3ABN Homecoming 2012

The Savior And His Cross

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Carter


Series Code: 12HC

Program Code: 12HC000009

00:48 Well, we are once again coming to you from our
00:53 Worship Center here in West Frankfort/Thompsonville, IL.
00:58 And we're just so happy to see each one that's here
01:01 and we know that even more of you will be coming tomorrow.
01:04 We look forward to your coming to be with us.
01:07 Our speaker tonight is John Carter.
01:10 Needs absolutely no introduction to our group.
01:14 Is so well know by all the viewers from 3ABN.
01:19 He's the Speaker/Director of The Carter Report.
01:22 As an evangelist, he's held meetings all over the world.
01:26 And we love him. And we're so glad that Beverley
01:30 and two other members of the team are here.
01:34 Susie... and who is that with you Susie?
01:39 Ah, Javier. OK... Javier.
01:41 All right. Good to see you folks.
01:43 We appreciate you being here with us.
01:46 Well listen: I never will forget the night
01:50 when John Carter and Danny Shelton became a team.
01:55 Any of you remember that night?
01:57 I do. I was watching.
01:58 Some of you were watching... some of you were watching.
02:01 I called them after that program that night.
02:05 I said: "This is from God. This is made in heaven. "
02:08 Those two came together and proposed to do evangelism.
02:13 And I believe it's untold the number of souls
02:19 that will be reached because of that partnership together.
02:23 Tonight you're going to hear from both of them.
02:26 Going to hear Pastor John as he comes to preach
02:29 to us... to speak to us
02:31 and you're also going to hear Danny Shelton come and sing
02:34 one of my favorite songs: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.
02:39 But before Danny comes I'm going to ask his brother
02:42 Kenny to come and to lead us to the throne of grace.
02:48 Pastor Kenny. Amen. Thank God for the privilege of prayer.
02:52 Yes. Amen. I'm going to kneel up here
02:54 and if you want to kneel, fine. Kneel with me as we pray.
02:57 All right.
03:00 Our most kind, gracious heavenly Father,
03:03 we do thank you for the privilege of prayer.
03:05 We thank you that we have a God in heaven that loves us
03:08 with an everlasting love.
03:10 We're thankful that You have been showering us with the power
03:13 of Thy Holy Spirit
03:15 on everything that's been said and done in this Camp Meeting.
03:18 Lord, we thank you for Your presence.
03:19 Thank you for Your power.
03:20 Thank you for the promise of victory in each of our hearts
03:23 and our lives. Oh Lord, we want to be ready when Jesus comes.
03:27 Now Lord tonight we think of the bread of life
03:31 that's soon to just be broken once again to us.
03:34 Lord, we're hungering to hear the truth of God's Word
03:37 that sanctifies us, prepares us for the coming of Jesus.
03:40 May Your Holy Spirit accompany everything
03:44 that's said, everything that's done.
03:46 Again Lord, we're looking for fresh bread,
03:48 fresh manna, and we know the Holy Spirit can give that to us.
03:51 We desire it.
03:53 Bless Pastor Carter in a very special way.
03:56 Anoint him, continue to use him
03:58 for Your honor and for Your glory.
04:00 We know he has blessed our hearts through Your power
04:03 and Your strength.
04:05 As Bro. Danny comes to sing, Lord, anoint his mind,
04:07 his heart, and his lips.
04:09 The most beautiful, beautiful song, Lord, as he's going to
04:12 sing tonight and bless us we pray You'll give him
04:14 Holy Spirit power. Thank you for 3ABN.
04:17 Thank you for all the work for every individual,
04:19 all the work, all the preparation.
04:21 We know that all the praise, honor, and glory goes to You.
04:23 Bless us now we pray.
04:25 Father in heaven, may each one who's come here tonight,
04:28 those who are viewing around the world,
04:30 everyone that has a need Lord I pray in faith believing
04:33 that that need will be met in Jesus Christ.
04:36 Our loving Lord and our Savior,
04:38 thank you for dying.
04:39 Thank you for the promise of coming again.
04:42 We long for that day. Help us to be faithful.
04:44 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
05:05 O soul,
05:07 are you weary
05:10 and troubled?
05:14 No light in
05:16 the darkness you see?
05:23 There's light
05:26 for a look at
05:29 the Savior,
05:32 And life so abundant
05:37 and free!
05:43 Turn your eyes upon
05:48 Jesus,
05:51 Look full in
05:53 His wonderful face;
06:00 And the things of earth
06:05 will grow strangely dim
06:10 In the light of His glory
06:14 and grace.
06:24 His Word
06:26 will not fail you
06:29 He's promised;
06:33 Believe Him and all will
06:38 be well:
06:42 Then go to a world that
06:48 is dying,
06:51 His perfect salvation
06:56 to tell!
07:01 Turn your eyes
07:05 upon Jesus,
07:09 Look full in
07:12 His wonderful face;
07:18 And the things of this old earth
07:23 will grow strangely dim
07:28 In the light of His glory
07:33 and grace.
07:41 In the light
07:44 of Christ's glory
07:47 and grace.
07:52 Amen!
08:03 Good evening my friends.
