 great big satellite dishes could get 3ABN.
50:02 This must be 20, nearly 25 years ago now,
50:05 something like that. Jack came down and he said:
50:08 "Well we need to be on stations... TV stations...
50:11 That's good that people are going up
50:13 but you need to have it where everybody can watch it. "
50:16 And I said: "Well Jack, we want to do it.
50:18 We're new into the business. We're not sure quite
50:20 how to do it but we'd love to be able to build stations. "
50:23 We didn't have one downlink television station
50:27 owned by Adventists on planet earth at that time -
50:30 that's right - showing Adventist programming.
50:31 So Jack said: "Well I would help with it.
50:34 Why don't you find out how much it'd cost? "
50:36 Well I was shocked. When I had Clarence Larson,
50:38 the engineer, figure it up. He came back and he said:
50:41 "We could build a station if we could get a construction permit,
50:45 didn't have to buy one, but it'd cost us $80,000. "
50:49 Now that's a lot of money, folks. Yes it is.
50:51 That's a lot of money 'cause we were just new at this,
50:54 going into it. And so I said: "Jack, "
50:56 I said, "the bad news is it was cost $80,000 plus
51:02 you have to apply for the FCC. They're not having any openings
51:06 for applications. " He said: "I know a man
51:08 in my area. He's got a station.
51:12 I think he'd just give it to us. "
51:14 I think he's Baptist, isn't he?
51:15 He's an amateur radio operator and the man that ran the local
51:21 radio station, he was an amateur radio operator too.
51:25 And that first thing that the FCC had
51:31 to auction off those things
51:34 why he won the lottery for the TV station.
51:39 But he found out that it was going to cost too much
51:42 because at that time you had to have your own
51:45 production all the way around.
51:48 And so he said: "Well... " I asked him if he'd give
51:53 it to us and he said: "Yeah, he'd give it to 3ABN. "
51:57 Give it to us! He didn't sell it... he GAVE it.
51:59 Yeah, just about. But he charged
52:03 all the charges that he had to go through
52:08 to clear the station.
52:12 That's fair enough and that's absolutely incredible.
52:14 So we got the license... got it over.
52:17 Jack Holt and his family gave the $80,000
52:20 to build our first 3ABN downlink in the world.
52:24 So we want to say "thank you" to that.
52:27 Now Phyllis, quickly, what is your story here?
52:32 Jack, what's the story on Phyllis?
52:33 Phyllis? Well, about six or seven years ago
52:38 why she got converted by listening to 3ABN there. OK!
52:42 It's more like 15 years ago. Fifteen years ago.
52:45 Well time flies when we're having fun.
52:48 OK. So about 15 years ago you were watching in the area?
52:52 Yeah. I didn't get it clear but I got it!
52:54 And I lived where we had a Seventh-day church but
52:57 it never did ring what the message was saying
53:00 till I heard it on his program. And I thought:
53:02 "Well I've got to find it. "
53:03 I went to Salem looking for it.
53:05 Praise the Lord. I lived right there in Centralia
53:07 and walked by it going to school.
53:10 All right. Well praise the Lord.
53:11 We want to thank you so much. And Jim, you all wanted to...
53:14 3ABN wanted to do something special for Jack. Yes we do.
53:17 We've got a plaque here, Brother Jack,
53:19 and I want to read it to you. It says:
53:20 "In appreciation of your generous gift
53:24 for the construction of 3ABN's first television station
53:29 located in Salem, Illinois,
53:32 which began broadcasting in 1989.
53:36 Your 3ABN Family. " All right. Can we show that
53:39 to the? Yeah, kind of turn that around
53:42 to the? Yeah, there you go, Jim.
53:44 All right. Thank you.
53:47 Are the boys here? How many? Are the boys here?
53:50 Stand up if Jack... Let's see, yeah.
53:54 OK, all right. We're glad that you all are here too.
53:59 All right, well thank you so much.
54:00 Appreciate it and God bless.
54:03 God bless you. In closing we're going to have
54:05 Jimmy Rhodes and Jill. Or maybe you guys will play.
54:07 We only have just a few more minutes for this hour.
54:10 Then we're going to come back. We've got some great program
54:13 planned for the next hour. You don't want to miss it.
54:15 We're going to have some good preaching.
54:17 And so I love Camp Meeting - right - and people like this
54:19 just really makes it. Doesn't it, Jimmy?
54:21 Yes. To see the dedication of folks like Jack.
54:24 Amen. All right.


Revised 2014-12-17