3ABN Homecoming 2012

The Sanctified Life, Part 2 - A Reality Check

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Venegas


Series Code: 12HC

Program Code: 12HC000007

00:48 And we welcome you back to Camp Meeting.
00:51 I'll tell you: it is so much fun to see familiar faces
00:56 and to just visit and fellowship with one another.
00:59 But we've been having some good meetings, have we not?
01:02 Great messages. The Word of the Lord
01:06 is not sparse on this campus.
01:09 We want to introduce to you today our special speaker
01:13 who is Pastor James Venegas. He is the senior pastor
01:17 for the Carter Report Center.
01:20 You know that John Carter is the founding pastor.
01:23 And I have to tell you: my first interaction
01:27 with Pastor Venegas... I had e- mailed him to invite him to
01:32 participate in this Camp Meeting and he's so precious.
01:35 He e-mailed me back this beautiful e-mail
01:40 just telling some things about himself 'cause I said
01:43 "Looking forward to getting to know you. "
01:45 And you know what? This man is a people person.
01:48 He loves people. He has a pastor's heart
01:51 and I have no doubt that God has brought him to the kingdom
01:55 for such an hour as this.
01:57 And if you were with us last night you heard...
02:00 He's doing a 3-part series on the sanctified life.
02:03 Last night was A Sanctified Life: Biblical Understanding.
02:07 Today is something I think we're all going to have to stay
02:10 awake and pay attention to:
02:11 A Sanctified Life: A Reality Check.
02:15 So we're going to look at that in just a moment
02:18 when he joins us. But first we've got our own pastor
02:22 John Lomacang who is going to sing a beautiful song for us.
02:26 I always know it's going to be beautiful if John sings it
02:28 because he is a true minister of music. Come on out, John.
02:32 And the title of the song is God Leads His Dear Children Along.
02:36 Thank you, John.
02:58 In shady green pastures,
03:03 so rich and so sweet,
03:08 God leads His dear children
03:13 along;
03:18 Where the water's cool flow
03:22 bathes the weary one's feet,
03:28 God leads His dear children
03:33 along.
03:39 Some thro' the water and
03:43 Some thro' the flood,
03:47 Some thro' the fire,
03:52 but all thro' His blood;
03:58 Some thro' great sorrow,
04:01 yet God gives a song;
04:06 In the night seasons
04:11 and all the day
04:15 long.
04:30 Tho' sorrows befall us,
04:34 and Satan oppose,
04:38 God leads His dear children
04:42 along;
04:46 Through faith we will conquer
04:50 and defeat all our foes,
04:54 for God leads His dear children
04:59 along.
05:02 He leads some through the water
05:07 and some through the flood,
05:11 Some thro' the fire,
05:15 but all
05:19 thro' His blood;
05:24 Some thro' great sorrow
05:28 yet God gives a song;
05:32 in the night seasons...
05:42 in the night seasons
05:48 and all
05:53 the day
05:56 long.
06:16 Amen!
06:19 Praise God for beautiful music.
06:23 What you don't know about me being from a fair distance
06:28 and a new face to you all
06:29 is that music has always played a very big role in my heart
06:33 and my life. It is a power that not many other things can match,
06:38 sometimes even more powerful than the spoken word
06:40 where God can speak to us through music.
06:43 I thought today just to lighten things up a little bit
06:45 I'd tell you a little bit more about who I am and my heart
06:48 because I am new to you and I understand that.
06:51 And many of you would like to I guess get to know
06:53 my background. What brought me here?
06:56 What do I stand for? What do I do?
06:58 You've heard already that I am a pastor in Los Angeles now.
07:02 I pastor the Carter Report Center.
07:04 I'm the week-to-week pastor there. I'm in charge of
07:06 visitation and preaching and Bible studies with our members.
07:11 But that's only been going since February of this year.
07:14 I've been on such an amazing journey in 2012.
07:19 At this time last year I was pastoring in a small little
07:22 place - and some of the members will be watching -
07:25 in Tamworth in New South Wales Australia.
07:28 Not unlike here, it's a rural setting and it's like Nashville,
07:31 the central music capital of Australia.
07:34 So all of the musicians - country music and all of that -
07:37 is based there. And that's where we ministered for the last
07:40 three years before arriving in Los Angeles.
07:42 But before that I had the privilege of pastoring
07:45 in Avondale Memorial Church in Cooranbong
07:49 which is the pioneer church there.
07:52 And so I know that there's a lot of our members watching
07:55 today from there as we have a big viewership for 3ABN
07:59 in Avondale. But the journey has been incredible
08:04 just watching how God has been leading my life
08:07 like the song said... along.
08:10 You know, my heart is simply a heart for people.
08:14 Shelley said that I am a people person.
08:16 And that is not a boast it's really just a description
08:19 because I truly, truly have a love for seeing people walk
08:22 closer to God and walking with them.
08:25 I love seeing the Word of God make a difference in their lives
08:28 and drawing them into the presence of Jesus.
08:31 That's what I live for.
08:32 And having grown up in a Spanish church for the early years
08:35 of my life has really equipped me to just...
08:39 just live my life in full for the ministry of God.
08:43 I don't really value the time as my own.
08:47 Everything that we do is permeated by the...
08:52 the desire to minister for Christ.
08:54 It is something that was instilled early.
08:57 It is something that I still carry with me today.
08:59 I also need to make mention of my beautiful wife Kaylene
09:02 who's at home. She has my heart.
09:05 She's not so much... She would tell you she's not a people
09:07 person. She prefers to be in the background.
09:09 Doesn't like to be in the front.