08:05 Good evening. Let's have a little talk tonight.
08:07 How're you doing? Are you pleased to be here?
08:11 I tell folks at my stage of life I'm pleased to be anywhere.
08:17 I'm just so glad to see you.
08:18 You look so good, so handsome!
08:23 So intelligent.
08:25 They're the sort of people I like to come to my meetings:
08:28 handsome, intelligent people.
08:30 Now listen to this: you don't have to be good
08:36 to be saved.
08:39 Oh come on... let's have a little "Amen. "
08:41 Amen. Every sinner here tonight ought to shout out "Amen! "
08:44 Aren't you folks? Don't you know we're all sinners?
08:47 So you don't have to be good to be saved
08:52 but you've got to be saved to be good.
08:56 Did you get that now?
08:57 I'm going to say it again.
09:00 All right. You don't have to be good
09:03 to be saved. What did I say?
09:06 Come on, come on: you don't have to be good to be saved
09:10 but you've got to be saved to be good.
09:14 And if you understand that tonight
09:15 you'll understand the topic.
09:17 The topic tonight is The Blood Of Christ.
09:23 How long does it take to be saved?
09:27 How much does it cost?
09:32 How long does it take for a sinner to be saved?
09:38 How long does it take for me to be good enough?
09:42 I want you to take your Bibles.
09:44 And remember: we only guarantee the salvation
09:47 of those people who bring their Bibles to church.
09:51 You know, that's one of my sayings.
09:53 I'm glad that you're still laughing at it.
09:54 Come over here to John chapter 3 and verse 16 and onwards.
09:59 John chapter 3 and verse 16 and onwards.
10:04 And I've got a sermon to preach in the morning.
10:08 I wish it were the morning already because I'm just about
10:12 bursting to preach the sermon in the morning.
10:14 But I'm going to preach this one tonight anyhow
10:17 and this is a great sermon.
10:19 John chapter 3 verse 16 and onwards.
10:22 "For God so loved the world
10:26 that He gave His one and only Son
10:29 that whoever believes in Him shall not perish
10:32 but have everlasting life.
10:34 For God did not send His Son into the world
10:37 to condemn the world but to save the world
10:41 through Him.
10:43 Whoever believes in Him is not condemned,
10:46 but whoever does not believe stands condemned already
10:51 because he has not believed in the name
10:54 of God's one and only Son.
10:57 This is the verdict. Light has come into the world
11:01 and men loved darkness instead of light
11:04 because their deeds were evil.
11:08 Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not
11:11 come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
11:16 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light
11:20 so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done
11:24 has been done through God. "
11:29 I ran a campaign years and years ago
11:32 when I was a young... when I was a younger man.
11:39 I went into death row in Manila, the great city of Manila.
11:45 We rented the Filipino International Conference Center
11:49 in the heart of the city of Manila.
11:51 And I was asked to go and preach to young men
11:55 who were on death row.
11:58 As I preached... These young men were locked up
12:01 and as I preached others came and stood by the bars
12:06 with their hands on the bars.
12:09 What do you tell young men who are going to be executed
12:13 in a few days?
12:16 How long does it take to be saved?
12:19 Is it going to take them an hour? A day?
12:22 A month? A year? A lifetime?
12:26 I told them they could be right with God right now.
12:30 Amen.
12:31 I told them that Jesus had gone to the electric chair
12:35 on their behalf.
12:38 That's the language that they understood.
12:42 Then there was a man who came into the meeting
12:45 in the Filipino International Conference Center
12:47 and he sent me a note. And he said: "Pastor Carter,
12:51 I came to this meeting tonight was a dagger
12:54 because I've been following a man all day
12:57 and I had planned tonight to kill him in your meeting. "
13:00 But he said: "As you were preaching about the love of God
13:03 and the power of the gospel, the Word of God changed my heart.
13:07 And I've now given my life to Christ
13:10 and I'm going to be baptized when you have the baptism. "
13:13 How long did it take that man to be saved?
13:17 I told him: "You can be right with God right now. "
13:23 Now what do Seventh-day Adventists believe on this?
13:26 I want every person watching on television, my friends
13:29 in Australia... and I still have some friends in Australia...
13:32 I want to say to my friends in Australia
13:34 and my friends right across this great land of the
13:37 United States of America, I want to say to the people
13:40 up in the highlands of Papua, New Guinea,
13:43 where I was recently and I came to your village,
13:46 I want to say this to every person:
13:48 what do Seventh-day Adventists believe on this subject?
13:51 Do we believe in the Trinity? Absolutely.
13:53 We are Trinitarians.
13:55 Do we believe in the blood atonement of Christ
13:59 on the cross? Yes and Amen.
14:02 Do we believe the moral influence theory
14:05 that is so popular in Southern California?
14:08 What is the moral influence theory that is held by
14:11 a number of so-called theologians?
14:14 It is the idea that Christ died to show us the love of God
14:19 but on the cross He did not make an atoning sacrifice
14:22 for our sins. Tonight we repudiate that doctrine.
14:26 Amen! It is not the truth of the Bible.
