3ABN Homecoming 2012

Going Forward In Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Carter


Series Code: 12HC

Program Code: 12HC000011

00:47 Well this is the time we've been waiting for.
00:53 And last night we had an afterglow
00:58 after we went off the air.
01:00 And I've had people tell me
01:03 that they enjoyed the afterglow
01:05 more than anything that's happened at Camp Meeting
01:09 and the experiences that were discussed...
01:14 some of the miracles that God has done,
01:17 especially in the former Soviet Union.
01:21 And I mentioned last night to the group that was here
01:26 that these two men -
01:30 John Carter and Danny Shelton -
01:35 became partners shortly after
01:39 3ABN became a network
01:42 and that God has blessed that partnership
01:45 so tremendously. We have seen it in so many ways.
01:51 Souls that have been won.
01:54 I've had people tell me: "We wouldn't even know who
01:56 John Carter was if it weren't for 3ABN. "
01:59 And then we've had people tell us that they love 3ABN
02:03 because John Carter's a part of it.
02:06 So they both have worked together
02:08 in spreading the gospel.
02:11 It's been beautiful, and I appreciate it so much.
02:15 Two humble men of faith.
02:18 And this morning Danny's going to come.
02:23 Before he does I want to just say this:
02:25 my first trip here as president
02:28 we went into the worship room and they began to sing
02:32 Holy Ground. And I had on loafers.
02:37 I didn't say anything to anybody but I slipped out of them
02:41 because I felt like Moses
02:44 standing on holy ground.
02:49 And then after Danny sings
02:51 Pastor John Carter with God's message for today.
03:15 As I walked through the door
03:19 I sensed His presence.
03:25 And I knew
03:28 this was the place
03:31 where love abounds.
03:37 For this is the temple
03:41 Jehovah God abides in.
03:47 We are standing
03:51 in His presence
03:55 on holy ground.
04:01 We are standing
04:07 on holy ground.
04:14 And I know
04:17 that there are angels
04:21 all around.
04:26 Let us praise
04:29 let us praise
04:32 Jesus now.
04:37 We are standing
04:41 in His presence
04:44 on holy ground.
04:59 In His presence
05:02 there is joy beyond measure.
05:09 And at His feet
05:13 peace of mind
05:17 can still be found.
05:22 If you have a need
05:27 my God has the answer.
05:33 Reach out and claim it
05:36 for child you are standing
05:40 on holy ground.
05:43 Wherever you are with Jesus is holy ground.
05:45 We are standing
05:51 on holy ground.
05:57 And I know
06:01 that there are angels
06:04 all around.
06:09 Let us praise
06:13 let us praise
06:16 Jesus now.
06:21 We are standing
06:24 in His presence
06:28 on holy ground. Stand with me and sing this.
06:33 We are standing
06:38 on holy ground.
06:45 And I know
06:48 that there are angels all around
06:52 all around. I feel it today.
06:57 Let us praise - let us praise -
07:03 our Jesus now.
07:09 We... sing it...
07:11 in His presence... What are we doing?
07:14 We're standing. We are standing
07:18 in His presence...
07:21 We are standing
07:24 in His presence
07:28 on holy
07:32 ground.
07:36 Holy ground.
07:42 You can be seated.
07:51 Were you blessed by that today? Amen.
07:53 Danny has been blessed by God with a gift, hasn't he?
07:58 And it's just a great privilege to be here at 3ABN.
08:02 I believe that God raised up 3ABN
08:05 for such an hour as this. Can you say "Amen" to that?
08:08 Amen. Amen to that.
08:10 My topic today is Going Forward In Faith.
08:15 What is it? Going Forward In Faith.
08:18 John Wesley was a firebrand in the hand of Almighty God.
08:24 He preached wherever God called him to preach.
08:28 And on one occasion the great preacher was called
08:31 before the Anglican bishop
08:34 who loved to pontificate.
08:38 Sometimes religious leaders instead of obeying God
08:44 they play God. And this bishop was not obeying
08:49 but he was playing God.
08:52 And he said: "Mr. Wesley, you are preaching outside
08:57 of your parish. Go back to your own parish
09:02 Mr. Wesley. "
09:04 And John Wesley said: "My lord archbishop,
09:08 my parish is the world. "
09:13 He believed that God had given him a message
09:16 that was so great and so powerful
09:21 and so needed that he could not be confined
09:26 to any one place.
09:27 I believe that God has given to us as a people
09:31 a message that is so great and so powerful
09:35 that it cannot be confined to one town
09:38 or one city or one nation...
09:41 it is a message for the world.
09:43 And thus we say: "My parish is the world. "
09:49 He was a man.
09:53 As I told you last night in Australia
09:55 they say there are three sexes:
09:58 men, women, and clergymen.
10:04 Hmmm. Because today a clergyman is usually
10:08 somebody who likes sipping tea with the little old ladies.
10:13 But this man was a man of God
10:16 who went out into the blizzards.
10:18 On one occasion he walked for 10 or 15 miles
10:24 in a howling blizzard.
10:26 He had to walk beside the horse
10:29 because the horse kept falling down.