09:11 But she's my partner in crime. She's praying right this minute
09:15 for us. She's a godly woman who spends many hours
09:20 in God's presence praying for her husband, for her children.
09:23 I'm very honored to have her as my wife. Her name's Kaylene.
09:27 Maybe someday you'll get to meet her.
09:29 She's a singer as well and we do duets together.
09:34 But for now you'll just have to hear the sound of my voice
09:37 in terms of preaching. We'll do the singing at a later time.
09:41 Now the last meeting we had together I introduced
09:43 the concept of a sanctified life. It's something that's been
09:46 burning a hole in my heart for a long time.
09:49 I told you that it was a burden because I am just not seeing
09:53 the sanctified life in our churches anymore.
09:56 And I do put that down to the times in which we live
09:59 because we are under an attack because the devil knows
10:03 that his time is short. And if he can sabotage
10:06 the character of the church then he wins.
10:10 And so my burden has been to try to reintroduce this
10:16 age-old concept of sanctification through my
10:19 preaching through the churches that I've been a part of.
10:22 And we learned last night that the Bible commissions us
10:25 as Christians - as Seventh-day Adventists -
10:28 to strive for a sanctified life.
10:30 We talked about how a sanctified life was a life that means
10:34 that we are different. But not for the sake of being different.
10:38 We are different because Christ lives in us
10:41 and He lives through us.
10:43 And it just happens that He is reflected in our character
10:46 simply because we love Him and we love His Word.
10:49 Not something that we have to work hard for, to will ourselves
10:53 to do it or to behave a certain way. It just flows out
10:56 of a life that is close to Christ... or it should flow out!
11:00 It is my conviction that evangelism and our reaching
11:05 of the gospel to the world will be boosted if the church
11:09 wakes up and lives a sanctified life
11:12 and we all link arms together and represent Christ
11:15 in this way. It will motivate us to get out of our pews
11:19 and go beyond our churches.
11:21 And so for me the sermon series The Sanctified Life
11:26 is going to be one that we will build on.
11:28 So we've laid the Biblical foundation.
11:30 Today we're going to take it a little deeper
11:32 and we're going to have a reality check of what
11:35 the church is like at the moment... the Adventist church,
11:38 our church. Where are we at?
11:39 We're going to have a health check.
11:42 But before that I want to invite you to open up your
11:44 Bibles - the Word of God - to Luke chapter 11.
11:49 This is what I call an introductory verse -
11:51 a springboard verse - for the topic.
11:54 Luke chapter 11 and we will be reading
11:57 from verse 37 and onwards.
12:01 Luke chapter 11 37 and onwards.
12:07 And while you're looking for that I'm just going to get
12:09 my notes in order here. They got shuffled a little bit.
12:13 OK.
12:19 Luke chapter 11 verse 37 and I'll read 38 as well.
12:25 "When Jesus had finished speaking... " it says
12:28 "a Pharisee invited Him to eat with him.
12:32 So He went in and reclined at the table
12:35 but the Pharisee was surprised when he noticed that Jesus
12:39 did not first wash before the meal. "
12:46 So Jesus is invited to the house of a Pharisee
12:49 which is a feat in itself.
12:51 And He sits down to eat - He reclines to eat -
12:55 but the Pharisee notices that He fails to wash His hands
13:00 before that meal.
13:02 Now let me tell you that the non-washing of the hands
13:05 or the washing idea is certainly not a hygienic thing
13:09 back in the first century.
13:10 There was no thought in the minds of the Pharisees
13:13 or Jewish people that one needed to wash your hands
13:16 before a meal for hygiene.
13:18 Now germs were discovered in the 19th century.
13:21 This was a ritualistic, ceremonial washing
13:24 consecrating as it were that meal to God.
13:28 It was a preparation so that meal and that encounter
13:33 would be a holy encounter.
13:36 And so when Jesus fails to wash His hands
13:40 He does it knowing that this is a tradition or an expectation
13:43 for the Jewish world at that time.
13:46 So He deliberately chooses to not wash before that meal.
13:52 I find that very interesting because nothing that Jesus does
13:55 is by coincidence. Every action of Jesus being
13:59 God Himself is meaningful for us to learn from.
14:02 And so I just want to read on a little further
14:04 so we can see a little bit more of what Jesus
14:07 is trying to teach through this experience.
14:10 Verse 39:
14:12 "Then the Lord said to him in response:
14:15 'Now then you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup
14:19 and dish but inside you are full of greed
14:24 and wickedness. You foolish people, ' He says,
14:29 'did not the one who made the outside make the inside also?
14:33 But now as for what is inside you
14:36 be generous to the poor and everything will be clean
14:40 for you. ' "
14:42 Interesting teaching.
14:44 Interesting in terms of sanctification.
14:47 We're going to unpack it, but first, let's ask God
14:49 to be with us as we study. Let's pray.
14:53 Our Father in heaven, You know that my pure and sincere
14:55 motivation is to draw our minds to You.
14:59 But Lord, being human, I need the anointing from on high.
15:04 I ask, Lord, that You will clear my mind and speak
15:07 through me. That You will cleanse my heart.
15:10 I ask, too, that You prepare our hearts and minds
15:12 to receive the message... to discern what You are trying
15:16 to teach us through Your Word.
15:18 And that may be different for different people.
15:20 But I just pray that Your Word will go forth and will not
15:23 return void just as You promised is my prayer in Jesus' name.
15:28 Amen.
15:31 I wanted to share with you a little story
15:35 that is told about these giant redwood trees that exist here
15:39 in the United States. And in introducing this story
15:42 I have to admit that I have never witnessed one of these
15:45 giant trees. I've seen the eucalyptus gum trees
15:48 of Australia which are fairly tall and big
15:51 but they are nothing like what I've heard these giant
15:54 redwood trees are. And I look forward to someday seeing them.