14:28 Are we saved as some people have charged us
14:31 as believing that we are saved by obedience
14:35 to the law. We categorically reject tonight that we are saved
14:40 by our obedience to the law.
14:42 We say to every person tonight
14:45 who is watching the telecast: you don't have to be good
14:48 to be saved but you do have to be saved to be good.
14:53 Amen. I want you to come over... You are
14:55 a most excellent audience.
14:58 You are listening to me and you are saying "Amen. "
15:03 And sometimes I hear some people get overcome by emotion
15:06 and they even clap their hands.
15:09 Would you please come over here to Ephesians chapter 2?
15:12 Come over here to Ephesians chapter 2
15:15 and verses 8 to 10.
15:17 Some people have said to me: "You must never never
15:20 clap your hands. " I said: "Don't tell that to the trees
15:23 because the Bible said 'all the trees of the field
15:26 will clap their hands. ' "
15:28 Come over here to Ephesians chapter 2.
15:30 But then perhaps the trees know how to worship God better
15:33 than some of the saints.
15:35 Ephesians chapter 2. Let's move on and stay off
15:37 something that could be slightly controversial.
15:40 Ephesians chapter 2 and verses 8 to 10.
15:45 Are you ready to go? "For it is by grace...
15:51 it is by grace... it is by grace you have been saved
15:55 through faith. And it's not from yourselves;
15:59 it is the gift of God.
16:01 Not by works so that no one can boast.
16:04 For we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus
16:08 to do good works which God prepared in advance
16:11 for us to do. "
16:13 The Bible tells me... and I want every person watching the
16:16 telecast who is not a member of this church
16:19 to understand this: that Seventh-day Adventists
16:22 are not legalists
16:23 any more than Baptists or any other branch of Christianity.
16:28 We believe in the great principle of this.
16:31 Now listen, I'm going to go back to the Protestant Reformation.
16:34 We believe in sola scriptura.
16:38 Amen. That means only scripture.
16:40 I've had people come to me in my own church
16:44 and they say: "No, we Adventists do not believe
16:46 in sola scriptura. We believe in the Bible
16:49 plus this plus this plus this plus church authority. "
16:53 That is not the teaching of the Bible.
16:56 I believe in the doctrine of sola scriptura:
17:00 the Bible and the Bible alone.
17:02 You know who else believed in that? Ellen White.
17:04 She said: "The words of the Bible and the Bible alone
17:07 should be heard from our pulpits. "
17:09 Why don't we do what she tells us to do?
17:12 Amen. "The words of the Bible and the Bible alone should be
17:15 heard from our pulpits. "
17:16 I believe in sola scriptura and I believe in sola Christus:
17:20 only Christ. Amen.
17:22 Only Christ... sola Christus.
17:25 Sola gratia... only grace.
17:28 Sola fide... only faith.
17:31 That is the battle cry of the Reformation,
17:35 and I am a Christian first and foremost.
17:38 People come to me and they say around the world:
17:41 "What is your religion? " I say to them:
17:44 "First and foremost I am a Christian. "
17:48 "Oh, " people say, "no, no, no. You're an Adventist. "
17:51 No! First and foremost I am a Christian.
17:57 Secondly I am a Protestant.
18:00 I believe in the Word of God first and foremost.
18:04 I am a Protestant. And thirdly
18:06 I am a Seventh-day Adventist.
18:09 But if you get that round the wrong way
18:12 you will neither be a Christian nor a Seventh-day Adventist.
18:16 Amen. So let us settle this once and for all tonight
18:20 and let everybody watching the telecast hear it because
18:23 it is the Word of God. We believe in sola scriptura.
18:29 You may say: "I don't like it. "
18:30 Well then you are wrong. Amen.
18:33 Sola scriptura, sola Christus,
18:36 sola gratia and sola fide.
18:40 I throw that in so people think I know Latin.
18:44 We all need grace because we are a part
18:48 of fallen, sinful humanity.
18:51 Come over here to Romans chapter 5 and verse 12.
18:54 Are you folks having a good time here in church tonight?
18:57 Amen. I'm having a good time here in church tonight.
18:59 I feel like preaching tonight.
19:00 That's always dangerous when I feel like preaching.
19:03 If I'm feeling tired, the congregation is somewhat
19:05 protected, but tonight I'm feeling good.
19:08 Come over here to Romans chapter 5 verse 12.
19:11 This is a text that most people don't understand,
19:13 and they don't understand it because they don't read
19:15 their Bibles. "Therefore just as sin entered the world
19:20 through one man... " Who was that? Adam.
19:23 "and death through sin and in this way death came
19:26 to all men because all sinned. "
19:31 The Bible tells me... If you read the context
19:35 it says: "All sinned. " Our own commentary says
19:40 we sinned... When it talks about we all sinned
19:44 in this context it says "we all sinned in Adam. "
19:48 Understand that? When Adam was driving the car
19:52 we were sitting in the back seat.
19:55 People say: "I wasn't there. "
19:56 Where do you think you were?
19:58 Where did you come from?
20:00 When Adam sinned and when he took humanity off the road
20:05 we came off the road. And this is why David says
20:08 in Psalm 51... he says:
20:10 "I was born in sin
20:12 and in sin did my mother conceive me. "
20:14 And that is why the great preacher Spurgeon said:
20:17 "We have the black blood of Adam coursing
20:20 through our veins. " You wonder why children are disobedient?