10:31 He was a man of God.
10:34 I say as Ellen White said: "Give us men... "
10:37 Give us today men and women...
10:41 One of his associates was George Whitfield
10:45 who was a tremendous man of God.
10:49 He came over here to the Americas.
10:52 On one occasion up in New England
10:54 there was a farmer who knew that he was going to come past
10:58 on the road down in the valley.
11:01 And all of a sudden he saw what appeared to be a tremendous
11:04 dust storm. And he ran and got his wife
11:08 and got their horse. And he put his wife on the horse
11:11 and ran down and joined a tremendous procession
11:15 of horses and carriages and people.
11:20 This was in America.
11:22 Come to hear the young boy preacher: George Whitfield.
11:27 And when they got to this little town
11:30 there was a table that had been set up,
11:32 and standing on the table was a slender youth.
11:37 And when he started to preach
11:39 the power of God came down
11:42 and we have never forgotten in this part of the world
11:46 the Wesleys or George Whitfield.
11:50 Whitfield would say: "My parish is the world. "
11:56 I want to say a few words right now -
12:00 I think it's appropriate - I want to say to young ministers
12:04 who are watching the telecast:
12:06 the greatest calling, young minister, is to be a preacher
12:12 of the everlasting gospel
12:15 and not to sit in an office.
12:18 Now you say: "That's rather a bold statement to say. "
12:21 Yes... but it was said before me.
12:24 I Corinthians chapter 12. Take your Bibles.
12:27 I Corinthians chapter 12
12:30 and verse 28 and onwards.
12:35 And let me tell you folks something else
12:37 because ordination is being discussed today in our church.
12:42 But I want to tell you: the greatest ordination
12:44 that every person ought to have... every man
12:48 and every woman... I want to say this:
12:51 every man and every woman who believes in Christ
12:54 is ordained by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel.
12:59 It was said of George Whitfield in later years
13:04 "Christ, the Son of God, hath sent me
13:08 all the widespread lands. Mine the mighty ordination
13:13 of the nail-pierced hands. "
13:16 And that is an ordination every woman can have
13:19 and every man can have because it doesn't come
13:23 through the church, it comes through the Holy Spirit.
13:27 Now I Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 27.
13:31 This is to young pastors.
13:34 "Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you
13:37 is a part of it. And in the church God has appointed
13:41 first of all apostles... "
13:44 This can be translated missionaries.
13:47 The most important work in the church is the work of an apostle
13:52 or a missionary. And a missionary is a man
13:56 or a woman with a mission from God to preach and teach
14:01 the gospel. Now this is the Word of the Lord.
14:04 Some say: "Uh, we don't hear this preached a great deal. "
14:07 Well we need to get back to the Word of the Lord.
14:09 The Bible says: "first of all apostles,
14:14 second prophets... " That means a person
14:17 who expounds the Word of God.
14:21 "third teachers, then workers of miracles,
14:23 also those having gifts of healing,
14:26 those able to help others,
14:28 those with the gift of administration,
14:30 and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. "
14:33 Let nobody denigrate administration...
14:38 even though it is only number seven in importance.
14:42 But God has placed administrators into the church
14:45 to care for the church and to hold it all together.
14:49 But I want to say to every young preacher
14:52 watching or every young minister, you may not be
14:55 a preacher yet... Because some of you have come to me
14:58 and you've said this: "My greatest prayer
15:01 is that I might become a conference president. "
15:05 You do not understand scripture my young friend.
15:09 Your greatest prayer is that you might be an apostle -
15:14 number one - sent forth by God
15:17 to proclaim the holy Word of God. And can I hear an Amen?
15:21 Amen. So young men... get to understand the truth.
15:26 Jesus said: "I give unto you the keys
15:31 of the kingdom. "
15:33 Our Catholic friends quote this. We quote it too.
15:37 "I give unto you the keys of the kingdom. "
15:41 The ability to open the doors to paradise.
15:45 Is there, I ask you, a greater honor than the privilege
15:50 of having the keys of the kingdom?
15:52 You know what the keys are?
15:54 The preaching of the gospel.
15:57 Last night when I preached on the gospel
15:59 I was using the keys of the kingdom.
16:04 And the greatest desire should be in every young pastor's heart
16:08 to be an apostle for Christ
16:11 and to open the doors of paradise to a dying world.
16:16 Thus saith the Lord.
16:19 In a very special way God has given to us
16:25 a message that is bigger than any denomination.
16:30 Bigger than any parish.
16:33 Bigger than any committee.
16:36 Bigger than any earthly organization.
16:41 And because of the message that God has entrusted to us
16:45 out of our hearts burning with fire we cry
16:49 "My parish is the world. "
16:51 Now I want you to notice the message of God.
16:56 Would you please come to Revelation chapter 14
16:59 and verses 14 to 16?
17:02 And I have a sense today that the Spirit of the Lord
17:05 is in this place.
17:07 Revelation chapter 14 and verses 14 to 16.
17:13 Would you please notice this in the holy Word of God.
17:16 And when you come to church bring a Bible.