15:57 But a story is told of a giant redwood tree
16:00 that had lived for 400 years.
16:03 And apparently this redwood tree had survived many,
16:07 many storms and earthquakes and natural disasters.
16:11 In fact, it had survived 14 separate lightning strikes.
16:16 And for 400 years it had stood strong and tall
16:21 and had withstood just about anything that nature could
16:26 throw at this redwood tree.
16:29 But then all of a sudden without any prompting,
16:31 without any notice, this tree came tumbling down to earth
16:36 with a humongous thud.
16:39 And what was curious is that the tree fell
16:44 not because a timber cutter chopped it down
16:47 or because it was struck by a massive lightning bolt
16:50 but it just fell with no apparent reason.
16:54 And so when the inspectors went in there to investigate
16:57 what had felled this tree... what was it that
17:00 dropped this giant powerful majestic tree to the ground...
17:05 interestingly they discovered that it was tiny little beetles
17:10 that had found their way inside the bark of this tree.
17:16 And over time, slowly but surely over time,
17:20 they had started to eat away the giant tree from within.
17:25 Those tiny little beetles and few of them started to rot
17:29 that tree from within so no one knew that that tree
17:32 was rotten and dead, emaciated from within,
17:36 until the day that it fell.
17:40 These tiny little beetles accomplished something
17:44 that massive natural disasters could never accomplish:
17:48 they felled that tree. They killed it
17:51 from the inside out.
17:55 What looked majestic and solid and beautiful on the outside
18:01 was truly rotting away on the inside over time.
18:09 And eventually such a decay led to its complete destruction.
18:14 And I want you to notice the theme that I'm trying to
18:17 get across here. To me it's an obvious theme
18:19 that something could be eating us away from within
18:23 and no one else will know about it. Everything may appear
18:27 nice and well and good from the exterior...
18:30 We may look strong and yet a small sin
18:36 or a small something could be eating us away from the inside
18:39 as Christians. To give you an example of this
18:42 I need to mention probably a classic example
18:46 and that is Ted Haggard.
18:48 He is an American... or was an American preacher.
18:52 And many of you are familiar with that name.
18:54 I only mention him in terms of
18:55 illustrating what I'm talking about.
18:58 He was the founder of a large church in Colorado called
19:01 New Life Church. He was the leader of the National
19:04 Association of Evangelicals.
19:06 He was a man in good and regular standing.
19:10 He was a leader amongst men. He was a great speaker.
19:13 People looked up to him... he was an example.
19:16 He was a majestic solid tree.
19:19 And then suddenly the newspapers and the TV
19:24 stations got a phone call from a male prostitute
19:28 who claimed that this upright Christian man
19:32 in the public eye was in fact one of his customers.
19:38 And of course when the media confronted Ted
19:42 he immediately rejected it. He said: "I don't know this man.
19:44 I don't know what you're talking about. " And he put up
19:47 a facade. And then the man was incensed... This person...
19:51 this anonymous person... again insisted:
19:53 "No, I know this man. We do drugs together, "
19:56 he said, "and he is one of my clients. "
19:58 Seems impossible, and yet with time the truth came out
20:03 and we realized that somehow this man for 50 or more years
20:09 had lived a lie. He was truly rotting from within
20:12 and we didn't know it.
20:15 And he wasn't honest enough to admit it either.
20:21 And so today we want to deal with what is a reality check
20:26 for us as Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
20:29 I really want this to be an experience where we look
20:32 upon ourselves and just see where we truly are.
20:35 I really want to encourage you to stop those thoughts
20:38 coming into your head that tell you: "This is something
20:40 that so and so needs to be listening to right now.
20:43 If only they were tuning in
20:44 or if only they were sitting here. "
20:46 I want you to go beyond that and just ask yourself:
20:48 "What is God's Word trying to say to me on this day
20:51 about my life? "
20:55 Because a vast majority of us are really not as clean
21:01 as what we look on the outside.
21:05 I couldn't say that as a state- ment when I was a younger man
21:08 because I just didn't know it.
21:10 I thought it was my own journey.
21:11 But having been around the block a few times now
21:14 I know that most of us look better on the outside
21:18 than we do... than we are on the inside.
21:24 Most of us are clean,
21:30 majestic, beautiful, look strong, look "wow," look OK
21:34 and yet we are rotting - many of us - from within.
21:40 Mind you there are a few people that look the same on the
21:43 outside as they are on the inside.
21:44 They have committed a grievous sin or fallen flat on their face
21:49 and they can no longer pretend.
21:50 Whatever you see is what they are.
21:52 They've reached that point - rock bottom -
21:54 where they cannot hide any longer.
21:56 But most of us - for the most part - if we are honest
21:58 with ourselves we live with what they call incongruity -
22:03 inconsistency -
22:06 where we project something here and yet there is trouble
22:09 within.
22:15 Imagine... And they've invented a new iPhone recently
22:19 and I haven't tried it out. But imagine if they invented
22:21 a gadget like that where they could attach it to your head
22:25 and it could encode the thoughts of your mind
22:30 and project those thoughts on a screen of some sort.
22:34 Imagine if someone offered to you to experiment with you
22:37 and attach you to a machine that would throw all your
22:40 thoughts of every single day in Times Square on that big
22:44 giant screen there.
22:46 Imagine you were offered to do that experiment.
22:50 How many of you here? How many of you out there
22:52 would accept such an offer?
22:54 Can I see some hands?
22:57 If someone offered to read every thought of your mind
23:01 and not only that, project it on a big screen?
23:03 Would anyone here volunteer for such an experiment?