20:23 You wonder why little babies show symptoms
20:28 of bad temper?
20:31 It is because we are born in a state of sin.
20:36 That is the teaching of the Bible
20:39 and you cannot understand the gospel unless you
20:42 understand that. And that's why Jesus said:
20:44 "You've got to be born again. "
20:49 Our problem is more than economic as Mark said.
20:54 More than social. In America today
20:58 we think we're going to save the world
21:00 by a new set of elections.
21:02 Dream on.
21:04 It is not political.
21:06 Salvation is not found in the Democratic Party
21:10 and it's not found in the Republican Party.
21:13 Salvation is found in the Jesus Party. Amen!
21:16 You need to know that.
21:18 Our problem is not basically psychological or sexual
21:22 as Freud said.
21:23 We may have all of these problems but they're only
21:26 symptoms.
21:29 We have a disease... every one of us.
21:33 In Africa many years ago
21:35 a young Baptist lady - missionary - was treating
21:39 patients and they were dying like flies.
21:42 The symptoms were all the same:
21:44 a terrible headache on the third day,
21:47 ulcers in the mouth,
21:48 and by about the fifth or the sixth day the person was dead.
21:52 They could do nothing... the Lassa virus.
21:57 And then one day after she had treated a patient -
22:00 done a post-mortem - the knife slipped.
22:06 She ran to the tap and turned on the pressure
22:10 and sponged it as much as she could.
22:12 About three days later she had a headache.
22:14 Then the ulcers at the back of the tongue.
22:16 And then on the sixth or the seventh day she died.
22:19 They flew the organs to New York City
22:22 and doctors - scientists - worked... Are you folks
22:25 listening on television?
22:27 Hey, you better listen to this
22:29 because you may get saved tonight.
22:35 And when they looked at the organs they worked
22:38 in space suits as it were.
22:40 But after a week or two
22:43 of these scientists working on the organs
22:45 several of the scientists got a headache.
22:48 And then the ulcers in the mouth and then they died.
22:52 The American people were not told this as they are not told
22:56 many things.
22:58 You're told what the government wants you to know.
23:04 They thought: "If this thing gets out on the streets
23:07 of New York we're a dead nation. "
23:11 Then they discovered that this terrible virus in Africa
23:15 was spread by rats.
23:18 If you were bitten you were a "gonner. "
23:23 But the Bible teaches me that there is something
23:26 that is more deadly than the Lassa virus
23:30 and you and I are born with it.
23:33 And that is why we find it so hard to think straight.
23:36 It is called sin.
23:38 Romans 6:23.
23:41 Now folks, unless you understand the truth about sin
23:45 you won't understand the good news.
23:46 Who needs good news unless you know the bad news?
23:51 Romans 6:23.
23:53 "For the wages of sin is death... "
23:55 That's why everybody dies:
23:57 because we are a race of sinners.
24:00 If we were a race of perfect people
24:03 we would stop dying.
24:05 "For the wages of sin is death
24:08 but the gift of God is eternal life
24:12 in Christ Jesus our Lord. "
24:14 Are you listening? Amen!
24:16 We are all alike sinners
24:21 but we are not all sinners alike.
24:25 We all have our specialties.
24:30 Sin is everywhere manifested
24:34 including the church... especially the church.
24:39 Hate, lying... lying. Christians lie.
24:45 Not if you're a born again Christian you don't.
24:50 Hate, lying, stealing, slandering, lust,
24:56 the love of power. Not in the church?
24:59 Especially in the church.
25:02 The love of POWER
25:05 so I can dictate to people.
25:08 The love of money, spiritual superiority,
25:12 I am better than you are, racial superiority,
25:17 pride.
25:19 And of course, the sins of the spirit
25:23 are worse than the sins of the flesh.
25:28 Jesus had a great deal of success with prostitutes
25:33 but virtually no success with Pharisees...
25:36 the people in the church.
25:38 It is far harder to save a bunch of religious people
25:44 than it is to save a bunch of atheists...
25:48 and I know.
25:53 Remember the story of the man who worked in the big factory?
25:58 And every night at 5 o'clock when he finished work
26:02 he would walk through the gate of the factory
26:06 pushing a wheelbarrow.
26:10 And they wondered: "What on earth is he stealing? "
26:15 And they would each night take that wheelbarrow
26:19 to pieces and they would search to see what he was stealing.
26:24 After a few months they discovered
26:26 he was stealing wheelbarrows.
26:31 Now listen: we are all pushing wheelbarrows...
26:37 wheelbarrows of one sort or another.
26:41 And that is why we all need redemption.
26:47 Now listen to you... listen to me.
26:49 You... watching the telecast.
26:52 I say it again: Jesus had a lot of success
26:56 with prostitutes, with adulterers,
27:00 but the hardest person to help is the person
27:05 who feels that somehow he is spiritually
27:10 superior.