17:18 Don't bring just an iPad or an iPhone... bring a Bible.
17:22 I've got those other things too, and I don't know whether
17:26 they're good or whether they're bad.
17:28 Revelation chapter 14... I know they can be helpful
17:30 but I believe in preaching from a Bible.
17:34 Revelation chapter 14... But then, of course, I'm just
17:37 an old-fashioned Bible preacher you know.
17:40 Revelation 14 verses... let me see...
17:44 come down to verse 14. "I looked and there before me
17:48 was a white cloud and seated on the cloud
17:51 was one like the Son of Man with a crown of gold on His head
17:55 and a sharp sickle in His hand. "
17:57 This is our blessed Lord.
17:58 "Then another angel came out of the temple
18:01 and called in a loud voice to Him who was sitting on the cloud
18:05 'Take Your sickle and reap
18:07 because the time to reap has come
18:09 for the harvest of the earth is ripe. '
18:12 So He who was seated on the cloud
18:14 took His sickle... " Yes, "He who was seated on the cloud
18:18 swung His sickle over the earth
18:22 and the earth was harvested. "
18:26 Now please understand this.
18:29 This is a picture of our Lord's return.
18:34 When Jesus comes again He doesn't come
18:38 to make an atonement for the sins of the world.
18:42 He did that on the cross.
18:44 But when He comes again He comes as the Lord of the harvest
18:50 and He comes to separate the good from the bad,
18:53 the wheat from the tares.
18:55 But before our blessed Lord returns
18:58 in power and great glory as the Lord of the harvest
19:03 He sends to this world the greatest message of truth
19:08 that you can imagine.
19:10 I want you to come now to Revelation chapter 14
19:12 and verses 6 down to 12.
19:16 Revelation chapter 14 and verse 6 and onwards.
19:22 "Then I saw another angel
19:26 flying in the midst of heaven in mid air... "
19:30 it says here in the NIV.
19:32 "And he had the eternal gospel to proclaim
19:36 to those who live on the earth
19:39 to every nation, tribe, language, and people... "
19:43 He said in a soft voice...
19:47 He said in a voice that was a whispering hope...
19:53 No! "He said in a LOUD voice
19:57 'Fear God and give Him glory
19:59 because the hour of His judgment has come.
20:02 Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth,
20:06 the sea, and the springs of water. ' "
20:09 The first angel's message.
20:11 "The second angel followed and said:
20:13 'Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great
20:16 which made all the nations drink the maddening wine
20:20 of her adultery. '
20:22 A third angel followed and said in a LOUD voice:
20:27 'If anyone worships the beast and his image
20:30 and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand
20:34 he too will drink of the wine of God's fury
20:37 which has been poured full strength into the cup
20:40 of His wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulphur
20:44 in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.
20:47 And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever.
20:52 There is no rest day or night
20:55 for those who worship the beast and his image
20:59 or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.
21:04 This calls for patient endurance
21:08 on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments
21:12 and remain faithful to Jesus. ' "
21:14 I want you to notice this.
21:17 I want to say this to every young pastor
21:19 who is watching the telecast today.
21:22 Just listen and listen good
21:25 because your salvation, young pastor, may depend upon
21:29 you getting this message today.
21:31 I say it in the name of Jesus... listen to me.
21:34 Before Jesus comes God sends to the world
21:39 a great message symbolized by three angels
21:43 flying in the midst of heaven.
21:46 Therefore I want to say to you
21:48 "We are not just another church. " Amen!
21:52 I love the Baptists.
21:55 Some of my best friends are Baptists.
21:57 But we are not the Baptist church.
22:00 I come from an Anglican church background.
22:03 My mother belonged to the great mother church
22:07 of the Protestant faith.
22:09 But this message, my friend, is not something that my
22:13 Anglican friends believe in preaching.
22:17 And we don't say that at all in a critical way
22:21 because God loves those people.
22:23 And some of the greatest saints of God are in those great
22:26 churches... not excluding the great Roman Catholic church.
22:31 But I want you to know today
22:35 that God has given to us
22:37 a distinct message that needs to go to the whole wide world.
22:42 Now I want you to notice, young pastor
22:45 and beloved church member, the Bible says
22:49 the angels are flying in the midst of heaven.
22:54 It says that in the KJV
22:57 and in the NIV that I'm using today
23:00 it says the angels are "flying in mid air. "
23:04 And I'm going to tell you something that many, many
23:07 Adventists Christians do not comprehend or understand.
23:12 The angels are not down among the cabbages.
23:22 The angels are not down among the cabbages...
23:27 the angels are up with the eagles.
23:32 This is a world-wide proclamation
23:38 and it becomes... As the preachers of God receive
23:43 the Holy Spirit it becomes the most dynamic proclamation
23:48 on the face of the earth in the midst of heaven.
23:53 It is not preaching to the choir.
23:57 So much preaching today is preaching to the choir.
24:02 Psychology sermons.
24:04 Pastoral counseling.
24:06 All of those things are just fine because there are so many
24:10 mixed up people in the world but this message
24:13 is far more than preaching to church members.