23:09 If we are honest with ourselves, there are many things that
23:13 go on in our brains...
23:16 things that we'd often rather others not see.
23:22 Thoughts that are secret.
23:26 Secret fantasies.
23:29 Negative thoughts.
23:32 Angry thoughts. Sometimes violent thoughts.
23:37 And a spirituality that is not as strong as we sometimes
23:42 let on. So the human situation
23:48 is that there's dirt on the inside. We struggle.
23:50 There's a battle going on.
23:52 There's often putridness and decay in many of our lives.
23:55 There's a battle raging. And the first step is that
23:57 is that we need to admit it.
24:00 Not so much from the front here where you need to come
24:02 and tell everyone your dirty laundry, but we need to be able
24:05 to acknowledge our desperate need for God
24:09 and our sinful state.
24:11 If we don't start from that point, we cannot venture
24:14 forward into a life of sanctification.
24:16 We need to start there.
24:18 It's not great news to learn that
24:21 but we need to acknowledge.
24:23 Men, we need to acknowledge our struggle with sin.
24:25 We need to start with an acknowledging of where we are
24:30 if you want to get clean on the inside.
24:33 So from there where do we go?
24:34 How do we become sanctified?
24:37 How are we to be set apart, consecrated, Christ-like
24:40 on the inside? How does it work? How does it happen?
24:43 Well let me tell you something about the Pharisees' solution
24:46 because the Pharisees' solution is a very common solution
24:50 but it wasn't a good solution.
24:53 The Pharisees in order to deal with their struggle within -
24:56 and let me tell you, they knew their struggle within -
25:00 in fact, even the most consecrated monk in the
25:03 Middle Ages knew their struggle within -
25:05 in fact, many of them would go off and isolate themselves
25:10 to try to wrestle with their sinfulness, these monks,
25:12 and even when they did that it would follow them
25:15 and they would struggle there.
25:17 So these Pharisees knew their struggle within.
25:19 And the way that they dealt with it was through an external
25:23 form of religion. They would work on external rituals
25:28 external performances, external behaviors and beliefs.
25:34 They believed that they could achieve that purity of heart,
25:38 that sanctification that they longed,
25:40 through ceremonial washing on the outside so to speak.
25:46 So they would work hard at their religiosity.
25:48 They would be very strict down the line, very black and white,
25:51 because that was their fire insurance.
25:53 That would keep them out of hell. That would guarantee
25:56 that they were closer to God. "If I could just do this
25:59 and do that and not do that
26:01 then I can affect change in my heart. "
26:04 And they were really just following a tradition,
26:07 and that tradition basically said that if you had the right
26:11 set of beliefs and that if you do all the right things
26:14 then you will achieve that holiness that we all hunger for,
26:19 that cleansing inside.
26:22 And you know I have to admit this form of religion
26:24 is still very, very popular today.
26:28 This form of religion is attractive for various reasons
26:32 because it has some advantages. You see, an external
26:35 rigid, ritualistic-type religion
26:38 is one that is very tangible and clear.
26:41 There are very clear boundaries; it is very black and white.
26:44 "Just tell me what I need to do
26:46 and just tell me what I need to not do
26:49 and then I'll be right. "
26:51 And it's very clear and easy to understand.
26:53 And so we just head out trying to adhere to all of our
26:58 beliefs... which are all good things to do...
27:01 and we try to behave the right way as well.
27:07 And it also takes into account the gravity of sin.
27:12 And it also takes into account the importance of obedience.
27:16 So for many people, this is a desirable way to live.
27:20 A way that focuses on making sure that we are clean
27:23 on the outside and that we look nice and presentable
27:26 because it's the easier way.
27:29 It's black and white thinking.
27:32 But I want to just tell you that there are three major, major
27:36 problems with just dusting yourself off on the outside.
27:40 Three major problems.
27:42 The first one is that it presupposes a non-Christ-like
27:46 image of God the Father.
27:49 It presupposes a non-Christ-like image of God
27:54 because it tells you that God values your behavior
28:00 and that God values your belief
28:04 more than He values you.
28:09 Just hear me out and listen to what I've just said.
28:12 It presupposes a non-Christ-like view of God because it tells us,
28:17 it tells you, that God values more your behavior than you.
28:22 And so this is tantamount to a father having no intimate
28:26 relations with his son. Not hugging him; not speaking
28:29 loving words, not relating to him at all...
28:31 just tough love expecting that son to conform
28:38 to the way he wants that son to live.
28:42 In my country we call that a Victorian Era way of
28:45 bringing up children: tough love, minimal affection.
28:49 And what that has done is many children have rebelled
28:52 because there was no love in it. There was just rules and
28:54 regulations. "It seemed like Dad just wanted me to achieve,
28:58 just wanted me to do this and that,
29:00 but he never really loved me for me. "
29:02 Have you heard that before?
29:07 "I just felt like I had to please Dad. "
29:09 "I had to get good grades because that's what was
29:12 important to him... but he never really loved me for me. "
29:17 Now imagine thinking of God like that:
29:20 as a Father that only loves you if you behave a certain way.
29:28 Our picture of God needs to be centered on the person
29:32 of Jesus Christ.
29:34 And Jesus Christ when He was on the earth was very hard
29:40 on those who were clean on the outside
29:44 and He had a lot of time for those who were dirty
29:50 on the outside.
29:52 When Jesus came to this world He was always rebuking
29:56 the religion of the Pharisees and teachers of the law
29:59 because they worried about the externals.
30:01 But those who were messed up on the outside: prostitutes,
30:05 tax collectors... those are the people that He hung around.
30:08 Those are the people that He loved.