27:13 Hell is reserved
27:17 with its hottest fires for the religious person
27:22 who is puffed up with pride
27:25 and who wants to control his brethren
27:31 because that's the wheelbarrow that the devil invented
27:35 especially. Would you come over here to Romans chapter 3
27:38 and verse 9? Romans 3 and verse 9.
27:42 Now all you've got to do tonight as you listen to this
27:45 is not say: "Do I believe this or do I not believe this? "
27:50 All you've got to say tonight is:
27:51 "Is this what the Bible teaches? "
27:53 That's what you've got to do.
27:55 We go by sola scriptura.
27:57 Romans 3 verse 9.
28:00 "What shall we conclude then? Are we any better?
28:02 Not at all. We have already made the charge
28:06 that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin.
28:13 As it is written: 'there is no one righteous
28:17 not even one. ' "
28:19 Verse 23:
28:22 This is a verse we seldom read... seldom believe it.
28:27 "For all have sinned... " That is the past tense.
28:31 "For all have sinned and fall short
28:35 of the glory of God. " When it says "fall short
28:39 of the glory of God"
28:41 that is in the Greek present continuous.
28:47 It means that we continue to fall short
28:52 of the glory of God.
28:55 And every one of us at this meeting tonight
28:58 is a sinner falling short of the glory of God.
29:04 And that is why we need the blood of Jesus. Amen!
29:10 You know what we need also?
29:12 We need a revelation
29:17 like John Newton: a revelation by the Holy Spirit.
29:24 John Newton - converted through the preaching of the Wesleys -
29:30 an Anglican clergyman,
29:34 wrote the great British hymn
29:37 Amazing grace... how sweet the sound
29:42 that saved a wretch like me.
29:46 I once was lost
29:49 but now I am found;
29:51 I was blind but now I see.
29:54 Amen.
29:55 Just before Newton died he went blind
30:01 and he said these words.
30:04 Listen to them: "My memory is almost gone.
30:08 I can remember but two great truths:
30:13 I am a great sinner
30:16 and Christ is a great Savior. "
30:20 I wish every person here tonight,
30:22 I wish every person in the General Conference,
30:26 I wish every person in this 3ABN outfit,
30:30 I wish every person in my church,
30:34 I wish every person on the staff of The Carter Report,
30:38 I wish that every person in every church
30:42 could cry out tonight to God and say:
30:44 "I am a great sinner... " Amen.
30:50 "but Christ is a great Savior. " Amen!
30:57 But remember: sin makes us blind
31:02 to our own faults but very conscious
31:06 of the faults of others.
31:08 Let me talk about the great Savior.
31:13 There was a Russian nobleman
31:15 hopelessly in debt like the United States government.
31:23 And so he got a catalog
31:27 honestly of all his debts.
31:30 And he wrote them down with a shaking and trembling hand
31:36 on a manuscript.
31:38 And then he wrote across this awful list/catalog
31:43 of his debts: "Who can pay all my debts? "
31:48 And then he fell across the page in nervous exhaustion.
31:54 By the grace of God the Czar of Russia -
31:58 Peter the Great - came that day to see his old friend.
32:02 And he came in through the door of the lord's palace
32:07 and he walked into his study
32:09 and there he saw his friend lying prostrate across the list.
32:16 And he noticed the words
32:19 "Who will pay
32:22 all my debts? "
32:26 And the Czar of Russia - Peter the Great -
32:29 picked up the pen and he wrote across it
32:32 "I Peter the Great, the Czar of Russia,
32:37 will pay all your debts. " And he did.
32:45 The Bible tells me that on the cross
32:50 the Son of God opened up His veins
32:55 and He wrote cross the parchment of our guilt
32:59 and our sins He wrote the words
33:02 "I, Jesus Christ - Lord of the universe -
33:07 will pay all your debts. "
33:12 And He did. Praise God. Amen!
33:15 I want you to notice tonight the greatest of all truths.
33:21 Now you may think this is an easy subject to preach on
33:26 because it is the gospel.
33:28 The gospel is the hardest subject I ever preach on
33:32 because for most people it's an incomprehensible mystery.
33:38 And I speak about people in the church as well.
33:43 I've been a pastor for 50 years
33:46 and when this subject is preached unless we have
33:50 a divine revelation we will stay in our sickness
33:54 and in our sin and in our darkness.
33:58 Please open your Bibles and turn with me
34:01 to II Corinthians chapter 5 and verses 20 and 21.
34:07 II Corinthians chapter 5
34:12 and verse 20 and onwards dear hearts and gentle people.
34:18 II Corinthians chapter 5 and verses 20 and 21.
34:22 Those of you watching on television: listen carefully.
34:25 Tonight may be the time when you're going to be saved.
34:28 II Corinthians chapter 5 verse 20.
34:31 Are we ready to go?
34:33 The Bible says: "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors
34:39 as though God were making His appeal through us.
34:42 We implore you on Christ's behalf
34:44 be reconciled to God.
34:47 God made Him who had no sin... " This is Christ.
34:52 "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us
34:57 so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. "
35:04 Listen carefully.
35:06 In my campaigns when I spoke in Port Moresby
35:11 on this subject we had 125,000 people listening.