24:17 This is preaching to the world.
24:20 I want you to know that.
24:23 It is not convincing a church committee.
24:28 And some of these committees today seem to want to stand
24:32 in the way of the work of God.
24:38 But it is testifying to the guilty inhabitants
24:42 of planet earth. It is a great proclamation...
24:47 not just small groups.
24:49 Now I believe in small groups,
24:51 but I want you to know I also believe in big groups.
24:56 And this is a message that is not a small group ministry.
25:02 This is a world-wide
25:06 powerful proclamation!
25:09 It is a world-wide, earth-shaking proclamation.
25:17 Now what is the message?
25:20 Let me say this to my friend Danny Shelton
25:24 whom I love very much
25:25 and my friend Jim Gilley whom I love very much:
25:29 God has blessed 3ABN
25:33 because they've had a world-wide vision
25:37 and because they believe in the preaching
25:41 publicly of the three angels' messages.
25:44 But if that day should ever come when they stop doing that
25:48 God will take the Spirit of God out of this ministry.
25:56 I want you to notice this message.
26:01 The first part of this message and I would think the most
26:04 important part is the gospel.
26:07 "Having the everlasting gospel... "
26:11 This message does not start with the mark of the beast.
26:16 It starts with the Lamb of God.
26:20 What is the gospel?
26:22 The word gospel you all know means good news.
26:27 It doesn't mean - in spite of a million sermons to the
26:30 contrary - it's not good advice.
26:32 Most sermons today are do, do, do... cock-a-doodle do.
26:37 They will tell you what you ought to do.
26:40 The gospel doesn't tell you what you ought to do...
26:43 it tells you what God has already done. Amen!
26:47 And did you know my beloved friend
26:50 the gospel is not about you.
26:55 The gospel is about God.
26:59 It's the good news of God.
27:02 It is the good news that God loves us
27:05 even though we don't deserve Him.
27:10 Never forget it: God loves YOU
27:14 with an everlasting love.
27:16 Somebody may say here today
27:18 "I don't feel that anybody loves... "
27:21 God loves you, and He loves you with an everlasting love.
27:27 And then the Bible goes on to say, the 1st angel's message:
27:30 "Worship Him who made the heavens and the earth,
27:34 the sea, and the fountains of waters. "
27:37 This is telling us to look up to the Creator.
27:43 The God who made in our universe alone
27:48 200 billion galaxies.
27:51 We know that it's maybe 400.
27:54 Four hundred billion galaxies.
27:56 And each galaxy has on an average 200 billion suns.
28:02 And the Bible says, this is the most incomprehensible truth,
28:07 that the Almighty God who made the universe
28:12 out of nothing,
28:14 the Almighty God who spoke and it was done,
28:17 the God who made the vast cosmos,
28:21 this God in the person of Jesus became a man.
28:25 Would you come over here to John chapter 1?
28:28 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
28:31 The truth of the incarnation.
28:35 John chapter 1 and verse 1.
28:36 Please turn in the Bible.
28:38 "In the beginning was the Word
28:40 and the Word was with God
28:42 and the Word - Christ - was God.
28:45 He was with God in the beginning.
28:47 Through Him all things were made. Without Him
28:49 nothing was made that has been made. "
28:53 And verse 10: "He was in the world
28:55 and though the world was made through Him
28:57 the world did not recognize Him. "
29:00 And then you come down to verse 14:
29:02 "The Word become flesh and made His dwelling among us.
29:07 We have seen His glory... the glory of the one and only
29:12 who came from the Father full of grace and truth. "
29:18 Can you comprehend this?
29:20 That the Almighty God who made the universe...
29:24 and astronomers tell us that the universe...
29:27 we're not talking about the earth so get this plain
29:29 in your mind... but the cosmos itself
29:33 every astronomer - whether he's a Christian or an atheist -
29:36 believes that the universe was made over 13 billion years ago.
29:42 And it was made out of nothing.
29:44 That is the consensus today of the scientific world.
29:49 And the Almighty God... Now some people say:
29:51 "No God wasn't back there. He's not that old. "
29:54 God is much bigger than we can comprehend.
29:56 And this Almighty God who made the universe
29:59 out of nothing He came down to this earth
30:02 in the person of Christ to redeem us
30:05 for our sins.
30:08 In America the voltage is 120.
30:11 In Australia it's 240.
30:15 Double the power.
30:18 Now when I got back to Australia which I do once a year or so
30:21 I take my American gadgets like a shaver.
30:26 If I plug it in to the Australian power
30:29 it is immediately destroyed because the power is too much
30:34 for the little device that I hold in my hand.
30:38 And therefore I need a step-down transformer.
30:42 And the transformer takes the power of Australia - 240-
30:46 and it converts it to a lower power of 110
30:50 that we can use.
30:53 Jesus is God's step-down transformer.
30:57 He is the God with infinite power,
31:00 infinite, infinite, infinite might,
31:04 and this Almighty God... if He had come down with all His glory
31:07 and all of His might we all would have been destroyed
31:11 because of His glory, because of His greatness.
31:14 But He became a man
31:19 so we could handle the power.