30:10 That should tell us something.
30:12 That it wasn't about the externals. That Jesus looked
30:14 beyond that to the heart of the individual.
30:17 So the first problem with an external view of religion
30:21 is that it just doesn't look like Jesus.
30:24 He never valued that more than the individual.
30:29 Second to that
30:31 is that there's no life in external religion.
30:36 You see, even when you do all the right things,
30:41 even when you get it right,
30:43 even when you've got everything in place
30:47 you still end up with a hunger in your heart.
30:55 Now let me explain. I've met some Adventists
31:00 who over twenty years ago decided to move away
31:04 from the organization in search for a greater holiness.
31:10 Our church was kind of divided at the time.
31:12 And they wanted to live their lives by the Word
31:15 and they kind of removed themselves from the
31:20 contamination of the world and from the church.
31:24 And I've had the privilege of meeting some of these brethren
31:28 that have returned, that have re-established relationships
31:31 with us. In fact, I buried the wife of one of these gentlemen
31:34 that had estranged themselves for 20 years from the church.
31:38 I met the family... I met the children.
31:41 And you know, one thing I learned was that
31:44 they were so hungry to do all the right things
31:49 that they ended up really destroying
31:54 the lives of their children that they never quite got
31:58 the legacy that they wanted to pass on.
32:01 I'm being very frank with you.
32:03 In speaking to some of these young people, they just didn't,
32:07 they didn't see the love of God there.
32:09 These groups went on to splinter amongst themselves
32:13 because it didn't meet the hunger of the heart
32:16 for the love of Christ.
32:18 It was a very external, rigid existence.
32:20 It didn't give them the love, the worth, the significance
32:23 that they were hungering for.
32:25 And so let me tell you: if you are trying to please God
32:28 through just those external means, then you will always...
32:32 trust me, you will always come up short
32:34 and so will your children and so will your grandchildren.
32:37 Because they would never see Christ in the type of religion
32:40 that you're wanting to pass on.
32:42 Christ needs to be front and center.
32:45 His love needs to permeate our interactions.
32:49 It will leave us empty
32:52 and we'll never truly understand the unconditional love of God
32:58 when we strive for an external
33:02 form of religion.
33:05 There's one other problem here that I need to mention.
33:08 This is the greatest one of them all.
33:09 The third problem with an external focus
33:12 of trying to be right with God is that it doesn't address
33:17 the inside. It doesn't get to the root
33:20 or heart of the problem.
33:22 In fact, it doesn't get there and so it cannot transform
33:27 the life of the believer.
33:29 External religion simply... and listen to this!
33:32 I need you to hear this. An external form of religion
33:35 simply conceals the sin that can be going on in our lives.
33:43 An external form of religion conceals the wounds.
33:46 It conceals the sin and it cannot heal
33:50 and it cannot eradicate the sin.
33:54 This approach teaches us to mask, to hide our problems.
33:58 It involves putting up a facade.
34:00 Covering up, lying to ourselves, lying to those around us,
34:05 and lying to God Himself.
34:08 And you know, any system of religion that follows this -
34:11 this is a big thing to say -
34:13 any religion that follows this form, this system,
34:19 ends up rewarding those who are better
34:24 at hiding their weaknesses
34:27 and devaluing those who are meek and honest.
34:32 Any external religious system will reward those
34:36 who are able to clean up nicely
34:40 and it will devalue those who strive for an honest
34:44 relationship with God.
34:50 When we hide our problems, when we cover up our sin,
34:54 we become worse.
34:57 We never conquer; we NEVER conquer.
35:01 And you know, sometimes when you get to know such people
35:07 and you just peel back... you peel back the veneer
35:11 a little bit, just a little bit...
35:12 When you just get behind the curtain a little bit,
35:15 just behind the scenes to what these people are truly like -
35:19 these upright, religious people that work on the externals -
35:22 what you find often is people that are completely...
35:27 completely messed up.
35:32 I'm not talking about the people that are sincere in their
35:34 journey with God. I'm talking those who try to keep a facade.
35:38 You peel that back a little and you find people that are...
35:41 have really big struggles with sin.
35:46 Who are very, very sick.
35:49 And so it is my belief that this is what happens
35:52 when someone like Ted Haggard falls from grace
35:54 and has been an exemplary Christian for 30, 40 years.
35:59 Surely it can only mean that he has been hiding
36:03 something that has been eating away at him for some time.
36:09 Things don't happen just overnight just like that.
36:14 Sometimes these people are completely enslaved to sin.
36:20 Sometimes these people are masking grievous sins
36:24 like pornography or even worse...
36:30 pedophilia.
36:32 And it happens, and it doesn't just happen outside the church.
36:36 It happens from within. Something is wrong.
36:39 Something has gone wrong if people are projecting an image
36:43 and living something different behind closed doors.
36:48 We dare not reveal it.
36:49 Christians shouldn't act like that.
36:52 And we conceal. We live a lie. We even hide it - so we think -
36:56 from God.
36:58 I do want to make note that the opposite belief
37:03 that everything is permissible and that externals don't matter
37:06 at all is completely wrong as well.
37:09 I just want to make that clear.
37:11 I've been talking about how important it is to work on
37:14 the inside but I am not putting down the importance
37:17 of externals at all. What I'm saying very clearly
37:21 is there has to be a consistency or a congruency from what is
37:26 outside to what is inside or vice versa...
37:29 what is inside to what is outside.
37:32 There needs to be consistency in what is going on in here
37:36 to what is happening out here and vice versa.
37:39 I cannot claim to be a Christian
37:42 and live a sanctified life
37:44 and be committing grievous things - cherished things -
37:49 behind the scenes.