35:16 Not a stir; not a murmur
35:19 as the Word of God was carried by the Spirit
35:23 into the hearts of the great multitude.
35:26 But I went to my blackboards
35:28 and I wrote it up and the cameras came in close
35:32 and they put it up on the giant screens
35:35 you must use your imagination.
35:39 I put up the cross like a giant T.
35:45 On one side I put Christ;
35:48 on the other side I put humanity.
35:54 On the side of Christ I put sinless.
35:58 On the side of humanity I put sinful.
36:02 On the side of Christ I put righteous.
36:06 On the side of humanity I put unrighteous.
36:12 On the side of Christ I put peace with God.
36:16 On the side of humanity I put despair...
36:21 damnation.
36:24 On the side of Christ I put eternal life
36:28 and on the side of humanity I put eternal death
36:32 with all its terrors.
36:34 On the side of Christ I wrote up heaven
36:40 and on the side of humanity I put down hell.
36:47 And then I said to the great multitude
36:50 "The great Savior came and stood in our place. "
36:58 On the cross... on the cross of Christ in the sight
37:03 of Almighty God Christ became in the sight of God
37:09 the most sinful of men.
37:12 Unrighteous.
37:15 His soul was filled with despair and He cried out
37:20 the cry of dereliction:
37:23 "My God, My God: why have You forsaken Me? "
37:28 Christ did not die as a Christian.
37:32 He died as a doomed, lost soul.
37:37 Unless that penetrates the consciousness of your mind
37:41 you cannot be saved.
37:46 The horror of an awful darkness came upon Him.
37:50 He tasted eternal death; He went through hell.
37:55 He felt the darkness of the atheists...
37:59 the doom of the damned.
38:09 That is why from a heart that was panting
38:14 and a soul in terrible distress
38:21 He said: "Oh My Father, why have You forsaken Me? "
38:27 He went through this so that you and I by the grace of God -
38:32 listen to the words and don't misunderstand them -
38:35 might be accounted... might be accounted...
38:40 might be accounted sinless, righteous,
38:44 have peace with God,
38:46 and have eternal life now
38:49 and have heaven in our soul
38:51 and live forever.
38:54 That is the gospel.
39:01 So it means this:
39:06 that our blessed Lord with His blessed blood
39:10 made an atoning sacrifice
39:13 for the sins of every lost son and daughter.
39:17 For all the descendants of Adam.
39:20 The guilty human race He made an atonement for
39:25 so that if tonight I come as one of those young men
39:30 in Manila who was about to go to the electric chair
39:34 if I come in penitence and faith in Christ -
39:39 sola fide; sola gratia; sola Christus -
39:45 I truly believe in that moment I am saved
39:50 and I pass from death to life tonight.
39:54 Now!
39:59 Do you believe that? Amen.
40:02 Why do you think it's called gospel?
40:05 Because it means good news.
40:08 People tell me: "No, no, no, no... it's not so.
40:10 You've got to work harder. You can't do this.
40:13 You've got to be perfect before you go to heaven. "
40:15 My friend, that is not good news.
40:17 That is the worst news you've ever heard
40:19 because you'll never do it. Amen.
40:23 The good news is that everything that God requires
40:28 of me for time and eternity
40:32 has already been accomplished for me
40:35 in the person of Christ. Amen!
40:42 Now listen:
40:44 to understand this you need a revelation from God.
40:48 What do you say? "No... but I'm an Adventist. "
40:52 Being an Adventist doesn't save you.
40:55 Did you hear what I'm saying?
40:58 Being an Adventist doesn't save you.
41:01 Adventists in the last days... some of them will even get
41:05 the mark of the beast because they are such conformists
41:09 and because they follow the teachings of men
41:13 rather than the teachings of God. Are you listening to me?
41:19 So what we need is a revelation from God.
41:22 Do you know why God has blessed me?
41:24 Do you know why we had the largest crowds in the history
41:28 of the Adventist church?
41:31 The largest crowds in the history of that part
41:33 of the world? I will tell you why:
41:35 it is because of the blood of Christ.
41:39 It is because of the power of the blood of Christ
41:42 ministered by the Holy Spirit.
41:46 And what you need to understand this is a revelation from God.
41:50 People say: "I've never had it. "
41:51 Then, perhaps, friend you're not saved.
41:54 Come over here to Galatians chapter 1 verses 11 and 12.
41:58 Are you folks still listening? Amen! Uh-huh.
42:01 Now my aim in this sermon
42:05 as in every one of my sermons
42:06 is not to win a popularity contest.
42:09 It is to see people saved in the kingdom. Amen!
42:12 Galatians chapter 1 verses 11 and 12.
42:15 Galatians 1 verses 11 and 12.
42:21 Look at these words.
42:22 We don't read Galatians too much because we say "it's too hard. "
42:26 That's what the devil tells you: "Don't read it. "
42:29 I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preach
42:35 is not something that man made up.
42:38 I did not receive it from any man nor was I taught it.
42:43 Rather I received it - say it with me -
42:46 by... come on, come on... by revelation.
42:49 How? By revelation.
42:52 How? By revelation from Jesus Christ. Amen!
42:57 Now look at me.