31:23 The first part of God's message is that God became a man
31:28 and He is the transformer.
31:31 He's been transforming lives for thousands of years.
31:36 He was born of a peasant girl.
31:38 Could you believe it? So much for our love of money.
31:41 He showed us what God is like.
31:44 When the woman was caught in adultery He said:
31:47 "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more. "
31:50 He was not like an ordinary religious person.
31:54 Thank God!
31:58 There are two great truths that we must learn
32:01 and we're slow to learn them.
32:03 Number one: man is far worse than he ever feared to think.
32:08 You and I are far worse than we ever feared to think
32:11 because of our sins.
32:13 And the second truth is
32:15 God is far better than man ever dared to hope.
32:20 So we're worse than we ever feared to think;
32:23 but God is far better than we ever dared to hope.
32:27 On one occasion He said: "Go tell My disciples
32:31 and Peter" because He cares for people and He loves people.
32:35 He was totally righteous.
32:38 At the end of His life He was handed over by the religious
32:42 leaders to the Romans and crucified.
32:45 We talked about it last night.
32:47 "He bore the sin of the world" the Bible says.
32:52 What sort of God is this?
32:54 Would you please come over here to Isaiah chapter 53?
32:59 Isaiah chapter 53.
33:01 Young preacher, pray that God will give you the gift of the
33:05 Holy Spirit and try to stay out of an office.
33:09 Isaiah 53 verses 4 to 6.
33:12 When you go into an office you go to #7,
33:15 so take the first place that God would give you:
33:17 the preaching of the gospel.
33:19 And don't argue with me.
33:21 Go to the Bible and see what the Bible says.
33:24 Isaiah 53 verses 4 and onwards.
33:26 "Surely He took up our infirmities
33:28 and carried our sorrows
33:30 yet we considered Him stricken by God,
33:33 smitten by Him and afflicted.
33:34 But He was pierced for our transgressions.
33:38 He was crushed for our iniquities.
33:40 The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him
33:43 and by His wounds we are healed.
33:46 We all like sheep have gone astray.
33:48 Each of us has turned to his own way
33:51 and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. "
33:56 I want you to think about this: the God who made the cosmos,
33:59 the God who made the universe,
34:02 came down in the person of His Son with flesh and bones.
34:08 And the Bible says He went to the cross -
34:11 the worst of all deaths, the worst of all horrors,
34:14 the worst of all afflictions, the worst of all tortures,
34:19 and He went there and He bore your sin and mine.
34:23 As the great Roman Catholic theologian
34:27 and television personality Bishop Fulton Sheen said:
34:31 "For one brief moment in time
34:35 He was unfurled on the cross like a wounded eagle. "
34:40 And he was unfurled on the cross to bear your sins
34:44 and to bear mine.
34:46 And if I believe with a penitent heart
34:49 I am not condemned.
34:53 John 3:16... we spoke about it last night.
34:55 "For God so loved the world
34:58 that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him
35:02 shall not perish but have everlasting life. "
35:05 The moment I truly believe with a penitent heart
35:09 and come to Christ I am declared not guilty
35:13 and I pass from death to life.
35:16 This is the first angel's message
35:20 that goes to the world with a loud voice:
35:24 that He is alive and He is coming back.
35:28 The gospel is God's message of hope, grace, forgiveness,
35:34 and everlasting life.
35:36 Everything we hunger for is ours...
35:41 and it's free.
35:43 And now the Bible says
35:48 "Fear God... give glory to Him
35:52 for the hour of His judgment is come.
35:55 Worship Him that made the heavens and the earth. "
35:58 "Fear God... " Why? Because He is holy.
36:03 Because it is the time of the judgment hour.
36:06 There are three questions we must answer.
36:09 Where did I come from?
36:11 Why am I here?
36:12 Where am I going?
36:15 Because I came from the hand of God, one day
36:19 I must meet God in judgment.
36:22 Either at the cross where He was judged for me
36:26 or before the great white throne without a mediator.
36:30 And so the great message goes to the world
36:34 that every one of us Christians and unbelievers
36:37 we are all judgment bound.
36:40 The Bible says: "Worship the Creator. "
36:46 I would tell the people - the atheists, the KGB
36:50 by the millions in Russia...
36:52 And I have had the privilege of going to Russia
36:55 now 42 times.
36:58 I love those people and God called me to go there.
37:01 I would say to them: "You are not what the Communists
37:04 said you were. You are not an animal.
37:06 You are not a machine.
37:08 You are a child of God. " Amen.
37:11 I say this to you today here at the 3ABN Center:
37:14 you are not an animal.
37:17 You are not the product of evolution.
37:20 You are not an animal.
37:22 You are not a machine. You did not come down from the trees.
37:26 You came down from the hand of God.
37:28 Amen!
37:30 That is the message that goes to the world in the last days:
37:33 worship the Creator.
37:36 Then it says: "Babylon is fallen. "
37:39 That is a religious system based on the teachings of men
37:43 that uses not love but force.
37:46 And then it talks about the beast,
37:48 the image of the beast, and the mark of the beast.