37:51 It just cannot happen and we have to deal with that.
37:54 There must be a consistency between what is seen
37:57 to what is unseen and vice versa.
38:00 That is what I'm talking about.
38:02 The externals are still very much important
38:05 but there must be a consistency in our experience.
38:11 There must be a meekness and a lowliness that reflects
38:17 that of Christ. And I need to share
38:21 an experience with you. I need to share an experience
38:24 of someone that I met. I'm just trying to find my notes here.
38:28 Someone that I met I think it was two years ago
38:32 back in Australia.
38:34 I contacted him in the last few days just to ask permission
38:36 to share his story because it's an amazing story.
38:39 It's a story about a young boy who was really the age
38:43 of my children now.
38:45 Twelve to fourteen.
38:47 His name is Shayne, and when he was a younger boy
38:50 he told me that he grew up in a very religious home.
38:55 And by his own admission this home was extremely
38:58 focused on external religion and making sure that everything
39:02 was right in terms of obedience and church attendance
39:06 and all of those important things.
39:10 But something was wrong with this experience because there
39:12 was never a regeneration in his heart.
39:15 There was never a true understanding of the gospel
39:17 and the love of God for him.
39:19 He doesn't blame his parents... they meant well.
39:21 It's often not the parents that are at fault.
39:23 It's just the way we are brought up to live.
39:26 We know we need to keep the commandments.
39:28 We know we need to live a righteous life
39:30 but we don't get it that it has to start inside
39:32 through a relationship with Christ.
39:34 An inadvertently, this young boy didn't get it.
39:39 Shayne tells me that his family were very good at serving others
39:45 and helping people... especially those downtrodden.
39:48 And he remembers one day as a young boy
39:50 walking past one of the people that they were helping.
39:53 It was a drug addict man.
39:57 And he remembers feeling sorry for this man.
39:59 He was stooped in addiction; he was really struggling.
40:03 And my understanding is that the family helped that young man
40:06 at the time. And you know, young Shayne never would have
40:10 imagined that that man that he saw there on that day
40:13 when he was very young
40:17 would represent his reality only twenty years later.
40:22 And it started small... with small, petty crime
40:25 and small things. He went to the pub.
40:28 He tried a bit of alcohol because his friends
40:30 tempted him to do that.
40:33 But that led to a life that got deeper and worse.
40:37 And all the while he still sensed God in his life.
40:40 We're not talking about a worldly person.
40:42 We're talking about a God- fearing young man
40:44 but really never got it
40:45 about Jesus and the love of Christ.
40:48 And so slowly but surely he started moving away
40:52 from that ideal. So it went from alcohol to smoking.
40:56 It went from smoking to marijuana.
40:59 It went from marijuana to heavier drugs that I don't even
41:01 understand. He laughs when I talk about them because
41:04 I can't even... I don't even understand what they do
41:06 and what they are called. But he tells me that he was
41:10 on cocaine. He tells me that he was on heroin.
41:15 He tells me that he was pimping for prostitutes.
41:18 I'm not sure if that's the appropriate term.
41:20 He tells me that he used to carry a gun.
41:23 He tells me that he used to go to clubs.
41:25 He tells me that he slept under the stars,
41:27 that he was homeless. He was completely messed up,
41:29 completely addicted.
41:32 But I've learned a few things from Shayne.
41:36 You know what he said? He told me that he would meet
41:38 Seventh-day Adventists out there in the world...
41:42 like him. And he said: "You know what?
41:46 Seventh-day Adventists are the worst people out there
41:51 when they are running away from God.
41:55 As God is my witness Shayne tells me
41:57 and he is watching today probably - "Hi, Shayne! " -
41:59 he says that Seventh-day Adventist people that are
42:03 running from God are the worst out there in the world.
42:06 They are the worst.
42:08 And the reason they are the worst is because they are going
42:10 against their conscience. They know they should be doing
42:12 something different but they're going against it because they
42:15 never truly understood the gospel.
42:19 It was a very sad story. I met him when he was in prison
42:22 or he was about to go to prison
42:26 and his life was just completely messed up.
42:29 But I look at my son and I pray that God will help him
42:33 not to have to go through that by the grace of God.
42:36 And I will do my best as a father.
42:38 But that's a terrible thought that a young Adventist boy
42:42 that went through Sabbath School
42:44 would end up in such a situation like that.
42:48 His parents died years ago but his mother never stopped praying
42:51 for Shayne. And as I stand here before you today I can tell you
42:55 that this story ends on a good note
43:00 because Shayne has turned his life around thanks to the grace
43:04 of God. Amen! And Shayne watches 3ABN religiously.
43:08 He loves all the programming. This is his lifeblood.
43:12 He's at home with a bad back at the moment,
43:14 but I'm sure he's watching 3ABN because it is the testimony
43:17 of people like Doug Batchelor, Pastor Doug,
43:19 that really spoke to him.
43:22 And he was able to understand the truth of the gospel
43:24 and get beyond all the externals.
43:26 And they're all good... but he got beyond those
43:29 to the person of Jesus Christ and the gospel of Christ.
43:33 And so today he is now happily married
43:36 with a wife, Leandah. She's a godly woman
43:38 that he's blessed with.
43:40 And his life has been completely transformed.
43:43 And I am talking about a person that was not a worldly person.
43:47 I'm talking about a Christian - a Seventh-day Adventist
43:49 Christian - that went out as far as you could go.
43:52 But God answered the prayer of that praying mother
43:55 and reeled him back in and transformed his life.
43:58 And you know, even though we may not be able to relate
44:00 to that extremity I believe that God
44:04 through Christ and through the Holy Spirit
44:06 can regenerate even those of us
44:08 who perhaps have always main- tained our external appearance
44:14 but who may be struggling behind the scenes as well.