42:59 You can go to church for 100 years
43:04 and sit in the pew.
43:07 You can be the pastor of the church.
43:10 You can be the head...
43:12 No, you can't be the head of the church
43:14 because the head of the church is Jesus. Amen!
43:17 But you can work your way up in the hierarchy
43:22 but unless you've had a revelation from God
43:26 you're not going to heaven. Amen.
43:30 Now what revelation am I talking about?
43:33 The Bible tells me that Paul got a revelation from God.
43:39 We are born with a knowledge of the law.
43:44 You know it's wrong to steal.
43:46 We are born with a knowledge of the law
43:50 but we are not born with a knowledge of the gospel.
43:54 The gospel has got to be revealed to me.
44:00 I've had people come to me
44:02 who've been brought up in the church all their lives -
44:05 officers, ministers - and they've said:
44:08 "After the sermon tonight for the first time
44:12 I am right with God right now
44:15 because God revealed it to me tonight. "
44:22 John Wesley was an Anglican minister.
44:26 That's about as close to earthly perfection as you can get.
44:31 He was an Oxford scholar, a clergyman.
44:36 He had a wig that came down to his shoulders.
44:40 Bless your heart.
44:43 He was a very dapper man.
44:46 He came to America to save the Americans
44:50 but he cried out: "Oh my God, who will save me? "
44:58 There's nothing worse - no greater abomination -
45:00 than a dead man in the pulpit
45:02 talking to dead people in the pews.
45:05 Amen!
45:10 He was invited to go to a gospel meeting
45:13 in Aldersgate Lane in London on a snowy night.
45:18 He went reluctantly
45:19 and a poor, unlettered layman - of course, laymen can't preach -
45:23 Hey, if you're called by God you CAN preach - amen -
45:27 whether you're a man or a woman.
45:29 If you're called by God, you can preach.
45:32 You say: "I don't believe that. "
45:33 Well you don't believe the Bible.
45:36 This poor, unlettered man got up... a lay person.
45:40 There are no... there's no clergy and there's no laity
45:44 in the church. The word laos is the Greek word
45:48 that means the people of God.
45:51 I am a part of the people of God...
45:53 not a clergyman. Goodness.
45:56 I want to be a clergyman? No!
45:58 In Australia they say there are three sexes:
46:02 men, women, and clergymen.
46:05 I want to tell you I belong to the people of God
46:09 but I'm a preacher of the gospel.
46:14 This unlettered layman who had no theological training
46:18 thanks be to God was reading the preface
46:21 of Martin Luther to the book of Romans.
46:24 When Martin Luther describes some of these verses
46:28 and John Wesley got up and he said
46:32 as the man was reading what Dr. Luther said
46:36 "I felt my heart strangely warmed.
46:40 I felt I did indeed trust in Christ
46:44 and an assurance was given me that He'd taken away
46:47 my sins - even mine - and saved me from sin and death. "
46:52 Pray tonight that your heart will be strangely warmed.
46:56 The worldly person watching in Australia:
47:01 you go to church but you've never had your heart
47:05 strangely warmed, you're not going to heaven
47:08 if you should die.
47:12 We are saved when we come with broken hearts.
47:21 Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic theology... steeped in
47:25 Roman Catholic... in theology.
47:28 A Roman Catholic theologian steeped in Roman Catholic
47:31 theology. He had no peace you know.
47:35 Like Mother Teresa, no peace.
47:39 They discovered her letters. An earnest, sincere believer:
47:44 "I'm trying... I'm trying. I want to be like God.
47:48 I want to be like God; I want to be better. "
47:52 She said: "I never knew one day peace with God.
47:56 I seriously contemplated... " she said... "becoming
48:00 an atheist. "
48:03 Like Martin Luther, she had the wrong theology.
48:09 Martin Luther read the expression: "the righteousness
48:11 of God" in the Bible.
48:13 Martin Luther - the character- istic German theologian - said
48:16 when he read about the righteousness of God
48:18 he said with the mind of a lawyer: "I hate it. "
48:23 The old confessor said: "Martin, you can't hate it. "
48:26 He said: "Not only do I hate it, I hate God! "
48:29 He said: "How can you hate God?
48:31 You must love God. " He said: "I hate God
48:34 because God hates me.
48:36 God is righteous; I am sinful.
48:40 How can a righteous God love a sinful man? "
48:45 "All He does, father...
48:47 all He does is condemn me.
48:50 Forgive me, father, " he said to his old confessor.
48:55 Need to study these things. Become thinkers...
49:00 not followers.
49:03 One day they found Martin Luther kneeling before a crucifix
49:07 saying: "For me, for me. "
49:12 That was the birth of a great spiritual movement
49:15 that shook the world called the Reformation.
49:18 There would have been no America without that.
49:22 Martin Luther made the amazing discovery
49:25 that when the Bible talks about the righteousness of God
49:28 it doesn't mean in the book of Romans to condemn us
49:32 but it means a righteousness that comes from God
49:36 and is credited to the sinner's behalf
49:40 because of the blood of Christ.
49:43 That is the gospel.
49:45 Now come to what some people say is the most difficult
49:49 passage in the Bible. That's what the devil tells them.