37:53 I know only too well today
37:58 that now I am a minority in my own church.
38:04 I have been told over and over again
38:09 "We will not use you if you preach that message. "
38:15 I want you to know
38:17 I would rather serve God than serve man. Amen!
38:23 Here is a message... Now you say to me:
38:27 "Should we preach it? " God tells you to preach it.
38:30 Amen... that's right.
38:31 You don't have a choice if you're going to follow God...
38:34 God tells you to preach it.
38:39 And if you don't preach it, preacher, it is because
38:43 you are not called by God.
38:48 Here is a warning against the beast,
38:52 the image, and the mark of the beast.
38:56 The beast is the antichrist who is described in Daniel 7,
38:59 Revelation 12 and 13.
39:02 The beast is the great union of church and state
39:06 that has survived to our own day.
39:08 It is a system of power, prestige, and deception.
39:14 It is built on lies and corruption.
39:18 It has perverted the one true gospel.
39:21 It has set up a counterfeit priesthood
39:25 and changed the law of God... especially the holy Sabbath.
39:31 It influences the faith of nations and persecutes
39:36 whenever it can. It has more human influence
39:40 than any other power on earth.
39:44 And the Bible says... the third angel's message says
39:49 "with a loud voice. "
39:56 I want to tell you
39:59 we are not to court popular opinion.
40:03 We are to be the servants of God
40:06 and to do the will of God
40:08 and to go ahead in faith like H.M.S. Richards.
40:13 "In a loud voice... " Listen to this:
40:16 not a timid, quiet, soft,
40:23 babyish utterance.
40:26 Not a whispering hope.
40:32 If you preach, preach with love
40:37 proclaiming that God has got His people in every nation,
40:41 every church.
40:42 It is the system that God opposes...
40:45 not the poor deceived people.
40:47 God says: "Come out of her My people. "
40:50 You say: "Do you preach it? " By the grace of God YES!
40:53 There are times when I've gone out to preach this message
40:57 and Beverley has said to me "Well maybe tonight's the night
41:00 when you're going to get shot. "
41:05 You're concerned about that?
41:08 Don't you know our lives are in the hands of God?
41:11 Do I have fear when I walk out before a vast audience?
41:15 I have no fear at all because God is with me.
41:20 Amen.
41:22 Now I preached that off in PNG.
41:25 I don't preach it in an orthodox way.
41:29 I don't rail against people.
41:32 When I preached that I had besides say 30,000 members
41:37 of our own church I had 100,000 people who were not members
41:43 of our church.
41:45 And when I preached that message I am here to testify
41:49 that the Holy Spirit came down and souls were born again
41:55 and souls were delivered from deception.
42:00 You know verse 12? "Here is the patience of the saints. "
42:05 God has a remnant church.
42:08 God has got a last-day movement
42:10 and you can distinguish that true last-day movement
42:15 by the fact that it preaches this message
42:19 not in a little whispering hope I'm sorry
42:25 And I want to say to my beloved brethren Danny and Jim
42:29 whom I love because they share my convictions:
42:35 God has blessed 3ABN
42:37 because it is the only television station - religious
42:42 television station I know in the world... the only one -
42:47 that allows the preaching of this message.
42:50 You say: "No, no, no... you've got it... " NO!
42:53 I haven't got it wrong... I know.
42:57 This is the only clear voice that is preaching on television
43:03 the three angels' messages.
43:06 It is more than a whispering hope.
43:09 This message when proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit
43:15 has the power of God to attract and move the masses.
43:20 I say this to the glory of God: I'm here today
43:24 to give my testimony.
43:28 I've been approached on many occasions and told
43:31 "Don't do it. "
43:33 I won't tell you who. I'll leave that to your imagination.
43:37 I've been told "Don't do it.
43:40 You'll make us unpopular. We depend upon them
43:44 to support us. "
43:47 But I made up my mind that I would follow my Christ
43:52 and that I would be true to the Bible
43:55 and I would seek to please God and not to seek men.
44:00 And God has blessed me with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
44:05 Amen.
44:07 I've had the privilege I believe
44:10 of speaking to more secular people
44:14 of the things of the gospel
44:18 than any other person alive.
44:21 You say: "No, that can't be so. "
44:24 Yes it is so...
44:26 because by and large, by and whole,
44:30 people who come to our meetings are people
44:33 who are secular unbelievers.
44:36 We are not preaching to the choir.
44:39 We will preach to the choir when it is necessary
44:42 like I'm doing today
44:44 because we need a choir.
44:48 But God has blessed me
44:50 because I have set my faith as a flint.
44:54 Lord Jesus, help me to be true to God
44:59 and to preach His Word.
45:02 And I have people - very inexperienced - they say:
45:06 "No, you'll offend people. "
45:07 No... we baptize them.
45:09 They say: "You can't preach these things.
45:12 You'll turn them away. "
45:13 No, the more I preach it the bigger the crowd.
45:16 In Papua, New Guinea, probably the biggest crowds
45:20 in the history of our church
45:23 in 160 years made up of unbelievers
45:28 who came to hear the three angels' messages.