44:18 I believe that the same transformation that Shayne
44:21 experienced can be your transformation
44:24 even though you have never let on that there is something
44:27 going on in your life.
44:32 Ezekiel chapter 36.
44:35 And I just want to touch on a couple of verses
44:36 as we land this plane... as we wrap up.
44:40 Ezekiel chapter 36 and verse 25.
44:45 Ezekiel chapter 36 and verse 25,
44:49 and it's good to hear those Bibles turning.
44:52 I'll make no apologies of opening up the Word of God.
44:55 We believe that this is the only truth in a sermon.
45:00 Everything else I've got to say is just trying to interpret
45:02 as best I can, but when we read the Bible, it is the only
45:06 truth from God's own Word.
45:10 Ezekiel 36 verses 25 to 27.
45:13 And I'll just turn the page.
45:17 Ezekiel 36 verses 25 to 27.
45:23 God says: "I will sprinkle clean water on you
45:27 and you will be clean. "
45:30 This is a promise.
45:33 "I will sprinkle clean water... you will be clean.
45:36 I will cleanse you from all your impurities
45:39 and from all your idols... " Speaking to the Israelites.
45:43 "I will give you... " What?
45:45 "a new heart and put a new spirit in you.
45:51 I will remove from you your heart of stone
45:54 and give you a heart of flesh.
45:58 And I will put My Spirit in you
46:00 and move you to follow My decrees and be careful
46:03 to keep My laws. Then you will live in the land
46:07 that I gave your ancestors, " God says.
46:10 "You will be My people and I will be your God. "
46:17 So God makes a promise.
46:19 He makes a promise that He won't just justify you
46:24 or make you right thanks to the blood of Christ.
46:26 But that He will begin a good work in you.
46:30 That He will renew you; that He will give you a new heart.
46:33 That He will put His Holy Spirit within you
46:35 and He will transform you.
46:37 He will transform you, and even if you've been around for
46:41 20, 30, 40, 50 years in the faith
46:45 if you haven't experienced this kind of transformation,
46:48 this kind of sanctification in your life,
46:51 then it's not too late.
46:53 As sure as God lives today and as sure as you have breath
46:57 in your nostrils, it is not too late for you to be transformed
47:01 in this way through God.
47:04 It is never too late.
47:08 One other verse that I want to show you from the New Testament
47:10 is II Corinthians chapter 5 verses 17 and 18.
47:16 II Corinthians chapter 5
47:19 verses 17 and 18.
47:29 II Corinthians 5:17 reads:
47:33 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ
47:37 the new creation has come.
47:43 The old has gone.
47:46 The new is here.
47:48 All this from God who reconciled us to Himself
47:52 through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. "
47:58 Let me point out some truths from this passage.
48:01 This passage says that if you are in Christ...
48:05 It doesn't say that if you are keeping all the right
48:09 commandments. It doesn't actually say
48:12 "If you are attending church or if you are paying your tithe
48:14 or if you have all the right beliefs or even if you are
48:18 vegetarian or vegan. " It doesn't say that. It says
48:20 "If you are in Christ you are a new creation. "
48:26 "If you are in Christ you are a new creation. "
48:29 I want you to hear me clearly
48:31 because I am a Seventh-day Adventist since I was born
48:35 and I believe that our church has the truth.
48:38 I believe it. I believe Jesus Christ is coming soon.
48:41 I believe in the Ten Commandments.
48:42 I believe in the Sabbath.
48:44 I believe in the state of the dead.
48:45 I believe that all of these things are important,
48:47 they're true. We need to be preaching them.
48:49 The world needs to hear them.
48:51 But what I am saying is that these things devoid
48:55 of the presence of Christ in our lives
48:59 are worth nothing.
49:01 That is a strong statement to say, but all of these things
49:05 are worth nothing without the presence of Christ
49:08 in our lives.
49:10 You can preach the Sabbath till you're blue in the face
49:13 but if you do not know the Lord of the Sabbath
49:16 then you do not know the gospel
49:18 and that will just be a theory that people will either accept
49:22 or reject but it will never change them
49:23 because it's never changed you.
49:25 You don't know the Lord of the Sabbath.
49:28 If you know about the state of the dead and the resurrection
49:31 and yet you don't know Christ and the One who is coming back,
49:35 then again it's just a theory.
49:38 It means nothing. It's my idea vs. yours
49:41 and who can be more persuasive. It's never changed you.
49:45 And the second coming which we all look forward to...
49:48 If we look forward to the second coming and we know the truth:
49:52 that it's soon and that the signs are happening
49:54 and yet we don't know the One who is coming
49:57 how can we long for it?
49:59 How can we long for a second coming that we know in theory
50:03 but we don't know the One that is coming back for us?
50:08 The presence of Christ - an internal transformation -
50:12 is what needs to happen in our churches.
50:16 It needs to be a sanctification that happens from within
50:20 and not from without.
50:23 And the passage that we read at the very outset
50:26 about cleansing the cup on the outside and not on the inside
50:30 Jesus finished that with a punch line.
50:32 I don't know whether you noticed it at the end of the section
50:34 that we read at the outset
50:36 but Jesus talked about giving to the poor.
50:40 Do you remember that statement?
50:41 That loving the poor... I mean, if you've forgotten it
50:43 let me just... I'll just finish with that.
50:46 Let's go back to Luke and we'll look up the original chapter
50:50 just so you can be reminded of where it says that.
50:53 Luke chapter 11 verse 41.
50:58 Let me remind you because this is an important little caveat
51:02 at the end of Jesus' experience.