49:51 Come over here to Romans chapter 3.
49:54 I would recommend that every person learn these passages
49:56 off by heart. The best preachers know the book of Romans
50:00 off by heart. Romans chapter 3 verse 20 and onwards.
50:07 Now you can understand it if you concentrate.
50:10 "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in His sight
50:14 by observing the law.
50:16 Rather through the law we become conscious of sin. "
50:18 The law cannot save because none of us have kept it.
50:21 The law tells us that we are all sinners
50:25 falling short of the glory of God pushing wheelbarrows.
50:29 "But now... " verse 21, "But now a righteousness from God
50:32 apart from law... " Apart from law.
50:35 "has been made known to which the law and the prophets
50:38 testified. This righteousness from God
50:41 comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all... "
50:46 who keep the commandments? No!
50:47 "to all who believe. " There is no difference.
50:51 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God... " -
50:54 continue to fall short of the glory of God -
50:56 "and are justified... " - declared righteous -
51:00 "freely by His grace through the redemption
51:03 that came by Christ Jesus.
51:05 God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement
51:10 through faith in His blood.
51:12 He did this to demonstrate His justice
51:16 because in His forbearance He left the sins committed
51:21 beforehand unpunished.
51:23 He did this to demonstrate His justice at the present time
51:27 so as to be just and the One who justifies. "
51:31 Those who have faith in Jesus - listen to me -
51:35 God cannot work a shrewdie.
51:39 God is not a confidence man.
51:44 God says the sinner has to be punished
51:48 and the sinner has got to die.
51:51 That's what the law says. That's what God says.
51:53 God cannot be a fraud.
51:56 He cannot be a put-off
52:02 so He says the sinner must be punished.
52:07 And the sinner was punished to the uttermost part of the law
52:12 when God put his sins upon Christ.
52:17 When God put our sins upon Christ.
52:22 The sinner was punished in Christ.
52:28 The sinner has paid the price of his guilt in Christ.
52:35 Therefore this is not a shrewdie.
52:39 This is legal.
52:41 You and I come in true faith to Christ
52:44 not because of my attainment... not because of my attainment...
52:49 not because of my attainment... because of His atonement -
52:54 Amen! - I am declared righteous
52:58 and I am right with God right now
53:02 tonight if I believe with all my heart.
53:08 That is the gospel. Amen.
53:13 To justify means to declare... not to make.
53:17 Mother Teresa's theology: justification... to make...
53:23 so was never made.
53:26 Hers was the theology of attainment.
53:29 Ours is the theology of atonement.
53:33 We are saved by works... His works.
53:36 We are saved by obedience... His obedience.
53:40 There are two words you should get into your heads tonight:
53:44 standing and state.
53:46 My state is never good.
53:49 Look at me... look at yourself.
53:53 Our state is never, never good.
53:57 We are falling and stumbling and rising
54:00 but by standing
54:04 my status is perfect because of Christ. Amen.
54:11 Standing and state.
54:16 So the proud becomes humble.
54:19 He understands that he's animated mud on the way to dust.
54:24 The money loving becomes the money giving.
54:26 The cold becomes warm.
54:29 The self-righteous becomes a penitent.
54:32 The power hungry becomes a meek servant.
54:35 The immoral becomes pure.
54:37 The proud becomes humble.
54:39 You don't get humble by saying: "Oh, today I'm going to try
54:42 to be humble. " The lazy becomes hard working.
54:46 The legalist becomes merciful.
54:48 The devious becomes transparent.
54:51 The dishonest becomes honest.
54:53 The soul
54:58 is changed.
54:59 You don't get holiness - listen, my Adventist friend,
55:03 my Baptist friend, my Roman Catholic friends -
55:07 you don't get holiness by trying for it.
55:10 You don't get holiness by striving for it.
55:13 It is a by-product of coming to Christ.
55:19 When Cinderella marries the prince
55:22 she's rich.
55:26 You don't have to be good to be saved
55:29 but you do need to be saved to be good.
55:34 Now listen to me.
55:36 You may not make it home tonight.
55:39 I may not see the morning.
55:42 All the religious palaver will not save us.
55:46 Imagine waking up and smelling the sulphur.
55:51 You say: "No, no, no... that's awful. "
55:53 No it's true.
55:55 But you and I tonight can pass from death to life.
55:59 We can know that we're right with God right now
56:02 and we can hear Christ say to us tonight
56:06 "Truly, truly I say to you
56:09 tonight you will be with Me in paradise. " Amen!
56:15 You can know tonight.
56:21 Contrary to a million sermons
56:24 the gospel is not good advice: do this, do that.
56:27 The gospel is good news.
56:31 The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us
56:36 from all sin and we say
56:40 "glory hallelujah. " Let us pray.
56:46 Our Father, Lord we worship You.
56:50 We bless You.
56:51 We praise You.
56:53 We thank you for the blood of Christ.
56:55 Help us to realize tonight two great truths:
56:59 that we are all great sinners
57:01 but Christ is a great Savior.
57:05 We come to Christ tonight in penitence with broken hearts
57:11 and we say "we truly believe. "
57:15 In Jesus' name, Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17