45:32 And they had only one complaint. They said:
45:35 "Preach on and preach on. "
45:37 We started 6 at night with music.
45:40 I'd be preaching at around 7 o'clock.
45:42 I finished preaching at 8 o'clock
45:45 then usually I'd have an altar call
45:47 and the people... the people protested. They said:
45:51 "More. Don't go.
45:54 Don't go back to Australia. Don't go back to America.
45:57 Preach on! " And these are people
46:00 who do not believe... who had not believed like you and I.
46:05 Oh you say: "That's only PNG. " NO!
46:07 I've seen it in South Africa.
46:10 I've seen it in Zimbabwe.
46:12 I've seen it in India.
46:15 I've seen it around the world.
46:17 I have seen it in Russia.
46:19 I've seen it in Ukraine.
46:21 I've seen it where the doors have been broken down
46:24 week after week. I have seen it
46:27 because there is power in the Word of God.
46:31 I want you to know there's power in the Word of God.
46:35 Now I have here today 3 people
46:39 who are eyewitnesses of His glory.
46:44 I want to say this to every person today:
46:49 whenever we start to get proud and think we're doing it
46:52 God's going to take the wheels off the chariot.
46:56 Did you hear this?
46:57 You know, too many people are in it because
47:00 they want to make a big name for themselves.
47:03 I want to tell you folks
47:05 we need to give glory to God.
47:08 And I want to tell you everything that happened in PNG
47:11 was not because of this old evangelist
47:16 who's been at it now for 50 years.
47:19 It wasn't because of this preacher...
47:23 it was because of the Holy Spirit.
47:26 I'm going to ask Beverley to come out please.
47:29 Beverley was there and Beverley is an eyewitness.
47:35 She was there.
47:38 She saw it. We're not telling you folks tall stories.
47:43 We have seen His glory. Good morning.
47:48 Good morning. How are you this morning?
47:51 I'm very well. Happy Sabbath.
47:53 Tell us, what did you see there?
47:56 How did it impress you?
47:58 Tell it to these beautiful people on 3ABN.
48:02 We want the world to know that Jesus is alive.
48:05 We want young preachers to get a vision.
48:08 OK? So tell it from your soul.
48:11 Well, as stage manager I had the advantage of watching
48:15 the crowd come in night by night...
48:18 thousands and thousands of them.
48:20 And on the third night one of our missionaries said:
48:23 "Would you like to walk up through the crowd? "
48:24 And of course I said "Yes. "
48:26 So after the lights had been lowered so the folk could see
48:28 the pictures on the screen he took me - accompanied by
48:31 a policeman - up through the crowd.
48:33 Now the bleachers around the stadium were packed
48:36 and so thousands were seated on the ground on the arena.
48:40 And you know, they sat there for 2 and 3 hours some of them.
48:44 And I don't know how many of us would do that
48:47 but they did it. And so we tracked up
48:50 through the crowd. We had to be so careful because
48:53 people were seated so tightly together.
48:56 So we picked our way up... trying to be careful not to
48:59 step on someone or to trip over someone.
49:02 Now when we got to the back we thought: "OK, we'll walk down
49:05 the other side of the arena. " But we couldn't because it
49:07 was packed even tighter.
49:09 So we had to backtrack down the way that we had gone up.
49:13 Now I was so impressed by two things.
49:16 Number one: they were sitting so quietly and there were many
49:18 children, many babies, thousands of young people.
49:22 But on the whole they were very, very quiet.
49:24 And I was also impressed by the hunger for the Word of God.
49:29 Now that was confirmed by the fact that many of these -
49:31 thousands of them - had come not only from Port Moresby
49:34 itself but from other places.
49:37 The middle of New Guinea is very mountainous.
49:39 It's a jungle so there aren't many roads.
49:42 So most of the folk came by boat or they flew there.
49:46 Thousands came from other islands and it was just amazing.
49:49 And that's just the power of God.
49:51 You know, I was impressed by so many things
49:54 but once again I was impressed by the power and the work
49:57 of the Holy Spirit - yes - and also the fulfillment
50:00 of God's Word where Jesus said: "If I be lifted up
50:03 I will draw all men unto Me. "
50:05 And I also love the verse in Hebrews 4
50:07 which says that "God's Word is LIVING. "
50:10 And it has the power to change the lives of men and women
50:15 and we saw that once more. And I thank Him
50:18 and I praise His holy name.
50:20 Hallelujah! Praise God.
50:22 Thank you, Beverley. Another two members of my team
50:25 are Susie and Javier Piraino.
50:28 Would you like to come out dear folks?
50:30 Where's Javier? Is he coming?
50:32 He's not being obedient to you today.
50:35 Not coming quickly. OK.
50:37 Now Javier is my chef.
50:40 He goes with me so he can keep my body still working,
50:43 you see, and he cooks for me.
50:45 Susie has been working for me now for about 17 or 18 years.
50:50 She says it seems like a hundred years.
50:52 But Susie is the communications director.
50:56 Beverley is the vice president of our organization
50:58 but Susie is the director of communications.