51:04 Luke chapter 11 and I'll just read verse 41
51:09 at the very tail end of what He said to the Pharisee.
51:12 He says: "But now as for what is inside you... "
51:16 What does He say? "be generous to the poor
51:20 and everything will be clean for you. "
51:24 So does this mean we should be more like denominations
51:29 that just serve the poor and that look after the
51:32 homeless and that sort of thing? Should be abandon
51:34 all of our truths and follow that sort of religion that is
51:38 completely practical?
51:40 The truth is is that Jesus is not saying that.
51:43 He's not devaluing our truths.
51:46 You know what He's saying?
51:48 According to Jesus this sort of behavior -
51:51 loving and giving to the poor - is a major evidence
51:55 of a process of sanctification in our lives. You see,
52:00 when we are truly sanctified we start losing
52:04 that selfishness that we wrestle with.
52:07 We start experiencing a spirit of selflessness.
52:11 We no longer are prejudiced. We no longer stereotype people.
52:15 We no longer look at people and pigeonhole them
52:18 and look down upon them.
52:19 We no longer are preoccupied on how we look.
52:25 It is a regenerated heart that is no longer selfish
52:29 that sees people like Jesus would see them.
52:33 And so there is an outward outcome...
52:36 but it's just not about us.
52:39 It's just not about me.
52:41 I need to say at this point that we often condemn
52:45 those who are proud and who are lifting themselves up
52:47 and think they're all that and you know, "I'm... "
52:51 Whatever they say. "I'm on television
52:53 and look at me, look at me. "
52:54 We don't condone that sort of behavior.
52:57 But you know, the opposite can be true, too.
52:59 If we're constantly putting ourselves down,
53:02 we're constantly talking negatively in our minds,
53:05 constantly... always thinking badly of ourselves
53:08 I will tell you that we still have our eyes on "me. "
53:13 Whether we're on this extreme and we are proud
53:15 and we're vocal about it or whether we're...
53:18 we think that we're nothing it still focuses on me.
53:23 Our focus needs to be away from me to Jesus Christ.
53:27 And as we focus on Jesus Christ
53:30 our focus will inevitably be focused around us
53:36 to those who are downtrodden, to the poor, to the lost.
53:41 We will start to experience an unquenchable love for Christ.
53:45 We will start to experience an unquenchable love
53:48 for lost souls.
53:51 You heard Pastor Carter here last night.
53:53 You will hear him again. The reason that he's so
53:56 passionate about evangelism is because a sanctified life
54:00 is always looking out. A sanctified life recognizes
54:04 that we are in the last days and we may be safe in the ship.
54:07 We may understand the gospel and we know Christ
54:10 and our salvation may be sure
54:12 but around us there are people floundering.
54:14 There are people drowning. There are people lost in their
54:17 sins. And so a sanctified life is always looking out.
54:21 "What can I do to take this message of life -
54:25 the gospel, the good news - to somebody else? "
54:27 A sanctified life never keeps it to ourselves.
54:31 A sanctified life never sits on its hands and does nothing.
54:35 A sanctified life never gloats about "we have the truth
54:38 and all these others are lost. "
54:40 A sanctified life is about an urgency, a love for souls
54:44 as Christ loves them. An urgency, a desire
54:46 to do something. I might be too old to go to PNG
54:50 and do what Pastor Carter is doing.
54:53 Though he's getting on a little bit...
54:54 don't tell him I said that.
54:55 You're never too old, but perhaps I don't have the vigor
54:58 and the energy that I once had but there are still ways
55:01 that we can be used to save the lost around us.
55:04 I mean, next door to you. The neighbor next door.
55:07 The lady down the road at the shop that you meet every day.
55:10 There are so many ways that we can continue to serve.
55:13 We can continue to pray. We can continue to donate
55:16 to ministries such as this.
55:18 There are so many ways.
55:19 And each of us have family members that still don't know
55:23 the Lord. Time is short.
55:25 We have cousins, we have grandchildren, we have family
55:28 that... even children - our own children -
55:31 still don't know the Lord.
55:32 And we need to be earnest in our love for them,
55:35 and our conversations to them
55:37 need to be conversations drawing them back to Christ.
55:41 Ellen White says: "When human agents choose
55:43 the will of God they are conformed to the character
55:46 of Christ. Jesus acts through their organs and faculties.
55:49 They put aside selfish pride.
55:51 All manifestations of superiority
55:54 and all arbitrary exactions are put aside
55:58 and they manifest meekness, lowliness. "
56:00 That was what Jesus would manifest.
56:04 The meekness and lowliness of Christ.
56:06 "It is no more themselves that live and act
56:09 but it is Christ that lives and acts through them. "
56:14 That is a sanctified life.
56:16 Do you want Christ to live and act through you?
56:19 Do you want a life of consistency and continuity
56:22 and congruity?
56:24 Are you sick and tired of living a lie?
56:28 Isn't it time that you came clean
56:31 and that you allowed God to stop the rot?
56:34 Isn't it time that you through the Holy Spirit
56:37 allowed Jesus to transform you from the inside out?
56:42 If that is your prayer today,
56:45 if you want that for you,
56:47 then I invite you to join me as we pray and ask God to
56:50 search us and change us and transform us from within
56:54 because it is a work that only can be achieved by God.
56:57 We cannot will ourselves to do it.
56:59 We need to surrender to Him, submit and yield
57:02 and to cooperate in the work that He wants to do
57:06 for us. Let's just pray together and ask Him to do that.
57:09 Our Father in heaven, we have laid our lives bare.
57:12 There are many listening to me today that are struggling
57:16 with sin, with temptation, but we want it to stop...


Revised 2014-12-17