51:01 Now Susie, from your heart tell the people
51:05 what you saw. It was just overwhelming for me.
51:10 You know, I've been with you on the past 17, 18 years
51:13 witnessing campaigns every year
51:15 and this one for me was the most powerful
51:17 in many, many ways
51:19 because one of the jobs that I had was to take photographs.
51:24 Therefore I would climb up on the towers and I'd get to see
51:26 the people that were there as they were coming in nightly.
51:29 And I saw the enthusiasm, I saw the faces.
51:31 I saw the way the Holy Spirit was drawing them
51:35 into the arena every night.
51:37 And it just reminded me of my journey because
51:40 I came back into the church through the gospel
51:43 through one of your crusades. And when I saw these people
51:46 it just reminded me of what I was seeing, what I felt,
51:50 what I remember coming to the Shrine Auditorium.
51:53 And I thought: "The Holy Spirit is alive and is well
51:56 and these lives are going to be transformed. "
51:58 And you know, every night they came.
52:01 And they came and they wanted more.
52:02 And they would leave... it was late.
52:04 They'd fill the trucks. Some of them had to
52:07 travel for hours. Once they got dropped off
52:09 in their villages then they had to walk for hours.
52:12 And some of them didn't get home till 2 in the morning.
52:14 And so I just thought to myself:
52:16 "Wow! And they just keep coming and they keep wanting more. "
52:19 So I was an eyewitness to the mighty power
52:22 of seeing you preach and how the Holy Spirit
52:25 filled you every single night
52:26 and these people were just drawn. There was a power there
52:29 that you could feel. And I just give glory to God
52:32 to have a small part in this wonderful ministry.
52:34 Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.
52:36 And let me tell everybody: this is why 3ABN exists.
52:40 Those of you who are watching on your television screens:
52:43 support 3ABN.
52:45 They're the only great television network today
52:49 that is preaching the whole of the three angels' messages.
52:53 Javier, you came. Tell us your impression.
52:56 Don't talk about the food, Javier.
52:58 Just tell me your impressions of the meetings.
53:02 Well Pastor Carter, every day we started
53:04 we get to the field around 5:30.
53:08 At that time I was impressed because there were about
53:11 45,000 people already sitting down
53:14 actually waiting for us.
53:16 And we saw the faces of people.
53:18 And for example one night I went to walk around.
53:21 And I went in the back and there was a truck.
53:24 They had the different sizes of chairs
53:26 so they had like their own bleachers made up
53:29 in their own truck... smaller to the larger ones.
53:32 And there were families sitting down and listening attentively
53:36 to your lectures. To me it was the best
53:40 experience of my life this campaign.
53:43 And I think, you know, God blessed us in many, many ways
53:49 and, you know, there is a lot more to do.
53:53 God bless you folks. Love you both.
53:56 Appreciate everything you've done.
53:58 Now listen folks: we're not talking theory here today...
54:02 we're talking the power of God.
54:05 This campaign changed the whole nation;
54:09 it had such a tremendous influence.
54:12 Thousands were baptized.
54:15 One drawback is the churches are so completely overwhelmed
54:19 they can't handle the influx of people.
54:21 Thousands baptized in the ocean.
54:25 Then the next Sabbath they said: "We've never had
54:27 a Sabbath like it. " I want to say this
54:29 to every person here today.
54:31 We are living in the time of God's power.
54:35 We are living in the time when God is pouring out
54:39 the Holy Spirit.
54:40 I want to say this to you from my soul:
54:44 I'm an eyewitness of God's glory.
54:47 I have seen Pentecost.
54:50 I have felt, I've seen, I've experienced
54:55 the power of God. So have all these people who've come.
54:59 We must go forward in faith.
55:02 We must not draw back.
55:04 God has called us for such a time as this.
55:10 The power is available.
55:12 I want to say to the people of 3ABN:
55:15 God has called you; God is blessing you.
55:17 Go forward in faith.
55:20 Do not slacken.
55:22 Do not tone down the message but lift up the Bible
55:26 and lift up the Lord Jesus Christ.
55:29 Now we're going to do something in the last minute.
55:32 I've done this around the world.
55:35 I'm going to do it now on a much smaller scale.
55:40 All of those today who will say
55:43 "Christ, I believe in You; I will follow You.
55:46 I want to be covered today by the precious blood of Jesus. "
55:50 I don't need any music for this.
55:52 I want you to stand up.
55:53 If you say today: "I want Christ in my life.
55:57 I want to follow Him. "
55:59 And then I'm going to say something else.
56:01 And in PNG when we did this in one night we had 50,000
56:06 people come down the front...
56:08 If you've got a special need today
56:11 and you want to come as a penitent...
56:15 not as a holy person but come as a penitent... saying
56:20 "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.
56:22 Cover me today with the blood of Jesus
56:25 and fill me with the Holy Spirit, "
56:27 I want you to come down the front for prayer.
56:31 Want you to come as the Spirit of God moves you to come.
56:35 We don't need any music. We just want the Spirit of God
56:40 to come into this meeting
56:42 and we want Him to bless you today.


Revised 2014-12-17